Master of Science in Marine Science Program Review 2004-2010 University of North Carolina Wilmington Center for Marine Science Education Committee Dr. Joan D. Willey, Chair and Contact Person Table of Contents Executive Summary………………………………………………………………..………2 UNCW Graduate Program in Marine Science…………….……………….……….……..3 Findings of Previous Reviews………………………………………….….………..…..…7 Center for Marine Science Strategic Plan 2007 – 2012 ………………….………..….….15 General Program Characteristics……………………………………….………..………..16 Certification, Interdisciplinary and Other Programs…………………….………..………21 Facilities and Equipment .…………………………………….……….…………..….…..21 Personnel……………………………………………………….……..….………..….…...23 Graduate Students……………………………………………………….….……..….…...26 Affirmative Action……………………………………………………….………..……....33 Summary of Research and Scholarship in Marine Science….………..….………..……...33 Strengths, Needs and Challenges ……………………………..….….……………..……..36 Appendix I – Vitae of Faculty Advisors Appendix II – Faculty and Graduate Student Publications Appendix III – New Courses Added Since the Previous Review Appendix IV – Equipment Available to Graduate Students Appendix V – Graduate Coordinator Representative Activities Appendix VI – Marine Science Graduate Student Handbook Appendix VII - Center for Marine Science Strategic Plan 2007-2012 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The marine science graduate program accepted its first class of two M.S. seeking candidates in the fall semester of 1998, with the first graduate in May 2001. Currently, 29 degree seeking students are enrolled in the program. Ninety-three students have received degrees to date, an average of > 10 graduates per year since 2002. The educational objectives of this degree program are 1) to provide a broad interdisciplinary understanding of marine science to students having strong undergraduate training in the sciences and mathematics and 2) to develop skills that will enable these students to utilize this knowledge to solve complex marine environmental problems. These problem-solving skills provide the foundation for future contributions by graduates in marine-related industries, environmental management, teaching, research, and other marineoriented careers. Students are also well prepared to undertake additional graduate study. This program offers graduate students diverse research areas from which to choose within the traditional areas of marine science, as well as specialty areas including harmful algal blooms, marine biotechnology, aquaculture, water quality, estuarine marine science, and atmospheric marine science. The marine science graduate program grew quickly to approximately 35 students since its inception in 1998. Factors contributing to this growth and success are the high quality of marine research conducted at UNCW, and faculty commitment to students, which results in close supervision and mentoring of students by faculty. The success of faculty in securing external funding has also contributed to our success because this funding provides research assistantships (RA) to support most of our graduate students. In addition, the continually increasing number of publications and presentations with graduate students as co-authors has significantly enhanced the visibility and reputation of the program. The marine science graduate program still has areas of concern. These include: • This program has only twelve teaching assistantships (TAs) that pay $11000 per academic year. There are no TAs for marine science students in summers, which means they are dependent on grant funding for summer support, or on competitive student stipends of $1000 offered through both the Graduate School and the Center for Marine Science in good budget years. • Tuition support for both in-state and out-of-state students is insufficient. The program has eight tuition remissions for out-of-state students, and only $9500 for in-state tuition support. Twenty-one of our current students are out-of-state residents for tuition purposes, and 75% of our applications come from out-of-state students. Because of tuition increases, the in-state tuition fund now covers complete tuition costs for only two students. • Our financial offers to prospective students are not competitive with other universities that offer more lucrative packages to superior students, so it is difficult to recruit the most highly qualified applicants. • This program is overly dependent upon one person, the Associate Director for Education; part of an additional faculty member would ensure continuity when this person is out of the office for any reason, and also improve the efficiency of communications with students and applicants. 2 • • • The research vessel that supports this program is old and no longer supports the needs of the program. There is very little space for new faculty on the main campus, and no lab space or offices for new faculty in Dobo and Friday Halls, although space should become available at CMS in the next few years. The limited main campus space along with the small number of teaching assistantships and low tuition support limit the possibility for growth in the MS marine science program. This report is the second review of the Master of Science in marine science graduate program. The first review conducted in the spring of 2004 was very constructive and yielded several important, concrete results. Two additional physical oceanographers have been hired, reducing this weakness. A concentration in marine policy has also been added, which makes our graduates more competitive in certain sectors of the job market. Some additional funding has been secured for graduate student support through the Center for Marine Science. This document is a summary of the marine science graduate program for the period 2004-2010 and an evaluation of current strengths and weaknesses of the program. We have made great progress in our marine science graduate program since its inception in 1998 and we see great potential for continued success in the coming years. UNCW GRADUATE PROGRAM IN MARINE SCIENCE Brief History and Description of the Academic Unit The Master of Science in marine science program is administered out of the Center for Marine Science and it reports to the Graduate School. This program builds on the strengths in the Departments of Biology and Marine Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Environmental Studies, Geography and Geology, and Physics and Physical Oceanography, and complements existing MS programs in Biology, Marine Biology, Chemistry, and Geology, as well as the Master of Arts in Public Administration and the MA in Environmental Studies. This program is managed by the CMS Associate Director for Education with guidance from the CMS Education Committee, which is composed of 14 academic and research faculty in the various areas of marine science at UNCW, one first year graduate student and one second or third year graduate student in the program. This program is truly an interdisciplinary program that does not have ownership by a single department. Almost all of the courses that marine science students take are taught through the academic science departments, and those departments receive credit for the credit hours produced. Because almost all faculty have primary affiliation in an academic department, this program does not need to generate credit hours to justify faculty positions, and the current arrangement benefits departments that contribute to the program. Whereas students can do similar research projects in either the marine science program or in one of the departmental programs, the marine science program is unique in that it is interdisciplinary, and students take courses in at least three different disciplines and have committees with faculty members from at 3 least two different academic disciplines. Faculty advisors for marine science students come from varied backgrounds: oceanography, marine science, aquaculture, biology, chemistry, economics, geography, geology, geophysics, and physics. Students also have diverse academic backgrounds; we have accepted students with undergraduate degrees in animal industries, anthropology, applied mathematics, biology, botany, marine biology, chemistry, biochemistry, geology, marine geology, engineering, environmental science, marine science, education, meteorology, natural resources, physics, wildlife and fisheries science, and zoology. Faculty and graduate students are housed in several facilities: the Center for Marine Science, which opened in 2000; Friday Hall, which was completely renovated in 2009; Dobo Hall, which opened in 1996; the new research shellfish hatchery which opened in the fall of 2010, and the older buildings DeLoach Hall and the Wrightsville Beach aquaculture facility. Students in our Master’s program receive rigorous training and a first class education. Many students are part of research teams composed of several faculty members, sometimes a postdoctoral fellow and often several undergraduates. This team-based approach is beneficial both from an educational and research productivity viewpoint and also provides students with valuable team-working skills vital in today’s global society. Our graduates have been very successful in finding relevant employment and in gaining acceptance into doctoral granting institutions, as is documented on our webpage ( The primary faculty included in this report include the 38 faculty members who advise current marine science students, or who have advised graduates of this program since 2004. These are the people most familiar with this program, and they all hold graduate faculty status at UNCW through their home departments, or, for several research faculty, through CMS. There are additional faculty who have contributed in various other ways, for example by teaching courses or serving on student committees. Input from both groups has been solicited in the preparation of this report, through email communications and open forums. Every attempt has been made to include all faculty who wish to be involved in this review process. Mission Statement The mission of the UNCW Center for Marine Science is aligned with the mission of the University to emphasize teaching, research and public service. The teaching function of the Center for Marine Science is accomplished through several courses that are taught at the Center, the general support the Center provides for UNCW courses (such as boat time) and the administration of the Master of Science degree in Marine Science. The Center excels at public service and hosts many events, lectures, seminars, meetings and other related activities aimed at individuals from K-12 to adults including senior citizens. Individuals at the Center routinely provide professional expertise that is used by various individuals and organizations whose work has broader societal impacts on our region. A strength of the Center for Marine Sciences is its dedication to providing an environment that fosters a multidisciplinary approach to questions in marine research. The Center is committed to training graduate students so that they have a strong multidisciplinary background to ensure their success in academic or professional opportunities after graduation. 4 Goals The educational objectives of this degree program are 1) to provide a broad interdisciplinary understanding of marine science to students having strong undergraduate training in the sciences and mathematics; and 2) to help students to develop skills that will enable them to utilize this knowledge to solve complex marine environmental problems. These problem-solving skills provide the foundation for future contributions by the graduates in marine-related industries, environmental management, teaching, research, and other marine-oriented careers. Students are also prepared to undertake additional graduate study. The long range goals are to produce welltrained marine scientists in each of the four core areas, and to contribute to sustainable management of our coastal natural resources. Dates New Degree Programs Were Established The Master of Science in marine science program officially began in the fall of 1998. There have been no major changes in the structure of the academic program since it began. The Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) began in 2001. The MPA program is an interdisciplinary professional degree program designed to provide a broad education for individuals expecting to enter government and nonprofit agencies and who aspire to management or policy positions. The MPA program provides courses of interest to MS marine science students, especially courses designed for the concentrations in marine policy and coastal management. One graduate from the MS marine science program has also completed requirements for the MPA degree. UNCW started a Ph.D. program in Marine Biology in 2002. This program provides students with a broad background and overview of the fields comprising marine biology and make use of the diverse interests of the marine biology faculty within the department. As is generally the case, the Ph.D. program is primarily a research degree. Students learn the process of identifying, defining and solving an original research problem. This Ph.D. program also includes a teaching practicum with classroom instruction in pedagogical techniques and technologies along with lecture experience under the guidance of a faculty mentor. No MS marine science graduates have entered the UNCW marine biology Ph.D. program to date, however one has been accepted for January 2011 admission. Several new degree or certificate programs have begun since the previous review of the MS marine science program. Since Fall 2005 the Department of Mathematics and Statistics has offered a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Applied Statistics. The Certification Program in Applied Statistics is intended to help fill the need for qualified personnel trained in the proper use of statistical methodologies. The overall objective of the program is to teach working professionals the necessary skills to ensure their data-based inferences and decisions are based on sound statistical principles. One MS marine science graduate has also completed the requirements for this Certificate. The Master of Arts in Environmental Studies began in 2008, with concentrations in Environmental Management, Environmental Education and Interpretation, and Coastal Management. This is an interdisciplinary graduate degree designed for professionals, practitioners, citizens and students who wish to strengthen their knowledge of the environment. 5 The multidisciplinary nature of this program provides the student with a unique balance of the scientific background necessary for sound environmental decision-making within the context of educational, political, sociological, economic and legal frameworks. The MA in Environmental Studies provides several courses of interest to MS marine science students. A post-baccalaureate Certificate in Environmental Science was established in fall of 2010; this program also has concentrations in Environmental Management, Environmental Education and Interpretation, and Coastal Management. The Certificate in Environmental Education and Interpretation currently has two MS marine science students pursuing this certificate in addition to their MS marine science degrees. New Degree Programs in the Planning Stages A Master of Science in Coastal and Ocean Policy is pending approval by the UNC Board of Governors; this proposal was submitted to the UNC System Board in 2009. A proposal requesting permission to plan a Ph.D. in Coastal and Marine Science at UNCW was submitted in May of 2010, with the approval of all the relevant UNCW administrators. Implementation of this program would enhance our capability to attract graduate students to the MS program, and would provide them with an additional pathway for doctoral education. This program would also help with recruitment and retention of new faculty. Changes to the Faculty since 2004 Department of Biology and Marine Biology Gained: Brian Arbogast, PhD Stuart Borrett, PhD Christopher Finelli, PhD Arthur Frampton, PhD Sean Lema, PhD Zachary Long, PhD Sonya Pyott, PhD Richard Satterlie, PhD Eric Schuettpelz, PhD Bongkeun Song, PhD Amanda Southwood, PhD Alison Taylor, PhD Marcel van Tuinen, PhD William White, PhD Vertebrate Ecology Ecological Modeling Biological Oceanography Virology Physiological Ecology Coastal Ecology Sensory Biology Neurobiology Plant Systematics Marine Microbiology Physiological Ecology Cell Biology Molecular Biology Fisheries Ecology Lost: Stephen Brewer, PhD Greg Chandler Courtney Hackney, PhD Laela Sayigh, PhD Coastal plant Ecology Plant Systematic Estuarine Ecology Marine Mammalogy Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Gained: Emmanouil Chatzakis, PhD NMR Spectroscopy 6 Lost: Ralph Mead, PhD Jeremy Morgan, PhD Michael Webb, PhD Marine Organic Geochemistry Organic Chemistry, Bioactive Natural Products Spectrochemical Analysis William Cooper, PhD Jack Manock, PhD Aquatic Photochemistry Aquatic Toxicology Department of Environmental Studies Gained: James Rotenberg, PhD Anthony Snider, PhD John Taggart, PhD Tropical Avian Ecology, Migratory Birds Natural Resource Policy Protected Area Management, Plant Ecology Lost: GIS and remote sensing Naikoa Aguilar-Amuchastegui, PhD Department of Geography and Geology Gained: Eman Ghoneim, PhD Coastal Remote Sensing Chad Lane, PhD Geochemistry Lost: Craig Tobias, PhD Bill Harris, PhD Bill Cleary, PhD Jim Dockal, PhD Paul Thayer, PhD Marine Biogeochemistry Stratigraphy Coastal Geology Geology Sedimentology Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography Gained: Dylan McNamara, PhD John Morrison, PhD Coastal fluid dynamics, Non-linear Time Series Forecasting Ocean Circulation, Ocean Observing Systems FINDINGS OF PREVIOUS REVIEWS: GRADUATE SCHOOL EXTERNAL REVIEW IN 2004 The previous review of the MS in marine science program was conducted in 2004 after the first five and one half years of operation. The external reviewers were Dr. Robert Christian, a marine biologist at East Carolina University and Dr. William Ullman, a marine geochemist in the College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware. They conducted a thorough and constructive review. Their summary follows: The Master of Science in Marine Science (MSMS) is a vibrant graduate program at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW). This program is housed administratively in the Graduate School of the UNCW and operates with the extensive support and cooperation of the Departments of Biology, Earth Science, and Chemistry and, 7 to a lesser extent, with the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography. It also receives extensive support and cooperation from the Center for Marine Science. The faculty who contribute to the MSMS program come from a number of different academic units including the Department of Economics and Finance in addition to the units mentioned above. The fluidity of the faculty roster, while unusual in an academic organization, seems to work very well in the MSMS program at UNCW. Faculty have commitments to their home departments and contribute to the MSMS program, as they are able. Since most of the courses required for the degree are offered in the various departments, the commitment to the MSMS program is largely in the areas of research and advising. Given the present organization of the MSMS program, it is difficult to distinguish between the contributions of the program and the contributions of the associated units. All of the faculty with whom we consulted appear to participate actively in the teaching, service, and research activities of UNCW, but these contributions are often credited to their home departments or to CMS rather than to the MSMS program. There does not appear to be a strong need to change the present organization of the MSMS and associated programs as long as it is recognized that it may be difficult to properly attribute activities of active faculty to the MSMS program. The current students in the program and the graduates of the program with whom we met seem to be generally pleased with the academic aspects of the program including advisement and coursework. The major issue for the current students is the lack of adequate stipend to meet their educational and educationally related needs. UNCW needs to find ways to better support their graduate student population if it desires to maintain and expand its graduate offerings. Students need to receive adequate stipends, tuition remission, medical insurance, and access to medical care. The MSMS program and the marine components of the graduate programs of the Departments of Biology, Earth Science, and Chemistry support a motivated and active student population of 92 students (31 in the MSMS program, 41 in the MS programs in Marine Biology, 5 in Chemistry, and 15 in Earth Sciences). In terms of student numbers, UNCW is as large as many better known marine science institutions. It is probably the largest primarily MS granting marine science program in the US! UNCW should recognize the importance of this program to the University and to the State of North Carolina with the resources necessary to maintain, improve, and expand the opportunities for all of these students and other graduate students associated with the contributing departments. Specific recommendations and responses to them follow. 1. We recommend that the MSMS faculty offer more opportunities, in the form of seminars, field experiences, case-study courses, and interdisciplinary lecture courses, for their students to apply the disciplinary knowledge acquired in the core courses to truly interdisciplinary problems in coastal and marine science. Three potential areas for interdisciplinary courses that were discussed are 8 biogeochemistry, ocean observation systems, and data assimilation and informatics. We have not added any seminars, although each of the departments has a seminar series that occasionally has marine topics. We have not added a case study course, although case studies are a part of several existing courses. The core courses, while offered through individual departments, contain interdisciplinary topics. A course in biogeochemistry would be a good addition, however none of the departments has faculty time available to offer this course. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has the necessary expertise, but the faculty are already teaching full loads. The Department of Environmental Studies has added several new courses, including a field methods course. Several MS marine science students have done internships through this department. The Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography has added several new courses, including one that incorporates ocean observing and data management. Descriptions for several new courses follow, and a complete list of new courses can be found in Appendix III. EVS 515. Field Methods in Environmental Studies (3) A survey of methods, techniques and instrumentation used in environmental fieldwork. Focus is upon data gathering, analysis, interpretation and application to environmental management. Required field trips. . EVS 520. Foundations of Coastal Management (3) Interdisciplinary investigation into the relationship between human society and coastal ecosystems, focusing upon the political, economic, socio-cultural and scientific challenges facing coastal managers. Core principles of coastal management will be used to develop potential solutions to contemporary coastal issues. Required field trips. EVS 598. Internship (1-3) Supervised experience with credentialed professional in environmental studies. PHY 577. (477) Observational Methods and Data Analysis in Physical Oceanography (3) Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. This course will supply the student with a working knowledge of the use and operation of various physical oceanographic instruments and data reduction and analysis techniques. PHY 579. (479) Ocean Circulation Systems (3) Prerequisite: PHY 475 or 575. Course focuses on results of World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), a multi-national, multi-decadal program designed to observe the global ocean. Explores large-scale circulation and properties of the ocean to lay the foundation for the challenge of understanding the future of the world oceans and their role in climate change. PHY 580. (480) Coastal and Estuarine Systems (3) Prerequisite: PHY 475 or 575. An introduction to the physical processes operating within coastal and estuarine systems. The focus of the course will be on the dynamical description of topics such as gravity waves, surf zone hydrodynamics, storm surge, tides, estuarine hydraulics, sediment transport and morphodynamics. 9 2. We recommend that UNCW expand the number of researchers in the field of physical oceanography. We recommend that a minimum of two additional researchers be added in this area with at least one having full faculty status and privileges. The physical oceanographers should be co-located in order to share facilities and increase opportunities for collaboration for themselves, their students, and with other participants in the MSMS program. It is apparent that the current arrangement with the Physics and Physical Oceanography Department to host faculty in the field of physical oceanography is not serving the needs of the MSMS program as well as should be expected (see below). UNCW has added two physical oceanographers partly in response to this recommendation, however one has a half time administrative position (Dr. John Morrison). Dr. Morrison has been added as a full professor with administrative duties, so he only teaches one course per semester. Dr. Dylan McNamara has been added as an assistant professor. The Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography has also added several new marine physics courses (described above and in Appendix III). The three physical oceanographers are co-located at CMS. They are among the most research active faculty in their department, however they receive very little credit or relief time for their research and graduate student mentoring, both of which benefit the MS marine science program. 3. We recommend that the MSMS program explore opportunities for collaboration with faculty in other UNCW units with interests in coastal and marine resource management to increase the opportunities for interdisciplinary courses and research for students with interests in the management/policy field. We note that the Certificate in Environmental Sciences and Masters of Public Administration programs both appear to have some faculty and coursework that could meet these needs. The MS marine science program has added a marine policy concentration in response to this recommendation. Approximately one third of the students in the program complete the concentration as a part of their MS program. Concentration requirements follow: MARINE POLICY CONCENTRATION In addition to the core and other required courses, students seeking a Master of Science in marine science with a concentration in marine policy must also complete the following: PLS 543 Environmental Policy Analysis (3) OR EVS 564 Natural Resource Policy (3) AND PLS 544 Resource Economics (3), OR ECN 525 Environmental Economics (3) OR ECN 530 Natural Resource Economics (3) AND two additional 500 level courses (6) in BIO, CHM, GLY, or PHY (excluding 599 thesis not more than 3 credit hours DIS) AND one course (3) from the following: 10 GIS Option: GGY 520 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (3), GGY 526 Environmental Geographic Information Systems (3), EVS 555 Geospatial Analysis for Environmental Management (3) Remote Sensing Option: GGY 522 Remote Sensing in Environmental Analysis (3), EVS 554 Remote Sensing for Environmental Management (3) Management Option: PLS 500 Managing Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3), PLS 520 Seminar in Coastal Processes and Problems (3), PLS 521 Legal Foundations of Coastal and Environmental Management (3), PLS 522 Field Seminar in Coastal Management (3), PLS 524 Managing Coastal Hazards (3), PLS 525 Managing Coastal Ecosystems (3), PLS 540 Environmental Management (3), EVS 520 Foundations of Coastal Management (3) 4. We see no problem with the current time required to complete the MSMS degree. A 2 to 2.5 year interval is consistent with the time required at many other MS granting institutions in the marine, earth, and environmental sciences fields. We do not see the need for a separate MSC501 course, but some culminating activity late in the second term that requires the students to prepare and present a public summary of proposed research would appear to be a useful pre-thesis event to ensure that all students are making timely progress toward their degrees. The average time to degree for full time students over the last seven years is 2.7 years, or 32 months, slightly longer than for the time period of the previous review but shorter than the national average time for a MS marine science degree of 2.9 years (Consortium for Ocean Leadership data, October 2010). The previous review covered only three years in which there were graduates so it was a much shorter time period, and a smaller number of graduates (22 vs. 92). All students take MSC 595 Marine Science Seminar, usually in their second semester. In late April, there is a poster presentation in that course, and each student presents a poster with research ideas, objectives and results to date for their own thesis research project. All marine science faculty and graduate students are invited to this poster session, which has become a popular tradition. 5. We recommend that UNCW explore opportunities for distance learning for their MSMS and other graduate students using new interactive television technology. These opportunities may best be available through the UNC system and sister universities. Although we have not added any distance courses, student committee meetings and defenses are often conducted using distance technology, especially when one committee member is at a remote site. The Department of Environmental Studies has added the following course as an online course: EVS 525. Foundations of Environmental Education and Interpretation (3) Principles, philosophies and methodologies of environmental education and interpretation are examined within both formal and informal educational settings. Extensive field-based opportunities will allow students to not only develop foundational knowledge but to gain practical experience in 11 developing, implementing and evaluating environmental education and interpretation programming. Required field trips. 6. We recommend that students who have had upper division, undergraduate courses with similar content to core courses be allowed to meet one or more of the core course requirements by alternative means. Potentially, such students would have to demonstrate the equivalence of course content of the previous course to the required course by either examination or the successful completion of a specialty course in the area of the core course but at a higher level. Students meeting the requirements by these alternative procedures should still be required to complete the same number of course credits for graduation. This option might give students with good initial preparation in marine sciences an opportunity to explore some other disciplinary areas or to enroll in additional interdisciplinary courses (see above). This question is being addressed on an individual basis, however there have been no requests to waive or bypass core courses. Students may not realize this is an option, or they may be hesitant to bypass a UNCW core course knowing they might have to take that section of the comprehensive exam in May of their first year. 7. We recommend that mechanisms for the attribution of time and effort with appropriate credit be considered that formally recognize the activities beyond the departmental level. The continued success of this important program depends on a feedback system that properly rewards component units. There is very little credit given for research guidance or thesis credit hour production in any graduate program at UNCW. This problem is not unique to marine science. 8. We recommend that departmental status for the marine science program not be considered for the near future unless some unforeseen conditions prompt strong faculty interest in this direction. Departmental status for marine science at UNCW was discussed during the brief tenure of our former provost, and there was little support for a department. Faculty have strong loyalties to their home departments, although membership in a virtual department of marine science had some interest. 9. We recommend that the current administrative structure be maintained for now. In 2-3 years, a review of the structure may be worthwhile, perhaps in coordination with a review of assessments of the activities beyond departmental level (see above). No action has been taken on this topic. 10. We recommend that an alternative faculty home be found for the one current physical oceanographer and for future colleagues to be hired in this area of 12 oceanography. A number of alternative homes for the MSMS physical oceanography group are possible within UNCW: the Department of Earth Sciences, the Department of Environmental Studies, or directly to the Center for Marine Sciences. Physical oceanography still resides in the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography, however two new physical oceanographers have been added, and they are located in close proximity to each other at CMS. Dr. John Morrison has a one half time administrative position and teaches only one course per semester. Because this department does not have a Master’s degree program, the oceanographers are the only faculty who work with UNCW graduate students and they are among a very few who obtain external funding. This research time and effort is not fully appreciated or rewarded, and teaching assignments are excessive for research active faculty. 11. We recommend that the level of annual support guaranteed to a supported student be increased to better reflect student expenses and the stipend amounts offered to MS students at competing institutions. Students suggested that an annual stipend of $1000/month for a 12- month year would allow them to meet most of their expenses if tuition waivers were granted separately. All grants supporting students should be required to budget for this minimum level of support. This level of support should be the same for all collaborating departments and for all students, with the exception of students supported on specific outside fellowships where the mandated stipend is above the normal student level (for example, NSF and STAR fellowships). All graduate students should be separately granted support in the form of full tuition remission. We propose that one source of additional tuition remission support could be a requirement that all indirect (facilities and maintenance) costs derived from student stipend components of grant budgets be used to offset the tuition expenses of graduate students. This additional source of tuition funding, together with existing sources (current or slightly increased levels of in-state and out-ofstate tuition remission) should be enough to meet the tuition expenses of all graduate students. Further, there is a larger context for the low stipends and other policies related to graduate student support, and we recommend that that the UNCW upper administration coordinate efforts with other UNC System universities to meet the documented needs. This is an ongoing challenge for all graduate programs at UNCW. Tuition increases have made this problem much worse over the last five years. The Center for Marine Science, under Dr. Dan Baden as director, has made some indirect cost funds available for student support. This was $60,000 per year, however for the last two years it has been cut to $49,000. This has been used in recruiting to offset some of the tuition and other student expenses. $32,000 of this money goes to support two Merritt Fellows, with one new Fellow entering each year. Marine science graduate students take almost all their courses in their first year, so tuition expenses in the second year and beyond are minimal. This lower expense is critically dependent upon the continuing availability of GRC 600, a no credit continuing graduate enrollment course that makes a student full time 13 and costs approximately $150 per semester for an in-state or out-of-state student. Students can only take GRC 600 after they have completed all program requirements and 30 credit hours. 12. We recommend that UNCW review the medical insurance and medical care available to graduate students to ensure that most are able to receive necessary care when ill and able to do so at a reasonable cost, given stipend levels. As with stipends, this may be best addressed at the UNC system level. Medical insurance is now required of all UNCW students. Students who do not have insurance can buy insurance for $700 per year. However this expense comes out of their assistantship or other sources of income. 13. We recommend that the MSMS program (and perhaps CMS) find opportunities to gather all students with interests in marine sciences together for events that include some social activities including mingling. One student suggested that late afternoon seminars followed by an informal reception would go a long way to meeting this need. Also, consideration should be given to novel ways of providing transportation between the two locations. There are several social events at CMS during the year: a ‘welcome new graduate students’ social, usually two graduation events (December and May), sometimes a summer graduation event, and a seasonal December feast. There still is no transportation between CMS and the main campus. When this service existed, there were very few users and so it was discontinued, however a shuttle service is being considered at the present time. 14. We recommend that students be better informed of exactly what student services are provided by UNCW and its Graduate Office and how to best access these services. The existing Graduate Student Handbook could be expanded to include this information or an indication of where to find current information on the web could be added to the Handbook. Graduate Office staff might be reminded of the respect they should show students. The Graduate Handbook for marine science students was revised with the help of a current student during the spring semester of 2010, and it does contain information about the Graduate School and its functions. There have been some personnel changes at the Graduate School; hopefully this is helping improve attitudes there. 15. We recommend that UNCW develop career programs specifically for MSMS and other graduate students. UNCW has not actively pursued this recommendation. Graduates have been successful in finding suitable placements, although it has taken longer for some with the current economy. 16. We recommend that active care be taken to maintain the relatively high level of facilities as the buildings and equipment begin to age. We also recommend that mechanisms be developed for enhanced communication between MSMS 14 students, particularly those located at CMS, and computer technical support staff and the UNCW library. CMS has two very capable computer technicians. The librarians actively and enthusiastically offer their expertise to graduate students and faculty. Facility upgrades are happening on a regular basis. CENTER FOR MARINE SCIENCE STRATEGIC PLAN 2007 – 2012 EDUCATION SECTION, PRIORITY GOALS 1. Establish a Ph.D. in Marine Science at UNCW A faculty committee prepared a Request for Permission to Plan a Ph.D. program in Coastal and Marine Science during the academic year 2009-2010. This committee had members from all the relevant departments, and faculty input was sought throughout the process. This proposal has been endorsed by the UNCW administration and it was sent to the UNC Board of Governors in May 2010. The proposal has not yet been considered at the UNC system level. There are several reasons why this degree is important to marine science at UNCW. The University has the faculty expertise and resource base to support a Ph.D. in marine science. The current Ph.D. program in marine biology can accommodate only about half the marine science faculty at UNCW. The lack of a marine science Ph.D. degree has made recruiting of highly qualified students into the MS marine science program much more difficult in the last five years. 2. Implement and fully develop the articulation agreement between UNCW and the University of Southampton (UK) Progress has been made on this topic. There now is an undergraduate student exchange program. One MS marine science student has gone to Southampton, and one Southampton graduate student has come to UNCW for several months. Faculty linkages, which are critical to the success of this program, are being made, along with plans for faculty exchanges. The Gillings Family Foundation provides funding for both student and faculty exchanges between Southampton and UNCW. Southampton is planning a joint field education program for their Master’s in Oceanography students and the MS marine science students at UNCW, along with advanced undergraduates from both universities. The existing memorandum of understanding with Southampton will be reviewed next year. Other relevant goals in the CMS Five Year Strategic Plan follow. Goal E.3. Develop the Master of Science in Marine Science Program to its full potential. The current number of students (29 degree-seeking students including six who have accepted positions and are not working on their theses full time) is at the low end of our optimal range. Five degree-seeking and two non-degree seeking students will begin in January 2011, and three will graduate in May 2011. This program is restricted from much growth by limits on faculty 15 resources (time for research supervision and obtaining research funding) and by funding for student support. Although faculty members active in the marine science MS program are expending considerable effort and are successfully obtaining research funding to support graduate students, institutional financial support for stipends and scholarships are deficient. Although the number of graduate teaching assistantships (TAs) has recently increased to twelve from eleven and the number of tuition remissions to eight, we have actually lost overall support because tuition has increased more than the recent increase in student stipends from $10,000 to $11,000, and the level of in-state tuition support from the Graduate School has not changed in twelve years. These stipend levels are not only non-competitive, but even with an out-of-state tuition remission do not cover the student’s expenses. Currently the projected graduate tuition for fall 2011 is $3,185 / semester for in-state and $8,359 per semester for out-of-state students, or $6,370 per year and $16,718 per year, respectively, for a total estimated cost of attendance of $19,230 and $29,944 respectively ( Once all 30 credit hours and all requirements are completed, students can enroll in Continuous Graduate Credit (GRC 600) for no credit hours. GRC 600 makes the students full time and costs approximately $150 per semester regardless of residency status, reducing total estimated cost of attendance to approximately $12,800 per year. Continuation of GRC 600 is essential in order to maintain the current size of this program. Objective E.3.2: Increase diversity and maintain balance of disciplines among students in this program There are no fellowships for minority graduate student so recruiting of minorities is extremely difficult at UNCW. To date, the program has had one black student (from Ghana), and three Hispanic students. One Asian American student will begin in January 2011. Recruiting students with backgrounds in geology and physics has also been difficult; most applications come from students with backgrounds in biology, followed by chemistry. The Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography is adding a combined BS physics and MS marine science with the hopes of retaining some of their superior undergraduates. A new BS in oceanography degree program is approved and will be implemented soon, and this should also produce students trained in geological and physical oceanography, some of whom may enter the MS marine science program. The entire CMS Strategic Plan can be found in Appendix VII. GENERAL PROGRAM CHARACTERISTICS Administration The Master of Science in marine science program is administered out of the Center for Marine Science and it reports to the Graduate School. This program is run by the CMS Associate Director for Education with guidance from the CMS Education Committee, which is composed of fourteen academic and research faculty and two graduate students in the various areas of marine science at UNCW. 16 This program is very dependent upon the Associate Director for Education; part of an additional faculty member’s time as an Assistant Director would ensure continuity when this person is out of the office for any reason, and also improve the efficiency of communications with students, applicants and faculty. The management of this program has become increasing complex with many different responsibilities, which include recruiting, resource allocation and justification, data management, course scheduling and advising for all new students, administration of the comprehensive exam, compiling various reports (Graduate School, SACS, CMS), frequent communication with students and faculty, and program assessment in addition to teaching and mentoring graduate students (Appendix V). Additional staff support would also be helpful. Time to Degree The average time to achieve a MS degree in marine science nationwide is 2.9 years, or 35 months (Consortium for Ocean Leadership data, October 2010). This long time frame reflects the challenges and unpredictability of doing field based research in marine science. The average time to degree in this program is 2.7 years, or 32 months. The time to degree at UNCW is therefore three months shorter than the national average, which is a whole summer, or almost a whole semester. Curriculum The curriculum is reviewed every year or two as questions or suggestions are received by the CMS Education Committee. There are four three-credit-hour core courses offered each year: BIO 564 Biological Oceanography, CHM 575 Chemical Oceanography, GLY 550 Marine Geology, and PHY 575 Physical Oceanography. Each course is graduate-only except for physical oceanography, which is cross-listed. Each graduate student must take at least three of these courses in order to graduate. Typically, we have approximately 10 to 15 graduate students in each of the core courses. These courses are rigorous; students often have to do additional work outside of class in order to strengthen their backgrounds in courses not in their undergraduate major. Students also must complete a course in scientific research methods, which can be taken through courses in the Department of Biology and Marine Biology (BIO 501), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHM 501) or Department of Geography and Geology (GLY 501), plus the seminar in marine science (MSC 595), and between three and six thesis hours (BIO 599, CHM 599, GLY 599 or PHY 599). Students also must obtain expertise in sampling and other field work because this is central to marine science. This is achieved in one of three ways: through research activities, by taking MSC 526 “Cruise and Field Sampling” or by taking CHM/PHY 575 “Chemical and Physical Analysis of Seawater.” Students, after conferring with their faculty committees, select the balance of their required credit hours from courses offered by the participating departments. Required Courses BIO 501. Methods in Scientific Research (2) Scientific manuscript preparation and communication techniques: manuscript format, graphics, design of experiments, library use, oral presentation, and writing techniques. Two lecture hours each week. 17 OR CHM 501. Introduction to Chemical Research (2) Scientific proposal and manuscript preparation. Communication techniques. Experimental design and data analysis. Computer applications. Library use. Laboratory safety. Two hours each week. OR GLY 501. Research Methods in Geology (2) Scientific proposal preparation, experimental design, scientific ethics, library use, safety, project management, data analysis, quality assurance and computer applications. One lecture and two laboratory hours per week. Three of the following Core Courses: BIO 564. Biological Oceanography (3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Discussion of the recent oceanographic literature concerning nutrient cycling, distribution and regulation of oceanic productivity, and advances in methodologies used to study oceanic processes and controlling factors. Three lecture hours per week. CHM 575. Chemical Oceanography (3) Prerequisite: General chemistry. An oceanography course is recommended. Sources, distribution, forms of occurrence, and reactions of chemical species in seawater. Chemistry of concentrated aqueous solutions. Patterns of global ocean circulation. Air-sea and sediment-seawater interactions. Estuarine processes and reactions. Human impact on the oceans. GLY 550. Marine Geology (3) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Topography, sediments, structure and geologic history of the marine and estuarine environment. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trips. PHY 575. Physical Oceanography (3) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An introduction to the descriptive and dynamical features of ocean circulation. Topics include: the physical properties of seawater; oceanic heat budget; dynamics of ocean currents; descriptive oceanography; waves and tides. AND MSC 595. Graduate Seminar (1) Discussion of research ideas and results by students and faculty. Preparation and presentation of research prospectus by student. AND BIO, CHM , GLY or PHY 599 (3-6) Thesis hours. Other Marine Science Courses 18 MSC 526. Cruise or Field Sampling (1) Prerequisite: Permission of program director. Cruise and/or field sampling not covered by other courses. Participation in the planning and sampling phases of major marine or environmental research programs. MSC 579. (CHM 579) Role of the Oceans in Human Health (3) Prerequisite: CHM 212, BIO 110, or consent of instructor. Discovery, structure, and biological activity of marine bioactive compounds, chemotaxonomy, pharmaceutical leads, marine biotoxins, structure, mode of action, regulation and monitoring, the producing organisms, how (biosynthesis) and why these compounds are made. Two lectures per week. MSC 591. Directed Independent Study (1-3) Although several new courses have been added that are important for marine science students (Appendix III), several have also been lost. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has stopped offering two courses that were of interest to marine science students, CHM 578 Aquatic Toxicology (due to retirement) and CHM 574 Aquatic Chemistry. The Department of Geography and Geology has lost several marine faculty members, and they are currently in the process of recruiting and hiring. Depending upon their hires, several marine courses could be lost. Time Frame for Courses Students usually complete 25 to 30 credit hours of course work in their first year in order to make the best use of tuition support. Credit hours above nine in one semester have no additional cost. Once all 30 credit hours and all requirements are completed, students can enroll in Continuous Graduate Credit (GRC 600) for no credit hours. GRC 600 makes the students full time and costs approximately $150 per semester regardless of residency status. Continuation of GRC 600 is essential in maintaining the size of this program. After the completion of courses, students can focus completely on their research and any teaching responsibilities. Indicators of Success in the Graduate Program Indicator 2004-2010 Number of graduates External research funds (38 faculty advisors) External research funds (CMS 2010 only) Number of peer-reviewed publications with graduate students as authors or co-authors Number of professional presentations with graduate students as authors or co-authors; approximately half have published abstracts 69 >$65.4 million >$38 million >43 >160 Students and faculty advisors have been very active in giving presentations, including many with published abstracts, with more than two per thesis on average. Most theses produced in this program result in one publication; many result in two (Appendix II). Because of the time lag in 19 publications, we expect to see more publications over the next two years from this group of graduates. The following plot shows the number of peer-reviewed publications per year since the program first in 2002 (closed symbols), which has increased steadily (p = 0.02). The number of graduates per year has not increased (open symbols) hence the increase in publications reflects greater productivity per student. 2010 publications include those through October of 2010, and the number of graduates for 2010 assumes that three students will graduate in December of 2010. Further evidence of our program’s success is from the retention and graduation rate of the 100 students enrolled between 2004-2010. Only three students have left the program during this time. Two students left for personal reasons and one will probably return to the program. One student left because he decided he was more interested in teaching than research, and he was accepted into a MA in teaching program at UNCC which allowed him to continue working as a high school science teacher while having all his tuition expenses paid by his graduate program. This 3 % loss compares with a 10% loss during our first five years. Students have been supported by many sources between 2004 - 2010: National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, Sea Grant, NC Marine Biotechnology, and the Carolina Beach Fishing Club. The success of the program is also indicated by the acceptances of our graduates in doctoral programs at Duke University, Purdue University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC State University, the University of South Carolina, the University of Maryland, the University of Southern California, Stony Brook University (NY), VIMS, UVA Charlottesville, the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands), the University of Heidelberg (Germany), University of Ulster, and University of Victoria in Wellington, New Zealand. Graduates have also been successful in finding a variety of relevant positions upon graduation (see the graduates section of the program webpage 20 CERTIFICATION, INTERDISCIPLINARY AND OTHER PROGRAMS Two marine science students are also pursuing a Certificate in Environmental Studies. They can be enrolled in both programs at the same time, and some of the courses count in both programs. One graduate completed a Master’s in Public Administration and a MS in marine science. One graduate completed both a Certificate in Applied Statistics along with the MS in marine science. There has been a cooperative Ph.D. program in marine science between UNCW and North Carolina State University; however, there is no funding for this program, so it is not active at this time and has not been for many years. Using adjunct faculty status, several faculty members supervise or have supervised Ph.D. students who are enrolled at other universities including NCSU and UNCCH. No MS marine science graduates have enrolled in the UNCW Ph.D. program in marine biology to date, although one will enter in the spring of 2011. One other graduate applied; however, there was limited funding available for her at the time, so she accepted a position at the Johns Hopkins University. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Center for Marine Science The Center for Marine Science (CMS) on Masonboro Sound along the Intracoastal Waterway south of Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, was occupied in 2000. The original facility had 75,000 square feet of indoor research space. A new operations wing opened in 2008 with almost 20,000 square feet of space. The three physical oceanographers are housed in close proximity to each other in the OPS wing. CMS has a 700 ft pier capable of accommodating an 80 foot research vessel as well as a host of other smaller vessels. The RV Cape Fear, an aged 63-foot research vessel, operates out of the Center for Marine Science. A flowing seawater facility (capacity 450,000 gallons per day) provides scientists with raw, filtered and treated seawater for a host of research applications, including a recently renovated greenhouse. CMS also has several classrooms, a large auditorium and graduate student space. Currently 5 marine science graduate students are housed at CMS. Several students in the Master of Science in Marine Biology, Chemistry and Geology are also housed at CMS. A new 11,000 square foot research shellfish hatchery has recently opened (October 2010) on the CMS campus. One of the five MS marine science students will conduct her research at this hatchery. A new marine biotechnology MARBIONC building (69,000 square feet) is in the final design and planning stages, and is scheduled to open in 2012. MARBIONC is UNCW’s state supported economic development program for marine biotechnology research and development. The new building will house university scientists along with public and private groups interested in developing natural marine-based products for a wide variety of uses. Completion of the MARBIONC building will free up several faculty office/laboratory suites in the original CMS building; these could accommodate expansion and new faculty in marine disciplines. Dobo Hall Dobo Hall, occupied in 1996, is located on the College Road campus, and houses most of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and much of the Department of Biology and Marine Biology. There are approximately 100,000 square feet of laboratory space. Dobo Hall has a large 21 instrument laboratory, clean room, environmental chambers, cold rooms, and many classrooms of various sizes. Dobo Hall houses an NMR spectroscopy facility with a 600 MHz NMR and a microscopy facility designed to accommodate light and electron microscopes. Dobo Hall houses currently houses seven marine science students, as well as graduate students in marine biology, biology and chemistry. DeLoach Hall DeLoach Hall houses the Departments of Geography and Geology and Physics and Physical Oceanography. Currently five marine science students currently reside there. Several graduate students in the geology MS program are housed in DeLoach Hall; the Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography does not have a graduate program at this time. Friday Hall Three marine science students are housed in Friday Hall. Friday Hall houses the department of Environmental Studies and part of the Department of Biology and Marine Biology. The Department of Biology and Marine Biology maintains a modern 2250 square foot greenhouse adjacent to Friday Hall, as well as a vertebrate range; an herbarium adjacent to Friday Hall. The greenhouse provides facilities for faculty and student research projects and for laboratory exercises. The vertebrate range provides a place for preparation and storage of vertebrate research and teaching collections and provides for research and study involving vertebrate animals. The herbarium is the repository for dried collections of algae, fungi, bryophytes and vascular plants. The function and activities of the herbarium include documentation of the vegetation of the regions in which the specimens are collected, serving as a source of teaching and research material, engaging in exchange programs with selected universities, providing loans of specimens to other institutions and individuals in taxonomic research and serving as a source of information to persons interested in the identification of plants. Wrightsville Beach Aquaculture Facility Marine science students with interests in aquaculture conduct their research at the UNCW Aquaculture Facility at Wrightsville Beach. Currently there are six students working with one faculty advisor and one research faculty member at the Aquaculture Center; their offices are located a short distance (1 mi) from the Aquaculture Facility. Other faculty advisors active in aquaculture and their students are housed at CMS or on the main campus. Research at the Aquaculture Facility currently focuses on the controlled breeding of marine finfish, larval and juvenile culture, the development of recirculating technologies for the land-based production of marine species to marketable sizes, and integrated polyculture as a means of reducing the environmental impacts of aquaculture. There are several broodstock holding systems, a larviculture laboratory, a pilot scale hatchery with live feeds production systems, and a variety of experimental and pilot scale recirculating growout tank systems. Culture facilities are supported by on-site laboratories for water quality analyses, feeds preparation, and biochemical analyses of fish feeds and tissues. 22 With the exception of those housed in DeLoach Hall, marine science faculty and students for the most part are housed in new and well maintained buildings with excellent laboratories. Faculty and students are scattered among seven buildings on three different campuses, which hinders a sense of cohesiveness in the program. Also, there is little space available for growth, or for new faculty, on the main campus. Library Facilities Library facilities are more than adequate for this program; librarians are keeping up-to-date with new search methods and many journal articles are available electronically. Equipment Available to Graduate Students A list of equipment available to graduate students in this program can be found in Appendix IV. PERSONNEL The table on the following two pages lists the 38 current tenured and tenure track faculty members who are currently serving or have recently served (since 2004) as advisors for marine science graduate students. These advisors include 13 faculty in marine biology, 8 in marine chemistry, 8 in marine geology/geography, 3 in physical oceanography, one in environmental economics, and 4 CMS research scientists in biology or aquaculture. Curriculum vitae for these faculty members are located in Appendix I to this document. Part of one administrative assistant’s time is assigned to this program. There have also been 23 postdoctoral fellows who have been involved in the teaching and research missions of the program over this time period, including 10 through the Business of Biotechnology program and three supported by CMS in support of this master’s program, with the rest supported by research grants to individual faculty members. There have also been numerous faculty from other institutions who have served on committees; this information can be found on the Graduates webpage ( Faculty members who serve as advisors for current marine science graduate students or who have been advisors for graduates of the program since 2004. Name Lewis Abrams Rank Date of Hire Highest Degree Graduating Earned Institution University of Ph.D. Rhode Island Professor 1997 G. Brooks Avery Associate Professor 1997 Ph.D. UNC-Chapel Hill Daniel G. Baden Jeffrey Professor 1999 Associate 1997 Ph.D. Ph.D. University of Miami Louisiana State 23 Areas of Expertise and Research Coastal Geology and Geophysics Biogeochemical cycling in sediments, the water column, and the atmosphere Isolation and structural identification of toxins from bloom algae. Cell biology, evolution, and Craig Bailey Professor Frederick Bingham Stuart Borrett Lawrence Cahoon William Cleary Christopher Dumas Michael Durako Professor Assistant Professor University 1994 Ph.D. 2007 Ph.D. Professor 1982 Professor (retired) 1972 Associate Professor 1997 Ph.D. Professor Ph.D. 1997 Wilson Freshwater Douglas Gamble Research Analyst 1995 Associate Professor 2000 Nancy Grindlay Joanne Halls Professor 1997 Associate Professor 1999 Eric Henry Paul Hosier Patricia Kelley Robert J. Kieber Thomas Lankford Lynn Leonard Michael Mallin Dylan McNamara Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Duke University University of South Carolina U. of California Berkeley University of South Florida UNC-Chapel Hill University of Georgia Physical Oceanography Quantitative ecology, ecosystem modeling Benthic microalgal production, nutrient cycling, water quality Coastal Geology Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Restoration, physiological ecology of seagrasses Molecular systematics and evolution of marine plants and algae Ph.D. University of Rhode Island University of South Carolina Applied Climatology Tectonics of submarine transform, convergent, and divergent plate boundaries Geographic Information Systems Associate Professor 2002 Ph.D. University of Arizona Hydrology, Water Resources Professor 1972 Ph.D. Duke University Plant Ecology, Ecology of Coastal Vegetation Professor 1997 Ph.D. Harvard University Professor 1989 Associate Professor 2000 Ph.D. Professor Research Professor Assistant Professor Ph.D. Scripps Institute of Oceanography The University of Georgia systematics of marine and freshwater algae. Ph.D. Ph.D. 1994 Ph.D. 1992 Ph.D. 2008 Ph.D. University of Maryland University of Delaware University of South Florida UNC-Chapel Hill University of California San Diego 24 Invertebrate Paleontology Air/sea exchange processes; Metal ion speciation in natural waters Ichthyology and Fish Biology Coastal Hydrology and Sedimentology Aquatic and Estuarine Ecology Physical oceanography. Coupled humanenvironmental systems; Coastal fluid dynamics Assistant Professor 2007 Ph.D. Florida International University Professor 2006 Ph.D. Texas A&M University Professor 1995 Ph.D. Ph.D. Steve Ross Professor 1989 Research Associate Professor 2003 Richard Satterlie Frederick Scharf Professor 2004 Associate Professor 2003 Ph.D. Professor 1988 Ph.D. Professor 1981 Ph.D. Professor 1996 Ph.D. Associate Professor 2004 Ph.D. Ralph N. Mead John Miller Morrison D. Ann Pabst Martin Posey Pamela Seaton Ronald Sizemore Stephen A. Skrabal Bongkeun Song Carmelo Tomas Wade Watanabe Ami Wilbur Ph.D. Ph.D. Duke University University of Oregon Marine Mammalogy North Carolina State University University of California, Santa Barbara University of Massachusetts University of Vermont, Burlington University of Maryland University of Delaware Deep sea ichthyology, deep corals Control of locomotion, and Locomotory speed, in marine invertebrates Professor 1999 Research Professor 1997 Associate Professor 1999 Ph.D. Ph.D. Rutgers University of Rhode Island University of Hawaii University of Delaware Joan D. Willey Professor 1977 Ph.D. Dalhousie University Jeffrey L. Wright Professor 2000 Ph.D. University of Glasgow Ph.D. Marine Organic Geochemistry Descriptive physical oceanography, general ocean circulation, Ocean Observing Systems 25 Estuarine Ecology Fisheries Biology Bioorganic chemistry Marine Microbiology Trace metal estuarine and sediment marine science Marine microbial communities dynamics in C and N cycles Marine Phytoplankton Finfish Aquaculture Shellfish Genetics and Mariculture Trace metal speciation in rain and seawater, air-sea exchange processes Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from marine organisms Faculty from other institutions who have served on UNCW Master of Science in marine science student committees since 2004. Name Department Home Institution Jeffrey A. Buckel John S. Burke Department of Biology NCSU NOAA, Beaufort, NC National Marine Fisheries Service Gregory P. Dietl Department of Zoology Daniel Kamykowski Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Mark Helvey National Marine Fisheries Service Thomas Losordo Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Len Pietrafesa Sciences Parke A. Rublee Biology John Schoolfield NC Division of Marine Fisheries Harvey E. Seim Department of Marine Sciences NCSU NCSU NOAA, CA NCSU NCSU UNC Greensboro NC Dept. of Natural Resources and Environment UNC Chapel Hill GRADUATE STUDENTS Student Application Data The Master of Science in marine science program at UNCW has enrolled students from almost all of the UNC campuses, several private schools in NC and universities in many other states. Thirty seven percent of the students and graduates during this time period completed their undergraduate degrees at UNCW. International students have come from Finland, Italy, England, Cyprus, Ghana, and Puerto Rico. Application data are shown below by year in the following graph. 26 Several observations can be made from these data. 1. The program has become more selective, going from approximately a 90% acceptance rate in the first two years to an acceptance rate of one third to two thirds in the two most recent years. 2. Most students who are accepted enroll in the program. 3. The number of applications peaked for admittance in academic years 2001-2002 and 20022003, probably because this was the time period when the Glaxo Wellcome Oceans and Human Health grant was active, and this was advertised on the program website. Grade point average (GPA) and Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores for full time students enrolled for the time periods indicated are listed below. The Master of Science in marine science program does not require a subject test because our students come from many different backgrounds, some of which do not have GRE subject tests, for example marine science or environmental science. Average GPA and GRE scores for all applicants, for all full time students who enrolled, and for the current students and the graduates for the Master of Science in between 19982003. n = number, NR = not relevant. 1998-2003 n GPA last 60 hrs GRE V GRE Q GRE A GRE new A All applicants Enrolled Current Graduates 165 55 32 23 3.27 3.34 3.38 3.00 491 487 493 481 603 596 595 610 625 629 637 642 4.69 4.75 4.75 NR 27 Average GPA (last 60 credit hours) and GRE scores for all applicants, for all students who enrolled, and for the current students in the Master of Science in between 2004 - 2010. n = number. The two numbers for the GRE A are the newer scores vs the older scores. nd = data not compiled. The average UNCW graduate school GPA for the 69 graduates is 3.68. 2004-2010 n GPA Last 60 Hrs GRE V GRE V % GRE Q GRE Q % GRE A GRE A % All applicants Enrolled Current Graduates 161 100 31 69 3.37 3.45 3.40 3.43 487 496 506 499 56 58 60 nd 627 631 633 622 55 55 56 nd 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4, 612 47 48 53 nd The ETS (Educational testing Service) reports that for the approximately one and a half million students that took the test between 2006 and 2009, the mean scores were 456 (V), 590 (Q) and 3.8 (A), for students in the life sciences the means were 453 (V), 574 (Q) and 4.0 (A), and in the physical sciences 482 (V), 691 (Q), and 4.0 (A) ( The current students and graduates of this program had scores above the means of each of these three groups except for the quantitative mean of the physical science majors. These data show: 1. Applicants are of good quality and in general are acceptable as students based on test scores and GPA. 28 2. The GPA of students enrolled in this program has improved over time (p < 0.001); test scores do not show a trend (p > 0.05). 3. Students who enroll are as qualified as the applicant pool in general, so this program is not disproportionately failing to recruit good students, nor settling for the less qualified students. Admission Criteria Applicants seeking admission to the graduate program in marine science are required to submit the following to the Graduate School: 1. An official application for graduate admission 2. Official transcripts of all college work (undergraduate and graduate) 3. Official scores on the Graduate Record Examination (verbal, quantitative, and analytical) 4. Three recommendations by individuals in professionally relevant fields 5. Statement of research interests, including names of several faculty members who are conducting research of interest to the applicant. A bachelor's degree with a concentration in a natural science or mathematics from an accredited college or university in this country or its equivalent in a foreign institution based on a four year program is required for admission, along with a "B" average or better in the student's major. In general, students must have a faculty advisor agree to accept them before they can be admitted. Undergraduate grades, GRE scores, recommendations and statements of research interest are used in concert in making admission decisions, which are made by the program director and the faculty advisor. Occasionally, students with low GPA or GRE scores are accepted provisionally (or as non-degree seeking students) and are required to prove that they can succeed in our program by earning a B or better on all graduate course work taken during their first semester or year. The majority of these students become very successful graduate students and graduate. Recruiting The marine science program recruits students primarily through maintaining a current and interesting web site, which includes a page with information and photos of current students and one for graduates including their placement upon graduation ( This web site describes our program and has links to individual faculty web pages and to the Graduate School for direct access to application materials. Prospective students often visit UNCW before they decide to come; they talk with faculty and graduate students. Most enroll at UNCW after their visit. Recruiting physical oceanography students has been extremely difficult because of the low numbers of physics majors nationwide, the low financial package offered by UNCW and the lack of a marine science Ph.D. at UNCW. The Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography is in the process of implementing a combined BS/MS program to try to alleviate the low graduate student numbers in this area. Students in this program begin research projects as young 29 undergraduates and take a carefully planned sequence of courses, with the goal of obtaining a BS degree in physics and a MS degree in marine science in approximately five years. Degree Requirements The degree requirements for the marine science graduate program as defined in the Graduate Catalogue are: 1. The Master of Science in marine science will require a minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate study. These credits may come from the student's major area of study as well as graduate courses offered by other departments as approved by the student's advisory committee. The student's advisory committee should include a minimum of three faculty members from at least two departments. 2. The courses most appropriate for each student will be determined by the student's advisory committee, with the expectation that a student will usually take no more that 12 credit hours from those courses cross-listed as 400/500. Each student must complete at least three of the following core courses: biological oceanography, chemical oceanography, marine geology and physical oceanography. 3. Transfer work must be equivalent to a "B" or better, and courses must be acceptable to the student's advisory committee. A minimum of 24 semester hours of graduate study must be completed in residence. 4. The student must successfully complete a written comprehensive examination based on their core courses, and an oral exam on their research area. Students must also submit a prospectus that includes a course plan, literature review and research proposal, and that is acceptable to the student’s advisory committee. 5. Each student must complete a thesis, based on original research, acceptable to the student's advisory committee and to the Graduate School. Each student will present a public seminar on his or her research project. The seminar will be followed by an oral defense of the thesis, conducted by the student's advisory committee. 6. The program shall be completed within five years of the date of first registration for graduate study. Students must also acquire field sampling experience, which can be documented in one of three ways: through research activities, or through taking either MSC 526 “Cruise and Field Sampling” or CHM/PHY 576 “Chemical and Physical Analysis of Seawater.” Advising Students are provided with two orientation sessions, a general one through the Graduate School prior to the start of classes, and one specifically for marine science students given by the program director during the first week of classes. The Marine Science Graduate Student 30 Handbook is provided to all new students; this was revised in the spring of 2010 and can be found in Appendix VI. If the new student has a faculty advisor when they enroll, and most do, the faculty advisor and the program director both give advice on courses to take. All students have a faculty advisor by the end of their first semester in residence. All full time students also enroll in an introduction to scientific research course (BIO, CHM or GLY 501) during their first year, usually in their first semester. This course helps students define a research project for their thesis work. During this time, the student selects a thesis committee, which also provides the student with advising and mentoring. Through this advising network, every effort is made to help students remain in good academic standing and move steadily towards thesis defense and graduation. Student Expenses and Support Currently the projected graduate tuition for fall 2011 is $3,185 / semester for in-state and $8,359 per semester for out-of-state students, or $6,370 per year and $16,718 per year, respectively, for a total estimated cost of attendance of $19,230 and $29,944 respectively ( Once all 30 credit hours and all requirements are completed, students can enroll in Continuous Graduate Credit (GRC 600) for no credit hours GRC 600 makes the students full time and costs approximately $150 per semester regardless of residency status, reducing total estimated cost of attendance to approximately $12,800 per year. Continuation of GRC 600 is essential for maintaining the current size of this program. This program receives funds for twelve graduate teaching assistantships (TAs) from the Graduate School each year, which are split between first and second year students. The TA stipend is $11,000 for the academic year. This is substantially less than TAs receive in MS programs at most other UNC campuses. Students can be supported by a TA for a maximum of five semesters, and there are no TAs in the summer months. Additionally, many students are funded by research assistantships provided by faculty with research grants. A few students typically are supported by internships or fellowships. Occasionally students are fully employed throughout their graduate work and do not request additional support. Partial tuition support is provided for full time students through tuition scholarships awards and out-of-state tuition remissions. The Graduate School allocates 8 out-of-state tuition remissions per year to this program. Out-of-state remissions are preferentially given to first year students; students are encouraged to complete most of their coursework in the first year so their tuition is greatly reduced after that. The tuition scholarship money from the Graduate School ($9,500 per academic year) typically is awarded to in-state students, however occasionally it is given to an especially qualified out-of-state student as a recruiting tool. A new Scholar Award ($1,000) is also provided by the Graduate School to assist with recruitment of a highly qualified student each year. In the last few years, CMS has provided additional research support to this program which helps to cover tuition and living expenses; however, very few students have full tuition coverage. CMS provides funds for two Merritt Fellowships each year. These are named for our former director of CMS, and they pay $16,000 per 12 month year, plus (with the help of tuition remissions from the Graduate School) all tuition expenses. 31 Summer financial support has been provided to most full-time graduate students through research grants to faculty. Occasionally one student per summer is awarded a Summer Research Scholarship ($1,000) from the Graduate school. Between one and five students typically receive a CMS summer stipend of $1,000. Several students have no support in the summer; some work on their research and some take summer jobs. Graduate students can receive up to $400 from the Graduate School and an additional $400 from CMS for travel to professional meetings to present their research. Most students go to meetings and receive support from both of these sources. Support of graduate students also includes providing each full time student with office space and access to computers, either directly in their office or in a computer lab. Graduate Teaching Assistant Assignments Marine science graduate teaching assistantships are divided approximately equally among the five participating departments. Marine science graduate teaching assistantships are nominally 20 hours per week. Students are assigned to teach in the subject area closest to their undergraduate major. Their teaching assignments are made by the graduate coordinator of that department, and they undergo the same training as the TAs in that department. TAs usually teach laboratory sections, assist in laboratory preparations, grade papers, or conduct help sessions. TAs do not individually conduct classroom instruction. Most of our TAs enjoy teaching the labs and find that they must more thoroughly learn the material to be able to teach it to the students. Formal teaching experience is also an important feature in resumes. Student Placement The marine science Master of Science program has been very successful in placing graduates in relevant positions over the lifetime of this program. The placement of our graduates in relevant employment or in Ph.D. programs is close to 100%, even for the December 2010 graduates, as shown on the graduates webpage ( Two graduates have been awarded and completed NOAA Dean John Knauss Marine Policy Fellowships and one more will begin in February 2011. Of the 69 graduates between 2004 – summer 2010, 30 remained in NC after graduation (43%) and 39 went elsewhere (53%). Placement by job category is shown in the following table. Teaching includes high school and community college. Government NC govt = 3 Other state govt = 5 Federal = 9 Education Ph.D. programs = 10 Teaching = 5 UNCW labs = 6 Private Sector = 21 Non-profits = 3 Home = 1 32 Other Univ labs = 6 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION UNCW STATEMENT ON DIVERSITY IN THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY Revised January 1, 2010 In the pursuit of excellence, UNC Wilmington actively fosters, encourages, and promotes inclusiveness, mutual respect, acceptance, and open-mindedness among students, faculty, staff, and the broader community. Diversity is an educational benefit that enhances the academic experience and fosters free exchange of ideas from multiple perspectives. Diversity includes, but is not limited to race, sex, age, color, national origin (including ethnicity), creed, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, veteran’s status, gender, educational disadvantage, socio-economic circumstances, language, and history of overcoming adversity. More information can be found on the UNCW Human Resources webpage The MS marine science program supports the above statement and strives to maintain diverse student populations. However, diversity is very low in marine science programs nationwide. “The geosciences, including oceanography and ocean sciences, trail all other science, engineering, technology and math fields in numbers of degrees granted to underrepresented minorities (African Americans, Hispanic/Latinos, Native Americans and Pacific Islanders). Approximately 4% of all earth, atmospheric and ocean science degrees are conferred to minorities (or 5.5% for oceanography, specifically.) Considering that underrepresented minority students comprise nearly 25% of all university degrees earned in the US, our fields are far behind in engaging minority students as majors and in maximizing the full human resources potential of students entering the geoscience workforce” (Cindy Martinez, American Geological Institute, 2010, Ocean Science Education Retreat, Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Washington DC, October 20, 2010). The MS marine science program at UNCW has had 3.25% minority enrollment as defined by the National Science Foundation (African Americans, Hispanic/Latinos, Native Americans and Pacific Islanders) over the 13 year history. The program is currently around 60% female, and the graduates are also approximately 60% female. Both numbers are consistent with the Consortium for Ocean Leadership data for marine science programs nationwide. When a minority student self-identifies as minority on the application, and the applicant meets admission standards, every effort is made to find full funding for that applicant. All minority students, like all our students, are carefully mentored by their faculty advisors and by the program director. SUMMARY OF RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP IN MARINE SCIENCE Publications and Presentations Copies of abbreviated faculty members’ vitae including lists of publications during the preceding five to seven years are included in Appendix I. Appendix II contains a list of publications with 33 MS marine science graduate students as co-authors. Most theses result in at least one publication, and an average of two presentations at regional, national or international scientific meetings. As evidenced from Appendices I and II, the marine science faculty have an impressive record of publication which is appropriate for active researchers. Many of these publications appear in the most prestigious journals in the field, including Aquaculture Research, Biogeochemistry, Deep Sea Research, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Harmful Algae, Hydrobiologia, Journal of Geophysical Research, Limnology and Oceanography, Marine Biology, Marine Chemistry and Microbial Ecology. The impact of the marine science faculty is not limited to journal articles; the faculty has also published a variety of reports, abstracts, book chapters and instructor’s manuals. The breadth and scope of scholarly activity is a testament to the high caliber of research conducted by our faculty and graduate students. External Support, Faculty Research Grants The 38 marine science faculty advisors have received more than $65.4 million in external funds between 2004 and 2010. The Center for Marine Science has received more than $38 million in 2010 alone. Many students are supported by grants as research assistants, and their research expenses are usually funded by external grants to individual or groups of faculty members. The funding received in marine science has been broad-based and spread over many research areas, which reflects the breadth and depth of our interdisciplinary research programs. Grants have been obtained from a wide array of funding sources including both federal and state agencies. Many of these awards have come from the most competitive programs in the country including but not limited to the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, US Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Marine Fisheries, Sea Grant and NOAA, many of which typically have funding success rates less than 30 percent. Faculty Review Activity and Leadership Roles The marine science faculty play leadership roles in their discipline through a variety of different activities. Marine science faculty advisors review many manuscripts per year for over one hundred different journals, including Marine Biology, Marine Chemistry, Marine Geology, the Journal of Physical Oceanography, the Journal of Geophysical Research, Science, Organic Geochemistry , Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science, Nature Geosciences and many specialized journals. Faculty have served on editorial boards for Harmful Algae, Transitional Waters, Annals of Biology, Marine Ecology PZN, Marine Ecology Progress Series (MEPS), Palaios, the Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, the Journal of Aquaculture (Korean Aquaculture Society), Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Ecology and the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology. Faculty commonly also review manuscripts for book chapters as well. Marine science faculty advisors also review grant proposals for over 40 different federal and state granting agencies, including NSF, NASA, NIH, national Sea Grant, many state Sea Grants, EPA, National Geographic Society, NOAA and US Department of Agriculture. Marine science faculty advisors serve on many different advisory boards for example International Council for Exploration of the Sea, Coral Advisory Panel of South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, National Oceanographic Partnership Program review panel, D/UNCOC Advisory Board, Science Advisory Council to NOAA Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and 34 Technology (CIOERT), University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Council, NASA Biodiversity and Environmental Forecasting Research Team, International Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conferences, NASA Ocean Color Research Team, NC Division of Coastal Management’s Ocean Policy Study Committee in 2008, a legislative study subcommittee on Offshore Energy (2009), NC Division of Coastal Management’s Ocean Policy Study Committee, a NC legislative study subcommittee on Offshore Energy, Brunswick Community College Aquaculture Program Advisory Committee, Cape Fear Community College Marine Technology Advisory Committee, American Geological Institute Government Affairs Advisory Committee, and the Geological Society of America Evolution Policy Statement Panel. They also serve on technical committees including the AGU Ocean Sciences Executive Committee, the Governing Board of the Estuarine Research Federation, the Coastal Resources Committee of NC, and the Remote Sensing Expert Panel of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. International Activities Marine science is and always has been an inherently international endeavor. Every ocean borders on many different countries and cultures. Management of global marine challenges requires international cooperation. In keeping with this idea, marine scientists at UNCW are very involved in international collaborations. A few examples follow, and all of these have involved students. Dr. Carmelo Tomas currently has an EPA grant to run training workshops on identification of harmful algae in the Gulf of Mexico in five different Mexican states. He also collaborates with colleagues at the University of Oslo and the Norwegian Institute of Water Studies on invasive harmful algae species in Norwegian coastal waters. Dr. Tomas has ongoing projects with the University of Salento in Lecce, Italy, and the Zoological Station in Naples, Italy. Dr. Wilson Freshwater has an NSF grant to update the marine algal flora of Panama, and to develop phycological expertise and collaboration among Central American researchers. Two Central American marine algal workshops have been held as part of the second goal; these workshops included researchers from Venezuela, Columbia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico, Cuba, Egypt, Malaysia, Germany, France and the US. An additional workshop emphasizing the participation of Panamanian students (at the University of Panama) will be held this coming summer 2011. The Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry Research Laboratory (Drs. Brooks Avery, Robert Kieber, Ralph Mead, Stephen Skrabal and Joan Willey) has an ongoing rainwater-seawater interaction study, and they have collected rain and seawater samples from Bermuda, New Zealand, and India, and they soon will be collaborating with scientists at the University of São Paulo, Brazil on the effects of ethanol combustion on rainwater composition. This group is also working with a colleague at Southampton University, UK, planning an estuarine chemistry project. Dr. Patricia Kelley has a grant from the National Geographic Society to study latitudinal variation in shell-drilling gastropod predation along the coast of Brazil and Argentina in collaboration with Argentinean colleagues. Dr. John Morrison is conducting research at the Charles Darwin Research Station, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador designed to build climate relevant criteria into Galápagos Management design based on high resolution nested-grid hydrodynamic modeling. Other faculty linkages include collaborations with colleagues in Puerto Rico, France, Spain, Belgium, Chile, Belize and Curaçao. 35 The Center for Marine Science at UNCW has an exchange program with the University of Southampton’s School of Ocean & Earth Science, which is based at the National Oceanographic Center, United Kingdom. This program, which is still evolving, includes student exchanges at the BS, MS and PhD level, as well as exchanges for faculty. Planning is underway for an exchange of field training courses at the MS level. This program enjoys financial support through the Gillings Family Foundation. Community Service Related to Program Goals The marine science program is committed to community outreach in our local region. Faculty provide exemplary community service to southeastern North Carolina consistent with the mission of the university and CMS. Many of the projects conducted by marine science faculty are good examples of science in service to the community. Several of the faculty serve as science advisors to local television and radio stations and newspapers. Many of our faculty also do outreach to local elementary, middle and high schools where they try and instill in these young students a sense of wonder about scientific discovery. Some faculty serve as mentors to individual students or science projects. Other faculty serve as judges in local science fairs and conduct other program evaluations for several non-profit organizations. UNCW was host to the statewide Ocean Science Bowl for high school students for the last two years. In addition to faculty participation in the Ocean Science Bowl, many marine science graduate students have contributed by serving as judges, moderators or recorders for this large event. STRENGTHS, NEEDS AND CHALLENGES Strengths 1. The professional energy, expertise, accomplishments and reputation of the faculty in this program are the greatest strengths of the program. 2. Success of the graduates as indicated by the close to 100% placement in relevant positions even for the December 2010 graduates ( 3. Access to core facilities at CMS plus instrumentation on campus. Unlike many marine programs which have their marine labs located several hours away from the main campus, the UNCW Center for Marine Science is only seven miles from the main campus. 4. Diversity of research areas and access to a wide variety of marine environments in which to conduct research, including riverine, estuarine, coastal, and open ocean waters, as well as fresh and salt water marshes and barrier island habitats. 5. Diverse student backgrounds including animal industries, applied mathematics, biology, botany, marine biology, chemistry, biochemistry, geology, marine geology, engineering, environmental science, marine science, education, meteorology, natural resources, physics, wildlife and fisheries science and zoology bring different points of view to this program. 6. Graduate students have many opportunities to teach undergraduate labs and mentor younger 36 students in research, including undergraduates and new graduate students. 7. Many postdoctoral fellows bring new scientific expertise to UNCW, and extensive international collaborations provide students with unique opportunities and exposure to new ideas. Needs 1. UNCW needs to increase assistantship amounts and tuition support in order to offer prospective students a competitive package. This is necessary to attract and retain highly qualified students. This program needs to have 20 teaching assistantships, as compared to the current 12. Additional assistantship and tuition support would allow growth in the number and improvement in the quality of students in this program. Concomitant with this need is the need for increased numbers of students to be covered by research assistantships from faculty research grants. Faculty who have research grants can pay students more than the TA amount, but usually do not. More grant supported research assistantships could ultimately lead to relaxation of TA stipend need, instead offering the TA opportunity as a training opportunity instead of a funding need. 2. Graduate faculty time for mentoring graduate students is threatened by high and increasing teaching loads, increasing undergraduate class sizes, and increasing administrative duties. Administrators who formerly assisted faculty with their teaching, research, and grant applications have become consumed with assessment and accountability. 3. In support of marine science, UNCW/CMS owns and operates R/V CAPE FEAR as a research and education support facility. The R/V CAPE FEAR, originally designed and used as a commercial fishing vessel, was purchased by UNCW in 1996 and converted to a research vessel. The 63' (19 m), 23-year old vessel is nearing its serviceable lifespan and our research and educational needs have outgrown its capabilities. Its use is limited by inadequate lab space (salon/galley doubles as dry laboratory/training space that can only reasonably accommodate < 8 persons), deck space (inadequate to carry modern interdisciplinary research instrumentation and a typical class of 10-20 students), and limited sea duration. Noise levels on deck when the ship is in motion do not meet OSHA work standards without protection, which is not only hazardous but contrary to a modern research/classroom environment. A credible marine science program needs a reliable, well equipped vessel to provide access to the marine environment. However, research need (which translates into operating funds) remains to be identified to justify acquisition of a vessel. The vessel should be recognized by UNCW Academic Affairs as vital to undergraduate and graduate training in marine science, and Academic Affairs should provide adequate support for shiptime to support education, in addition to continuing to use the grantfunded research for graduate student training. 4. More administrative support is needed for this program. Part of a faculty position could be allocated to an assistant director position to assist the associate director with the multitude of tasks associated with running this program. Additionally, a full time staff position (presently part time) could be devoted to the program. This would have the benefit of making the running of this complex program less dependent upon one person, and also relieve some of the ever expanding 37 assessment responsibilities from the associate director. This need for expanded administrative support will become more pressing as the proposed Ph.D. in coastal and marine science goes through planning and eventual implementation. 5. The marine science program has little if any input into the fields of expertise of new faculty hires, so the needs of marine science are secondary to the needs of the departments. A mechanism for including the needs of this program into departmental faculty hires needs to be developed and implemented. Certainly the original positions that CMS had at its disposal for placement within the academic departments should revert to the Center for reallocation if the positions become vacant for whatever reason (retirement, faculty departure, etc). 6. It is critical if this interdisciplinary program is going to survive and thrive in the next decade, that teaching and research expertise be acquired in the areas of biogeochemical and hydrodynamical modeling because many federal and state calls for proposals require a strong biogeochemical and/or hydrodynamic modeling component. In general, the balancing of disciplines is essential to future success. Challenges 1. Marine science faculty are all associated with academic departments. The marine science program can request that marine science courses be taught, but decisions are up to the departments. Some graduate courses that are listed in the UNCW Graduate Catalogue are infrequently taught, due to lack of availability of faculty to teach them and occasional low enrollment. 2. Communication is a challenge in this program because faculty come from five different departments housed in six different facilities. There currently is no shuttle between CMS and the main campus, which in combination with the difficulty of parking on the main campus makes meetings difficult to orchestrate. 3. The size of this graduate program at approximately 35 students is set by the availability of faculty time and energy as well as by financial resources to support students. It is unlikely that this program will grow substantially without the addition of new marine science faculty, and there is no space for new science faculty allocated on the main campus. Space will become available at CMS in the next few years, and this could help provide space for additional marine faculty. This program needs to devise a plan to utilize new space at CMS effectively. 4. The supporting departments need to get some credit for the MS marine science students that their faculty supervise. Departments receive credit for courses taught and thesis hours produced, but not graduates. In this era of increasing accountability, this may become a problem, especially for smaller MS programs in the sciences. 5. In general, a formal mechanism for interdisciplinary programs at UNCW would go far to alleviate many of the perceived or actual problems/shortcomings. The CMS Internal Advisory Committee could propose solutions, but a wider UNCW buy-in will be necessary for future success. A variety of mechanisms should be explored, because future allocation, credit, time, 38 effort, and student coursework will emerge as the proposed Ph.D. program in coastal and marine science develops and is implemented. 39 Biographical Sketch of LEWIS J. ABRAMS (2003-2010) Lewis J. Abrams Professor of Oceanography University of North Carolina, Wilmington 5600 Marvin Moss Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 Tel: (910)962-2350 Fax: (910)962-2410 email: Education 1992 Ph.D. Oceanography, Graduate School of Oceanography, URI 1986 M.S. Oceanography, Graduate School of Oceanography, URI 1980 B.A. Geology, University of Colorado, Boulder. Oceanographic and Geophysical Expeditions (last 5 – 7 years) Jan.-Feb. 2009 Dec.-Jan. 2006-07 Mar.-Apr. 2005 July-Sept. 2004 Jan-Feb. 2004 R/V Knorr KN195-3 – Multibeam bathymetry, Seismic, Piston and multi coring to investigate life in sub-seafloor sediments of the Equatorial Pacific, NSF. R/V Revelle KNOX02-RR – Multibeam bathymetry, Multichannel Seismic, Piston and multi coring to investigate life in sub-seafloor sediments of the South Pacific, NSF. R/V Pelican – CTD rosette sampling, groundwater seeps, Coastal Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Seagrant. Ground penetrating radar-archeological investigation of the 1815 eruption of Tambora, Tambora Volcano, Sumbawa, Indonesia, Discovery Channel. R/V T. Thompson TN165 – Multibeam bathymetry, deep-tow sidescan sonar, JASON ROV, Endeavor Deep, southeast Pacific, NSF. Publications (refereed articles in the last 5 – 7 years) 2010 Mondziel, S., Grindlay, N. R., Mann, P., Escolona, A., & Abrams, L. J., Morphology, structure and tectonic evolution of Mona Canyon (northern Mona Passage) from multibeam bathymetry, sidescan sonar and seismic reflection profiles, Tectonics/ American Geophysical Union, Vol. 29, pp 24 pages 2009 D’Hondt, S., A. Spivack, R, Pockalny, T. Ferdelman, J. Fischer, J. Kallmeyer, L.J. Abrams, D.C. Smith, D. Graham, F. Hasiuk, J. Rogers, H. Schrum and A. Stancin, Subseafloor sedimentary life in the South Pacific gyre, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 106(28), 11651-11656. 2007 Abrams, L.J., and H. Sigurdsson, Characterization of pyroclastic fall and flow deposits from the 1815 Eruption of Tambora volcano, Indonesia using ground-penetrating radar, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 161, p. 352-361. 2005 Grindlay, N., L. J. Abrams, L. DelGreco, and P. Mann, Towards an integrated understanding of Holocene fault activity in western Puerto Rico: Constraints from highresolution seismic and sidescan sonar data, Geological Society of America Special paper "Active tectonics and seismic hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and offshore areas", ed P. Mann, p. 136-160. 2005 Mann P., C. Prentice, J.C. Hippolyte, N.R. Grindlay, L. J. Abrams, D.L.Davila, Reconnaissance study of Late Quaternary faulting along the La Cadena de San Francisco mountain front (Cerro Goden fault zone), western Puerto Rico, Geological Society of America Special paper "Active tectonics and seismic hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and offshore areas", ed P. Mann, p. 173-214. 2005 Mann P., J.C. Hippolyte, N.R. Grindlay, L. J. Abrams, Neotectonics of southern Puerto Rico and its offshore margin, Geological Society of America Special paper "Active tectonics and seismic hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and offshore areas", ed P. Mann, p. 115-138. 2003 Jarrard, R. D., L. J. Abrams, R. Pockalny, R.L. Larson, and T. Hirono, Physical Properties of Upper Oceanic Crust: ODP Hole 801C and the Waning of Hydrothermal Circulation, J. Geophys. Res., 108(B4), 2188,doi:10.1029/2001JB001727. Publications (Contribution to documentary film of an expedition to Tambora volcano, Indonesia) 2005 The documentary film entitled “The Year Without a Summer” was broadcast worldwide on the Discovery Channel beginning April 2005. The film includes some of the highlights of our successful discovery and excavation of a portion of the kingdom of Tambora buried during the 1815 eruption of Tambora volcano. Research Grants Awarded 2005-2008 Collaborative Research, GSO/URI, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Wilmington: Drilling Site Survey – Life in Sub-seafloor Sediments of the South Pacific Gyre, National Science Foundation. 2005 A Collaborative U.S./Indonesian Geophysical and Archeological Investigation of the Great Tambora Eruption of 1815, Charles Cahill Award for faculty research and development, UNCW $2,500. 2004 Use of high-resolution seismic and sidescan sonar to locate historic and ancient oyster beds in southeastern North Carolina, Center for Marine Science-UNCW, Pilot Project, $30,589. Consulting/sub-contracts July-Sept. 2004 Ground penetrating radar-archeological investigation of the 1815 eruption of Tambora, Tambora Volcano, Sumbawa, Indonesia, Discovery Channel. MMS Students graduated in the last 5 years Kassy Rodriguez, Use of high-resolution sidescan sonar and seismics to map historic oyster reefs in the Lower Cape Fear River. Now at Exxon-Mobil, Houston, TX. MSS Student Publications (abstracts, non-refereed articles with MSS student in the last 5 years) 2006 Rodriguez, K., N. Grindlay, L. J. Abrams, T. Alphin, and S. Artabane, Implications of high-resolution geophysical techniques in oyster habitat identification: Cape Fear River, North Carolina, 98th Annual National Shellfish Association Meeting, Monterey, CA. 2005 Rodriguez, K., N.R. Grindlay, L.J. Abrams, T. Alphin, and S. Artabane, Mapping living and buried oyster reefs using high-resolution sidescan sonar and seismic sub-bottom profiling in the Cape Fear River, southeastern North Carolina, International Shellfish Restoration Conference, Brest, France. 2 G. Brooks Avery Jr. Curriculum Vitae Education B.S., Chemistry, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro 1985 M.S., Coastal Biology, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington 1990. Ph.D., Marine Sciences, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1997. Employment 2009 present –Associate Professor University of North Carolina Wilmington 2004- 2008 Assistant Professor University of North Carolina Wilmington 2001-2003, Visiting Assistant Professor University of North Carolina Wilmington 1997-2001, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of North Carolina Wilmington 1990-1996, Teaching and Research Assistant University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 1987-1990, Teaching and Research Assistant University of North Carolina Wilmington 1984-1986, Analytical Chemist, Burlington Research, Burlington, N.C. Teaching Experience Advanced Analytical (CHM 536, UNCW) 2001-2009 General Chemistry (CHM 101 and CHM 102, UNCW) 1999-present, Environmental Chemistry (CHM 377, UNCW)1999-present Environmental Chemistry Labs (CHM 377L) 1999-present Specific Research Interests Global carbon cycling in the atmosphere, water column, and sediments. Effect of global warming and sea level rise on the remineralization of organic matter in coastal and estuarine sediments. Use of stable and radiogenic isotopes to determine source and fate of organic carbon. Honors Million Dollar Club, UNCW 2005 Camille and Henry Dreyfus Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1997 - 1999 ONR /ASSERT Fellow: "Methane Production in Organic Rich Sediments". 1993-1996. DISCO fellowship (Dissertation Symposium on Chemical Oceanography) 1994. Phi Kappa Phi,UNC-Wilmington, 1990 Publications since 2004 (peer reviewed) (total 29) 2010 Southwell, M.W., Smith, J.D., Kieber, R.J. and Willey, J.D., and G. B. Avery, Jr. “Photochemical Production of Formaldehyde from Rainwater Dissolved Organic Matter” accepted. Atmospheric Environment. 2010 Southwell, M.W., Avery, G.B., Kieber, R.J., Mead, R.N. and Skrabal, S.A. “Effects of Sunlight on the Production of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Nutrients from Resuspended Sediments” In press, Biogeochem. 2009 Mead, R.N., Morgan, J.B., Avery, G.B., Kieber, R.J., Kirk, A., Skrabal, S.A., and Willey, J.D. “Occurrence of the Artificial Sweetener Sucralose in Coastal and Marine Waters” Mar. Chem. 116, 13-17. 2009 Avery, G.B., Kieber, R.J. and Taylor, K. “Nitrogen Release From Surface Sand of a High 2009 2007 2006 2006 2006 2005 2004 2004 2004 Energy Beach Face Along the Southeastern Coast of North Carolina, USA” Biogeochem 89, 357-365. Avery, G.B., Dickson Brown, J.L., Willey, J.D. and Kieber, R.J. “Assessment of Rainwater Volatile Organic Carbon in Southeastern North Carolina, USA” Atmos. Environ. 43, 2678-2681. Hackney, C. T., G. B. Avery, L. A. Leonard, M. Posey1, and T. Alphin. Biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of tidal freshwater swamp forests of the lower Cape Fear River/Estuary , North Carolina, Pages 183-221 In Conner, W.H., T.W. Doyle, and K.W. Krauss, eds. Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands in the Southeastern United States. , Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands Avery, G.B., R.J. Kieber and Joan D. Willey. Carbon Isotopic Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Rainwater: Terrestrial and Marine Influences. Atmospheric Environment 40, 7539-7545. Joan D. Willey, Robert J. Kieber and G. Brooks Avery, Jr. The Changing Chemical Composition of Rainwater in the Continental USA. Environmental Science and Technology 40, 5675-5680. Avery, G.B., Witt, Melanie, Willey, J.D., Keiber R.J., Sources of Organic Acids inWilmington, North Carolina Rainwater Determined by Air mass Back-trajectory Analysis: Atmospheric Environment 40, 1683-1693. Avery, G.B., Cooper, W.J., Kieber, R.J., Willey, J.D., Hydrogen Peroxide at theBermuda Atlantic Time series Station: Temporal Variability of Seawater Hydrogen Peroxide. Marine Chemistry 97, 236-244. Avery, G.B., Willey, J.D., Kieber, R.J., Shank, G.C. and Whitehead, R.F. The Impact of Hurricanes on the Flux of Rainwater and Cape Fear River Water DOC to Long Bay, Southeastern United States. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 18. Shank, G.C., Skrabal, S.A., Whitehead, R.F., Avery, G.B. and Kieber, R.J. “River Discharge of Strong Cu-Complexing ligands to South Atlantic Bight Waters” Mar. Chem., 88, 41-51. Willey, J.D., Kieber, R.J. and Avery, G.B. “Effects of Rainwater Iron and Hydrogen Peroxide on Iron Concentrations and Phytoplankton Growth in Seawater Near Bermuda” 47, 2009-222. J. Atmos. Chem. Grants obtained since 2004 $84,000 Ralph N. Mead, G. Brooks Avery, Jr., Robert J. Kieber, Stephen A. Skrabal, Bongkeun Song, Craig R. Tobias, Joan D. Willey Biogeochemical processes in water and sediments of estuarine plumes, southeastern United States. June 2008. Duke/UNC Consortium of Oceanographic Research $582,468 Skrabal, S.A., Avery, G.B., Jr., Kieber, R.J., and Mead, R.N. RUI: Photobiogeochemistry of resuspended sediments in coastal environments: Impacts on organic matter and trace metal cycling. National Science Foundation, 2008-2011. $532,752 2007-2010 Kieber, R.J., Avery, G.B., Whitehead, R.F. and Willey, J.D. “Chemical Characterization and Reactivity of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Rainwater” National Science Foundation, Atmospheric Chemistry Division. 4 $509,912 2004 Hackney, C.T, Posey, M. Leonard,L. Avery, G.B., Alphin, T. “Monitoring the effects of a potential increase in tidal range in the Cape Fear River Ecosystem due to deepening of the Wilmington Harbor, NC. U.S. Corps of Engineers. $25,820 2004 Skrabal, S.A and G.B. Avery Jr., Probing sediment biogeochemistry in the Cape FearEstuary using microelectrode-based voltammetry. Center for Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Pilot Project. $375,801 2004 Hackney, C.T, Posey, M. Leonard,L. Avery, G.B., Alphin, T. “Monitoring the effects of a potential increase in tidal range in the Cape Fear River Ecosystem due to deepening of the Wilmington Harbor, NC. U.S. Corps of Engineers. 5 Daniel G. Baden, Ph.D. Academic Positions Held 2005‐present 1999‐present 1991‐1999 1984‐1991 1983‐1984 1979‐1983 1978‐1979 1977‐1978 William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor in Marine Sciences Professor of Chemistry (primary), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, NC; Professor of Biological Sciences (secondary), University of North Carolina at Wilmington, NC Professor of Marine Biology and Fisheries (primary), Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, FL; Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (secondary), University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami FL Associate Professor of Biology and Living Resources (primary), Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, FL; Associate Professor of Biochemistry (secondary), University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami FL Research Associate Professor of Biochemistry (primary) University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami FL; Research Associate Professor of Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, FL. Research Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami FL Research Assistant Professor of Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, FL Post‐Doctoral Research Associate, Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami FL Education B.A. Chemistry Ph.D. Biochemistry Hamline University, St. Paul MN University of Miami, Miami FL 1969‐1973 1973‐1977 6 Administrative Responsibilities and Positions Held Principal Executive, MARBIONC, the Marine Biotechnology Initiative in North Carolina (1 July 2004‐present) Center for Marine Science, UNCW Director, Center for Marine Science (15 July 1999–present) University of North Carolina at Wilmington 5600 Marvin Moss Lane Wilmington NC 28409 Founding Director and Principal Investigator (1991‐1999) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Marine and Freshwater Biomedical Sciences Center, University of Miami Grant #: P30ES05705 Chairman (1994‐1998) Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences University of Miami PI and Executive Coordinator (1998) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Exhibits at World EXPO “Year of the Ocean” Oceans and Human Health, USA Pavilion, Lisbon Portugal Honors and Awards • NIH Predoctoral Trainee in Molecular Enzymology, 1973‐1977 • NIEHS Toxicology Study Section Young Environmental Scientist Awardee, 1979‐1982 • Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Distinguished Lecturer, 1987 • William B. Kinter Lecturer, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, 1996 • Member, Flag Day Congressional Delegation Party, World Expo 98, Lisbon Portugal, 1998 • Keynote Speaker at the 100th Anniversary of Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, 1998 • Sigma Xi Professor of the Year, 1999 University of Miami Section. • William R. Kenan Distinguished Professor of Marine Science, 2005‐present. Other Professional Activities 7 • Member, NOAA Science Advisory Board, Working Group on Oceans and Health 2008‐2009. • Member, NC Governor’s Steering Committee Growing North Carolina’s AgBiotech Landscape Marine Biotechnology Co‐Chair, 2008‐2010. • North Carolina Department of Commerce development program with Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, and Denmark) for Biotechnology implementation. Member of the NC Core team, specialist in Marine Biotechnology, April 2008. • Center of Innovation in Marine Biotechnology, North Carolina. Member, planning and implementation committee, 2006‐present. • Lead Consultant to Cape Fear Museum for : “Oceans Explore, Discover.” (Year of the Ocean + 10)”. A year‐long exhibit featuring marine sciences research and education disciplines of the North Carolina coastal region. Cape Fear Museum Wilmington NC planning and development: 2006‐7; exhibit Feb 2008 – January 2009 • Special Consultant to the Research Council of the Sultanate of Oman, Marine Biotechnology, 2007‐present. • Superfund Basic Research Program, External Review Group Chair, NIEHS/EPA, 2003. • Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Member Board, 2007‐present. • Treasurer for CORE, and member of the Executive Committee, 2004‐2007. • Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education, Board of Governors, 1999‐2007. • “New Jobs Across North Carolina, a strategic plan for growing the economy statewide through biotechnology.” Member, University Research and Infrastructure Work Group, 2003‐2004. • National Association of Marine Laboratories, Institutional Representative, 1999‐present. • Southern Association of Marine Laboratories, Institutional Representative, 1999‐present. • Comparative Medicine Review Committee, National Center for Research Resources, NIH. 1996‐2000. • Arctic Research Commission Academic Advisory Board. 1996‐2000. • Methods Board for Seafood Toxins, AOAC International, 1995‐2000. • Associate Referee for Assessment of Seafood Toxins, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Panel C, Dr. Michael Quilliam (FDA) General Referee, 1984‐2000. • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; Research Triangle Park, North Carolina o Special Review Consultant (Developmental Centers of Excellence) o Program Development Panel (Environmental Health Sciences Training for Nurses) 1993 o Internet Services Committee (Optimizing Web Pages and Communication) 2001‐ present o Marine Toxins as Emerging Diseases (Program Development, Intramural and Extramural) 2001 8 o NAEHSC Council, NIH, DHHS, 1999‐2003 o NAEHSC Council Centers Sub‐Committee, 2002‐2003 o Oceans and Human Health Working Group, 2002‐2003. • International Steering Committee for the IX International Conference on Harmful Algae, Hobart Tasmania, 1998‐2000. • 1st National Ocean Conference, “Environment and Health” Panel, Monterey CA, 1998. • National Academy of Sciences “Ocean’s Role in Human Health” ad hoc Committee, 1998 [publication “From Monsoons to Microbes”]. • Association of University Environmental Health Sciences Centers, NIEHS, 1992‐1999. • Ad Hoc Environmental Health Sciences Training for Nurses Working Panel, National Institute of Nursing and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 1993. • National Science Foundation Site Visit Team Chair, EPSCoR program, University of Puerto Rico. 1992. • Ad Hoc Interagency Task Force on Marine Biotoxins and Harmful Algae, National Marine Fisheries Service, Charleston, South Carolina. (scientists from NOAA, NSF, ONR, DoD, NIH, EPA, academia), 1992. • Member, Steering and Advisory Committee for National Marine Biotoxins Program, National Marine Fisheries Service, Department of Commerce, 1992. • Conference Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee, 3rd International Conference on Ciguatera Fish Poisoning, Puerto Rico, 1990. • Expert Group, Toxic Dinoflagellates in Aquaculture, Sherkin Island Marine Station, County Cork Ireland, 1987. • International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Working Group on Aquatic Biotoxins, 1985 to 1987. • Steering Committee for the Third International Conference on Toxic Dinoflagellates, St. Andrews New Brunswick, Canada, and Co‐Editor of Proceedings, 1984‐1985. • Independent Reviewer for: NSF (Biological Oceanography; Cellular, Molecular and Metabolic Biology). • Independent Reviewer for: NOAA, Sea Grant (Florida and Federal). • Independent Reviewer for Cottrell College Science Grants Program. • Independent IRG member, Bioorganic Chemistry, NIH. • Minority Centers of Research Excellence External Advisory Committee, University of Puerto Rico 1991‐1994. • Biometric Systems, Inc. Eden Prairie, Minnesota (pro bono toxin immunoassays consulting). • Chiral Corporation, Inc.; Miami, Florida (innovative probes for molecular research) President and Equity Partner, 1989‐1999. 9 • Expert Consultant on Ciguatera Fish Poisoning and Seafood Safety: 12 Local and District court jurisdictions. Grants and Contracts since 2004 08/00 to 07/05 NIEHS, NIH, DHHS, “Effects of Inhaled Florida Red Tide Brevetoxins” $6.08 million P01 ES 10594, [D.G. Baden, P.I., program project involving 2 universities, 3 research institutions, one state agency and one Federal agency]. 07/04 – present (recurring) State of North Carolina “MARBIONC, Marine biotechnology in North Carolina” $2 million annual with inflationary increments. [D.G. Baden, Executive Principal; Jeffrey Wright, Director of Research]. An economic development program aimed at using marine biotechnology to increase economic diversity in North Carolina. Products include new businesses, new jobs, newly trained individuals. Mariculture, drug discovery, and tests and bioassays are focus areas. 07/06 to 06/11 (renewal) NIEHS, NIH, DHHS, “Effects of Inhaled Florida Red Tide Brevetoxins” $8.47 million P01 ES 10594, [D.G. Baden, P.I., program project involving 2 universities, 3 research institutions, one state agency and one Federal agency]. 07/09 to 06/11 (ARRA funding related to above) “Preclinical Studies Related to Brevenal and β‐Naphthoyl Brevetoxin” $799,000 P01 ES 10594S1 [D.G. Baden, P.I., W.M. Abraham and J.M. Benson, investigators]. 01/08 – 12/13 North Carolina Biotechnology Center, Center of Innovation in Marine Biotechnology. $100,000 planning grant, prelude to a $2.5 million economic development grant. [Al Delia project lead, DG Baden, Chairman of the Board and 6 others serve as programmatic developers for this state‐wide program]. 07/09 to 06/12 NIST Department of Commerce “Marine Biotechnology Research Facility – 60NANB9D9142” $15 million Federal plus $15 million University match [D.G. Baden, P.I., Paul Reinmann Co‐ PI]. 07/09 to 06/14 NOAA OER “Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology (CIOERT) $22.5 million [S.A. Pomponi FAU P.I., D.G. Baden, UNCW managing PI]. 10 Publications since 2004 (> 170 domestic and international presentations and abstracts not listed) 2004 1. Benson, Janet; Hahn, Fletcher; March, Thomas; McDonald, Jacob; Sopori, Mohan; Seagrave, JeanClare; Gomez, Andrea; Bourdelais, Andrea; Naar, Jerome; Zaias, Julia; Bossart, Gregory; Baden, Daniel. Inhalation toxicity of brevetoxin 3 in rats exposed for 5 days. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A (2004), 67(18), 1443‐ 1456. 2. Dravid, Shashank M.; Baden, Daniel G.; Murray, Thomas F. Brevetoxin activation of voltage‐gated sodium channels regulates Ca2+ dynamics and ERK1/2 phosphorylation in murine neocortical neurons. Journal of Neurochemistry (2004), 89(3), 739‐749. 3. Bourdelais AJ, Campbell S, Jacocks H, Naar J*, Wright JLC, Carsi J, Baden DG. (2004) Brevenal is a natural inhibitor of brevetoxin action in sodium channel receptor binding assays. Cellular and molecular Neurobiology 24:553‐563. 4. Abraham WM, Ahmed A, Bourdelais A, and Baden DG (2004) Effects of novel antagonists of polyether brevetoxin (PbTx)‐induced bronchoconstriction in allergic sheep. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp 496‐498. 5. Benson J, Hahn FF, Tibbetts BM, Bowen LE, March TF, Langley R, Murray TF, Bourdelais AJ, Naar J, Zaias J, and Baden DG (2004) Florida red tide: inhalation toxicity of Karenia brevis extract in rats. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp 502‐504. 6. Bourdelais A, Campbell S, Kubanek J, Wright J, and Baden DG (2004) Florida’s red tide dinoflagellate Karenia brevis may modulate its potency by producing a non‐toxic competitive antagonist. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp 113‐115. 7. Campbell SK, McConnell EP, Bourdelais A, Tomas C, and Baden DG (2004) The production of brevetoxin and brevetoxin‐like compounds during the growth phases of Karenia brevis. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, 148‐150. 8. Cheng YS, Villareal TA, Zhou Y, Gao J, Pierce RH, Naar J, and Baden DG (2004) Red tide aerosol on the Texas coast. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp 499‐501. 11 9. Dickey RW, Plakas SM, Jester ELE, ElSiad KR, Johannessen JN, Flewelling LJ, Scott P, Hammond DG, VanDolah FM, Leighfield TA, Bottein Y, Ramsdell JS, Busman M, Moeller PD, Pierce RH, Henry MS, Poli MA, Walker CS, Kurtz J, Naar J, Baden DG, Musser SM, Truman P, Quilliam MA, Stirling D, Hawryluk TP, Wekell MM, Hungerford JM, and Yoshimoto K (2004) Multi‐laboratory study of five methods for the determination of brevetoxins in shellfish tissue extracts. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp 300‐302. 10. Fleming LE, Backer LC, Kirkpatrick B, Clark R, Dalpra D, Johnson DR, Bean JA, Cheng YS, Benson J, Squicciarini D, Abraham W, Pierce R, Zaias J, Naar J, Weisman R, Bossart G, Campbell S, Wanner A, Harrington M, VanDeBogart G, and Baden DG (2004) In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp 508‐510. 11. Hardman RC, Cooper WJ, Baden DG, Bourdelais AJ, and Gardinali P (2004) Brevetoxin degradation and by‐product formation via natural sunlight. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp 153‐154. 12. Lamberto JN, Bourdelais A, Tomas C, and Baden DG (2004) Effects of temperature on production of brevetoxin and brevetoxin‐like compounds. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp155‐156. 13. Michelliza S, Jacocks H, Bourdelais A, and Baden DG (2004) Synthesis, binding assays, and toxicity of new derivatives of brevetoxin b. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp157‐159. 14. Naar J, Weidner A, and Baden DG (2004) Competitive ELISA: an accurate, quick, and effective tool to monitor brevetoxins in environmental and biological samples. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp 291‐293. 15. Naar J, Kubanek J, Weidner A, Flewelling L, Bourdelais A, Steidinger KA, and Baden DG (2004) Brevetoxin depuration in shellfish via production of non‐toxic metabolites: consequences for seafood safety and the environmental fate of blooms. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp488‐490. 12 16. Naar J, Weidner A, and Baden DG (2004) Competitive ELISA: an accurate, quick, and effective tool to monitor brevetoxins in environmental and biological samples. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp 291‐293. 17. Weidner AL, Naar J, Steidinger KA, Pierce R, Henry M, Flewelling L, and Baden DG (2004) Variability of brevetoxin accumulation levels within individual oysters during Karenia brevis blooms. In Harmful Algae 2002 (Steidinger KA, Landsberg JH, Tomas CR, Vargo GA, eds) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Institute of Oceanography, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, St. Petersburg FL, pp 485‐487. 2005 18. Fleming, Lora E.; Kirkpatrick, Barbara; Backer, Lorraine C.; Bean, Judy A.; Wanner, Adam; Dalpra, Dana; Tamer, Robert; Zaias, Julia; Cheng, Yung Sung; Pierce, Richard; Naar, Jerome; Abraham, William; Clark, Richard; Zhou, Yue; Henry, Michael S.; Johnson, David; Van De Bogart, Gayl; Bossart, Gregory D.; Harrington, Mark; Baden, Daniel G.. (2005) Initial evaluation of the effects of aerosolized florida red tide toxins (brevetoxins) in persons with asthma. Environmental Health Perspectives 113(5), 650‐657. 19. Backer, Lorraine C.; Kirkpatrick, Barbara; Fleming, Lora E.; Cheng, Yung Sung; Pierce, Richard; Bean, Judy A.; Clark, Richard; Johnson, David; Wanner, Adam; Tamer, Robert; Zhou, Yue; Baden, Daniel G. (2005) Occupational exposure to aerosolized brevetoxins during florida red tide events: Effects on a healthy worker population. Environmental Health Perspectives 113(5), 644‐649. 20. Abraham, William M.; Bourdelais, Andrea J.; Ahmed, Ashfaq; Serebriakov, Irakli; Baden, Daniel G.. (2005) Effects of inhaled brevetoxins in allergic airways: Toxin‐allergen interactions and pharmacologic intervention. Environmental Health Perspectives 113(5), 632‐637. 21. Abraham William M; Bourdelais Andrea J; Sabater Juan R; Ahmed Ashfaq; Lee Troy A; Serebriakov Irakli; Baden Daniel G (2005) Airway responses to aerosolized brevetoxins in an animal model of asthma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 171(1), 26‐34. 22. Benson, Janet M.; Hahn, Fletcher F.; March, Thomas H.; McDonald, Jacob D.; Gomez, Andrea P.; Sopori, Mohan J.; Bourdelais, Andrea J.; Naar, Jerome; Zaias, Julia; Bossart, Gregory D.; Baden, Daniel G. (2005) Inhalation toxicity of brevetoxin 3 in rats exposed for twenty‐two days. Environmental Health Perspectives 113(5):626‐31. 23. Benson JM, Stagner BB, Martin GK, Friedman M, Durr SE, Gomez A, McDonald J, Fleming LE, Backer LC, Baden DG, Bourdelais A, Naar J, Lonsbury‐Martin BL. (2005) Cochlear function in mice following inhalation of brevetoxin‐3. J Comp Physiol. A Neuroethol Ens Behav Physiol 191, 619‐626. 13 24. Baden, Daniel G.; Bourdelais, Andrea J.; Jacocks, Henry; Michelliza, Sophie; Naar, Jerome. (2005) Natural and derivative brevetoxins: Historical background, multiplicity, and effects. Environmental Health Perspectives , 113(5), 621‐625. 25. Fleming, Lora E.; Backer, Lorraine C.; Baden, Daniel G.. (2005) Overview of aerosolized Florida red tide toxins: Exposures and effects. Environmental Health Perspectives 113(5), 618‐620. 26. Flewelling, Leanne J.; Naar, Jerome P.; Abbott, Jay P.; Baden, Daniel G.; Barros, Nelio B.; Bossart, Gregory D.; Bottein, Marie‐Yasmine D.; Hammond, Daniel G.; Haubold, Elsa M.; Heil, Cynthia A.; Henry, Michael S.; Jacocks, Henry M.; Leighfield, Tod A.; Pierce, Richard H.; Pitchford, Thomas D.; Rommel, Sentiel A.; Scott, Paula S.; Steidinger, Karen A.; Truby, Earnest W.; Van Dolah, Frances M.; Landsberg, Jan H. (2005) Brevetoxicosis: Red tides and marine mammal mortalities. Nature (London, United Kingdom) 435(7043), 755‐ 756. 27. Cheng Yung Sung; McDonald Jacob D; Kracko Dean; Irvin C Mitch; Zhou Yue; Pierce Richard H; Henry Michael S; Bourdelaisa Andrea; Naar Jerome; Baden Daniel G (2005) Concentration and particle size of airborne toxic algae (brevetoxin) derived from ocean red tide events. Environmental Science & Technology 39(10), 3443‐9. 28. Fleming Lora E; Kirkpatrick Barbara; Backer Lorraine C; Bean Judy A; Wanner Adam; Dalpra Dana; Tamer Robert; Zaias Julia; Cheng Yung Sung; Pierce Richard; Naar Jerome; Abraham William; Clark Richard; Zhou Yue; Henry Michael S; Johnson David; Van De Bogart Gayl; Bossart Gregory D; Harrington Mark; Baden Daniel G (2005 ) Initial evaluation of the effects of aerosolized Florida red tide toxins (brevetoxins) in persons with asthma. Environmental Health Perspectives 113(5), 650‐7. 29. Cheng, Yung Sung; Villareal, Tracy A.; Zhou, Yue; Gao, Jun; Pierce, Richard H.; Wetzel, Dana; Naar, Jerome; Baden, Daniel G. (2005) Characterization of red tide aerosol on the Texas coast. Harmful Algae 4(1), 87‐94. 30. Dravid, Shashank M.; Baden, Daniel G.; Murray, Thomas F. (2005), Brevetoxin augments NMDA receptor signaling in murine neocortical neurons. Brain Research 1031(1), 30‐38. 31. Bourdelais, Andrea J.; Jacocks, Henry M.; Wright, Jeffrey L. C.; Bigwarfe, Paul M., Jr.; Baden, Daniel G. (2005) A new polyether ladder compound produced by the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. Journal of Natural Products 68(1), 2‐6. 32. Sayer, Andrew; Hu, Quig; Bourdelais, Andrea; Baden, Daniel G., Gibson, James E. (2005) The effect of brevenal on brevetoxin‐induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes. Genotoxicity 79, 683‐688. 2006 33. Benson JM, Gomez AP, Statom GL, Tibbetts BM, Fleming LE, Backer LC, Reich A, Baden DG. (2006) Placental transport of brevetoxin‐3 in CD‐1 mice. Toxicon 48, 1018‐1026. 14 34. Sayer, AN; Hu, Q.; Bourdelais, A.; Baden, DG; Gibson, JE. (2006) The inhibition of CHO‐K1‐ BH4 cell proliferation and induction of chromosomal aberrations by brevetoxins in vitro. Food and Chemical Toxicology 44, 1082‐1091. 35. Tibbetts, BM, Baden, DG, Benson JM. (2006) Uptake, tissue distribution, and excretion of brevetoxin‐3 administered to mice by intratracheal instillation. J Toxicol Environ Health A 69, 1325‐1335. 36. Yan X, Benson JM, Gomez AP, Baden DG, Murray TF. (2006) Brevetoxin‐induced neural insult in the retrosplenial cortex of mouse brain. Inhalation Toxicology 18, 1109‐1116. 37. Fuwa H, Ebine M, Bourdelais A, Baden, DG, Sasaki M. Total synthesis, structure revision, and absolute configuration of (‐)‐brevenal. J Am Chem Soc (2006) 128, 16989‐16999. 2007 38. Cao Z, George J, Baden DG, Murray TF. (2007) Brevetoxin‐induced phosphorylation of Pyk2 and Src in murine neocortical neurosn involves distinct signaling pathways. Brain Research 1184, 17‐27. 39. LePage KT, Rainer JD, Johnson HW, Baden DG, Murray TF. (2007) Gambierol acts as a functional antagonist of neurotoxin site 5 on voltage‐gated sodium channels in cerebellar granule neurons. JPET 323, 174‐179. 40. Naar JP, Flewelling LJ, Lenzi A, Abbott JP, Granholm A, Jacocks HM, Gannon D, Henry M, Pierce R, Baden DG, Wolny J, Landsberg JH. (2007) Brevetoxins, like ciguatoxins, are potent ichthyotoxins that accumulate in fish. Toxicon 50, 707‐723. 41. Poli MA, Rivera VR, Neal DD, Baden DG, Messer SA, Plakas SM, Dickey RW, Said KE, Flewelling L, Green D, White J. (2007) An electrochemiluminesence‐based competitive displacement immunosassay for the type‐2 brevetoxins in oyster extracts. J AOAC Intl 90, 173‐178. 42. Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Backer LC, Bean JA, Wanner A, Reich A, Zaias J, Cheng YS, Pierce R, Naar J, Abraham WM, Baden DG. (2007) Aerosolized red‐tide toxins (brevetoxins) and asthma. Chest 131, 187‐194. 43. Michelliza Sophie, Abraham William M., Jacocks Henry M., Schuster Thomas, Baden Daniel G. (2007) Synthesis, Modeling, and Biological Evaluation of Analogues of the Semi‐ synthetic Brevetoxin Antagonist ‐Naphthoyl‐Brevetoxin. ChemBioChem 8, 2233‐2239. 44. Pornponi SA, Baden DG, Zohar Y. (2007) Marine biotechnology: Realizing the potential. Marine Technology Society Journal 3: 24‐31. 2008 45. Cao Z,George J, Gerwick WH, Baden DG, Ranier JD, Murray TF. (2008) . Influence of lipid‐ soluble gating modifier toxins on sodium influx in neocortical neurons. JPET 326, 604‐613. 15 46. Satake M, Bourdelais A, VanWagoner R, Baden DG, Wright JLC. (2008) Brevisimide: an unprecedented monocyclic ether alkaloid from the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis that provides a potential model for ladder‐frame initiation. Organic Letters 10, 3465‐3468. 47. Mattei C, Wen PJ, Nguyun Huu TD, Alvarez M, Benoit E, Bourdelais AJ, Baden DG, Molgo J, Meunier FA (2008) Brevenal Inhibits Pacific Ciguatoxin‐1B‐Induced Neurosecretion from Bovine Chromaffin Cells. PLoS ONE 3, e3448. EPub 2008 Oct 20. 2009 48. Kuranaga T, Shirai T, Baden DG, Wright JLC, Satake M, Tachibana K (2009) Total synthesis and structural confirmation of brevisamide, a new marine cyclic ether alkaloid from the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. Org. Lett 11, 217‐220. 49. Satake, M, Campbell A, VanWagoner RM, Bourdelais AJ, Jacocks, H, Baden, DG., Wright JL. (2009) Brevesin: an aberrant polycyclic ether structure from the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis and its implications for polyether assembly. J Org chem. 74: 989‐994. 50. George J, Dravid SM, Prakash A, Xie J, Peterson J, Jabba SV, Baden DG, Murray TF. (2009) Sodium Channel Activation Augments NMDA Receptor Function and Promotes Neurite Outgrowth in Immature Cerebrocortical NeuronsJ Neuroscience 29: 3288‐3301. 51. Kirkpatrick B, Pierce R, Cheng YS, Henry MS, Blum P, Osborn S, Nierenberg K, Pederson BA, Fleming LE, Reich A, Naar J, Kirkpatrick G, Backer LC, Baden DG. (2009) Inland transport of aerosolized Florida red tide toxins. Harmful Algae, in press. 52. Fleming LE, Bean JA, Kirkpatrick B, Cheng YS, Pierce R, Naar J, Nierenberg K, Backer LC, Wanner A, Reich A, Zhou Y, Watkins S, Henry M, Zaias J, Abraham WM, Benson J, Cassedy A, Hollenbeck J, Kirkpatrick G, Clarke T, Baden DG. (2009) Exposure and Effect Assessment of Aerosolized Red Tide Toxins (Brevetoxins) and Asthma. EHP 117: 1095‐1100. 2010 53. Kirkpatrick B, Fleming LE, Bean JA, Nierenberg K, Backer LC, Cheng YS, Pierce R, Reich A, Naar J, Wanner A, Abraham WM, Zhou Y, Hollenbeck J, Baden DG. (2010) Aerosolized red tide toxins (brevetoxins) and asthma: Continued health effects after 1 h beach exposure. Harmful Algae, in press. 54. Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Backer LC, Walsh C, Nierenberg K, Clark J, Reich A, Hollenbeck J, Benson J, Cheng YS, Naar J, Pierce R, Bourdelais AJ, Abraham WM, Kirkpatrick G, Zaias J, Wanner A, Mendes E, Shalat S, Hoagland P, Stephan W, Bean J, Watkins S, Clarke T, Byrne M, Baden DG. (2010) Review of Florida red tide and human health effects. Harmful Algae, in press. 55. Cheng, YS, Zhou Y, Pierce RH, Henry M, Baden DG. (2010) Characterization of Florida red tide aerosol and the temporal profile of aerosol concentration. Toxicon 55: 922‐929. 56. Kuranaga T, Satake M, Baden DG, Wright JLC, Tachibana K. (2010) Synthesis of the BC/DE ring model of brevisin for confirmation of the structure around the acyclic junction. Tetrahedron Letters 51 4673–4676. 16 57. VanWaggoner RM, Satake M, Bourdelais A, Baden, DG, Wright JLC. (2010) Absolute Configuration of Brevisamide and Brevisin: Confirmation of a Universal Biosynthetic Process for Karenia brevis Polyethers. J Nat Prod 73: 1177‐1179. 58. Tsutsumi R, Kuranaga T, Wright JLC, Baden DG, Ito E, Satake M, Tachibana K. (2010) An improved synthesis of (‐)‐brevisamide, a marine monocyclic ether amide of dinoflagellate origin. Tetrahedron 66: 6675‐6782. 59. Shirai T, Kuranaga T, Wright JLC, Baden DG, Satake M, Tachibana K (2010) Synthesis of a proposed biosynthetic intermediate of a marine cyclic ether brevisamide for study on biosynthesis of marine ladder‐frame polyethers. Tet. Lett. 51: 1394‐1396. 60. Ohtani N, Tsutsumi R, Kuranaga T, Shirai T, Wright JLC, Baden DG, Satake M, Tachibana, K. Synthesis of the Abc Ring Fragment of Brevisin, a New Dinoflagellate Polycyclic Ether. Heterocycles 80:825‐830. 61. Nguyen‐Huu T. Mattei D,.Wen C, P..Bourdelais AJ, Lewis RJ, Benoit E, Baden, DG, Molgo, J, Meunier F A. (2010) Ciguatoxin‐induced catecholamine secretion in bovine chromaffin cells: Mechanism of action and reversible inhibition by brevenal. Toxicon 56: 792‐796. 62. Lopez‐Legentil S, Song B, DeTure M, Baden DG. (2010) Characterization and Localization of a Hybrid Non‐ribosomal Peptide Synthetase and Polyketide Synthase Gene from the Toxic Dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. Marine Biotechnology 12: 32‐41. 63. Khan U, Benabderrazik N, Bourdelais AJ, Baden DG, Rein K, Gardinali PR, Arroyo L, O'Shea KE. (2010) UV and solar TiO2 photocatalysis of brevetoxins (PbTxs). Toxicon 55: 1008‐ 1016. 64. Cheng YS, Zhou Y, Naar J, Irvin CM, Su WC, Fleming LE, Kirkpatrick B, Pierce RH, Backer LC, Baden, DG. (2010) Personal Exposure to Aerosolized Red Tide Toxins (Brevetoxins). Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 7:326‐331. Patents 1. Title: Fused Pentacyclic Polyethers Patent Agent: McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP ‐ Chicago, IL, US Inventors: Daniel G. Baden, William M. Abraham, Andrea J. Bourdelais, Sophie Michelliza Applicaton #: 20050148539 Class: 514050000 (USPTO). Status: granted # US 7,202,271; 4/10/2007. Divisional use claims for cystic fibrosis and other mucociliary diseases related to the original granted patent are pending. 2. Title: Polyether brevetoxin derivatives as a treatment for cystic fibrosis, mucociliary dysfunction, and pulmonary diseases Patent Agent: McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP ‐ Chicago, IL, US Inventors: Daniel G. Baden, William M. Abraham, Andrea J. Bourdelais Application #: 20050124686 Class: 514450000 (USPTO) 17 Status: granted. # US 7,399,782;7/15/08. 3. Title: Polyether brevetoxin derivatives as a treatment for neurotoxic shellfish poisoning and ciguatera fish poisoning Patent Agent: McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP ‐ Chicago, IL, US Inventors: Daniel G. Baden, Kathleen S. Rein, Lynne Fieber, Sherry P. Parker Application #: 20050124685 Class: 514450000 (USPTO) Status: Pending, FDA approval for use in marine animals intoxicated with red tide 4. Title: Methods of Stimulating Neuronal Growth Using Brevetoxins Patent Agent: McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP ‐ Chicago, IL, US Patent Inventors: Daniel G. Baden, Thomas F. Murray Provisional Application #: 60/913484 filed 23 April 2007 Class: 514050000 (USPTO) Status: conveyed to Creighton University as primary inventor 5. Title: Ladder Frame Polyether Conjugates Patent Agent: McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP ‐ Chicago, IL, US Patent Inventors: Andrea J. Bourdelais, Daniel G. Baden, Steven A. Fontana, and Allan J. Goodman Application #: 12893344 Status: pending 18 Frederick M. Bingham Center for Marine Science University of North Carolina at Wilmington 601 S. College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403-5928 Phone: (910)962-2383, Fax (910)962-2410 email: Home Page: Vita 1984 1984-1990 1990 1990-1991 1992-1994 1994-1999 1996-present 1997-present 1999 - present 2005 2007 - present 2008-present B.A. in Physics, Oberlin College Research Assistant, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego Doctor of Philosophy, Physical Oceanography University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellow Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Assistant Researcher University of Hawaii at Manoa Assistant Professor, Department of Physics University of North Carolina at Wilmington Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Marine Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Interinstitutional Adjunct Faculty Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences North Carolina State University Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography University of North Carolina at Wilmington Visiting Associate Professor, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Masters Candidate, Computer Science and Information Systems, University of North Carolina Wilmington Professor, Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography University of North Carolina at Wilmington Professional Affiliations American Geophysical Union; American Meteorological Society; The Oceanography Society, Oceanographic Society of Japan; American Association of Physics Teachers Recent Publications Quattrini, A. M., D. G. Lindquist, F. M. Bingham, T. E. Lankford and J. J. Govoni, 2005. Distributions of larval Fishes among Water Masses in Onslow Bay, North Carolina: Implications for Cross-shelf Exchange. Fisheries Oceanography,14:3, 1-19. Blanton, Brian O.; Werner, Francisco E.; Seim, Harvey E.; Luettich, Richard A., Jr.; Lynch, Daniel R.; Smith, Keston W.; Voulgaris, George; Bingham, Frederick M.; Way, Francis (2004), Barotropic tides in the South Atlantic Bight. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 109, No. C12, C12024. Bingham, F., and T. Suga (2006), Distributions of mixed layer properties in North Pacific water mass formation areas: comparison of Argo floats and World Ocean Atlas 2001. Ocean Science, 2, 61-70. ( Grodsky S. A., J. A. Carton, F. M. Bingham (2006), Low frequency variation of sea surface salinity in the tropical Atlantic, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L14604, doi:10.1029/2006GL026426. Bingham, F. (2006). Physical response of the coastal ocean to Hurricane Isabel near landfall. Ocean Science, 3, 159-171. ( Sethuram, A., E. Patterson, K. Ricanek, F. Bingham (2009), The Aging Face: Developments in AAM Based Synthetic Age Progression. Submitted to CAIP 2009: The 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Patterson, E., A. Sethuram, K. Ricanek and F. Bingham (2009). Improvements in Active Appearance Model Based Synthetic Age Progression for Adult Aging. Submitted to BTAS 2009, IEEE Third International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems. Bingham, F. M., G. Foltz, and M. McPhaden (2010). Seasonal Cycles of Mixed Layer Salinity and Evaporation Minus Precipitation in the Pacific Ocean. Ocean Sci., 6, 775-787, doi:10.5194/os-6-775-2010, 2010. Recent Grant Funding Statistical Evaluation of Sea Surface Salinity from Aquarius. From NASA. Co-I, Montserrat Fuentes, NCSU. $210918. 10/1/2009 – 9/30/2012. 20 STUART R. BORRETT a. Professional Preparation Austin College, B.A. Biology 1997 University of Georgia, Ph.D. Ecology 2005 Postdoctoral Research: Stanford University and the Institute for the Study for Learning and Expertise, Biological Oceanography and Computer Science, 2005-2007 b. Appointments 2007-present. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington. c. Peer Reviewed Publications , 2007 - 2010 Borrett, S.R., S.J. Whipple, & B.C. Patten. 2010. Rapid development of indirect effects in ecosystem networks. Oikos 119: 1136–1148. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.18104.x Borrett, S.R., A.K. Salas**. 2010. Evidence for resource homogenization in 50 trophic ecosystem network. Ecological Modelling 221: 1710–1716. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2010.04.004. Kaufman***, A.G. & S.R. Borrett. 2010. Ecosystem network analysis indicators are generally robust to parameter uncertainty in a phosphorus model of Lake Sidney Lanier, USA. Ecological Modelling 221: 1230-1238 doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.12.018 Bata, S.A., S.R. Borrett, B.C. Patten, S.J. Whipple, J.R. Schramski, D.K. Gattie. 2007. Equivalence of throughflow– and storage–based environs. Ecological Modelling. 206: 400– 406 doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.04.005 Schramski, J.R., D.K. Gattie, B.C. Patten, S.R. Borrett, B.D. Fath, S.J. Whipple. 2007. Indirect effects and distributed control in ecosystems: Distributed control in the environ networks of a seven-compartment model of nitrogen flow in the Neuse River Estuary, USA: Time series analysis. Ecological Modelling 206: 18-30. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.03.023 Whipple, S.J., S.R. Borrett, B.C. Patten, D.K. Gattie, J.R. Schramski, S.A. Bata. 2007. Indirect effects and distributed control in ecosystems: Comparative network environ analysis of a seven-compartment model of nitrogen flow in the Neuse River Estuary: Time series analysis. Ecological Modelling 206: 1-17. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.03.002 Whipple, S.J., B.C. Patten, P.G. Verity, M.E. Frischer, J.D. Long, J.C. Nejstgaard, J.T. Anderson, A. Jacobsen, A. Larsen, J. Martinez-Martinez, and S.R. Borrett. 2007 Gaining integrated understanding of Phaeocystis spp. through model-driven laboratory and mesocosm studies. Biogeochemistry 83:293–309. doi:10.1007/s10533-007-9089-z Borrett, S.R., W. Bridewell, P. Langley, K.R. Arrigo. 2007. A method for representing and developing process models. Ecological Complexity 4: 1–12. doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2007.02.017 Borrett, S.R., B.D. Fath, B.C. Patten. 2007. Functional integration of ecological networks through pathway proliferation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 245: 98–111. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.09.024 Borrett, S.R. and O.O. Osidele. 2007. Environ indicator sensitivity to flux uncertainty in a phosphorus model of Lake Sidney Lanier, USA. Ecological Modelling 200: 371–383. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2006.08.011 d. Grants Song, B.K., Borrett, S.R. NSF $500,226. Collaborative Research: MSB: Impact of sea level rise on sedimentary nitrogen removal processes in tidal freshwater ecosystems. (2010-2013). e. Synergistic Activities Developed and published a MATLAB function for Ecological Network Analysis. This function is now used by researchers in multiple ecology laboratories. Developed and now teach an Ecological Modeling course for graduate students that builds upon insights gained from both ecological network analysis and inductive process modeling research. Manuscripts reviewed for Ecological Modelling; Environmental Modeling & Software; Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science; Oikos Serve on the Cape Fear Museum of Science and History Advisory Board , Wilmington, NC. 22 Oct. 2010 CURRICULUM VITAE LAWRENCE B. CAHOON CAMPUS ADDRESS: Department of Biology and Marine Biology University of North Carolina Wilmington Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-5915 Phone: (910) 962-3706 FAX: 910-962-4066 E-mail: EDUCATION: Ph.D., 1981, Duke University (Zoology) B.S., 1975, summa cum laude, Washington & Lee University (Biology) POSITIONS HELD: Professor, 1993Associate Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, UNC Wilmington, 1987-1993 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences, UNC Wilmington, 1982-1987 PUBLICATIONS (2006-2009, peer-reviewed and co-authored by MS students only (of 80; plus 90 other)). MS students in bold. PR80. Cahoon, L.B., K.M. Hardy, and D.M. Allen. 2009. Exploring relationships between river discharge and coastal ocean phytoplankton biomass. Validated in EcoEdNet: PR79. Toothman, B.R., L.B. Cahoon, and M.A. Mallin. 2009. Phosphorus and carbohydrate limitation of fecal coliform and fecal enterococcus within tidal creek sediments, Hydrobiologia 636:401-412. PR72. McGee, D., R.A. Laws, and L.B. Cahoon. 2008. Live benthic diatoms from the upper continental slope: Extending the limits of marine primary production. Marine Ecology Progress Series 356:103-112. PR71. Cahoon, L.B., M.A. Mallin, B.R. Toothman, M. Ortwine, R.N. Harrington, R.S. Gerhart, S.M.K. Gill, and J. Knowles. 2007. Is There a Relationship Between Phosphorus and Fecal Microbes in Aquatic Sediments? UNC Water Resources Research Institute Report #366, 56 pp. PR70. Loucaides, S., L.B. Cahoon, and E.J. Henry. 2007. Urbanization impacts on dissolved silica loading in stormflow. Journal of the American Water Research Association 43:841-849. PR69. MacPherson, T.A., L.B. Cahoon and M.A. Mallin. 2007. Biochemical and sediment oxygen flux: Patterns of oxygen depletion in tidal creeks. Hydrobiologia 586:235-248. PR68. Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, B.R. Toothman, D.C. Parsons, M.R. McIver, M.L. Ortwine, R.N. Harrington. 2007. Impacts of a Raw Sewage Spill on Water and Sediment Quality in an Urbanized Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54:81-88. PR67. Croft, A.L., T.D. Alphin, L.B. Cahoon, M.H. Posey, L.A. Leonard. 2006. The effects of thin layer sand renourishment on tidal marsh processes, Masonboro Island, N.C. Estuaries 29:737-750. PR64. Cahoon, L.B., J.C. Hales, K.R. Rowland, E.S. Carey, S. Loucaides, and J.E. Nearhoof. 2006.Shellfishing closures in southwest Brunswick County, North Carolina: Septic tanks vs. storm water runoff as fecal coliform sources. J. Coastal Research 22 (2):319-327. PR61. Knowles, J.E., L.B. Cahoon, and S.M.K. Gill. 2006. Sediment-associated phosphorus in drainage features in southeastern North Carolina. J. N.C. Academy of Science 122: 39-48. 23 GRANTS funded (only those supporting MS students) 2010: Response to BP Oil Spill: Baseline Beach Sampling for North Carolina (Cahoon, Lankford and Alphin, $6000, Sea Grant) Bacterial consortia in swine waste lagoons: The role of purple phototrophic bacteria and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in odor control and natural products synthesis. NC Pork Council (Cahoon and Song, $25,000; Year 2) 2009: Bacterial consortia in swine waste lagoons: The role of purple phototrophic bacteria and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in odor control and natural products synthesis. NC Pork Council (Cahoon and Song, $25,000; Year 1) Key parameters for assessing beach functionality, UNC Sea Grant (Cahoon, Posey, Leonard, Lankford, and Alphin, $14,357 + $23,395 + $21,762, year 2) 2008: Key parameters for assessing beach functionality, UNC Sea Grant (Cahoon, Posey, Leonard, Lankford, and Alphin, $14,357 + $23,395 + $21,762, year 1) 2007: Microbial anti-oxidants from swine waste lagoons, UNC Research Competitiveness Fund, w/Song, Halkides, M. Williams, and G. Dubay, $116,507, 1 year 2005: Is there a relationship between phosphorus and fecal microbes in aquatic sediments, UNC Water Resources Research Institute ($50,000, w/Mallin) Effects of sediment phosphorus concentration on fecal pathogen indicators in estuarine sediments, UNC Sea Grant, ($70,728, w/Mallin) Marine science graduate students directed (2005-2010): 31. Erin S. Carey, “Effects of beach renourishment on benthic microalgae at Carolina and Kure beaches” M.S. 2005 32. Byron R. Toothman, “Effects of phosphorus and labile organic carbon on sedimentassociated fecal indictor bacteria” M.S., 2006 *33. Stephen M.K. Gill, “Phosphorus liberation by aquatic microorganisms”, M.S., 2006 34. Michelle L. Ortwine, “The impacts of rainfall runoff on tidal creek algal and bacterial production”, M.S. 2007 35. Renee N. Harrington, “Investigation of microbial contamination of sediment and water at boat ramps”, M.S. 2007 Current students: Kelly Stull (’07-), Melody Knowles (’07-),*Yosef Shirazi (’08-) *- students admitted originally by another faculty member. 24 Christopher F. Dumas, Ph.D. Contact Information Professor of Economics Department of Economics and Finance University of North Carolina -- Wilmington 601 South College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403 TEL: 910-962-4026 FAX: 910-962-7464 Education Ph.D., Natural Resource Economics, 1997. Univ. of California, Berkeley. Fields: Natural Resource Economics, Industrial Organization. M.S., Natural Resource Economics, 1991. Univ. of California, Berkeley. B.S., Economics, 1990. North Carolina State University. B.S., Environmental Science / Natural Resource Mgmt., 1990. North Carolina State University. Awards and Honors 2007. UNCW “Million Dollar Club” member. Achieved over $1 million in cumulative grant awards at UNCW. 2000. UNCW Chancellor's Outstanding Faculty Award. May 2, 2000. Teaching Undergraduate: ECN 221 Principles of Microeconomics, ECN 321 Intermediate Microeconomics, ECN 325 Environmental Economics, ECN 422 Econometrics, ECN 495 Economic Impact Analysis Graduate: ECN 525 Environmental Economics, PLS 501 Quantitative Methods for Public Administrators, MBA 533 Game Theory for Managers International: ECN 325 Environmental Economics. Hochschule Bremen, Bremen, Germany. July 2010. Journal Articles since 2004 2010. Whitehead, J. C., Phaneuf, D. J., Dumas, C. F., Herstine, J., Hill, J., Buerger, B. Convergent Validity of Revealed and Stated Recreation Behavior with Quality Change: A Comparison of Multiple and Single Site Demands. Environmental and Resource Economics. 45(1): 1573-1502. 1 2009. Fernandez, L., Dumas, C. F. Cross-media pollution and fuels--Can we avoid future MTBEs?. Energy Economics. 31: 423-430. 2009. Whitehead, J. C., Poulter, B., Dumas, C. F., Bin, O. Measuring the Economic Effects of Sea Level Rise on Shore Fishing. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 14: 777-792. 2008. Dumas, C.F., and J.C. Whitehead. The Potential Economic Benefits of Integrated and Sustainable Ocean Observation Systems: The Southeast Atlantic Region. Coastal Management Journal. 36:146-164. 2008. John C. Whitehead , Christopher F. Dumas , Jim Herstine , Jeffery Hill , Bob Buerger. Valuing Beach Access and Width with Revealed and Stated Preference Data. Marine Resource Economics. 23:119-135. 2008. Dumas, C.F., W. Hall, P. Garrett. The Economic Impacts of Medicaid in North Carolina. North Carolina Medical Journal. 69(2):78-87. 2008. Burrus, Robert T., Christopher F. Dumas, and J. Edward Graham. Homeowner Responses to Hurricane Risk Perceptions. Journal of Housing Research. 17(1):49-60. 2007. Yates, J.K., W.O. Watanabe, C.F. Dumas, and T.M. Losordo. Production economics of summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus aquaculture in a marine recirculating system. Accepted for publication, in press, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2007. Whitehead, John C., Jim Herstine, Christopher F. Dumas. Recreational Boater Willingness to Pay for an Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Dredging and Maintenance Program. Under review, Coastal and Ocean Management. 2007. Dumas, Christopher F., Robert T. Burrus, Jr. Erin Diener, Jenny Payne, and Jeff Rose. Valuing the Recreational Benefits of Sculpture in Public Parks. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 25(2):29-41. 2006. Christopher F. Dumas, John C. Whitehead, James H. Herstine, Robert B. Buerger, Jeffery M. Hill. Estimating Peak Demand for Beach Parking Spaces Under Capacity Constraints. Under review, Shore and Beach. 2005. Copeland, K., W. Watanabe, and C.F. Dumas. Economic Evaluation of a Small-Scale Recirculating System for Ongrowing of Captive Wild Black Sea Bass Centropristis striata in North Carolina. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 36(4):489-497. Book Chapters since 2004 2010. Daniels, H., Watanabe, W., Murashige, R., Losordo, T., Dumas, C. F. In Daniels, H.V., and W.O. Watanabe (Ed.), Culture of southern flounder. Ames, Iowa: Willey-Blackwell. 2007. Dumas, C.F., W. Watanabe, H. Daniels, T. Losordo, and K. Yates. “Southern Flounder Growout Economics.” Chapter in: Southern Flounder Production in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems: Biology, Engineering and Economics. North Carolina State University. 2005. Dumas, C.F., P. Schuhmann and J. Whitehead. “Measuring the Economic Benefits of Water Quality Improvement with Benefit Transfer: An Introduction for Non-Economists.” Chapter in: Effects of Urbanization on Stream Ecosystems. L.R. Brown, R.H. Gray, R.M. Hughes and M.R. Meador, eds. American Fisheries Society. 2005. Burrus, R.T., C.F. Dumas and J.E. Graham. "Impacts of Insurance Deductibles and Hurricane Damage Perceptions on Mitigation Choices." Chapter in: Economics and the Wind,. B. T. Ewing, J.S. Rawls and J. B. Kruse, eds. Nova Science Publishing. 2 2004. Dumas, C.F., and P. Schuhmann. 2003. Larry B. Crowder, Ransom A. Myers, Christopher Dumas, Sloan A. Freeman, Julia Baum, Melissa Snover, Andrea A. Treece, Peter Ward. Book: Longline Fishing in the Northwest Atlantic: A Fishery in Crisis. Pew Series in Marine Conservation, Island Press. Research Grants and Contract Research since 2004 2009. Dumas, Christopher F (Principal), "Markets for Marine Biotechnology Products," Sponsored by UNCW Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington, $20,000.00. (June 1, 2009 - Present). 2009. Dumas, Christopher F (Co-Principal), Watanabe, Wade (Principal), "Establishing a pilot hatchery for production of juveniles to support the finfish mariculture industry in North Carolina," Sponsored by North Carolina Biotechnology Center, State, $66,842.00. (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010). 2009. Dumas, Christopher F, "Supplemental Funding for Mariculture Black Sea Bass Market Research," Sponsored by North Carolina Sea Grant, State, $700.00. (February 1, 2009 January 19, 2010). 2009. Dumas, Christopher F, "Economic Impacts of the North Carolina For-Hire Striped Bass Fishery," Sponsored by North Carolina Sea Grant, State, $2,500.00. (March 20, 2009 September 30, 2009). 2009. Dumas, Christopher F (Co-Principal), Hall, William W (Principal), Schuhmann, Peter W (Co-Principal), "Economic Impact Study of the Production of a 'Mid-Major' Motion Picture on the Economy of Southeastern North Carolina," Sponsored by Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc., Local, $9,060.00. (March 20, 2009 - September 30, 2009). 2009. Dumas, Christopher F (Principal), Hall, William W (Co-Principal), Graham, J E (CoPrincipal), "Economic Impact Study of Proposed Project in Sampson County, North Carolina," Sponsored by Sampson County Economic Development Commission, Local, $10,000.00. (June 2009 - July 2009). 2008. North Carolina Biotechnology Center, Regional Development Grant Program. “Assessing Metro Niche Market Demand for North Carolina Mariculture Products.” $33,730. (Dumas lead PI) 2008. NC Research Competitiveness Grant Program (NC Legislature). “North Carolina Coastal Hazards: Economic Implications of Severe Storms and Sea-level Rise.” Joint project with many UNC-system collaborators. $288,694 (Dumas sub-award $6,725). 2007. NC Dept. Environment and Natural Resources. “North Carolina Beach and Inlet Management Plan.” Joint project with Moffatt and Nichol engineering consultants. $750,000. 2007. NC Sea Grant. “Economic Impacts of the North Carolina For-Hire Recreational Fishing Fleet.” Joint project with Jim Herstine, UNCW, John Whitehead, Appalachian State University, Craig Landry, East Carolina University, and Tim Hatcher, NC State University. (Dumas lead PI) $70,348. 2006. National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). “Commercialization of black sea bass aquaculture: nursery, growout and marketing.” Joint with Wade Watanabe, UNCW Center for Marine Science. $400,000 3 2006. U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Controlled breeding, larviculture, intensive growout and marketing of high-value marine finfish species for US agriculture.” Joint with Wade Watanabe, UNCW Center for Marine Science. $293,745. 2006. NC Sea Grant. “An Assessment of Public Awareness of Rip Currents in New Hanover County, NC.” Joint project with Jim Herstine, Doug Gamble, Mark Imperial and Steve Meinhold, UNCW. $3,982. 2006. Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA. “Evaluating pharmaceutical crops’ promise as a rural development strategy for the state of North Carolina.” $10,000. 2006. National Commission on Energy Policy. “Measuring the Impacts of Climate Change on North Carolina Coastal Resources” Joint project with Ben Poulter, Duke University, Paul Bin, East Carolina University and John, Whitehead, Appalachian State University. $50,000. 2006. NC Pediatric Society Foundation. “The Economic Impacts of Medicaid Payments in North Carolina.” Follow on project work: $10,000. 2005. NC Dept. Environment and Natural Resources. "Estimating and Analyzing the Costs of Stream Restoration in North Carolina." Joint project with Dr. Scott Templeton, Clemson University. $83,486. 2005. NC Sea Grant, NC Dept. Environment and Natural Resources, and NC Beach, Inlet and Waterways Association. “Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Economic Impacts and Economic Benefits Study.” Joint project with Jim Herstine and William Hall, UNCW, and John Whitehead, Appalachian State University. $112,000. 2005. Dare County, NC. “The Economic Benefits of Oregon Inlet.” Joint project with William Hall, UNCW, John Whitehead, Appalachian State University, and Moffat and Nichol Engineers. $75,000. 2005. NC Pediatric Society Foundation. “The Economic Impacts of Medicaid Payments in North Carolina.” Joint project with William Hall, UNCW. $10,000. 2005. Brunswick County Community in Schools Program. “The Economic Impacts of the Brunswick County Community in Schools Program.” Joint project with Mark Imperial, UNCW. $6,800. 2004. Pew Charitable Trusts. "The Cost of Buying Out the Pelagic Longline Fishery." $12,000. 2004. City of Jacksonville, NC. "Measuring the Economic Benefits of Water Quality Improvements in the New River, NC—A Feasibility Assessment." $5,000. 2004. NC Dept. Environment and Natural Resources. "Fort Fisher Ocean Beach Vehicle Study." Joint project with Jim Herstine, Jeff Hill and Bob Buerger, UNCW. $25,000. 2004. NC Sea Grant. "The Potential Economic Benefits of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems." Joint project with John Whitehead, Appalachian State University. $31,406. 4 ABBREVIATED CURRICULUM VITAE Michael J. Durako Professor Department of Biology and Marine Biology Center for Marine Science Telephone: (910) 962-2373 E-mail:; Professional Preparation Ph.D. Marine Science, 1991 University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 M.A. Botany, 1978 University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 B.S. Biology, 1975 Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33432 Appointments Aug. 2004- present Aug. 1997- July 2004 May 1995- July 1997 Jan. 1979 – Apr. 1995 Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, UNCW Associate Professor, Department of Biology, tenured 8/00 Senior Research Scientist, Florida Marine Research Institute Research Scientist, Florida Marine Research Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications (79 total) (Student authors in bold) Kowalczuk, P., Cooper, W. J., Gonsior, M., Durako, M. J., Young, H., Kahn, A. E. 2010. Characterization of dissolved organic matter fluorescence in the South Atlantic Bight using the PARAFAC model: Relationships between fluorescence and its components, absorption coefficients and organic carbon concentrations. Marine Chemistry 118: 22-36. Kahn, A. E., Durako, M. J. 2009. Wavelength-specific photosynthetic responses of Halophila johnsonii from marine versus riverine-influenced habitats. Aquatic Botany 91: 245-249. Kowalczuk, P., Durako, M. J., Young, H., Kahn, A. E., Cooper, W. J., Gonsior, M. 2009. Characterization of dissolved organic matter fluorescence in the South Atlantic Bight with use of PARAFAC model: Inter-annual variability. Marine Chemistry 113: 182-196. Kahn, A. E., Durako, M. J., 2009. Photosynthetic tolerances to desiccation of the co-occurring seagrasses Halophila johnsonii and Halophila decipiens. Aquatic Botany 90: 195-198. Meng, Y. Krzysiak, A. J., Durako, M. J., Kunzelman, J. I., Wright, J. L. C. 2008. Flavones and flavone glycosides from the sea grass Halophila johnsonii. Phytochemistry 69: 26032608. Whitfield, P.E., W. J. Kenworthy, M. J. Durako, K. K. Hammerstrom, and M. F. Merello. 2004. Recruitment of Thalassia testudinum seedlings into physically disturbed seagrass beds. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 267: 121-131. Most Recent Funding (52 Awards totaling >$7,00,000; 31@UNCW: >$5,000,000) 2010-2011 Measuring photosynthetic characteristics of Turtlegrass for the South Florida Fish Habitat Assessment Program. Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. ($85,000) 5 2009-2011 Establishing the salinity tolerance of Halophila johnsonii. National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Endangered Species Office, $24,200. 2009-2010 Measuring photosynthetic characteristics of Turtlegrass for the South Florida Fish Habitat Assessment Program. Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. ($60,000) 2008-2010 Tissue Localization of Flavonoid Compounds in Halophila johnsonii: Depth and salinity effects. National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Endangered Species Office, $21,000. 2007-2008 Tissue Localization of Flavonoid Compounds in Halophila johnsoni:. National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Endangered Species Office, $21,883. 2005-2008 Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. Measuring photosynthetic characteristics of Turtlegrass for the South Florida Fish Habitat Assessment Program. ($200,000) 2005-2007 Effects of hurricanes on the distribution of Halophila johnsonii. National Marine Fisheries Service. ($89,855) 2005-06 NOAA/UNCW. Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program. ($2,770,694) Academic Activities Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis Advisor: Eckerd College - Craig Rose F91/S92 UNCW - Andrea Wimmers, F97/S98; Amy Dixon, F98/S99; Darin Crew, F98/S99; Steven van Sluyter S02/F02. Graduate Students (M.S.) Supervised: UNCW - Lesley Murphy, 2000; Jill Paxson, 2002; John Hackney, 2003; James Henne, 2001; Ron Dean, 2002; Paula Whitfield, 2002; Jennifer Kunzelman, 2003; Amanda Kahn 2004; Robert York, 2005; J. Brooke Landry, 2005; Elizabeth F. Belshe, 2005; Kathryn Chartrand, 2007; Nathan Gavin 2008; Nina Griffin, 2009; Jacqueline Corbett 2009. Graduate Students (Ph.D.) Supervised: UNCW- Amanda Kahn, 2008 Graduate Student (M.S.) Committees: USF - Mary Beth Neeley 1996, Craig Rose, Donna Berns 2003. UNCW -Sebastian Engel, 2000; Barbara Wilson, 2000; Thomas McGinnis, 2002; Erin Zook, 2007; Lee Richbourg, F06. Graduate Student (Ph.D.) Committees: USF - Eva Maria Wysk Koch; FIU – Justin Campbell. Post-doctoral Research Fellows supervised Dr. Piotr Kowalczuk - 2001-2003; Dr. Marnie L. Campbell - 2003-2004; Dr. Wendy L. Woods 2003-2005 6 CHRISTOPHER M. FINELLI Associate Professor Department of Biology and Marine Biology University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 S. College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 Voice: (910) 962-2137; Fax: (910) 962-4066; Email: EDUCATION: 1997 1990-1991 1991 Ph.D. Marine Science Program, University of South Carolina Dissertation title: The influence of behavior and physics on ecological processes. Advisor: Dr. David S. Wethey. East/West Marine Biology Program, Northeastern University, Boston, MA B.S. in Biology, Magna Cum Laude, Honors Program Graduate, St. Francis College, Loretto, PA PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2009 to Present Associate Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington 2005 to 2006 Biological-Physical Coupling, Oceanography, Marine Biology Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington Biological-Physical Coupling, Oceanography, Marine Biology Associate Professor, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON). 1999 to 2005 Assistant Professor, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON). 1997 to 1999 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Academy of Natural Sciences 2006 to 2009 Biological-Physical Coupling, Benthic Ecology, Marine Science Biological-Physical Coupling, Benthic Ecology, Marine Science Organism-flow interactions, stream ecology 1993-1995 1992-1993 1991-1996 Graduate Research Assistant- NSF Grant IBN-922225: Chemoreception in Turbulent Flow: How Blue Crabs Find their Prey. Graduate Research Assistant- ONR Contract N0014-K-82-645: Real-time Studies of Barnacle Larval Settlement. Graduate Instructional Assistant: RESEARCH INTERESTS Research in my lab continues along two parallel tracks: ecology of reef dwelling benthic suspension feeders and chemoreception in predator-prey interactions. I typically try to work both locally, in oyster reefs and marshes, and in the tropics, on coral reefs, to widen the funding base and the opportunities for student involvement. Much of my research, especially that conducted on oyster reefs, has distinct application to environmental or fisheries problems (e.g. oyster reef restoration). PROFESSIONAL AWARDS and FUNDING since 2004: 2009 2009 2008 UNCW Cahill Award; Development of a high speed motion analysis system for biological research and education at UNCW. $3000; PIs: Alison Taylor & Christopher Finelli NC Sea Grant; To seed or not to seed: The value of seeding restored oyster reefs for ecosystem function. $100,000. PIs: Christopher Finelli, Troy Alphin, Martin Posey, Ami Wilbur. National Undersea Research Program/Coral Reef Conservation Program; 2008-2011 2008 Sponges on Florida Reefs: Basic data for conservation and management. $69,000; Co-PI with Joseph Pawlik National Science Foundation; Pumping rates of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta on Caribbean reefs: size scaling, environmental controls, and bleaching effects. $193,617; PI: Christopher Finelli. UNCW Cahill Award; Preliminary investitgations of the boring sponge, Cliona chelata, and its effects on the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. $3000; PI: Christopher 2008 2006 2003-2007 Finelli NC SeaGrant Minigrant Program; Application of Chemical Cues to Artificial Reef Substrate: Enhanced oyster recruitment or increased predation. $1640; PI: Christopher Finelli Entergy Environmental Stewardship Program; Expanding and Enhancing the Bayouside Classroom Science and Stewardship Program. $22,257. National Science Foundation; Collaborative Research + RUI: The effects of water movement and zooplankton escape behavior on planktivory by coral reef fishes in different microhabitats. 2003-2008 2002-2005 2001-2008 $383,724 ($81,243 to LUMCON); Co-PI with Ed Buskey, University of Texas Marine Science Institute and Ray Clarke, Sara Lawrence College National Science Foundation; Supplement to Career development plan: Interdisciplinary research and education in marine habitats. $44,800; PI: Christopher Finelli National Science Foundation; Faculty Institutes for Reforming Science Teaching (FIRST) II. $30,000; Team Leader: Christopher Finelli National Science Foundation Career development plan: Interdisciplinary research and education in marine habitats. $506,955; PI: Christopher Finelli Optimal design of oyster reefs for erosion control. $89,201; PI: Christopher Finelli w/ Tom Soniat (Nicholls State University) PUBLICATIONS since 2004 (Including those in review or in press): Finelli, C.M., R.D. Clarke, H.E. Robinson, and E.J. Buskey (2009). Water flow controls the distribution and feeding behavior of two co-occurring coral reef fishes: I. Field measurements. Coral Reefs 28: 461-473 Clarke, R.D., C.M. Finelli, and E.J. Buskey (2009). Water flow controls the distribution and feeding behavior of two co-occurring coral reef fishes: II. Laboratory measurements. Coral Reefs 28:475-488 Finelli, C.M., L. Rodrigue, and D.P. Chauvin. In revision. High frequency measurements of water quality along the Bayou Terrebonne-Bayou Petit Caillou Corridor, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, USA: The effects of hydrologic modification and hurricanes. Estuaries and Coasts. Finelli, C.M. In revision. A two dimensional map of the sample volume of an acoustic Doppler velocimeter. In revision for Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. Finelli, C.M., J. Kastler, R.T. Powell. In press. Improving undergraduate science education: The FIRST II Project in Louisiana. Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences Finelli, C.M., D. Ebert-May, and J. Hodder. 2008. Collaborative learning: A jigsaw. In EbertMay and Hodder, editors, Pathways to Scientific Teaching. Sinauer and Associates, Sunderland MA. Reprinted from original peer-reviewed publication in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3(4):220-221 Finelli, C.M., B.S.T. Helmuth, N.D. Pentcheff, D.S. Wethey. 2007. Intracolony variability in photosynthesis by corals is driven by water flow via oxygen transport. Marine Ecology Progress Series 349:103-110. Robinson, H.E., C.M. Finelli, and E. Buskey. 2007. The turbulent lives of copepods: laboratory flume studies of how flow over a coral reef affects their ability to detect and evade predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series 349:171-181. Finelli, C.M., B.S.T. Helmuth, N.D. Pentcheff, and D.S. Wethey. 2005. Water flow influences oxygen transport and photosynthetic efficiency in corals. Coral Reefs 25(1) 47-57. Atilla, N., J.W. Fleeger, and C.M. Finelli. 2005. Effects of habitat complexity and hydrodynamics on the abundance and diversity of small invertebrates colonizing artificial substrates. Journal of Marine Research 63(6):1151-1172. Finelli, C.M. 2005. Bioirrigation as a source of nutrients for benthic algae: A study of burrow ventilation by ghost shrimp (Thalassinidea) from the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Geochemica et Cosmica Acta. 69(10 Suppl) A114. (Published Abstract) Finelli, C.M., D. Ebert-May, and J. Hodder. 2005. Collaborative learning: A jigsaw. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3(4):220-221 Soniat, T.M., Finelli C.M., and J.T. Ruiz. 2004. Vertical structure and predator refuge mediate oyster reef development and community dynamics. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 310:163-182. Stanzel, C.D. and C.M. Finelli. 2004. The effects of temperature and salinity on ventilation behavior of two species of ghost shrimp (Thalassinidea) from the northern gulf of Mexico: a laboratory study. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 312:19-41. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Associate Editor: Limnology and Oceanography (2008 to Present) Journal Reviewer: Journal of Chemical Ecology, CBE – Life Sciences Education, Journal of Experimental Biology, Ecology, Limnology and Oceanography, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Marine Biology, Oecologia, Estuaries, Biological Invasions, Oikos, Australian Journal of Ecology, Journal of Coastal Research, Pacific Science, Journal of Foraminiferal Research, Journal of the North American Benthological Society, Coral Reefs. Panelist: National Science Foundation Biological Oceanography, National Science Foundation Education and Human Resources GK-12 Grant Reviewer: National Science Foundation (BIO, GEO, EHR, ENG, OPP, IBN), Hudson River Foundation, Marsh Ecology Research Program/New Jersey SeaGrant, Maryland SeaGrant, Florida SeaGrant Organizer: Special symposium on turbulent mass transfer, 2001 meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography; Special Session for FIRST Project in Louisiana, 2004 and 2006 meetings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences David Wilson Freshwater, Ph.D. Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington 5600 Marvin Moss Lane, Wilmington, NC 28409 (910) 962-2375, PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION: UNC-Wilmington North Carolina State University UNC-Chapel Hill University of Miami UNC-Wilmington Marine Biology Botany Biology Marine Biology Marine Botany OTHER TRAINING 1995 Workshop on Molecular Evolution 1996 Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics 1997 Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics 2006 IANTD Technical and TriMix Dive Training B.S. M.S. Ph.D. Post-doc Post-doc 1985 1987 1993 09/93-08/94 08/94-10/95 MBL, Woods Hole NCSU NCSU NURC APPOINTMENTS 1995-present Research Specialist, Center for Marine Science Adjunct Faculty, Dept. Biology, UNC-Wilmington 2000-present Core Leader, DNA Analysis Core Facility, Center for Marine Science 2005-present Associate Curator, Algal collection, UNCW herbarium (WNC) 2009 Instructor, NSF Pan-American Studies Institute, STRI, Panama 2008 STRI Collaborator, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama 2008 Instructor, Training in Tropical Taxonomy Workshop, STRI, Panama 2002 Visiting Research Fellow, Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney FUNDING AND AWARDS (last 5 years only) 2010–2012 National Science Foundation/Biodiversity Surveys & Inventories (PI) REU Supplement: Collaborative Research: Marine Algal Diversity of Southern Central America 2009–2012 National Science Foundation/Biodiversity Surveys & Inventories (PI) REU Supplement: Collaborative Research: Marine Algal Diversity of Southern Central America 2009 2007-2008 Hilda Canter-Lund Photomicrograph Award from the British Phycological Society 2008-2012 National Science Foundation/Biodiversity Surveys & Inventories (PI) RUI: Collaborative Research: Marine Algal Diversity of Southern Central America 2008 Marine Science Network (coPI) MSN Workshop: Taxonomy, phylogeny, and DNA barcoding of Bocas del Toro seaweeds 2007-2008 National Science Foundation/Major Research Instrumentation Program, Research Opportunity Award (ROA) Supplement (PI) Acquisition of instrumentation to enhance the capabilities for research and teaching of the DNA Analysis Core Facility at the Center for Marine Science 2006-2008 National Science Foundation/Major Research Instrumentation Program (PI) Acquisition of instrumentation to enhance the capabilities for research and teaching of the DNA Analysis Core Facility at the Center for Marine Science 2006-2007 National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) (PI) Genetic analysis of invasive lionfish 2005-2006 National Science Foundation/Systematics PEET Program (PI) REU supplement: Monographic research and phylogenetic investigations of the Ceramiales (Rhodophyta) 2004-2006 National Undersea Research Center (coPI) Assessment of the Status and Risk Posed by the Invasive Lionfish in North Carolina Hardbottom Communities 2003-2009 National Science Foundation/Systematics PEET Program (coPI) Monographic research and phylogenetic investigations of the Ceramiales (Rhodophyta) 2003-2005 North Carolina SeaGrant (coPI) Identification, distribution and seasonality of a Gracilaria species that is hampering commercial fishing operations in southeastern North Carolina PUBLICATIONS (Only those coauthored with MS in Marine Science [in bold] or Marine Biology [underlined] students included) Stuercke, B. & D.W. Freshwater. 2010. Two new species of Polysiphonia (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae) from the western Atlantic. Botanic Marina 53:301-311 Freshwater, D.W. & S.L. Schmitt. 2009. Utility of FTA cards for the preservation of marine green and red algal DNA. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences 125(3):103-106. Morris, J.A., J.L. Akins, A. Barse, D. Cerino, D.W. Freshwater, S. Green, R. Muñoz, C. Paris & P. Whitfield. 2009. Biology and ecology of the invasive lionfishes, Pterois miles and Pterois volitans. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute. 29:409-414. Freshwater, D.W., A. Hines, S. Parham, A.E. Wilbur, M. Sabaoun, J.L. Woodhead, L. Akins, B. Purdy, P.E. Whitfield & C.B. Paris. 2009. Mitochondrial control region sequence analyses indicate dispersal from the US East Coast as the source of the invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans in the Bahamas. Marine Biology 156(6):1213-1221. DOI 10.1007/s00227-009-1163-8. Stuercke, B. & D.W. Freshwater. 2008. Consistency of morphological characters used to delimit Polysiphonia sensu lato species (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae): Analyses of North Carolina, USA specimens. Phycologia 47:541-559. York, R.A., M.J. Durako, W.J. Kenworthy & D.W. Freshwater. 2008. Megagametogenesis in Halophila johnsonii, a threatened seagrass with no known seeds, and the seed-producing Halophila decipiens (Hydrocaritaceae). Aquatic Botany 88:277-282. Hamner, R.M., D.W. Freshwater & P.E. Whitfield. 2007. Mitochondrial cytochrome b analysis reveals two invasive lionfish species with strong founder effects in the western Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology 71:214-222. Kapraun, D.F., K.S. Braly & D.W. Freshwater. 2007. Nuclear DNA content variation in the freshwater red algal orders Batrachospermales and Thoreales (Florideophyceae, Nemaliophycidae). Phycologia 46:54-62 Freshwater, D.W., F. Montgomery, J.K. Greene, R.M. Hamner, M. Williams & P.E. Whitfield. 2006. Distribution and identification of an invasive Gracilaria species that is hampering commercial fishing operations in southeastern North Carolina, USA. Biological Invasions 8:631-637. Freshwater, D.W., S.K. Braly, B. Stuercke, R.M. Hamner & R.A. York. 2005. Phylogenetic analyses of North Carolina Rhodymeniales. I. The genus Asteromenia. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences 121: 49-55. Bailey, J.C., J.E. Gabel & D.W. Freshwater. 2004. Nuclear 18S rRNA gene sequence analyses indicate that the Mastophoroideae (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) is a polyphyletic taxon. Phycologia 43:3-12. Waycott, M., D.W. Freshwater, R.A. York, A. Calladine & W.J. Kenworthy. 2002. Evolutionary trends in the seagrass genus Halophila (Thouars): insights from molecular phylogeny. Bulletin of Marine Science 71:1299-1308. Freshwater, D.W., D.T. Thomas & J.C. Bailey. 2002. Characterization of a cDNA encoding glutamine synthetase II from Gelidium crinale (Rhodophyta). Phycological Research 50:17-22. Mamoozadeh, N.R. & D. W. Freshwater. (submitted) Taxonomic notes on five species of Polysiphonia sensu lato (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae) from the Caribbean. Botanica Marina. Mamoozadeh, N.R. & D.W. Freshwater. (in prep.) Morphological and molecular assessment of Caribbean Panama Polysiphonia and Neosiphonia (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae) species. Nova Hedwigia. Biographical Sketch: Douglas W. Gamble Associate Professor of Geography and Director Laboratory for Applied Climate Research Department of Geography and Geology, University of North Carolina Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403 Education University of Georgia University of Georgia Miami University Appointments 2006-Present 2000-Present 2000- 2006 1997-2000 1991-1997 1995-1996 Geography Geography International Studies PhD 1997 MA 1993 BA 1989 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Geology, UNC Wilmington Extended Faculty, Center for Marine Science, UNC Wilmington. Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, UNC Wilmington. Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences, Mississippi State University. Teaching Assistant, Lab Coordinator, and Part-Time Instructor, Department of Geography, University of Georgia. Part-Time Instructor, Department of Geography, Georgia State University. Publications Five most closely related: Gamble, D.W., D. Campbell, T. Allen, D. Barker, S. Curtis, D, McGregor, and J. Popke, In Press 2010. Climate change, drought, and Jamaican agriculture: local knowledge and the climate record. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Allen, T., S. Curtis, and D. Gamble, 2010. The mid-summer dry spell’s impact on vegetation in Jamaica. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. doi: 10.1175/2010JAMC2422.1 Gamble, D.W. and S. Curtis, 2008. Caribbean precipitation: Review, model, and prospect. Progress in Physical Geography 32(3): 265-276. Gamble, D.W., D.B. Parnell, and S. Curtis, 2008. Spatial variability of the Caribbean mid-summer drought and relation to the North Atlantic High, International Journal of Climatology 28: 343-350. Curtis, S. and Gamble, D.W., 2008. Regional variations of the Caribbean mid-summer drought, Theoretical and Applied Climatology 94:25-34. Five other significant publications: Gamble, D.W., 2009. Caribbean vulnerability: An appropriate climatic framework. In D. McGregor, D. Dodman, and D. Barker, eds., Global Change and Caribbean Vulnerability: Environment, Economy and Society at Risk? (Mona, Jamaica: The UWI Press), pp. 22-46. Rodgers, J.C. and D.W. Gamble, 2008. The impact of Hurricane Frances (2004) on the invasive Australian pine (Casuarina equisetifolia, L.) San Salvador Island, The Bahamas, Journal of the Torrey Biological Society 135(3): 367-376. Crump, M.A. and D.W. Gamble, 2006. Hydroclimatic Analysis of a Carbonate Island Pond through the Development of a Hydrologic Landscape Unit Model. Physical Geography 27(2): 1-17. Gamble, D.W., 2004. Water Resource Development on Small Carbonate Islands: Solutions Offered by the Hydrologic Landscape Concept. In B. Warf, D. Janelle, and L.K. Hansen eds., Worldminds: Geographic Perspectives on 100 Problems. (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers) pp. 503508. Gamble, D.W., 2004. Re-Thinking the Region: SEDAAG and the Caribbean. Southeastern Geographer, 44(1): 8-14. Synergistic Activities Member, Editorial Committee, Southeastern Geographer: Journal of the Southeast Division, Association of American Geographers, 1999-2003, 2007-Present. Member, International Review Board, International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 2008Present. Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Award, UNC Wilmington, 2010. Excellence in Teaching Award, Southeastern Division Association of the American Geographers, 2009. Southeastern Division Regional Councilor, Association of American Geographers, 2008-2011. Co-Editor, Proceedings of the 12th and 15th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and Other Carbonate Regions, June 2004 & 2010. Gerace Research Center, San Salvador, Bahamas. Editor, The North Carolina Geographer, 2004-2007. Member, Research Committee, Association of American Geographers, 2005-07. Douglas W. Gamble and Lynn Leonard, 2004-2005. Contract, Coastal Services Center, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Coastal Climatology Products for Recreation and Tourism End-Users in Southeastern North Carolina. $74,890 awarded. Co-leader, Geography Faculty Development Alliance Workshop, National Science Foundation/ Department of Geography, University of Colorado, 2004 and 2005. Brown, M.E., D.W. Gamble, D. Brommer, P.G. Dixon, and D.B. Parnell, 2004. Quick Response Grant, Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center, University of Colorado. Field Evaluation of Hurricane Frances Damage to Water Resources, Karst Environments, Tourism Infrastructure, and Emergency Response of San Salvador Island, Bahamas. $4300 awarded. Michael J. Janis and Douglas W. Gamble, 2003-4. Contract: Workshop and Planning for a Coastal Climatology of the Southeastern United States. Coastal Services Center, NOAA. Awarded $49,857. Collaborators & Other Affiliations Collaborators and Co-Editors in the last 48 months: Teddy Allen University of Miami, David Barker University of West Indies-Mona, Michael Benedetti UNC Wilmington, Donovan Campbell University of West Indies-Mona , Michael A. Crump USDA Forest Service, Scott Curtis East Carolina University, R. Laurence Davis University of New Haven, Paul Dixon Mississippi State University, David Dodman University of West Indies-Mona, Joanne Halls UNC Wilmington, Elizabeth Hines UNC Wilmington, Pascal Kindler University of Geneva, Lynne L. Leonard UNC Wilmington, Deanna McCay Colgate University, Duncan McGregor Royal Holloway University London, P.J. Moore Exxon Mobile, John Martin University of Florida,, John Mylroie Mississippi State University, Darren Parnell Salisbury University, Scott Phipps Weeks Bay NERR, Jeff Popke East Carolina University, John Rodgers, Mississippi State University, Neil Sealey Bahamian Nature Conservancy, Jennifer Speights-Binet Samford University. Thesis Advisees Tim Metevelis, MS Marine Science 2010, UNC Wilmington Sarah Beth Jenkins, BA Geography (Honors Thesis) 2006, UNC Wilmington Michael A. Crump, MS Geology 2002, Dept of Earth Sciences, UNC Wilmington Marck Oduber, MS Geosciences 2000, Dept. of Geosciences, Mississippi State University Kathy Sherman, MS Geosciences 1999, Dept. of Geosciences, Mississippi State University Wayne Verno, MS Geosciences 1999, Dept. of Geosciences, Mississippi State University NANCY R. GRINDLAY Department of Geography and Geology & Center for Marine Science University of North Carolina Wilmington 5600 Marvin Moss Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 Tel: (910) 962-2410; Fax: (910) 962-2352 email:, URL:/ PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Rhode Island 1991-1993 Ph.D., Oceanography (Marine Geology and Geophysics), University of Rhode Island, 1991 B.A., Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College, 1983 APPOINTMENTS: 2006 Summer Visiting Scientist, Institute for Marine Science, Bologna, Italy 2005-2008 Graduate Coordinator, Master of Science in Geology program, University of North Carolina Wilmington 2004 Summer Visiting Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA 2003-pres. Professor, Department of Geography & Geology, University of North Carolina Wilmington 2000-2003 Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Earth Sciences, University of North Carolina Wilmington 1997-2000 Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of North Carolina Wilmington 1995-1997 Assistant Researcher, Department of Geology, University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez 1993-1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez 1990 Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Rhode Island 1984-1990 Graduate Research Assistant, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island 1983-1984 Geologist, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration OCEANOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS: From 1984 to present I have sailed as participant (13) or Chief Scientist (6) on 19 deep-water oceanographic expeditions to the South Atlantic, Caribbean, eastern and western Pacific, and Southwest Indian oceans. In addition, I have conducted numerous (20+) high-resolution marine geophysical surveys in the southeastern North Carolina coastal ocean and Cape Fear River. RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS REGARDING SIDESCAN SONAR AND SEISMIC DATA: Grindlay, N.R., P. Mann, J.F. Dolan and J-P van Gestel, 2005, Neotectonics and subsidence of the northern Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands margin in response to oblique subduction of high-standing ridges, GSA Special Paper 385, "Active tectonics and seismic hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and offshore areas", ed P. Mann, p. 31-60. Grindlay, N.R., L. Abrams, L. Del Greco and P. Mann, 2005, Toward an integrated understanding of Holocene fault activity in western Puerto Rico: Constraints from high-resolution seismic and sidescan sonar data, GSA Special Paper 385, "Active tectonics and seismic hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and offshore areas", ed P. Mann, p. 136-160. Mann, P., J-C Hippolyte, N.R. Grindlay and L.J. Abrams, 2005, Neotectonics of southern Puerto Rico and its offshore margin, GSA Special paper 385,"Active tectonics and seismic hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and offshore areas", ed P. Mann, p.173-214. van Gestel, J-P., P. Mann, N.R. Grindlay, and J.F. Dolan, 1999, Three-phase tectonic evolution of the northern margin of Puerto Rico as inferred from an integration of seismic reflection, well, and outcrop data, Marine Geology, 161, 259-288. van Gestel, J-P., P. Mann, J. Dolan and N.R. Grindlay, 1998, Structure and tectonics of the late Cenozoic Puerto Rico Virgin Islands carbonate platform as determined from seismic reflection studies, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 30,505-30,530. OTHER SIGNIFICANT PUBLICATIONS: Takeuchi, C, J. Sclater, N.R. Grindlay, J. Madsen and C. Rommevaux-Jestin, Segment-scale and Intra-segment Melt Supply Variations Near the Andrew Bain Mega-Transform Fault and Marion Hotspot: The Southwest Indian Ridge 25°-35°E, Geochemistry, Geophysics Geosystems, 11, 7, Q07012, doi:10.1029/2010GC003054, 27p. Mondziel, S., N. R. Grindlay, P. Mann, A. Escolona, and L.J. Abrams, 2010, Morphology, structure and tectonic evolution of Mona Canyon (northern Mona Passage) from multibeam bathymetry, sidescan sonar and seismic reflection profiles, Tectonics 29, TC2003, doi:10.1029/2008TC002441. Hornbach, M.J., S.A. Mondziel, N.R. Grindlay, C. Frolich, C. and P. Mann, 2008, Did a submarine slide trigger the 1918 Puerto Rico tsunami? Science of Tsunami Hazards, 27, 22-31. Sclater, J. G., N.R. Grindlay, J.A. Madsen and C. Rommevaux-Jestin, 2005, Tectonic interpretation of the Andrew Bain transform fault, Southwest Indian Ocean, Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems, 6, Q09K10, doi:10.1029/2005GC000951. Hippolyte, J-C, P. Mann and N.R. Grindlay, 2005, Geologic evidence for the prolongation of active normal faults of the Mona Rift into northwestern Puerto Rico, GSA Special Paper 385, "Active tectonics and seismic hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and offshore areas", ed P. Mann, p. 161-172. Mann, P., C. Prentice, J-C Hippolyte, N.R. Grindlay, L. Abrams, and D. Lao-Davila*, 2005, Reconnaissance study of Late Quaternary faulting along the La Cadena de San Francisco mountain front (Cerro Goden fault zone), western Puerto Rico, GSA Special paper 385, "Active tectonics and seismic hazards of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and offshore areas", ed P. Mann, p.115-138. SYNERGISTIC ACTIVITIES: Graduate Coordinator, UNCW Masters in Geology Program Jan. 2005-June 2008 Advisor, Cape Fear History and Science Museum Oceans. Explore. Discover Exhibit, 2007 National Underwater Research Program Review Panel Member, 2005 Member, UNOLS R/V Marcus Langseth Scientific Oversight Committee, December 2005-present NSF Review Panel Member: NSF Polar Programs, 2000-2003: NSF Ocean Sciences MG&G 1999, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2010 EXTERNAL FUNDING DURING PAST SEVEN YEARS A pilot study to investigate the possible linkages between submarine groundwater fluxes and amphitheater-shaped scarps on the northern insular margin of Puerto Rico, University of PR Sea Grant Program, $118,983, 03/01/04-02/28/08, Principal Investigator. Collaborative research: An investigation of the effects of cold, thick lithosphere on deformation of slowly slipping mega-transforms: The Andrew Bain transform, SW Indian Ridge, National Science Foundation, $80,368, 09/01/03-08/31/09, Principal Investigator. JOANNE N. HALLS Associate Professor of Geography UNC Wilmington Department of Geography & Geology Educational Background Ph.D., Geography, University of South Carolina (USC), Columbia (May 1996) MS, Geography, USC, Columbia (May 1990) BA, Geography, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado (1985) Diplome Education du College, Social Sciences, Champlain Regional College, Lennoxville, Quebec (1982) Professional Experience 2005 – present: Associate Professor of Geography 1999 – 2005 Assistant Professor of Geography, Director, Spatial Analysis Lab, University of North Carolina at Wilmington. 1994-1999 Director, Geographic Information Systems Department, Research Planning, Inc. 1121 Park Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201. 1990-1994 GIS Project Manager, Humanities and Social Sciences Computing Lab, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina. 1988-1990 Research Assistant, Humanities and Social Sciences Computing Lab, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina. 1986-1988 GIS Specialist, Advanced Sciences, Inc., Denver, Colorado. 1985-1986 Remote Sensing and GIS Technician, Advanced Sciences, Inc., Denver, Colorado 1984 Geological Assistant, Century Oil & Gas Corporation, Englewood, Colorado Recent Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters: Zavalaga, Carlos B., Joanne N. Halls, and Giacomo Dell’Omo, 2010, Marine Habitat Use of Peruvian Boobies: A Geographic and Oceanographic Comparison Between Inshore and Offshore Islands, ICES Journal of Marine Science. Zavalaga, Carlos B., Giacomo Dell’Omo, Joanne N. Halls, and Scott A. Taylor, 2009, At-Sea Movement Patterns and Diving Behavior of Peruvian Boobies Sula Variegata in Northern Peru, Marine Ecology Progress Series Halls, Joanne N., 2008. Measuring Habitat Changes in Barrier Island Marshes: An Example from Southeastern North Carolina, USA. In Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies for Coastal Ecosystem Assessment and Management by Xiaojun Yang (editor). Springer-Verlag series: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, pp. 391-414. Halls, Joanne N., Courtney L. Hanby, and Laela S. Sayigh, 2006. Where are the Dolphins? A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Dolphins in Southeastern North Carolina. In, Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences by Lisa Harrington and John Harrington (editors). Applied Geography Conferences, Inc., vol. 29, pp. 96-105. Ensign, Scott H., Joanne N. Halls, and Michael A. Mallin, 2004. Application of digital bathymetry data in an analysis of flushing times of two large estuaries. Computers and Geosciences, vol. 30, no.5, pp. 501-511. Halls, Joanne N., 2004. The Oculina Banks Experimental Research Reserve: A Habitat Assessment Using Multi-Media and Internet GIS. In, WorldMinds: Geographical Perspectives on 100 Problems, AAG centennial commemorative volume, D. G. Janelle, B. Warf, and K. Hansen (eds.), pp. 331-336. Minton, Jason S., Joanne N. Halls, and Hiroyoshi Higuchi, 2003. Integration of Satellite Telemetry Data and Land-Cover Imagery: A Study of Migratory Cranes in Northeast Asia. Transactions in GIS, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 505-528. Halls, Joanne N., 2003. River Run: An Interactive GIS and Dynamic Graphing Website for Decision Support and Exploratory Data Analysis of Water Quality Parameters of the Lower Cape Fear River, North Carolina. Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 18, pp. 513520. Paul E. Hosier Department of Biology and Marine Biology University of North Carolina Wilmington Professional Preparation B. S. 1967 Biology State University of New York, New Paltz, New York M. S. 1969 Botany University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA Ph. D. 1973 Botany Duke University, Durham, North Carolina Professional Experience 1972-Present Assistant, Associate, Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, UNC Wilmington 2002-2008 Interim, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, UNC Wilmington 1985-1992; 1995-2002 Assistant, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, UNC Wilmington 1972 Research Ecologist, National Park Service, Cape Lookout National Seashore, Beaufort, North Carolina Publications **Hancock, T. E. and P. E. Hosier. 2003. Ecology of the threatened species Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus Rafinesque). Castanea 68:236-244. **Gammill, Steven P. and P. E. Hosier. 1992. Coastal Salt Marsh Development at Southern Topsail Island, NC. Estuaries 15(2)122-129. Cleary, W. J., P. E. Hosier, and **S. P. Gammill. 1989. Historic and Dredging-induced Shoreline Changes, Bald Head Island, Cape Fear, North Carolina, in Coastal Zone Management '89 19(4):3017-3029. Cleary, W. J. and P. E. Hosier. 1987. Onslow Beach, NC: Morphology and Stratigraphy. Proceedings Coastal Sediments '87, New Orleans, LA. p. 1745-1759. Hosier,P. E. and W. J. Cleary. 1987. Historic Geomorphic Changes on Currituck Spit, NC Proceedings Coastal Sediments '87, New Orleans, LA. p. 1760-1775. Cleary, W. J. and P. E. Hosier. 1987. North Carolina Geologic Hazards - An Overview, J. Engineering Geol. 24(5):469-489. Cleary W. J. and Hosier, P. E., 1987, Geomorphology and Shoreline Changes along Bald Head Island, NC (12 p. + appendices). Hosier, P. E. and W. J. Cleary. 1987. Historic geomorphic changes on Currituck Spit, NC. Coastal Sediments ,87. p. 1-16. Hosier, P. E., M. Kochhar and V. Thayer. 1981. Off-road vehicle and pedestrian track effects on the sea-approach of hatchling loggerhead turtles. Environmental Conservation, 8(2):158161. Hosier, P. E. and **T. E. Eaton. 1980. The impact of vehicles on dune and grassland vegetation on a southeastern North Carolina Barrier Beach. J. App. Ecol. 17:173-183. Hosier, P. E. 1980. Recreational Off-road Vehicle Impacts in Coastal North Carolina. Carolina Planning 6(2):34-40. Cleary, W. J. and P. E. Hosier. 1979. Geomorphology, washover history, and inlet zonation: Cape Lookout, NC, to Bird Island NC, in Barrier Islands, edited by S. Leatherman, Academic Press: New York, pp. 237-271. Cleary, W. J. and P. E. Hosier, and Wells. 1979. Genesis and significance of marsh islands within southeastern North Carolina lagoons. J. Sed. Pet. 49(3):703-710. Cleary, W. J. and P. E. Hosier. 1978. Southeastern North Carolina shorelines: Wrightsville Beach to Fort Fisher. In: From Currituck to Calabash: Living with North Carolina’s Barrier Islands, by Pilkey 0. H., Jr. W. J. Neal, and 0. H. Pilkey, Sr. North Carolina Science and Technology Research Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, pp. 213-222. Hosier, P. E. and W. J. Cleary. 1977. Cyclic geomorphic patterns on an overwash dominated barrier island in southeastern North Carolina. Environmental Geology 2:23-31. **UNCW student Past Grant Activity U.S. Marine Corps, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. 1987. Onslow Beach, Coastal Management Study: Phase II Stratigraphy and Evolution of Onslow Beach, NC (with W. J. Cleary). N. C. Estuary Sanctuary Program. 1987. Lagoon Infilling and Marsh Maturation within the Masonboro Island Estuarine Sanctuary, (with W. J. Cleary). U.S. Marine Corps, Camp Lejeune, NC. 1985-86. Onslow Beach, Coastal Management Study: Phase I: A Baseline Study for Management of Onslow Beach, NC (with W. J. Cleary). Federal Emergency Management Agency, Shoreline Profiles, Brunswick County, NC, North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources (with W. J. Cleary). National Park Service, Cape Hatteras National Seashore. 1985. An investigation of Recovery Enhancement Techniques Following Off-Road Vehicle Impacts Near Hatteras Inlet, Cape Hatteras National Seashore. North Carolina Office of Sea Grant. 1980. The Impact of Off-Road Vehicles on Beach, Dune and Grassland Ecosystems on the Barrier Islands of North Carolina. Joint Committee for Spanish-American Cooperation in Science and Technology. 1979. Investigations of morphology and coastal zone processes in Southern Spain: A geobotanical approach. North Carolina Office of Sea Grant. 1978. The Impact of Off-Road Vehicles on Beach, Dune and Grassland Ecosystems on the Barrier Islands of North Carolina (with T. E. Eaton). North Carolina Office of Sea Grant. 1978. Vegetation Patterns and Succession in Overwash Environment: Cape Lookout to Cape Fear, North Carolina (with W.J. Cleary). North Carolina Science & Technology Committee. 1977. Geological Investigations of the North Carolina Office of Sea Grant. 1977. Vegetation Patterns and Succession in Overwash Environments: Cape Lookout to Cape Fear, North Carolina (with W. J. Cleary). North Carolina Board of Science & Technology. 1973. A Resource Inventory & Analysis of Masonboro Island, North Carolina (with W. J. Cleary). Society Memberships Sigma Xi, American Institute of Biological Sciences, Torrey Botanical Society Theses Directed Advisor for 6 M.S. in Marine Biology Co-Advisor for 2 M. S. in Marine Biology/Geology Advisor for 4 Honors Theses BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH PATRICIA HAGELIN KELLEY (a) Professional and Academic Essentials Professional Preparation College of Wooster Harvard University Geology Geology B.A., 1975 A.M., 1977, Ph.D., 1979 Appointments University of North Carolina Wilmington: Chair, Dept. Earth Sciences, 1997‐2003, Professor, 1997‐ present; joint appointment in Biology & Marine Biology University of North Dakota: Professor and Chair, Dept. Geology and Geol. Engr., 1992‐1997 National Science Foundation: Program Director for Geology & Paleontology, 1990‐1992 University of Mississippi: Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., Professor, 1979‐1992; Assoc. Dean of Engineering, 1989‐1990; Acting Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, 1988 New England College, Instructor, 1979 Courses taught (last 3 yrs): Invertebrate Paleontology, Paleoecology, Stratigraphic Paleontology, Prehistoric Life, Sedimentary Environments; The Earth Through Time; various Directed Studies. University Service: 78 different departmental or university committees since 1979. Synergistic activities K‐12 collaboration: PI on National Science Foundation grant, “Integrating Research and Education in Paleontology and Marine Ecology: An Inquiry‐based Grade 6 – 8 Curriculum that Investigates Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Naticid Gastropod Predation”: research collaboration with middle school students and teachers, testing authentic paleontological hypothesis; advisor and field trip leader for Maryland Summer Center for Paleontology/Calvert County Public Schools Service to discipline as officer of professional societies: Paleontological Society Council, 1984‐1985; 1995‐ 1996; 1998‐2004 including service as President‐Elect, President, and Past‐President; President, Board of Trustees, Paleontological Research Institution (2004‐2006); organizer of 3 Paleontological Society short courses (1999, 2002, 2008) Proponent of evolution education: member of National Center for Science Education; Geological Society of America Geology & Public Policy Committee, 1999‐2002, including panel that wrote GSA public policy statement on evolution; coauthored Paleontological Society public policy statement on evolution; organized Paleontological Society Short Course on evolution and creationism and edited short course notes; frequent speaker on evolution/ creationism at universities across the U.S. (Distinguished Speaker for National Association of Geoscience Teachers and for Paleontological Society, 2006‐2012); Director of UNCW Evolution Learning Community, 2006‐2009 Editorial position on professional journals: Technical Editor, Journal of Paleontology, 1989‐2000; Editorial Board, Geology, 1998‐2001; Associate Editor, Palaios, 2002‐present Received 2003 Association for Women Geoscientists Outstanding Educator Award in recognition of my achievements in education, particularly as mentor and role model for women geoscience students (b) Peer‐Reviewed Publications (last seven years) Kelley, P.H., M. Kowalewski, and T.A. Hansen (eds). 2003. Predator‐Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, 464 p. Kelley, P.H., and T.A. Hansen. 2003. The fossil record of drilling predation on bivalves and gastropods, p. 113‐139. In P.H. Kelley, M. Kowalewski, and T.A. Hansen (eds), Predator‐Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press. Hansen, T.A., P.H. Kelley, and J.C. Hall. 2003. Moonsnail Project: a scientific collaboration with middle school teachers and students. Journal of Geoscience Education 50(1):35‐38. Kowalewski, M., and P.H. Kelley. 2003. Predators, Prey, and Their Fossil Record: The PS Short Course. Priscum, The Newsletter of the Paleontological Society 12(1):3‐5. Available online at Hansen, T.A., P.H. Kelley, and D.M. Haasl. 2004. Paleoecological patterns in molluscan extinctions and recoveries: Comparison of the Cretaceous‐Tertiary and Eocene‐Oligocene extinctions in North America. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 214(3):233‐242. Reinhold, M.E., and P.H. Kelley. 2005. The influence of anti‐predatory morphology on survivorship of the Owl Creek Formation molluscan fauna through the end‐Cretaceous extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 217:143‐153. Kelley, P.H., and T.A. Hansen. 2006. Comparisons of class‐ and lower taxon‐level patterns in naticid gastropod predation, Cretaceous to Pleistocene of the U.S. Coastal Plain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 236(3/4):302‐320. Dietl, G.P., and P.H. Kelley. 2006. Can naticid gastropod predators be identified by the holes they drill? Ichnos 13:1‐6. Kelley, P.H., and T.A. Hansen. 2007. A case for cannibalism: Confamilial and conspecific predation by naticid gastropods, Cretaceous through Pleistocene of the United States Coastal Plain, p. 151‐170. In Elewa, A.M.T. (ed.), Predation in Organisms: A Distinct Phenomenon. Springer Verlag. Kelley, P.H., and T.A. Hansen. 2007. Latitudinal patterns in naticid gastropod predation along the east coast of the United States: a modern baseline for interpreting temporal patterns in the fossil record, p. 284‐299. In: Bromley, R.G., Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G., Genise, J.F., and Melchor, R.N. (eds.), Sediment‐Organism Interactions: A multifaceted Ichnology. SEPM Special Publications, v. 88. Kelley, P.H. 2008. Role of bioerosion in taphonomy: effect of predatory drillholes on preservation of mollusc shells, p. 451‐470. In Tapanila, L., and M. Wisshak (eds), Current Developments in Bioerosion. Springer. Kelley, P.H., and R.K. Bambach (eds). 2008. From Evolution to Geobiology: Paleontology at the Start of a New Century. Paleontological Society Papers, 374 p. Kelley, P.H., 2008. The View from the Top: A Century of PS Presidents’ Perspectives on the Paleontological Society and Paleontology, p. 1‐15. In Kelley, P.H., and R.K. Bambach (eds), From Evolution to Geobiology: Paleontology at the Start of a New Century. Paleontological Society Papers. Allmon, W.D., P.H. Kelley, and R.D. Ross (eds). 2009. Stephen Jay Gould: Reflections on His View of Life. Oxford University Press, 400 p. Bruce, K., J. Horan, P.H. Kelley, and M. Galizio. 2009. Teaching Evolution in the Galapagos. Journal of Effective Teaching 9(2):13‐28. Kelley, P.H. 2009. Stephen Jay Gould’s Winnowing Fork: Science, Religion, and Creationism, p. 171‐188. In Allmon, W.D., P.H. Kelley, and R.D. Ross (eds), Stephen Jay Gould: Reflections on His view of Life. Oxford University Press. Kelley, P.H. 2009. Teaching Evolution During the Week and Bible Study on Sunday: Perspectives on Science, Religion, and Intelligent Design, P. 163‐179. In Schneiderman, J.S., and W.D. Allmon (eds), For the Rock Record: Geologists On Intelligent Design Creationism. University of California Press. Kelley, P.H. 2009. A College Honors Seminar on Evolution and Intelligent Design: Successes and Challenges. Journal of Effective Teaching 9(2):29‐37. Dietl, G., S. Durham, and P. Kelley. 2010. Shell repair as a reliable indicator of bivalve predation by shell‐wedging gastropods in the fossil record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 296:174‐184. (d) Funding (last seven years) National Science Foundation, “Integrating Research and Education in Paleontology and Marine Ecology: An Inquiry‐based Grade 6 – 8 Curriculum that Investigates Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Naticid Gastropod Predation,” ‐‐ $53,170 (UNCW subcontract), 2000‐2001 (collaborative project with Jack Hall and Thor Hansen); $23,672 supplement and extension received through 1/31/03. (This successful proposal began as a CMS Pilot Project.) UNCW Center for Marine Science, “Escalation, growth rates, and extinction selectivity in Pliocene bivalved molluscs from Virginia,” ‐‐ $14,500, 2003‐2004 UNCW Center for Marine Science, “Ecological and Evolutionary Effects of Species Invasions on Predator‐ Prey Systems: The Trans‐Arctic Interchange in Iceland,” ‐‐ $26,309, 2005‐2006 National Science Foundation, “REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Biodiversity Conservation,” ‐‐ $359,999, 2008‐2011; related in part to 2003‐2004 CMS Pilot Project National Geographic Society, “Latitudinal variation in drilling predation of South American Mollusks: Spatial implications for patterns of evolution in the fossil record,”(supports field work with PhD Marine Biology student Christy Visaggi) ‐‐ $17,500, 2009‐2010 National Science Foundation, “RET Supplement to REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Biodiversity Conservation,” ‐‐ $9,908, 2010‐2011 (supports MS Marine Biology student Bradley Parnell); related in part to 2003‐2004 CMS Pilot Project ROBERT J. KIEBER Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 S. College Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-3297 Education Rutgers Univ. Univ. of MD Univ. of Miami-RSMAS Tel. (910) 962-3865 Fax (910) 962-3013 E-mail: B.S. Chem Ph.D. Chem. Post Doc Mar./Atmos. Chem 1982 1987 1988-1989 Professional Experience Adjunct Professor Marine Sciences Department, UNC Chapel Hill 2007-present. Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina Wilmington 1999 - present. Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina Wilmington 1994 1999. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina Wilmington 1989 -1994. Publications last three years 2010 Kieber, R.J., Smith, J., Mullaugh, K.M., Southwell, M.W., Avery Jr., G.B. and Willey, J.D. “Influence of Dissolved Organic Carbon on Photochemically Mediated Cycling of Hydrogen Peroxide in Rainwater” In press J. Atmos.Chem. 2010 Willey, J.D., Glinski, D.A., Southwell, M., Long, M.S., Avery Jr., G.B. and Kieber, R.J. “Decadal variations of rainwater formic and acetic acid concentrations in Wilmington, NC, USA” In press Atmos. Environ. 2010 Southwell, M.W., Smith, J.D., Kieber, R.J. and Willey, J.D. “Photochemical Production of Formaldehyde from Rainwater Dissolved Organic Matter” Atmos. Environ. 44, 3638-3643. 2010 Kieber, R.J., Pitt, J., Skrabal, S.A. and Wright, J.L.C. “Photodegradation of the Brevetoxin PbTx-2 in Coastal Seawater” Limnol. Oceanogr. 55, 2299-2304. 2010 Southwell, M.W., Avery, G.B., Kieber, R.J., Mead, R.N. and Skrabal, S.A. “Effects of Sunlight on the Production of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Nutrients from Resuspended Sediments” Biogeochem. 98, 115-126. 2009 Willey, J.D., Inscore, M., Kieber, R.J., and Skrabal, S.A. “Manganese in Coastal Rainwater: Speciation, Cycling and Deposition to Seawater” J. Atmos. Chem.62, 31-43. 2009 Mead, R.N., Morgan, J.B., Avery, G.B., Kieber, R.J., Kirk, A., Skrabal, S.A., and Willey, J.D. “Occurrence of the Artificial Sweetener Sucralose in Coastal and Marine Waters” Mar. Chem. 116, 13-17. 2009 Willey, J.D., Kieber, R.J. and Yavari, J.R. “Fe(II) in Coastal Rainwater: Changing Stability and Concentrations” Aquatic Sci. 71, 144-150. 2009 Miller, C, Gordon, K.G., Kieber, R.J., Willey, J.D. and Seaton, P.J. “Chemical Characteristics of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in Rainwater” Atmos. Environ. 43, 2497-2502. 2009 Avery, G.B., Kieber, R.J. and Taylor, K. “Nitrogen Release From Surface Sand of a High Energy Beach Face Along the Southeastern Coast of North Carolina, USA” Biogeochem . 89, 357-365. 2009 Avery, G.B., Dickson Brown, J.L., Willey, J.D. and Kieber, R.J. “Assessment of Rainwater Volatile Organic Carbon in Southeastern North Carolina, USA” Atmos. Environ. 43, 2678-2681. 2008 Kieber, R.J., Parler, N.E., Skrabal, S.A. and Willey, J.D. “Speciation and Photochemistry of Mercury in Rainwater” J. Atmos. Chem. 60, 153 - 168. 2008 Willey, J.D., Kieber, R.J. and Seaton, P.J. “Rainwater as a source of Fe(II) stabilizing ligands to seawater” Limnol. Oceanogr. 53: 1678-1684. 2008 Bouillon, R.C., Kieber, R.J., Skrabal, S.A. and Wright, J.L.C. “Photochemistry and Identification of Photodegradation products of the Marine Toxin Domoic Acid” Mar. Chem. 110: 18-27. 2008 Miller, C., Willey, J.D. and Kieber, R.J. “Changes in Rainwater Composition During Tropical Storm Ernesto” Atmos. Environ.42: 846-855. Recent grant activity $622, 400 Kieber, R.J., Avery, G.G., Willey, J.D. and Mead, R.N. 2010-2013 “Impact of Chaning Fuel Usage on the Atmospheric Cycling of Ethanol, Optically Active Organic Compounds and Iron (Fe) in Rainwater” National Science Foundation, Atmospheric Chemistry Division. $582,468 Skrabal, S.A., Avery, G.B., Kieber, R.J. and Mead, R.N. 2008-2011 “Photobiogeochemistry of Resuspended Sediments in Coastal Environments: Impacts on Organic Matter and Trace Metal Cycling” National Science Foundation, Marine Chemistry Division. $532,752 Kieber, R.J., Avery, G.B., Whitehead, R.F. and Willey, J.D. 2007-2010 “Chemical Characterization and Reactivity of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Rainwater” National Science Foundation, Atmospheric Chemistry Division. $499, 189 Kieber, R.J., Whitehead, R.F. and Willey, J.D. 2004-2008 “Temporal Variability of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Carbon (CDOM) in Rainwater: Photochemical Effects and Influence on Trace Metal Speciation” National Science Foundation, Atmospheric Chemistry Division. $485,083 Wright, J.L., Kieber, R.J. and Skrabal, S.A. 2003- 2007 “Biogeochemical Cycling of Domoic Acid in Natural Waters: The Influence of Bioactive Trace Metal Complexation and Photochemistry” National Science Foundation, Marine Chemistry Division. CURRICULUM VITAE Michael A. Mallin Present Position: Research Professor, Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 5600 Marvin K. Moss Lane., Wilmington, NC. 28409. Telephone (910) 962-2358; Email: Lab website: Research Interests: Ecology of phytoplankton and zooplankton; urban and rural pollution sources; nutrient impacts; water quality management issues. Education: Ph.D. Estuarine ecology. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1992. M.S. Limnology and freshwater ecology. University of Florida. December 1978. Bachelor of Science. Botany. Ohio University. June 1975. Professional Experience: University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Research Professor 2001-present. Research Associate Professor 2000 – 2001; Research Scientist 1998-1999; Research Associate 1993-1998; Visiting Assistant Professor 1992 –1993 College of Charleston, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Studies, appointed 2003 University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences. (July - August 1992, July - August 1994). Visiting Faculty. Graduate teaching. Carolina Power and Light Co. New Hill, N.C. (October 1979 to August 1987). Research scientist working on reservoirs and rivers. Awards: Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2007 UNC Wilmington Information Technology Innovation Award 2002 Aldo Leopold Environmental Leadership Fellow 2001 (Ecological Society of America) Large Community Comprehensive Planning Award 2000, New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Program (American Planning Association) Editorial Board Member: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology; Coastal and Estuarine Science News (CESN) Presentations to Professional Organizations: 190 total Peer Reviewed Articles: (2004-2010) Mallin, M.A., M.I. Haltom, B. Song, M.E. Tavares and S.P. Dellies. 2010. Bacterial source tracking guides management of boat head waste in a coastal resort area. Journal of Environmental Management 91:2748-2753. Durako, M.D., P. Kowalczuk, M.A. Mallin, W.J. Cooper, J.J. Souza and D.H. Wells. 2010. Spatial and temporal variation in photosyntheticallysignificant optical properties and water quality in a coastal blackwater river plume. Estuaries and Coasts (In press), Becker, M.L., Luettich, R.A. Jr., and M.A. Mallin. 2010. Hydrodynamic behavior of the Cape Fear River and Estuarine system: An observational synthesis. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 88:407-418. Mallin, M.A., V.L. Johnson and S.H. Ensign. 2009. Comparative impacts of stormwater runoff on water quality of an urban, a suburban, and a rural stream. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 159:475-491. Mallin, M.A. 2009. Effect of human land development on water quality. Chapter 4 in (S. Ahuja, ed.) Handbook of Water Quality and Purity, Elsevier pp 6494. Toothman, B.R., L.B. Cahoon and M.A. Mallin. 2009. Phosphorus and carbohydrate limitation of fecal coliform and fecal enterococcus within tidal creek sediments. Hydrobiologia 636:401-412. Lin, J., L. Xie, L.B. Pietrrafesa, H. Xu, M.A. Mallin and M.J. Durako. 2008. Water Quality Responses to Simulated Flow and Nutrient Reductions in the Cape Fear River Estuary and its Adjacent Coastal Region, North Carolina. Ecological Modeling 212:200-217. Tavares, M.E., M.I.H. Spivey, M.R. McIver and M.A. Mallin. 2008. Testing for optical brighteners and fecal bacteria to detect sewage leaks in tidal creeks. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science 124:91-97. Glibert, P.M., R. Azanza, M. Burford, K. Furyuya, A. Al-Azri, F. Al-Yamani, P. Anderson, G.M. Berg, L. Brand, D. Bronk, J.M. Burkholder, A. Cembella, W. Cochlan, J. Collier, Y. Collos, R. Diaz, S. Dyhrman, Y. Fukuyo, J. Galloway, E. Graneli, D. V. Ha, J. Harrison, P. Harrison, R. Howarth, A.A. Kana, T.M. Kana, H. Kim, R. Kudela, C. Legrand, M.A. Mallin, M. Mulholland, J. O’Neill, G. Pitcher, Y. Qi, N. Rabalais, R. Raine, S. Seitzinger, C. Solomon, D.K. Stoeker. 2008. Fertilizing the tropical or subtropical oceans with urea will not reduce greenhouse gases and should not be conducted to gain carbon offsets. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56:1049-1056. Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, B.R. Toothman, D.C. Parsons, M.R. McIver, M.L. Ortwine and R.N. Harrington. 2007. Impacts of a raw sewage spill on water and sediment quality in an urbanized estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54:8188. Cahoon, L.B., M.A. Mallin, B. Toothman, M. Ortwine, R. Harrington, R. Gerhart, S. Gill and J. Knowles. 2007. Is there a relationship between phosphorus and fecal microbes in aquatic sediments? Report No. 366, Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina, Raleigh, N.C. Burkholder, J.M., G.M. Hallegraeff , G. Melia, A. Cohen, H.A. Bowers, D.W. Oldach, M.W. Parrow, M.J. Sullivan, P.V. Zimba, E.H. Allen and M.A. Mallin. 2007. Phytoplankton and bacterial assemblages in ballast water of U.S. military ships as a function of point of origin, voyage time, and ocean exchange practices. Harmful Algae 6:486-518. Dafner, E.V., M.A. Mallin, J.J. Souza, H.A. Wells and D.C. Parsons. 2007. Nitrogen and phosphorus species in the coastal and shelf waters of southeastern North Carolina, Mid-Atlantic U.S. coast. Marine Chemistry. 103:289-303. MacPherson, T.A., M.A. Mallin and L.B. Cahoon. 2007. Biochemical and sediment oxygen demand: patterns of oxygen depletion in tidal creeks. Hydrobiologia 586: 235-248. Posey, M.H., T.D. Alphin, M.A. Mallin and M.R. McIver. (In press). Community changes associated with drought effects in a large southeastern estuary. Estuaries. Mallin, M.A. and C.A. Corbett. 2006. Multiple hurricanes and different coastal systems: How hurricane attributes determine the extent of environmental impacts. Estuaries and Coasts 29:1046-1061. Mallin, M.A., V.L. Johnson, S.H. Ensign and T.A. MacPherson. 2006. Factors contributing to hypoxia in rivers, lakes and streams. Limnology and Oceanography 51:690-701. Burkholder, J.M., D.A. Dickey, C. Kinder, R.E. Reed, M.A. Mallin, G. Melia, M.R. McIver, L.B. Cahoon, C. Brownie, N. Deamer, J. Springer, H.B. Glasgow, D. Toms and J. Smith. 2006. Comprehensive trend analysis of nutrients and related variables in a large eutrophic estuary: A decadal study of anthropogenic and climatic influences. Limnology and Oceanography 51:463487. Lin, J. L. Xie, L.J. Pietrafesa, J. Shen, M.A. Mallin and M.J. Durako. 2006. Dissolved oxygen stratification in two microtidal partially-mixed estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 70:423-437. Mallin, M.A., M.R. McIver, H.A. Wells, D.C. Parsons and V.L. Johnson. 2005. Reversal of eutrophication following sewage treatment upgrades in the New River Estuary, North Carolina. Estuaries 28:750-760. Gordon, A.S., H.G. Marshall, S.E. Shumway, K.J. Coyne, A.J. Lewitus, M.A. Mallin and P.A. Rublee. 2005. Characterization of ichthyoidal activity of Pfiesteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 71:6463-6464. Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon and M.J. Durako. 2005. Contrasting food-web support bases for adjoining river-influenced and non-river influenced continental shelf ecosystems. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62:55-62. Mallin, M.A., S.H. Ensign, D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson, J.M. Burkholder and P.A. Rublee. 2004. Relationship of Pfiesteria spp. and Pfiesteria-like organisms to environmental factors in tidal creeks draining urban watersheds. pp 68-70 in Steidinger, K.A., J.H. Landsberg, C.R. Tomas and G.A. Vargo, (Eds.) XHAB, Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms, 2002, Florida Institute of Oceanography, and Intergovernmental Commission of UNESCO. Mallin, M.A., M.R. McIver, S.H. Ensign and L.B. Cahoon. 2004. Photosynthetic and heterotrophic impacts of nutrient loading to blackwater streams. Ecological Applications 14:823-838. Ensign, S.H., J.N. Halls and M.A. Mallin. 2004. Application of digital bathymetry data in an analysis of flushing times of two North Carolina estuaries. Computers and Geosciences 30:501-511. Mallin, M.A. and A.J. Lewitus. 2004. The importance of tidal creek ecosystems. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 298:145-149. Mallin, M.A., D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson, M.R. McIver and H.A. CoVan. 2004. Nutrient limitation and algal blooms in urbanizing tidal creeks. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 298:211-231. Nelson, K.A., L.A. Leonard, M.H. Posey, T.D. Alphin and M.A. Mallin. 2004. Transplanted oyster (Crassostrea virginica) beds as self-sustaining mechanisms for water quality improvement in small tidal creeks. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 298:347-368. Dr. Dylan Erin McNamara Assistant Professor Center for Marine Science / Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography University of North Carolina - Wilmington 601 S College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 962-2588: e-mail: Education • 2006, Ph.D., Oceanography, University of California San Diego – Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Thesis Paper: Emergence in Coupled Human-Landscape Interactions: Combined Numerical and Agentbased Models for Barrier Island Resorts and Flood Disaster and Response in New Orleans. • 1999, M.S., Physics, San Diego State University, Thesis Paper: Characteristics and Applications of a Zero Degree Twist Nematic Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator. • 1996, B.S., Physics, Salisbury University, Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude (3.9 GPA). Appointments • August 2008 – Present, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography, • • • • • University of North Carolina - Wilmington. June 2007 – July 2008, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University, Supervisor – Dr. Brad Murray. Dec 2006 – March 2007, Postgraduate Researcher, Rohwer Laboratory, San Diego State University, Supervisor – Dr. Forest Rohwer 1999 – 2006, Graduate Research Assistant, Complex Systems Laboratory, Cecil and Ida Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Supervisor – Dr. Brad Werner. 2001 – 2002, Adjunct Oceanography Instructor, Palomar College, Supervisor – Alan Trujillo. 1996 – 1999, Teaching Assistant, San Diego State University Physics Department (Outstanding teaching assistant award 1998). Publications • Magliocca, N., McNamara, D., Murray, A., Long-Term Morphological Effects of Artificial Dune Construction in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. In Press at Journal of Coastal Research. • Smith, M., Slott, J., McNamara, D. and Murray, A., Beach nourishment as a dynamic capital accumulation problem. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 58, Issue 1, July, 2009 • Murray, A., Lazarus, E., Ashton, A., Baas, A., Coco, G., Coulthard, T., Fonstad, M., Haff, P., McNamara, D., Paola, C., Pelletier, J., and Reinhardt, L., Geomorphology, complexity, and the emerging science of the Earth’s surface. Geomorphology, 103: 496-505. • McNamara, D. and Werner, B., Coupled Barrier Island-Resort Model: 1. Emergent instabilities induced by strong human-landscape interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 113, F01016, 2008. • McNamara, D. and Werner, B., Coupled Barrier Island-Resort Model: 2. Tests and predictions along Ocean City and Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 113, F01017, 2008. • Werner, B. and McNamara, D., Dynamics of coupled human landscape systems, Geomorphology, 91 (3), 2007. Grants • McNamara, D. E. (Principal), Grant, "Collaborative Proposal: Modeling New Behaviors Emerging from Coupling Physical Coastal Processes and Coastal Economies", NSF, Federal, $100,000.00, FUNDED. (sub: July 15, 2009, start: June 1, 2010, end: June 1, 2013). • McNamara, D. E. (Principal), Grant, "Collaborative Proposal: Collaborative Research: Coastal Geomorphic Consequences of Wave Climate Change", NSF, Federal, $95,000.00, In Review. Conference and Invited Presentations • “Coupled Morpho-Economic Dynamics at the Coastline” Invited presentation given at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2009. • “What will the North Carolina Coastline Look Like in 50 years?” Invited presentation given at the UNCW Geology Dept, 2009. • “Emergence in Coupled Human Landscape Systems” Invited presentation given at the National Center for Earth Surface Dynamics, 2008. • “Dynamics of Coupled Human Landscape Systems” Invited presentation given at the Binghamton Geomophology Symposium, 2007. • “Emergence in Coupled Human Landscape Systems” Invited presentation given at EOS Department, Duke University, 2008. • “Emergence in Coupled Human Landscape Systems” Invited presentation given at the San Diego State University, Computational Science Research Center, 2007. • “New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: An Unnatural Disatser?” Given at the Fall 2005 American Geophysical Union Meeting in San Francisco, California. • “Emergent Behavior of Coupled Barrier Island - Resort Systems” Given at the Fall 2004 American Geophysical Union Meeting in San Francisco, California. Synergistic Activities • Scientific Advisor on the Environmental Issues Team and member of the Surfrider Foundation • Coach of the UNCW surf team • Member of the American Geophysical Union • Coastal Working Group Member for the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System • Organizing committee for Complex Systems Group at Scripps • Frequent appearances on community radio station radioActive San Diego to explain the science of complexity Collaborators/References • Dr. Giovanni Coco, New Zealand Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. • Dr. Brad Murray, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University. • Dr. Martin Smith, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University. • Dr. Stuart Sandin, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California - San Diego. • Dr. Brad Werner, Cecil and Ida Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California - San Diego. Ralph N. Mead Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Tel. (910) 962-2447 University of North Carolina Wilmington Fax (910) 962-3013 601 S. College Road E-mail: Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-3297 Education Florida State Univ. Florida International Univ. University of South Carolina B.S. Chemistry Ph.D. Chemistry Post Doc Marine Chemistry 1998 2003 2003-2005 Professional Experience Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Wilmington 2007 – Present. Assistant Professor of Marine Chemistry University of Miami-RSMAS 20052007 Research Interests Use of organic geochemistry to study the source, transport and diagenetic fate of organic matter in aquatic and other marine environments. Publications Five most relevant to the project Mead, R.N, Avery, G.B., Kieber, R.J., Kirk, A., Morgan J.B., Skrabal, S.A., Willey, J.D., (2009) Occurrence of the Artificial Sweetener Sucralose in Coastal and Marine Waters. Marine Chemistry 116, 13-17 Mendoza W.G., Mead R.N., Brand L.E., Shea D. (2008).Analysis and detection of brevetoxin analogs in recent marine sediments by HPLC. Chemosphere 73, 1373-1377 Neto, R., Mead, R., Louda, J.W., and Jaffé, R. (2006) Organic biogeochemistry of detrital flocculent material (floc) in a subtropical, coastal wetland. Biogeochemistry 77, 283-304 Xu, Y, Mead, R., Jaffe R., (2006). A molecular marker based assessment of sedimentary organic matter sources and distributions in Florida Bay. Hydrobiologia 569, 179-192 Mead, R., Chong, J., Xu, Y., and Jaffé, R. (2005) Sediment and soil organic matter source assessment as revealed by the molecular distribution and carbon isotopic composition of n-alkanes. Organic Geochemistry, 36, Pages 363-370 Other Publications Southwell, M.W., G. B. Avery, R. J. Kieber, R. N. Mead, S. A. Skrabal (2010). Effects of sunlight on the production of dissolved organic and inorganic nutrients from resuspended sediments. Biogeochemistry 98, 115-126 Mead R. N., Goñi M. (2008) Matrix Protected Organic Matter in a River Dominated Margin: A Possible Mechanism to Sequester Terrestrial Organic Matter? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, 2673-2686 Mead, R., Goñi, M.A., (2006). A lipid molecular marker assessment of sediments from the Northern Gulf of Mexico before and after the passage of HurricaneLili. Organic Geochemistry 37, 1115-1129 Jaffé R., Mead, R., Hernandez, M.E., Peralba, M.C., and DiGuida, O.A. (2001). Origin and transport of sedimentary organic matter in two subtropical estuaries: a comparative, biomarker-based study. Organic Geochemistry 32, 507-52 Hernandez M. E., R. Mead, M. C. Peralba and R. Jaffé (2001). Origin and transport of n-alkane2-ones in a subtropical estuary: potential biomarkers for seagrass-derived organic matter. Organic Geochemistry, 32, 21-32 Synergistic activities: • I currently have several undergraduate and graduate students in my laboratory • I have given interviews to public media outlets such as the public magazine CoastWatch and a local news station discussing scientific topics • I give seminars at local community events including schools that highlights science where I try and instill a love and curiosity for it at an early age • I review manuscript for Organic Geochemistry, Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science, Marine Chemistry, Limnology and Oceanography • I have reviewed proposals for NSF, Sea-Grant and NOAA Collaborators Within the Past 48 Months Drs. Brooks Avery (UNCW), Robert Kieber (UNCW), Steve Skrabal (UNCW, Joan Willey (UNCW), Pam Seaton (UNCW) Ph.D. Advisor Rudolf Jaffe (FIU) Postdoctoral Advisor Miguel Goni (Oregon State University) Current Graduate Students Supervised Lauren Thompson, Aleksandra Kirk, Beth Miller, Aleksandra Kirk, Donna Glinski Other Personnel Supervised Post-Doctorial Associates Dr. Mellissa Southwell and Dr. Kate Mullaugh Curriculum Vita 2004 - 2010 Professor John M. Morrison University of North Carolina Wilmington Physics & Physical Oceanography (910) 962-2333 Email: Education Ph D, Texas A&M University, 1977. Major: Physical Oceanography Dissertation Title: Water Mass Properties Used as Flow Indicators within the Eastern Caribbean Sea During the Winter of 1972 and Fall 1973 ADVISOR: Worth D. Nowlin, Jr. MS, Texas A&M University, 1974. Major: Physical Oceanography Dissertation Title: Nutrient and Dissolved Oxygen Distributions in the Gulf of Mexico and Adjacent Regions ADVISOR: Worth D. Nowlin, Jr. BA, College of the Holy Cross, 1971. Major: Physics Professional Positions Academic Adjunct Full Professor, North Carolina State University. (January 1, 2006 - Present). Tenured Full Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington. (January 1, 2006 Present). Tenured Full Professor, North Carolina State University. (July 1, 2000 - December 31, 2005). Director, Oceanographic Remote Sensing Facility, North Carolina State University. (March 1, 1992 - December 31, 2005). Director, Facility for Oceanographic Modeling and Visualization (FOAMv), North Carolina State University. (January 1, 1994 - December 31, 2002). Tenured Associate Professor, North Carolina State University. (July 1, 1989 - July 31, 2000). Associate Professor, North Carolina State University. (October 1, 1985 - July 31, 1989). Visiting Scientist / Lecturer, University of Miami. (January 1, 1987 - May 31, 1987). Assistant Research Scientist, Texas A&M University. (September 1, 1978 - June 30, 1982). Staff Associate, National Academy of Sciences. (September 1, 1980 - February 28, 1982). Government Associate Program Director for Physical Oceanography, National Science Foundation. (March 1, 1985 - October 31, 1985). Program Director for Ocean Dynamics, National Science Foundation. (August 1, 1983 March 31, 1985). Assistant Program Director for Ocean Dynamics, National Science Foundation. (June 1, 1982 - July 31, 1983). Military Senior Faculty Fellow, Naval Air Warfare Center, Warminster, PA. (May 15, 1992 August 15, 1992). Faculty Fellow, Naval Air Warfare Center, Warminster, PA. (May 15, 1991 - August 15, 1991). Awards and Honors Antarctic Service Medal of the United States, Awarded by Congress, 1983 Outstanding Performance Award, Ocean Science Division, National Science Foundation, 1986 Special Service Award, National Science Foundation, Contributions to Presidential Science and Technology Initiative, November 1985. Faculty Fellow, US Navy - American Society Engineering Education, Summer 1991 Senior Faculty Fellow, US Navy - American Society Engineering Education, Summer, 1992 RESEARCH Published Intellectual Contributions Refereed Journal Articles since 2004 Xie, L., T. Yan, L. Pietrafesa, J. Morrison, and T. Karl (2005) The climatology and interannual variability of regional landfall hurricane frequency and its association with North Atlantic hurricane tracks. Journal of Climate, 18: 5370-5381 W.V. Sweet, J.M. Morrison, B.A. Schaeffer, Y. Liu, D. Kamykowski, S. Banks, Water mass seasonal variability in the Galapagos Archipelago. Deep-Sea Research I (2007), doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2007.09.009 Subrahmanyam, B., K. Ueyoshi, J.M. Morrison (2007) Sensitivity of the Indian Ocean Circulation to Phytoplankton forcing using an ocean model, Remote Sensing of the Environment, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2007.05.021 Schaeffer, B. A., Morrison, J. M., Kamykowski, D., Feldman, G. C., Xie, L., Yanyum, Y., Sweet, W., McColloch, A., Banks, S. (2008). Phytoplankton biomass distribution and identification of productive habitats within the Galapagos Marine Reserve by MODIS, a surface acquisition system, and in-situ measurements. Remote Sensing of the Environment. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 112(6), 3044-3054. Schaeffer, B. A., J. Morrison, D. Kamykowski, G. C. Feldman, L. Xie, Y. Liu*, W. Sweet*, A. McCulloch*, and S. Banks (2008) Phytoplankton biomass distribution and identification of productive habitats within the Galapagos Marine Reserve with remote sensing, a surface acquisition system, and in-situ measurements. Rem. Sen. Enviro. 112 (6): 3044-3054. Sweet, W. V., Morrison, J. M., Kamykowski, D., Schaeffer, B. A., Banks, S. (2009). Tropical Instability Waves within the Galapagos Archipelago. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 56(8), 1217 - 1279. Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research Funded Grants Morrison, John M (Principal), Kamykowski, Dan (Supporting), Xie, Lian (Supporting), Banks, Stuart (Supporting), "Biodiversity and Upwelling Dynamics of the Galápagos Marine Reserve," Sponsored by NASA, Federal, $1,066,000.00. Morrison, John M (Co-Principal), Kamkowski, Daniel (Principal), Janowitz, Gerald (CoPrincipal), Sinclair, Geoffrey A (Co-Principal), Thomas, Carrie (Co-Principal), "Supplement to Benthic Dinoflagellate Migration (BenDiM): Occurrence and Processes," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $656,422.00. Pending Grants Morrison, John M (Principal), Kamkowski, Daniel (Co-Principal), Banks, Stuart (CoPrincipal), Feldman, Gene (Co-Principal), Xie, LIan (Co-Principal), "NASA BIOCLIM Type B: GALAPAGOS AND ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE - A FIRST VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT," Sponsored by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Federal, $462,815.00. Morrison, John M (Principal), "The Dynamics of the Ocean Circulation in the Galapagos Marine Reserve," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $760,000.00. Bingham, Frederick M, Morrison, John M, "Towed Profiler Measurements in Support of SPURS: Connecting the Small- and Mesoscale," Sponsored by NASA, Federal. Morrison, John M (Co-Principal), Baden, Daniel G (Principal), Styron, Jay (Co-Principal), Willey, Joan D (Co-Principal), "Upgrade/Replacement of oceanographic research and education facilities, University of North Carolina Wilmington.," Sponsored by NSF-SRI-R2, Federal, $3,263,125.00. (January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2013). Intellectual Contributions in Submission Refereed Journal Articles Liu, Yanyun, Lian Xie, John M. Morrison, Daniel Kamykowski and William Sweet. (2010a) Ocean Circulation and Water Mass Characteristics around the Galápagos Archipelago Simulated by a Multi-Scale Nested Ocean Circulation Model: Part I Sensitivity Experiments Testing. Journal of Geophysical Research. (In Review) Liu, Yanyun, Lian Xie, John M. Morrison, Daniel Kamykowski and William Sweet. (2010b) Ocean Circulation and Water Mass Characteristics around the Galápagos Archipelago Simulated by a Multi-Scale Nested Ocean Circulation Model: Part II Observation and Model Comparisons. Journal of Geophysical Research. (In Review). Liu, Yanyun, Lian Xie, John M. Morrison, Daniel Kamykowski (2010c) , How the climate change may affect the ocean circulation of the Galápagos Archipelago. Journal of Climate. (In Preparation) Njadjro, Ebenezer Sachitey, John M. Morrison, and Michael Taylor (2010) Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Benthic Chlorophyll on the Northwest Florida Continental Shelf. Limnology and Oceanography (In Preparation) Taylor, Michael, John M. Morrison, Fred Bingham, Lynne Leonard and Ebenezer Nyadjro (2010) Wind-driven Vertical Mixing and Sediment Resuspension During Fall Transition Storms in Onslow Bay, North Carolina. (In Preparation) McCulloch*, Anita, Daniel Kamykowski, John M. Morrison. ENSO-related variability in phytoplankton community structure of the Galápagos Marine Reserve. (In Final Preparation) McCulloch*, Anita, Daniel Kamykowski, John M. Morrison. Spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton community structure of the GMR based on pigment analysis. (IN Preparation) McCulloch*, Anita, Daniel Kamykowski, John M. Morrison. Inter-seasonal variability of plankton community structure of the Galápagos Marine Reserve. (In Final Preparation) Research in Progress "BenDIM Cruise in Gulf Of Mexico" Third of BenDIM cruises. July 6 - July 16, 2009 "Benthic Dinoflagellate Migration (BenDiM): Occurrence and Processes" (On-Going) Most applications of the standardized dinoflagellate diel vertical migration (DVM) hypothesis consider a surface goal in daylight and a subsurface nutrient goal at night because of the visibility of surface blooms. The sub-surface nutrient source, however, can be so deep that dinoflagellates are unable to reach the surface during a 12 h ascent. At least three literature reports document a sediment-oriented expression of an alternative DVM pattern characteristic of continental boundaries with wider, more gently sloping shelves that can yield high biomass, near-bottom dinoflagellate accumulations. The targeted dinoflagellate niche, here termed ‘Benthic Dinoflagellate Migration’ or ‘BenDiM’, is influenced by light and nutrient gradients but is unique in that a DVM exists between a nutrient source near or at the sediment-sea interface and a light intensity in the lower euphotic zone that supports a net increase in population size. The research questions in this proposal specifically deal with: 1) the different dinoflagellate species that occupy the BenDiM niche on the continental shelf off Panama City, FL between the 60 m and 20 m contours between May and Nov; 2) the light acclimation, the nutrient uptake capabilities, and the behavioral patterns required of different dinoflagellate species that occupy the BenDiM niche; and, 3) the effect of representative physical water motion on the formation, transport and fate of the different BenDiM dinoflagellate species populations. The proposed integrated study includes: 1) a pelagic/benthic field program with three 7-day cruises during different months between May and Oct in 2008 and Jul-Aug 2009; 2) laboratory studies on the light, nutrient, and behavioral characteristics of BenDiM dinoflagellates that allow successful competition with near-bottom pelagic diatoms and the microphytobenthos; and 3) a physical biological modeling study to plan, integrate and extend the field and laboratory results. "Dynamics of the Ocean Circulation in the Galápagos Marine Reserve" (On-Going) The proposed effort continues analysis of dynamics of oceanographic variability in Equatorial Pacific Ocean from mesoscale to basin spatial scales and seasonal to climatic time scales as they influence biodiversity and community structure of the marine ecosystems of the Galápagos Marine Reserve (GMR). This effort will make use of an extensive set of physical, biological and chemical data collected during 2004 – 2008; a high-resolution hydrodynamical model; a series of ecological and trophic models; and satellite remote sensed data. The water mass characteristics and currents around the GMR are being studied in an effort to better understand the physical environment influencing the Galápagos Archipelago and evaluate impacts of climatological perturbations, such as ENSO. We aim to better understand structuring of marine communities and their resilience to perturbations such as climate change or ENSO through improved understanding of the biophysical oceanographic environment. Professional Service Committee Member (National Election), University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Council, Washington, DC. (2007 - Present). Member Sub-Committee Reviewing NSF Shiptime Plan for 2010 (2009) Nominating Committee for Ocean Observing Science Committee (2010) Committee Member, National Science Foundation RVRC Ship Selection Committee, Washington, DC. (August 2009 - August 2010). Committee Member, NASA Biodiversity and Environmental Forcasting Research Team. (2004 -Present). Committee Member, NASA Ocean Color Research Team. (2000 - Present). Committee Member, International Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conferences (PORSEC) Scientific Organizing Committee. (2000 - 2008). Member, International Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conferences (PORSEC). (2000 Present). Member, South Atlantic Bight (SAB) Physical Oceanography and Meteorology (POM), 2006 – present. Reviewer, Journal Article, Deep-Sea Research. (2000 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Geophysical Research. (2000 - Present). Reviewer, Grant Proposal, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (2000 Present). Reviewer, Grant Proposal, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency. (2000 Present). Reviewer, Grant Proposal, National Science Foundation (4 Divisions). (1990 - Present). Committee Member, Executive Committee, Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing System (SE-COOS) Planning Committee. (2004 - 2007). Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks (ORION) Planning Workshop. San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 4-8, 2005. Ocean Biogeochemistry Workshop, Woods Hole, MA, August 2005. Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks (ORION) Design and Implementation Workshop in Salt Lake City, UT, March 27 – 30, 2006. Public Workshop for the Development of the Ocean Research Priorities Plan, NSTC Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (JSOST), Denver, CO, April 18 – 20, 2006. Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA)/SouthEast U.S. Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing System (SEA-COOS), Workshop, Jacksonville, FL, September 12-13, 2006. D. Ann Pabst Department of Biology and Marine Biology and Center for Marine Science University of North Carolina at Wilmington 601 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 EDUCATION 1984-1989 1978-1982 POSITIONS 2004-present 2002-present 2002-07; 2009 2001-present 1998-2002 1995-1998 1991-1995 August 1994 1995, 1996 1989-1991 1987-1989 1984-1986 1983-1984 1982-1983 Telephone: FAX: e-mail: (910) 962-7266 (910)-962-4066 Ph.D., Zoology, Duke University (with Stephen A. Wainwright) B.S., Zoology, University of Maryland Graduate Coordinator and Assistant Chair, Department of Biology and Marine Biology Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology and Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington Adjunct Faculty, Old Dominion University Adjunct Scientist, Mote Marine Laboratory Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina at Wilmington courses: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Marine Mammalogy Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Center for Marine Science Research, University of North Carolina at Wilmington courses: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Marine Mammalogy Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, James Madison University. courses: Biomechanics, Human Anatomy Visiting Instructor, School of the Environment, Duke University Marine Laboratory. co-taught: Marine Mammals Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia Cocos Training Grant in Morphology Fellow, Department of Zoology, Duke University Research Assistant, S.A. Wainwright, Department of Zoology, Duke University Coordinator, Marine Mammal Events Program, A joint program with the Smithsonian Institution and the Cousteau Society, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Museum Technician, Marine Mammal Program, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. FELLOWSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS (past 5 years) 2010 US Fish and Wildlife Service. Co‐Principal Investigator with William A. McLellan: UNC Wilmington Pilot Study to organize past manatee sightings and to collect future manatee sightings data from North Carolina; $11,525 2010 Parsons (through Duke University), Co-Principal Investigator with Andrew Read (PI), Charles Borchers and William A. McLellan: Long-term monitoring of protected species in the USWTR; Onslow Bay and Jacksonville, FL; 8 month continuation, $416,023. 2009 National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, Prescott Stranding Grant, Principal Investigator: Enhancing Stranding Response in Northern North Carolina; 1 year study, $99,890 2009 National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, Prescott Stranding Grant, Co-Principal Investigator with William A. McLellan: Response to and Necropsy of Stranded Large Whales in North Carolina and Virginia; 2 year study; $99,890 2009 Parsons (through Duke University), Co-Principal Investigator with Andrew Read (PI), Charles Borchers and William A. McLellan: Long-term monitoring of protected species in the USWTR; Onslow Bay and Jacksonville, FL; 1 year study, $351,035. 2009 National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, Prescott Stranding Grant, Principal Investigator: Building stranding response capacity in northern North Carolina; 1 year study, $99,930. 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 Parsons (through Duke University), Co-Principal Investigator with Andrew Read (PI), Charles Borchers and William A. McLellan: Long-term monitoring of protected species in the USWTR; Jacksonville, FL; I year study, $287,050 Geo-Marine Incorporated (through Duke University), Co-Principal Investigator with Andrew Read (PI), Charles Borchers and William A. McLellan: Long-term monitoring of protected species in the USWTR; 1 year study, $316,375. National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, Prescott Stranding Grant, Principal Investigator: Enhanced tissue collection and health monitoring of stranded marine mammals in North Carolina and Virginia; 1 year study, $99,974 National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, Co-Principal Investigator with Principal Investigator W.A. McLellan: Seasonal occurrence of north Atlantic right whales along the midAtlantic coast; 1 year study, $264,919. National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, Prescott Stranding Grant, Principal Investigator: Enhanced tissue collection and health monitoring of stranded marine mammals in North Carolina and Virginia; 1 year study; $98,240. Geo-Marine Incorporated (through Duke University), Co-Principal Investigator with Andrew Read (PI), Charles Borchers and William A. McLellan: Long-term monitoring of protected species in the USWTR; I year study, $295,965. National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, Co-Principal Investigator with Principal Investigator W.A. McLellan: Right whale data collection along the mid-Atlantic coast; 1 year study, $437,849. National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, Prescott Stranding Grant, Principal Investigator: Enhanced tissue collection and health monitoring of stranded marine mammals in North Carolina and Virginia; 1 year study; $99,986 National Marine Fisheries Service, Prescott Stranding Grant, Co-Principal Investigator with Principal Investigator W.A. McLellan: Enhancing response to and necropsy of stranded large whales in North Carolina, Virginia and South Carolina; 1 year study, $92,830 National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, Co-Principal Investigator with Principal Investigator W.A. McLellan: Data collection on the seasonal occurrence of north Atlantic right whales along the mid-Atlantic coast; 1 year study; $393,764 NOAA-Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources, Principal Investigator: UNCW Participation in St. Joseph’s Bay bottlenose dolphin bio-monitoring program; 1 year study, $56,823 EarthTech, Marine protected species baseline and long-term monitoring plan for the East Coast Shallow Water Training Range; 1 year study, $15,412 National Marine Fisheries Service, Prescott Stranding Grant, Principal Investigator: Enhanced tissue collection and health monitoring of stranded marine mammals in North Carolina and Virginia; 1 year study; $98,587 PUBLICATIONS (past 5 years; undergraduate, graduate and post­doctoral students with whom I have worked in bold) Balmer, B. C., R. S. Wells, L. H. Schwacke, T. K. Rowles, C. Hunter, E. S., Zolman, F. I. Townsend, B. Danielson, A. J. Westgate, W. A. McLellan, and D. A. Pabst. Submitted. Evaluation of a single-pin, satellite-linked transmitter deployed on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) along the coast of Georgia, U.S.A. Aquatic Mammals. Yordy, J.E., Pabst, D.A., McLellan, W.A., Wells, R.S., Rowles, T., and J. Kucklick. 2010. Tissue-specific distribution and whole body burden estimates of persistent organic pollutants in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 29(6):1263-1273. Dunkin, R.C., McLellan, W.A., Blum, J. and D.A. Pabst. 2010. The buoyancy of the integument of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): Effects of growth, reproduction and nutritional state. Marine Mammal Science. 26(3):573-587. Barbieri, M.M., McLellan, W.A. Wells, R.S., Blum, J.E., Hofmann, S., Gannon, J. and D. A. Pabst. 2010. Using infrared thermography to assess seasonal trends in dorsal fin surface temperatures of free-swimming bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, FL, U.S.A. Marine Mammal Science. 26(1):5366. Piscitelli, M.A., McLellan, W.A., Rommel, S.A., Blum, J., Barco, S.G. and D.A. Pabst .2010. Lung size and thoracic morphology in shallow (Tursiops truncatus) and deep (Kogia spp.) diving cetaceans. Journal of Morphology. 269:1520-1538. Rotstein, D. S., Burdett, L. G., McLellan, W., Schwacke, L., Rowles, T., Terio, K.A, Schultz, S. and Pabst, D.A. 2009. Lobomycosis in two offshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from North Carolina. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 15(4):588-590. Balmer, B.C., Wells, R.S., Nowacek, S.M., Nowacek, D.P., Schwacke, L.H., McLellan W. A., Scharf, F.S., Rowles, T. K., Hansen, L.J., Spradlin, T.R, and Pabst, D.A. 2008. Seasonal abundance and distribution patterns of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near St. Joseph Bay, Florida, USA. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 10(2):157-167. Cotten, P.B., Piscitelli, M.A., McLellan W.A., Rommel S.A., Dearolf J.L., and D.A. Pabst. 2008. The gross morphology and histochemistry of respiratory muscles in bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus. Journal of Morphology. 269:1520-1538. Etnier, S. F., W. A. McLellan, J. Blum, and D. A. Pabst. 2008. Ontogenetic changes in the structural stiffness of the tailstock of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Experimental Biology. 211:3205-3213. Harms, C.A., Maggi, R.G., Breitschwerdt, E.B., Clemons-Chevis, C.L., Solangi, M., Rotstein, D.L., Fair, P.A., Hansen, L.J., Hohn, A.A., Lovewell, G.G., McLellan, W.A., Pabst, D.A., Rowles, T.K., Schwacke, L.H., Townsend, F.I. and R.S. Wells. 2008. Bartonella species detection in captive and stranded versus healthy free-ranging dolphins and porpoises in the southeastern United States. Veterinary Research. 39(6):59-66. Harper, C.J., McLellan, W.A., Rommel, S.A., Gay, D.M., Dillaman, R.M. and D.A. Pabst. 2008. Morphology of the melon and its tendinous connections to the facial muscles in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Morphology. 269:820-839. Meagher, E.M., McLellan, W.A., Westgate, A.J., Wells, R.S., Blum, J.E., Pabst, D.A. 2008. Seasonal patterns of heat loss in wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 178:529543. Rommel, S., D. Pabst, and W. McLellan. 2008 Skull anatomy. In: Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (W.F. Perrin, B. Wursig, and H. Thewissen, Eds), 2nd ed., Academic Press, San Diego, CA. pp. 1033-1047. Williams, T., Zavanelli, M., Miller, M., Goldbeck, R., Morledge, M. Casper, D., Pabst, A., McLellan, W., Cantin, L., and D. Kliger. 2008. Running, swimming and diving as modifiers of globin-mediated protection of the mammalian brain. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. 275(1636):751-758. Rommel, S.A., D.A. Pabst, W.A. McLellan. 2007. Functional anatomy of the cetacean reproductive system, with comparisons to the domestic dog. In: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Cetacea: Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. (ed. D.L. Miller). Science Publishers, pp. 127-145. Rommel, S.A., A.M. Costidis, A.J.F. Fernandez, P.D. Jepson, D.A. Pabst, W.A. McLellan, D.S. Houser, T.W. Cranford, A.L. van Helden, D.M. Allen, and N.B. Barros. 2006. Elements of beaked whale anatomy and diving physiology, and some hypothetical causes of sonar-related stranding. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 7(3):189-209. Westgate, A.J, McLellan, W. A., Wells, R. S., Scott, M.D., Meagher, E.M., and D.A. Pabst. 2007. A new device to remotely measure heat flux and skin temperature from free-swimming dolphins. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 346:45-59. Rotstein, D. S., Pabst, D.A. and W.A. McLellan. 2006. Surf and turf: approaching single and multiple die-offs of free-living species. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine. 15(1):40-48. Saliki J.T., Cooper E. J., Rotstein D.S., Caseltine S.L., Pabst D.A., McLellan W.A., Govett P., Harms C., Smolarek K.A., and Romero C.H. 2006. A novel gammaherpes virus associated with genital lesions in a Blainville’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris). Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 42(1):142-148. Dunkin, R.C., McLellan, W.A., Blum, J. and D.A. Pabst. 2005. Ontogenetic changes in the thermal properties of Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) blubber. Journal of Experimental Biology. 208:1469 1480. Estep, J.S., Baumgartner, R.E., Townsend, F., Pabst, D.A., McLellan, W.A., Dunn, D.G., Friedlaender, A.S. and T. P. Lipscomb. 2005. Malignant seminoma with metastasis, Sertoli cell tumor and pheochromocytoma in a spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) and malignant seminoma with metastasis in a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Veterinary Pathology.42:357-359. Kraus, S.D., M.B. Brown, H. Caswell, C.W. Clark, M. Fujiwara, P.K. Hamilton, R.D. Kenney, A.R. Knowlton, S. Landry, C.A. Mayo, W.A. McLellan, M.J. Moore, D.P. Nowacek, D.A. Pabst, A.J. Read, R.M. Rolland. 2005. North Atlantic right whales in crisis. Science. 309:561-562. Maggi, R.C., Harms, C.A., Hohn, A., Pabst, D.A., McLellan, W.A., Walton, W.J., Rotstein, D.S., and E.B. Breitschwerdt. 2005. Detection of Bartonella henselae in harbor porpoise (Phococena phocoena) blood: the first evidence of Bartonella spp. infection in a non-terrestrial animal. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 11(12):1894-1898. Torres, L.G., McLellan, W.A., Meagher, E.M., and D.A. Pabst. 2005. Seasonal distribution and relative abundance of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, along the US mid-Atlantic Coast. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management.7(2):153-161. CURRICULUM VITAE MARTIN H. POSEY Department of Biology and Marine Biology University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 S. College Road Wilmington, N.C. 28403 (910) 962-3471 EDUCATION: Ph.D. 1985 Biology, University of Oregon B.A. 1980 Zoology with highest honors, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill A.A. 1978 General Studies, Charles County Community College, LaPlata, Maryland PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2004-present Chair and Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington 1998-2004 Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Carolina at Wilmington 1994-1998 Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Carolina at Wilmington 1989-1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Carolina at Wilmington Summers 1990-91; Visiting Scientist/Postdoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian Environmental 1987-1989 Research Center. 1985-1987 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Oregon 1985 Course Assistant, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole 1980-1985 Graduate Teaching Fellow/Research Assistant, University of Oregon 1980 Natural Heritage Inventory Specialist, State of North Carolina Professional Service and administrative experience: Commissioner/Trustee for Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS/COC). 2008-2010. Duties include biannual review of college and university accreditation files, including those requesting substantive changes, requiring monitoring reports, or under disciplinary action. Also includes training on accreditation requirements, review and voting on changes to accreditation standards, and participations in SACS/COC business. Advisory Board for Carteret Community College Mariculture Program and Brunswick Community College Aquaculture Program; served on SWOT programmatic review team for Carteret Community College Aquaculture and Biology programs North Carolina Crustacean Fisheries Advisory Committee (appointed twice); Chair of NC Division of Marine Fisheries Blue Crab Scientific Technical Advisory Committee Invited participant in Southeast Atlantic Fisheries Council Ecohab workshop – subsequently asked to develop model metrics for benthos North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Estuarine Biological and Physical Processes Work Group, NCDCM Sea Level Rise Impacts work group North Carolina Oyster Restoration Steering Committee; SE Oyster Regional Recovery Team; Participant in North Carolina ARRA oyster restoration effort North Carolina Division of Water Quality ad hoc work group on coastal swamp indicators Co-organizer of 2000 Benthic Ecology Meetings (UNC-Wilmington; ~800 participants) 2010 Benthic Ecology Meetings (~750 participants); Organizer for Health and Related Sciences Symposia in 2009 and 2010 (UNC Wilmington); Organizer for Environmental Stewardship Symposium (2010, community symposium) Participant in U.S.A.C.E. National Tidal Fringe Workshop N.C. Sea Grant Assistant Director search committee Adjunct faculty with North Carolina State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and University of South Alabama. Served on the editorial staff for the journals Marine Ecology Progress Series, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, and Journal of Shellfish Research. Society Memberships: American Association for the Advancement of Science; Estuarine Research Federation; North Carolina Academy of Sciences; Southeastern Estuarine Research Society; Sigma Xi (President of local chapter 2000-2001); Ecological Society of America; National Shellfisheries Association Reviewer for National Science Foundation EPSCOR Program, National Science Foundation (Ecology, Biological Oceanography, Polar Research), National Estuarine Research Reserve Program, Louisiana Sea Grant Program, Washington Sea Grant Program, New York Sea Grant Program, Connecticut Sea Grant Program, Maryland Sea Grant Program (panel participant for 2 years), Virginia Sea Grant Program, National Sea Grant Program, Florida Sea Grant Program, New England Sea Grant Program, Delaware Sea Grant Program, Hawaii Sea Grant Program, North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, Saltonstall-Kennedy Program, National Undersea Research Center (northeast center, southeast center and northwest center), panel member for state and national Sea Grant Programs, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Bulletin of Marine Science, Estuaries, Critical Reviews in Aquatic Science, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Marine Biology, Wetlands, Conservation Biology, Estuaries, Ecology, Limnology and Oceanography, Australian Journal of Ecology, Ecological Engineering, Sigma Xi Grant-In-Aid Committee, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Journal of Biodiversity, Journal of Shellfish Research, external examiner for 2 Ph.D. dissertations. Academic Awards: Voted 2008 recipient of the UNCW Graduate Mentor Award Voted 2000 recipient of the UNCW Faculty Scholarship Award UNCW Million Dollar Club (recognition for grant success) UNCW 5 Million Dollar Club (recognition for grant success) Research Reassignment Awards from UNCW in 1997 and 2003. PUBLICATIONS since 2004: Meyer, D. and M.H. Posey. 2009. Effects of life history strategy on fish distribution and use of estuarine salt marsh and shallow water flat habitats. Estuaries and Coasts. 32: 797-812. Carnegie, R., N.A. Stokes, C. Audemard, M. Bishop, A.E. Wilbur, T.D. Alphin, M.H. Posey, C.H. Peterson and E.M. Burreson. 2008. Strong seasonality of Bonamia sp. Infection and induced Crassostrea ariakensis mortality in Bogue and Masonboro Sounds, North Carolina, USA. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 98: 335-343. Coen, L.D., Brumbaugh, R.D., Bushek, D., Grizzle, R. Luckenbach, M.W., Posey, M.H., Powers, S.P. and Tolley, S.G.. 2007. Ecosystem services related to oyster restoration. Marine Ecology Progress Series 341: 303-307. Hackney, C.T., Avery, G.B. Leonard, L.A., Posey M., and Alphin T. 2007. Biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of tidal freshwater swamp forests of the lower Cape Fear River/Estuary , North Carolina, Pages 183-221. In: Conner, W.H., T.W. Doyle, and K.W. Krauss, eds. Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands in the Southeastern United States; Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Croft, A.L., L.A. Leonard, T.D. Alphin, L.B. Cahoon, and M.H. Posey. 2006. The effects of thin layer sand renourishment on tidal marsh processes: Masonboro Island, NC. Estuaries and Coasts 29(5): 737-750. Posey, M.H., T.D. Alphin and L. B. Cahoon. 2006. Benthic community responses to nutrient enrichment and predator exclusion: influence of background nutrient concentrations and interactive effects. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 330: 105-118. Posey, M.H., T.D. Alphin, H. Harwell and B. Allen. 2005. Importance of low salinity areas for juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, in river-dominated estuaries of southeastern United States. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 319: 81-100. Burkholder, J., D. Eggleston, H. Glasgow, C. Brownie, R. Reed, G. Janowitz, M. Posey, G. Melia, C. Kinder, R. Corbett, D. Toms, T. Alphin, N. Deamer and J. Springer. 2004. Comparative impacts of two major hurricane seasons on the Neuse River and western Pamlico Sound ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) 101: 9291-0296. Nelson, K.A., L.A. Leonard, M.H. Posey, T.D. Alphin and M.A. Mallin. 2004. Transplanted oyster (Crassostrea virginica) beds as a self-sustaining mechanism for water quality improvement in small tidal creeks. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 298: 347-368 Hyland, J.L., W. L. Balthus, M. Posey, C. T. Hackney and T.D. Alphin. 2004. The soft-bottom bottom macrobenthos of North Carolina estuaries. Estuaries 27: 501-514. GRANTS AND AWARDS: National Science Foundation. 2009-2014. “STAR (Scholarship Team in Action to Recruit) program.” $898,500. 2009-2014. (co-P.I.) South Carolina Department of Natural resources. 2010. “Student internship at Waddell Mariculture Center”. $1717. (P.I.) North Carolina Sea Grant program. 2010-2012. Linking variation in egg quality to hatching success and larval survival in blue crabs. $9545 (co-P.I.). North Carolina Sea Grant Program. 2010-2012. “To seed or not to seed: the value of seeding restored oyster reefs for ecosystem function”. $88,597 + graduate student support. 20102012. (co-P.I.) Dial Cordy and Associates. 2009-2010. “Monitoring effects of a potential increased tidal range in the Cape Fear Ecosystem.” $415,599. (lead P.I.) North Carolina Sea Grant Program. 2009-2010. “Evaluation of oyster health and sanctuary function of closed shellfish beds”. $39,358. (co-P.I.). North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (CICEET), 2009-2010, “Sustainable estuarine shoreline stabilization”. $117,694. (lead P.I.) (part of larger project administered through NC Department of Natural Resources, $688,478, overall project co-PI) North Carolina Coastal Federation, 2009-2010. “Restoration of oyster reefs for fisheries, habitat and erosion control in southeastern NC.” $75,000. (co-P.I.). North Carolina Sea Grant Program. 2008-2010. Key parameters for assessing beach functionality. $99,820, (co-P.I.) North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2008-2010, “Spatial variation in blue crab distribution in the New River during spawning season”. $44,278 (co-P.I.) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2008-2009, “Receiving, storage and technician support for laboratory analyses. $25,912. (co-P.I.) North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2008-2010, “Feasibility of implementing a monitoring program for oyster larvae”. $56,770. (co-P.I.) Elizabeth City State University (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), 2008-2009, “The Cape Fear River Ecosystems Project”. $293,373. (lead P.I.) North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2006-2008, “Success in oyster reef restoration: population and ecosystem measures“, $108,797 (lead P.I.). Elizabeth City State University (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), 2007- 2008, “Biochemistry and Benthic infauna in swamps and Marshes along the NE Cape Fear and Cape Fear Rivers” $46,281. (P.I.) Elizabeth City State University (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), 2007- 2008 “Service, Maintain and calibrate remote data collection platforms in swamps and channels in the Cape Fear Basin” $43,421. (P.I.) North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2006-2007, “Preliminary investigation into the occurrence and impacts of a novel parasite (Bonamia sp.) in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica”, $5998 (co-P.I.). North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2006-2007, “Monitoring and evaluation of settlement and subsequent community development on oyster sanctuaries”, $32,750 (co-P.I.) Cape Fear Memorial Foundation, 2005-2006, “Teaching kits for Physiology Laboratories”, $48,000 (co-P.I.) North Carolina Sea Grant, Blue Crab Research Program, 2005-2006, “Assessment of blue crab distributions in the Cape Fear River estuary”. $47,264 (co-P.I) North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2004-2006, “Effects of erosion control structures on adjacent benthic and nektonic communities”, $100,680 + 1 grad student stipend (lead P.I.). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2002-2007, “Biogeochemistry and benthic infauna in swamps and marshes along the Cape Fear and Northeast Cape Fear Rivers”, $181,494/year. (coP.I.) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2002-2007, “Service, maintain, and calibrate remote data collection platforms in swamps and channels of the Cape Fear basin”, $181,340/year. (co-P.I.) North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2005, “Monitoring and evaluation of settlement and subsequent community development on oyster sanctuaries”, $5232 (co-P.I.). NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, 2004-2005, “Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program (CORMP) at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington”, $2,100,000 (co-P.I.) North Carolina Blue Crab Research Program, 2005-2006, “Assessment of blue crab distributions in the Cape Fear River estuary”, $47,219, (co-P.I.) Sea Grant Nuisance Species Program, 2003-2005. “Baseline ports surveys for introduced marine molluscan, crustacean and polychaete species in the south Atlantic Bight”. $187,652 (coP.I.) City of Jacksonville, 2003-2004, “Conduct Benthic Sampling for the New River and Wilson Bay”, $9500 (lead P.I.) North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2002-2004, “Oyster reefs as fisheries habitat: the influence of edge characteristics and vertical complexity”, $83,002 + grad stipend (lead P.I.). National Science Foundation, CRUI Program, 1999-2004, “Juvenile blue crab use of low salinity areas: Costs and benefits”, $846,000 (Project Director). NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research. 2003-2004. “A Collaborative Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program”. $1,192,200. co-P.I. North Carolina Sea Grant Program, 2003-2004, “Exploration of stock differentiation of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in North Carolina, Part Two”, $48,350 CURRICULUM VITAE STEVE W. ROSS PERSONAL Date of birth: 16 December 1951 Home address: 309 Foxwood Ln., Wilmington, NC 28409 Birthplace: Wadesboro, NC EDUCATION High school: McCallie School, Chattanooga, TN (graduated May 1970) College: Duke University, Durham, NC (BS in Zoology-1974) Graduate: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC (MA in Zoology-1978) Thesis: The Life History of the Banded Drum, Larimus fasciatus, in North Carolina Waters. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC (PhD in Zoology-1992) Dissertation: Comparisons of Population Dynamics of Juvenile spot (L. xanthurus), Atlantic croaker (M. undulatus), and Atlantic Menhaden (B. tyrannus) Among Diverse North Carolina Estuarine Nursery Areas. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Nov 2003 - present: Research Associate Professor - UNCW, Center for Marine Science 5600 Marvin Moss Ln., Wilmington, NC 28409 phone: 910-395-3905, email: May 1990 - Oct 2003: Research Director - North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve Program and NC Coastal Reserve Program, Adjunct Faculty (UNCW) Aug 1985 - Jun 1990: Research Assistant, Zoology Dept., NC State Univ., Raleigh, NC Sep 1977 - Dec 1978: Teaching Assistant, Zoology Dept., UNC-Chapel Hill, NC May 1975 - Aug 1977: Research Assistant, UNC-Institute of Marine Sciences, Morehead City, NC ONGOING PROJECTS (partial list) Description of NC offshore reef ichthyofauna and mapping of reefs. Community structure and biology of continental slope fishes. Distribution and taxonomic status of Aulopus. Biogeography of NC & SEUS marine waters. Description of the marine fishes of North Carolina (technical book). Processes affecting fish utilization of and recruitment into estuarine nursery areas. Distributions and community ecology of southeastern US and Gulf of Mexico deep coral banks. Trophodynamics of midwater communities over deep-sea cold seeps and reefs. Paleoecology along the Gulf Stream system using deep-sea corals as proxies. HONORS-AWARDS-APPOINTMENTS-COMMITTEES Co-chairman, Committee to evaluate reef fish assessment techniques for Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (1981) Field Associate, Florida State Museum, Gainesville, FL (appointed Nov 1984) Research Associate, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC (appointed July 1985) Certified Fisheries Scientist, American Fisheries Society (Jan 1985). 47 Chairman, Marine Fish Endangered/Threatened Species Committee for NC Museum Natural Sciences (1985-1986) Adjunct Program and Research Associate, UNC-W, Center for Marine Science & Biology Dept. (appointed July 1990) Adjunct Assistant Professor & Associate Member Graduate Faculty, N.C. State Univ. (appointed Oct 1994) Member, Legislative Fisheries Moratorium Steering Committee (1994-96) UNC-W Million Dollar Club award (1996) Marine Hall Exhibits Committee, NC Museum Natural Sciences Water Conservationist of the Year-1996, by NC Wildlife Federation (along with other members of a committee) South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council GIS Species and Habitat Sub-Group (appointed 1997) SEAMAP-South Atlantic Bottom Mapping Workgroup (appointed 1997) Member, NERRs Central Data Management Committee (1995-2002) Member, NC Outer Continental Shelf Technical Review Team (appointed 1998) Third place for GIS article annual competition in GPS World magazine (1999) Invited member of Federal Review Team for Sapelo Island NERR (Jan 2000) Natl. Undersea Res. Center-SE Region grant review panel (invited Nov 2000) Chairman, SEAMAP deepwater reef technical sub-committee Natl. Undersea Res. Center-Western Region grant review panel (invited Nov 2002) Natl. Undersea Res. Center-SE Region grant review panel (invited Nov 2003) New species of fish (Psednos rossi) named in my honor (Chernova and Stein. 2004. Fish. Bull. 102: 245-250) Appointed to UNCW graduate faculty in marine science (June 2004, reappointed July 2009) SEADESC steering committee (2005-2007) Member, Working Group on Deep-Water Ecology, International Council for Exploration of the Sea (appointed Jul 05) Member, Coral Advisory Panel of S. Atl. Fishery Management Council (appointed Oct 2005) Tar Heel of the Week (Raleigh News & Observer, 22 Nov 2009) Scientific Steering Committee for 5th International Deep-sea Coral Symposium (invited Feb 2010) GRANTS-CONTRACTS since 2004 2002-2004: Lead PI, NOAA Ocean Exploration grant on community ecology of deep coral banks & outer shelf reefs. 2003-2005: Lead PI, NOAA OE grant on community ecology of deep coral banks. 2004: PI, NURC rapid response grant to survey shelf edge reefs in proposed MPA off NC. 2004-2005: lead PI, NOAA OE grant on community ecology of deep coral banks. 2004-2005: Co-PI, S. Atl. Fisheries Management Council grant for report on NC deep coral banks. 2004-2005: Co-PI, USGS grant for biology & ecology studies on Gulf of Mexico deep coral banks. 2004-2005: PI, MMS grant to facilitate analysis of deep coral bank data. 2004-2006: Co-PI, USGS State Partnership Program award for Deep Coral Project analysis. 2005: PI, NC Sea Grant Student Research Award. 2005: Co-PI, NOAA grant to write status of deep corals report regional chapter. 2005: Co-PI, NURC rapid response grant to initiate fish acoustic monitoring & continue fish surveys on a deep reef. 2005-2006: PI, S. Atl. Fisheries Management Council grant to evaluate deep sea habitat data for NC (SEAMAP). 2005-2007: lead PI, NOAA OE grant on community ecology of deep coral banks on Blake Plateau. 2006: Co-PI, Royal Society of Edinburgh grant for collaborative trans-Atlantic deep-sea research. 2006-2007: PI, S. Atl. Fisheries Management Council grant to revise deep coral report and produce research DVD. 2006-2009: Lead PI, NOAA NURC grant for mapping deep-sea benthic habitats. 2007-2009: PI, Environmental Defense Fund grant to continue SEADESC habitat mapping project. 2006-2009: Lead PI, USGS grant - midwater/benthic trophodynamics studies over Gulf of Mexico deep seep sites. 2007-2009: co-PI, TRACES funding to establish program for trans-Atlantic deep-sea ecosystem studies. 2008: Lead PI, USGS four year grant for Gulf of Mexico deep reef ecosystem studies. 2008: PI, NOAA grant to study Essential Fish Habitat designations in deep-sea environments. 2009: PI, SAFMC grant to continue SEADESC project. 2009: co-PI, The Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology (CIOERT). PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Estuarine Research Federation, Southeastern Fishes Council, Association of Southeastern Biologists, American Fisheries Society PUBLICATIONS (Peer Reviewed) since 2004 48 Quattrini, A.M., S.W. Ross, K.J. Sulak, A.M. Necaise, T.L. Casazza and G.D. Dennis. 2004. Marine Fishes new to continental United States waters, North Carolina, and the Gulf of Mexico. SE Nat. 3(1): 155-172. Ross, S.W. and F.C. Rohde. 2004. The gobioid fishes of North Carolina (Pisces: Gobioidei). Bull. Mar. Sci. 74(2): 287-323. Necaise, A.M.D., S.W. Ross and J.M. Miller. 2005. Estuarine habitat evaluation measured by growth of juvenile summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, in a North Carolina estuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 285: 157-168. Reed, J.K. and S.W. Ross. 2005. Deep-water reefs off the southeastern U.S.: recent discoveries and research. Current 21(4): 33-37. H.S. Meister, D.M. Wyanski, J.K. Loefer, S.W. Ross, A.M. Quattrini and K.J. Sulak. 2005. Further evidence for the invasion and establishment of Pterois volitans (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) along the Atlantic coast of the United States. SE Nat. 4(2): 193-206. Casazza, T.L., S.W. Ross, A.M. Necaise and K.J. Sulak. 2005. Reproduction and mating behavior of the Atlantic flyingfish, Cheilopogon melanurus (Exocoetidae), off North Carolina. Bull. Mar. Sci. 77(3): 363-375. Quattrini, A.M. and S.W. Ross. 2006. Fishes associated with North Carolina shelf-edge hardbottoms and initial assessment of a proposed marine protected area. Bull. Mar. Sci. 79(1): 137-163. Williams, B., M.J. Risk, S.W. Ross and K.J. Sulak. 2006. Deep-water Antipatharians: proxies of environmental change. Geol. 34(9): 773-776. Ross, S.W., T.L. Casazza, A.M. Quattrini and K.J. Sulak. 2007. Anguilliform larvae collected off North Carolina. Mar. Biol. 150(4): 681-695. Caruso, J.H., S.W. Ross, K.J. Sulak and G.R. Sedberry. 2007. Deep-water chaunacid and lophiid anglerfishes (Pisces: Lophiiformes) off the Southeastern United States. J. Fish Biol. 70(4): 1015-1026. Ross, S.W. and A.M. Quattrini. 2007. The Fish Fauna Associated with Deep Coral Banks off the Southeastern United States. Deep-Sea Research Part I 54(6): 975-1007. Brooks, R.A., M.S. Nizinski, S.W. Ross and K.J. Sulak. 2007. Sublethal Injury Rate in a Deepwater Ophiuroid, Ophiacantha bidentata, an Important Component of Western Atlantic Lophelia Reef Communities. Mar. Biol. 152: 307-314. Ross, S.W. and M.S. Nizinski. 2007. State of Deep Coral Ecosystems in the U.S. Southeast Region: Cape Hatteras to southeastern Florida. p. 233-270, Ch 6 In: Lumsden, S.E., T.F. Hourigan, A.W. Bruckner and G. Dorr (eds.). The State of Deep Coral Ecosystems of the United States. NOAA Tech. Memo. CRCP-3. Silver Spring, MD. 365 pp. McCosker, J.E. and S.W. Ross. 2007. A new deepwater species of the snake eel genus Ophichthus (Anguilliformes: Ophicthidae), from North Carolina. Copeia 2007(4): 783-787. Williams, B., M.J. Risk, S.W. Ross and K.J. Sulak. 2007. Stable isotope data from deep-water Antipatharians: 400-year records from the southeastern coast of the United States of America. Bull. Mar. Sci. 81(3): 437-447. Sulak, K.J., R.A. Brooks, K.E. Luke, A.D. Norem, M. Randall, A.J. Quaid, G.E. Yeargin, J.M. Miller, W.M. Harden, J.H. Caruso and S.W. Ross. 2007. Demersal fishes associated with Lophelia pertusa coral and hard-substrate biotopes on the continental slope, northern Gulf of Mexico. p. 65-92. In: George, R.Y. and S.D. Cairns (eds.). Conservation and adaptive management of seamount and deep-sea coral ecosystems. Univ. of Miami. 324 p. Ross, S.W. 2007. Unique deep-water ecosystems off the southeastern United States. Oceanography 20(4): 130-139. Partyka, M.L., S.W. Ross, A.M. Quattrini, G.R. Sedberry, T.W. Birdsong, J. Potter. 2007. Southeastern United States deep sea corals (SEADESC) initiative: a collaborative effort to characterize areas of habitat-forming deep-sea corals. NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR OER 1. Silver Spring, MD. 176 pp. Gartner, J.V., Jr., K.J. Sulak, S.W. Ross and A-M. Necaise. 2008. Persistent near-bottom aggregations of mesopelagic animals along the North Carolina and Virginia continental slopes. Mar. Biol. 153: 825-841. Henry, L-A., M.S. Nizinski and S.W. Ross. 2008. Occurrence and biogeography of hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from deep-water coral habitats off the southeastern United States. Deep-Sea Res. Part I. 55(6): 788-800. Messing, C.G., J.K. Reed, S.D. Brooke and S.W. Ross. 2008. Deep-Water Coral Reefs of the United States. p. 763787. In: Riegl, B. & R.E. Dodge (eds.). Coral Reefs of the USA. Springer. 802 pp. Casazza, T.L. and S.W. Ross. 2008. Fishes associated with pelagic Sargassum and non-structured, open-water habitats in the Gulf Stream off North Carolina, USA. Fish. Bull. 106: 348-363. Ross, S.W. and A.M. Quattrini. 2009. Deep-sea reef fish assemblage patterns on the Blake Plateau (Western North Atlantic Ocean). Mar. Ecol. 30: 74-92. Nielsen, J.G., S.W. Ross and D.M. Cohen. 2009. Atlantic occurrence of the genus Bellottia (Teleostei, Bythitidae) with two new species from the Western North Atlantic. Zootaxa 2018: 45-57. Quattrini, A.M., M.L. Partyka and S.W. Ross. 2009. Aspects of the reproductive biology of skate Fenestraja plutonia (Garman) off North Carolina. SE Naturalist 8(1): 55-70. 49 Davies, A.J., G.C.A. Duineveld, T.C.E. van Weering, F. Mienis, A.M. Quattrini, H.E. Seim, J.M. Bane and S.W. Ross. 2010. Short-term environmental variability in cold-water coral habitat at Viosca Knoll, Gulf of Mexico. Deep-Sea Res. I 57: 199-212. Taylor, C.J., J.M. Miller, L.J. Pietrafesa, D.A. Dickey and S.W. Ross. 2010. Winter winds and river discharge determine juvenile southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) recruitment and distribution in North Carolina estuaries. J. Sea Fish Res. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2009.09.006 Munroe, T.A. and S.W. Ross. 2010. Distribution and life history of two diminutive flatfishes, Citharichthys gymnorhinus and C. cornutus (Pleuronectiformes: Paralichthyidae), in the western North Atlantic. Fish. Bull. 108: 323-345. Ross, S.W., A.M. Quattrini, A.Y. Roa-Varón, J.P. McClain. in press. Species composition and distributions of mesopelagic fishes over the slope of the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Deep-Sea Res. II (special issue) C.L. Morrison, S.W. Ross, M.S. Nizinski, S. Brooke, J. Järnegren, R.G. Waller, R.L. Johnson and T.L. King. In review. Genetic discontinuity among regional populations of Lophelia pertusa in the North Atlantic Ocean. Conserv. Biol. Sinclair, D.J., G. Allard, B. Williams, B. Ghaleb, S.W. Ross and M.J. Risk. In review. Dendrochronology in bamboo? Part 1: Reproducibility of Trace Element Profiles in a Specimen of the Deep-Water Bamboo Coral Keratoisis spp. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Sinclair, D.J., S.W. Ross and M.J. Risk. In review. Dendrochronology in Bamboo? Part 2: Environmental interpretation of trace-element profiles in a bamboo coral from the Jacksonville Lithoherms. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 50 Name: Richard Satterlie Education: Sonoma State University (California) B.A. 1973 University of California, Santa Barbara Ph.D. 1978 University of Alberta (Canada) Post-Doc 1978-1980 Appointments: UNCW - Frank Hawkins Kenan Distinguished Professor of Marine Biology 2004 – present Arizona State University Professor 1991 – 2004 Arizona State University Associate Professor 1985 – 1991 Arizona State University Assistant Professor 1980 – 1985 University of Alberta Lecturer 1979 – 1980 Publications since 2004: 2009 Pirtle, T.J. and R.A. Satterlie. A hyperpolarization-activated inward current alters swim frequency of the pteropod mollusk Clione limacina. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A. Molec. Integrat. Physiol. In Press. 2009 Satterlie, R.A., J.S. Pearse, and K.P. Sebens. The black box, the creature from the Black lagoon, August Krogh, and the dominant animal. Int. Comp. Biol. 49: 89-92. 2009 Gray, C.G., V. Martin and R.A. Satterlie. Ultrastructure of retinal synapses in cubozoans. Biol. Bull. 2008 Satterlie, R.A. and C. Courtney. Hexamethonium sensitivity of the swim musculature of the pteropod mollusc, Clione limacina. Invert. Neurosci. 8: 157-166. 2008 Satterlie, R.A. Control of Swimming in the hydrozoan jellyfish Aequorea victoria: Subumbrellar organization and local inhibition. J. Exp. Biol. 211: 3467-3477. 2007 Nishikawa, K., A.A. Biewener, P. Aerts, A.N. Ahn, H.J. Chiel, M.A. Daley, T.L. Daniel, R.J. Full, M.E. Hale, T.L. Hedrick, D.E. Koditschek, A.K. Lappin, T.R. Nichols, R.D. Quinn, R.E. Ritzmann, R.A. Satterlie, and B. Szymik. Neuromechanics: An integrative approach for understanding motor control. Int. Comp. Biol. 47: 16-54 2007 Satterlie, R.A. Recent developments in neurobiology: Introduction to the symposium honoring Professor Douglas G. Stuart. Int. Comp. Biol. 47: 447-450 2007 Pirtle, T.J. and R.A. Satterlie. The role of postinhibitory rebound in the locomotor central pattern generator of Clione limacina. Int. Comp. Biol. 47: 451-456 2006 Pirtle, T.J. and R.A. Satterlie. Role of the type-12 interneurons in swim acceleration in Clione limacina. Invert. Neurosci. 6: 161-168. 2005 Satterlie, R.A., K.S. Thomas and G.C. Gray. Muscle organization of the cubozoan jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora Conant 1897. Biol. Bull. 209: 154-163. 2004 Satterlie, R.A. and R.L. Cooper. Recent developments in neurobiology: Introduction to the symposium. Integrat. Comp. Biol. 44: 1-3. 2004 Pirtle, T.J. and R.A. Satterlie. Cellular mechanisms underlying swim acceleration in pteropod mollusk, Clione limacina. Integrat. Comp. Biol. 44: 37-46. Grants: 51 1999 National Science Foundation – (Co-PI) “IGERT: Musculo-Skeletal and Neural Adaptations in Form and Function” – 5 years, $2,699,999. 2000 NIH – RO1 – “Neural Control of a Ballistic Startle Response” 3 years, $471,529 2001 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship – “Modular and Multifunctional Nature of Arousal Systems” - 1 year, $26,161 2004 National Science Foundation – “Acquisition of a Confocal Microscope” (co-PI) 3 years, $310,173 2009 National Science Foundation – “Control of Directional Swimming in Cubomedusae” 3 years, $400,181. 2009 National Science Foundation – “Expansion of the Seawater System of the Center for Marine Science” 3 years, $109,920. Honors and Awards: 2002 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship (Academic Year 2002-03) Other Creative Activities: Novels published and under contract: Phoenix Historical Fiction Something Bad Horror Agnes Hahn Psychological Suspense Imola Psychological Suspense Whiskey Creek Press, July 2006 Medallion Press, October 2007 Medallion Press, August 2008 Medallion Press, September 2009 The Stick (Horror short story), published in Fear: An Anthology of Horror and Suspense Whiskey Creek Press, September 2006 Rollicking Anthropomorphisms and Other Observations on the Human Condition (Poetry Collection), under contract with Whiskey Creek Press, due out - January 2008. Frederick S. Scharf Department of Biology and Marine Biology University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 South College Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403-5915 Tel. (910) 962-7796; Fax. (910) 962-4066 email: Education 2001 Ph.D., Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dissertation: The influence of behavior on size-structured predator-prey interactions: prey susceptibility, predator selection, and population-level consequences for estuarine fishes 1997 M.Sc., Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Thesis: Predator size-prey size relationships and predator dynamics of marine fish on the Northeast U. S. Continental Shelf 1994 B.Sc., Biology major/Marine Sciences minor, State University of New York at Stony Brook. 52 Research areas Recruitment processes in marine and estuarine fishes, mortality estimation, early life history, sampling and experimental design, population assessment, behavioral ecology of fishes, fish associations with structured habitats, predator-prey interactions, fish physiology and growth dynamics, fish reproduction Recent Professional experience Aug 2008 – present Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC Jan 2003 – 2008 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC Sep 2001 – Dec 2002 National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, National Marine Fisheries Service, Sandy Hook, New Jersey Professional service Reviewed articles for: Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Ecology, Ecological Applications, Estuaries,Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science,Fishery Bulletin, Journal of Fish Biology, Marine Biology, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Marine and Freshwater Research, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, Northeastern Naturalist, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Peer-reviewed publications since 2003 (student authors are in bold; 1 = undergraduate, 2 = MS, 3 = PhD) Submitted or accepted: Smith, W.E.2, and F.S. Scharf. In press (accepted May 2010). Demographic characteristics of southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) harvested by an estuarine gill net fishery. Fisheries Management and Ecology Published: Goshe, L.R.2, L. Avens, F.S. Scharf, and A.L. Southwood. 2010. Estimation of age at maturation and growth of Atlantic green turtles (Chelonia mydas) using skeletochronology. Marine Biology 157:1725-1740. Smith, W.E.2, F.S. Scharf, and J.E. Hightower. 2009. Fishing mortality in North Carolina’s southern flounder fishery: Direct estimates of F from a tag-return experiment. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 1:283-299. Scharf, F.S., J.A. Buckel, and F. Juanes. 2009. Contrasting patterns of resource utilization between juvenile estuarine piscivores: the influence of relative prey size and foraging ability on the ontogeny of piscivory. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66:790-801. Balmer, B.C.3, Wells, R.S., Nowacek, S.M., Nowacek, D.P., Schwacke, L.H., McLellan W. A., Scharf, F.S., Rowles, T. K., Hansen, L.J., Spradlin, T.R, and Pabst, D.A. 2008. Seasonal abundance and distribution patterns of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near St. Joseph Bay, Florida, USA. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 10(2):157-167. Bacheler, N.M.3*, L.M. Paramore, J.A. Buckel, and F.S. Scharf. 2008. Recruitment of juvenile red drum in 53 North Carolina: spatiotemporal patterns of year-class strength and validation of a seine survey. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1086-1098. Stewart, C.B.2, and F.S. Scharf. 2008. Estuarine recruitment, growth, and first year survival of age-0 juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) in North Carolina. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1089-1103. Fabrizio, M.C., F.S. Scharf, G.R. Shepherd, and J.E. Rosendale. 2008. Factors affecting catch and release mortality of bluefish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:533-546. Barnes, C., Bethea, D. M., Buckel, J. A., Carlson, J. K., Satterwhite, M., Brodeur, R. D., Spitz, J., Ridoux, V., Pusineri, C., Chase, B. C., Hunsicker, M. E., Juanes, F., Conover, D. O., Kellermann, A., Lancaster, J., Menard, F., Labrune, C., Shin, Y.-J., Asine, A.-S., Bard, F.-X., Munk, P., Pinnegar, J. K., Scharf, F. S., Rountree, R. A., Stergiou, K. I., Fourtouni, H., Sassa, C., Sabates, A., and Jennings, S. 2008. Predator and prey body sizes in marine food webs. Data paper in Ecology 89:881. Lanier, J.M.2 and F.S. Scharf. 2007. Experimental investigation of spatial and temporal variation in estuarine growth of age-0 juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 349:131-141. Scharf, F.S., J.A. Buckel, F. Juanes, J.H. Cowan, and K.A. Rose. 2006. Effects of variable prey and cohort dynamics on growth of young-of-the-year estuarine bluefish: evidence for interactions between spring- and summer-spawned cohorts. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:1266-1289. Scharf, F.S., J.P. Manderson, and M.C. Fabrizio. 2006. The effects of seafloor habitat complexity on survival of juvenile fishes: species-specific interactions with structural refuge. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 335:167-176. Scharf, F.S., J.P. Manderson, M.P. Fabrizio, J.P. Pessutti, J.E. Rosendale, R.J. Chant, and A.J. Bejda. 2004. Seasonal and interannual patterns of distribution and diet of bluefish within a Middle Atlantic Bight estuary in relation to abiotic and biotic factors. Estuaries 27(3):426-436. Extramural funding National Science Foundation – UBM Group: BioMaSS: Biological and Mathematic Synergistic Science. Borrett, S., Freeze, M., Scharf, F.S. (co-PI), Simmons, S. and Van Tuinen, M. Requested $239,546 for 6/15/10 – 6/14/13; pending NC Division of Marine Fisheries Marine Resources Fund: Stock structure of southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) in North Carolina and US South Atlantic waters Scharf, F.S., McCartney, M.A., and Batsavage, C. Funded at $281,508 for 8/1/2010 – 7/31/2013 North Carolina Sea Grant: Updating size and age at maturity schedules for southern flounder through examination of reproductive tissue and otolith microchemistry (year 2) Scharf, F.S. and Taylor, J.C. Funded at $47,221 for 8/1/10 – 7/31/11 North Carolina Sea Grant: The physiological basis of winter-induced stress and mortality in juvenile red drum Scharf, F.S. and Southwood, A. Funded at $66,338 for 2/1/2010 – 1/31/2012 North Carolina Sea Grant: Effects of habitat alteration and biotic interactions on survival of juvenile estuarine fish 54 Buckel, J.A., Hightower, J.E., Letcher, B.H., and Scharf, F.S. Funded at $120,000 for 2/1/2010 – 1/31/2012 North Carolina Sea Grant: Laboratory validation of field-based estimates of red drum foraging rates Scharf, F.S. (sole PI) Funded at $1,725 for 8/1/09 – 7/31/10 North Carolina Sea Grant: Updating size and age at maturity schedules for southern flounder through examination of reproductive tissue and otolith microchemistry Scharf, F.S. and Taylor, J.C. $94,441 for 8/1/09 – 7/31/11 – funded at $47,221 North Carolina Sea Grant: Does density-dependent mortality in a juvenile estuarine fish limit recruitment? Buckel, J.A., Scharf, F.S. (co-PI), Hightower, J.E., and Pollock, K.H. Funded at $116,849 for 2/1/2008 – 1/31/2010 NOAA Cooperative Research Program: Batch fecundity and spawning frequency as a function of size, age, and season for black sea bass and red porgy in the US South Atlantic Scharf, F.S. (co-lead PI w/Baker), Baker, M.S., Wyanski, D., Burgess, T., and Shertzer, K. Funded at $222,716 for 8/1/07 – 7/31/09 North Carolina Sea Grant: Predation by red drum on juvenile blue crabs: estimation of daily ration and seasonal and ontogenetic variation in the contribution of blue crab to the diet Scharf, F.S. (sole PI) Funded at $46,041 for 8/1/07 – 7/31/09 North Carolina Sea Grant: Catch potential and condition of shrimp and bycatch associated with a new RCGL shrimp trap design, and evaluation of commercial traps in different regions of SE NC Thorpe, T.E. and Scharf, F.S. (co-PI) Funded at $15,416 for 6/1/06 – 12/31/07 North Carolina Sea Grant: Post-release mortality of sub-legal sized southern flounder in the North Carolina gill net fishery Smith, W.E., Sullivan, F., and Scharf, F.S. (co-PI to help with design and analysis) Funded at $21,365 for 6/1/07 – 8/1/08 North Carolina Sea Grant: Estimating mortality of age-0 red drum: an educational partnership to examine factors affecting recruitment Scharf, F.S. (lead PI) and Harrill, P. Funded at $64,071 for 8/1/06 – 5/31/08 North Carolina Sea Grant: Exploitation rate and demographics of southern flounder in the New River gillnet fishery Scharf, F.S. (lead PI) and Sanderford, B.R. Funded at $78,325 for 5/1/05 – 4/30/07 Received supplement of $8,360 in March 2007 for 5/1/07 – 10/30/07 North Carolina Sea Grant: Post-settlement growth and winter distribution of juvenile red drum Scharf, F.S. (sole PI) 55 Funded at $5,000 for 10/1/04 – 12/31/05 North Carolina Sea Grant: Relative abundance of early juvenile and sub-adult red drum in the Cape Fear River estuary: an evaluation of the contribution of a southeastern North Carolina estuary to fishery recruitment Scharf, F.S. (lead PI) and Beresoff, D.A Funded at $41,150 for 4/1/04 – 12/31/05 UNCW Center for Marine Science: Characterizing red drum populations in North Carolina waters: Identification of estuarine nurseries and contribution to fishery production Scharf, F.S. (lead PI) and Lankford, T.E. Funded at $24,863 for 8/1/03 – 12/31/04 NOAA – National Research Council: The effects of structural habitat complexity on the functional response of marine fish predators: testing for general patterns across species assemblages Scharf, F.S. and Fabrizio, M.C. Funded at $72,000 for 10/1/01 – 12/31/02 NOAA Bluefish-Striped Bass Dynamics Research Program: Impact of prey abundance and size-structure on growth of spring- and summer-spawned juvenile bluefish in the Hudson River estuary: an individual-based modeling approach Scharf, F.S., Buckel, J.A., Juanes, F., Rose, K.A., and Cowen, J.H. Funded at $49,170 for 1/1/2000 – 12/31/01 56 Biographical Sketch - Pamela J. Seaton Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 601 South College Rd., Wilmington NC 28403 University of North Carolina – Wilmington Phone: (910) 962-3279; Education PhD.; Organic Chemistry, 1985, University of Vermont, Burlington. Thesis: "Diene Amines in Biomimetic Synthesis of Indole Alkaloids" Research Advisor, Professor Martin E. Kuehne M. S.; Chemistry, 1977, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Thesis: "Labelling Studies on Sesquiterpene Lactones and Phytosterols of Gallardia pulchella Gaillardia pulchella". Research Advisor, Professor Paul B. Reichardt B. S.; Chemistry, Biology, 1974, University of Washington, Seattle Professional Experience Professor, (August, 2004-present) Dept. Chemistry/Biochemistry, Univ. North Carolina - Wilmington Associate Professor, (August, 1993 – 2004) Dept. Chemistry, Univ. North Carolina - Wilmington Assistant Professor, (August, 1988 - 1993) Dept. Chemistry, Univ. North Carolina - Wilmington Postdoctoral Research Associate, (July, 1985 - 1988) Dept. Chemistry, Oregon State Univ. Corvallis Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant, (1980 - 1985) Dept. Chemistry, University of Vermont Graduate Teaching Assistant, (1977 - 1979) Department of Microbiology - Biochemistry, Univ. Vermont Research Chemist, (1976 - 1977) Institute of Marine Sciences, Seward, Alaska. Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant, (1974 - 1976) Dept.Chemistry, Univ. Alaska, Fairbanks Selected Publications since 2004 Christopher D.; Watanabe, Wade O.; Rezek, Troy C.; Seaton, Pamela J. 2009, Preliminary investigations on the effects of dietary lipid on the spawning performance and egg quality of black sea bass Centropristis striata L Aquaculture Research, 40, 1873-1883. Miller, Carrie; Gordon, Kelly G.; Kieber, Robert J.; Willey, Joan D.; Seaton, Pamela J. 2009, Chemical characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in rainwater. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 2497-2502 Joan D. Willey*, Robert J. Kieber, Pamela J. Seaton, and Carrie Miller, 2008, “Rainwater as a source of Fe(II) stabilizing ligands to seawater” Limnol. Oceanog. 53(4), . Ajoy Basak, Abhijit Mitra, Sarmistha Basak, Carolyn Pasko, Michel Chretien and Pamela Seaton, 2007, "A fluorogenic peptide related to the pathogenesis of human SARS coronavirus: Kinetic evaluation and NMR structure elucidation," ChemBioChem, 8, 1-8. Mitra, Abhijit; Seaton, Pamela J.; Wheeler, Kraig A. N-(2-Aminobenzyl)-N,N-bis(quinolin-2ylmethyl)amine. Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications (2006), C62(9), o581-o582. Robert J. Kieber*, Robert F. Whitehead, Seth N. Reid, Joan D. Willey and Pamela J. Seaton, “Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Rainwater, Southeastern North Carolina, USA,” 2006, J. Atmosph. Chem. 54, 21-41. James D. Perdue, Pamela J. Seaton, John A. Tyrell and Daniel R. DeVido “The Removal of Cremophor EL from Paclitaxel for Quantitative Analysis by HPLC-UV,”, 2006, J. Pharm. and Biomedical Analysis 41(1), 117-123. Donald. B. Chesnut, Louis D. Quin, and Pamela J. Seaton 2004 “Bonding and 33S NMR Chemical Shielding in the Thiophosphoryl Group," Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 42, S20-S25. Selected Grants: March 2010 57 "Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR for the Departments of Chemistry and Biological Sciences, UNC-Wilmington", Pamela J. Seaton and James J. Kiddle, North Carolina Biotechnology Center's Institutional Development Grants Program, March, 1996, Awarded $171,429. “Assessing the Health of a Coastal Marine Mammal: Phospholipids, Muscle Morphology and PCBs.” D. Ann Pabst and Pamela J. Seaton, Center for Marine Science Research, Jan. 1999, Awarded $38,751. “An Improved Method for the Determination of Zinc in Natural Waters,” P. J. Seaton, S.B. Jones, R. Hancock and R.J. Kieber, Center for Marine Science Research, Jan. 2003, Awarded $33,000. “Building a Digital Library”, Pamela J. Seaton, Abhijit Mitra, submitted to the IT Innovations Grant Program, April, 2006. Awarded $ 4000. “Acquisition of a 600 MHz NMR,” Pamela J. Seaton, NSF MRI: 08/01/2008 to 07/31/2011, Awarded, $ 700,000. “Institutional Development Grant. Calorimetry instrumentation” North Carolina Biotechnology Center., 2009-2010, Awarded $ 171,500. (Co-PI contributed to 3 out of 8 projects). "MRI: Acquisition of an LC/MSn," Ralph Mead and Pamela Seaton, submitted to NSF-MRI on 04/20/2010 $187,884.00 (pending). Membership in Professional Societies * * March 2010 American Chemical Society Sigma Xi STEPHEN A. SKRABAL Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 South College Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-5932 Tel. (910) 962-7160 Fax (910) 962-3013 E-mail: Professional Preparation: College of William and Mary, B.S. Geology (high honors), 1984. College of William and Mary, M.A. Marine Science, 1987. University of Delaware, Ph.D. Oceanography, 1993. Old Dominion University, Postdoctoral, Oceanography and Chemistry & Biochemistry, 1993-1995. Appointments: Assistant chair (2001-present), assistant professor (1996-2002), associate professor (2002-2007, and professor (2007-present), Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of North Carolina Wilmington. Adjunct assistant (1997-2002) and associate (2002-present) professor, Department of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Postdoctoral research associate, Departments of Oceanography and Chemistry & Biochemistry; Old Dominion University, 1993-1995. Graduate research assistant, College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, 1987-1993. Graduate research assistant, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, 1985-1987. Laboratory instructor, Dept. Geology, College of William and Mary, 1984-1985. Geologist, Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, Williamsburg, VA, 1985. Publications (last 5 years; student co-authors denoted by *): Kieber, R.J., *Pitt, J., Skrabal, S.A., and Wright, J.L.C., 2010. Photodegradation of the brevetoxin PbTx-2 in coastal seawater. Limnology and Oceanography 55, 2299-2304. Southwell, M.W., Kieber, R.J., Mead, R.N., Avery, G.B., Jr., and Skrabal, S.A., 2010. Effects of sunlight on the production of dissolved organic and inorganic nutrients from resuspended sediments. Biogeochemistry 98, 15-126. Kieber, R.J., *Parler, N.E., Skrabal, S.A., and Willey, J.D., 2009. Speciation and photochemistry of mercury in rainwater. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 60, 153-168. Mead, R.N., Morgan, J.B., Avery, G.B., Kieber, R.J., *Kirk, A.M., Skrabal, S.A., and Willey, J.D. 2009. Occurrence of the artificial sweetener sucralose in coastal and marine waters. Marine Chemistry, 116, 13-17. Willey, J.D., Inscore, M.T., Kieber, R.J., and Skrabal, S.A., 2009. Manganese in coastal rainwater: speciation, photochemistry and deposition to seawater. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 62: 3143. Bouillon, R.-C., Kieber, R.J., Skrabal, S.A., and Wright, J.L.C., 2008. Photochemistry and identification of photodegradation products of the marine toxin domoic acid. Marine Chemistry 110, 18-27. Witt, M. L.I., Skrabal, S., Kieber, R., and Willey, J., 2007. Photochemistry of Cu complexed with chromophoric dissolved organic matter: Implications for Cu speciation in rainwater. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 58, 89-109. *Lail, E.M., Skrabal, S.A., Kieber, R.J., Bouillon, R.-C., and Wright, J.L.C., 2007. The role of particles on the biogeochemical cycling of domoic acid and its isomers in natural water matrices. Harmful Algae 6, 651-657. 59 Witt, M., Skrabal, S., Kieber, R., and Willey, J., 2007. Copper complexation in coastal rainwater, southeastern USA. Atmospheric Environment 41, 3619-3630. Bouillon, R.-C., *Knierim, T.L., Kieber, R.J., Skrabal, S.A., and Wright, J.L.C., 2006. Photodegradation of the algal toxin domoic acid in natural water matrices. Limnology and Oceanography 51, 321330. Kieber, R.J., Whitehead, R.F., and Skrabal, S.A., 2006. Photochemical production of dissolved organic carbon from resuspended sediments. Limnology and Oceanography 51, 2187-2195. *Shank, G.C., Whitehead, R.F., *Smith, M.L., Skrabal, S.A., and Kieber, R.J., 2006. Photodegradation of strong copper-complexing ligands in organic-rich estuarine waters. Limnology and. Oceanography 51, 884-892. Skrabal, S.A., 2006. Dissolved titanium distributions in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Marine Chemistry, 102, 218-229. Skrabal, S.A., *Lieseke, K.L., and Kieber, R.J., 2006. Dissolved zinc and zinc-complexing ligands in an organic-rich estuary: Benthic fluxes and comparison with copper speciation. Marine Chemistry 100, 108-123. Kieber, R.J., Skrabal, S.A., *Smith, B.J., and Willey, J.D., 2005. Organic complexation of Fe(II) and its impact on the redox cycling of iron in rain. Environmental Science and Technology 39, 15761583. Grants (last five years): Educational Foundation of America (subcontract from North Carolina Coastal Federation/Cape Fear River Watch), 2010-2011 (with R.N. Mead). Metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from the Northeast Cape Fear River, North Carolina, $28,598. UNCW Center for Marine Science, 2008-2009. Trace Metal Analysis on a Wire: Development and Application of Microwire Electrodes for Geochemical Probing of Water and Sediments, $27,980. National Science Foundation (with G.B Avery, R.J. Kieber, and R.N. Mead), 2008-2011. Photobiogeochemistry of resuspended sediments in coastal environments: Impacts on organic matter and trace metal cycling. $582,468. Lower Cape Fear River Program (UNCW), 2008. Persistent Indicators of Anthropogenic Inputs to Tidal Creeks in New Hanover County, NC, $1,500. North Carolina Sea Grant, 2007. Persistent Indicators of Anthropogenic Inputs to Tidal Creeks in New Hanover County, NC, $1,500. North Carolina Sea Grant (with R.J. Kieber and J.D. Willey), 2006. Supplemental Student Stipend Support for Mercury in the Organic-Rich Cape Fear Estuary, $5,232. North Carolina Sea Grant/NOAA (with R.J. Kieber and J.D. Willey), 2004-2006. Mercury in the Organic-Rich Cape Fear Estuary, $101,067 UNCW Center for Marine Science, 2004-2005 (with G. Brooks Avery, Jr.), Probing Sediment Biogeochemistry in the Cape Fear Estuary Using Microelectrode-Based Voltammetry, $25,487. National Science Foundation (with J.L.C. Wright and R.J. Keiber), 2003-2006. Biogeochemical Cycling of Domoic Acid in Natural Waters: The Influence of Bioactive Trace Metal Complexation and Photochemistry, $485,083. 59 60 Bongkeun Song Associate Professor Department of Biology and Marine Biology Center for Marine Sciences University of North Carolina Wilmington 5600 Marvin K. Moss Lane, Wilmington, NC 28409 Phone (910) 962-2326 Fax (910) 962-2410 E-mail: EDUCATION: 2000 - 2004 Postdoctoral Training, Molecular Microbial Ecology, Princeton University, New Jersey. Advisor: Dr. Bess B. Ward 2000 Ph.D., Environmental Science, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Dissertation title: Diversity of bacteria capable of degrading halobenzoates under denitrifying conditions. Advisor: Dr. Max M. Häggblom 1997 M. S., Environmental Science, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Thesis title: Microbial diversity of toluene degraders under denitrifying conditions Advisor: Dr. Norberto J. Palleroni 1994 B. S., Agriculture Biology, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2010 – Present Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington. 2004 - 2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington. 2000 - 2004 Research Associate, Department of Geosciences, Princeton University. 1996 - 2000 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Environmental Science, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey. ACTIVE GRANTS: 2010-2013 NSF Ecosystem: Collaborative Research: Impact of sea level rise on sedimentary nitrogen removal processes in tidal freshwater ecosystem. $814,738, PI: B. Song & Co-PI: S. Borretts (UNCW) & C. Tobias (UCONN) 2010-2013 NSF Geobiology and Low Temperature Geochemistry: Collaborative Research: Anammox in a shallow coastal aquifer - combining in situ stable isotope and molecular approaches to examine controls on rates and communities. $650,000, PI: C. Tobias (UCONN) & Co-PI: B. Song (UNCW), R. Smith (USGS), J. Bohlke (USGS) 2009-2012 USDA Soil Processes: ANAMMOX: a new sink of N fertilizer in agricultural fields. $397,048. PI: B. Song & Co-PI: C. Tobias (UCONN) and J. Heitman (NCSU). 2009-2012 NSF Biological Oceanography: Collaborative research: Implication of ANAMMOX community structure and microbial interactions in estuarine 60 61 N removal processes. $515,800. PI: B. Song & Co-PI: C. Tobias (UCONN) and G. O’Mullan (SUNY). 2009-2012 NC Pork Council: Bacterial consortia in swine waste lagoons: The role of purple phototrophic bacteria and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in odor control and natural products synthesis. $75,000, PI: L. Cahoon & Co-PI: B. Song. 2009-2011 NC WRRI: Using PCR-based methods to assess microbial contamination from swine CAFOs in surface and groundwater. $50,000, PI: B. Song & Co-PI: L. Cahoon and M. Mallin. 2009-2011 NC Biotech: Biodiesel production from hog lagoon microbial communities. $31,000, PI: B. Song & Co-PI: L. Cahoon. 2008-2011 NOAA North Carolina Sea Grant: Nitrogen removal capacity of NC estuaries: accessing distribution and control. $142,000, PI: C. Tobias & Co-PI: B. Song. COMPLETED GRANTS: 2008-2009 UNCW CMS Pilot Project Grant: Development of multiple nanosensors to detect toxigenic Karenia brevis and brevetoxins. $41,486, PI: B. Song & Co-PI: J. Narrs. 2008-2009 Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina Inc: Fecal bacteria source tracking in Pages Creek. $5,342.40, PI: M. Mallin & Co-PI: B. Song. 2005-2008 NSF Biological Oceanography: Eukaryotic phytoplankton functional diversity: dynamics of phytoplankton. $800,000, PI: B. Ward (Princeton U) & Co-PI: B. Song. 2007-2008 UNC General Administration Research Competitiveness Fund: Microbial anti-oxidents from swine waste lagoon. $116,507, PI: L. Cahoon & Co-PI: B. Song. 2006-2008 NOAA North Carolina Sea Grant: Microbial nitrogen cycling in the Cape Fear River Estuary: attenuation vs. recycling and the effects of a variable freshwater-saltwater boundary. $156,164, PI: C. Tobias & Co-PI: B. Song. 2006-2007 NSF Starter Grants for Postdoctoral Fellows in Microbial Biology: Molecular detection of diverse arsenic transforming prokaryotes and their activities in anaerobic estuarine sediments. $49,940, PI: B. Song. 2005 UNCW Marine Science Equipment Pilot Projects: High throughput robotic instrument for genomic and proteomic research. $20,000. PI: B. Song. PUBLICATIONS since 2004: Peer-reviewed journal articles 1. Germaine, K. J., Chhabra, S., Song, B., Brazil, D and D. N. Dowling (2010) Microbes and sustainable production of biofuel crops: a Nitrogen perspective. J Biofuel Submitted. 2. Hirsh, M. D., Long, Z. T and B. Song (2010) Anammox bacterial diversity in various aquatic ecosystems based on the detection of hydrazine oxidase genes (hzoA/hzoB) Microbial Ecol DOI: 10.1007/s00248-010-9743-1. 61 62 3. Bhadury, P, B. Song, and B. B. Ward (2010) Intron features of key functional genes mediating nitrogen metabolism in marine phytoplankton. Marine Biotech Submitted. 4. Mallin, M. A., M. I. Haltom, B. Song, M. E. Tavares, and S. Dellies (2010) Bacterial source tracking guides management of boat head waste in a coastal resort area. J Environ Management 91: 2748-2753. 5. López-Legentil, S, P. M. Erwin, J. R. Pawlik, and B. Song (2010) Effects of sponge bleaching on ammonia oxidizing Archaea: Distribution and relative expression of ammonia monooxygenase genes associated with the barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. Microbial Ecol DOI: 10.1007/s00248-010-9662-1. 6. López-Legentil, S., B. Song, S., M. DeTure, and D. G. Baden (2010) Characterization and localization of a hybrid non ribosomal peptide synthetase and polyketide synthase gene from the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. Mar Biotechnol 12: 32-41. 7. Dale, O. R., C. Tobias and B. Song (2009) Biogeographical distribution of diverse anaerobic ammonium oxidizing (ANAMMOX) bacteria in Cape Fear River Estuary. Environ. Microbiol. 11:1194-1207. 8. Song, B., E. Chyun, P. Jaffe and B. B. Ward (2009) Molecular methods to detect and monitor dissimilatory arsenate respiring bacteria (DARB) in sediments. FEMS Microbiol Ecology. 68: 108-117. 9. Erwin, P. M., B. Song and A. M. Szmant (2008) Settlement behavior of Acropora palmate planulae: effects of biofilm age and crustose coralline algal cover. Proceeding of the 11th international coral reef symposium. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008 Session number 24 10. Chae, J.-C., B. Song and G. J. Zylstra (2008) Identification of genes encoding for hydrolytic Dehalogenation in the metagenome derived from a denitrifying 4chlorobenzoate degrading consortium. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 281: 203-209. 11. López-Legentil, S., B. Song, S. Mcmurray and J. R. Pawlik (2008) Bleaching and stress in coral reef ecosystems: Hsp70 expression by the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. Mol. Ecol. 17: 1840-1849. 12. Rich, J. J., O. R. Dale, B. Song, and B. B. Ward (2008) Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in Chesapeake Bay sediments. Microbial Ecol. 55:311-320. 13. Lear G, B. Song, G.A. Gault, D. A. Polya, and J. R. Lloyd (2007) Molecular analysis of arsenate-reducing bacteria within Cambodian sediments following amendment with acetate. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73: 1041-1048. 14. Song, B and B. B. Ward. (2007) Molecular cloning and characterization of high affinity nitrate transporters in marine phytoplankton. J Phycol 43: 542-552. 15. Park, H., B. Song and F. M. M. Morel (2007) Diversity of the cadmium containing carbonic anhydrase (CDCA) in marine diatoms and seawater. Environ. Microbiol. 9: 403413. 16. Song, B. and B. B. Ward. (2005) Genetic Diversity of benzoyl-CoA reductase genes detected in denitrifying isolates and estuarine sediments. Appl Environ Microbiol 71: 2036-2045. 17. Allen, A. E., B. B. Ward and B. Song (2005) Characterization of diatom (Bacillariophyceae) nitrate reductase genes and detection of eukaryotic nitrate reductase genes from marine waters. J Phycol . 41: 95-104. 62 63 63 64 64 65 Dr. Wade O. Watanabe University of North Carolina Wilmington, Center for Marine Science 601 S. College Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403-5927 Education B.S.: M.S.: Ph.D.: 1973, Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis. 1975, Zoology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. 1982, Zoology, University of Hawaii. Professional Experience 1999-present Research Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington; Coordinator, Aquaculture Program, Center for Marine Science Program Leader, Mariculture (MARBIONC, Marine Biotechnology in North Carolina) 1997-1999 Associate Research Scientist, University of North Carolina Wilmington 1996 Chief Scientist, Sea Change Foundation, Vero Beach, Florida 1991-1994 Adjunct Graduate Faculty, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology. 1986-1995 Chief Scientist, Caribbean Marine Research Center, Vero Beach, Florida and Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas. 1982-1985 Marine Biologist, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), Manila, Philippines (Rockefeller Foundation Post-Doctoral Research Fellow) 1983-1984 Visiting Lecturer in fish reproductive physiology, National Sun Yat Sen University, Kaohsiung and National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 1978-1981 Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellow, Oceanic Institute, Hawaii. Peer –Reviewed Publications (2005­present): Copeland, K.A., W.O. Watanabe and C. Dumas. 2005. Economic evaluation of a small-scale recirculating system for ongrowing of captive wild black sea bass Centropristis striata in North Carolina. Journal World Aquaculture Society: 36: 489-497. Watanabe, W.O., K. Fitzsimmons and Y. Yi. 2006. Farming tilapia in saline waters. Chapter 10. Tilapia: Biology, Culture, and Nutrition. Editors: C. Lim, and C. D. Webster. Haworth Press. Watanabe, W.O. and G. Miller. 2006. Nassau Grouper. Book Chapter in Aquaculture Compendium 2006 Edition. CAB International. Available on CD-ROM and the Internet. www/ 65 66 Watanabe, W.O., Woolridge, C.A. and H.V. Daniels. 2006. Progress toward year-round spawning of southern flounder broodstock by manipulation of temperature and photoperiod. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 37: 256-272. Copeland, K.A., Watanabe, W.O. and Yates, J.K. 2006. Light intensity effects on early life stages of black sea bass, Centropristis striata. Aquaculture Research 37: 1458-1463. Morgan, A.J., R. Murashige, C.A. Woolridge, J.A. Luckenbach, W.O. Watanabe, R.J. Borski, and H.V. Daniels. 2006. Effective UV dose and pressure shock for induction of meiotic gynogenesis in southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) using black sea bass (Centropristis striata) sperm. Aquaculture 259:290-299. Mangino, A. and W.O. Watanabe. 2007. Combined effects of turbulence and salinity on growth, survival and whole-body osmolality of larval southern flounder. Journal World Aquaculture Society 37: 407-418. Bentley, C.D., P.M. Carroll, A.M. Riedel and W.O. Watanabe. 2008. Intensive rotifer production in a pilot-scale continuous culture recirculating system using condensed microalgae. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 39: 625-635. Alam, M.S., W.O. Watanabe and P.M Carroll. 2008. Optimum dietary protein level for maximum growth performance of juvenile black sea bass Centropristis striata. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 39: 656-663. Morris, J.A Jr., T. C. Rezek, N.A. McNeill and W.O. Watanabe. 2008. Aquaculture of the Atlantic Red Porgy. North American Journal of Aquaculture 70: 184-191. Alam, M.S., Watanabe W.O., Carroll, P.O., Rezek, T. 2008. Effects of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth performance and body composition of black sea bass Centropristis striata during grow out in a pilot scale recirculating system. Aquaculture Research (In Press). Alam, M.S., Watanabe, W.O., and Daniels, H.V. 2008. Effect of different dietary protein and lipid levels on growth performance and body composition of juvenile southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) reared in recirculating aquaculture system, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 40 (4) 513-521. Bentley, C.D.,W.O. Watanabe,T.C. Rezek, and P.J. Seaton. 2009. Preliminary investigations on the effects of dietary lipid on the spawning performance and egg quality of black sea bass Centropristis striata L. Aquaculture Research 2009:1-11 Aquaculture Research 2009:111 40 (16) 1873-1883. Alam, M. S., W. O. Watanabe, and H. V. Daniels. 2009. Effect of different dietary protein and lipid levels on growth performance and body composition of Black sea bass Centropristis striata during grow out in a pilot scale recirculating aquaculture system, Aquaculture Research 40 (4) 442-449. Rezek, T.C., W.O. Watanabe, M. Harel and P.J. Seaton. 2010. The effects of dietary docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) and arachidonic acid (20:4n-6- on growth, survival and stress resistance in black sea bass (Centropristis striata) larvae. Daniels, H.V., W.O. Watanabe, R. Murashige, T. Losordo and C. Dumas. 2010. Chapter 5. Culture of southern flounder, pp. 82-100, In Practical Flatfish Culture and Stock Enhancement, H.V. Daniels and W.O. Watanabe, editors. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, Ames, Iowa. 366 pp. Watanabe, W.O. and H.V. Daniels. 2010. Chapter 18, Practical Flatfish Culture and Stock Enhancement: Summary and conclusions, pp. 323-354: In Practical Flatfish Culture and 66 67 Stock Enhancement, H.V. Daniels and W.O. Watanabe, editors. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, Ames, Iowa. 366 pp. Fitzsimmons, K. and W.O. Watanabe. 2010. Chapter 17: Tilapia (Family Cichlidae), pp 374389, In Finfish Aquaculture Diversification (N.R. Le Francois, M. Jobling, C. Carter, P.U. Blier, and A. Savoie, editors). CABI, Cambridge, MA, USA. Burpee, J.L., Bardsley, E.L., Dillaman, R.M., Watanabe, W.O. and Kinsey, S.T. 2010. Scaling with body mass of mitochondrial respiration from the white muscle of three phylogenetically, morphologically and behaviorally disparate teleost fishes. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: 2010 May 12 (In Press). Daniels, H.V. and W.O. Watanabe (Editors). 2010. Practical Flatfish Culture and Stock Enhancement. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, Ames, Iowa. 366 pp. Grants and contracts (2005­present): 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006-2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 Grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture: Controlled breeding, larviculture and intensive growout of high-value marine finfish species for US agriculture. $297,123. Grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture: Controlled breeding, larviculture, intensive growout and marketing of high-value marine finfish species for US agriculture, with C.F. Dumas and M.S. Alam. $293,745. Grant from the North Carolina Fishery Resource Grant Program: Red porgy (Pagrus pagrus): evaluation of a new candidate species for intensive mariculture in North Carolina, with F. Montgomery and J. Morris (NOS). $25,976. Grant from North Carolina Sea Grant: Commercial production of southern flounder: control of sex reversal and transfer of technology to industry, with H.V. Daniels, R.J. Borski, J. Godwin and T.M. Losordo (NCSU). $45,313. Grant from NOAA Marine Aquaculture Program: commercialization of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) aquaculture: nursery, growout, and marketing, with T.M. Losordo, R. Lee, D. Berlinsky, J. Tomasso, M.S. Alam, and C. Dumas. $634,626. Grant from the North Carolina Fishery Resource Grant Program: Practical diet development for intensive cultivation of southern flounder in North Carolina using an alternative protein source, with S. Longfellow and M. S. Alam. $39,964. Grant from NC Sea Grant: Enhancing commercial aquaculture of southern flounder in North Carolina: requisite tools for broodstock husbandry and expanded all-female fingerling production, with H.V. Daniels and M.S. Alam. $96,401. The red porgy (Pagrus pagrus): optimizing prey enrichment and artificial microdiet applications for expanded hatchery production of fingerlings, with F. Montgomery and J. Morris (NOS). $49,918. Controlled breeding, larviculture and intensive growout of high value marine fish species for U.S. agriculture, with M.S. Alam, $219,350. Flounder Farming in North Carolina: Developing Improved Strains and Enhancing Marketability for Economic Success, with H.V. Daniels (NCSU), Golden Leaf Foundation subaward from NCSU. $21,622. 67 68 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 Practical diet development for intensive cultivation of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) in the southeastern U.S. using alternative protein sources, with M.S. Alam, National Marine Fisheries Service Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program, $149,165. Establishing a Pilot Hatchery for Production of Juveniles to Support the Finfish Mariculture Growout Industry in North Carolina, with C.F. Dumas, North Carolina Biotechnology Center, Regional Development Grant Program, $66,842. Controlled breeding, larviculture and intensive growout of high value marine fish species for U.S. agriculture, with M.S. Alam and C. Dumas. $205,920 . Species Proflle: Black sea bass. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. $2,000. Pilot commercial scale testing of promising diets for intensive cultivation of southern flounder and black sea bass in NC using an alternative protein source, with M.S. Alam. $52,162 Optimizing All-Female Southern Flounder Culture in Low Saline Waters, with M.S. Alam, R. Borski (NCSU) and H. Daniels (NCSU). North Carolina Sea Grant Sub Award from NCSU. $42,055. 68 69 Joan D. Willey Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of North Carolina Wilmington 601 S. College Road Wilmington, NC 28403-5932 Tel. (910) 962-3459 Fax (910) 962-3013 E-mail: Education Duke University, North Carolina, l965-69, B.Sc. in Chemistry Duke University, Marine Laboratory, summers of 1968 and 1969 Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, 1969-75, Ph.D. in Chemical Oceanography Memorial University of Newfoundland Post-doctoral Fellowship, 1974-75, in Geochemistry National Research Council of Canada Post-doctoral Fellowship, 1976-77, Geological Survey of Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Appointments Associate Director for Education, UNCW Center for Marine Science, 1999-present Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 1986-present Adjunct Faculty, Department of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994 - present Interim Dean of the Graduate School, UNCW, 1994-95 Graduate Program Coordinator, UNCW Department of Chemistry, 1988-94 Oceanography Program Coordinator, UNCW Center for Marine Science Research, 1989-94 Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 1982-1986 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, l977-1982 Scholarships and Awards Exemplary Rating, UNCW Five Year Post Tenure Review, 2001 and 2006 UNCW Graduate Mentor Award 2004 Camille and Henry Dreyfus Scholar 1997-1999 Research Reassignment, August 1995 - May 1996, Guest Investigator at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and the University of Rhode Island DeLoach Professor of Chemistry, UNCW, 1991-96 UNCW Award for Faculty Scholarship 1994 Five Most Recent Publications 2010 Willey, J.D., Glinski, D.A., Southwell, M., Long, M.S., Avery Jr., G.B. and Kieber, R.J. “Decadal variations of rainwater formic and acetic acid concentrations in Wilmington, NC, USA” In press Atmos. Environ. 2010 Kieber, R.J., Smith, J., Mullaugh, K.M., Southwell, M.W., Avery Jr., G.B. and Willey, J.D. “Influence of Dissolved Organic Carbon on Photochemically Mediated Cycling of Hydrogen Peroxide in Rainwater” In press J. Atmos.Chem. 2010 Southwell, M.W., Smith, J. D., Kieber, R. J. and Willey, J. D. “Seasonal Variability of Formaldehyde Production from Photolysis of Rainwater Dissolved Organic Carbon,” Atmos. Environ. 44, 3638-3643. 69 70 2009 Willey, J.D., Kieber, R.J. and Yavari, J.R. “Fe(II) in Coastal Rainwater: Changing Stability and Concentrations” Aquatic Sciences 71(2), 144-150. 2009 Avery, G.B., Dickson Brown, J.L., Willey, J.D. and Kieber, R.J. “Assessment of Rainwater Volatile Organic Carbon in Southeastern North Carolina, USA” Atmos. Environ. 43(16), 2678-2681. Five Other Relevant Publications 2009 Miller, C, Gordon, K.G., Kieber, R.J., Willey, J.D. and Seaton, P.J. “Chemical Characteristics of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in Rainwater” Atmos. Environ. 43, 2497:2502. 2008 Willey, J.D., Kieber, R.J., Seaton, P.J. and Miller, C. “Rainwater as a Source of Fe(II)Stabilizing Ligands to Seawater” Limnol. Oceanog. 53(4), 1678- 1684. 2008 Miller, C., Willey, J.D. and Kieber, R.J. “Changes in Rainwater Composition During Tropical Storm Ernesto”, Atmos. Environ.42(5), 846-855. 2006 Willey, J. D., Kieber, R.J. and G. Brooks Avery, Jr. “The Changing Chemical Composition of Rainwater in the Continental USA” Environ. Sci. Technol. 40, 5675-5680. 2006 Avery, G. B.; Willey, J. D.; and Kieber, R. J. “Carbon Isotopic Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Rainwater: Terrestrial and Marine Influences” Atmos. Environ. 40(39), 7539-7545. Research Grants, Last Ten Years Five National Science Foundation Research at Undergraduate Institutions Grant, Atmospheric Chemistry, with R. J. Kieber , $297,833, 1998-2001; with R. J. Kieber and S. A. Skrabal $414,775, 2001-2004; with R. J. Kieber and R.F. Whitehead, $499,189, 2004-2007; with R. J. Kieber, G.B. Avery and R.F. Whitehead, $532,752, 2007-2010; with R. J. Kieber, G. B. Avery, R. N. Mead $622,400, 2010 - 2013. Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Scholar/Fellow Program for Undergraduate Institutions, $60,000, 1997-1999 Sea Grant, with R. J. Kieber and S. A. Skrabal, $111,720, 2002-2004; with R. J. Kieber and S. A. Skrabal, $203,000, 2004-2006. 70 Publications Graduate Student or Graduates Names are in Bold 2010 Stuercke, B. & D.W. Freshwater. 2010. Two new species of Polysiphonia (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae) from the western Atlantic. Botanic Marina 53:301-311 Kieber, R.J., Pitt, J., Skrabal, S.A. and Wright, J.L.C. Photodegradation of the Brevetoxin PbTx-2 in Coastal Seawater. Limnol. Oceanogr. 55, 2299-2304. Hirsh, M. D., Long, Z. T and B. Song (2010) Anammox bacterial diversity in various aquatic ecosystems based on the detection of hydrazine oxidase genes (hzoA/hzoB) Microbial Ecol DOI: 10.1007/s00248-010-9743-1. Tatters, A. O., Muhlstein, H. I., Tomas, C. R. (2010). The hemolytic activity of Karenia selliformis and two clones of Karenia brevis throughout a growth cycle. Journal of Applied Phycology. 22, 435442. Lekan, D. and C. R. Tomas (2010) The brevetoxin and brevenal composition of three Karenia brevis clones at different salinities and nutrient conditions. Harmful Algae. 9 (2010) 39–47 Van Wagoner, R. M., Deeds, J. R., Tatters, A. O., Place, A. R., Tomas, C. R., Wright, J. L.C. (2010). Structure and Relative Potency of Several Karlotoxins from Karlodinium veneficum. Journal of Natural Products (in press). 2009 Morris, J.A., J.L. Akins, A. Barse, D. Cerino, D.W. Freshwater, S. Green, R. Muñoz, C. Paris & P. Whitfield. 2009. Biology and ecology of the invasive lionfishes, Pterois miles and Pterois volitans. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 29:409-414. Freshwater, D.W., A. Hines, S. Parham, A.E. Wilbur, M. Sabaoun, J.L. Woodhead, L. Akins, B. Purdy, P.E. Whitfield & C.B. Paris. 2009. Mitochondrial control region sequence analyses indicate dispersal from the US East Coast as the source of the invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans in the Bahamas. Marine Biology 156(6):1213-1221. DOI 10.1007/s00227-009-1163-8. Willey, J.D., Kieber, R.J. and Yavari, J.R. Fe(II) in Coastal Rainwater: Changing Stability and Concentrations. Aquatic Sci. 71, 144-150. Avery, G.B., Kieber, R.J. and Taylor, K. Nitrogen Release From Surface Sand of a High Energy Beach Face Along the Southeastern Coast of North Carolina, USA. Biogeochem. 89, 357-365. Avery, G.B., Dickson Brown, J.L., Willey, J.D. and Kieber, R.J. Assessment of Rainwater Volatile Organic Carbon in Southeastern North Carolina, USA. Atmos. Environ. 43, 2678-2681. Toothman, B.R., L.B. Cahoon and M.A. Mallin. 2009. Phosphorus and carbohydrate limitation of fecal coliform and fecal enterococcus within tidal creek sediments. Hydrobiologia. 636:401-412. Toothman, B.R., L.B. Cahoon, and M.A. Mallin. 2009. Phosphorus and carbohydrate limitation of fecal coliform and fecal enterococcus within tidal creek sediments, Hydrobiologia. 636:401-412. 2008 Stuercke, B. & D.W. Freshwater. 2008. Consistency of morphological characters used to delimit Polysiphonia sensu lato species (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae): Analyses of North Carolina, USA specimens. Phycologia. 47:541-559. Kieber, R.J., Parler, N.E., Skrabal, S.A. and Willey, J.D. Speciation and Photochemistry of Mercury in Rainwater. J. Atmos. Chem. 60, 153 - 168. Casazza, T.L. and S.W. Ross. 2008. Fishes associated with pelagic Sargassum and nonstructured, open-water habitats in the Gulf Stream off North Carolina, USA. Fish. Bull. 106: 348363. Stewart, C. B. and F. S. Scharf. 2008 Estuarine recruitment, growth, and first year survival of age-0 juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) in North Carolina. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137: 1089-1103. 2007 Hamner, R.M., D.W. Freshwater & P.E. Whitfield. 2007. Mitochondrial cytochrome b analysis reveals two invasive lionfish species with strong founder effects in the western Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology. 71:214-222. Kapraun, D.F., K.S. Braly & D.W. Freshwater. 2007. Nuclear DNA content variation in the freshwater red algal orders Batrachospermales and Thoreales (Florideophyceae, Nemaliophycidae). Phycologia. 46:54-62 Loucaides, S., L.B. Cahoon, and E.J. Henry. 2007. Urbanization impacts on dissolved silica loading in stormflow. Journal of the American Water Research Association 43:841-849. MacPherson, T.A., L.B. Cahoon and M.A. Mallin. 2007. Biochemical and sediment oxygen flux: Patterns of oxygen depletion in tidal creeks. Hydrobiologia. 586:235-248. Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, B.R. Toothman, D.C. Parsons, M.R. McIver, M.L. Ortwine, R.N. Harrington. 2007. Impacts of a Raw Sewage Spill on Water and Sediment Quality in an Urbanized Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 54:81-88. Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, B.R. Toothman, D.C. Parsons, M.R. McIver, M.L. Ortwine and R.N. Harrington. 2007. Impacts of a raw sewage spill on water and sediment quality in an urbanized estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 54:81-88. Ross, S.W., T.L. Casazza, A.M. Quattrini and K.J. Sulak. 2007. Anguilliform larvae collected off North Carolina. Mar. Biol. 150(4): 681-695. Yates, J.K., W.O. Watanabe, C.F. Dumas, and T.M. Losordo. Production economics of summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus aquaculture in a marine recirculating system. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2006 Freshwater, D.W., F. Montgomery, J.K. Greene, R.M. Hamner, M. Williams & P.E. Whitfield. 2006. Distribution and identification of an invasive Gracilaria species that is hampering commercial fishing operations in southeastern North Carolina, USA. Biological Invasions. 8:631-637 Copeland, K.A., Watanabe, W.O. and Yates, J.K. 2006. Light intensity effects on early life stages of black sea bass, Centropristis striata. Aquaculture Research. 37: 1458-1463. Cahoon, L.B., J.C. Hales, K.R. Rowland, E.S. Carey, S. Loucaides, and J.E. Nearhoof. 2006. Shellfishing closures in southwest Brunswick County, North Carolina: Septic tanks vs. storm water runoff as fecal coliform sources. J. Coastal Research. 22 (2):319-327. Knowles, J.E., L.B. Cahoon, and S.M.K. Gill. 2006. Sediment-associated phosphorus in drainage features in southeastern North Carolina. J. N.C. Academy of Science. 122: 39-48. Mallin, M.A., V.L. Johnson, S.H. Ensign and T.A. MacPherson. 2006. Factors contributing to hypoxia in rivers, lakes and streams. Limnology and Oceanography. 51:690-701. Halls, Joanne N., Courtney L. Hanby, and Laela S. Sayigh, 2006. Where are the Dolphins? A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Dolphins in Southeastern North Carolina. In, Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences by Lisa Harrington and John Harrington (editors). Applied Geography Conferences, Inc., vol. 29, pp. 96-105. ` 2005 Freshwater, D.W., S.K. Braly, B. Stuercke, R.M. Hamner & R.A. York. 2005. Phylogenetic analyses of North Carolina Rhodymeniales. I. The genus Asteromenia. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences 121: 49-55. Kieber, R.J., Long, M.S. and Willey, J.D. Factors Influencing Nitrogen Speciation in Coastal Rainwater. J. Atmos. Chem. 52, 81-99. Mallin, M.A., M.R. McIver, H.A. Wells, D.C. Parsons and V.L. Johnson. 2005. Reversal of eutrophication following sewage treatment upgrades in the New River Estuary, North Carolina. Estuaries 28:750-760. Posey, M.H., T.D. Alphin, H. Harwell and B. Allen. 2005. Importance of low salinity areas for juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, in river-dominated estuaries of southeastern United States. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 319: 81-100. Casazza, T.L., S.W. Ross, A.M. Necaise and K.J. Sulak. 2005. Reproduction and mating behavior of the Atlantic flyingfish, Cheilopogon melanurus (Exocoetidae), off North Carolina. Bull. Mar. Sci. 77(3): 363-375. 2004 Whitfield, P.E., W. J. Kenworthy, M. J. Durako, K. K. Hammerstrom, and M. F. Merello. 2004. Recruitment of Thalassia testudinum seedlings into physically disturbed seagrass beds. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 267: 121-131. Mallin, M.A., S.H. Ensign, D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson, J.M. Burkholder and P.A. Rublee. 2004. Relationship of Pfiesteria spp. and Pfiesteria-like organisms to environmental factors in tidal creeks draining urban watersheds. pp 68-70 in Steidinger, K.A., J.H. Landsberg, C.R. Tomas and G.A. Vargo, (Eds.) XHAB, Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms, 2002, Florida Institute of Oceanography, and Intergovernmental Commission of UNESCO. Mallin, M.A., D.C. Parsons, V.L. Johnson, M.R. McIver and H.A. CoVan. 2004. Nutrient limitation and algal blooms in urbanizing tidal creeks. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 298:211-231. Quattrini, A.M., S.W. Ross, K.J. Sulak, A.M. Necaise, T.L. Casazza and G.D. Dennis. 2004. Marine Fishes new to continental United States waters, North Carolina, and the Gulf of Mexico. SE Nat. 3(1): 155-172. Relevant Graduate Classes Added Since 2004 Department of Biology and Marine Biology BIO 530. Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Biology (3) The study of adaptation and diversity from both a micro- and macro evolutionary perspective. Principles of population genetics, molecular evolution, phylogeny and systematics are among the topics that will be addressed in lecture and readings. Applications in behavior, physiology, ecology, medicine and conservation are stressed throughout. Three lectures per week. May be taken more than once for credit under different topics. BIOL 530. Advanced Topics in Evolutionary Biology Lab (1) Co- or pre-requisite BIO 530. An introduction to analysis and interpretation of experimental and comparative work in evolution. Generation of new data sets, analysis of new and/or existing data sets and computer simulations will be used in laboratory studies of micro- and macro evolution. Three laboratory hours each week. May be taken more than once for credit under different topics. BIO 601. Oceanography and Environmental Science (2-3) Prerequisite: BIO 564 or permission of instructor. Topics and methods in biological oceanography and environmental science. Required of all Ph.D. candidates. May be repeated under different subtitles. BIO 602. Ecology (2-3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Topics and methods in marine ecology. May be repeated under different subtitles. BIO 603. Physiology and Biochemistry (2-3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Topics and methods in the physiology and biochemistry of marine organisms. May be repeated under different subtitles. BIO 604. Cellular and Molecular Biology (2-3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Topics and methods in the cellular and molecular biology of marine organisms. May be repeated under different subtitles. BIO 605. Evolution and Diversity (2-3) Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Topics and methods in the evolution and diversity of marine organisms. May be repeated under different subtitles. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry: CHM 512. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (2) Prerequisite: Two semesters of organic chemistry. Interpretation and acquisition of proton and carbon, one and two dimensional NMR spectra. Molecular structure elucidation of organic molecules using NMR spectroscopy. One hour of lecture and two hours of lab per week. The following two courses while still in the catalogue are no longer offered due to low enrollment or retirement of faculty CHM 574. Aquatic Chemistry (3) Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. The chemistry of aqueous solutions, including use of activity coefficients, acid-base and buffer concepts, gas solubility, results of carbon dioxide dissolution, trace metal speciation, oxidation-reduction processes, photochemistry and mineral solubility. Concepts will be applied to laboratory solutions and natural waters. CHM 578. (478) Aquatic Toxicology (3) Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry. Topics in aquatic toxicology, including toxicity testing; transport, transformation and ultimate distribution and fate of chemicals in the aquatic environment; and the performance of hazard risk assessments on aquatic ecosystems exposed to chemical insult. Department of Environmental Studies EVS 505. Advanced Environmental Studies (3) Interdisciplinary examination into the scope of environmental studies. Emphasis will be placed upon integrated analysis of environmental principles through investigation of current environmental issues. EVS 515. Field Methods in Environmental Studies (3) A survey of methods, techniques and instrumentation used in environmental fieldwork. Focus is upon data gathering, analysis, interpretation and application to environmental management. Required field trips. EVS 518. Research Methods in Environmental Studies (3) Prerequisite: STT 501 or permission of Instructor. Introduction to select research processes used in environmental studies, throughout project development, research implementation, data analysis and reporting. Scientific ethics, quality assurance and investigator safety will be emphasized. Students will gain experience in both quantitative and qualitative approaches to research. EVS 520. Foundations of Coastal Management (3) Interdisciplinary investigation into the relationship between human society and coastal ecosystems, focusing upon the political, economic, socio-cultural and scientific challenges facing coastal managers. Core principles of coastal management will be used to develop potential solutions to contemporary coastal issues. Required field trips. EVS 525. Foundations of Environmental Education and Interpretation (3) Principles, philosophies and methodologies of environmental education and interpretation are examined within both formal and informal educational settings. Extensive field-based opportunities will allow students to not only develop foundational knowledge but to gain practical experience in developing, implementing and evaluating environmental education and interpretation programming. Required field trips. EVS 530. Tropical Environmental Ecology (3) An in-depth introduction to the issues, debates, and conservation of tropical environments, especially focusing on current ecological, social, and economic environmental problems. Emphasis will be on the Neotropics, located in Central and South America and the Caribbean, though all tropical locations, Asian, African, Australian, and Polynesian will be covered. EVS 540. Foundations of Environmental Management (3) Policies and processes related to environmental management are examined within the context of the political, economic, sociocultural and scientific challenges facing environmental managers today. Both regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to environmental management are examined within the public and private sectors. Required field trips. EVS 554. Remote Sensing For Environmental Management (3) Prerequisite: GGY 520 or GGY 522 or Permission of Instructor. Principles of remote sensing and its use in assessing and enhancing environment management. Students will learn concepts pertaining to remote sensing, principal sensors, data available, utility of the data for environmental management, data acquisition and processing, output data interpretation and use for management decision-making. EVS 555. Geospatial Analysis for Environmental Management (3) Prerequisite: GGY 520 or GGY 522 or EVS 554 or Permission of Instructor. A problem-based approach to GIS, wherein students develop a GIS, manage data acquired from different sources, create new data, derive data and generate desired/required outputs. Students will enhance/develop geospatial analysis skills, ranging from basic GIS analysis to use of different extensions and remote sensing data while working on their own projects. Students will cover all aspects of a geospatial project, ranging from elaboration of a proposal, to presenting their results to the public. EVS 560. (EVS 460) Using Advanced Technologies to Teach About the Environment (3) This course will focus on the use of new technologies to teach about the environment; current issues and trends in environmental education; the development, implementation, and assessment of new technologies; and effective instructional strategies to teach key environmental principles and concepts. EVS 564. Natural Resource Policy (3) Existing natural resource laws, institutions and programs are summarized in their historical context and in relation to current natural resource issues. Philosophical underpinnings of policy positions are examined and discussed to facilitate greater understanding of implicit goals. Class presents models of policy creation, implementation, and reform, with specific examples focusing on natural resource management. EVS 570. Advanced Environmental Law and Policy (3) Prerequisite: EVS 501. Analysis of issues related to the regulatory process, including research methods and current topics in environmental law and policy. Methodology and impacts of current and proposed policies will also be reviewed. EVS 572. Coastal Protected Areas Management (3) Prerequisite: EVS 520 or permission of Instructor. Study of resource management focused on protected areas maintained by government agencies and by private non-profit organizations. Emphasis will be on natural area significance, site selection, management plan development, policy formulation, protection options, use conflicts and public relations. EVS 577. Environmental Site Assessment (3) Study of ASTM guidelines for environmental site assessment. Emphasis on historic overview, regulations, and preparation methods associated with environmental site assessment. Lecture and field trips. EVS 578. (EVS 478) Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HazWOpER) (3) Study of the physical and chemical hazards present at hazardous waste sites and those encountered during environmental clean-ups, as well as OSHA regulations pertaining to those sites. The class will meet the 40 CFR 1910.120 requirements for 40+ hours of training and OSHA certification will be issued. EVS 580. Research Diving (3) Prerequisite: SCUBA certification, medical exam and permission of Instructor. Training in advanced diving, research diving enriched air nitrox, rescue diving and oxygen administration techniques. Students will receive AAUS (American Academy of Underwater Science) Completion of Training Certificate. EVS 597. Practicum in Environmental Studies (1-6) Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor. Advanced field placement and experience in non-profit, governmental or private sector. Provides extended opportunities for fieldwork, research or creative projects and includes related theory to practical applications. Substantively revised since 2004 EVS 501. Introduction to Environmental Problems and Policy (3) Introduction to critical and practical skills necessary to identify, analyze, and assess environmental problems. Includes study and review of environmental policy issues. EVS 595. Seminar/Final Project (3) Field, laboratory or literature-based research on selected topics in environmental planning and policy developed, implemented and presented in collaboration with selected faculty, staff and/or environmental professionals. To be added to 2011-12 catalog (awaiting approval) EVS 576. Issues for a Sustainable Society (3) Current topics in sustainability will be analyzed in relation to sociocultural, economic and political frameworks. Individual and societal responses to environmental issues, ranging from local to global, will serve as the foundation for examining future trends and issues in sustainability. Department of Geography and Geology GLY 573. Isotope Geochemistry (3) Prerequisite: Two semester of college calculus and two semesters of college chemistry. Introduction to the use of radio and stable isotopes for studying environmental processes; radio decay and the applications of radioisotopes at daily to earthhistory timescales; isotopic fractionation, and applications of stable isotopes in modern and paleo-environments. Three lecture hours per week. GGY 520. Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (3) Purpose, use, and development of GIS. Theoretical basis for spatial data models and the integration of these data to solve problems. Two lecture and two laboratory hours each week. GGY 524. (424) Advanced Geographic Information Systems (4) Prerequisite: GGY 328 or GGY 520 or consent of instructor. Advanced theory and application of the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial data collection, data structures, data management and relational databases, spatial analysis, and display of geographic information in a computer-based environment. Lectures, demonstrations, and lab exercises. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week. GGY 526. (426) Environmental Geographic Information Systems (4) Prerequisites: GGY 328 or GGY 520 or consent of instructor. Overview of environmental applications of GIS and completion of a GIS project; planning a GIS project; development and analysis of the data, and oral and written presentation of the results. Research topics may include atmospheric studies, oceanographic, hydrology, ecology, biology, resource management, and hazard risk assessments. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography PHY 550. Fluid Mechanics (3) Permission of Instructor. A comprehensive account of fluid dynamics that emphasizes fundamental physical principles. Fluid statistics; fluid kinematics; integral and differential forms of the conservation laws for mass, momentum and energy; Bernoulli equation; laminar flows; potential flows; vorticity dynamics; dynamic similarity; boundary layers; turbulence. PHY 577. (477) Observational Methods and Data Analysis in Physical Oceanography (3) Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. This course will supply the student with a working knowledge of the use and operation of various physical oceanographic instruments and data reduction and analysis techniques. PHY 578. (478) Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (3) Prerequisite: PHY 550, Corequisite: PHY 475 or 575. The fundamental principles governing the flow of a density-stratified fluid on a rotating planet, with applications to the motions of the ocean and atmosphere. Equations of state, compressibility, Boussinesq approximation. Geostrophic balance, Rossby number. Poincare, Kelvin, Rossby waves, geostrophic adjustment. PHY 579. (479) Ocean Circulation Systems (3) Prerequisite: PHY 475 or 575. Course focuses on results of World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), a multi-national, multi-decadal program designed to observe the global ocean. Explores large-scale circulation and properties of the ocean to lay the foundation for the challenge of understanding the future of the world oceans and their role in climate change. PHY 580. (480) Coastal and Estuarine Systems (3) Prerequisite: PHY 475 or 575. An introduction to the physical processes operating within coastal and estuarine systems. The focus of the course will be on the dynamical description of topics such as gravity waves, surf zone hydrodynamics, storm surge, tides, estuarine hydraulics, sediment transport and morphodynamics. Appendix IV – Equipment Available to Students in this Program A. Center for Marine Science DNA Analysis Core Facility – Dr. Wilson Freshwater Core Description: The DNA Analysis Core Facility provides the UNCW community with the infrastructure and expertise to generate and analyze DNA data for research and education. The facility also buys BigDye sequencing chemistry in bulk, which saves users over $300/tube. Dr. D. Wilson Freshwater is the Core Leader and has one of his graduate students helping with instrument maintenance, but there is no technician for the facility. Just over 23,000 reactions were analyzed on the facilities main instrument during 2009. Approx # of users/Student Training: Twelve UNCW PIs have utilized the main instrument during the first 5 months of this fiscal year, and additional PIs have used other instruments in the facility. The vast majority of DNA Core facilitated research is being carried out by students (it is a rare site to see PIs using the instruments). The DNA Core also important for student training through its use by graduate and undergraduate classes. IRMS Core Facility – Dr. BK Song Core Description: The IRMS facility is for stable isotope analysis, which is maintained by Dr. Song as an interim leader and Kim Duernberger as a lab technician. Kim’s position will be terminated by the end of March due to lack of funding. Approx # of users and or other metric of use: So far, there are five user groups including BK Song, Steve Emslie, Chris Finelli, Steve Ross, and Patricia Kelly. Student training: At least 8 graduate students were trained to use the IRMS facility. CMS Nutrient Core Facility – Dr. Alina Szmant Core Description: The nutrient analysis core facility at CMS is supervised by Dr. Alina Szmant. Dr. Rob Whitehead is responsible for management and operation of the lab as well as training and supervision of the lab’s users. The lab houses seven main instruments for nutrient and organic analyses: a Bran+Luebbe AutoAnalyzer III, a Shimadzu TOC 5050, an Antek 9000N, an Antek 7000 NoxBox, a CE Elantech NC2100, a Shimadzu UV1410 spectrophotometer and a Turner 10AU fluorometer. Most of these instruments are equipped with autosamplers, which greatly contribute to the lab’s productivity. Approx # of users/Student Training: Currently at least eight different research groups use the facility and more than 10,000 discrete samples are analyzed annually. The major users are the Lower Cape Fear River Program, Song Lab, Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry Research Laboratory, Benthic Lab, and Coral Reef Ecology. The lab is a valuable training facility and most of the samples are analyzed by students as part of their research work in Marine Science, Chemistry and Biology. Students are also trained in the lab during CHM 576 “Chemical and physical analysis of seawater”. Oceanographic Instrumentation Core Facility – Dr. John Morrison Core Description: Oceanographic Instrumentation Core Group encompassing side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, rosette and MET suite. Faculty lead is John Morrison with John Murray as lead tech. Approx # of users/Student Training: Past recent use has generally been as a teaching aid in the Marine Geo and Physical Oceanography lab trips. Due to the extensive set up and fickleness of the software students haven't been involved in the set up or use of this equipment. I could see training students to help the tech with this and post processing of data gathered. Student training for a single use would be difficult due to the complexity of the systems. If the equipment were to be used for a research project or thesis with multiple uses this might be more appropriate. B. Biology and Marine Biology Department Asset Description Mfr Bioanalyzer system Laptop and Electrophoresis set Agilent Analyzer system, Iatroscan MK-6 TLC-FID Iatroscan Luminometer Turner BioSystems Biodoc-It Imag 3DR-M-20 UVP Photometer, Multiskan Ascnt Acqd Date Total Amt 8/3/2005 21,861.60 10/27/2005 27,960.00 4/6/2006 7,077.50 4/21/2006 5,223.25 Thermo 5/1/2006 6,430.80 Lambda 25 UV VIS Fixed Res Perkin Elmer 5/1/2006 10,180.26 Hypobaric Chamber Engineering Innovations, LLC 5/26/2006 23,218.91 6/6/2006 5,392.92 4/12/2007 16,568.00 TCD with Power Field Aquadopp Profiler 2MHz Nortek AS Freezer, VWR CH 20cu VWR 6/1/2007 7,654.67 1MicroADV 16MHz Autonomous System SonTek 6/1/2007 16,800.00 Fume Hood Assembly Fisher Hamilton 6/21/2007 10,618.00 MJ Research PCR System, Used MJ Research 10/9/2007 7,050.00 Ion Chromatography System Dionex 10/1/2007 17,035.00 Knife, Ulston Untrasonic 30MM Diatome 12/14/2007 6,200.00 Fluorometer, Trilogy w/ Chlorophyll kit Turner Design 3/28/2008 6,022.89 Sterilizer, Steam, Scientific Lab Steris 4/1/2008 37,760.00 Fluorometer, 10-AU Turner Design 5/19/2008 15,583.41 Freezer CH 20CF-86C 115V 5721 VWR 6/17/2008 9,441.98 Centrifuge, Allegra 6R SG A37908 Beckman Coulter 9/9/2008 6,786.59 C2000 Calorimeter System IKA 10/2/2008 17,935.20 C1000 Thermal Cycler 48/48 SYS Bio-Rad 10/2/2008 7,252.66 10/1/2009 9,978.70 1/15/2010 9,302.03 Axoclamp 900A Microelectrode Amplifier Refurbished Axopatch Microelectrode Amp, Cap Axopatch Biology and Marine Biology – Cont. Asset Description Mfr Microscope & A ZEISS Colorimeter Scanning Acqd Date Total Amt 7/1/1972 6,000.00 PERKIN 7/16/1982 6,500.00 Microscope/Bhs Labatory OLYMPU 6/28/1984 25,342.08 Microscope System Inverted DIAVER 10/31/1984 7,253.03 Microscope Olympus Model OLYMPU 2/21/1985 5,873.11 Spectrophotometer Thermal Analyzer Sys GILFOR 6/30/1987 12,600.00 Spectrometer Scientillation LKB 6/22/1987 18,524.62 Ultramicrotome Model #701704 REICHE 12/21/1987 22,039.50 Microscope Camera System OLYMPU 3/10/1988 11,089.05 Lab-Line Environ-Shaker ENVIRO 5/12/1988 6,318.51 Microscope Inverted OLYMPU 8/25/1988 16,930.57 Microscope Szh Binocular OLYMPU 12/13/1989 7,011.95 Centrifuge Model J2-21 W/Rota BECKMA 12/31/1989 21,000.98 Videoscope Image Intensifier OPELCO 12/13/1989 16,030.35 Blood Flow Meter TRANSO 12/10/1990 6,631.80 Hplc Pump Model 2350 W/Column ISCO 1/31/1991 6,489.46 Abs Detector W/ Recorder ISCO 1/29/1991 5,251.12 Microprocessor W/Counter Unit COULTE 3/5/1991 12,660.03 Pump Hplc W/Injection Lc1110 ICI IN 3/11/1993 6,493.84 Detector Variable Lc1200 Uv ICI IN 3/11/1993 5,282.97 Dna Thermal Cycler Model 480 PERKIN 10/10/1991 7,070.20 Microscope Sz W/Photography OLYMPU 12/3/1991 9,128.46 Pipette Puller Model 753 CAMPDE 9/17/1992 5,023.44 Microscope Confocal Tamden TRACOR 5/4/1989 40,376.60 Dna Thermal Cycler Model 480 PERKIN 2/16/1993 7,011.37 Microplate Reader W/Printer SIGMA 6/1/1993 5,936.00 Fluorometer 10-Au TURNER 11/23/1993 9,462.63 Freezer Ultralow REVCO 11/17/1993 5,225.31 Biology and Marine Biology – Cont. Asset Description Mfr Trailer Modular Double-Wide Acqd Date Total Amt 10/28/1993 46,540.12 6/20/1995 8,840.56 Water Quality Monitor M #6000 YSI Microscope Stereo Sv6 ZEISS 2/8/1996 9,294.19 Camera Mc 100 ZEISS 2/8/1996 5,409.94 Freeze Dryer W/Vacuum Pump LABCON 5/9/1996 5,388.38 Spectramax 250 Mac System MOLECU 5/23/1996 17,680.80 Dynamic Test System W/Labview INSTRO 4/25/1996 57,848.60 Sterilizer Model #3522 CASTLE 4/12/1996 27,124.34 Spectrometer M #3110 Atomic PERKIN 5/28/1996 19,248.70 Office System Furniture Aveni STEELC 9/13/1996 7,059.82 Spectrophotometer Ultrospec 3 PHARMA 10/15/1996 7,470.51 Microscope Compound 20h Axios ZEISS 10/10/1996 11,846.40 Cryostat LEICA 10/10/1996 12,950.00 Office System Furniture Aveni STEELC 9/13/1996 7,059.82 Microscope Bmax W/Attachments OLYMPU 10/17/1996 29,542.99 Thermal Cycler Hb-60 MJ RES 11/19/1996 5,115.56 Spectrophotometer Ultraspec PHARMA 2/12/1998 12,181.24 Freezer Ultracold Ult 790-3-A REVCO 5/26/1998 5,382.46 Wavelength Detector 500 Vari DRACHO 5/27/1998 5,724.00 Hood Class Ii Tc LABCON 6/9/1998 7,047.44 Analyzer Photosynthesis Yeild WALZ 6/16/1998 11,437.40 System Gel Documentation 2000 Pci 120v BIO-RAD 10/27/1998 7,584.95 Oscilloscope Digitizing 4 Channel TEKTRONIX 12/21/1998 5,653.73 System Geneamp Pcr System 9600 PERKIN ELMER 6/16/1999 11,347.30 Unitop Used 40l VIRTIS 6/30/1999 10,848.65 Freezemobile W/ Vacuum Pump VIRTIS 6/30/1999 13,992.98 Thermal Controller Programmable MJ RESEARCH INC 6/30/1999 5,109.20 Thermal Controller Programmable MJ RESEARCH INC 6/30/1999 5,109.20 Biology and Marine Biology – Cont. Asset Description Mfr Acqd Date Total Amt Robocycler 96 Gradient Cycler W/ Hot Top STRATAGENE 6/30/1999 8,161.66 Freezer Ultima (-80c) REVCO 6/30/1999 7,070.68 Microscope Electron Scanning PHILIPS 12/9/1999 346,613.26 Freezer Ultma Ii Legaci 3.1 Cu Ft REVCO 12/20/1999 5,760.63 Spectrophotometer Scanning Used Micropla BIO-TEK INSTRUMENTS INC 5/9/2000 8,000.00 Sputter Coater Turbo CRESSINGTON 5/30/2000 25,420.00 Camera Digital -Microscope OPELCO 6/8/2000 8,921.49 Centrifuge Refrigerated JOUAN 6/19/2000 6,407.00 Microscope Bx60 Research OLYMPUS 7/18/2000 30,039.93 Optronics Camera Digital OPTRONICS 1/23/2001 8,825.99 Lens 12 Degree Thermal Imaging AGEMA 8/28/2001 5,000.00 Gradienet Controller W/ Hplc Pump Vaccuu DRACHROM 9/18/2001 11,150.00 Freezedryer 3.3xl Virtis Benchtop VIRTIS BENCHTOP 2/5/2002 5,779.80 Ion Analyzer W/ Line Cord Dx-80 DIONEX 4/18/2002 13,420.00 Boat 198 Bateau 19ftw/ Lg Console JONES BROTHERS 5/23/2002 6,179.45 Chromatography System/2110 Fraction Coll BIO-RAD 10/22/1998 6,026.27 Spectormeter Fiberoptic 2000 OCEAN OPTICS 6/24/1998 5,474.66 Gel Documentation System Bio-Doc-It-Syst UVP 3/17/2003 5,319.68 Thermal Cycler Mastercycler Gradient EPPENDORF 3/13/2003 5,185.49 Camera Digital Spot Color Mosaic DIAGNOSTIC INSTRUMENTS 6/5/2003 6,367.00 Diving-Pam Underwater Flurometer WALZ 3/4/2004 16,929.54 Microplate Reader Btelx800uv Universal BIO-TEK INSTRUMENTS INC 3/23/2004 5,133.44 Microscope Electron Cm12 PHILLIPS 2/3/2004 26,631.00 Treadmill Modular Enc Metabolic For Mice COLUMBUX INSTRUMENTS 5/18/2004 7,594.37 Biology and Marine Biology – Cont. Asset Description Mfr System Vacufuge EPPENDORF Flourometer Turbidity Sensor Eco Combo WET LABS Chromatograph Gas Cp3800gc VARIAN System Micropressure 900a W/ Vac Pump Acqd Date Total Amt 5/20/2004 5,019.64 1/8/2004 5,476.35 6/22/2004 39,098.87 WORLD PRECISION INSTRUMENTS 10/26/2004 10,540.00 Dna Engine Chassis And Engine Ptc-0200 MJ RESEARCH 11/23/2004 6,540.00 System Water Quality Multi-Parameter YSI 2/22/2005 8,538.18 Chamber Anaerobic Type A 110v Unheated COY LABORATORY PRODUCTS BRINKMAN 3/8/2005 9,398.14 3/1/2005 10,005.35 Autoclave Desk-Top #58619-060 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Item Description Agilent 1290 UHPLC/Bruker AmaZon SL ion trap Agilent 1290 UHPLC/Bruker MicrOQTOF Bruker 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TA) Isothermal Calorimeter (TA) Perkin Elmer ICP-OES Optima 2100 Horiba Fluorolog-3 Fluorometer Chirascan Circular Dichroism (applied Photophysics) Thermo Nicolet 6700 FTIR NMR Workstation w/Topspin Varian Cary 100 Bio UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Varian Saturn 3800/2200 GC/MS PQS Quantum Cube Linux cluster with PQS and Gaussian 03 software Agilent HPChem 10.0 Software upgrade Tekran 2600 CVAFS Mercury Analyzer Brooks/Rand Methyl Mercury Analyzer Ocean Optics Fiber Optic UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Dionex DX-600 Gradient IC w/Workstation ThermoNicolet IR-100 Infrared Spectrophotometer Jobin Yvon Fluoromax-3 3D Fluorometer SLM Spectrofluorometer HPLC Fluorescence Detector Hyperchem molecular modeling software site license SGI O2 R12000 Workstation HPLC Diode-Array Detector HPLC Quaternary Pump with Degasser Tekmar Headspace Autosampler 7000 Autolab PGStat 12 Electroanalyzer Perkin-Elmer GC-MS with Autosampler Metrohm Electrochemical Stand VA 663 SGI O2 200MHz Workstation Turner Luminometer Pharmacea UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Beckman Centrifuge J2-21 Autolab PG Stat 10 electrochemical Analyzer Millipore Water system HP Variable Wavelength Spectrophotometer Purchase Cost $637,000 $800,000 $80,000 $80,000 $72,000 $30,000 $70,000 $35,000 $6,000 $14,000 $78,170 $17,000 $7,500 $35,000 $15,000 $12,000 $35,856 35,000 $8,335 $8,475 $9,785 $10,043 $12,494 $15,000 $16,038 $29,100 $7,248 $7,292 $7,944 $9,063 $9,116 $12,678 $3,118 $5,068 Year Purchased 2010 pending order 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2005 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2001 2001 2001 2001 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1997 1997 Chemistry and Biochemistry – Cont. Item Description Lieber UPS Station HP Autosampler For HP6890 GC HP Software HP Diode-Array Detector HP1100 Autosamplers (two) Buchi Rotary Evaporators (nine) HP Quaternary Pump with Degasser (three) HP Chromatograph Mainframe (two) Bruker 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer Photo-Oxidation Apparatus LCP-200 Electrochemical Analyzer HP Autosampler For HP5890 GC Shimadzu Fluorescence Detector RF-551 Portable Salinometer SGI Indigo2 250 MHz Workstation HP GC #5890a Perkin-Elmer AAS #3110 Rainin Auto Peptide Synthesizer Fisher Marathon Centrifuge Gas Chromatograph M #8610 Microtox Toxicity Analyzer Varian Cary UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Polarimeter Gowmac Gas Chromatograph Millipore Water System Package Perkin-Elmer AAS 1100b HP Gas Chromatograph Milton Spectronic 1001 with Flow Cell Savant Speed Vac System I with Pump Perkin-Elmer Autosampler AS-40 EG&G Potentiostat/Galvanostat Mattson Polaris IR Spectrophotometer LKB Densitometer System Vacuum Lab Drier HGA Graphite Furnace AAS Vreeland Spectroscope Model 7 D/R Camag Elcam 84 Electrophoresis Dionex Chromatography System Turner Designs Trilogy Fluorometer Spectral Energy solar simulator Spectral Energy monochromatic irradiation system Purchase Cost $5,407 $8,677 $8,847 $10,929 $16,572 $17,793 $31,482 $37,008 $354,347 $6,544 $7,017 $8,920 $10,998 $14,029 $15,546 $16,858 $17,711 $20,887 $5,500 $8,432 $11,045 $12,951 $18,309 $6,466 $8,256 $31,747 $10,926 $7,599 $5,960 $12,649 $11,873 $34,180 $17,715 $5,497 $8,252 $5,836 $6,000 $17,426 $6,000 $35,000 $25,000 Year Purchased 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1994 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1990 1989 1989 1987 1986 1986 1985 1985 1985 2008 1999 1999 Department of Geology and Geography Instrument list X-ray diffractometer side scan sonar ground penetrating radar high precision GPS surveying equipment. assorted light microscopes rock preparation equipment Physics Instrument Inventory Instrument Make Model CORMP Instrumentation Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler RD Instruments RD Instruments RD Instruments RD Instruments RD Instruments RD Instruments RD Instruments RD Instruments RD Instruments RD Instruments RD Instruments 300 kHz Workhorse Sentinel 600 kHz Workhorse Sentinel 600 kHz Workhorse Sentinel 600 kHz Workhorse Sentinel 600 kHz Workhorse Sentinel 600 kHz Workhorse Sentinel 600 kHz Workhorse Sentinel 1200 kHz Workhorse Sentinel 1200 kHz Workhorse Sentinel 1200 kHz Workhorse Sentinel 1200 kHz Workhorse Sentinel Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Conductivity Temperature Sensor Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics SBE 16 plus IM SBE 16 plus IM SBE 16 plus IM SBE 16 plus IM SBE 16 plus IM SBE 16 plus IM SBE 37 SM SBE 37 SM SBE 37 SM SBE 37 SM SBE 37 SM SBE 37 SM Physics Instrument Inventory – Cont. Instrument Conductivity Temperature Sensor Make Seabird Electronics Model SBE 37 SM Conductivity Temperature Sensor Falmouth Scientific /TRDI Falmouth Scientific /TRDI Fluorometer (chlorophyll a) Fluorometer (chlorophyll a) Fluorometer (chlorophyll a) Fluorometer (chlorophyll a) Wetlabs Wetlabs Wetlabs Wetlabs WetStar WetStar WetStar WetStar Acrobat The Acrobat includes SeaSciences Towed Undulating Vehicle Conductivity Temperature Sensor Dissolved Oxygen PAR Fluorometer CDOM Turbidity Nitrate Laser Optical Plankton Counter Flow Meter Seabird Electronics Seabird Electronics Biospherical Sea-Point Sea-Point Sea-Point Satlantic Brooke-Oceans General Oceanics Other Instruments Salinometer Guildline Portasal Current Profiler Nortek Aquadopp High Resolution Conductivity Temperature Sensor Digital OEM/ CTS-EK Digital OEM/ CTS-EK SBE-4 (conductivity), SBE-3 (temperature), SBE-29 (pressure) SBE-43 QSR-2200 and QSP-2200 ISUS-v3 LOPZ-660-Z 2031H MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MARINE SCIENCE PROGRAM REVIEW UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON March 31­April 1, 2011 INTRODUCTION A review of the Master of Science in Marine Science (MSMS) Program at the University of North Carolina Wilmington was carried out on March 31 and April 1, 2011 to evaluate the structure and function of the program and to make suggestions on its future development. During the review, the review committee, consisting of Professor Fred Dobbs, Old Dominion University, and Professor Bruce Corliss, Duke University, met with university and marine science administrators, faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and alumni of the program. Observations and recommendations of this review are presented in three sections: Strengths, Needs, and Challenges. The Master of Science in Marine Science Program was created in 1998 and has averaged >10 graduates per year since 2002. There are currently ca. 35 graduate students and 38 faculty members that make up the program. Facilities used by the program include the Center for Marine Sciences (CMS), located 7 miles from the main campus, and facilities within the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Physical Oceanography, Environmental Studies, and Geography and Geology. STRENGTHS 1. The program is characterized by a high level of collegiality between faculty and students within the program, and with faculty and administrators outside of the program. This spirit of collaboration and commitment to a graduate program is exemplary. 2. The faculty research activities and the associated student research are very broad and cover many different topics in marine science. In parallel with this, the course offering in the program is also very broad. 3. We noted a high level of institutional loyalty amongst students, faculty, and alumni of the program. This characteristic stood out in many conversations we had during our visit. All of the students we spoke with impressed us with their commitment, motivation, and appreciation for the educational experience they were receiving. 4. The MSMS Program gives students a holistic view of the oceans and an earth system perspective, which is highly valuable. At the same time, students learn job skills in their courses or research experiences, and most students are employed in the field of marine science after graduation. 1 5. Students have diverse research opportunities and experiences, reflecting the diversity of faculty interests, and ready access to state of the art equipment in CMS and various facilities in the departments. The availability of shared facilities with technical support is a huge asset for students in the program. 6. Students take advantage of several “value added” certificates, e.g., in GIS, marine education, and marine policy. These relatively short educational sequences enhance their learning and eventual marketability. 7. The age structure of the program’s faculty advisors is such that most (>80%) have been at UNCW for fewer than 20 years (Fig. 1). We see no looming “retirement crisis” evinced in these data. Figure 1. Age structure of UNCW MSMS advisors. The histogram indicates the year of hire for faculty members who serve as advisors for current marine science graduate students or who have been advisors for graduates of the program since 2004 (data from pp. 23—25 of the 2011 review document). 2 NEEDS The MSMS Program is a strong educational unit that works well and is a credit to the University of North Carolina Wilmington. In our review, we did find certain needs that exist and, if addressed, would improve the program. They include: 1. Increased Interaction: We believe that increasing the interactions within the marine science community would benefit faculty, staff, and students and foster a stronger sense of community. These interactions might include a Friday afternoon seminar at CMS on a general topic of interest. It is our understanding that this was done some years ago and was quite successful. Once a month, the home departments would not schedule a seminar and instead would organize a seminar at CMS. A social event would follow the seminar and be supported by CMS or the Marine Science Program. In addition, we think it important to have bus service established for this event, in addition to the transportation system currently being planned. There was strong enthusiasm from faculty and students for this idea in our discussions. A second idea we discussed was to have a student‐organized lunch seminar, in which students would give, once a year, a short (20‐30 minute) summary of their research plans (if in year 1) or research progress (>1 year in residence). Lunch would either be a brown‐bag seminar or be provided by the Marine Science Program. Again, the students were enthusiastic about pursuing this idea. The aquaculture facility at Wrightsville Beach is remote from other facilities associated with the MSMS program. We suggest some combination of the above two ideas (or other ones) will increase interaction with that facility’s faculty and graduate students. A third idea to promote interaction is to have a 2 or 3 day cruise for the incoming students. Especially if done as a credit‐earning exercise (1 credit?), there is nothing like a cruise to get to know fellow students and create a common experience. This experience, however, must await acquisition of a suitable coastal vehicle (see our suggestion later in this report.). Finally, we think it is important to re‐start some sort of routine transportation system between the main campus and CMS. It is our understanding that this will be done in the near future, and we highly support this as a way to foster more interactions. 2. Assistant Director: The review document stressed the need for administrative support for Dr. Willey, director of the MSMS program. We concur wholeheartedly. The need is pressing not only to relieve Dr. Willey of increasing day‐to‐day tasks and expand the size of the program, but also to prepare for the future. She will retire eventually, so it is important to codify her knowledge and understanding of the MSMS program to facilitate its eventual transfer to someone else. In the 3 “Leadership” section of the “Challenges” portion of this report (below), we consider the strategic reasons for appointing an Assistant Director. 3. Communications: As with any organization, lines of communication could be improved within the MSMS program and more expansively, among MSMS, CMS, and the program’s affiliated academic departments. We have two specific suggestions: Revisit the Graduate Student Handbook: We understand the Marine Science Graduate Student Association is finishing a revision to its handbook, a laudable effort that will help students better to understand the workings of the University. In this and future iterations of the handbook, we encourage the graduate students to make clear to their fellow students which administrator or faculty member is to be contacted about this or that question. Codify the money flow for students: Faculty members are urged to make clear to themselves, and subsequently to the students, how graduate‐student support is determined and distributed. This task will require coordinating the “philosophies” of the MSMS program, affiliated academic departments, and CMS. 4. Miscellaneous: Parking and Access Issues for Graduate Students: The parking policy for graduate students at CMS is convoluted and inhibits the interaction suggested above. More importantly, perhaps, access issues largely preclude students engaging in late night and weekend research. We suggest the CMS Director and Graduate School Dean consult with the Provost, change this policy, and allow grad students parking privileges at CMS and card access to the facility after hours. This would be a small, but very significant improvement for the graduate students. Redundant courses: Students feel Biol 501 was a frustrating course, redundant to Dr. Willey’s marine science equivalent, but not as applicable. CHALLENGES 1. Academic Structure: The present MSMS program consists of a large group of marine scientists who have tenure in home departments and collaborate on academic issues related to the Master of Science Program. This approach has worked very well; faculty members receive TA support from their home departments and the students in the Marine Science program have the same opportunities as students in the home departments. But, the question arises whether this is the best structure for the long‐term evolution of marine sciences at UNCW? The present structure does not allow the diverse marine scientists to develop and execute a faculty development plan, but instead, they must rely on convincing home departments that a particular hire is desirable and should be given priority. In 4 addition, the present structure focuses entirely on the MSMS Program, but does not provide as much of an opportunity to develop a marine science community, as would be the case if there were a marine science department. We considered this situation with faculty during our visit and found that they were, for the most part, open to a discussion of restructuring the marine sciences. We emphatically do not envision that all marine scientists would be moved into a new department, but rather that new tenure‐track appointments could be made to a department and faculty that did want to migrate into the new department would be allowed to do so. Other faculty would remain in home departments, but could have joint or secondary appointments in the marine science department. Marine science faculty would continue to teach in home departments, as well as developing new courses in the marine science departments, and graduate students would continue to teach in the home departments and receive TA support. We think this idea is worthy of consideration, as a distinct academic unit would give more visibility and autonomy to UNCW’s marine scientists. During our discussions, one suggestion presented to us was to start a marine science program with a director or chair, with the idea that this program would be a precursor to a department within a few years. This approach seems reasonable, as it would provide adequate time to resolve some of the questions raised by faculty and chairs of the home departments. 2. Leadership: Dr. Joan Willey has done an outstanding job as director of the MSMS program. She has universal support from faculty and students and has worked tirelessly to make this program a success. Students and alumni all are appreciative of her efforts on their behalf. Her commitment and hard work is a significant factor in the success of the program. Given her accomplishments, it is important for the Administration to think about a transition to a new MSMS Director when Dr. Willey steps down, possibly two years hence. As indicated earlier in this report, we support the review document’s request to appoint a faculty member as assistant director to Dr. Willey. This faculty member might or might not become director of the MSMS program in the future, but the appointment would facilitate transfer of program information that Dr. Willey has accumulated. It would also help to increase documentation of the program and related procedures. This has been done to some extent, but a number of students noted that some information (e.g., who to see for a wide range of questions or problems) was not clear and the default was to go to Dr. Willey. In a similar vein, Dr. Baden has provided outstanding and exemplary leadership in developing the Center for Marine Science and has been successful at building excellent analytical and laboratory facilities. When he steps down from the Director’s position, there will be a critical leadership position to fill. If a marine science department exists at that time, it would be worthwhile to consider having someone appointed as CMS director and chair of the department. This approach has worked very well in other venues, for example, at the Duke University Marine Laboratory. 5 3. Stipends: All parties acknowledge that graduate‐student stipends are low in comparison to other marine‐science programs with which we are familiar. Indeed, this very same concern was expressed by the external reviewers in 2004. Since that time, there has been a $1,000 increase per academic year, but this increase is largely inconsequential in light of increased tuition costs and the high fees assessed graduate students. The review document, as well as faculty members with whom we met, noted stipends were low across the UNCW graduate‐student community and the MSMS program was, therefore, not atypical. Here, we offer some suggestions for increasing stipends in particular and the overall level of support for MSMS graduate students in general. a) Increase IDC funds distributed by CMS to the MSMS program. IDC allocations from CMS have decreased from $60K in previous years to $49K in the past two years. It is in CMS’s best interests to have the best possible MSMS graduate students contributing to its research operations. Therefore, we suggest CMS revert to $60K per year (or more) of IDC investment in graduate education in the most research‐ intensive unit at UNCW. b) Redistribution of Merrit Fellowship support. Fully $32K of the annual allotment from CMS is used to support two Merritt Fellows ($16K each), leaving only $17K to be distributed among tens of potential and existing students to offset tuition and other expenses. More students would be better supported were the Merritt Fellowships pooled and distributed evenly to raise all stipends. The downside of this strategy is that MSMS’s most attractive inducement to top‐tier students would be lost. However, we believe that it would be more desirable for the program to raise the tuition support for all students at this time and to revisit funding Merrit Fellowships in the future. c) Explore philanthropy. There can be no expectation that state support will increase in the next several years, so new venues need be found for new money. We encourage the MSMS program to explore philanthropy as an option. Such support is deserved and should be forthcoming; the program has much to boast about and its goals are fully congruent with UNCW’s as a whole. Indeed, the University’s mission statement invokes the words “marine” and “coastal” once and twice, respectively (see There were concerns raised both by the CMS Director and some faculty about the “entitlement” mentality other faculty members displayed about research assistantships. These concerns were directed principally at faculty members who identify little to no outside funds and, thus, are unable to support students adequately (or at all) during the summer. We urge the UNCW upper‐level administration to raise its expectation that graduate students be supported during the summer on grants. Doing so is the first step in a transition toward a norm of funding students year‐round on grants. There was discord among students regarding the equity of stipends paid to teaching assistants and those paid to research assistants. Furthermore, there seemed to be 6 substantial differences among stipends awarded to research assistants. At least some of these differences result from different expectations as to the students’ time commitment. We suggest making more transparent the stipends and time commitments for all graduate assistantships and, furthermore, putting into place a mechanism for monitoring and enforcing equity. If such a mechanism already exists, then it needs to be re‐examined; it seems not to be working. 4. Coastal Research Vessel: UNCW/CMS currently owns the R/V Cape Fear, but due to its age, the vessel needs to be replaced. The faculty has identified the need for a reliable and safe vessel that can work on the continental shelf out to the Gulf Stream, as well as in the shallow coastal regions, and be able to carry out a wide range of oceanographic missions. An initial attempt to fund such a vessel through the state was unsuccessful, but the proposal highlighted the need for a fast, capable coastal vessel. The needs documented by the UNCW marine scientists are very similar to those of other UNC and Duke coastal facilities. Given these commonalities, we suggest the acquisition and operation of a new coastal vessel be carried out as part of the Duke/University of North Carolina Oceanographic Consortium (DUNCOC). DUNCOC is charged with operating the NSF‐owned Cape Hatteras and promoting marine science in the State of North Carolina. It has the expertise and infrastructure to operate a coastal vessel, which would benefit all of the consortium members. We believe that a new vessel would be a tremendous asset to the consortium and would provide access for coastal oceanography over the next 20‐30 years. 5. Ph.D. Program in Coastal and Marine Science: MSMS has proposed to develop a Ph.D. program that would expand their educational activities and strengthen their overall educational program. We believe this is highly desirable and support moving forward with this initiative. It is in the best interests of UNCW to pursue developing this new program with UNC‐GA as soon as possible. SUMMARY We are very impressed with the quality of the MSMS Program, and the progress that has been made over the last thirteen years. The commitment of the faculty, together with the wide range of research experiences and facilities available to graduate students, have created a strong and diverse academic program that serves UNCW well. Our observations and suggestions are made in the spirit of contributing to the continued evolution of this impressive program. We appreciated the hospitality given to us by all those that we met during our two‐day visit and thank UNCW for the invitation to participate in this review. Sincerely, Fred C. Dobbs Professor, Old Dominion University 7 Bruce H. Corliss Professor, Duke University CMS Education Committee Response to Reviewers’ Comments UNCW Master of Science in Marine Science Program Review Joan D. Willey, Committee Chair and Associate Director Education, CMS A review of the Master of Science in Marine Science (MSMS) Pro gram at the University of North Carolina Wilmington was carried out on March 31 and April 1, 2011 to evaluate the structure and function of the program and to make suggestions on its future development. During the review, the review team, consisting of Professor Fred Dobbs, Old Dominion University, and Professor Bruce Corliss, Duke University, met with university and marine science administrators, faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and alumni of the program. Observations and recommendations by these reviewers were presented in three sections: Strengths, Needs, and Challenges. The CMS Education Committee prepared the original review document , participated in the review, and prepared the response to reviewers’ comments. This committee consists of faculty members from the Department of Biology and Marine Biology (Drs. Larry Cahoon, Ron Sizemore, Carm Tomas, and Ami Wilbur), Chemistry and Biochemistry (Drs. Brooks Avery, Steve Skrabal and Joan Willey, committee chair)), Environmental Studies (Dr. Jeff Hill), Geography and Geology (Drs. Nancy Grindlay, Joanne Halls and Richard Laws), Physics and Physical Oceanography (Drs. Fred Bingham and John Morrison) and CMS research faculty Dr. Mike Mallin. Committee responses to reviewers’ comments are written in italics. The Master of Science in Marine Science Program was created in 1998 and has averaged >10 graduates per year since 2002. There are currently ca. 35 graduate students and 38 faculty members that make up the program. Facilities used by the program include the C enter for Marine Sciences (CMS), located 7 miles from the main campus, the UNCW Aquaculture Facility at Wrightsville Beach, and facilities on main campus within the Departments of Biology and Marine Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physics and Physical Oceanography, Environmental Studies, and Geography and Geology. Reviewers’ Assessment of STRENGTHS 1. The program is characterized by a high level of collegiality between faculty and students within the program, and with faculty and administrators outside of the program. This spirit of collaboration and commitment to a graduate program is exemplary. 2. The faculty research activities and the associated student research are very broad and cover many different topics in marine science. In parallel with this, the course offerings in the program are also very broad. 3. We noted a high level of institutional loyalty amongst students, faculty, and alumni of the program. This characteristic stood out in many conversations we had during our visit. All of the students we spoke with impressed us with their commitment, motivation, and appreciation for the educational experience they were receiving. 4. The MSMS Program gives students a holistic view of the oceans and an earth system perspective, which is highly valuable. At the same time, students learn job skills in their courses or research experiences, and most students are employed in the field of marine science after graduation. 5. Students have diverse research opportunities and experiences, reflecting the diver sity of faculty interests, and ready access to state of the art equipment in CMS and various facilities in the departments. The availability of shared facilities with technical support is a huge asset for students in the program. 1 6. Students take advantage of several "value added" certificates, e.g., in GIS, marine education, and marine policy. These relatively short educational sequences enhance their learning and eventual marketability. 7. The age structure of the program's faculty advisors is such that most (>80%) have been at UNCW for fewer than 20 years. We see no looming "retirement crisis" in these data. Committee response: The CMS Education Committee appreciates the recognition of these strengths, and will continue to work to preserve them. Reviewers’ Assessment of NEEDS 1. Increased Interaction: We believe that increasing the interactions within the marine science community would benefit faculty, staff, and students and foster a stronger sense of community. These interactions might include a Frida y afternoon seminar at CMS on a general topic of interest. It is our understanding that this was done some years ago and was quite successful. Once a month, the home departments would not schedule a seminar and instead would organize a seminar at CMS. A social event would follow the seminar and be supported by CMS or the Marine Science Program. In addition, we think it important to have bus service established for this event, in addition to the transportation system currently being planned. There was strong enthusiasm from faculty and students for this idea in our discussions. A second idea we discussed was to have a student -organized lunch seminar, in which students would give, once a year, a short (20-30 minute) summary of their research plans (if in year 1) or research progress (>1 year in residence). Lunch would either be a brown-bag seminar - or be provided by the Marine Science Program. Again, the students were enthusiastic about pursuing this idea. The aquaculture facility at Wrightsville Beach is remo te from other facilities associated with the MSMS program. We suggest some combination of the above two ideas (or other ones) will increase interaction with that facility's faculty and graduate students. A third idea to promote interaction is to have a 2 or 3 day cruise for the incoming students. Especially if done as a credit-earning exercise (1 credit?), there is nothing like a cruise to get to know fellow students and create a common experience. This experience, however, must await acquisition of a suitable coastal vehicle (see our suggestion later in this report.). Finally, we think it is important to re-start some sort of routine transportation system between the main campus and CMS. It is our understanding that this will be done in the near future, an d we highly support this as a way to foster more interactions. Committee response: The Committee agrees that more interaction would be beneficial, and several actions have been taken. The recently formed MS Marine Science Graduate Student Association has organized research luncheons, where graduate students talk informally about their research with each other and faculty. The first was October 3 and was held at the Aquaculture Facility. The pizza lunch was hosted by CMS, and a tour of the facility follow ed lunch. Four of the students who work at the Aquaculture facility then gave short talks on their research. This first session was attended by 13 students (out of a total of 30 resident students). The students were very pleased with this event. A second event was held at CMS in November and was also very well attended. The topic of seminars in marine science was discussed at a CMS Internal Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting on September 21, 2011. CMS hosts four Planet Ocean seminars per year in which renowned scientists give presentations to a general audience in the evening. The IAC 2 recommended that a separate seminar could be scheduled for the graduate students during the day, since the evening sessions are full. The seminar could be preceded by a lunch for graduate students and the speaker. The first seminar and lunch was November 15, 2011 with speaker Dr. Terry Hazen from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley , who spoke on “Microbial Ecogenomic Response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill - New Insights to Old Problems.” This event was very well attended, with approximately 15 graduate students and several faculty members in attendance. The practice of having a seminar for graduate students by Planet Ocean speakers will be continued in the future. The individual departments also agree to do a better job of advertising existing opportunities to marine science students. We agree that an introductory research cruise for new students would be a good experience; we also agree that a new vessel is needed before this can be done. We also strongly agree that routine transportation between CMS and the main campus is important for communication, and a shuttle now runs between the campuses throughout the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Carpooling could also help. A mechanism for coordinating this needs to be developed, however this is beyond the responsibility of the CMS Education Committee. 2. Assistant Director: The review document stressed the need for administrative support for Dr. Willey, director of the MSMS program. We concur wholeheartedly. The need is pressing not only to relieve Dr. Willey of increasing day -to-day tasks and expand the size of the program, but also to prepare for the future. She will retire eventually, so it is important to codify her knowledge and understanding of the MSMS program to facilitate its eventual transfer to someone else. In the "Leadership" section of the "Challenges" portion of this report (below), we consider the strategic reasons for appointing an Assistant Di rector. Committee response: The committee (especially Dr. Willey) concurs with this recommendation. The vacant administrative assistant position has now been filled with a very capable person (Melissa Dionesotes), and after a transition period, she will be able to better assist the MS marine science program. Dr. Willey, along with Ms. Dionesotes, is currently exploring ways that Melissa will be able to contribute. Tasks may include responding to potential new student inquiries, conducting degree audits for students about to graduate, sending out information to graduate students about departmental seminars and student thesis presentations, and filling out tuition forms. Melissa is already interacting well with the graduate student organization. Dr. John Morrison, Associate Director for Academic Planning, CMS, has agreed to take over all assessment responsibilities including SACS, and also management of fellowships, which include the Public Service Fellowship, the Merritt Fellowship (which is in transition), summer research stipends for graduate students, and the CMS Postdoctoral Fellowship . 3. Communications: As with any organization, lines of communication could be improved within the MSMS program and more expansively, among MSMS, CMS, and the program's affiliated academic departments. We have two specific suggestions: Revisit the Graduate Student Handbook: We understand the Marine Science Graduate Student Association is finishing a revision to its handbook, a laudable effort that will help students better to understand the workings of the University. In this and future iterations of the handbook, we encourage the graduate students to make clear to their fellow students which administrator or faculty member is to be contacted about this or that question. 3 Committee response: The CMS Graduate Student Handbook was revised in the spring of 2010 and so is current: Codify the money flow for students: Faculty members are urged to make clear to themselves, and subsequently to the students, how graduate-student support is determined and distributed. This task will require coordinating the "philosophies" of the MSMS program, affiliated academic departments, and CMS. Committee response: The Committee discussed this extensively and has put together a two page document entitled “UNCW MS Marine Science Student-Mentor Philosophy” which is attached to this document and will be placed on the mms web page for new and current students. This document explains that every graduate student funding situation is unique, depending upon the source of the funding. It also defines the student and faculty responsibilities that come with various types of support. The initial allocation of TAs and tuition support is often a part of our recruiting effort, and so depends on the quality of the application, the area of expertise and the timing of the application (earlier is better). RA support depends on grants to individual faculty members and so does vary from student to student and even f rom year to year for the same student. In addition, students, especially when they are in the application process, often do not know how funding works or what questions to ask. Faculty advisors are encouraged to take responsibility for support for their students, and in general, they do so. 4. Miscellaneous: Parking and Access Issues for Graduate Students: The parking policy for graduate students at CMS is convoluted and inhibits the interaction suggested above. More importantly, perhaps, access issues largely preclude students engaging in late night and weekend research. We suggest the CMS Director and Graduate School Dean consult with the Provost, change this policy, and allow grad students parking privileges at CMS and card access to the facility after hours. This would be a small, but very significant improvement for the graduate students. Committee response: The MS Marine Science Graduate Student Association has agreed to look into this and give a report to this committee. Access may be a problem at fa cilities other than CMS in addition to CMS. Redundant courses: Students feel Bio 501 was a frustrating course, redundant to Dr. Willey's marine science equivalent, but not as applicable. Committee response: The course outlines for BIO 501 and MSC 595 do overlap considerably, however the course outlines for CHM 501, EVS 501 and GLY 501 do not, so MSC 595 cannot be significantly altered without content loss for the majority of the students in the program. There are several additional problems with the 501 c ourses in general. There is no PHY 501. Students who enter in January (approximately one third of all students) take a 501 course in their second semester, after their first summer of rese arch. At that point in the programs, students should already be immersed in their research programs and at home at UNCW, and the 501 course is not as useful to them as it is to the August cohort. Therefore, the committee recommends that taking a 501 course (BIO, CHM, or GLY) be recommended rather than required. The faculty advisor could assist the student in making the decision of whether this would be a useful course for the individual student. 4 Reviewers’ Assessment of CHALLENGES 1. Academic Structure: The present MSMS program consists of a large group of marine scientists who have tenure in home departments and collaborate on academic issues related to the Master of Science Program. This approach has worked very well; faculty members receive TA support from their home departments and the students in the Marine Science pr ogram have the same opportunities as students in the home departments. But, the question arises whether this is the best structure for the long-term evolution of marine sciences at UNCW? The present structure does not allow the diverse marine scientists to develop and execute a faculty development plan, but instead, they must rely on convincing home departments that a particular hire is desirable and should be given priority. In addition, the present structure focuses entirely on the MSMS Program, but does not provide as much of an opportunity to develop a marine science community, as would be the case if there were a marine science department. We considered this situation with faculty during our visit and found that they were, for the most part, open to a discussion of restructuring the marine sciences. We emphatically do not envision that all marine scientists would be moved into a new department, but rather that new tenure -track appointments could be made to a department and faculty that did want to migrat e into the new department would be allowed to do so. Other faculty would remain in home departments, but could have joint or secondary appointments in the marine science department. Marine science faculty would continue to teach in home departments, as well as developing new courses in the marine science departments, and graduate students would continue to teach in the home departments and receive TA support. We think this idea is worthy of consideration, as a distinct academic unit would give more visibility and autonomy to UNCW's marine scientists. During our discussions, one suggestion presented to us was to start a marine science program with a director or chair, with the idea that this program would be a precursor to a department within a few years. This approach seems reasonable, as it would provide adequate time to resolve some of the questions raised by faculty and chairs of the home departments. Committee response: The committee agrees that exploration of ways to strengthen the continuing development of the marine science program at UNCW is worthwhile, however formation of a department, if it were housed in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), would not bring increased visibility to marine science because it would be one of 23 departments . CAS of necessity has many interests and directions, and marine science is not a high priority , as indicated by the lack of consultation with marine science faculty in the recent proposed merger of the Departments of Geography and Geology and Physics and Physical Oceanography, and the lack of consideration for the potential impact of this merger on the ability of physical oceanography to contribute to marine science at UNCW. A related challenge is the current proliferation of marine science programs within CAS. There are marine science-oriented degrees that already exist in other departments (B.S ., M.S and Ph.D. in Marine Biology in the Dept. of Biology and Marine Biology , a B.S. in Oceanography in the Dept. of Geography and Geology, an M.A. in Environmental Studies with a concentrat ion in coastal management in the Department of Environmental Studies, and an M.P.A in Public Administration with concentrations in coastal management or marine policy in the Department of Public and International Affairs). The committee agrees that the topic of the structure of marine science at UNCW is extremely important and should be pursued in an organized fashion. It may be that the CMS Education Committee or the IAC could have more input into new faculty hires through some other avenue 5 than formation of a new department. Perhaps a school of marine science could be created at UNCW that would allow faculty to maintain affiliation with home departments, but also show commitment to development of marine science at UNCW , for example as joint appointments. A school of marine science would add visibility and cohesiveness to marine science at UNCW. 2. Leadership: Dr. Joan Willey has done an outstanding job as director of the MSMS program. She has universal support from faculty and students and has worked tir elessly to make this program a success. Students and alumni all are appreciative of her efforts on their behalf. Her commitment and hard work is a significant factor in the success of the program. Given her accomplishments, it is important for the Administration to think about a transition to a new MSMS Director when Dr. Willey steps down, possibly two years hence. As indicated earlier in this report, we support the review document's request to appoint a faculty member as assistant director to Dr. Willey. This faculty member might or might not become director of the MSMS program in the future, but the appointment would facilitate transfer of program information that Dr. Willey has accumulated. It would also help to increase documentation of the program and related procedures. This has been done to some extent, but a number of students noted that some information (e.g., who to see for a wide range of questions or problems) was not clear and the default was to go to Dr. Willey. Committee response: This has been discussed in part in a previous section of this report. There have been some changes to help with this issue . Transfer of information and increased documentation however have not been addressed by these changes, and these are important issues. Perhaps this could be discussed at an IAC meeting to see if any of the department chairs could free up some faculty time for increased participation by interested individuals , or perhaps some alternative mechanism could be developed for funding a partial release for a faculty member, until the budget situation improves to allow an assistant director position to be formed. In a similar vein, Dr. Baden has provided outstanding and exemplary leadership in developing the Center for Marine Science and has been successful at building excellent analytical and laboratory facilities. When he steps down from the Director's position, there will be a critical leadership position to fill. If a marine science department exists at that time, it would be worthwhile to consider having someone appointed as CMS director and chair of the department. This approach has worked very well in other venues, for example, at the Duke University Marine Laboratory. Committee response: The committee agrees that Dr. Baden has provided exemplary lead ership for CMS. Decisions about filling his position when he decides to step down will be made by the UNCW upper administration based on the situation and needs at that time. 3. Stipends: All parties acknowledge that graduate-student stipends are low in comparison to other marine-science programs with which we are familiar. Indeed, this very same concern was expressed by the external reviewers in 2004. Since that time, there has been a $1,000 increase per academic year, but this increase is largely inconsequential in light of increased tuition costs and the high fees assessed graduate students. The review document, as well as faculty members with whom we met, noted stipends were low across the UNCW graduate -student community and the MSMS program was, therefore, not atypical. Here, we offer some suggestions for increasing stipends in particular and the overall level of support for MSMS graduate students in general. a) Increase IDC funds distributed by CMS to the MSMS program . IDC allocations from CMS have decreased from $60K in previous years to $49K in the past two years. It is in CMS's 6 best interests to have the best possible MSMS graduate students contributing to its research operations. Therefore, we suggest CMS revert to $60K per year (or more) of IDC inv estment in graduate education in the most research intensive unit at UCW. Committee response: The $60K mentioned is not indirect cost funds ; it is money allocated as general funds by the state for support of the MS marine science program. The full amount of $60K has been restored for this year; the future is uncertain because it depends on the state budget. CMS IDC funds do support graduate students in marine science in this program as well as in the departmental programs through the funding of pilot proj ects, which usually include graduate student support. b) Redistribution of Merritt Fellowship support . Fully $32K of the annual allotment from CMS is used to support two Merritt Fellows ($16K each), leaving only $17K to be distributed among tens of potential and existing students to offset tuition and other expenses. More students would be better supported were the Merritt Fellowships pooled and distributed evenly to raise all stipends. The downside of this strategy is that MSMS's most attractive inducemen t to top-tier students would be lost. However, we believe that it would be more desirable for the program to raise the tuition support for all students at this time and to revisit funding Merrit t Fellowships in the future. Committee response: The committee discussed this topic extensively, and there is agreement that a change is needed. The Merritt Fellowship amount of $16K per academic year plus tuition expenses (tuition expenses in part through Graduate School tuition remissions) is no longer an attractive offer, so although top-tier students are applying, they are not accepting this Fellowship. For the last three of four years, the third student offered the Fellowship was the one that accepted it, and these students, although well qualified, were not out standing relative to the other incoming students. As the reviewers stated, funding these two Fellowships consumes most of the available student support. Nevertheless, there is some benefit in having a named Fellowship in terms of program visibility and att racting top students. The committee therefore proposes the following change: The Merritt Fellowship would continue to exist as a named fellowship, however it would be awarded to a second year student, based upon performance in their first year, including coursework, performance on comprehensive exams , advisor recommendation and development of a research prospectus. One Merritt Fellowship would be awarded each year to a second year student, at a rate of $25K per calendar year plus tuition. Tuition expenses for second year students would be small, and Gra duate School tuition remissions could help with this for out-of-state students. This would decrease the expenditure of student support funds to approximately $26K (one $25K Fellowship plus $1000 tuition per year) from approximately $34.5K (two Fellowships plus first year in-state tuition per year) and it would free up an additional $5K in tuition and stipend support (Graduate School and CMS). This approach would keep the visibility of the Fellowship on the we b page to attract high quality students, but leave somewhat more support for other students. The student selected would have demonstrated superior performance at UNCW, and so would be known to be outstanding. Any funds remaining could be used to provide summer stipend support for graduate students. c) Explore philanthropy . There can be no expectation that state support will increase in the next several years, so new venues need be found for new money. We encourage the MSMS program to explore philanthropy as an option. Such support is deserved and should be forthcoming; the 7 program has much to boast about and its goals are fully congruent with UNCW's as a whole. Indeed, the University's mission statement invokes the words "marine" and "coastal" once and twice, respectively (see Committee response: Dr. Baden has been active in this arena, much more so than the UNCW Advancement Office. He has a commitment from a private donor for a $10K Fellowship for a graduate student. We propose that this Fellowship be named after the donor, and be given to an incoming student in addition to whatever other support is offered to that student (TA, RA and tuition). Adding this amount on to our typical offer will make the offer much more competitive, and would allow us to add another named fellowship to our web page . There were concerns raised both by the CMS Director and some faculty about the "entitlement" mentality other faculty members displayed about research assistantships. These concerns were directed principally at faculty members who identify little to no outside funds and, thus, are unable to support students adequately (or at all) during the summer. We urge the UNCW upper level administration to raise its expectation that graduate students be supported during the summer on grants. Doing so is the first step in a transition toward a norm of funding students year-round on grants. Committee response: The committee agrees that faculty need to provide support for their graduate students, however we also acknowledge that grant support is difficult to obtain in today’s budget climate. Several investigators who have a long history of providing support for students have struggled in recent times. Preventing faculty who lack support from advising students does not seem like a valid approach because it diminishes the expertise pool and research opportunities available to students. There was discord among students regarding the equity of stipends paid to teaching assistants and those paid to research assistants. Furthermore, there seemed to be substantial differences among stipends awarded to research assistants. At least some of these differences result from different expectations as to the students' time commitment. We suggest making more transparent the stipends and time commitments for all graduate assistantships and, furthermore, putting into place a mechanism for monitoring and enforcing equity. If such a mechanism already exists, th en it needs to be re-examined; it seems not to be working. Committee response: There are differences in stipend amounts awarded to individual students depending on the source of the support, especially RA support. There are also different expectations in research labs. In some labs, like the Aquatic Ecology Lab and the Aquaculture facility, students are paid a stipend to work 20 hours per week on projects not related to their own research. This slows their progress on their own research, however they do le arn different things and build their resumes. Other students work only on their own research projects. The committee sees this as the nature of research in marine science, and not really as a problem, except perhaps in communication of relative benefits to students of the various approaches. The document previously mentioned “UNCW MS Marine Science Student-Mentor Philosophy” was designed to clarify this question for students. Coastal Research Vessel: UNCW/CMS currently owns the R/V Cape Fear, but due to its age, the vessel needs to be replaced. The faculty has identified the need for a reliable and safe vessel that can work on the continental shelf out to the Gulf Stream, as well as in the shallow coastal regions, and be able to carry out a wide range of oceanographic missions. An initial attempt to fund such a vessel through the state was unsuccessful, but the proposal highlighted the need for a fast, capable coastal vessel. The needs documented by the UNCW marine scientists are very 8 similar to those of other UNC and Duke coastal facilities. Given these commonalities, we suggest the acquisition and operation of a new coastal vessel be carried out as part of the Duke/University of North Carolina Oceanographic Consortium (DUNCOC). DUNCOC is charged with operating the NSF-owned R/V Cape Hatteras and promoting marine science in the State of North Carolina. It has the expertise and infrastructure to operate a coastal vessel, which would benefit all of the consortium members. We believe that a new vessel would be a tremendous asset to the consortium and would provide access for coastal oceanography over the next 20-30 years. Committee response: The committee agrees enthusiastically with this recommendation. The state of North Carolina needs a vessel to support res earch in the vast and complex coastal regions of North Carolina, especially with potential environmental challenges like offshore drilling and wind farm development in the near future. Through operation of the RV Cape Fear and smaller vessels over many years, UNCW has demonstrated the expertise and infrastructure to operate a new coastal vessel, with Wilmington as home port. This vessel ideally could be shared with the Duke UNC Oceanographic Consortium, and perhaps with Cape Fear Community College. 5. Ph.D. Program in Coastal and Marine Science: UNCW has proposed to develop a Ph.D. program that would expand their educational activities and strengthen their overall educational program. We believe this is highly desirable and support moving forward with this initiative. It is in the best interests of UNCW to pursue developing this new program with UNC -GA as soon as possible. Committee response: The committee completely agrees with this comment, and we urge the UNCW administration to keep this as a very high university priority. The committee would very much like to see forward progress on this Ph.D. proposal. SUMMARY We are very impressed with the quality of the MSMS Program, and the progress that has been made over the last thirteen years. The commitment of the faculty, together with the wide range of research experiences and facilities available to graduate students, have created a strong and diverse academic program that serves UNCW well. Our observations and suggestions are made in the spirit of contributing to the continued evolution of this impressive program. We appreciated the hospitality given to us by all those that we met during our two -day visit and thank UNCW for the invitation to participate in this review. Committee response: The CMS Education Committee would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to the external reviewers, Dr. Fred C. Dobbs, Professor, Old Dominion University and Dr. Bruce H. Corliss, Professor, Duke University for their thorough and constructive review of the last seven years of the UNCW MS marine science program. They were enthusiastic and conscientious throughout the review process. It was a pleasure for us to able to host them on our campus. Submitted January 2012 9