AGENDA ITEM 11-A INFORMATION ITEM TO: CHAIRMAN COVINGTON AND THE VRE OPERATIONS BOARD FROM: DALE ZEHNER DATE: JANUARY 20, 2012 RE: VRE MISSION STATEMENT At the VRE Strategic Planning retreat in July, a suggestion was made to revisit VRE’s mission statement. VRE staff has completed that exercise and proposes the following revision for discussion. Current Mission Statement Virginia Railway Express, a joint project of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission and the Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission, will provide safe, cost-effective, accessible, customer-responsive, reliable, rail passenger service as an integral part of a balanced, intermodal regional transportation system. Proposed New Mission Statement The Virginia Railway Express, a joint project of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission and the Potomac Rappahannock Transportation Commission will provide safe, cost effective, accessible, reliable, convenient, and comfortable commuter-oriented rail passenger service. VRE will contribute to the economic development of its member jurisdictions as an integral part of a balanced, intermodal regional transportation system.