Announcement – New Office and IT Supplies Provider Selected

Announcement – New Office and IT Supplies Provider Selected
A cross-campus selection committee has chosen Supreme Basics, a division of Supreme Office Products
Limited, as the university’s contracted supplier for office and IT supplies beginning August 16, 2012. The
contract with Grand & Toy, our current supplier, which was to end in June 2012, was extended to August
15 to allow for uninterrupted service while a thorough competitive bid and selection process was
Office supplies ordering procedures will be largely unchanged. A link to a new Supreme Basics online
ordering website will be provided on the FSD – Purchasing Services website’s eMarket page. You will
need to set up an account with Supreme Basics in order to access the new site, available on August 16.
A welcome e-mail from Supreme Basics will provide you with your new account and sign-on information.
The product code for ordering a printed catalogue will be provided with your welcome information.
Supreme Basics’ online ordering website provides many excellent features and is easy to use, with
visible links back through all page selections so you can navigate quickly and easily. Prior to August 16,
you can preview site features by visiting their public website at After
August 16, orders must be placed through the eMarket link (below) in order to receive contract pricing:
Additionally, Supreme Basics offers an unlimited return policy (the current return policy is limited to 30
days), and the same sustainability features the university already enjoys, including a toner cartridge and
packaging recycling program with pick-up service. Environmentally Preferred Products (EPP) are tagged
on the site, with 1,000 of the supplier’s 7,000 product offerings meeting the EPP standard.
We have partnered with Grand & Toy since June 2007, and sincerely appreciate the company’s service
and support for more than five years. The competitive bid and selection process resulted in Supreme
Basics being awarded the contract as the provider best able to meet our needs. The initial contract is for
two years, with four two-year renewal options. We look forward to this new partnership with Supreme