Curriculum Innovation Fund – Proposal Form Project Purpose 1. Project working title - less than 10 words: 2. Intended outcomes of the project - point form: Project contacts 3. Lead contact: 4. Team members: 5. Department or college-level approval or endorsement for this project (name): Brief Project Information 6. Describe the project. - 100-200 words 7. Position your project in terms of the stage(s) of the Curriculum Innovation and Renewal Cycle. - Indicate the step(s) with which the project aligns 8. Describe the intended impact of this project on student learning, (direct or indirect, shorter or longer term) - point form For details visit Page 1 of 4 Curriculum Innovation Fund – Proposal Form 9. Identify preliminary plans that are in place for determining if that impact occurs - point form 10. Identify timelines for this project, including any anticipated key milestones or decision points - point form 11. Comment on the relationship of this project to the teaching and learning priorities of your local academic unit (program, department, division, and/or college) - 50-100 words 12. Comment on relationship of this project to the teaching and learning priorities of the University - 50-100 words For details visit Page 2 of 4 Curriculum Innovation Fund – Proposal Form Budget information 13. Please outline how the money requested will be spent, including an indication of financial and in-kind contributions that will be secured from other sources. (see blank budget template in Appendix A. Use this template if you like). Some example areas where funds could be appropriately spent are: services from another unit (e.g., eMAP), travel costs for visiting scholars required to inform the project, costs associated with program evaluation, student stipends, sessional stipends, teaching release time, etc. Support Needs from Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching Effectiveness 14. Identify current advice/support to this project from anyone at the GMCTE (name and type of support to date). 15. Identify the continuing support required for this project from staff at the GMCTE. Name: Please, send completed forms to Please attach endorsement from your college or department level (letter or email). For details visit Page 3 of 4 Curriculum Innovation Fund – Proposal Form Appendix A: Budget template Purpose of Funds ($) Amount Requested Dept/College Commitment (A full budget can be attached if preferred) TOTAL: For details visit Page 4 of 4