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Information Systems Stewardship Model RESEARCH SYSTEMS STEERING COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE Research Systems
Steering Commi ee
Purpose The Research Systems Steering Committee (RSSC) brings key research computing stakeholders from across the university to work together to create a robust, sustainable, and integrated research computing environment. The committee is designed to integrate a broad group of university contributors to discuss the appropriate objectives for institutional research computing. The RSSC provides stewardship for research data centres, non‐administrative research information systems projects, researcher support, and other needs for information systems support of research. Objectives  Absorb and apply best practices from other research institutions  Extract maximum value from vendors through partnerships and alliances  Work with regional consortiums to ensure the University of Saskatchewan research interests are satisfied  Develop, maintain, and contribute to our relationship with Compute Canada, CANARIE, WestGrid, and other key agencies  Work with ICT to understand and identify resources for operating research computers on campus  Work with ICT to position the university as a leader and innovator in research systems management and service  Develop plans and identify resources to keep research computing resources up to date and appropriate  Position the university to do well in national and regional computing resource allocations  Provide research perspectives and input to Information Systems Steering Committee  Work with the Project Portfolio Office in ICT to develop clear and sustainable project plans  Expand the use of research computing to more researchers and to more research fields on campus  Ensure information systems security and compliance meets the requirements of Tri‐
Councils and other funding bodies  Develop and identify resources for software support for researchers Information Systems Stewardship Model Logistics The Research Systems Steering Committee will meet every two months. Committee members cannot delegate their role to a subordinate. The chair of the committee is the VP Research. The CIO and AVP ICT will prepare the agenda in consultation with the chair. Members Title Role Associate Vice‐President Research Voting (Chair) CIO and Associate Vice‐President ICT Voting (Agenda) Associate Dean (from a research intensive faculty) Voting Associate Dean (from a research intensive faculty) Voting Researcher (to be rotated every two years) Voting Researcher (to be rotated every two years) Director Research Services Director of a key research institute or initiative Graduate student (from compute intensive area) Associate Dean University Libraries Chair, Research and Scholarly Works Committee ICT Project Portfolio Office Manager Director ICT Client Services Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting Non‐voting Non‐voting CIO will solicit Associated Deans and Graduate Student for membership. Scope Stewardship of this committee applies to all research information systems and technologies developed and managed at the university. 