Dynamic e¤ects of shocks; Equation typology Ragnar Nymoen Department of Economics, UiO 25 August 2009 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Lecture 2: Overview A simple, but still quite general, linear dynamic equation and the autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) interpretation. Making the concept of dynamic multiplier precise, with the use of the ADL model Macroeconomic examples: The dynamic consumption function The Phillips curve model of the supply side of the macroeconomy. The market for foreign exchange All these will play distinct roles later in the course Main reference is IDM, Ch 2.1-2.4 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 A general dynamic equation We let yt denote an endogenous variable in period t. xt is an economic exogenous variable, "t is a random variable that represent shocks. 0 , 1 and are the parameters of the model: yt = 0 + 1 xt + 2 xt 1 + yt 1 + "t : (1) The equation is general enough to give precise meaning to two of the concepts we introduced in the …rst lecture: dynamic multiplier, and the solution of a dynamic model (Lecture 3). Later we will generalize the results that we obtain for (1) to systems of dynamic relationships, which will be the main application in the course. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Di¤erence equation = ADL equation Mathematically, yt = 0 + 1 xt + 2 xt 1 + yt 1 + "t : (1) is a non-homogenous linear di¤erence equation for y . In economics we often refer to this equation by its own name: The autoregressive, distributed lag model, ADL for short. This is because the equation incudes both an autoregressive term, yt 1 , and a distributed lag in the exogenous variable xt . Correspondingly, is called the autoregressive parameter,and 1 in 2 are the two autoregressive coe¢ cients. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Temporary shocks, and permanent changes In lecture 1 we studied graphically and intuitively the e¤ect of shocks, corresponding to changes in "t in (1). Since "t is random, it is somewhat di¢ cult to envisage permanent changes in that variable. With the economic variable xt it is however natural to think of about both temporary changes,and permanent shifts. We …rst consider the response to a temporary shock, and then the response to a permanent change. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Dynamic multipliers— the e¤ects of a temporary shock (I) Consider a change to xt in period t. The impact multiplier is de…ned as the partial derivative of yt = 0 + 1 xt + 2 xt 1 + yt 1 + "t : with respect to xt : @yt = 1: @xt The second multiplier would then be the partial derivative of yt+1 with respect to xt . But where does yt+1 appear? In the equation that holds for period t + 1, namely: yt+1 = 0 + 1 xt+1 + 2 xt + yt + "t+1 : Hence xt : @yt+1 @yt = 2+ = 2+ 1 @xt @xt which is called the interim multiplier for the …rst lag. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Dynamic multipliers (II) To …nd the response in period t + 2, which represents the interim multiplier for the second lag, we write down the equation for period t + 2 yt+2 = 0 + 1 xt+2 + 2 xt+1 + yt+1 + "t+2 : and take the derivative: @yt+2 @xt @yt+1 @xt 2+ = = 2 1. Generally, for period t + j : @yt+j = @xt @yt+j @xt 1 = j 1 + j 1 2; for j = 1; 2; :: ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Dynamic multiplier shapes 1 0< 1 2 2 3 4 < 1: 1 and 2 have same signs: Multipliers are either positive or negative, magnitude drops o¤ smoothly after the second …rst interim multiplier: @y@xt+2 = @y@xt+1 t t 1 and 2 have opposite signs: Impact may be larger or smaller than …rst interim multiplier, then magnitude drops o¤ smoothly 1 < < 0: Signs will shift, as in the cobweb model of market equilibrium prices = 0: Cut-o¤ after …rst interim multiplier j j > 1. Explosive sequence of multipliers. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 1.0 Price response to temporary demand shock. Static marked equilibrium model 0.5 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 15 20 15 20 Dynamic marked equilibrium model, cobweb. 0.5 0.0 -0.5 0 1.0 5 10 Dynamic market equilibrium model, habit formation. 0.5 0 5 10 As we shall see, the dynamic responses of a variable in a system of equations can be derived by …rst …nding (by solution) the ADL equation for the variable in question Therefore, the dynamic market equilibrium model of Lecture 1 illustrates some of the possible shapes, see left. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Cumulated multipliers: The e¤ect of a permanent shock (I) Assume that the shock to x in period t is permanent instead of temporary. What will be the e¤ect on yt ; yt+1 , yt+2 , ....? We denote these e¤ects by 0 , 1 , 2 , ... 0 , the impact multiplier, is the same as in the transitory shock: 0 = 1 : The second multiplier will be the …rst interim multiplier plus a “new” impact multiplier in period t + 1: 1 = @yt+1 @yt+1 + = @xt+1 @xt 1 (1 + )+ 2; and note that this is the same as @yt @yt+1 + 1 = @xt @xt since yt = xt = yt+1 = xt+1 = 1 , suggesting that we obtain the e¤ects of a permanent change in xt by cumulation of the interim multipliers. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Cumulated multipliers: The e¤ect of a permanent shock (II) Applying this to the third multiplier ( 2 ) gives 2 = = @yt @yt+1 @yt+2 + + @xt @xt @xt 2 (1 + + ) + 1 2 (1 + ) and, by induction, j = 1 (1 + + ::: + j )+ 2 (1 + + ::: + j 1 ), for j = 1; 2; :::: ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Obtaining cumulated multipliers by recursion It is useful to note that by rewriting the expression for 1 we see that = 1 can 1 (1 + )+ = 1 + 2 + 1 be obtained from the recursive formula: 1 For 2 1: = 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 )+ 2 (1 2: 2 = 1 (1 = 1 + + 2 And generally: j = 1 + 2 + + f | j 1 1 + + ) 2+ {z 1 1g } for j = 1; 2; 3; ::: ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 (2) The long-run multiplier What are the multipliers in the long-run, when j ! 1? From j = 1 (1 + + ::: + j )+ 2 (1 + + ::: + j 1 ), for j = 1; 2; :::: we see that this depends on the magnitude of . If the absolute value of is less than one, the two geometric sequences in sum to 1 when j is in…nite. So j 1 ! + 2 1 j !1 , if 1< < 1: We obtain the same from the recursive formula (2) by setting j = j 1 = long run and solving for long run . long run = 1 1 + 2 , if 1< < 1: ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Summary of dynamic multipliers yt = 0 + 1 xt + Temporary change in x @yt @xt = 1 @yt+1 @yt @xt = 2 + @xt @yt+2 @yt+1 @xt = @xt .. . @yt+j @xt @yt+j @xt = 0 1 2 xt 1 + yt 1 + "t : Permanent change in xt 0 = 1 1 = 1+ 2+ 0 2 = 1+ 2+ 1 .. . j = 1 + long run 2 + = 1 j 1 1+ 2 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Note on derivation of multipliers 1 2 3 IDM we also give a di¤erent derivation of the cumulated multipliers, in terms of di¤erentiation with respect to an underlying continuous variable. You should have a good understanding of at least one of the derivations. The transitory shock, and the permanent shock, are extreme cases. Often we would like to investigate the response to more realistic shocks: For example. What are the e¤ects of an increase in government spending that lasts for 1 or 3 years, before it is reverted in order to “balance” government budgets (as with the …nancial crisis)? Logically, this question is the same exercise as above, but calculation of the multipliers “by hand”, is often impractical. Instead we use computer simulation. We obtain two solutions (to be discussed later): One without the shock (or policy), and the other with the shock imposed. The di¤erence between the two solutions will give the multipliers! ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Consumption function example (I) Consider the dynamic consumption function: ln Ct = 0 + 1 ln INCt + 2 ln INCt 1 + ln Ct 1 + "t (3) where C denoted private consumption period t and INC denotes disposable income. The estimated version (using Norwegian quarterly data) is ln Ct = 0:04 + 0:13 ln INCt + 0:08 ln INCt 1 + 0:79 ln Ct 1 (4) Permanent 1% change Temporary 1% change Impact period 0:13 0:13 1. period after shock 0:31 0:18 2.period after shock 0:46 0:14 3.period after shock 0:57 0:11 ::: ::: ::: long-run multiplier 1:00 0:00 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Consumption function example (II) 1.00 1.10 Temporary change in income Permanent change in income 0.75 1.05 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.95 0 20 40 60 Left:Transitory shock and interim multipliers 0 20 Period 40 60 Period 1.00 Dynamic consumtion multipliers (temporary change in income) 0.10 0.75 Dynamic consumption multipliers (permanent change in income) 0.50 0.05 0.25 0 20 40 Period 60 0 20 40 Period 60 Right:Permanent shock and cumulated multipliers. All changes are in percent, because of the log-linear functional form. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 A typology of dynamic equations Although yt = 0 + 1 xt + 2 xt 1 + yt 1 + "t : (1) is simple, it still contains several equations that appear in macroeconomic models as special cases. See Table 2.3 in IDM. If we impose 2 = = 0, we have the static model. = 0 gives a distributed lag (DL) model. What is typical for the dynamic multiplier of the DL model? = 1 and 1 = 2 = 0 is called the random walk model. In lecture 3, we will pay particular attention to the equilibrium correction model, ECM, in the typology. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Generalizing the basic dynamic equation The most important extensions of yt = 0 + 1 xt + 2 xt 1 + yt 1 + "t : (1) are: 1 Two ore more explanatory variables. 2 Longer lags. 3 Systems of ADL equations. We comment on 1. and 2 here, and return to 3. in the next lecture. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Two or more explanatory variables, for example yt = + 0 + 12 x2;t 11 x1;t + + 21 x1;t 1 22 x2;t 1 + yt 1 + "t ; pose no new problems. Straight-forward to obtain separate multipliers for x1 and x2 . Longer distributed lag– creates no new logical problems, but care must be taken when calculating the interim multipliers of course! But impact (the short-run) and long-run multipliers are always easy! Longer lags in yt (autoregressive part)— Same as with long DLs, but in addition: 1 < < 1 is no longer su¢ cient for the existence of long run as a …nite number (full analysis goes beyond the this course), so in this case we have to answer question about the long-run e¤ects conditional on the stability of the dynamic equation. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Example: The price Phillips curve t = 0 + 11 ut + 12 ut 1 + e 21 t+1 + "t . (5) denotes the rate of in‡ation in period t, hence t = ln(Pt =Pt 1 ) where Pt is an index of the price level of the economy. ut is the rate of unemployment, or its log. e t+1 denotes the expected rate of in‡ation one period ahead. A simple hypothesis, is that expectations are based primarily on past in‡ation, hence we set t e t+1 = t 1, 6= 0 (6) and obtain the typical Phillips curve relationship: t where = = 0 + 11 ut + 21 > 0 (if both 12 ut 1 21 and + t 1 + "t , are positive). ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 (7) The Phillips curve and Okun’s law. In textbooks, equations like (5) are often in terms of an output-gap variable: the di¤erence between log GDP and the trend in log GDP. It is of some importance to understand that these alternative speci…cations express the same theory: that a main source of domestic in‡ation pressure are domestic product and labour markets. To keep it simple, we let either the output-gap or the rate of unemployment, represent both pressures. Reference is also often made to Okun’s law (see IAM p 320), which is a “stylized fact” saying that there is a tight functional relationship between ut: and the GDP output-gap (or the rate of growth in GDP). ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Dynamic implication of in‡ation expectations (I). e t+1 = t 1 is just one possible hypothesis of expectations formation. Alternative speci…cations give rise to di¤erent dynamic models of in‡ation. Consider for example a completely credible in‡ation targeting regime. In this case,we may set e t+1 where = (8) denotes the in‡ation target. Equations (5) and (8) imply a DL model for in‡ation. How will in‡ation react to a temporary supply shock in the two cases? What about a demand shock? ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Dynamic implication of in‡ation expectations (II). More generally, …rms and households take into consideration the possibility that future in‡ation is not exactly on target. Hence they may adopt a ‡exible more expectation rule, for example e t+1 = (1 ) + t 1; 0< 1: (9) In this case, the derived dynamic equation for in‡ation again takes the form of an ADL model. Towards the end of the course, where we consider alternative speci…cation of the supply side of the macroeconomic model, we will discuss the new Keynesian Phillips curve. It takes the form: t = 0 + 11 ut + 12 ut 1 + f t+1 + "t , Clearly this is speci…cation that is not covered by the ADL framework, and it requires separate analysis. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 Floating exchange rate dynamics (I) Although the long swings in a country’s exchange rate are believed to re‡ect long-run fundament features of the real economy (current account and net debt), a large part of the variations in the medium term are due to: Shocks Changes in the risk premium Both these re‡ect that the market for foreign exchange is dominated by speculative motifs. A reasonable starting point is therefore that the nominal exchange rate (kroner/euro) Et is decreasing in the risk premium: ln Et = 0 it e e ) 1 (it risk-premium + "t , 1 > 0; it and it are domestic and foreign interest rates, and e e is the expected rate of depreciation. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2 (10) Floating exchange rate dynamics (II) If e e is constant, the model of the nominal exchange rate is static. However, e e is likely to be highly variable, and to depend of a long list of sentiments and also of macroeconomic variables. However, for modelling purposes, we usually assume that the expected degree of depreciation depends on the level of the exchange rate. If expectations are ‘regressive’: ee = Et 1, > 0; the equation for ln Et can be written as ln Et = 0 1 (it it ) + Et 1 + "t (11) with 1 > 0 and = 1 < 0. (11) is an ADL model. The coe¢ cient of the lagged endogenous variable is negative due to regressive anticipations. What does this (simple) model predict about a one period increase in the interest rate di¤erential? ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 2