Become a Friend of the UCL Grant Museum

Become a Friend of the UCL Grant Museum
B. Payment details Please tick as appropriate
The money raised through the Friends programme
helps finance crucial projects within the museum,
such as the conservation of our collection, and by
providing necessary resources for our schools and
family programmes.
I am paying by cash
and/or I would like to make a donation of £
As a Friend of the Grant Museum you will enjoy:
The adoption of a specimen with
an adoption certificate
Regular mailings with news from the museum
Invitations to our events, which include film nights,
lectures, family activities and treasure hunts
Annual trip to other museums and attractions.
Please do not send cash in the post
I enclose a cheque /postal order made payable to
‘University College London’ for £
C. Your details Please use block capitals
First name
E. Specimen adoption
Please select three specimens in order of preference:
If no choice is made a list of ‘orphans’
will be sent to new friends.
Name to appear on adoption certificate and label,
if different from overleaf:
F. Gift Aid
This is not applicable for some gift memberships
Application for membership
I would like to join the Friends of the Grant Museum
If you are under 18, please give your parent/guardian’s email.
A. Choose your membership
Please tick as appropriate
D. Gift membership Please use block capitals
This membership is for:
Annual membership:
Family (two or more people)
Children (under 18) D D M
Students, OAPs & UCL staff
Delete as appropriate
If student membership is selected,
please provide your year of graduation:
Life membership:
First name
Complete the Gift Aid declaration overleaf
to extend your support.
I am a UK taxpayer and confirm that
I pay an amount of Income Tax and/or
Capital Gains Tax for each tax year
(6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to
the amount of tax that will be reclaimed
by all charities and Community Amateur Sports clubs on my gifts in the
tax year. I understand that other taxes such as Council Tax and VAT
do not qualify. I understand that the museum will reclaim 25p of tax
on every £1 I give. I would like the Grant Museum to treat this donation
and all donations made from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid
donations until I notify the museum otherwise.
Individual £200
Gift Aid is an additional way to support the Grant
Museum at no extra cost to you. If you are a UK
taxpayer, this means for every pound you give, we get
an extra 25 pence. All we need is your consent by
signing and dating the Gift Aid declaration below.
Please give a parent/guardian’s email if the gift recipient is under 18.
Tick here if you would like the gift pack
to be sent to you
Data Protection: Your information will be used for UCL Museums
purposes only, unless otherwise affiliated with UCL, e.g. alumni.
Please notify the Grant Museum if you:
want to cancel this declaration; change your name or address;
or no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.
Please return to:
Grant Museum of Zoology, Membership,
University College London, Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT