SafeAssignment Bb Learn

Bb Learn
This handout is designed to help students understand how to submit assignments for courses that utilize
SafeAssign, software designed to detect plagiarized assignments.
Log in to Blackboard and navigate to
the assignment for your course. Click
on the assignment.
Assignments that utilize SafeAssign
will contain a message for students
that advises them about SafeAssign
terms and conditions of use. By
submitting your assignment, you are
agreeing to these terms.
To submit your assignment, you will
need to either enter your assignment in
the textbox or attach a file.
You may be asked to enter assignment
information into the text box. Click on
the Write Submission button.
Office of e-Learning: Academic Affairs
Bb Learn: SafeAssignment for Students
Type you submission into the textbox.
Or you can attach a file. Click on the
Browse My Computer button.
When the File Upload dialog box
opens, select the file you want to
upload from your computer, and then
click Open.
Add comments to your assignment if
you want to communicate additional
information to your instructor. Type
any comments into the text box.
Office of e-Learning: Academic Affairs
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Bb Learn: SafeAssignment for Students
When you have completed uploading
or inputting the assignment, click
When the assignment has been
successfully submitted, Blackboard
will display a message that the
assignment is complete near the top
of the window.
Click the OK button to exit the
assignment and return to the course.
Office of e-Learning: Academic Affairs
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