Focus The History of Underwater Study to Aquarius Grade Level 9-12

Focus The History of Underwater Study to Aquarius
Grade Level
Focus Question How has underwater study changed and how might it continue to change?
Learning Objectives:
NC State Objective and Goal Being Addressed:
11.05 12.03 12.04
Learner Objective(s): At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to: See how Underwater
Study has changed since it’s beginning and predict what is still to come in the field.
Audio/Visual Materials
Whiteboard, Projector, Powerpoint, Video, Markers
Teaching Time 50-60 minutes
Seat Arrangement
Maximum Number of Students 25
Key Words
Aquarius, Aquanauts, Innovation, Technology, Underwater Study, History Background
Information (Prior Knowledge)
Students will be expected to know about the Aquarius Base from visiting the website of the base
and reading information about it. While not considered a homework assignment, this will be used to get
students some background information. Students without internet access at home will not be at a
disadvantage as in the opening activity we will review what people found.
Opening Activity
Students will be engaged in a discussion about their interest in marine life as well as what they
learned from visiting the site. This way, students are thinking about what the subject matter of the day
is and have heard ideas from other students in the class.
Learning Procedure ( Activity)
The procedure itself will be a lecture that will make use of a powerpoint covering the history of
underwater study and how it has evolved since its beginning and leading up to Aquarius. The
powerpoint may even have links to Aquarius’ website as well as any Aquarius videos posted on YouTube.
Connections to Other Subjects
Underwater Study links to history by showing the progress of American technology through
science. The class may also explore the first uses of submarines, especially in warfare.
Closing Activity and Assignment
Upon the conclusion of the powerpoint, the remainder of the class, which would hopefully be
about twenty minutes, would be spent with students dividing themselves into groups and working on a
comic strip of sorts about the any aspect of the lecture that shows some progression towards Aquarius.
While the comic should be factual, creativity and even humor will be encouraged in this activity. When
leaving class, the groups will hand in what they have completed.
Students will be assessed based on a short essay assigned asking them to describe what the
most important contribution to Underwater Study was in history and why it was so important. This will
test a student’s ability to recall progress made on it while still allowing them to show an opinion on the
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