How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics? Carla Marques Porto, 20|22 June 2013 Outline 1. How to define microdata? 2. The Portuguese experience: direct reporting for Balance of Payments and integration with other systems 3. The troika experience 4. Advantages and disadvantages of microdata How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 2 1 1. How to define (statistical) microdata? “an observation data collected on an individual object – statistical unit” (OECD , “Terminology on Statistical Metadata”) “data on the characteristics of units of a population, such as individuals, households or establishments, collected by a census, survey or experiment” (United States Bureau of the Census) Statistical Unit Entity Security Operation (fiscal number) ... (ISIN) How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 3 1. How to define (statistical) microdata? Securities Fiscal Number Instrument Country …… BoP Loans Fiscal Number Instrument Country …… Fiscal Number Instrument Country …… .... Fiscal Number Unique Key identifier …… Shared reference tables Entities Complete ‘virtual’ microdatabase Fiscal Number Inst. Sector Econ. Activity ..... Fiscal Number How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 4 2 2. The PT experience: direct reporting for BoP and integration with other systems A SYSTEM WITH MULTIPLE DATASOURCES Settlements Direct report SIET Payments data Securities databse BoP / IIP NFC Balance sheet database internal external MFI Statistics Accounting data Surveys (ISII, derivatives) (Supervised fin. Inst.) Microdata GRANULARITY How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Macrodata Porto, 20|22 June 2013 5 2. The PT experience: direct reporting for BoP and integration with other systems GENERAL OVERVIEW OF DATA STORAGE PURPOSE GRANULARITY Acquisition Max: as detailed as available Stability Flexibility Quality control Processing Exploration Disclosure As detailed as necessary for BOP and IIP compilation As detailed as necessary for other statistical domains Min: strictly to a minimum Quality control Cross check with other data sources Estimation process Support some compilation processes Flexibility for new requier. Integration with other statistical databases How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Feedback for reporting entities Porto, 20|22 June 2013 6 3 2. The PT experience: direct reporting for BoP and integration with other systems SETTLEMENTS AND DIRECT REPORTING Settlements Direct report SIET Payments data Securities databse BoP / IIP NFC Balance sheet database Surveys (ISII, derivatives) MFI Statistics Accounting data internal external (Supervised fin. Inst.) Microdata GRANULARITY How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Macrodata Porto, 20|22 June 2013 7 Porto, 20|22 June 2013 8 Resident banks Companies with cross border operations OLD SYSTEM Direct report of all cross border operations (Direct Reporters) Direct report of clearing operations and operations from external accounts How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics 4 Resident banks Companies with cross border operations Direct report Statistical Statistical classification of cross classification of cross border border operations NEW SYSTEM OLD SYSTEM operations Reporte direto de todas as operações Reporte direto das operações de compensação e contas no estrangeiro (Direct Reporters) How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 9 2. The PT experience: direct reporting for BoP and integration with other systems SETTLEMENTS AND DIRECT REPORTING Acquisition phase Settlements Operation-byoperation Client-by-client Production phase access and classify Quality control Transactions and stocks Settlements are made available for reporting entities to support their own data reporting How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Identification of nonresponses Estimation Porto, 20|22 June 2013 10 5 2. The PT experience: direct reporting for BoP and integration with other systems DIRECT INVESTMENT ANNUAL SURVEY AND IES (NFC MICRO DATABASE) Settlements Direct report SIET Payments data Securities databse BoP / IIP NFC Balance sheet database Surveys (ISII, derivatives) internal external MFI Statistics Accounting data Microdata (Supervised fin. Inst.) Macrodata GRANULARITY How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 11 2. The PT experience: direct reporting for BoP and integration with other systems DIRECT INVESTMENT ANNUAL SURVEY AND IES (NFC MICRO DATABASE) NFC Balance sheet database NFC-by-NFC Detailed balance sheet data (administrative database) Entity-by-entity Security-bysecurity • Own funds data • Group structure Foreign direct investment compilation No data is asked twice Complete group structure Balanced approach Complete perspective, integrating the investment within the remaining activity How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Direct Investment Survey (ISII) Quality control Analysis Compilation Identification of non-responses Other uses for IES (other than FDI) Identification of universe Commercial credits Porto, 20|22 June 2013 12 6 2. The PT experience: direct reporting for BoP and integration with other systems SECURITIES’ DATABASE Settlements Direct report SIET Payments data Securities databse BoP / IIP NFC Balance sheet database Surveys (ISII, derivatives) internal external MFI Statistics Accounting data (Supervised fin. Inst.) Microdata Macrodata GRANULARITY How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 13 2. The PT experience: direct reporting for BoP and integration with other systems ISSUES SIET Securities databse Security-bysecurity PORTFOLIO Security-bysecurity Investor-byinvestor Filter with Foreign Direct Investment microdata SECURITIES’ DATABASE Residual approach BOP/IIP Portfolio, liabilities BOP/IIP Portfolio, assets Compilation of investment portfolio (assets and liabilities) How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 14 7 2. The PT experience: direct reporting for BoP and integration with other systems MFI STATISTICS Settlements Direct report SIET Payments data Securities databse BoP / IIP NFC Balance sheet database Surveys (ISII, derivatives) internal MFI Statistics Accounting data Microdata external (Supervised fin. Inst.) GRANULARITY How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Macrodata Porto, 20|22 June 2013 15 2. The PT experience: direct reporting for BoP and integration with other systems MFI STATISTICS MFI Statistics MFI-by-MFI Full country and currency breakdown BOP/IIP Other investment, MFIs Compilation of MFIs other investment Quality control of MFIs portfolio investment For loans granted by non-resident MFIs: the MoU between Credit Registers Other countries Credit Register Creditor-bycreditor Loan-by-loan No unique identifier No harmonized criteria For sporadic consultation Only big operations How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 16 8 3. The troika experience The challenge: To produce in a very short time new outputs with good quality The response: The output: To exploit the microdatabases External debt at nominal value To integrate different statistical New institutional sector breakdown domains To assume estimates (when no data available and the relative weight allowed) To require new data (very limited, only when no data available and for more sensitive details) q (e.g. Identify the state owned enterprises) Amortization plans for external debt Breakdown by economic activity sector and size of the company How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 17 4. Advantages and disadvantages of microdata ☺ Flexibility to adapt new outputs ☺ Possibility to integrate other microdatabases (given some pre conditions) ☺ Better quality control ☺ More comprehensive analysis ☺ More stability in terms of the requirements to the reporting entities IT demanding Human resources more demanding Data management more demanding “microdatabase trap”: the risk to drown in detailed data and lose focus of the macro perspective How granular should data be to compile BoP statistics Porto, 20|22 June 2013 18 9 Carla Marques Head of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics Division 10