RSCC Grants Process RSCC faculty or staff member expresses

The Director of Grants
Development (DGD)
distributes information
about grant opportunity to
Grant RFP Distribution List
RSCC Grants Process
RSCC faculty or staff
member expresses
interest in a grant &
completes the
Preliminary Grant
Proposal Form with
assistance from DGD
With assistance from the DGD and the Grant Development Team (GDT), the Project Director (or Interim
Director/Project Lead) develops a Grant Concept Paper and Timeline.
The DGD presents the President’s Cabinet (and Foundation Board of Directors, if applicable) with the Grant
Concept Paper, Timeline, and the Preliminary Grant Proposal Form (if applicable). The GDT answers
questions, addresses issues, etc.
Provided the project is approved by President’s Cabinet (and Foundation Board of Directors, if applicable),
the GDT prepares the grant application draft with attachments.
The DGD forwards the grant application to the Grant Review Team (GRT) on behalf of the GDT.
GRT Approval?
If necessary, the DGD assists the GDT with grant
application revisions.
The DGD submits grant to RSCC President (or
designee) for signature.
The GGD submits the grant
application to funding agency.
Grant RFP distribution list: Deans, Directors, Vice Presidents, and
President, as appropriate.
The GRT consists of representation from the following areas:
President’s Cabinet, Business Office, Purchasing and Contracts. May
include Facilities and/or IT as appropriate.
DGD provides President’s
Cabinet & GRT informational
updates of grant application