Aquarius Lesson Plan

Aquarius Lesson Plan
Grade Level
Focus Question
Comparison of post-cold war era space race to current scientific
explorations through Aquarius
10th grade – United States History
Why have the priorities of the United States changed from the Space
Race era, where scientific exploration was important, while today
there is little support for projects like Aquarius?
Learning Objectives:
NC State Objective and Goal Being Addressed:
(NCSCOS- Common Core/Essential standards it meets and why.
Learner Objective(s): At the completion of this lesson, students will
be able to:
Goal 11: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil (1945-1980) - The learner will
trace economic, political, and social developments and assess their
significance for the lives of Americans during this time period.
Objective 11.01
Describe the effects of the Cold War on economic, political, and social
life in America.
Multiple Venn Diagram worksheets
Audio/Visual Materials
Smart board or white board to show the results of the students
Video to introduce Aquarius
90 minute block = 15 intro. 40 minute group activity. 20 minute
sharing of results to the class. 15 wrap up discussion.
Seats pulled into groups 4-6 students
No real maximum. Lesson must just be adjusted. If there are less
students then each group can give more key points they come up
with while if there are more than they will select one or two key
points to share with the class.
Space Race, Aquarius, priorities, scientific exploration, motivation
Teaching Time
Seat Arrangement
Maximum Number of Students
Key Words
Background Information (Prior
Understanding of what the Space Race would be and the life of
typical Americans in the post-cold war era (Some background would
be provided)
Opening Activity
How will you get the students engaged and involved in today’s lesson right
away? Explain why you chose to implement this activity.
Class would begin with a video of Aquarius and a video of the first moon
landing to catch the student’s attention. I would then assess prior
knowledge by asking basic questions like “what is this a video of?” “what
time period is this?” “what was significant about this?” ect and use
discussion and the answers to the questions to give background
information. I would do this because it is a more interesting approach than
using a powerpoint to give them background information and it gives me an
opportunity to both assess prior knowledge and promote discussion and
independent thinking.
Learning Procedure ( Activity)
90 minute block = 15 minute introduction into basic background of
the space race and what Aquarius is. 20 minutes to work with groups
in order to complete a diagram describing the economic, political
Aquarius Lesson Plan
Connections to Other Subjects
Closing Activity and Assignment
Other Links and Resources
and social priorities of the united states following the Cold war. 20
minutes to complete the same diagram for today’s time period. 20
minutes (ten each) to put results on the board. 15 minute final
discussion on the overall differences and similarities and their
relation to the popular feeling toward scientific exploration in the
different time periods
The role of science and scientific discovery is evaluated throughout
the class
How will you wrap up your lesson? What is the timeframe for closing
activity/assignment? How will you review the material presented? How will
you keep all students actively involved until the end of class?
I will wrap up the lesson by having students compare the diagrams on the
board and use higher level thinking to figure out why some of the priorities
of people changed or why certain ones have not changed. We will discuss
the impacts and effects that these values had on society. We will discuss
underlying issues like the Cold War and the current Economic Recession
and their relation to the importance that society has had on scientific
endeavors like Aquarius. Also discuss student opinions on why Aquarius is a
good thing or if they do not think it is significant using comparisons about
the research that has been done in space to the research that has been
done underwater. I will keep students involved by calling on random
students to place their input and rotating which groups speak so that
everyone gets an opportunity to speak.
How will you verify that students have accomplished your objectives and
met the standards (your assessment)? Attach assessments and rubrics to be
used in this lesson. Also attach a sample of student work that is available to
scan or photograph.
My assessment will partially be the in class discussion. The discussion will
show whether or not the students are paying attention and making
connections between the two time periods and understanding the
underlying factors that affect the economic, social and political life in
America in both post-cold war era and today.
Another part of my assessment will be a homework assignment where I ask
that each student pick out three effects that the Cold War had on American
daily life (one from each category) and explain to me why they occurred.
This would help me assess whether or not the original goal was met.