Travel agent : Sally 4A1B0087 詹雅晴

Travel agent : Sally 4A1B0087 詹雅晴
Tourist : Lisa 4A1B0088 蔡涵羽
S : Welcome to the Rainbow Travel Agency. May I help you?
L : Yeah. I’m interested in traveling to Tokyo.
S : Please have a seat. May I help you with arrangements for that?
L : Sure. I’d like to travel by myself for one week. I need to book the air
S : Alright. May I please have your full name and passport number? Also ,
would you prefer first or economy class?
L : Sure , my name is Lisa Chi, and my passport number is 646432111. I
would like economy class, please.
S : Thank you. I have a eva air flight leaves on July13 at 15:00p.m. The
returning flight is on July 20 at 18:00p.m. There will be cost NT$6000.
Shall I book it for you?
L : Yes, please. Here it is.
S : Here is your e-ticket number. Thank you.
L : Thanks.