MBER 21, 2
Sharon Bulova
a (NVTC)
digan (PRTC))
on (PRTC)
Frederic Howe
e (PRTC)
ohn D. Jenkin
ns (PRTC)
Paul Milde (PR
Kevin Page
Paul Smedberg
g (NVTC)*
Susan Stimpso
on (PRTC)*
onathan Way (PRTC)
mmerman (NVTC)
Fairfax Co
Prince William County
Prince William County
City of Fre
Prince William County
Stafford County
City of Ale
Stafford County
City of Manassas
Arlington C
ohn Cook (NV
Suhas Naddon
ni (PRTC)
Skinner (PRTC)
Fairfax Co
City of Manassas Park
nia County
Benjamin T. Piitts (PRTC)
nia County
Aveni (PR
Brad Ellis (PRT
ay Fisette (NV
Frank C. Jones
s (PRTC)
C. May (PRTC)
eff McKay (NV
E. Nohe
e (PRTC)
Bob Thomas (P
City of Manassas
City of Fre
Arlington C
City of Manassas Park
Prince William County
Fairfax Co
Prince William County
Stafford County
Allen – VRE
Baxter – Keolis
Boxer – VRE
Nancy Collins – Stafford Co
Ben Cornelius – Keolis
Dalton – VRE
ohn Duque – VRE
Gron – NVTC
A Harf – PRTC
C staff
Henry – VRE
Hoefffner – VRE
A King – VR
Mike La
ake – Fairfax C
County DOT
Lezlie Lamb – VRE
Bob Leib
bbrandt – Prince William C
Steve M
MacIsaac – VR
RE counsel
Betsie M
Massie – PRT
Jenniferr Mouchantaf – VRE
Sirel Mo
ouchantaf – V
Dick Peacock – Citize
Lynn Rivvers – Arlingtton County
Mark Ro
oeber – VRE
Scott Sh
henk – Free L
Lance Star
Brett Sh
horter – VRE
1500 K
King Street, Suite 202
ndria, VA 22314-27
* Delineates
arrival following the commenccement of the
e Board meetting. Notation
n of exact
arrrival time is included in the body of the m
Chairman Covington called the meeting to order at 9:33 A.M. Following the Pledge of
Allegiance, roll call was taken.
Approval of the Agenda – 3
Ms. Caddigan moved, with a second by Ms. Bulova, to approve the agenda. The vote
in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Covington, Howe, Jenkins,
Page, Pitts, Way and Zimmerman.
Approval of the Minutes of the August 17, 2012 Operations Board Meeting – 4
Mr. Zimmerman moved approval of the minutes. Ms. Caddigan seconded the motion.
The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Caddigan, Covington, Howe, Jenkins,
Page, Way and Zimmerman. Ms. Bulova and Mr. Pitts abstained.
Chairman’s Comments – 5
Chairman Covington reported that VRE staff has been working hard on the 20th
anniversary event to be held in mid-October at the Alexandria King Street VRE station.
Formal invitations will be sent to the Governor, the Northern Virginia congressional
delegation, local government officials and NVTC and PRTC Commissioners. VRE is
still working to schedule a keynote speaker. The estimated cost of the event is $5,000 –
$8,000, which is included in the FY 2013 budget. VRE is also trying to secure sponsors
to help defray the costs.
Chairman Covington reported that VRE will again participate in Clifton Days on October
7th by running excursion trains. He also announced that VRE’s onboard newsletter has
been revamped into a new magazine format called “Ride.” VRE is partnering with a
regional and national publication to broaden the content and still provide a free
publication to the riders. Feedback from the riders has been very positive.
Chairman Covington welcomed Doug Allen to his first Operations Board Meeting as
VRE’s new CEO.
[Mr. Smedberg and Mr. Milde entered the meeting at 9:37 A.M.]
Chief Executive Officer’s Report – 6
Mr. Allen stated that he started his position as VRE’s CEO on September 13th and has
been spending the majority of his time meeting with staff, who are very dedicated to the
mission of VRE and are very knowledgeable. He saw them in action on two back-toback nights with major issues, including a weather related delay on September 18th and
VRE service being shut down the next night on the Manassas line when a suspicious
package was discovered on the tracks near the Manassas Park station. He thanked
PRTC and Fairfax County for providing buses to shuttle passengers to their destination
stations. He also thanked the Fairfax County and Manassas Park Police and Keolis.
Mr. Allen reported that on-time performance (OTP) for the month of August was 97.8
percent on the Fredericksburg line and 98.1 percent on the Manassas line. Through
September 18th, VRE’s September OTP was at 99 percent for the Fredericksburg line
and 95 percent for the Manassas line. Monthly average ridership for August was
18,771. He also reported that he was able to participate in the ribbon cutting ceremony
for the Leeland station parking expansion project, which added another 200 parking
spaces. Leeland now has the largest parking facility on the Fredericksburg line and the
third largest parking lot in the system, after Broad Run and Burke Centre.
Mr. Allen also reported that CSXT has scheduled tie replacement work over the next
several months on the Fredericksburg line. CSXT will complete the work during the
night and expects to be finished before VRE service begins in the morning. VRE staff
will monitor this closely to make sure service is not impacted.
Mr. Allen also stated that USDOT announced the award of approximately $75 million to
Virginia for high speed rail, which includes funding for the third track on the
Fredericksburg line. There is also potential for another VRE station. Mr. Harf observed
that this funding is due in no small measure to Mr. Page’s hard work. In response to a
question from Chairman Covington, Mr. Page stated that there will be no
groundbreaking ceremony at this time since it will take approximately 18-24 months
before the final design will be completed.
VRE Riders’ and Public Comment – 7
Mr. Peacock stated that on behalf of the Virginia Association of Railway Patrons, he
welcomed Mr. Allen, VRE’s new CEO. He also thanked Mr. Page for his efforts in
obtaining the $75 million to advance high speed rail to Richmond.
Referral of the Preliminary FY 2014 VRE Operating and Capital Budget to the
Commissions – 8A
Mr. Allen stated that the VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to refer
the preliminary budget to the Commissions for their consideration, so that the
Commissions, in turn, can refer these recommendations to the jurisdictions for their
review and comment. Resolution #8A-09-2012 would accomplish this.
Mr. Allen noted that for FY 2014, there are substantial projects being accomplished,
including the Spotsylvania station (December 2013), the Spotsylvania third track
(December 2013), the L’Enfant storage track (December 2013), and eight new railcars
that are scheduled to arrive in March 2014. He also stated that the change in the
federal transit benefit appears to be affecting fare revenue totals. Also, track access
fees have in the past come from federal Equity Bonus funding, which is being
discontinued for FY 2014. If no replacement federal funding is found, the state match
request would increase by $4.7 million and the local portion would increase by $4.7
million. VRE staff is communicating with DRPT to seek solutions.
[Ms. Stimpson arrived and joined the meeting.]
Mr. Allen asked Ms. Boxer, VRE’s Chief Financial Officer, to give the budget
presentation. Ms. Boxer gave a detailed Power Point presentation reviewing the budget
guidelines and details about the preliminary FY 2014 budget. The budget will be
balanced over the next several months with CAO Task Force involvement and a
balanced budget will be presented at the December 2012 VRE Operations Board
meeting. Currently, there is a budget gap of $4.7 million, which includes the cost for a
new 10-car train on the Fredericksburg line to begin mid-year. Mr. Jenkins asked if
VRE has locomotives for this additional service. Mr. Dalton stated that VRE has the
locomotives, but it assumes VRE will lease railcars until VRE is able to purchase more
railcars. In response to a question from Mr. Smedberg, Ms. Boxer stated that the cost
for this additional service is estimated at $1.4 million.
Ms. Boxer stated that in regards to the use of debt versus “pay as you go” financing for
major capital acquisitions, staff has looked into issuing debt for some of these major
purchases. That may be possible through the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and
Innovation Act (TIFIA), which is part of the MAP-21 program. USDOT provides credit
assistance to major surface transportation projects of national or regional significance,
including highway, transit, and rail. VRE has not issued debt since 2008 and has been
doing “pay as you go” for the locomotive acquisition and other projects. To go forward
through TIFIA or a bond issue, NVTC would need to pursue a bond rating. The CAO
Task Force will look at the different options. Mr. Zimmerman noted that the TIFIA
program provides at a low two percent interest rate.
Ms. Boxer stated that VRE’s average fare is declining, which seems to be related to the
reduction in the federal transit subsidy. The average fare is calculated by taking the
fare revenue and dividing it by ridership. The FY 2012 actual average fare is $7.28 but
for July/August 2012 it was $6.93. In response to a question from Mr. Milde, Ms. Boxer
explained that when the transit benefit changed, passengers changed what type of
ticket they were purchasing. Some are no longer purchasing monthly tickets. For the
last several years, VRE has been able to weather the ups and downs of federal and
state funding, as well as the fluctuation in fuel prices and other unexpected costs,
because of VRE’s ridership and high fare revenue. The change in the federal transit
benefit has had a big impact and VRE will have to be careful to understand it and
manage it.
Ms. Boxer also noted that the MAP-21 changes will affect overall federal funding, which
include possible changes from formula funding awards to a combination of formula and
performance measures. State funding is also unknown because there are likely
changes resulting from the SJR 297 Report, which is proposing a change from formula
funding awards to a combination of formula and performance. State operating
assistance for FY 2014 is budgeted at $7.2 million, which is down from the FY 2013
actual award of $9.3 million since FY 2013 state budget contained one-time funding.
Mr. Smedberg asked if there will be a baseline or definition of the performance
measures. Mr. Page responded that he has not seen anything on the federal level, but
the state is currently accepting comments on its proposal.
Ms. Boxer reviewed the major budget assumptions. Average Daily Ridership (ADR) is
targeted at 21,200 (compared to FY 2012 ADR of 19,088). The increase reflects the
anticipation of the new train and additional parking that is now available on the
Fredericksburg line as well as the upcoming opening of the new Spotsylvania station.
However, it is important to note that ridership seems to be leveling off. Ms. Boxer stated
that another budget assumption is that fare revenue is budgeted at 52 percent of the
base operating budget. OTP, seats and parking are critical to sustaining ridership and
the operating budget.
Mr. Howe observed that fuel costs are about one-third of VRE’s operating budget. He
asked if VRE has contingency plans if fuel prices were to double. Ms. Boxer explained
that VRE and PRTC share a fuel price management consultant and VRE uses a
hedging process, which locks in prices for at least half of the fuel consumption. Locking
in prices gives VRE time to adjust to fluctuating fuel prices. VRE is also looking at ways
to reduced fuel consumption.
Ms. Boxer stated that $560,000 of the $1.4 million cost for the new train is an increase
to the Keolis contract for additional contractor services associated with operating the
new train. Mr. Way observed that the Board is satisfied with Keolis management and
performance but he asked if it is satisfied with the economics of the Keolis contract
given the significant CPI increase in the budget. Ms. Boxer explained that there would
be CPI increases regardless of which contractor is selected to run VRE service. The
proposed five percent increase in the CPI is a conservative estimate since it is better to
estimate on the high end. She reminded the Board that this is just the first draft of the
budget. The exact amount of the CPI increase will be provided to the Board prior to
final budget adoption.
In response to a question from Ms. Stimpson regarding the access fees, Ms. Boxer
explained that VRE pays Amtrak $5 million annually for access to and use of the
Washington Union Terminal station, including mid-day storage. This amount would not
change regardless of who is contracted to run the service. Ms. Stimpson asked if DRPT
negotiated access fees with Amtrak for its state-sponsored rail service. Mr. Page
replied that DRPT negotiated with Amtrak and pays no access fees. Ms. Boxer stated
that VRE also negotiates its access fees and they are similar to MARC’s access fees.
Mr. Page stated that he offered to assist Mr. Zehner with the last CSX negotiations but
was not brought to the table.
Mr. Page also stated that DRPT currently has no replacement funding for the Equity
Bonus funding. There is an assumption that access fees are a capital expense, as was
the way the Equity Bonus program handled it, but the Surface Transportation Board
treats access fees as operating expenses. Currently, DRPT identifies access fees as
an operating expense and therefore would be eligible for only 20 percent of state
funding assistance. Ms. Boxer stated that access fees are an operating expense from
an accounting standpoint. The bottom line is that VRE has no source of funding to
replace the Equity Bonus funds and that is why VRE is asking DRPT for help.
Mr. Zimmerman observed that the proposed CPI increase should be less than the
budget estimate because the current inflation rate is 1.69 percent. He also stated that
with the ridership target at 21,200 it seems achievable but he expressed some concern
that it is very optimistic. Ms. Boxer agreed that it is optimistic. Ms. Hoeffner also
agreed and stated that ridership growth is leveling off on a month-to-month basis and a
year-to-date basis. Ridership needs to be monitored closely in light of the budget in
order to have confidence that the ridership projections can be reached.
Mr. Zimmerman asked about the potential changes from SJR 297 and how it will impact
future VRE budgets. Ms. Boxer explained that it is proposed that DRPT will phase in
the changes over three years. Mr. Shorter stated that staff has looked at the projected
numbers and it seems to be in range of current budget projections.
Mr. Zimmerman also suggested staff provide a status report on the tracks systemwide
including what work has been completed and what work still needs to be done to
improve capacity. Mr. Milde also asked for a report on the history of the Keolis contract
including CPI or other increases in the contract. Ms. Boxer stated that there have been
some changes when service was added. Ms. Mouchantaf stated that there was also a
contingency that was not part of the original Keolis contract. Ms. Boxer stated that
VRE staff put together a report on Keolis for DRPT and would be happy to share it with
the Operations Board.
Ms. Stimpson asked about the Amtrak’s Master Plan to refurbish the Washington Union
Terminal (WUT) and the potential financial impact to VRE. Ms. Hoeffner replied that in
the past VRE has made investments for improvements at WUT that benefit VRE. It is
hard to predict what financial impact could result because Amtrak has not advanced the
Master Plan to any degree of detail that cost estimates can be identified. Mr. Page
noted that the Wedge Yard is now part of MARC’s expansion project, but was a piece of
property Mr. Zehner had one-time identified as a potential mid-day storage facility
location for VRE.
Mr. Way asked if there are any significant expenditures in this budget for Positive Train
Control (PTC). Ms. Boxer responded that PTC is currently unfunded in the capital
budget. Mr. Dalton explained that part of the budget process is to look at this issue and
more information should be available by the end of October. Ms. Boxer stated that
some of the other unfunded line items include salary increases ($545,000), liability and
property insurance ($300,000) and Information Technology (IT) expenses ($150,000).
In response to a question from Mr. Milde, Ms. Boxer stated that VRE has 37 employees.
She gave a detailed explanation of what comprises the $545,000 of salary costs, of
which seven to eight percent of that amount is for salary increases for existing or new
employees. Mr. Milde warned that he will ask at some point during the budget process
if this salary increase amount is a result in the recent personnel policy change.
Ms. Stimpson expressed her concern about the proposed salary increases. She also
stated that it is important this year for the Operations Board to see the budget
recommendations and comments from the CAO Task Force. It was not provided last
year. Ms. Boxer agreed that it is part of the process and will be provided. Ms. Stimpson
asked about the amount of the budget surplus from FY 2012. Ms. Boxer estimated that
the surplus is between $2-3 million. Ms. Stimpson stated that it is an important part of
the budget conversation since there is currently a $4.7 million budget gap in the
preliminary budget. Ms. Boxer stated that surplus funds are not usually used for
ongoing operating expenses because surplus funds might not be available in future
years. It is important not to confuse one-time money with ongoing money. However,
surplus funds can be a way to defray or relieve budget issues and it has also allowed
VRE to have a capital reserve. Mr. Milde stated that there are creative ways to use
one-time money to help with operating expenses. The capital budget decisions VRE
makes over the course of several years has a major impact on its operating expenses.
Mr. Zimmerman moved with a second by Ms. Bulova, to approve the resolution, which
would authorize the CEO to forward the preliminary budget to the Commissions. The
vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Covington, Howe, Jenkins,
Page, Pitts, Smedberg, Way and Zimmerman. Ms. Stimpson and Mr. Milde voted in
opposition. The vote passed.
Mr. Zimmerman stated that in regards to the Keolis contract, it would be helpful for staff
to conduct a mid-term assessment on Keolis performance and costs and report back to
the Operations Board.
Ms. Bulova observed that the motion was not to endorse the budget but to only forward
it and to recommend that the Commissions forward it to the jurisdictions for their review
and comment. Chairman Covington encouraged Board Members to spend time with
their staffs looking at the budget. He understands that Board Members may have
concerns but encouraged them to provide their comments and questions to VRE staff
during this budget process.
Mr. Milde asked what is the trend in overall ridership for Stafford County. Ms. Bulova
observed that the Master Agreement survey is scheduled for early October to determine
ridership. Mr. Harf stated that based on last year’s survey, Stafford County ridership
comprises a little less than 15 percent of the overall VRE ridership. Mr. Milde noted that
the budget gap is huge at $4.7 million and he sees very little hope of it being filled. He
knows Stafford County ridership is continuing to increase and he is concerned that there
could be a substantial subsidy increase.
Chairman Covington reminded Board members that the real work on the budget occurs
over the next several months. Mr. Way stated that it is his understanding that this
preliminary budget is just a working draft and it will adjust and change. The action just
taken is not an endorsement or approval of the preliminary budget. Ms. Stimpson
stated that that the logic that is used is that the Board is just sending it forward to the
Commissions, but PRTC members see it as a unanimous vote from the Operations
Board. She is concerned about the salary increases as well as several other issues.
She explained that her “no” vote sends a note of caution that at least one Board
Member has questions about this and hopefully the Commissions will take a closer look
at it. Chairman Covington observed that he expects that VRE’s new CEO will also have
some budget recommendations.
Mr. Howe encouraged Mr. Allen to seek DRPT assistance in looking for ways to reduce
or end the access fees. Ms. Boxer explained that Amtrak’s contract is a five-year
contract so it cannot be negotiated now because it was renegotiated in 2011. Ms.
Mouchantaf explained that the majority of the access fees are for mid-day storage of
VRE trains. In comparison, DRPT’s trains do not need storage at Washington Union
Terminal because they are run-through trains. VRE is paying access fees comparable
to MARC’s access fees. It covers storage, equipment cleaning, emergency fueling, and
emergency repairs.
Mr. Smedberg suggested including a footnote with the preliminary budget regarding the
surplus amount to provide NVTC and PRTC with some perspective, especially when
they look at capital issues.
Authorization to Approve the Lengthening of VRE Trains – 8B
Mr. Allen stated that the Operations Board is being asked to recommend that the
Commissions authorize him to lengthen one Fredericksburg and one Manassas line
train beginning October 1, 2012 through a budget amendment in an amount not to
exceed $239,100 for the first year of service. Resolution #8B-09-2012 would
accomplish this.
Mr. Allen explained that Fredericksburg line train 303/302 would have one railcar added
to the exiting six-car consist and Manassas line train 330/327 would add up to two cars
added to the existing six-car consist. The primary objective of the service expansion is
to reduce the number of standees on these peak trains to prevent the potential loss of
passengers as well as attract new riders. This initiative will increase seating on the
Fredericksburg train by 260 seats per day and a total of 520 seats will be added to the
Manassas line train.
Mr. Way moved, with a second by Mr. Jenkins, to approve the resolution.
Mr. Way stated that he has calculated that the net cost per seat per day is $1.80, which
is a good deal. However, there needs to be a basic understanding and goal that VRE is
committed to providing a seat for each passenger. Mr. Milde stated that he is happy to
see more capacity being added. Mr. Zimmerman stated that if VRE wants to reach the
21,200 ridership target, it is important to have seats for customers.
The Board then voted on the motion and it passed. The vote in favor was cast by Board
Members Bulova, Caddigan, Covington, Howe, Jenkins, Milde, Page, Pitts, Smedberg,
Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Authorization to Execute the Option Year for the Custodial and Facility Maintenance
Services Contracts – 8C
Mr. Allen reported that Resolution #8C-09-2012 would authorize him to execute the third
option year of the custodial and facility maintenance services contract with NV
Enterprises of Reston, Virginia in an amount not to exceed $1,900,000 for the custodial
contract and $900,000 for the facilities maintenance contract for a total value not to
exceed $2,800,000.
Ms. Caddigan moved, with a second by Ms. Bulova, to approve the resolution.
Mr. Howe asked if this is the same company VRE has issues with legally and, if so, how
this plays into this requested authorization. Mr. Allen explained that the prime
contractor is aware of the issues VRE has with the subcontractor. Mr. Howe observed
that a prime contractor is responsible for its subcontractors and asked if VRE is
rewarding this lack of oversight by approving this contract extension. He understands
that this is an ongoing issue, but it is important to hold the prime contractor accountable.
Chairman Covington stated that the legal issues have not been resolved and VRE is
forced into taking action since the current contract expires October 31, 2012.
Mr. MacIsaac stated that the behavior of the subcontractor does not give VRE basis for
terminating the contract, although VRE has the choice not to exercise the option.
Based on conversations with the prime contractor, it is VRE’s understanding that the
subcontractor is going to be removed. Mr. Way asked if VRE should make its action
contingent upon that removal. Mr. MacIsaac suggested VRE not do that because it
inserts VRE into the relationship between the prime contractor and subcontractor. Mr.
Howe stated that in contractual business, the prime contractor is legally responsible for
all subcontractors. If VRE does nothing, VRE has done nothing more than condone the
activity. Chairman Covington asked if this authorization could be deferred until next
month’s meeting. Mr. Mouchantaf stated that the contract expires at the end of
October, but could be executed quickly after the next Operations Board meeting.
Mr. Milde offered a substitute motion to defer action and Ms. Bulova seconded. There
were no objections. The Board unanimously approved the substitute motion to defer.
The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Covington, Howe,
Jenkins, Milde, Page, Pitts, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Authorization to Award a Contract for Septic Pumping Services – 8D
Mr. Allen stated that the VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to enter
into a contract with Don’s Johns, Inc. of Chantilly, Virginia, for septic tank pumping
services in the amount of $223,500 over a three year period comprised of a base year
plus two additional one-year options. Resolution #8D-09-2012 would accomplish this.
Mr. Allen explained that ten railcars in VRE’s fleet, the legacy gallery cars, have septic
retention tanks which must be serviced three times per week. In addition, it is VRE’s
maintenance policy to pump, flush, and recharge the systems on all 41 new railcar
toilets annually. VRE issued a Request for Proposals and received two proposals by
the July 31, 2012 deadline. Following review, the VRE selection committee is
recommending award to Don’s Johns. As with all service contracts, award of the entire
contract term is being recommended with the CEO exercising the option years at his
Ms. Bulova moved, with a second by Mr. Milde, to approve the resolution. The vote in
favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Covington, Howe, Jenkins, Milde,
Page, Pitts, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Authorization to Approve a Contract Amendment for Resurfacing the Existing Brooke
Station Parking Lot and Restriping the Leeland Station Parking Lot – 8E
Mr. Allen stated that the VRE Operations Board is being asked to authorize him to
amend the contract with Tavares Concrete, of Lorton, Virginia, for the resurfacing of the
existing Brooke station parking lot and restriping of the existing Leeland station parking
lot and increase the contract by $189,654, plus a ten percent contingency of $18,965,
for a total contract value not to exceed $2,561,191. Resolution #8E-09-2012 would
accomplish this.
Mr. Milde observed that the Brooke and Leeland parking extension projects were
funded from local CMAQ funding. In response to a question from Mr. Way, Chairman
Covington explained that CMAQ and RSTP grant funds are being used and VRE funds
are not. The grant funds flow through VRE and that is why the Operations Board is
voting on this action.
Mr. Milde moved, with a second by Ms. Stimpson, to approve Resolution #8E-09-2012.
The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Covington, Howe,
Jenkins, Milde, Page, Pitts, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Operations Board Member Time – 9
Mr. Howe requested clarification about the federal funding for the third track from
Richmond as it relates to the rehabilitation work done at the Fredericksburg station. He
stated that a second report has been commissioned on the rehabilitation of the station,
which would tie the third track into the long range plans. Mr. Page stated that there are
no current plans to extend the third track to Fredericksburg. Mr. Howe stated that he
would like the support of and direction from VRE’s CEO on how to get the
commissioned report into the right hands both at the state and federal level to get it tied
into long range planning and funding.
Mr. Howe stated that another issue is parking. He personally does not believe that the
opening of the Spotsylvania station will result in substantial relief in parking capacity in
Fredericksburg. He estimates that parking in Fredericksburg will only be reduced by
approximately 20 percent.
To compound the parking problem, the City of
Fredericksburg will need 220 spaces for the new court building, which has no parking
allocation planned. It will directly impact parking in the parking garage, which current
VRE riders use. Mr. Milde suggested the City of Fredericksburg work with FAMPO. In
his opinion, it is not the responsibility of the VRE Operations Board to worry about
parking issues unless the City can identify a funding source.
Ms. Caddigan welcomed Mr. Allen to VRE. She suggested he meet with SunCal, the
new developer for Cherry Hill. Mr. Roeber stated that a meeting is already scheduled.
Ms. Stimpson thanked Mr. Allen and Mr. Roeber for attending and coordinating the
ribbon cutting ceremony for the Leeland parking lot expansion. Mr. Milde also thanked
the Operations Board for voting to allow the work to be rebid, which resulted in cost
savings of $1 million for Stafford County.
On behalf of the entire VRE Operations Board, Chairman Covington thanked Mr. Dalton
for his hard work throughout the summer as he served as the Acting CEO.
Customer Service Survey Results – 10A
VRE conducted its annual customer service survey on board all VRE and Amtrak crosshonor trains on the morning of May 9, 2012. The survey gives riders the opportunity to
evaluate VRE operations and system performance. The survey was completed by
6,300 riders, which is approximately 700 more riders than last year.
Ms. Bulova observed that the survey results show that nearly every category saw an
improvement over the prior year. On-time performance has been the number one
concern for riders for the past few years. Eighty-five percent of survey responders rated
OTP as excellent or above average, which is the highest rating VRE has ever received
in this category. The number one issue for riders was pricing. Level of fare for quality
and value of service both dropped from 63 percent to 61 percent. Passengers identified
more frequent service and more seats on trains as their biggest priorities. Overall
service quality was rated at 84 percent, which is the highest level since 2002.
Closed Session
Chairman Covington moved, with a second by Ms. Caddigan, the following motion:
Pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (Sections 2.23711A (7) of the Code of Virginia), the VRE Operations Board
authorizes a Closed Session for the purpose of discussing a claim
against Casey’s Gift Shop for delinquent fare revenue.
The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Covington, Howe,
Jenkins, Milde, Page, Pitts, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
The Board entered into Closed Session at 11:05 A.M. and returned to Open Session at
11:15 A.M.
Mr. Zimmerman moved, with a second by Mr. Milde, the following certification:
The VRE Operations Board certifies that, to the best of each member’s
knowledge and with no individual member dissenting, at the just
concluded Closed Session:
1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open
meeting requirements under Chapter 37, Title 2.2 of the Code of
Virginia were discussed; and
2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the
motion by which the Closed Session was convened were heard,
discussed or considered.
The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova, Caddigan, Covington, Howe,
Jenkins, Milde, Page, Pitts, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way and Zimmerman.
Mr. Zimmerman moved, with a second by Mr. Milde, to approve Resolution #11-092012, which authorizes legal counsel to retain a collection agent for the purpose of
recovering delinquent ticket sales revenue from Casey’s Gift Shop and all other
responsible individuals. The vote in favor was cast by Board Members Bulova,
Caddigan, Covington, Howe, Jenkins, Milde, Page, Pitts, Smedberg, Stimpson, Way
and Zimmerman.
Without objection, Chairman Covington adjourned the meeting at 11:17 A.M.
Approved this 19th day of October, 2012.
Wally Covington
Susan Stimpson
This cerrtification hereby
nowledges that the m
minutes for the Septe
ember 21, 2
Virginia Railway Ex
xpress Ope
erations Bo
oard Meetin
ng have bee
en recorded to the be
est of
my abilitty.
Rhonda Gilch