SUPREME COURT CASES Choose one case that interests you -Veronia School District V. Acton (1995)- Drug Testing in School -Miranda V. Arizona (1966)- Self-Incrimination -Texas V. Johnson (1989)- Flag Burning -Roe V. Wade (1973)- Right to Abortion -Cruzan V. (Missouri) Director of Department of Health (1989)- Right to Die -Thompson V. Oklahoma (1988)- Capital Punishment- Teenagers -United States V. Lopez (1995)- Guns in School -Mapp V. Ohio (1961)- Illegal search -New Jersey V. TLO (1985)- Student Search -Engel V. Vitale (1962)- Prayer in Public School -Bethel School District V. Fraser (1985)- Student Free Speech -Regent of University of California V. Bakke (1978)- Reverse discrimination -Tinker V. Des Moines (1969)- School Protest of Vietnam War -Hazelwood School District V. Kuhlmeier( 1988)- Student newspaper rights -Brown Vs. Board of Education (1954)- Segregation in Public Schools -Plessy Vs. Ferguson (1896)- Separate but equal -Gideon Vs. Wainwright (1963) – State provides lawyer if you cannot afford one Supreme Court Project For this project you will be given the opportunity to complete a research presentation. You will complete a majority of this project with a partner. Presentation Directions -With your research create an 8-slide Power Point Presentation (Include pictures and bullet point information) You will present this to the class. -Each team will choose an issue concerning our rights that we studied in the Constitution. You will then be given a Supreme Court Case concerning that particular issue. -After researching your topic in the library, you will create a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. As you analyze the facts you must answer the following questions or statements: 1) In 2 or 3 slides Identify the key participants and all Constitutional issues involved in the case. Be sure to include all facts about the case. This is where you explain what happened. 2) In 2 slides Identify and explain the arguments for both sides of the case. 3) In 1 or 2 slides explain the immediate effects of the decision on the people involved. (What did the outcome of your case determine? Whom did it affect?) 4) In 1 or 2 slides conclude with your opinions on the case and how it might affect you personally. *Presentations must include an Introduction and Conclusion! **You must have at least 2 sources cited at the end of the presentation. **SHARE YOUR PRESENTATION WITH MY GOOGLE DOCS ACCOUNT ***