Sustainable Campus Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 4, 2009 Continuing Education Bld. 205 3.10pm – 4.45pm Members Present: Mike Panisko, Curtis Noonan, Kelly Chadwick, Phil Condon, Jessie Davie, Dean Comer, Derek Kanwischer, Mark LoParco Others Present: VP Duringer, Laura Howe, Hugh Jesse, Cherie Peacock, Vicki Watson, Martha Sample, Christina Voyles Old Business: The minutes from the last SCC meeting (December 3, 2008) were approved. New Business: welcome new members Cherie Peacock: The new Sustainability Coordinator began with the UM on January 5, 2009. Cherie is from Spokane Washington, has a master’s degree in Sustainable Architecture, and has worked with sustainable issues for the past 15 years. In the past she has worked in Montana with the Forest Service as civil engineer. Dean Chris Comer: Dean Comer came to The UM last a month. Recently in Chicago, he was also involved with sustainable measures, specifically working on climate issues. Discussion of Facility Services & VP Duringer’s SCC restructure proposal: VP Duringer summarized motivation behind a draft letter from President Dennison to the SCC. (emailed to the SCC via Mike on 1/26): The SCC’s was created when President Dennison signed the Talloires Declaration, and its charge and work load were greatly increased when he signed the American College & University President’s Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). The UM’s commitment to sustainable issues has been clear; by hiring Jessie Davie (ASUM Sustainable Coordinator) to compile the Green House Gas (GHG) Report, and Emily Peters (past Facilities Services Sustainability Coordinator), and recently by forming an Office of Sustainability, headed by the new fulltime position, Sustainability Coordinator position (Cherie Peacock). At the end of the first year of the “Climate Commitment,” the SCC completed the GHG Report; now in the last eight months of the second year, there are still many goals left on the agenda. The draft letter suggests items for the SCC to focus on: 1 = ACUPCC commitment (due September 2009). 2 = Earth Day events (possibly coupled with a “Sustainability Summit” held during Earth Week, to involve those on campus interested in sustainable issues). 3 = Suggestion of a presentation each semester; something to draw attention to what the SCC has accomplished so far and continues to do. (Vicki Watson suggested a fall event for new students, faculty and staff, to introduce people to sustainable issues, and then another summit during Earth Week in the spring to show what’s new in sustainability. VP Duringer suggested the Welcome Feast as a possible fall venue.) DISCUSSION on the SCC’s ROLE: Discussion ensued as to whether the SCC would evolve from an advisory body to a more active role. It was suggested that the SCC worked best by gathering information, researching issues and ideas, but should ultimately utilize the Sustainable Coordinator for turning SCC goals into action. Vicki mentioned that the idea behind both the SCC and the Recycling Committee, was that they operate as an oversight to allow faculty, staff, students and administrators to have a voice. It was also expressed that the campus needs to be made aware of Cherie’s position and that she is the contact person for sustainable issues. VP Duringer stated that although the SCC have tasks outlined, there isn’t a formalized action plan. He considers the SCC as the “intellectual passion and generators of ideas” and that the Office of Sustainability, headed by Cherie is to act on the SCC’s proposals by generating plans, timelines and budgets (with the help of other areas on campus). LIASIONS: Cherie asked the group about liaisons at other campuses. VP Duringer responded that considering other schools don’t have the same level of funding (and likely won’t hire their own Sustainability Coordinator), the SCC should reach out to provide guidance, training, and support. Mike suggested Cherie get the names of liaisons Vicki recruited and get in touch. Phil mentioned people at Helena he’s met with who are working on their own sustainable measures and asks if the SCC should add liaisons to the bylaws. Mike suggested discuss changing the bylaws to incorporate liaisons at the next meeting. DUAL CHAIR ROLE: The committee was asked to discuss having two chairs. A permanent chair (Sustainable Coordinator, Cherie Peacock) and a rotating chair (currently Mike Panisko). Discussion ensued on the various possibilities: Mike backed the idea of two chairs, but recommended the SCC continue to bring in outside speakers. VP Duringer felt co-chairs helped maintain continuity. Dean Comer mentioned the co-PI model (in which one chair has more responsibility and is involved daily, the other has less responsibility). Mark LoParco supported the idea of a main chair and a second co-chair, stressed continuity, and said he didn’t feel as a volunteer on the SCC that his voice would be diminished by having two chairs. Jessie Davie also backed Dean Comer’s suggestion of the co-PI model, and suggested evaluating the co-chair process at some point so the SCC can discuss how the dual chair position is working. Cherie said she sees the SCC as advisory to her work, and feels she is more accountable for accomplishing tasks as the Sustainable Coordinator than a co-chair would be. As her direct supervisor, Hugh Jesse agreed with that assessment for her position. DECISION: The SCC voted unanimously to change the bylaws to incorporate the new executive oversight (recommending to the President through the VP for Administration & Finance) and to incorporate the Sustainability Coordinator as a co-chair of the SCC (resulting in 13 voting members rather than 12). SCC bylaws would otherwise remain unchanged. (There were two handouts from Mike and Cherie detailing the SCC’s progress on the ACUPCC action plan. Mike asked the committee to look them over for discussion on the first draft of an action plan at the next meeting). Subcommittees: THE COMMITTEE WAS ASKED ABOUT FORMING SUB-COMMITTEES: The general sentiment was that sub-committees could benefit the SCC by conducting specific research on issues, brining the information to the SCC for endorsement and guidance. Cherie suggested sub-committees form based on items in the action plan, to alleviate work for the SCC. Laura cited the ASUM fee for the revolving energy project as an example of the kind of thing a sub-committee would address. Mike brought up the GHG inventory as an example of something an energy sub-committee would handle under Cherie’s advisory. (On a side note; Jessie expressed concern over a sub-committee getting the next GHG inventory done, but that one person would need to be charge of it. Discussion ensued on the next GHG inventory, specifically about including unaccounted athletic department travel figures and construction on campus). Mike suggested the Sustainable Coordinator (under “The Office of Sustainability”) serving as the “umbrella” for sub-committees to report to. Concern was expressed at the idea of making the Recycling Committee a sub-committee of the SCC, specifically that recycling could become the focus. However it was mentioned that having Cherie as the liaison between the SCC and the Recycling Committee could work well. It was suggested that there should be at least one member of the SCC on any sub-committees and that sub-committees form once a need is established. DECISION: To form sub-committees based on need. If the Sustainable Coordinator or the SCC sees the need to focus on an issue, then form a sub-committee. (Also, Phil suggested looking to Dining Services for their Green business plan, as a guide of how other groups may want to consider making practice into action, etc). Earth Day: Mike suggested the committee consider one main event for Earth Week sponsored by “The Office of Sustainability” (an activity or speaker, separate to community events). Jessie announced that she and Martha Sample would like to work on something for Earth Week (a speaker, or a summit, etc.) with the SCC’s support. Martha has been looking at the Campus Climate Commitment and ASHEE websites for ideas of what other campuses have done in the past. It was mentioned that Earth Week would be a good platform for the SCC to showcase accomplishments the committee has achieved so far. Phil felt this event may be a good platform to incite wider campus input (specifically for the action plan) and mentioned this could be a possible occasion for a summit. Cherie agreed that a summit is a good place to get input and feedback, draw on large community for the action plan and asked the committee for ideas on how to go about rolling this out. Mike said the next SCC meeting will be devoted to this. DECISION: Jessie agreed to chair an Earth Week planning committee, Derek will co-chair, and they will work with Cherie. Phil asked Martha and Jessie to bring specific Earth Week event suggestions to next SCC meeting. The committee mentioned using some of their budget to support events (depending on where the SCC budget currently is). (Vicki Watson has offered to be on the Earth Week Planning committee via her email of 2/6/09.) FLAT Update: The FLAT project has secured $6000 in funding so far, but still needs $6,000 for remaining construction (total needed is $12,000). Derek asked the SCC for up to $1,500. Information was passed out on the FLAT project (two homes near the Jeannette Rankin park), currently Derek resides in one of the properties. FLAT PROJECT OBJECTIVE: to renovate the spaces into a class rooms and be a learning project for the UM and other schools; to study various applications for construction, heating, insulation, sustainable building practices, and to generate interest and future study. There have been Montana Tech architect students working on the project, and are currently using the COT Carpentry program students. The project has utilized salvaged materials, and worked with an architect and builders locally. Once it’s complete, up to seven students will live there. Responsibilities will be divided amongst those living in the home, looking at tracking efficient energy usage, etc. Derek currently serves as director in the house, there’s a mission statement with objectives that will be put into an application for those who want to apply to live there. Renovation on the homes will be done in a way that’s applicable to the community at large (ie: asbestos was found in the attic of one of the homes, the removal will be a learning tool for students). DECISION: All voted in favor of donating $1500 (only after the SCC can confirm the budget has at least $5000 left). Mike and Cherie are find out what the current budget is. Mark LoParco agreed to donate $1000 for the MSU architect student costs involved, and suggested adding Dr. Teresa Branch (VP of Student Affairs) to Derek’s list of potentials for donation requests. Website Update: Jessie Davie asked the SCC for approval on the new layout for the “Greening UM” website and asked for $2000, to $2500 funding needed. Jessie explained that maintaining and updating the site would be the responsibility of the Sustainable Coordinator, the ASUM Sustainable Coordinator, and Vicki Watson, who has maintained the site for the last six years (since creating it with Spectral Fusion in 2003). Both Spectral Fusion and IT have said they can do a site for $2000 total (at this point the site has been updated and is ready to go, making cost less). Kelly expressed concern that the cost for a website generally costs more than a quoted figure and asked why the choice is either Spectral Fusion or IT. Jessie explained that either Spectral Fusion or IT would keep the Greening UM site as part of the entire UM site. A suggestion was made that Spectral Fusion and IT do non-profit websites for free and to look into that. Derek suggested contacting media arts students who may want to develop a site as part of a project which would potentially be cheaper. Derek offered to talk to students who may be interested, and will bring information to the next SCC meeting. Laura back the idea of having this be a project for students. Jessie expressed concern over the time that would take, as the site is ready to go now. Mike felt the site should be completed by Earth Day. DECISION: All voted in favor of donating up to $2,000 maximum (pending the SCC budget having at least $5000). Fill student vacancy on committee: Jessie agreed to speak to Trevor Hunter (ASUM President) about announcing the available student position on the SCC. NEXT MEETING: March 4, 2009; Facility Services Main Conference Room; 3.10pm – 4.45pm