|-. Midterm #3 Mathcmatics 5OI0. I, Summer 2006 Departmert of Mathematics, Unive$ity o{ Utah Juiy 5, 2006 + This is a.lc€d book, clced-rote qanindtion+ This exm beejnsat 1:00p.D. and endsar 2:00p.m. shep. + ThG *m is nad€ ur of 4 qnmtions for a total of 40 points. * Write you dses clearly. lf you shov me.ely a nunerical answer' then you are likely to rcceire zero p a d i a l . r e d i l . S o s l o w a n d e x p l d i ny . , , , q o , 1 , . * Conffne your work to tbis wo.kshetYou nay nse boLh sjdes of tle paper. Thde is tlso an exha sh@t of papei for you to w.jte o, if 'ru wish, dd a normal table at ihe lery back. 1. {10 pointstotal) Slpposethat tbe height,in inches,of a 25-year-oldman is a.normal random ria.ble dirh meanlr 1t nid rdtianceo" 625. (a) (5 points) what perceDtaseof 2s-year old meD are over 6 feet 2 jnches tall? = a- t ?Ns.>,t'tJ l- Qt{.?) '- t- o'88+{ =rni[il t--'- (b) (5 poinis) W}at percentage of men in the 6-footer club are over &foot 5 iDches? ?F"'t ?ltrnl -' lx''lL\ ?Ft'z"l = l-O@'..{) s 1-o'qrr 1-+Q'q) 1 - 0 . 65 s { I ta+-+t \ = r-+ t-,=-d t " - - '_+s#1 : ' 2. (10 points total) For al (l,6 > 0 define ato ,,t- lo',"-'tt ,to'a' (a) (5 potfts) Prove that if a, D > 0 are fixed p:'.meters, then rhe foltowins is a probabitity density function: r@)'=lEC:d* r ( 1 x ) b - lj r o < ' < r ' othe.wise. [0 - -{-(.-l 2. o - fl +t-r tx- - | 'fo' "i-'cr-'')*t 3(4b) =^ ' dz<- (b) (5 points)Conputetlxl. E{s.l-- l] -' { '.^-'(^-*f-'e* B(4'b) f.( g*n-' (l-*l-',r,. G(a,b) --@) v93--/ 2 3. (10 points) r X is unifoffnly distributedon (0, 1) then what is the densityfunction of y :: ex ? ( a )= ? [ f \. s^] = - C9 - a 1 { 0 n^"] "[rs 030^a St l^^>t P-* <o tw\r1 + g *<0*-e-3 t fr("1 0 (<a S€ -, i+ ^>o a o l----1---------{ z Lt L 7 h*-L Z = f-^" "t-S.rt u",*f - [orl1 . 7 r-o +|d 4. (10 points) There is a stick oflength, vhich ve may think of. mathematically,as the inteNal [O,r]. Choosea point at rardom along the stick (e.g., let the point be unifomly disttbuted in the inte al [0 , ,]), and brea] the siick at that point. Let x denote the ratio of the lensth of the lonser piece to the shorterone. Find P{x < t/4}. rf z st rc-^ -S=* t ,1 z>t"- {'^ , i,'1 <.) 22. +L 4*t Z=}_ L-x No,rr i{ ? ( r <? \ = , L <t O^:O* 'lt\A |*od , i{ 1L{"- * 'l{ <L*_-' z< ,t L>l 1A.^ - + L 1+ t_ ."0'"r, ff-1?l:-1 L2' \.? L b9-ct+- >t /).t. d^,t (: .t. ++L