Sustainable Campus Committee (SCC) Meeting Minutes Monday, April 5, 2010 ::: UC 329, 1:00pm – 3:00pm Members Present: Mike Panisko, Cherie Peacock, Mark LoParco, Dan Corti, Erica Bloom, Brian Kerns, Lindsay Becker, Patrick Rhea, Whitney Hobbs, Steve Siebert, Robin Saha Other’s Present: VP Bob Duringer, Hugh Jesse, Kelly Chadwick, Andrew Greiner & Brad Norman (UM Student Group Aqua Avengers), David Pecor and Courtney Zehring (UM Students from Creative Reuse), Rob Dunn (from Miller Light) Old Business: The March 2010 minutes were approved. Green Cleaning Policy (VP Duringer): There are no objections to the submitted draft of the UM Green Cleaning Policy; it will be submitted to the Executive Officers on Monday, April 19th along with the SCC’s letter of endorsement. Biomass Update (VP Duringer & Hugh Jesse): Considering a Biomass Site for UM: A team of five from UM went to Vancouver BC, to look at Nexterra’s biomass generators, and a paper mill in Vancouver BC that uses gasification technology. Currently UM pays $9 per million btu’s for natural gas; UM is considering using wood for gasification ($40 per ton of chipped wood) and are generating a request for information on the price of chips. Burning biomass release new carbon, not fossil carbon, and is therefore considered to have less GHG emissions than natural gas. The Nexterra gasification technology can burn cleanly and address air pollutions concerns in the Missoula Valley. Nexterra is being considered because their machines can burn wood better than others. This form of gasification would supply UM’s base load of 24,000 pounds of steam per hour, running either steam or synthetic gas into UM’s current turbine. The gasification structure would be 40ft wide, 90ft long, 50 ft high, designed to fit into current architectural look on campus. UM is favorable on this technology but there is a lot of work yet to be done. Discussion Items: If natural gas goes down to $7 per MMBtu, UM would have to purchase wood chips at $25 per ton to make the project financially viable. VP Duringer has a meeting with Perry Brown about harvesting beetle kill wood at lubrecht for a low price. He is also asking that Governor Schweitzer keep UM’s budget at the $9 per MMBtu pricing in order to fund this project. Cherie has looked into external funding options; please contact her know if you have funding suggestions. UM could sell green tags from a UM biomass plant to generate further funding (would sell tags for 5-7 years). A biomass site at UM would create one engineering job. UM will hire an engineering service company to enter into negotiations with companies to arrive at project scope and cost. Nexterra has quoted UM $9.5 million; the engineering service company may have better options and pricing. VP Duringer will bring all the project proposals to the BOR for approval. When approved, construction would take a year, looking at having the plant finished by Spring 2012. Update on UM Wind Farm Project: UM had a proposal from a national firm to buy into partial ownership of a wind farm at Judith Gap. The investment would be risky, large initially, no return on investment in the first 10 years, therefore UM is evaluating options. Social Marketing (Cherie): A Social Marketing Group has been having open meetings every Friday at 3pm, UC 215. The group is comprised of UM Students and a consultant group: Tutskey Marketing (Bob Tutskey, Marlene Hutchins and K.C. Hayes), to develop an overarching sustainable theme for next school year, encompassing sustainable ideals & goals. UM Can has developed a survey and will encourage participation via tables in residence halls, and an email from Residence Life. A campaign encouraging energy and water reduction will be designed based on survey results. RELF Committee Update (Robin): Applications for proposals are due Friday, April 9th at 3pm; allocation up to $60,000 for projects; proposals so far are: Installing energy monitoring systems in two residence halls, providing “real time” energy monitoring, still determining pay back in funds and behavior change. Thermal monitors for the exhaust fans for the dryer system in residence halls, so they don’t stay on continually as they do now. Motion sensors in residence hall commons areas for lighting. Climate Action Now students proposing Energy Star equipment for washing machines at various locations. Evaluation process: The suggestion was made that timeline and pay back need to be included in the projects. Robin felt that once initial projects are in place, the RELF committee will have better ideas on establishing criteria for the evaluation process. So far there are general application guidelines; Alex Zimmerman of Facilities Services has come up with an evaluation on cost savings. RELF still needs people involved that can help with criteria for evaluation and will seek guidance. Earth Week Events (Erica / Cherie): Update on the Earth Week Banner: Erica ordered a canvas banner; Sign Pro will print on it with soy ink. April 19th will be a recycled fashion show with clothing made of found objects. April 20th showing the film “Tapped” on bottled water with a panel discussion afterward. April 21st Event on the Oval, tables from various local organizations, permaculture & composting workshops, 12:30 President Dennison will speak on the Climate Action Plan, there will be a purchase of green tags. Dining Services offered to purchase $500 - $1000 worth of green tags, Cherie will contact President Dennison about the purchase and how to present it on the 21st. April 22nd UM Flat is having a Farm to College BBQ. Budget Update & Requests (Mike / Cherie): SCC Budget = $9,700. Several EVST students attended today’s meeting with funding requests related to Earth Week: Reducing Bottled Water Consumption: Having a table in the UC and on the Oval during Earth Day, to promote reduced bottled water consumption on campus. There will be a blind taste test between filtered, bottled, and tap water. The ultimate goal is to establish “hydration stations” (wall unit with sensors) on campus. Asking for $32.98 in funding for the taste test (cups, bottles of water, 150 copies of a survey, poster board). *ACTION Mark: Will supply everything via Dining Services, and provide reusable cups vs. plastic disposable cups. Reusable Workshop: Another group will hold a work shop on common items people throw away and how to reuse them. They will have brochures on recycling items, environmental facts on single use containers in MT, and cost savings analysis for shopping in bulk. $67.50 funding request. *ACTION SCC: Donate up to $100 – students to keep receipts to send to Carol Burman with a note from Mike & Cherie. Energy Conservation in UM laundry rooms: (are submitting a RELF proposal for sensors in laundry rooms). Request for $60.00 for 48 posters (two per laundry room on campus) encouraging less time in dryers and not overloading washers. Rita Tucker agreed to pay for laminating the posters. There was discussion as to whether Residence Life should be covering the cost. *ACTION SCC: To provide $70.00 in funding. UM Flat BBQ request for food funding (last year received $500 for food). *ACTION SCC: Will donate up to $300 for the BBQ. Portable Display Booth Update (Cherie): At the last meeting, there was discussion on have the COT build the SCC a sustainable display booth. Cherie emailed information on building a sustainable display booth; however the COT students are currently too busy. The SCC will continue looking at the option of having students build a booth over the summer. SCC Priorities for next year (All): Please think about priorities for the next year, ideas of what the SCC should be focusing on. There was a suggestion of a Sustainability Fee (what Climate Action Now will be working on). There were suggestions for an Annual Report and Sustainable Awards for various UM Departments. *ACTION Christina: To review previous minutes on criteria for SCC awards. General Discussion (all): Mark: Dining Services is working on accruing grass-fed beef from the Centennial Valley (so all beef would travel less than 500 miles) which may involve all four UM campuses. Looking at purchasing SOMAT machines (takes pre-and post consumer food waste, SOMAT machines convert it into soil enhancement, taking 80% of liquid out. Dining Services will put in raised bed vegetable gardens. Earth Tubs have been moved to the PEAS Farm. NEXT SCC MEETING: Monday, May 3, 2010 UC 329