Federal Program Directors Conference March 12 2014


Federal Program Directors Conference

March 12 2014

What is ELT?

What we Know about ELT

Effective Approaches to ELT

Support for ELT

As defined for purposes of flexibility under the ESEA, ELT is the time that a local educational agency (LEA) or school

“extends its normal school day, week, or year to provide additional instruction or educational programs for all students beyond the State-mandated requirements for the minimum number of hours in a school day, days in a school week, or days or weeks in a school year”

Adding between a half- hour and two hours of school time to the regular school.

Adding days to the regular school year.

Separate from the regular school day.

Stand alone programs with specialized curricula.

Reducing the long summer break by distributing vacation time more evenly throughout the year

Research on Extended Learning Time suggests that student achievement can be significantly improved by: a ) providing more time in the school day and b) using the time available more efficiently and more effectively


A variety of studies have shown that students who spend more time on academic subjects show higher levels of achievement in those subject areas. This was particularly more pronounced n schools serving low income and disadvantaged students.

Programs that focused on personal and social development have a positive impact on students grades academic achievement and self esteem

Researchers point out that simply extending the school day or school year has little effect on student learning unless programs make use of effective teaching strategies and curricula designed to engage students

School- Community Partnerships

Engaged Learning

Family Engagement

Intentional Programming

Diverse, Prepared Staff

Participation & Access

Safety, Health & Wellness

Ongoing Assessment & Improvement


Short program duration

Loose organization

Little advance planning

Discontinuity between summer , afterschool and regular school day

Burned out students/ staff

Parent engagement

Before, After and Summer School

Supports the creation of opportunities for academic enrichment during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and lowperforming schools

Community, Faith and LEA’s

Extended day/ year and summer programs

Parental engagement activities

Program Staffing

Professional development for staff

Program equipment, curriculum materials , and supplies


Lowest Performing schools

Extended day programs

Add Hours to the School day


Teacher Collaboration

increase the amount and quality of learning time, such as providing an extended school year and before- and after-school and summer programs and opportunities.

Support Professional Developmental

Parental Engagement

Finance project http://financeproject.org/index.cfm?page=27

National Endowment for the Arts http://arts.gov/

National Institute for out of school time http://niost.org/

After school Alliance http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/

