Easy Scan and Print The Independell.t Recor( From !isl:e,d Dec ,~fO!lt(/I~8 Capital 1, 18G.') FBIWat(hes Washingto H\GTOi\: lAP" _ (,,'- bai}:','. J3ck Ande:'s0!' f·'B,! D:rec;or J 1'lr\;1, p~.\""0_;'.~.: A:r)-{',~~( i,,,cle VB] ~,ii\"\ ,,),;; I'P"'(',,-n': A~'i.h'''''-\'I' ;,r)',i.'>i'.C' J f,~lL;;' i,'-' ~'e'\."' :;~;id !:" i~,- r'; ,'ii" ·'-iUiC";" '!t',n~ b, \1';" ('.H.'i"',~,;; ';Py·, \i,' ~.,!,..q~!;, "',,,,:r r'.;··,' :,:",r',; ::11; ""'It><.-,;, I"~\'-, n-L','~, ,,', pt'".'",,- '-"'.<;'e,i ;)J":"'~ ,-k k:', ~".'( \,) th,' :::1: "happily prep<l1'('{j ell(' FH] Iji).~ n" F'IJ,1 :'-0. :':P'H'~ lIt',(; Wi 'iii'i' \ WI:?Kr.iJ! ,:e>:" ~:..:,! '-c ;~:)I.i (~''''''!': . :\;, !),~, \lr[I:'!l-Ihl:,' An,j,,{s..-,; emos iOHued ,.\·:th \no -\L'T j •. is:lflc;,ch'n .-It,'--l<lib about the r:.e'rs(Jf)- ki,~J iJI ~;K"'-';lif,g , 'i-':"';~idel,i :I:);;]n '11<,; ~1A'" :,1; Pi'C:Ji-d(~L! \.g ,,, .. i ;;.' iF'"'i-1.'lrf"c1 'li~ ni the !:\gh ;I:',ci "A k'\'f" .!ffill' :", r!\;\, f." toe,,'<\" :;\'':- Hll,r: ;ll;y Dll~, '\,(",Ki~Li, i:' fW-";', t;;;\ ",': ~ .... \',X ,,I ~":5 H"~J~I ier Pr~slrjent Lynckl!l sordid h !)() lJ.u5il\t:S:i ')1 Uk h!.~ 1,i.::Ci"l1l.!rUI\jOf! ~r.,q) ::w 1:11 SUb<.:r rlson's "be<lti[1\(' relld- Fedef,~! !)ure;;~ :,j l'we,~;l:p;, qUJ,y inu the df, ArvJersor',! ,Ii g'..j tic})) Yc< FlU cil:ei J Ed/;;J; :\,.."Je,-sow ':'! til ''''1' "de t n d ~" cl ~ ~ 'l' , Fre;;'(j,)H', ni hfD'! son ,-.)id t),e HVL'Sl' go\'- I-lwYeJ h~s ,i(-mcp.:\t:';;it'(' T';'; It;· :~l-{' P~~ntng~; ..:; i':,f.~' !'.'i a,d !;ak1 C;;:l5-\i!iiCii\.:,.,r;' l i."f,x;-:j(,liol1 l>ut>\::o-m·- k~'.";.c l'.1',':Jt~' in WiN S\<:;"yi\if, ;"\'';:1 h,".~ ',,~c-J ',1_, d':::-e:,e-GI1.' ~i;(~·,I'-.i [)<., :l;,_,,~,C ,~'k')rrleHi1 ,,-il'la ,1ll' "S('X iives drin-kln.g w:h whom ii, WHC!W'i,:;:]'ti \;. 'whi'_'h \\-':" .,; i\\;;cJ;'1.I<l~Li:,;'. I" 1)(;1':(0 ('\'(;r~,(lOO .j,:,<j;l5-f,Uy ili! c,x~u-;';}c1ls ll! (', p, ··,r)-('~ in :1:-£ pll' ihcT(l_WI'.rc :2 .'}'lfJ I "',' • ert:o·rlsm io~5t';>' o! w-r I be ~bt:' E",:rlit:;, the c!.,,':n:n"lI! :>1 : p-aJl<,,:,1 in\'~.:'-l'galhli! ')'J.'t:re1:Y . B(;(:>ded 11f'.'~' S-ilid \0 i;1Y\',er~r:nef!t aft up and olfki!5 s ;'i1w~ stfCll.gh',I'J", ()G, Rogers Trad Free CI.g:J prD\~cu-()njl>b Sh~rf:'UnY v.f S:.iJi:e 'W;::liHl1 )' f'::'jH'r~ l<i'j,,:'-n,:g]y ~e;e:,Gf:d ,11,(,,-,,al;,,:',, :!.~~ ::<1...-.:1.' ;;':-')"·"j!i' ,; Wh",,, tn I nnk W'P'l,j'" ~,·c:p· il."t:U;;; 71-,,'\''-ir:;:; 'T:rert i~ 1'3:, '""··I":H:~i·~ U,'r(,,~':~ :\ck'toc.,,-.g , ):ws; ;,.. i:W 2,(' Uw huE:;-,(' (·/.r,~ " " ' . .',",I"! !':e'ii" ~,'" ',W $J~'.1 _';'"",~r;nHi." ,." ','n,j;lli:. ,. !"'''':-",.-,. "';--,,', Easy Scan and Print 't!clJl·A......T (AI") - A elwin (,I IY'''&Y !w,'('; 5L;~,--j~;j "gf'.ir,~: the: Th{" (l);t:cr terrot~llt bomb blii5L.~ rippe<i IRA 's gu,~rrilill c"mlMiU~ and i1lil)ljflty ba5 th~:8 t>lg Northern ireland Wlu!.t·lllW'; ctl[lCeSSI,j,1.S 10Wll.,D too.l1)'. lbc proltlJl.:"e's H,FHilU CfithnLk J'Ynth~~c··t~.p'l.i1nt k(Ilingionc,rti8t1imQ,;,:j.fjjUri.G£ other!l~ mtnoriLy, Slw.r]~ 1(\ 8.\:;'1(t. or tIL{; p~, "~t .... ,rU bct'1"i Bntaln n mor,!.i-, ;X!)d~ the m·~,\;nijng <11\(' 5lJ:>· l:>r~J{t,~t;l:lt·h'rlM;d DiJb-, Wer'(' S,p! prO....tTKln: jAlTi'I'l1;C:I:\ lint1 ::I~' ihrc<)-!lOUr fight sumc·,:j d.lr<;:<,:'(rult:\ in ,~ n\-G'i!~ (0 ~t Carnck:fergu~, W mEM ()IJ~ !:';unQiJY l:oc·lw~'cn n.(}jer~ ~-nd po- pl."l~atc mDciU-oti., Cit\hcliJc.~ Hantlhi'e PrQ!es1.im\ ie,ader 5'ldt: Be.J!lO.$l hef, in {'i!$>e,""!1 Ikli 1151'~ N{'W· Securily fiJrce~ si;!i:d thai 2V lV"Wll.nili Rwtd dI-sl;ir1. ~ Pro-t- WUHr,mf....':!-lli.g. founder of ttw: mioow's before the Ilnw dc-·l.."'rl\2- cstanl :'itrong'h£.l-d j)·;<X'...1-y r\b~ miUlill1.1 \'J,lngiHlI--d rnon'me-nt t ,(Q iii.,:, the y rttt")v:ed ao In e:il.s~crlj Bd!~t s..ll~JI·da)f w'hk-h{',{atm~ 100.000 $U"PC':'~' ~~Ub Lclnphont tip lha.l night in.ivIed 12: pc,llee ;mal3 l'_T'S; . L;.sued i\ 1,il,fTling t..l [hI;' Bi'H:iA.t, ~(1\'!lrrr~TK'"fjl Sundnv exN·ot.iv~ had breD plllhte..1 ·1:1 einjjam Vian,liS Nlguifed U;e fad:<,ry 1!bhl.1.e llcanleen at the fac:lHY. OWTK,d th~Br[tish ChernJ~<l) by !:I 011 1n ro- 1}:'";;Jqu;H:!(',r~ ~'illd., "Jt,~ <I W.\~llINC·f'(l\ ,:cItU, .';t;;\e WIUillfll [" llh kHt-r l(1 f'r'ime. M.lrlL.>:ln ~l; rF"ii ~,f ttle '.'jc,)cn("",· in . k,rthl'.rn 1r~LniY~ "eHrJy U,r!,,;: jcrc:e;~ IC~ir ;11(' tnr~ . .- '.TIl.:', ,,! [l;·,":"i-hed atfd \!e~;nl'_" i' :'} £r-,{i,b-g;i...i'tr-oo.gh 'tbe ::-.,:. day....,iHghL Sct;ti.(jfY a-wai=4W Cllp1"\J;) 8un·" c F.ilL~,:;·d Pro-t~lJ4 l.~lt: i.J',,'inrAe :\(!rin"!!'.,,;.!> Th".r!' ar~ ~']Ine .~ C(>fl~:rl'.'1$ rx~hr~vi: :~nd City f~~;:t (,1 tne'1:1iti~~ J-!:J~':TW:1tY, G!:ikk 1'>'11111' dscwhl ~hn',dd 1<'( '("{:U(lf'.it\ll C.Qom.k~ D-t.is;n'::5," in t~\(' i)u~inc~.'; E.d:l.to-rOllI M.<l[k"l:.s Vol': Ill'" ill ,he ChiHnLl(:~ 11f ( :Jilll;ul In<'?'!',illg. Hr_'1\cr Where to Look Ll!lM"ifl~,d bae!;:l;;sh twn ""'31.1' t1de.1,d<''.l IlIt( li;l(\.t- l\~ tiw l ...·,:;; 11, .. 'n,~,"t-<: \ .'<j>MU H,;);,:{ ITt:" ~~!e-£l~r:" dc".p<1rtI:1wn{, piJ<,:;l;ed PnJ]cs:.<l,,·t biV:iii1;;.11 .,,''('-Cl"lS un bnt [,0 t>l'h-a...":\.iJp w-t\i>:h i~,' '\,:.1; :W:lYi,:~lgn1i infimllJIll'lblc cber:): dr', ljw.rotn-iat~ i1\ t)ir i<::aJ.-s"The. p!~tl! cost lJl ~ \!\.! ltr, I;h~ ·;',)i(~rH:" nD i"i'-i-: ;;idr'O'f"d lWit'.,iJ_ruj1~.aD'lfWlg the 11't('l;1 IJdl;·C"ern{'l:i :i-vkiy Ult' ','''r-y; ,if iin~~i.':T: .~n.'Jli\i&-r\" ~-eil'tnJt'Jt~'!f: tl'\'.n.1Ig~ !i-i;njp l0."J ",',;1' !:U n' ~:.r,;:: ,:Ifn prolectrcmhts, n:i8"~l; uf tbe gtH::l-e¥eecyCrs :.;:::.r!i-f;'l:l,~l'ack:,\¥,~s.. i){ij.'lurd (};) <,iJll ,<.r±;r,-e,'i in b.fr(jf'~x ;;! ['rr'l ··_:t#t!:,~ij};-:::~("Ptftind!.n Arm\' i e$,,,,nUJiJr:, Th .Me,,' Cl,''!St :1)) ;;l~:#~'I:t~-'!t:p~i~':aclm-ml;;l!U(Of i !)("l.!"-o! 1" ~". b"t:..~-:h~i.ling !',--, In ~ )n~'RW,~~til •,INland .. WJHlatn;pun;!y hc""-'Jigi.'IJ\ e!e-I;H:n! h,~ ~. _ '~!Jt1£jfll,~""ha~1 ,Wlcrg'f:llcy l.slb; /f{id"J ~,-,~:::: JiIJltt'!:fltst::durin:g::llle day lllXl-Ul' l.:p in ;If;\\ ill!' f\U:HfiJ' (;;:1:0 ~i;'.<::. :.. tll~l'r,({mpalfe- tIl· P,;lestllJii' i\~- In':; i>puNk"n AJ"'J'v hils I/I!'\ 'fig :;, both o('lT';ol:( ~::JTn{"d ~A"'-n"ri Ht:/)'{)I 1>1<\<1 ar·l.f!~~ l~,,~, As,l;uardB ~1Jrc-hcd the build-;po;t ch t r.j. 'n}>,; PTo-t('"·l;I.8.rd lRA I.L compl"tdy d-!,·ttrnvr·.d: lng,. -Ii D:uge baAE( ro("k~ lh{!! c,uwc:s ;ve -Cltti<Cki'.t'.li~_ Th: ''!~. Ih<.; l</y,,1.'I::>( 1~'1Jo!e ,:,j U; \~'il! hE H' .00 iJzh...:,; ,~()ti["J", orne, ..cour:iauJd",. T Free Ii A spo,kes:nz;!1 lit &iflJ,sl tilrfl- iic( Rogers linl c'-!rrt~d in r,ur i r~J31u.-,n 1 Pfo:"',uDdIy disagr< ,'I< 9 '.\'~. " I;inll: "":~' rr::~'{;: 'nJ:', Lhe pJ"'.'fc ~:~k ,,1 ,ilt IY,) i.':) np Wi ','I;;Ji~ erw l'-lrai:' 11 II &: l3 D:elegates' Views Vary on ~.~CftAIl.LES S" JOrlNSO,:-.' .. 1:1-'_' 1S89 C'K,-~j.:Jjtk";1 --'\a~ prim?,,:.' ~YII""';i: {O(· !.'~\'l!l;g . .Jfh..~f1 Writer V,'i1'h 0 U (exception :h{' ~-;.x Distri-cl 12ddcg!l\t:s to :):[' C.<o'i) . ~ 1 i \-i.J lie:; l! i CA}flI-+en.tkln !.Ire p-roud~ .. 1n Yarymg '-cit-Wee:>, 01; ~>,,'g" ,,':!-t doc'\'.Tr--r.nt Jmw. 6 aTe {lim.,,>:!! pl·(J'ii.~ion3 btlt f]'Ji<,~;' d f. d 1.'.i 1 ;; s: e ~ d oi b,joenn[nl ~es.';:o.:l~ L.h:JIi ,~hef;:I"",r(>d il ~i'J ::"."",' ~, ih) C:J" vr:l'.lwn :.~.<, 'f)j,~, rT;··e:e·tJ.I1S:> rr-eC'H}("{] ~\J(eS 1)1' ;w·.)·hO'JSt':-4"Hj..:,.-- 'y ',U'J-~ !-i['::;.--':lJ a" d ~~ngI,t.-rne:rn:l>er t\'giS;-~lh'e \Iii! ha"e :~ I'h"w(' I,,,',,';' (::1 il "'.; 0LSl,X,,, kgi~I<l'Uri; ':': ,-,nco :,r tw· n{Jli~ gL1 !·b,p.... .\;,;jddq~~H'~, tifL"fJ to ,"'tNi""i( ($:'TI,e {ne 1~'1~hdJv-e (l rt (c i c uley [lht con::tltutJ0H<l1 ~.h'I1ci:id -in"i draf't,¢d, '~. ! tl-iIW r-e-slnt:'t~d p-",s.t M,v{l!IHlll }~r~ OlE! 1? 0 j n l crt-· a,gr.~".l Lfgi.<,.lntuTes, ofprecip~t.tl-ti0n.nearzero tOday aJld tonight, 10 p<!f cent'l'Ui!OOay; the' ~"I nlJ "fJ wood o·f two Brttele! ! M05t1:/ fair wea-tberis forecast for Heip.na wit_h \v;:.rmer day;; through Tu~d8Y: High today 55, low tonig·ht 25,and. the .hlghTues.c;lay 60 . ·Char.cc ," lW, i :"em.. how(>\'er, their D-pin,to-rj~.{,-f \ . !t:c [i'toroS-ed dOcumenJ room Of! The ("'hanI:c~ ·h.,-j!re<:\:~~ , ':\!11')og Ult' dl11ng~~ ih.il[ >1:1; "T h e legiSla{jl'-f!: article Ill1 i ~o in:o e-f'[ect I~ volers il.j)-pfO,;"P Wanner )-CI<:j,,:i!(j',c "'J :11:k wort.h adopting i make?·, i l :""""'~".: iH(,v. Y,'ji!i'lln .\ B-iJrk~l,lrd' r-: 1-\',' iHdere.:iL .\.jI~ "'Jt i~ nltx':' IfI<,rt: I'() ! n,s-opr)O.sJVI:, and rJwrc lKlw<:r L, ;,ii A2O>:y-ear ve,t.e,ran oi thf .I-eg-II e1llruS.led .~'? our eIecu.-d n,:pre- lUT islatl\'t wars, Charles 11 Maho:-, wfI!.atk\'e5 ney.J..Clan<."y. pral&W the legj,~ J€r(,mc· T. Loen.1orf. ri .. HeIe"",) I3lJ<,'e :>r1.jc!c, saymg na.. S-,,! '-'fl the l.",g:.~bt:l'e C,lm- MJi - "We c I) u I d live -be;;~'II':'uHy ....,ith it' ,..n';1 ('(' wl:I: R:l-V'" inK! :hl)~ :5 . pk'dS«J ·..... ith.,;,,""", ·',r'K,ic fin.1!Jy Belly B'abc..ock, R--Helen3, apprQved a i S 0 endorsed' lhe legislative The siJ1b dcJga~e, GeoHrey'L. t:.; '11\<0 ilnge,r <).1 the ,ajoril.v has oce Bl"itllln a :rnkd the been Pro\,.::o~l1J!ll rntttJfltin,g monlJl lip"r] su~­ PmLcsl!lnt·bul>ed ·o~'inc-i.lll parhll.ment and 8;>a.neJ dir-ce! :'rule in a m(w!> (0 I1C.stC ret>eilio\t5 Catbolic!> HardHi;(' Proi.e;,lrtnt ieadrr miam' -era ig,; ,founder 01 !t'.<: lUtMt VangL<<Ird n'.QYeJTl;C;,,;>l {,:lsJm-~' 100,000 .SlI_f!po-rt.· °K'lssu.ed 11 Vo'Hirling to tb~i Defends Free Trade Policy hfcb rili./ih gov"(:,;Tlmen.l '«I!J ~ .SunG!'! Y gh! iJj~ k~Lcr :0 Prime Mln-ls,;er : ~j( !K~~h Ji.t [km;(:t 1.:.( ('J~:Ii pn.1t~c!~rvl:,~"i,~. S~"lt ~.("-:-;" ~;! d. j{,.~c;:s WI!)iJ>-"i !{'nJr;;Lr:g, 1M! itFlI1 Ilpprn\-.rlMt' iiUJiHt~A" h th'" >,.,kr "r, L-::'I~i;\'G of pn :.,c-<,j"r,~ Oil fi,:,),j :'ILrttd1 Ohio !/(wd.. 'J ,,' pr:rn.3ri(',~ C',i-un\(~r·r,,:~ ",. l,) CO!] Til) t.;"'-.:·'kmj.~'t:·, CIt)' H,:n: PilV!}Wr,\5 TV G-uldt .. ~\ ,:1",,,,,,)(;(\, ~~':­ t.');:"",.id ~u.,r; C,' 0" ~.,) (" '·,',,',ct Ij'" )J)('''-ttJJ(:i~~ );-, ,~,u; ,,'M!,: " Ulf' V,,'dJ,"'," II '.1,,,, it, lZ 6; 13 ~,- . '! "" Jill ;dxYl'c j"iHI . i\;1'11 ,o,J <:.." !l in ('i',C il.iM;,.:.hn r:>\i)('.I'~, h",~ G6U' ·!"';4!r~mf1'l('; i'''', h!,"ii' :--;~,~. \; ~ V'-'f", t(, ,:i,''<1 ;I! MeC ,venl ,c.r diNl,~1rQw .. II) GIl i:l!~feS!~ 1l ,\~j;,.~ r ('if8 Idr..;:l H.O'pif~' T fo" "'il,kJ !i$ di,(}ctctJ 1.1' part ,It ';" T';:~~'J"-"j ;Inc! C:)rnrrw,,",' ;;.~, 'i prCli;)undi) c!',';:t~(,,,~ ". ,1 i "'Il" '."":': :;~;';;.·i,·· ,~. ,,¥ i At c,n"ft ':",:1 ("":i111~ll\J])M~ ',) " D1(lre r-.\[,,(,r, wOfl!! in \~i;id'L il!.1t fCf>[!(~ i<i"j 'J;'~ cuu,id b<;', f'f!,i{'r,A\ !('Yi\i'n ,'-<l:(j :In: f~;;n<:: Ari.HTlc,'n,l iJtc roc,Hi!,,-'s, ·"..'mmll,-;:.':' 'n ':'.""f';'1;".~~ .~('·~Il (':'r""I(·ru'>lwrs <:·\:'C'(t {"i~,ill~;'(~--:; ! dd'\i:!l' H '1 th br,w iJ<l\"':'riul, ('i,r, ~.'';'i In II uni;ljic.,.,j P0:~(" ui \:J<C ;i"; iJ' 'fl,g i iJ, nr:L~t1 \:><-,r'S u-: d ",q::",,--:Ing il.~ d,~i,:'.j;5U( Mj;ll.Sl ,;wn, f,fObii"ln; "·B. "Tht~{C l:~ Where to Look \tart'icts i.0 lodill', t~(J ~i:',~k r,);Ir,ITY h-Cr.""'" ';,.• bl ",_,(..;;c. tile (1U/i:-,L"tc FAitG'Ti<>l Oal'l'lfltd I!:<-.}'" \O-i}f';d~. Add;:,::,,;.=;.r!.f: tit \ C(}mtc~ !.'It- !\,',nl"i ,,',('f:,(:nr; \ Sport> ,,~;·d :1,,~1"f) f.,(,'·f: r:: m ~ :-- ito'ad ~ bdii Y m thd! . for cl/l\o'" ··...11;.(', in',; ~r.,.df' H: pic", :.,;-:,: t)·,( er wiU bllVl:, Jr,o ()L\;Je:r (J}X;pn '.: Jl W !.i>ke 3COCIP wh.dl is Ct1!,- t d(1;rc<:J hili I!~'n ('J.)l wu-n;:e:t;l 'IX; lJj.-:!-d,' dw"rd !k3U1 said unles6 the lA l,1l eompiddy, de;';lioyed ~ien' U)C [.)yali.s! people. oj u! "C5eri, ~Tl'\lJ to hc"lth n-nd ';''-~'~' "'r! ': ";';[' plVU:'OI'1f: LX;, S:~ql;<' --, ''''':1'>, ",: "i")' mQ."~ ,',:..- :',JtJj('1 illli"'Kl~ $!'W ,l',,~ d",·,;·, ews Vary on Constitution t document ..Il;;1': 6 i~.)'e ,~i)'!Hul,li,pr0Yi~.i,"n5 but Oi:id,::, ,; j,~ ~__"d br~~;I'r ··D··!+"itTI3, JJljl','XJ Li-t,,' ",~<,;,,·'n:,:,·"· {i.l'_Dr-c:rJ il !Jl",;;:,<c'" ~c':m,' fA :)';.~ kg.i-siil~,i,t [<"".j,:rk·:::."i,J i'r; on""i;r:&, rt":COnk..d '<"Ote$lo-, l,,'\.'·h,)u~I'----..':>i:<, .. \'.-'.' .• '.:i;~" ,:<;';';.5 !)J'.J :';J iX: rN,.. (]"td txr~ ".'; '.Ii [I d ~ingk-iIH',i'll!j<" :r.glsj~:j','~)·..r lij ~,il\ie il ":~)ict ~'(":;\':{'I; ,; !u;r~ riK ,'.9nvt1\;;C';! rn,ly !l.an; ',:~i:i,1:i' ~r-,I~\5' : l,o,gi £i "Hire <',i •""".' ,,- t"1 [Y)li.;'- ;:';:','1; \r~) fjr m,'1",i..'i by r,/'ir I,),' H.'vi ,1:111 1$1(;2,1 ,y t}itn::lL~j l"~;,s.ion.s.I;i\iI: ~;)e ,~., 0:1 "'!'C IKIi on)'>' unsh"d::le-d ,h-c ;11(; Lili\:f' .~,m(:l";i~"""'; "T'hr: ,legG:iii' Ilfl'Lj'~ ~,;":'r,,,: I; ~J.. t\.tl,' " , ' g "'I"e<.! l.o II llL ,'/" l)t ~WII.\o;e1i Ii "~orU; ihltJptfng' th,: n". till ,mded be s~ld 1 ~"Ycr;ll ddqale:l IJril!l('r j ~ ~ ~ . ~ ; yr;o"JI b ..-ejJt!'l-g 1JJ1'! ;1:-i';t,r1.C!J~~ :f{Rrr,~.f end [.0'" (, r!'--'~ f l:i~:_d ! &co-IX! o! iwo an:~k'·' ';,-, U',,· P'-l)fX:~'(j ,C'Jn.o::illr..:0c'.- i,!; provi;do"u £I;r;nfl!.\<?:.ir'--R jJ:;IJCi' !',bil:;lr,;t~ ,,~e ,,"nOOi>art sY'f in,: ,)',~: peJtr. ((jt.:...-iI ;I~ ~~~~~'" 'c::-:: dwcr..> aft(; b,"la,/)f:;e~i'il!'" rr:lQr'r',.• , h \·n"ii ,~nl';'li!il~ \I) \1; lh.~i Uw;C:i!ilC'!':O wit be gl't fC'. , \ ' . , . 'J I'e :~hc C'Qn'I(':nl,:m k.·vc,s 'n~ C'.~·.'[ ',·Ud: J.,E ,,, ')':,o,:;,e .... ·ilf..·,.W;~ 11 j ;.(' rowe:, ",'JS ,'onhdext In th.llt k.glsla.i,JP(:0 lor "be kgl~la\u:'r; .1/\ cum tL;,~ . . ! them I11lo sroall-d.ililm ('O'.!I[:; \'\' k1rtg th 'it-licie. ~': C'J/D· IIle ;j~ii; i~ "In BeU;,: B a be, 0 Ck, R·Helena. 1 s 0 enoors-eci" tile legislative ! ttL l m ' 0 ~ r~po&e{j '" e!'ICD[!:tM th!' ]:,'f31 _'.' ehart.. 1go','ernme,n; 1I,\,r.," .!)n-WY . ur:lt~ !0 wri:l: ,.L., ,' • • ' ,;,.1,.), their l~~ l~e~:~~~~YTf tr,ei'I;·h-a(LftS.~G,:"";'l~r 1.lk~,-j .,i!l~: g . i pilSS-".;S. we WIU j GroUrer L.] have had our last constitutional I I n(:1-'i ,.f: M,rs. Baococ.Jt" .r..oendod ;,nd ,',.1,' , .(' C 1J~ u-" [, ea"~1ec[)!f~r--per a!) d(T,e-Il/] t~ i!:;wtnt'[ , e-a-5{ln f o r : . • L.' COT]~\ltul:on Lwn pro'lldlr,g "". (INn sr," !'Jr In!ngow::ij' . fCootIDue4 00 Page Zi VjcLname irnperial liL~() cut -and t!Je i t·he'd Easy Scan and Prinl V;t h-~n ~ t«mpl,;,r, t\~x_;k or New t)('tj~\~ (il-nnwl In!(:''~~ ,. "1-f;j, (;'(J{ ~~h(;><'r<J'Jtn ~n(! 2~ ~ riqj (!t:R! fm your o('d e::l" ~DODGE II II CITY I GIANT of the I WEEK ~ ~ I" E. S. "BiJtk" Haines He~lrt:>(.\ '" £m_pl-ll?fl'; Q{ !!,lountaill lldl \H.l-fk,{>(1 (or tnt' h'i,·· (or (,VU_ ~J ~-Ollli)-J;;lY 'i~"r~ and W1l'':< "e,:"; <;,cth"(> '(, MmmunJt)' ~rll<jn Th~~ 'Bud;" )-';";1 ~-e;i'l~ th« ('gfT(',11 '-'Co-fllmWltlly S"r:;cil (or tJ--H;' I!n" W()'~ he ]J(' hJl~ b-r,-cn a 1lw,t,lwr ,)[ ~ ~ ~i1 fli<,q IJH·,,~· U"Hw:! (ii,'a~;, of the L<,-wb &.: 1.(J.:f Am.'~;-i"~n lh(~ ('H)~-~ ~l1d mw-.::h, DB/ft;, ;',-'cepl ~J 0lH (h.~];b, :2 [rce. . (h~i1lp~gn" dirt n ~ r ~, al the Jill": .&.. -~-i;u.u!:!r.l IJJljllg,- e Sw€p&'!C:k Gr.t\JJt . i!1~';·1i ('Dl1S(.fWllU; i,~ ;ht: fiJ~u,e. l1Q{ jml fOr-1X\W.,C;' il-had- [u- be woujd a Jitt:t lJ1(,re ;Lb<:'-r2,: i.han el'rrv' ) ~OpGe I Easy Scan and Print Group Denies Organizing ,1 BY !dlTHlJR HUTCHlNSON jillBUOO" thai' ,~~TiJ1>~"J s, ~:fOull !!J\'e5."" S l"t \<I el' l ~~in., Dvring 'I~ e, rJ{ j on e: d a!J,:m( A. ;' ,J,'\,A' \if ;},<,,' rrH~,':tl~;,,, ~l;< 'Er,,"[i llw 1{,r):HJ Bldi , T"i,';{c ,,,.,, 'C''- by·lw.v' . c~ (){ lt~}m·t\hJlj<1;H'l, ;; {' ,alifiC,tUo!\ Cha-,iie:r t< <:p.,:"c'ill eJi;ci.ictf'. fWv.: (}J'l''1'lf:li'rm~-xl r\,po,-L1 ;, {l(nd ~h,:;1 d;~:ut;~ti'"d the It't'the S-WO.\((l, in Ti) co'Frrf:r 1)1 law ~,.t~d1!:ht>fN<i "<\"~~ ,r,;" C'l,;tr,«:i'}r~ ,It' tjl . ill:' r' dJjZt:'-"'5 '/f'o',cl; : Wi:f~ ["-if~n-el1 !o {t:t: '~,'d;~,;l:,~:~t;",'e" ,~_";lj"_"." " " _", , , _,',', sn (.1i\;;11f:;:,;\~i0i'l ' vw": g;Vf?T' iD'.lr(· ~,i).t~!;;)h~:_ .jl.L(, !~WJ}Li-on w;tJ:. c; lheJ-.,lwlL'lH" Si;EP-J'{::n:l,~~'~;:~I: {tlJm !h,: ,,!:v, d1.iF"'~' ;;;-s\ ;-r,o,(:,· ruk-.:i thai t,l.~t,:ton,ic! S-l.3ilI!. rdw fi,l;,j "1i1i..'ll·w·; r't}-""(T"lot1'~ 'V'''l'' l' '"f'he .' (' -; 1 . 'AC,"""""'" ,'jk'''':<i .... ~"d~;;'.Jil ;wd CiCt;11, C,,;:f. \r, ('~~'cu-ti"('. :.i~~!::;:-i:J,,~;)' M.;,'. "I ,h\' ,\\(If\l,,f',;' :'l<J~'l' T'n<TJ:!f-('iTt ,,'f tr,i' '! 'xJ ' [-';" ,Cl; ;,,,i,·d ~J ", [1 z..-n~. ("c'),lrrn;,r,~e i[)'{ r;;( .s C <' ret iJ '" :1,,· l1'f :1\>,-" lhr~~~_~~i_!~~'::,~~· ..~~::::!_.!~':~Y d «,::1, ~j,(>q:,i{;:,,~I;': ,h, '''''' ':l\C)'-'lf\"-~ ~fJ j{'., i; r!"f:~" ··."t,al Fd,d ;;;;id '-"/1"[ b~' art;_ i th~~, T",-ft~ f \r~dt <:J:'~('~'-;I ': Lodge MeeHn,ys M'n~-n~l Highwfi d,ic"",' ~',; ,» "t7 ro>""d ;1', ti ;r~'-,' ;JHT'K ;0:; (ri n..~+!1g in rho.' ,,<\~:>~~~:,::~~,~~~::;~~, :\::~ :~:~~~~~, ~~lt" ~',~~,l~:\~,~: ,\;{:;t':i<n:, ".'_':u:a~;'J'.:t \1\ \' .':,n'l->ll'i::l'~"; \:",'.,-,~\o.\t ~'.-;\ h"":~~ 'Y-nynt:' F.-M\:'-~,,\\l,\, bsu(',c\ <l SU1~"nl".m .,:,'f<',' nwg~',\ ,:,,,,-,1 \\ .1 :;>:~"u~-\}r',-'V."7' ~'"):{~ ~nr' ";\)y ~h:;)(' i.'iITlS1.P\l':bi);). :"loi:J[(,b",- D'(': ."\:'c,'.',<:,l 31 impt',"'r"m(';li :0 ,",Ish f\rr \\v-,;,-:~s';' A:j ami':! 'i":!'!" ;P""'img had \)f'l!D 0c~jvr for [i'>-;:::;:(","!2(Wn 'T !", (' ":'-;[llmiUl'i') i!1)!n{;';~4('dv :1',,,(1,: ls..>d~:".l;';;"·~~. ,\iAT'F:, disbf:llcbd bui m;;fiY mem-Pe~: ··W,?:'r"C nui [j'r..·.•;i",:- (it i.":'-~)il n'[orr;),,';,] ,'" ;~ 1"<1i\wl.<J{/.','dU. i'! g \~ ti c;: ,l! . ;:ur.!: .')iJ() (',~ now W ;,r'~';;I"~..[J"i.'rt~ f!'prT~,\:q,!<,d'ttl,'i1 {~an.r, ! ! In11) \! 0 11 ! a 1,-, ;;s'·">\·iti!N~ ,~y:n:;o,,;jwUI' " ...11,:, :"fl1 lht: Cl'H1stll\:-tk ,;;;:,~:,t; '::, ;~;:~:~i,(~,,'~:tl,:t!~i;~ ::,::~:~£:,~:;,'::::~;;~,,;~' ~:~i~~~,'~!~~~::YN::~~~ \ I,:,~j ~ em c'lle new d<.'Cum~'!:'.i,; '\ 'HJ(r.l) ,'--"t'/'C,;; :;, K"llh ",',"',", (·,~ep'i\~'''(' .'l-l::.'('fYlL:I1·Y , ,'-"", '~, ~'''''~, _"" . , T;')..F~!YI:'P "."}-":)!~1,'lli\J('1 lej{l:;Lt ~'<)-mi<:;Jl;~~\' w."~ wt c'<'-,~r d!;,,::;\. r",:",j~ip, ~ "~in"n)ii"" inc.j'vt!'f!: :v n~ i1{fXN· ..!'<;~trttJlu.:: ()::-!' l!' : (. ~n ',' I purp,s'r:5 ,\~arjD"" Easy Scan and Print 19 to Defeat a I) i ConstitutioR .~ A {4- t.;, 1;!1!.f' " p-;Y,.,ili<ln, H\' s-,ik\,!~nd,<jj'$CiJIl<;k)o crt UJ(l"~'<i~ '\:;llli:wbi.i;: A',,~,~"_' ;t'!'."11 :h" It'l.rd';!;',;n:' ,t,1'1 i,,,;. ,-n° ;', C I); rk8k"~: :\~':'." ,,~:,.)'i './,}, 1\:t"i{;A ("{)I"."t't);,t,:m :1', lh-("; \lmeuol. b-Yf,lX ::1) «. rn b (\,t>sw~ lh'k. nlfr.,th 'i'-~t1 h~(J,ilk ;,.:;;]j\; Me VfJ-nl't:!i<u:m dc-lt4S- altoJtj. t",,; 'i l Liv ~k~u:.'r:-,i) V,~IT');",;n' -" in-,; i V"'~' AR ,,'r '" ;........ '~,J, U tJ"" "'j::,., (J;:J-;:""-l:huE(o)';. 1;«)'>1' &<) CU,fN', 11'(: n):~d '';' ,,,,,,,,-,--. W' !l>-tt>'tI"i/,,,. I,';' (''';mW'!·t~, ',"",,"'~'" .hH ":elL &Ill '" "."",', t>Ji1' ."~,, ,_".<; .. ,,~,' "". "">~~: .. ,M",,>:'j ~..."•., d ....,t... _ .... i-" ,Gl'itJ"<_1'I, Hi~:t)W;j:j;dt <'::.~ _,~, (",,,,,i'~ -"... '''''' ''''-'V l}!'l ~t. '""".NH1,":I<i f",.,,,.,.,,-~·. j,(, C"d"" !;>''-'l:,j'll-ji u,,< '" :_""; ,,-<'.>Vb:<,. ··"",,·Ily ... ~ _;"l~ 'j" ",J,'t,'"'·,.::."-,, r ,1(>(::,W".:-:: '>! 1be ~r"F f;H'~(<': :,:",t; 'C 1?.f' 11:"l' ;':.:,.:,,! [.'cr ,"(1:,: ~ ~ ;: " ,"'~;C :i,~ ,v ,';;/~ >;'cA",ING, 0 ..",. ';;<K.O''-<' A"":lV~ N",,,,,,. M",~"...... I'·" "'''}' ,h,; D(*:nj c.:-!; C,,'dC\>,rj r t:>:;nOJ. ~j,Y,;.!-, ""'.n'cc"I-----..................................................~~~ .............~ p. li.:J- l'."-'CI'..J''il ;'~·!L'~' ,ill[ <.",j':i :,,;,11'=-0 ,Ti:,)lh:-y "Vin.:· Helena's Television ":i' frn;;;~ CHANNEl C:U KlJTV 0.\ KXi.,.f" '>«I~. B:}O Fi~tt 'ilh."'~:Y,OO PlEASl Non: ,"M'H~"5;"j{I I>< ',i:lo- ... n h,;t to",~b-~ iJ<~if.·" ".,s· \4) t(CPX ('l' K}L-TV (~: kHQ.TV Kllll" (9) KRtM en $TAllON NI-e...-.k~ C'HANN'fl Lo.kol. S1'AnOtri n 1\ l(U10 (1 ]'. KfQ'~"·· ~i~ A~LK; -~""" A.8C-es.s.--w-t FoR« ~~ NlSe-s.~O'_ • 0,""......1 S Dt.....r ." Cb-"",,,,.,i 12 D<,~ ••• C),<>1l-A.l 10 ~ N'K----A,IC -H.'k_ ',K '-'<I'r h~ TUf5-DA Y EVENlNG ~·l'~~..., ~"..".., "'~~ 'J.: ,.... [..,.<~,.~ c~''''.''''"~~ T·",,.,, ... C=_'..."'.... (.1 *""""' ,1, !-"r, i,,.,..,, 'Ln' I~~ '~~"" D"",~ Dkr. P-"""" ..." •• d' I}, .. )', ~~~;il,,.~";IM)'A! I....,"..H Ifh',-<) n, 7.-01 'i~""" a) \\."ho-r'. ~~ •.' nl', C",,,,*",,,'; "H' A-nd-rMel'l SIGH SHOP-} 1#31 EudJd: (oj"" ~;~'"1~I"Oi,' set· : sub-- t Ham! the; ! lPin.; ihc': r Ul- ? C-oJ): Si'9n 1.1-'.1)' '01.--',~ Nw-d a ]'JO,l'ho: 0-0£\ \\do ')')1 ",~", ),1,,,,,;<> ~ ,~ ~ ..,. D'!' ( •.,,,,: (+u'''''!' (". H'....,.,.,,' ~•.,!t1> (Pi - ';"'''. '.~j ~,=~ I.) to," ·..·""1·' N y ' ...... TA,K".... it I--!"' ' ' ' 'i' h"",-\ A, I'i~. S« " ;" I.,,.. "nd [;r~"",!1l (~; l!..".i'I~!:r.l T.... :). A-a>?;;,,"", i'l" "(',n,,,,,.,,:-- ,.. ",,,;~ 4433185 ~!~'C W""'.V, IN, Uf,*, p'. (1'1 M'''~H >~, !,'" N."-''''J' w._ " KRUSt LUMBtR Easy Scan and Print Easy Scan and Print The l.-.depe!1dt....1 R!&"d, Helene, MenfUM. TlmdoV, Mutual Funds MoY_f.liJ'n-:::, Lucas Supports'Constituti._' Easy Scan and Print ~ostersBroke, !'n IJli'~I'('Tf:i"fry (d !i'[ni r; " ,OmhoJi )': the Montil:t11J (\'ll;jtHlIU<.'iM! Cor,· II 'I ventJ,cltl. the (] I fie c;- s hiivt 1; l.~ duty 1.Q e! them 0pC!l them ",nd Btl-j:-;\"l'r Jo[1.,g...as U,ty d,~n'~ "'p- liS o !plv to votcr edll(·..atiW.· Ti)";,k a i ~id 'I f I}~:y IJ!1PI y VI \'o-te-r' <:"0 a en.J ~,: fiji. r,,:,;-!(" H <~xt)'i', $:L"itte, lkp.l["t·ii n g ""'jl':n,t,m , .-,! A(}-nin~tr!lliO{! din,ctor! ~udf '--VI,:-!' ";Ii :"0 dRiLU-". tnr C,',flll"';;t'h)[l:"lJ.LID:i U\.ij,', =l)h I:!:! e'CiliOJ Uoo ~~{',·t(';('z will t1V Jll:i i).f] ;})", "'f·m~i,'..f'.- hd.:.~";l:::itr;j'!~~ t'\wl.r n>(cn~ \",)~':'r ~J\W'-' \ ii.'" ,·,.'.l~'~".-d''''\'''J;·,.\r_~. ru1!y lil H!1 pi1W~)ij b(;ak n·';· i;i"k f."" ,) !,:,(:t~ I :~',,, [,\{ ;~f :),;!~ '.q·,~L; ',,4>,:<-l'.oy{,$ h:><:>J; ~n,:l;r.y [n thc:uti1-:gthe , ')"~- ',1,'( "" ~ '-" I,,",:: '''e"~j' .' i~-ed A()"'~',ll'-lJlg1HQ(..-de.r ~.~ lli.~.I·k.,lXt.l ~lP·j !1"~(,:,, p t ; lOr ::h-.c:!.I1 l] gr-iluJ) C'i·.TI"l.h~,j{id. 1'<!('.~J)wh!k ,'i" ']1)-:}I",(t'. ,\ C n \ iI-'bU5'iltt"'S~,. \" ';:'::-Dfij \';"S;"g!;-. ,ig,:nj,.-:~d '.-,-",C' t"Jute,· th;l],~' :tj,-:: 'M.' ,1i'~" ':)lfn;nkl~,.(j'i!~Y;1" we'\' 'km ,,\'{'q'~: I' ::'r~,~ ,","::\i:>1, :n :tnd - ,;,-J ,',.d ;""', L'-, \f '-'}(1 C;',r.i'! ~:,.li"~ t' Iii, i n"{"l1t~:; A~J-(!"'.(>f F. we simp',:; tun; '.hem :iUC<J'dOI,'., But Unbow e- ' "c i Xl, '.1 Anti-Constitution Forces at Work? :t, ddr.;,t It," TO(.th:: Si';{' H<:, do:hn('(j \J..} ~j~' WhOc"!l ik !u'oup:i hf" h ,. ii,' ). )f' r'",!~ij)1£ ~,:llll\kln;JI ,0 ~- u (O!~ V ~ n t: e d b \1 S t;!\.'UPr,. l:;'-;~ n,'" ;:,n>- Ulmpa'.f;11 fl- '".,''f'-' onn' bejH,g s<iJicil.;.:i ie,: !Jj;i·nr $: ~j><; ('cnsUl:,; ,.~~~ t(\ C"')f"nt:~ft~' !.. :tih,ng" ;;;'l\} til' i;J..';\j -,.;y "'''11(' '.,: ,~,jtif ;;:,$OC'\'", J"n:;.- iE",,;, :'.fJ'.it i:.,l ilw pn;j)o.'.. ,>':i ... '\1 ,":;Il,o, ;[\)(,<.'11 rCr'D·~{·;; ii' il '.--(-~, .-..f the mt:onnnJ Inlel': n;cn ,:'.1',' f;(\!X' UK p·uj)j!( J, efh)rl lD ddeat :1\(, 'ici thai m':4x,y ;" ,~ :"'-',1", W("dn~,:>;i.ll.y lj-,;-,; x- ,!;\-Ian' .11i11 'jwrt h 11 !p mil'"",,li (:.!Hn(~ ~~(,';}\l-');,";)d i(~kC',~ lion "'1 ~, ,",! _~',)j :i i [', ,- ~ ,; (,,-,>n:;H.-ts ,,:·tl... f! ,,~, .p;>,·:~~'~rie!',t ,d d{>,"'1,lt('. clr,")i;;L- ty...: !iJ,~f~llw"" (.t ;(' t.h~: M (> n: i) n ,j ·..'\~S()C::~~i.;(.,,; ",( HI Ii '-he rH"n<:y .. : ".';:·~l1d r<llht'r ;·,o~ t,'" q~,,)~~ o·j Uw ('n ttl,,;, b.,'·(',n;,·<c I (a~~, l'.r, ....- ' ~ lind \r-,id( I'", ~'j}d. 1i~ ,,(i,i';'.i :,1, i;,J",-, 'JU', Li> gf;L','t-{ C a nv c n1i 0 John Toote' s.aid ,';>f'- !Jlil[ ~)m'l p..-;sr'(j roew co-{'I~I"wi('." 0;: Zoies 69-pc. rronston<:: and glassware combinoJ ,,1, ;~i;, LW ;J.5:Y'Ii.:il1ti!)-i1 ~,~0f){by deTIN.--,j ',L ,,' \!-.c; M" r ~ i i\ :5100.006 slusb hmd to' kill :h(' [)(il"\< oJ",.:""""",,; CQn,Ututjon 'j' 3988 Compl~~ $ lromtt •a dlIl • 6"-'F .,~ .' lmll~Wnc glXl! hum OVCll bJ !:I;bfe! ''''8 d ·p/..m ~~.:::.r:..uJw.;~':.~~ M'dl~pr:lcdl,,:::tU".~~ sl-~~l'<':tl L':=============~ .~ ., "'" Fl>'Q..l" ~tQM cndIJ pl__ ".... u...'We u., ~M:~~~;'75::~~0..'1" W",'.", (nntinllinn nil. A..... MIonti. nl M.. u t,.. 01_ ~" 'Son-- Easy Scan and Print ; Broke, But Unbowed to .5€'CreLary oJ .stnl(' ,. (}:nr\{\~: mi\¥in.[ :h"" ~"HU:I>-l':!'!f' \'.it~;)g,-d •.'k·K;'~';·-:'" \("'~; "is! ''-''''r",;1-:- if"'l:dnti-og B &ilxty.,·, Stale Depi'Jf \. In l<: 'Tlnl"::ri ~"'J:I j'dilllI':';\'r"',;;I'(iidly ill ,11: :n,Jt ,'1\mo;:l-' in UJ(' U::1)"/:1 !.tr\~ nn"",,""'" ,"l~~l""l :l){"'eplt,t'(l by mcnl or ArfnlU1!ctratloTl dbx:wr ;;:tiin (1',:if:. I,n !t;;:',r Ih3YD.J1J:b'Jr,!;"His no dld[n.~ fm <'f.mv('nl\,," dd\i~J~ l)j.{,; :;fi:.' H)d~! nCi ;'flifl ';\,( ""< "I; ( :\j)\'en-!5.inf:H1.>(~I,f'T ll!ricr :II 1'(1:.(:'; i;~;UC';-l~i(l( 1,1 l'f'fM,),)': ; for ',i'<t' -:ii l!r;;ni' b<;'!w't W'C V\ll~.r l~UCI]UOO <'i(~r-V\CCi; wi,tl i)C \{!':i{nw('J;r, ',.~,,:l ;':;.'.':';" p: ,- (- 1:' '. ;)-' tlu..~'~r"')7;~'_" '1'<.\Qk p.;dd hy his dep"l'.rnn('.:1J• V~('U~i:- . ~:';: ~r;;,,":, S,:;lr :!,XlV" E \' i1.!;;.! """ :H,'<i) ~:'Ii;:1TH\':H!: Itl"'" w" l,~ Just h.u'i-'e to tilSt' llVl'f" th~ [).:}!" Ie :~:"-: ""'tit f(',r';} n:rdilr; r'U-"i,~ ,"j" \l ':~·,.U.'·i'-' ~tl,.'.f i.: 11 ',,; :1',' T'..;·\ stitution Work? cid(:!ll it 1\Y.A,~ ;";,lld. i k oediJ)ed to ~t\ wbj{1'; ,;:;""ci nc' groups he [! (. ) ; t ve i; H; t" n;l;>,;:lg the mOiWj' it: Zoles 69-pc. ironstone and glossw,are combination --------=: . 1 \'\'\.IJ.d ~IJi!:ei riO~ l:-ei'nJ\l;t{i \;-1;1:, b-::OlUS" 1 ..:Iu·,'! he :;'<lid He ildd-eG his <:(lmp sl",-,-mJ·n.".;l.d :1 ,I ~ in e ~ , ('c)t)l"ci" WIH (0 q)l:t....-~: u:!r l~\ (Jill.'!, ,;itlJ(l\'.gf1 ::l{\ITlP of th,- bl<<i',,· tf21de iJ~S()(,'!8tJo-':... h-;;~',. ri,Ci\it~~ or Ule!' i)!;>n tt ()):tIX.'~' p·nr! of c(tn~ In,, :t"-rrt'~('T,','i] lll\lUur, \,ad\', a~s(tcil1\i()n Mt'nOJY Ix.'n-:; thev :1,1: r '" ,Ult; info-nnill .'.i: pr(;;,""~"-'J l),",·., 1~i',t'"'::::J;i,\""" 6-ef",,;,~..;:! $100.000 s.lll~h fund to C'nns.tiiuUOO :\'" ,;; ilw ts by 51. Thom.o~ YQtlJ"c~t~pl ..n, Ii~bk ill C£r1'''' iI 9: Sc: 'Id 6' :UU')~~OwP "~ Easy Scan and Print ~1>'::-'. -, ._~. ~~~:~:_>: ,:~~,~~t«cG:"d, Rmno, Moohme, ihundqy,M-ay~" 1972 P~e of Comment . '. . . ',"- -/"1" New Era of Concern • litllll ,-' UI=n • Good evepjl.lg, AA you Iu;v{' M'Pon In )'O'.,lr and on your t~k'\1­ !don screens l-n U~ 1m.t few 1l.eW3pa-~n 1 t ha.~ been o!~ntt-ed M a Oood years of blowing dust. k~aL- stung tht eywi, c\iniroJ r.kvlel:: .'IIH(C it.$ rUling In coated lawns, buildings and crop-s 1Gf>4. for I.n:>.l{'\.J)ce\ whJle fhu:t.l,J~~ and Bitted _ll1toevery co-mer of tJ:on of rese.ryoh Icvdll ic(l mudtheir home-s,. Tow-p~qrJ)d area [(wi· Uak'i Ilnd blowing dual. TIlls probdent.. are Itnall'l-*,bedule<l for lern w@.."-1l't. accounkd for In the ortgin.nl plans. It wa.<;: one 01 t.he some relleL ~rsu!!:ering through Contracts r.av-e.;-J)een awud.ed and. work -wUl ~.-sOOn on the Hut s:tage of a $5 rn::tllion dike and canal system to '~{J: the Canyon Ferry dust probl¢a'):-:'once and tor alL There are ot-h.ef":ben·eflts too. The d ike s wm c.re:at.c nearl y 2,000 acre-so! prime waterfowl habitat. The work wtli tenant the tocaJ economy, ar4~contracta are being awardeq t<i;~tana !1m"'. thllfik hea.rtlmlng But ooe of resulto of the wlliJ~fepJ.me is Ule indWatlon that ''iiji, government agency involved. the Bureau of ReclaJ:nat.1on. 13, l~n1ng ! r 0 rn J>~p,.. ~[lj;:!l~~"J!;llQ _\ieVj;:loping a"ewa.ttitude toWlIrd t~ projecu. and the1re-lfectson the entIre en ~ vlronmental, eeoooml<aJ ond sociAl system.. Harold Aldrich, generaJ dtrector ot the B~uo.f Reclamation, ltate<l"*,,,UYt!l&.t the manage- ment of Canyon Ferry tor all p0s.- sible mUlj;1purpo.se uses has, of n.ece.$$ity~ been a compromlse to meet· the demands 01 pUblk In- terret. Guest Editorial d.l.l)'1i, I tll!W' ~ eoo~ coounI~ W I~ in Vld141fT'l.O:nn.l111m- .,he 1v1:lU\CW1 S-rlI(Ol1, tQ dclend tbem, thing lesll ,tt \e-ll you Policy Act 01 19ti9, however, along with other leg-MJation relating to pollution and the natural envir- there were more than s.oo,OOJ American sol~ in Vietnam, sufferIng up to 300 ca.sualUes II eeonmical consequences ot such projects, agl.tin,·j,[ vt!ieTS wboh .., Toolght I wHI want First let IDI,l' remind you- th.at when 1 took IJ"ffwe, In 196'9, It is high time, indeed, that we had a new era.-an era 01 concern for all the ecological" social and ~ven tOI"Cml, >,;110 ~~lp vi d~' Il J Sootl1 VictMHl-e.$(! e l(.men~: I;.,;,v~ ~-e:d C(lQt.rol of The National En."ironmental The gDv'e.rnmenl is learning. Hopefully this new attitude "'ill 8pread to other government agencles, parUcularly the Army C<Jrps 01 Engl:neera who 'Will build 8. dArn or dlg a camiL-at. the drop or a. h.t Illmply for the engineering challenge lnvolved ~ otheN3 be damned. regardless of whether it i.3 rea 11)' needed and without thought 01 Its loog-nl.llli''' efte#'. cue ~tor1i w~ -by ~ i!it liO"N I ~an to lJI.et':t that challenge a.nd bring I'lUiting pea,(.~ to Souibeut Mill. era, ll.1drich wid. 111U3. Canyon Ferry Is no longer considered simp-iy a storage reserv-oir. lla water, the aIr above it, ita plant and aninw Ute and the people and lahd around 1t are all consi-derations ot hO-w it should be ope[a ted. II- clelJ-T 10 y costs thAt aocleiy and. the t'ColOb'J paid in ex.cha,nge for ot.her ~n0­ tit8 dertvoo trom th't dam, onment, have ushered in a new port from AI it II'Jlv~ M t week, By 1m I ltad reduced. the troop ceiling t.o 50-,000. 'T'he struggle against !.he OJ,m· mt:l1ll:s"t en.emy-b-J,ul beerJ c.arrif~d on by - the South Y~a me-s.e th£m~-lvea. Their gallant army, under the courageous: leadership of President Thieu, has stood up well dfJttne ~l these years_ even wbeo. taking caStlpJtie3 as hip .. 1.000 a ..... The Unite4 Statea hM play~ rl-s part: ~n the contiootng defense of freedom 'by flyIng ~jr anrl naval .support. When the North Vietnamese seized. Q'.:r30g.U'1., Hue, Kontum and other cttie! In their great of[ens.1ve of HJ72, we lli~Y pre\'eNed them tro#HcapltaUzmg 0f1 their anned e"lJ'n que e t by d'tstroytog those citie!. New btvaslotJ Thl-3 year again the CoITlnun1st invaders have struck at the oorthern and central regions of Souili V'1etoa:m.., The gains they were able to lriake wen: cow:t- ere:! by what our l:nteUigence a.ppraisals show was e-xtremel'i heavy damage from the air in all area! they cout:oL But then, last weekend. lheTe' came a c-aref~~l)'. planD:? aoo brutal taJ,:OO\ However, I you that .Am lng 'OUT ern.b<; tersinSal evaded the d 10M Sooth Vif made their \ Camranh l?unkl'" and ~ J ., .... ",,, '''' (If elC_CI"fIC,,1 [xAIl.',~ sUI I , R:o-vlmpe-l tr-ill}uj prng- ,.,,"'_.........·w·, I' Easy Scan and Print ''''''''--''''." ....,. ..."'" r..rplJl!ncell-wh~ power 110llfce ge-ner;')(~ poliutkJ:'t'l M -wclJ ttk-Clrii:'lr:t-, ~ m,,(k"rsi.r;d? In olll wordf., ~1)(J\!ld dhl..(,n.s ~; ~-!l"p.::{,'ted 1l.1> ~r (tl mAkl: IHljuslmcul.5 in t~.(~if H.vlng I;tyk" and ilOl rely w!l(rU}' on I.tx~hno~0gy !tJ~Jl.V0 il:1cml','t'ht;~ 1m)!) rrKI1'\~ N:>;lI)O'F1k.aJ lIt!"e", al reOO'Ur-t.'e-B'! lfiug'h L~Ur:J' Il!wnl flnd t!;r; roc<mt re-pLJrts on art pollution':> .s(lJ01X1fO-NiS W b:e C/tU!!t'! t-IQi- t:or i-"C~-­ \'i(' sirni::3'ln, but fot b-&0Idri$ rne<l~t1r'c:; riOW to the •...'-orF.8 and makLrlg hard_cr, Oi's:.c !}l.IbHt d~ci~!-ont. Supports New Constitution l'Ai(N. )Dde-fX'ndent He,.-.;nrd Ha-~'r' VO\J iLudJ0d It-,e prop<nmd n~w ~tHUl.ln ~ H~J n! yOlJ cvrnfr"'lTM it witb lI:.-r, ji-r-c.:;l::nl Of!'!!? The M1Y 1)I"1{' iil a gr.lvd dl)C,·J:1nenl. It d~ whlll n-eeds to ~. clone In th~';(}ry thE: H w.j"Van-ce_~ Mun~n.a, f~.tlnl!ll );;w of lind r»c.~ lXlt ff'~l:r.eJe I)\I! gl~''-:-5 lhe ~e ~h fl-talr: 0 tf \ C 18 -thzir eJ:,;,(-td l~, fe\~j~t'i-\t){'~, county C(lmt'f"J$~iot',ll'r-:\ and (~lW r,-ffl.cen: ihCl po....." '..f to tn~iet ~;l"'~ 1lI1d 111-'itXl! et'fldsj(!:fJ! j;\t-~,-Q lIi~d "'lh<;<n th~y Q'~ ulj-d~T";(i!l)d H AD: $t.;IJJlCorl(' w!w m\gN know. lIke, yuu:r C"JnVfl1' Don del egB.l.~ e,f yO""U" allom,') n,t': bl:gg.;-:;;l pr-oh\ocn in MOD t~£'-'I t-OO.;ly i,~' tht In~bj!jt,;, of ~1.;Jir. ;)r;d 'kl'~i1i g()\'m:'lJn-,wL~ to {lniloce Lilt; rmJlli:pli:city ,if :>(1''<'p.:r~pi,,' k:J;$. 1~;<tlhbt(\tI' tn r.:1\Hl)' In> :t(Jj!1C'<l'.s. 1'br,. !:!*""" OI1C k~ n,;\ .;:". iJcu;lIlHy erith~ to I-J:~ (':fIf! 1i~ l:hey everybody _ K::<-cll of 1],nO thjng:,~ to cnli<;'ile 'j.~ !J.,{t!. m1l:S u:p,ply ~D \'ioo-a,Hy \n~ UJ-f: gD(>d .'"0 [l""f' V.hr.lii.lilliJ,ly (,u!w"'l~t~ th,!' QU~ L:-'i.r.«,:; fua t "'T .m-Uil-l >:It! Rd bidlin:d H 1" , 2 r \ y eye;:~ q\J~";,l-o-nilbk 1J;H':l'i i}f ttl!' pr~''.':f.-;It ("';iil,'i;ilUtl-~-<!\ \I-',m\jlb~e ~.,;,~ h"~T, d.-:-IIC\£"d and ,~ :-E"-'~r..'d b the f:e'Il' Ofl:f; ,,'ill tf ~X:T~ :..; t~~'.(~;:.t;;ti-.,,-!\ l'idt{-i.,'). \~ -1l rMK~hn ] I'l~;' .'l-' i'ir"t ;;li'!~-<.l by eN- :~:t _f{{;<;_ci,'1'l llfKl p,lrHnJ !1l:r\j by th~ IH,\,>r.,,iJ 'A lh (kbt li;;-l,Hs fDr (' C'W n ( j f' $. a.r,Q Io\Hl~ ",,~ \'idi Il~ th", P'0P;~E,t'~1 s\",l!' propoe:rty "P'f1fii1S{\!m.:;j, vds b-Irl uJ:Le::r /)'1,cidyJn.og t/"->-!) D.e-;<; (,,(,Hstltulkm _ann cmnparir.g - it ';;'ith the: dod :000 l.;'1~ s:\.nlu(e-.~ if1yt}jl'<:d.t ('(In[CSti my fears lYr:.n~ \.wfounoi:.,-;J m,d I found the:t [he 1:>e'0p:h: !!1nrJgtl 1:eg1tl.s-tkm wW ~t", i±w ,,)k~ Hnd laws IUT un]- ttl!'! lot'\;', '""0- $iJl"V~ i11i,.~ a-r,J oUw-r i<:i::dutiv<,; p f i) y;m,~~jJ. wi!; h,> c:rnfr.g V1)Ur 6l!:l_l-€' ~J; ("I) CUi1.,'1li~\lI.inp. i,,1-l'-nd-~ VO~i k'f 1'(101' Th"n yO>l f' \1' ):c'" IH:W d·:: f:: HjrhC\rd!, \1 ;tppr"bi:lb and COUrlt" B!1{i miUt{l-n~ in l~tXlJllon earnings km!. We could go through !oil fourh'e:n articles. Pl('as~ do it. You will lind rhe bclanccii- really f8,'or"r,![, for \'O'~_ Above aU ht!'>·!:: u.:,~n the Endman' -don't <lLltOJi1<\1.i-c~lly~-ote agi\in__~t. it because you think yoo dM't PWi~r (',)Uki run l' !icon '.-11 Mii!':,,~ mIll ;''1'G ,''".gain, lh-c;:'f' W\1U!c kC:e;fI on a.nd'h('r ,'ou!d end IJp W] money til opera bllU6ing.s ii lile {'Ii cf..angu( >lfe rwl'\" Wr .oJ ;tK'lill .~P-<H;{' {Of gl c_ It Alld(Of$Ol').St i:>t' ih-ll- tn.l;p<l:Yt' {o) SmUllly{';,n .jwll-or high ;T)j)Vl,1 the lUQhi"r loD mrd~c :'':{If CHy n_ .-iInd,e:r-:'>r'et" <lnd ;n '-'!1l.'ilrttctkm Says No to Two High Schools J.~Jit()r, Tnfl('jX:~l~!'n~ R,,~'d C'\.-o th~ (;l);rT"';5'-cr~ of Heir';',:1 ll.\g)i x.hOG: D1:itr,'L'( ;,lhn; add\tion-al I,Hf'S f-or lVi) :Hgi: ,<,,:it<.;J.!.<! C~n o\.<; ~iJ!d, ,I:"" :<1{'Xc il ).(]',%'('r '-Tuaif,y (J{ P", '~.'­ ! \ jet": Q:1 \(' r,:t·~t L;gl' !jcho.1h~ Wl' ph' t\ 'JD ~,.() q;;tniity ;w.,~·j !,'......) ~k' 1,iC: qilii\; j~\ (,s~;,t" 1'i.!;JC,lW.'1.1· it w-iJJ p--rnf;l:;.tbly k,we: ~J ,:"11 cthJcHlwn if two hlj';h :;>:r~x;!5 lis>':':j they r:;'.J.~'; '.x l-:.jlhl; if; 5_}hjt-d 1I'""l-;,~rl;,i ':hfcfV r,,('ii;U_C~;. ,;-·~··kctt fh'('jji_i!;.'::S_ (,-.c. Un, tie tJk.'if. O:!l,dHk,,,~. ( I~ r l ;; i :1 ~i.<ll 11 0 b J 1': (: t :i wrH fl('l Ix: laugh" if \,i\i:n' d(e 11(,1 el-'7etf:in i·nj.er(:El.(~1 .,i-',j(le'~L" l" w9:rranl ttl.. . ~ it.<"1G ~_x.p-t':n'le.. At- pn:Mli'll 1h~y d~'M.:'-5 gr<!';;ter l.e-'-'l.<:-nj-n~ at", :;-<rme ~.i \iarLe~)' Of li,-eJflwre for r~"&:<lrdJ. Pre-·v0-Uoch l.a-di:iUes nt oni; school m~an pre.~ f1.lC"ili· ti.e.~ ;,1: l_h_(' NIl:,,[ scfJo.:)1 ..- ivhi;tJ01lJd Under Ul high ('.:chooH k'J-f' 1&ad. 1 ~ uy Y-C'IJ "b<2 !lot Mf'Ord th~ dllr. o! t'o'f-D :Ie J i i. Oll!l i y.-p.:v< ":.1", r')otns. pre.. : ,,~;. :wd 1i.bnlry h;il!i a: on,' plil-(~(;,_ 20 let 2~i i"f:r ((Of\{ '!11(~ ':;~Iy »iil;.' \ ':;('j ;Jff:l'ent 1",., h1gh '-'ott ':if:' tor til C~ J; ~Ylng Hdf'..n.,a $emor High .Y.:il01~,1 (hi.: 1. C(,uJd not Of !;u.lj!,.hl (n(:th0<4 m'.l{~h rnQ!'"-t f<itri~.'l:bfy 1Y.-':,iU,l,'i'.' elf t!w 1'1d. of :;(ud<2T\\ ;h.,.n M-' pn,:u."I\\ in{e:r(t~( GOO moo!,,:! 111c 11(~"'- c~)n...liluUon ,.'hf\rgt':~ ~('.·h $d¥;Oi ;,;", i1 ix- ,~'J:i-red l)j(' l.('~btlll-'Jrc with "uid 11(('''-f!i[tll~Hi{~' f(){ ~r in';'l\~'· . \I)' narc 1\ lbni.r)' (j-! aP'[lfO"xi <1l,llleif Z(l.lXKt U~i-(': \' o! u m e s. 1J\,'-ni o{ H"le mooney !n5!.ei'id 01 With.o"e ::>:."·e',,,-,: W( C("i'J:!{j .hil,,",' lh,' pn~~;C'f)l o':,-.';Iem wller;- poUt;· cai appointe-I.,," oflet\ ;:1.'1~' )ez !l {;(J,iXlr; ,!~.!_," \',:,Lum(; Hb-rR!)', mHik-n:; Lie kife in deman<J I.lC· giving ,hi.' ~~;'lJ'kr;·'..s P,C(.'(':,SS t-O a :,,,m (t:de Thi.~ expt:'n~"" ~ChO\.l)5i~ fnr this new I'I'lHr·l :;~1I i:.:J\ lWJ ek>tf l",IJ,I,,?e-h~!1l Si.'ik':'i:r,crI \ ' ()'j,,! Mcit':d C'Jti:n;t~ linG (IUt,:"'. ijf".d fr',';[Tl ~-p-.robl<"n:; pre&':ni Mn-liUi\l\kn r~­ ll-~rid(l n~ P':H\'fiJ.' 0f Uh' 1,...gl-rJ~ (d Tni~ 5UiitjJ-oI~ wil] t~ ii \1J~W1b1[', !o\"_!: IT,rr Qdp\r,_g '-The !.\rn~, 111;'114111\1 pubU,-,_ :reA&llrk:li r, J'Hl1-or high iK:tx Iw thr t;;x:p.ayl'l ,iW!),ocJw,J!. pr,< 8niJu, t.1"y want [0 buLl<!. auot.:fr pre~!C' T'!w ;'( ,ie' ~...(}.,df:ri\J1 )<0 I high :;-cn(r.-)is ioto ""l~h iiw-y lo cre !~m,\ ,.)[ iiilVil1R t'il i~';'t~l ;l":Y·" ;hty J1fOI}i"!ll~ 'wlth :th at SUn~!E~en bei [ r {lin Ult rest :wh'-tOL A"~ one hi ~ :lid "'l~j] ,'}.'Ok{:-d wh,:\c( "-he thought sr:r.~Xlb: "'If yc-u ¥ r (, lJ P 5. rurl1,o!ng Jc~t l1a ..'f.' l-wo big yr,nd;o-tl'lbelje p'?!JJe-ms with tW\ lo the p<ire-nti'of 1)<)( the Ildmini.\ln !w_vin~ (W() !:tigh ~> IV 1~ iH p-ret-€fll !aIge--:>t high ~hoo ClUes y;jth l-\,.." hi, :..h al are larger i;of stw1ents are E l"alJs and MlsSO'Jlj wa~ indk_;;!l'.D in 0- 'J!p.tio", we S-hCMid "'("':r,)L~: b~l [igur ; 0 day. arid pro; Easy Scan and Print ,-eLLe/.) LV LI Le. L ULLVI I iL AtlIl: someone who w, like your ('1)nv~[)­ I~e or your attom('y :esl probletn in Mon" l5 the lnabiJi[\' of loeal govemmeni.~ to ~ multiplicity of ;icrve demand from the. surie,!i, This new con· ill be a vll;uahk ({wi wIve thi! and other "this new consUlujlO11 t'Olnpclent sli.l(esmen. legulative. p t' 0 fill' yOl.l.1"Selj wIll he g('V l,f 5tate' itS our ntYo' 1 intend~ YOIl '0 (lI! Hichanb I City No to Two Schools JrfX'ndent He('()rd' taxpayers 01 I klen."]. Ql Dlslrict a!lord the tilX~_S {or twe, hig~-, ~'an our 5lUdi.'lHS af\'rr quali;~ of NIJClI -10 han' ;'11'0' hl(.h tr junior high scliool 01 a laLer date, This txpen&~ "10"-100 tilt1><lyer could run from out: mil· lion to b.'o million ool1/1n Again. there WQUld be mort upkeep on llnolhr.r buiJdin.l\ WI' \:OU.Id end IIp without enougn money l(} 0 per iI t e too maily buildings 11 lh" 'nI1iJn(~ing of ',h~ :raw schools' is ch...nge:d rww Weare short of _da!$- room sJ}ilce fw grade school 13\ C R Ander!lOTl School. Would it he ·tl) the wlq)a~'er'500vantag~ to make SunhaveII lrtOO a tnrJ». rcar . junior high x:hool - re:nove the junl6r hi6h !ram C H_ /l.nden;;Q:f) and do aU of our ,-o-n~tr\)('Uon :rt the present se-n· IQr high school? We tunc the land I sa-v yM bN:2usc we canfl<;·t "lIo-,d' the'· dUplic;Jt0n' Q'[ the P):pl"l1S-i" of two sc-boob Thfl add ; t ion a I ~paN' requited lor c!:.I.~'f\l(rrI1S, pre,.v0·l~h hleillU'~5 ;'IrK! JibrO'lry ~ili":1' 'iln be built :J: p.)l!c(',;:It 11 silvmg of <)111;' 20 [0 2:.S j)0r' (.'enl ilS i.axtJay ('I5 elm j';-f'I'f>f11 ~\Jz:-h W::I,5t" Wlt-e 'IXl k,~' for th:o: hii9-"J school bono 1',;-lJe The !-"r-SC111 110 S llmJ!latord Praises Bank's Efforts E-di1Df. Tnd~V':ndffi\ Ht<"'ord We \.i1ins. ,tw l.'nf',)fl lInl'.k hH5 do-n-e a '1\;pkn-did :>l':fYin~ 011 lX"· half erf .;..ecurlng br<:>iYk.r citu.""fl partwipation in the gv\'err...l1wnl pr-ocess by t~ 5-erit'~ of H~1S\S-· te-r and Vol.: ild5 t!tn' hlll'C pub-lhhed in l'h f !nd(':~).('ndcflt Heo:-nrd We under-suoo'lh.1l the mil:;;· The only way ',\:e h<t\'D'.g two high ~'OI.\i is. til no! nerd 111'(' h:gtl gIV{' (\-UI" y'1:>ung pe,)it), education; in !<let. b..'l.bly lower the quail. pre--school cen$US-, show It will about the saIDf! ror ilie next !~ri )i--ean· -o:r ~ go ~'11 as much, a 5 400 "tuden~ It i.e: time £he UlXP/lyer W8..'j; given l!(IC1"le ennKkkraHor: .- ~be balklt l.B Q\tr only IWS'Ner Vote "00" tor the high B(:-!-.Qol 0000 l~'-SUC .5~a)" school board did of a r:egi.str"t;",!\ la!Jle in Ihe bank has :-.rr-tr, ,i rn.).tl( s'..'Ccessful PI'O)<,e( i D gai'ling rt1)lstratJoo of Sl'veril\ hundred voters for lhe impvrtMlt r0ruti·. tntional rabf\c'al:ol1 prinu,r)' e.\e:<;lioo June 6: Imilll('f> Wants Opposing Views Voiced EdJ"". ~l Recoro The April 30 Il:Ttk-le concern-I n g COOIititulional d('legate' written by Independent Record st"ff wrll.pr Ol.'l:rles S Jo-nn&Ofl ends Wlti! an tfll,..-re:>ting note statin& local dele.gRtC:S .wm next . d).s('U.~' the ffie<ib !JUG defect.s of l~ proposed oonstitutioo. We hllvt'f"OCOOUy haLl tm A."r sodaled Pres-§ ~rtiCl-es with del.' cgil t~s l~lllng how good the proJ)(~ coruHHution is !Ifid a full p\JbJkntion o-f t b (': tocumplete II rJ d lnnCtCUTut.e "highlights" r r' ~ I> tl r (' d by !h(' convention !>\.wf I 5uggeS! thai devel()pmenl:s. reponed inlhe nel':~ during and .~lf}('{' Ih.. ~" ('.' n 1 (:-Ofll'~~ntk~rl dH11')!1..str,lIj' the dljfieulty or. inilhl!liy of most dekgat(',$ 1.0 be irnpilrti;.l! and ob}E'CUvt In pn.'~>L-nUtlf; their )Jrup'--"~<lh whether fmill1Ct'd by pubhc funds or oot J i1SS,llne thal tlw Ind,:p(.ndent R~t.'Ord as a result of He own I'H'earch Of othe.rwi&e will ~e-­ Hope,tully oUier fOf'Cwilrd-look· Seflt nOfl-<ielegate Views in an high schools into one.' but no..... informative way for'the enllghl· igh schools arc {'stab· lnSblls.l:n~s In the Capital 'lhl!y WIsh \0 create ·U~f. prot>.e~rn~nt of the j)';''O-p!<:. 'Y mUSl bl' equal in(lty willemu]at~ yOUf eX:HnpJ<> kms r'[ h·:;,m..g.lwo S (' h '0 Q Is,,,· .uleria1. libr:'lry fact!ithis' f.lli so' thal Lew 1 5' Olnd :-;NleDt-wn Should be directed. ctI- facHilles. etc. Un- Even n~J~' lhe-~' are h'il.' i n g Clark C o'unl y may gain .the .for ..I'X~le< to the proposed ptob!(',ms with the liOOhomores condiUOns. t f.! r I !l i n largeSt vot.er reg15tratiOfl tn its ~l;lml!laboo of the present o:mat SunJlcVt',n bel !l g ~rated history: . . ~bj~ct ~ will riot be ;)'tHuUOOfIJ right ot l~ people w. { r 0 rn the rest of the high there Uf. no! e.DOI..lgh vote on Ul-ll l€-vy hmjtat'l:Jmi and J<lme-~ W, Murray S\ilool. As one high lKilool girl stl)d~'nt.5 to warrant crt:aLior: of public indebtedness ~ilkl when. allked by her father Exeeul.ive Secretar) and f'xpt'nse. At prelD prQPOSed deletion 'of ('onsUtu~ , l!-re leaching some i\-hat she tbough-l. of having 1't'O Montana. Stale AFL-CIO tional requirements and re;stricschools: "It you want two war t Helena Se.rll.or High l)-(jH$ ('1)r~mlll€ Jegislativ~ pro&. r .0 U P ~ ruooing around ·town, At could not bt taught CNUf'l: and activltlt:). 10 slatl,'d Jt:~ hav'e t'Wtl high schools~,' !t n the larl: of stuoent you tkm't bell e \' e tOOy have llllllwtion'S whiCh render mean. llld monIes . ingll'Ss· the 'propo:S(:d .fights. of Independent Record problems '\vIlli ~ s,'chools, talk c:hool '\\-ill ~ -required the rx-'Ople. Lo partICIpate and to' a librll-ry or apprOxi-' 10' the panm~ (}f 'ttes'rodents, knQw, the inadequate i n Yes 1Montana's Oldes~ Daily not the administr-ators,01 dUes l.OOQ Utle v 0 I u m e s lnl'1ll. prolectil)fi o-f Slate pennd' having two' high schools. school we could have ·Newspa:p:er in Continuous . nen[ edu.ca!t()na1. fnnds as pr,j. \\'(,' at present' are nol tile title volume library. IXI:->r:t!. llj Wide op<:n possible l:,'.:: Publication (' Sludents access to a largest high School in the stale. l'.~f;mptions .. Established in Helena lariety of literature for Cities willi 1wo high s c hoa 1 s NLllTlerQUS other deficiencies. that are larger in the number Dec. 17. 1865 are nOt disclosed. in tbe "offi·tech facilities at one of students· are Bipings, <keat cial publication" or, in' other lean pre-vo---tech facill· Falls and Missoula. tfa growth material coming [rom the ('{I()le other school - addi- was indie81~ in our S('bool pop~~tj-oo or itS 'de!ega~es, i1lalion, we should ,consider Iwo . ~nse for~the ta~yt'r. <the -two ~hool pro-' schoolS; ·bul ".Hgures'-rlghhnow, '. We~Je~'.W,·WerlZ Powu- .Block leY want to build anoth· t 0 day, and projected by the "alion. . a wond.erful ,~Jb of PUlling two Easy Scan and Print Dzivi Fovors Constitution ~J, ,'J;): i' (;j'J::.H F:\LL..' i ,:,.1,1>; ]yJl\r':' ,c.:,':iilHl' ;'hjl>f:t:- Lendt'-l &ili;:: ~ Did.} nne! Dw'l. " UeIO')(TaUC u!.J1{Jkiale! c: !',r for t':<iVfr~!Of. Thurlld-'J..)' C<l.10>e t I H'''~ \~,J: wt)l;il.'bf:~irwd.lJ iX! /'In'{lif Q,q '~i!l:H'.~ PH' iITqXH1-i'.t! Manl:w.a Con- f. stHuU'm iif!i) i).~bd Qf"g;;niLed} labor til wurk k-.r ttl p.il,ss.3Rr.. ; fh.:vi Grt'sJ flllb endt>r~e<.l; nell Q{Kumenl tn il ~-e:ie-- i Ii ~'PrX)r, :;-UH~ l~~1f! U.,~. M"'" l4l KC7X (II? X:f• .~·· IJ) klL-TY 'l) IOtQ-TY en OU" ttl ICUM .~.~ •• n-,o,,:,* It-.. Ill-lrH-sLs., " ~...1Jd Cil:Int1 "Jl e1 h;~, of s.ped&.i 442~_ t l 1 afJ.'.~ h<'''d~l'l~t- '.0 noo"j' fuel Issue 0: ;; unK-;Hn~bir (O!t* i KK.~:ho<L<;f'" ii'.g~£latUic .(i\ji\'>~'iJ,lbe.!; Jun{' ('; (')l1mitiltiooalt ",ole etHOUN • lun S-A,N!;J'W1Q-(C • COOI:1'AJU M-..·Tlo-""",. 11 ........ !'9 1-0 lO.m.. ~,i. "s.;.~ 't{j Mld"''w-M S-v1Whl.,. ] p ...... I'<> , p_ftl. r.... ~ ..""',,'"' (", (II! 1",,,",,\ll"~','1 cnq~ (11 r·...""'~'(1l .',);;I,I,q,;"'''~r.~'' rl__ I·.)) "'n~1_""1 1 C'l p,,,,.,,, J"""",}..., \'" <Y'o-1-<" p.n,. ~t=:!1' i,') .....>,....,<'9C.~ it,l ; , ! Fl.H-aOAT-!lId j,'i:II "1<1_ n--p---\J-\ 44,2-311' ~-"-I ,,--.' , ':-'~I"--""""'~ H",_,,'- ,1, ,'""-,, ... "j"",,,,,,.. c"","",., AA,,, ~;iO"Mt, iU ~r."! I,',~ D..-v'M U!t,~ '.'1;'1 r:JIl _<; )_< _ ni' ~i 'r'~ SPr11)(/;-", c.-orn;'X!, .Qhd ft...... <:>V"d<:>o<~, ~t~~ ~t<:h~. ina It.. 6-<>Ot MJwrJl~, cod T~, ~fiQr'4 -of thil' .. I~m R~""d OriUJ.fl~ PQ(;-i:J. lor oood used f!QIjip. "",,,'" buy-,; you'O: '·fIOO II iu.t :::oovt ~.-ythi-...g yQ; O«<J Fo.· IQ,.,. <;<).>'1 ~ru:itna. Cf..'lUl f:d ~ ''\.)Vi' bnt &Qyt Coit ~.4,2·7i90 o.t-.n ,.' O"'>d 5, ~ rhrn.oh pn.,. G(fy f'0-! D"r'?trct ~on. ,.,."". lA; '1"","\0 ",," -; :: 1.00 \l i;~ P ... ",1l:IOot '.-; ! .. f': .... ~ The first visit is ",.."',. c"'>Y' h, (Ii Wntl~.",,",1>Axt. '" ~ \: . " ",", nl: D<-~,I\jl r...",.,.,. "''''''''f"r FR.EE ''1 >w<>.... 1'1 ~"""'~(f1l ~\ !.,M~ jt. ~s t-n doong r:;..~ . . thr.:.,>t ro. Household Plumbing & Hellt111g C'f)O~,.C::H.j' ck<umf:Jil He gllv\!: the Il EItnct 24--ti'01J'r 1~ i rar1'1\.!J s:tu~rc.{lL wOf e,-,dnrs.-·,nwni ":'>{In ~ 1--.".;;-1,,"'0 \>'Qo"1o. the. ~ !O~" Inq al ~ ~ ptkn. 1 tQ ['C'W d&::Uffilmt wtl~ .~lIilue[lc'l) Dvn :!-.i 0)) r:U-W c>'}ri~HutKm:,t "-'-Y'!1.;J Un' . !e.%en th<o _jon CHANNa (....$-'\ c..KX: m dU· kl the Mo-I~l,mll AYL---CKl.: le!r-f)fJ1 m'e 1);1....\ ii*,hd he 'lI-rgE-d t.iw' ~r~ CHANNa 0-,1 KVT¥ ' ... Itfol~tll) t\OtI "'lQ:m 01 7h1 M>«$Q __ W • HelelUl Health SPA ~CJ) tcQO~. ,1-1 ~_*"l \:m,~~&!'rl. 1t~~rD-n +424790 ';J)_"~~ T~'''[,; te-:lIG~c~ Hot.... 0\ 1(.0_01 1972 MOTHER'S DAY PLA TES SPRING LEAGUES FOR.MING We're stili lx)king for people interested by B-in-g & Grondahl ~d} ~1'Jj 1<>"" ~~ ...-ry--,<'j AA GOT l'lOJL.1MSr _ 1'1 .t "'" 1G<1ll .....1u..... '~()1 r~~(Ni CAISlS CDlTU. 1'-en!Slt-Cor. {m ~.1'It'I'\ ~i! CAlli _Ioo ~-..o.....­ ~lftJ"'tfj 11:«1 J~!!rl !'fIIW;f """"" lV ~>.. c.u 442-1510 • ,..tL. '1't n i p ; .•. :t]IoIo;M.~~,m :;~==·trcA~\¥\r, (IJI ~ ~s'~>'l .....wy ~~. ~."'T~ flXllY' \~ I\:,;i) Oo;w .~ """"~ (ji \.h4.l'~"'IJ;) It'=~l''J ........... " " ' ~t<!l"M'~ m I iATU1IDAT _ 0 ThU ". M ~. ~ .• " ,....... (:0. IF YOU'V! GOT THl! I >' Easy Scan and Print ,1~Thtln&peiidcrrtRerord. RI:'\trIO, Montone, Frlday. May ~, 1971 Slate AFl-CIO Seen as Imeot '~'J~A1J~,F'J1:~JAN Jg;JJJeh ~Q the Coo'.ltltuH:C\i1;;.l C"m· t The Saturd,1 1 11e.ssionOf.tht!( .t"$~~~. 'W'rlto¥ i" App"rr,>ntty ~lrf;'':l£ m(Jni~t{ venJjM WA~ ~cld COOOmTf;lJUy 1blh·x gn:JI;lp WUl fC1ltllI',6, .a ,pr?" ,I WlJ..h. !!O.'."LOO .. .W%.'J1f!;\j}OO ;mlO!ig !i,'PJ-,X:':)IU'!fl 10 Ul(! -,~mtjL\.jthW t;li.,yt!h tr~ ::-~lekLA:.t doclxlo andtcL'n,'j.H!ut.i~1 pand of, dC~il,~.~$I' Owlr ra.'1k:$, leadm"6eJt.rf(l MO;)- 1d-f'·;'t'lo;tlJ\gfTO,f:l ,~ t>",l:J:W: \'%[·1 r(·,.:n.\le-.:t 1)1 Q jXl":tlhi-An hr&lI.b i \dklng ll,L'f)\H Uk'. flew "docu- i inrul AFirOO mee-t',rn Hd(\flil! e>d ~"1)(!nl!{, k..,-l~~r·~\~ tr>it{ 11.. i down 0'{ :y; Oi:m-t1t'ntl-S. 3.5 Rt':, i n1".-nl. The PanrlJ1its - Gwrg~!' th~ \-n~::-.nd tn n !i<.'tS,<joo tim!: n<toc,xi th", m~I-{!'.tJ,7d (,,$k~,;a,~ , !'{. pUO!!C-8n3MwJ Hh: IM~P'-"1}(!.'C\\{iHllrpc:r, liel~: Che1', Bla-y~ l [";-( ",,,j 00---::::- ;X-(i,.rctvtUr.1l1 i dd-{'>F!t~~o! [,0 ,mk t;.;,.", f).~w C)")j). i kx1i.. D-L0uri;'i, Rk:ii: Ch;jtin.ilB.~\ Lill." ,'iDo(: ,.JEd.. : iI'ULullD>J. \pYJv. D,I\.(jIJ~vd!; Arhne Rd.,'l, 'I'h' .A.FL·(:'l·O .\l(1;t,H kMr· f Ul !h-'.'f'e ('il ttl). v:.'ilh\e omnl, )<:hert, D·.(1re~1 Fa!l,'j I~ MI~--e.! ~r.jU!'l.1(; ;:~g/<in;:r, the' :',(lS, y,w.;'Pil:!!"}I-?wt of til£' S_OL gr,.-x:p for j Ma0-,)i1, r}-Arl.~·!l _,.. Were,), [I<f'l(j 1:<1:.1('1" w.a$ i-r;-!,;iTU1+:.,r;{"<l,,\ 1:-0' d-(:l.,.~.r~· (11 [.:r:-,tn! .11) ifnJ!. 1l!1~.cmf: thl: f'J)M( Hbet-aJ· oi tht'l Itt-\'{' ch.ibb:Xl~: d j-'f:'l\(J;;',\',d 2 ;;.,-::r r~w(;('i:·,~hll\tl0.ll \.) n.1~( ~ l.CQ df>lcgo'l(fS. 1 C'fl,' T'''~;! 'tl,lt".'< tax l-,T \~( f\ b"f r;:;-<~i\' h,jxJt l~M.\'-iT;; j ?-<brt·y i>.'Jld lhe (,.'(ffiv(;nt.1o-n.1 m:J.;t 1>:."""- 'tl U-"" h<tf"h C;! ,11:, f! 1 j::!'l 5;Q';\Jp.- k:l 'faf,(~tl~:h~D~ ;1.1; \ tflJ'J Y tY.~ connil"!'J un l:o lub' \ \"(Y-t'.n !1:--!' cl{,\~l},:,n d (I:f;~("", U--xl ~;;J{':; t;~.:c 1:-:tt6n;,: ~~fi'r.1 ,o't'f{j _ >:Ft lb>t·! u;.:: I i I I' i I ! pmlm0J.y ,...·n] M"er~}O~ the .1+1. Un-2,!'(' the·£,st~ '5 d (M,t . ---"._-~-""',"..,,---~,.. --- -,"--"---~--~' .. --~~.-. >~-- Lundy Shopping i pro- ('vn,...ttl,nlA~t, MUJ"T)'. (i:t;&:uth'l,l; ;';OC· po-&ed nfiW JBm~ n!.llry of the Af1..,.C{Y, .~lM th~' ll<;!x-r gnJ4! pr(;btI1~~' wHi :.:<J,t~ 1'1 jXlS-W.(;r< men, (Y>; th,,::::rii;"" (h,,::,)- L~ IJhJ) The ,"YL--G):!,,) fh', Rbgl..., mQS pOb~lul VD'.Elg {or(>"',n :.Iw n~'~'; 1j-~0;; .sxn" c.r.'1~.t~:n:prt·&(:,:;L;llr.; ?4,:"':'l),,,,;.r~'.us W'~','" ·~ix':'.i" rt,,~I::r\,,;1t;'!"'-'i H;:0d ~"n!X!H~~ dO,-:'-clm",,;;;:, p'-1.C~l:·U)<y),E t!,fiily (}jw;,,,ling thn'l' ,~h,-,{l! o·!] l~~;-;:~_ E.,,~,;htet:r.s (i1/:' ::s,;,-::-!}-' 'r'be k>CiJJs, ~ ~:~,.~~~~\.g r{.;~~;~~i~~in~t)= 1 Final 3 COyl for Greater Dl"ou neW wm,1ituU,oo:mth lJJfin:n bo,~, (":,-t:~ oj CD,")lr&}~lfll c:h:::ng.c, f ;;wLe'!~1iJt.\(ilvf:-r::1D1l~ amencl.l[),en\ j In CI 11~ The illttkl!\"e.r5r~ Eimmdo"ncnt j i \0 tbe e:x}sJUng ~~. CQ{j$titatlotl lK"edP<.1~ the AA%f1}n,g 01 hlgb.j W,ly tnnds J;6r ~~WghW'ii-Y Mr~l poses. The ful\"w~ IlndF'l- j I1snce Article of!he pn:poM.>.ifj documc.ni would Allow' Tooum'Wf1 R Rurt 3Vi-HP EcrlojJ-ln-l! SPRIN6 SAVE i:M! ~?C!>'.':ung & highWay m,;r,1-6ji on} o-Lfte.r PU'l1"II;lS(ZS tl··,:h~,flft~ oJ I the member-rio! t'.<'fcil hrtl~l of: r thele--,gi&1atu-r-e g),ve their ap--l provnl. I The worrie:s by the Opt:rat\n.g \ Engl~n p'Jts th~m iJ;I Ene 1 Somewhat such s!:ra,lge I'· with. p.,-mtlcal bedfeuo",~ as th~ pow~ 1 e~l. H1gh~ay Users Feder~ll ation, whteh· l:aclL.-.;-j~ coo- I tr.actcir3. ~. segment.5 of the j engrneer-s f'ePQftOOJy fear the po$H)~rity Qfthe:1egisJii-ture.diwrtmg,road-eari:tuu:Xed to cthl.-.r'.ptIrpCtUS {'OOkiinier~-"1 money M.lti: th.. f~ n<:>w nf fP<\",~;ii $15 88 :n~rtIp c.uuJng H-ei11ht A-dj.U8:lmlMl DELI)XE 20" ROTARY MOWER J Easy Scan and Print t~;: ~~~~6:n~:t~:;~elJ;~ !;~;~:~i~;~'~l.~;';~~;t;~l,~~;;~ l:;~ j fort .vid th:e S.()-,"'S:-~;;::e,l.clt;'n!j i bst I:-:,n," ",hr u<kt M;~;~ ;~:',~:;,~f~i;" SWI~S.s I (NV;-::: \11 ~ p\)bji('-<l~~.~ r)(:i!'''l'!;,'r"b (td-~;!lM 1.0 "'Tl,\.J:> ,,·t!uti~',~ H~ ~jl'ln' o 3~ Ht m~,n'\, Th.: P!,1J)(:--J:ist~ ._, C-(,oq~~ P hnd set!. lr;;-j-{~j:-erx';rTl: H-Mrper, \-1; p~, {* nc'" c«i:t k><:.'k" i'bJtk. (11-'..'trl- P')'j~', IJd.tl,~: l).·t.:lliP!: (ht'-tBl~J',l CWl'm- JUdi. D·l':alit:p.?oll: Al"l)~ d'''"-r:t. Do~::;:Ci;t 1''':lH~ a,-'}(I. h :n.:,t·l, Mnn~ l; Iv-"r· r:fV'i;"': ('~ th~ S 05. kT McK<'on., I).Amtt"ooo.!l. _ wer·q lund ;-;,j}»f wa~ fi-1"S'W-1Kr,{'nl>:d \,hc dcJ~.g"if!i_ ~j) i1'.'J('{!.g the [(KL~t nb,~nl oJ tbf. \ (hie dutJ))"g W"ij),,);;.,,'Jd ~, IWW t...yt l{'(j (k.kj:,il-t4'$. I '::.'N,t 1":::,6! :lP.!~~ by :r',6-f,T \;Ih~r kG.den ;\h>rn i>tI-!{j U>c coqrl '/ (;IT{~!Jf; 'j bm,t i.(....)~: i:I{ tl,,,'."1!. (h' oj;. "71 i.~,"J.if' »:;; fil-r·n"g(1\l:\-g :)5 m;< y l;~ (:\)(lr,lt:d (It; to \8:Kt: I!l IY0L;;::','i T;w d.{~>-~):L,n (" (Ie1£<- ~f:~' ~,-jk" ,;0:. ,~t''(.lD-!\ ~'l<lnd ('PC Of the; ,l f p~ttJ F~-r.."lUI~ l It,,. ..--.-» ,--~,-~---~~.. .~~-- Lundy Shopping -pa"-<!fl r~w ~:,~':~"t~~;;;""." .Jm:Df.'~ f~l<.ry o! 0,., ML<.. 'C'. ,,'~I:- - lif)..l0:- grc.'1.9 m flCro'fi.lt'rt ;:~, rrw.n.l Tb; Fina' 3 Days for Greater Discou (,i;U~I' of ;1 the s\.,,;"';', anwnrJmer,\ The ImUd'\versJ!J;':i amer,amc-;r:!! i)~ tv [be (');h'hUng l{!'~ C'l:)l1$UlwjQi1 ~~~:~\~:~~.~ ti:~ ~~~~l~\\::!y ~~: I I PCl$£S·' The· R-ev'-eijUc ar4.Fh-j ,,,iDa:' Art,de,. \">:f ,J.e p•.--..-tp;}l<t1I di)C:UJnenl wooJd a-i.lG''it' SPRIII SAVE88 !M1 Bpcnding {'<[ bf.ghwt!:yme-tt;e-$ on} {)·L'ler pU.·l)QtH~:5 llthree-{Ht.~ af 1 the mem-boers of c$cl:l l",tm,e 01 lhel(~gislature-.giv(; their afr \ i $15 p.."vaL ; The WOfTie;; by itte Ope:r:aUn-g I Eng:t~J'~ ·-pu:t~ t..~:n In U\l-eJ so~~1;n'1.twhh .. $t!dJ . strangi: i ~'<t~tk-alb<xffetJtr~as tl~ ,po.~I,'" er.ful 'H1Sh$'~Y .U~N F'eC:ttr'-. F: a.tloo,__~'hichilld1Jdet! . t~l t:r&i;t«:s:; ·~.·~ent$ Iftf !h~.{ C11g1neers rc.porlt>J:Uy., f:r,~at OM! l pcms:fu.ili.'IY ol.·.thelecgl£li>:tU'1":e d1:: :, wrting:~tkam~ed,rr~y f. l.D othe-r ~~ 0;)l11(J.tme-t~1 ~:neyth~~tr~tT,~ed:~ way~t:ed.Wbs.:aDd lncame. .1':;. .A ~;dete~il't~'1dM Nooli Robm&l1fiJ' .a' Rt'pUbtkan, roicM} t.~e belli! ThurOO'ay that the t AFI.rClO res.rloDt~ would defer- j rnlne the f?te 0-1 tbe new dOC'"I-f Maronick r I". ! DELUXE 20" ROTARY J MOWER Low sml vcrti'cal I IJ~ 1 Y2 to Easy Scan and Print Key to Constitution Vote tl}'Jlother on !.be ('on~'lhhJDn aPd !<ijW,1OD 1('~{H':r". h-~\'e <r;fp("~ !:'Il rt':'i-Ot,n,o;l\'-f! dor.~~t I,CPPO:!IJ~ ft. Lal.,,"-w ..k<'iderll rt>1-1;0 IWJfk hard ({} ,1':lf)'f'lT'.e"t i>tm, !fl:'.ar tMl tnt ,m,~·".r.;lry ~}'$!RJr.{ '11}.JJ p;c.po:i-ed MOlJ{J:i1;;' d('nric~.ll thl1t Uw A5:$'Xil<.{ed G«>u- ga-te1:i!ey e; lS dl5l~l{IN !mieht .lw. even !Jfll'd"'f t,~ de<lljmt;'l1t do~, NlW(i,;"tr, .p",',J,d ouJ\ri! (.onl,'itClDn; and Mc."L111<'l tf JI tr, j{~~r5 HC()JQ."J;C1hk !;)\til1~ polCtl{ll;,] h\f :»tn[ello-ji.!-.;: :Chember of Cllmrne-rce:Jtre \"t"..\"l I Iliu.r,~ I ' I I I f .,\ • b I wli' 1."~gs. , .I prV,>':;M y ii'll I (':h~gt' ~, 1L~)f i ~rrfJl sut'potl,(.;n 0, ..:de tl-guj- (" ~ ,nttl docu-! ",.r.-,e,ifum!> and Ff!;-; 'V . '\ I 1~r;: i~ ~IruC r('PO('!!'d l~,lxn, ,·~'i'h>1}t.;i.Il'-' 'r, propo:~L-./tnn·llt,i)f.J&'!1 itll \ {' coolli'firh:d f{l< f'il'\.xk prro"-L5in,J aam- ! fi'ln~; ..,:u\(l-hii', mln~!tt, ho'","\':,'("[,! ~tU't1l!on dtx:,,! 00\ ((wil.3Jn th~ i '-'l'«tit fh~ ( (~1l'y..::rl,)tJ(lt» 1~0l1 i "I /'-XV"'!. moor of th(~ loc..J H(t!·· !QY~[ i! pro"i;l.Jon l.h<J! "Jkw~ tbc)ri'gb:\ jrj W{l!'t-: ;;-c:::tklp th II t !t.r'$'i ~Wkvll.\;J\\ Ll~kn'.~l;'\. ~<i:(!iJ.njon.~. fir!;: i-iojng t(j he h()~('{\fll gJay' MJke iMontana tll1iven;;!ty, .r;y~:tcm~b~ilj)e{J .~J''lj. ", ;-},Wl:;~i~ t"';J.t,·lrJl\'tl~llH(' t;;~ ir:; th-e w,·.re!rr;;<w(' lc1':"Rr.y !n !>pt'Od.ll"'.g n'c"n"iswtrrJtl.'i,! ['('·\1.sh;'Tl ~,' (~N(\h:bOr'!(':',:t11rJ' ,I uw: ey IIJ-'J;j vidufd ].iJ bcor lm\.(~\ )~~ ~ t"g. Nlif!r: L)~kl~,-,1 J,,:; [l101 ;-;t~~'1t'"J.l~\'t:t (:.fif~:t(1 OO:~::rt:':;.(' r..e:!kJlaW1l wilh ~lj...t \;,)(:sj;gn1u¥,~ il);e (hi;l-l, which 00{ only i !r-Ij-j)!X',:,rt.e<J th,~ !i0h'Jj lfl.]: .lxlt :;,Vi:' (rl:;;;(1l:k',\\l-1.. ()Ai01T !u.l,.; h;:v<:.. (n:<;1) thr.e U.1 :lrne.)hix~f '1<'6!1 (>01.'. !A i:t~ tir$:(1 '1\he C'1:J:l.I)J~ rd ~J.\I;rr·!>~Hl-f"rj "(p<Jr(n-j ri.l;hi ttl \'lurk, w:!:.lldl :nUiw! h.<1-d (t~Srtll(",,~ wj-th the WJJi{lU',~: ;'~'.>IJP:} t'J ~",KIlL'1~'f: Q'f-1,'\l$fljOO th-t' V:;P(;-c~,~ 0:,;~u-'l:'lt~'i'lJ~1 ;;':1' t!w i W<;ll(h1 M)iD:-DY the tn~ un";ll1 b: a;urJiv-('r~tty sysl«fll llnfL~ ('-I) ct'i-jt<) the: r"lW t';o<.."'UH)x:m af::d. 'wffJ)I,()AFL..Cl() ill oi.d.gh4;!1Q(j by rt:-· !:rr.of)''I'l!W~"t In :,1i}n!flfh~." MWf)' I _ lh~ : k,-tj H b.:~!~.~~~gl.m;':,,;. $.::~~ ;~=-:_ r~~_ lw1p[yj ~'f'_,,,1 .. :1 "~~~~~~i:':..~ p..1I"t,'l r,d tht v,:~-:-':'?,~. . ~~'M'r,J1y (Mj.(! in~~,.~ [ allsalVsaw . . ~ro 7~-Q"_'.~ I I p .•. . . . • Good C •count Savingsl PI'1.'. ,".d." Mo, •. .• GVILUE BUY! ""'...., . _",,, .._ _ c.'J .. [OO'ItA 'uE ~ ,'J.25 She BBC '2.35 Size hg. $79.68 .,..,. sale price fer poweriul 'Cougar' mower with e<aS'f ChocojSH. pe-caM. ~j, Tut:y trt»t1 Easy Scan and Print Continued Cool HelE'.!l,a. \\.rjJj hB. ve per j 0 d f; 0'( nun or &UOW through today, dec.re~s.l.ng Monday, an.d contlnuoo CDO!. Hlgh todny 44. lDW tonight 35 and the 1119 h Mr;n d.a y in thr. u ppf_f 4.& ell fIDee o.f pt'Cci p.. It.atlon 60 pef cent t.hrough t.()(!.::<y, 4.0 pef cn.nt Sunday II lOllis-hL Established D.:>c_ 17, 1:005 -----------------,"-------~_._-~~~- LGlbor Backs Const Easy Scan and Print untlay Independent:Reo From Mantana's Capital <l Doc. 17, 1&06 ~s 3-8 Pages., g Sections CCI;nstitution " on~y fw, i£. '-u,,~t \hc uHd i 'I1k t\V~\!UV'~ \;>«,wn (it corE) rtghl.l1;·,*,ori<. i_~-'" Qut~.<nn.~ ieJttl. pe0.pk W1';') w<YJkr wC!rE. fj}X"!H:'J (he C'hll'(YjLv5i'1 b-y f"t':'.-i ",,':3.-" t!!i.~ ",-,xdli'l¥, ill tht bUi ,){ v~jl(eu Qut /'Jr lh.>.....n!ct:l £';:l",;l~ jo-nl..'TI=d:i..t: thi" fu,!! ddf!~pt.k-s dght';. ;l;:~J lh,,; :n0,'; ,",m;l<' I operaJing i Mr;;" Rdc:harii'J,lf.! otbe-r dda· i 8'Jp9"illi ,be r:ew co;;:,~!itul1JJn,; fJ.J-f dlie;<;, , wor-k an) ~ gaJes s-tre1.'s:ed *<l,t i, "'-7-.1\ it [11:>... r"C'COlnm:«<;di1~wC\ f>·.;dd :l'l(, . . ~ Du~1 AJl;FUlllrlh', conMct()(jipeoph~'s d;x:w"t*'~i:> [!flfJ I<rl:mi-'.:dOCW1K-p,t'~ "'good r;olnt~ far '_ltit· ghWlll' D!>--!l-ed,,:the <X~'1S"!it~~~t\ '...'o_ub1 ,m-.jwelghtod llE st~nc:)rr"m!~:'i' : Both BJ:iJylu(K ['11;': ~lch{'im l~;a"grer;.(l';' 1~~~;::;l: ,e:r4JnS.t;'<;:t The (."..1(....~lJve. board ciLed the,a::...~tlf'.'{j U:U:. ;jf;;e'l8;'~ varW',u<; ll.e.-glslaiu~" -·\~tt ;anH--d\'v(!r~km am,-cndment, t1\-{'i,~,e(.1.tom; "i Ut,; d:(lC:i,r,ei'.l LWi'd tJ f-ed;e-raJ r WJth the flt:W:\<ln-t1-9,l-:ve'"'5ion '\,~e<:"liO'!-l c.n~aUrJg lW() SI;-P-'ln>le: oot (,()fj.\iinJt,ja3, rCll:lhods to r:e y<hen,<:heY\afTJmimeu.l, t~~gfO ru;~~ jM«l,., "W!? frre. ~.n. "'ReiclUlrtfooards of frd:ucntlon al"N:! mon~iIH1e.ar;." r<.ghl-to-",,?p;,l-3w "n ~~()pe;o:lns . f4e ihome ml.e fur caj,;.ll l',,~ pvlnLs!. ~ngle memo,.,,, rf~>'r~.'i (·ftm~ r. idOO-f. but p&..--t:-l."rij'.,ln tht:.W.!hd-OW!IlOi meeUl}!J its a;ppn.wfi.!. ;1J,no~r ~-rTliJ que-slJomng JD. hlle ..fu,ke-d·!te whi'i-t i!l g~~ 00 iwde.."l 'fh,e ~ j)Oi.>::,s, t'!,c ,:.x""'::1.l.1Lfn~, B'Jtt.e" reprc;O~'Jlung the 9. see afra-lrl (be i She. had tl,1d .Uu' dclegntltli i tj lie: bo-.ar,-J ~ilhJ. waf; the rii'!'.hq Am<?1"lc:;Jn F ~-er:J.troj: 'Ji T l':.H...~h­ prtlssure b) \ that the $118 ml1Hon budget af :01 the [)Mpif 1-0 l:r~jU.iili' i~Hl-: ~r~. ,,,.n.d a lCgL,J~lof, que-z!I'e>oed . ()f the st.-.<;. \ the MonIan.il I'Hgt,wfty. ~pert- : st\,u\}(mll': . a.'1)e-ndmfD\~, ope'H~tr.'\l ;>alldlty l~e ;,~gIYW-iI)" ~ m,ml could ~ ll:se-d fW:tl.Wf£C: mee{tngs in th-e gL3'~l~ \~';;hil,-,. i .' McKoon tnkj 111m ,lid i. UK: [ R· :If gener;:;l;pnije('.~ am:.! >llsv gi\~ lile kg-\I\),(l-, lh-,-.. pnn-biot1 r,"!:' the O{-:llOfi.a1 tren6 I'S lr;w,,-r~ the 'OM-U~ja{ure eonlroh h{)-'~' the :flce oJ CD.n.surner M'faJ.r~, arlTHll1, on<',;,O{(' rui!~ ,,'ad "we l'-phNi 'll!moTlt'Y is \lsed. !bro.. del"l0'J b-ill of righb :.llld the·lhlly'e lo nVf' \'\ItJ'\ i'.' gf'l three- i Oth'er Cor,·,Cun df.l~gates Oldr'C',;'enuc soclb:m "d(')elC-i lax f~-: aP:l-m-/X'!~! i:,,~k~~·(J Blaylodc tl:urc lD dO:lhe COPE cr1!1'-enLl.or: wcrt'!vor'ilism:" j"How,al"e'i:'{; going Lo \X'e.k \n ~'e wUl ever!George Hflrper. Re.ien<i. Mk.:k: Shm>p qu-esllorJing cllHi-e frolT1\li';e ,w.;~w III Uw. Bourd cd R<~ "rl 19 funds for!1kKcon, Ansconda: Chel Bl!w-ime COPE deleguteiS about varl.:gefhs, i h~k. wu,rd and Rki Cha~-! OU$ pro;'1sfon.s in t.he doct}n~nt \ Champo:I..?: j:.<,lini.t\l out U1Rt :m dd'e:gates1poux, Kali.;:pel!. !th:.t may open the door for aL (CooUn{,l«\ I'm Page tl Ilogg Ho pe Sinking Easy Scan and Print " __ ~_ /l.A:ppl!>f1l put b&.;tlaAge-s on j On the nartbc.rn frouL r.rVH1J ' Uiir h:a.'1da andknef'.!i 10 avoid; 11.lJe Ueid reports fi.l!h'! U'f:' eu-1tl."\S ~Ive& on the per-) NorD, Vj,e~C1!e had m(1V~ Wallace Wins i Bin'T}~ related. ill(fo.{M artillfTy gUt't!! within FllrW.r north the &>lIth VIet-! nUlg.'" of the cld \.mperilll ((I~)l lmt-ler wl:re, N.C B) THE A&SI){.l..,\Tr.:n PHf:<i;.':\,c<'fJ!. Slln!\)r(! 1IJ(1 1.)S -\<1"1 (';' :.If! ~.!ld zta;njw on1'tlUrMllY lr.:unchW;lJJ.l, TIle reporn ~aid ['"I.er &! AjnrMH\" G')Y G"(jr~e (. p<'r C(·rtt !IeI' S:--dr!c,' C:J.i:;f;oim Mi.... too!.r firm coon!.er:at4rJl. &"ioc.(: j the b~g I{Unll., wh[ct1 ha .... <:' I; W... :la('~. !h-tl'OMlv,n( 1(}(1 D! 'l! '\fw"{yc,rk h... d :"'.ULI-l. '."f 8 II the eMIUy off.tonslY0 'begt-n!rf'lnge of li lnJI{'~. MBrt:b 3(1 and ~ An early iknoc:k-ro Q:;lt by U.s tr>UCc"eM at am Poo »J{h#aY 14. sotrtb Vletna:me1fl PUll 01"1 i ~rboITJbt.l"li. ';:ini' for'C'e:! hgh:.- i offlttn i I thJ:tRi:8b _ Hijackers ~_-~~:~;(1f-,Mfli kJeng,]D~ or 'Kont.urn,I lJulllt ',D:ridrtr~atl1n-g pre. I er d(,:("L~i\~' ~tu...<1rry 2.7.&') aItt':-noo.'J! had id,wtillod [~ hlj.. d:- i 0'1 Ul2 Waakrn Ichad pt,ll.OI! pn,-c-jn('t~ 1't'c?O'1.J.'I1. \;;-('(: ied will! 2jl),T&i, as Ml- i ('f Teacher Honored \\';d. ~l,~lC!·.~ I.. i round"! Kellogg klldu\-£, had , \I,'alla('("~ vnt~ e:ill:il'.{j him :'! 37 i)erno\:'rfllii' \:I,hm:l! (\'n-' \'t'n:i("n d,'kg;;'(·~' d'~~ln~\ 'I:i: fvr &;;JfonL Th:5 \\'M ~n-i:'lIKh tu i i ~h( lobor flU: {CtmUnned from PUle II : rOj" elected ()ffkjal.~ 'would be the board and It would stili b(, ilnKw('ruh~!' (0 \j-;" l(~£i.~illI1J[(, 00 The c;-ntirl'tlw'-!ne of the qU(:5 t~ lion 3n.d ,fljSWer ~l·~.,>j()r. r:anw L~ bac,k to ,'illl' U~lrlf: CaD \h;' Ih, i')-fl f)'Jl :t,':Jr Ir'U ,r, :h(; iq.;!~ i nw., i '1 PU1il1 Waj)"cc ;nh, :""x'or~l pJ~u:' MW)Il.Ally. ilil<;'luj u! YO,!l Hi;· K~' Ofm H. Hl~J11,phf'ey (,j MVHH'.';<ltil kill rTHlUntOO. ~ A-»ocl'.d"'n ,.;{ Arner~.ca n::litT·' J(}f'('':>, Q! JjJjlinlii~ l(l t~- to~ iiJ(U.fl' Federal arid ~talt! tnv~tigii-! <!lIed an oHe'f by liirH!.lI\~ 1.0 PIl,}' . del-te<! pO:',l In the CJf&llnhation' "We' tHVl' l\) ~ru~: ,Jut k·glS!"'. totJart &Pending fh-e week:e. nd il4l to W',OC(I lor j·nJormatkilll jerry Shanl.ey, 0·1 Helena IS:ILltr' i!drpe~ ,".·ai(j "We put tnlM\'iewtng rel;Cl.<OO minf'rs toilcad!r>€ !o tn--e 1I~:!!t 8,fJd CQfI.ivlc-e~ie~jdent elect: Juanila!lhem ir: 0f(ji.:~' dilJ if the'\' do find out just- h<.-"W the rift' brokp: YIc:'Jcn o-f f*rI>-C'<1~ c<J1nmiUing 8.l-dl1nge.r. 01 Shdb~' wa~ cltX,t- i no,( I\.n~w(': the nced.s or' tJl'c' out. inqulrie-A; are deathg: airborne CflI,!}('S. ~.K:h as hi·, 00 senrlIH·y and ltO-y KHlhn, of h)Co.pk we qn ~el ri.tj of also with safaty f'eguluHorr.5, i ja'Y.JJ).gJl. : Hc-J-er,a. was &eJected trc.'l$'uret,,: thcllL ' whether the right procedur-e:s I . were l&~ dO"WO and al!o whelh- l'::d ..( [\c:1:wcr,,~.I'· GO )'>€t fkeh'){iCH Lynn H~. 11. 11 f-Of"-! _ ,.. " . 1 'mer UnIY~T1lj:ty 01 Uu;:n .5tudant, iMl&.Y)ULi. ! AP) - JIH::k D fteld reports Mud two l.S. f , " , I JohuWfl rociJll uoote! t.e.'ldler mh1M'8 were ~vllcni:tbd luld The F'Bl charged Hansen IIn BlJtln8' I llnCO'l!1 ..hmkJ'r I:HJ;n the C:&mp "'. .. lilt by ::lOO with k:k1nA'p;\:ng SchooL W.ll.1 hooo'r-ed lt3 Ml)n" ! The rn1 -.akt H~Ul}fm M-kl frll','LaD.a T-~~"'- o! the Year &:ItI WAS acting In rl!U!liaUon fo,t t.hf 1urdJ'y t=..J"-'f /;ltthe afUluaJ COfl'i'~UOO jre-'DeVi-N U,S, bomb:ing of NO'rlh: o{ lbc Menu.ana AMOCiatJoo oJ i V\~L'iarrL : Cl.a5sroom Te--ilchcn i Too FBi M_!<j Ham'CTI }:)L'I<; Anabel Hokn~. third grade IContknttd frtm:l r~e 1) jhll-d liItteooeti C'oikgt' 111 Cil.J~tGr· It',a'cn!?r in Shdby, WfliS eJe("trx! " . :n1.-lt . pn~.'lkie:nl <)/ the I1S-SOCliltlDr; Hot fore thIs haz.aJdous OJ)e-r-lhI01\ U\! Mr.2flwnHe, tt:c M, T;-anspcr: [hI' cOfwe:lli-o-n Sh-e- sU0~e,j~ mn. :lid M (:li.m~ 'idr. tn I! T \~ PI ~ 1'k m,:, Cflllie guo,,'nJl.!(.rl,d pr:il,;lfY dr.haU-ng th~ ~w-te' s r.:~'!TW·f two rd\l~m cll:)'di':i;.:.•,~ ;0'.,k G'-.~v TrrT', s.anfor-d. ~l,nng 0(;[ $tdl j'WOf,\:I'd.-i',-,' wi0.1 i9 Per (''Cn! oj L~ S;;J:,~'~ {"fJr]:r' le"J--d.~ 0.<'1' tIl'] (>.: :iI,' .t() caiM wnn p<'!r ct!nl Iy Norlh-,V~ilrucl; bRct, iCOflU:na«! tram. Pale I) Toe ',' ',S09th '. Vietnilrlim w~e i __ . drltlrl_~tromOJ-l\ PiW after 31 Jl.2)~. voW1.ng to sneAk ~cj.; dajol_,~rYfi~Unl1. i the COO1ltry ,\\00 re-pt-8t b),~ tlr, ~'~1: ~Itian, i The PB:! tn8.111 Wr. Gity an-: 14-titl!M:mh~ bu"Lng ,1.....1 prilH.!ry S."I\.ln:I.'ly, i Ja!d~_-thq clMted the p&Ss and! 00f:j CQfl'l'01. -fto.."iJ ?lei):;>... go! t,\:ii-KouUttn befare the M:hf"J(jJ C;<I'[1'>lm.!,!'~ lint pr-e~jd(,!1 Crash V,·ct,·ms Rescued· ;"1 I',a W' I b-\" 'Jiil .,. Inth<Akron. ",.menOhro, follow"" 'Mm.: the GoodycRr! TIre & R.ubOOr CQ. saki 100- r<ib- ! ~tu :;: be,-~ bAgs, oormaBy \1"5~ 10: ).. I' :\L~e pl"'Qtec1 t-e-~t In lramdl. werei ,,' :£l:KlJ, V1etTl:lim (AJ,. --lilw<iy. fr'-'m the wreck whkrci T'hr h('!lf"'f!I(>~ C~.'l1ih a: Dill<. ,- M!!l:l i:o Kellogg L"lli£l alll!m]X loif1\'e .AmerkilJU pr~lOO oea:.d:twt, of U",.em h.Qd wllliu~d ,.To caine alter John Pau] Vann '("01 ,_ Poloo:t the fire. !In 11 Ill!ll-copv;.r c.ra:sh w-n-n~, reli~l Se-\'eraJ q~tlonA lllxrut lheJr:s(:ll1oT C'S iHjvls<tr pluckd't,jt • ....."j,.,,, • ',·j'c c_ ·icued Saturday -after /lUI." \·l\--i,ngl.re~ut rcml'lf)'oo lma.nllwCred:n.lnC'/lmerJ-oan.~ Irum JU1':! filJt-'!O ~~ ."\ liyv",e1:lT'.B.n 511, "He Ul).g ~" J f' f .3 cia' 'Th" .. h h '" ' t~ f)l.,"'" f-eet 1-.., eigh' fee.l andiwrtwut. ooa or 1 'j~ T"&al'i'c~'\e lI',("',tld·oo were t ey ob-- S\d.~ lhe penmetef <it Tar,:SL1 :.' j Uk, "] .,:' h I ian airstrip ertplurlXi by th-e rne-!t.1'DN the'l' rltdJ.o why Jl took Canh i L ~.",apb, c a pbklW WI en n· I ,. ' . • . ., ' :.: r' ,,_ .I-il t-"J. d ' R' lire ma l(',\l ,:tny, Thnl'fl wer-e ~dJY l:n;l.S"td, :13 dlfYS for tJ<em to m.ake ~adlo: Vnnn and a CS : ' d " h . " ,. ' . j • ' . , OdCmar.: i he.lin>,)'!er!aIl ,.', G>A Hc wd .the D.".lgs wHl boil: us. and Souch Vi(l,tn(jme$elc~~,~(,,' I;In ....;,'! ule." M~:~' ~}!I.o.[ made: ...1-'('~ tnp:s. 1(J!>jngim,e put in mine ~h,'{t5 Ilnd Irf.lfllt:'d: pllln~ ha"~e tx~"'1 nyL!J.S df.lily, \';,,It; :our mJl<;s be[o~. ge,.Ud",. ,'#,0 hcllrop-t,-,rs in th{>, lXoceS8, !Wfl: WIth th-ehope IlK'\' wU! (-{lrm llir;OVer'lile aiutr!p l.n Vle ce!1lrllJ;" radl<) meMEge thrOUfl!l :\Q lift the lJJJH' 2d'il.:l-f:rS out un-iW. pc-t--kets thal ~.,J!. su.ff\>c"te the:hig'bJands Ther;,> wa.! specu1al:lml Ulat del' nt'aT;.' fIre 115 tilt ba-s€ was:al:x firp.. R.e5(~der~ obtain.oo 'l:! bags! A radl'O call fo-r ht'lp "'fas.l~. two filtet;1 ~d 5r:t out V',ilMndoned : to,: ;;; earlier tl"Js wt>e.\\ whkh'p.kked up Saturday ·~fterThX>fl!W~J.k fDf.hel:p u:rrough eoemy-: "w{)rkt-",j far:l'.' well," he sddcd 'fJ'Gl'TI 11 p(1\nl abou: (ocr mtJcs"llio,d tE'rntor;.· And on t.h~ Via'," . had found ettJit'T a rOOi0 w part! io rt'.'pSi.c a radto which have bei'n b-rvken 1"'11" five were 8Jnong 10 \\".'\.sHINGTO~'; i.\'pi - 1'1>r Ame:fiCil!1~~lour cre-w !T;c·m- While H0'J:'\.e anrlO\.)i"!ct-d S;";li.Jr· bc'rs fro.m thr hei.iCOPl,?, and day a~reemt':n:j wiih Japilf::cfl1 ; :,I,X a-dVls.ers-...... h\l lItre 1:-.:. and 8-'.'Ven E.<]r(\~.an 0"'Aln-t.ric~ T : ii-eved <0 hll.-r rEM wh'en' tnl":r 01',..".,( D' ~",~"";,~.. "H~'h._ \ ...... fire Kills Nine ~? U.S. Wins Easy Scan and Print l~---whjch Wallace Wins By nu-:: A..%QCIAT&n PRt:;;.::;',~ Alilblln11l. Gov G~"'"l-rgc ,~ WaJ4cc, the adal1l.<1i1t foe oj forced M'hoo-l bur.£ng, w-on No-db C~rcl.in<l·t' fir:;.\ pre5.id~.n Unl primary Saturday, dedst,,~ ly dcle-allns the !l'lak s form". (;0'1. Terry s...n1{l,d. With -f.9 per N'cnt tl[ the SUiLr;-'5 2..2.5-5 prednct.~ reponed. Wiil) lace Jed with 210,781, fir ;lJ p>cr N. Carolina :e:,-lI. S.,I1!iln1 hM! lM-i1j( c,r X', .v-< l;"'~h'.ii,j Sw. G~~Kc :-.; civil dEh{s and G-rg-anb:,ed' FBl a pr p<:r C.{Lfll. He-p Si:Hr{i:'· C!ti::.tl<. '", M(;(;·O-"fCii I-I S;¢iut'J T.i~liLL it ha$\~::tntYl'r rNl1y i \dta. 01 Nt.....· )'<..r)" h"J St" 11M , r;,: L"1 oHl-£.f pi;iHUc"l de"''C.!,:'-p opened the r:;nJ(:<; -of !L~ &;genl~: WIth tnt' per ('en! ,,,.. {<nl~ rrdilkmalrli St,c;W;i,t n 1(1 minority r!lO~~: it ~-up.-! :,\'i:;:on mOl MGa;:;~..: bik, in II To,lL' Llr:,lTr:~ Mutl nI1/Y.1JJK<1<l in l'X-trGH ile pr~ indrtf.e;)lj~nC1' in i~.1Ir.~ii1d' the hed picD,gOO $J5O.ooo t·o I]IC crlltk gEJb!'n:li3l.lJrlt!! prii'>'J'Y. ,;Kcrlt~: It.:, 1>urH~i:!;;nct; of ,iv\J ; th(' (op I '-;JiT}:p,,,",;g)) elf SCI). },1;,{k;Yan two r('/p,m c~ndjd.<itF.F ,,:><A Lan dj&"ident~ I:J; of-te." \In\l;;r'1 were jOCkl s'n',n.g, but fl'lili i'r'';'Ofoi.i'lSi''''. nlllk'd ...nd if] f;omc :'il)H'-~,: tWlity to SL c<{.ly kad~ Iwe, '''''-' ;;! 'he', d(.',nr\{o:M:.... ~/e,Jo:hcriy ,H(! illst.. ~lal("~ It<lcii:lg L'I,mlt.Ki iJ~h' '): .Justice f)f~1)(lr1 i!l~nt ~-:,-lcrBn.~: nUomcy g fk:th<.J}dcu Wal].li.(".t:',~ Teacher Honored tJ"rru.st the FB! W],i\(- Sub deeper In!:o el(IlJ){',,,-.tk in- prvc,a:e n : i.tdHgf![lC\~ !o":I'lUH7r ing S1i\JS!y )nm UndC'I Hoover. tht;'. hurl'flu! thLs DtglW '''(i~ s:\C~· to mol'(' ~J1 tIle ;]rp,:t""~~kHl.'lj '(cri! '('\'itT ,37 V'(/.P '~I,:,U<;J )1;", DcmocraLf(' YenU,:m 0it;br,ill d<:.lql.l!\(:' (';;,1\ t<F,;-<i)1$, lor S.,:wfwd, T1HS W3~ Ctr:JjJgti 2J' i(1 State Road Toll at 85 pu~h W'lIU/i(C \r.b ~("-;",)f\d r iFlel: 1 ;';1 Ht::X~iS rA}"1 J,:,w:irc Illll}o-n~qny. <I hei}J 01 ::Wn )l~;. Ki;\,j'lki. Ii, oi :\fj!'.;';<".Jk, 1'It1.~ boe>~t l~. ]!.ufi.Wl';r-cy (,i ,',jj!mUJ,~(1l ",,-II<) re,,:l havt t.o f:T_f;~' r~of{1. th(> \'r"On:. wHl1 thi". bu":the CIvil d HamIl, F"BI niH\ off Ih.c: 11'"••• to b~ \ dr~jMe.(j 111t" :n,'e~t!gi,l\iJ,g ell'ill righ~5 (Ind orgiioitl:d crIme I {:jJ~.s • ·11\.0 1)1:r1:",1U' ~ tril(i rt>OTr{l on i kilkd &ill1rd,lY wh.tn :he C<lr or~A<;.Li,{,.q cdme bas I.rnpn:mx1 .'\i flC(' the m.0·J!XlOI:; Prior to' ~l:w. I'-"~ rtdr.flg In ldt II r"I;' tn.itt time, Il-eCQralog to fonner MISSOULA (APi ~ Jud D. :l.UCf.OO W-(,5'e·;u Mon(lln.1 tMd AU\" GeL HBm~ l1ilrk in hiS i JohoJOoo, GOOiaJ sludie-! t~Rct;,er! _ ll'I'AJ r-oJk.,j Q~'l':r on Its roof In BiH!ua:', UncoJ.n Jun!-frr High! ~~': lhc F'BI Wilf, prp.<xruPied! t Th: df!,llt" bfooght II) as the with chaslng COHl1nUJlhiu. SchOOl. wu hooor.ed lt~ M.on--i e ' \. _ I r 1 woa Teacher o-f the Ye--s:r ~t- \ (otIUnutd h"001 rille 1): nUiD,,,,,;,r ()( ci'i'(';3 M'l O:!1 s-Ui,e TOOtH' onlv II iitH.. . more thanl urony at the annual comenUQfl' e}cclr:d Off\>:'lil-h i-'lOU,U b;-) (In ~ ro;,;d$ this yr.ar 100 ij{ 'lL<,. !:pc-cltll 'agrnLs of the Montana Assoc!.atwn or:lhe 00&rt1 and '. 1-\{lt'fO stlJ be; The :One C(, ,H_'Cidt"nt occur- are membcr~, oi i1 minority I' (]al;sroom Teachen. ;,M~werabi;' 1" ttl; lr:~ii,iillljn, e.:! Qf', L S 10 !.mer5t":e 00 gr,Xlp Anabel lfolm("%, third grad.:Tbe enljr>t lhdl'lt (1f '.IIl', «U(:!oj- \:''-N: 'mile's WI'S: of ~L R'!gi~ a1 I teacher in Shelby, was 'e(tcled: tiGD ,md .Sfi!,\I(::< ~>C'~)';}G l~"!~-',(': l2' ~ fun. ~'-E,u;:ral C:Kmty ,HI-. ltare PC2k j La bo r I I i.600 i (1"1,-1,1 presldrmt of the 115socialkm a{ bad; to (\rte ~fHng ("fin (No lm- :hDn[jr:s ~.illd A "-~.I!t Rg;\in<rt J!J)(],<·tr,., the o.m\'c,nUcJ-i1. She" s:u-C'C"cl':d.s,I"n put tLcir \,-,.;c,l III the jct:'s· 1~,¢r:vc-r.;:; :b,~ (·;'\C .. n0b.~r: ~I' ;g';; b-:-' I' r",rlller FBl ;l.fSentl Ed Jones, oJ Billings to the top:i3ijJ,(' e!€eted ~l in th~ orgllni?atloo.) "W~ )',11\'(' '.0 In::'~ Jerry Sh.ml-ay, of llekoa i..'!:tUft'." H;1J'\:>('., .~did vice-pre"iide.nI elect; Eichinger, 0-[ S,\clbv was ('Ie-d· inl): 1lr.f>W('[ ed se<'rl'tary and R~y KnlHn. of 1 propk, Wf He.lffitl, WIiS se-kcled u-ea.:-ur1,'.f, 'them," w,iS t·~)! hCH.?it,;;}i;(.l',d, "We ;JUt if they (:}o' lht nc('d.~ of the c:,n .~d rtd or JU3nit.11 ; the'iU 1.'; ·jJ!l<::e ll:)(l i ])ryd;:TI, <1!.w' n-f Mi~$oul,1 who dillmed h", WM blilckfor ~.nymg ttx- bureil\'l i sp'.lhSW,<IlJ £aid I-tS d!re~:ior h;w: 5horl-1 La;; t· ye".- ,<1, lh!~ d"lle ?It h.ad ('QmJngs, provIded a rare peek ()(;cn kW{.-d 01] ,\]cfilMM rugll- at per~,onueJ probkrm in tbe I way,> FBI " " :';[ O<.Jl \c{;;i'a- J. ,'j,beilCs l><lJbj I 'ilfll€n his felJuw agents I In! New York dug out 0[ the 'Vasle-; Judaism Bypassed :",,'eI , I,':" ! but not .sen!. Victims Rescued c< c~rl weiU.,! fo-rmer agent i SR1(j :\'EW YOHK (AP) _. SociajiJitd s,"",aw, hc· WCi.~ orderedi stlldies teX.tbooM CUHeTlU _: tran;;.H."fred to Butte, M1JrJt.!"" . , Y : Whcn he rc!~if.! the trarJ.1kr.1 Illl'tly fmm tile. wreck whcr~1 !1tc b-c:ii('(/f.l,(e-r cr;).);h ,,( Da,!'. u;o;eQ in 1/,,". hlgn R'hor'i8 and;Shi<1'I sei.d, Hoover I!.ccepled hi~\ two of the.m Md W1Ilkoo: ITo c-ame flitN Jr.hn Plilll V~<l!1f;': cogee;~ tilrtety 19nore the COfj- i re.<.ignallM "with Jli~jud\N'''-"a Several qut's1:tous Ikbou! their Lsenie; !:S adl'iS<'T. plu('.ked ~ tnbuHon of Jt"'<.'S <1M .)tujaj~rn; d:eslgmmon,he ~ays h.as kept)_ reS(~ur. !'f.mll.ined uoBMWered :nj,~ Amerlear,s fmm j~.Ist ou~· ito r.noden1 cl,'lJ:JJ:aUQfl ~JIY~ A him from rtmling o-,her bw en.' Th~se inGuded whe,re they ob.! Hd-e !:he penmt>\,e:- at TSflli S-lanicrd l.inh't'Tlilly ht'i-lo!"1.ar, fvrcenr,t:l! work. i (.sined: ~elr raillo: why H took:C.il~\ . . . Dr. GfI'vIn I. J~gn!t(:lir told Tne 1-lJl! wa.~ :;et!ic'l;j OL1', rrr: 13 dll!'s lor them ,0 make r1l.dJoi Vaon anc i.l t:,S hell-copJ,~r;~l Amedcan JfNj-l$l C.omrOlll« ('\"J""Jrt conl.aol ano WIll' thC\' 11ii;j lJ:~pllot mad!; L'Jr-e-c trips. I-oo-tn8~mt.e!i'1€ here t..ttal the ~sion A bu-rg1iny of an FBI offke: wulk four milc~' bero~ geUmg't"''O hc!i("Qp!.us \'n' the proces~,jwa5 dJ.rectt)" r~ibl.e- for Inc,\n M"dill, P:J; in March ]fl71; II rudlo meS:Hlge lhruugh to Iifl the nine I;d .. i.'icr~ C!'Ut un- :ignoTaflO'! d m<lI'lt Amerk.ul:.\ pm... eD fQ be ('mb;lfra,':;5i·ng lD There was specul-ation thut he.a,)' fLre as the base wasjaboot Judaism and Je'Vilsh bis th~ bure,n.:, 'r'ne burgiar5, ~!yl the two WIest had set wI \0 abandoned !tor~,. mg U-H".{Ti..'iein:~ as "Tht Ciu· walk for heip through erremv- i hdd territory and on thew~;:,,: hl:ld fG'JlXi either a rad~o or' pI'. rts to repair a radio wuiel-. m,ly have been hryk!'.n The fhe were amonj<: 10 Vi :\SHINGTON ; ..\ P i-The i aU,owed to (ncr-rase tr,,;i, tX5104-D Trw aY,Teem~r.:s p]iJCc' iPAm"r\ci'irt<;:-fonr en:\': memWb.i"e Hotl~ nmlouncoo Satuf· DOns here at inc rale of 5 r ' ~wa:nt.~ ais--o on exp(J~u of i"u· {rom the heikoplcr ,,-nd nay s.gre€ffient.s "'iti) Jap.an. c-en! anl'A1.a1Jy ; [jCI.Jt.e-G structlL'a; Srct'.!3 ))0\ six advise:;s...:whD I-h~re lx-- and seven Europe,an C""JUnl:ie'S The new restrj,-,:\i<JI1 an s.hi:r t',J-'d:reci under t111; 1%'9-7] aI· i i 1 Ie U.S. Wins Foreign Steel Curbs Easy.Scan and Print Money Problems Plague Supporters Constitution Backers Orgi A dtii:cn's g:-oup \\rh~ch Jr:ci.d· j~ t.enl.i!t!Vt b9!:.!e pli.H~~ ~"rid::lY tiona; purpn~,'.·_", Th.: (\ij,Vt'fl,JOn n,l~ot;; 1;'0 tu l'crap e-ojeC!!vii)' in ia\"Of d.urL'li h (ir:;;,: f,)nn;,1 :lIceliJl!\ rrxnnl!ll('~ W1L~ r','In.Jr:;,-{\ ('.>t. lid, of R j!Oc;;,I.;\;r C"ll.mpaign to rodl \\:Lh S6 ~ in its tn~!ISllr) mm~':Mr,Uve pl~rv,l,.<;-~;'\ 80( neHl, the enl115tilutkJn 1-0 :Mcmlllrt,;).ns 'i!'IjI, wI,ll '10tN ",iIK,II,u!1 and " . fo~ thc June 6 D.riman,' IRk; ;HlXJ piItjL~ thal ,.'Hil fOf ~2:j.l)(X) ~,eV~;<l! I1¥';inber'5 Immh1n\e!y ,'-.: ." , , t b ' ~~~~~'~_~'~'_~_~_~..~~!~!~:IUl'" ,r.: cll.rnpali{n, i.tw '- ...lm !·tJrrnl"ri lh~ tit.1lcn's enH!? IT ! mi(ie(" fOi C-onsJ.,l)l;Iik,nili lIT'; 11',1'. hulk (,,' thl' lW.lX)) !!UflJ;( Just Arrived \ )prOYf:;.ill1~nt (t]1 1.( \1;'"" ffleed'!>! ,.- li8.00J ; ; with lin invL'l.ibJe er",my b.'H.:-kt>i,fCt. u,luJr.tian i (if)' i i lind i CDrpOfi<!-\1 inltl'l'$l!;·kkYi~l().fl ii.nd rr;d,in a gro-wrng "PrO~iUD-n I'rom f~~-t ;tw., f11f::li),:.;:l' oi IJain.g 'volJ;"-r-< JJ4.95 COMJNG SOON! full line of OCli!M-.s-oNe-$ Waf1::n Oor, SnowfQCIrnl I 1 Mid-Mountain Sales '-'t2,·ft4.fi.t ',iT";S Qf l.h' rnN:!lil r ..~.i!;,=-d r.e...·l~iili new l!'Ie l)",g.;;li~'e To eQnslnJ('" l,,~,t wee+;,! lion condU-CltK.1!L.'i (:lrnl':ll,gn I-\i(o· $,~ve 11(:gnlive q:,w~lkil1s il~,,' 'no Y('\l~ Knr)w, ~nd 11wr: [lTI,'H'otJ.ng I:of>tl : b(ll~n doc;]mf~n[ [}( '11~ . P:~:~ i,11 e-',l,;;l~rJ Ml)nu~na:il'" N.·ortb Dii.koL~ radj(l,~• . T(><)k !l;..:,," IL>Pf:-(;.'\ 3<>1<J. ij) ho urged: the C'D-ftImHtJ.'-e to (tC:('f'p-t the! ;;n';l,~ ,,[, ~.'~r,,y>~i!';).'.'" ~:S{~~~f1 .\\;!~ 'd\,f~~~',jll IHTI(..~.' Uw CfJrnrl',,'ltl.'('. , ' ' ' , , tHitli I' ,< .. I to' i " i, UW,ll ':tA:HAX'r~ par', ~t.jL;'rl,y 'JP{)('.;,I~ "We ddj,-l!Lci\ (:''-'Dr lh·;; '--;>11 ",1 rn,>-r;~,< U~~ -,-.:''''':; FUm Ua<.:ert.illnty ~ sU1lj(k:>" ;Kl kl~ ;10'1 ~"~ untru:h· p,,\?,~r~ Stiii lI:\C('T~n:n W,~5 w~l.hcr: ; h,d, but ,",ci! the cor\<;Uui,'XI 0,0; "j dor,'l hill'~ cni!\i-f,:t; [ill;), ~11 thi' r:orrunit!e{'. C,-lri u.<;e. II film: ;1$ good pob'.,5" l>:;lC GC\'fj{C l.!1t.' !I~)()(1ne,~~ of M.(lf)C'lJlilf.l9 who;!.a-ken durrng the 0-OfIvtmlkln[ iHilf-per j:kkt)? mill" r/'il.c ,VI ill:! llnd ~"-iJy 'we!! iJnd prepilfl':{l by II BolCffi:8n', " i':i :rend ~)me lt1ur:,') m" ,~id'ad\'('rthing fi!::n T'he ;,,,, BKYClES 'ccm 8.8,95 j" V'l.!'\Qtl' iI d,.':/n;!(~d '''''>is w:,~ (k~l>lnij\"d: 'P0:op1t: !f) n{'''·~fi·~p~f-:; 1:~JLel1 Ih2' la!1S(' i >.I~t"·' wlw;-',' tl<H1 <0_>"", PlJ~ SqUflu,'i thi'tr 51de 11 m-e,l')(! iI,<; ;ilcro'~,~, mm-l 'Tht" fJ,rohtt·nJ D;l\-'td DTur:\!TI, Bj!JiJlg,~. wh~~ml\lef' WJL', not wre I'>belhcr I!i The prClbkm. )-"""'>.'~";' [l(,i'Xl' ,,-;u.gg(;'_~',--,"G il t.(,·stin'O:lHiii ap.. : WO'JJd ilav{' lD approach the i p<Jlli!1€ il cvHCI'ntral-c:',-j e!h1rt (,OJ l"-'"1)~cn liem tl1"Drnine-nt Gthen-s stllte, l(, m.lke ~rr:mR~.Jni"flt.~ 1.0: 'Ih~ \'o-<r:,~ D<-;J(ln~ ttv.- p:r:nHIS) 1:n e-lId', an.] ';;)nog witt: il ("(flj U5;,~ L1i' fHm Of, if the state rt- i '('-j·t~cUOil WJ.t$ .money 11'.{'. L'Dm-. pan \l!1l( w-r~.l~~j g,h=c ,C"O('fS th(~: !ll~ to p;;y (Dr IL Ihe com- f mjt'r:.e', 'hcndN1 by i-onner V,;{c,' upponw,jty to send lJ"I<.71,... y ; rnLllet c<ru!J/y,j~;" [hi' f'jlrr. and }jjuea!lon Ccmmjtiee dm.!riiVJJ1; AflO(hl~f :J.!iQil"~tjfJT', b~ Jlstrit...J~(: it r J'-'~Ul TC)(lie Mls..oooi.u, sP<'·r.JiD",Jmrn d~e-w ~ :liOf!' L~"Of<iiJi(' TOOj""';l~d :KVf'n ttkvL'i-ion i 'mud; n! it.:; firsJ ;Tl1X·(ir'..g dl'~',r~·fp'l.j,)(l fr()lT'. i",'J!' -:-.)lrlm](1l"I"9 ,)tlll}(jn_~ had offerto'J !<-' run lhei Nt:-rS}.n15 .... ,\V~ of gt'IHng rnDrley' ,n-,,:,rnj:>o::n 'nat .'.-uf,gc-st4J{1 "il~ :\jm \Ill' I:l\ght bl.-f,',H' 01<' dec-: the ~"0Mes: liJnOtln! vi :liTH" tD "JJ1\-<l<:'l iar-ge:r ('~'f1!.rIL>tJ\ftL~ ~k)[1 , , lbt~ (1)lnrnilte't' Will! formt-d i.'1 ~<:trrou.~ <ire,illi In fiJiv thl~ , i j after t!H~ M.onLa"a S''Jpr~me :monev "be('n~ of the ;;()OJ"t An rH,~,:u:j~e ('O'fomi1ter con-'f I :Court )(l.~t wee-iI. ruled !tl-'lt tht :amoll~>\ uf t'j-m-e Hi txf0H the ,~·U!1€ ,')( Tr...-J-1-e, HarJX"r, &JUy! r ' Vot-er B.al:Io:.:'Od of HelM>!, .J CIT'!. Wen- ,r ,; BJocaHoll C.{'1ni11}11t,:-t ,: elecllon ' l \hitd no iUHhOrlly lD ~lil $-{;,,: :'-fcw-spapt'r llpp<?-'lh were kH (kid; Hell;ni! B!ldDnlflun W1J!f 000 ip pubb-: hmds fOf eJu<c,h hx"?Jdtil;'1{,H-t':ll who wOIlk:J k'rmlX! tD co.':tduc: of lh~ ro-u,: ~---- ".._.,.~-~... 1VJ . , line btlSJf!.~ alreitd)' ap-p-rovoo: . - - - - -.. -~,-,~.' !d-&'idt Ofl how to !rt".oCrt the ,'iP"- by lh~ who~.e (:':'mmilt.{~ ~ !pe-llh ~n nCl'f$jXl~n, \-ek'nslon , !:',nd ra-di-o fJ.cuy w~ !if;-[[] repre'lJ:'uUng r FENCING YOUR YARD? Fl,;xauf.;e $(;;'T)l' dl':~n,~-c:!: kft Lh~ M.o;]L(.[k1 Jekaguc 01 Women' ItM cODl'e-nli.:;f1 wlth dlhN II Voicn, J\.ijid her orgllniJ--<llk11l; ;D-eg;i>ti\,e atliluQ-,e Of k.ept ID t..,,*- W35 o!ie-r',:lg i:..~ f!!,ciUUcs lind; 'middle. i1~ (:fJmmHl~ det""..ded ?5"f'''}tlnei i l [!l{f in lhr: cam·: if) form "l,ljth Ufu-i.ds gTO'.lp..~:f:-<1jgr. She ~ r,vl'n:irm(-ti a~ a; iwbleh .would hi{ l~~e iJrca~ 'rrH."'rrnx-, '" l},e 0.IffiffiHt('.J? L ilik,e !>-lB,/La Gia15go~, Mue<; dty .. ~~ rllmml'M,c tlY:H. WIH .i 1100 o-troer part~ of 'I'ft::;t:e-r:tdrlcw.-.-' ont;:ny, iI. o-jds on who s~~!d ii T00j,e !;n-'-n,,1 pctong ~ : r:,,'mr...:~rs 51ra-l-C",~pczi iy. rc;ertliJ-' ! t:an-a to glv,-, tt\1? C'ornm,ittee"lk-Qe ,0::1 ~ poiJl! or vii,"'" . j, Drumm UlgeJ the lTl-emherg :ng ,"p:fJtnJ.r..e-nt C1UZCI'lS WM lagasmt "brus.h f"tres" ;r. .;<;e;l~r" ~'}U1G ~~ v""h:.'al:J.i~ fro the ('ami ating a head---OD Da.\ile With the: pal~n, r:-speeJaH:!, kr:-- f1gU'("5 jspe-cial mter-e$t.~ lrt(:'y b~.Lie.Y«l' org:lmZ2.lim:t~ th",l [r;--"-j(r,,,~d iwere c-onrluctin.g an under-' ('(1rL~ijW-ti:O'n groorxl campaign \JJ urde:rrntne ! th<o new &--.)('~TII~ni : ~ll PlI'i!.i(i-pa!j!J'n ! Chain Link Fencin,2' , Daif' HarTl'S fo,m(~r txf>CJ" Har!X;[ uJ)tXJ:&':d Easy Scan and Print Does (I Monster Lurk Behind the Scene? Pol:itical Bedlam SiH4 .":,,, ,till;J hi<; ,'itll<.,,:,ih-i;;!'itil.'.g By PAUL VFWf':,MA,....' A;i~:JdM.OO I'ro:'~~ 1bt- (t-ppO'fll'!.n~$ prW>{>6t'G new b~ 1;:;1,)<'>I'~r,£ Tr h,:,"i.T"lj; ,'-iL !YOnl ,he of Wriler- Ao- dK':wlof; to tw"li't'l ll;'.'- nw: dt:'Hh. Vi/If'f' /\!,q.:r;;(;'f) 1'..1.;; \·u:'(-!;~{ ;:i\;..,.,.~·d·~",it: ~n-.bl;k>.", M.(~O::li.l;!U &IPf-'("!,iO-<~ , ", !f"~)-,l,: l;]'l:t;"~. h" I ~ :b,-- ':',r l:.'J· ~HIl>.)-!!l<A;i' ';!rl'f(')l ,\T<·j", P,HS! '"-,,, ':"'j \1, 1"0r ?- ;-oo.gt; time A.'Xkr~(-'I-' t.";!;I!b:H~ is oxn~ 1;\,I::IJ- wia::::, !)rh-j t.td lor w3<.kr'b jOb In the SU:f. &::1.; Irvin '.he dd~llle.~. One. of .\nder:.o,'"\ '~ po:;. ,La 1 II: ott: H C,Nidio!l:S as a public f.igun' 1.,\ hui w, a ;';l);c\'~~~ p'jliLK<l! ;;"'):~'IHS \; J'" SU.[}fXWl t.q!.~',M:~~' i!JJ OWl' 5,_·,mekmd ki ~~:!~~'C-ss-ary Uli ;;,{, ?rige:l ~ th!~:,'~~-Z"o-nSlrue­ !WI, monster hRS'·',h-i.':;t· re:t t>ecnme \X!N'lc:-1y 'VuHtik-. Sv the de1cgfll.C-f puffiine f'J'r C;HTlp.'llgn ,In (.J :'\ fl'l\'COlWe vote' ·:in v.....x ument r.fi\'~ lx-:e-li lo make d<lf); hin!j; l~orp'.:>r/.l-le t.'Ch{'m,--,til~ RC,;;'JDJ i':il r, F'r-;rrit. j).,:;-,i,; Ie Dunt!( "",';i:> FJ':CW'T; il.~ ,ilt: di,t,,'tor vi !r.t P'J rJ1 ,'0..-1 { .'1 "x l'kp-M,men; lln;i! A~yJ~,: il-nd n<!ttll'lg ei;;.c ._n":0<0.<: hI]; :< ,u_"' t.n ,I >-~1-)1':~ (A h.;us,~1.e:~ (hi:l gi>I'C Dunldc £l :rillnLr:ig gklS5 .15 n~ It.<! :)Cw tif.iyjronmenUiI lleru. 1bere 1$ ;; ;,bl-e ')nJy l.!:De doubt Ihn! AooeTs'''~1 )( h,· itl'cui chI: hill! iii5 iJ.~' ~w(J Ye:il1'~ I.n b;;ckiJ1g lhrgl' &0"):<1 i'ri).:' I::, dij ,jl'U ;liI,~ir, campa1gn-s iiV/in", a JUHi' 6 w-ny,u:: ra:Uication hy tJw Pe-"I:>ic L....lrlkle U suc:tl f! '.,,;I\,-:(j front bv <\1).] do »,1 i, i'I' ",i,:h tnle['.>s,:~ 0:;$,:> Lh('H~ (5 Our $Ul!l; 'N.kiiL, Dutlk:e's ~LiJ',(i!ng 3' cclflmuHee to fo,::\iS ,1r1 Thn~ is Cil"·;"'I:fr,(~hi~1l\~' '~ 11'~" ;:",1 :il'; 11()! II Ken !\Y~}") ,so.c;: 5l.;:;l:: <:is:;l'l il: a G{)"P- pt ,1113ry l';]II,no "$iwe (:hairmnnl to d(; R diSilppt'llfHlrb .IX',~,n. The besp\xt:~cled lD-rmer II-c:l with the n:'l1k.<; of conlTv.) [bureaucrat is now :tInning 11 qui, lJ-il)f'S. Cour-t Seab Bkf U~~! the GOP [)( lrr"'.')' ocx:,g italr~-, Wi cl,Hf(!r~'iH Sm)U'j 1]N.''' ~Hnl.r:'t Ul-i; ,",ii:u, !nc'li (l(!,{ fk}"...Jb-\,!clt0J [l,1 thor, prim>![;-' ~ ~j! !,oW,-v:;. ~r;- J i..:l' ~ . . . . . . . . . , . . ; v - ~ . """.-'" ('f'lt,lJ-C--:.rid<:lO<;'·m:}e.m C'.ro~YCr lo<!i' g<:J'<"'lX.)fsMp wUb .:it} ~,a<>)'. .If.~' \>'1 [),;;lci<,le r £ m f1 m b C f4'l:.'1tl1t. thaj f~w i Ifi.h1'! fX\sjtioo h News Analysis ____ \f' h~f; &,'.liLh begcM hit bkl II an ntH [,,1 nat f:(l N 3m rn~j(h [')w, 111~ Ht rnu..o;'t h:-.>Y ;I.J:;1.kl'llde:~ con- n.'ll liDxmg _ De-fYlr"><";flJ \~. 1 i l ~_~~! ~t1ln" r:;"-c-\:~l.r.~ hit:& t:W.gIW~ j/1 l:':>f: i ~!)j tl<)-():.' Ui..cJi erwugh F{t,;puhH- O,,! 'h-)1X:' : il,t, tb.c ,C&W ,(~- !J;g..cd 'Coi'C';,> g:V(~ 11i III ltl~·L~ pri:rniJry f r'-' : ~~i'.r- J,,,; il f!;?n)l\;:::>T!'l !x,m<:)·: b;jlk>I.~ 1c1 lh~n\' J\ldJ';'c ,",ie: no!!'>!- wl!:6eJ1diy ('.iI' n",r.~ lhe p['op..'}~;;. dO"~iline-,n~ (~.un ·t!".! L, !9&"l pda, 1.<) m,;:ri-"-. (}!. il-{ur"I,llJ:lW'5 e'p,.;tii.;jtjm t,(~ ;' ["1' '('~ cJrnp-lligr, aim.-.'-:i at kee~pjr>.g r,j, H:v;r,limlenWi .:;upport or: ADd that sami' S~;:):ur,e . ~h!.' (me ha..')·o",'h;:-e tryir,g UJ, ,Court that has MillSlnmg lhe ('orn jI\ce Rf'tlu'!kiillS lbo" hj~ Conslit.utimUil Convention'~ "in- p:-irty crPden',j;;;,:: are in order ;f-orrnation" c.ampa:ign by rulif4'" Dagmar ilgri-eLJ.;;c:re man, r::.d '11 ranr10t SPt'nd publk mOfwy.!Smlill. tl sl-ale represelHaiive Easy Scan and Print J!u-, 01", hAnd Vdli/.e tty1:1\(; to ('OCIvirx-t' RepUb:lk:lJlS t'h:>l bl.'i !J,';.r\y c-rt-oerrtia15 Ilr-e In ordN [)0,-gmM tl'KrktJUire n;Jl-1) fA Snu:iJ, ti ~1..\l'1~ r<!'prr-.u:m-t-lllhr tia.ed with :1:>(1 Dl:mocf s:t~ woo in Iri:fllJ,g oH tn~ 2 PC,T ('0:1-1 .~4!-!i tJ.lx. l1< to Dunkte 11$ Ddvi Jaycee Officer Set Wwtlt at _u • ffMt-f1'f8 Tonight 17.2 eu.. R. o $h. ~ ~ ~M-ffMl. -Wi- »" 0 1S.1 .. n ""*' ny- ~_ C -"'t9lMl-lC I O.f4;iU_ MIl ,.., JiIlt.-M 1kd ~JWj . . . . h.ulo, $469.95 ~ $40495 " • -: -".'.II"'~"~~Xi."'~. ., . . ~ _ -.....-.......... -t~itkllM "",.!X'.·Co"" !',;~;.:y Innrr Oflkr COflniq ,I: 0'\;;;111,,:. 1:;11'1',,11 ('O!il';<" iI :";'p:il_,n'orc WI!l r"1)rr~­ \\»I>\;-1J\<" C')[:,'_>;l:~ iJl}fj ur-,! : TIw ]'Jenl If, il\;d (ru .I'i,j;.:(' '.n~ltlf'-' 'Ii the \;ilt~-W.fil Or;j!j).' . Ilr-~ in thf' C'~[\c-':(\('\l ~!lemi" \w fV C\'ntt.~! n'l :he campu'5o/ ';1';'1 Rf'public.lws If) f)1JI th(~ [1\'(" rTl("l lOget}ler --Ju¢l!:f in· :)-,c-\:"~kr~."j~. W('ste~, Kcn:u{~~y. lh:I'('r~ity i,l !\.;J''''::I',;; Cr':"'!: Ky \1;1:>' ~ ~hd ;\di11lnJScril!j(tll ~ ~~N'_ -iil-'" f",·", l'l~id{>r~ -....11" ; l'!w -contol l.~ ,~lY_Hl~,.\)r~ by "1)ehevt' thl'll U'w.rc "';\~ '.·\IJ Or ator ie,.1 A:'\,~~,. -'even S!J imJe); ~.~ ii'Kx1 ft~h-,w, s.hlp between \lte feisty Andc.· ,Cli;:r.Hl, !. IWdQllol Ia. * m 10k COIIl8U ~1!ltcj~"'~1l - ItUd I~-D 0 A<Ii!uubll c~"._ R e.",l,,, Prlu WnH...h.._ 1t-.:h.:1Wi u..~ ItlIJI'l 1'1$ ~:"J:< -w~-"~S,.."'li:l~ """ ... .",.:U' ...A<1 i.' .; i W",~DeNx. "-1rr~"'~'" t'lrfI:r o I lOi!a,. w<U'" . Yo-w~ 0 /'1_,,,- '''n'n,' ..... _~ H., ,".-;u ~, .Ji1 I I J ~I~ .. ~ ~flkl~\l'fW~ (,l'r_..,.,.. .....,....:~.~'. ......... O:l ..~~."""''''' !o"* S-- ;:; ~.ttT.,..,,_ .. "" .._r ~~-,-::;~--. ..- ";·,'h1 , ~~ ...., "I''' $199 . .9 ~ R~·;r.r,to' Easy Scan and Print deste s onstitution er til TIiltkm. 0-: h"; M/JJl ;" a...-'T,O'..i!1L~ n rl-l!l TIw k:~f'~dt mU",l h"1'-I-"t:Vi:·f' coo- hfc,\i',1 p\l'~ii lifl.YJr"g J:;l$-ny p(,li,jJ",j,:),U ~,>{ of. th.! ",-;.,,1,1 11)(' .n:,:ny nom!· wb<:, <",'('jwtn: ~(jft d;;'.k:;:1':bs i,l"i;.l1< ""lmJ,y fn V:'"(>'!e it, :W~ ,,,,,,,,,A,,'.,.. ""'e' jC'i,~fL'tur(t. "w~ ,(r:,; ,')'!l~(''" h'tl'.' ~i'\';Jk 1-~_1 \'( (ir-;'wY' ,); j { {•. ,;: r;,l',· "<f in, I)E,_~r o;-[;-r:". .:"j i.k~';:'\\ii.b'.'n!_ ".'J<5 ,~P_;f"":'!i_ ~\i'F':- r'f YO:· "ci' ,'".""""",,,"'" CJt'l\Pil igfL -The %:\;r p'J~.ii.\.NHty j-o-r ;,loy rww C1f {N( d"".,,,, ·".e,,"~' West",go""", 7000 BTU GomP"Cl RO:OJn Al! Conrlrtion.er ;'~)i;'B"r! ~',l:,,,~ ,',WtI L: :;"('l/"'. :'it\ ... <J.""-',~,,"~r~·r,.,; :,~,",,>'~'':C', ,,,~=lt-..: \N'~,t;;l R!"....,~" ~ ll":~ :-,t,l';~ ''''''W>'''~ R~i",:'Il.i 5209.95 S i 5.00 ~C11!J;;rf') ;,'!.lp\,K,r0 10 he (l'JtlQHtl·i.iq', ~', !ll!d !,fl:(" <1.1'1' w:>in~ h, lUlW, \0 r....-'In:'"d :,.;. ::,,-, S-:tf'l',-riw -n•.\, ''-': n",'l,,'r-iH'l In til..;' yt;,nr":; ,jr.;1~rh: rn/.i.~) •.;;; (,D f';"UH\ .. ,lhl..1 ~h::- &.I{'jt~t{I" (xlI.tn U~;;;i dk'k:t,..;~,t }l: th... <O'·"",e,!c.m !,~ (,:N:,shwU,Yt llil) dd~1J:eS j'.ci'trce.'i:i" ·lb~.·: 'h~' [,! lr: Wfl$t;~.., h"'fJJ;)~~!' e';l.o;):y Go"'l'aet R-0001 Air C.ooditl:oneri C! S((l(I BJl.ll l:eo()~''''i ~ 0 Or>!'r~ L:' L"\l"D,I"'''9tt-n''~1' 101 ~:Y.I T"'J;!~ t:~ 2, ~--p.'(.1'3 Regular $129.95 :.!!l (tn WibH~; ;jj!ip-l~) S99.95 i: UJat f"" 1i'Z , Tax Issue Stirs City Briefs l1J p,...."'I1I':L J. fOL'BY lH Swte l}uU'-!l,lol r. M\'>,1Ur ltmc:hcop mett)ng o! o~ Hr:-lenn Board 01 !kJ, liJ·jJ);~ Ilci:m a~ iD£' c,)lotilB I Oub _Cl,.'U1'l1-y; apprai,f-f:of. ili]] W-;;trt'.'l. wU! $peu 1.0 the grClIy Oil liP Ji" r~_~L' w p~!l'.'IJnS ·:'.~:PI«(,.'r Poppy Drive' Storts Mondoy In Helena v, ::>\' ;;:~d >;..i;y~ '1 L· I, Cl.'·f'$~j­ h"y\" I" "n 8 r,a,,"" CG pI"~ CUll. il l~>!lg rr :r,\;PPOil Uw XhO(lt~ :dd"~lll{' nlJ~''''.~ii (' M.CJ)<JH1/U",t,. D '~tW..~ whi l<i<~ to tHlj{ (:,.Jfl. \;;'''i:;"i C,"'i\-r.nU,,!\ oe~f"~.:tll' In :11 ~_ m <] f,:\p.L;t1nlJli! whj' the Hw .'lide,' di' ~W"\i:>C::'i:r tilX ;;r(~.lJ)d t IhJ', lw It: ),Idl· nn "L::!,r :(,x,<-l;:jJ;:',rl ,k\lJ..'I_,,~\1 G o.",ntf''''>('{ '\(").id iii':.'," ~'il.!t!y ';i,']: ,\.i.'C:)1)i! Hm';:(:J1K ~tilt(; IlrO~} :P,:'!l Li' ::. ,hr' !I t-,,; <;;n!"l ;!f, ;,',(\ 1,,;H,IH,ii i" I;Hj 'YlUh "r;lis flO' <tckog'lilD r.-J y,~, ('iJncn'\!: ;,;,)'(,n;5 ;w<! ~r.:n,,· Inlen,oSl(.,;: '11 ,iH: !(!X,!.'Lii {C'i.h}<:.} :i"r. O( !!w :,wJ,lJ>o1T\il\!\ r-L~.~~,"'? Hif! ifl\'HC'd !<, 'I<,'i'Ci:' ,he, d;1,.,:- Th,; cit\' d Ildtn;J.\"I:;~'l (h."J sene B-u<.idy l'o~:'py Wf:Qf.,)~jf,,~n tilts vctir Ull"D'"tgh n P·t'Oi'.;'Gma-· :jop bV )1,wor S\,e'i(,lj S,'K(';im. '1':1,.. drive ·C(.:n\fn,enC(~s '14.,:.- 8' r:"r'Jk~hl 111.<I.Y .hiltl -l\\'k~C ?_~ mLirJl \;1 i~rC-nn'''> t~<~ (,[ .\ ,,; ;1;(:',,':{I,' ilf(r}X'Hy ~..{n l\lt~:>day, M.il} S. rd wiiJ meet !:>1'Jn';H"'l!1;-< rr"y,('~ 'oY: ;",;",;; ;~ ~(jj:€,"i(t~",r;;:P9t:r,! ~~.cJ}!;""l)1,}.f.b .. fort Harrison's PaYI Is $4 Million Annua Consumer Credit !j;,u!.-qn,~ \ ..\ (-"n1t~~ !i)r \'('!,.'r-;ln,~ AmOl,~ ">:[>(·,,,Ii· 2nd ends the d.r.y of ihc;~j8du.{)· ,q ;r:U~i.on fD ~;Il!r;·'i\ln·.~ ~lSjl~J Wr'.ft ~2.~OOJ(t) lor tee P;lfiICf.. \lilY 12 '.::' I~;. ikkr", '..;m IViln~. s\ ',n'iiop i"r in 1.;nde.r LIlt" ~j()gan "!-looC'.[ Ibt' :ti ~('~ W"::.{'f. ce';r,(rr l".'>:w{h~ ~nd 00 "ODf~X\ ",'J';-;'" 1)(':1(\ by ikT~n·.g tht'l.J~ing. (!i,-,',' ;,,: L{ ~," :r":'mbi'~S ,;.' li,.;' In (';1 Bi:! !A,!l"li~,'i >!" \ e ~? 1 i·ldc.r.r, wo~n ""iU -\l ;llj~ un,t, .....". ',"'0 \ht~ <Yl',:(: Among !:he 'f"r.,(,"- (irS'( board 01 d),{".~;.:.·,,'~ ltl>' "",'n:~T is ;'In jr;" ,i,1: !~\ Lr[;j;.lttl.l; ';';ai;,'·~ .~(,i'·<1 ,,~c !...<.l;S Ster.j';;f:[)$i:lf! h;t~' bf-':~l r,.,.nf<",i ['..'1 thl' )\,,\t'nH .',lO't it,;HI i')(i,fX.~) '(n, ~; •.n;, D 'i;' 'i 11 Hkhe.'i.QD. G"n SmH.b Consumer C r ~ d: : COUii,',-dl,li, wi:h ~{3 d Hi :Hl ru!; r;r1~ .'!-ly\',·.d in \1':r!::1I1;, :l;· tlw lj\l:! ('1'<1 Bl.'x,der, Coiken John· S e r vic ~ ,~f.)d II !TH:mo-;1;.'tap : I f' crHp.!.oye,; i5 p..;', ce';":', ~.O"i Kii\hy Kclm, Rutr\,:p.amp' drin; itrT]{lng.% He..k na bu.:'in{-;:,:~ ,Dwnim; h")mc~ :rl ileit':!1.1 S:X'ilkir>i; 1f1 (h (' \ ';:~:>ili'iik ~ D ,. Fl()~",n('e and :~rint ~nen l1n~~ lx-.t'l1 "~l:l1oun(:Ki. <l{;, E::.J.j; ,'J;C ,\'t"'k P~i\ rx,i",)d I'\t.>Offi of U11; Tr,n'<:!odgf', \',;'iij,Pi Mt.: :.l1.all,. Sue Gregory:~~];~(;(rde cor d i rJ g ~0 Milrg,tre\ :\\kll:'~ th(~ c('r,;(~r [l'lJ)'5 ,m, $"[; .'z:::~~ 'I' ~ il r! lilt- Prf's~dent :1,1.1 \.):-,n MeytT, V\\'lan Johson~;:Dons board rnem-bt>!' (,"(!<::r<d 11.'('Dmc/£',xl>s <i<'d 1'7.71); ,j(>hn~;(>fL ,ldmminrahJ[ ,,)! V(~l. The boan1 saki It hrlp\.'s \h0 tr1 st'lLe I.JH;Ol"nt. ,"ltS Wail!;'! ('rlln" Albl.r:i. 1J.'j\0: (>(ll\'A1ralied p' ("'Ad('r Hi'!i.lliol .,! ()w ' ~!!f"j f') h: !,Aj Boord Named ,'1 iil'kn<l "ha!l\~' drlve t 'I'r"rt)~'; [L~k, !i Cuard HI' lIc1rs. ,5c<e\'en.~ and,;~ 5ef\;11"1!, w hi C'll' wtl.s· 'H.1hi\:i':Jl ,~Ad the'IDt'rd'\.'tJ'}UI. 11"d/!'f1l1 empl-oye-s lfJ ptlf~ki[Jat~' ptedgt':f. 1 "re o.K:.hairmen of the driH'. funded ("":Jltirdy through Mc>d{'I; fk:-:>j·d;;5 Pfof...e[ly UH~ pilkl ;and :lhiHC in C'ornmun\iv !1Jf](' ~o-wa-rd Mn \ill rshll H wUl C{'o(i:!:<\ llUl\.e Oty, ellli rect:he finaDcial sup ,by tr:-t un\e'f's fmpJ.-vy~s, F';r1 l,um ' ;;.ni.,itif:S 11l Canyon F'er,ry Il.OO port lrt>m tile. husine1>'s C01T\..: liil!,!",'5O!1 rC.i:1Jtxlr~.~ th-c: );('1";0<). The MOf]·t:J.n.a ;,£J~rVf> a n-~i Mrs, &i nwn in !';Ulston; munily and t.'Qlllin~ wHit PM" di~\.ri<1 t!A.OO'J ,~:.wh yea-r be- ',denl ().f H ~ 1 e n ij since bemg;'('iH.J.~{' rA the im-pad ':rl iedenli;namc-d cen{cr dir~('tl)r in Sep-111e~r efforts will be, a-ssis.ted Ual !i'Uppo-rt fT'Oill M,odei ()ty: by members 01 d~ VVW and Froti! the l~ memix'l: i:\(.1<lrd.,(:111j:r;tlym,.'tlt '[ember. 5'iJid '11 b !r:1O''lrLant {'Our wcn~ elect&:! S:ll C.l.f,(';utlV<:: As iIi(' r1:'8i,Y1\3! ceoLe~ fUf thr thin tht ('nmmuni(y a:J-J Lhe ;",~lXillLary. Qffil"enl. 'They·art'.: ·Jen"y C'llM~. In 1>jcm,,,Hill \h..: fun ilD.- .~fl{e-f'!i.et~\fl kl'lO'W e.Isdlot.f]('.r tison, p;e!dcnt: Gler\fi W\l;<,on. rnjni~\~,n the l<tcor,d i l l r li I; $ 1 Being PilJtf.ef Ult- (';)mmunily is vke-pr-estcient: Belly Geni.ger, art.a in the Unite.d St"iC.s nearlY :UUf RO"l~'" ~'Ccret.ary ..lreast.tl"'e; il n d M.ar- 93 m!lLirrn ... {':r",.~. Vi'~J.lt:r ('on; He i.'1vile,d the merdW(I!5 (0 mCllteQ. "'1"11(: ooly center .\:Ul ,1\;l:'ld the Fr)r', H\lrr:soo ('p'·n Publbh~1i w«kdaYI (except gare{ At.ktns, cOunselor TI;.e free ~r.1('~ formed a !.'lrgJo.'j' are:. 'JI '_'Dver3!:it 15 !Jnuse on M,::, 19 ann PJ;l!·tl'·1 s'llturuJlY) Rft.eTDOOM and Sund,h m-o-rnlnl1 b-y The Indeptnd· in 19611. :\i.lS ~n opot,ratcd by A!(;~b he .~3id pJ:rc !.'1 :he \-"'\~ , Hilif Cenlurv ~.ril Rel~Td, 317 Allen Sl.. He!, HeJe.na Le.gai ServiC"e:'_' in the :\e"ifrl~' $:~ In Ilion 15 iL~ of Pf'7g.re~ ., ('eiciJraUUfl . e.1l.ll, M-ontaI\ll., tip Mde S-WO 1. past. It is !l CQITununity BffVi.ce bu.c.;;.eq by tr~ ('e[i\,f!f rarh year lr1 nthf:r aclK>"l Gay n.,'lnts. Second C1u.~ PtJ4tq:e PaJd at Ht'lt'<M., MontAlU 5-SSGL ~Ol1CE TO SUBSCRIBE.RS }1 I;'OU fail to re<'t>lve your i.·(lP~· 01 ,fte,<'ord The h-om Indepe.ndent your DIAL 44:%--719{l CBrTlt".:r designed to help pt'ople in wiving their debt problems aoo to avuid hankruptcy "It tS H C'Ommunjtv s-e,n:ic'e designed (0 Aid the debtor, creditor, ernpJ.{)Vff <100 the community," Mrs. ~A.lkills s.aid. Forum May 18 Set On Srhnnl I"liP, Se In! Of nr)"" fe', Kc 1 wi;: ~(. ,fli' H ':' A.~8"~1' Easy Scan and Print Constitutional Controversy 5 lhe c~lVcnUonR.eVm:'lUC and f)-,!~'o~m)]J !jmll ".r1le <.'?Ilfi$ l",~'fj Ml1,\ tlVt1, I'.' AS1\i 1!1vu!!1oI1 vf hlf("l1wl1y-tI!.XUlld('i' thl7 1!:.I.Lrllug ('I:L~sU!.'J oj;;. fl.'()1 equal <'it,Jc;"lkm .oppontlr. t~.;:: ,11~ ('<)f';,.,mU(l{', propo,!>X'.s tlln! n long m~momf\{hln) exptaining ~ [UIf', til(' stale caHOOt l('~") mon,: it} ~-nel1 Q-n", ~,ho<~ d 1 ~ \ r 1 (" l hJ".t;:b'J.'-;'y lJU fnCllwy (:'!l.!('.h -R-"i dt'if,,(;f11.l' li)inkir,,g o~ lour w.:~ lii-·!iheJJ tw'(. miIis of pr~ty t:l.,},1mUSI lev')' ro IJHih lO~iX'.nd lJ1f! gaS-:lilHc lIU! be dJVf!n.ed sues which rcpor!~0Jya"" .lItir· ;Witl;lOul :t v\').-Ie t>f the~. ·1f,f.;.')Q rlf;:r ~ll.J!,ll.'.m: arid ~n('llwr' fo~ l~jj:·hl-gh'l.,qy purpQS&:: H ro rmg :C(l'nlJ"("'Rf'!'j' 'il'nrl·I"fJPOsitll'm~i'n~ p&",>pfi: 1lt:iY1:, in UK' P;<:~.;~,,:ho(l.1 ctt1i'tnr.'. Ie-'I'ie; (1.110' :hr8':' j:'<::-r r:\~nl of lhe j'~i\l~J.~I(Jf"S V(.{-\:1 niltlCt CommiUe('. hat!> ~lft''i)j\redj 1lI0U1ld the ~i.3tc, He ~)-rnm~:ntJ\ \ ;IPPro\"(~ flrl :a:ddith:'<p.,IlJ' tc:,'y o{' miJis to ~'~{'..d $l.SQfI iwr Si1.l- kif (1j';T,r~i,-xl. Gil"jJl~ It}(l '1{~I$~n' S(<l.LI' il:S-5CfJ.!itn('nt 01 ptQiJet· [b'LX mill/! to SV:~i the, ",{U'feT' ;d<:'fI1' Md)"nou.glJ ~y~ 'lliff' (O(ol;i"f.\! .nVN lltgtIWI,I;-' U!:.'(:('S lV, the f)f'l pf'X.'oo1~ taJ: <J.e ml:fl-jsHy tysl{,:1.1'o,1 Th J \' wi:) rth1kr It,~, h4:hwtly dc.p.i<rt. on of 1.~'r"I.~ :':{-:n :~~~~~ t~"1\:~:' :::,~~~~~ mel'{ m\~,IT 1"~':ipo!1,.o;,h'tl, Mc!)<Jf)' f h OJ.4.,'il fi'Y~ '!1\-<' ll.r('''-,y ')!:I lwnCf,n~;::fl'{11K\li, p-'OjX"r1, I.l\~ kl,. falW: i'.JCi'(\ivCfS!(J(l c:;r[;~~d t,' its flflturrd , 1!'t]lJill CJ)lJnt· ,1fld C:t,~trk( 'c~';j.t·,~, ; whkh w\H b<; 00 lh<l b.u;l{l\ JUtH: \ ' • ] ,:(",,¥,:hJ-~,i~)n w·1)ulli bi'ln~ Yi)IJ \-0 :4, {'Jlmlllll1£x 11u'{ Umtt ar>d !to,t lw ~nH co,ndIPd(Hl lb.-,) t~o;;.~ on ; dfii\'ip.~XJ.l1:u:. criU{:lM'\.I, \»rtie..... ; OU-"",,"i:>i-.r_ thf' S~) In ; i I I I' r mY.1 f1;J.,;~hll! <tfOU\!1 be W'f:;:) {lnd lhe diw,r-SfOI1 hlZh·: .' way lundli. in a-ddill0n to the: Rttrul Crl:t'ld,;m . "': Iyroll The p:l'Ii!}(ftiOO : lady in n~r;:;J ~ftN. qJ Uw ;;-\;~-;t': r.h.'i\' b/:--iJlf, rr,i,'g"j by i<;1c.~d 'll.l-I.r.yJ'.lrrl1er$'f!ndrilIR'he-o-Jj I'<:ny I.iU~ Wfnl~j hllW! \') ,:\,(; ',1('<'0/ 11M\ ~llt'·lT p.r')':"';"lr t.a~ r<'li.r>l;'tl l"ry ;11'1 incH"iIFRd in-om)!', : :niKh,t inC-n::"lJje. uncir.'T a ${-i>l\l, un. i) Ed,.~ tl:l;!: (tor n (":1n(lL~liItwfde levy, lJrm, ,",w.'fJonOtifh .~'Y~ ual'y e~ds~ 1 11 com (' u:nd Fri.da~· Dw~ to,:~llm' (1.~n.~illl;J~rm;:w,,·th!!J~ "n b';C;lf-- )w ~ii'"~: I,;,,?,',ly taH'" In ''<i>tir,g til«l s;;mc 'fit['~F-'r~~':,,-!\ ~l:1!u~ cpmp&P'j-;~~ !l5y ():-I j.. ',,.. $':,.\ ir:g [hill the ne-v; nwr V3('atk·r1S Uv: ne:xt nX-MJ<ij<,,;:,u!<: p!'::':-f wl:l hi' U-, Alj.';ll~-t :he ~:li1\t inrc L3~ (~~ cih1J_r'~;',t$ (H"l bl;-;<:['1 dll\e~Se, j.(>r h.;; Liuts , (r,a \t:" UJXe:; Ql1 s.uc-h i:h"ms ;)5 R-<lllro-I}<! Break pn-sidl'J\1 01 the m"lTh",nJsi' ;is d.2ilf(',tll's &nc licuor\ air<~1Kly Thl'. e/ffd of dc-r*,~::!ln,;;; 0'1 ~J:',_ , "oclallon, r~rnif1de-d lh~,,'1,t~I'I'f1:an: ill Uw dlJit',r'(':Jnn of the fl\:~. or l''-lks l..iXi:E w'.J\ik! f.«' t!;,: of the Vigililnte f-'llrade*hed· l~illttlrr:, Md)ol'i<J\lgh 1;il.),;5. !la-:, jWT lafg~ ph,pcny OWt,.e!5 " ull'd f0r (or rhl' ~-d].~JbjHliJ(l-M1 ,~I li!r.'r,Th,.!~(' ',rn.1 his I(ll1lDy , u~ht:-r B·enefit Auction For Mrs. Pocha Set for May 12 ;yl"lC;1 !la"(· n-,[niiH'-Jfl1 0;;rpX"lj'fn ;,Yn,'"'' U_S, (".'n lii.'\: I AlthoV"<J-h I,.: rY)l'::ti: ~,'-': -;' j',,' nUI~b·,:,n! H;;.;]1{'.;-:',af."r~ (chants' s-uppori 1)1 tlH~ ffi;):lit,k~ ~'l;tut.i'0!i, tl1~ g[;,:("~ Jl1LJ$t pr<.>- 5-0, \lCDOilOtlgh-s ",-mil.do; di)jJ2r· 0' 'II-,-,,! I'ft,'r" ,i:t hn!riing a ,,~1 t-q:;ai '$lc'ILlon Of>p.of· t:ntJ:, ,s in rd,~n:w:e t,j ;;',c 'drive to r<'lise +Z5'J.0Cl0 !~ i!;t> b('i:C~f:t '>.'\:e for !\ir~ p.ropo.St'd "y tn: i id lne;-j~1:~:Ly 11 i~;nl\) for ~:;dJ ,hild lil trit' ;,<' 0 r ( h l' r n Prtelhr: ]{,.dr",ld_ .Im' :\1 Lundborg, 'Helenil YMCA, icpr~>S-'>,n',b,r,. ~\K iL';~:t'd 1.1";", ,dak, next io Lhe \' il 'Goard Armfln' rue· tiil';;fI;l i .$" ;lo'ol'a.rcl the blJik!tng, 1 ~ i . i Secretanes Install I Officers i uncler ll~ sl,'l!C, the-'Gjl"ud~\{' lawyer SElyS 'arn<Jflg 0thf!f~ Carroll Coed Places Fourth TI,,' !egL5:~lLir" .5u.bj.x:w.'-,i;-(:";;l l,~ x r(-cord);; :,(,_ i'r i j ' •., 1,) :'t'Jlr'::i ago whkt-. tJ"lfiwcd ~i;!\; ; ltJ~ N1'. now ,:r,rrgt'.-d trlV. ~.J1f' i", ~ ';:::':;' i d t,jJ,('OJ h~:;:':::tx'r~]l ipiedgeti by 'v," br:..1.rd ib~:!~l-iKr" I Hf' in hii'itl-!! krd :h,-, "car iu, ~HiCni)n sale 1£ W p~urnnglon NoriJ1.ern. p.~\d (rt1:y rr~'~' mOfit"" fo.the llfJt',illtOn : the rnmimuJTl l-l.l.x i11 001' V('ilr. '[1'~c u),~-t ,)! the orJf'raiion will ,de:;,;pile its millj{}{l.~ Ol d-olbrs (;[ t~ Jl l(-3~,~ S\O,{tI'J oi vdlieh : 35.S0l.s ilnd r e .'i f. rI t: r in ~(,m 0\'<'1 W()..,'X) hit" ,;ircady tx.'Cf1 Bovn.!NC GREEN, Ky ·laHa.'; .rOiL~.t'd Cmr{)!l College sopl1Qffiore Peg MC[)\}fl<:xJ,gn's ('()n1mpn:_~ ,; 11 Ail fl'-'" m ~rchil[1di~~(', doniltcd O'.\t<d!e.y Jepn;..~(mt.lng Mon':o-itwl ti:'."-il-U~m ;;'l~ bY ;J~l'i; rtH:rr.ilt.nls wl!! '~~ ;;.old ('ol]c,gc.l. ilDd uoivers·j[iej St.ii!e instead of ("){Ii1t~ Ol~ a-i lh(, auction to be !w]d ill fbighed founh \n the wcrmt'"Jl's-::>j>,SSItlern of p\'():p.....-ny' £ ') In i; p.(>v;rnan~ Comer May 11 k- C'Or1i;-l{'titi0n of the Nal.iQnal Ora· ;coon(je.s are 1\~s;irJt: f-'0J[)t'rl', tory Contest hf':re f'dday j;jt lowe!- valu;l'.s lhit!! '.Ll!lers, ~fj Can d y Winstoo of r>efin.n'f; laxpay~ in tJ:1O'Y' r. I' IJ t1 t I f~ ~ ,ohi,,' Culiege woo the fjrsl areni pil)'t'ng !l r,-,ir ;J\-~j"(> (!i RClse ,"kil<:g. kg"l !:\-e.crl',!il!~' for Kene:. R['\'110Ids and Dmk\' P'i!('l; aWdnJ among SUite Ch"lfn· stakwide bf';nstalierl as pres:d.en\ of p'ion w()me'Ji's Qrators from J9 the H t'] e n ~ Legal Se-.::-ret.arif's S:~iles John Darme-I (1,( Lora,< ,.I,':sociation at its allnual ins,al- dDWa; Colli:'gt' won c.'le me-n's cerem(lrljes on Tt!("sday :c\1mp<>tition Mis.s O'M a I ! e) from Big : Sandy. Mont b€came the first ~I()m,man t,) rinis_h among ll,(' !-OJ) four places since Valerie Dickerson, a\50 a Ca,ro); ColRos, lege student. took 5&"011d place in w 0 mel< 's rompetition si.x Skoog prClpl:rti' (,J:\J':i ~tnd .9ChooL, in UlOSf' cOlir.lir~ ;trf ge:ling back addit1rnai schor; I foufidat)oo m [) 11 e y irorn \l-,e stalf'. McDooough say~ Net pr-6oL"Ct'ds [<IX on miil~r· als' the convention dr0j10er\ the requirement that minf:r::d~ be taxed fach year on r,el proeE-eds (va!ue after sublJac!.in;: the costs (tf miningl, The )eg;:;tatlJre may \Id.sh t'o \<1); miner- giJ1!ljfl~~ p.m Easy Scan and Print ·-e·World _. . At a Glance i, :tt"" , a.rtiflca] ~W't)elt::nef<!, 1.n1969'idici1 c~·n{'1'~ oo,'lj:1'~'>Il:ioo • 1(. I·art IJbttt, jlot'4!{i5l1 bil'f{'~eJl ttJ-.!lot "TIK!iclo$ 'f'c:ry Vig.i,\gr('~ i WASHL\i-(;Tf)N '~Th,.,-(.'~l\r,nt :'Ind \Cf!:fY UI~t.l"'C amnr1Jo;'tll£.!d-e.t ;bf-o>U II :n:fJ',('rt{h:t;_f~, :lnN,m( t'.!lrn"',m~q In "l,lppoen of H,R'i B - " - i !1361 I\'!{m:.'; flO dwl;l.{ ttl.;:! the i l~ L¥OEPt4-i-r!)!a'o"CE, M.a, lAP' The ~.jA;lkc'!mJifi jl':i;.;)n~ Stl11' k1f.l{lyinj'(,'· rr:piilXl HqL h,m.>n'!hil1l.<,' !mporllHl1l.o bOJ]»j)ody ._jvoU: -Former 'Pt(l$'idctl! H.elTY S :o"y (h<i-' T'runw,o,'1)n in ~u"t.i~~n::IJ{,: Cdkr. lh<:: Bri}i~jd~il Lk'i]J) ;0'-ri.ll,tniv l,o th(}.~~ whIJ sl.and to!Yor Tnlm~;h,~v("-~n!Jraeth b;~h- rlM,{_'l M'.IJ ~\ (rw. 'II',};I.'Jx!'(T:ll who b (J\~lln:n;)n 01 lh~1w;! rll-()r~ \han $100 mUltol' fr-omlrm i --e-adll'i£' '"';r:J';~;ql{'ll~ f~Uc-n )1 (; 'J ,'\; ,Ju<J:"~M-:ry CV:ll-lnJ(11:'I'.! \1><:" fr:-d.:;-al :,n'-il~ury if l\ l'i t'n-: Ry. day tod.lly, hut 11. i((;nilr :)poke:;- L~("dr~ i'mm 0k! triw(i.-,~ iHl1.:i: \\1"H!{l f.L',J.~1 "b"ftJ~ H R i3-)Ifi ia(':lcd \l'h~ -H1.an iil}~?'nsm;(~ lind ~h ,WU~ljl~~~,i'<lts:;!! \Jr, UM ;yx';l,\k;m (-I:\;;:,y).... .'1 !N ;110(1 Q-Il C~l-pHd llit! 11){' f'rdIlffitlLr bOlls <llro ll',,!thc neas ptll.-nw Sf1't"~liJJ aci.l'nlH! S ,r,t~ bt:"tl-0.a)' :,,~ Ok' c}\~iatn.::!L'" hili ·!XlrLar,lJ. 1-0 lire lup--ay.-tn Ye.t ,l M.<l ~; Truman Reaches 88th Y€1Jr H.I{ jJJm b 11 dc-r.p.~( lli(,f,:l1y II fit;unljn~ handluj·h,avc;lhc 'bdl th.1l{ j:lT\'1~{tt~ :I I'P'lbM3rrtl'lil i h<'nrU crf \~ Uke many m-c:l-l·;: :q-!.1-~-,(kJn '.)/ pril'l-(".ipk.. rhtl( """JUk!:~ure:(. tr;;a\ a f f f' c! parlicul.tlr;Het ;·f~ (:t:J.t ~r.-del'il: \.{'~-n;<;'lry II s--uh ;P'Ol.I'!l5 (h:rt>d!y And l:he p-ubl.i.c! .WAS!UN'GTON I ,<\p, -- PH':\~., U'l-.{' ~D(""LI('J ~!l~ (>{> (h<~,":;, &<_"'~.1l ,[ar;:l,,! )~m', Ltai h,~.;; th.;' M)'; lli<Jifcrtly. I{R J~'l h{l;5 tt..: erd pur \d:er,t Ntxon wi!llloend CongrrtM:fUI'.bcr, mlruo:ililt (}f ~ ollW.( o!1Jf,,;"IO'--: Mid ,'prQgrC:lE-JI.l-g tl.l!'Gt1gh the legJsla- 'er tNs Wet'1: pr'Qf.tO$alSfiYr bf".:).-Jd: fn'lt'.a<J' of th.e. pn.·".(',[;:j llPpo-l 'tbat M~ tn\'c,~ C1Jme ,0 pub.lr :livc pr~$S virtually 'lmootim<1. ipJ:o c'h-9.!Y6"ai in ihe w_J,ooUi'k"Xh l!<rnj; '_lr.)!J.i1len! ~y'nem $07 pl?rC'.('Ung!;b?i k:e He" ri.,g:l '1j'ere held by Ihe }v'l Um bt"eak!&5: p-rograUl.'lto 'i'i"r1nf, :out IlJ!\ch...bn~2klii,st riK!, Nh:.r;>f, dic!arv com mIt tee ~-eYe-l'\ i 1 mDfe out o! (:<l"h di~Dr s:pen"pfQf)\,'l-."'~ a rw.-r!Qrm.iJII<::1' syl' (om.por..l'l:5-<l.wo-tl fllQllth.~ ZJ4{O On AprU "l::J, when ': fkl More School Lunch Money Asked on t.hem \-I':fTl. :!,e P'CS,C.t:1i! S2:i-d ;:-;~ ;, w(;uk] iH.i(n..lfV.... ,,<;,r:-1PCn."~ W<\ShlJ1¥,[.l)(l '<'; fl g pr'i'l:,,-"'t'Uptcc,elC Th,e WhiLe HO\J8?'3iiTJOUr:c,:-d!:rKJ',-t pup,h "",,"fM ;;: .~ .s<;,~,. :V!i~ b\n:iJ}I;-,,-~C:;; 1J:)(\ wi'.!.t ~hc Pt'nn-Sy!vilnJ.a ilnd J>las-:uf (over the wC(:Ken1 NJion vrill'UU' :T\{He f{«jc.~,}i :i,Hd5 ;~i~(~'" <.;'lx, !')'-;' rl'i'.1HCy wb~r, tb{· FiXKi_:i-'IChusdt., pr-;n~a.Ii('s, Apollo 16.' 1 as:k for !m ~l.:Lrll SH.6 mi.U:k.n::;-i">:~..I,6-j ,e...~tj"e .d-f"J Dr \l!> AdmmiJJ~r{j\j;;m,n:~v~p'jfm m lhe Pl1rbl pc<Jce'::m lor federal .:odKlQ·] rHt!i~itkln pn)·l ,\i);Oo". J..lW '~ •.:':x',nil. IttI' .1!', b;"'ftn~(J tht Ij~ 111 t'i'· "llrn<\te$, t;,Jb ~nd pri.re ton'tro-L~, l'rl~. jl; tr,l gTIlmS, bu: liMoo '~J::il~tl!: WO-UldjEx:r.. sa:> rn.iJj~J<l f,.• ; !e;;.;j;ng b-r. i'uthacb in ot!}Ct,·t!,re,ils ~):n(;('<!y dl'JdJc-n I:: \I:i·u; '''J~ 00 new ~nonf'Y wouJd!JJ¢ s~.-ni 'S'lL(1');ffi{'r. Mj(~ ~:" f,dd!~!<':I.E! N!xcn $;Ii-<! unci-cr.·r-he iT)o.~:;$l;l,) rf;I!:jo:i \;j ))r;i1j; ,L~Xl IW''> imporUmJ chit,'l~e 8llih:~ wo-uJd! Soc-boo!.! IJlio (h" i'.i:-h0-:)J-btf',~k· be encouraged to CXr...1tlO sch.x.'J! [ali W'-'!i-rJ.ifi 1<' ',)<~ C"iT;j,l,!; Montana Still Imp lunc:h-breakfast progra-ll"l5 ro: ye..'u ian! is Huge V~~er Turnout ROME ·tAP) - l~. In Itoly t-ott:.nldil,ed, ulith tb.",)r \'o--t-e ;:-er· today were wt..rid.ir~:~t~e e-lC(,..... (ti}tag.e ~lipping fr,)!1l -\8.5 !1.\ tkln of tI. neW" Par~~.t- wit:t,I!4B lo 39.1 III l~. no [ndJcBUnr. ye( of~~th-er the; C'1l.'l.llenging the (nrG;tJilD Chrl-stJJmDt!-mocrat.~··and rU'l)" i De.l"f)(HCfil~· .tre the lu-gesl pecUve al1m "n'li C('it\.-er wall-: CQinmlJn~ piirtytn !M. wC31 tiollwo"J·ld acll!e\'~ j 2-ma,lori.ty. jiiOO the resurgcnl neo-{il!('!lj'( A t:n.a~ve 78.9 per cent lX'!p!lrlj'. L~~ !ta!l<ln &>dal !'.1(lvethe '37 millkrll VQtefS ellS! 001· i menlo <If M'Sl lots in fi;ne weatMr Sundll)'! The COrruTIUnJ..st p<lrt~ which ThUt' was 81lOther M:"en hQUf"3! in(Te-<ls-ed Its vote from 22_6 per o! balloting to<t.. y ; rent in 1953 to 2139 in 1968, It was_.JtaJ}·'3 sixth election i !eared fl (HIgh-( lose votes for sioceli '"be-came li republk the first tim€ yeatlago. , The n.oo-F'allCJsl.5 were once The Christian Democrats. ic-oosidered a joke, btl! in l-ocal 2i: I Wooal""6bad-ed by the Roman e\ecUoll.'l last Jtme '\be)' rode a Cathoik Cllurcl:, have· i!Jways! law-ar..d.order backlash snd 31· ~ lbe1!ri'gest part..: ,alihoug..'l!most trip.led their vQle Ie .ncv.er-w.tnning- .a m,a}arity. They Ipe·r cent. This tune they 13,9 prehaveg0Yenloo alone or with [dieted they woukl: double theIr JUnior ~ers. But in recenq~lembe-.rship lfi the Chamber of !:\n DrJ ..............·, .,.~ ; Silk! ,hi'; Easv Scan and Print "'~_.I\"','\J. ,,'ouM ClPf>U5t> In.-af~_, a.s -he dId ',V"',HII"" Ole ;w-m!, lumhc-~ an lrurUcr Jack E. S~.hlt~_, a ; mo1.n Pro:un-~ ~Bld !lIid no ex· In<xnirk..e,· ! p-erlerHlcoJn \ ~rr ~e. pcl}C1._.. --_ •. ."",.,. ~ ";j\ oounel' ,,:uppue.:) ltfnl)l',1'! l-or nllne ~-\jpport5 in b-e la.rg-t"l than l;oW : BUlle IH,c ~ulUbef fur othl;1x Be:ndt'!'tl\Cl1 !l:Md U,S 1'1y.,..,,-,,.. ,j. 't'.Qmp'm:-' ('p"'.r<lt.;:or,~ )11 th~ mill ChElm-plon ',l;'"tJid \lu(je,(&r0'Jnd t'\'e'.olu;llly wo-jj!d of"i\aJlif,e it;, : ..) \!!IC /;'i,,-ux~mk~ or !J;,,",;1e- propc-rlJ.e.'- whll" the h<.tlldlrJ~ I~:r"""'''''------'''--' s-oirlg on Be Mid \;-ilen hi_~ firm ! TI>& ~,~J't}r ~h~ D.t. ki\~,ve:!' H(ll~ b<.td, in·to !GN·!;try ,'WI' !l.h)-6b£[~.!i" "a·ft . . b-;e ia\"\'e~ lJOO ;'jUoj}.~, (l 1";0,',. f'Of'(\': at i t.<L~L a~: _B-Ill !t!Tfil': 00 nk-,>!- CUIT,?",.l;.e,') j , I.l AI1-r;('~'f)(Jll'~ M )X~$('nj: c ~ \--pn>d-uct_' ('-rnplo~'nwrli, i Proxml)"l! I'Hicleo:l ;hr:rr 1Hf: thou; ,"Mld~ fr1 pro~e:llrk)nIlJ c,;:'OTh.. '",V-\lle! Of1 pili \.() wDrl>. !km!f'L'>Cl, ,\ill,d bb fl.rm \I<ill tl1t:e-rewl..eQ,. mhts mort qu-llUfid ,:, s~n-c (ld",l11('\:"d l'llvj!1)l1Jl)-t'nlljl cty-: on L>;e. board ;t.~(' bc&t 1 ·'Stll::h ob l ' lfwl'~1n pf~r'.,rTi '(l ~tunU'~t~ rn \ .! ',~' an vw~,y "'r,l~ ";-, IlrnJ''''r g'U" '1 "v.:! (0 pr<1i('d IOipoi~:t[~rH Cilf.1.onJY.U:i'iie ~~V:,:, n.';fl .H!"d wi)di:!,~ SY;;"iuJQhetl ()I 8. p·;J1h'j~i p,,;-Ql I: S PTY\1;0<-..._~-CtHlmr;(l!l Pi; !)emocrai 1 the JH'nrtlor ~Iud. ___. r~;'~ !ll.~ ('I,)rrt';ilJ., Your Transmission? We Undersland It htr.100f·P<O- rJudhn 'a/'ih:j~r. ;It SI]·.'r.r City, n",",,- i lcle,r;,:,!; ar•.: an 81,1;1{.*· !rw Bombing R,~"'..j>I~/~Uon hdL:'Jl - B,,'WfI\fig fJ-e.-RT / ,.-' P'O(,OVle n,-r'mC)t ,If;(h.,m q,O'o :''1"'(:-,.1 "";\1]1(' I JrJi'n: tnt. C1;:('-(I,J{ . ,... '.,:)!:;,.;c,,~ !n(',i:ig~;",r h· .-lr"'I·,(ll.mo(("_jn,~n( l;,r Jk!yk'r.,;'!n s!ll;d Ill.; p,Clj:"7';'_C,'i ",mlhj l.:R' ;i In\J il! p!("-\J,~~ "fl ,,<\" Y ice opel,-,l:o,.- '!!t)Q". it pro- i!'1 OnD of ~r-(!riol!i". ot our full !hfl ot rnbv,iei 0' !h,/ IO .... lJ~T W'e con ,npkH0 pO~iibj& COIl p~:n I'll) LI1s-~e-!l The U.S. [.':lmmil-nd s,aid it had no )0.:<,'1("'; (-e, reV,!"l 'D rl;id,~: cithtrr Sunda,' Of to,jav O-V't::r No"rth VlelJlii';'l, . '\',2t·':J. d,l ~)·.\'~:K:·'·'IJ~xi Constitution w;;., Mailed to ""f', :'; r;~ !or",~.t.pr0ducU <; "~j)\ bllck l~) 1800 the B1g .".jiU·ir:g COtU!W-flY, ;,-,. rif': [io1".".~h!l .: :,,1:>•• r 11-['\11111..:0 ljoe-n:lng L-ew'u li'ld Cluk '·;!\"'lniii VP".'rati-o-n'5 I i,,'lnd i~J (_:_""_"_(~'_-"_·i._"_".·.'_'.'.' _ W~:'iU;:Tl . County Voters ." u!itent Mec::Ullg t'b<l urge.Dc.)' of the 1'Ie(10;;:o.1 Sel;'urit.y Coone)1 rne.eHI1j\ W;tf, , C}P:iet,' ir{ M(r:-':,~i1Ii.'!- fir'. ::,'. untte1"5.(';:\-rcd b)' Nhon'~ ('n)~'~~ - :,(,'11' _~",d1, \j(:I:ki; ;, ~ "c ~"":j Jot: St,cret1lry of ·Slalt WU\>Jl1n I1w!-l(-{j ilnd ~I~,·,'.,\d reli"!, !...,,>\!, .'-P,.'cR(j-gnr~ !:t,; \n({,l"nrp(. hi~ 1,:>\.11 iUxJ C1.il;ir. CO\:l:{:- ' ;:, '0; or'.Eur-o-pean capitals '(0 relu.rr1 !l:co:;.;~jin.g ~[,'f! t ! (':~ \:0' \he Unit-ed &tlIt~-;; rUf U',c ~-f-- d~:.r-j.;, :;,red rlX'\.'r"dc, ~,ln KO\',ch sind ' ; , 0 1 " ;:/;:·!iJoti. ~.· '~.·':i.· .· ~:~ (\fGd~j ~~:'i)1 .~! .. ~!:> [:;~:-il , •..,.... :1 5~:~{'k'ni.1 \'" T,·d, ::. ,diGpUon 00· I'dje!Jle;r tl)e !"T1?BI· WOii.W--i( .";'~lJr(i<!! ·;:;;r· w;:~< iJ::'il "~" '~t'J}1 hl4-d atrelKly n)lt<:M hb de- t.o maii the c!-(>(>Jm,:"'.,{ ':'1:1' (j~., ,~;:~,;o 'cl~, or ",ttetht'J be W,ltS 5-illl fihl>lld 01 [jH~ S':J,I,;j,):" d,~i1:(;::ri( ~rjnti il set of 'opJJo:ns P()stiJfe N:',~.::; bi 1!1e. rr,,,,,ll,r:.~ :~""~ ~,d ,lq Ji.tem L'w ~rrtmt !ct,,; i cd $f) 1.', N<if'th Vlcl.nllme:sc and Mrs KO\l1Ch :,e Ii ~W: ~;'4-itn tneDnJngftlJ Vietnam nil) l.il:iy n'!. "'U,i~,~$ rqp~U~(6j' ~:~ talks 1[o-r Lhe Jcn(~ ti de"!;},,l; Sht- s~i.j •. . .:. .. ,:!bt',-re :~~:;:!: Wit.S no in· the oJlen.~l\!'e ... ' i.ffi:JIE WEDDING li:a,t!1 OF HER DREAMS .., r~r.)f""f,:i =,,~J Begins with Beautiful, Elegant Invitations, StcHionery and Paper Accessor:e: • ,, z;"'. J~,e optlom reponedl}' riln~l';: lS,m d~:,x~ ~'/l": ~C.g,,,.tl'H"i ,I€ ;:'I.~ llAvaJ,bkx::hde 01 Hoi.!!.", !he C"AJntv rhl.~ i .... \mf).;;r(.~ Harbor to re.ll(:,we<!: WHir H,&-W wh-o "'at nox~,)',cn'J "''-":'~ing':o1mllltary t~ ,:l;(W UH: COn-\,~Hl pr,Jn,lry ,'*1)\ ~': ..5~, Ii \'~~;'i .~-~ltl!OO:I_'and HaJphong liteM ~ H ,;;,:\ij ~:,:~,: ,~~~::~~:;:\:lth~i~17: j ~f~ lorl 0-1 HOf'"',-e. b,.. OU r 8oo,k.:. o! 1f>.33'"l r"'pF\"'t"l :(,r U',,> 2 Refie;-3] (()n~~~", Ch-t'c'<.,~,g b d. OJ " S-.: m·p! to ~ MANY. MANY MANUFACTURERS- TO CHOOSE ('1(-;:- FROM, AS- WUl. AS A WIDE PRI-cE RAI'1GE.. t<i pt«.'eCt U S lo.sUlJJ1.lbom J...o;,-ft.;lllg UlfOUgii hd' p'\.'{'>rds h'oo~'HD t~e bele,ag\Iet"e('\IMrs.. Ko".'kh ~aid :nc registra- '.' . ". ijg1~:n-: hjQn .....<illy for ~.he ·196&· rJrt',;"ldl:'!l' N~~I:_Set'Urilv Co-uOC1\: tlal p r ) m 11 r ... wu' IS D6J :mG '\t'~uW:tt a~ t OnJyil6,859: for the 'gtne~'al't'Ie(,lwrl: ~::~~~,,~I~rons a.re in i Nov. '5. 1968 ;_ :.. ':.:'. ,·_~,J~~·~Urlf is headed i "The populalkm is growmg." ~j'¥#lti~l,advtser Henry: MfS, KOYlcn s3id. 'out we have - .,,:Jli,~::lk:,8t¥i;~"~~.,l.'flempers i the rn:dehmes W ~dh care of ;:M.Utle,;,ffil,'ie.frelaIles of State Ithem,'j "c., .• ~~)1i~' '.J NAEGELE'S, INC. 121 N. Jack1-OA.. 4429400 Easy Scan and Print . 19 n 1~..:~ l~nlRt:to.-d.. HeitoflO, Momcn{J., Tl>e_tdcv.. w.o"r If Selstad Opposes New Constitution CRmAT:fAt.,LS {~} -Tum ',»it;:, <lln:-w!y ,'.....' h'e]' ,jn,:j set$l:ad, "whv ~ $,~ng the R.e· !:hc: d;Y;~,,'l l:""':;!-fV~ :t },,. tt,~t pqh:ican ni)tl)1nM.km 'lw gOlfer-! eN';;1 1-'1 \lii'he:l '-'; $Pi·-k Dl'X', saki MQnrlSY bf~ is Qt"X<~: t~l oo<~~g>;; W},ktnl3nil '''d' l~-{;'o;o: \ Ih:ltl,t. [l.~d, t'f,lr.'5'!ltut_'l-o-rt - Alth·YJgft -th6te ~ r,¢:,"Tli' k",Xo(\ , p..,~ws, Go,d-d StfL'i'iOO..,'" I,; i $0,'(';",1 ~ l' '~H\~\'f: L1',/: 1 d~)(mn~nt tan~ ·NiOn - oj wh.-'}t Details $ouilht i Usi:m~11al'i$ (rXl~, "o'}W() U:,,-''i:)Of rer1bO,,"~ j fur ',Ii' On Mill Closing ~ pcr.;ltl.g (be o~itu-do!\ M(; 11,,, hJghwny lrnU--<ih'et!.ti.'m ",u1'.!·rl(\.· ffiUlJ-{ H.-nQ mu5{ @r\",fGfy t,-'-jt n'"" pr\'-'i<::'l-i WX th~ of if. 1'!-;",<'. r;{."V." a~jpr'.:;-·,'e~ [', wc>old bJ' ... the ;« Tf."H::h uJAniX,,"i:lr]tb. O,~. rmd P<l'fjt:,;, ;1:' pr':''''Kk ~p'...,.j!.k from tx.-,iflg any fMr;x'.'~ ot.ber In<.H:;Jti> -.\-ii)' 1I.!'.-e ~4-l,,..l<.\;JY 1,"'1--':; 8:~('l11P:.:y;,!; p"'.:.i:clbi\::.<,; 1k PJ-i,'1!.1 'JU; U-,8( (>;(!!'Stit!1tioll f;.,,:d !·Hf-kr -tw~i -eHmiwrtloo of f:h(: fA"l;ljX:rty tal lirn1.L ',' "'G,·k<,~r-s OHN:!,("';' .x,~;i"",k'". Q'j u~ t;" di{;'~,' (,It! pN C'(::)~ \~:'It. h:g!T~'·.;y !\:;·it1~" f(j-.~ it :;',':<1 !H Sd"L,<;d ,'>-aid would himkr ,OtJc jXc$C '"r1.le d(""~:~-,, G'r'eal f'1l.IL" tll'R-)'e,ftf ,3i.""ii j<)~'~" ~(' r~'iJ!"",:~__~J, ,'-;<;<rtd\L,:, ,,!fe':kd wtn"",'f;. among :,f'~-j ;.~. ".!Xl jeo-p-sr-dht', way workers. ihjn~s ~P~" Mondll~ Wal-o:r "'!so !Utld the (])('.aB_l.l;e w{)'L'Jd ad\'ersdy j\tf~ ';i:.e $\-Il.J,C'S t>O>"..r.ri.s{ b'-.J!iin('~%, "My c,th(~ m{J:jor ,,-J:ljeC1.k.'K',,'· he sal-d, '-'ill in eH 1ion;;4 ttJfi l.\li-'Q mUl. tlmH.. the legisl.s±u...e oou add'i- ,. 1!Z~' saId. :\nq{~ CD. srud [l,(1''';\ o-f h.ln~ prvrj'Jd.lS lni.-e:r(':5t.'i in MV1Uf18, lududi::;g the Ixm.."l\-'f itJ::-at,,~[ H,::HI. tr.>\ t! r7 rnWk'i; to lh" plyW'O(,>d finn. M1,'-11 ::,mh:x ;;nld "the g.C1;ef <1l1:1!k~ (!1m, ff'.;[ mm:J.-e pe,bJk ~ Pf\.JP('Jiy 1..-'1. di~cr{,-1:ioo 1 /lb<::lut pclt':f:b;;j flmff'~ ('fI)p!oy· ph:'? k _of Moot0{>tl '\~'~~t to ~ men: ()-P}l')ftti,IfLie;,~ ilre ilOaoother gu\'8t1l¢'ehtptf,ociy g-i \'> ndNTJ-<ile" CfWl'-X'fl'lmg ttl"} c·!). the opporbJrt'H! .. 11" ffl1.1d ch-nt 1.<;,),,:Jfi of Ll-v.: K'"iJ mW pJoy~_ ~ ',U; ct--x,t!"8 ut)(}1Ji b1gtw ~·'Utxes'." Be s.~\d J~::.2'_~~~ lc\'}('~ 30. t},,' V", AUCTION Ant1ql1es,Art & MertllQndise Gl!,tter-o--aly liMkmti te HltM f-u-rv.I. krt F,,,,,,,..,J. O""HII SATURDAY, MAY 13, AT 10,3·0 A.M. 1.&C 11«~ ,. ......... ~ • c.:...,'*r F"II1i~~~. _j'!, ,p;!It~OIl 'r-.-.*" ...."". • .. <rl hhi-b B...j.kt,~ __-.e ~N.. ~_. ~~~~ II 1;. w<i\O.'*<!, FOR BALE -' Bflrn:e-y McPhflUp;o, a ba.IlEer In McMinnville. 0[(' o',vne" :WZ nnes em thE nert-hern Ore-grin ,';or.0.L ir;c)uding t.hU ,'J-cenic a,(-a c't CflP.~ Kiwa.rLCta, He ::'.;:.\)"5 tax('s axe t,)O high (u,d publir o & Anderson He With Candie Easy Scan and Print Page of (omnlcnt ' Politics and the Schools A rec.ent .flap concerning the a ppearnn:ee of: /;l gu..rx--nl3.tori.aJ <."8.ndk1&te a.L Rschool Il.i)~sembly in CU&.1'.gUW \1;'&$ pre:uy mu.c.h cU.>i- D:lisoied. ::Qy'-~'#sjj medJ.1.L Howe've·r, 'w~ ha.~-e hdi.rd r-c:po:n.r, V-,3 t ttus baJI happened In other comrn unltiea and tltc:reJore rreI It. \,5 time to call ptibUclY tor a hall Vl l.:h.L'l practice. . It i.s und~atJle lrwl ,..h e candid~te.'i w!u£f· to t..'!..lk to t.he n,ew1y-entranchi8ed yo'.:mg voters 01 this state. BiJ.t, 'use of gc!l()ol faclli't1e5 on 5ChOo-l tl.me is- completely au t of l)r~. II on. cand!<ll<t< c. gnm ted per· m.iss1on to appear, .all ca.ncUda Le" shouki be 'given:: the 6!Une trw t.. men t; and tnl$"Wuld prove Lo be extremel)' ditlleUJ t. We ha\'e no q.uarrel ...1L.h re-l'.1..5- lml...lo-n ca.rupaign..s In th-e schoo'!s ';l<' br' ..2.!:K~";IU,I):n$,. s U ( ! i "'."~ U-IC l...oaf:ue of \-Vomen V(f~.cH. Am~~r"!-­ r:aJ) :\.~-OC{l1lk'l.1 0:( U n i 1f e r ~ j l 'f Wome/{. an.d athe, !"!TOtJp?l who seek. ~) !fCl [X'opie at ali age". InV01ve--G In U·H'\-r (:<H))J.ntu\ju.~;:l and count.ry Lh.Il~ We B.1so lhJnk knowledge 0,[ po1Hical p;nrt..i:es a.nd cand.:,date{i car1. and toh-ould, be tl part at the ed ue.aUonal proc-C&\1. However, thiS educat:.l.o.n 8t!;ouk1 be kn 1n l.h.e hands ot t..hc teaJ,:'her~ to p-r(:.~<m t as fair! Y as po!ltilbJe... If tile lSChooi actminlstra..t.DT3 {eel thut their .~tu(leflt.5 s.hOtll-d be exjXX"':>C'd to the polJt;idan~ the y ;<!ho·uld O~~>!'l t ~ e i r d-OQ.n r..!te-r ochool !iG~~r3. nOJ.1f-y t.!Je . l tudel1L bvdy :.hHt l:lirjdid.-i~t..e Joe D1)~"l..,l..;,~ i.s go:l11.g tDap~It:U; at such ilnd such lt~'l.Yf. U~C a tJme and at.lfncLnnce lip t-o the )'oung1it,ers. Polit.ic~ :i.~oul(j to nat be- allowe.d tDJ-X wit.h'S{.'h{Xll [L<;.v'mbH("~~ A g~ocking Report ()nOur Bombing \.on :.ry OJ:) cOop !he roetaI tr!l.i· mel.l.l!l out by bal;td but CU,nno( find thl:rn aH.; many Wit b1&dea !lIt' fUmoo. TOIaJ lmpBct V_,,,timate<! y an~, "'" .-.port ~, bl y 1.llldeI'8tal.e3 the total implW;t of American oo..'llbjag. It CO'Ye.tS only' tilt seven years from ~ through W71. and of the m 0 s t intet'l,$jye bo-mbing !lu CUfr-tf' tbi::J 98m€ ye&". nre mJdy con cJ.ud eli that 'It's Turned Ir Letters t than Ih the rig! Theater Issue 1e-..1es Ed itfK, Indepe'ndellt Record 11 iI's "~mposSble" \0 cu! pnce:; at the new Ci.l"t"::'US rnO'Vu: {heater, as tbe manager ie+XJrtedly c~, how about SQITl(' ptbUc ~e {Dr Qoub!e fea- ~ tltWdn inated .'hlt!-divl the leg urriversi i.-he TT-i Easy Scan and Print I1laU 11 QlJllgefOO iocreUt wut'$C. letters to the Editor Theater Issue ~'Re<=d 1<4""'", U II', 'Imposoibl<" '" cul prkes at the new CJrcm tooV1e tilftat~, iU the ma-n.ager ~. edly c1aimtl, how aOOu1 !lOll)(' Jd>ll< ~ /", lures' oi lI>< ...., _ I don't mlnd so _ doubk teopaylnt ,,_'" _ " " _ But , juIl doeoo'l . lor. JllgI)l ,.t;<I ['m ...... tho C ir:t ru d.oem't expect UJ to tpOOd ~ '$1,7$ a,t iU htrin silllll< lhe_~ And bow • 'be 0 l.i t -klIne car· tooN., travel ibort! and so fw· til. A!.l ·'art" tbetttet 1! p.,M. if" tber~'ll II chok.e ot Ihan ~ illi.tbcy aht' dt:::;e,,-e the right \0 vtltf: {"iI:\ ~J.l;' tkJ: k"nm iJoo J:'l.3te' • .lJd cmmy In-d(~,; ~ w /:lie ('Um· lrurtfJd. 1m. weak-mif18 0( tt'K' anti--dlveUon amt'tx!lnern and the }exmtlv~ control of ~ unl-veriity ~ , metl~ m m1k!-e, are on.ly . I>locb m>d parlJng 1otJ. Ma,v I w-ese \tLat H doeml't lW(J llI'etlt \IIl"hktl 3n otwioo'5!y lake ~ in~1~ 10 ~01 ~ 'Tbe ~ are ~ to~· --only to cTe3te_ It vrould have !:(or ~ (#l i ~ af boon gnood K """ old '13en \f'OUld ha~'e restcred OUT town ~ educ~1 fond, .00 to the present llrnitatkln o{ into the VlCtorlan RtknA that H [.~ Fr-a.nk Adam.'J 1001 Stiver A Voice Against The Constitution Tlibu~ .. """". ~t.lorm in twu ye il r ll. al........ ""' _ _- oot fMJ9Qr. or ~JeN'na bj' thf OOllVt"nUon WC1iJey W. Wertz Pvwm- Bb::::t ~ ~. t.crs, wh!cb i$Il't the CbM In Helena in the wtDtn. Urban Renewal's Parking Lots E:C<,itor, j IJ:aii:!pend~.nt i:II01 ~ R('-Cf)rc!· 1:tlU-. fct-lcr lO \.,'!e m~J1:Ibcr1; of H.clena' 5 url:lcin rerlcwal project. ! would 'like to knov.' ,...·hat f~ From a Great FaUs: ·Tribwl~ gotng to bI:1 Beiena's big a~ article (Miiy 5)., I I.eMtt that lion ~d6 the parldng: Iob!.)? U_ odwcatlng tho "l'Pf"V'J What'$ wIth aU the parit:ing klt.ll of the ~ comdtutioo are feflas? No i!going 10 want col'J'tinul.ng W try to tit! !he OF- 1.0 go dcvroeown because ~ PO!leDts to tM discredited 50S ls tbere-----wefI almost nothing. I organ,iution Q{ WlMPPY Etl'emO-hadn't re-alired that Helene "'"1t,'i in suct1 urgent need of parting - M Y perSGnaf ~afk,-n i.'! {adUlie;s, Wow, b-n'l li going to th&£ I .sttm' to be a1n'lo& alone be fun to wail lIDd gee if all the in tl'yinj to pra.. . ide facta. as a park.i:llf: kHs become ~ buIs lor ·lli- lhe pco' ~'iUl shiny ClU'8 r.o It r t I'l i po>«! coostilutiOn. I beuti1y op- . around, creJd.-q poIlutiofI.. ptOsro SOB aDd any ~}~ tax 1 thiLlk yw shPt.Ud miY( erJ-. h-lr Mon-lana, as ym.l ~J)' !.ned the be:ip <l 0ttu1ea Bovey ,mow. M)de from tbellt ob8ery- bel"" tho blc ~ I wakbed ·~tbe ~,Q as atiolu, why ~ ttwo· ~f"l1~ tionlI oppo&e. the propoaed (;{In· tbd.r ~ ~ 'a'llrUy at (:he MontiCdia, What I! rip stit-oUon u aUeg'tdr Omitted I'tt .What • wu.1e. What A - • h1.Hl1 IDe pr0p03e<l CQQSUtutioll -. Fill In tltt _ ..un an apwithout /my rerennce to such ".-oprlat. pllrUo. omission it! any ma,l.eri.al f't9m But ooe 01. the ''Il'OI'tmen re( h e eoovmOon, Including t~ '·0 ( { I c I II I Publ.k'atioo" OO'K mh'Jded r:t)!. that ""it wu just a being distrlbulod 10 the _peojlle fitetrap." ~:Y it 'lfM-t-..d .~'Il'1tb· B V«')'mique·hlstor1, i~ the following sectioo ~ our pr-e-5ent rofl:5UtIJUon (Seetin 7, Artk'.Ie' XlI i : "Sec. 7 Thr lXY~y-r [-0 La.\: {'(IrporaHor~ or corporati' propertY Sflal1 D€"'o'eT be rehnquished Editor, Independent Record: one "'. ..una or susoended. and all corooIB- sod d~ &, why dkkl'l )'I.'lu guyg rt"Siorl! it! k it ",..ally too H!-U-e l'I¥.Iney? Maybe it's toe'IH. He Hine ll:n4 il:nagina.lion_ Inste.ad }W ~ ~In€ up those 'jiffy coocrete bJod; structures. J wonder wtult else you pel)pW eM ct"Mt.e ~ cor.:~n1~ l>ultl l-o be. lmtend )'00 ch--.se lo replace t·he nL"ftork loemonoo wl:t1l II grny, colorkss "'(11;5 .lieUlng [l)(lf'e bus! They taIt a.botr nUlfiubK':lJ;trnr:s. 'OJ pa{ official -who, _01_ nothing """'" lot ~ sole 'pi:IfpOIIe whlcll the jXQd\.l( its fOf' bios &barel Crook«l'_ 1ky ialk abol ..ruch crolrlved w brtbe :JO I """'"'" ad"""'" About a nJbb. """.1<<<1 the ~ port so M 10 dcl time to a new A AlX! about a ~ re-~arCh·' In or drug, even ~ kolcldoscoplt: mea. of causing 1 k:n.ow the ! 'I mel- Mvt ctmnged, but ckles H-elena tJ,a.e to change willi 1ht '~? {Q hun 8pIihg 'np in I From tb&se oil oort'<rlJy cle$a'U many other_ Ch:eye Ann ButJe-r BaJ: (:f'rlab Ne-'lf Jerrey, m dFaW!~ P S. What ~ '" the Marlow's TIffany g1aM? lJ It rwi)' to Y'OO'r w,,!lr-e/xlu$e1 revoroUonary in to !>R.Y they do D can institutions ~vC':t mind th& 0( wtH extel15ion Parents Support The YMCA lldllnr, lnd<peOOent &ecocd' k; <be IJ'lI'Cl'l4 Q( ..... """, we would like: to oree 0lJ!' f.ellow _ to "" I>ehJnj the ~ to Ito eIht> '" pro'<1de ""'"' Olx! belle< for <be yoo1tI 01 oc.- _»leA ~. '"'" YMCA boar<! """"""" liave 3{ICIJt ~ bl:Km ~ fur" . - focWIy; 00< to beoIl:Qt 0le:m8elvet-, b1 to ......" the youth and _ . " ut Hl1J.ena. W-t: him: oot way:! ~ _ the dlrectloo '" the bcJ<11"d In rpa:kjng pl&fl.'l: for' U.s new b u i I d j n g. But t.bt main thlncz ~ that lti rpeJ"l'lb.en a:re 00l:IlelIling "'" _ _ and we ~y support them in tne!r eft:tlrt5. oomg MT. and Mn. .}ad; e.rtsoo 1823 ' F1o-werree R. 'lUll' It>o e-p. Recently the I 0( lin uero~ a mat} and bU h competl agaiMt Getlmll _ Corn I tM:m, wtaidl see pciltion, did sn-hiring I"<JPle t beard, boweve!", 01 labor r.mions Robt!rt Townser: caD conak1et" }.t Mr. T.o w n s e. I '" ""'" killlo(, . in Victnam No, bt:ui.nes<I i. cal and 1ntelJect, be£-ore, but the greed !IDd COf"nJ clair famous. ' eroolltmJtlil by f (3j . Orl a sophkt of whkb J<Jtm R ~nwt1 And, .. !trumerrt will be A Voice Against The Constitution !X'.~ 90S 1m<! 00)' m~e',~ (1~~ fw MonU:H.il.. l\.'i 2'11\1 ~:r(i$;\f.;tr!-y lu'<l;l'll, Atid~ INm !:&-,!'-e ~rY" .nicnfi, 'irlly J/.hOI;Ij;{) the c:qrp<:-"'\Uons ~. 1:00 pro~ ,oJ1i' :tti:t.rr.t:Wn M ul:k;gro? Om~U.,,,J ftorn il1,e proposed eunsuU,;;:,jO',1 wltb'J'lIt alll' rderC'n(~(: t·{J :J-U-f-J1 NrJs£i0n . my 1!'..iI ,cI'm i fn::>tU ( h e coo ~tio;:;, l-r..dudiDg !be in '0 ({ i c [ 2) Put;!'k.",t.":m·' rx>w 'r:eing dktrlbute-d to ItJD PN¢r: i,; the following H1CtiOt} 'oJ 001 pi' ('~,nl conf?1.!tuUo.r. (WJn j, Arlkk XfIi' IX~"Tr (,-, (.. ::: (''("'i1/Or3t.br's 'X' (1.:!rTlOrl\·~{' pr'~'~~ criy snll.l1 r;e','t'f t* ",J:C~'Jj~Jii;-,<J (I[ $IM-,pc:flde<:j, .,,"Xl ,1_H C{Jrpofl,,- Iron;; in this si_'l!.f:, C\- dD-j:q~ " Ko:< Jr,i Parking Lots S Wr.2' ItlWp(",nec! ro tbe Mll.dlWi'\ THiaAy'~? lii it y.vtt~', It,(ll-'i~"X1eflt H-t.'0(,r-t! j a-J, dtrocUt!« 1t'.J:'; n;'-1l11y Wril~ (;0- be H~"",'~ bl.« ..Ltrll-tI'M,) f~id~ the. I')Mk~ng ~j? Weal' ~ wirJ;: f).!l ltK:, pari<.ing ~ k No t""e h':go{l<g \.0 WtlTlt go dO'i'>lJW'i.Yn t~.fI;'lC;e i'l!'Jlbing i1; f.h-ff.(~--.-wdl !o,:jl-dn·t ,,:If''(~ n0Ul!!:\g. 1 r'~,1'l.lh~ !1l-~A Hel'€fla 1Im!i hi ;'.\...'Cb vJH')HI l'll!e1j of part1flf, !lKiJHk~ \\'\1\\:, xn:; I.t Kt~nt Hi (x tttn tt, .",.",il :<~\li ~ If ~:,l u,)(' p;,rldng k>~,~ b~.0XU';) Gi~4 with ii.illny C8ft r 0 r. r j n ~ .\l.rtX~yJ. cr't<atl~ po-lJ:>.lU:on I ti>.Jnk >w glC<ttk!!u:,'t'~ ~f\}­ L¢~f ~ ~ip d. O:w!~ p",."'f')' ~t"I't.&~ .~. ~ T wu,l.r:tW· thf, ~~S! ~ th-dr rrutd.tf.na ~ awn-, riP ~.t t.~~&d~_ 'W:':'~ ., f.JJ. ~"h$t II: wa$tfl, '.~. a -.. FiU OJ the bJ~,,* \1fith ~n n.r,.. ~b> pl;tm, . But e!le' at. tht \\~ re\!);j',~ tot tb:ei' . >'$ W~ JON " ft~tH'Y.!' .~ ItW:M--l:xr~ 00/:. lIdth a "erj tm.·~bt:>:l""'1 6f:;~~ l'4*hf~ /W ~~,~'ft~ \1, yoo; \I'-J,re\)('JI,t.'ie? _ :'V'; Parents Support The YMCA 11'1(1q:le:~.xtil'in\ Edio'.ct, fte>c~)i'd; 1<,;:; t!lt ~'1U ot W<j, wQiJ!d J;il';-e ~, -tnr1'Je' \g~ boys. our fa- }q>r; cih~ 'rM:C:>\:tn f1lGt'e tD g£l bd'lll)J tire ii.., e-B'wL:i tQ pn:r;'k'-.r{t m)Q b<tJ~ f:ldl~j~ t~1(" ~ y'(Juth (1/ ourcmnlJl\;/,nk:.... The YMCA ~rtt ~~~ !u"i''4 ~ 1,-mL"1N!f'~ 00al'1i pi;j,J'\I~Jf1 ~ ;l. tl&! ~nj:t;:.,: 1)0( \() beocfl( W.,r:,Ot -!t,;'" ~~-v'M, ~ wt!;fj b!3t \0 ~l.ioeJ\: 1:'! H(1~:[).;:t. W:-r j~_ !tIft ll_h~'>'lY~ ;l~j wtf.t, tM dii~{k~ sef \'~ bead in fCi8<j,.::bg pi!lfl.~ f:Or i 1.>; 0fM'f by i 1d i tl~ [-5.(1"( the ITl\'1in t:t:;\ng .IS 1~1<lt hs n~:r.b!".."i'\ l'lf~ doing ~ ;"'~_." ror ",nri U~11 \'{(~ wtclehl'!'arto..iiy ~.tppor'l kl the+r ef&;rts .~ ~ y)'/-ei1 able ro exe1 enough iegisJa".:ure \k, (h e dd-egales woo arc '&J't prc~un:- 0_0 &lly prQpos6:ll~!1­ dof}e-..iJ)a.~h'€rtantl)' other-Kise '! e 1'he poopI.e d e f; 2 rv0 the) or ~r (tM.nl,-.v/).ie:tl~i1 ?'t'Lil.km, d)d so,-b~ lo:iru,€ POO{Jle to M.'l.T~, huw~v.fi, eel 01 kibo-r moom In. ~)hert TOoWn${,'fl(\-- G'm (.'OP,SM It r.. MT, Towtll1eQ( l'IgnJn..'rt kUriHg: at hl \'kumffi, ND, l:ousi.r.\el;.1i l:i' u,1 MoW lm&kX'-tulj ldOt'('. bu1 U"'~ W1 <Ti'·f,,:j iino c:nrn'lpi d.ill' h..-rrrou:> TI; p'mtlUoMJ!y by Sfr ('.$ on- 9. ll-:Jpl:ri6tic. of wbJ.ctj John K, 1,t.\lflX'!.TI n(;."'If'ftrrt-e or ~H cl them Mi iI cia$<, (:'-.1),1;':1 bo;: (:~. (rOIH t",-x.i~iQ!l i,f !I a .. itRld btll _:Ii thet;(Impetiti agai.nst ~aJ Ii Ilgahm Com F'1til lB:l3 ti-Ol\i IIny dil$.'i tJj cntpo.1fRikJ-n$ lhe t l"fchikct.. n wm watclJ., And, at! a :\1, ,,;xl Mrn" J~cf\ H in th<: !et;.sl.-,tul(; to') C:I ('. m p l "&flY oU:kl' dll:>se~ oJ proper!y" (~"UoI1.~ 11, (ei 01 Artkk VUi of LIw flr\-JP<.~xt (.V1lBtlt1:.l ~e,!l ~'):\- ~ wtw.t ();;;..M..>J::'" hu"i- .~tliuL)0n feaU;; k.ntH>;: "f1l.!l ol olJi.ll~ 00 real Itnd peso:;..'!: property 0"i{1)ffl or i.:..-ed '0) lhr!m and _oot . by, uw.....(::'<IN;u.w... tioo ~oo .(rr.;rn taxation."" With tlili- .~ e1:imM:Ul.~~":d :;qn; h-, It-qtlo nat . ow tmltitutkn16 W iI mi~ 9\1rp'~e;!., they ""'---''T,I-~."",.,. ~ 'JUlI' tae ()o.mpeti-tl ~tty tm De" therem, &h~_H Q<; S"tlb-)I'c< :,j 111 X a t 1 0 n fcJ.: <i,(ill£>, ,~l'J,n~:, ~ c h Q {1 J, IDUflltJ_inl-J ili'>d 'othn co~ .~ sa)" ('ttett1<k1n l.l«m And the \0 ne"'er m..'nd tel1e1' 1.0 ',bl' m'eJrll.wfi'i of ·J-!.riIY';';; nrl.'lI.'l11 f.'Nlil~~-? ·v ,-('vl1'iUliQr,:;:ttyiJi- W f' ! ""<:lUlu likr: ~(I ~'!"";'W '''hfd j_~ i"rom il GrM: F'ilH~ 'T'rwnt' artk1c {bi~:y ~), I I~ \h.e:t t.i:lose. tldVQC:tf~ ~ ~")'<l.I.! of the ~JO;,'lOO c.orrslt.:tIDr; ltft' (:outi~ !I,l try <"0 tk the W p',~IW lD thi', rfh,crootUld SfJS OfgS-ni.v<tioo at unhoilPf;';!' fDt'.mory M Y ()f"[::IQIlJ.l" ol~"v','!(um lJj thtH I ,~'J) ta Ix: ".1!.~ $.l@p in tryi,ng l(l plVvkt<: fttclf; f>.f; {j \)aw fW voU,!"li 'iligafnst ~x. prt'" po~ CQolillluUon. T ~1J:[tJ:' (;i·l - 1'::1_" .......... " Easy Scan and Print ;-('-;W-\<iitli pr0)~lX{ j~lj«;r, [ndepe~l}t H('0J:1j: "5<~<; -_... ...... 100"1 SHl'e.t Payload W'\1l be t Easy Scan and Print Tax Group Wary of New BV OENN!S f. t'l.;Rll<\,"'I 13}},."'(:\ul \y.. t;; 01. <iI' 11',$;4, ,\1 tb", ~ (k:t':1iiT:t:r:i In St.olk &u;t,.!:tD i ,if! lJdmo::.tif$i l(.' nl'~ M,001.(IJ)l;: l\np..l:\'cT-:l .A..1:'4'-~"!~;ti)[h it cllTmuiiy tlilHon (:xpr-e;;,.~.in~; '~(R~--enj OVt'f! T h \' M'~"":';'l~':'I1 L':le. ~~b\1ky 0'1 '~tl("1<'rB~'.:J ~,r2iL.l I! " c ) \1 G ,-,. liixatJoo. h:l,s off~ !b..~ \';;>L~·T',~ t'. {'"ilk fJ;Ht:'(>o,l'.:< :"f" tt<k~ U #,<"rd ilx 1 :,1 il,l') of tn,: ,)/\ !".:c,~: I.he new C'!'Jl:1SliLlJU,(m.j;t,i,r"lI:...j ~.~ ,fl(' r·C~"'b:i~l<.: Wlthotrt agam':l! i.~i;;)·,r"" "';:;:\ 1 Propo!l(---d f)e'\If consllU:;IXo;. (<f de-vo-l~'S il¥x;{ ;Y<'."P(:t"l '! ~:n; !" i C'Xl){"jr".'iIl¥': ~,ver)' (k~n~md, trwn \1,&(kl;l fnr i b~n.1l.~\.:'i \h" dr;p'J;r1n"eI:lt \'J\ rl"V1'1.Nl~>r~~ i~p(,fY,nnl\ pro.. i "'HH~! 10 ~*\' i1 prc,r*Jiy Un ~11ftho, fll'A::JfoOidQ!"". r.~\i<:l :ik,h...nt '\t) b,;jhU,lt"\1 Itw. \Y'.!d6t-,{," c; ~h" "~'\'£,(1l)~ ,~.,.,:',:.",.~", (>.,.,:"".~,:,. t il,'·.",t-"",i:Cp",'-:,·,.n~;,"f~:;.::: ~: . . ~, _, '\. .' ~ .., ,J pr'o-:k1ed 1,1 [ , '1M Tr\Jj"'-~:' ,'1flj A~s-DI""jt.U.M:I \. T h:! un \;;]l~),-",X1, i'i.•)ilu[!(::Q ,I'. t,") ("0 1111 sc ul' un 0H'm ,1"«' Im'{":):f/-:\l (,.x~;1j.tiJ-ilillent 0-1 IX+f'~n '.hr, .~J,:;mjJli')jon Q{ ',1>" t''''11 01 ll11 ('!!~(-P.'t',;'t ::HiH ~e""Y 00 s'..i.. jx~ IX',';"";:' lil'l".N,,: TilJ;j.l:<::yt:! _~01 ,,;: "r(' _ 1..1>:, asmclab.OI:l':; momhiy V-.lbl1Ir.l>;tr,•.:,: .V'I,iC!:: I~,-,d "i,,~'d':Ci)U'i' <..'~'..IOOo TIre hk~J.lilM \"'-ilj<j:, ,it pn:"_Hrit':'{1 (:Guld ;iim'it (l(~ 9XS,d;n~ ~~Q ,lin:\it 00 J.\ 'It' mCTNl~!:d pn'l,\q1i)'jdebL St!tl~ ck.--h!" e;;l,s),(1' to ere- ~$V~ i :HI~. Is . Ii i.b-x!' i~ :R\ (;(;;1'3'-;,$'; lWt'fl "H.."'1'-!lH7 n.;;; le-f;t~ll:tme stm.. OJ! n:~'\,,,..r"if; "'(',Ji,) h,' ;4'n~.Ii{' ;'D I·pi:)' ~nd.~ what it pte<l;-;e~! ii<:> btl ['pu: ~ d-och:kxl- 1''1:11''-';:1.' oj lilt;- ~;~'E.._.L:i-f.1(t Iy UD!X"IT',.pUmeo:l1JTv crt\iquf' of ~IJt~~n;!, lnd,L<;tri,r! ,V)<i" lh.~ i'::, 'J pr ta m,-~{)O!)r,1 th!.' lrr~e-nt of 100 IiI Dunkle Supports Constitution r;;li::-~_1';j .:;;-;-G feH th<· g',,:,:! !\ ne;xhikon l';'i".n;: 'g1)"'(O"Wi lfi.m;};% h.1:i :-,"pd\il ~hr'l:~ ",,,,.:,,l':.,C':J 'J',,'''; ;,~or"'(:'1j ,c:..<,., tI](,..i-oJ1i<~n'1.J', Du.'ltJe. -.l:iJiJ~iJK-b c:,y,~,,-.-' hut a 1tsvd '.1,;' (T.Jn.'i~:~'·'i;t,l' 'r".}~~ ~"'.~;/'o", I; f1\': ~'i';l';'-'" ;;~'; Lc,;"" '·':di ",<" t·.ni)u;>:h M;'0 .;,';:.,;c~,\, ~.'(ln;" :1,- :."hO !:.t' dui r~A Ll'{'; p'.Jrr.l'Jj"p.(j Mh'aHUt;;t'·., (Ii ~ iJH,(' :':'.1); l;' r <l i 'r.><::.j\· l;;~J d-')\Jbl~:·.j if they U " rn "'~~()(f:,. .'11 ';(l "<'tu~w i(C- t',\ Cllpit;,l ,,,,':nl";".l "('.\JJd l,;;;J!-od Otic lind d.l.Mlffl:>f.'~r 'if lit w'rl:l!)lJ! i\ pr.7f,\:\":h~ t~\ .s·:-,'! uf !·q;hi.'l;;.'.![(' :',,,,-'. '~'c:;: ,;.xP·!..:tJ[K~! ::.rw;; Dunk Ie "n.W h.c dlil fII ','or Dunkh: .';{1id the d-e""Ul ;mlF,l]ty ,:h;"cd-d i)(' r~i;;>i,,("d i! Oil,I:· t>,- ar, :h" \.I;I'."n'. ,i: %l(l ~).{. \\'3:,:; ri.!!: J.ll'Yj,('Ci!n:c< b!.lp po, ,,'it'll Uw r'~nan,:;.(Ii ,,<0.)(':': ,jvding rernwnx! :;: l:h1' 1-'11JI; hrm! 01; ~i . a'{e.. ptDf't"":'" u.,x~ BlI: ht. !--'t?1;;;t:0 ;1,(: ji,e::! ,hiji the ,)<'\\ C'Of'io-t;j:tuti-oo 1() !.>t' \'Olf-cl !'ott,,]. ,..~''.U$\/ Lil':1 ''1;',,'.:-. ·i:.: j:>-rl'>pol"""j r}e'.. fl,ni-:!,i;_u'~H)(! " t~oni~ ~h,' ,iJ,-n,~>: t:!~ ti-';- r:-rin,ts i!3!J1hl1ng lXtn .'*"Jul,j :'l'',J: ~ : ' If! tbtl coo,;,:1i'lnli:,n h{C <:;nG rnng\~ in C'hl.lfC'flf.--S Of flU:::· ;}j",)f\t"x~lill dttb::s could I);' ,ilj' \h,}r~2~1 'J" <l r·:-:k'l"('-ndllm he "'''Ilmti OdK:f {~- Mid Jr U( ~ Fashion ha.ndbags at And other lovely.;gifts f at lovely penney Pi Take 20% off every handbag In stock over $4 Easy Scan and Print Constitution N,\) li,uut ,ltl,e ,~(v.ro'<i~. tn ,l:k-t,~fr>t 1I)J.'. '" t-im~',i;" Ii ,~11-.OC kJ (.'rf:. t'l\'\)'£lI1\ lit'Oft .- to) al;iQ11;' Mc:>;;,: p:JhU~ !:U"'<i t,) onmptv vffl.'i;, (!:xrli:<fi(~h "Oi:,: gl<1tv!"(' rci-m.1 COi'Jrt dBClsYuw. !P'J:,.Hl-:"/ \.\'"o,,,.d P;C'C-(l.!;(t:!, ct,> \ bk l': t b (\ (l J flrWinr1r'il:!.. Rr.,o1!{){ '1 !.Tid: O!lj' i"'" """k'''''''''''y, ~:'~,$ili'~ ! ,!!rk~nd, tb.(>ll!0Ottrt CU,.'3o{''* ~U:g:jJ<i,\" ttl? r.t.,!~'2! ""i(,' nefl,1 l.>f re'<,·lm~~· hri,'~, In r f· P ) 3C e 1<Y.:::1t; ltwc ':rly ls.x wi,.) i'icbool dis:fri£'-ll1J:!.!):;] V;itll 8.tl r,7~"r 'i'( I),,· lm6gd," j !Ilt,a\:A(', ~tRI:'1.'l¥'r'1t: 1.;;>;, l Thl' ,,~"":)C~iil,lt'.jtt lUr'il) ~:.i!dr:i i\.mdtf th~ t:b" ::Ie'ili Xi:1:~~\it<;ltkm WI:' i pr'U\x:r('!' CJ,)Wd ~" iMl'-t~i, ~,tldt AS;j.,'X'k-L.'"on : tax n~~ c~!4 tK· aibXi,-.t!l'j fn: b:t.\:r'lt of j t;X:al g(r,,·t:'fllm~~w. n0 l;ax,".,; 0-1': ::njl).en.il:<- ,,"'x"",,, ! \'OO?Q!Ju'{xiMd '.kti It>e dd,e!~ i!,iiHuil a y{~<l.r lr•. '""<;I :-<."?'1l7;~~ ~yti"~\<:.-,,, ",-'"j ,';,;]1:>' bf- '\;:<,;,<:'," ;m t",Jit[-1'i''lil,), lilt,; ;1'aJ;p;jYf:r~ Ace, ilp,;,",d '.f<: ~.(JqaUO!l <";)/j.~l\!;,j-i):j tJ-r.1: ~,h:w" (T:::" ,I'; :\;');;J., ; ~,Tn,j WOt!l-d t~h;V;D! d,' 1':';:-' i. ''k;'~Q'~~1>l'!f;~~:~.$-;',n;;c,~:~~, ne{"d~ I.' b.-. ,wh~ m. i.Yii;ie. Ban 9 ~ Ba 09 ~ p.. . .d(;'(~h~f;. af:! (,,1it(o;r~<£:j t~;jJ:tl[:,;>:; F"l- iE\HSi·llP !nd ' Wb Y I, WD b':A!}z~ 11f\' l!!:;s~ ~\ ;, r;,n·<j.~ &,,,j F'O: !,',XT Tb--" ?Ubtk~(fN:t ill$<.) 'eCL'1r,.'.,j ex: ,f; l.\:;.t" ~g-aln :;$ \h" -c, non- ~l'[lld much l:i1h"''\f'f-0' )l'ith !1:n :~ick, ~U(:m,,~<.....•· j : lXNtr-d ill rt' ; oaHoo of t.").e. - e'd',,~,;lh'j;j L~ il.' ,\L;; L,:>(,<t)n'i{ .<;.UPI;I":.1H· a,lif.: h'-.;ki'~ it.'; ",,,',,,,,,1, lun'!' iH~!n-5.1 Jif.'1i"li: tth~ i':l!rn'l- cP,,,mp\(.:H!"hi? In.iltdi(~S M-ilJ II} 6-il 8.~1;:'!-l ott F'r'rb~4s:.,;-"1l) Dln1·0tfS'TRA·TION nRAG-,.·potk,::e, Ctipf...Richa"fd Lee 0,( krwa City, lawa dra~n:1' H~"T\Y mH:,o,f24 rie,t'~ sons !lIwl'u:;d 1ue,.'l'd:llY l.dght dtlr1n~. Ii Oefl'ioriS'tra,. U(l-!J t\g-ainst Pr~df;,1)t- Nl.xO'!:;-·~ new s.\.rate[f Of_ rnitling- Norlb VteLr"l('lm~;W2 i}J-u-t):;r:s. (-Pt~uLotfi:~) No Sierra Junds Going to Dunkle Easy Scan and Print ';,;",-'\> .Page of Comment ~-------------- ~' Bebind the Closet Door ! We wHt thMtly DA~Ittm:~­ IVs ,t,he~Y,'$.:e}i~,~n, and ju.'it sO Judge w,Quld' get the word ImmedIately; forget the fact th-nt aboUt eVefYU\lnjlCIl11, and 1'r"OOlr Judgc ~ out of town. Doubt c-onc.ern1ng the lru th and Iy 1"111; Jlo,ilP<'n, . '{eracity 01 our ,s t a. t r.. b:u rea u' II Wh"t, 'We.1'l~,'9.8 ,It hilarious staf"Ulng discovery Imnwdtatdy ene<r"nwr hOtw$t Independent crept into our mln<L~. ~<lS",te 1l)J~~ a u reporter We caned Hu t.ebinson In to \)l,j( ArUtur HUtohlnB<;llj!j"'ld Dougl.' O.BmlUl beCame..:~b.1 ITlDre ludl- oiHcc_ "Was th(,re really a. fe-eHng clous Tuesday w~n Smlt,h gal- o{ cmba!1'Q.SSmen t?" 'W'C u.k.oo. lantly steppedlorth to expl.ln "Yes.' t.he reporter' replied, "It why h~ was fo~.:~J1 in a. dark. wa.-; U}t:e opening the door to a cUb!>~hOle·slred of~ in the cam- water clozet and dbc.overing that poJgnJ;ieadquartl\~,,9fDemocratIc it wa.'\ occupied." "Reany?" Wf. replied. "Re.ally," ~torial h~~1 Tom Judge he sald. l""t~y.t~ :19J,.m. Ttme t1) ponder. What t.o do? "HJteJ.lina<m alll!t~ th.t Smith w:as workiIlg torJ'l,1~e'!i campaign Why, tell'Mr. JUdge t.o look on the 'on state'Uh)e~ Erilba$mssrnent. was bright &lde. Every poHtictan has :evident at the moment of tbe: lm- Ill.') dark dap3, but. t.hUi cannot lUld c-ounter. r e 1& t:e:~1: Hutcbiru~-on. must not gO down tn hlsl.o,ry a..s There was also:,)_. elem~n t of another Black Friday. ,urpme. A. brielj~nge In the Ju.d.g'e has been given the perdark of the"l~"Hl Doug;" fed· opportunHy to capltaliu on "Oll, hI Art." T!i'e£'1Pymry deep- Ii campaign theme song. He can e.~! lf9 ~J:&O:~~*n from Smith change the 1 y r 1C.5 in the 50ng "" to his presence. "Who's He·hind the Green Door?" Aha, <leduc'<hSl~th Hu (c,hin- and r-eUUe the tune ''Who's Beron: No explanatiQii! Ergo, Smith hind t.he Closet Door?" lB moonlighting forJudge. Uke televWon slar Dean MarNQ, t>n>itl).1lNf,11y ret0<4. You tin, JUdge can wa1k..on .5tage ~ merely found 'me up to my neck before he tells It like It Is to his in fertilizer. I wns just doing my audlence. 0 pen a coo:veni-ently job -andc-omp1ll:ng a. re-port re- placed door and out will ,ut.ep,a qu~ by JUdge when he was Judge' supporter. ",' Lorted. He.dded credll>illty (?) to his :(.co:nten.tion. He prodUced a report ,puthe fertUizer conspiracy. Fan· - 'l'YC1l.pltol &lat!qnary? InItialed ,y 'by .sec.tetary?li'Olltre<!. Handwrll- ~. ....... httt-'h.<> "' ........... "HtI~ tvV).-,.rlinRt~r If this dtJ.esn 'f. 8:ppeal to Lhe candidate he can indignantly !X'lnL out that Pres1dent Andrew Jacbon had a Kitchen Cabinet and i1 P..e wants to have a Closet Cabinet th.t "' perfectly wlthln his rights M a favored candidate. II th1l> falls to turn qn the vot- ers he can change Harry ,,,"-,__ ,_ 'u .. ~ __ """M_"'~ Tru- .\-, .. \-, ..... ~ \'(fte 1l:P{lf'Q"'.1 oJ ~,. lwsl'wi.'Yt R~: 00 :M~ ro IU~ liUt>- .-I,ililtilll bond ~ [Or tooJ.ttuc· toWon cl J ) St f, .ifllimd b MV:e tl,lttny- ~ lMJtor, l00tper4mt . i. llCting governor. JUdge requested .." lnveotlptlqn Into planned fe,t:Il\z~ prl")tincr..s... Smith re- no! An Alternative To Bond Issue "ddll~l H.eleJijl '5{'hoQ! m C\.a$SlWl'l'iJ. Tht-s will ~ ,&f!Vl""i,'d·l1'l.aIt:ty {<.\'o yi!Mll sptq -M w-e1 the ':sununer. EmplO}'eN quental ~ ~eAr arouDd h<1j> ell",'".] ml:l.'W:'rer jop;,. !-QltJ,)"l'rng lhe lRtit ~""t:n ~.r~er· 5C~IJ~ baod l,um: 1 wool<d hj,;I'J tc liugg~t ail al· tt!fMtiv(! to the bond· imle It'll tl Tht yt--b.r Permits mOf baB-~·Q{ d.1l;.cUS$~'. 11tb: pr~ 11.1 i! oo-t £F::i1e}y 'h>r ~ (!lX). nomk n::a:5OOJ. but hM l'lUtny pcin./$ of merit beYOnd tM u v- !n8'" laxpayera ~ re J,f 1,te thrOl,l,gb reduced capH.al f: 0 n. ~4NCtion Cl)$~. 1 beU-eve ,.lhe most fea"."~le year ~ ~hcJ.:).l plan tl !.he ol'5-j5 tar the 9.--3, pIan. Unod~r :hi.$· !)--stem,..(lflf gr¢O.p of :t-tu. dents .... UI 5tBrt on 1'1 Cf:-rtatn pt'e-~octed d:t1l". Ft~en .school days !-<Her 3 ~. group wlll start and group three wUl ~.art U dayz a-Itff group' two. By lhe tlm~ fI U m be f ~. group 11M c:omp1e-ted 4$ ochooldays it wHl take a three week' break and thl:' foorL~ g'f0".JP' w>:Jl !tart. In thi:l manner, there ()f:l!y be 75 per cent of the pupil! in lICllOOl at any one ,tbm. If! the wm "'" preo<mt glvf8 331 da~l -rn9t rec~h't versus 9 Jl)l; contrll< mits months. abe ~Uu:te teach week break ouhoUwtlog. boa_ ls-1ft. the bu cant for lhn A,webei I belil i5AUC. lX'rtYlltty to of a 12 rna hope we cro CilliSion of U a ~I~ m: bum. D H. 001 Fl summer. eac:bo[ tbf:'grou.ps will have a-n extra. week. 'l1iliJ plan perrnilL..each puptl-to nne 18) Group school ~Yli per yur. ...... Some.o-t tM,uB30nll for c h ~ n.g i n g.4) "X~,~"rmwd.T B~ ><:hoo." (1) Sp\t~ """I> 01 fidocaUon; (2l r~ased popu_ Edilor, lode To l:li-UOfl InabiJlty; (3YRapld accumulational new Imowled.ge; (4) Emugeoce of urban education p r f) b I ems; (5) Men liesurc time for travel and' recreation; (6) ReI uctance of taxpayers to vote money for school bui1din.gs. Ad,,]mtag-e:s o[ tht ~.s·t5 pLan: J..eaming opportunitles-lf the cb!ld ~ not doing wen he can be held bad: !S days rather than one yc-ar-giv.es mc>f'e flexfullity in curricuJ1ml planning and Deg.a.t.el neresstty of review __ ..... c ~ ~ • 6 ~ l-. ~ ~ A. .... +...... 1tA SuPP9Tt~ Montana til discredit opj menl as·U1t cia,l interest group:! had est in the MontanE proce:ss.es. Delegate! s-pecial int.e tion , to 0{ the justa)' f u: HY!tie.rI fJ.:."UU Easy Scan and Print Letters to the editor Ive ue l.!iked to leI' sub.- »rwtrllC- a ~,-hool 'hlswlJl I It vears l~rger an , 11)' nll l'ille l' propo~ lor ear 's many the ,5.J!V- e 8-1 j 2. e (' 0 n· II leaslble n i5 the 1. Undt:r I gre.1t st.ale. f'tl:th.erm.on:. it i~ hllfdly coo· relnhle that tt.e Joe'veraJ sPecial hest w a-v joIn-est ItTOOPJI who got they wanta'! 'IlI'-l/ilid knock 9Pf"1ng ~rd 10. nol affre-too b)' the weather. We have man-, oclloob lh31 art' air roodltloned and we can' !':Dve 0{ ~tu- cerUiln :n school 'OUp will 4'ill ~tart ). By lhf roup has y~ it will ealc Bnd start. In only bf' :>Upiili in ~. In the Ol.lps will 8J lo the fall f'! well u ookl all!! wav1:':11 m the :summer Employcrs can arrange st"- Qu-enH.lIJ ernploymmll lor lfir. year around $1U(ients H wf.>Ulct help eJimlnat.e pre ~ !i wumme-r JCJ'ln by many &COOol 00 Ur t for (lUI of WJd.ooL~. The year around pl;>.'1 also permilll more e~knl U~ o-f our prCl'Jent 5C'hollitXfacililie,s. II g ! v c s J3 ]·3 ':~{ cent more c\1l.S!r()Offi'J Dnd,:J'iiiktlerli W I i I r('..ce]"t more 11 month.\ ver~ 9 monthl.:]t il"l per. mit! conlrac.. ,s Jrbm 3 In 1,2 pay:. monilia, a bett.er':~~·e _)f :ru!>- stilute l.eachfT1~c;~ Ofl thrl"-r week break ar_e~j_d,;,alJa.bfc (or substituting, 1ll~- also wlXIld be 1I rc:ductiOn ot:;$t'boo! van<lal· ism. the bUil-d1n:gb' are not va· cant fOf three ~. I. As, we he3d wward this bond issue, I believe we ha'o-"t' illl op- portunit)' to eons~-er the owrits of OJ; 11 month",~--hooj Vl!-;Or. 1 hopt' we can h~th:':.ratio~Bl dlS· c-ussion of the rather than a dmed IT'J.ndc;f~-fl\rhollon>ll oot· burst. -<'"" ~ on 1I for "J'(9]lll<! ('()SiS of leO popu. ,pid 8CCIJ- Groups Deserve To Be Heard Editor. looe-pend-l'nl Record edge; 14\ Supporters of I he propos..-d MonLanli constiluHoo see k 10 educalion discredil oppot)('nls 0-[ re licsure ment as the grumb-ling of spt"clal intNl"st groups as If such groups had no legitimate inli"rest in the general weHare of M 0 n tan a or in constitutional processes Delegates themselves have a special interest in the promotion o-f the document if merely to justify their own recent ac· tivities finances by ihe taxpayers. These taxpa}·~. not inci· dentally. inc-lude most of the .special interest groups in our ~reBtion: payers 10 buildings. &.15 plan: s-if the -11 he can ys rather more flel:· planning of review due to the period ~ learn is coo- lititUU,JO they , r r a led in Il)-t! coUei::.ti\'e mind of the Com'efl bon $t("phen A Bln:h Cr('ill ~>aH~ !ndcpe-nden.( at no tinw wa.!! My IDtilUon n~ to cre:ate l! !trod of Ml V w.e to pro.m-Q\.c or defeat 1M' new conS.UluR"1ll In fs-(t, 00 po5!-lkm ';tIl!! 1.1Ike-n ei· ther w;.w AllXJ; r>CiQfl ;unchron. illt ("CO(lOm,i.c:g profl':!i.,'fOr f rum Ul~ Ji-POke on bwintm-rr:;e-n oltf"t' det!pl~' <.:()f)(1trro«! ti:illt Oill)' flvr, pet' ernt of OOf hjgh SoC'b<.lol ~tud,er\t,r;: r~j R~Q-rd nnw 11 WIre or phon-t the Prr~i· dent urgif.4: hIm to hall thili e5- lind Of! thtre-for~ ba...ic e(:o-WI: tulve J D- i n r. d lCictllw' to fl(\1lndall y l>-lJ PVJrt Uti.ll CD1l!U', !! i'!i re;retubh: SOflle COHsHtulion de-!r~3te5 will stoo'P ~ ie,,,,; to create >I straw man to p-a~ their new Coo....u:tuti·Of). It r.etffiJl they dort"t want {tit vole f':{'S 10 study it, but to 5'tmply ...- ettpt LtJeir Judgemen1 ,is go~-­ I'd John T ,alalion_ m<"S.-.a.i~ ...c wlJC*tiorl IKlfTlJC1> , !hin-k it i1Wf"->-Pl"1l1ll.' :0 vlC-W of th~ re:fi.l""WOO bombings in V1Mna-m and the f1\a5.!Hn.g of \j S. air and nava] IBreb In $ou1hr.as! .-\51.'1. \D rr.miOO t.1-xJ::;~ w bo in' C'\Xl-,erncd tM. t they (iln i!od m u, t do .someLhin,q: l~ (:021 Mootllfill e ~m<l.u We \V1\itt' BOlli./' TW>W dOCUlUffil wer~ Un.iv'e:r-sity of Make Your Views Heard ~:d1tl)r, of the dj~., . and tbr M-onUnJl St.\llt CQuocJI 0f1 fo':""'"'(){)Ofl1..k EduCIlUOO. Labor unlOQ.:! , 1 /I. r g corpon IkJ.l15. lind your Cong:re~inan and "ton tWQ Clearing Up Some Questions 5.>:n- Sl:'flil\.O-r Mlh MI,l.n5ndd (){fk-e BuildlnE Senate Senator ~ Mel-call Sc-na te Offect Buil,dln.g Washington. D.C 2/)5IG Your opinion DOES C'OOnt write today! Mr'S, Joanne Jl':ilnings &um;;n I. \)\1 bt,haH ,:>f (;lI\\a!l:J1 V:!lk1y CitiJ;efl~ for l'eacei the docu· Anti-Constitution Fund Denied So m e Constitution delegates have .. accuse:! Montana TraDe Associations 0 f compiling <J $100.000 fund t.o de[e-<I1 the new NnstituUon-. We lnitiated a me-e(ing Wil:O 12 other organiz.atio-ns· directors to studv the new COl1Stitutlon or. APril i~, in Heiena. Pr(\! and Edltar. Wependcnt Reccrd' W hi] e ~J:plainjng the proyi· sion.s of th£. propo:l-~ rlf"Y<' NfI-st1ttltioo to vari.ou~ groups and radio laLk mawll. lhe questi(J{\ has ~ raiJ>ed !>tveraJ time'S as 16 what hap-pem if the ('nn· stituljon fai1.5 aDd ooe 01 tne ;.dt,e-rfla-tivt proposals rt-("t'ivfs ~ p pro \.' <i ! uf :be rrldJDrit;. lhost' votin.g It: the dectirw 011 Junt~ I!. If th{· m.aIOTi'y uf tht! pt.'·(Jple "-'ot!Jl,g Javor il CIne hofu~e ]cgi,]alt.:H' bu\ ~r;{~ ':'.>n~t:lUlwr. )~.'-;t:lf d,*~ :I'J, p.ass wi:l c'.>nti::u,' Legion Bocks New YMCA t::.:litor, Ind~e.'lt ~ 1.£""'15 illl QMi PosI .~ the A.m.:.rlcan L.egloo. SUI the Ht:kn.1 YMCA tn ItJ fl(W.C(l new building. m:: pa5\. aud mcouragiO~ co tinCt" oi Its ~n-ice to the o-f ltJ~ oommunl' p'nJgTarns W!' wbh them 5 U C C e :,!~lr lunJ dnv!? (I Ha i vor Xlfl Cornrnander Wm. A. Morley AdJulant. \·i.-cr.Prcsfdent -t5&-14 Ii 2I [}c,rnand aetic41 NOW from !Jon The kgaUz-ed Pl'M natufally. went do~-n wltb IWW constitution. Itobecrt l~ Kcllcl1er. lklcgate 2100 Gnuxi Av'!'. BiiUngs, Mont (~y F~.x~·utivc c~flter Washlngtoo, D. C. 20S 10 D. H. Siewert 901 Fiowerre-e !'his plan have 100 whAt II C':OOS ,0 0"" h'gi~l;:"ure n.:;y!: t'......) hrJ'Us, ('S. Similarly if a ma~),j:y of th;o, voters !"V(Jf I~galiz~d gambling bul fail to pa,s \he l'Ons~jlUti0n. there wiiI be 00 c-hang~ ~n the present law. In fad, this IS ..... hat av,x:remiy happ€fit-d in :"torth Dakot.a A rna}Ority of "'o-!-ers favored legaliz.N gam· bling 001 opposed the ronstltiJ- Model Cities, Po pe r Blastec fj!nor. Independent RecQl I~ your ~dil{)rjal a g:-(lUP of businessmen t i . Woo lndustry, But l L'p :.'\)U gaiD ""p;!rdoo Ot .\Imism' y-,:;I) hEYe- hea this before Model Cilies all n 0 U S1.211.000 [er our city. I my pf::"Simi.'>1T. I've hear rna} timt~ Thf\' promise r~ garden and. we gOl. aod parking )~.s, I MY t-A'li_t'.. e the- wonderful thin J ""Toll' )"f)jJ a Jetter, ; eight cent stamp. mailed iJ0:i! office nod il neyer Y ceive<J at VOUr (Jffice C, J~[]'l it 1"'\'(, read oor pa.per frx many ytars. V two papers. mornmg an ning several years ago. paper has so few ~\'i--S. th£'rt i..'i a TribUfl(' and ~ ion rre ws n this l~ter ir. the mail I'll register ( ~rs B L Dunn 703 Logan Easy Scan and Print Tom Judge Silent on Constitut i ,I Se~~U~~Uy( A~ad~' ~~',~: I[hJvl rollrg-ed LA. G;:;v nKflTI3;; '~~~~~ml~m~~~~~~-lE""I.:j""f$~·'-!jj"~jjj-··<ili·"~~--~!!j·'·"j}j"""·-1'·'o>~-~-~mB~m~!l@~i2J·~~"·"'~"~~'·'-'~"-~"~·-!i-~~ iL. Jud.ge Wedn-esd<l)' wtIh f:!J.lJ., j tng to t;.peak. O'Ui on ilt~ p;o.. i, Bill's Furniture M( r j"X).<;<':d OOfl!lltuUOn. j }kIth an: c-andk\.",tCeJi fo; tilt:: I Dt;,r,nc·::-fl! lie guix.,nB [.o;-iaJ !lnil.UNI ~ .. 1415 11th Ave. in. the New Capital PlazlI "With tbe MO!;Uu\a pdfl\>1t7; e:bC1JOO now. leS$ thiU; IJ :-nontn ~IW!;l~' It Jl! [jITl;C "'l': look ""J:I'(J)4' I : JXX'1[j'i'~ i!-Mi'):l Shop Weekdays 9-6 and Friday Nights 'til 9 b;:>Ij~,$ lbllt O{) P-rcMbl t~t (M) ""'Mel! ! !o-und my ()'PPOT>1mt ,'uilr-tdy : 1>1)er:l," D7J'o'l ;wJd IMc the fabri.ts, .. the ! i 11'1-c i-'(ljl~ Grell! l::gi.'!'~3t.(Jf ~ , \'<ilS the firs: gu/)(lrn,~t('.fi3l elm ! did(ltf. iI) \.1J\;t ,I ~U.t,vJ t}>(:' d(iq~fll-en;. \':./Kbr:;.i:1,g l"J[-; i : we-',l( "We !with!!l Citl' N, !riore iimJiIlDD-ns (lit: ('>\,._ wr. : (:QuId go b.<Jc:k ;:0 ih{' ."t:hc-Uj I hors.eo,'YCt triinSpC'f1.'1,ior: ane traim paHe-.:] hy bilno('!17E:!~.ld,;L-d : sULt){iQI1 l:>i'Y<:'N\-0)J i i~:~!'~~~~0~~~~ '",JP;ln i C\X,SLilulion Lhil-.<:\ ~.' f ,., st'fj!~r19 ... CARPET (lEAl the [corkm.a.nship ... aLl (Ell a s[ory of $2,000 IJaUlpshade Elegance!" . . v e haVE d~,lded to door our en !o mOKJ,!I ,oom for olf"" merchon SAVE 20% to 40 TRADE-IN S -p,UHI{':: ~nd w;;.i !do ~i" be \o)c " ; Derno·.::,nlk· d\n,i{;; : "Let n~ <l·dd" he: ~a)(~ ':;' i \h,:;-d tnV 'K:lV in i:.~ W1)n:i:i:(', ! ilicre l\~f(' il - kw L-I)illgsl \~...)tJ;~j On All Dinel Gro"p I 5-Pc. DINETTE I~~~~_~(~;l~_~~if.:rep.{!), " i~'-'---~""~rL 1 $104.95. $35 Trade-IliOn Vc .';ud !Tom ! II GOLD~' i ilDOLPHfNI I\ :1 Ii 80th >~. C".,'t1l1 Pliu,," hcryt!UM f-c" Ho~ B.. t~"'\D'''m i :l 11 ';1 ! 1\1\ j II ' ,_ S martl.y trimn"ed, eteZ cornp! ll ,u:(I8hable~ T imnpshades by MOTHER 1! ON H£R DAY SPECIAL . 295 Sh~M~::N _. 7-Pc. DINETTE hom $189.95 I. $ $45 Trade-In On Vc I i ~R: ! 11 It. M 11 \\ 11 11 If : \" Bath piRows i I\i,,, ~hewer Curtains I verp ex . Gro1Jp':ill '\'01<-', 1"t:lp)jadc ;.h2jX;: ~r,d Mylc~. n.~jli.[',&ry n~ in l!lC;~ eicsalKc .. A gro'-l.p of ric-I.;, r~:e f;;.brlc~,.,an,i t~::0f\d by Vecplcx wilh m-etiCl.l~OJj.S Cf!J,ur,~mbip.• irlli.l t he~c g~" rnNf.'e'5, aeaU';::.I1 all· Ie .... rt jam p I h a des • •'\'10 thcv';c p;'i;;cd !-J low, the· rc-M':], i5 & mo~-[ rerm,l;,abi,e value, ." $ See -Us For Simm~ns i ._-_ .._-----._ ... ~_._ $ 3.50 to 15 7-Pe. DINFm hom $189.95 to $ $65 Trade-In On Ye Beautyrest Mattresses and iii ..... ... ~.~ ~~~~~~~~- - Easy Scan and Print The l".d.ioc<Xie,,: RJ!CO<-o, '-ieJeno. !v\0nro:no. Judge Silent on (onstit . -Bill's Furnitttre Mart 1415 11 th Ave. in, the New Capital Plaza Shop Weekdays 9·6 lind Friday Nights 'til 9 tiw fabrics the styling ... t.he 'U)ork.m.-anship a.lL teU_ a si-()!"Jj of Lalnpshade Eleg~nce! CARPET CLEARANCE $2,000 :~i Wti h,QV(I dll<idc-d t'o c!!l'O' CU' flnHrl'l llock -of cor-po" ~o make 100'" foc oll:e' mcr,-hondi~(t. TRADE·IN SAL.E (0 . d .;' On AU Dinettes Group I He. DINETTE SETS. d . $104.95 .. $1~.9~ ... $35 Trade-IROn YourOldSef pd'od horn G-roup SmoxtLu t,.i1nmed., comp!etel.y lcashabLe ~ T lamwhades by I \Jerp ex }:"\\', hmphd<" ~hnPC-3 ~nd ~lyte~. o:cili!lg!y nc-\~' i,n thclr elepnce, ...... g,oup of ri;:h, rate !l\bri~Jl ... AD.d t~!10fe,j by \'cq}lcx v.;lh m('lii:ulclJ~ c:.f:,Smzj:ul'lIr. i11\0 :hc~<:: g:amoruu5. bC-:lUi:[ul all· I~ ','[1 !lImp~h.adcl, And theY',!! p;i..:cd ~o low, the rt~;jJ: is iI. must re:J.\AJli.able n,iltC. $ $15 - 3.50 to n 7-Pe. DINmE SETS ,eo," $189.95 to $229.95 $45 Trade-In 01'1 YourO!d Set GrO"up l H { ) 7,pc.DlnETTE sUS f>~$189.9S '" $229.95 $65, Trade-In On Your Old. ~t See Us For Simmons Beautyrest Mattresses a" Hide..A~{'f Easy Scan and Print - o ."- . '- ·~',.~ri,I1di:p;,;.cJ.erin~~/H'e'I"M; Mc.'.~nQ; Frl&y, Moy 12. 1 Qn ','''- P~~of Comment The.Tax Bugaboo MOre and more indlvl.duaJ.s and organizations are exp-resst~ con· cern a b au t the Constltutiooal Cdn\-"tu.oon's r~mmral of the prop-e-rty tax' limitation j n t.he propo&ed can~tltut1on. ~re are othe.r arC'M 1.0 Ule revenue _and t1I).~ article t,hat abufiC 11.:-; lluLhoril.y. it tn\,H'it be. J""f~. membe:rt'd thit tht'- p-r-opo&ed con~ti~ution L~ rclat.l.vely M.'iY to amend. 11K.re L~ lltUe doubt 1n OUf mind.;:; lhat· the. kgi.'llaw'l) ~ll keep thit; in mind wl1t:n they vole to dol-e 00 t the doU.I'I..rs.. On the other triae':, U';E~re L'!i good have 'ocen Ope'.g~:, to &c-Ti-.OUf. dc~ rta..oon (Oi the PNP3-e or Montana to pn"'M for c,quaUzation of prop- golng Lo limit out·libcUMlon Lo the e.limination oJ aPy\UmH on Ii state property tax. ... . < erty Utxes and equal ap-pralsaJ of p-r')pC.-rty. ThE opponents'l'@nto-ulthat un· la.uon says th.a. t the property tax bate; ho~'e"'-er, ~~.s Um,tl we are The ]>,Iont.B.D-fl Taxpayers· ."..'!-S'OC- Nixon der the p-ro-pooe(i",:¢ODsUtuUon the aD It S30,000 home In Hel'ena is $981 a yefl..r :\ recent n-e\J;'s ~;to.'r)' In another Montana newspaper no t.t d th,e e.mount for the" pUblic .school wle o( n. home wh!c.h "lU.S appraL'Y foun-dation progro..'11: it an' !m· r·d at S-06, 000. The propcrt y !..ax on pa,..~ developed:'dVcr revenue, It.. i~ was in llle nelgbt~:.ntlOO(JO!Sg-O~) co~ld ve-ry,:,-oosllY,;.,lu1 pose a sta te 1.\ year. property :t;cu: t(t~~ the reveJ1 ue When it come;~ Lime to dltipoce needed for ,any,~~ve spending Jl a. home or acr¢-age th.e selkr places a premJ um an 1t. This i.s proJect. . --~!~!$~:; legislature co-uldc::,tJ,u: property tor e. try amount· to';S:ilpport the un!.,er5Hy sy:stem;i,tFcould lev) any DelegateRq;~ll C, MeDon- h,ardl}' the CMe when the loc.aJ Lax o~h, D ~ Glerl4\.Ye., main tatns appraiser pays t.hose same i.n.diviot.l19.t" a stat.evlfde property tax COl1W be nec~ Lo equitably fiQ.a'nce echic,aUQil'{ He maintains tlHl'tthls'lnx WOuld replace, not bfln ,~<!jtlon Lo,loe,] school \.ax~; McDonOUgh says that the alt-emaUves appear to be (\ doubling 01, the state Income lax, or an el:~ht peT ce.nt sales tax. Al'here I:s g<XXi reason tor con· cflrn over giving the legi.slature utilimJted powers ot taxaUon, Rowe-ver, should the legislature uals a visit. We are victirrll3 oJ l.ax averkJ.Jl. but we a.rc not vicUm.:; of equaliz.a lion overkill, The opponen!..'s cHe Ule dangers of ctlm1nation 01 .a,J:l)' llmit OD a gtat~wide properly tax. Howe-vel', they do not offer rea.~o-nable alternative.'";. The opponcni...'i havt a right- to cril1cize, They -also lw.ve a duty to suggest better, more equitable methods of solving present and future financial diiem· 01"-1. s)' ROSCOE ORlJMMONJ) O'Brie WILL ~.flXON STEP DOWS AS- d-Olng THREl DW L H. J,' The an~-"n~r IS a. NIXON qualiTIed 00. He wBl not quH alI-c.ady , ly {hal ...-na-te-voc happem in Vietnam But the pt"eS&~e to force him Prcsiden to do sa will lr.oonL l! nbl roW· cal ri."ikJ tar; mcaS'tJres f.ail 1.0 5lofl the has no j HJ'lool drive, !.he drumbeat III wilhdn.l~ hi~ crilJo wHl be that the PreThc!;e ar indent h.AJ5 proved bin~eH &0 i-He out of toocl:l wtt.fJ. pubiJc opmtan tar)' me. thi!t he ean 00 longer lead the mlX'.i th "atioo Rf\{,j ffiouk! )iW:p a!Side I'l$ fl'ns~ive J~l did at about thh Lim-e 2--Ht );,I9M. AmerlC';H T w 1\' e hour$ :tIter Nixon's strong Jj d i 5 C 10 5 Li r eJba1 t.~ United the inva hlnl If il Stales wa_~ mi~~~ the North V~. "lJJil~ harbtli5, t.he·e h il \ r.~-H,~ man 01 the ~mocratkNlHi%<;,! ·held·,ace, Co-mrnHtee, Lawrence O'Brien, ('3D ~:r..p Lau11d'1-t"d the theme Utal the ('lf~-wh! Prr.sklent hlmsetf wouJ-d h:al'c I.:> fail.·- .. and '"give very seti~ cOflside-r;;· wOiy he c bon" to asking IUs part} \0 find IS to run anotbe, [)!(j.{lJJne-e. ,\IXO',\ e Ol....r Reader's Have a Easy Scan and Print :lve a Lot to W rite About that ilulnoriwd by a lwo-Ullrd.., vot~ oj ttlt k-gl~lature or B .'ok vf the people Do·eli UHll moon Ul-(: kgi~i<l­ lUf-t' , bya two-thlrd~ wie lind without the approval o!?-th,: fX'oph-. could create debt for ,1J1,'! purPQ'se and for an)' !lumber 0/ millions? Section 9 0.L-,Vlidc )0 stales that the government ilnd contrnl o-! the Mootana Univcrsil'l Sv~ I.r'm !t vested In the Bo-ard' of Hel:lcnUi which shall MV<' full power, re~s!bUlty and i\ij· thodl)' to supervise, coordinate, mllrl<lf:e and ,control UK' .Mon· t.ano Unl"cn>ily Sys-km Does thal mean those appoint. ed pt.>ople MVe Iota I. power with the legislature bting ldl o~J;.. the re~pon.sibiJity to provide ll"~ rnonev~ Ser:tioU'4:1-b-\ of MUcic J I gil'('s {'Qunty governments Icgi.sli>IIH·, lHimitllMrah\"t' and other lPW' t'.r~ provided or implied by Illw w.s that mean 3. coonly iV"ernmenl e-oufd len: inrorrt(-' lJ'1'X- s.~le5 !axe.~, ip addl:ion to property taxes \0 hmd H~ g~.fl­ ('raj. expenses o-r 5pe'<';;';) prt.'· ('.$, ~eM.'>"l 11 appeus to tw that the delegales were so' self·~.nisned and in or-der \0 s('-l' a~d(' monev to sell their 'product they lailed t~) tilk{' a real lmporlllni' finsJ look at their er-eiltioo and placed l';)\' eeSSlve ronfidl.'.nel" in the leg-is· hit-UN' and Ioca I go v-crrunen( 0/. fk-i;:ds. who (0< the rnos~ part have had .. poor balt.ing NY-crage. Wm. " C./l$hUI()Jt- MD. JO Monlll.na AVl' . Writer Opposes Constitution .~ Editor, Independent Rrcord nH're /:Ire othe.r things of l"On· c(".1ll these days than anli-dive[' sinn amendment and lifting tht' l.-w'O mill le\'y limit. All vOlers ~ should interest th{'~'l'ls('lye~ in the.m. and many are d'Jing so. /<, number of frirnds·have asked my opinion as 10 the proposed constitution. 1 carelulh' "",n~;.-i",r-M .....-h"t h,,~ h...;:n ~~;A v(<ic i)pir:~i lhi~ d (I rum c n t ,,1:"'JUl which milroy fri<:'nd:; ill t'On'ilJntkm to!l p-n(j.> ~)f .llUI!wr-:;hip til{: (~ood pojnl~' }J'c;jJo:<iX':d :;1wh V C 11 trodaced in the la.'\-t 'lew hecUc d.:tJ'S. they' a-T'e"··tm'W.c:My t.o". be read b)' many. 11 liny, le-gtslatof'~ T<:1 be ~Uf~, \hf' ("'!n!>ti\utj\'~l 1.:D:n:ain~ . Period ot appro-priaUoH' The prC'Sctlt cOO,s'l.ltut,iotl penolt" Rp- proper ww-root Of an warrant had been lSS\i -[~.""""" a f ('-w of the lh!:is. [I Honed iatlltswiUi-·UMi consUtuU«1. As 0 t t ~ but lhCi;(' <Ire far propria.tions. [or only two years. brought [o""llgbr, C'illWl'ighed hy \ h f' ba,1, TIw t1lillg taro most ofltcn a~ ,1. ~i:­ ill!! p'.\ml is Uw provl:;ion fOl ~:h;;;it IT',{'-mbr:r Y01.ing di.t;lrirL~ l1wy (\\'.~rlook the f;H,.~1 ~\. Ihl,5 (,:an Ix: d(>~' undt'.f thc prr-s.e-nl The p.f'OposOO ('(}/lgUtuLion hall. hop<'d tlmt they "HI pu~Udtyeql.lal W ,~ ~ood poinl'l. O;X>f1-,;IHUlIOfj' In rn-ti, it ",u.s (:'!;>Il1~jdnt'd by the .l~l.}('gb!-nl~l~ E\'.~n :}lII pr~J I.> fillllty· .• n tl1l\l it on1v r«ruJrl':S 11 ('lIr!'!j]· d:J:~ to tor' a f1'5idro·nt of 11'.f\ C\1tm{y in ·...-hi.ch t!:)-(! dl.~tr:.ct i5 k~;)ted Iht doell flOl ha\-f:~ tv re· ~l(k in l!l(' dL~lrict for which he j~ H c,!1ui:'d:Jlt: {>,qx',iltr tax exemptIOn A nry dI5\lirbil1€ amis...o;jOf\ i::; ..\ :'. t J<: if :'\ 11 Scr-uon 7 of the pr eRn: l"(\nstl\utlOO, Worse, ~ the poi n 1 Gf be ing fri.gl;N.enJ.Dg, is the fact lr.;I[ it Is omitted from Ill{" pn:,"{}(l:->\;;:j t-oru;tH\l~iOn W1U:l'l,!'..:t tl<:~iJ1g btf:"'J lHri,Hig ~ deklions 0;1 p"gr.. 'Zl 0{ ted. wnHt, blue and bb('~: "Otndaf Pub!lc,J<,on of Uk' 1m Constit<>.t1on," _. whjch.l'tj,,~. _.'iupp:}se~L ..LO .hil'l' l><'i:t, ciL"strnin;llnj !(J - al; dN~· tnrs il; 1('<15\ 3{l dii\'S prlDr 10 Ow rk-:\l0fl. Why tn~ omls.sk):fl~ L{'{ U~ lOOK 1) \ tlw ,';(".q}un 'TIIl't POWtT \0 \.;I.\: corpur:itl.OiL') or ("lJl1lOf;;Jle prtl)")(~11v shall IWVl'f b.:- N"linquisht':(j sU.'lpendf'd. RnJ ill! t'Ofporatj,()n~ iJl t h i ~ or S--:":'le o~ doing busln'-....s lh~N'I,~. ftf\<Ii; be wbjecl 10 !.axII1~Qn inr st'alc, counly. schoo.), mtmic'ip.tl ill',{j olhc-:- purpo~-e::I, ('\c , etc" TnI"' only C'Ofl-ttivahl~' r{'oon lor Uw oml'>5)(m of IiUctl 'I ;r':;'· :strittion on the leg1~1[lture is thlll :)Offi('.one might like \0 (?It'mpt a colT!Ot'aUon {)f two frozn" i'U<lliofl. W hat ('("porallQn5~ Wlllctl have ('()fIside:ratMe inllu· f'nce WiUl the It'gisfalurt? \l()fl'" im~nt. wh}' ","a,s o..-nission rwt listed ...5. J!I _dckt ion? One p-robabty w001d coo.· the dude o\-'ersight and,nOt ~ ~it. StilL t~ cori''re1l,!joncon· ,dud-ed more than sli weelts :Jgo ',nth a re-q'Jiremeni· that copies (,f the propoSe<! CQnstiwUon be disseminated ~ dayS before an ,.1eclioo on whether' to a~D{ it. no suchUmitnUon wi:'~tsoe';"cr. A legtillaturi" could a.ppropriall'! moot")' for eIJX'ooiwre llnl1Ua,lly hx the 1le;1(:1 100 y-ean. Courl ch.9:iltmge Qf Iil.lllutt": A new p::tfllgNl'ph hll$ 00eil Added \.0 Section 11 1.0 lbt propo$ed conslJtutloo tQ the ~-Ulii1.tlvc ,Arikk. a,: follows: "iI 'law lJUi,y i:K' cMlJengh;! on !.he groon<! Gf fYmcomplianct with thbl rectl-on only .""tt.hin twu. yeal'S aHc'r It~ e/(e.-.:tive datc_" Amoog other thIngs. Sectloo II provide-!l that no appropriatioll shBII'~ made f(l~ rel4:iOQs or charitable pur. PO"" Tatlng tllt' pre!'eecUng three ~r~g~phtI togeiMr, Approprla- U-on..Bllls.Pe'loo 'iOn and C0 at .~pprt)pri.i'l· ur t. ChBllens.e or hoi! distressing One can read!!}' .P~­ Lure a l~hJ.aror with a pet relig low order or charity '.\ntroducinl!L"an appnJpnation Wil to ht'neflr It 00 the la:${o day:· of a: ie'J!.!ioo and ge'tting it'passed ....lthoUt notice The btl! mi.gbt provide an,.annu-al approp'riation Statute together. foinis~-pet- ClUl ~ fo< the next 100 )'toars Unlcs~. ehal~ed StK'("{'::ssfuUy within two yean:. it wcru.l-d be<:-omc IDvklla,~. Even a s~ leg:i:!!.atUfe m I ,8 h t wen Qt! unable, to repeal wch atl a-(i. Our h'ypothclkal reHglou~ or· de,r. or charily eooId ent.cT inlo E C'Ol1Lract for the d.lsJxmttion of the a:w~.aled tnooey, Artid-e J. &!'cliOO-HI, .U,S. CMSttlUlkm pro v ld I' s thilt no :'>tale shall P.1.!3 any law irnp&iring the obHgeti-orio-( contr<lcts. Thu!i., . we .sef' that th:t' t WQ Qmjss~ .. f r {} m the, ~ C'Ol'lSt!~tion COlip.led wftb the re· quU-tom-eftt..:<ll -,wJtrun t",'O years eangi "e rise not t.o mi5cll~ but to l!i dear and pre- 'chan* sent,··dtiigJr.Hii~ corpus: ArtIcle II, SediOO"ts 0( the Pf'OPOSe:d coo- stitutiOO. pnwides, ''Tht privi· ~~e .ta!,*~<·:~jtO!}'at>e!,-8.. :~: those who litre sUe' SoCII the documents. John r Bell 2:01 WhelU. Bulk Congratula Paul Ritter r Editor, Independent Wt would like to column 1-0 publicly eJ thank.'1 1.0 someone wb t ribu too $0 much to mupity during the ~ . year. We ~er to Mr leT of the Helena So School Music Depar the pasl nine monlJ touetred ° the Ii ves of people and· been an to them Mr. Ri tter ha s ean specl of om student.! friend. to eadl one ant man at all times. H~ out of his w.ay to hell slrive to reach hi~ fu aoo dt"v~~ his Wllen 1'ue<da y night the , co rl c e r twas, R .tel what anln.terested ,1.4 bring out' 0/15 'dtvotft The many long hour spen t in perlectlni u wall reward.ed by a ';iii! C( a jay to each who were the r e. grat.eluJ hearts WI!! yo.tJ Mr. ru Iter fin h~ve 00r)e for ~out ex our seboo-l· and espec You ha ve done fQr our y~, we are the p ent.!i Of a member oti rines' .singlllg ~ouPi tana, the Helena s<",Hgtitm m Mr, . and "'In. LI Ca'rrml m Sierra· Dr, We lkgentll whkh s.hall MVe fuil power, res.poll.sibilily and a~­ UIQrily 1.0 supervlsc, c{)(Jj"{:!1J1Ill.£:. maJUOBc arK! .('(mlro] ltit Mon· l1U~ Univcn:it)' Sy~~m that mC,aIl thOs.c aplXlinled peopl~ halve- l,otnlpower with th~ h:'Kbl&tu:r~ being lcfl only [)o('.s lhe reSf.lOHSibilily to provide thC'! monev~ , &-eUOO"4tb\ tUUllly or Artide 11 goveJn.men1$ gi\:('~ kl;:'~i"i)''''' adrriinlsrrahve and. oilier l"'~'w. en> pro)"~doo or: implied by )It V, Does t.~at meaD II l,.---cx.JnI~ g(;I', f,mmerrt could le\'1' income ::uC~, SHies, t.axes, i;,l' addi\H;!.fI io properly l1lXl'"3 10 fund H$ gl'"nC?~a.l expenses Of SfX',:iai pn..· lect~"! Easy Scan and Print lJlfad, 1'( W;l~ ,''oi'. ,c<;onsti-t<it!OIl !\h!ned by the: las,!. le:g:islatufr r_ I'en th15' ')'J"{~r L~ hmtly--I!l 111;;1 it Ofllv reauire$ a chrrdi- Artklt.113 fo.tiow"s' "AWw may ~ C'llt!ll~t-d on !he ground of norK'oo1.pHal>L"'e witiJ thl..a secUOfI Mly within two ye,an. llft;cr iu eJ:focth-c dille." AJ.nong othC"" h things. Socikm II provt<i~ ~t flU IIpPP..-.prtaUon w.all'f.w:- made diltf' 1.0 to{: :l ;l"iide-.nl m lh~ ,·t'tJ!lly )f! whleh tll'~ di;;;irJel Is !oCillrd lit" doe:s r~ot h,11IC !.IJ n~ ~idf: iJ' tile d~'ilric, lor whJCh 11'-" Ci!fl(j}dill!' <J I ·J't-P'lra\.l; Lal exemption A di:;.turbing omil>SlOf',' b .-\r· '\: J S<2:l.:t 1('.0 7 0{ \bJ;> pre {'Qll~lI\ul~J('" s.e;!i powl Qj hdr4j gatc!I were $(l,;l.f'.lI·s.rdi\;(I("(j lind in unler 10 );cl ·Jj;;i.d(' !))(;flf'y 1[) &cll their prodl}{'~ ll1l'y failed to \_'11\(' H real imporwrr1 final look al their Ch:albn and plill,.-ect ('~­ ce.ssive ('()Ofide-nce til the legi~· lillun' and local go\'~rnmen,( of· ficials. who lor 1he ni081 IXIIt have had .Ii j)\Xlr ban!J\g JlVC'f- Wm f" Cil~JlIm[e MD 19 Monlll;-',<\ Au, Writer Opposes Constitution -" Editor, lndepeoocf1( Rt"('(,n:! Ttlere are ol1H'.r Ul1ng.~ oj ,'011· Cf'rn.thl~e d(lY~ Ihan anti-divir· s.ion Rmendn~nj lind lilling !11t' two mill Ie-\'y limit. All \'o\e-rs :l-hould interest thl."ffiSt'j\'t'5 III them. and many are- dOil~ $0. A number of frif'nds,have asked my opinion as 10 the pl'"'o· posed constitution. L carefully coosidered what has been Silid and written pro ROO coo::;nd; more lmportmll·ly, what hns not.. been eilhersaid or w r i I t ('.n about its contents. Most importanl arc the things that It dfX'S not contain·and of which.nothing has been heard or ~n. There even seems to have been a caleulaled effort to hide many Hems omitted from the propo sed consLilutlon which are contained in the present one. Without reservation, I shall ~h-(' Wot""1>e, :.0 fr18~1ng, 111 l),r lact ,hal H !a omlHro from liw pn1f¥-"'('{! coosUlu}.t<in withm;i tlf'i'lf:: lj·;j('d Ilnwng ~ ddelinns Of] pal;C 21 (:I-f ral. white, bilH: <iTid bLack "0ff)dai" Publi\~i!itlH1 oi cl)" 1m l'nnaHtl;!'lon." _~·hjd:l .. ,"\~I,!..\ .. _::up-p.)!i{:{L !t appears !D be Irllli tht: dele· new pa.rn~ has bc<o., added 1:0 Sect-iQn II in the prOP05~ c-orUiIJtutkx) t:o tM 1.•egJdauve dL'!'5{""111~nai.£cd to lu'-·~ rf.N:'\vn ;,: ;... a~\ 30 dn~'~ p....i-6r !n the eIJ'('\lor'< Why the ('H11i~siQn~ LeI ~J'; k,,~f.. ,it the sl~i"n l,,-'<'n 1-0 -II!] '-nw Lv [<IX corpo!all.:.>n.5 or N"'llX-'I"tr rn.~r!y shill! !lev!,! IYIWr:-r f-ci)llq\)L"h~d or W~:1de-<l nnd II! I corponlli.ofL~ in i h i ~ ~"l~i\r. or dQing .bu~1.n(~o~ thtH'in !>!l;lii t)(, ~ubJt<'C1 10 taxilli.4m ;o-r ~:<:lr. ('minty. i>-chool munidpd] l:k' l:l.'1d othf'r lJi;rpo~-~. etc \1'U The ('{}fK'ehablr' r'o.:;.on for thr ornj5~fOn of sudJ .. ~(~~­ :-;trlctlOn un tnt k.glsJalti.r{' is Ihilt soml'{JD:t' might ll[.f; to t'X· empt :i CQ'[Xl"ration or tw") from, t;niillLl·n W hilt (""Qqx!!"ath:}n~~ Wlndl h;'IVt ('{')f1S[derabll' mf1u- ("nel;' Vi Ith lhe lc~lalUrt? . Mnre·imporuni, ""chy wils ',he orn15:;iol\ not hSWd <IS JI dele: t iotl ~ f'mt> proOObly woUtd ('"On· dude oversight and 001 sw:pe<'{ dl:"("t'it Slill, ~ COllVeI}~ riudt"{j more than 51'; 'l\'et'J:s.'ag-o ~'I\h a requirement that copleS 01 Ute pror)l)S~ ronstiWlrot1 be uisscmin.ated 30 days be{or(' an L'\t"('tioo on whl.'l.hcr .to a~pt il. On. tne 30th' day~ May - 7th. ',jl had ~Ull nol gune out to the ('l~toral{>, One might wonder if con- tile delt':'gilitrs- did" not ~ wan! the to study tile documcnL, Or, ·is there another teR..q(in for the delay? - t~le<'tonite to have Um:e Appropriation bj]]s; Appropriation bills under the- pres-ent ronstitution mus~ be introduced before the 5Oth4a~'. Untler ~he proposed constiU¥0n, the)' may be introduced aI1Y time. If in· , i f(l~ rt'li.gi~m' or cha.rl:tahie pur- po~.$ Tn.ku'Ig the pr~ ~ p2,r,ltgra'ph.'l togl'lhe:r, Approprlalioo__ HUb. PP.r100 of Approprla. tion and C 0 u r t of SllltlJle tor,clher, ("an lncIeed be dts:lr(':!t,,,lnl:l. One cart r~.a-dily p-ie. lurt: n l~l,!\UtIO. with II pet ~ iiglm~' or-dt.r Of charity . • Introdudng on tipproprillilon till! 1.0 b!'-fJ,('f.l{ It Ofl the la.st. day 01 .. amueose ~~"i<)il 11m! v,l.'lling It - f)a$~ ....ilho\lt ooti-(~ The bl11 rn!$ht p:rO'.. kl~ 8'l ..itnnwJI IlPllror)(liJt.11Jfl for bl5 -~t· f-<l-r the, next 100 yr.-N5. l'nkS3 challenged sucC"t'.:S,s"!lJlly witWn two yews, It w9uki become Imiotatt. E\'en a su~{ legiSlature m I g.h t wt:'ll ~ unabll:' to repeal Such liIfl .;1,(1 Our hypothetical rel.Jgious {)f"der or charity C'OUlrl enter i.nlo 1I rontract for too c1lspositlon of the ~llllOO !TKIOi!y. ~"rtjde 1. SectiM,<W. U_S. ConstftUll-oo, pro v ide 5 lhat llO:rtale dJa Il raB.~ ltny law tm~irtng tht· ob-liga.tion of c:ontrnet.5 Thus, 'Iff. S-e€ th41{ thi- tW1/ Qrru£s~ fro m the. proposed coostI(UtiOO·coupted wi,!h the're.. quire:men~d TnaI1etJte:wlihin two ye:rr5 can gi V\' rtu: not 1-0 Congratulotil Paul Ritter l'Aliwr, Independent R~ Wt 'it'OUld like to u: column to publicly apr thank-Ii b:l oomeoDe who t lrlbuted SO muctl to 01 munlty durlng the pas 'year, Wfl refer to Mr, F ler Qf ttll! Helena Senl &llool Musk Dc.~rtrr the past nIne mQMhs touched '\he Ihw Df 0lJ people and., OOetl An In! IQ them Mr. R1tle:r hall Mrl)C( liJ)ect 0-1 hls studm18 by friend to f!.lJch one and I man at Iln time-s. He I out of hl-li way to h~lp f ,;;l.flvt' 10 reach hb lull deYe;lop his talenls. Th<>\lIly nJ8ll1 l!le St> conccrt was til tuti whit itO ,lnlcrut-ed Leal bring· out 'of 25 devoted ! The 1TULf.l)' loni hours II.lld .spenl in perfecting the b-y II COf) was rewarded was a j(}y to each or ,....ho were there. II grateful bearL5 we 5.lI you Mr. RJtter for .~ ha ve done fOor-out CClO our school'and especJ.a y"uu have done for .our d y~, we are the pn ents Of a member of or: finest singing irOUPS~'­ a clear and pre- tana, the Helena Hl.g1 Starlightert.· Mr. 'and Mn. La ~COrptl5: Article II, SecHon 19 of the proposed ('00. stHutioo provide:!:. "The prlvi- 920 Sierra Dr, Wesl mlsch.ld' but lO stiltd:.i.Dger: leg-e of. too ujJ, of habeas corpus sball ""'<if. be ~ed" The ~eI):~. ~ljttJUog:.retJj:s the same, In Artlcle II,: Sectlon . 21, e,ic:ept .that.it ¢oni.aioo the added ·words,'-'-Unless,ln case of rt'beliiOn, publ~"iaf.ety Or invasiOO, th~ 'require: K"What could:the . cQtl:ventioo possibly have bad':ih..,mlnd'? How could our soCiety'and way of life surrebelli9fl or mvqstoD if. it vive w e r e':"pnly llt.'Ce8SAry for Ute ,rebels'>Of ·•.• lnvaders to 'e;:d • cotiIi 'tif'Spfitig':tbem'.-as. an un. Carroll Ho Hum Ed;"". J~l R« PCf'fUani to. the reel bm:l-MDrry tonfronta-t your newspapt!r this. i:J action. . ~I>bor. 0!lI- bIislnes.. Who 'needs them? Wh' of coUr:;e . do, Ho bum, . Nicl< Wirth WoltCred: "',<"p' '-~"-'~1 ·i· ".' Easy Scan and Print lot to Write About I jw()-lhird~ e or a I'o:'e le.g.i~l<l' Ih<> j ','Qle and of tlle fW{\- 1>: lor il ~1!' number (Jj r 10 f;t"k~ and contn.d 'N~ity Sy.~. Board of ~ havt:! hJJl it)' and ,ill, ("oordinat~. the Mvnem se appolnl;>OWN With : ldl emlv }ro,.. idc J)(~ VOle Iigaiflf" I.his d '-' cum en, ....ll.k,h ITi<ln',' frf{~nd,~ 111 :]l<: C':"'O'!>"nLi,,--m h ~ \. ,; _web il abi:'tlt pride of a:u{""'JOnh!p Good po-in!.!: rIOf)<)3W olht'T irJW- iM b~' 1<1'>1' :'OllT1ly g" ... t;;, nddition :0 nl'\\!llt ad irs genpecial pn)ai L'J(' ddf'ltlsllN lind ~ money to [,IlIM 111 ~y t final look placed t'x1 llit' leglS' enunem ol· mCls,t' parl l!,lllg lH'.cr- ,. M,D row lfl~ CO[1:a,ns wt LilX exemption A wry dl~l()rhlng. omis~(ln is A,r· lIck X rJ Secuon 7 of tho'! rrl'sent l"o,m:llul:-on. \\'o~. !.o the romt 01 beink ..irigbte-ning, is OJ(> litci thi! i! Is omitted fro-m Ih.. p"jpiJ:>rx! c011lilll1l,lt<m WlthOl.'\ beli1;~ Jis!ed 'llrrioog tl)@ dele- 1;r,nLl,n J)Jtge ;:; ,Ji rN, while. blur and black -'ONkial PuO!Jt",!,IOn f),1 the urn Con:>tltu-tion:' whlch .. Y,31.5... _;".1J.PIlt'Sed._ .10 .. ,h~n' (' [;,('('r: (:iS5cJnlll.7ded t~l 3:1 ek'(" 10rs ,E )(',J<,.l )l) da\'S Dnor to Ow rlei'uon Wh\' tt~ o~i!'os0n ~ I.e, :1,'; I{)",k at \J;e ~e("(;on, ·TIt';: po'Jeer \0 •.'1:\ t'\xporalio.n$ or c'<!-J1X'ratr pr-opt't":v shail Ilt",'('r b(' n:lmqllis}wd suspe-n.ded, lHKl 1I1i (:\JrporaliOlI1:i 111 l his .s13!", (It'do-ing business ~h('1"('-lr. N1Uli tx' ,'Il1bj.ec,t to tuatic-,-: i0[ or s!ll.lt'. ('0~Jn~y, KlH"- h~ gt>Od poi-.nt, , lhe-•.:ie afC fiir (HJlweighcd hv l h {' bad Th(' tliirlg ~~ m{~t OllCf! iU ~ !>el! illl; !)()lIt! is l!Jc pr(ll'i~'~on i('f .~inJ;lt member ~'ourlg dllit.:rf~·t5 Trw'y ov!':r!ook tht I-aet Utnl lhts UHI ~ dolle urn.k:-r the pr~n\ con:::utullon. in I:llr-L it WR~ CD-l'~ ~j')der("d by the l~l legis-lalt1r~. F:',T'!1 UH~ propo~J i~ faully in thiit it only re.quirt'.5 II nmdidille to be <I rt'sl(\e.m' o-f lOr: '-',>i;J11y III whK:h the' dhtnc-' l~ )I)f.'<l!t'd !If,' do<.'.s no! ha\'{~ to re-~jd(' in tt,e distrkt lor wilkb 1'It" i~ i1 CilndiDate C'~IT}onJI.e ,'Ie] ! gll'('\ ]egis!au\,' To oL'On~ti\JJtlVll .s-c-hool, rntnHdf:t;l1 'and pliwr purpol'.es, CIt. poses tImt " In Record' on the l-egi.slature is ~omeorlf> might likt;> \0 (');. t'mpl II wrpotalioo or two from L;\xalion W h II I corporation.':' Whid\ r,a\'~ ('()flSjdcrable influ{'IKe With the IqstslillUI'f'.' ii>.gs of eOll· More im{Xlitant'- wtiy,y,·a.s the_ anlJ-dive.r- omissw-n not listf'C! as " deJe\ ton? One probably would con· dude overs.ighl and-:not S!J.~I dC'ceit StilL the convention con- 1 i Efting the A~I YOt('!"s 'lTls('lv-e~ in , d0in~ ~, have cluded more than six w~ks. sgo \-1'1 rh a requirement that" copies ; lO the pro-- of the proposed C'OnstiwUon be ~nds . ." -':~ •• _~: __ ._.. "'" .-1_ •• _ ;.,.,t_~~ ]'(:',w hy Jn3Jl). i.I /.In)', \-cgil!\a. tnn Peri,od of apprlJpri~tion: 1l1-e c--oru;·titution penni,s apr~'P£l-lH~ fOf' CJf1Jy tWQ reus pr,~.-!"ent Thr. }:<fOPOSed ("(:J.l1S-lituUoo hllJ no ~h ].imitation ve'hil-t.M:>c'i!;r AIl'g:is!atur'C CO\.J1.d a.ppr-opr-j;:;le 11l(}ney for cl;pendllurt.: lUlllUltlJy for lhe next ~OO year! . _~ pro-per warrant o-f lUTt:~t W!irian! had been 1.$.suOO? -'(~ ._~:tioo II in the pt'OP:Ilmd CCJf1sUhJUoo·· IO._LlJe ..L.eg15.LnUve Artkk. ll;&. fotlo.:r,,~ "A law may be challM:'l:gcd 00 the ground ,)! r'iHXi)mpHan,~ wit1J thi! ~'li,OfJ only wit.tl.ln tv.;') >'(';ll!1i after )!~ dfe<:livl"! dale,' A.rnong othf>r things. section J j provid-es that !){) <lPj"xopriatmn :,hall'be made Q( no 1br;: fvf~Ul:ng C'OrulUiU:t.e:J .001 y a lew of !.he Lhu~ f &r tmrnell' Hooed with the ~ cons.titutioo A3 (l I her II are raulu I:t Is b-roogbt to tight. to be !lOped that they wllJ b-t given P\lhUd!)' e-qu.aI to thJl granted tll<);$( wi}'..) lire lltltcmp'IJ,~' 10 r>cll tile dOC'Um<'.nts. JoM r BeJI 101 Wheat BulidiPg Court ch:aJle:og'c of f>1.a t lite: ,It new p:aragr~ hilS b.een addt'f.! Congratulations Paul Ritter E--dilor, lndeprndent Record: for reEgiOl.lS or ('h.a-rttable pur. pom Taking tnt:' prcceed1ng three We wwk1 li.k.eoo' 1J~H': )'{lur rotumn to publicly upr~ our \hanl.~ to someone wOO has con'lnoo!-ed 00 much to our commuTlity during the past :'oC:nool paragr;l.pM lo-geth~r, Appro-prigtwn Bl:l!J, Penod ot Awropria. ter 01 the Hdena and C \) u r t Challeng~ of Statute rogelh(,f, tan·lndeed be di.stres.'ir~g. Oni:' nn it,adil,. pic,lOll ture a le~i:s.Lator with 1I. pet re- !lgloW: order or clIar-ity Intro--dU{".!ng an appropriation bJll to benefit It on the la!t ciav of I 3C~j(r-n and gr.lling It PiL'l:Sl~ WIthout n-oh{~('. The bill might provide llnannllaJ ilppropnallOf1 for ht'lI'pt'.t·" for the nelt 100 )'<.'.MS Un~{'$5 challenged :soc· cl':&SfuUy ""i~D two }--ean, it woui.d beo,">ffie in",lclate_ Even a s-u~~ful ie-gul<llure mig h t well be unable t-o repeal !5U£:h illl a~t. 0u1' hypot,Mtical te!igitm or· <;-j(' The {\[\i~, cQl)c-civnbl't' n'll''jon for In(' omn-ilOfi of sud) I{ ; t.>· ~lriL'llOn- tnxJ!JCC'd in th~ lust ic-w hectic the~':<re' u:rrt~y ur be d;1;;~, dl~r GO d1;arlh couW tnlcr into a ("Ollt"racl for" dlspotiJitj'fl of ihe' ilopPfOf.ltlal.oo rooney" . vtide I, Secttoo-lo., U.S. C-OmtlUrt~ifi. Il r 0 v Ide! that no stale Willi pass an~' law Impairing the oh. ltgawon o(C'Qntr-a,cts Thus. we tne !-('€ that \M 1wo ~t~ ftomJh~ '~ed constibition coupled with the re''juireriliht·;ol challenge within .two ye-a,rs e:an give rise not l-o 'm~hitif bet to a.-,cle2r and present'd3i:iger, COrpUs: Art i c I e 11. SeCI~-..I9 of the proposed C1lO~til~' . prolides, "The pri ~'i- Habeas year, We refer School MW>ic tD Mr. Paul Ril· ~nlor High Departffi('.nL Ira tile past nine months he h.1l'touched tht ·Uves aI. our ,Young _ts pt"Opl.e' and be-e-n t<I them '.!In insp!r.ll t.iOri Mr. RiUer h.a.! earned the re-spect of bio by being , fnt'oo to 'e-a-eh one and II gcemleman at i;ln Urnes He llall gon~ aut ot hJS v; a y to help e'3ch one strive to 1'c-a{"h hi.-~ fujI potential and df!v.elop hill lalen!Jl. , T'tIesday Dight lihe Starllght.er con c f! f t \li'U a te.rtimony of what lin i:n!.erested teacher C'Ul bring 001 oj 25 devoted l-tudents Th~ mall}' lonS houn ctf WOf"k ~.pen! in perfecting their music wa.s rewarded by II c:on-cert that waj' a NY to e--ach ant! of us wtxl Vier~ the r e, It i!. .with grilt.efuJ heart5 \Il't: -Ay .Q>.ank yoti Mr Rj !ler for wha t vou have done f~r our community, school and espedflJ-Iy "hat O<Uf YO'll h8~'e cJoc>rn: for our daughter. Yes. ,",:e are tr,.e 'proud pa-r- e-n~, 9c{ a .!P'tmber Q! Oile of the flr~ ,sinatng in Mont.a~.the· Helena High School StarlJghteT!l. grouPs Mj,an,j Mrs, L a"V arK. Carroll 92fL&erra Dr. West Easy Scan and Print lnday Independent Rec( From Montana'. Capital D«Ilegates Rap Crit Of New Constitutic By DE:~'NIS E.:f;i~:RRAN the ,'on';>'tiwtlon dc:bt.e-:i and nrc :0 lEsz:lR""-" l<;bbytL\g dk..nlJ. d.;;-W:lik :..;,,~ ddx;t~ W<J.~ raging, JI:( fR 8btl! B~ 'WIlDS "f:rQl.¥t ~en t,") wrHe- 16- ~ng fe,gi;;.llHjyC ~~:{,'>?~., he reJ-!deieg-i11l:S diy"o","ef1"d the ex.iKl.;~fl: C.(\;)&i\ut.\<)f)Rl ~~ik-.o &-1-' te~" L'Jil, !Ire pof1,1lb'\ £l)l.:mdln;:, LJ.S'e:(! WI $J1.kl b-e w-ootd LdJ: "",c-e 01 $c\JU a!lDthi~ G:rilkai cd· i E:x l".ga.!('.s !~r\.'>'IC('ess(Ur~/,· trioo bJ ~nd "}n).e;xi-~.d to frl&hlen It,1.: M!-tl.::hd1 l.'l.te:f. : Uque., di.lIU'l1)uloo ·b'i tM "C1tJ~j ) ~md:(' OU~ 1111:' opp0sitkm $J!'UT- ~p·k In U.Vl 1971 Leglmil.tal~ "~·er;z:!.':":1...s' Club>: ...x hk,;tanlL"TIII.'\lct dU!'jng ii. day·.\Of"~ $-<c'.ITlmllr "J thinK ',lien,;;" Qq~h( \<'l dL.,.. w~~ :~ re,"ffi~lr..rd ),Jobbyb: fOf'!'1Ine-p,,-gt :Jj.1.t.rprela~jl).n of the:CQ ]c.gJ.sb:iVC canc]dalc:> d..-~s.fo why he i.s ~;(En.g kllt:J:"S ;I1<~ MEA. MonliH}.,l B.anken As.- r:ro!X'~ fl,;W CQ,,~ti!UU01l R::>-: th' mi",tering n-: what [bey ('On.s)r..("\ln:pa~r-:l iti] uve, <,l"" ~-":""t~:m MQ~j;IiTJ.<l c.:oI:'.;,umr:~:peilf<'Xl 1/J be 34mU1.l,r. and Li!Wl idr-. t Ur.!llir and m.ilidO'J.'; p.flrn-, .>J.~"'c ., D'... hcJOd ch"l11e:n,g\:.J P't,fliUK.~ :\$);D(:w{~('l) un,j tJ"'r<: A.L.i 9XT)..(' p~ce., ide :'1 1 i c: " L te: J-l: IT'.> IphLt~teenng. they 'i'(tked tbelr, lit' said that 'irll.iJe t"ver)-Tji"':'", :w Smith CIJ . kJil.grr i,nicr-pJ'"{'.tl-lUon dGtdbJlOO: ,d~onlt':nl 1i..'Xl sharply q \2 f s- h.as 1:1 right to dis,agnt.e, !~ b tionect a HdeJ,11I La fryer ._. (;,\'00 .. tot",Hy \.1..'\1.. k and \:.('tai'i y un· I ru <loot.he; cntk'"l! crlhoue W115 JllS:" 1.0 U$e blse aLl.!lCk5 'Ibeing dlS.nbut<x1 illJ'(~':l ~~I<~ 'The vf~~ ! cx,pn:-.';:S hert: err ,0 I !hath, lr' }etten Helf'na iiLlMTrey f!I(; 1111 my vif.'W-S Plant Fu~nacef and Wc,~1ey W ;;lme alolX'," WCr'..l rewned . 1Wertl., ti f:requ(':[l! ?"itk of ~e: Uf'r<ler .further .qu.eilUUHWg by; ! pro p i.' ~ r. d (~)nj;iI ttl \1.0/'1, wa5! am verl-U0f.l P~ld{,".l'lt J...rx> Gra 'f'" ) 'j8S!({"j iJhi.s lclh"f-wnting c.am-iblll Jr., Wi'!ftz said \hill "!lfJ-j I paigTI i.s being Si,)OO'sored by art-! bod y ha~ i>lI,d me ant' red j \kx::>dv arid If so. whc,.n. Wr.fu:cem" itud Vml tQfjrt: r.r{ tiM; -h13 vievrs 1Irt l:i.5 {YiVl1 and i ('mnJs. particijJar~Y Lt,c :'It",,'}.. i 1denil'd be..-lng p-,'Jd lQ (,:'LUC1,;.;e!tll.;1l1. EduCA-UI,JH A:rtlocuHionl O!fc,. J 41 f HH2 Da ,,,,".1 the co-m;"tu(iOJ' : wtnch endorSE::;:'; t:he n-e"" (,')1ail.1 :ar ,)nell,." 0, . ;\'e :trH",,-,er.n.·UI, L e. w j , ll.oo1lfil Y De.l-egll;M abo dil!.o-ged th<l{!t.uUon. !.ul,gh{be ~ed bJ!BnJa(jwll . WJ.l.3 kjHed Saturouy!Q-ark Oiunty .!Iherltf«;~.•,:,:)~ j To Oscar Jone j,;akl I i ;.~lUrl«.W ~'. ~Ppanrn{fY. men.....•... ,Ii.:~ .• ·'~:/~ "~~;:' .~.:qblitl ,,:~:.:~?d,~f1..~ (b;! pew,'a~l'te':~~':~f/~t£}r~,::,9t~:l;~ .J. '·!.-ht.5a-"Dl'l.'..pe-..""'..P 1c . . .+0 '.Hfil . OO--.' I l'-l!l. perrollA. I.CJ'.)t. w.,.·.sms.. . . h.r, D. i Tw-o Qr.. lt..!. 'il•.. ....•....j.:l.:,;·.! .('. 'bindSOS":ar.r. ()~q~q,$.Ln,gd~l . ·.·. "U.Ja . :~,::~y;.~J~~J,.: ~~ :_8 .. f~ .'. a!·,t¥~~jRal!dy.Be:tiWa ::.otp1~f¢1.:~: .~ •.:l~~futl6iL"WI:·'."ar'e'.l\fti¥:,·-t6J"'1ID$~~ ,)},~u':1;!l;;).\:;~""':';~:j~~; • .~~~!f'};'f4~9'~~i~.y~,~,.,)L'""",,, . . ,,~ . .lh"~i~jr,;, .?;.~:alld·:fi)lege&Y1Mareura~;Pfl1lr.. '1.lar9'.::.c.rtU~."l.--:.9£. ~ ".' . .,,~~~,<Bk~::.:~,",:dfe.,.,,_,~,! ~~tl;~~.1leli\g;~~tfutit&t '~rr::~S~~U';~.i!f'ld'..~:", . ,.",. ~$wre ,,«:,2,~:'~'l:r \~', ,;lQ:g :;..;e ;:',J::.-;:,,::::> c<mstl.t,u:-"nl.!w""_-u.·,~"",My!'~~;/ .... ' ...•' 'n::vm~Jlt~~~.$t-$ .Ii' '. t<t;P~Vlf ' ..'. ;. ....• " " . ..," ',:...,J ;.pt'Q~, ~.:~:rp1:~~:~~,;::,J«J,~,ap~U.1,;.~··Ii];::.~". .L&OO'.iiM'~/~tlY~·:,:it::t:(.r~le;:q'~~-:"*f·"':~~:::< ·.1 .Bill oi.R'tgh . ·,~ . C. 0. Ill. "'.!. t ;i..:e. h..wt£ld1~.:h..~e.c.~. r.•. .:'~.·.·.:~. ;·.t bt "'-.'.: ~1» ..: '··11lna ..• '.:M:il-.'fflffi.:::'. #;:.:.• '.J;£l' .. ' ~:: lili·.S:t-.ohI .1CMtnnatl'Waae·J:1)a.ndod:.oft~'iOO·.~··:·.-· 'WJm';Ure·~:tItKWt':U!#"~~_t\ei.in::·,: jA n., 0 od' romplam.d tJlatl.-~~l<ibb#lSI+-'_bOlO\>ltfi/bda"""I~In'>~il. . . : '·special· vested IDtf;I"eStS:H'l'I'&nt (Fra:ocu Mft-tbe!l,·asktx!·· Wertli ·Iatxlf-cllmro.:, the· tur!1!'Ce-~·M&l·$Jp~.a.rxt>t.tiat''fl:S'::~,;:b8AB,£ Easy Scan and Print [ndependent Record From Montana'. Capital -~-'--------.~<+-"--_."------ ~ -.-_._-------"" _.- .._- _._,_._--~_._ Igates Rap Critics ~ewConstitution be ('Ol'osutulio!i ddllted and il.' d~h:'h:,t )C<l)(7ying ciicnL<; du,Wh!Je (he (ki>ate was n'lg:lr,.g,,;r'eCll'r:\Jy at the meeting at the iSing "'trOtH men to write }J1-g 11"~):5i!l1l\'f.' S'e,~~un..~, ht deJe:g:1ltet d1Joc'oVi!1"-ed \i~ -e:d5,!':~;M'J-ntaTI3 A.sstx-ia--tio~r "of -Trw ers" thal a.'"i' ~puH.!rt ""'O'"&n''''~ hu( ssj.d h.e \!;'Vti~,~ [,ell ~,,~ o.J still anoth(:'J" ,~d,tk"~.i crl-j~'Cl:6y("~. IrK! "i.nknot'd to frighl,en ~\rltd)('H ~il\t"r 1J~., c1l&,"",oolOO ti)' O:lt "Otk:\ Ilelena Il'tic!rtley J<I1m Bell. " It.'Ople'' ]:J th~ ,971 u,gisja!-'~fe Wert?: "ii"f1..J' C!t1m of. M,ont.!\,1).'1..." n~pilfiida\.h"e c:a..'1didnkj '~' :100. "I think m'eT:;; ollgn, 10 C.;5' w;.~ ~ ,,",giS,tlN iobbyh, ;,Jr.<c-pa.ge: inwrpre,.aUo-fl of t..h-t~capj,t~ but f,:BId hli hadn't te~ :los(' wi::;- h,;is :;.endirlf; \{'l,,',u; illt' \fL·..... MO",ih7lil B-i!'Jlktrs A~· [Y--op<)~ )'}.t-w cUf!.';t:Jtuth),l') aD-- :l:he.D1 and c. I d n 't k\10Wll:1i3 () l1C"vr::lpap~r-:; ~1J () Y i: r &tor. SO<:k1:ion ~.krm~"i' ;>m;;-'JmT;:~ ~ ~.ilreJ to t<'t. :;Jm.l.b,r, lind in 1 wrot<.> the-om. Bo:<m:;.tlJ,·!n"waneo it'He." Dabood chall.enged F\:;~:x~ A.'-'s(>Cjj,~"1t1 fi'1>G ,he Ai- ; :nrne pla'Ci:.$ I ct ~ n , i c u L !j) a t man 'fum W1~r left them ;.,. ~i)n:.'(':r· L'1!'.Or'fl'f{:,~ljcm dis!r-f'tl\Jtoo: (ComtEoooQ OJ"" He ~ak\ that 'while eVlCfyC'"t ki', S!"!·,\{.h Co. '" .. p..-~t:) ....,_ IRS 11 rl-ght to dis.'lgrc~~. It :~~ .totally unfalr arxi tvlaJ5y :ou'UsC' to use t!ll:se IItJ.ad, "1"he view~ I cx:prt'~ bere Of n IcUer-s arc aJl my vX>w~; and mnc alone, " Wert! ,etorlN. Under fuTther questioning by :onvool,ion pr-esidool l»::r Gray)lll Jr" Wcru. S3id ttw: "nc>- i J 0 d Y h!l~ f1lJid lIle lYle- red i :en:" and that k.....rnr': (If hi.!' Plant Furnace Fata,1 T0 Oscar Jones, 47 ~ier.ts,parUcuiari;· t.l.,c },V">.[j.; :a.na ~I!~lon .-uSl.)..::illli~j Ol\:ca:r .lone</j, ~Y, cil :m' eOlQ.aNe~ th~ n~w tution, consu m~l!.be, ~ jBro~WB}'. wa~ by;!J'l(lr.1lnS . when ki1lOO 01 l\1t:liDa\'~ M:iddlOO)Q-Jl., Le.wl'6 a-nd1~ng Oft':r!tit ~"'ben Sstw-da~V ;Qm Oninty llbtti.t1~:,,~,:t.~~~~::~~~ b.l!.ap~re.'\Uy,j·Two,mt;l':"or:k,'niJ5i~Y''-"~l ~~ooi~~~~I~~~IJ::;~~~~;I~;f~·g.' M1"~ i.\r,ciutute;;~''''W-~ti':SR1~C::thi:'Jkl;;t~~I;''~f1~:~:~, .• ~~e~.,,:: ,', ... ' ":J@ritl~<~~" l:;~j";:~p~l~~~~~~ t:::e;~:~~;ile'alld'1illanc~,~i,wllh,~t~:npcr~.~;~. whidi,;hi!'M)'$'Win'depr~~{~' ~::OL~:·~~r-:tu.atlOi?):" '..r~ - ~r}d;::;,~lfJeghU.atiV:e. '~;rJt'CJOt··,-tP~S!I ..:(){":~,~,,_' ,=;e"~~Y~·.:~~::··tht:'le1t~I:~~·Wfth","8'-:'~'~' Wllentoo~C!ffi"~I!lll'" """" 1liil<J<lt~/~I~Olf::iti ,e$ked'Wertx! ami feUfut\l ·tlle· fJ'J!'1mC(l;: FriIlIcts Mlte~ M1d'WP~~::: "r, n ,... 'L,>~J.!t; )'~,;,r," ;;;tc: T.iJ ~ d'c II "!J P, i,prt: r "I ,\1an:h. Wf: !£ r'-'> nli.o~iUn :,~L,<,;~ 1]:<Otr~ U'J.;! Hi [ed~~r,;i Monl ,I,H Delegates, Lawmakers Rehash r:.·· 'P!"~'>1O;'l ;,j·{mtll'. MJr. me:ll1) Convt.! Const;ttutional Arguments ;;;~, (I._',;W ',rH,f'::h'" diJ ,!""int: (he cou- ;clill5 (('rr ignorinf; ; ored.:\. : r{t~i£l i lhr. di bd",-re :J'.,·i~i;tlrffL'i preM,\' 11, !('i;::I:!.Ii1 !P( :dk. ;1,\\ i""."I'-<11" Ql'"cr ;Ll.lik to dt\t'.gill.('~ 'J IJln;;>(~' '~"'d! frum U1-e tw'fJPl.(!' "J Ulin); it is Umt for \}IM IJdd ! 'W~;" ... P'o-(' 1.; <:: m!j~, \" d f;ue•.u )commL>~ ..';iol1 (l;'c! null d (: P ,1 r l menU; ilH" siJb]c(t [:,,1' gr (: " ';: l~; GnlytAJi Jr 'lD :K}'lT;C contrdf,," Mar',En ,:,iJd \'(Hii'~)('<.'~ !:~ tktlJ:lW'.', Com·~-P.ij{"lf.l; rntl1[ lD r'ellilt\l they 1'r (, ~ q<iipVd ,I: !O:il.1il """t're Ptltnn~ ,Il"lO!"C Il R"><"'''~ show hI' riu p«>pk. ~ [)(:bt Umits iJ wilY W(, hc,~ . Th~.1)j g h "" had fF(l fUJi r.uJUJ1'l~~ ,i Cot!rCHI i qUj~t" "-"'!v people ""'.1;-(' con!Cl."-r-r.ed with ~hi} ;!ligh"'3y} dl· : ver-siotl bt.'1 no: nt'.:triy R~ :'Cudl .~ P"f! II (C-ontinned .... u m g , . iM ,He conccrrn:d \I\i}) U~H ,'\rk., No•. lh, 1m, alte~eo.:ii'lop or:' property !J:ix,'- E.il,id He. y school-!\- there and fUl'ne-d over- : Lan)' Abel'. R-0YlwIlb>..:.s. of the $eB;1l InWorki War n. In 1,*7\delcli~ ot tile. two-mlll limit Of1 he rnarrled~m.i1e Donlcry In Po-)li"la,te property lax. ''This i~ la'kcm:eUo,ld~iand CaffItl ~ He.l-png .ttu> Hd QJ! pPJf.l(!11;r taxcs" enabt~Uim,~r!i~~~ ,a~ I I>dcgaw Ru$M',U McDonough :1 C0:rOOlit tln'iShe;-' at CanyOl.'1I of Glendl"'c ot'lC oJ the "hie! gJ. Ferry Dam.. 1ie:)!l~oikr1lted ;hH.ects of 'L~e t.axation artkle. ill. prlva I.e coniJ"-act cement fln· i explruned tlul t the UmH wall d-eiBhing s:ervtel. . ! leted to !a{:J1l!,aLf po:Hslblc .~t!lleSurviY(lrS a-rfJ the wldow lind I welde fllli!.ocing of lKilWi.5, Wlthlilx aoo:8:}', aU __ oJ.~:ekala: RaY'ioot siAte-voioo rtrope.'iy l.a>:llUOfl. ,he, l rnond. " ~ftea.,'nm.,,m:,.i!t~ ,O.:fI ...". fl \. 8., I.O..~t.cd. new. &cM9l rlJJanctn-g ·'f"ftqU.l,~ts ecultl t-il!'Sa gre.l. IRlmrtr at~ ,':"-' -:.',~\,Mg~l~ 1l'W~ il,i'C'Q,tt\(! {}j &:ale, waukee 8~ ned er 1I 0 !l.itax:e',he !&ld. BoiS<{'. M(lT11OrJ.al ~()l'*M /He schod- i Mn:b<mc:y on Tll:X~ wed at 11ft.. m, ''Tuesday in tne: But afiQther deJe£ale. Ch-arlc~ II:Lag~ ~.~#l ,(he fu;,. II i MRho{H~Y 01 Cu,uit.'j', ,"',Ill quick W.Lri-ebeeli.a(f..cls.ung '1..0 CT1(jClze the taxatw,'l ilrt~c\e. , ""-"·~"'.o-'", SPECIAL NOTICE Aj. of ..MO"<.."'·f. Our ~iv~k" 1,/,1\ c:: : s~"'.. 'wl ;~:, ho""~.'c,', "'r. te-mp<.>ror)' of!i<:.( i{,~,Jle-r! Q!"l l"e \'VfI wi!! blI ~no....n 0.\ D'd;;I..'.-ll,~· with 0.> Cu~!o,.,..,cr\ in c !ew OJ 'P'ee"~ ~:"~,1.'-Oi W~ p;o~, ,,'; !,,~>:~r ~~ t"" (lw::-.::i,J!e·::! ~>.J.;,n~.p G 0",;: bi;,i~ C'· (J;"',(j '",Iii L'(! ~cr"--<-;l :;<:,,'-\,' if', l'\X rot'" (;ivrd ",,' ;r' -.P.'" OL~r di",c1.jj;!jj,,-m ['Cnkff'lJ 011; t lcm-oval Of (lebt j~ml". fj prnro~ 3 In Il Y :J.!\!'!li.iyr.-rID0!1 ':he cooventkin 10.,1 b..-.rfl ,:<{' w ~ i ,:'n wlXlld il,\I-ow kit lhe pre:~fl( limit!; ~rr up· tile ie,gis.la'u:c b:i tllrec-liJtn-s:reaListic llDd are ctrcuInvl,'r.led nf..(' If) 5~!ld.highwC\y !..:lX :non ilr~Y"""<lY, cy on r:vr,hig:hw'ly ll.'ioeB. promptAIXXJ! 3:5 dclf:gatt'~ r,,!ui"~]("d)cd ITI~jc~~:l fro..-,... It f i) r m e [": for lI,e ~mif1il.r. :...·hk:h al tim!C:< WH) hii{bw",-y' c"/r:",mi..:<.-.,oilcr, Swu:de)' look 011 oornc 01 !1',t: a~jk(:',.') {l~ tH;dd ){LlIVQfS(">f; o{ KaiL~?t11 a c!:J",s reurt!(m, ; rn,ln "IVe d{}rd 1-1',,1>'. highWily UIH'~ But irontclll!v The COiJVe,n~i{>n ~J!kd ! it ;<; f: s. dl"Htn~ froni higtl ..... <l~ iUilhiiity '-0 sprrxi its mrj/\i';-- (,n! ~h(lO!.i u,$-e~," ~ said. il~k1inf> thHt lhe,',oter o.::-duCllUon fOvfCl"fl it te get: '111e bi.gl1 W tly dl~DMtmt,nl !~ no: a]o.1f 5~}tX'i.<IJ p"..?rrnLs:!ii-vn In u.w the' Uf a f,-cr,n Lh~ !'-~g:UiI-'!llJ~e as scm.!' H au .'Ie or Rt.'?fC'&entat!vcs[ccdied daim ! Chllmber far tJ}f conference -: lillIe That dri'w critkj~m from del·: the Mm~ c h il :11 b ( r "dnch i! :dU:Ile1~ egaLe Freti Martin of Livlng5-'; \1-'-;e<;J for :>-i diJ:$ dUring tile U)iJ-' Ider !.on" who critj,clze-d highwily oHi- ~ ','cllll-f)I1 ! yet \0 ;:>fC''';~$;,;)(l PI'ant roue-I), $1,000 Bonuses AW4 To 2 Surviving Min KELLOGG, IdJ:lho (AP) .- It, "I WlIJ kind o-f dfr!ir11J-\.l'1; llfld;stllUm w~~ a $1,lnJ wt',ek fc~r noo Flo-; they put me dOWTl C-ll Uw,drill ry llnd Tom wtJktn.-.on But ground. kept tal'k!ng to me and: lh(: s! th-eir agony ani! \.tncertalnty tdling me 1 ....as IlU rLght and J i rem.'!! cannot b-e mtlHw'e-d and Cl~nh ~n (ioW"rs wa~ tn good ;:ir. My partner: tnne i I F10ry 1 went bad. out and told: One- no,:" 2~, ilJ\d Wiikln,~Qn, 29. lr,J":'m lhefr ",,-as good aJI and to'dil~k spenl the .<,.('\"~n days b.o.:ginnir,-€ ': gd back then' Ilon stayed am:! uoo /If",:' 2 cr,~uchC'd d,own in the'·!}jd lunidenrjlled: s-aid be Sunsb!ne SUver Mine &h-aft!. 4.. : 'li'o<Jld get t..'Je otJwn h'ad: to us The 000 fCt!t ~iQw the surface, tav! "Did ","'f-:nl out lheT(' and lKV,1 So< pln.g I'i",t'f IrOCn ptpt'41 and eAt.' n(>ver carr>-e OJild Hon SB~ 1\](; ing from lh~ tur,cn buck~ts 'I'm gor,l'\a flr~ ,All wh}Jt~ ,Jry'<'r, thea- fej)Dw wo\~er-s wt,lO died. w,e )w ~tu\ed WJ)ki".g :,o-m "j iU,l no< '" pray;ng mill",' ~f' C3m~ b"H'1-; :;.'id ~J.'5 t:>:'J .. \,'~ ~'.ak! Yior:.'. "btl: I prayed a IO-{ Tv-'·p ]a>;;.~ an (;<'-:,' ~,n GVfJPi, (,i'Ne" . }lJ.mp;:,j 'nl n'te motui (l!vl "'\li~ l1jcrr ,\'err, 21Ji ;-:".'11 on d~i:~' :;";'." '!P'..' t'·-' <:ne: "it spfMi~, ,;; , Easy Scan and Print G!_"'Y.'e.~~,wi{['" c't:l1t tl')' yc-;l,lf S el.}oJ ,\jt~ ,>('c;-no· 'l';~.:;./):<; wl!h W 6r ji'N;{'.f ....n~~l'r'. f'.3 ,\'(>;l.1", ;) (V,,\ J......' ]:-.Jf l?lrmg Leg islatu re Goins In New Constitution C'dJE:J't~,\.:[)ENT ttECORD ,r: ,(l.! Hfi'l,'" Mn St.Nt(' t"~,r('"..dQ Uf!'" :);t: "i'C)) ';.>r(,po~ed ;'om;uluglJ,~-1, o.tr.: ell pii-"Si.lijC U:,~ n (' t; f,q',ywn Mi,tj 'J Mr'.~ B r C"I\ 'I "'hr.. """.'il; "d-.',di.tfl;) l h ~ S i ~ (':l \\¥~.!nn-fl-'~ 0-1 p:-nl(l\1S <:l.pe::-ieS:Ke with .wl~ ')i (J)I}"WU 1i/1 (:':nllJ:;~$j?n \J';i !x-.<'l\ crnltr~ Mld I:.~ .~r(:~~::~~~;'~~(~"~fl.:~~j~~~~I\$;':~J\~:j' .''>l~.~I:~~:I:~~:~m .~ ~ i.J l~, Jf"C i , -,,<i)[1 rcd· "~-, (;~;H'.s WHITE-F1SH (APi {'(~~ ".! 'hend ~ A fo-lid- ~,hedjT~ SP0t!',~'''In .s-i)jd ~~hree pe,r$O(I~' ....n':" I'trltil,n'k:l!('{i s.a~lIrd<lY ('vefln;IlE 1ft.'! t-ftiTl~ !n the ())fntH., Coun\" Awarded Miners Oil :i(\r1 1ffiffi Il-dlnlnj;m.,..uoo spokes· to !.he tirnl that ~Hck p'J~hiJlg p,1y! lhe.H'~ no !H')l)l t&1 WQn'i coo-j'mU:e it wl:tld1 is \ru~eoo~ "'lll Dot' Asl}'"WI.l)" tilt' Pruktent CB,l'! retll'of n-t\"'W, t.l"r.ct$. h<;lp!r1: lVfl..trui~ of ~ legisl,,!:tw·c'.!l rl~rhLfuJ ALBANY, "\ Y l.-\P} - C<.iV wOt,iki have proo.lbilM all aoor, H;lture in /I if....ckty ihn! fUncNeL-;.,'")f1 A.Ro;«kefeJler ."e(o/?"G 11 ~;o-ns (:.x-cepl when th-e molher'~ tions trt(!;!y," she Q:l.iq bi!! i-O r-ept-ai ttl\'! 51.a1l"'~ iibN,,] life Wil.S endangered. , Mr:l. Bn.>W-I] So.1jd r.'1t' t.eni!.oHabortion taw Saturday, ilj legi5.l.a-th'e experi-e{}.{',e of IU1 Approval ofttle repeil bill l1f;sr...acklerl l.~ii\latu,e w h i c h )'r dD oot bciJ-eve it f4sht for last week by"the legislature cli. ";x-dormed its work wcil" \'ias one g:t'up to im~ jtJ; vis'ion maxed an tntensive !-OOb)ing \'l,tually ignoroo wh~J:; L~ ol morality on an entire c.a:mpaign. primarily by house. bil$ are kept T:1e~' shu! mE' and lI....:- sl;:el door'5 behi.nd ~h£':-n and hI and J re::l::Jinw ti-.efe nJo-s-t o( partner tune and toln Ont-e Ine·... walk~":! ;j-,r-:';;gh a d:d: :>ll 1'2 Sh31; O.[fS!K'(:'!. <,<nd S?Cidy."· Rockef.eHer !iakL r~ to ri.g.hI-to-LHe grD'JPS, Roman eathoHc det-gyrnen and others ';lI-ho had urged repe-aJ 01 Ltre law Rodi.e!rlier'l IicHan k.Ml'p~ in !erring wi\'~ a¢ clergymen who opthe present la.... and wcrnen's rights groups who posed said it shook! 8,tand.' Rockefeller h&d taid 'the JeglJ- lalure he wwl.d veto the bill. \-' I fully respect the moral whkh al.loJ'l.'if 5 abortion.! on de· con.... ictiom of both ddee: in tha effect the two--Yeat"--()]:d law ~hnl!W.i!'!; earHer C-<:IrntituUOU:l ma-nd wW>jn !.he fIrst 24 week..~ P Ii in I u 11 y did deOOl.c rome J.S3\le.l5 fully of prt:gnancy, TIIi: n~al Wi troveM:)'," the they oflf'1:'l borrowc-d provi!il{;';~ bel'iillSe a1tilining sl.<Jl.ehood wa., t.he prinw go",l 01 the N-ll,~:itU' "" YO\,e f,w the C"J'l"lslitulloo was a volto fur S1..Jtehood, a no \'ot.e conseqwtlUy wa~ hard to cast." IDe ~1d, However. she and station. a sm.l1\ room. 'Where added thai Ulcn, as now, there ~h-e 0)' SmJ, 1;>;'11)'"5 Gov. Rockefeller Upholds Abortion otley on shoQ-/ir>g inc:tdcnt i.ll Wh::dbh state's If&4 and 1889 <.':'OO5thut ll' gei. The spoktsman silld the sher- IKl'ns were wril~. 'Those do..-""'U1&' the; iff and eo<Oflcr h.(we bttSl lr,ents had their I) rig ins in ~.ati\'es! (iI!)ed to l~ ~cene and added Penmylvanla lmd llUnQ:J.,o; and eener - ! i\tLlc iIlIon-nation wu.~ imrnc- re-fiecied sod un:usual dlstrl.l.$\ '~lic); 1t :diatcly known o! the ieglslst.ure, he ,'(,]1. i !de!~:.ity 0-[ i~ ¥)C,lm~ W.ll~ , Sl~ also said d lJ r in g the : :--ct lu be reveale.d, j \! n co h e 0 lJ l>pe«il that while 0\l:S \U1\n~j~ n-m-pUty thl.: document dU~i{ 3. ,:it \t'i't.11 hi,$t.ury. Ifhe 10cu::>w on liilM c'!>lMf1' lhey'rl' r~yi-"Yl'{,d;t>n pn)ve<! wroog unLU weU r-,,:k, t con'r'C;lj"(){l¥kgil'c~ ;ll)d It':i:l:<:hdirre :md c1 r l' w an U;,tt th\" b<,\,I'ir-d j~ f'fl(fti.ng' to tl1lt"-.r lt~ el!\'(;.tjon, and, for nQ'W til!') lorerJd \,0; al Itll$t In U}C rteht r.>l'\*scnl. /jnd PIO<>jXX'tj,,'c ,'>:l)Jtc'(" rn 0 t j 0 naj litit!W\AS o-'.'uUo., he4iJ (iii ~-ucil. dodgc~, Food pnce-s, 'wbic:.h cnJ<lg(:d dlnxtkm ,It;':''.f-.iiit.or~ ~-rwr. r;h(, hnir.hed "i f;nd Uh' b.'l.5tc and kHtg"Ciooe b mu-ch t1 t:ht perlhddl.. }pe~ :C>f <J l;>c.U(Or fundo ph e r:l.1 -_. uno.eee:~ry v-er!nen:.;;l iill\' ft,~· the 5l.1i.e and k"tr-:11gt lin<! many of the 19tb cen. c;;! gCJw:,-n:,rneri\ L.. Men t i;l n 1l IT',;y prolierlpii-ons oj sUi:k !Z:O,<. more ih,tn wdl fuijij!N1 0'. :i;;' 'Tl'I1nt"::lJ!s fj,bW.ly to ffiO"\'e in'reP,OP()~'t"-ci Mrjnt;lJ11'J CO!l6tit'tl~k)n S-;X:WJ$C to public need!i" , ~iHd of !he new jX Q ?V51I1' ';-('.en·tl'l1.1 !-£ 1M l-ong-dcla\"ed k:g,::lwU'f't repr-ie~-e and re:w.~a-. 3 Killed In Whitefish l ~)' I' ~h("" NoccMr-;;lt'd l~s 1.(lI)Q uwr,1:n 0",m\n:; loo.nlns. il. I !levOO1/-\' &T,\(T, II's aL:w fO'\wd !;hal om' I.'X it~ ';;j(t'J.\~.s {ffi hh-&g<:.f fis1.1. rr~ny o(! pd nlk~, rtoqUllir~ re-lJljJ~n to wi-Hell oow ; •..-:<:: aDdK~ (II thel.r:'~.;;.~t r;icc l.k/I.;:;., Un't {,f much p~ltH rntTI"i\.1)JS ft,r U'le Ani: UM to (U&-oITI:e.r5. '!"hal ruk LbJl; 1;n..,-y ()(' chllnged, 1:00. ():{Tidl>h IJDw s-sy they (<<In'l ~ 'NUl N-n{roj~ help the nation <.'s'i.ru"'l:t- h~", IT'~': o! '..M. !!\"-t!".;n~t Sll:Dn'~ goal al II 7rJ per l\$.t IT..Ji:n:~ oollar.~ lor tt'~n~iC1;d. mfuH~{hrJ 'at.e in too li\S\ lll.:empt frUtT, (':O'C:tro4- 'The ",lx:- i three· rn<tnUl!; o! 1m? (lry L, i!l>1'i codrotling ll",e o.i,&: ~{O~"( prH'3{e (,>,conomiMs pul g:uy:\ ""iU kco;-p d,.>wn r~~ of'il hiHher lb:afl U~11, nnd 80 do Lht: iHlle 1cl."f<)'''''"$ '<I"t wwrn < tIle. 'Prk-:e Cr!lnmjss0n'~ o-Wrl tbry mi~1pe"-l'. gLaH I(!r-ec(j~ts Sf,mt! SOir tn· l1H¢ wiD \J.',); : flut:iDO ~wkj h/n'il lmprov-ed M~nwhfk, pk'f\{') "f pnA>- \ I'I'.efj w'lUK\!.ltCOrHror.s. It.:..-J1ng 0XlliLitLi'I()W;~ eng ("Of\lftiWUml-J;. <l d rl r. d ~'Jt (-hjd_~ the 1!T.'1 d'lrn-l INll:inrs :~.i:,;Dn,1n,~ lW,d s..:l.I'lniJ) i~~ f"(",rlAfl1 1,'1;~i'Re Brow:] of Mj;;~wi" ~ impNw{':d nl>lict.i11f';!!' fnr [(;'f. Om,)/l& M-t: loo-k.~ frrl' . ,nefll 0,,, (II lh'~~~R~'lllu-'dON1.1 crnmml( aad ":n!ilr~ rithb . '\j()tl\.iUj~ ea~y lind ! k.gj"l.i%'UH' WvliJd i prov-:l,i June 6 :;!(j;}[.'!1;l': rN i rJ ; t r n lj.(,'ii~~,.'C It lnml!1 th~ sti<t.e'.': ill~ ~"" ,c"l'-Jl'l'd \.t, ia "'rll;hl!iJl ]JH/'.':u.e<l ~,>Jr"Jj;1S' wa.s ~l!Jon. Two Killed On Hiqhwov Store Fire senz,itin congovernor Wd in hi! veto message '''l1l.-e truth b! th.a t thU repeal wDuld no( end abortlnns.," he lId-ded "l! would only end abtJrUons under saie and 6"aper\ised medkaJ condlUonl. ''The truth is that • !af!! abortiOli would rarr,;a!n the optional cOOke 01 the we:J1-t.o--<\.o O~A.KA, Ja:pan I APl - T'!.re wuna-n. while the poot would d-~l~ a seven-slory de-part· asain 1>e '1-e"Cking Bborti0ft3 at 8 :TIen{ sror-e l.[j Q::,.aka Satu.-rd.ay grave ri5-).; i0 life Tn bacXroorn and ~lk'e sad 118 perso;'~ abortio.:1 miEs, "The \r'J tIl is thM, under the were confkmed bUed in t.... E: Kills 118 C.-laze. preS-el1t 12",1;- nu walnan ni"HP<i ,,., unti"'r[!.-, llrl ~ com- :;b-:-Il'iion, Easy Scan and Print ;..J~_Room for Maybe, Baby Cop! Constitution Selathon Causes Delegate fir 1.•f;1:; JAME-S A~s~(,dl\tl'd h~~ Wrlt<':r :':": il:'~'.) C1Jl "J~~ tw·,)t' l:.:of] {l{ h,;;,'"oO: out o.j :[ .. CirOl.ybH! ;JlAi.r.trJ ':-l)lL,'N:,JUoc ,j)':<;Jj:f: C.onl;u!ut)onal C(\ r. \' e [] : i (: Ff\'sld\~n.1 I...;c dn5he:.cf wi:h :nt'jnbN'~ ie. d~icnd Ii J: ['We plud .~ ~;('0'_"".:d (:l)m d ',0:.lll\ ,~l;".,':••.c.·.:;~..'.i_.','.. mil!~.\,'.·." Q~~~,".,",;lJl,;-,',':~~,,~,:,.\::,i'~C.~, Cu:;bili Riff 1(-,1' '-><\f""fll,ti; ;:!,( l(ld~Y)Tl: :i i :':("'}\ ,"nn,mr((-L:!.i! ~n,j' rnili(~-c r,rOIDiJ(];ng \h~, pr(l{X'r,cJJ ~ ,.,~",-,"'<.,,, "G ''-/ r ;"",,_ -f,lJ t'''''.'.' j-,'mr1, un U',{' Id~th:Hi C011.'I::!luU;:m Pridil~- (lw~r [:h(o 0i' ,) k.(u),He:,"f1B ;de'/i."k,'~\ !;iJ}-;G1~ly ij ':\fr,J" IV"1"F!l11~,')i'C' ('(m:]Jnitl~, \ l}dvtJ'(~jJl.!< cnn:', : :)0[1, T;,~)' Vf·t',re ...-t':il ,~CI',j ','ui H;j)T', 1;;J,lt::;){&. <;Ilrn:tm 01 p03!gn pL~n~ - : !}y !tle ('im;·nlJ.UJ!>; ~.I)d tnt;;:r'~N~j-P Hoi....(;'ll)'hn: \:o~d tb~ .-:::::rfllr::,ili(x', ~f,r the. AFL··-(JO. ,~ lW.1Ii" ,l.' the ,q~\.;!y nlf~t~ng ,:>f lhl!' !l1('Cm.I:>:1'~ :,'1.';,y b,l'l{' I..:. ~~~ il I,,~, '1$."'::.f (,I ll~_!· r:(Jl~I:;li!l~.:. li!':-ci Ci!ilcrt~ , bt C,n:::flM\}i:qn:,i 1m· '--nc.n;~.--('(1' w!u,: ,he '.inj,~"TJ provvneflL. GrilYbl11'f'-ebd.kd pr\nn')-U-I)[\~ C:llmpmg:n i"oo ~lo, <l.O'ft$.',' in bil('-b!' ".' U~) , : ~Lld: hy ; t. j·k S£l:id [he ,:rctk};. ,'"" " il deci.~j(Jn to cUI. <lp1~Jmt"d : \'njen.,Juf:,>'::m""f,-: ':,( '.h{' ()):",. . :j\l£-!lJln;r eli {he co-rnm;U,l";e'~ h':I\J,r tf'lctl1<)!1 fr-uill lw{:, l)(~l!S bJ b ' 'rl \ stHlJjjon (Foi.' hum te, rnal~e r-o.y.l~ {O:" ad- 'm,OC(i uogei vr.:·o,_ ,,':t.mp<·'f'1 -,.r,,-.' '1 nl: . ::~',~~:i"~~:::r~~~:~ni:~:, u:~,~::,~~,~:~~;k:~,~:~:';" ,Ik, i ~('i)-l.c·"er:<;(rr1 ;'lPPl'(,~i~h tD n3rci filled ;,~(; K'Il',e,),iDG" i-co;idun: ~,"i' lx, n;id '1f yOt: hold th~: :'," \~,c :-'(lLJ')] -VO'fT rAUCai;OL1 ~~f:::;~,~~,d':"~~,'i;~';;· :21: l;w p.;,lh 't.' ii1~u"'I' l<..lIl1nUnei1: . :u_,""",:"U[ on JUHe F,. " go<,!j :m~te co\dJ 1\,-,1 spend pub-H,' fun-d_~ f.rx. D-ai'l- l-l;;.rri;; f0fiT,;', dirti."I.rJ{ r·,;;;c..L :;dl iXGnwt:iun~ll pUFpo.',-t:5, ' lh~ (d,5il....IJi.!u!\;" (,-){l J.Jf'!' h",;r,uU"d SS/-4D ir;iL'! jr,d(':~;:>enckf'.: iW-l';.:;c.Si'.:d l!H: lht 'efTon .1,1 l:·,;~td.1 .an adj\bleD ('ornmJltb~ .!hr.K.:\..~ 'U''-GJ.-" Uw .'iil.:I'lr 0plX'l\iti-on'.\ t}<" di:arJ ·-I:-.;1·~'i (\5) ~~;,:;;;:;,';,' ,:~~(1~i;,,~'~~,e (::~:;;~~,.t c,hk,,~r. J,J,;; ,n, ";!;;;' ':I'i.:::)"~;' ~~~:, .<;-'.lliJtton <It 1.:h1' Jlli~S6 pnrn,,~.rs !J[ooie of MIS,t><'}'Jb Sll.id !:..., W<l~ Ul'em "n ",!,,,t i~1 (l(, w'n 'Jw Je.aI1 8::N;'m"lJ).:-iifi't!lI.!k('~. sa;d: "prell: ~i.lre . qIlC;ke5. posterl hy: e.i(rtlOfi ~he fe.!l ;h-~ cllil~j.g!;·WlltJld: :~)oC . comI11.i-t~e€ wt."U4d . get i!.:! "Wt .... dL' \If gd (rt,~,~,- P':~-'j.·!(' berll'flt mOf': wili(Ll,e 11 $po[!,lJtlch as S15,lX:~ fDr t.'1e C-ilJU' [x"':.'i:..j,e5 dek-gatr;5 ir'lvDive(j ;.'1 c:omme.rl'iaLs l p:1\gn J);; ci:lrnpajgn roe ~jd GraybJI! p0ink.d 001 the two-. &::tty Bahcock 11<:l{~.lw ~.nd-l",d 1'\\0 HO'Ur~, Too Long ;h,>Ur t.eleth.x wou~d GOSI S4-8001:ht spj!it.<."d d{~bB,e '''''hCl"1 :l-he Sc){f';(' of the c{,m,inittff mftm ,involving 11 l<.-r:i1l1 of 1e h<)IJT~ trI"g<:d lhe rtdeg.,1I.t.-; \"i'~ h.H'(, l:wr~ fel: !.he. tdd-hoh, if k~pl 011 :when aireD by FIve ~tiIu.an!i.: to S(ii,t drawing !~et.n-er".. ,wo hot1J~. would ~ 11)() IQHg 10!whilt the ~lO',-'-: ~e(---onc5 in :>ro::Ikm~r!,j'1 1'...e-p1ibllJ:a'M ~£'<l h-..,p the attennor. of yit~''''''TS ;a.:m1lTlen:illls C'o~i..s 15,000. : lJ~tkncier,t:;-'''&J ,,,.,~ C'"-"I' g,-.J. 'n)!, tde(..il0n W1:I'JJd hn1' II: [)a prlue Bugboct. M~S'.~,llil,: the cf)fl$li~,(Jtk"l jJ~:>.Ii(:d P,;jl"~; of c,jn~1Jt.~;tjO[\.3! C0il·: s"id s.he wH5.n'l SUIt' tbt're Ls "il: She [X,inled oul tJl<11 2~, ,JJJY3 \'e~"wn de1e..~~t~'::\ ilrs•.-e:ing <~!ngle on~ 0.1 Li~ who could rM ll. ;n"main bd-07t !'-Jc_~,ti,r;lI vo,eD ! ~' 1 r p h (, n (' d l1uf'~ . ior,~ f,um: g(~xi JOb ()n thl; telelhon ""'!!: d:t.."jd-,e dw 1.,;;:,U~ <It U-'l' \ ie"'r.:·s on 'iOlr\Oci':; :'.~I}e5 In-' W(~ Weft; good ill wrnmg .-. [Xlils v~:};M in the document ('or~-iJ\-UUOD. but w€'rc ilruaThe tXL""ClJ : v;; CW[';:lI: :t(~ 'niLS "Wr"'r; you cut the public leur.o on TV' she s<lid, adding; aulhori7.!'1.1 f.G f~,.. ali7.e :h(' ~";1,lici~2:jc'n Ollt of ~):~ i'lI;])-' We are always put in a p0:ij. r,,:~-ni;(l.l..n ai '.arr,p,H/U; , i federal 'nt~rvenf;on Cited In Hill·Burfon 'nactment .a' V~iJ ~ Easy Scan and PrInt . . . su; Return the Books. Th~ ht~')12.!.tU''';l ~.f,)n hile il.:f;.· Ljbr:1rv,~A,.,5$0<~h.~ iun. \J.tl>l (:orlv'cnLiOH o p , ::crc tlJJ,(; Wt;t,'h;r.:nd, !i'.O U:;,!J; tnLgJll, tYi' OJ;'] ',nr, ;,;,pp1"'Opq.ntt' tiDle lo th~> rtf t;,!"t\!'tf"'i ~~Jld dt~t\15:' bi£!:~J',,,:',l" probkrn,~ nbfl:iri'1-n4 ll- ('i.;tvt .'\(u;1 it Ollgh:, Lt) r;rmctrn tIu' Lt.x- i..(f'_ -b<t'-,{',-f\.<.J,1'I" It P~l!,C.f~, (~ost~ there ph,nty n'c; tt}(~ ftu.iuTe to reltan l:XXl}';S to tilt libn~r­ :':'.!i.,~I) me o{ it. de.Ubnrat.e, ;'\(1 ii(l-{"bt, nu:. ff.i{mt of It. pr-ot)i'lbty clut" and ot.her n-~al;~rjH1.I) v! \nF!ijven.f~ilCe, C-iUC1""1!En~"'!>b,for­ get(ulnc-ss, :0 A cons(:-r'<'ati'Jf'; esLimate Ls thi1! ~)f:'r cent, of 1.:ne budget ~rf \'r'l: 'J.':tmge. library fuee for repl<1<>\:ng Uo-.i'Kc; tbo. t p~ t rDns h:-\ \' (; fa.ikd L() reLUrTL And iJ}e O(ljl il; Kc-LUnK worse. The pr)C(~ C.'l bOG!':" hl'L"> gontup -17 v:r r{~nt in LJHc j<:,,;L 1(1 ynH,) "•.!lei );1 ;·dHi cW",;b[ng Yuu can help '~'LS.{' U'j.': pro1.Ji.{m by YC>(i.fching through y('ur l.")(JY,~;htl\'e-5 at home (I) see U- liDV ',)i' LiwvoJumes t.herelnbelollg ,~~~hoof or putli-ic librar\' :.;..;), rctt.1i-n them. " . ~ u.;' the ,:.. -iii l~ The li:br-a.riaI1S will t!iank VUlJ "nd yuu may thank yourselL l~"') --·{l L I-i\X t..l!TJ C, Long Letters We [~PP-T(~dat-E' th.c mant' ~f:ttcrs VJ t.he editor whIch \l7l' h;ve be{~n Planning for His Next Trip Presidents Do Make Mistakes ~ .." ' . [,.;Cf:lYi.ng lately, however, many or th("rn have exceeded our :30-(.1 ,..'-ord iln:.1t. We ~~ye published a niJrTlt~r of the lli'nger letters b-eCc.L,,"A~ ,Vf: felt they should be ])rir,1-(xi in their er;tir~'ty • Contro Easy Scan and Print " ent But., 'ftC would Hke to ren:i\.D0 '(;lUT r'eadMsfi'6ul hC'\),' (ni \i,~e e};The Montana. IJ,hrar: ArISlX.ola·· pc.ct lfl(:"HlW aiJ)J..G.:!C 1.0 tbe,3nO Return the Books fion lL~d\L~'-';;'~1r;1)ai -{o("lventLOn line ;'hL~ wt't'kttlL!. lW this r:nl.ght t~ PI=" wpna tf' tim (' 1..0 dj il,;C U ;;..s rx: iE', GJ)J> Oi the btc.ge:.',t rrol)k.rr,;E JI. '...·ord illTdL. poJi1,1ci11 Th.e p+lign, CO.nlfC'Yc.r:\:)" pn-:}p"'-><:'-t"d casn- r-r~~llntjflg (ont>Ul~)h()n the '"n(\ the <~.t-E'<U<'-n ,),':11 no dnubt t,lw "·Ciu.rnr cd !eU,(1'S I..;) Lh.'2 (','..1j te· r If we f{.f'! that fl. Id,L(:~ whkh [«hOOt t,\<'.lnd brtlfie-A !:tnd ]Juruh"ulf, )l'<'VC f"no it ought to concern Lhe !.it);· !).,<Y1"H::. too r..c('...liU!;i' it C'o::;L~ U\,t'nL i.~'.crt::iif;~~ pIer; t;;' n:Ct"f·:(}.5 our wo;-(j limn, I.., w(l'I'thy ;,( pul)li(l!',Ul)<'] W:(: wfji pri::l\ it ,J,~ n'~, the L.ti:un· t(lrd;;rT1 \::><.)ok~ and otht:i' rngi-Gdrds to toe lIbnu11::1' -_. _~ 0 en I' o! ii (le\jber-at~" no oj.·('-\Jbt, b).it :;",J<,\. to or j\. floc/babl)' due Inadv('rV~n.(;l~, (,fi;elc-~.M1e.,,_st for- g~1.1ulnes.s " ZU~~lt t.ojumn; b<)';lii.;'d-:r It prr,\")-i1bJy ViLtl DO';' -itp"}*.-i'I1 l)..'> prornpl.1y l~,~··i:l. .;;h<)iUl \:ct,~.cT. 1...c~tCi" wh,k,h, ex (' e ('. dour Hm'll and are nol deemed. col U(!.l n fDa tC.'r1 Ii] w'll] ~ c:ot'L':-e,v,lLive e.-sL1maU: L~ Ow! rx-T ernl of [11t" budget o-f the ?-;veragt' libra.ry go<~s ;r:LJrIH'd to t.he au\,;ho!'" for !r,g "ifi:i:Jne The pnce 01 l-XJ0k.~ ha.s gone -;t1'.\ 47 per ('<"11[ j:: t~,( !r.sl 10 :_'('",\;S :Fi;hd 'l$ .sun .:llm:)in~ - You can help C:a.'>C Lhis p,.)bJem by .searching lhr(\'~:gh 'four lx..)kstleh"c:'3 at Iiome L.<) :';.('t 1.i fWy of ~:he yolllmcs t.hcein beiong to Ute or pu,bU.~ iit';rary /\.nd j~ return lhe,m The Hhrarj'ans wilj than}--. y;):,-!, UHI..nk yourself, Lu.' i1.nd iJf'Ulll~' thn...,(" (lq', w", hare " ,tj',dw.ittt'!l. Series Starts ~. ',~' ~., ~c- ... -'...._-... - ~,-,.- rrip )0 We appredaLe llll' nllL'l)' lettas \{) nle e'dit.of which we r,uye ocen reCelVillg lately; howc'T'tr, mf.l..n)' of them h1l.ye exceeded our 30{l word limit. We 11avf published a nu.!T'l- ber oJ the ionger letters because we telt the~' should be prinf..fd in t.heir eniirely t.hat in a- "gt'H(\e; rue wd.-t,i)l~ kM()r~ fOJCf:(1 to 1'1 to t.ht 3uptnit,\jng Ul1l1.\.gnt'd C1l,l~l!!.e they iCiI,T dj.scJpU or 10,,0 of lh~-,l:'r jow if th!':lT mlnc$--pa ['ticut fleJd oJ Politkx. r.nd f na,l'}Ccd PfDJC'I.:'.t;s We 'YH1 not publis lett:e.rs. If the fl.uLhor rt narTie not \w 1l$(':<1 ~ t.i1l.es tn.f: ft'a.>aI1. and i:J. &Juno, we wiil pi'll; "",it.hr.'ut his name--b lnd!'!wndt'nt R teo r d ~l;uuld State- Burt;ul1 i'epo'rltr D{~m1i;; Curran hafi writ.ten 8. series of 21 :Jtories t.h.,e P r QP Q ~ e d i;n]"}.i';U Lu Lion wille!': :il.'ill go tiJ the v{JLers June b(: U-SeD we ' him. In no event WiLl tJ?T be pUbli:she-d wiLh name 'Jn1e,~5 Wf; huve ~ion, Of,. 6 Thf' mtnL 7~~:~.-..- Jt ·itl tt~,grc know the rw.rJ"l€'- and \Lt' Jee! that the wr press h~ l)(;tJl ,H>:',l~;,';d of blindly enciorslng the new docu- Long Letters y l.. ry i.'rhp!oyt~;B oJ 51.",le··, h i,~ Tho,,>;: ltLLt:;r", which <I: e i,y;w·d (\o~)bi(' SPllC.f:<i will ;~Y('l\(; for re.placing bt)Qk's that palr,"\!!.i. han' !~Ued l.r) _r~ttum. All,-j the (:(}~~ i:s jit:t.t.ing (~dH- ahIX· ::a~:~p'pt?P~:j~~., stakQllr poilcy"regtn'di ed'tettt:r5.. We hope th.at Curran's s.er- or arUck-s will inform lhe pub-Il.e a.~ to t.he prOf; and CUllS ut t.he ~·(l1l:'iUtuUon.· ;w,rt!cuJarly a.s )'(-gants t.Jle m,ore c.ontrove: ',hd .set:ie,~ Uon.~ and ",rU..::ie.:\ Unsigned Letters \l/hile we',re on t.he subject of If.'-!..Lt~rs to the e'ditor Di."I.l.: Ls prob- Campaign I Mort. and more ca: pub:lic oHke are reli finanda.1 slatemenL'3 !:>OITlC of them are, t.hls ing trend. H.e-PlJ bJka.'t) gu ]-),.. rf, didate Tom Selstad i. gratulated tor the 'i' stat.ement whjcl1 he week In rele-a'iing IllS Wi Controversy Is Brewin9 kes Bv CL.-\RK MOLLE.~HGFF Easy Scan Briefs V;:f,j A :;ptdn) a~d;Tint Business> Land Taxes ! ;; ~1, " " " .' .•I.! mlls~ci\l progr,jln' 1)y DANIEL ,J rOLLl' iR$bk' "BudlJ rpe1l J-feutUrtfl;!!':" -tile ,fjfthB:oo' ,":dxHl ~ fbig bt~xjJ~f. a~.I~~t'l;a,.tll~~\'"A~~r\~('n h"",~ ,Un:_"tf~ct.. (/_":l:<:ii':><; t<!<tS-:.lf"p~r:I: : {i~.~ f 1;) Tn·fi-.Ii t' t_ d f\': -l'<ittd,~.HJf<'!! ~*S fe.:J'll:t,tlJilb l1.m e '~. lUld~ timbe' i:9Q~.,!gr1#k,",~.. .aJ.{Q,~~~S-tlh! "Ttle'1im!ji(,r-t~d''tfijl '·1I'm'i1f:!rf.rniJ:1i~ncrti-' :ntsldetl,~- ~lJl be pre~l~, .'" -~'.rmi:rt··otb& -'~'f.·llt'1o-"*hmnOO: - \mill wl:»d! the A~ CQ,', M('!1-'"an.. h,.. _~ h-;tcl a law OiltlX'trl of llbtrkd nt-Jut' O'h..a!icalcul _kj:l!Jcf.~r:?im PTA mCdmg. sel to-r 'sold thIS p;.~,<;:t W('~J( Ii:>: HI7 ~ !~' ~lfl{'"t!. l.til "erik!! pt'>o.~g<;.11 i;, r,cllUwR~'lt ac:him'-eQ', aston 't1il nqw!i:J:O p,m, M<.~!lday in the S(',h,:x:.i imiHfIlll \.:1 (Xl tt~ t?,t ih.~;\"'w.{ml ',job t.h'" '~aJi t:ilx~bk,JlfVPCS1I:-"':1S f(~:-etl{Jy (kI::-,(\n."tr~'tj;{'d l.tli n~ '~ld',IVdH0rlUm_ J;;lrrV:f Hau.~k'fifl, a, ~ rolls (If W w ~ ~ \ !~ r n Mo.-'l;uon inu....' t;.e i~'f;s<)B~ I'll. .. 11.,$ ftitl: r-:w!j. &00 enrll: C?-I1fI1,)', wh~:re: Int~n1 ;rn£~mb'~t r;f th.c .<:chool ool)r-d ;~l1rt-il':>:8! OEl\ $:91 m}!J"en ,".l';,n v"hw' ;G OO:trd Hudr ~1l("""fXl a;;;:M'$.')ed!MliitW : Wltl ,,!t;o spc'aK Q[I the bUJJd'Jnf,: 'I1"ff! knv .'tb~!l-l'nf:llt mMn.~ Ihl $ul.rn~qUJ;~n[ l'~;';bi;tdvf. (>f!.- \ ~fih,re jj-ttt-!;o,)ul. zg pf,'i" ~-.mi d \ Hitrcl :r,r(~rlln; I;!I Ihl' dIstrict. U~e I.fj-.s..~ ry! h\!ndr·(!;-(h d 1),0'J' "ctm<::-fl.t$,. \.a:t ~&,,)' j.xd~';:i--(l:'; omll:t'k.d \'~J~>;, TIle. b(l"'l.l~ r~" \$"'<1 v ,'i.'1!)<;h VI un ooHno· t>B-dl I:'I';U ,J/-.d ''V..IlJrt d~ctJ;~~% l''Hl- q'>~$Ut:<l ,:h':l\ !hi' ':""tinly. ,}fInij; ~ . :' t.o 1:\JWXll;;., Saud1:H. F-lflU';':l<d ih-.:- h,w >i:11iO\;I,\}l1\' m;o.'\l}' l-tJ 'l:ii:lO!:'.'.$mn'\.;':. m IUW with i.nr." 11\ Pf Survi \~)r:" of WIlFIf; F'rH.!>ch, ~ F")",~0.), ~ioor,,1. llt¥-:-:'lil. G-rall' i·u fi',lrt ll:t<1~ r.t..;;y ~ .ol -f(I iJO;-, ('e~lt ~rbi:Jld""rd i 23. ()J ·\..,-,"c(lr,clJ.. kj1!,'4 nl,.lr' ik L~'ki.h no!Td C~,l!";;_ l.~f;-l: !<-wi <)1 &0 po,titk1Jl ¢l9lJt BtlC ir\ (On-tr-i;it;( ti) cith"f Ln,,, ;,lu)i'l ( H;'HniHrn-, SaJI,rniF.:y if) ~i) :W!~I- !tin';;!ll c,Mjr;tk" "~I' vwh \;,,(t]<.! ')'''''l).f-l'; (;1 ~bn'ot'l;-l<l l}t ;>.iJ. p·e-r '-"<inl r~g:urt. Lhl': !V~­ Tho:" ow i l"! e {jlT.Cf0rJ')~l-<.:~ i:.;,-!,1;S :'h". Aru~cr;r:d;l C\.... I!r,o;j' Bw--j.61tl:500 il (' r £ ." of :hubt>rtandlf~ i6 I1lf.>bHell(,>:'i(i1-nl, Indude Ii ij.l:; lHilrkc.t iMld (t,~M':!;:""-f:_d yal :h~~(~ ~uwt'n Mid'!1.!; p~.(wt,lJd) AnolC-oOOil,. !).{lM to U.S,: 'Thl the: JIT, S<~DdJa Pn;ckrr,R$I,~,.u S-ncn('(,r (1(' 0J rh.:' fCif':.r;C',f An'a('Jir1'>1j; tim· ,'cs,'u){, roik'J,c",b; Ilnd (A tht ag·: HY,,?()<Jd"('t.:tmpi-<HI Pfl.~ tnt:. l ilen...~ lX'rl."nd~ ;1\ IltnW'f.t a ('~,<I};,:-:;~ 11· rxuituH iF,(,i.\5t,)' 1<1 g(_'li'~nil it.>;. '.>I! H:J{: !.l:!X -1":-\11; ,I( (\!l ll.:).: miH;,; luHrutk'l'! of I'rll;l-t l~ 'o-t<o,mrn13 ; se-Std~l ~,aliJ-!' !),f b;!'.;!' (nM 5 fXll'! &<'re )110. ~l 1\1I!}Oi1W;rk conlr0",'r-r-r;,-; ik R.eil.il~j n-e'H~ :c:en{ oj rnArk,,!! V:l,iu-c le·~ Sun 5 h ! n e !-lQm·e .F.tii~!,nt.im\ TI", ),,ali! B<,aTd ('! E':luahu- TIl': C.Ofl1p.1'm-t~ did ~(.t H"t B !'Bvrf:, the Cluh win me-e-t 8i L"e'html(' 01 dlf!('fT:nl uu: In'!I!m,r:,:i ;,ii'if'ike ishQW ~nr Jim !{nl.ch<y, O'ln"'Qfl rl:.r. $t {hr. i hlJ'' l;' IX' 1r':C\ll ;The' t'Y at 1 pm, Wcd.n-=-~"lO~;:~ Moe-rn. t1fW rwrs a,!" W,N l{l hri';"!. SNT).(' :r, :!)ln~ 10-t" jAA ~lK-k hu)d: fie\,· t n; Chamber Takes No Position On Proposed Constitution i~~ 315(', ( 11'.1 \Wf:t'! lillJdf \il be of c ~1(Jri S1..clk (;ji:::/IT 1;\1'-, -'iI;}.I~ tK' r:>J~i'!I'!1' O;~ iJX" )'ro· Cr'f" :'lb'.~\.ll \'Q{{:d Cardiac Care d " A mether cat wllJ~ k-\I'- 8k.Htt'j'-~ M/.:,l;l.Vfl:],\bie Wl;tk--Did ,!or adoptioo ilt the Re.'lib.iI AId: mal SheHer A\I hav.. hat. disRS I-eltlpc:r shots Aisol-out<Jng k1r 1\ 00m~ is a male Gerrna-n St>.ef" )ur f':nl 'herd about 10 monlh,s old 'iCT t' e fng Th \ i Mr find Mrs A P "Bud" Iwen and (amily, li09 Sixth. have feturnf:.d f.'"'Ortl Wo-If Pair.[ 'and funeral Q{ Iwen's falher, Austin j, Iwen, is Radio Station 110 C.QTI.1!]}GC'1' r.>ard: day iwd SatuJ"'Chy 1t.'1d' twarJ: st1t.\ltl-Gn pf'~dlJd[":j !'p"'or:mg landl Sahtrdil-~' kl Ol:rgumen~ p-ro IHu:l ('(~'1 on '.he :mon{~y tit'm'lft;.:'d [,g high''''';,I' anc.e 'n.r-:w documen( pro,~ct.5 : [Jrod ' In a lxJ-.ard meeting ci'l2in'<J' The 'P'Olx;st.d ':'(In.'iti(iJlbn !'muiJl !tJoy (1'>.llmb.e:r Pn?s~6en-t Lyle;wouk! ;lllow dlv!'-J"sl;i-n of ~'UCh:bl)ar iLeeds i}{ Ha~Te, ttl{' p,roupirnoney illier a UE'ee·fifths \'0t-e uctk Oidopled II po!i<~y S,;llenwni urg.: of f'.i\rl1 h-out>e of ttll' legts-lJ.l!urt' marl erne ling ""II d-tizefl~ tv study ,:.a.T>': ~appro·.ed ~nd;ng highwaY·ie- pr~,~ i hlUy and give lhoti~htf:lj om !.'11e-c! ~T'"Yne'Y an ,'){her [)1lrpo$,e-::, -n\(', II--hnLiifla 1it'ilJl ,~)sf)d·a-;s+d{~'tL~);1 w all jJP)\--L-;HmS '1[ 'T"hR; l;~t>k !ClN'('. C'f>mmilt0! rc- 1.<:Xl:1 Uoc .. eighth ;lmhlll: ('iJn{c,c:n~; the m'n.:.c,liluarl!l ilJlG tJ)(·!': .tOte roj,l ('iUD\' from ML%ou) .. it!w- tban on '~fifdla(' l1urJJlnii for iicerl!ed iJune 6 i/1 svel1 n ITl-illlJlEr tl.s If) :-fCf Jr..nn CJ.r:,'nglOll BOu:rnfill :iucrl pfa-<."":tICllI rlU!'~"s will. be beM~Tefiect their o-wn tX:'~1 JJ,I':Tt5t:; li;wye:f~j,egj:;!il-.\D[ IWbert D1'<' !I111y 17 ilt the hdmbo .... il<.;(ell-J:l(BOO tl.-r long·rfingt gooJ 'A S KI:ttt~, Anderson e:x("(1rllve Grea.t Fil.H~ jM.onlanll" ~l-'.-ertlary"f)f t~ Montal:l4il Tax11lemc fDf lhl:' \-{'-ii:"~ conh~r- i A ch<nnbc:r spoke.5nl..ll -,,<lid p3yer~ A,~",,"),-:!illi{}n, and er;ce I~ '"Con~,,'" l~" )jril,t Fan- the bi.ard.l\}J':!tt~..-!l long rnornin.g 0}f,lda 'OJ, IDbhyist Uoyd Cripun' ~l>es-si-oil revle'i'r:iiig the report 0{ \11'" of Butte PTjH('i~).jj ,"r~~i'/;':I:; wiJ! be f \a spo:-dal task r00.~ thiH 51ud1l1n~ lll.__ tiire'ebm IH',f' John A!l21ire, \I.U on palholog-: leO the ne"if coostituthm. ,added !o tr-,.e chamber !xxlrrj ic phys~olQ-gy 01 heart failure! 'The ch~r spokes..'I)an re- They include Miles City news--: and Robert },! Addison. M,D. iport-ell tile group iiked the local, piqX'f editor Paul Husted. Pe- ~ on physIcal finding~ \1{ heart;guvemment sec-lion of thf> ne-,r;. leI' White of 1\:>'(J D01 a::o{j o. {silurt, Both d<x:-tr.1r!;; are from 'd:oc-'.h'TI.e-11t tx.!; expressed con- F-:-a.:l-k Swi·tz.e-r vf Bilhngs Pu""', Great Fallii.~ uTd" It! '2:, Y e:; r Oub :~"" meet" oj d:Jn:-':"l()r~ Ma.)' 17,.,~-:s p.m, rd L'lWt'One-s.::i;-1Y, the Oid Eagles l{aIJk~'j)ste,~scep-t:P$ wii! bt; Srl\-\a Sw~oo and ~nn. VlureD(.'e Al:ht:y and ~ -- fln~ldl.,.('r';i'."· ",;:Ut (}t8mtx,r ~:~:, :he "' .. d)Y.J~jCfl ."IWtf:l-& ~d ~l('W ":-f,{;;>~J\lli}<J.G i_'j;:nend:n~'llt Tho <InWu"'U,<,IOll llf!!l mcmix-r't.hlp, (he M<mutn,iJ: Tit!; chamtwr bOi!rd md ;'·rl '[IJOlCi1d.lTJen\ In lht" preli-f:rd COil, whitt J'iH."<"''t i:$ l'A.l,Ui A noon iWicheon ,,: ,,,", H"inlv",; will be hdd \I,..,,,,, i "I u,,f,il'h: ~. • '" - "'.