Aquarius Lesson Plan Focus Grade Level Focus Question Developing an argument and argumentative essays. 9th/10th Should Aquarius continue to receive funding or should the program be disbanded in favor of more resourceful options? Learning Objectives: NC State Objective and Goal Being Addressed: (NCSCOS- Common Core/Essential standards it meets and why. 9-10 W.1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant sufficient evidence. 9-10 W.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. Materials Projector; Computer; Audio/Visual Materials Flip chart with markers Teaching Time Seat Arrangement 90 minutes There will be desks on both sides of the room. Students will be split into two teams. 30 Debate; Argumentative essay; Real World Conflict; Maximum Number of Students Key Words Background Information (Prior Knowledge) Links on Aquarius: On a previous class day we will spend time in the library/computer lab researching what Aquarius is and how it works. We will also discuss the state budget and the reasoning behind why Aquarius may be too expensive to keep running. Opening Activity How will you get the students engaged and involved in today’s lesson right away? Explain why you chose to implement this activity. I will start class off by asking for volunteers to help summarize what we have learned so far about Aquarius. I will ask if they have any questions and then I will tell them to take ten minutes to write down any thoughts that they have about the program in their daily journals. I believe that a daily journal is important because students can get out any frustrations they have or possibly develop thought processes on paper before they bring them before the class. There are many other reasons to keep a journal but those are two of my personal favorites. This is also a place where I can see their participation because a lot of students are too shy to speak up in class. (15 minutes) Learning Procedure ( Activity) I will split the class into two teams. One team (Team Aquarius) will be assigned the task of arguing in favor of keeping Aquarius funded and open for experiments while the other team (Team Senate) will be assigned the task of arguing against keeping Aquarius in the budget and providing it with funding. There will be one speaker or representative elected from each side to argue in front of the class. Each team will be given ten minutes to develop their argument. They will then elect a speaker to represent their views. The elected rep. Aquarius Lesson Plan Connections to Other Subjects Closing Activity and Assignment Assessment Other Links and Resources will then debate with the other representative. (15 minutes) During the debate I will write down the points that each speaker makes. From these points, I will determine a winner. We will then switch. Whichever team defended Aquarius before will now attack it and vice versa. They must come up with completely different answers than the other team did on the first go around. They must elect new speakers as well. (10 minutes) Another debate will ensue. (15 minutes) I will declare a winner. We will then return to our seats as normal for a final group discussion. (Total time: 50 minutes) Concepts of Biology are studied at Aquarius and students can bring their background science knowledge in to their debates. They can emphasize the importance of science in their arguments. A marginal knowledge of civics will help students understand the legislative process and how the state budget works. The concept of electing someone to speak on their behalf to a group will help students understand how Congress plays a role in daily life. How will you wrap up your lesson? What is the timeframe for closing activity/assignment? How will you review the material presented? How will you keep all students actively involved until the end of class? We will come together as a group and have a warm down. Students can add anything they feel was not addressed during the debate and we can also take a poll of how the students feel about what should happen to Aquarius. During this time I will assign the argumentative essay. Students are to complete a 4 page argumentative essay on what they think should happen to Aquarius. They are allowed to site sources from the class discussion but they must do so properly using MLA format. Students must also site two professional sources. These sources can be ones that they found during their initial research on Aquarius and if need be they will have time to go back and do more research in the computer lab. How will you verify that students have accomplished your objectives and met the standards (your assessment)? Attach assessments and rubrics to be used in this lesson. Also attach a sample of student work that is available to scan or photograph. I can verify that students have accomplished the objectives through their successful completion of the argumentative essay. Their essay must be strong and clearly written. They must show an understanding of the topic as well as development beyond what was discussed in class. (I will attach the essay in the submission so you can see it in full view) MLA Help: