© PLOSI o - OPEN 3 ACCESS Freely available online Connectivity between Migrating and Landlocked Populations of a Diadromous Fish Species Investigated Using Otolith Microchemistry Ingrid Tu lp 1*, M arieke Keller1, Jacques Navez2'3, Hendrik V. W inter1, M artin de G raaf1, W illy Baeyens2'3 1 Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (IMARES), W ageningen University, IJmuiden, The Netherlands, 2 D epartm ent of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 3 Section d e Pétrographie-Minéralogie-Géochimie, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, M usée Royal d e l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium Abstract Smelt Osmerus eperlanus has tw o diffe re nt life history strategies In the Netherlands. The m igrating population Inhabits the W adden Sea and spawns In freshwater areas. After the closure o f the A fsluitd ijk In 1932, part o f the smelt population became landlocked. The fresh w ater smelt population has been In severe decline since 1990, and has strongly negatively Impacted the numbers o f piscivorous w ater birds relying on sm elt as th e ir main prey. The lakes th a t were form ed after the dike closure, Ijsselmeer and Markermeer have been assigned as Natura 2000 sites, based on th e ir Im portance fo r (among others) piscivorous w ater birds. Because o f the declining fresh w ater sm elt population, the question arose w h ethe r this population Is still supported by the diadrom ous population. O pportunities fo r exchange between fresh w ater and the sea are however lim ited to discharge sluices. The relationship between the diadrom ous and landlocked sm elt population was analysed by means o f o to lith m lcrochem lstry. Our Interpretation o f o to lith strontiu m (88Sr) patterns from sm elt specimens collected In the fresh w ater area o f Lake Ijsselmeer and Markermeer, compared to those collected In the nearby marine environm ent, Is tha t there Is currently no evidence fo r a substantial co n trib u tio n from the diadrom ous population to the spawning stock o f the landlocked population. C itation : Tulp I, Keller M, Navez J, Winter HV, d e Graaf M, e t al. (2013) Connectivity betw een Migrating and Landlocked Populations of a Diadromous Fish Species Investigated Using Otolith Microchemistry. PLoS ONE 8(7): e69796. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069796 Editor: Sadie Jane Ryan, SUNY College o f Environmental Science and Forestry, United States of America Received March 9, 2013; A ccepted June 17, 2013; Published July 29, 2013 C opyrigh t: © 2013 Tulp e t al. This is an open-access article distributed under the term s o f th e Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided th e original author and source are credited. Funding: This research is part o f th e strategic research program KBIV "Sustainable spatial developm ent of ecosystems, landscapes, seas and regions" which is funded by th e Dutch Ministry o f Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, and carried ou t by W ageningen University Research centre. Collection of som e of th e material was m ade possible by th e National Program Sea and Coastal Research from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research under contract nr 839.08.240. The research is also supported by th e Dutch research program ANT (Autonome N eerwaartse Trends) lead by Deltares (The Netherlands) and by the Flemish Science Foundation (FWO) grant FWO G.0.096.08.N.10 via th e acquisition of th e LA-ICPMS instrument. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of th e manuscript. C om peting Interests: The authors have declared th a t no com peting interests exist. * E-mail: ingrid.tulp@wur.nl Introduction passage. D iadrom ous sm elt still inh ab it coastal w aters a n d the W ad d e n Sea a n d can grow u p to 25 cm a n d eight years old, a n d becom e m atu re a t 3 - 4 years [2]. T h e landlocked sm elt m orphs becom e m atu re after only one y ear a n d stay sm aller (10-12 cm) th a n a n ad ro m o u s sm elt m orphs [4]. Sm elt spaw n in early spring in freshw ater, preferably in ru n n in g w ater in tributaries o f lakes or along shallow shores o f lakes a n d rivers, on firm surfaces such as sand, gravel a n d stones [3]. T h e m ajority o f landlocked smelt spaw n only once a n d individuals bigger th a n 12 cm (and p resum ably older th a n 2 years) m ake up a ro u n d 1 % o f the entire landlocked po p u latio n (Drost & de W itte unpubl.). T h e smelt p opulations o f Ijsselm eer a n d M a rk erm e er have b een declining strongly since 1990 [5]. In w inter, the Lake Ijsselm eer a rea is h om e to the largest po p u latio n o f w aterfow l in W estern E urope [6], Based o n the n u m b e r o f (am ong o th er groups) fish eating birds b o th lakes a re p ro tec te d as w etlands o f international im p o rtan ce for w ater birds in the R a m sa r C onv en tio n a n d have b e en assigned as N a tu ra 2000 areas. Sm elt fisheries used to be an im p o rta n t activity locally a n d a re carried out du rin g the spaw ning season, from m id -F eb ru ary till m id-M arch, w h en large num bers aggregate n e ar h a rd substrate areas, such as dykes [7]. B ecause o f S m elt Osmerus eperlanus occurs a lo n g th e coast o f E u ro p e from N o rth W est R u ssia in the n o rth , in clu d in g the W h ite S ea a n d Baltic Sea, to th e B ay o f B iscay in th e south [1], A n a d ro m o u s sm elt resides in estu aries originally, b u t several p o p u latio n s h a v e b e co m e lan d lo c k ed d u e to geological processes o r h a b ita t a lte ra tio n s b y m a n [2]. M a n y fish species a re k n o w n for th e ir large p h e n o ty p ic plasticity in life history traits in re la tio n to e n v iro n m e n ta l c h aracteristics. S im ilarly sm elt has show n th e ability to a d a p t to n ew circ u m stan c es in m a n y locations. S m elt c a n show diverse life histo ry traits a m o n g p o p u latio n s, ra n g in g from m ig ra to ry (diadrom ous) to re sid en t in fresh w ater [3]. Sm elt was a b u n d a n t in the form er Z uiderzee estuary (The N etherlands) before its closure w ith a large d a n i (Afsluitdijk) in 1932 (Fig. 1). A fter the Afsluitdijk was built, the Z uiderzee estuary was closed off from the sea resulting in the freshw ater Lake Ijsselm eer, in w hich a landlocked po p u latio n o f sm elt developed. M igrating opportunities b e cam e severely red u ced to instants w hen d a n i sluices are o p e n ed a n d w ater c u rre n t is low e n ough to allow PLOS ONE I www.plosone.org 1 July 2013 I Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e69796 Connectivity in Migrating and Landlocked Smelt North S ea W adden S ea IJsselm ee? Afsluitdijk M arkerm ee 0 ® IJssel 2 5 .5 km Figure 1. M ap o f th e study area showing th e locations w here samples w ere taken. d o i:1 0 .1 3 7 1 /jo u rn a l.p o n e .0 0 6 9 7 9 6 .g 0 0 1 A m eth o d com m only used to distinguish freshw ater from m arin e origin in fish is co m p arin g the S trontium ( Sr) profiles along sagittal otoliths [8,9,10,11,12]. T h e utility o f this m eth o d stems from the fact th a t otoliths a re largely m etabolically inert, deposit a th in layer calcium c a rb o n a te continuously w ith age a n d reflect a m b ie n t chem istry [13]. T h e origin o f smelt collected at different locations in Lake Ijsselm eer a n d M a rk erm e er d u rin g the peak spaw ning p erio d was investigated, b y co m p arin g the S tro n tiu m (88Sr) signature o f their sagittal otoliths w ith those o f specim ens collected in the D u tc h W ad d e n Sea (Fig. 1). If the d iadrom ous p o p u latio n still contributes to the landlocked p o p u ­ lation, we expected to find individuals w ith a m arin e signal in their 88Sr otolith profiles in the spaw ning period. T h e 88Sr c o n ce n tra ­ tions in the edge o f the otoliths (the p a rt m ost recently deposited) o f W ad d e n Sea individuals was used as a m arin e reference. T hese concentrations w ere c o m p a red to 88Sr concentrations in specim ens collected in b o th lakes at spaw ning tim e. low biom ass, smelt fishery was closed d u rin g five years in the last d ecade (unpubl. data). T h e life histo ry o f a n a d ro m o u s fish d e p en d s o n b o th the q u a lity o f th e ir h a b ita t a n d th e co n n ectiv ity b e tw ee n h a b ita ts A fter th e c re a tio n o f b o th lakes tw o possible dev elo p m en ts m ay h ave o c cu rre d : 1) sm elt b e c a m e se p a ra te d in a lan d lo c k ed a n d a d ia d ro m o u s p o p u la tio n , w ith th e lan d lo c k ed p o p u la tio n closing its life cycle w ith in th e lakes a n d the d iad ro m o u s p o p u la tio n using spaw ning sites elsew here in a rea s a d jo in in g th e W a d d e n Sea; 2) th e tw o p o p u latio n s a re m ix ed a n d the d iad ro m o u s p o p u la tio n consists o f th e individuals w a sh e d o u t th ro u g h th e sluices; re tu rn in g from th e W a d d e n Sea to L ake Ijsse lm e er is lim ite d to events w h e n sluices in th e dyke are o p e n ed . G iven the decline in the landlocked smelt a n d the potential for recovery o f the p opulation, the question w e aim to answ er is: do an ad ro m o u s sm elt still c ontribute to the total spaw ning biom ass o f sm elt in L ake Ijsselm eer a n d M arkerm eer? C ould the landlocked sm elt stock be resupplied w ith W ad d e n Sea smelt? Insight in the im p o rtan ce o f the m arin e stock for the landlocked stock w ould con trib u te to the u n d e rstan d in g o f the po p u latio n dynam ics o f smelt, a n d consequently o f those b ird species th a t rely o n smelt as a food source. PLOS ONE I www.plosone.org Methods Study Area T h e estuary Z uiderzee was closed off from the D u tc h W ad d e n Sea sea in 1932 by a d a n i resulting in the form ation o f the 2 July 2013 I Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e69796 Connectivity in Migrating and Landlocked Smelt freshw ater lake Ijsselm eer (Fig. 1). T h is was p a rt o f a larger plan w ith a threefold aim : pro tectin g central N eth erlan d s from the effects o f the N o rth Sea, increasing the D u tc h food supply w ith new agricultural la n d a n d im proving w ater m an ag em en t by creating a lake from the form er u ncontrolled salt w ater inlet. T h is lake is now adays the largest freshw ater b o d y in the N etherlands. It is a shallow lake w ith a m ean d e p th o f 4 m a n d w ith u p to 8 m deep channels. T h e lake was furth er divided b y three la n d reclam atio n projects, red u cin g its surface w ith 40% to ab o u t 1900 km~ [5]. T h e lake M a rk erm e er w ith a surface a rea o f 700 km~, was c rea te d after the construction o f a d a n i in 1975, w ith the objective o f reclaim ing L ake M ark erm eer, a p lan th a t was later a b an d o n ed . Lake Ijsselm eer gets n u trie n t in p u t from the R iver IJssel, a trib u ta ry o f the R iver R hine. P rim ary p ro d u c tio n a n d fish p ro d u c tio n in Lake M a rk erm e er is low er th a n in L ake Ijsselm eer [14,15]. B oth lakes have m ultiple functions, fisheries, recreation, drinking w ater supply, tran sp o rt a n d as a rest a n d forage a re a for birds [16], N u trien t reductions in the early 1980s lead to a d ro p in p h o sp h ate levels. In Lake Ijsselm eer reten tio n tim e o f w ater is a ro u n d 6 m onths, w hereas in Lake M a rk erm e er it is a ro u n d 12 m onths [5]. M ig ra to ry possibilities for sm elt to pass th e different d am s are lim ited. In th e A fsluitdijk, tw o sluice g ro u p s (one in th e W est a n d one in th e East) c o n tro l th e outflow o f fresh w a te r a n d th ere a re tw o sh ip p in g locks. T h ese a re th e o nly d irec t c o n n ectio n s b e tw ee n lake Ijsse lm e er w ith th e IJssel a n d R h in e riv er basin. T h e w esterly sluice c o m p le x has th re e g ro u p s o f discharge sluices w ith five tubes in e a c h gro u p . T h e e asterly sluice c o m p le x has tw o g ro u p s w ith five tu b es each . E ac h tu b e is 12 m w ide. In ste a d o f th e fo rm er o p e n in g o f 35 km , now adays only 25 sluices m ea su rin g 12 m form the c o n n ec tio n b e tw ee n the W a d d e n S ea to Ijsse lm e er, a re d u c tio n o f 99% . T h e discharge is g o v e rn ed b y ra in fall, so in sp rin g disch arg e is g enerally high a n d c h an ces for in la n d m ig ra tio n , especially for w eak sw im m ers, a re lim ite d to p e rio d s a t th e e n d o f disch arg e p e rio d s w h e n the w a te r level outside a n d inside th e dike a re a t a sim ilar level. M ig ra tio n possibilities h ave n o t c h a n g e d greatly since the closure in 1932. T h e n e are st possibility for sm elt to e n te r a n u n o b stru c te d fresh w ater a re a a n d spaw n is th e E m s-D o lla rd estuary, w h ic h is ca 150 km E ast from th e A fsluitdijk. M ig ra tio n possibilities b e tw ee n L ake Ijsse lm e er to L ake M a rk e rm e e r a n d reverse a re lim ite d to tw o com plexes, a t th e N o rth side th e re are tw o ship p in g locks a n d a disch arg e sluice (two tu b es o f 20 m wide) a n d a t th e S o u th side th e re is a sh ip p in g lock a n d a disch arg e sluice (six tu b es o f 16 m wide). M e a n m onthly b ack g ro u n d 88Sr values v ary betw een Ijsselm eer a n d M ark erm eer, w ith low er levels du rin g sum m er th a n w inter a n d a generally low er level in M a rk erm e er th a n in Ijsselm eer (Fig. 2, d a ta sta n d ard m on ito rin g R ijksw aterstaat, c o ncentration m easured in surface w ater). Sim ilar d a ta for the W ad d e n Sea are not available. 550 500 "Sj g § g 400 350 — MARKERMEER IJSSELMEER 300 J F M A M J J A S O N D Figure 2. Seasonal variatio n o f Strontium concentrations in M arkerm eer and Ijsselm eer in 2 0 0 9 (data Rijksw aterstaat). do i:1 0.13 7 1 /jo u rn a l.p o n e .0 0 6 9 7 9 6 .g 0 0 2 m ens o f 11 a n d 16 cm), a n d 9 smelt (length 13 -2 3 cm) from the W ad d e n Sea (2 hauls/locations) w ere collected. T h e perm ission to collect fish in the areas u n d e r study was issued by the M inistry o f E conom ic Affairs in the N etherlands, d e p artm e n t im plem entation fisheries regulation (nr 60898). In T h e N eth erlan d s there is no need for special approval to catch o r kill fish b y a n ethics com m ittee (the experim ents o n anim als act, BW B R 0003081). Sm elt is a fragile fish a n d m ost o f th em w ere already d e a d w hen taken o n b o a rd . F or the few fish still alive, suffering was am elio rated by im m ediate freezing. T h e total length o f all specim ens w ere m easured ( ± 1 nun) a n d otoliths w ere collected in the laboratory. O n e otolith from each specim en was cleaned a n d e m b ed d ed in resin. T h e otoliths w ere placed on a first layer o f nearly cu red resin, after w hich the otoliths w ere fixed evenly w ith a second layer o f resin. E m b e d d ed otoliths w ere sectioned th ro u g h the nucleus. T h e thickness o f the slides ra n g ed b etw een 0.5 a n d 0.6 nini. T h ree resin strips, c o ntaining 10 sectioned otoliths each, w ere glued to a glass slide w ith clear resin. N o coverslip was used. T h e slides w ere stored in covered c ontainers until analysed b y laser ablation (LA) inductively coupled m ass spectrom etry (ICPM S). Laser Ablation-ICP-MS Analyses A n IC P -M S (T herm o Scientific X-serie2) coupled to a laser (ESI N ew W ave LTP-193 Fast E xcim er ArF) was used to d eterm ine the co n cen tratio n o f 88Sr along sagittal otoliths. T h e N IS T 612 reference m aterial was used for the o ptim ization o f following instrum ental param eters: the m ovem ent rate, the dwell tim e, the flow o f A r, the flow o f H e, the o u tp u t a n d the re petition rate. T h e choices w ere m ad e according to the intensities a n d stabilities m easured. Logically, w ith a longer dwell tim e, the stability increases. T h e configuration set allow ed a resolution o f 3.7 pm , an ablation d iam eter o f 25 p m (35 p m a t the p re -a b latio n point) a n d a scan speed o f 25 pins ). In o rd e r to b e tte r answ er o u r questions, a q u antitative analytical m eth o d was developed instead o f w orking w ith 88S r / 44C a ratios. T o do this, calibration standards N IS T 612 a n d 610 (lines o f 600 pm ) w ere chosen. Finally, to correct the drift a n d differences in efficiency, the Cia was used as the in tern al standard. G iven the size o f sm elt otoliths (ca 1 nun), the analysis is fast e n ough a n d the extent o f standards was estim ated every 10 sam ples. T o calculate concentrations, norm ally the standards enclosing the sam ples w ere chosen. G iven the stability o f the m easures (r~ = 0.99), all the c oncentrations w ere calculated based o n a line w ith all standards m easured d u rin g one day. In p relim in ary tests, the resin itself was Sample Collection In M a rch 2010 smelt w ere sam pled w ith a 2,5 m b e a m traw l (rigged w ith fine-m eshed cod-end; 0.5 cm) in Lake Ijsse lm e er/ M ark erm eer. All know n spaw ning aggregations w ere sam pled (Fig. 1). A dult fish w ere collected from the W ad d e n Sea w ith a 3 m b e am traw l (rigged w ith a fine-m eshed cod-end; 20 nini) betw een A pril a n d O c to b er 2009 to serve as a m arin e reference. A fter c ap tu re fish w ere kept frozen a n d taken to the lab o rato ry for later dissection. All fish w ere m easured to the n earest n u n . In total 110 smelt, 56 from Ijsselm eer (collected in 4 hauls/locations) a n d 54 from M a rk erm e er (4 hau ls/lo catio n s, length 5 -7 cm , tw o speci- PLOS ONE I www.plosone.org 450 Ü 3 July 2013 I Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e69796 Connectivity in Migrating and Landlocked Smelt Wadden Sea 5000 4000 - 3000 - 2000 1000 5000 E Q. Q. 4000 CC 3000 - 00 co. 2000 - 1000 - cn H r 8 5000 - 4000 - 3000 2000 1000 H 500 1000 1500 500 1000 1500 500 1000 1500 distance to core(iunn) Figure 3. Strontium concentration profiles (in ppm ) fo r sm elt caught in th e W adden Sea, going from th e nucleus (left) to the o uter edg e (rig ht). T h e c o lo u rs in d ic a te th e d iffe re n t h a u ls, all p rofiles in o n e c o lo u r o rig in a te fro m th e s a m e haul. d o i:1 0 .1 3 7 1 /jo u rn a l.p o n e .0 0 6 9 7 9 6 .g 0 0 3 m easured a n d it show ed a very special signature, com pletely different from the otoliths. Such signatures w ere not observed in the otolith m easurem ents. In addition, to avoid the risk o f c o n tam in atio n b y the resin o r b y dust, the line o f m easurem ent was situated in the m iddle o f the sam ple a n d avoided the extrem e edges. M o reo v er a pre-ab latio n was carried out. T ests indicated th a t a th ird ab lation did n o t differ from the second one. H en ce, all results refer to the second ablation m easu rem en t th a t was always p reced ed by a p re-ab latio n step. All the m easures are in T R A m ode (time resolved analyses). T h e laser was led th ro u g h the core o f the otolith. PLOS ONE I www.plosone.org Data Analyses O f each profile cross-cutting the otolith from the rostrum , th ro u g h the nucleus, to the post-rostrum , the p a rt from the nucleus to the ro stru m was used for analyses. 88Sr at the cores show the conditions the fish e n co u n tere d lived w h en they b eg an to grow. O nly the o u ter 50 m easurem ents (roughly representing 185 pm ) o f W ad d e n Sea individuals w ere used to define the threshold for the m arin e signal, to ascertain th a t the 88S r co n cen tratio n truly rep resen ted the m arin e e nvironm ent a n d to avoid potential ontogenetic effects in 88Sr deposition. Sim ilarly the last 50 m easurem ents (outer edge) o f the otoliths o f fish caught in the 4 July 2013 I Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e69796 Connectivity in Migrating and Landlocked Smelt Ijsselm eer 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 2000 1500 * 1000 - 2000 - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1500 1000 16 mb* 24 2000 ^ E Q. 3 iw/' 1000 *ev*wv wAt 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 40 2000 ^ 1500 cf ) 1000 - / M 00 CO 2000 1500 1000 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 - M jjjjIiJ J ™ 'I ' p | P “ y 2000 1500 1000 Hàdi. uaX1 49 2000 1500 1000 48 56 J ju , - 8CM ^8 80 C8DSO C8M 8 8© 8CO8O 8CM 8' t 80 8CO8O 8CM 8 80 8CD8O C8M 8-Í 80 80 8O 8CM8Tf 80 80 8O 8CM 8Tf 80 80 8O 8CM8 80 80 8O distance to core(nm) Figure 4. Strontium concentration profiles (in ppm ) fo r sm elt caught in Lake Ijsselm eer, going from th e nucleus (left) to th e o uter edg e (rig ht). T h e c o lo u rs in d ic a te th e d iffe re n t h a u ls, all p rofiles in o n e c o lo u r o rig in a te fro m th e s a m e haul. d o i:1 0 .1 3 7 1 /jo u rn a l.p o n e .0 0 6 9 7 9 6 .g 0 0 4 values below 2000 p p m a t the edge. T h e overall p a tte rn o f this individual is how ever different from Ijsselm eer individuals, th at never show v a lu e s> 2 0 0 0 p p m . T h e individual profiles o f all specim ens collected in fresh w ater show ed 88S r levels ra nging betw een 500 a n d 2000 pp m . Profiles o f specim ens in Lake Ijsselm eer w ere m ore variable th a n those from Lake M arkerm eer. In Lake Ijsselm eer m ore th a n h a lf o f the individuals show ed lowest values at the core a n d a n increase in 88Sr c o n ce n tra tio n going from the core to the edge, b u t never as high as the level identified as m arin e (2260 ppm ) (Fig. 4). Individuals from the 3ld haul (brown, 40 -5 4 ) h a d low er values at the core (500-1000) th a n m ost specim ens from o th er hauls. Levels varied betw een 5 0 0 2000 p p m . T h e two largest anim als (Fig. 4, individuals 20 a n d 21) h a d a distinct p a tte rn : after constant flat profiles b o th show ed a strong dip in 88Sr concentrations to v a lu e s< 1 0 0 0 p p m . Profiles from Lake M a rk erm e er specim en’s otoliths w ere generally flat, w ith no clear tre n d going from the core to the edge a n d no obvious differences b etw een individuals originating from different hauls (Fig. 5). 88Sr concentrations varied b etw een 5 0 0 -1 2 0 0 ppm . M e a n 88Sr concentrations at the otolith edge w ere significantly higher in the W ad d e n Sea th a n in b o th lakes, b u t also differed betw een the two lakes, w ith lowest values found in Lake M a rk erm e er (T able 1, Fig. 6). A t the core 88Srconcentrations did not differ significantly b etw een a n y o f the areas (T able 1, Fig. 6). A lthough m ea n core values w ere generally low er at lake M a rk erm e er the difference was n o t statistically significant (Fig. 6). lakes w ere chosen to represent the conditions a t tim e a n d shortly before tim e o f capture. S pecim ens o riginated from different hauls, b u t a varying n u m b e r o f individuals w ere collected from each haul. T herefore, the overall differences b etw een the concentrations o f 88Sr co n cen tratio n in the section n e a r the edge o f the otoliths from specim ens collected in the W ad d e n Sea a n d b o th lakes w ere tested w ith a m ixed effect m odel w ith individual nested w ithin haul as ra n d o m effect a n d location as fixed effect [17]. T h e ra n d o m intercep t allow for correlations betw een observations from the sam e site a n d individual. Because o f heterogeneity in the d ata, Sr concentrations w ere log-transform ed p rio r to analyses. All d a ta analyses w ere carried out in R 2.15.1. Results 88S r profiles o f individuals caught in the W ad d e n Sea show ed strong variations w ith 88Sr levels at the o u ter edge generally varying b etw een 2000 a n d 6000 pp m , b u t not in the core (Fig. 3). T h e core values w ere all below 2000 ppm . T h e level at the o u ter edge, the p a rt o f the otolith th a t was m ost recently deposited, was used as a reference for the m arin e environm ent. E ight out o f the nine individuals show ed m ean values g re ater th a n 2000 in the final 50 m easurem ents (m ean o f the final 50 m easurem ents o f the 9: 2260 p p m (range 1 6 0 0-3100 ppm ). Individual 5 from the W ad d e n Sea has a different profile from the o th er eight, show ing PLOS ONE I www.plosone.org 5 July 2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e69796 Connectivity in Migrating and Landlocked Smelt Markermeer 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i 2 i i i i i 3 l l l l l 4 i i i i i 5 i i i i i 6 i i i i i 7 i i i i i 8 l l l l l 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 53 54 2000 1500 1000 V 2000 1500 1000 2000 ^ §; 1500 1000 E 1 CO CO CO 2000 1500 1000 -irtffK», M L éééJU 'I' 111 H P 1* 1 37 38 2000 1500 jyl «L. 1000 47 48 i i i i i lí I I I I I 46 49 m J 50 52 51 2000 1500 1000 / S - w \ i i i i i 88888 CM ^ 0 00 O 88888 88888 CM ' í C D C O O CM ' í 0 CO O i i i i i i i i i i 88888 CM ' í C D iNfS N fw W iI ik A v l C O O i i i i i 88888 CM T f 0 C O O i i i i i 88888 88888 C V J ^ C O C O O CM ^ C O 00 O ................... 88888 CM ’t O C O O * r‘ '■ 88888 CM ^ 0 00 O distance to core(|j.m) Figure 5. Strontium concentration profiles (in ppm ) for sm elt caught in Lake M arkerm eer, going from the nucleus (left) to the o uter edg e (rig ht). T h e c o lo u rs in d ic a te th e d iffe re n t h a u ls, all p rofiles in o n e c o lo u r o rig in a te fro m th e s a m e haul. d o i:1 0 .1 3 7 1 /jo u rn a l.p o n e .0 0 6 9 7 9 6 .g 0 0 5 on the m ark et o r auction anym ore (unpubl.data). A scenario in w hich the larger diadrom ous sm elt e n te r Lake Ijsselm eer a n d possibly even M a rk erm e er for a very short p e rio d a n d in low num bers is possibly. O riad ro m o u s sm elt m ay quickly pass Lake Ijsselm eer a n d h e a d to historically know n spaw ning sites, such as R iver IJssel [19]. In such scenario the recruits still c ontribute to the po p u latio n in L ake Ijsselm eer. G iven the fact th a t older a n d larger individuals in m ost fish species (and also show n in smelt) contribute disproportionally to the recru itm en t [20,21], a con trib u tio n from the d iadrom ous to the landlocked m o rp h s is possible, even if only a few larger sized individuals spaw n in Lake Ijsselm eer or M a rk erm e er.Since landlocked smelt populations are generally less fecund th a n estuarine (m igrant) sm elt populations, a disp ro p o r­ tional con trib u tio n from estuarine populations could even be expected [22]. T h e fact th a t smelt older th a n two years a re rarely observed in Lake Ijsselm eer can be explained if they pass the sluices a n d stay in the W ad d e n Sea w ithout re tu rn in g to Lake Ijsselm eer. A nnually (with a p eak in O ctober) large n u m b ers 0 gro u p sm elt are passing the sluices to the W ad d e n Sea (195 tonnes, 65.000.000 individuals, Discussion C onnectivity and Dispersal between Freshwater and Marine Environment T h e 88Sr concentrations in otoliths o f individuals collected in the freshw ater lakes w ere notas high as reco rd ed in the otolith edges o f specim ens caught in the W ad d e n Sea. T herefore, based o n o u r study we argue th a t th ere is no evidence o f a substantial con trib u tio n from d iadrom ous individuals to the landlocked smelt p opulation. H ow ever, the possibility for a con trib u tio n can n o t be com pletely excluded. O bservations n e a r the discharge sluices,have show n th a t W ad d e n Sea sm elt occasionally enters Lake Ijsselm eer (K ruitw agen unpubl. data). S paw ning generally takes place w ithin a few weeks [18], D u e to ship tim e lim itations the specim ens w ere collected in a short p erio d in M a rc h only, b u t covered all know n spaw ning locations in L ake IJsselm eer/M ark erm eer. T h e sam ­ pling g ear used is p ro b ab ly suboptim al for catching larg er size classes o f smelt if they h a d occurred. L arge sm elt w ere caught in fyke nets o r gillnets in Lake IJsse lm e er/M a rk erm ee r in the late 20th century. C urrently, these size classes are never e n co u n tere d PLOS ONE I www.plosone.org 6 July 2013 I Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e69796 Connectivity in Migrating and Landlocked Smelt Table 1. Estimates, estim ated degrees o f freedom and significance fo r parameters testing area effects fo r log88Sr concentrations at the core and the edge o f the oto liths in mixed models w ith individual fish nested w ith in sample as random effects. response v a ria b le 88Sr at edge 88Sr at core pa ram e te r estim ate s tan dard error df t-v alu e P value intercept 3.1207 0.03942 6142 79.164 0.0000 area: Markermeer -0.1715 0.05524 9 -3 .1 0 5 0.0126 area: W adden Sea 0.1866 0.05688 9 3.281 0.0095 intercept 3.0323 0.04071 6172 74.477 0.0000 area: Markermeer -0.0831 0.05672 9 -1 .4 6 5 0.1767 area: W adden Sea 0.0171 0.05995 9 0.285 0.7815 doi:10.1371 /journal.pone.0069796.t001 w hich roughly equals one th ird o f the total Ijsselm eer p opulation (Drost & de W itte unpubl.). 88S r levels for the W ad d e n Sea fish w ere highly variable. T h e W ad d en Sea is a very dynam ic habitat w ith strong variations in salinity (24—32 P S U [23]) caused b y the tide a n d the outflow of freshw ater through the sluices in the Afsluitdijk. A lthough 88S r values from the W ad d en Sea are not available, they are likely to v ary greatly a n d given the strong positive correlation betw een Sr a n d salinity, to follow similar seasonal a n d daily fluctuations as salinity (h ttp :// w w w o ld .n io z .n l/n io z _ n l/c c b a 2 4 6 4 b a 7 9 8 5 d le b l9 0 6 b 9 5 1 b lc 7 f6 . php). T h is h igh variab ility in salinity is likely c ausing th e strong fluctuations in Sr profiles from W a d d e n Sea individuals a n d a sm all o verlap in 88S r values b etw ee n W a d d e n Sea a n d Lake Ijsselm eer m ea su re d in the o u te r 50 o f the otoliths. B ecause W a d d e n Sea sam ples consisted o f specim ens th a t m ust h ave b e en 2 - 4 years old [18,22], we e x p ected to find dips in th e S r profile (other th a n the core a re a th a t was p ro b a b ly dep o sited in th eir early life in fresh w ater), p o ten tially in d ic a tin g a spaw ning event in freshw ater. T h e absence o f such dips could m e a n th a t e ith e r these individuals did n o t go to a freshw ater a re a for spaw ning, did not spaw n yet o r d id n o t grow (and feed) w hile b e in g in th e ir spaw ning areas. It is know n th a t fem ales leave the spaw ning areas earlier th a n m ales, b u t it is n o t know n w h e th er tim e spent in rivers differs b e tw ee n th e sexes [24], In all spaw ning does n o t take m o re th a n 1 -4 weeks [21]. T h e very high c o n ce n tra tio n s o f > 3 0 0 0 p p m (Fig. 3) m ay in d icate the influence o f N o rth S ea w a ter inflow o f h ig h er salinity. b elong to a very local p opulation. Sr profiles w ere very sim ilar w ithin a n d betw een hauls. Sim ilar profiles w ithin individuals o f one haul b u t different from a n o th e r haul can b e expected if fish stay to g eth er in one school for m ost o f th eir life a n d e n co u n ter sim ilar circum stances as they m ove aro u n d . A lternatively the sim ilar p attern s are caused by the Sr signature o f the specific region, w hich w ould indicate th a t sm elt do not m ove a ro u n d a lot, a finding w hich shows agreem ent w ith a closely related species the rainbow sm elt Osmerus mordax [25,26,27] otolith core 4000 a E 2000 a. ce 1000 w CO Wadden Sea Ijsselmeer Markermeer Exchange between Freshwater Areas T h e two individuals w ith a dip in th eir profile late r in life (Fig. 4, 20 a n d 21) suggest th a t they m oved tow ards w ater w ith a low er 88Sr profile th a n Lake Ijsselm eer. T h e 88Sr level is sim ilar to th at found in sm elt in Lake M ark erm eer. A n o th e r possibility is th at they sw ani up the river IJssel, a n im p o rta n t spaw ning location in form er days w h en the lakes w ere not closed off from the sea yet [19]. T h e re are records o f sm elt (ca 20 cm) sw arm ing a t the R iver IJssel m o u th a n d m igrating upstream for several tens o f kilom etres d atin g back to 1840s [19], A dedicated search for smelt d u rin g the spaw ning p erio d in the R iver IJssel m o u th , a n d analyses o f their otoliths 88S r profiles could clarify if this scenario cu rren tly still happens. T hese two individuals a n d the Lake Ijsselm eer individ­ uals 38 a n d 4 0 -5 5 th a t show core values closer to the range o f M a rk erm e er individuals, could be a n in dication o f exchange betw een Lake Ijsselm eer a n d Lake M ark erm eer. T h e only group th a t has ra th e r low 88Sr values (around 1000 ppm ) are the ones caught in the east o f Lake Ijsselm eer (3ld sam ple in Fig. 4); they c an n o t be distinguished from M a rk erm e er individuals. T h e flat 88Sr profiles found in M a rk erm e er p ro b ab ly indicates these fish PLOS ONE I www.plosone.org otolith edge ra cu E o IO 4000 3000 E 2000 Q. CL CC Ul 1000 Wadden Sea Ijsselmeer Markermeer Figure 6. M ean Sr (in ppm ) concentrations in otoliths o f the inner 50 m easurem ents (core) and th e o u te r 50 m easurem ents o f sm elt (edge) caught in th e W adden Sea, Lake Ijsselm eer and Lake M arkerm eer. do i:1 0.13 7 1 /jo u rn a l.p o n e .0 0 6 9 7 9 6 .g 0 0 6 7 July 2013 I Volume 8 | Issue 7 | e69796 Connectivity in Migrating and Landlocked Smelt Im plications for M anagem ent o f Landlocked Population O u r results show th a t u n d e r the c u rre n t m an a g em e n t th ere is no indication o f a strong con trib u tio n o f the W ad d e n Sea sm elt to the p opulations o f b o th lakes. C u rre n tly the possibilities for smelt to re -e n ter L ake Ijsselm eer th ro u g h the sluices at either K o rn w erd e rza n d or D en O e v er are lim ited to periods w hen sluices are opened. Passage o f the discharge sluices tow ards the W ad d e n Sea is only possible shortly after op en in g a n d tow ards Lake Ijsselm eer shortly before closure. D iadrom ous sm elt tends to aggregate in front o f the sluices in M a rch , w here in 2009 ca 50 tonnes o f a d u lt fish w ere caught in the com m ercial smelt fisheries (Drost & de W itte unpubl.). G iven the lim ited en tran ce possibilities, m an a g em e n t to en h an ce the con trib u tio n o f d iad ro ­ m ous smelt to the Lake Ijsselm eer pop u latio n should con cen trate o n im proving the o p p o rtu n ity to en ter by adjusting the discharge regim e o r increasing the n u m b e r o f e n tra n ce points in the spaw ning period. Acknowledgments We want to thank the crew of the Tjeûkemar (property of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology, N IO O , Wageningen, The Netherlands) that helped in collecting the fish samples. H. van der Veer and H. Witte from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research kindly provided Wadden Sea specimens. N. van der Meeren (IMARES) prepared the otoliths. Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: IT M K HW WB MDG. 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