S . L C

Meeting of: April 25, 2012
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Brian Staples called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM at the Best Western, Canton.
LaBaff ...........................
Peck ...............................
Weekes ..........................
McMahon ...................
Staples ........................
Others: SLCIDA Staff (Patrick Kelly, Thomas Plastino, Richard Williams, Brian Norton and Natalie Sweatland);
Andrew Silver, Esq., Counsel.
PUBLIC NOTICE: Public notifications sent April 18, 2012 to, at a minimum: St. Lawrence County’s newspapers
designated for the publication of local laws and other matters required by law to be published; additional local media
sources and websites.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: LaBaff/Weekes motion to accept the minutes of the March 23 and April 18 minutes.
Approved unanimously.
FINANCIAL REPORTS ending February 2012: Mr. Plastino presented the financial reports.
SLCIDA: Hall/Blevins. There are no comments or questions. Accepted unanimously and filed for audit.
SLCIDA-LDC: Hall/Blevins. There are no comments or questions. Accepted unanimously and filed for audit.
SLCIDA-CDC: Hall/Blevins. There are no questions or comments. Accepted unanimously and filed for audit.
STAFF REPORT: Mr. Kelly reports the following:
 Clarkson University Project – We have received the Preliminary Official Statement, and the issuance amount is
$19,490,000. Our fee calculates to approximately $194,900, with 15% of that going into the CDC’s Civic
Development Fund. Board members discussed at length the Civic Development Fund and the effect on the
borrower of discontinuing the return of a portion of the bond fee. Suggestions for a portion of the revenue from
the Clarkson Project include sponsorship of participants utilizing the Reh Center for Entrepreneurship. Staff will
research and provide more information at the next meeting.
 Canton Building Project – Mr. Williams is awaiting construction plans. An RFP for construction bids will be
released soon, and if all is approved construction could begin in June.
 Tribal-State Compact Funds –As part of the funding process, companies designated to receive New Employee
and/or Incumbent Worker training funds have been sent commitment letters for execution and return.
 Reappointment – Mr. Blevins was reappointed to the SLCIDA Board at the Legislature’s March 2012 meeting.
Mr. Weekes’ term expires in July and we will begin the reappointment process in the near future.
 Community Development and Environmental Improvement Program (CDEIP) – Members of the Board of the St.
Lawrence River Valley Redevelopment Agency have been reviewing the applications, with one (OBPA) already
being forwarded to the SLCIDA-LDC for consideration at this meeting.
 Gouverneur Water – Mr. Williams reports that the Village of Gouverneur and the Engineer have come to an
agreement with Kinney Drugs regarding the provision of water until the DOT’s project corrects the water issues.
The Village will be requesting a reallocation of their CDEIP award from 2011 to pay for a buffer tank for use by
Kinney Drugs.
 Slic – We have notified the USDA of our recent loan amendment of the Slic project, which has helped to resolve
USDA’s concerns with Slic regarding the RUS Grant.
 Alcoa – The Community Advisory Board will meet this afternoon. The SLCIDA has been in frequent contact
with Alcoa since the fire to let them know of our willingness to assist.
Northern Corridor Transportation Group – The SLCIDA is in receipt of correspondence from Northern Corridor
Transportation Group Chairman and Massena BDC Executive Director Jason Clark, requesting assistance in the
formation of the NCTG as a 501(c)(3).
Woodruff Block – The Company paid off its loan to the SLCIDA-LDC, as scheduled.
Marketing – Brian Norton, as the staff person attending many of our marketing events, provided the SLCIDA
with a summary marketing activities scheduled for Spring 2012.
SLCIDA Resolution: Authorizing Application to the USDA Rural Business Enterprise Program in the amount of
$14,600 for the Benefit of High Peaks Winery, LLC – LaBaff/Hall. Approved unanimously.
SLCIDA Resolution: Authorizing Application to the USDA Rural Business Enterprise Program in the amount of
$95,000 for the benefit of St. Lawrence Brewing Company – Hall/Blevins. Approved unanimously.
SLCIDA Resolution: Standard Workday Reporting – LaBaff/Weekes. Approved unanimously.
SLCIDA Resolution: Preliminary Acceptance and SEQRA Resolution (Cellu Tissue, Natural Dam Project)
SLCIDA-LDC Resolution: Authorizing Funds through the St. Lawrence River Valley Redevelopment Agency for
Grant Financing to Ogdensburg Bridge & Port Authority (Ports Improvement Project). Blevins/LaBaff. Mr. Kelly
notes that OBPA was looking for gap financing for its port improvement project. The River Valley Agency has
committed $95,000 in grant funds, contingent upon loan financing through the SLCIDA-CDC.
SLCIDA-CDC Resolution: Authorizing Funds through the Civic Development Fund for Loan Financing to the
Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority. – Blevins/Hall and LaBaff. Approved unanimously.
SLCIDA-CDC Resolution: Authorizing Advance of Funds to the Civic Development Fund – LaBaff/Weekes.
Approved unanimously.
SLCIDA Resolution: (1) Authorizing Financial Assistance to Mohawk, Adirondack and Northern Railroad
Corporation for the Project in the Form of (A) A Sales Tax Exemption for Purchases and Rental Related to the
Acquisition, Construction and Equipping of the Project; (B) A Mortgage Recording Tax Exemption for the Financing
Related to the Project and (C) Partial Abatement of Real Property Taxes Consistent with the Agency’s Uniform Tax
Exemption Policy; and (2) Authorizing Negotiation, Execution and Delivery of a Lease and Operating Agreement,
PILOT Agreement, Settlement Agreement and Closing Documents in Relation to Undertaking the Project:
Hall/Weekes. Mr. Kelly reported on his and Chairman Staples’ meeting with representatives of the MANRR, held at
the offices of Underberg & Kessler, Rochester, NY. Mr. Kelly then noted that the plan is for the Agency to approve
the Lease and settlement document. The Agency cannot sign the PILOT Agreement until all affected taxing
jurisdictions have consented to the PILOT. The MANRR, however, will sign all three documents. Mr. Kelly notes
he is scheduling a meeting with Jefferson and Lewis County IDAs in order to coordinate the process throughout the
region. Neither IDA has indicated a potential problem with the project. Approved unanimously.
Mr. Blevins reports on the Town of Parishville’s success in opening its roads to ATV traffic, citing the economic
development and tourism potential of the project. Mr. Blevins suggests that the Agency contact the towns within St.
Lawrence County, cite the Parishville project, and suggest the towns consider doing the same. Mr. Hall notes that his
Town Attorney has researched this and believes it is illegal to open roads for direct ATV usage. The Chairman
directs Mr. Kelly to draft a letter to be forwarded to towns, subject to legal review.
Mr. Kelly reports that the SLCIDA has received an extension until May 7. There are still a number of issues
regarding the grant details which require clarification.
ADJOURNMENT: Adjourned at 9:45 AM by unanimous consent.
(Mr.) Lynn Blevins, Secretary