Math 2250-001: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra - Summer 2012 Lecture: MTWH 7:30AM-8:30AM, WEB 1250 ______________________________________________________________ Required Text: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (Third Edition). Authors: C. Henry Edwards and David E. Penney Instructor: Robbie Snellman Office/Office hours: JWB 206. Wednesday 9:00AM-10:00AM (or by appointment). Phone: None Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prerequisites: "C" or better in MATH 2210 OR MATH 1260 OR MATH 1280 OR ((MATH 1220 OR MATH 1250 OR MATH 1270) AND PHYS 2210 OR PHYS 3210) Fulfills Quantitative Reasoning (Math & Stat/Logic). Essentially this means that mathematical proficiency in Calculus I, and Calculus II is required and expected for this course. Course Description: This is a hybrid course which teaches the allied subjects of linear algebra and differential equations. These topics underpin the mathematics required for most students in the Colleges of Science, Engineering, Mines & Earth Science. Grading: There will be two midterms, a comprehensive final exam, and weekly homework. Midterms will count for 35%, the final exam will count for 30%, and homework will count for 35% of your grade. Grades will be based on the following scale: A (93-100), A- (90-92), B+ (87-89), B (83-86), B- (80-82), C+ (77-79), C (73-76), C- (70-72), D+ (67-69), D (63-66), D- (60-62), E (0-59). Caution: All students, regardless of course performance, must take the final exam. If a student does not take the final exam then the student will receive a failing grade for the course, no exceptions! Homework: • There will be weekly homework assignments. Homework will be assigned on Thursdays and turned in the following Thursday to allow students a full week to work on the homework exercises. • Homework is to be turned in at the beginning of class to avoid class disruption by unprepared students. • Students are encouraged to collaborate with fellow classmates on the homework, but individual work must be turned in. Students are discouraged to share exact personal answers with unprepared students as I will give both students a score of zero points for that assignment if both papers are identical. • I would encourage students to rework past homework exercises multiple times as exam questions will be similar (not identical) to the homework. Important Dates: • Last day to Drop Course: Wednesday, May 23. • Memorial Day Holiday: Monday, May 28. • Last Day to Withdraw from Courses: Friday, June 22. • Classes End: Wednesday, August 1. • Final Exam Period: Thursday-Friday, August 2-3. • Grades Available: Tuesday August 14. Exams: If a student has a conflict with the times of exam administration due to University sponsored events the student must contact me one week in advance to inform me of the conflict and to schedule a makeup of the exam. Under emergency circumstances (i.e. hospitalization or death in the family) the student must provide me with verification of the event in order to retake the examination. Without proper verification the student will not be allowed to makeup the exam. Exams for this course will be given on the following dates: First Exam: Thursday, June 21, 2012. Time: 7:30AM-8:30AM. Room: WEB 1250. Second Exam: Thursday, July 19, 2012. Time: 7:30AM-8:30PM. Room: WEB 1250. Final Exam: Friday, August 3, 2012. Time: 7:30AM-9:30AM. Room: WEB 1250. ADA Statement: The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations.