Study of Dislocation Densities Through the Thickness of 7050 Aluminum Cory Parker, David Field WSU REU Program This work was supported by the National Science Foundation’s REU program under grant number DMR-1062898. Methods Introduction 7050 Aluminum is a lightweight, yet strong, alloy primarily used in the aerospace industry. The alloy has a complicated chemistry that has made the study of its microstructure rather difficult due to the presence of a wide range of particles in the substrate. 7050 goes through a rolling process at high temperatures in order to allow for easy deformation of large plates. This process greatly deforms the crystal lattice in the alloy by introducing dislocations. Because the process induces so much change in the matrix these dislocations occur frequently and begin to stack up as they have more and more difficulty moving through the lattice. Soon the density of these dislocations is so massive that grains begin to have noticeable variation in their orientation. Maintaining this structure is not optimal and so requires a larger amount of energy to maintain compared to a smooth lattice. Electron Backscatter Diffraction was used in this study. The sample must be held at a 70 rotation and a stationary electron beam is fired from an SEM. This creates refraction bands created by the lattice structure that are then reflected onto a phosphor screen attached to a TV camera. These bands are read and used to determine orientation data. Motivation This concentration of high energy can cause problems during aging of the plate. Typically after being rolled the plates are solutionized at a high temperature and aged at a moderate temperature. During this phase the high concentration of energy from dislocations causes new grains to form through the substrate. These newly recrystalized grains cause inhomogeneity in the lattice of the alloy. These inhomogeneities are prime locations for cracks to begin to form during normal use as a wing spar. If the rolling process can be controlled to account for these dislocation densities, or at least the areas with the highest densities determined, then these alloys can be made safer and more dependable. Left: Figure showing individual grains from a scan taken approximately 0.4 cm from the surface of the plate. Grains are small and the rolling direction is evident. Right: Figure showing individual grains from a scan taken approximately 4.8 cm from the surface of the plate. Grains are substantially larger. 5 samples were prepared in total. 4 samples prepared from the Plan View and 1 sample from the Long Transverse of the plate. These samples were all prepared using standard metallographic practices which include cutting, sanding, and polishing the samples. The final step of polishing was performed by vibropolish for approximately 75 minutes for each sample. Plan View samples were polished automatically while the LT Sample was polished by hand due to its large size. Samples were then examined using Electron Backscatter Diffraction using a step size of 2 microns for every scan. Data GND calculations from the Long Transverse sample showing a downward trend from surface to t/2. Above: Key for Orientation Maps. Left: Orientation Maps from various positions through the thickness of the 5-inch plate. Distance from the surface of the plate increases moving down the figures. Black areas represent areas that have been expunged from data due to low confidence. Right: GND mapping of the Orientation Map opposite. Scale runs from .01x10^11/m^2 to 2000 x10^11/m^2 with blue representing the lower bound and red representing the upper bound. Black lines represent grain boundaries, which are not considered. The conversion from the data on the left side to those on the right side is done by add-on code written for OIM Analysis 5.1. This code analyzes the orientation at every point in relation to the points around it and determines the Geometrically Necessary Dislocations in order to achieve the change in orientation that occurred. This comes from using the equations: ij = eikl (ejl,k + gjl,k) ij = k (bik zjk) to solve for the dislocation density tensor, . GND calculations from the Plan View samples showing the same downward trend. Percent of scans showing grains that are already recrystalized, defined as having a Grain Orientation Spread less than 1 degree, upon arrival. A somewhat parabolic correlation can be seen from surface to t/2. Results •Moving from the surface to t/2 positions GND decreased and grain size increased. •The general trend for recrystalization already present through the thickness of the plate is that recrystalization is greatest near the surface and t/2 positions with a vaguely parabolic behavior between these two areas. •The plate is much stronger near the surface due to high strain resulting from the rolling processing reducing the size of grains, however this area is most likely to encounter recrystalization. •A connection between percent recrystalization and GND does not seem to exist. Because recrystalized grains have low dislocation content they should decrease overall density but this doesn’t occur.