Agile Working Managers Sample Plan and Agendas Document Purpose: As part of the introduction of Agile Working with the move of Professional Services Divisions to Bidborough House, managers are asked to consult with their teams and 1-2-1 to gather information and to support their staff to transition to agile working. This document provides a proposed plan for consultations and sample agendas for the meetings that are recommended. These are suggestions only and each manager is free to use the most appropriate approach for their own staff. Version History: Version Date Updated By Description 1 16.02.15 Lee Jenner Initial Draft 2 18.02.15 Lee Jenner Updates after project team review at team meeting Table of Contents 1. Managers Sample Plan for Transition to Agile Working ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 2. Team Meeting Agenda .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 3. 1-2-1 Meeting Agenda .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Page 1 of 9 1. Managers Sample Plan for Transition to Agile Working What How Attend Managers Workshop a. Understand what agile working means in the context of the UCL Professional Services move to Bidborough House Raise issues and questions with the division champion and change management team b. Understand what the change will mean for you as an impacted staff member Discuss concerns and questions with Senior management c. Understand what the change will mean for you as a manager Discuss with peers Review presentation slide pack available on the website Review other materials and training available on the project website Attend project team drop-in sessions 1. Prepare Yourself d. Understand and prepare for your role in leading your staff through the change When Page 2 of 9 What How 2. Introduce agile working to the team Hold team session, using sample agenda below and materials from the Introduction presentation, the managers workshop and other materials provided by the project team Email, in person, or both a. Create common understanding of what agile working means in the context of the UCL Professional Services move to Bidborough House When b. Discuss drivers, benefits, and potential drawbacks for the team and PS more widely c. Capture initial questions/issues d. Identify areas of resistance 3. Communicate team issues and questions a. Raise issues and questions with the project champions or senior management as appropriate b. Get answers or resolutions c. Communicate back to the team Page 3 of 9 What How 4. Hold 1-2-1s a. Gather information to help identify whether the individual will work at a flexible or static desk when they are in the office, and any other requirements to prepare for the move b. Gather additional questions or issues to be raised with the project team Use the 1-2-1 sample agenda below Use the Managers 1-2-1 Checklist to gather data and send via email to your champion Communicate issues/questions to champion Ask for support from the champion, the change management team, or your manager if required Encourage staff to attend project team drop-in sessions if that would be helpful You may want to do this in a group rather than 1-2-1, just be mindful of confidential issues c. Identify what further support is required to prepare the individual for the transition d. Identify whether the person is overall positive, negative or neutral regarding the changes When Page 4 of 9 What How 5. Protocols, Policies, Working Practices a. Understand and contribute to the PS wide and divisional protocols, policies, and working practices as they are developed When Plans for developing and agreeing protocols, policies and working practices are in development. Your champion will keep you informed and this section will be updated. b. Share these with your teams and gather input, issues, and questions to be passed back via the champion c. Consider whether additional team specific practices are required 6. Regular communication and follow up a. Support two-way communication between the project team and your staff b. Follow up on the answers to your team’s issues and questions c. Feedback information gathered at drop-in sessions to your team d. Support your team members as required e. Raise any ongoing or new issues with your champion or senior management Page 5 of 9 What How 7. Start now a. Identify what steps can be taken now to start preparing for the move, e.g. less desk clutter Consider making it a challenge Hold meetings where attendees are not physically co-located Visit a flexible working office, either in person or virtually Ask your staff to identify a good starting point When Page 6 of 9 2. Team Meeting Agenda Purpose of the meeting : o Create common understanding of what agile working means in the context of the UCL Professional Services move to Bidborough House o Discuss drivers, benefits, and potential drawbacks for the team and PS more widely o Capture initial questions/issues o Communicate what will happen over the next few months before the move What does agile working mean for us o What changes are being introduced o Why o What possible benefits o What possible drawbacks Explain the 1-2-1 data gathering meetings o What’s the purpose o How will the information be used and by whom The process for raising issues and questions and finding out the answers o Staff Member -> Manager -> Champion -> Project Team -> Champion -> Manager -> Staff Member o Direct to Champion or Change Management team Page 7 of 9 o Attend drop in session How to get additional information o Website (not yet available) o Drop-in sessions (not yet scheduled) What next o Protocols, policies and working practices o Ongoing communication and follow up with the project team and champions o Consider what changes we can make now o Consider what our team will need to do differently Page 8 of 9 3. 1-2-1 Meeting Agenda This could be done in a group session or 1-2-1. There should be opportunities for staff to raise personal issues with you privately. Purpose of the Checklist Definition of Static and Flexible Complete the Checklist Any Questions or Concerns Page 9 of 9