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Connections to


Connects relevant experience and academic knowledge

Rubric for Evaluating Integrative Thinking and Reflection

Students will use integrative thinking and reflection to demonstrate the ability to make connections across multiple academic contexts and educational experiences.

Instructions: Please provide a score for each category that is applicable to the assignment and average those scores at the bottom of the page.


Assignment(s) clearly indicate a high level ability to relate your experiences to course material; it is clear that you have a strong understanding of the links between your experiences and the course material.


Assignment(s) indicate you can relate your experiences to course material; it appears that you have an above average understanding of these links, but you could make a stronger case for connections.


Assignment(s) indicate you have some difficulty understanding the links between the experience and the course material; it appears that you have an average ability to make those connections.


Assignment(s) indicate you have significant difficulty understanding the links between the experience and the course material; it appears that you have minimal ability to make those connections.


Assignment(s) indicate lack of ability to make connections between your course material and the experience; there is no evidence that you are relating course theories and material to your experiences.


Connections to


Sees (makes) connections across disciplines, perspectives

Assignment(s) clearly indicate a high level ability to relate your experiences to the discipline or to make connections across disciplines; it is clear that you have a strong understanding of the links between your experiences and the discipline or the links between disciplines.

Assignment(s) indicate you can relate your experiences to the discipline or make connections across disciplines; it appears that you have an above average understanding of these links, but you could make a stronger case for connections.

Assignment(s) indicate you have some difficulty understanding the links between the experience and the discipline or the links across disciplines; it appears that you have an average ability to make those connections.

Assignment(s) indicate you have significant difficulty understanding the links between the experience and the discipline (or across connections between the experience and your discipline or to make connections across disciplines); it appears that you have minimal disciplines; there is no evidence that you are ability to make those connections.

Assignment(s) indicate lack of ability to make relating discipline-specific information to your experience or making links across disciplines.

Transfer Adapts and applies skills, abilities, theories,

Adapts and applies skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to new situations or methodologies gained in one situation to new situations in order to solve problems or explore issues; it appears that you have a high level ability to adapt and apply your knowledge.

Uses skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation in new situations to contribute to understanding of problems or issues proficiently; it appears that you have an above average ability to adapt and apply your knowledge.



Uses in an average way, skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation in new situations; it appears that you have an average ability to adapt and apply your knowledge.

Uses in a basic way, skills, abilities, theories or methodologies gained in one situation in a theories, or methodologies gained in one new situation; it appears that you have minimal ability to adapt and apply your knowledge.

Fulfills the assignment(s) at a high ability level by choosing a format, language, and/or visual representation in ways that enhance meaning , making clear the interdependence of language and meaning, thought, and expression, demonstrating awareness of purpose and audience.

Fulfills the assignment(s) at a proficient level Fulfills the assignment(s) at an acceptable or by choosing a format, language, and/or visual average level by choosing a format, representation to explicitly connect content and form, demonstrating an above average language, and/or visual representation to explicitly connect content and form, awareness of purpose and audience demonstrating an acceptable awareness of purpose and audience

Fulfills the assignment(s) at a minimal level to produce an essay, poster, video,

PowerPoint presentation, etc. in an appropriate form; demonstrates minimal awareness of purpose and audience.

Indicates lack of ability to use skills, abilities, situation in a new situation; there is no evidence of the ability to adapt or apply information

Indicates lack of ability to produce an essay, poster, video, PowerPoint presentation, etc. in an appropriate form; there is no evidence that you are demonstrating awareness of purpose and audience.

Reflection and


Demonstrates a developing sense of self as a learner, building on prior experiences to respond to new and challenging contexts

(may be evident in selfassessment, reflective, or creative work.)

Assignment clearly indicates a high ability level of analyzing, reflecting, judging, and accepting/rejecting ideas; envisioning a future self (e.g., making plans that build on past experiences, working with ambiguity and risk, dealing with frustration, considering ethical frameworks, etc.) that has occurred across multiple and diverse contexts. It is obvious that you can critically critically examine and reflect on your examine and reflect on your experiences at a high ability level.

Assignment clearly indicates a proficient level of analyzing, judging, and accepting/rejecting ideas; envisioning a future self (e.g., possibly making plans that build on past experiences, working with ambiguity and risk, dealing with frustration, considering ethical frameworks, etc.) that has occurred across multiple and diverse contexts. It is obvious that you can experiences at a proficient level, but you should be more specific in your analyses.

Assignment indicates an acceptable level of analyzing, judging, and accepting/rejecting ideas; envisioning a future self (e.g., possibly making plans that build on past experiences, working with ambiguity and risk, dealing with with ambiguity and risk, dealing with frustration, considering ethical frameworks, etc.) that has occurred across multiple and diverse contexts. It is clear that you have some ability to critically examine and reflect on your experiences.

Assignment indicates a minimal level of analyzing, judging, and accepting/rejecting ideas; envisioning a future self (e.g., making plans that build on past experiences, working frustration, considering ethical frameworks, etc.) that has occurred across multiple and diverse contexts. It is not clear that you can critically examine or reflect on your experiences beyond a minimal level.

Assignment indicates a lack of ability for analyzing, reflecting, judging, and accepting/rejecting ideas; envisioning a future self (e.g., making plans that build on past experiences, working with ambiguity and risk, dealing with frustration, considering ethical frameworks, etc.) that has occurred across multiple and diverse contexts. There is no evidence in this assignment that you can critically examine or reflect on your experiences.


