Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Luís Teles Dias Porto, 20|22 June 2013 A quick overview of the SSIS Reporting data SecuritySecurity-by by--security (ISIN code + special code for securities with no ISIN) Investor Investor--by by--investor (except for households: aggregated by country residence) Holdings by residents: domestic and foreign securities Holdings by non-residents: domestic securities Securities concept Securities other than shares (S/L term) Shares and other equity Reporting frequency for holdings Monthly (T+12 working days) Type of information Flows (purchases and sales) Stocks (end-of-month positions) Valuation method Transactions: transaction value Stocks: i. Market value ii. Acquisition value iii.Nominal value Reporting institutions for holdings MFIs, securities dealers and brokers Other residents with securities held outside the resident financial sector Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Porto, 20-22 June 2013 2 1 Evolution of the SSIS SAME DATA-MODEL Pre--SSIS Pre 1990 SSIS v1 v1 1999 2010/11 Security-by security database adopted for Securities Issues Statistics Security-by-security and investor-by-investor report Aggregated report for Securities Holdings (MFIs and non-residents) Indirect report (custodians) and direct report (investors and issuers) Monthly transactions and quarterly stocks SSIS v2 Integration of CSDB data 2013/14 New SSIS: Technological change More automation for collecting data on issues Alignment with the BI architecture Integration of SHSDB data Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Porto, 20-22 June 2013 3 Pros and cons of item-by-item reporting For the compiler Implementation of new requirements becomes more flexible Prevents data redundancy, promoting in practice the principle that “data should be collected only once” Enables a more efficient data quality management Improves dramatically the responsiveness to ad-hoc requests Considerable costs to set up and maintain Large volumes of data For the respondent Simplifies their reporting procedures Changes in the reporting schemes are easier to implement as they typically consist of additional granular items -> no transformation/aggregation needed External data approaches internal data Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Porto, 20-22 June 2013 4 2 September 16th 2008: a day to recall for SSIS In less than 24 hours BdP was able to assess (and inform the ECB) how exposed Portuguese investors (MFIs, OFIs, IFs, FVCs, ICPFs and others) were to the Lehman Brothers Group A number of additional relevant ISIN codes were also identified by the SSIS The SSIS enabled this quick reponse due to its s-b-s model and its high level of coverage (both for issues and holdings) Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Porto, 20-22 June 2013 5 EU/IMF Financial Assistance Programme The demand for higher detailed statistics, either on regular and also on ad-hoc basis, has increased dramatically, namely regarding: Financial sector Public sector (GG + SOEs) Financing and indebtedness of the whole economy The SSIS together with the other micro-databases managed by the Statistics Department of the BdP played a paramount role in responding to these new demands Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Porto, 20-22 June 2013 6 3 Amortisation plans Debt securities - breakdown by amortisation date Reference date 12-2011 In millions of euros 2012 Q1 Q2 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 After Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 2021 9 945 9 756 9 748 9 748 14 203 14 201 14 194 14 194 11 336 11 334 10 676 10 676 9 865 9 864 9 856 9 856 6 084 6 083 6 083 6 083 7 233 6 988 6 988 6 988 8 757 11 597 24 421 8 727 11 597 24 421 7 827 8 551 21 811 7 827 8 551 21 811 25 25 15 15 26 161 26 129 25 696 12 787 12 910 4 433 4 433 32 32 8 8 189 189 8 8 2 2 658 658 2 2 8 8 2 2 2 2 245 245 25 50 4 936 1 369 1 005 1 013 375 383 5 663 105 113 67 67 Q3 Q4 Year 1 364 1 349 1 324 1 324 1 304 1 304 1 300 1 300 Total Total General government Central government Central government--state Of which: medium and long term short term Central government--autonomous bodies State-owned enterprises (consolidating) Local and regional governments Of which: medium and long term Enterprises owned by local and regional governments Social security Non-financial public sector corps. (not consolidating in GG) Memo: SOE, consolidating and not consolidating in GG (lines 7+10+12) 11 993 11 500 11 978 11 499 11 628 11 445 10 163 11 628 1 282 350 54 350 54 15 2 15 2 871 1 221 40 94 900 900 31 31 3 046 3 046 307 507 307 1 407 7 3 053 129 602 129 099 121 429 108 520 12 910 2 610 7 670 2 610 7 670 503 503 1 385 3 995 4 698 12 368 Similar tables for the external debt (securities and loans), domestic loans and accrued interest on securities A very relevant output to assess the financial needs of the public sector Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Porto, 20-22 June 2013 7 “From whom-to-whom” table for securities 2011Q4 OFIFA ICPF GG NFC RoW TOTAL 33 106 23 22 993 16 417 44 724 161 591 OFIFA 1 853 402 7 751 885 5 030 8 928 ICPF 9 724 689 3 453 5 057 24 653 HOLDING sector 106 € 5 610 33 57 0 9 724 15 1 953 NFC 493 86 11 85 630 1 378 2 683 HH 11 747 240 49 545 714 7 215 20 510 RoW 27 978 9 058 0 52 709 19 070 TOTAL 96 156 43 638 210 92 417 41 184 11 782 108 815 MFI OFIFA ICPF GG NFC RoW TOTAL 25 726 17 32 196 12 270 38 993 159 983 OFIFA 1 539 362 0 943 1 013 5 850 9 707 ICPF 6 922 269 108 10 467 4 779 19 877 42 422 GG 5 309 97 0 13 111 22 3 198 21 737 NFC 575 60 2 67 901 1 655 3 260 HH 12 372 258 38 562 2 737 8 501 24 468 RoW 17 237 4 931 32 63 528 21 137 TOTAL 94 735 31 703 197 120 874 42 859 2013Q3-2011Q4 106 865 78 074 ISSUING sector MFI OFIFA ICPF GG NFC RoW MFI 6 453 -7 380 -6 9 203 -4 147 -5 731 OFIFA - 314 - 40 -7 192 128 820 779 ICPF -2 802 - 420 - 12 4 857 1 326 14 820 17 769 GG 5 276 40 0 3 387 7 1 245 9 955 NFC HH RoW TOTAL 82 - 18 Allows for the analysis of the financial connections among institutional sectors in a national economy and abroad 65 357 ISSUING sector 50 781 MFI HOLDING sector DEBT SECURITIES (short- and long-term) 120 GG 2013Q3 HOLDING sector ISSUING sector MFI 44 328 MFI - 26 -9 271 277 625 18 - 11 17 2 023 1 286 -10 741 -4 127 32 10 819 2 067 -1 421 -11 935 - 13 28 457 1 675 TOTAL -1 608 577 3 958 It requires a rather detailed set of source data Similar tables can be built for “shares and other equity” or to split debt securities by maturity or to further breakdown the institutional sector or to drill drown NFCs by sector of activity -1 950 12 717 Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Porto, 20-22 June 2013 8 4 Non-financial sector indebtedness An innovative achievement at international level Non-consolidated debt resulting from debt securities (held by residents and non-residents), domestic loans, external loans and trade credits Result of an integrated approach of data (largely micro-data) from the SSIS, MFS, BOP/IIP, FA, CCR & CBSD Data are presented combining and crossing different dimensions of analysis, namely: debtor and creditor institutional sectors, type of instrument, original maturity, sector of economic activity and size of firms Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Porto, 20-22 June 2013 9 Conclusions #1 Improving the overall efficiency of their statistical framework is an imperative for National Central Banks The use of micro-databases as a flexible tool to facilitate responsiveness to changing user demands is an important answer to that desideratum The SSIS is a remarkable example of how to introduce the maximum degree of flexibility and at the same time to extend the longevity of the system maintaining its relevance (the data model of the SSIS remains unchanged since its inception in the late 90’s) Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Porto, 20-22 June 2013 10 5 Conclusions #2 The development of statistical compilation systems based on micro-data is a strategy that BdP has been following over the past years Apart from securities, other micro-databases where developed for loans, interest rates and individual accounts of NFCs or are under preparation (e.g. for deposits) From the respondents point of view the strategy of requesting granular data has been clearly perceived as a way to reduce their reporting burden and to simplify their reporting procedures The ability of the SSIS (and the other micro-databases) to deal with the multiple new statistical demands that arose from the Financial Assistance Programme to Portugal was a perfect example of the appropriateness of this strategy and a strong stimulus to pursuit it even deeper in the future Micro-databases on securities statistics as a key issue for satisfying user needs Porto, 20-22 June 2013 11 Luís LuísTeles TelesDias Dias Deputy Director Deputy of the Director Statistics of the Department Statistics Department of Banco de Portugal Luis.teles.dias@bportugal.pt 6