ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES OF MEETING September 22, 2010 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Brian Staples called to order a meeting of the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency at 2:08 PM at the Best Western, Canton. ROLL CALL: Blevins LaBaff Staples Present Present Present Hall McMahon Weekes Present Absent Absent Others: IDA Staff Ray Fountain, Patrick Kelly, Rich Williams, Brian Norton, Kim Gilbert & Natalie Sweatland; Agency Counsel William R. Small, Esq.; Justin Miller, Esq., of Harris Beach. MINUTES: LaBaff/Blevins move to accept the minutes of the August 25, 2010 meeting. PUBLIC NOTICE: Public notifications sent September 15, 2010 to, at a minimum: St. Lawrence County’s newspapers designated for the publication of local laws and other matters required by law to be published; additional local media sources and websites. PUBLIC COMMENT: None FINANCIAL REPORT: LaBaff/Hall move to accept the July 2010 financial report. Filed for audit. COMMITTEE REPORT: None STAFF REPORT: None OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Resolution: Accepting Tentative 2011 IDA Budget: LaBaff/Hall. Mr. Hall asks if the Agency does a lineby-line review. The Chairman explains that the IDA staff typically use historical data when preparing the budget. Mr. Hall is invited to review the backup information used to create this budget, and also to make comment on the numbers, as is encouraged under the 20-day comment period. Mr. Staples also notes that this budget will require modification throughout the year. Unanimous. Resolution: Modifying 2010 IDA Budget: Blevins/Hall. Mrs. Gilbert explains that the significant modifications of the budget establish payroll budget lines for the period October 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. Mr. Hall asks why $250,000 of the $300,000 from the SLRVRA contract is turned over to the IDA when the contract is with the IDALDC. Mrs. Gilbert explains that the SLRVRA funds are applied toward staff payroll and reassures Mr. Hall there is nothing in the SLRVRA/IDALDC contract to prevent this. Unanimous. Resolution: Authorizing Economic Development Services Agreement: Blevins/LaBaff. Mr. LaBaff notes his frustration with certain County residents who continue to complain that the IDA does so little and adds that he would like to start responding to the critics. Mr. Hall distributes a list of questions that he would like reviewed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Hall/LaBaff motion for an Executive Session at 2:23 PM to discuss matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation. Unanimous. Hall/Blevins motion to return to Regular Session. Unanimous. The Agency returns to Regular Session at 3:43 PM. Blevins/LaBaff motion to amend the resolution’s last paragraph to instead read “Now, therefore, be it resolved that the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency hereby authorizes its Chairman to sign, upon approval of Agency Counsel, the attached Economic Development Services Agreement, Healthcare Plan Access Agreement and Sublease Agreement with the St. Lawrence County Board of Legislators.” The amendment is approved unanimously. The resolution, as amended, is approved unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Adjourned at 3:45 PM by unanimous consent. /s/ (Mr.) Lynn Blevins, Secretary