UNCW Dept. of COM Studies Pre-Registration Advising Form PCOM Majors

UNCW Dept. of COM Studies Pre-Registration Advising Form
PCOM Majors
Last Name
First Name
UNCW E-mail Address
Student ID #
Area(s) of Interest in COM Studies
Expected Month and Year of
Hours Earned
Time Ticket
Do you have a double major? If so, list below:
Please list any minor(s) you have in the space below:
Please list any cluster you wish to declare in the space below:
List of Classes I Want to Pre-Register For
Course Number
COM 305
Alternate Courses/Back Up Choices
Course Title
Phone #
Read the statements below. Initial next to each statement to indicate that you have read and fully understand these policies.
If you are currently enrolled in COM 200 this semester, you must earn a B or better in order to pass through the gateway.
If you are currently enrolled in COM 200, you will receive an e-mail during the last few weeks of the semester. It will give you instructions regarding how to start the major
change process from PCOM to COM. It is your responsibility to follow the instructions in this e-mail. Failure to do so may result in your major change being delayed.
After your final grade posts in COM 200, your major does NOT change from PCOM to COM until Mrs. Bulger approves your major change declaration.
With the exception of COM 301 and COM 305, PCOM majors MAY NOT enroll in COM only classes until AFTER their major is changed to COM in May.
After you pass through the gateway, you will be assigned a new advisor (who will NOT be a PCOM advisor), and that person will advise you until you graduate.
If you are currently enrolled in COM 105, you should make plans to register for COM 200 next semester. (Please note that CSC 105 is currently a co- or pre-requisite for COM
Bring a hard copy of this completed form AND a PRINTER-FRIENDLY copy of your current degree audit to your advising session. Digital copies will NOT be accepted.
Questions to Ask When You Meet with Your Advisor
Please list any questions you have in the space below. (Topics can include internships, transient study, study abroad, clubs and organizations, minors/clusters, DIS, honors, summer
school, etc. -- consult our website first, and if you have a question about what you've read, make a note below.)
Advisor Notes: (to be completed by advisor)
Student Signature:
Registration PIN
Advisor Signature: