Static and dynamic analysis: basic concepts and examples Ragnar Nymoen Department of Economics, UiO 18 August 2009 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Lecture plan and web pages for this course The lecture plan is at, which is the workpage of the course. The workpage is for practical posting of slides, exercises sets etc. But refer to the Department’s webpage for all o¢ cial information: credits, overlap, exam dates and so on. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 3 main topics 1 Concepts and methods of dynamic analysis. Introductory Dynamic Macroeconomics (IDM), posted on the workpage. 2 Medium term macro dynamics: The dynamic AD-AS model. Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics (IAM) by Birch-Sørensen and Whitta Jacobsen 3 Critical assumptions of the standard model and alternative models of the supply-side. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 The main focus: medium-run macro dynamics Review of the "building blocks" of the dynamic AD-AS model Closed economy AD-AS model: The short run-and the long-run version of the model. Full dynamic analysis Application: Stabilization policy, rules versus discretion A di¤erent perspective: The RBC model. Open economy AD-AS model Short-and long run (again) Monetary policy regimes. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Dynamics is a typical feature of the real world (1) If it was not, what would the world look like? Economic variables would jump whenever incentives changed. 110. 0 Blue line:a static variable determined by many small shocks 107. 5 Time graphs would show: 105. 0 102. 5 100. 0 97. 5 Red line: static variable determined by a single large shock. 95. 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 a step-wise evolution, or very erratic (volatile) behaviour, or a combination if some incentives are huge, and some are small. Dynamics is a typical feature of the real world (2) For some real world variables graphs look a little like the blue graph in picture. Daily data of stock prices, and exchange rates (under some monetary poly regimes) are examples But for most macroeconomic variables, persistence is a dominant feature: It takes times before a change in incentives, or in legislation, or in policy, obtain full e¤ect on macro economic variables. Main sources of persistence (and therefore of dynamics) are: Information and recognition lags, Adjustments cost, Uncertainty and expectations, Aggregation of individual decisions to the macro level. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Persistence in the response to a shock is typical of dynamics The graph shows static (red) and dynamic (blue) responses to the same sequence of shocks 107 106 105 104 A static resp o n se pattern 103 102 A dynamic response pattern 101 100 99 98 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Note how dynamics add persistence to the series, because shocks are propagated through time ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Some Norwegian economic variables: GDP per capita 16 GDP per capita relative to 1900 14 GDP per capita can ‡uctuate in the medium-run time perspective 12 10 8 But in longer perspective the dominating trait is growth! 6 4 2 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Unemployment (long time series) Ledighetsrate 0.10 The unemployment rate can ‡uctuate in the medium-run time perspective 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 But in longer time perspective, the dominating trait is no-growth! 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Norway today: In‡ation and unemployment 12 Annual rate of inflation (AET) in Norway The “end of in‡ation” is typical for many countries 10 8 Un emp lo y men t rate 6 Note the …nancial crisis at the end of the sample? 4 2 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Norway and Sweden: In‡ation and unemployment In flatio n (in red ) an d u n emp lo y men t (in b lu e). No rway : d ash ed lin es. 1 2 .5 Note again the typical propagation of shocks. 1 0 .0 7 .5 In Swedish unemployment in particular 5 .0 2 .5 0 .0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Beliefs about dynamics and propagation mechanism give premises for decision making Norges Bank [The Norwegian Central Bank] is typical of many central banks’view: “Monetary policy in‡uences the economy with long and variable lags. Norges Bank sets the interest rate with a view to stabilizing in‡ation at the target within a reasonable time horizon, normally 1-3 years” Policy decisions are based on Norges Banks beliefs about the dynamic nature of the monetary transmission mechanism. In economics, beliefs means models, implicit or explicit. Therefore the citation illustrates two theses: policy is model based, and policy models are dynamic. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Dynamic and static model: de…nition Formal dynamic analysis in economics is a relatively new invention. Ragnar Frisch worked intensively with the foundations of the discipline he dubbed macrodynamics in the early 1930s. His de…nition of dynamics was: A dynamic theory or model is made up of relationships between variables that refer to di¤erent time periods. Conversely, when all the variables included in the theory refer to the same time period (or, more generally, the model is conceptualized without time as an entity), the system of relationships is static. In a dynamic model: time plays an essential role. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 A static model demand schedule A linear demand function is Xt = aPt + b + "d ;t , with a < 0 and b > 0 as parameters. The three variables: X and P;and "d (denoting a random demand shock) are all provided with time subscript t. t might represent for example a year (the time period is annual); or a quarter (the period is quarterly); or month (the period is monthly). This model of demand is static. Note that the “appearance of time” (in the from of the time subscript) is not enough to make the model dynamic, because time does not play an essential role! ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 A static equilibrium model If we supplement the demand equation with a static supply equation, we obtain the static market equilibrium model Xt = a Pt + b + "d ;t , <0 Xt = c Pt + d + "s ;t , >0 determining the endogenous variables Xt and Pt for known values of the exogenous variables "d ;t and "s ;t (and …xed and known values of the 4 parameters a; b; c; d). We assume that "d ;t and "s ;t are completely random variables. Their role is to represent shocks, or in Frischean terminology, impulses to the system. A variable that represents random technology shocks is important in the Real Business Model (RBC) that we will discuss later in the course. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Solution of the static model (analytical) The model written in structural form 1 Xt aPt = b + "d ;t 1 Xt cPt = d + "s ;t Cramer’s rule gives: Xt = Pt = 1 a c b + "d ;t d + "s ;t c 1 b + "d ;t 1 d + "s ;t 1 a a c = = d ad bc + a"s ;t c"d ;t a c b + "s ;t "d ;t a c ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 P t Solution of the static model (graphical) D eman d cu rv e (av erag e p o sitio n ) P 1 P 0 The initial (before the shock) equilibrium is at A Su p p ly cu rv e (av erag e p o sitio n ) C B D B, C and D are new equilibria, corresponding to di¤erent types of shocks. A X 1 X 0 X t ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Solution of the static model (numerical) Static marked equilibrium model 0.03 P t ε d ,t − ε s ,t The graph shows 50 simulated equilibrium values for Pt . 0.02 0.01 Pt is direct re‡ection of “excess demand”. 0.00 -0.01 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 The e¤ect of a single shock (A graph of a dynamic multiplier from a static model) 1 .0 Price resp o n se to temp o rary d eman d sh o ck . Static mark ed eq u ilib riu m mo d el 0 .8 0 .6 In the static model, the full e¤ect of a temporary shock occurs in the …rst period. In the periods after the shock, there are no responses in Pt . 0 .4 0 .2 0 5 10 15 20 The impact multiplier is non-zero, all other dynamic multipliers are zero. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Summary of properties of the static model The whole e¤ect of a shock is contained in the equilibrium values of P and X in the period of the shock. There are no spill-over e¤ects of a shock in period t = 1 to period 2; 3, and later periods We say that impulses in period 1 are not propagated to later periods The time series of Pt (and Xt ) are perfect mirror images of the shocks "d ;t and "st . The sequence of dynamic multipliers, for example @Pt =@"s ;1 (t = 1; 2; 3:::) are zero, expect for @P1 =@"s ;1 . ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 A dynamic equilibrium model Xt = a Pt + b + "d ;t , demand, and <0 Xt = c P t >0 1 + d + "s ;t , supply. The only change is in the supply equation, where Pt replaces Pt . 1 Interpretation: In some markets supply is …xed in the short-run. No matter how high or low the price is in the current period, the supply of the good is ‘frozen’by decisions of the past. Classic example: agricultural products such as pork and wheat. Relevance today: “Salmon farming”, and China food price in‡ation; but also the market for oil and for raw materials. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Solution of the dynamic model (graphical) P t The long-run supply function is X = cP + d Long-run supply curve Demand curve (average position) P After a temporary demand shock, the sequence of equilibria is A (t = 0), B (t = 1), C (t = 2), D (t = 3) and so on in a cobweb pattern B 1 D P 0 P 2 A C X 0 X 2 X t In the long-run, the equilibrium is back at A ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Solution of the dynamic model (numerical) D y n amic mark ed eq u ilib r iu m mo d el 0 .0 5 0 mark et p r ice 1 .0 Graph a) shows solution of Pt from the dynamic model, D y n amic mark ed eq u ilib r iu m mo d el D y n amic mu ltip liers n et d eman d sh o ck 0 .5 0 .0 2 5 0 .0 0 .0 0 0 -0 .5 -0 .0 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 0 Static mark ed eq u ilib riu m mo d el 1 .0 0 0 .0 3 mark et p r ice 5 10 15 20 Static mark ed eq u ilib riu m mo d el D y n amic mu ltip liers n et d eman d sh o ck 0 .0 2 0 .7 5 0 .0 1 0 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 .2 5 -0 .0 1 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 b) shows the sequence of dynamic responses in Pt ( @Pt =@"d ;1 t = 1; 2; :::) Graph c) and d) show the corresponding for the static model ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Characteristic di¤erences form the static model In the dynamic model, the whole e¤ect of a shock is not contained in the equilibrium values of P and X in the period of the shock. The sequence of the dynamic multipliers, for example @Pt =@"d ;1 (t = 1; 2; 3:::) are generally non-zero, but may approach zero for large values of t, if the dynamics is stable. There are spill-over e¤ects of a shock in period t = 1 to period 2; 3, .... Impulses in period 1 are propagated to later periods The solution doe Pt (and Xt ) are not perfect mirror images of the shocks "d ;t and "st . in each period. The cobweb pattern is however not general, as a second example will show. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 A second dynamic model of market equilibrium Xt = aPt + b1 Xt Xt = c0 P t + c1 P t 1 + b0 + "d ;t , demand 1 + d + "s ;t :supply The demand function is now a dynamic equation. The parameter b1 measures by how much an increase in Xt 1 shifts the short-run demand curve. This can be rationalized by consumer habits for example. 0 < b1 < 1. In any given period, Xt 1 is determined from history and cannot be changed. Hence in this model there are two pre-determined variables: Pt 1 and Xt 1 . The supply equation is a generalization of the cobweb model: If we set c0 > 0, short run supply is no longer completely inelastic as in the cobweb model. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Numerical solution of the model with habit formation Dynamic market equilibrium model, habit formation. 1.00 0.050 market price Dynamic market equilibrium model, habit formation. Compare panel a) with c), and panel b) with d). net demand shock dynamic multipliers 0.75 0.025 0.50 0.000 0.25 -0.025 10 20 30 Dynamic market equilibrium model, cobweb. 40 50 1.0 0 5 10 Dynamic market equilibrium model, cobweb. 0.05 15 20 15 20 Dynamic multipliers market price net demand s hock 0.5 0.0 0.00 -0.5 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 It is typical that small changes in the model speci…cation can signi…cantly a¤ect the solution of the dynamic model. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 When is a static model relevant for the real world? Frisch: “Hence it is clear that the static model world is best suited to the type of phenomena whose mobility (speed of reaction) is in fact so great that the fact that the transition from one situation to another takes a certain amount of time can be discarded. If mobility is for some reason diminished, making it necessary to take into account the speed of reaction, one has crossed into the realm of dynamic theory.” We would add: Static models are also relevant when we only claim to analyze the very short-run e¤ects (what we will call the impact multiplier) of a shocks, i.e. we know that the dynamic e¤ects of a shock “are there”, but we do not (know how to) analyze them. In this way we can interpret the Keynesian IS-LM model as a short-run model. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 The three steps in a dynamic analysis The question we typically want to answer is: “What are the dynamic e¤ects of a shock (of a certain type) on the endogenous variables of the model?” It is often practical to break this question down to 3 “smaller” questions: 1 2 3 What are the short-run e¤ects of the shock? What are the long-run e¤ects of the shock, given that the dynamic adjustment process is stable? What are the properties of the dynamic adjustment process (regarding stability in particular)? To answer Q1 and Q2 we use two separate models! ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Market equilibrium: the short-run model Xt = aPt + b1 Xt 1 Xt = c0 P t + c1 P t + b0 + "d ;t , (1) + d + "s ;t : (2) 1 Since Pt 1 and Xt 1 are pre-determined from history in each period t, they are exogenous in this short-run model. The analytical solution: Xt = Pt = ad d b 0 c0 b0 c0 b 1 Xt + ac1 Pt 1 + a"s ;t a c0 b1 Xt 1 + c1 Pt 1 + "s ;t "d ;t a c0 1 gives the short-run e¤ects of the shocks "d ;t and "s ;t as derivatives,see Table 1.1 in IDM ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 c0 "d ;t Market equilibrium: The long-run model The long-run model applies to a hypothetical (or counterfactual) stationary situation where there are no new shocks, and all past shocks have worked their way through the system. The long-run model is therefore de…ned for the situation: Xt = Xt 1 = X ; Pt = Pt 1 = P and "d ;t = "d , "s ;t = "s . The model is given by X = aP + b1 X + b0 + "d , long-run demand X = c0 P + c1 P + d + "s ; long-run supply or X = a P+ 1 (b0 + "d ); 1 b1 1 b1 X = (c0 + c1 )P + (d + "s ). Solve to obtain analytical expressions for long-run e¤ects, see Table 1.1 in IDM. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Graphically, we can represent the short-run and long-run models in one diagram, P Sh o rt- ru n su p p ly cu rv e Lo n g - ru n su p p ly cu rv e C B Lines with di¤erent slopes de…ne the short-run and the long-run. A Sh o rt- ru n d eman d cu r v e Lo n g - ru n d eman d cu r v e X We can then analyze the short-run e¤ect of a shock, as well as the long-run e¤ect. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 The third question The short-run model and the long-run model of the macroeconomy will be important tools in the following, in particular for the medium-term AS-AS model covered by the IAM book. But we will also address systematically the third question: What are the properties of the dynamic adjustment process (regarding stability in particular)? To do this we need to develop several concepts more precisely than we have done in this introduction. We do that within a class of dynamic equations which wide enough to cover many economic interpretations as special cases (Ch 2 of IDM). ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Discrete or continuous time? The distinction between static models and dynamic modes is fundamental. Whether dynamic models are expressed in terms of discrete time or continuous time is however not fundamental. Often theories are expressed in continuous time, but since actual data series are recorded in discrete time, choosing discrete time keeps the theory closer to applications. Refer to Box 1.1 in IDM for example. The point is that for dynamics to occur, time must play an essential role in model (discrete/continuous time is a secondary issue). ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 Stock and ‡ow variables Dynamic models often include both ‡ow and stock variables. Flow: in units of (for example) million kroner per year Stock: in units of (for example) million of kroner at a particular period in time (for example start or end of the year). Population size , and capital stock are examples of stock variables. But so are also price indices: Pt may represent the value of the Norwegian CPI in period t (a month, a quarter or a year), and indicators of the wage level. In practice: the values of P will be index numbers. The number 100 (often 1 is used instead) refers to the base period of the index. If Pt > 100 it means that relative to the base period, prices are higher in period t. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 A ‡ow variable is often a change in a stock variable Starting from a stock variable like Pt , a ‡ow variable results from obtaining the change of that variable, hence xt = Pt Pt yt = zt = ln Pt Pt Pt Pt 1, 1 the (absolute) change , the relative change, and 1 ln Pt 1 the approximate relative change are examples of ‡ow variables. Note that: yt 100 is in‡ation in percentage points. In this course we often use to the rate formulation (hence, we omit the scaling by 100) zt yt by the properties of the (natural) logarithmic function, see for example the appendix of IDM, if in doubt. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1 A stock variable is the cumulated sum of a ‡ow 75 debt = The Norwegian current account Billion kroner current account + lagged debt. 50 25 0 19 80 19 85 19 90 19 95 20 00 19 90 19 95 20 00 Norwegian net foreign debt Billion kroner 0 -2 50 -5 00 -7 50 19 80 19 85 If there is a primary account surplus for some time, this will lead to a gradual reduction of debt— or an increase in the nation’s net wealth. Conversely, a consistent current account de…cit raises a nation’s debt. ECON 3410/4410: Lecture 1