Aquarius Lesson Plan Focus Grade Level Focus Question Aquarius and Types of Fish Kindergarten If we explored the sea (like Aquarius), what are some examples of different types of fish we would find? Learning Objectives: NC State Objective and Goal Being Addressed: K.L.1.1Compare different types of the same animal (i.e. different types of dogs, different types of cats, etc.) to determine individual differences within a particular type of animal. Learner Objective(s): Materials Audio/Visual Materials At the competition of this lesson, students will have knowledge of Aquarius, be able to give examples of different types of fish, and identify the characteristics that make them different. Blue, white, and black construction paper, markers, blue bulletin board paper, Ocean-themed music, projection screen Teaching Time Seat Arrangement Maximum Number of Students Key Words 1 hour and 10 mintues Desks in groups of 5 20 Background Information (Prior Knowledge) Different types of fish, Aquarius Opening Activity (35 minutes) (15 minutes) I will start by showing them a mini- presentation of Aquarius that briefly explains what it is. Fish, ocean, underwater, differences, Aquarius, swim (10 minutes) I will tell the students that we have traveled underwater and start playing music with ocean sounds. I will ask them to get up out of their seats to pretend like they are swimming in the ocean. The board will be covered with bulletin paper in the shape of waves displaying black cut-out silhouettes of fish. Students will be asked to take a seat and I will tell them to look at shadows of different fish, and to guess what kinds of fish they might see. (The music will be turned off when the discussion begins) (10 minutes) I will lift each one and underneath will be the real version of the fish and its name. We will talk about each one and what makes them different. Types of fish discussed: Clownfish, Kelpfish, Anemone fish, Four Eyed Fish, Wahoo I chose to implement this activity because it imitates being underwater like in Aquarius, while engaging all types of learners and making them want to learn about fish. Aquarius Lesson Plan Learning Procedure ( Activity) (25 minutes) (15 minutes) Each student will receive one cutout of a fish. They have to choose one fish that we discussed, decorate it to make it look like it, and write the name of it on the back to practice writing letters. (10 minutes) Every group will have a cutout of a window at their desk (as if they are looking out into the water) and I will tell them to glue the fish onto the cutout. Connections to Other Subjects I will display the “windows” on a big display that looks like a replica of Aquarius. Science, Art, Writing Closing Activity and Assignment (10 minutes) I will wrap up the lesson by asking students to share their favorite fish. By doing this, students get a review of the different types of fish and will stay actively involved because they get to share their fish with others. Assessment The assessment is that they can draw a replica of at least one different type of fish and write the name; it shows they understand that different animals come in different forms. Other Links and Resources Standards: Information about Aquarius: Information about Fish: Pictures: Example of Student Replica: Mini Presentation of Aquarius: Aquarius Lesson Plan Aquarius This is what Aquarius looks like. It is an underwater lab. The scientists live underwater and study the ocean. They eat and sleep here. Aquarius Lesson Plan They can watch the fish from inside. They can also swim around and find different types of fish. Aquarius Lesson Plan