WI::."E:.-: Sf~ j THE POINTER VIII, VOL. 13 Arts, Lectures I Presents . Buddy Rich And Band ,_,,, '" THE Board t. 1poiUOring a concert on Sunday evening wtlh the New Colony Six being the maln attraction. Tbe concert Ia aehtd· uled tor 8 p.m. in tht, fleldhou.e with ticket. on sale at th~ Information desk l!l the Unl~r.lty Center for $2.00, $2.25 and $3.00. Ticket. may allo be purchued at the door. I WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1969 8 PAGES - NO. 2 Dreyfus .·Releases Paper On ROTC Poge "2 " I _}'Ho~ ·- S.plember THE POU<o&TEl Is A Good Breolclost, But It Is A \. ~:liHE PODIUM EdiiOr'o Na1e1 The Steingass Book Wins The Polntt.r haa, at time~~, been acCused of negativism. Others have accused WI or being too cordial with the administration. Perhap. it Ia = 1d':;i;~~~t:u~re'~'(;.:::o;u:h:ur;~rt;1~~= student body and ne"·a reporting wiU be our prime tu k. A • writers and editors, we ho.ve become famil- ia r with many of the peoJile and evcnta that ah11.pe ou r unh•eraity community. In every occupation there are men of honcaty, courage, and intelli· gen~('. which bal11.nce out those who arc Ja:r:y, stupid and cowardly. Many fit In t he grey areaa In between. It is our obligation to complain and ~ritl~iu when we feel atudenta 11.rc being hurt unnece&sarily. We will cont inue to complain and criti~ize aa long aa we are The Pointer. It is true, hOYo'· C\"er. that excellence! often goes unmentioned and problems ~apture the front page. Poetry Award Pt•rho!l', when )"1111"1"\' brou.-.. omutcn •lt-1:....-e at the Uni<"frln&: In llw.' Unh·er~~lty Uoolanore. 1lty ol Mal~~e. He then ln~ht )'OU mll)' ron\~ ocro" an Ql Loulll411ll Slate Unl•·cnlty n..·aro:l...ilVlln&; book of 1ooetry In llaloo ltOUKf for N-oynn. In l.ooth h:ml <:O<"I"r nnd ~~~t>er· and also hi the Unl••t-nlty ol block t'dlllonl l'lllltl<>d ""U ody Moine foc lhi'C.'e l uonmcra. Conw:ou." II ttwru a t>llllnl~nl Ill" then cll"<okkd 10 obt•ln his tol~1ar •~ • leu .., ....,..,.,'" 10 lb e 1-'<>lnlf!r hy l're.ld•nl D~)"tllo ln....,IIO....,I<>arroupol .all...,.,,~ Pointer Editorial Board. I Defines_Newspapers Role ,..... II>UMkd lliM a U.l · • I den-"o lui AprU U , a l lhe &.~~U·n•llll"')" llo&JI acUvllleo iloekllop..t.,.l llw!KO'ro.UU· IMr)'ball . Just ...-cently. M ... D~yfu.s nnd I ..,...... met a t ttw Su.odenl Union by .i a;.wp of iludcnll und a t least one la..ully lllt'm· bcr 1.1 we a rrlnd 1o a uend the Military llnll.ihc'yprcscntnl me wllh \hto lolloolo111i: "denuondll."lo "-hlchlnDWr~:­ I I>Ond. ,;.·~ Pr-tsldent ~e S. Drty- a citizen a rmy. 'llley ..~,.In f~ct n-.fll"\'llil.l, However, Athcns dropped ,I111Jcon«pl.•nd wi.'nt to prufe~~lonab whi c h tlwy could ~llord uonomlcaUy bo:c•USfolt helr affluence. L111u•Ao8oldler• lurs:e serlouslludentsQ.flhb matter iO~ad "'ThelleOlronD"' by Ot-mosth4'01"1, At one point Dc~lhei!H . .)'I,".,..r-tll one sourc.-. 0 Alllenl.,..., ol aU yourdcffata. ll ll that )'OUr cltlun1 ..., .., Cll':ased 10 be 101d len •.. Dilband )'OUr mn'cenary armlet. m a n )"'Ur lleets not,.1111lheOII·IC:OUtlni'J ol llell:ur Dnd A'ln. bul with liM' btstotyourf'r-t•bornclll~lll." \\'f, liM! atuo:ifnls ot WSU.Ste- nlfy t>~~kl no he('(! 1o ttw &rt!~t Polnl ..-ho oppo~e lhe war C rftk OC"IIIOr, ond !he l~~o1t \ "('So In Vlttnam and tlw a.-.lnt tl;:eofC...-ck Jndfpendfncevanmllllarilm of lhe United SUit('l, Wted undu the ltoman ...--ore~ Ill t'Xl'fTl))lllled, In IW'I, by tiM! DI Corlnth, l n ·IIM'. Callfoml• . 111\lle In lr- JN'eHnceot lhe mllltaryOQ lhll he w•s also • tu chln& ond other o:ollfae camJ~USH, !tome Ol•r&tcd under the cltlSJ.1I1tnnt. 2Cn-JOidler ldtolofw lrom 1 he Jl«'~ntlhe foiJow\na: demandl: II<'C(Jnd e lected kin& of Rome l nciuodcd ln Stelna:au· "1delnCefW1Tlll : until the Orne ot AUJ:UOtU.S • t spr~nd uperlfn« a l'(' 1 u " h thlllfll Ill ~IIIII: a construction I . An Lmmedl.alc Cf!lutkln ot the ~clnnlna: o1 tho! Ouis~lan ~ra. Aua;ustu.s. ho\\1!"Yer . ehml· IDbor• r. a footb;llll'l~r 1'1 all hoilllilk-s by the United nRted mUit.ary oblla;Ptlon, and Ohio State. and a blood brother SIDII!II Co\•cmment In the lteJ>Ubllc of South Vlftnam and ol iM Llw)"l'llne. the lmmNlalc ,.ithdnwa.l ol StelnRUJ now s ha,.. 1.r1 of. theml»"f \\'llmadelorpolltlfi« 1n 226 Nl'lson II•U with Ame rica n t~ ul CC.lttol ~UON. Woodrow 2. The a bolition of the Sel..-c· \1"111011 belt explained thl• l n his .,·lie Susan. ,.-ho also II'&Chl'li •:nt:lllh he,. at 1\'SU. \\'hm tl•·eServlce S)'ltfm. h is 1914 meower to OJIII(rftl To The Admlnlllnllon 01 110lnte<.l ""t thot a '""hen ~w.-·1 not tuchl"l[ or "Tit~. WSU.SP : throne! l<.'l'nu _mPII Hcore to Stl"ifii:DU t'njo)'S l f'llw-llrc and 3. Tlllt tne Unlvenh>- ~··•w lin "'"'lli.'IW ,.ll<'n llltl'l! Is not au,-ndlnr; auctlonl. 10 &h"e Lnfw mMion conttrnlnK o d\lunry traln('tlond &CCUI• lt>ll"-'d loorn,., This lackot ...~:::;~r,.ht~.f:!f,..,1 ~nc~~~ =~~k: wk to locat dr~tt luc:h II d ll«-nl')' j lrtl\"fl! fPt.lll l t•r.:;>ul lotoiCI to be found In 4. 1ltDtmllllaryrecrultcnno tu ltrno~t• •• it s hl!t('d !rom 11 rn:on)" an.,a llons a ll O\'t'r the na- k>fl1."i'r t,.. oi .....-N on can••- · democracy loa dlclrltonhlp. tlott Siting&" IllY. '""' the ~- Th•• ln•miiCii:ot(' l"l'ml»"al Q,f lot both liM' Homan a nd the P<•'100U ol th<o book, ..15 to go•·en1nwnl rn-<'•rch lJ(Vjec!J Co~k hlsiOrlca one can IN a ll('hk·•·'-"IOitlethlngoflhl'k•rw;,ly contrlbutlll,ll to milita ry de'"'-'" IIIU~tlon ..-twre the tteNONII lib<'<lies Ol lhe lndlvlduoland the .. ~:rat~'!tt~! ~~~s.·~·~~c~~~ ~~r~~~~-,.,~~~ ~ ~r1~·rit~r: Bul illlll<'ad of ll•·t~~~: In SC'Ciu•lonlniOitlenorth·""'Kisc:obln •·lnr. llk ... theiiN-..olyped pt>('t, Dn\'ld Stelna;au Is an l::~l_i~h t.ucher rili:~t hc'r.. at \I SU-St~•'t'"'l Point. St'-"lna:&sl'book \\":>$3W:Irdt'd HUIIId t>rize by the- Na tlorinl Council on tlw Arll. lie romPl'lt'd " 'ith All the bookl ol 1- - try that wen· puhlisi>NI In thfo pall )"e•r . Along " "ith thl1 holt· or, Stl'lna;ass rt...e ln•d 11 $500 cash awanl. Thl! book II 1\0\1" on ID le thro~CIIoot the nat bn. nrwl It II """'red for thfo l.."ity Nev.-. ~~~ and lhe UnktMIII)' Book- he .. ~~~::c!. g:~:a:rc·u;,~;~·~~{ h'.': ~~~ ~tt~~gs~:;:· ~:-:;'~~~:~~~- tcrs to t he editor aN' a lwaya welcome. Editorial Board .~~~w~:~~,.Oj:!,~.~:~.~:::.,. ata5r~u;!::t~:::n::~J.Y.::r~:~:e;,::.~~:nr:. and Jlhotographers. Th e Counterpoint haa •Imilar 1 """"· The two papers till two different need& In the intellectual community and in doing ao .complement each other. Edit rlally, we do not alwaya agree with The Count rpolnt, but It is not our !unctiou orintcntion toljudge thecontenl or that paper. lt laour intentlo to atre111 ita neceaalty on this campus. EcUtorial Board The Best Thin4s On Campus .-!ARE FREEI ' There are \ "Cry few aetivitiea planned !or thia cain pus that offer studen~ h much aa the Arta DAVID STEINGASS, member of the Engliah de. partmcnt, h111 written many poema and 110me or which have won awardl. See atory above. at8!~~d~~~ ~u;:!a~~~: =·~rr=. ~~ The Pointer Arta and Lecturea Serle.\ bring~ aome of the !la~~·:u:::a~!; :~:n;:!!rt~~~=":aa~:.!:~ ~tudenta are given aea~ ~t e\'ery Arta and Leeture. concert !or the n aahmg of an J.D. card; lh1gener&l public muat pay\thirty dollars for the I AD\t righl 'lllere la ao muc~ that can be learned anA enjoyed at no co.t tha\ It Is diUicult !or ua t o lunduatand bow 10 manr atudenta ~ overthe o~unl.ty that li being given them. ~e Ju t comment lhoutd be made. The Art.a a nd Lec:tulft Seriel will be !~cellent for a reaaon, loof': ~~:=n~~u~=~~ * ':ir~ ~lph~ ~ ..,.,.rioawo~o ..., i ~=- u~t holld:lys •nd examlnatkm periods. a t S levens P oin t. Wl$(0ru:in. by tl"le a tudents o f Wl..konsln State Unl•·erslly, scrlptkm prlot - SS.OO per year. Cii'(UliUon S ub9~ Seeond-etu.l po~taee pa.ld at Ste•·ens Point. The POI!'.'TER o ffice 1.1 IOC'a ted In the Unh·enJty Center. ~!"phone :Wl-l~t. Ext. 2.35. •:niTOIUAL BOARD Editor-Paul J • nty. 601 Fo u r1h A•·e~ J..ll-l339 Auod•te Edltor-Scvtt &-hutte, 601 Four1h Aw., 34l-2l39 Sporu Editor-Tim Ludt, 230 8ald,.1n II&IL Ext. 298 )'utu re Edllor- WU MeWIM'r, 2t32 StanlfY S l. Copy Edltor-Laur~ Le•lht rbury, 1901 Colka:e A•·e.. J.M-(1141 • Photo Editor- Mike Domii\OW$k.l, 13<1 W•tson, Ext. 610 ADVISI::RS Mr. D&n llo ullhan, l nlonnaUon Servl«'', Ext. 239 Mr. Jolln Anderson, l ntonnatlon Servtcea. Exl. 67 "-" ... shaped a new and exp&nded f!CUOn that 18 better American coun1~1"]WU1.1 musl do wiU not fall lnl(, 1 ,1 ~ ~:£:~?t~t~g~~~- =n::m ,';:~h.~~~;\~ £~~~:·~~~:~1~Fi:~~ ~i.:~e:~:~~~~ -~'·u~~ ~~~;~~; ~~~~s~:::~~ ~...:Cu~c~~~~: th:: ~ ~~: 1~~:~~~~ ~J ~~: ~~c.t"':J~t~I!:~I\JY .,,.. =he~ q~~~ d~~~:~'.~,,· ~ " •'"·er• Oemancb With thll as 11 llnte me nt of m y poxltlon In a;enen l, le t me re~pondbrief!yanddlrccllyto Uoe rl'malnlnt: fl••e '"demands." 1lM' 1hlrd de m and, that thl1 onl•·erslly cull! &:lvlna: lnform a t ion <:On<:<>mlna; ac adem ic ..-ork 1o local draft bo:ords. 11 one to which 1 c•nnot and will not accede. n.e ocademle reeord bcklnl:l to the Individual ltu· ~ ase:.!~b:l~:~·~~-~<11'~ h-om the SDS mfl"ton: htl!• P rinceton Unl.-cr~lly 1.\it F~ ~:~~- \\;he:~: ~: ·::;: dcntutlea.stbe liu!I"U,..,.I:I munlc11tlon Is "W"I""'Tt 1 ~.:;11 c::'~-ou:!'.)"II\IWDTt~ \ "<>luntary Optk>tos :O.Iy bc'lleflntMA)';"''-9rt.l!. ""'" or ROTC ao; 4 - :..., , hlldraft-rd, ...·e have bnd f\U~Irly dMalli'd ill !'.. t..,,._ will ,...nttni.IO 10 lMO\'Ide II. Jly nllll> of thll fOOIIII•M ;..,.;.-1 ~ lhelllrMj)l"lncll'lf, lhll uniV('T• 11ummary, I hold w.;~ • ,,. ally doel nOI flfOVId~ llll)' ln- ll<'r>'e oflle~rsource u !ormat ion to ny bo&W without towardpres••r.ln;:•hu,~o:;, the np1,....,.,·oi nnd Uf)On the .._-... ocratlc IOCicty. I ~1.,., ~..::..., q llt'll of the 1\udrnt ""hDK rcc- It 1o be a l(lOd oi't~.or to~ or<! Ia Jn\'Ol\'t'd. J Utli:ll )"OU 10 tellanyJI"Iember Of the l•cully or 1\udcnl body who d~lms 10 mea111 o f me-etln~ n.•.r t..~ know or an Instance ..-here thl1 n:.tlonal dclcn~ <>t.l>>'t>•(l 1,..,ucy hal not been foiW..·t'd , 111e shrth drmond l<•\1111:< th.ll he should brlnrll directly with .orne qu<-.tlonl ~ t, ,.r to my attrnl lon. wh:ot thl•eroupof shldMJII.l! 711e fourth demand lhM mill· In n•lnd when t~lklnK ~~ "' ~­ 1:11")' n:crultcn no iongcr be' ltary ore:ml.wtlons u<on~ '""" pus f:oclhtla. AI an) r.! 1 ::::"';:: mo;'t . " -ould limply 13)' th~t ... t."'t lsanyr«no!tmento! tlrlseam· a;~ll<'nl 1101!des a;o•·rr~or.~ t' pt» fora;o•~mJI"Ient a nd forln- uoeofeampwrfllC IIII~ L,n,.,. dustry, IUC:h rt'<:rullme nt will unl--fMIII)" a;rou;4. I "~! • I be ••·~i\nble cqunliy to n il acen- lll[rte to ony polk)" of do,.n.-. de~. 1 do not beLIC'o·e we h a\'c ln.atlon aealnil till' m,J.o,'lany _ rl):ht to dllerlmln.:tte 1lley will fall undn thece:~o:r.J oa;alrut any ll't.;lllmote ll&;fiiCY Ulc !>Ollcln ju!il hke ~IIi •~ : or buslllNI. n,c mllllory t e- non-camJous r,:routJ. CNiten on this campus ar e 'llle le\"l"nth dt-m•M ro!·TI' l:h·en nu ll\OI"e no leu than any other rt crulttr. Both they to the b:orrlna; of rt"..r~>!t>l from cert•ln comp.lnK"< bra old .. e !.,.fer that pOlicy. eauseof lll!llwlththe ml'otm· , T'rea>ollte lflllll :'tty aru ..·e r hen!! lsl••"-h•l) · 1lte filth d~mand. conccrnln11 till· 11111\1! al the jlf"M10\U :.r.. the reii>O\'al ol military rela ted s ..·er &h"'-"' to demand nu:r.bt·r KOnmmcnt rcseareh and ROTC loun.Ju.lonr; . . unyc..m..,.ny Iron• this camptll, hill a n e le- or lndu~tr)' IIS('II our f~(11U.o~ lllt'nl ,.-lthln It whkll dlllw-'- for ~rultment JIUr[>Oic~. all m f a;rcatly. The flnt p:>.rt of Ill be ~~~~1o-d this dcomnnd wu m<ldc without tqu:olly, llterewil!bena d>" any a Uempl ID dcte nnlne crlmlnatlon. lna;.-ll('ral.r"'r.:.t• wheth<orornotther-t wunny ment and pl;~ocrmenl fiiii..O=<>r.> mllllaryreiDiediO\"<.'nllllt'ntrc-- anl!ts\:oblilh<.-dforthreor"''"'· learrh gui!IJ: on. Thl1 II lrrc-- '-'nee of the trnduatl~~~o: stutlrn spont lblc 10 hurl demandt a t bod)".,\JIIongaJIUC:hl>ra<IIC•'< )"OUr unl•·cnlty "11hout t••en ll<'rvr lhe 1tudoenu, lhl')""':l botherln&:IOiindout lfthede- rontlnue. mand Is IIPI'f'Oprbte. TIM! Dd• mlnbtrat"x! m~ " .-cry ra pid Let me clot(' by ID)"Ins:: 11'-'t ln•·esll&;btkln throu~hout ttoe f~· I om ITIOII diiBJiioOlnto'<i h) •h• CUlly IO IC't '""hit )"0\1 mlt~hl prCHn« of the lhr-tat In !b be tnlkln& about. Abo;oluteiy no lnll Jllltaa;rllf>h. ThlJ h.:u I· ' such resnrch Wlls discovered. bet'n the! traditional llolr>t I .so the q~>r~lkln, u ]lUI, Is not this campusw nnyotht-r ltl•ll· lf rmall('. llo•••e•·er, 1 " -ould tutlondfdlcated IOfrHlnqu:o) ]'oint out to )"OU tllnt tm-.e pall of Ideas. Your sll~~:~citiOIIf d thr~ ,..cekl art the d oslna: ('Ootrclonwlll not. I bche•·f tor Wt'ekl ol the academic )"car, cffccll•·e "ilh this i!udent ) a t>erlod ,..hen 1\"e af\' a ll U• o r this faculty. I c:on n..uro· t ,.rncly bus y. llow unlalr ot )"OUit ..illnotbc' ~U.:-ctlw""' • sma ll a;roup ot ltudcotl to th lsadminlstr:otlon. cnote the worll ol an unncces1.. s. OR Ern:.• ":'lit"" 11 .. ~~~~ ·:":!:;;~:o~.: "·~~ c~':· ~!lit~':: or o•n In return for further lndl· fclrl which SUPI"H"I 11." •· ld,..~l d\"U r iKhll. l::w n here \\eleeU•I•"·toolt-ronct'ptlnOtlk.- 1,. Opu Let m e comnwnt lint . thai c><trlcably lntc,....'O\'rn with the! this nwtht>d o f rommunicalkln COIICI"f>l of l rf'<' men a nd ..,u KO<"erovn e nt. J om cs II a tte mpt· has not '-n roecessory on this l'dtonlseapersonalalld~ CUIIII>'l~ and \\"ill not iJc' I'IC«''I· u ry u klnt: •s l am In office. klllomolllundlnt: ormy 10 proI can bi! readiPd by ttlephone mote h1l 0\l"n r~Ua;lous b.!lldl or bydir-tcl•·lsi!DIIonby:on)"• 11f Jtomun C;tthollcilm. Poru .. one. It I• !rue that one may onent dethi"OII<'dhlmand In 1M ha•·e to ...,.h orsc:hcdu"-'on UiU ol ltla;hts outl:!."-....1 iu.nclPl>t>Oinu ncnt since my dulles ln~: J•rufi".Sional ormln. Thus carry m e out of my ollie<' ond tlteruncel>lsofnoilandln&proabo r~ulrc me to 1ft a t;OOrl fesslon31 a r mies and d tl:renobm any t!IOOPie. I urge a ll Jtu- li&:alion to the ~t"te ea...., 10 <k·ntsand faC"UityiOu,;e lhllt Amrrlcp with all olher thlnjca mode of communication. niMr Uritlsh. Cooscr lptlon e~llted In all of lll<'colonlca exceptthe th~.r~lnltlaiiR£lhe"'lh·ln"or "'protes t"' 1\"hkh n><>&t Oltl'n ll Dutch colony ol NI!W Amii<Y· ju.<ollto.'d on lhe b:lsll th~l com· d~m '"'lll..'re 1•ruf<'lllonal armlt-1 nounkallon"'llh lheadmlnllitrl· •lood. II should Hpt'elally be tlon wu no1 possible. It not 110\t'll that e••en the QuuUr COl• onlyll pc>&llblehf.. ; ll lsen- onyof .-cnruyl••a launck•ntood thlsneedforclti&oet1401dlcr•. o:our..&o.'d. II b<'caonc a primary po~lllon Tloe flnt two " dcmanda" on olwlously ma \1.1'1'1 not ,.·1\hln that evl"ry dllun " "ho e njo)-. my dir«t .dmlnl~tntt>·e eon· the prvtrc:tlon of D t ree 1.'0\"~r,. lrol. 11....-e,·er, If IlK')' Wfr-t, I m~nt h.~s a tllli"IOillll obligation Of scn·tee to the dcfe111e ol mmoblolul('ly crt1"ln thatnum· b.>r '""' os •tal•-d is dl"melri· lt. Thil prlndple Is clf Drly 1111· cally In OI>P'»illon to my )1011- \I'd In our Mtlltl:o Act of 1792. tiononthc!matter. lt llam.at- It was restat•'d by Pn.'lklent tcr about,.·hlch l h:o<"eteod \1':..-,lnJ:tort upon retirinr; from publie lll\'. lt lsutrue todJ.y c~thoustl•·dy a nd upon ..-hk h I consider mywlf "" holdln& as then. l ncltherl"tll)<."i't nor 1011•<· Upl'rtlse. Thll Is doe to admire those " "ho accept the the !act that lhe Dralt Law prolcctlon of •go.·emmentbut ofi!J.!Owaa, lnpar1, theiUb)ec:l do"fl)' any obll&atlon 10 ckfmd tho\ I:O<"emmcnt. l-lowC'o"rr. I ;!.,.~Y ooo-n do<:loral d!Mer1a· wiLt dcl~nd their ri&ht 10 deny SomctlmC'I a n fmplo)~ has bulint'u education, and t.tr~u • • )ob aul,nmt'llt 10 bol<'rrlt· thulobUJallon. I like IUitUI"t, ll>e COIIIif'ro·~tlUII 11\i that henodca ll &mOIII!hll eourii<'I)"OUIII!rrare Tloe D...nl# lllol&ry ..sl'l"'• lrifrle lll'rl.fnc.: 1n the c.se of I am" hlstoriealty orifnted. u Couerlptloa Mn . Doris Dl"rk.-r, &drnlulonl In«-" J"Mny of my r:ollrDJ:U" know. n•il II not lo uy that a u A youne man lrom a •111Jr~ uamlnrr .c Sle.-tns Point ond hold • flrm eonv\ctlonthat cooserlptlon b: COCJd. Somecon...... Sll"\'<'1\1 Point hal ~ phi"'" State UniW'nh)", s.11e finds IO])hlcal f)rCifntandfutur-tCOW"HSof eern~~ tll.'lnr,:•·ol«dtoday arr . ,...-.., "'ConfiiM'mrrt a mi!Hm<'nt ln an oUoerwlu u.... loanarrow- ....,ld wlth<'<lllil a ction can belt be decided by not llllfoundo.'d. A free IOCitty ucilln& poo;ltlon b)' U..plna; l.)'n&rTOW peoplehast;<'ll<'raltJ lllla.l)'lls of !he pasl. ~~""' ..-Jth a rbitrary or uncontrolled tablon whltdra..-.tludcotJ then s tale my position relatl~·e power of military conscription a drrp.S...Ira !Q ~a"vll lq C&mpul, tothedn..ltandiOROTCbefore I• a rontradlcllon. 110\\·l"o'cr, • bal:t.ncedlndMdu•t'· A ~e<:tlon In raeh admllslonl DIIIW('r lll,ll the r-tmalnlna: fL••e free IOCit'ty withoul adequ1te l..o.u ycs r, :.ln. B..-ck~r pro application II for llttlni: ""Why ··dcm.andll." l'f'O'o"lslon lo; pri'IO<IIII sccurlly I ll"oWd Uk.- lo Attend StC'o'CN ct'll<'d about 5.00i1•1!J>Iluhon•· Our earllellt O>lolllla l sen~ II an absurdity. 1n chartlna: • Point Sta~... {Oft limH 11Udm\t Sffk adlllt'nts <icPI'nck-d upon • cltl- coune bet,.,.en lhesto t ..-o dllasmlt\U~o;e to l<i\i-rat ilttoooll bf-. Wbll• ' llln, ~krr !1\><la unry trained In arms for sur- lf'OUI poaltloru, our 111-t.lon Ill• lnall)' l"tSI>D"'el Sie.....,.)ll)N I~ deddin.c which t<:hool t.• ~l\'al aa;,..tnst hor.Uie 111-tlvn. l n developed concepts lncludlnt:& and~IOOM Pnwide• whlot att.....t. It compllea!<!l "-urk !Dr ...uourwan, we t.a•·e ck-!ll'ndl'd cal dnolt boardJI, state militia lhe:bellt•'l'lllaa;oodlndle_. K'-11, htrvll and her CQUnUtlOIIdlizen.aoldlfi'IUirnsl•·e- unlta ..·hlchcanbecalled up of the llnl~nlty"l . r-tp.htlon tcrp.rt.IIJvoua:llootthclillte l ly. We hii''C> ""''"er m•lnt•lncd federaUyonlytojiUtdo\\-n~ lhrouVooutlhe ..... • suffklfnt military l!ltabllsh- bcUionor tor-tprllnv. .lon. Dnd She IIUWO rt«lvlni: UW' lllt'nlto rn«llhe IM't'dlof war. finally the ROTC portion of !he . Ftnt emphulzlnr hfor ob)ec:t- fGrrnlearller """us...:r.l, lh!.lf lvlly,ahe l'fi'Orltd that "• lnl!· l hrw.., _ _ot!l\l!l!niJ'('I'IIllll n.at posture Ia currt'ntly In COllege l.and Cra nl Act. All of Clllrlll UMU!IM'fll ll: ''Sih-tril qut'ltlon by lhe Nixon Admlnls- lhl1 II lnlt ndfld 10 Pr1lvide us on (Dmpw "lo fOI"tlee a""'" Polrrtllwtdlolyknown for l\11 tntkln. 11 will be" popular with •dequate ~teurlty b.&Hd mrollment bkr-taiC'· Ud:o 1•11 •"""'a atackmlc Pf'Ot:t•m." mO<·eiOcr-t:ote atotaUypro- uponcltl~lcnand not rPro}rc:llon& ' hiitiC'IIte !he ohl· 5onM !Hftar<'n u.y thfy •re dent tiOct,. Wu\ "'"'TTber .....~\)· f1111lonal mlllt•ry and eUmllllte Pf'llfl'lslollllst•ndJna: ll<'lectlve oervkf!: but In my Our army take• 1n appr-oal- \lllllleeldedaboutaeaf'ftrand a.re convinced that the dlw nl•I· oplnkln, no nation of frH and matf ly 11.000 , _ oftleera per fifdcourH offerlnphel'f nn ~ady Dh! startlna 10 JlOUr In aclt•&;OVfmed men can Dlford yur. About 1000 of then •re help them makf UVUoelr mlnda. fr}f''o:oe~')'<'IQ'; l he bellf\'CIIhl' 1o eliminate lbl cl~r. p!W~~~Jionab who a;l"aduate Mrs. Beekr r r-ta.k many r-t0\lr aJ ,.·e U .. our from military 1cll»mln. nw •PIIIIM'I •ti.Una:thatlhe•lleof Cr<"CO-Roman and An&~ remainder Rnl! r-tHn·e offken, lhelludo:ottl>c>d.)'atSte"tnodltlonl brlnt:ll:lthilconcept. cl••llb.Jta In mind and spirit, PI:iolntlsdC'IInblc. ""floey"te fOI'TIIng f:wo«oiiSt' Tht cll!.rlty of the CGnffqlit'ncel who lul\'e prepartd thtmselvn Sher-tado f<>nnsloythe hw.- '"''.-.:I:Oialloodna!IM'Iround oldtpar1urelromthlllr•dlllon only to m eet their obtla:allon dtrds llstlna: the '"' - ''• n&· lhe stat•,'"shrmu~. II 10 evident lhDt I am amurd 10 Htve In !he ddtnse of their tW"ai i"HOUt"cel. homr!reoeom.MJ-.. &,:Iter , who r-tSIIk'l by those who IPf)IU't'ntly do not homtlard. I •m convin<:ed. that klandeonvnunicatlvedlsord. wlth hfr lllushand, Byron. a t w-r ortuo•·e notlookedatthof:e ,..e need a military tlluatJ.on ::.S.~nmt'llu .. drawln( ZIOIJelff..-oSt.,hal~nl'fTl· <:OIISt'qUCncetl, If )"'U lool< lniO In which the bulk of the olflploytd at U...unlw-nii)' IM'arly the lint Book ol i'l"'umben ol cen are producb ol liberal colBut ruely doH ahe rt'eelw tOyc&l'land]\ubr<'n tne •d· the Old T'-"lllmt'llt, !he oblia;a· k-a;ft: and unlvtrallleo. At !toe tlon a ndroJeotlhecltll>l'll.,. lrKIIIIt'ntthenotloolcltl:reiHol· ~~eumlnulhepqtflv. OO>kllfr IOC" lltaflite people II dlrra to pn.>feulonals 11 about 1ta ted. 'l'cday's Inu tile tt•te 17 10 1. 1llf bulk of enlllltd c:ontinui!II IO OJOfrlleOfl 11111 peraorvoel are•llonon-pro(esprlnclple andforthe . .mer-tl· •klnal .. ar-tsultefronacri p. JiON. lnC.-- there,.·ua tlon. l lb-m.lybelle\'t lhliiD cln.r concel'(olcltlun"oblit:a- bc'lnlho beltlnler-.sllof lbe ST AFF Nancy Conly, Mary Janly, ~tel Clodowsi<,L BllJ H ummel, "'"""""'- •rmle•. l,:aor~~~-~U:~..;!. J...,.k: W isconsin Stote University The POINTER Ia published weekly ! 111ry ll<'orch. Onl)" '"·'I 10 bt al>tollltd) •·•'Ll open with that """'!• "'"'~' A~mi$sions Officer Rates Job As Interesting The main !unction of rhe Polnter Is to report the newa. We are limit~ to making comment In several editorlala, on th Podium page, and in the several column• of opi on. There is a need for unnoatralned, biased and emotional, yet int-eUigent op\Jiion which honestly proporta to be juat that. Cou nterpoint filla that need and the market on th\1 campua for it. We would welcome a jour· ' nal of opinion on the right, if It too proved to be a muketable item. \ alrJ011t a n)•one can be utilfied. this apllro.Dch. lt make. hls ca· rom'"'"'" ... printed noticca will elicit your aupport In printIng two worthwhile joumalistic endeavors. 'llle l'olntt'rand the Counlt rJIOint are worthy of your timeandaweat. cd , ahortly. I..ut year, t he !irat for Mr. J ack Cohan, a lecture aeries Wh added. Thla year we wl~ be able to benefit from the Young Artlat. Se~ea and five •peeial events. 1 ~~-;'U:~r~u::'u![~oolh!:i }::;,tlik-::r....'t' !:' ,:!!he!.!~~icl~~ ;r.:~~~ :Cnu:;~ :,. ~; ~~~?;:~:~~~~ ~~:~~~~J~S:~J~~ ;~~~!~~~~:~;;~~~; :td~n~~~~~ ~~nb[h~~ew~~t~ba~~:~:~: know that the! Ame rlcon profe~~lonal 101dlt'r also 1~f~n \"Cnl We are sure th11.t the administration would be mott plcaaed to have glowing rcporta week after wl!ck of campua life and activitie•. We cannot and will not indulge in any candy-coated public relations gamr. A unl\•ersity docs not exist Cor The m~nus... rlt>l for " II o •I y the glorification of any one man or any one 11) '8Cum1~~u"' ,.-ns subonitt<'d 111 thl' tem. Unl•·~nlty uf l'lll>buq: i'!'('Q, There arc many things right and many thing~ and ,.-M t>Ubllshl"<l u ••w of wrong with our ~ehool. We !eel that one illllue that we wrote Jut year, entitled "The Party'a :;:;·th,.-! ;:' ~~;:,~~m!~'u:' e ' : Over," Ia still a pri'roer to what we feel are the lo•n i<rmles edited and lov.u t major problel\\3 of the WSU ayatcm and our whlk' pnllcnlooalor~N:elllry or>nl~'l <"•llt~d. I lM.'he•·e. 11111 school. It doea not contain a COmJ!alllliOn for those prlntlp~ lube PJ opcra th e toth·e of Clm .-land . Ohio. \~ In Ork'l.rll nnd llllton Jtoug,•.'" 7. 1lte 1-.rohlbltlun of ...-cnJI· ln\'olved, which per~a llll should be there, but we hlllt't"Ond )"r Rr ol 11":\chln~: M t•·n from - "1-"'nk-11 hoklilll: d~y ~• ot w:os In •nclent limes. ft.oel tha t it Ia 'honc• f· Coplea may be obta ined at Str•·~nJ f>Qint llr ~i>«lnllli"S In t :.rrlr lllrMy, the l'u<>t l.:tu- ,..,..rr:te-. 1\"lth 1110! military. AnKIU·S...~on To-adltlon , t'rtllth·~ ,.-rltln~ coo1n.-~. b u r rr~h· of C:onad ft. comnM'nt1 on It measur...1 art' 1101 token In the Pointer ortice. L.d us look brlc lly 4nlfl our lin« the~ ar-t !lllflC ntf;•ro"<l "'lkkl)" C<>mtllln." • • )"In If, Ill<' lmmnll"l<' futur~ 10 lhtlsfy Augk>S~""" tradition. Durin& We wlll t ry t o be more diligent In rewarding this S<'IIK'Itfr, ht• is t~a~hln&: " Tiwrt•'J " 511'\'ln~. nc ..- \'Ole(! "''-'*" dolmnncb. this c:ompus th.-I<'U<Iall"-'rlod. d tl...-n·IOidifr in thl1 bo..ll: rt·IIOnnnt . oontroll- \\Ill be tlte lart:et !Of' lncr"aud obiiJ:Mions r••t.>r~ dewloped, and thoee whoact ina n1anncr that enhances them· lner:otur-t Knd ct>ml•>&ltlon •~I hut •~ruing. O.wkl S!t'ln· 11~:lt:.tlon :o.nd rt'"etlon to milL· •uch M"n"kcl ""'~"~' lite ra lly &:1>'• ~el\·ea and our uni\•eraity, but, we will not leave Alt~r recelvlnl! hit bll(helor"J 1::1!\J •• simply ,.·andcra o ,. (' r lllrism ~uld thfo t:'l'"l"rnm('nt t)OI· ~~~~~~~~h:~~:>;!~~gw~h~~e y~e:: iu~da;;;~~~~ te. Bad Supper." - Francis Bacon ~"! ~ti.,c!~~~ ......... ~,~-~lall~::: ~~~·~ ·~~~ :;. b:!:' !....~.a'":.~~~~ fendlna: the 1tate. A eltl:rent and not profeulonal mltllatllts l..blll!y in anclmt Alhelll tx· =A~.:. :i ~ .;::::-. otmllltl.l)' &&:e &nd21,000l.tl control the military a t the very top policy maklne Ieveii. It ml&ht Interest SO<ne ID Point Has Ban C1Lnle Dl~c\Of' C.Orald Olap. prll <l<'sc:rlbH the charge. n " minimal - far 1.,.1 than would be ~v~ at privately......,....t ""·"'"'''"':::: ·" 1~~'(,;;11 r:g~tl~.,:v~:.,Uo~ 1'""''"' ."' ,.,.,....,~ en..~~:......m be ·::·:••to"''" -""""""""" , ..••:•- • :.e:• _,....,.,••, •:••··-•·" tcr no pc'rlf!mH- for th.fo numbl!r of tlmn a fl"n<>n usu IlK' IBdllty nd\ ...~k. Congressmen In District e~··· ces ''lJ.,cX\i''<~ s\'3'('\ SOC\ c\'<cu~((\QS• \'(\0 'lJ.\\ C,: \0'<~ Yoo rconch~r£Cofbuoldonathenoat, de::or.uina thchou.se ~00 dra.ln11 111• the p~ny. So )'OU need Pomps, !he lb.ml'· rr..i>mntd«or:uh·ct~>!ue. Youcun de::oratc an)1hin1J b:.lu· tifully.,.·ithl'omps, on,idcandout, alld doilfastrr,usirr, bcucr. l'um,,;don't co.cnn..:h. Thcy'rc cut6'x6' ~oquarc, rca4) tou;c,, comc in :!O•·i•·idcolors ttlatarc virlu.aUy run- proof,.hcnwct. Uuy l'ompsatyoor bookstorc, school supply or p;~pcr merchant. And a.k )'our libnri:~n for our boo~ let ''UO\Oo' to Decorate Wilh l'o mps.·· If lh~ docsn'l hlv~ h ,ju,l 1cU her 10 •Hi!~ for a copy. Or, order roor ,.~..,copy. Send Sl .l' and )our addre» tO<by 10 n.~ Cn>slal Tissu~ dc:~lrr ~n)',Midtllcto•••n,Ohio4W-~2. ~~f pomps• Are you RUSHED for a quick bite to eat? Are you SORORITY that you can't FRATERNALIZE with · the people that you do know when you do eat? Do most restaurants seem GREEK to yo~? - Then pledge yourself to eating students like a pleasing atmosphere when dining out. For some reason, they pick the La11tern. 341-1414 1101 MA1N tl\eb lantern ACl OSS flOM IUllOUGH'S HAll OPES ol P.)l. ·:t F.H. 6A'I1JBDAY a SUNDAY Page 4 SenatorS A oue "' Coh "" u d "''" "' "' ..",, ol ol " ,., EMMON'S UNIVERSITY STORE * SCHOOL * * SUPPLIES ART MATERIALS POSTAL SUBSTATION Featuring Welcome Back To Pizza Burgers BEER Soda -Milk l FOR YOUR C~NVENI ENC E FREE .DELIVERY 341-2100 . •• ~p trmber ("'- 18, 1969 THl POIHTU, Poor 5 ,_/ New Enlarged Arts . And Lectures Series .1ne w and f'nbr£1'd HUon ofculturrJ e\'f'nll wlU be ~!C..r •'<~ to tllf' unl"euhy community In the 1969·70 Arll ~,.! IRtUru Serle1. Under thf' dlrr<1Lon of !>lr. J ack , ~n tWf'lll)'·nlne concert._ turns, and lretu~. pl\lla :.••• >IIC'>.'L:ll ~wnts wiLl m.uk• up thf' larerst and most y<"ar of evtnu In tllf' hlllory of the M'rles. BUI 'Sand•. A former Inmate of Slln Quentin. um Sands has pUll~ himself up to lect ure aealnn prison conditions uslne, hls own life as an example. He Ill the au thor o l the brlt arlllno; books. ~1.)' Shadow ll an ••ut and The Se•·tnth Step. DecauH of great demand to hS\'f him ba~k after his \'lsl t herr{iut year, Mr. Coha11 su«eeded ln .ro_ntraes.i,n.llhlmforthlsyear. •·'"'!!"' Conct" rt S«lr. u,• Conrert Serlca Is a pN>scnr.tlon of fl\'e ina.Jor ·"''rJI en•nu of a sro)X' lar~t:t f'noua:ll to drmJ.nd tht fatUities that thr unh~ralty can offtr, the l ~ld· llalpll :Sadu, :\lost Americans own nn and mOil Amrrlc:ans ha\·r 11 lot to thank ltalph Nader for. •·or the pan .e•-eral yean he has Ur~leuly ballll'<l the motor Industry for unufe and ddec-U•·e automobiles thDtthfY sell to an unausprct!ng public. His best seller Unu fe At Any S~ 11\ustratea his thlnkin~: on this subject. He wilt a)lllf!lr on Dee. 8. ~,.,..,,! t:•·~~~~ and Ill• UL.xlr lll.fl.d . &nol. The enth\lllum , "n!a~tY<':i rforthePrf'SI1n·atlon H allJaun..ndwa•IO ,,...·at that this )'ear the sounds of NC'W Orlrans are ,.,,,,rot b:l~k with the lenu. tlona\ Doc E\'anl and 1-11& lha·llt:d lb nd. £•·an1and hlsgroupw\11 aw\na: Into& ~~'~·:-.·t of llrrana:<'rTifll\1 from the 300 pll'l'f'S In their va•t ,..,,.uc•r•· whkh rcprtsc;nta a milestone of jazz. Down· ~·~t .•!:.~~li ne has <'"!Jed the group. ''The most Rn-. tlonal ~·<""P .,f It~ kind toda~·.~ special e•·ent wtu b(' part • ~ \!W huml'o.'Omlng Wf'('k aetl\•hles on Tuesday, October U . t•,.. Dr. Ashley Montqu . One of this coun tries moll tam· ous and popular so('lologlsts and anth ropologists. Dr. Ash~)' :\lomagu, will leeturr on Fcbru11ry 2, In the field· hou~. Hels thea.uthorofTht! t-'a llacy ofll a.coo, Onlkln,( lluman,and The.:Saturai Su perlorltyof\\'olll<':nanddoz· ensofotht'rbooksarulpapen. Tid• ltli~:e r ~Judd . Mareh 2, News CorrHpondMt tor the CIJS Saturday News, rtoeer ~~~~~d. brings )'ea.-. of f'Xjlf!r\· en(.'flndnlln.IIIWhh go\'CTnmf'nt to StHens Polnt.Deing tor many years the Capitol HUI reporter, he b•·ln111 In· "''"lohuhn Unh·e r:olty Choir . The fo~most chora l troup • ~ s.·ar.d\ n;l\ia "it! spread the sone of al:o: ty voices •hh u ~h~t.lt the flt<ldhoult! In the ~nd ltrm otrertd In ~~ .. ><'ri<"S. The Stockholm Unlverahy Choir, under the ~~,e.,IIQ tl of ~::skU Hembcrt, Chid Conductor l lnt"f' 196-&, ·~c·uld thnll an)·OnC! who rnjoya a:rut choral musk. F'rl· <!..y Oct. ll will pro•·ldl' this ereat way to welcome In sL~:htsoftheapherrso tpowerthat shouldbeta.cln.atLne to anyone lntere1tc-d In O·LI"n' Balalaika Orebnt ra with Bolshoi O&W.rw. Stan Di!fft from ~losrow will rome a musldaru, daneera and slngt'ra Festl•·at as part ol the US.. l':!.~R c'ultural ExchM;e Pt"<>11ram. The festival wiLl ~t c ll~e a unique opponunlly to 1\Udy Ruu lan <.'ulture an<llhnU\d be one of the lu<.'klu t ront r&<.'tsthe Arlland L."~u:rs pro~:ra m hu t'I'<.'T obtained; the fcatl\'rJ rruoy be ~r••• of thl• )'c.&r's bc.'~;t musical Import . The date 11 and !lu••L:In Uanl'I'N.. h~;:~ troupe.> of se••enty-one t~ pr<.'scnt a Runlan Folk ,\UI(It\\)o<T S I' tX:IAL! S f't:CLU.! S I' ECIAJ,! S J•t:C IAI.! •·or)'OurutraenJoymcnt,theAruandl..coc:turesSI! rLes wiLl brln11 to you a num ber of 1peclal 11!\'enu whlth w!ll flU out the,arhedule. BuddylUehUldiii5Br.nd. Many pcoplef~L thatlluddy Rich Is the best tau: drummer In the world. Aa the flril t•r~sentatlon or the A&L Scrlel. )'OU wtll be able to Judge for yourHif at $1.50, $1.7' and S2.00 a ticket. The event ~LUbe held In the lleldhou~~e on TUesday. Sept. 23. ~. U.-trul! Symphon)' Orrheatra. Wlmhrop Sar~:cant ~t:o•·ernment . ~lark \ 'an UO~n. The lUI lecture of the 14'rlea wiLl feature the tmlnen t crltk and man of Leite•-.. Ma rk Van Dor.-n. /IJ)rll IJ. He It an ant hOioi:IJI, poet, essa)'fs l, leet urer and literary l'dltor of The :Sallun, 111 I!HO he rt!(.'f'Lvf'd the Pulluer Prtr:e. -- Xo,~mbo.'r. of Till: X£\\' \'OHKI::H h.as <.'ailed the Detroi t Sym phony, Cenalnly .• . one of Am<.'rka 'a top-rank orchellra as It >llindl today. and It wa.s a con tinu ous pleuure 101L11rn to It T hf OR'hestra wm be under the 1trone bo>.ton ot $atrn t:hrllch "·heathe ctaulcal Motownent arrl ...• on \h'<lnud.l)', :\l(lrch ... As 1m added a11ractlon. the &:roup 11 btm~m~ alon11 ooted planllt h·an DL:o:on to perfor m a J;~no r.vnCI.' no, a rarC! C\'l'n t •m this c-~mp us. .lufl'e ~ro...,l. The second specia l f'\'ent Is the rcclt~L of daulta l .11Uharlst, Jorge Morel. lie Is a )'OUI12 man who spedall~et in modern guitar by IU(h mal t<:" 11 Escobar, Vllla·LoboJ and Torroba , ~1r. Morel wiH be the only artlt l to perform In the Wlaconiln Roam ofthe!Jnl\'ersltyCenter. Dat e: Oc:t.ll. ,\ lid~ l)l< l.&rr()('h:L The lut CI'Cnlln the ronetrt lf rlcs •nll be the \'ktuow poano redtal by the Spanish key. bo.lrd ~;cnlus. Alida Do Larroc:ha on ~londay, April Z7. lkr Carnt'ele Ha ll recital LUI year broua:llt ra•·e re•·ie.,..·s h om all thl' erllks and utounded the audlenCI.'. The " '' /tal wm be a ftttln~t: <.'llma:o: to an e:o:edlem Con(.'frt The \\'inrn. \\'ood wlnd Quintet. The Wlngra Qu!ntN Is a ~uperb group t rom th~ Unl\'erslty of Wlaconsln. The fh·e · members are: Robert Cole. flute; Harry l'ttfnt, oboe; Clenn Bowen. d.ulnN; !Uch&rd Lo!trldi:e. baasoon: and J ohn llarrOW$, French hom, There Is no ~harge lor this Oct. 22 prOj!ram In the auditorium. llrJ.:~n t lnian St!'l~:l. CrO"'II .le.,·d~ o r Com"<<y. The lllrds (Arlatoph•nnl. Tamln11 of the Shrtw (Shoket(lf!a~l. Doctor In Spite of lll mSI'If ( MoLiere), Androcles and the Ulln \Shawl, The Uald Soprano Uonescol. and Koplt s 0 Dad. Door Dad Et,., are all fraturc-d b)' a llllleactln.rtroupewhlch wULtrare o:omedy trom 414 D.C. to the presrut time. The Je"·~ Ls "'Ill sparkle on Feb. 11 In the Auditorium. (' h&nlbtr Series ~·or en•nu ol amaller a.eope. but no 1~11 quality, the Chamber s~rles will hlghlleht six o:onrerts In the Audl· torlum In the :\lain BulldLne. Thr Ah·tn ,\J1ry Amerlf'an Uan~e Theat re. Crea tl!d In :-.'ew \'ork City In 195!.1, the Al•·Jn Alley troupe o f fifteen youn11 danren rcp~sents t he moods o f the American :O:c~;ro. \\' lth a musical back~round of aplrltuall. ba llads and blui'S, t ~te !lnnre theatre portTI)' the herllage, ~Ltallty, and ~motio n :! of the Nt'gt'OI throuth modern danre. O~t<.': Oc:tobc r !G. .\lenalwllt l'reu!cr. Last year the famous Beau:>: Arts Ttiocapturl'd the alldlent"f' In the auditorium "'/th a.ensl· tht and mannei'M performance that was hlihllihted by lhr~ufll·rb urtlstry of Its planlll, Menahem Pl'f'lller. lie Is t r turnlng here to open !he 1967-70 Chamber Serle$ on ~ptember Z~. Crltlca h&\'e been uniform In the super· litl•·es thatthryha•·eallhandedhlm. "S uperb artls!", "lmaelnatlon and •·l tallty", and " Just great", arfl • few <il the ~d)<'<:ti\'U used In his behalf. li~~~~'"f.of;~o n°Jd~~~a. Ia~\~~~:; ~~l:t~~~o c~:fr~~~ a }'llllng •Lollnlst. K)'Un(I·Wha Chuna:. Sht n.'lurns lEDin thls )nrwtth hersonorousslbllnj!s, Myun~t:·WhaCh une o n rello and M)'Ung·Whun Chuna: on plano. II brother andslstcrarcanythln~;ILkeolder alstrr.wcarelnfor a tine t\'tnln~:. The C&nadLUl Optra CGn•l""'Y· On •·ebruar)' 6, the Canadian Opera Company v.ill 111ge Rossini's ~:reat OJ)I'n -rhe Barber of St'\'11~". Along with t he company of alneen will rome a n orehl'ltra madr poulble by a ~:rant from the Canadian Council. The opera will be su n&: In Eftclllih so That the ortilnarlly OIJC'r.l·Sh)' C11n rome and undentand every word. Herman Gc!L;er-Torel will conduct. \ 'eroalca Tyler. In 1966ahe "'On the Flrst .Tcha!ko•·s ky Voca l Competition In MO$('Ow and from there hiL'l gone on to perform with e•·cry maJor o~hHtn In AmerlC\1, In· dudlna: ll(' rrutii!Ln'• New York PhUharmonle. Tnt lo~ely soprano wl!l perform art sont:l In the manllf!r that hn made her one of the mo~tsought ·ll ltrr AOpranoa around. Albert •'ullu. The Chamber Serlo;os will fini sh with a reeltal by ~nown<'<.L harp:lk'hot"dl!it Albert Ful ler. Slnre hlsd<.'butln l9:07hehnhl>cn d<:HIO!)Ln&: to his pre~nt lit llt\IS as one of the lew top arHsts for harp,alcho•l In thlsro untry. i.M! Unl 5k r iH Lall )'en Ute ,\rU and Lcoc:turu Sel'lc~ ll•·ed up to Its name for the fi n t t ime by 11ro\'lding a series ol ll!('lures by prominent /lmerkan5. This ye~r again t he lecture lil'rlra will sp:.n all areu of Interes t as muekrakcN , wrlten, sclentills. rorreSiJOndrnta and a JlOlltldan wlU •Jlf!ak ln the Auditorium In the Main llulldlng. .lullan lklnd. Aa a black me mber of the Cror5:;la ie5:;1s· latu~. Julian llond needed the Unltl!d St~tcs Supreme Court to obtain hlslil'at . lie IJ a founder of the Studfont Non•·lolent Coordinallnl! Commlttl'P.. and wu nDmlnated for the Vlre- l'resldell(')' of the Unltl'<l St:.les tM>fore he wlthdrrw hl1 namt<, II~ wi\L a •·ril·e on campus on No1'Cm• bc r l . r )titm ~IIIler Uld li t. 01't'h6 U'a. The ramous beard and his llni•rJong 5:;ang "'Ill hold a $Ina: seulon on ).l arch 101ntheflf'ldhou$t'. 7SJtrono;. the:\ILLier11l'l wLI/otler cwery form of 10nglma~:Lnable In the ll )•le that husold 16 mllllon record albunu. Ticket prlees "'!1\ be the u.me ufor tht!IUchCon(.'frt. \ 'OUIIJ: ArU ~t~ ~rles Another new feature of this year'l Arts and Lectures SerlesLstht!presen tal lonofyoungartl sts \\hOIITCf351 rltilngln themusleworld,butdoootyethnt•cthe5la\ure to draw LarQ:c audlcnet'li on tl':elr own. The artists ha•·e bl'enrontracte-d fora publlcrccitaland wlllalsotearh:.Lnd demonltr.ltethrl r arttOI\udent sln tllemutlcde partment . •·h~ artlsll are eXJIC!<'tcd to J!oartlclpate In the )·oung artlstsM'rll'l.butlli:ncdcontraetshave notbctonreturnl!d )'et lu 10me .:a~s. As soon u allllrran~.:emen\1 ha•·e bl'en m.:ode. the artlats and tht<lr appearlnc da tes will lit announced . ....:o charjle tor the redtab wL\1 be the policy tor the il'rlct. September THl POIHTll I I I I I I closely glrl1, this might be your la.st chance to learn those baalc awlnga. Students Being Students Photoa 8)· Mike Dominowaki and Larry WJIIegeJ nus IS TilE WAY one ahould study. Study at close range but do not fall asletp In the proceu of atudylng. • NICK SCIIAfl' (center ), the program dl rector for WSUS-FM ':*dlo, Ill one. of n1any atud~;>ntll working t o prepare for the return or WSUS to 1ta broadcaatmg schedule. WSUS returned the a ir on Monday. tf SOME STUDE.!Ir."''S need peace and quiet in order for them to atudy. 'l"hi8 atudent foll.D.d a Place to 1tudy in the Uttle park behind the heating plant. · il',•rr•>~t LiilJIIILulurelnllle "dl-d..•ti~IK'd " L i ttle , t·. o,';.·" •"""''l Tlleblue-.1\dall· ,·r "'"'ttltht ou~e " Oeo" II ,,,.. ,· ,n.JJN trout and aalmon tht mt and v.·hlle mnd ,., mut:ot llnltlwJ ~ allo ~,::•, tnm~ o\t~tthc-r £00(\ Lure ~~~-·b_,, '' '"' , •·.>i<lNtndl'r" lp;!On, ~~t:..· 111 a numbtr of sill'a u! ~-Iori Splnnt'TI of I b e ~!o;f!J anJ Abii·Relk-x tyjll' 11,re u~ and t al<(' llsb. \dd.n t\cfiel the old relia· rn;;(?\ tn ~~. D..rl'<kvtl. Th~pk-r flol>erman ',r.Jh~ mU!Ith"-e net. It La pnetlcalb' :' :~•~tb:,,::.,.:a'!e~ ~:'te~ tv•-,t ~~..- llsiK'rman n )'OUt •. -co.·tllhclp)'OU iand)'OW' Jt t..- "oo't ~njoy uJLn; It n,; Ill do it. A bit: nfl , ~-'• " k•!IJ: h<~ndLe, 15 lll'<'U· :-.): D A V E C8Uif0RE, The Pointer'• outdoor editor , en- ·:,~\ -~n.:O: :;:.~C:: ~::,.:5: joy• oo' of hi-ll favorite putimn. Here he ll ahown 1 fiah.lng io Lake Michigan. IC"".w'"""'O' _ ...,_. Slic~ed an~ up shiny, th.ese bold 'n' bucbled little sports tabe o~ two great heel heights ... da!sic little loob and the new higher shaped heel. Its a 1,;'=============.1 groovy way to set off any great separates shape, isn't it? I eoNNiE' "!l!U!!UM-' ~ ~emi-Annual ~ale OTHER STYLES of Ou, Own famoug (}ualif!J HoliBf!J SEXY WAITRESS WANTED (THEY USUALLY ARE) ot the Red Lantern Coli )41. 1414 210 lwdore Welcome Back To [3t> Brat llim ~dina Hours Mon., Tuea., Wed., Fri. 6 - 1 A.M. Thurt. - Entertainment 7 - 1 A.M. OPEN IVUY TUES. & fll. NJTIS nLL 9 P.M. Sat. aad Sun. 1 - 1 A.M. NO! DaRCI"f, bol'dt, cow" ch•tt•• breh, fffth pop· com, bottln, •hottle1, Pcbtt, Hamm's, tlonH , pfkhen , dr•t~ roln, ....,_ ,.,., ,.. - ·· ioh•"· Little Joe's THE N)INTU Second Defeat Warhawks ·Hand I ao:<we Whiii:Water 36, Ste- ... ...... Ste."MI ~"<lint Point 2S. 2. run . Ukf'l~l. k. Pnlnttn will be hOme \\"hlt"-'Mfr thl1 Situnlay alttrnooo. pau from 1'"•"~ hol-t to Bemidji CJrotlon .J Whll"-'ater - z..,., a l :lOClCNl ttltat~r-lromZIInder. lr Stevena l'olnt Mcf'aul. :13. J"'INT CROSS<lOUSTit\' 'l("flflllll Opponent Keeonsa. Foil Valley and ~ Milwaukee Track Clubs ·-·~·· .. Pbttevii~La Crone --·--·-..r - .. EauCJ.alre-RiverF'alb .. _ .. _ _ , RipOn ..- - - - - - -............. _, Platttvlllelnvltatlonai ... - ..- Mankato iMinn.l - - - -..-·--Superlor·Stou t ...........- · - · -..- · - O.hkMh·Whltewa ter --·-·----· WSUC Meet of St"'"' PcHnt Now Appearing Nightly MidwesJ's No. 1 Show Group The COLLEAGUES Hear them sing their own recordings, ond songs of tt.e Lettermen The Four Fresh'!'•" Vougues and other Groups Greale!l Hamburger U.S. 51 ond Notth Pohtt Dri... 1 \-\t POUR Presents The Finest E.n tertainment THIS WEEK- Junior and The Classics PLAYING THlU SATURDAY NIGHT \ Width• A·Ell