



Below are questions VRE received as of January 25, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. EST., with responses.

Whenever possible, questions are presented as originally asked. Otherwise, the questions or inquiries are presented to capture the main thrust or idea.



Will each Drop Table System Manufacturer be allowed to make a presentation in person with VRE?



Our company has been in business for more than one hundred and thirty (130) years.

However, we have only been in the rail business for four (4) years. Therefore, based on

VRE’s requirements, does our company qualify to be a Manufacturer for this Drop Table

System project?

In accordance with Section K.1, Tab 6 of the IFB, the Manufacturer must provide evidence of at least ten (10) years of experience designing, manufacturing, installing and testing in-floor Drop Table Systems with one hundred (100) ton capacity.



Will exceptions and clarifications to the specifications be considered by VRE if submitted as part of the Bid for this project?

No. Since this solicitation is an Invitation for Bids (IFB), it is not a negotiated procurement. By submitting a Bid, the Bidder agrees to accept the Technical

Specifications as presented in this solicitation. Consequently, Bidders may not take exceptions to this IFB.


Throughout the specifications, reference is made to a Construction Manager. Will there be a General Contractor chosen to oversee the entire project?

VRE anticipates having a separate entity serve as the Construction Manager. A

Construction Contractor will be selected for construction of the entire Lifecycle Overhaul and Upgrade Facility. VRE differentiated the Construction Manager from the

Construction Contractor to clarify the roles and responsibilities of each.


Section 1.05C. states that the Manufacturer shall obtain all necessary permits for the

Commonwealth of Virginia and other authorities having jurisdiction, make application and file all drawings required for such permits, and pay all permit fees. Additionally, the

Manufacturer shall arrange inspections and tests required by governing authorities and

VRE, as well as pay all costs connected therewith. Finally, the Manufacturer shall obtain and file with the Engineer, written evidence that all of the above requirements have been met. This is typically a function of a General Contractor or a Construction Manager not the equipment supplier. Can VRE provide as clarification to this requirement a listing of the authorities that have jurisdiction over this project, as well as their associated contact information?

No permits apply to the manufacture or installation of the Drop Table System.


Section 1.06G.1. states that the Manufacturer’s field representative must be on site for a minimum of two (2) days to supervise/approve the locations of embedded items listed in

Section 1.03F.3.b., including all embedments, pipes, and conduits prior to placing in concrete. Embeds, pipes and conduits are typically located and set by the General

Contractor / Construction Manager. Can VRE clarify the intent of this requirement?

Upon completion of the inspection, does the Manufacturer assume responsibility for work performed by others?

The intent of this requirement is for the Manufacturer to verify that the Construction

Contractor has laid out the Drop Table System embedded items required for the Drop

Table System installation in accordance with the Manufacturer’s shop drawings before concrete is poured.


IFB No. 016-001

Drop Table System

Virginia Railway Express


Section 1.07G.4. and Section 1.07G.5. require the submittal of equipment installation instructions. Instructions shall include a detailed explanation of the equipment installation process, and a listing of embedments and fasteners, including torque requirements, accessories or other items necessary for complete installation. The installation schedule shall clearly describe installation steps that will be performed by the

Construction Contractor and installation steps that shall be performed by the

Manufacturer/Installer along with the estimated time durations for these steps. Does this requirement to provide time duration estimates for the Manufacturer’s supplied items apply to the work to be performed by the Construction Contractor in setting embedded items as required for the Drop Table System?

Yes, this is to give the Construction Contractor the benefit of the Manufacturer’s experience on the installation durations of the embedded items in order to allow for effective installation coordination between the Manufacturer and the Construction



Section 1.10A. notes to verify the dimensions and vehicle/truck/wheel characteristics of the VRE fleet of locomotives and coaches. Can VRE provide a list of all of its equipment, including model numbers, to be serviced by the Drop Table System? Are dimensioned drawings describing locomotive truck sets, wheelsets, rail car jacking pad locations and locomotive jacking pad locations available with sufficient detail to allow for this review to take place? If yes, will VRE make a copy of this information available for use in determining clearance requirements and to ensure proper interface between the

Drop Table System and the associated fleet of VRE locomotives and rail cars?

Drawings, as well as clearance and weight data for all vehicles will be provided to the successful Bidder for detailing of the drop table equipment.


Section 1.10C. requires the Manufacturer to verify all dimensions of the site that relate to fabrication and delivery of the Drop Table System and to notify the Engineer of any discrepancy before fabrication and delivery of the equipment to the site. Can VRE clarify the intent of this requirement? Is the Manufacturer required to postpone fabrication of the Drop Table System components until a survey is performed of the constructed site elements that interface with the Drop Table System? Is the Manufacturer required to be responsible for work performed by others?

The intent is that the Manufacturer shall proceed with building the Drop Table in advance of the building construction. The building Construction Contractor and designer will be coordinating on shop drawing reviews to ensure that the components required for the

Drop Table are placed correctly. The Manufacturer shall verify the dimensions, then the

Construction Contractor is responsible for correcting any errors. The Manufacturer is not responsible for making corrections or for work performed by others.


IFB No. 016-001

Drop Table System

Virginia Railway Express


Section 1.10D. states surfaces to receive metal fabrications shall be sound, square and true. Such surfaces shall be examined prior to installation of the fabrications. All defects that might impair the operability or shorten the life of any parts shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer in writing and shall be corrected by the by Manufacturer.

Typically, this is a function of the General Contractor or Construction Manager. Can

VRE clarify the intent of this requirement? Does the examination of the surfaces noted in this Section, as well as the requirement for correction by the Manufacturer apply to the site elements provided, constructed and installed by the Construction Contractor?

The Manufacturer shall verify the layout and dimensions, then the Construction

Contractor must correct any unacceptable conditions.


Section 1.12C. states that the Manufacturer shall provide calibrated wheelsets, if required, for training and testing. Can VRE clarify the intent of this Section? Calibrated wheelsets are not typically used for Drop Table System training and testing. Will VRE modify this Section such that it is in agreement with Section 3.03E., which notes that

VRE will provide rail vehicles and components for on-site acceptance testing?

Calibrated wheelsets will most likely not be required for training and testing.


Section 1.16A. states that noise and vibration pads shall be provided as indicated and where required, shall meet all requirements indicated and shall be equipped with necessary bearing plates and bolts. Can VRE clarify this requirement? There does not appear to be any similar requirements identified in the remainder of the specifications other than in Section 2.10, which limits noise levels at the operator’s station, that specifically indicates where vibration and noise pads shall be applied.

The equipment must not exceed the specified sound levels as stated in Section 2.10.

Noise and vibration pads shall be provided by the Manufacturer to meet these requirement as stated in Section 1.16A.


Section 2.02B. defines a requirement for the Drop Table System to handle a Head End

Power (HEP) extractor device to and from a below ground equipment storage area located under the release track. Can VRE provide documented information to prospective Bidders defining the HEP dimensions, weight and connection points in sufficient detail to allow for the coordination of this element with the drop table and pocket track progression system?

Drawings, as well as clearance and weight data for all vehicles will be provided to the successful Bidder for detailing of the drop table equipment.


IFB No. 016-001

Drop Table System

Virginia Railway Express


Section 2.02C.1. discusses the need to verify with VRE the weights, dimensions, clearance requirements and other characteristics required for the design of the Drop Table



During the Bid process, can VRE provide to prospective Bidders locomotive and rail car drawings, as well as documented information (including weights) for locomotive trucks and wheelsets?

Drawings, as well as clearance and weight data for all vehicles will be provided to the successful Bidder for detailing of the drop table equipment.


Section 2.03A.6. states that the jack nut housings shall be provided with a system of guide rollers to guide the load carrying lifting beam along the support column. The guide rollers shall transmit bending loads into the support column and not into the jack screws.

This requirement is specific to a Macton drop table and not required by other drop table manufacturers. Therefore, will VRE revise this requirement to state that the

Manufacturer’s standard jack nut design configuration shall be allowed for use in the

Drop Table System? This modification is in agreement with Section 1.01C., which notes that it is not the intent of these technical specifications to detail the design and fabrication of the parts of the equipment.

The specified features are not exclusive to Macton. These are features which shall be included in a modern Drop Table System to remove any lateral forces to the lifting screws. Such a guide roller system feature was recently provided for the drop table for

New Jersey Transit’s MMC facility.


Section 2.03C.1. relates to the release top and states that the movement shall result from engagement of lugs attached to spacer posts contacting and engaging with a contact pad or roller on each of four (4) jack nut housings, causing the spacer posts to rise within structural steel guides embedded in the pit walls. This requirement is specific to a

Macton designed drop table interface with the spacer posts. Will VRE modify this requirement to state that the Manufacturer’s standard design configuration to engage lifting lugs on spacer posts with embedded spacer post guides to open and close the bascule release top shall be allowed for use in the Drop Table System? This modification is in agreement with Section 1.01C., which notes that it is not the intent of these technical specifications to detail the design and fabrication of the parts of the equipment.

This specification does not restrict lifting lugs to be external to the spacer posts. Lifting lugs internal to the spacer posts will be accepted in accordance with the specifications.


IFB No. 016-001

Drop Table System

Virginia Railway Express


Section 2.03C.10. establishes the requirement to furnish galvanized steel curb angles around all edges of the surrounding concrete shop floor to be installed by the Contractor in order to provide the specified gaps between the Drop Table System equipment and the shop floor. Will VRE modify this Section so that it specifically states that the

Construction Contractor shall provide the steel curb angles around all edges of the surrounding concrete shop floor, as they do not directly interface with the Drop Table

System? It is typically the Construction Contractor who coordinates the design and supply of floor level edge curb angles, which are considered part of the building. The

Construction Contractor is responsible for the quality of the shop floor concrete placement including meeting all requirements relating to the edges. As such, the

Construction Contractor can facilitate any modifications or corrections that may be required resulting from issues relating to the placement of the shop floor concrete.

This requirement is included to assure that the Construction Contractor provides the correct dimensions critical to the interface between the Drop Table System and the surrounding shop building. It has been found that Construction Contractors do not always provide the correct building pit openings within the stated tolerances. Therefore, it is advantageous for the Manufacturer to provide these edge angles for installation by the

Construction Contractor.


Section 2.03D.6., which discusses the body support beams, states that the field side of the floor shall not be widened in the area of the bolts for bolting them down. This requirement implies that clearance space will not be allowed in the area between the field side of the body support beam and floor to facilitate the securing of the body support beams to the anchor bolts. Can VRE provide clarification?

The equipment shop drawings provided by the Manufacturer shall detail the minimum area required for bolting in the body support beams. A steel cover plate sized to cover the bolting area shall be provided as specified in Section 2.03.D.2.


Section 2.03E.3. states that the body support arms shall have vertical and horizontal adjustment to contact and support all jacking pad locations of all locomotives and coaches in the VRE fleet. Field measurements shall be made to determine the size, vertical dimensions and horizontal dimensions. Can VRE provide a complete listing of all locomotives and coaches that will be serviced by the Drop Table System?

Additionally, can VRE provide dimensioned drawings locating the jacking pads on the locomotives and coaches?

Drawings, as well as clearance and weight data for all vehicles will be provided to the successful Bidder for detailing of the drop table equipment.


IFB No. 016-001

Drop Table System

Virginia Railway Express


Section 2.03F.1. outlines the requirement to provide a progression system designed to move coach or locomotive trucks or the HEP extractor between the drop table service top and a storage position on rails located at the pit level pocket track. Can VRE provide dimensional drawings and component weight information for its locomotive and coach trucks, as well as the HEP extractor so that the Manufacturer can facilitate the sizing of the required components?

Drawings, as well as clearance and weight data for all vehicles will be provided to the successful Bidder for detailing of the drop table equipment.


Section 2.03F.5. requires the Manufacturer to provide adapters to be mounted on the traveling carriage with a quick release pin through a pivot mechanism. Adapters shall be supplied for all truck types and the HEP extractor device. Can VRE provide dimensional drawings and component weight information for the locomotive and coach trucks, as well as the HEP extractor so that the Manufacturer can facilitate the sizing of the required components?

See the response to Question No. 20.


Section 2.03F.10. notes the requirement that control of the progression system shall be through the main electrical cabinet for the Drop Table System. However, Section

2.05E.5. requires the progression system controls to be installed on a wall mounted control box along with a wireless controller. Can VRE clarify the intent of this requirement and identify the location of the progression system control enclosure?

All electrical power and control connections shall be through the main electrical panel.

This wiring is internal to the Drop Table System. Only a single electrical connection will be provided by the Construction Contractor.


Section 2.04A. for structural elements notes a requirement to verify dimensions prior to fabrication and construction. Can VRE clarify the intent of this requirement as it is not specific to which dimensions are to be verified prior to fabrication and construction, as well as who is responsible for conducting this verification?

The intent of this requirement is simply to “measure twice, cut once.”


IFB No. 016-001

Drop Table System

Virginia Railway Express


Section 2.05B.3 notes the requirement to provide motors epoxy encapsulated for severe usage. There is a concern that the epoxy encapsulation will prevent excess heat from escaping the motor winding and reduce the expected service life of the motor. Will VRE revise this Section to allow the Manufacturer to use its standard motors, which are selected for severe duty use without epoxy encapsulation?

No, this additional feature is to assure the durability of motors against all possible environmental conditions.


Section 2.05B.7. states that all motors shall be totally enclosed heavy-duty type enclosures shall be steel or cast iron only. Will VRE revise this Section to allow the

Manufacturer to use its standard selected commercially available motor drive reducers rated for ten (10) HP or less that utilize a steel or aluminum frame?

No, this additional feature is to assure the durability of motors against all possible environmental conditions.


Section 2.05B.11. notes that each motor circuit shall be protected via circuit breakers.

Will VRE allow the use of fuses since they provide a higher interrupting rating for a drop table application?

No, circuit breakers shall be provided as modern features of the Drop Table System.

Fuses are old technology.


Section 2.05B.12. requires that bimetal thermal type starters with overload elements on each phase be provided. Will VRE allow the use of variable frequency drives (inverters) with electronic overload protection?

Yes, variable frequency drives (inverters) with electronic overload protection are acceptable.


Section 2.05D.13. identifies the requirement to use florescent lighting on the drop table service top. Will VRE allow the use of white LED lights instead of fluorescent lighting?

Yes, the use of LED lighting on the service top is acceptable.


IFB No. 016-001

Drop Table System

Virginia Railway Express


Section 2.11A. outlines the paint requirements and states that the finish paint system shall be Pittsburgh Paints 409-2 or equivalent color selections to be approved by the Engineer.

This paint is a typical Macton standard. Therefore, will VRE allow the Manufacturer to use its standard safety yellow finish paint system for application on all the major equipment items?

This specification allows for the use of paint systems that are equivalent to Pittsburgh

Paints 409-2.


Section 3.01C. notes the requirement to inspect pits, embeds, and utility connections and notify the Engineer if corrections are needed prior to equipment installation. When taken in context with Section 1.03E., does this requirement make it the Manufacturer’s responsibility to conduct a site survey of the work performed by the Construction

Contractor and accept responsibility for the Construction Contractor’s work?

The Manufacturer shall verify the layout and dimensions, then the Construction

Contractor must correct any unacceptable conditions.


Section 3.02D. identifies a requirement to conduct a field check for clearance and interferences before fabrication and to relocate material and equipment furnished as required (if approved by the Engineer) to eliminate interferences. Is the intent of this requirement to have the Drop Table System Manufacturer conduct a field check of the site elements constructed by the Construction Contractor prior to fabricating the equipment, and if modifications are required, they shall be made to the Manufacturer’s design and supplied components and equipment? If yes, this may result in a delay providing the Drop Table System.

The Manufacturer shall verify the layout and dimensions, then the Construction

Contractor must correct any unacceptable conditions. Any delay is the responsibility of the Construction Contractor responsible for correcting the mistakes.


Section 3.05D. states that prior to the installation of drop table equipment, inspect the pit for proper installation of anchor bolts and conduits as indicated on the approved drawings. Is it the responsibility of the Manufacturer to conduct a site survey of the site elements constructed by the Construction Contractor, approve the work, and accept responsibility that the Construction Contractor’s work meets the established requirements?

See the response to Question No. 30.


IFB No. 016-001

Drop Table System

Virginia Railway Express


Several items within the technical specification require the inspection and verification of work performed by the Construction Contractor to be the responsibility of the Drop Table

System Manufacturer. This is not a typical arrangement. Therefore, will VRE revise the specification to indicate that for work performed by firms other than the Manufacturer or the Manufacturer’s Subcontractors, the Construction Contractor, or other party as designated by VRE, shall be responsible for inspection, as well as for the determination of its acceptability?

See the response to Question No. 30.


IFB No. 016-001

Drop Table System

Virginia Railway Express
