Aquarius Lesson Plan Focus Grade Level Focus Question Understanding and implementing health concepts and ideas. 12th Grade/ Physical Education and Health How can information that we learn in class, be used in real world scenarios? Learning Objectives: 9.NPA.1-Analyze strategies using tools to plan healthy nutrition and fitness. 9.NPA.4- Apply life-long nutrition and health related fitness concepts to enhance quality of life. Materials Paper, Pencil, Internet, Health Book Audio/Visual Materials This lesson plan will be used for a total of three days. The first two days, students will work on their project, the third day will be used for presentations of completed projects to the class and teacher. Students will be assigned into small groups, and seated within their groups. 20-25 Hypoglycemic, Hyperglycemic, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats, Glucose For this assignment, students should have prior knowledge of activities and exercises that can be used to build different aspects of the body, i.e. flexibility, endurance, strength, etc. Also, students should now have a basic knowledge of food choices, and the effects they can have on the body, i.e. hypoglycemic vs. hyperglycemic. Teaching Time Seat Arrangement Maximum Number of Students Key Words Background Information (Prior Knowledge) Opening Activity For the opening activity, I will have students watch the videos linked in the audio/visual section above. These will help to introduce the background for this lesson to the students, and help them understand the idea of Aquarius and the Aquanauts. These videos should help the students understand the type of jobs the Aquanauts are performing, and physical stability they may need. Learning Procedure ( Activity) After the students finish watching the videos, I will ask the students what kind of training they believe would be necessary for the Aquarius workers to pass before beginning work in Aquarius. For this activity, the students will become a personal trainer/dietician for an Aquanaut member. They will be asked to build a schedule and diet for their client. Their final product should consist of any exercises they would believe to be beneficial to the worker, the area that it would pertain to (resistance, flexibility, endurance, etc.) Students will be required to write a short assessment of each exercise they choose, and why they chose it. These are to be well-written, and thoroughly explained. Also in the product, the students should build a menu that consists of a diet that would be beneficial to the worker, and the exercise plan set up for them. This menu should include serving sizes, like an actual diet form contains. Students will have two days in class to work on Aquarius Lesson Plan Connections to Other Subjects Closing Activity and Assignment Assessment Other Links and Resources their projects. On the third day, students will present their product to the class. Any exercises that the students decide to implement into their worker’s plan must be demonstrated to the class at the time of presentation. (This means if someone says the worker should do lunges, a group member will demonstrate to the class how a lunge works, as well as the muscles of the body that the movement will ultimately affect.) This subject will connect to English, due to the explanations that the students will have to write in regards to their exercises. Each day, to wrap up my lesson to ensure that all students are actively participating in their groups, each group member will receive a worksheet that allows them to rate their fellow teammates and participation, and anonymously report who is helping versus who is slacking. This will be passed out five minutes before the class ends, and be the ticket out the door for each student. At the time of presentation, it will be required for all members to participate in the overall presentation. Through this, I plan to grade my students, to help verify that each student has met the standards and objectives correlative to this assignment.