Easy Scan and Print Lawyers Battle Constitution Critics - Come from An Over HAPPY ADS C( By AltTlIUn HU'J'C'HtN$ONi):daiun.', to. h<.-. ~'o-v:d on RC!).'lINDEPF~NDf;;,\T H..flWHO nt STATEllUREAU ~r <l t c) y H~ !T\(n:hil~':d ('J,aim.;; S~ ... t{' Bu-rCilU M~<Farnl:-~tf'Pr<....:';"!·~th~lt :l &'n.g!(1o-.IvXl~.e iegisi<l\ur(' T'w(' "tKillk I,~ v; \' eo r "," b.»w, dent Bero.ard' }.h~5 saYS loo( p,'iVc;, l.nort: h.rl\1; fN o.Il1..'i'0('r~- :'-qar;n~ vH ()<'.w " pf'wl1!i-rm ll1 Jna.ny d$nges :t:hatwookl'hann J-iioo (-If l~h:l.i>Jlorl tlW' pr9jJol)5l."{l IW"-'; ,'(lI\~tiUJh()f\ ... .l'Igt~Itu.J"(' IDJlKCi'll impoEsible') ;'Not ;;.~. ;;'iii N.ebm:<-k"'s un;, lqHn-\.\.ng t!~ 'r>p"la1IJ)'l.' to ,.,x lor hl1n 1<; ~ the tli!V! t.·':l}n-!nmwptl Jt1;j!i~lUf(, ,'j c led D(\ emp! pmpNiy frojl' !,~,;':<ii»lr~ ~itul.l';otl,' ;J:>;$ nRjasin~ in (he linal tbn~: Hdr:~j "lINTh'Y Wei'!(')" W ffll.rl<nc.$S t":){TMoonk-"d In :i,dily"" 0.[ it~ mMt ft>Cj."t _~"",j.on(WC'f"lt:, who k,,,')lri~ ft/'!, ~h<, Mon. "1 pamphlcl hcing d}:<rtrihtiit.'<i bY'01n<1 7500 ..ht (tD,,1 dJy SOfl"l-(Ione moy hnvt! ~itt you 0 f1i.f):r){~",itflr:li B~f~kl!n; ,\j;i;'(.d-'H}<m. hfjs' toe r~l:t!7.fl Bure,au, w'hlc:h .aly)'By('"r!y "ilt.d. '\)(}(11 hl~hl;' (ntlU,l <){ the 110,,">'.' <.'(dlS~ crfUcal cornrm':l1t:-J (,1(1: St;jlt' :K:n. (':~H·r')i-i. Cr •.-hiHn.' r,\10(j illlo-;o,tng :he !('f::1~1:.!unl. u, 'I the new dCl'curr>'f':lu in I·NiQIlW'A1!-' 1).-1.....:41':1' Gfii."fi. ili~) itli ;1 i I~t-("ffipt any dA~-lii'S (if prnptTty,1 "is. by pn:wnt.'lt!Jlt M()flt:lHm~. ;!)1Y,l!?C i(:~i~t;j(urt ~'rt~:d :,0[11'0:0\ \fJ...\""U{Jl1 ,-'I . "...xl 1 The, pmnph1&. "".... ~ 1",.'Il ttl!' pl'Y.i~ 13'-,~,,-;i,....j dw.',~~~, ;"H:t htl!· .. ,'\fry.. '7 \,'(1. 1 (,.'fl~\.u-"~h d,.ut· l~~(it'[~ \f) \-"04- il;g'aln!::l ~)f;!('9hon; .. n("~. .n~n {"f"-1<r"c tn U;'lj ilU; I{I ~ {':i'(' of til!,!, new coostitu,UQfI: onryS.lsk H..f'f !h,l)o;f{ jrr('<. p,.. ernpt' WI'!.rh. ""°<mH':l:J dvriH~ :l ''''i!" !rI.; I 1>wdy It CM":{-U1Jr, f:,n~ltltld,;T)l1'{4:lHRr,. ;'lncl Byn;y (WP'--"""·:.!' ... ",t:>:k~rd l?i:nmhl.r ('I': the pro·l '''1''b8 Bj~ Dec 1 s i () On YOUT !the n".....· ~'Ctkl!.l that \-H)-HId !'tT~ !),-If-<< mn."i!.rt~Jtl-')G ik g;1j(j ii j ,. ,"Vb}ift tht h~UJ;)iure tv:\. (onstilultQo," the hank C'O"\"tT ..~. ml! di....cf.tirlJ! of ~v,.ghw;lI iii.):. f\ i.+'l:'Jit".) rood~. "1k sure bdO!"e;,"Coa ....<:ie::T>?:wntlc to f}(~.r pHr1X~ tl),"::I··tn.'>j"tK'fl.,i~Jt:L' pr:1:o:Ssur-e ~rrn ('IT, ,mpc,1'hliY, ;'nil'J; i"""!:J":i-iri. $fly." Mn> ;.11'" ,h)("c'f t><'':;(__ \Ji'.~'f: df-ukr a~~~~i.rl;- Ciin C' '1! 1c d the 11:("'" rig'rti·-to--krxr-,-y . pr(wi~i,.m .... po,<,sibl.e :nfring{'1tit' presiden\ \(1 ,be fll("fl{ \/'Il ir(...:'{}..:<!n of !he pn~:,~' ftrutno} article, rw.-l1.icubtr!y {1'-. TIl;; :'>!.'c:ion guarMt(:(7!! thl: molUl.l of the 2--mHl ~rl}' l&x right 10 k:::ow \':'J ~ard to p'l&-levy lin'.l!t. "making itJ)Qss.i-ble lie: age'llcks UJl.Jcss indivl:d.u-.aJ not for Cl$'l(' ')f'; '..h(j 'V, oot Lh' f\Jn w;!u{· O[ IX'Hj):'j IJrn·...n. e:-d.ilH!" 01 pr\'p-erty '~The am.ount of hal'~~g;menl the Gallatin Counly Trlbun·e. thit; call t,Uk;.' be ea!cilJ.at~." he,'&,~i(l Qbjce®; ':~Q'" W(~5 y,;\1 ,r;- <l M~YI 1T;;;:-' ; S7tI!! "f'hur.O:-o",,,·'s wHhm _ 11 ?-<O{l'n T'H':~lI"1i 1-- ~====::=::=::=::=:: _"".".. i~"~~ SMIlCS ! wI-! J rcl<:l [ARE )__ CONTAGIOUS ! .! 1~,;.;.;, SPREAD A i : ; : , h" .. S,MILE TODAY! \~. .. hUll} Qr lhirO--pil.fty S~ltf rd'l· aOClh'nCiH i)1:1 1 wfl; ~~.rbJ<;/;.,i) 'o!:.itiH:¥ 1~"liH 01 Ms o.'lnll: f;~j£,ll'.:'j t i \'e \l) a·It', e-flvtron~ i<f,d:j('O~k!r~1jL{' ')'.J-: "'NS( rhi-uk {!HJ JifNi.fJy h'ij~T IXJrti,,! i',v~rnp- be::1: ~·t.att:'BQ?~:m!H11{lJ'J; 12 Soon '11--,\~ milinWin il--i."¥oJ,H] (~r... U,." iifebl.ll'xi "J! Ijl!;' C{"t)l]o::>rny iflf ingn(Jf1!l'ir the (itet ltk';!t (-crvi;'oomenl "~M t't"J~ r"l~~i' .'It'l<:j 1 ft,••'r.!r,. '..'';i !X~ \'-q:T f<X" " l;u' d.a-s~ of p.fVi"Jot'Ky _.- :r;dut\' to 1"2 NO{ln Fr-hl1l;-liO Wcdne-5dJtJ'~ NiH:lOfl_ JJ;a.- ('J\'CI!:K' 10 <I' Tl-tto",d.lty''ll ~~UU(j1'l - "'rill~l"it::dttto-!1_ ;hullding m;~d!'i 1-;:,' a If!~, r:>:~\ But O.")(lVen;,lf,fl Pr·bidenl·!.....,o Hurlmess i;aid the net" btl! (}f'w.t,-, o{'lht k';l-".iiiUfr-r. (/r<lytr.!! Jer 11 Gn'3! Vall" <It.. right.,> pro-vL-s.1on requi;ing (,,>,.' "r,mfl u, m;"~f;"t ro.,·d" 'l['l~. i tr,ffi<.!)'. quickly cl>,.,;u;the-ci Wert:t- ;rl.<:lke:> ii J)\'"~dUnt:~ "-lHI~h~"1l ~d:1U(l~_ l.'l N~t1 hl-dliYJt 1.2 N<lon WednndllY. nUMb)", cdHh;m, I t :"\001\ Tltun4:IlJ'J ,hIDl? 6, 1971', ()i~~SQ!l5 ~ happy od1 H"Vjl>' ,\·d I _"'0- y . f'ilY' th'~!f b<!nh'~------------: __ 3nd l"rn il bank !ilW-! G:-(lvmlJ chl,-k-tj hi" 'rellcrw :~"""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'"''''lll il!~om(:; ri uri n g ~ :;eminfU" , ; iC'-"You ;u"j ! bOtJl lm{)w tl<al.! I~~; biir::k$ 000" P'3Y t,u: ,m ali tbe m-ooe'i they have fill (Jepe~\. i !;;<,.,..)(', Y'':f. ArOl-tnd i ~ legislature tnes~b1~ a pri . . . ac-y i~ tk-emed nmre impor- ~11}" kid OOITA.~h·-es"!" !-.- IIl~il '!__ ~ Town s:ta.tcwi(\e propcJi.Y ta.:::.:a~ h-igh lanl When Wert2 rv.pHed ttrdl SUIl.<: 8£ it wishes t-O p ro'8'~:4 e.!be 8he ~ ltk.> w () r d! n g was property lin: d'lS,..-Wr-atioo lllw f.unds {or any purJXl~~~~' Wl.'Sh. C'ofltradlctllry bcca(~~ il nght' l~ t:ht rea&fl1 Gri.!)t!l1l 1!<,"1-MJ \hat 1 es:' "::f;~\. 1:'; It nrm i1bti-olutc concept wlUlf the 1~1'i \'l'1il'l ElBt,Dg .lHl'U"·,d~; PH-sbyt~rian M,lnl1LQ'g bake 1i?:.i:E "Agriculture ptlYS,,?1~,::a r g.1: t.he right to know. Sc~...::iJon "ob.. ronsl>llJt~, a lJ d aHO'<'i1ftg ~1"~ j !>aIr., Sal.un!;Jji, May 2U, ?: 30 [ ~~.~ share (If !De propert·y::t.ixqul:d lS V!-Qll'-~!y I~ flot & fmn al)<')1j·olutc ~le !.o1::~_~!L.§r]:W~a-""""~~taJ Hill Mall. Home- i __. 'w\otH(,~ i":nz W;lnK.'(\ the new'made bread and mils. i CQru>tituUon w(>\Jt,d ~lyJW ' ! 11 . ''Whert does 111tt~ old cr;nst!tu-. Fret--.12 c.<m" pop with oil D1A~ JWirticularly vumcr.lblt"whe n C:'OI"l(;ep-l." . . . only about 1 per cent of 1M !ltn;, MarJon.. Kirlg, Wtrmdt. population is Im'QI.,edln agr}. flY..~mhe;f ,A tl~ State 30,lTd of QUli.ure and h a dimIPJ:sl:ting ir,· E<iuca\iOfL .s;Jfd ~he W""" opfl·uencc in fu.~ legtlijaturt','~ pos.ed to tbe lW(l-.bo-ilr<! concevHitrkneS5- said. . . i n the Cl)n~jtutioo separa\:lng He sa,¥i. be. did ncllike the tion the cunslilut.io:n aeparatir..g water righb section whicb, al- '-I do not believe education tbotlgh .COi:lftnning ex j 5 tin g stops with S'...l'ffiC magic marrights, claims all water in Mun·· Kl"!"" she ~ aid The line taria for the state. belwef-Il demt'Atay - .'!ie>-"'OOdary Hurknes:s sakl hE- also was ()\J- e<lw:a!!O,l arlrl higher education ~ to a cortI~Isly ope!"i1i- lihould lx, .ic;;:s di.::.-tillCl in to-ing }egl8iature"ornieh is poosible day's .'>lJ-CiMy than it h~~ e'...er undei:' the new clocumffit. bren Ken Byerly, publisher of the "There can be no vying for t100_ say you tax ~ur p-ropertY'ch~nl;(', teAW'; (Iii. luhe and filter at I per .cent,. mille ;;:1. ~f) peT 8l PiJrk Ef1('(l m~ cent and Ills at 100 r...e, C"-.-~'}" the, ('Ot"I'lmil-on pr~-d.eul. a.'5kcd.. Fur .,,,,ie. r:arly American din. ;V~J'; , I:Tlll-clz.mg the da."~lhciltJ.Dn law, i-ng room ~t. table six chairs. :~ which proYl~ -'or a.';SI:':".-5mf~;{ buHf't. 442·~S :i><Il rang\~ from NiH: of \'alut'. ON' {JJ 100 per ¥fe:~Z .arg:~e4 . I.!'",a: d-dirjen-: t'ies.m . the .Jff'(-:Se.'11. syst.em are traceah~ to f:tXo c-la;~_3HK.-13:troo law and taXIng o1hel.ah. Banks a~ C'ur:-l'ri,;y are e:;- L~-'i30! Ad ... en;~ing ~)R~J ! liiii."E'li.' i(~cm-'D,i51'Ji!c:r;-c;:-j- ..!:.~. ".-onCE OF tc~OO~ O-lSi1<1Cf :W&":~ ~o--'fO ELIi:CTIO:M : ....,-,. ~,.:~~~:~~.~~.;~. tr-:, \;..~;,"""':-.:;' ,t.~~~: II "N' T' ...... "0 . R~~" BY DENNIS E. m cinuDi:s Sbtte Bureau j~ , c, Easy Scan and Print Five 1:\; THE·\;':S(ii..:-lAT1,;u FIU (:nnUj."" I,)I;;! ~·,,-,s .:,r:, (':on,~lruc k1 ;m: :""l" /~;!,~ U ,~llJk f;j -';C':'. ""h'n!.:'u i'~l;~tinF: ill ;'.:F: 1k,!,ri\rjt: 'i.,. n~tw: ";-S'> J"r w, dc, :i<" ':~\ . ~ ":\ ,-; : ; -;,:",;n , ,iii;'; ;("1; ',.; j'£; ,( ~i C,;,·,,;';;: 1k(>""H ;f:<~ \' J: '",. ""h,r:',:~ ;',1,1\ \L\! (;ny 0: '."';:1<,<:':' ?C'~;(1-\';"'~; ~'lo! ';;;;UT{\l,I;l:'(: ,',i~,\ __<,_ io, th~ \L","~)u!;J $19J(.(l ""~,' -:'\;;",: :-~";; ~f~ J.tH' ('!i,'o,f'i~ill i>"':~'" \\ ';'~I;:.', ,'U<),I : 'DikB(! /'.:U,)(\"i',:, M<(i"i~"" "i!" ;"";' r"---'~'-"" ! /;;", ;=~ Proposed Constitution Gets Judge/s Backing ~ THISftAA Y BE the d~f)there a "Hqppy Ad for you. ~ t:· '" ~. ,< i, r;',"~k() eXn:tiliV" M- 1\ ,r!";;i'(' ,i\'J!J ;£W lijJJ:1 v, n,:.W-f ;11" ::';,,:)m'ClY,' ii"r'r;~·,. ',', , i:';""il «(,r: a;;rr;;.' , k,,:,,! ACRYLIC LAl HOUSE PAIN SD·PER SImi IlIlTrDlIlD Easy Scan and Print ''''I'c'", .PI UH1M PAf{T.c-; r:- ,,,,} i,c'>';: ii~ iT: ,'1i !;~ :1, ':;;i,,;,:<~,,: L;'l~;i()i!,'J'~'h'~T C d i;,,", 'j';"'- \k~ :'.V;" '·(~1·:'., (",('licg.". Ai;U);l:~:~" '.If i:' '·\k";1t~:<"ai ;"';:''-'' McO"'n'~r; U~ ~ "-~"':"l;.,.b' ':f' :. ]".-, I) ":chi">' ni[:!,Ui}; :'J~ !',' ,'~ i\:: '. Ld: ;': i [:U,'!.) .' Proposed Constitution Gets Judge's Backing THIS MAYJ' BE the day th~fe IS ,.-",;.' ',:",: "~-'.i.•:1 '" a "Happy· Ad" for you :':,- lWw (l,:"~,,m·.c,"~ :.iUiJ~ >".~,ml.i,rr.';\ ·,.'~tic'-r', ,"<,e; ,\Jk\', ,,h,' i 86':} ~D ,L'w,tdmr:/:'."' ,:: ~!i'.() if)! r:,r(lvl, '-'(~n t'llJ,ltJ jj,\W ACRYLIC lATEX ROUSE PAINT , i;...,ii\~c"i ~V~\ '''1'>',";' ',T ~'". i',;" : ~'_' iPil ,'!'. ".,.11 ; ler I,vjp:~ ':,e.,: ~,,)<'I ;'~:~;li'~"T~ ",,;: ~SU! 5. ~! ;\11'.1- ""1, BY III ~~xt SUPER SATIN IIffilUOR ACRYLIC lATEX 1;,(",,1'.'1 ~.r"J I- "il;!~ !hJi\f.:·(;' i:'51<.:O oj ncl fe .... d,oyi, our customer! .... il,1 Ix: Wo-~er. l.jne~ ;, EXTERIOR ACRYU( lATEX !\I':'uf) ~,,:,;:;n ii":",:':W:iH! ",'iJ':!i ,i;:l:" ]J'IC'Q,nv-ente-nce-d by thl'! ioyinS Town ;j ll;~ :}i':" Dunkle Lists Net Worth .PROflT the }/('(J\l!!' Ir, ;:.:,!ltk:~ Il" ,Hj'.k,·: :", ~or L~,t" te) \m; .. .,~ EXTERIOR ALKYD PRIMER of the CrOB- . <" Qrld the demolition of ~v~fal bUlldl~'g,S in ~hil arca. Th(!refor£', we In'tlt~, you to 'WaH<. 0 LITTLE, a,rld SAVE a LOT the speCial pr'ice~ now ottere.d! \~,' 0" i~',",· ·:;:,"~'<\F;t' i;s(;.~j ~213').(': '-",': '.::,:fh')!dj"2~ ~':U.tl) """.J ."1:-<3 s.4lC(l "~"LC-,f:" "";: 'i 3·1~ SOFA E, :',,~ [k1" :"1 'r,;: ..," ,j~,"','.:., ,,:durS!."! "C~,,;"; ~"C-~ "",C , , .. ,0' "' "",:,\ ;.-".; EXCELLENT QUALIT ALUMJNUM STEP LA .F :X~,j EXCELLENT QUA-LIT Easy Scan and Print rage of Comment Bullets or Ballots 1 \t,f t,.:' Punk of n:yv;U ;,,; " Rc;d, Wh,ite and BIlle Ar'j1.{';r\cs,.l1' And a H.ep"ubli.ca.DOf 1'iQT'L\ 1!J ,:0 W;\V do 1 lntdl,octu:.a!ly 0.[ lck-0kg:!· c-"r,y ~l.1('nLiry ·,,-'lLt; G'(·\-,q;l- w::;jlhce 1.',.(- U',J.' ,1..5 t~ [hi~Y t'~it ·..·!~('r, Lite :Jei)~i rung on t.he t.ekt)';pe· ::::Xi "Ii, MGnrLay iJ,1't.en).oC-t.'1:.\U,(j ,he :;"Z(';1, '/k::'.'.Fi .:;on' ;{ G'\~.,,:J, b'.;t 'J.i'i'$, "'I; KOff:0. anG me,£sJ).ge ja[onni.'*} ;;;e ",T"- '~;j[ dreOh of (l-U';f:!" i'}<:~"'-~'i)a;.¥:!' ;,,(-1, t,hl'O\lghm"t. l,;,c \'.';:iunt.n' U1a~ ('k,v Geocge \Vflllac.~ ·h.ad beef] f,Lo-: ; ~0uld r,,)!,~ t,Lintl:::1yx'll "CrtX'"i ...t :: .ll'"!!" (hi]..:, '':''In u! "j. : :-u" 1:) :.. (~tlr~, i',;: TIV?; Ge,Hl") DH',..'"; r~:'a (H";.- I:, ,t cL:""'J"l B.'g l Jl ·~:'Ti<.fnl)(:: ',;;iV"- ,"'C'unl 5':.,000 th~\l ~>'rl':;, (t'T.'":' \li", )n :£l{<'i ~- Sigt; \'f:ars ,;':,1 ':,oy, Buddy, Have Y c': t!';{' L nit'?,:) pp'"li' tXj or in \itt..n,U:' W,Jia.i,:e K.~.;:, J \.hOug)1 :illm;ng T'he- A i a b i! rn ,I r('"Jn{';n:_~'r ill.(JUn~ Illt pt1,:~c!'" 1 ~;('pt l.f,nlng my~:, :,hUlK that was true hr,d Ne\-crUwle.ss,+XtclTd[e lilt He h3..'i ~,ad q!~~1'gUt.s and ,<,~;: nl:1J") ,'C':']- '.jcLJOr~ to :opeak~l~!S' inl.n-D t,ragi.c'::1tha Isn'\.. i L t tl,l()""<" W;',(' d,:-;agre'C \xitht:M, Wa.lla(;(;s. ;1',(' Kenne-<iy:<. aDd the King's JC'CI lhaL t.hey mu.sL l'"I:osorL (.0 bUllets IU.li-U:iid oJ baJlot.s lo c-;>;,p:r(7'.>s their d!<'pJ(',asuJc ....' lll1 thOM' who darr LJ be difft'rent \.Vhen 1 came ,0 '''''nrk TUC$'Jnv !1loi"nins thr' U"lought in my mind wa.s that uppermC1S! 1" .e h 0 U ! d I..,r',cJ ","'il: my r~p"t'r ~'dlr,~ In ,~.:J! ('gt- !u,'gr:L my rn..ar· 'd']C>0,:. beJH.i dirf"cUH \Ve we r::: q~))Lt.. '-"lerse, ',Viler; l "';'i..S ;ruislrati:(i, (oj h.ad ll. problem, he was lJ:;e 'T,Cl.J' I went tD, \I/e haG a f()UUi.~ \l;I'~iCfi '<Io'C went lhf1'}ugl1,:~YCTY (~a,. (,r my :'0lie.gl' care,p,L I ~dl.d walk i:,L<) the oJfLx ilnd pr!KLilLrn "!{f)W :hc hell a,e yuu:'" He wouJ,d ~'t i:~'1c.k :nflL~, eha;! puff on hi.~ plpe llnd s.av "MH:.c I ',,'iI:)! In tel~ you ",-,me thJng , Bnd CL,\L :,;'" I'.·,'pr IC'Tj;f·t it P-c.-op-lc iH(' i',," C:l:nn gr,l(X! And ',l;'e'd iau\o-'h Today, liT; not lau]-;!ii!;f[ The We OUf Vi f\~ TOM WIO"f.:H e Nn1l l! or. tr""'. "",<,'t'1 m ,'i!1 ",'r<il! (;., {) f ? (" \.i.,;<: '<','r' ~1..ar,...J,~ i",iI' l"';k ;)1k.r:-,~tl :,', ,1 ','..i'-<: """,:f 1',;", W;I.~ il fe·,;: ;11;~.! '<'''f"l,!:k ;"., iF" 'rgn [,,'1' /),'n'.~ rhir. :,~' """, ,vJr, ','r,;",,::-_ if,; :,',;j', ,"TW YOHK ,~",.s~';,rJ w"s (k:r;\;\j!;.--: belling ~ tv (;( dldr.1( (;r :5\) ",her, h3 ':l":-::;"'~ "P s·ecf:)~ ....T'>!~ ~l!', the t~:n.' j ,\;( W()f iJll?V<llltC'j ti,"\~s !,> ;:'f)f~ ;",Ice 'jf.; ~ trtal· ~1ts-t !; lJl:Jl Iho: "·;rn;,,g: Guest Editorial The ': ;';;Cy' Could It Work Today? ;,r~'Vi"{ i~f,'1 qu~tiu ","ha<~ ~~~i':~ :,,> ,rw Nl' ,~'''Of)O Easy Scan and Print rn u...;:: ,;.;,: :')0' <CL iow·, tQ lfli, [ir,:;! l~ \/t'eJ' ite\'cr d\'I.pee oj rare C~) s,iJi d;J.'m il," \~( lfw-ule)l of ~,m", l<llKlM i nil ;\ i'mJ to if lor rl<) (Ittl(.'f rt,'l-. (>-(', i){ tb-to: w~d ..._ di .... rJr(~.;j" tb{' ',.:;J;,~~ q\J','.'0.J!.>:- ;:l!11f'>l<:'" il ItMI'lS.<:in:;' t>l' Ue-<t.... L~ df·UI.t}p bl"-~n Cit:, .,1 ooe IA v!Gk,r;("" II'! 01 I::,-,nat(-c bnl~m!1ed can hl\r-dJv t;;i:- j'..'re;·;.s~oo eLi-ned to on r;',,<ke ;:I,~ 'I.n· 1'D mt:i£b ;J.!I t/l-{:J p-r("z:~piu,s;,~\ ('>1' !if I.·h~ (.~;'l"~ "'~t;'; &rhan B, T1-.i,,, m.":, k'\'~ l",""i'·'; wtLh JAr;v,,~ l;~r! !{;'J' ~j !.(, ,'I{h(~~,,\e'd IX" f"o-puhH "8 l.I:.'&:L~dlb, ed ;IS ;Io;T, .~-" ;xlpuiJ"i 1>k'n('::' , ~)I :l'.' {l.H!-r.:,l-f'(~ G",rfjdd \,[h,o., It", .rrnTI,~ U~t 1l'171'1.' L~ to Q f:':u Y to [~,"'. 't.'''Jr'lcl I,~' p r;, , : I. J ha:1c a~ l!1 .-\ :n;""'c-J N'l""-t~l"e i1~ ~\Jci:i ~~ ttr..t 1::111.':01 madn('l',~ :.h.~! -"0 ;"-f1"r..::;' 'o-.{ /:r-'Jw' tff'C'. U,.'":>, ,,,,";<J 'a:", G, !J.~: ~:j ")l<~1 ~'eC; .v pot<::t' cJ. ;X:btu: Itg. :'1):.('.1;' [,1.\ r>;:Jn-a~n lir,~ti Am·e-ciC,'Hl JeWel! ~;1"r---er~~-"l{. ?-l<.,~·: ;jDJ :..,---:.~s, o::,n:m.;;;t!<,l i!.rmt~ Iti(':' fD:'«(-~, :,.e[ i\;:l ti..;u;:rrde ,t'rtrl:lmi\l:; ,il(h':I f'!Xtlv llpO!; I.H~ ~rxl ,,"t'Hart> of «_tI ~Hi:;xm And ~lx~J,ld I"'l";fk':l::"t U'o<" ple;l.'<u,e \)( the ~'~'ile, W~ .t~.l:ft"VC fne proposed ('OI1:5titu,'..)11 :--""-J wi,1] ~ ,,.on,,£" on Jtm(' 6 .... m {~, Ihe W"Y for gH"1ler CQr,unuity Ii i1 d \,"-J:f l<1l:ir,l.:mrrt, ;\.-;.x:<:~Jn\.itbdllY ;,(u<!ying bo-lh l1",(l ok! l}·nd [he rK'<lpn~ n~ o:msHl:ulioiU WI'; i'IrnOH!: wt~{ ilnl'l('<;'j !JOPU-J,Jl.- f:"'i',y 1\:\-\:' ,." a<:'t:.oo bear!. di ~_ mo','c ,t::, 1~gi51.1{j-w d !J-dax..... 0( .rht' l-kleM Uo,.1lgue Of-WomHl V,)kn h.:g '~P'"n\ L.lcjt: !MEl Y1"OIr .... ddH.()n..l ;cud) PCV'-(;{·\ :t." i,,1 f"--!.',Y-:1',Ti,I,i1Ji.' R~ rAit<x, lnd-\''jlt>;:tdt.·ni whkh U~I S'~:"-i-('<; p; ,>ti;f__ ijm, ClH, ;j,)i-Ir e~ iii.' kO{~s; !tii,:-tj C.nf8f '.t;',,;k1-l'l' \li.iJ! f~_ ir, ,t:':HtDy,;>J tbe JlS-"-1t;;:~j.tl· S '\ ~ fh"JrJ ...hl-:;., u,lii);c!, --<i,oj ;;iJdl <r, [!If d<,xJy.Ni G~l h t r t. 111 w ~un~ ff·(l t.t ~(;-.. ~ d:,'nM:~ UQr: And tJl.d poi",l thilt C9'VJ;l':>l. i\' It \','e;;.\.(;,1't1 \~·.:<,{rl;'>( '", VI-' >J)laet ' ;: ,,-:":'-i» L.\n{ ;,:'~:l IJln~ who f1rr:-!1 ,\'! H2rn T:-·.... (;'-,.lE:t~ < :<-Ooui t-he mtli'}-.--()'JOtrih· :i) Some Good Words On Constitution 'i<..-" :r, ;i,,: (;,?fn: AmfJ'l"",'~m ilr,~, i:Q'Tn 0/ gal>- M;, and Lu)(':(!-lr,-, did' f~,,(',\ .'tf :"rr-""1; '''i ~b ;o[ .1~WOfl St~~i(' Kll\'\S-U (;ff1\--;aj ()f',~!'bill~ ;lfjd I'!'; "s:L':W"Cl', !,;;I l'nt SL,u(' ;wd Jj~>';il~l Vh~tni<;m J.~ \'){tt'c11 !t;,'(~- ··"-\Hi('il Inud, ;M "itX': {ro:.;:lirr "[ Ul<:' ~'PI;,~tHl'i! u-};- ,;'t ~h; whiv whioet\ .'>'.' :,.lk~ Vi (': I<I1U-au ;,-., i,;),.,-m n1)uU.<:l1 TI}<: ~;,)J h1.dih.:!(.:j ~. thill H~ AiTrM"'IC:\f1 diml!tl',' (i 'i'j.,)m~C't'., ~:~~;~;;;~I~} y~::~.:~~,,'~;]~:r~:~,. ';\'('E -if!;' tr>6f;(' '''1,,-:J Pr<'::':i~d(,n1~ :,fcKin!,:: in j{~ 11 "'~·JTi.h ,mn.:- G 0" v -al vi{)','f: ~J('iJ,n'f"h don '1 .A,lJ:K';t,~l~ f't'{;P'-lllSC 'S: il:gailLil fJ,;'y ""~!trl(';l W~,.'Ipa'~'-'Hl1'.~'e\~ Ji'..erJ(' l'>.zkr1'",d ~dkKl, ,,: w-ar-rw:<tl ,",p,d ,hi! ri-ghL< e:,.am-fj),(' tht'n l;':h~tlr).; :.hi;;- Al thl,' ~'{T~' ki~t ,or jXI:;.e, :h.l\ In<:ti ri-~ .'t' u I h l~ I ~l for , biad ('q" IN "r'''[>f i]-,tSwC'!" [J;;;~l "I ic-;'{;.c uwrUy' ( in! iLilJ(jly EX': d,;. rt;~ !>(}(,-=,,~>{'" tb<t.1 fT.'. tyinS cw, V'IO!'..'fX:--t' bdj:c'.-1" :ial lh~ few ;>it;;1 u-.Ji~ .. h;.';l.i:r-,J:ln,;r.;g by the 1 . C'(Jtl5~lllJttO'p., h.n"f: r:n.;ld~ all UlR j:/la_<:I'l"~, IdJ){'Ul.~ ~ P0 '). i b I ~ lroe, lb~t Q.:Jc'\Jn>p.J,1 am! 'in:: sti'll MVt roe a{ \11(' j}O.,'\r"('$t l~i~'!/l.tu,"1)& i'n tlx: t;;:l,t-i'Xl SW>{d$ Tbu i.rn:fh· ;:i(:T,,';V r~s !.elj lo polilicaJ d-e-tld. k"',:k,~' >lr"j expcn:;Jve ~~i.<Jl ,<,(;';.-8- !'JON! EUl :he P!'Of_'O,~e>.1 ww' r'1.>n.~;;­ lUiif."j pr\';V-lde,~ ,,';;:'-' Big Trip to Russia ~:, \. " .., ,;! "'",: \".-" Wi 'Pa',U,n F'i,:"! :-lk Pl"';~(;!" ~~~, t\ t,ryb·;.-.:i) tj,i'[ ~l:' ,~. &Uii"i: ~:, hro,.... Llp tIl<' R:[J.~"';ir<..,,· !>hip'; t1~y Dy ~'.:HHng into .>';"Ckn:h \--k~l J',.un. M~j Ill.,. HU"-~'.:!,il$ ,,;ho:)';.... !;,I,n; k ...., ,~", 'il(r.{c.'.. ! t{l lllwa.\~ g()('~~ -d~~ (>/ 10 ~"N_·;O tr-(-rn This l~ U~t'~ i' ~nd w;y'e;',: r""d l'~UM" ali in-!.eTW'I- 'HlnL~ttCo : ~l', ; e 10 ,Ii(' Amt'I;~,,(l (-m· i, showing Pa:· :l , pfea,;kd ,,-,1:0 I-'Tt~ jtngt'f ;,i t~~ ('x,us{'\1 1)',)1'1'" "Y..:: ,:)~ pn:'k~ : ~"d 1" rf.l.ahat)3'['1 wili ,;lK(' \h~ P:T~i, )\M C D"in;' 0/ u·... KT!~trdhl hec~;-d l!:>.x.<; i\-';;.;\h- t"1~5 ~Wtl:'lgif,g l'rn r(':c;:;.,,>; !<: l;>:'linE",r and h..;ld t'!:"C'!; iJi(',r htL'i)JO;fKh w fum wmt Wi! I' Qf f';:<;',\ \irl.g b.i..'.YJ (..0 MI.'''scOw ·TIll':. oc,i)' way thtlf huBtw.nds ('I)tf;d thin); Q-f t.o luTl':' I1'W [Xt!f(",~~r tD /l-k':i-C-Ow \l'af, 1,o uwilr. the Prestdent Thirtl i!;t: s.o.. kt ll,-iHkn h:;I'f' ~.".-,:,-, ddlghtkd t")' lhr ?"lH>,'jo;uvenHne,Il('." ro<;ctng fight .with il,~ [,Tjll~ In ws' ~·ompc.Hridli ::h'\ ~He','t'. I1wy liH' clearly'. \c,' L J'l:'l.ey are sk~ ,md tired ,..j beln.g hfDUgh:' ie A!1Y.'f!(':i! ;,1)(1 :;;}::>Q~D l"j;P'fc-~way~-, 5'.Ipocr: m.ar-k.l'-ts s;kY'!iCrape1"'S., Mnm.. n\mg P-y..,J:; an.d ail thOs-e <ltlH:-r thlnp a: whjdl !.:ht' Am-UK,V};',: aN' No 1 "1'b<'y ,"'arc'. _j ~h;;.!'JI:'" \G gina, aXlU~ ,,>'1')r 0"\'[1 supt·r;· Gr:iy fN acl'.ange i;0811ing (l n'J f!X':!J:ng~ inglan ~ lent dunng lht- lor·lh--i~ll bei.~atl~ P:--e~,i· bj,~ W:Ui! ~') Th,. Rip Tear :~",I'i(-i f()iiy. b'..:l '",n-'::fl I.ht' \jm<.~ ':ilJJ·;.t: it; dt:::ilh; Cfl pn::X':m:; llJ bt txch....llf,'ed tho; Rlj;<.:5i-ao~ ~id \hn' wished ~ Pre s ~ d ~ n t wC<l..d~i bn:m; I:l".l-eni .i\. llmh r rwn ~ lret' Ul 1'>1 l$:;:;o.--UWl ,,1l.lctJ r;w :x't.tl '.J.\..":lj (.jr il lYlKhj'ng The P-r~.$..d<':·fit 19no,ed th;t -Jf: q',J.{'S(. oj C'{lllr~, ]n~;e'ad !:>r L.~ ,,;i"1n€"U.~ 'I~ d<;,iJJn ,)I a Dr;iloJ l'I-eW' pr--tnl j,n a gokJ--0ij~ '::1111 ill{» "iii gi'd' !,Jm (W{) ne:w P"J-l'~,Y:,,~ :'0 Eo "" lI,h h;.~ Gkj ()'C<{ p!"Oh!~m~. Constitution. Mostly 'Con' l:-:.dr(r.,'I" [J1dl>ix'rK!ent Reox-,d I t't-<lv{' read e';'f'.!!"JU.f-lfl j (d,n ! ! 11 d '00th "prl)' a.nd ('<lr." a-i::x:"J\ '·the prop;)&e(! ('vn.:-:tll.uthXl pro [t'."'ure which 1:'..as·!x-en used by rr~l ('Y!?!"y aC"'o<::...ale ,~. L'::-{" N-'''' ('l.lf'.5-i'u:wn15 e-.EH,:r i.e amerxi Annual ~·es-;-jof1 woul-d ).h.'-rlw.-r:l<l' ~ VJ: L'>Uogct iJ.ll ;j ~t""'e-nues anJ ('urn,::!!. r-e-ali5t.i-c h.:nL~ f:Jtxr. Lhi! 1 .g<J\'~n)Or (If \tKl~la.tljr~ c"J1:ng special so 5iOllS Hat~ mill dvt'-s r.,;:,l the I>e,>- lh.. lilt!' or U:I<" r~~1 in Ihr.· h.Jtliis r:.f Q(}e flun. ~ S.lngle !DrrnDt'1' dls.!d-c·ts ""!:;,di wi;, ailo)··.. Sfrllil~r d'!.~, lrk~L~ tna i wtl! enab..\l' )/O'.J \0 M ... e do-.5("f ('Ij(lti',C1. with To,lr ie-gi.'i!"lQ( S 12'~m!k[~] aoo'r..t1eool) A, ~:T,.;;.r-H",r. 1n0i't ,':{(i~\("nl ii/cafn£·r.d body AnnuaJ s1:':Jisiom Lhi!t wi;~ aHt,w for br~{le, pI .. n n I n g ,-,[ ~:tlk OtJ:-;Vl%:I ~ l,I"cll a,-i; Dhltt' !nH1W-dla~~ illiffi-t.km to l> t a , i" "'dl indt'l'<l'fl-dl':'D\ rN.lppor~ :loon,t',nt b<_;";!)' ;t~i.!l wifl piovide in, "'llp3r~iai ; ..~Ji5t:nCtio&, f. !'.-ton '·Ulbijj!v _ ... /1 I·m. l,jrta:l; ''O\{'s bo·:Jl in <X.mmlt,t:,;_~ i4,,,,j in gener'ai s.es$k:ns, \'ill! Oe rfi."Orde-d a...-..d rna<k 'pvb. IIC y'Al WJIl know h<:;>ow }-~>Uf re-uf«'-S>entaUve ""}{e:.! x' 'kl:/. ai! dek'g,<Hc;s agre«! \!P:ll'1 wh<.l( ;,iKIukl i1i'!d shc.JUldn·\ ~ til ~)'", c<x,s:..Hut.lOfi. but neither do -s)) ,I,r"}[lianan.s agTl:~ 00 aJl i.s.'iL~~, ,3.0-\ w,.' belie",,/! tl',J" docu-m~nt is :he fe-s.ult of rts'po::'IM-j.. ole t'<Jmyromlse ,u,Q we lb.i.nk l~ W!C ;,jk.;<..-' 0'.:r :,>Ul(-e to lT~ve k,r'<'iard i,I; Un tx·~,t lfrt:er~ 01 .\l-rm,L,f'.-".~' " ., ...l-u-.J_ -n:..,. ,_ ~c(j"'1:i':J; ;l.tXj\o\-<Rr 1.0 fld"'vo:·;w.:d Of lpular EasySc~~",a2~-,.~~nS."" kl thtm And fuM 1..'1 arvAhe!" poil1t fuet ~not ~ dodgl'<:! ;.h~ w-orkl ilIT tbt' &:S".Al.~tn', Atnr<rk.!i KQ~~ NQwhert. III ;Xtli! !ill" rovulO,ri-. ~uns :~rrl 1I1'<;'\,H'",. in hand :ro rI"M!J~':I! 11.':; l~1 " "':"~" "'" 1<:''''''''''' the caS(' ;retu AJnen~lH1 lMdcn al t"-~ry ivvd (I{ gO\'C01Il'l<?-nl. Ifl .di r,.;>n,(;:; and {acUQrl~. wtw~h{!f 01" ltley fXlmmlj:f',d li'rfJllr:?l ~! an ~ :uunpll" p.Y.!c{' fQn~.> d rl::l>tr~H1t:nJ' rill)~l;r :;d:1K Df1 ,·>.<~;.m~;:: f~­ lh,"lJ .. .. ~_.~" -~.", .. -,~,~ loc·);<; a~ \I"\'. s:\ll .. .... ' ~ Of',t" l~( O~ fX.lOr<,S'( le.gisl~l.llf't"$ in \1:.", l'nlW SlAte:; Thh l,n.e1fi· ckncy fl.1> 1M :0 po.HUt.al deM' Ilnd d'X"UITW.;rn c,xp<.'.-nr,h(' ha'l'l: ~~~:iJ'll 1-.(',"- ;~lofl;"\ fkrl the ~.Ih"w· roll;.:,j· !<J;~)on W\)vi~ [6t-- 1 A s.JT".aUtv. tnort e-H!,..-iefll b"~;jmf'f·<i! body. ~ig Trip to Russia frrsl . U)f: fn.;'ltk:r.' h;::' \,.,1,<:1 (\ I.·rytxxly th':ll h~ L~ gr,i'~1;;: ..., . bIQ~'" up th.~ R:j:';;d;jW.~· !Jii.ps:f llx')' . try saHir:~ tffie, Nurl!; \'~;o; Th>lm. 3HO ttl'" Hill.<'cl.lln, ...·a,.l 1C si¥j\.\' hirnth,'r{· <it.: no ilJ.rci I.~ !'In ,n:U('~~ r<Jv.~ g<:)C'$ tf' in ~k-r:p l1H~ '$ oi lhf'm f~llng}J. . ~ld. m.a~ty "'I tr.~ Kn:'11'!m wh'."s h.rd ht.a·rli 1J1x.'iN W;Hi;· ing[On'~ fimo',L~ y~\t1!iflP p,t...· k.\-wr Ki.Mtn;ger :ln4 hZ}J ~f', I1r.lo,.qing ll:eJr tru.4;ux15 UJ !l'ld Wm<! \I'll ',' 01 se-U,\1-J.;g him t,; Mu~w -Th~ ooty WOl) thr::i, hu:;;bsnd!\ could thinl ~f to XlY~{'~ rep!y. he:! w~tt'n publk ty,;SI1W'_'>:; 1<:< ~:tdlllng,(,'\.l Lh~ H~fWm! ~:\kj Li:rcy !Jtb:ht:xj 0;(' P r r, ~ ~ d t: ~, \ \.i'wkl Qr·l.nR l1M'Jl, ~ rimtl trWI1 l\ In:,... In M i!;Fl-:i.'SlfIP1 w hkfl had t.(~:; 'J$<:'d k>f .1 )JTl<:htr,,g 1bl: Pr('l,tarnl ~.'fX;;r\'d thl: f<, Qur:~·t (,,'! , ...",.I.ne lr~~~.f".. J, hot :.~ ii\i;'~t.ht"ffi il b:'ltfld ~'lK p<iJtl ,,..t; :;;~'... co!d ·Piir'.{l;lO" Tn','y W ... iH ~0'k::\..0n l;or ljold-p.J-.t('!j ,1\ gi v~ him t \n"I lu to wfth hiS ~q$.e ho Presi- ,I, '.' I t e Amt·rK~"(, I'nl- he sho\,nn~ (I! t~a!· leaded .. illl Pre;. e:- '.(j. t<: eH'uO'£"t! if': but til(' prolc-:.· d 11\ re.laliilUOl'I. IZ!k(' ,ht Pn.·si ~ :-douo]e·heAder ~m .l.'; t:. 0 I r'I K In- "OUiSt',. bec."'u~ it" >urn~v for peat'\' ~f oi!l('1" (,( )i' By walk.i..lIg.ooWly vis:: to Iht' ~.g of OClrtl; t,.rOtJ$:;~ tu Amen,,;,! ;;nd shown l';'Xprr....~~llys. super rn~rkts.. s:k~~l"'ape.~, .swlnl- ~~)f a <::hangr 1"k Bli Tour f()f U..J i re·:il.'!Q{I the.. '*-'anttJ tu We' the Psn\de::nl ~>:o llo 10Ur (ff'Soviet insane ~)"ltfmi whet-e the a~~' lSO','er1Jl.Tlt':'n1 ket'P;3 i\3 .critio Tt.t\ Pre ~ ( d e fI ! ~lked.. lnstead of reiu:>ing ;>ul n.i~ ri~ht, OO\\'t'vcr, Profes:.'ffir Kic!.::h ofnc"C. l;t> wlli !:I i n g e r d:lplomalka!ly rt"pl!ed ld thl\\ !.h(~ blilt'd . I:h:al lhe Pre$ldt'Tl! 'tYO\1ld lx- de-JO{ h"H't' 19 go ((l lightelit'O see !he great tn.~oe Communi:!'! ~\""lcs asykuns w her e cnUdsro has 'C poor. miserable. been COOijut>red. utw. could abc far away th~t th<-~' visit tht famous CQrMdol' of. U1e.. Lubvanka - priSCitl' w&eTe' ~IDg 2aliIornia" \'islt . pol.i(idll.ns W f! reshot in lhc :he Soviet leaders back of \he head in· !;he. good resident visit? nld dayS:. e \' e r aj reasons. • The professor did not get .. Oil current. rt'llh-nre il :\ t:)\.t......[ til,: !I:<Wtloot.. W \h{' kgmlitlJre C;\,i!.mg If{X!CW sior"" ~ !J],at .'H..;rt.c d{l(';!; rv..t OTl(~ (J Uor ~1' !flk of U:w rl:' ~1 in th~ h,lH'Ids rJ),iUl, ·t Smgil:: !nrm~'r oiSlrh-h w!lH:h v.11! ",H,,,,,, $'IJ,;,'llkr dl"-Lnc:.;;. th.;l: w1il cn-lok yOll to h~ I"I! ('~)W~ \'('n~ct with :'<"'H ~.':1J!:!;ll1(J/' In.aepenMnt reapp.::lr" An klr i:nlpiirt>a! rt,,'dlsu-ictlllg. G. MtJf'C Constitution. Mostly 'Con' rAJt'.Jf Lrv.i~PcIidt,c:{ I l-,.;II-·f: re-.<Xf r.n," f"l't'ry .ad''1..'£ati!. .!.5• . {j.:.e J C,i::l i:lt'~. cons!:w.ticn i~ ('AS.fe.r l(l lI-fuenc . If Uw pf~ o.lfl1l:\'WHliJf; is {)<XJf to wn Wi.1J:l ~t 113 ,){)ly ... inue iJ. it ~ bt more .<oQ "e:as.Uy arnended.'" Jet'i gh'i! It roorl: tirnt and l h (l U 8 h l. loc mi5takes e.atl be e-.xpm$.ive 100 . M~nJ s\.at't'-s ha"'-e spent fi.t Q( moce years f'eW'riting ~ir con.. siLutiO!l! bdore 1J:t\~y wtre /t{" cept.ablt". ltwoukt"l't Ix: hard li.> s.cu:t!Je th~ thIDg tct It.~ :'a1~.:so futi {}{ hole1; - {~ I doubt if there is en {) u g·h "a-meoomg tape" available to patch it up Am"" Louise- Ca3hmoce 10 N. Mc¢ana Ave.. all im- Ue :Kt you wlll kIYJ'i\' OCrR y"(Klf r'!pn.:·xntnUve ~w.:ed \.()~ ali d~k:g'3~ a;grcfij upo!'l wha{ shoukJ AOO mouldn·t ~ in L.f:I.t coosti'lu\:iQn. IXH neither do Rc...\)·rd ("~'er::thLng: vtslhjJily mes. both Hl eomrrll!· ~~~ ;LPd In gCf)('nli sessif.lrJ$, ~ iH be tC'O:ln1ed ;rnd rn.tl4e pub- f!'.1,-Wtnl m!r<g pool~ .and all u~ oitJt:r . f j 11 d b<Jl"i. Mod "(Xlf::" things III wl1lclr ~. Amt'ri(,lw~ ~.:\ •tho,: prnp().~ <:Vn.o;.litulio1:.c, are NO.1. i'bcy wa"t /l ,{;;;n<:t' iMXl ttw: only 'pro" let! l u r e Lo glo..'lt l'IooUl. thi"ir own .o;.upcr, wtnch has bet-n IJ5e(j ~. rnu,"t Of,ty buQg~ h.HL". boo.:tX'JQ1 !::IC)(!J tha! wHl p.rov!:tk \hI.' ;:!fOr r'l'iW, to M~ wa", l,l ·.,IlL:; f p'rq.b!r.'1\~ Amm..t:l s'('%m wi.tld put \!ontllM'~ re'l't'nu('~ ~nd 5 iun~ 11lVlte the Prmi-oent Thir{!. the Soykl \e~dc.f~ !LFI' t""'''ji (lelighle<i by the- ~'l.HltJ ~;wernm~fJt·s mint! fight ""I~h 1(; ('T1nC\'>.. In Uu.~· co!ptpt'tjt~an. i!U$t' an Hlt!.'...,,,.l· tbn ~lie\'r-, tlw-y art' du.r1,y" dunng the fn,;h· '. \C' 1. Tbcyan: .<;'Ick snd tired 0!3 ",,{OJ) $.5'IJ)(:on' 1f!l;."1lf:dii\U: a.llC1UVll 1'0 ~ I <I t Ix- ,)( I 2. Armuaj $C'"~j,-m~ lhal WI U aUo\t lOT btJler p! .. I'l n I r. g uf \hr lin", pry~m$ to .kn4t un l:Mn<: l ',. ;iII Montanam agree 00 aU issues. But l'i't': beHevt': thU docu- ml'.nt Ls lt~ rewl:t 0.[ re5POMib-}r compcom.i.se and ~ Utm it wiH ail.vw our st<lle lo move lo[w.,ud .in tll(" be!.i inteest of M<''lllaDan..~ .u a whole, nr.l5 is 2l b ric ( reM1<1bre constittttioo aod .....-e S!:rong.t)' 'eocourage an "''Q:tt:r;'1 10 ~Ae ~ to read and qu~.$tioo thi!' 00ctFmenl U )'OU ha .... e queM.ir.l!lli. ('.All the dekgil\~_~ aru:i uk them' to explain H Therl pj~~' Utke timt ;" \'<ltf: on June 6. Pe1ll1Y E.giiT, Carole Erickson Darlene' Grove Datlerii·'i..k}yd Mignon Wa-le1"n:iIm Eva Sp·auldil)g. fll CnmtitutkmaJ I./.'~i~l C(lmmitt~ '. League <Jf WOfl'l'ffi VoLcn 01 Helena • I .., Easy Scan and Print E.><ecutive Clout !ro~td t;o;",,"' Mi;:-,;,,!,;, ('ir;~:~tu- tA.lH{lr~lI Note _. Thib l~ ili... I'I-'" f'O'!lctllma ~Tte$ -al S!.6rJC1 ex'.)' C~t'l :J,,' New Consti w,:,,:ki C,i';l~'J,J;P ;, f"w «ln~{j!\1 .Lir:,n .V<",-Ilf f:.g\:J·('i1-cad T1.\c neVii; i (\ it:, Li"ll11i1 bo:d!'d~, drop on.e dect)\e'con.~u.!lIti-OfJ w{JuLd lNivc' the du"ltnakt tl-fh:l . pf'Ob;,bl:: ffi'):'i\ Im-: Ut's to thr, l\:(\V,-:rnOf Al'ld k,glsLJ.: I{) the i h.":',;,,,,, ";"'.;:d 'i\1" ~J "r"'rlf1j'"'''''''' r-;wU.• r,' rn,lK,' tn';·. 1(';)H'rnOf ;>,r.d'luN:, P:-tfPG~, ~\\' coosUtuUOtl amI ~gi'~ ,~ : 'n ',:: r':·,,·;J:;: ;,,' i';:!"~::',~l'('::; Lio:tltt'lillnj governor rU-rl ~,~ II i T'he ne-w c\")fJStitUlKIO ""Qui\] , ;,,)w(~r :n.)~ nWf\ti(ln th~, ~,tlk \ftll~urt'.r;him sc ib-ti:' died 011 th~ pt"i)pj.~.\. I,:,.. ~·,l)t;.,;,r._.I<':'I' .., ",..fj;(1, I:'~,\!", '-'!"'.,.~.'! 16ti~G·,!,c"n',~' ;we! :it, "f'ii--'1f;! ,Cl)\ ; and sl.au C,Xll.11Xi!)('f lIod WW.lk!: \0 pr~,! . """ ' i-i~ li"r r,n':~.F':'~ . By DENNIS E. CEHRAN : [UM<J ,""I;: d: .-::':',,-,; eke!"." '"Vi' ('-1[ ",{['ie-t: I,l) ;(k,kk r·dNCJJJ:~i.' til tl-K' MilT>.! 01: IH Slo'j.!\'. l-:I"rr~m! i l~', u:, l'[,-",~(~n \"t' ill-" ~r.;h-f1 l;;;'Y'[ ~jk Pf t'.~,1)!\; Uln,~l; \ I:XilmlJJt'J:'" II 0 1) r II (>f p'flrdon~ I «ovrn Bul 1:: .\ C iJ t I v ~ rt,(jf'gilili:i:ii'!}.(t' II rt":trrt ..!\.,.,:' I» i'in;;' '.\"": lU :(m -n\(,.,' (\,-'<1 '( (;-(':1\ hil'i''': t<, "no H·ie de1uf!:e.t bni-lrd '0-1 p:d:'-C,r:' Rmii:ilngkty prevl};:1l1m I)f thrl! w'Alid Sli.\~ be f iJ r I' ,,) rr i,eJ J k'" Ii! \ i " (' fT<Wf.'.) ',li.'I:W[". ;,n;C'J~d L'f: I h ~ r ll-jl<i(,r :1,(: pltl'lm t n t h ' Jl("W (j-!\,,-'it"-:;-{]·~,; .. cc CopikllH1U Skopping Ccnh:r 7tn Annivijrsary Sale DRESSES 1 2 ,)(';' .'c :.,,'.;, plu1 fw PrKe of .,0 li nie~~.Sportswea r (arccots fOATS $18 $31 • T rerXh • 8-001 0,,/0 "nl)' SS3 $10 to VCrlUCI to $105 i iCl.l'lUf.i.ll$!\),o,il'<'n ;'O~)(tqj p:trb/ "l'rf'ul ~ : W I l h" lb(' @.xl:'r:-pfi0n [)f the: ra 1 (',H i pd$'<.)i\ b!;;.ltrd, nH wOtl~d CD[!l\n~lt led (If! 1,,,·~,sHtL'-II;; ~:rbi UfV:k, r;\Jrr,'n~ i;r\-\"~. !1jjt; p"rut:;s '\ Tn'i.ll "p~-().",(b f:l," fHY.:r i,l;,' :':';-'.<' M,,~,;J n.il~ ;;..~ ~ :<';l[ni!:j-l~y w<)1;lid h',~~ th,,'I, '~{ln;;lil0 'r r n 0 ~~':'i;' !:,r;:-:,iirv ;:,r"j 1:"-0"1":': ,i"! :llOflllJ ,,,[;lUg IH1-d 1)[" (:f'Ii'J~l :li~{'C1el' ',(J" :".i" !:i.;r: tb.f' w(c~'id,m('VI(';' l,d;"'1 !):;I{k'lC.fl.i1y ~pprO-h~b ;"l("'T.;J."-{"·~, ·'·IX!fl.~l' iTYt;.:l..~~rer DdrA.e:d I ::i:[!j"to-H1 Tll-i' dectlvf;. o1fi\~c (,f LrC;i~c,,' TIl'\.' ·!h" l.(D~,(~[·ICf. Lite IIla,j.or ikckt:lQ-n. !lHght 1'(; ',Ion., :'.['4:rJhl.~ 'ii'~",t!:eJ be CI,>W.j;;,:;-"lx,ibllw-d by fl f-lJt.UfC i,eghla !;>m"d ~'!' ,]1;:>;) 'It ').I:'.u;:,(, ilGd ll!sOllWT". b<~GHt:.\C Wlt!'l ('Xf'CU!j'i'(' rt· ,hi:' gi (" ,; ,-i <.: ,;,,'n·;::.~r. tii,;, [iC',,:Lr.nni\' (>r'~,~!1lflllt()fi !h,~ (/fk,' iii!' fe',\ ,!lor i!' g,)" ,-; ;:'}i n,j,- if! j1f adrnirti;>,; t'r dtit),'e : wry'.' '-,i /z; , ))-c;,~.;aiell rCf!.'luneJ Uie tre'''5-' anrj n i·L:: ')(' '!,~"" ;'\:'.iX('iIC~ ;;rr'.i l,i~h:(' 6,,'\ p'.,IJ,.-y-makIHf;'of p IJ ('d: ·.!.;d\\fi ::d'et·i!-iJ!llr:dn-::; :1/1(1 orO!::'iib·fv won'l tHin much ,mo ;\l,n· n 'l: i;,PP'!;.l\1r'g l<,l ~}w ro!" 'rr; i,-d:~,ini$traijr~ ~tilk It lp~asl; dr"·'.)~~r iiflC mlj(tH r"',:~i j!1::~iJn,·[-;, BUl 0111-.'"11 ilfg,lf" ltJ;l~ OlL· I;c){,u," fiN! CJi[>(\,cl,,:e,s, aii e;("{.",'w offices fro POM:{~ :1'."(1', ;1:'.<:1\ ::1;,·'0,.i);)(') ,,~i,C': ,,[ i.-icuU'llicai )0')\,\;T· ~~~te-:l p~n-'Ume I")r;~ wilb ('~I,,,,,,.I pr"sirli-n-g n\,C'( Y.~'·i;'\:"· a-!~,:i ;'1,~-~'j!,!~ m gO',"enw( ~ ,.L,-"n"C't. c"'C>:.iM I iJ t U" (, 11k (XJr;s~j!:;~iD1' I~ crlng fc-w! pur-Lnr-; toc: thi' 'rx!'.cut MO()lana c.uJrCf.ltly t;-e'~'t~ ~ev-::i-llgh\ !e'J s'[ZLe c:on~lilGnOna! ul:.ir\'-r~ n'li) p t,,~- and mar,:; reii')ffller5 t!lin\'; ihw. ~t'nilil' go .. er- 'is ,0: Wa,~:tjX' many ernfif ~i·thnk a gcvcr:.l';'f ~"H.~'Jkl 'hC'ilC-'; ;t)o(;'f.·('fll<': from flJlil.ime Msi,,-\-ir><elei::t:·,lus t".:t("l.''I.Il1ve 'cabloe!."· Torr. 'ant gvVC'nl.>y' (0 j=-s.::-t-time e:l-ec. I jtJst as the preSident d()e~ It<! ; m",nt -i oppe n Dresses • Handbags on.d .;,·V"': C<j;)1\' \\'h;;;L~"'U Volue,s to $46 Leather Jumper 1["" 'nor~ iJl'ld j('}'lstaWl"'f- want it to Leather JacketS 0-1 $3.5 Million In Benef To Mine Victims l Fal hh.l~n fAP) 1.(> ntgoiid1!~ ~1!('(\ ~lcp::' with'rigbt 1 It\.>- opiniOn..~ g.iVPll al ;;, S<.lfIshirle but 'Ne f-wYt~' beer:, TJ~ ('ongrbSiMtCl·1 hearing jntQ thh wid btuntJy t.'1.1! Si;l!e,y J~; rJont far .<;f; l,n:O(, d~~'l.,,(er wh¥.-:h clauu('(! '11 ,.,{ {AJ! b-tlSln~ ':fJ ~ htr'e ~Ia'" 2 'arc simph \f{~-, aecus<:.-,1 \I:J' i:,r:"' (Jr 4((J.foc l!.1-3CC,rra!e Of lrntw{', .\lu'.-.r. "~hC' mcr.;! eallo\J8 disregard fa; l"ba.se Cha:->l:, ""n~ ;In:;s~denl and e,'ell the mosl basj,(' prrlt!C'C'lIOfl ''lin geru.'li11 m.an3.w-r of Sunshme ',;[ its empkye.~ a·lId ~ilid rq,;u· he szi ~Ijn1D,g Co:. s<.id 1"".<e~ay, lar majn\.ena.;:x·\, of htllkhr:"r'....' i proter~ (I·Fi-<.·;,;o;:: of ;1* \;r;j-\ec S-;(-(, aDd <liT d{o(lfS to as,,'<.·UTr Ui('Y Uw m: w·,oM--;.e-J~ ,A :\rnaiu, ,,,.ld UV: were airtight sDOIJld h-live 0-;(:: M<i.ny Easy Scan and Print • :Iout New Constitution [111;1, C'on5-ii{u·!\lA)lJi,j e,jimi.:1B:e a r",w (.nnk;lj\~I,:i\un y':'M ligurfY!Jc<l-C :111: j U<H:J;ili Ix)ilrd.:;, d,t'r)p ')'f);l.'. ck,,<;:1-iVl? i c.')·n~tllu:(j,(J(i woold blV" ,jl(- du wnl:ld -,tDpiolfic/' lind, pmb....Nv Jr!,;-,st jm.j::ic~ lJJ lhf: gv'(t:nmr aJJJ leQt<La g ,) ~"'.''''(,I'!\!i·J)Or!.liI)(, maKt' thl! !i1H'l'fw'r i>",j'.lur~ ~ ~;) flPlX):[-,t.(:,! Ijeu(r!f\;Wl ~()Vc"rfOr run Tne 9;$:j c;l:~\' rffn.~rf>- te:<.m o:lIl-~ti:l.lJtkl!1 flrw tht m:..H(' tr"';19Jr'~'i ')fef.(;rH til: r;"'o\'("'''Of and j'('iJ'I'iJ" "1 y\, :~nd ~laLe o:",-;nii\f,! /l";:uJ "w-l1id tlV(' ~r~;r;;'{;<~'t • ;~Jr "1~)r'Q!'r";ce:i ~'(,,1(kkk rck:fCI'rC':t ,0 t!)« hr:.::u-d o! (:v~nl~lg ,~},~ ;;et.htS lmd,N ~hc prt:l'"cn~ ('.(JI"l~ti i(,;l.arniJ1(~f~, b 0 lJ r d 01 rit.n:!(,ri..! 'lent) C.H:r, lldi'l-I1, Thr.:y d~'tf;'l e-q'n h~\'(, :;111;;1:;(1 th..' .. ~i;;<ftlnO.t lK'{lnl',,[ Whm) L)O~1 ilTlWlid be pf :hf ,q,/T!f f!'jiiU',:aJ p.;~ny ~·rn.'l3!.;>nr'n !:k' ::!)di·:t Uw 1)",.\ "'QUli} ip,..j~\ C'(:f.>;«H \l- ['("W r1)J) bih~. ('l.~r-,:~r; W! t ! 1\ Tqm, AIlPl'lwci< Of, iI !l.'.'j:f pY'i'cn;Of .o\nd U:i:y Mt?di{. e',r iJXlfT ('(;l\;:-:tilll-· IT' for J nvr c;'-N~.\;"i n; ':'·,wr;:j Ue~ pI' (, q : lGJ.~ (·Dm!¥.U-n~ '5t ;to i>"("':-nCJf n'.'r, il (k: ti'l-r-: j1-(: (r{'<l:;' i~q; thii;1 ;;r(: f\~,(l;re f!',a::'-"flh:l ~\h,;."11' l)L;.)'J~(' ~.!1 o....':rly-p(,\\'. ,wd !,e-{' i! pi,,O:-,.':l'C("lj-tj ...... '1'" [,f ;.",·t':"111 .'ft'k,," [,!ill,"':;}". ('>1\",n (,j clHir:f,;n' ~.j a dH:.O: (11) IJ}~ ~:P'''' fk"j mi;i1'Y it: b"..:t·, pr:m<ity i'!n<J I;M,,'lijl d ':~nHa~ Hi.'«HH Brnj pr,);r'.1:"I'>-. iir..-:::, .t[-..; Vc:!'i6-t2'IlI.·l'\fT :i\~kefTI:.11l0('.'l.1Jy ·Tm,,"c~ l)dr'~-e4 ck"\:il~'r ,.>!Hee 01 ~c;:;,<;;.U h)' 'x G{;Iv~-r-m:>-r'~ j>V-"'-fl' ~'C.llfed o{ ;lot" Ir"<1j~'f dtk1j~!,1. ;rd~h: t~ reSD')n.\\'/~ the- r-"(>Y,)!lc iux"", ll) [W(i L'i<: , f(t~r (h,~i.f ~1)Ye-n1'\." a,l,d th<: c"S\x'n5Jbilii.\ 11.\ [_.:'\\l"I e.:1'.'InJ. il-11 w<}!l)!d '~;!l.mjtjl-.r;.)-' ,1O'~\tI!ci illi 1\ UK th<: ixvpk by pi'cpGinti.ng \bt llt..'"'l :l'){'f-,(IO{) ('()n.,:,Ul,U\I.()r"! Ie iT.ilK-C ',e\ ~i.dV ,u~d ~l',;~r," ,,: i'", ;;it "Fl . l'r! i',e.r:p -- !j,"ll;:;-,.'I'\l g'}",,'f- ~l<: tl,D.d ~i'C1 '" wit f"'Ofl.<;:{lWlirm HJp':"Tirrttndl"~i' .'!;,,,',:,j((~ ",](fit:" l~1'[', p0Ik}·m3.,~.;!I'; lit .l1;": h j! i::_';lh.:cL;":i, :':!-i.~dr~l\r ';,l;:rwn "'j;k'kd.-{:w,hncii":;·' ,jEd r"...{>t;.;~t>1y WGn't r~,<;y !wJ(n';.lJ)!J ··<!."'U~(·" L'ul f, 1;;" "nJ-y f't':;llY~;l\Ji,,~ h~ tn." r,j'l- ;': iHJmj,.-,;"tnH1J'-l\ ~\.~i{> L lH':E.<;\r "liI, (I<, tt,:,'! (\,!,,f' \ ',Iw dec..:;,:" ,,:e rlrK': n'.i<.~jll fi'S''':' 111 i';',!l ~·U){:n Mg',,·, ~r:n: ·h,." (U,;):l ;lptX"'.l1<ch i',: \ :;;lq',i: :~:il-,<j csr;,did"i(~ 1'1;r D!lier !1{heU'Hl.i'W:! :;')~-('; j:"-<-"i ,~1,' ~I! C''''CllH: o!f\,.--;-~ \.('ql.'<1 in cht '.'(h'1;>li\Lj;\,;;; ,'wr. ~ p",rL'-iitn:(' f)(I~-;'< wHh few P(/rt:.ttlt or :dlitif::< e);,("t~·p( p'rD5-id!r)g (1~'(,r the M(lntimli (~llfr~tJ~' e;t''''L~ S131(' V~":ilc:i\:i:td ~'{~f\'ih:;; 1]; the '(,JI Yi;ole cc;w'.':Jl-:Utiomi! :g("'('rnor'~ .:.i.Bt~n("f' {1.1me \,dlill('-yr~A 1I ! KlUki lJ re be ~on~r rWE 011«: !~.~~1:(t".tfSW'H'( !l. ;0 ma!I)' rc-forffien WIn' loo miHII ",':Jdt' ."". :K"",",~.' '-'i,t,t,· erlng ,:" '''H'' !:mit (,>.1' ",:"("~,,i e.xt:l..'tlii.'r oi[':Ct~ !;'l[]; 3':J to :is ~Egt( d)""ing\'~ In tw govl~r~)<-'{ n'cij P.XiI"tr3 and [equiJt'rr'-;·'H ,); :hil{ :;'-('I"i~I:'~ ("{Ir,ilrm,,(;OJl d lh.,: ,":0', ('rn'!i .~ diJP,)i:-: :1'1' i'il:' ',J ,,;,:c-'IK~ ~'T" The'y thInk a 'E,,{we-rrwr 5ll:h.ikJ helLd~ {ullume .HiSL'>I· select lIb t'.'!;,(.,;-util'e "c<ll)int~L' ant g(!~'ernOr,;'{-i:l pan·Jjme dec- JUS\ all l-i-.e prt,'l-fd.ent d()€~~ fL.<j. Ul("D:I, hecotJK" ~ fmm TQm{I1--r{]\>\"'L'{"s~ \0 l;o,Wifn- 'ppen $3.5 Million in Benefits To Mine Victims Families l :d.'lho (API ~ 1.0 negOllat.i.' ~lfely :,;qn Wlu,i fighl 0:,e [;-,,':he opmion~ gh"t"n .al 'I SW'j;Shlnoe bUl we twve be(."{l Tiw lien:-, .... bid, C''y.jjd burn' !('(,ngrf'::"lOnaJ hearing inlo thf~ 'l[;i'd bluntly l.lvJ' sai;-,-!:> !.5 !If)n~ for Se\'('ral wed;~, :.' :)f:)tt',,'{j 'milk db~tf'r which c-biimed 91 l,f our bus.iflf>~"i :0 l)(' t,,-cw!"<..":l ~)I-(: 3,](0(\ :,r,d 3· \tav 2 "(~re simp;;; McGee RC\.~.)5ed :ht tl:m (,I 400-1(>0\. }Pvei.,;, of \f}:> il1;"e )r"1CnIr:~ti' ('I unt::-u-:-," ,jarvin "ihe mc,st callQUli; disregard for ('b.as-e sale ~'bi1: uf Cha.-:-t: \'\('e pr-csid<:llt i.wd even the l'TlOSt basic prot~ti-071 "Work i.s e,)o'i:1t.:i"i; '·k,wh ;genera! lllatlagrt" of Siln~i,,e of it.s ~mploy'e:\ and s<lid n·gu· he ~id ., b-e'eaw;,;; y,e :i \'{' !l1inlng Co $.ml Tuesd<!~ la!' malnkn8.rrcf' d bulkheads protec:1 Lr.e iif!"'3~ u! fresh ~,:[ iT. Offie':;]), d \he Urjt("(l S,(-'el- ilnd air door5 to u!>Sure- IhC'v :h€ mine a~ v..!~ !;{,;. ;\'o.4<.er:;- of America told the: ""'€'f'€ aktight sboold have Cr,;'!&, ,:-.;>id b<~-l'"ld;~~ '," C,l~~" I ",'",.,. ",r.-",r,"~.' sto'ooe<J thl<; fire b<'kr,:, ,· , I h DOUBLE (d $1.89 1-6"' Wjde f CRINKLE Easy Scan and Print P.ageof Comment • N"" Don/t Be a Rube Oppon('J1U of Monlana"" propose4 new C".()-n~lJtuUon are phI),' ing !"U,ral of M:Ont.a..na!'~~ UJr a bunch ruoo. th€, CIU(':s; Hlgl,;, !If'lr'e in Dl;f,trk·!. lng a.galn.st the ,C-{irM'iJtution Jun,? 6. TI)'t'Y'r-{' Lcllifj,ti':.. the ruri\! rest d('nt~ t.jwy'l1 bcoi,ropc.r1-y taxed [1') death beca.use of the. eli rni·ni·ltlOn 01 the t.w\l,-:nill sfutewktf; levy 1!,,;it and (']jmlnatJ~~':.o.! the $lOO.OfXI debt iJ,I'ilt AnG;':Ul-e:r'TC t.{'JUng thf:lTl furm-\1)--mark"t, rOh-d~ will be: doomed b:i t}l:-e: nKodjfic:al-l(H,:'- . made In U,e h1ghway uJiu-di\ns.i,an pro\'Lsion_ Ra th,er th a n OlJ)' th e.St: db: torUoos and scare tact,ic~ rurui M-ont.anans should reBJ;im; that t-he new ConsUt-tlUon ~~{guara,nk"'t" them f"r better legic'(~;ti\'(O repre,~e_nln· tlOn than they;,~~\'e now under the present djsm~i document. TIle proposed:ftew chEtrt.e.r's pro."iSlOD for limgte:-·member lcgL~lu­ tive distrlct.~'~'l.Jr(",5 r..qult.a.blc ,'e:pre:wniationfQ:f rural areas 111£: present 'reapportionment makes po..~ibH~a.1mbSt comj)lcte ri'i1A't>FlDll "~~h~',aOC.t', i> "lk n\lnnte:m(',fl.l kll1l7, ('n<mgh to gi' :,:e:t:> t>M;n aJ! by (.Ix' ):liJHe,5 tI:I('f' ,'wnni,Oi'';" and r(:.)'(n(~lU''-f). ,~;:<: '~"art'iy You i.:Htl tile-y'U ;~J: l.x~ ~ ron: {·!til'na. Jli)IH: (hem [r(lm Jdier~..o-n ur kr c(luntie::.. Bro;.1.d'i'>iil,- adopt S~~dl a pru-';'lslol1 is LltXJ-ul a5 remut,( ;;..'; 1:1 H-eput)lIC,Hl la.,'1dsl:df; in Bilt:,( lnc:jl;,tft.'nL lh.;i.~J;i~;':-S 'olIT:fJiy w-on't dCl anything thal will jCG-parcUu' their . ,{'.aLt;, and city legl,~JaWf3 a.rer. i. ut)()ut tn r('lin· .q\JL~h th.elr ,seat.') to rural area.s. W'lth slngle-men~ber di~Lri.ct.5 f1.nd &nOll".! s('~->sj(Yns, also prollide.d the new COn:itltuUon, rurni Mon-tl\nan,~ will h-il.'it a much bet- ter chan.:.e to see that the-ir inter· C:5t,s arc protected 1r, the law-making bodi~,. TI)cy' shOlildn't allo'",t.he-nu-eJveos t.o be t.aken for rube_~ and suckers by the SC,8rC--rT1.Ungers who arc out Constitution. ~~1 WgIJ,fl,'l; hi" d'ly of trllgte g!o Wf;!l yuu nt'~'<;r H':dlly kno";' .....lul ";;L"~ m~!1 the new d-?htrov . fi,rOtlnd htr" lind ilf. ';,-;f~, WHl Ik _Ril·d' n.f. gllt."&~ here iI', [hil, big JOIUl hilCK HI:'s ."iWilv-S \1j.(~1 (j1L~ l('WTl ill hill ·.... r"'n hot: /1':"5 tXJft'd in Tt',x(l~, ! i{,,-Igh ;!mbilk);l.£ c(dde. ;; rcail" bo it', " fkld ')[ o-oub:er" and pfe(t'~dj:r~ "!!TIO':.1 th(> i;;.s1 ol ~iJ;:' de-Itdl!', 00"-.; ,·.i,X',!l.'("i1{ m~n a.rr<::! hc"" JUSl at lhilt [lm,e of ilk wh{~n ;; IT1-i<I; Gil5- [Q ""hcth~r :.0 raili<' 11e:i ;ina gd Lo th(, rill,""" tattle Cau)" rAl~ing IfJf tht b; TeLl.'. Ii a 8~t()r' Sp':lrl, arXj~ bl.g .kll'u: spectator Bes.ides. 1'0£ hilS lost hi.s tht J)elTlfJCfstk Party and ,~fl.('r f Nboo, the leadcnhjp 'nf tJ'w COP IS J-S Kra~. ~'{h.(Jl1 has u!hd ;1 lot aoolJ( the ·~i.oc9£~1r: came intI! t.l:Jr WhiLe HOl-l:~. .1biJ1j{ Lhe futurt'. R ~, P tJ b j i (' J n Party He has r;.-y': I young men. with pr~!de.JltiI.!J PO!L~ lJ:ltL: hIS caln/l.-ei He h,3.~ fU~~d up hi1 h.ih1'dOhe 'if!ry liU.J-i! Hou5e ~laH Vilth perOOrlili ioyaJL'}l'i hil$ gtV-etl Spiro Agnew ttl{' Job nf Clio{ til{'. o-PPO!litKlil, whi<:h Agnr:"~" hiJ.' fa ptrlormoo, but ;n the pn:'l'e;;5 h(' ha1 A.gut-'W a SymtXiJ of divi:iKln, ilOO rUll Guest Editorial Clockwork Blue T'I!e National Observer ,'\nd Conna Wo'), :'lnd r.n'lytx fl'- \\?.'i JUS! JXl1dl-hitkr aflt;-f "I) bl,i; CX-''1't mt.iI;)\ (>11 iL ..... i$.('. ('o-nn~lJy \I./Lik it 15 ,rue thai th;: pre,S;'L}. ,:{i!;,<';U t :H,Wl (,)(1<;.',0 't pr01J H,1i t ·;Ir<Kif'·,,:,-,{'.!';;t·,(:, cJ i" \ i' t '-: t~, It,{' c:'i'tano.' tn.:H aliY Le-glslatu;t':. \i;!li by C~.:x--g'f. c!:!;a1X'~.,m: .eY~r.beJng could unHe {hI: (;DUnlry. By Augu51 Gribbin '\\'l-,'! out II nett).:: 00rl; f.t,;cy d:idn't cv<.w hold ] 2 is a gOiXl" ('x..i lmpJc..TI,c dislricl nnd Cla!'k !3r,-:t,'t,j· w;),l.r,,; and Jd(f'r'8(:n <"(J\Jn~;C5 It inrJu(1',~t' t/,,1.:1.~ Th.ey're h'ylng-----anct. if report~ are flccundi;.- succeeding in many cB.:'ie&--Lo ,scare people on farm.'; ranch.e.:uL'1d "fisH towns int.o v~:;t· > d.rJ'lnJn;-i'i(\!j Or th(' Le.gLl!alliit by 'lUi /Sllm WASHINGTON -, Sb.:nJan' 0.1 the ury ,J-.;.,j,1l CQnOjjUy ml<kknl~: e-.m(\rg \~-k ('I:; the Jl-¢W b-4!;!nsider ill Ul~ H<)U~. lind ~ belOre Y0l,J CO!,t~d ~ Y;,\\·n.,' Ih<JI nDrmal1y cre~D UiJ or: yU-lJ "oout the li.me the Vi'('alhtf b!'(,;ulca~ter has unwO\JIld his ~pi{'j don't an:"/' 50 ,.,. .. • .< U _'_.,<r.• Critic Receives J. __•.. _ .. .Ii _Prti~ Easy Scan and Print n~pre&:¢~t1?~,; Mld sUc}(:t!:rs bj' the §care-mon.gcJ'fl for' t~.ur~ .,area.~. b35 g't¥efl Spiro Agr..e-w Ih~, j<':>b of culting u t.h-t! ~'litio.u, ",'bIen A~:rlCW !l"f. fal-Ul!\.dl ~orrned, but in t~ ?f(>CtS~ he [>as m..'! The presePt.reaP1X':rUtmrn~t who are out to dClJ:t.ro-y (,lie new malt"" ll<'Mlble almO!!t roml~'te Oon5th:uUon, Agnew a symo.)} of dl'i'lfJ%, and ruID(';.i 11: ~.ct ...f)'o'';..r. .. btJn.g 3.P:r..,.,.kl~ni·· ,wi1 Cl>\Jld uP1t('. {ht' (,.vunLry Guest Editorial Critic Clockwork Blue ao.rma,Hy cr.;-.<::-p Uy r,(\ )'('<'01 (ht tirm: the ....{;.. tr<t"[ h·rNldc}l~tt1r ha~ Ul)wooO\"i n-.istp11"'! d,.'"ln'! arrl'it, So i-t's (liW hCo\Jf Illt/], l!) t;.<Kl, 'I.', lIl.illiJlt':~ C-ilrly il) brt:.1Id'Hi!, unoth..,r I[;,flk ):<111, Y,IIImIi Ih,ll By AQgul'l Grlhbl:ll aJ)(klt 'fht, National O:bJC-rv~ It'~ clear that ,.omcUAAi: musl b<-, do!\(' about the problem nm::t year. J call upon the blgbeM ,-}X'werll in t~ l~------C:<rn. ,-" Trw, r-emOO)' t~ "Oaybgh\ D>I)'·' nll.1,~, grm. tnt! Pfttln Central, l»ckh(';t!\j-, even I hl'!ft'.bv move that M~\!,,(bty. !he tilly Vi:ce fre:l'ldent Agnew-lo ¢o ~mclhing i,lf~-f lJ:~ wtrod1K:Hoo v! D<lyHg:hl T\m<:. about t:bllfWH.ch to D.a:r1i~bt $aY'~ be dt':clllf't':(j II naHn-IM1 !x,!lday Time, O!PiY, iDo\l.y~ il will only pul off th<l p,ooltm. :But il wiil mOl;;r thf; triln,~l­ You know the problem' YOQ advance ttl!':. dock be!llfe. gotng :10 bed telling }wf1'e!f It i.a. nothIng I.., an wtn m-l}~ fun hour r)f 'jm ':.boor', al~. Yoo a\.'tT$l~ep and, :most, ,close 45 m·tmHt8. ' ;t<Jrlr/'~ fll9U ;Mt,.'t&:b t<l them ;~igbt? SWtt!itt-y'rerIDt:llred at bedtimt:, .1'I"M kudmg' tbatwlll irep lnto wmQf;.r£IW!s:brt.a'kfli-!t 'begins e-v-en lU the Flint· :$eam'tV tbow t~. .t'" , THE =Yii"inlAM ; ISSUe: Newspaper In Continuou.s Pubiication E.50wblished'in Helena Dec 17.1865 0" .W''''''">;:'Cf\ -5. ;p1e·lo &P1J,~ -daylight time ,~, Mont.ana's Oldest Daily than flGtrmtHy !fl.-!-,(J!e[· : ,Alief tbtJOlllilgtll;n,. or CC'Ur~. It'li Jim- , Indcl'cndent Rewrd ~l There'$ COWiO-lalicm_ Yoo'vem-lricd th~ tra£4c,:rti;$, you think.: Ycl;t:l:lt\re, on lht" ·':;~ay;: an-lhmtuods of -Other sl.eepr~:beisd$. Urdlke yw they seem Vi'exed, f FAitor's Nf!t-e: Thl~ ttl lb-t Hn-t 0-( th-r't'l! gu£'.~t C-.ot\l-lll-"J hy l~l' Rc:v. G-t1Il'l':~ UJlrpef, H\'1lrwho Wt18 t'l~d-fld i)$ AU Indr~.od,ent d1:,kllJl-k ~ th1;' rt~r,lJ( f'Ut, ~lUl.lftiJ:ma1 C1:mve-ntJoo_ i\fr. Ibrpe-r 8.lUWtt~ 19'1lJ~ !1-t UtI: crllk.!l (If lht pro.p05ed eolut!tl'h tl~n Jlloop. AJ~aJJ, yuu'li : ma~ It up ,1le.l.t fall. But )'J)u don't kJ.,~e ;rose Receives Answer (.".:;<o,q. M.!l<,. v""'" 1>,«1 -A:l.v f. J. U""" M-il<.' M<;oG ,v-t. <'t<'O' P~ ;J~~e:- .... l-.. f",~ ""~':;,"""" ~.-o<;v<,-".. A.:N. C;rrul-.·t~ r,;$'~ _""9"" '""'*"'o-Q¥ 0#0 ......, . _ ._ ""'.".,.,.,.,., ... ,""""" 'i:'<l" .... "'~f1 ,.....~. F~~ ~!ert<'~l"PI r ....,l'/'f'.,In In thhl lIrr!tJ! of W/umM,) By Rn,Ge;o-q~ &:me.r In the MIfY .iZ Indepe,od~nl R e cor d, Mr . We,3JCY Werb, rn.ak-e$ a state...ment tttat need,.; COIT-ectLl)-g, He !lIly'S lhat tirr. new constHuUon knock! oul Set::ti<:H1 7, Articl~ 12 "the J)OWt'T 10 tll-l: Cf)rpot"aUo-rt:! o.r (''()l'"porat.e proppfiy eili-all never \)e relln- qulStioed or':f1J~pended, " A I a .... y e r nukJ0t;l' an intens~ lH:-arch oJ the new documtTlt ehould he ~'e discovered tt'.e new' ArtkJe 3, &cHon 2, wbkh l!ay~ !h~ ~mC' thing: ·'lbepower 10 Un: shall never be 3UITefl'ded, 8\UP<::nd'cd or C-Qf]tract.ed Iiway." The 'NO r d Ii "'or contra:e-Ied" mak~ the new prov~jon even more wlld. . In l,C'i!kr:s w edil(;1"8 this kind or thing "wQrrj-es" Ih-t rep-r-e!lC'nta:tlve,~ cd big L'l.ls\ne$~ I dHd support-en of the Mo-~i.a'n.<l Tal· p.. yers ~j~'iOC~Uon lllWl ."1lmifar /{fO\!pinl~l. A~ Wem :lays "1I [ ww~ running a lar-g~ C!}rpclflllion doL'lg b-usinejlj~ III Montana I ",ould d(!i!.rly lov~ the propos€d cOQ.<j!jluHon U f dte! flQ\ ha"'e: OIt bellrt the i.ar~er iniercsL'l o{ the slale and th~ ~l:J)r:nt Vllr'Je 'Jt gO~'emrn-t::nt by t~ !Jt"Qpl~.'· 'nlt'f1 wt,y dO the !arge. co.r-po-ralions lo-ve lhb old c-omtHuUcn l>O muctl Lha,l they do not wanl up-. the ~ one pa:ssed which b poo-ed-J Y gi'l-r"s them w rnu-ch a-d· \·anutge?· Andw-l;ty'l,i I-t In;;,l grou:p-:l which 're-picsem 'il. n:rage dHltm.s f.l'!em t1:J favor the new {J'De 00 ~u,ch? Pf>Mt.J!llii lWo, gfYlli rf'.. ·~;nn~ in-r Dc By WilUam I wroll~ lD th~ ~h Vie wa(5 juggem. Ill!' United lot to hilS iI ~ 1\ .'Ilance OIJf hJll ligeoc't lind !1 whl·ch CI1nl pr~r:>l}a to bc!J(...·, Bon wal; W 0 Noith. Vit:tniU up 'a-flaIM! ;, dent South Vi I have ~{l rommentary, oominafof of you-so. Thf", CI mg. !)e(:au..s-c say t1.'LBt our maLe's :md tl"u assuraJ)C-(:S b2 -quenL s>xneth at grand cune' >-a.J< Dr-c17,1865 (.~~'U~ O. "'<r., li,'",I~"" "·",,I""- f'·r~(f R.~n! C. ! MI>t,~ QIW" ""0:,,·,,,·,'1 'Ip PI'<> (;!~dn \.'.~ Co, r:'.•.• ,~" "">_'''~~ Fl"" .. "'. A.I a w )' ";lztt~r (;'>."'...."•• f.,O<;."'" ........ M~·._ C;"<,,."l~,.lw! "'\.Vo~ Of<\(", I>I-,.. r-.!I't'r 5""".,11'61", w_·'C.<lI"" ,,~.~~, "'..... H"l'Pf ..---........... ... ., Et~ ~a~,~~,1,Prim <.v: ~f ,n.c prope'rI)' 3'ball Ilt"f,'f 1M' rej~fI, qui5h<i-d or ~1J5pended, ~ r .-rw.1dni:: 3~ mttU5-t i>CilrCb ol al~ new documl':-nt ~'bOt)ld h.. ,"~ djS-C0~'ered tile ne'" A-rHde e. 8oc-Uorl 2, whicb.!:i!,:\. ll-~·t:rHl ~h...g' . '1'bJ;' pcr"'-'~l \•• H Doubters tht n~l"e-r mit! 1;81' i"'~.,..._~ SU~TloIIDd.e(j ()-f I'.,.·o-<:"~ T!J.e word" make tilt! mQfe soUd be "(lfc-on-kac'.ell·' prol'\~\m\ llC'>W Qf rhJr.,g e·d?, '>Tvrno" ltie (t;~lrc' Jr~fl-tl!-ti\'es C'f bit! !:M.\jlW.~J ~ C111"1 01 the M·nro :.iU';\ Tl\);. p"<l)'(';r~ ,\~~:.ii}lJ0n »nrJ ·'i.miiar RT{itJpragn /'0.$ IJ,' tr{l l.lly·j; 'If I wpport ...n w\~rc rttJ111ing II [;;rge \,":f;rpol-;l· tJ<m doing tm....im~,~ ifl M,e,nl.n-rw I W!HI}.cl dt-~'lrly kwc li'.(', pn}poiled c:otwlltuUC'::l if) did f10t ll1l\-'~ lit i.lt"",;;\.t (b~ ilirfel" iMf.rt'·r>t.~ (;f ttl" S'lRlr '/it,q th-t F,,~rmi'.li1f't1( 1-'!l!H~~ '11 15t)\'1'~rlHne:n{ by \he ~pl·(':'. , 'f'hl;';7l wtr @ !hc !-a.rlll' C1lrpo.r,,· ,ioo~ oM 101-'(', Lhi'll .(lPij~:',~1 BUrl<":!lded. c-or;-!nu,!-ed a·...·liy , !n J~HeIli 1f,; ("jU.on Ui,\:5 kind ('l)n$lH\1tk~11 1W mud:! lh..'l-l ti~' 00 oot w/tnl tiJ~ M.OW o-nr. P'i.!C'ii.:rl IIfhkJl bU~ p..ill'{'!dJy gjH'~ thC-r1l ro mocp lUi· vantage? And ....hy b. f{ that un'><Jp~ whid·l r(':pr'C~'it'n-, ~v~ra6c dtj,"-r:r>$ ~~f?l t{)' I;! \'Ol Ihf nf'\>\ I "TO"", 10 Uilp lli)d; "',-,-{;" the ~ort.b Vit~tn'~{]'l<'~ blHl,kriojJ JUKg::riW~Wr,g )"d'1! ~lHlh up J h'>l·;".~ b<~I;'i\ 1,;t}m!Hil['="'f IXJ1l1ml'lfl Yl);,h'i")· T1H,- GiljO ing. ~(';""l,>~ l~ whi,c-h Q{ )\ it; tw.u on~ d\':- \.·tQ-Jd- Tl1P~ ~ll be TAXED'AT PH1CE PA.lO THE c;.;rr- I::!) STAn-=.o'i THEREFOR, (\1IL.\ WM W·?\) ,~e.l!'i t7.~ til ~n l\,r.:rt, W'na\ lIlTn)tl' [If pr!\llil~ ·jndidduaJ geu hi." J.am] \'alUt'"{) wI\)) ); $1,::.1) ('.ei.hng~). B\l\. r~ild 1)1). Th..\ ~ t e \ \ I) 1\ value. se.par;;te (Continued In Next Column) ti\:C i'ln. ~~.l\J1!l I'H':n,jl11 d"piorlIig , WTfltnm F':. 8w.::-kky .Ir. th.al 1]i',J[ in.~dnW:;f!{"t ~·sti· and the Whil{' }h.'IJ~,e f('l-l.-"6lJi Ilnc~1 ha V'f' !x-t,Jl de! J I) ljtit:"Jll, ~t)irn.c(h.i:.!\g i;l:;<: t,o il:T1VI: ill gllilXI ':1m,"l\j;\1111.~ !h~'i W'-,tiid, u ;,1 iI il;.l n l r iJ 'H:;"{~d m:"':::t{!·.-er~.uri-·. g :" i)VTp{ by lh(' ,,"ofth Vktngr wUch I ""nil'.';"; qn;c\;' :rr; r.'i-il;m~ and ihe ~J[," pn:>\,("f.Q.:s of all ml.nr'.'; ~.rvj 11) in: n g d,urr.~ ::tkli! (y, ,;u!'(!. 1I~ WUYI{\f:d fJ ,;, La" !n G:!u:'r ....-(Ord~ tf [he compil!1.I' D-:;;J:K1i $l<}"" ,;[ Ji:1 ~XjX'115£·,'j lmp,rf;\'~ne:~, /til; [1<:.'.\ g~:n nit· tncluding r.;g:pn.11 the 61-3'((' m.~y In.con;.e \Yertz' word"! of advice 'lo to'll Ul ... t 1-.1,; th·~ lahor tWi<)H5 may be falUng dc·af ('an parl)y b I' C ~ lJ 5 (' 'he)' learncJ c!c-mN1{ary :vlth· mHk'. The,- do-n't tbJnt It'll ngh! thai ~orkl?rs keo."{) p!J,~"inj{ h\~,.i, \l{'~"'- '( ltlx.cs aM (1'il<u'Qn~ {axe'" c\'(;n wh<:!l the planLs ar-e ~hut ,\0\'0'\1 w0,l:\I IJ~ \r"h\~'iU: 10lii.lying s\.wh smtiH Pr~rty (lIX ilnd no "n(~l I'fOCeeOs'lSl:" l)f; ('OI1\intle~: siler adinilllng la.H~~ The ,MW ("!il}stJiulj(ln iet,~ 1/'0 _on any uses 0{ £hep;:G9C=rt.y·flO{ :; iesi.s1atuTt', e\octed from ·sin· ·Ior min.i.ng j) U'f P 0 11 e 1'1, ili1s gle ml.'mber (hstrj.ct.~. with no riiIlcOt'f i.'l laid ill. :'and,alJ mad1inery used In. rnillirtg . .:m« ;'i{'(:'ret VO!C~ and ill! QPenmcel· lill ?,cperty and :mr{ace 1m· ings'. with the {rf:'0i<mno e{jua]· provemenls l~!1 or 8Ppurten- ;[eand balance the ,ax ~tnK' tire. Thi.s is one rcason why rhf' ,tm! to miries and m.ining ;Iilims whkh h<lve a «,[ 9)~' S!"K'fj! '. 'w"-, y(',t\ m~tu ,'-R:T Stale,s, p 0 li d '-' fl " T\mr5 .\<i)' [nJioing "bit:, mil~fa·l. de p O~. I t :1-. iif\tr p U f C h M ., e [rom· the Unir.,.''iJ .'i w-;j,tdl· /iJ);j cop-pcr, ,1-t!'lld, c:o-ttl or other- v.~I\i: " Lhmg lo mHlI in th-r :ww Ih<:":"(' iih,l,lfhi' wIth "'-""-<lmpt(! L'Drnrn'~fltal'Y. the. Ihetr' k,\'e tor L~ old ~'Utu· HC)!1 !in wd:l~-M righl \..'1l0 lbl: [)(i! f,'r Ci(jri" 1·)01(...--:-;<:)';1, ,h-c pr"rni :..;Cf1I ,--<j Im,li !>c.,u;JLi .(: c.i(·P.1 SmHfJ Vwl:l:lm. .~ hWt'-ix:rH;.nn ,.~ ,o<>,-·h 'llt:-,.,',; \one! Se\::ljn!', 3 a! !.hot oi,J He' '-,. roW.1; dnd T'l.l:u-l t:irJf1 Alt~rif; ',..\ ij ITlirt'c,~ i\:W mfning d"jm~, Nth pl;Kcr imd r'!Xi<:. in pL"o:. cnn· i.<lining Qf :xo~dng gold. sil"er,' ;0 je mHjt.l,Uy suiT:· il iIj';'itlfl'i\ rdn"h (jvd:, the don,,:, rt"J.Ll ( til" t:!"'\l~L1 5:l(j\e", go~'(tfn,r:n('.r,\. 1;;'$ ., lo\ 1n ,,·nsw-er tnf.· F'Of inIl:jr:'~e our lu,gttly dl>.:fki~lt in!d !,gCGI:r> iwd rniHtMj Cl5'!Jmal{!';" \'>hi'~ll i-h"r~,tt;i(h"d m(,sl ~1:TW:ft­ I'oar", 100 11'.'jJr7V{' mil·! V'k-tnIU;nt1.'ll· lv.JI\ vrQ~, w C' r !; 1 n~, I.bM :h~ ~~-(l!"ih VfdtW_lJ~'1il' w\,:-r-c JI-6il\!> oht': 00 muc,h? Pr;rhllr~ two good ,f'RSl?m 'f(,r old on·!'" _. but But Watch the Others' ~~ aifN'\J: ;n il d;,.s;; wiUi depl ,(\f'rupt:':!f< ;;;;',~w,g p')~;rl,·,,1 (;!"ler~ ill 1(;j\·'r,,,~,e;hnJCk ~IH ('(;))j,>rj }u-\! Inc i'ram Londrlfj ywr cQJumn i1 rt·~l(i why we'v!' k[l<Jwn SJ'. iiul( \Jmy ·.<'c'v.c nll!:ij:udgt·,J J.Q g IJ lr.J VlC'toam. Th.cr.e· we last $-t'ver, YJ~arlj reporters at risk their own career ai-(;n(>.t1:.elr live-s mf,..,j to te huti'l not' w,hn.l Washlfl-!{lt S a I g 0 n wanta:! t~m' to nwy W<'Il' ialking 1-0 the 'lou ilJ'I}OOg lh:er:n and :pet would be .",.iM~ as%. )"mD"3eH you lu- IJ.O }on-S preJ-ein. (kl. ." t W-&~ 00\ ·awa~ th,\\ .U\l'; rt':--\)o1l(I~r.L~, In., u.\le-'~i-\,~n. 'c:aree·n.. In took quite early·/.o ph up P'ulill.er prlzes. gul I.e\. r-\~ik(>d,he,f th"~\· Arl-Olhe.r correspond<>n( p more directly, mon:~ pcrSQr one 'reason some large corpvra· happened in \liet yDwre askin!(~' That's gall tiling tha-t nawened was tt tions do not like it. V1P ctlitor went wi there, working people like it, wd ih~" - 'Wha: Easy Scan and Print -- Page of COlllment ..." ... Why Not Yeor~Round Schools? the edHar, IH.ivo..:'at,c,d ~ild~TilU.lJjl ~;(TiO;L-; e '-on, lQR:\in:;,: haN; t"';:f:I1 {;H~d .,;,Chj,·" n~~·u:"1~)tlnd (;];,':kHl(1 Uw\, {!'..if f;i.~:.r,!,:;n:l !!0P\Ji..'J.- !!'t:hr)ol pht.n, ,~<lrr:,mnnl~f n::lf:~;:-cd t() tn ~:'(h(>;:rl cirdG,';CJ}; tbi:"; 4S~!:i 8)('\1;'1;r( cit-cd, what h~' Lctmt:'d bu,', wrH n,:)t Jm':·'~:f;\S·f· :;,j)bJ:{,".>:";l'..i1> in 6:Jtn.iHjJ :-'{',l,r-:t. Th(';TtfO:!i~. \{:!';i<: ,f~~Y· 'Nhy "qLg(l U1(1 '-'£.:,,1" ,,,,;n6 pktn nr:d dlrrliJ1,tk tho.::: cor; 'i1,ere a <::~L5.\..' (I,t 11 n~ln~!1fr I?,~~:'ll .)( l'u?Y\mt.'1~:c". :.1. ~,I p('j;n~-J -:>i beyond U-u,'. .;;i~'ij~ig:g t~\Xp,ly· en, could H:;:J;l:lte rH.lL:C~j U':J,t ·r,;:t.$ . ""dli1r, 01 Tn;: men~, a.!'·,1 [c-T'!;(l<j- lniprO,'t:D)171,Lt;\ ;,'iC: bf'-'::'J1 P;(.i'~W~(·f.J l)~'-(:auj'.( Lh,(' eli.'; \ i i.e; ri'lying ca.plt.al Und.fi' of stuGtnl." sc;ctLec! Cule. ;;'(j:ctH~Oi1" Pl"(}\"j~j·f ("",,-d~-,,p for t..rH: !:, i:; L ',' :" P~·L~,j.'c~\: grOl;p !-'.ro,:p ;\5./(- By p h",-" C",mOl@,," day;; it L!.ke.:1 e. :)nt ti'l I-:;~ fInd the fc<.:rU, In U:.tr; liH1:)f\;~r, H\·cwu,t {:);pla.,n::;. t-ht.'n; wiU on}"" b'e 7:) per' c:erlt. (':i the pUpIL:! in s.;;hol)! one time. Ii seems U'Hl.t ,"ll.:;'i'!i:", iU an." and t.he: sub;r.·ct of up the Uo-nP:d 8~'; p1.lln. \Vr ftc,\ it r1': ·,s\. l'Jt; poir,u.'cl e-ul th,H U,~s cr}Ocept tried more Lhfu'1 010 yean; ago a f-;;:w dj~- trlct..' i and WgS suo:;-c:.que.nUy aba.ndmwD l"-::Cf,U~t of ~'Dstti. Thl'!e firC" 1B.O-OO Sdi0CJ] d.i:st.ric-t,::; In the t:nil.ed 11.3\'e .statc~: ~TOi1e U:r. unly 52 of t!i{'.m yfHr-1Dund Wi.it-£', TIle cjt.iz-f.ns comm!LLe·c. 6Z'l1o(JI board trustees and admin1."Lr"lIl:'S l~a\'e not bUndi.\' rcc()m.mc.ndr.d .'3. S2.4 million bond ~~.'U'. TL',:y t.horoughly revlcwed th!:jr O~H..lll;'J..:.; andwD:Clu-ded that the 4'5--1-5 phu. Lw: t:\ rn\'l;'{. Vic c.'lnnol ('};jX'('l. ;'.l~!­ :!/;nV:i ~o t;W(:it{ot in d-a.!>-~~\10m,5 a;',ii Ulin.. ).,; Lhey vdn ('pe['r~t(' ,iL p{'a~: (,{ Li:\r';\ry -l·O'.j '\'~<:'Jl tJ,fEi. i ~ ,n~ii':,);; v' SJ.S mm)Gn for U-,:.-; ji('.:~) Bu.',· l.ng and rnaint.enI.HH;e co:,;L'J. "'ell ;;\$ utH.jl.i;{~s. wiLl a;-"c requir(" bu{)sL'mtla.! lncrea:·<,'{~s, T'nt:,,(: flxe·d COSUJ ~in no!~ d·cl:ree..r,c O",'(~; 1 he y{\@.r3·,-U~1~Y will g<f up lind ~i;) The 12'-month .~ch{."')l yeoI' W Third P i',i·tl Time to H!qUiJ'c a.n miUal ul:ih vi.1t,!iiy (iq;· s.HJerJlb~'y s.b{)\'('·[.hc pr();~:'::;<i :~,. L>S,llC. 45·1:, plan i'< ','d1i Y of filUonal diS;',ilssLO{l ,.,:hi "'-''-,:';)01';-,,[Jon. However: t,',"(' :-:!)Ul1ld gh'e in-ore "M~riDUS con;-;kl{:r'nl:.c·;; to t,;;:,,,ne('c! to cate!1 ~up to (It:· fJIe;-;t:r;i. r1(:(y1.'i. Tnis Ls (lie !,ro!J!e!H o[ UH' il1'shnt, In Ullie, th'.: tH'·ed for irniJ1l'm<":'t:...aLion 0; thp 4:'-15 pLan 1~))(- i1)Le)';L ),)\: '.he answ-ti' '.':1, UV~ _.dL'> triet '~. rr-obJt:n15, H.ight isn't nO\\' it H'r IILS-')ELL BAKf.2t If', ·\SIW--;C..-T'.)\ - l,".'N':; ,;me ~(:;m,'. h~lIh. s.,£,;x};.0~ p<J!!:lC',,,,, t:U.c~5 l.t;a! lifW odbG;j\ (,~Jf ",', l'Ct:~ ,.•',,1111 ,g""[l: thlO',r; m ,. :',•.,1;;.:Ci ;',(. ,:d';,' '-;,';ii .'" ';'l" F:;<.lP"~ ;1,:;'.'" .,..:fn~,iK"j~, ':'J.i~i': k' ;;,~,;}(; ,Ii}'] cry ',1,-3:n ,;j r(,~l'Jn! fur \/)t~;[,!t~J: ,~~:cn! <iy !li ,:"~'! ,he Oii: in" iho:'r" ;;,fib:.]}::» ","f;;' ,1,_" rr,!l~.e ,~,~r;.;;..;' ~; ~uu ;0, ~ g !.:;(:i:,,,"d, t;,~" Easy Scan and Print No Deception ,'_ By Convention i Edh"r'~ >'(ji.c. T'llh If. Uu;i't.o('um:! oJ co-h1J1-UU b~' th.c I!.I:V- Gc(}rgC' IhJ'rrer, Hoekw-t, ....-hl) w~;;. d~ctt'd il-l' lUI Ind,l'p-C-n-QNI( &m'1i1lOt'. ~(\ th~, h:-.:;t'cpl Cml$lllu· (t.;,-i!.-al C-3:1'1"v-ert1i';$!. Mr, Holup.;·r /J h ~ II( cr. ~ .....mt til fm ,::ri-l'lq of the p."v{-l<)W!! N.n;,!j\U\1<)1\ i;;:I U'lh ~'l1(''l\ rrl ';<l{tu:rJ-l:;:~ 1, tJ'Ir~ ~C1lt flY THt: rtf;\" GtOHGE IlARPCft Ben ,to hi" J,;)!'cl', Ii!! Ltr '.rr L~;' edi kJ{ o! .\lH y 12. ;;':,CU5-tii iJ:~ C:)[l.~·ltj·ut)<:~: C")f1I'enl V1f;:, [.\dCof<"it~'; oi w,i?;'.!lJfiy dC<.:t<dr't1{ ,!}",f~ ,~)pje t'N :>Qt U",;ng tU ,1 i.k)·c\}lX; S<....:t:oc 7, .Vl.l" ("Ie 11 til lh-e p:rt",otn( C';.',\l1SUl"JU-on wf,;c"h ~;!~'S Uldl U){l i~.gI.'iJ;;"'..r.rt ,>han ,eyel rd\c.".!lJiah ttl·" pc.wl';r U:· ll,,\ (:firp()r;;:~ ,j)-<; ,',r '.·"rp'J':ll,c i"d:f~ ;,!x;\J', c,,: I~'~':; ,Iii'; J ,~ rn f;,b:J .'-1i:!'~:: ~ ZS';': ',';;! ,J" :r:fhi' ~;,"'J .. !..i.gP. Slmpi~ A[l~""n T'r>t:re Bd:"'fJf;!t'·~ 'J,i",c:,"r "T,.!,,'" "';:;W(" ;';! "ik ,:7>-; ,-'\T:~' it ;..,,:,,~ ,1,,' ;;,,1'1\t Vit,i'i fi)(\;t~ ,:J:: ,;,>,~ "r~V 'i)H'.~ W': xi.\' '\;\1'-" !:,'t;:~ riih;.~. 2 .-r,n:mgi:i ihar"' b.j1b ;1'. iir"S,rt'( W ,'x' :}',-31 :,rj'>':"~ We ,!:;j ~':'--:r:t!IY1 :-l;:~ji'Qyf!aU011 ('(;n.~·tilU,:,]rHl m,L:~'t rl-;'. ,,1. C'.mi:!II'J:"'W U1('~ ;nJy, t.'· JiHr'Cr i,i ,1;:''- ~,:n(' :\i!.31." hr: i_~ 'n'on.<; h ;li!i el!ort 11) ddf:at jh,~· 11<:'"' onc" h, i.e (;ot t'''''!'~ ~cildng ,he ,-lid '-~~e l':e__,,~r\, Anit)" ~. Sec;jon 2L SiiYS '·N,:. },-1' ,hr' ,,[lPtP))ri;j~Ofl m{l~r C). eX(Ti){ tor {il<; er..j)l!':lse~~ (0{ gove_rnm-c~1\. i<!i;l!! ~ i.n]r':X!ll-Cl:d-·'wltliTrr'-~}E --lifine ~f)e iic'\\: G1.!{'("d or Third Party to Get Crass ",\'-t' u{ ;11\" ~ ':.' ~: () <)' :iJn(l till: :i[>~j'J-rl d'.-e.~,:t !l;n(, in be ':'X~Kt!y rIi llaY~i "j';\'. eLF)' B'r 'niL Lj.\.A:'\hW;U.s CO:\i-SL:\T 'I"~ THE J10USE IN WfilCH iT IS SOUGHT ""J !3 ",. L'\'THi:'[)~;(-TD',I;; ,jUwr ·...·,;td;', e;::Wf I,KErl. 'I"'<>:!:~ r1 ~x "',,-,,,; ;""\'.' Lim!' ~i.:,mc: ie,,,!"' ,,~ lin," ;i""" 'J.,; :\1 r.:JL,r" ['1, \:..... ',,,:1, '" .;;r"T[~[od G-','{'~, C' 0 !~, !e(urn for U1{' gc<Od .. \ow that C\.v,l!tl.:i,i'J{] P0 U i! d I" d as the); ':-t'~'f:;; ~~~~;>:~r~~~~~""~()Y ,;-..:tr r:· cDuntTy '.\Cdd ~;J\'l" t.hou£nt 0ur ~.(\li· j-~')f;;( W(c!l\ lG wa~. :, ',1,0;5 ",\i~1f'!hi:,g (lUi (if i1 Th,,-S(; i,t;no0 hghv'd~'~ were no, buij( b~~aLL'-'e i{,"L:l:i' "),a,-: Wh,-·.:' .k(' ;~:~;'~;~~il,~:l ;~~;J"~~~~~~K~~~};~,nl~,~~~ r;')U~e ')1 Int Il'g,sl<JWi e rna\' now to sidniep !i;,~ ,u\" 1.-, If,0 (:L"" s:iwLr;Il we !f~fl :"Uies o·f ~egisIaiiv" pr(!i.·e(jure :..:p to) Illf' !~gislalLir(' The) :1',';')' ",:,~',l tn ?'egum: a,DprOPfla'."Ji1 h.i::~ til to(:: in~r('­ r!1J(:-(',j; en"" ('iJri:ier in ~.fJe ,ess,,;n:i n;w C';,(X.'.'-(' Compounding Mis(<lk.es T!:l::l :~t ;,;:," vu, arK U"li" n i~ :11',-, 2.:I'-~ r:o.;;',t, ;1 ,,~;;~ ')1', He" ~~:-' '.t," . '('_ S<:r,l Cr:It;.~lP'(j(:or, '.X'!!'" ,w'; :.'(:,1;3 [.1(:,[';'1,;, TIle ]-,;,.< riD Slier; iin,!c.:.,j{l!1 Easy Scan and Print il~ ~ome high. Ime aixlll! (Jur rt,.turn for ,1:1 Vil'lnilm and ~nl out UlI.'r(' n tht' audien<:l' ~ <Ilti!CKed, b(Jt q:~h·grild(' una· excellef\ce b [,C!lt(J \~;I ()ui (If u,~ proetn.l 10 QesUl1j' Ufelf cwml Y high moral purpo'J:St'./, The Hil!l1JDS would have thou,ghl our pc.l-li;,-', ;jb"~')f\1 10 ge: Wht:"n Homl': went \.(., war. Ii was ~nm(>UJ)n.g ou1 ()j l1)rj$(' it !.aIJ1DIJ.5 [{"man h'lghwllY~ were rl(l! built !x-e.HI5it th' HmnJH1':' t~l~ a4_ooJlgauo!J to bring the bies.!iwgs ,,1 rapId to hil.rixl.rk lands. Tbt'.\' :':ii-n;piy lniIdc- J1 qUKkn tv gcl the loot t:Am1t R~Hr K' f>,leo}; LO) war,' SOtrlt'saki- <.>! g<10dmy's thirst for Con\'l('tl~1t1 \m· TIV' Brili!>")) Dper;;\("J on thi' wmc prinCl· pk (:;nod government, 0'1 oust', !ol,!Qw1.'d ~hr: !{omMI (,olJquc!';I, JU!>1 35 ChristLa.nity am.! good raj)f\)ads follvwe(j tile Briti.'>h 5t~­ bk n<lt!0-1\S ",r [Hare t'}lsHy exp-Ioil.ed ihOln' mOl'r !x"upll.' ate t!H' nwrai Il;1IIlly brought !>tlJbHity ~l d~oo-rderly; tile Ih!lll.-lll ~('''wd good gove-r-nm("nt and Chri."" hi8hwilY,~ UW and tx)(,!y',~ ,~o 'Ure Br:tj:c..~ pr'igll:'~.-'i Cdfl.qu~re.:J fll.ilruad3 )till;- to f{l)F.l-C _:l:pd_ J.~.md()fl -, i~ :!KidconL1\ xptX'Ung ,some lble a lhing ;lS Jb8b\y p.rdnaIt If wr h;1f! with gain V(' :;1 11t'cn out e,f ~veryl:xK1)' :,sc might nil\'" lived with the y could have. who wanll"d t() The t'Xllmpie:/1 migh! have 1. al')() makc thc goods Wl'fl? .vI" billhere:d \0 ~here the WIly le XX!. We would s claws, make kL" give tllef1l : S-Iales, p3r!ia, 1d 1M works of aham LinC'\,ln, s. high-rise o-frlbllrger sl:;:mds rar:- ' E,lI ,,£ tht' Fh rnarh' I('SL~ the,ir J;\sll'Jn WdE 3100 loU{" {"'<~iiJ: 1o~·I1J(' ("oun\rie~ they exploited.. Not '),;)11' ilO!iUCIJJn5 In Washington \li'QUid agree ;;)"'.I~J '>I':lll th,~\ pfopositl<)1) "lmpc4"ial~s.ro" ,',:,(j COit7majls:n' in" bad ",wd.~ in con· ;,'m)X':·;jry polit;clli can!, ('\'00 lhotJgt o-n~ ')f;t o·f H,;lffie"" w?s B-ritajn, 1lIId the UnllM l"m~U(1K(, of fkit.llin's WIIS St:.iIJ:,S ! Puns(s iiI dcmilg(\gU{'ry, of course, wd! "'lly tbi.s lilmp:y pro\'('s the e'vil 0f tho(! sys'em.,i -- flghti.ng wa~s \(l the !n'lf.1! tone Q! tJle world ought to be abilndoned As profesSed be.lle~'­ er:i in tlJe. mon.l e.xr:cHooC(! 0,( the commer· The ,\me-fk~rl ~-y:;tem ~!n:w"m'(' ud prin-dple, wr ,should go back to. the sensIble Roman-Bntlsh polK)', Nat t1JDI:, j('\ us l)<;-ar ril talk ltl:.Joi.JI not wanting My- thing at ail lrom war - 00lhing b!.J.1 a be~­ t<'r d;;ss' 0-1 gO~('f'nme.n( tn the wodd, !'\e\! tUll-e, ie{ everybody know it: 1:f we go 111 with gUfi!i, WI' t'l:ped (0 get $.O{uetiting mit ()f it To ge-l plenty nUl ot it, in fact. ,,'i,h thi.,:'! appr-oadl we tall ba~ our deci- sions abou; wllml.akin!': on cllkul.al.icn.5 ~nu-­ I.ll' 10 thos{.. w,e U$t' w~n deciding whether to btl\' nt'w pianb. or \(J merge wlth C;.unsoJj· we art pret. datt-..J, ar'!,d Ht thaI sor( of thing Ive "~'l'med to of ,apl,l3lJS-!T1 supt'no-rtly of ng was wHntr'd Iy good A.~ enf~r:\ of 11K,r:!] e~eUenci we are ~mb.'!N·/l.S>.~mt; \0 P'J\ it l!S mildly as ~j" ole M:nt r\l;).;,tHUUOll per Illit~ itlJjJlVpdilii\)f)s for only tWD years, TIle proposed coostHution hE.:! 110 s-ti(~h li.mH-iitIOfl whll:~~"t!r. A 1e~l~ laturt' couk! Bppr\JprUl(e mooey for expendi.. t<Jft" ;I;[Hl\l211y f~r thi> M:ll 100 p'M:; , It ju51 i.$Il'l true, :'l'o JegisLatllr~ can bind future kgLslaUYt" approprillUon~ It isn't Ilt'('('-~ary to mentjon II specir1c tIme limit lIke tW\l )'(;,,[5, Every leg I s 1a t u r c thut rnske5 appIop<iatlOCUi either okays appropri. ll~iar'5 already maGe. or cbange'~ ~, Qr new ones m th-elr pI-ace. fThlh~ - - The il.ien thaI an appropr18t1on fOr a rell.. glOW> org.a.'li..z..l1.ion caD sUp through lJ really fill' fetched. Such appropriations lire clCilrly prohibited by ,A,rlide V. Sectioo U, (51 It one did, 4fl)' pt'r;on lX}u.ld I1Ikf. i1 lQ l."OUrt. Sv~tem ;')i1"l-(t\i-Cl}(-e ComfKt';lnding ~tbt.alell rn-t~n he. 111y" ou; IUlt:)lll{'.f mIstake and builds Ii cas" on It. HI' S;lyS that "Ul\,: pre- _"d'td thtrc t, 00 limft Hmi!Qn t.ak:ingany law ti) L'<)lltt to tt'i:>t il$ eOlJ.-<;-UlulwnuUly I\:J a 11l$1 thruM, Bell il5k.1 "what could \-he COCWU1!J,m llOS$.ibfy hiH'C had iIl mind" when it rctaiOOO the s.:cnkoce that 'the privilege 0( th~ ~Tit of h?DcUS corpt.lS $hnll never be !P-t~pen(kd" but len tt/f 1m: "turds "unless, in (il.$(' 01 .rd:li:)IIOf1, or ifwa~j(lil, the PJ-lbJk )).llet)' require it:" He ~rs how we ('<in '$\Jrvivc re,hel- lIOn or invasion if it were only Iltt.e.s,5<lry foI' the rebels or inva-dcr-s to· got.;I ('oUr! i(l spring them a.s an improper warfl1ll! of ar- " r~'sl Of' no Wl'il"Taflt ba-d ~t1 i.ss<J-eoj':" The Concept Is Sl~,e What we had In mlnd was "'Jmple Ftrsl, ot· our da}'s we are oot ctmfroot['(j w'H.o, tnva-~ orrmemoo, But i! ·liOiJl4::bodV dec Ide s' Montana 'is being iD~'aded, and somebody (anybody 1 decide! to throw John JT)()S{ ~!J .in jail, should John Bell pr~n!. turrtseil in a leg.al be allowed 10 NJUrl. tl) j}eu wb.a,t charg~ is ~ aga.inst him Qf should whoever put him in Jail .tJt. aU:owed t.o keep him on no charge at all i Surely a court t'OUkl bring BOrn<' charge l-egalJy against lin "}nvader" Of Yiolent rebel IJ flO can. be b-rougnt against a pefS()[] th-e ~rS01l'should no4 be heki. No e~plk)fJ._, actliAJ char~ Sorntqleopk ~eem to lhkllt:: that the Constj. 1uHona J Conven.t.kln waB a prj vatA.! group W'fliciJ schemed lopu\ romeliltrlg over Of} th-~pubH{", ActuaJly W~ wer-e el-eet.ed ill a fair'and open eledioon and f,~nt to a convert-Ii0ll eallc:xl by the pecp!oe of Mont.ana as :their ~nt3:tt~'t'>;, ~ "edl.i<:aling" Ql the pVbiic~'a.:r·1tl what 'we wrott! and why' is beL~ dorw! at OUt' own exPense, since the supreme Ct';urt mled tJ.a t ....e :couJd no{ use th~ "'!ter education money .we saved for :Lhi5 pw'fYJSC of answering que.stiQm, We 'are glad \0 answer any qlJestioo.s abou{ what ts in the Proposed constitu!iBn, ·but i~ i5 f'X!remt·;y n<ord to 3mw~r stalemen:.s that charge the d-oc-uj'l'>ent with .wring something that i:,~x:sl)', .'Kl,:. Easy Scan a~? Print - -Su Page of Comment • Who Cares~ Thf? p('liticians ar~ bus}" Jump·: ~'f:'m Q:r 0,~, oftprndlng- on how " ',,:~; l'~XJ-l;; at it, lhe cOfl;;;:t-it,uli,nn tJa.. ndwl'I.gon. Som~~ s£,yth(~y !3\'or UH': p rn)XlS('{1 d.oc UHW. n t. ()~.he ,- -'i ,A];:e t.he nplX)sile lRi;)", Hr1Il!y. who c~r~- Wl';C\hc~' they ::up~x~rt. the (\l_dor ttH~ n",'\I.' (.(.l'1'!.Ii.uLj'(ln 'J:-!1i not [!'J?,h:t them C'. (,~o(Xl g (y, f;T:"<{)l, ~>cnn t.£;r c~:()ng re,,-,,- C't w!:;'l.( ha-q' y(\u_ \'':"I:3t lh,-:~' ·uj)o.;;(, ;11 !.tll" w;~v 0.1 g(x-><:J go\,· crnrrH'J:L ,al; rtiDrrn il,:id !,Ql\JUon~ _n,\~,n. ~J) otiH:r rrrobk_rrcs ()\.;, ~iiF ·,'O{';'f:'; it> should "'iht'U-~{'f l.{1 lL<,( [1ft> ..-hat to del-ermin't- tl'1I,;Sl"; ;xo-ple ,'lIe "ic-rttly o{ pu.bli-e olf\((' C(I!1Sututio,na! C,Jl1v\",nlion di'.i~gat~ c:i(j th;;if i~t let llppn::ud1 V-;{~il "d,rk til i.he sp:rit fA bi·parL· :W.r"n,g.f: S'l(T,f' [t'IV;QJL. ,-'.-1",',\:10 :sf:. In i.~;,( ii(t <>"~,~:\, ,t.hat U1ey !: U,t'V ,:::r:· !,:"el ,h;-it they [nus\ t!J.ik ;',~'j:;L:_ui.ic,n, wi'd p-er--sorH1Jiy Pf,-it, l.r.ilt !.he-y j.~eep their rnouths More Info }.,!ore In1')nnation regarding P[l)V~~-Y'-d '.:;"8Y ,I, Lt\l~ ('OflBl!tuU<)n COO).!';" your !.),c· (:.;-,rn (){ a ~pe",,-12..1 ,~lJP­ "·ie-i1H'-nl ",-hlch i.-', be: i.g di..slri.!Jut: 'if (Lti:~y '-'iJ :n i\ :,j, ,;-, ::':,1': 1 rH'Wgp-apN:i in. \(:o(;<1.y 1"':'1" paid ,<dverL.sinf? .'i;Jpp]erE('nl 1:, pHrtwlly t-unded by COP.)nwn1ty S,ern::r: PrO-grarn::, Tit.ie I ·f t.he' Higr-:r-: £d:...:cutior, .A,Ct. cd Si.:pp:o::;,-,e,·,l.ary fu.ricJ:rlV fur }i",.' jjC:i.flbutio!: «.ne In.5'2".ruon in T rip to the Summit Students Thank .',(Wile :i-(-'w.';pai*r:o "'-a.o:: providE-_d b~' (~i:n­ (',;;nH,{j C'.iZ('f lor C!.~'j;:.,_;LU:j,J-r";.,:d Easy Scan and Print )unday SmorgasbordImproyc.ment. The 12 pagt' tabloid caljt."l.ins a mphow Eon avor herl; ~he'f COfl· 11 a "f;5S- they gOY" Jon~ "hat rune arc d~'!­ lot of wo:rd.s_ Se.veral pages ~IT dl~~ voted to an artidc by artJdC ,~nal­ ySiB whlc11. the p-I"Orxmen \;~ of l h (" tabl{)ld. ft-eL is prf""SCnkc if: h fl1), Rnd ou;ec!"ive n1fmner. It a1:J,Q (:or,- t.ains the ~cx~o{ lbe p:rop(;:~u.i 1:1'0· 1'>"lil-1Hlon fwd atUoiJ:npt.5 ,.0 '.;11i':.,<{'Z '·fl~U.fJ1tl)' Mkffi q~,~~tk.·n.:. WhJl.e we're on the f-u(.w·.ct u, bdnl: fair 'tn·'d {)1'1('5~Y~, Wf· wou:d like to r'fmrnd yo~; or tht :,v:~n('/, of arU(:!f~5 which ';I,-'"{' are carry,nK on I-hL:: pa.gc by ll1{' Hn-, Gi':1.lfj::X HaqX'f, an !nd,epepo(,nt ddejj:al.p, to the ConsUtattOOill Coo'ic-n Uon. A riumber of Ii,UthOr-.1 of h'tt.(';-& to the r-dit01- hil1-e !'3L"-:,,-:l que,'S-HRq.~.r-'1.~ -0'1 LJ.or._s: Mr V:-[rJptlng }''1ch to answer thernand point om )?rt • :~r:rtain tn;~ccu: ..J:~-i'-,~';'\ and )~;s{>,d L lur they Sin· lalk Pi('- luths temtTJ1,.s OpponenG a__n~ Jlukk t\} p'{';-int put all or t!if:'. }:i;J5;en';' arear-: in th~' rJ r ,,' c(Jr~';t'itlHvm :10w\'Cve-r . t.hfY COD\'::r,l('ntl:yJ,~g ,{OJ r;)f'ntl'~'l1 the ~,h0rt(:.-omings o~ the p-f"e'£en t t'lQntan,~ CUflSt.iV,l.tj·Ol·i. Mr Ha.lp-· e, t~~.",r,s (i cio;\-t? \0\.,)<: at ",,'hat yOli dechJI:' t.o 11\'1." in the past ;:tn.d ~ e J d>.~·,: ttH' new document. ThL') e.~1;e ';till appear Tuesday ,on Lhe;:~t()nal page_ We hop<, yo-u take :t1~'hr to read the wiU ge-t H yOU L_ tablOId and M:'. g t.he your Huh~ su r-ibut.TS in lpplec'''1m'H-le I ,rt or 19 f l~[ some Contiuna] H"rpt'-.r"s arti-dt'~, :~', CO,l~Ut':""jlHU, .Arnold OI."Cri, in a radiO s;,x1t p!\lji'ging 1'";j ,. (', hiS t'UOn :0 return to (HfIC(': "\Vir!- ows SIlGiJlc1 i('('t.'iVe full tx:nefll.s. even thou~h they have ,last W1e,r hU5-bancts . Wr,lch [;}igh; nJaxf ym: ask ~IOW many tx'!w!it.s ~,;lCH.ljd bE ;~"Cf')\'E'd b~· wick .."':; 'J;i",;o ]:[I\'{'n't )c",t their husba:1d~': • - .. - Stabi,Htv -a.nd Batt'ty Ptrlornumce What Motive? c Chara.c-t;fltislies at TWO'" wld Three-V/he-elc<t Ve.htcutar To-y~!oi'-Rid­ Sr>t::;Jking of' polllic:al eomm-tI- Ing." The burea.\,LOfprodw:;t:'SIlJe- {"j,a.lce, ·th("~_~ of Tom &i:'1tad on teie- !y vWon (he's seekmg th-e Republi,'an guberTu1t.()rial nominnUo-nl U1--C' q'U~ti0n of whether rlC ,~nou.'i c",'lndid:at", for gOV-("f' or was p~)l \r\tQ lb.!) rnc{, $o:kly r<d~ h it no! 1.0 detNt t11(> new constH.:t.IUon. Big Meeting Th;:, Hdt:'.na I...eaguc of \1;o~n(;.n VnU-'ni, Ame:rlcan A-.~aUOT.l 'of CnivC'fsity Wome.n and Conm:,<.U1 a forum M t D!= prrJf..)(."lSI!(j' c-onstitutian ·Mol1{lay Cf~_U.<;;(' fl.1'£' ~pons.o:ing alB p.m. in the Ik,-j} Room of the te:ep,11one C'Dmpany, W,' tlrge aJllhooe with questions n';gula~ t:oy-s. N9.turally:;·l~ ha.... U) knew 9o'h.at make.$- trlt-y-e-~ and min.\.'llurc h:i-l::y-e1e.s dangero-ut. AU ll'~, going t~) cost it; a palL:ry:$2.3,OOlJ. Rep. Wi\iam J. Sch~rh,.. n~lowa, [-oW his cQ:o,st1iucIl.u that JUn.erl('ans are "dl.!gus:wd wilh bird~ bralned bureJiucrRLic. ~cb e.m e I) ~i:Kd.alj:Z;ing in 8quaIld.(',-rtn.," We S11re are, Mr. (',.on-greglmnn. A fr-eez£ on th15 type ot ~e£:l!:lc.s.'j sDCndlng would be a we-tcom-e reh',d, T}H.~-re are some area.., -where can do wIthout our benevolent l1-uf('::3,ucracy, Thi.s 15 one of t;h-em. WE BIG State to attend t-hUi tmportanL meeUng. 11 thf.'n~ was ever any doubt 15 the onl} time that aU of the Di:>.1rlct 12 delegate-.s wEI be. about M01'J.l-ana'a claim tolxingpreSt''Dt W pre5e.nt their -.-tew:! and Big Sky Country, it has now ix-en answer questiOIl8', as we11 ll..":i ex- laid to rest. A recen l Mc>un tain Ben new.5plain the r:esu.lt of their effort.!) It E,hould be a li1;'--e!y and 1nfor- l-ett-er qU-Dte:s F;ortune magazine rnaUH: evening. on our Big SKy. Fortune says' th.a t there are about 135.000 commerclai and PP;y-a.toe airpla~_Jn the United 8ta~_ All of them--couid Big Deal bot in the air sfm-ultaneouzty at The g(wernment h.a5 pu t a rn:-eze 00 wages and prices, but th-e same a1 Utude wer MotJ.;tana and every plane could be 'J!. mjl~ f mm tt-e-m.s we re-ad' we wonder a'ill-a y from an y ather one, who b putiing th-e freeze on the 1'111:." govl2rfim('J1 L One of the III 0 r e ri-diCU10ll!i pif''Ct',l>'o! news concern.'; the Fed- VA Is 50 ",al Bureau of Product satet)' of tllf:' F()(xl lU1-d Drug Admln1stration and an Iowa con.gre:ssman who hasn't fa!Jen off a trirycJe l!1 yrars, 'The Vet.erans Adminlstra,tion radli t y west of Hel-ep.-a, celebrated its 50th annh'ersary Friday, The VA perform.~ many valuable 'sen· Th_<, ['."deral agency profXl~ a S23.000 stud)' titled' "The K\'9.1uation and Par-ameterizaUon of iceli for veterans and h.a5 a definite economic impact on Helena, We wish the director and VA employes a happ): birthday. on oo'iioo$ deft:C""g or omiss-ion1 they have two st<3ru:!2rd rej.oi- Easy Scan and Print Students Thank -Edlmr, 1")dcpm'Jd,;"1l1 HIf.<,-:>.ni lb~_ Otlbtroi!f of ;:>_Sj~~ . 1:hgb' d). !,,~~:::i;n.1'1f'! ~'tlid:l "-'hJtld~ootht ,\'{;a y !1 {r~; \i iKj'j.,.pU' ,u>,:/F;!2,( Ifl![.'h 1.0 :J,-",nt; tho:: :';'-~~dwtrJben 01 t~"" C':)-!T"/,,,:,.;,· -tty -""'M et.ifftrlbute.e ~tl{:,,~Tt'fllj ti'Ji)<jr ....1-~>tl)j."t H.7!i wt>;;;!'l: Article Is Good Th-~ R.econf ""xl mX1,.rl./l} C':;'''OlrihtJ:!,rn.& k' :Yr~ d ;te i"l:r~d" "," r,~ ~J;,;' ',4:," u~l [l'a; aU" "'~ ",I>(- 0{ cc,r \M {ckk.r;: T11, "", ,(,;,".j: HiI;>i1 (.<{ ,,~;(';' !A~ ~.- CYUI:"~, t<:ra'lH IHlij )\'-'" ,c-l)lls,Ulu,l0J '" \udJ !,hey ~~:;,­ I,;"~ th~I.Ak i)\1', "~':- S<Jlv ,~:,,; :J1~ with locul : r/eW cof>SiU Iutk glvt: ~.< :,0 (:00:, :h,':~~ ~, '~'::J: ;"1; u""v: po- tnOOl 1'-;,-;1 Lh,,;;! rInd lIC1 \ipon ti~:j; "': :lio)l.,i h.:il ,<,~n~ to il n' i, it P-r"n)'. f::KJn, Pr, "f Worm l~·.:l.guoC ~ ilppfl'n.d ,\~ :.fttJ: ~,) ;~"-r" bay" ',0 do 'jr}(.io'~r ,h(! Pf("~;11 (j''Cl'lTllil.'1':' Tbts r~,it ('<1!Y :Jv.·~ ,J'-r><r; P"):"l i,'e lKtkKI bv\ . Hden.a AUWfJ)llbte Doe-.iikf"r, A:J- C:lInl1<)( nr" (~ :)-).: \(..::,,1 ) ~(""',i w" ;~'rl,: (ll1e (,,-,,,,t,\.<)1'1 wfAl~j !el lh.,'cl:r, "" ...sl,~ I ~dJ'''1-nf: l~~ ;': "ki,~rITdD( r-m-};";- i;;,w'l:.rr..m~ulz f .;.) 'i,;ot.f)c_-fe:; ! n O,',J~"lon '0" c !Gr ~7,!;l'<1~ (Y".:'?I~f'lU'X, !I" J}f·:;::ihHlLy in :J~) ("g;'l~'l/<i-· h,i '~h: !it-k'.;fl;>, G;:) we ,:~.~'·,r'.',,: rr~.'{T ttOl\.';, ~':'<;-r~:iaJl:y ))"'" :!-,," ,'<:'" ,....;;",::; ,,:11 'c."f:. T~:~," ~,: c;, '''':>l;K! -".i;"';< W ~ It, U·~ ::~~f'; Hjgb He p;f'::l!.~d i'.ii I: 'I,;, ~·,_ ;,vkr.' ;':)'ljT 5"(1'.' (c" ';'~',1 :i~,,: \L': beaf1je-j, ~ UJ:U,:;:<;tt,t171 c~1 Mr-AI i::(·""c-mmCILI '_, ",ic/l 'J;T n}i~>k'...... I'try en;;", r:' r r. d tt. b : r ;h"Kj "",'i:~~ I::H 'v hc':!:' Deflitrifl¥;P'l. Th'/' J:r.r,f:":}'<"..o:7j.. (On! I'r~,.", iA wh~d'! :u ':,,: ik:;iJ, "d:n at l:';5i ~(;.fi ~xJt"f'''''''Il'jr:}, H(--f.':';':: i,,{: "D.;{.-;" ....-\l 1o..~.gl::J Uw, "'~;r~e;y iT"dtl',f.~ t'!,><o V,o:t ~.',-1 .;; tl;.~.',lr.:l;y k1 wh";;l:~ t~ !h""k_~ ~., ....' (.....,lak,fT·<. Loca! Government i':!~("~r: >:,,"~i-'-,~i ""t'i<:, .~ oo.."lU(b-~ prloc"ditlOl'l, Al$(l t , ., (';I'i Kx,(c(~nvcc' A~~,;-::i,l: ,..:;" frnraj' !J..dJ'iduaIJ Jt:J:1d ,)[ ;;.il:i1\i.;; lhf:parndl) d:".' ,~ 1 ~ v\ rt..-':I1~l~1 II); th'!' r;f:"';'L~ _ "r-,,: ir,,· fQr ;;.ih"\>~ A\<!r.!r..~_ ();i1 hI" ,OOjX,,#t':O!pt !Air lili !<iJ the;' >-1.1':- ,. reb;;; t<! tbe. ()W'"l T'l:~ L"ldii\·id~;.::;~:> :.r,~: p !'ol,\-j-.'T ~ 'rindt, J [", ,,1f,j: !i): ItIt' ,,\ W ~ ~_ A$~~x-i¥",! cl tbe Hd'=n-il. :;,;dnr $.cOO.jl Letters to tl - The .Community T -'--~siP. And !'".not: Ch.ilinn~n Loclld Stud y Of Col Guest Column Defends ... Lawyer Opens Up :.h-{"',}\J;)' ., '-'-;;]I",r,--,: i ,",--' ;.0,:1 df'.::'s,~:"·JI. CI."": ,::.( ;~ CO'.l;\ b»,'lnl! 0'tN Q! ':.h!, q'q"'"'" ~.i,pfF.ri'" !,h>rt:.J,n-:-t w;·j) ,:)a~',<:t.i,-\rE .~J.; '-'.':;'-C:','l' ;1,,-;( ',~ f". ,--",<,: ,,',,\ t", I,:'. :'r F\'k n f'n';pk'i'<'''! ;EH'.tWr:<."k> , llfu;nj:<l'lB'.J-::: i,'.".1 In,e'c!);'r i>!,rj :/.:r:~',} ('! rlti~t'!.)\'· Ynrt: ',:",' D.' !;\ ;i"--:J'!A·;~l~.:p ':w if; t;.-)~>: ",':f:~ !C}f "y,; t':: P'~')f'''~'d :,''',\ ;i",,' m~' ,~n,it1 ,~.~l<:! ',,~ .1li;;;,g :i:j'o'r"it.~,~!1 iJ'~ i-'",-,.l,~y &I",:;w'I'" Ijl j ;l,(xJ~ht pl1.blbh h.i~ \(, ."'" ';;(' '0 Ii j,i"r'," r..t>·c.. ";ld.;:-...·: ~k' \:J,v. 1'~rf,.{mBj 09iC_~ }'\t;I.::< '>",\ c..-r, no/, ~p,;; ;,. ,,;,,:<0e·,·"-"{x', (11:' ,-""! j.l.I;;:.g"-' r", ;.n.\,<.i·, ~·h-i· -'~JU(I, "('D;~ Ul,l' <""; (~, ,-y. i[>,{',' r-'l<"n;, oi i. ,j;i;;r (hS~'"" l~::.' ',·:,l.X ':l~ wb,r,' :,:'\".Jr "';',~ \J;,'1'-<,g~ l!'t'd .. ; ;~I ,','.<: iht, k'€,,' ,:y <.l'! ,'~',;d;(-~:.?N; bri:''-;~;-'' lJ~' til-,l; ~'.''-iD,: '-'''X;':;,~1,;'' __' !"~'.!;I )-,' ;'\5 Ii:; ,'( :~'"X'( i d".' Yfr~ ;;;rJCl 'lB.:", :i-','';', :3;"':" ;'i. f;:,.· <-~';,n';~, CO,-,;-; l1.<,'( Si'J,iS ,-'_<I r·,gh' " f ~.:: :,.,j\," ;;,:xl 1""'".CT,,;,: ,':' i"xn' :\ ,,1'.: \" ,·.Xt"'''':.\<' ,':;.,.--:\ 01 i,,,".r.:-~~~,Ing. ,i~Il'/:"" .:J', '-',·il '.~,i" ;1:1,) iii' :'C( (\-;;;1 !"idd ;h,~ ,\', :'L')':rr·,n :'''8 ;'.,': ."" 0'~ .::,:.1i', . :>1.';1.<,.: L<"'; "('~-".i< ~;)', ,t!.;I' ,h:', n':'~)h;'UXl a,;,o.j the It7'!,;;<;';;'; the iJ.pr~~iL:'g 'r,,,;, :~;, n-,n~'~i)(j "'~\,h ~l,f \!"':.'e ,',,",,' (Jf', 5-<l:;i;,,;; i.h-<: niue:·! i'Y' ~)U; :~i, ::-';i: fc;,YJ~ l;jf ~;.-:- \" ..,:1', r,:"Tr.'Td'i<:,,' h.;,,:: ,.Itt",:, ~oo, (';)r:l-{:'Y.l Uld; ,'~l'~K~J:..~ In de Lt\lCy 36.;'ms ahn ,.(1 ~',>l ••:, of. hi~ r:as/' !"a:.~ "i't\1'·tb.;--~ ~'~ ic :it>e;;.j '.,;,.. :')~,h ~'.3~ !2~iv; ;",iqWf:::, ",hid' Lo '~')tc-pu\~ r,f"i: run rD.: oH1':'f (,!lU"l"..5, fhe~ "il'-e~ r~ndf'tj ....i lh- {"):1:f:'$ ," " '...')-( :.,-,f' ,l:;'-~' ;.t~.' th".~ ~15J~I"ltGiS ",-1',0 ""i1Jl!f~ < <;n·Ctl{l dd-e;ll!t('~. Sut .... h-ffi '~<:.; t~,:,:~.. b..a;'d ,,,,. ""Q(.(' ill ,ing",·t'f';S guilty t>! an ,,-ppa:l' .~ :,.~'-,,~ ()~. "n.:' }('-l,n1.3.i is: s riihi III cn1J-.c;tt ;:. h~"3Yf";; it'T8\1.1. !1(' o-~h~~ fJon·~r c;()uh:! b.; ·tndep<>.r.c.Ie:ri·· q'J,'$-{j(c •. 0fX-'-r11\ Weft' liwt \k\;i.\-"xl. yjnu't (I, gaL~:~ " :1li:1~ ;'''\'-f'n\h~:;c;,l U)e 1_",~'-n(l(JD GI.M.~ thai l.eil~1;1 '-~':10n lO"ti.r, an U;''i~ ,Mdd~.f'. b:" :al'l lfl bt: CNJ----Coo oM. Kqakr. ::; '''~,' ,-",,:,-c.,-o .-.' .," C';Uf( ~ "'t"r;' 11)<' ('OUTI rulC-d, ~f'(J',{" ~_r~ C \1;'~j(n~",~ \" :, ': ,1 [ ,. ";,!"J'~ r,:1 '..... ",;,,:,;:;v In It:w "",,,, ,n "" d,~ --j,,' :'~'-; ~,,\!-J :"".0:" ':'.:'i-'~ <:',,)\i;~' !~,c·in-d".il!h v,- Jl' ;~:: ;~;ri;i ""1,:' ";;,,J 'h.,1. ,h,( ;,'g.r,il' " ,>-i ,.)'.,:,-(j", 1<./:;' q:,HH"-J H 'T~ ... ;ln.g ~h-t ::\::,n~>j>1 'YJ,T£.l.U\'·,<;, '.. ;:;{:h "~><.J!;J <I,.: ;1[(./;( ad!')lJrnn",~I:). .',!h' ,_"\,,,,rr,,' .:\ Trw i~rJ~j '--'Jll'("("\ ,,,1<x",;' ,.:,.., ~,iL;;;;",~ C'ffr I ,")f1 \xliX '-::Olli\,'~l);r~ 011 ;..i;" (,-,n-W'l 3(1, i,) U"-,, ·-"'o-il ;-~,.,,«,~t:'.!..:<::' '.'CHill::! (f~' it WJ,~ 'T>."ny ",~sl·gn-e-G hJ!¥1.i..TQ'~ .I,. ",r;.:lih i:rtrl'!J.ded ,0 ,hI' 'Jnt:' Easy Scan and Print ~,~omtrt~t-c<5 f., prh-~ {fJ'rl'hAipM'l!idt '~ lI'I'ctl; Wt ~'.. ,~ OiJi''''' ,IMwUti{ t~~~ [l.nd fu;e y.;0i..j b (\,,{. 'jJ. tt'it;,·, }ke ~·,j!kim( tl'w".l~!rfK-;j;<J. ~ ,x', " ~ VX' J!, it< (;if the tn.e I),,;;;": l'hw;b.oiEJ y fl' liw <r.-I1.-f<:1,:U· \x,n vI dUt,?;, 1.,'""''115 ~nd (:0,,[;:., ir.",; ok',-(:l~t',vb b<},~ ",,". Eit-<:'d..' w<l!'i(;;J{ Hd \rp:m ~;A\'jfil'i [" ('btl:i tn-Mit tt-«' ~.idctw.A~el)e.,;.krs .Vt- Pl'f;11Y. y:<l1, f'<F;",,~ <t"-;jl,l <iWn.',;d JM :bey dq w.; ntw (,:~.lrj;~'tlWUO£1 pi fli, c 1'<00'l Ux i~\.1·d' N,~ lh:J! jM tr"c -q. \{, (r.,,\)<':(:ikWl \;;'(iukl 1!Ci !,l\f:1Jl d"'b:::rm;f.',{; ur,<.1 linju~j S-L,~ <'~ M.Il" Ui1ft,'. tAj:X'\\.'iitiU.y I'l'~. lhih ".rl.'prv,.):(J fI'! It,,, !h':1 'pr~t,ili'~.Ah<', tfu :l1C:kM F\,.. e:nt r;ar"f'-<: f1-Q;;}; L.....,'.\iIH1 '/ W&1,tH·n SCI T!~<,'td .~nd('fW{l.. S<>Jtk!!l! [my- p~"·.:",,j.i:!H ""! '" h.'I. VI? "JJ 6>:J 'J.ndtT thoe ~,;t:,~~,;'j :x:"C-unit'~n, 'Th,j.~ i'l(·.{ oY.dr ChaiHI\a.f1 H~'~,.. ~!>.,;.~, U'C\! Study s","fl:iN f.h-g'h s,ct,,-,-,:>l dCF#!l fY.'$)"''': I<d.i<m but \l{CL>tt.$(i~ Guest Column Defends ... Lawyer Opens Up ',"".,' I.,,,,.,.,,., (if y,-r;-4{lS b Y')-:.;: \Jr '~r.: d-t\"i,\)<:,n~ !J ,~, t1 d, t"!t'-jJm;,-~':I:~ (~r>.g;!g~~ t;.i:i.'" U;trIc(tni,r,+; :,\ .iln~·''\'l':r . no: "h~ fok', ',\ru::~; n(;)eJJk i,; ",I ,-"',,,,- • '7i~;(,ph~~;"',)u,.i (MF,:"Y-( C"i,iJ'. l"oJ(>',> ,\ti i{~t\.U!.".r.,J,.' I,': \H'--~" ,I~';' "K (,.1/r,I."(I;) :J.' ;n,1' tfjnKt;Vt ,1r,eJ ',"',,\ thr,)u-11:, :i ('}~!Hl<l;:,i'~ ·".C'rnb'r'hi:p :n0:' lil""'.'.!;' --"I" (", to,:, .. ~':"," ""JtK>':I':'r,' ''i';- ~1If'f'(':;).!' QtlN:E'~.fl,$ ",:I:b 1!1< i""'" FP)j')"-;;;''>j n;, ....;,,'~,"'!.' :.1>,;;' O[ d() ',".1.1' :;.u;."'--ti'nc (~: "''-,D) ~",.;;,.'t. j ,~:> !',(t\ "(L'.j[ M:>.n"'-;'n· c;{'< ')"i'; "-,<: '.F! (',:~;\.-(,."1 E,o,' d~'"-<;,,;,,)0.," Cl'JtH \ ('(~J.d ~h.:- l..el){)0[) r";ck1~;) ~,1" "<"i.:;g- dW~'7!'t'd ,;-\)c"Hy .\l".l~j 1;·'W1'..&l':~<;:; i·idl'': ~ ngh~ . Bu' ~~~:, Fr,!(') Lic:i'!. \I.-itll Q "'P.}:(~ J.) he ~:(i; h" ,,,'j:,"' ;>cL h,il,," ';~_~"~ :·';W r';:gi"t: ",.~ ,:;-u.:y :,- to,: J.;' e~U\ :~"--I' ,,:~::'j "i,tb T'h,1: '.'--:;" h:";,c VJ!C do'!"\<' ~'(';~ ,)!r,w,,~.J, ;n;J.bd!:y 10 '.hwJ<: ij \lr~ "t,u~ of :k ta',5 }':;~jfjlRl, isl's right lo CnllCi,I-" 1!, !),('.<J\'cn k<:--l)ui, he "'fOte i{la !H o{ d~,~,aP90in:r:ntCnt ~::-,~, fl:\-(~, ti>..ai II laqw $i-lm (,! ;;'..\ n:{.Jll-f'" In';! ;LL:>-\ b(':' 5pOOtfl< ~j.N-~~, ~xh'·n;.5ing u; U'i": ~,ro-~-..J c('''!.1;!.t:huli-or". rbJ,l t.' ('\'~.n ""~,,,e (I,,,,,,. .ne... Rescl~::lbt,doI!bL \Jil.n,''''A'I' ('/'":;" d.U(! ~r-ol" ft-:,uilif:!" I<-f-:f "';'i:''i!,; '··"\(,m",::u (":'''~(O k:fi.'i-htor \.J'1.l1 :;J;!~' :}~'.' ,~;,iT), r')f~ ~,;r\;;(': In ::'T,';' ~xfsk~,.::e in f\,ky's: Ln,..,. ~nd "'c."-' ":~'O-' ,"(.lB~1i\!':w,' ~;J;,: d m;;y"',\l!i )i,'l ,~public cllic'!; '1,'1' ,!he c:;>mir'ro; pri..'TI-<>- if:, ;}",: U,{' un fundI 'Vi>!,t:, bUA. ;;.1.:;0 l!'.-ilt 1:.'1-,- ':'~-'(llinh~ b~1<1 ,~\.tl:k;,'--i'·i ;;.".: !,.~ !n,.,T'~I,gt ;;;'rd ',)y',c!ud-e AL' (·i,-;",·{",l;tv.,'" PPX<:'.~.UL\j. l>dm.i7il~t;a j~Hj (;,~n,:;~~~~:~".i":C:l;~ :l~~:;~~~l':~~:;1;~ u"t, il!K} its t"1>{Y the' MahooeY (','\9' the qU'~S\K:>; ."", p,("f.-\,1·.. ,j Ii:';.; il) ,;lpl:'IKJ '~:.1',i!'; to poliitQlir·tll€.rr..... ln tkit!<"l! In ~i:> --roe,,S'Vni!"lg'·'abo<.J!.·lht ,our: de·u"i-<,,-..~ in qUl"'" wtitber a.CoQ-C~n ddeg\'l~t' (In /.lui when lIlt ',/ijWl m\'th{.i<~r~ .I~__ ·e;c.t' !o,"1Y.d(k-,.ii I:;.~ ; ,','" - iQ )}<:.!d OlDy ':oU'd:f ~vt'l)( "'-S long <1!,~ llY! ,:-ornm,<1('f' C(~,:r:U{" l',:k:t':U'>'l~r. ,n (\-N:(,; (,.n" the ['::-..!" p,-;,ntc-d '.."-1< :J;" i ~iif' .)fh<:'.' of " C)fr,:'f,:\ d(~!l'G;lV r." ' (,'1.."-:' lJll\ 1! rt"~Y':lli d ,::)j-t; E,1"J);i(;g "" Jtl;W .:.0) 'f91~ And t.hH ;:1 ,'_",-"J: \1~1 hoDt'J a putA--,'(.' Of!KH "'h·~ is !Xl[);,>UI:,;\.i<X,· b~rTl, ~lj )<)<)j ~.ilYlnr: ':l~. (')!I-COT, I:": r\Jf, rOt r,!r,,;; iifH'I',~ ,pi1.l"~ lr')(ly ;\.";-.'n1-> m D' df"k 1 tr-u;-s.c !.!l rt;"jp,;;:rHiNj ",','.l~, (,:·\t.~ t'.f '':'-::l\'~JU-, alJ\,! ,,' (>',; 1'..;; t'()·k)- \1, Kn.iJkn )" hi, C__ Sf· q,,,t'!'tlor. CIt. VI"!I<-.'JW'.!' .:J;,;~ 'lx"Ki ;;u ,:a'!I-/m' w;<~ i;l~--!tJ! ""(ii' ~~x-.",,-nW'l'(m two', OV(,ji(;I"'." f',:;I>-C(JC, ," t.'1'edlting'-h.itn'i~ sjn~-( ignonl.x"" ')( tbe, fUridi;m".er.t:~· ltile;z ~..( log"':'. 1 pro-P--'~..( h~1" l:r. :r... . ~~::v,).td rH'~ .1il. ~:dtJI1~ rn\dL tl>'O.kre tIl(' ConI by La w t:, t,.;- (";;''-;''(-011 dr Qt tl-<-3l dr:dSl{.Jn. nOfl-kgi; ~)'1'.){' • ,,"': , ; •. j (J:,j~., the. O-t(t{'f l.moG, bt ...rt>'..f. :.( U~ ii-rl6'n' -,' ,"f' ",~', '.,~",: ::;}t" ;;<"'" '.""", 'h.-,: . ,':>r <:;;', :","'Hi FJ'ih::;;'r-l:<:' iif! 1l,p.p.:;;i\i!\S guiHy of :,,; (""-' ~)<;,. , ''''}~lJ'i1\n P(rhll :+« 1·(i" ..Crm ());i('~'U;" b, ~ ::h/;g:' "9";'\'<:~ . . .:",,;,' b.I "lOd~pc.arlt'ri[ . :l..t ,:'-':;;',~("i ·.I;').~h U~ "":,H'-p"l1if1j !);QY~ \.-gi-:..\.:!tor,.. ",t".! wnrci(.--G :;,,', '-""0;:1 );",jd \:': (>I 1'( '" !,P'C;;\ ·::rn ",,-;,cu <:I~ r;,,~:,' .j·!','i.~i<,~'r,s p' ("~,,!ri i;;..~e~ (ouJ.j ',;!i.;:" ,",)Gi',~d'-,;il\Jy, ,-~~) Il.rh~tl:~,j fo.t<';- nr,."t'. j-'tT"'>n.'I1 Op4nl{l-6,< Phi"", "i'":(1~.\$,:",nd :!\;;~ nt,' ;:.~>:~~<:~~~:;~h!~t~:;;~;:'~·~~~:)~ \\,:' :,,:<',,;( \:)-"f: pU:Mi.~~~' hi' 1;'0'~""H;"'.~ i,f.\ hl);<1 lJJ-I~r'l"~dl'f th' : j',n'f""" ihf ti-,-",q,>'l'.'J.'j<'; L::-,;'i' d,," i:,'U; 11-1\ ~Y1:S:: .lll :'1\ ,'< j}ll'Ui< ~') :"rq; niL h!,i)i"!:kkr i:J7'1, Mp(]titJ~~ Ui{ 0/ G",r; h;:,vin; (N; (liiht rfce ~lrl\ f\',~',y ill!w;k~..n h".,' Damd.J n 0 ,~J:;et: Ilt1f'.{l ~;r,:~J~ kif. t~i-!' '''voitt 0 :'.~,:f~~~,~'i~:).~~!~:!(~W:ll_~' m,rn~' ,il.-."~-igoed ,,,,r.,,:,jj,. ~1.HK1.i<)r,~ .T0 il" ullfdl::\M to Ux 1;'[1-(' fa C"Sl';! tb{' ':'Juf( aJ1!:w A'lam. ~ ('"-mrt i';'11~ a{n.o!uteJy :-;~;wb<:rc c.an a :;.n;,!rj.gin·~l, kg, M~fl(me;- i~·!OOfI:d "I.;;r ·thLi' ~h{'~, . V', ,:0r: U a Klphemism fur prl)P~ k.gislaillrt, whldl, c r ~ a : .c d '!'! g,n~ 00 su..--b «utbonty !: dKi ~ i \ ei E.[ldl p<uP')~' re\'i.~")fJ, ~\ ~,"Tl(>tx1m-en':. togcthf'.f flHma(i.on npL;;i-n.mg iNO!lS,ft<..'"(i with ~ the 5~Unt' fn fut: iH',.j dL"-..'q·JTIjf,2 "'_'i('.r$~"· ipMemh:eS-{'.~ mirK:', afl1 c:J!;ventioc shall alw publi.<J:J a n lo give l.befn t.be power. 000- t'll hem belr "'ail jus< t.h.lt 11.' ,:).:: Pl"l1ny E.j;an. Pr(':"\rl,'nt , ,., 1...eil~1! 01 WOffi('.n VO(c,'S Trc»Yl Anoder--!iDil. th. only ('batrman lual Study olC"'.onol:lu Lie-I:! but Easy Scan and Print g¥Al~, c r "." d ~ \') JiHTl t."eir h~!idiWOt-k. dtl"vn 00: lhn)<lL~ The,l' hE\T d'l?\--.,-,:i tn;l,' ;-!-x' I,~deril: Ul ~) b<)!"1'!.f:oard l;t'l 'wilt) :'n,ocrJ )\.lSIi,~iJ.:r':,I"n~ t (. be p-~e-ed in OO~ d,ilily ,,(---,q:pa-per $om~~ .;ill..).\J1d f-..:I VI.' thM! n'i\J" end in Ii. ~lin~ t-w lnn:, '"1'1" l lJ unJ.e,S$ the puNk Go I~ir\~ inJar-me4 S<J 1M \lI'~ MYl' ~n it \';'q,r grQup 0{ d~lc'§"h'S, in wh.l'H-.ip. .1!1' II Ii lj iI ~ 11 In ( G,-ld joo ~i1-;,,,,, 1"-1',;0\ t,) b.;l~, a Questi-o ~:mand vo·ur fIHU1 be 8 h;lrm (It iaiM\! (1£111, trli.Jffilit,tt> lind stille Ill' ~..jbk open Oflt'OJribofi 1:0 tht- i r ~:\~ l.hq I u('i}( J\ld>. A.h-'xWl( iU'')~ comn)('IlL~ 'JI1 GLlbest ... State Supreme Up on Dan Foley and IR :!ol!'.' lorbiddl'n \j •.• ring hl~ (il lC'fIll hold anrnfw:r punk Tl!e C'lhlr~.' (o[fc,~.. r'.';;,,","-"'l;: l:JwkMly ('Qrif'C'I. j>n:r\ '~""f,r1 :: ='.<;.0, p<:;4.;,k n.:!)-Lwring Its propos;}L," Thill ""1l~ .):: T'!,t'~: ~bing~ ~'\' ~ d<x\,;, W'h.. i ;\lilllk,n otw~ctf"d 10 ~''''\ lunhfT f,Xp<:lld.I:'U~l' r'ok'y- of nx.ui-tl hr "~'tr cdUCi;- \.u; '';.(J~' '[)«'t:'<o-'\KtlM-Al llt.urr.¢na: Po-lnl Vl-'\~ It i.~ iJ)Uf'Q1ing, pa~~\t!H':;"Jl: :hil, ;';D"\ C'm.('..oo d(!fl:g31~' .... et'!:' Q'pen!:> gl~t":hJi W~"!'l ,!l.,'!'1 \ht< ('OUrl rult'd, ~Jon: \NCOllvt-ntwn 'If! i.h~ Lrooon,cas.e\,tha,l legL'>1u\.(,r,', wr~r i''-,· bidden by l<:lw 1.0 .bf' Con··Co(; ddcga,r'5 f3y . \',ir,ueo-i th,u d~\sK..n oon-kg'l-.. . U'l\Of dd~g.-M,~~ t'QUkl be independent" and 1)0\ h;j\r k> N.n'<"rxi wi;}, tbe '\'v\c-pulling fY~r ,--,T !h(l~(' it'gislalots who wanted to be<.~m-e Con·Con ck-kg1t.ks. Bti: when I.h~ court ptll t11t !;,'xx" on !.he othe;" fOOl in U--~ },taho:mey eM,e, sayms 1.~1i'l1 C'--A1-Cor:" dt:k:giltf:'S Cc<Jid n(J~ nm 1M otkr offkt'~ i~ 'S3mt db(,gilM rt'spondt..j with r-Mf:-:i (If OUlP4iI". ,l1Jis f1QVIVW Irony ~m:; alY<;J :0 ~V{', esca;pN Fok-,· M~ KYl'l..<!len Iii his u,S{' ~ai5-e'd ,100. SJI',t,1' C'fUt"~Kln 0( wtlt-ther Vw lltlOOlp( b! :h't' (on--<.~oo to spen<! \il.), lunco kv..' ,,('If, .-.:ill c.atioo" was In\\wl L~f' ",'"(Iter education' authomy whk'h R€'9.'!uuon 1-4 3S5igned";0 L.''d' Con-D.:in conunittf't ',lidS orlj~' tin{: d many ass~gnN funct.ion·~ To tIm 'QU<.~'i-i'h I wholly wlcdatt"d to lM one raISed L'l th<Mabo.me"i C3~' lb.t court answerffi --\0 ,.\gain. tbc- COOJ1 was absofute-ly righ! Nowhel"t' ('a.n to smidgen o)J legai ltuL%rllv be found - lor thls ,~he.f'l'M', 'Voler I"du<".i(,<Xl" i,~ a'eupbem.i.sm"for'propag;,t.odll: TIlt: legis1-a~, v.'hkh ("'r r e d tbe,C..:rn,·Co;;. a: gllve 00 roch authot-it)" It dxl proVkit' tb'~ , Each propoS('(\ renSKln, a I \ ~ r II '- l <" fl .1f amendIllfflI,'lOgetht'r wlth ap~<)pri;l:(, , format~ t'.:liplaming fl~ s.:lmt'l s.k.;II, b<' published in fUll and dis...."'t'mmaled ",,:j'w \'<llers'" 1pa1'("nUl€s€,s mme,: aoo·ma!"TI'Je 1..'Ofl\'entioo shall aJso publi5b a [("port. \Q the lil f<l\w l'(tfl,,!iWtl«1, Th~ r-e l~i!1~il p:l-';II'{'f t<) oj rou:n !h) !,h~3 prQritbtly oo!d tht !at! ~ ~ gh- b n~ Coo-Con. Il'hx-h I~ a ('reatun' ',I :~ L.e:gl-plal'un,-', l:1:<t~ill4J on!)" !olJ;(:fJ r:-;', p'Jwtn :B t~ Legisl.atu!~ ~ipres,dT g:av~ il ~rw ':YAH' CQutd. net pf"'OJl'!'1'iy ha"',e, hd4 ':'< hf'~w;,\,.f' I<nd It d'!St'-rv~ no t~nUdt."n, ~,U(--h k5;, <.........n.ckm-n.\It~·. ~ ,b1 decu,ioo ,\1; or ',hryo' r;~f !il"if,,<,,;,Xknl. rmttl"l"l\, I.'f~ :;'Il!-,[ IlS53.lrnr, art' \00 ';<"'0:0 deep for Foft}', rt':><1 the C'ow1'~ C.pinMu ..-he-'rre,,:>n.. ,,";;; 15 ,~ ro.j: ~~';5!'if' n~; ~jw h·It'\S I~(i( Ill;; itr;l1l bu:st 0{ +lkqi;>e'·F':.>!-ey rn.d-'.e! ~(·fr,-e;'ct" l(, t~ t~t d-eo:-:S.loon 0{ the cvurt rn :h,.. S()S ('~, wtJ.t:ru'1 II rulro tb3~ ~ r a I r 0x1=\.riM}«1'\S h,' JUl o,"g.ao-i:z;a-tion promc.>Zing t)w sa~ t;u. was oot a vX>tatloo of lh" C{Jrn~ PT1l("nc't'~ ,\'.'t, EYffi if oot a...· Hr.'1"-'S L'l.1: 1M N'Un'~ deci.~ then wu w:"O-ng H ~:fits w· propooe-nl$ oi. the floe-V, [:'Q(JIRilUtivn M Ilroch Bj its opponentl. ~i"al dlX':s Foky meW) ~ be sa)"S that .. tf)(' momed ~nl«t'.sts are !<<It ttl roy ttl#! ~'ka{ of the cor~titdtioo ~ .. 't'tUs i$ (U-, toundil.1g charge. 1.:; !x' SO ("fnka:! 115 to be- an !It;,e 1M! Montana!j..S' .'oLe'! can be'bo<lght b\ prup<lil~rK1a:!, 11 5£.1, t-s:n'\" th.l! exactly -wh~{"lh{' Coo---Coo COIntlll!lff ~ to do with out 0 ....11 tu rpooe)'''! F'oky bert re-veals hunse-lf and 'vOO as belie-\-"us in the ri.ght (J! anyOO(' 10 -tax the"peopk for the pt;r-P"St~ r.,f buying \~ ~e's V(}t~s~ limg <!s ;'h.Js ,P done \0 promote something which foi,ey and you believe in. What would ~ your positkln if the legislature appt:oprialed t.aJ; rnone)'· to propagandize for a. pt'O- p(j~l 01 '....!;;{'h ~',\lJ di$<lrJi)l"l)I'f-d~ "'''1I1,llUy, thi: r"'l;<f1j ~h.)lJ\d t~ ~el i'\'l'lo(i,"rlHJ\g ~~oi,,:(~ 0)mnWf1( ;<I»ll\ (>f1rmjly" thAt o! ~r CUrL..l m I'OlJJ1 01 ill, ,G-p1JHC.fI5 oot signe<i by 11 ~ j1.ts-\i'---'"'C of th~ C'OUrt. A UH-"iioed. ffi-l"i1ffi w~k coon, and pArtlCltlll.r ,thaI !h,~ !X;f ciJriam agre<'d juslkt':I wis! i! 15 ~. toe(uphil~i<(> their, ti~.r:::dIDily.. and ~ir I!'qllill fnpon::;' 'the d«i:5Ktn, Ho", Folr-y ('OlJm filii tt;l.!I Is bey.nd ('{>mp-r"h~IlJ\.M1 ~mali<m1 L~ il· blulH l~S(rUm shool.d wlldd ,ft re.:ip0f1..,,-ibly, l':5-jX'Cil roo are .aU.;td;,ing Ii ba:.loC' s.:...'X':lal i likt the Sup~m(' COIJrt of MonL! h<tv-r. freoQUffitl~' ffi.'l-m- !1 C'l('i<f lh.!il ll1IW)'n'lI and Judges Yoo art' not in aU good COflSCll"m:t'.>' \0' tra.ns: - hJJlreiinlo a la!si.flcatioo 'of Wha preme .'<..'9\H1 h<!.s dom- ~(15\ no( to say cowardly, H M,- Yak)'.- 'aoo you ~tr,,, Edii,( ~ in rcsJA1f1sibdity nat l}) say <kocy, and w COl1~un}(.-d b~ halN publt.W.. Fo.!l.')'·s laiS{' and stupid tar: about ~ 5upre-rne murt \V\ ./I,bSw Cf1.nsurt_l!· yoo h.1:wil: tiles.. Cd'u.~ )'Q'J do OO! It,,'"IOW ho...., to 'ire there[cn going aboul in I JI b-utned ~lLk!f1 ! fBiUnd vO-u- W< filM' 'bbull.i arts. ~I!'t'g,e. in .til!o!...ni!' ",,"bether- 'they (e3d rlighl'CQUfS<'S tl . tary k.glc afl'd epb1.omo/oi:-.'. Ithe deatrDg ~ilh !bt-'. grounds for -ra~ lk'r~. an<! if BU, ~oll Meanv;f shoct:ki not li:st', aninadequat€ but 1 cabuJ.afy as an unpleasant subs! hard iil1<lfy:m and rene'ctive (hough GtDe A, P~tt AUornt:y at Law m North LaSt CbaD<'e (j Easy Scan and Print 4l ;; <i (> \.,) }3.rn tJ\.. ir 1'I~t' lH1j.M.~ ~ po,tXk b iawly handiwoli\oo .... r: O'Jf thrr.>3l5 lnior~ The,; have dlpr~ !'l'1i(.' :i){' $(1 [ar wr h..ilve ~n A bq;-c gk'lls c r Ega./), Presideul fHit;r~'l (HI \0 bowt....rd "I:h (0 be pm"ced in (~ d.J:i~ n~"~;;;.f>... p.."'f .5omK>1lt' .\lh;)l.lld M 'q' t.~dl r~ r end in a ~ling lor tllii; Wh.a( is , of WOffit>o Volrnl gT('<\IP Wi 11I2,.900}U";;/Utn;i:p)~n Andt'"IliOQ. I "" -WdyotCoos(llutkrn If is .. q\l<,.s.\lvn of ·'jaith." demand of '~'\lU k('~p \('\.:1 ![lith. in G,;,:od and 1'101 in '...·flat !!r<'.w "\00 r;>:"(:tb. hill{' dO:nf lJ 0l <kkgat-es. In Whlll P'~>'!~ t.o 1'1 :lp" be II rorm ot f-2Il<lti tntlmW,lIt.e ilM still~ a]! ¥f1 oppositkon to tho.-lf llit.nd.i4vrt.. It IUJ}'~ CtIffiU.~1.tU; j (!.$n1 it lilt') \ K;.:.\II',Ul¥kf ~I tAe 'n7 C Uf.x'rt ... State Supreme Court IR Dan Foley and Id al)(~hff j'lll"olir c.tn,,(" ,e ("ow't ,I 1-(',i')o)f1!I~i( i~ n"-,[\· :;l-),jg-b II (-:K.:If:><:~ P':pzJ" l'l!.birl'i1,'.g its r.,rC>.j».~..:,j~ .. nla( w.n i-:w~,(' ')l:nj} Ji: lw',r tl('.-·n d{JGr 0{ L<u.·Jntmic,~ f...Jf "\'(l-lf;r tt.iu.:",. ":V'l'~ ·(~;t~e:.,·,dly th,,( Il;;lr~:, openly r,\l.'"di.lJ \\ ht'n ore the Convf'nt}o,"1 ; In t":fl.' <iiI ~gislll\.(ir~ :""ere Lor, _ Con-Coo <kleptt'.'i By ~)QriJKm"!eML,>illtor dele:-:pendent" and n<:rt'!ia.,'e , ~·ote'P\lJlin.g pow-t':r .-.of 'pror.J-~llfld~·; In f;:,. \'OT oi thr I)("'W j:'f'" p,j:;f:'(j ('Cfl1!ilJ:uLiof1. n.c C"IUJI r~-bt:!~' odd lJ~Jl nu lPp! p0wt.'f to d6 lhi3 hAJ bec:fJ giv{'I; 1-0 tl~ (oo-Ct1f: w!'"okh i!i II ('Tel!' 11UI: "~,I :n.- I..qi:Watu-re. M\irifi Qniy .wdi p"}~"('~~ a~ !I'H' 1..eg.i'!I>'l!u're ('.l-Jlf~.o;;s!) g:.~ JL Th{' {'(YJr-t ("OO!9 ni:.<t p{~rly ha'-e hrld Of lWrwi"". lind rle9!rvl'".~ 11 ~.;i 01 t~X' 'Tid'lot',:" ~;'''<Jmr, ~!r·'t"'·;dml ~tt:i:r-·~. koc !.k'ep for ~"okY. ON! iTlUS'. t'r lool 'on-Con 1:1." :rf(' r1":l',.l():!l:l~ ,--' .,.e( ft:IfUJ the Mahoney COldd ffi("f'.':. to~ l'all)f' dt'k·· h ,riM cf {)(llrttge. ThLS 5 aj~) ;(1 han' e!l<--:aped d("lt.'g~te.~ 5 ca.<.f rai5.t"d lht .'i.inl:k 'r tht' attempt by !he I). lun<\s IN~ "voter f'du!n.- ··w.t,.r Mtk'llUO,'l" solutioll H assig11l"<! \0 lltle,e wa.s only OM 0-1 etiOns To this quf'".S10n o 1M l-.nt' rai~ If! C'OUn answered s the "\0" 1!.~lutely ~nt nldgl':n of kgal a-utho-nly SdK'::ITK'. "V6tt>r ~OCii· for propaganda, The :. r (' a led the- ('orH.)m ;.m I['"it~,. It dlod pnmde th:H rision, a J t (~it \ 10 n or 'l"r with appro-lJCl(ile Ir,· Ig Ilhe qme-" ::;h"i: t>e nd dlSS€'minated ; to thi' ;es mm('l: and tha~ "l1",j" o 'publiSh a repon, 10 !.he c-riHci".uo, mucb ks,~ ,"Ondelnrus l}c)n. tor J to'! dec-lS,ioo'. ho ""anted 10 beronie But when to".!' court put In ['.0 .l\ IJ rr "::~j ~';;:, h~ ~t",)d th-~ ("tN;--;'} '~,;':''iU. \I\'~J" Ft>ll"~·' 1ll91':k :1' :, fi':<l! b<Jr~\, ,i i~k'l,;"c F0k:y m:al!:~.$. rl'!t>rt>::1C'C to :h~ r~t (j.e.:;Si<Xl of tOt' court lfi :,h~ SO£; r-,,-:ooe, I'l--hen.n ~{ rJ:!~ ttl:at roi-po. rJte, Ct\'1lnb'.i\J<)f15 -10 an oq;llnrwtion !X"1){ft-. ('f''.'ing IN' ~le"'i' was Il(l-( II \wlloo of th.. ('j,'rnlpt PTiK'l~" .I"c'. EVMl :1 ~ ~~ Sllfno>s ihJ~ lht- l0.-Jn·~ <.1tt.-iswn \here \II ... ! wrong, tt ~rits propMe.n-i3 o! lht ~. tax w ("()flStitUllon as moch as l-'~ oppoot'tll,. --Wha1 does Foley. m~~n wnw an (,f .... h:,..·!! fln...llJ y, t!-.e: Wh~, 1<\'311\<:n ob-:)«tt{j 11; W::L... !wthf'.1"o· pnXHiljrr> fX':-"l\ be s,ays th.at . L'".t' m..:lf1ied inter"-esa fret to 00y the dde,ll oJ the C"OI'1Stitut>oo?" 'Tbu is an u- . tc:undinjl charg-e, Is be so cynk-s.l 113 to behl;v" tM, )'lonLa·nans' v'-o-t-es can bt OOugbt tl' pn.ipagaooa" U' 5-0. bn·l. tlJ,a,t .c~y ",-fWlt n~e Coo-Coo· ,L-ommit\ek ~ \.ll do \\'lU1our own tax fOOOt'")'? Foley here. rev...als h,irnseo!f".and )'OU a.s beJ;ievers In the" right (..j' anyant' 10 lax ~pcopJ:.e fnr the purpose.ol ooymg .lht- ~p-k's voteS--50 l:ong ~.5 :h~; '.., done'lo promo-it> something whJll1 r(li~\', and voo believe in. Whai' wooki ~ your ~ilion j"f the legislatllI'e appropriated !-aX mone;, \0 propagar:idil.efor apr,o- y,:-u di~'lppr'~VNj~ rN:'(}f"tl o;1v>uld i~ S-t"i ~t r ,light ('J-nctn:linlj: Fn!.,.y'" (1;;mlllf'f!', .'ltXl\1l lil,. . ;)n· L>l1y-rr.Hy·· 01 l:K:r ruri.,rll ('{Iurt (}p.lnloM··thiU i$, opinio.n.• not ~ip'('d hy. jJ P.:irt ~n.l-i r jmJ..k1: 0./ ttl(' cr",irL :\ pryf c-uriam opinIon, u-nlligDK!. fl~.an5 lM1 :1 is agrN.'!d t-O by 1:lt whok cotl.rt: <:rn:l lho: Ju.slil~ Wish in ihr: ,! p.'H"'\'ku!:;u:: C-lt;~. Ie Nnphii~tte·lhetf Nmpl-l'te . unanimity' aOOu~ir eqU/.lLr{,,~»ujbl1H¥ to; \:he deccio{L HQ'>\' -FQli~s (~kj fli'il'lo k.oow ttJ,s l;, lxY"IK1 (;t){'f)p[{'.i~5iOO _~hsm l:$. il bh./D', mMi-utnent 1'0\1 s\"x;1Wd wield. i.t H.'.${.loosibJv. f5[)('Clltllv \\1Wn }'OtI are lummg ;t b.gl.~ ~al tTI.s"utU-llOn hk:.e the Sopnme Coon of Montlln.a. You . run't' !T~u:enHy m:l-(le Ii C'k'\f that ;'"QU hid~ [awJ~ and I'~-e~ You i!ff nQ\ entttled, tD .II good ('Qfl%:·j.(>-rn:-.:o i,j trllnsla!.e your h.alnd Into jl, fitl.si!'l("ithOfl 01 wh.ll the W"' p;~ COOft hJ~ dol)(" 'J1\<l1 IS iJft',lo'IJrrlrj', not ta !lily <'OWOlrdty, If Mr Foley and roo. \lr Ed"it6r, Ut> $I). Licking in rnponsibdHy .not to $/lY rommon Offi0'. and so C'"OnWITh"'(f b..- hatted &! to J."l'l.dXL~ Folt'y·.! f;l]s.t' imd -s1\fpid CO:-mrnen, t..v')' aboul ttlml..~. 1I (dU'le are til(' ~llpftffit' C'Our~. ~'OU UseT'o'-e hl1ln tlle_'i(I ahS,urditit'!l ~ YQ\1 d<l oot know ht.)"" to L~nk and )"O'J therefore going abo:"JI in ll. !!IIt'ath'r- bamed ·C'OOitiol'1. J remind.vou w~ lm .. e- 11 flle l~ral ari...s \})lle-g~ mHl.'te-rui, n~ {lut wb-e~ they !('.ach. Dig:ht C'lJUrSl.·slri dCIJk.:l.' -. tA!1' ~'Iind t'",Ptsto-moklRY ; Utt- ::.t'il'f!(;t> dealing vtit.h tilt> ~ !Ctr rational tx-lid) and if w, enroll Ml'anwhil-e \"00 should J:lQI. us-e A.!: inadequa~ but Wi~y'\"';' cabulary' as an unpJe,uanlsubstiluti> f(le hard aJ"l:!!ysis and rt'n~liVt th-:"Jughl. 'woe A,Pk-olte ,-\U(JIil'My at Law .., N_ La" Clla.,.. GoIdl Easy Scan and Print V;-~'IO "":. .. ',n':' ~'iH{'.n (:i;] hll:1bands '. ij~).; WhJr!1 rn:g)J, rnatlf yO\; many tX:T,dib. ",nould r-A' by LrI(yCl~ Ii In VA !(.(';$ 'n·,(, ,ht'n f-,,,·,j,L!-,;d ~"i"':':;' :'Z3.f\j;tj .';t\irJ:' i)'I'! ;;;-0J-){l$c::" penorrr).'i mani' ~t:l v,tJUl'iUW \'- ~{'~,crarL~ ii.ne hM :-\ lid;· nHI' l~'Cono.mic irnpr;r\ N'I He\-t'!~? W(' w1.::,h Uw d!(t',-::(zYf "nd \'.~ ::(,;'I.r'(O,. 1"(:((1',,:..; j ;C'~\ wh·:, 1\n,'('[;-t W\(!G\I'':\ r"f(IW (l. "Till' t~V~I!' ;-or h LL'5Nl.nJ,') ;,>-f."":"'J-:'I de(I'C1~ (\f cm!.:~si\>n.., h,,'.c !w·o ol./tnd;.;rO rl'J;J'- Oil U~'('Y the Editor ..... k-f,L\;h,lH' (r[ wlU, This Writer rr.iflljl'dy ·hkh t:(l',llrj \)-1':'., !i; ~.( til--(' k.(';,i Utu!!»::. wnt-<; 1v-iJ1t bi:l11-j\ r~If'-d 1 l~n'f' hc""j ki!t.'"? :tik-r:i ;,(1 :nr;,,:, \~"': iJ Uliljo;l-r,,'Y c.! of rJ'\(: H).') d-<,ji'?;'ltt~ ~.,; dr ,)!t ~\,"I,~j.,'.,"'," :.lnd :H"I:w;;x!rn~'{lc~ ,; lIJ~i.' p<obkm<. () i "".'.j w' lrKti'. yJ r:,:>nl[..clr::li k"',;:,i '.,"", .'lft· (",';<1 ~;f'); (~nb.'HkN::! .•.. tJx penn:! ',,; \I,'Y;rr, Ii (:'1\ ftw ;;~'-ar' V.,\,,,,,1 i :J."';.:.~ ",,". [,,; ifl!tr ;'r'J< tr1J~-·t-..'\r\ ;i1~'{';' ;H~. ~·..Y " :,: ,: ;:>y:y:..:W·rr·!I, .~:t r \, ~ ;\ () {. en }>1rfl !tk~ bfx!;wort ck)wTl !);;; ~_'l."""'~t..:;, They h,~"" {(ode,' .• : tdi lr;2,~ d';~p.c-.:i ,n ~n.ll, t.~)-m-l.\6! d !t.:$<'.1.:"'''''''~''''~; '.~ :" i-:l<)< "kt'U1~ nJ",'l, F,hJ'Ij: (; '}<j ,;,~ V,--"J ,j-,~ }Jf')- n PSH{'r:j(>-!n(l,;lro~J<:d5 ;;n(J t'n 1111.5 P"~;" ,y be-ing lDkJ' [:-Cm':;'([IK} (1;11):(',0; ;he O'j:"-:'.I' unlt ~_~ Uv' pu!}!k i:o; fJJ.if:y ~, b; Wt fl.'lvt: ~-.:-~ ~ '.;trF,t 1'-~"~"J? 0/ d~k1t':lH:S. m whiH '-'!2' ~"'i1," tto." ~ [c·rm rj.i l;;rG,1 c-"q;' t!"l-ti,:r:'lri"it~' a;x1 ~:if':e IlH V,.'sibLt (¥'r. ('W':O;:,f!'On ti,,-i, ;t'", '.,.:~l \)".' ~r; o:..r d..'lU:, '''~''~r'''!-r'''': Som,",l"," st'XNkJ h...~.". tb':"tr ,'f",~: f'nd k.il .,nag k~- "'....-" V{h.~.; ~s p!;;CN l),Htd ~\\"qn tlw WOlTl~l V(j{(:(~, II Mh'e->, Mx1 :'}ijr u :ht:. h.• l-h~ ~,~ ','",1 "O1.1 r~:"I\1y kr,o.< ~hilt \t y'!<; (;Ui!}(J( rtll.l:iy lln(kr~t~In.,j Wh.!lt ;''"'m' ,VC d,;i,~.i; ',D y,',(rr, (:,t;i,,-, :;!l ,,6r.,! i (·;),~!-jt ~cf:>e-­ ;;1)<;·..i! lQ 1)<': h-;;-1 b;.' ~!l~~ rj",W:".j I, hjj ¥1j''''i;~' Rl:>od 'nl.1,...r:i.gt'~"\ ''"''~ ~l{j ;; ~'(::f ,,;,bn:, '<:Jj fe; r:','Vl",'·'f'e';;j;·~ k" '.\€!"",'ts Bu:: tht:, "t': (;k{'-~(:-d ('<"~'!;U,,"':" \t,o.,(.;n,,; ioe,;! probkrn..~ 1t,J lut....,IJ dt.k~;\ :!iJ.,plrkht; \)( c,,j lr,;('-I'est group W;\"-~ w.> :'<l[\l">J"n;;' Piil!':ur of 31!f)~~ ~nd ·--,):",gH",;S';';."~,l: \; r (;"',1,,, ;,t.=l: ),.'-Jdl i(.-GrTiJ,! a~(' .'1 !<l,:-);e,y of 51)I.!'" :,'(Xi il.l t Has Had It ~Si\li0n \x:, .... """ Y[~J n()<:I'S :0'0\1 ~i:,') . "'i fX'~!t'i'i!'y n:-:;.l.!y Ktl<TW ",h.. l h \I 7,",;;:1.1;; know w-Mt iI &:riY$ .R1rd likr j.( "'ol(' Lori! :1;",1 ,j(, Il(d i:k.", }! vQlr agaili5-l i! V(':J :"~'Mi., dc,1] I k..no·w '''''-'i', U $,<I)''b '.)1" mcan::'! L'lc-n ,,1:;'0 . "ieo ilg:ltn~1 1: i_~ a Tie.';!.)"" i;l;th ' J ~ rkm...nJ of y",,; W,., G,.j <lnd n.;! "'~\:' G,'~' Ihi'~'~ i{~) "?),-:;!,.~ .r.,~,,' ;(' '0 iI "' rryone cornm<:l1 1.s ... State Supreme Court n Dan Foley and IR ~n1}tb<,,; C\1lJr'. ~ ylrbl;{ (,fr;(,,~ ,,:;'-~..::: i~li; :, lI:-"w-l\T: Ii l'S,'iqWS ~:r;i;'~;{~;;-)ll~~~;~:j;:~/;;~~,~~; 1~3( ~~~ Wh..'ll E'·;l.iJf~.-: (,..-¢~~,~ed JX':x!\!ure of ,,~1" :':;1:) " j;:< : I:: ., . 0p"1\!Y - g~fd'!1 "'h~;, ~ the C~':1V('nun". m if.gL'lil;or" ",':'rf' ;,,;. ·on·(c,n (1..-1<::1;:;10;:.<; E,:' '1 TIO!i- k.g\~jEt-or ork~ncl~nl" Jr-..:lnot h"'\'l.' ~·tI!e-:puj!u·,g r.~.m. t'.f 6{ \",Hltf'd :\1 b.:.-.rome ,I "'hel the court p'Jt loc;l 111 tr.e Maho;xlo('y 1-( ~)n 0<-if-gates ;'(t,J'.'.i tt.s. :iJ-t:',St' 58 me del..'- n'''5 ':': Ill!>G \)ljtr;'!.'g-t',.n~;.s ,Co 1><1 vt' t'"~.ape·.j ,t IY;;',~ hlT\Dr'l" n, l.lI.X llY-:ir-J-tS kH "Vl'Xl':, (':d,'XJ- th'(:" .. p""op<1-gund.l' ii:) ~<l"'0f (j-~ :ht ~y; p0)!Jt'"l':-d com,:Umt}oo, 'n)f" (':(.;Jrt righdy hdd tl1).; ;;,-, leg;ti po)wer \.(. 00 Lhi~ 1'.t?tJ been gr" ('F 1-0 0:;: (r.on(un "'j';"-ch b a crea' l·e:........ of ;1>" 1..eIP:<.lil.turc, h~ "d)',~ c-or,!y $f,.:-ch ;;~ lM~ L.egl-:<j;j;Urt eJ.pn·$.51y g'rl"c ~~ {'Our: ,"')u!,l nn! p~rl\" h.....·e hdJ OW,,~,"'l~ Ilf,,-.i it dt",,~;'q'5 ~J0 cr1{k't&nl, m'-icf.: ;('5,' \'Q-r;j<j',fHfklu.)n. hJT it; Oc;:;,siO!l ~" 0\ l1:re,Y' t3~1;·er l'C:H-~"i-d~:;::i ma1.!.f';(;;, w,/c :;;,;s; ~~~:.::!J~'.'. arr. ~o-1 O-eI'p If', fcky. wh', ~<;y~ b-e ;t';:..,J th!.' (\)'.;,1's Co?I~l~x,s. ",,·her. E,,; ,r,,: F\)i,"~ . ~ b d T't>":;SO,d ~ iinJ: rt';"'re;:;:,\, 10 in ~r.~ is ::<:-l ft-rch Hi-agi<-- ::.os ~i,lf'( .of, ,w W"1;K F,)~'y i'I"{"-e-:-:t ,:l<:'t::,~,iO(": c>f mates ttw:: CQUt't caY'. whfnn 11 ru!ed ~{ C:GfllO' r~"',,"\,."nnhl]~i<.'~~;'; 1-0 an on'Zi:n.\.~litl!1. pN-n->- jX}S--'! 1 ,-'{ .. k-:'h }"c... .1 di5,l PPf'.l.... (-d' Flmltly. :Jl't' [{':cord .,Mull! h<-- ~'i ~tril~g,hl cO::W:'o':flJ;rtg Po\ey\ '-'Hun;<'-,-,: ~b0ul tll" ;L"I" N1rmhy" c.rj pt:r CtJrl..q.ln ('\,{J" (/Viniol1s-th-,,~: ~. o-phj;.(l'~~ rJQ; o.i,gr!-{·,-i by ... par'LvuJH j,-,.~(j~:'t' o-f tJ'l>t court A por:J ClI,Uifrl oomio[J. UIl$i[De..:!, ffi{~ans thal I', j~ ,;gTN.-d lo'bv :;',.wbaik ,'j)'J-n. and the j-u.:\Ut"\'-l' 1\1~,h. in the p.ilftk"\.lliir' (~te. [-"0 .e.rnp.hM;;}l; th'::H r-::m:pktr, una-nl!l)it;r and Ll:J';'jf ~'jiJ: "h;.p.;'m~IQi;,I<." f,.'i me d-ecl-$'K.'f], l!-;J\'< F(i'~V '.,<)\)Id (.il] t'l )(/Ki'" fl.l~ bl lx:-y.nd ct"'JX)Hh~'!"~l~~'1 :'j;,1n"';'11l~!l is a' b-!"jJJ.~ "''''..fUIT""n\ \'.(JlJ ",,"K.'tOO wld<! 11 :(':~}f).s.1tiT, e.~-fie(j,liH'Y w~wn Yij,J a-!'(' aUo"lci:.ing il OO~~ ;s.x,:.,,,1 ulstitu.:..i'.)rl tIke ~ Supreme. (our'! 01 ~h::nUHl-<l Y011 .ha'o-l~ freq'lienUy :-r,.a,df !; d(';~~ lh'H W;fJ r",,1.e l-aw}"er~ «'00 j",..s,gl'.:5. '/I)U "r'f 00: ·E.::l'trtlerl. ~n ali gno(j t"",.s;:~ei'ct to ;!aT,~1aJ-t 'rfhlr hatred into· ~ lalsIE,,::fUoo vi wh.o.! LOy: ~l'· preme C~t has d(,ne 11'"0,, is l:ifIWI:"u-,;.', f).)( lQ say C<lwardiy, 11 Mr. Fo.h-v ane ""':JIJ \I. ~:.ciiv';' :l'rt- "") Easy Scan and Print Voters May Ax (Fil'IUi:r-'s Nol<! -.. 1"rrl_~ k t~.e [tnt' ~;Ut!'Ct <:aFit.-.: 1:~I:'jishn1t'nl th-i.l\ CXl.-"'. r:Jithtb 1);] l1 &t:r~ ~ ,-oorld M,-! hi!:!! r...reVctl-til\'g ct;:I~ 8:r-.d pro· C~, H> ....~ tI.~~'t: M'Y f>Mln'~imu ~! Q{ ;;'''-;;','1i(''<8.: ~~'i'. rA~~~ .. neMi~";furtINI Am! MhW'}f~Nev~ tnt<: ttv.:. d'!~Jv\ Cr-nd an. !.b:drdl-e-e:.o;r; t.h'~ ~~~r-, ,~p-<':nftRyU'~ 'Viwrirhd d'''kr~:e,ni: '1h0$1' BY lft",i\NISl:', CtillR:AN : 1,;1 -C'~1). Tl:::ItJ thicfl!< w;,}t1ki·ix-: ::oe drwi i c-rhirt11W!,; m .-$b!,~·Bu:r~~.l'.!l ~1;:jfiglllR, ~ f ;"\','iH;t!;,ij' t I: ,H-e "'Y;a!'f;d ~IWJ':,!J(\m thnl <:," j crf;m.(', by Htf't'i"t \'\i ~lj-ll iii. ~"t- a~J>'> \!\-ft<J. doc- i f:\.J..lt ....,hH-;: r-r-';';.:ibl-~ tn.;'~ ill ,r,- cnnH~, (, ;l,~("~.(:>Ai'{j .l;.oe l;i.~;p~ (b"lt'Tl; dhiduJd c'\j;,(>o, ~:'lRtlsh~<l)iy:·~; :j''',iJil.iU' r'Jf g.(J(-.;! ~1 !ne"\'ft.;~'~ WW{, (o! jtr~ dQe;m"\ hoM up A:; rn t:h~) m~t\ P\fJ ~x,U~~ :.'"", \X"..1<~""J ;-..t.-o:\IJjty .lune; i C;l;$ot o{Vlt\&kW-l(! .." 11-,~, {j.,,;,,Q: nH: ,,~-k j",c{h'.4 ",{-',il ~"1l:h; 11~ Je'l "Oil pub.; Thl'Y (l.f tlP ~ 1l.<,11t:!';,4 OO!.:/l.uw ~(Y.'< tl~n.~; i fjjJ(; Htt' <Xl~M::i!~·tli·<;:.kP'x.:k"t<: (X, : (';1:",,)14;\1 W "'-n\~, ~'.;1g tht>.iJ'iH in Ll\(,rt t'> j r,t;c IvlE t,l-l'3t ~,},",,' O!l,~(-jJ j 1y IYX\,,)\ V: l' '~ll;.":01\',~[:i p.tUJ<ll'J\y Wili;,'t 1~~r1pJ<, evM-I"tlC'li' Q"~h:(~\ lJ"<"\ thf l>t~klp('!1~.&;lt;r d~.$ ;\(;t \(t",\;r CTilnr.; O'J-I..C1Kn;r ;'il""'~ !ft:~;;;;,':i'5<; Ar:"':1 ( It:Jen.i~~y J;t-,.a;ry W$y.1'. c;lir~h'1JJ ;r!j,~-e" in h1,:<:1t't'"f;> M"-HJ:t~;v~~ In J~s;~~,! h; a t&.0l&W~. \Gt Wi'><:'Tt Ilk, .~t~J~~ IJtt«:);qX)d:·~t~ f:.-il'J: cn~T\n}A:l (j .!iwt, ;;'::;:'G-e ,)i'ilc'h,_~ ,,,·;.:t,;::>;J1;re"li : c-t'ibH:.i\.l ptl..~t.-t':'ni ~h;lW ~)wecr" 1-h>-~v (:4',: t.i:nce HK:: !'w:~~..e hJU?R·l~k::i.j£ r:a~fI, !P.iHl ,,.0!\;-jn-ing lnfl(!'l'-!m >:"1l.;1'~ -[~)l)~{: tk:f'.n5t"~'l~lnj5tltt'5WH:htnt d"JJ1!J Pt'~l.,)ty. 'j) deiitt :nr ",·,,,~c \i1t1"f\'ll!Y. c::r~"UI-jOOl!l t.hofut-r ('('TrlJ.lxmawi:lel rAW,; A pn: !,,,,.j'; i:'0"_fl P':-'''~.!l'",':'d JfJ, I'~Ars(lf.t~{ liig',)fn-(-"r,t lS '("~trt-·~l-Ipur.Jl>im ;;\ ,m;, :"P-i'" ,.-cu· cJ. ;;h.:1$J"{!'I'N.H--'~', ;;ODS _-convkied (),{ vl~U(·tlt;tr}y 1Q~lf, 1y d ,.""~ ,';,m1; ,:;c;, C.u;-( "~? i~~iT'-,-» Y"'i (r;;;; i nji),cg Of] \..l'1e hoi'lf"r;)U~, C1'~r~, H:k~ m';.~~' mnf- C}::\"(:;, U f tmposin:i; '(;eT~ cap,IY:..i lx tn!<;;,~d :1) if, til. 1...~",1 ,urn VI !j.(){"'ety MurrJeJ'('fl' tn;. ,lgrl'f'i'i .pd\':'l·:Fl:11d fa.: L'{i (.n;j!.tt 1)e V'olen. i ~ s J.n:~ ~ .'i~Vfl:; ~1: r\Jie,d jr err;\fl-i.' '-'d -,]Cv or 'T'h:t' b \J;' ' r, \::;1> f. I ('Xi '!~:£'~,~;,:::~~~ii,~'~:~i:;i:~;~;'~~~1:~f,{'~~~::;';:';t:~t1~~ i t'1e d~a'~~ !~,~,}!t)", ?.,,,\ tha{'~ no'll thsn tHe u~nn~ . ~ (!r.:!l'th '.\-t:) i!.'t rXi li.l~ bau,,: iL'I,'l ~'-P;!-' 01 1<".11,,> m{'rj: i~ ihe i"s',"'m~nt d('~llh r'<ite :.%'jt \-eIMsJ .--\rgwnt'll ( n·1{' m.ond IH1~u.m.em i~ l.i!:r-g~- , !y 2 trw-Her 0--/ fOO,iyki-t.taJ coo:l(-l. i (:-,1K<'., so 1\1 E {':GP\kt"'.\!nf~11i;), !'{,oi.,:ts w'H): (.\C)];;Jll ";:,115,," F'u£;';,'c1 l:lil' ", (I beH.U"j C{)nte,,'il 'Nith 14 D;.t,<.:r Los:~AnF('lL'~',!X·:i:-'("~"~'Jn-en. Mis.s Dunn, 3D. il ~~ (/ :~CL~;-:\·t I Pl, )t,;)!~!\ I &:>'il0J:': ~t!:e"<'e ~~t JdlW; L'i lmny'tf;l i ;::r;Q tn-at thel-t:aUi' ~ h~:1 [0(.' .wllt l-t., LtLe ~ per!5rn':a' ilk:" O:he;:5 t-"" lh~'n~ In jUli-t 1''e:Lnlin eye I·Of 2!fl cy~ Ii;';,,!;",hmf~'11 ()lth~l ;1r-;:F::.!r,{:nI~ c t ;,; ,; , 0" State May foc.e Suits [',:lft,' \';l<'.._ Thi" '~\"'i'iii; Ir. c'.:;fn;;,ti;~? l';\,~",,,\'d :,·~'rlt:'~ ,,·r MmrtK-'1~·~' I" :Il" ~H,nc" (),',1", 1.;;;\ V,'!\-j<j"n' \'1 11;" U{'\.\ i.ll(';r r!fel'~ l~f,ib~j.t"II"O \'U lh(' ~ 1 ; I: <.' t, ··prfYpt;:,!N «Itl~U1t!'­ bon would repea.:l the rla1.t 1 ~ -'t.(lvi:::rel~n ll'llfmm11y" '-" fl'l-ci:l b!l dum- i}r{";.ect£ [he stai.(' :;g;i-i'nS\ lll..'.>J'· "·do,. U-.,' ;l.~l";:""{ C:(II~lJ.. ~tJils ~r p~. t': 5 0 B <I 1 lnjur)' or :)fOOi':ny dam a g t C'l"u.."-e'd by i I',,':(:! :"': :lb~e. ~,,;;I o.~;:l(' fJ""'llpi,', D.I n'E\':\IS E. (l.•.:IU'iA\ IH -"IRie B-llrOH: 'j';,. '::'.1 ~ '''' ;l1;d.., 1llf: ;·(lu:·d new L,,"I;SUUI, ~egligence by the u.:ate or itf.; CfO;pJOyes. '1'" ~nrnl' L"~ ~""-""'ll-\ ".1 ~rr''''·r. TikI VIU -ia IdViItHI Easy Scan and Print Ax Montana's Ha.nQingl"r~~ ~h::t,\ r;Xtt'I'-~,H.) ci:15r~ :J'~ l<lXp,ly H~ !e~5 :cbGK't iij wh!,li:lxrr or J"D( to i_x'Nlh)'. ht;t ~lJbGi~n c.li1?{t.aJ p:m.\;i}1l.'Mt,t ill i&-~,\. ~rnilrLf;':f'\lTWlll than hil': ~hi'; ('ij{'! - ooct.,i-3h~bkh;~:~~~~·:-;'W,,1h{:~;'~1} ;J~t&!: I,!ly 't, i;;:'-'O',H~tiluth'H1aj c~-n,.. ! ;~~"J \nh i).. in tile i man p-utllt.hHlt':r1i ! p·ut. 11".,)' ~t$(l l)')r;1.ccd f'l ,~ '.lie.L<; h,.d ,'.rl:l:j,'lMlY.-Y. bf:l('oa<)~(" t:l~ r":j,--g miHlY a,?d the ml!1~uiti.e1i :;,r't r.:,';[",~uti:,,:j .r. " L(, ,t' "~(1 ~,,{1 Ihi; ~tc;fcg;l!J;:;l, u;'Ei' Q4t;f-,'h ",-r.~.\ ~i'A$ -&t~r \1'.J>\1-<:>1 mt)ldng Jei;~:~\.",-' h'~Y"", .'!>el-ti·\:l'g·ft oH-ti' f~ "'i\N~!l"Hii-.ll11 Jif>.t':Il.d· ll.CC(,;I\"'..mc·dll:f~· IU'lrl ~.d~-cj)~t;'~-ii'W.!\ ~~ll' lhO 1"",,~ !h<! Ol'ENSJUNt2 {\.!:-,,¥;~~ on 'l':j\,,,ti! b-Ntl,l}~",-,r-" ~Hrj's, '~~j tl.H'·~ N\ rhl! ~ ~ J~C"1;C·'~ lJl':~;Q.., 'It.''l'I £00- l"4 {"~.:.j-f:'I:l.S;:MP up to ~.tJ: r;",m""'''',;. i~t,!, to ]1,0 r;i<.ynl}ll Ti~~, f'-~rj<. l~ ~.--'J"i:~p~'('! I!>--i'~j-, lW)WlIl. 11}t"Cl~kfJ iII".d Yj"'-ll~! COfiM<:,ti0;,?A C6 lr~ !:!'..!! ~N:t'~~ 't'ht' ~":l!~~~: l:;~~~l\~~j:~~,~w~e d~~~K\.~;':,i ; :'\~.k"~; LODGE VIUAGE~~~N<~ ~t~ G'i~tr4Tc:toM. ik'ltf"j'ct.-e--rl-d'itl-G, t,trki:"ij; t';~h.­ ,j.~_,Q~i, IM~_'~. l'.e.b-iit-<J~W:0'1~ ~!fl'~ !-"V.li, H;e~;-c~,,"P:';"~r jIHH·,~h~'r;9 ,{~.7".p !.~'f-J [";,\1'>. ?I,j ,,,"I!.t'/~ n-e-;,1',~Y<;~"::;S \t<i-i;d()--l} f'j~.;:w'g ~:",;j il'~"';:'J.~~· ~_,~,.j b-G,l',~~ ",~.~. "'V (,'.;po=' I;}! ,'~,n\, Q~['(:,: LIl:,~",,:J:tl-r~'~:"J, {1~fH ;.)-r :;;,c,{.,'W'';'''~ ("):-!m ~~Uf;(l fn Pi.~"~ U!'i '-" I'y n:'16!~ ~. l-!L) GRAND TETON LODGE COMPANY QA'A:ND TETON NATIONAL PARK. JACKSON. WYO~.H-.IG 83001 0'('307) &43.:286$ ., .ig~~,j~l~: b;.:" C;f;Ib;t,! ;1';11· 1l'.~!l'.:(!-r ,: 1"~C<'~1 ,~,c.,~,!;'t·~ ~:~: ;%~.~;&:.~~;~ca~:':,~: p1!M:hy.·· ¢'f1.:hQ ·f-o-r A-CttVil~'!l ~h'f Ml>:d';~11 ~;i)>J-"",:>pt'.~: t;.10<>1:' ,'it:!lth i:jtin:Jf;' \.',knL" -'·C'''·'.' __ ''''',"".'~"~",,._,_, JACKSON lAKE COLTER BAY , '(-':t~,v(-n:i{,fj t"'~;(1.-r-f' t*~j';Q. nke" • ;.tw: h,j !.:) ,~lCI':~'~ ,AUwi, ·I'.rt L5; r;:te w{lli.:; hdl wf.rH:e'p; ,It-t r.1rl", deOl~h; ly !?,.);{'·cut,{!.d crane i Arl(i they "r lJ 1I r. ti:-e <k;:,lj\ i pex;a}t.y 1e.-'lvC'~ i)(;, f"I','OH) f(;<r i.-,::.,;n~~l!~lji r e c tin J\ ml.R.:t!f.(',~ !~1;C m"l-\t'; \c.wer ! ;-'<Yflr c,\;:c-hl:l ·I;b~. O;>t,!r~",. N:~1 }Oi.!'iJng'lnJi(W.:cW. mBH S:iH C!,1Uii-t;.-,• .b:-c-ni ili'.y \() (kath, they ~(l-y il! pu:--,A j)r",;po:-<.1l1 ~.0 ;,{)\)\i-;~~, '-'1i.j'ij~;1· s "wr ~tt}teu:" C;Gnsttl-ut¥->'~] - pr::w-: II J;';l'i.' [:'f~.)j){t' '<'(ft:(>. .i.l.4i11P~1 tlli:'J ~(ltUw':j~iI<~\,~:,~.e dv,ali~ Crud ami Ul.hIHI};lUI \{I,e-.;nh p!:n:;\;Jtj'. it' p r (l v j". 01 c l:h ~~~f{':c,.'-'-"--"''''-':( ~l~f{~~; 'I't·;f.>&: ""hi,1 f"w.r ilt,r)i.;.!l);"g The ~ r is t ~ I'll. COfl.~.\~U{irr{ij w-.y..rld g(,. i:r,';'J Lm ~'YW 1Xl1>'jfU1J· )nJ>N:,•.JI1. ~~)~~ 'IrQn, the. dl',~t{." 1'>1',::';'<.1:)', !>e~;,,\,2;i arg,i ';nre,:ety "'«r-~ h.t: ;'eglfl¥:l:'ln~ D;.:;:~y'UG-i,',r(fff~ lru..!. i\1).~:r>lnie In;IY ,WT)'JJd.~Cffi¥lHm:._... l;iw. 'bu~ lmi: it Ql,.... :ffd /lro:"'l'::'il( "Fro~'\de fOr c-:.pH.a] ",:uf':hh!'r>'?:>.'1\, .'i,M(i,)bl.:m ;\'0;:1,4.1 he. !!!,:;"'lj},h~l by' '#b.i,';ill (\mlri,'~ ..'~,'IM,'T"-"';... . :In ot~; we-m, -Mon\an .. :d-l';<!,h "".\~.i hrk! I.m}H;J!.lI1 r'{:"1i)'.lk} [lo·t ~,WriH® ..-j~\t:G·lh-t tain In \n oF\e,il (loITw It i~ an dIx.~t'l h.-!lvt Ii.; ?M.v'e l1. d~.th'· ':':~I;;Hii; {t1l.<¥ic [1\m- ~ W"-.II C{...tNI:j:;t1JL".~~ j)}£ \!}( [I vlur cboice of these 4wavs 10 sive at PfS aiVII.l1ilS ad mladvlliaies of eath, witb S1l1ll1 beitftm &llllItS Ian II. ADVANTAGES; You mll!' opE'e 1/ /1 l'h~eo,ml with a,s BtU" H S·S or ! p1:I'bWOOk ItS rrltH:h ~~ yo'; ~yhgli plt'-lI;~. Make additkl-Nl d<:'J)O(,l:~H~ ~'t ",\U:ldnr."'a~~> ~t !cPy Urne in Atl}' a.mounl. '{OU! money e3m~ hlit-:re3{ ftom the dJy YQ·u dC'JXlffiil It ,0 \.he d.IiY YC·\J wit,hdn.... lol._ l.!He~( b;, compoun-de-d daii~' ami credi1-ed lO )'our l:CCOunl at th¢ end. of ~c-h. qv~rter, (lDIer-est p.&id (}tllK'IX'>l-rl~ with bii1&noa 0[$,50 or mote': S$'>in~ re-c-eiYoo on or b,eJot1? thf> 10th of the month e3;!TI ~nter(>st (rom the 1M of tho r.tte-nth. ,_,. _ _ • • • • ~ _ . _ _ ,~, •• ~O' _ •• _ . i ...... ~_.----! e,-mlll~ 'Rffl-~fn !:n the lI¢(:Ounl {-o,t 12 fnI):ltl',J. Y<)ti'!'5~n:r~'Y]\I rnFu·t«d (,0 $2D,OOO by ~n ~g,,'rlCY of thC'? lJ.S-, G01.:-m-u:nJ':-nL No pen;:loY hI S#.'f t!'l€1\ !O In-.::ured.. &nN DISADVANTAGES: You an h--u e"f'/.'! lvSI. a $'.I~ g,t!t! hi~hffl" rf.'hlffi o.a your morw"j w-lLh APf'S S}i.il'1,g! ().'!f1if1C1a':'e~r;-OOU!'l1 \W@ bdo.... ). COMM£NT: 11:(' «dC".;f 'n,j IA Ut't to! tr,uF,i j'leot.rpi0. "feu han tota11kxtbJbty, )"u-u c.3U d-.t'pm;j:l A;!l mu·cltor u !1tUt at YO-ll wiM. No {l®1l'ltiM rb'rwlih-dnVi"aJ~. Ytrt .'n," ~~ • • ~. "'J._~ _,, __ .1-I_,\..,l,_ "'n ,_, ......... ~~_~ ........ L> Easy Scan and Print Judge Rejection mOcpcilder,.l JLl-- .':,<1f)·jJlrd~ C'Ol'1.1rnis.:;iof; U) ;!1C1', ","l:J<) Cieri.le: .~il il)\,'! ;O)iol,li ()1!,1"'e";('~',i.e jU(~k:ial ('(lrKklC~ ~rYJ :l"k1 reg e.~ in: reo] !1,rneod di$dpHn2"{'Y lK tii;,.'J .118 jUdgf-:; ',() Jw s,,¥;>cmf ,,,-v,.j'{ .101: II I::, ;udW~~,' ~!1e'il! t~(i: HP)X)l;I:":,,>tn, by rhi Ten::!; 01 jvJi!:CS woukl be Ci u;~;",(i :i-~.ti.-'r\~flW <':l''Jrt d i (' I' \'!(r, pi,)I; j;jiitki':j AAG i!l); yt:'ilr" lxg lIi.:;~ Tht <X/fI..W1!J Li(){l i C I!!it rK.fJJ/( hmH.s !:\~ )TAI~ .'U0??"., «'u!d ,,,}1 "(,C"l'l'pi :,~():!i fr!.· ~ ~j ! <l pOlitiC.'; b) dd tt, k{i b;~'~~:(·i". kn, fl('m; lei a , ;;1', U,t :~'1Vfr lifi,~j n;~':l, , :e! ;\"v,;}<1 Ii,)::!" ).'1 Cll.\HH . [:rom six l,:O I:t};l";{ Y~'i:.."'< i i~\Hn lour 1,(1 :r 1(', v d g e \""):;K~ Ir,n Ton,,,,,"",, JuslJ,:-r_ j.\ ;., ; ~" ll8-l\t n~h1tCp~ FORTUN~:,o.~· ~A~V.ES. President's DQV~1~"""re. . ~ i>i1 1 r 1 c 5 ;;nd FINAL WEEK- SAH ENDS SATURDAY! i: c (,.i'·- ;1,[' l~);r:r'·­ a,inj: ('0.,-:- n':,.:'· "].;';1]2 ;i:1 11,,:,] 1',S~:t:k rt·_'"! 11L _ [kill l\:" ,1 ...... ...... ...... ... 1111111.: '--i i "BONtlIE VEil" COSMETICS lAlll;;;'SPR~ t'(~~;:;~;ES COATS p.,·""'''''u - -'All,fofflo.vI.Jab.eb... • R.~9",lj,; S1.50 t.. $S SO 250/0 OFF • Sllle $20 VoJu", 10 4'00, Sole $24 Vo'vo, '" 6400, Sale $30 VO'"" 10 4000, Oth9rl $-ot-8 Pft<4d 01 $40,,'.0 , B.,,,,,,-,,--0<; LXlr-\:. ""W-~~ \-;y')C1' ,n iXll"'("'~f:! _ In "G"'/, """'SS~'67 Po-Iy Prinl Tl:>p (Rot Pykette-£-) Re~v-lQ' 8.00 HOW $5.67 Easy Scan and Print New Constitution Allows Ju~g IH;d!t[jr'~ i\(,(tc.·Thh if, tb f \':bu\ ""-".1 'J! Ih~ ,v,;,.:' U:· rtii:\l'h il1 ij -o<trk" Qf h;{nrkli r.l'; \'O'\f: f.OJ ,1 J'JrJ-g~ arn-tn:hlg key prOlIi!ifon-~ '.'It lh-r.: Y~iT. c.!'..'<:,;c,;-::~ ""e :~"r;~' "',m', pn'r-}M$-NJ n-c.,..., ('Gfl~litl).ti,.m 1~Il\i ,h;;v,", ~)~~i;! Cf:-,(>~'~ theIr ccfh"c( 'JU Bd. t.tH'. U;l;},(:;- [he[>; \:'O,oJd 0_'!',~:>," Pi:"'" I'I~HJi-d a h~ 5lil ch,~,;o.' ~\;.t" n-i.\ j l\<' rl_'\'<-Hnm,l~: ,r) i'he SUI it:, Jud,!,;,;,:" Swu l}-utr.a-u Nothing so Rich & Rare ~ d from ~d1t'lli o-MM't dbtifhM" (]wr;: s~)f"f.:lh:Ji", e.k:! : It-l"ion VI :r'''''f. !i.i{~ ,'T:1l In:-],,'; ':r': " ?':t'/ t:~",-1.i-! ~'';f'U[';(;:{; (.-1 Ifc" cb,\;g~iY ••• ~"'P{l{(.J ~,.!8Ft:y, 1M! J.i(l W,Hlk! d; flf5.il.I>:if[h' 1'1,;,,;,: OJ hvr;, [11,"0; ;Ti".,,~) ;'i" ~, t, ;-';'.,r:,\\'i':-t'f (:;:.p 'O;':(;ttH "''0f1::. It r;:i- Ju,IW':; h ""lId no: M.i jiX;:I{:'",'"l>,'.('l\ (>.c; r-.;i :f,\;; !i'.i":: !~",c:j"'-:l'.'$'in-c~(¥~ C"-NAOiAN ,t}\Jj /I; n>r~'(: i1f'fJO'JtTlt"oJ rnki·!.'':,m by :h" HRtt-er(~:moc3h! PJtfl-ai(l w>\'-!l"'li-'ir"l i'M,'l;-{ bOUb !~ !<!jf'''''?'<'lC: (:]"i:'dH.'d ( "f ~h':Gi €J" i\ (:.('..rlJfo;1'r.-.J111m[.~:,y'd II rOtH ~., IJrv'~-sq:;ll "'.';lid Ltl/; ~lpif) ll) UI":;\N1:> ~~, C\)HRA}'';' ! 1'1 ; c<'r~-:,'Jt'-4:tJ\>t'l ",.-" :h~' i,"'o',e '. "·(,'!~n ' '.)<:-1'' (\elm ei,h'~ L' :if' ';::(~,.:: r\"": \,,'ot\:·d [".hi ;Jfl hiJ; c\":V..,j·':; If,/ :h(·. !;(."fY,:.!:r r,pp,ov,; h~ r;>;'[<'.w::;)! !~:, (,H;;('t~ .',.;,,'.' (,n;.l" ,",;~ ""i;r.;i0!:'·C"iT't~!'"fc.~ ,U ,I' {"mtjr;;l<.~j 1ft', n,,~ the c,h"n;g{·. 'fi:,;,ii~'~, ;:~K;tI.;;~, !f ht; ,','- "'1-':"::1 ·';9,.!~,j by \; ?1~'1t!b d,·~f},$ wV;lhi be ld1. 'ij ;:n-e,ri [ 5l.:'k-:'H·nn ':, .'; I-"~ ~ -Ni 'xnn, :;;I,/" ,:~.~"!~:\ w;rd ":i."y, ;.<!ndl '.i,'{;-{;Id i·,-,-,itr,ij",t l:":!'<"<"'" tw('kt~r;; :~:"-""~il'::aden[ <Ill j \: cI i c i I! i jli:~ "r:d !,nwl,di U'", ,i 11: {i'i,,,t'Ld~ ""~.'iI;{j l~\]-~ () , :'';:."C;;<.j1..ulhfi·'d ~'j&"F.",i <:.,'t":j;1:"en'-(~i. ~:L);;[; i ~ b,; :h~ ,;:0lr,f'\; ','('in· b) nu! m;l,k~H~; r: :d· of Uw !')i.~: ,'K4' ('.[ I' " ir,dy.;:1: ':a$::': ,:10(' i!i~r.l1i n()mli:i~(jn.;;: !';!:". ii,j;P'-";"I'ITwn'<,' 0,';',Si.,!;.J{i,',I', i'>~-, '"I ) ~mmtlllllmUlmumluunlnniiliilllll1lnllilmllllllllllnllllli1I1I11It:. . ......' .. . . . ~... ...... JUST ARRIVED l~4~\J~~ .~... ...... JfIII'~IIJ!!l-i i lei !<l.tpr( Easy Scan and Print udge Rejection ri',,,:', "\.,,,jld :n':kpl'l.i\kr•.~ jii' i ~':\'L,':: "',i-i~,i:''':',''~ C! ".;',: .•;, d.h (lJ,"lUi ~'iln{Ji1";.!~ C(A",r~ts.5i(,n l/';._ , ..' . , '!Qm<.,-rrvw a is,',! ;~~'Tsti.g'lit J'x:;:_:JIil (")r¥I\ir::~ ,,1.',1: :;~. rt'-"-'!7lnH:nd (h~'Cii.>-lirwry iJ,-:,-,lU'" }t<sliv: N).\1['L~ '1:1' xlg'.-,\ ](> jo:J~.~'; :hr' :0-.1jw':--Ir.r- ("wr: , T·~:·;.c; 1.1, Y~<,J;~.:'. v,v-J.":,! t,le: ;;] n g,,J: ".n·"i~;'.~,! f;'J:1: :", ;" ','I'l:\~(! I,:' '>:0,).: :ry t'w ~;';(i f,,<i' ,J,:,~:;(.~ j ;; d g (' ~ 11K (J.:O:E!i);,,,::nTi hY!HI \'.'N',k: )(' .''-L'·;:;'~' \(\ d,~ ~ ",i~ f. '. ': \Yar~ i:'.,-t.~ ·~\,n'l;.~ ~")( :': ..(, I{;h'i", ,I il; )I,',!:';' (. c;' "Pykefte" "BONNIE VELl" ,1'('·"" COORDINAUS CO>MtTlC> p,· •. ,~'i<·, 1,"",'"'. IIn= ...... ...... ........ :' ...... ... ... - ......... , Vo'o" to 40Q{), . !250/0 OFF Vojo~ to 4$.00, Vo'o .. 10 040<) OthtHl Sofa )j;dc $30 Pri(:e~ $40 to <$0 '- >·oJc $20 >ctlC $24 01 , Bc"~;,-,,.kJ ·...-~G-..-. ~h'';''l1 r>'J;yc",-I_~ ;,-, I-n r>(J"'o, ".<, 'SS.26~j PQly Print To-p (nol Pykettesl ll:eg'u,J.o1' 8-, 00 ,"ow $5.61 ~~~~~~~._---- Easy Scan and Print Nixon ( By CL,RK MOLLENIIOFF WA..SHINGTOr", D.C, ._.. Coo- lead-rrs. considering '''nle c Uw Nlx,xl adminiStration's pJtiD 10 ".:w.rc/lmlinc Ilrnf modcrnlu:" I-M E:x.ec'1!tive DeP3r~.l'I~b}' c!U:niniltlr;g top ch--U 5 e r 'i' lee i~llOr'~1 s h () In d rnt.asur~ Jhe letter an gn:5.sionlli We're Harping We are reluct,ant to harp on lhe /Subject of el1tn1na,Uon of the twomill statewide ie'''\'1' 1n the pmpored (',oost1l;uUon. H.owever, the oppo' BrUon 18 not really "tellwg Jt like It is," when Jt says, by Inf('l'cn~:e or ot.hcrwiB-f', that the legislature would impose a confi.scatQry prop. erty t.ax on the pcriple 01 Mof\Lana if t.he hmit Wii$ remQv-oo Those who harp on the two-mlU rlimination aren't telling t.he public that If the legi3l.ature get5 .in a financial bind'a::~' the last minute .it can nrbittarHy impose an income tax ftruCitirc tbat could send us all ito ou;!.),;nees.. They don't tell the publw that OUf tawma.kers, in rt fit·'ot desperation, could ignore the,mandatc of the vot.ers and trn~:.a prl3perty tax - all in the 11 ,-C of (aueged) good government·'so that our !)as.. 8JlJ the school foundation pn-,gram. tIt llCVl'r hJ\ly funds the program in the lU'st plll.ce, which ln~:re3$.C;'l ou, pro-perly laXC5, but for ex· tlmpJl"'s hnki; let-'s a..%ume it i5 the 4D per ccnt figure.) Then what happens. TIle !fgI5· Isture ha..'l In eJfe.~t: Increas'ed our property laxe,'). The 3-thoo! Ji'$- Lhf' new Th~ .'ldmjni~trijtion profXJs.11 cBlh lor taiJnjl the top tbre-e d..-[J sen'ice grade.~ 'w]l,ljln the E~liH' DepanfTlCnl, (lrJd pu{U:l€ 1 h <,1 S e 1)().~ltIQH:!I \lfliJ{".r a adequat.e. funds will be ~vajlable lor o·peratlQ,n of the .'l-cl100J,S in the state. sy~1em Mr~n.gt.­ ~nt. Dh·~ut S-tHfled Opponents .~-tt thh /TIQ\'(, il,! a the C1'l11 Soen'lCe and put top-level po~l­ Lions und{'T s'lri.,:,~ political eon.. trol 'T"h.c opp<>nenb say th,lt th~ sy:ltem wil1 stH1e clfl:"('llvf" Iy 'll! dL~ent within \he '::H'('U, \lYe hrar.dl They "About (01 FAA) ~-cili t)(.'s~~. way W by·pa-,.~ Sen. Hugh Stott ReDorts on China tJllng Ilg lk~r~ provc a de.flciency In')' M) that le neen-s can be met. peaLs for more funwand vote Most. imJX)I'tantly. the critics down the cteticll'ncy levy. Other are not telling us that the le.gis· 'districts will approve it.. Th.e tax lature already has control over burd.encan hardly be said to b€: our property ta.~;~f: far in excess equal. of the two-mlll~'i'~wlde levy. It , Ther? SilOUld be opposition to L,>n't reaJly obv:19l1f In fa.ct, the the const1t.uUoo. It .should be ex· control Is downI~t de-violl." and pected and apprcdat.ed SQ that inequitable. t.he pubJJc will be bctte'r infonn-ed. Let's look al t.hesitualion. Let'5 But, t-ll(' only way tor the pubU-c say the leg16lat-ure I:; In a tinan- to be fully Informed i5 fOr the ,.s!~.bAn4JXLJtu~.~~I~tp.K_9?-51? o!_ 9Pwpen t{3 .. :t-o__ retrain3rom fals.e the session, It noo& more moneY. Innuendos and SC'fire tacUC3 and What does it do? It deddes' i.h~t voice their opp08i tion in a tru t,b,. it will fund only 40 per cent of ful, enligh~ning manner. to push hnd bell that one d',i! !l-Cr.... /Ult rt("l!ty~ JlfiN hit actJ-<:rM upt:el hIS $'0111- t b r e e YC<lr conl:w:1 taxes. It is done l.n an lneqllite..ble manner becuus·t' t~)I~ vot.ers in some dUitricts will ,eJect the ap:- der the the CTclltmNl1 pr>YpOlffil ag1i'mf;\ trLcts do not n.'£('iv~ lh~, money t.hey are en~Wed tJ:; by law from the statf' Therefore. the)' must go to th(' p{'op!.e a..n<1 ask them- toap- 'TIH' legislature, whether you like it or not, has t.heretore arb!lrariiy inc r (;' a:'i e d till' property Dep.artm (ooTI lin! t. o '.he '~a5,e lJDPf" of our c.harter f no! rado kjJjj member! Unjvtrsit said "A fTl(l chartered Weit Viq ing ncarl lJtijv~rsit K..e-pGrt II ··Appro ~n kill~ cidenl.'l s wi rejXlrl of Phihp I Ryther, I.h-e former thiel f\ ru:al.o-r for the Ted-eral A."iation Administration (FAA I woo r..e.adro a ~iJ;-n)("fl kam v.--hicb investigate-d air S<J1e-ty (YJ!)fJitX'flS III the \.'1lU!ltry in lale J%'9 and early !'li'O by. the d( not urger, of l~ re wi 1 h :m aircraft 3 He exp s-eek to sl om FAA IOT any n In It!>11moov before tile Ho-u.s-f Post Office 'and CIvil Servlt'e SuJX'om~ 0 n Manpl)'W'e:" , d-eatN. Ryther related tht amazing WJry 01 hi~ lw-v-ye.ar effo'rt t.o gct a,ctiOll on air s.1fl'ly thilt he ron· t>idered urg.ent. Ht: had JrtreS5ed that urgency ill commuJlKlitiofis and. co,:!ver:s;<I,iC3.'i wilh.plIk·i.als I:!\loided i: mendatior {rom the' 'f·.\X ;';" Lf}e While ~ He alse told oL rkii.cule and harrassrneot by his superiora tha t be said forced him to take 8 disability pe.mioo and resign from his dvU s-ef"Vi~ position after hUl air &aiety plan 'wa,~ re: Jected. ILlvCSltlgatf.on Onkred Ry'ther told t....... ;'4~".'" ..... the subcQmm'·'· RyIOO!be death charter n had l:J.e:-en Easy Scan and Print - . , ""VI lUlU ~ IV ft8'IlI' I'tV\ adminiS'tr&t:or John H. Shaffer and to higher oHklab In ~ 'Sorry to see you go, John (wink)- we'll miss you oroul Guest Column Dr. Cashmore's QuestiQnsAn (E.dUor '~ Nott·: nih It tilt third in Ii S-!".nl':l of IlTtldt;I" b"y tbt fk". Ge(lrCt HlIT'pf'r, Helem~, bldtpr-Dd~nl ddCIl.llLt Lc the re<.'.eut CQutHuttonal Ol'nvet). tOO.,,'. U(tD, III arUdf Mr. Harper pr"(tVldt:-fI • .!ll!'w"r~ 11.' l'<\l..I'zt. br:r 01 qoC!. tklal wbkb Wfn tllbe-rl b'y Dr WIIl!.am Cub- '(I mONl lD II .e:Il('r Lc tht· edltw.l By TM fuo.,·.. Georl~ Harp« On M'lV 12 !)r WJ!lilVll Ca!ih· more Ilsk-ed Ilcveul qiJffltl(f~~ whIch he S<lld thill ntH (,0!lfililutionnl deJegat(:~ shoukl be 1m· tlwering Herr> .got'"-! He said tblll AIude ~, St-c\ion 6 .~ t' 8 { e.5 thaI !~ leg.is(atu:"'t shilll be f. cor,tjnuou~ bod)l and me('{ for 60 diJ~'s 'I'very !'l'l;l[ and Ule !egis.latur(' rm;y by writ· tell requesl of Ii ITUl}o,rll)' {'All iL<;elf into sP\"Cial ~:l' ~ S ion 5 (Thi~ h co-rrC:t:'1, -oc'-c,p-l thai it S-liIYs lh(' kgL';J;jlllr., may me.et for 00 dnYl> OR U3..% l':tlch :reliT 'I Tht~nht' a5f~ "d~ U,IS . rne.an th,il lh~ l~ishl.t-lJrt m.ilY call il5df mt(> SC'3S.lon for an addl(iGr,.. l s t' r to r; d, third', and ftlllrth e.wh·' ., ~ssion up to 60 day! :\ n ~ w r: r If the .1t:gi~ldl.urt' ni;'{'d5 :0 call i\~('H 'into sP<"("tal S('SSi'_lf", Ijl <inv Um~ bt'(wren rt'Rliiar S(>$~lons, it may do so, Thert' is no lime limit las there liN' nD lime Iimit::s em !pte.tll! s e s s \ 0 n I now\. 'l1\e mmtnl Illily 1.. s1 onr- dBy, or :lS lonl( 85 it lakes 10 'H..' comp!ish the purJl(;,~t' lJf the spedal meeting, I, dc.etm'( fJI,\ "~l<lll 'HW.t if .the people :fl l i)QJ r ,o,c:h(J(l1 di;.trk1:1 wa.n: Duhlic ~f,'h:Xjl l"'dU-',>IUOO t-O be'liin al fn~ yCili!! d ~Ume ;tfJe In the IUI,ure, tl)t-)' can set It turf 1lWf\)\-'(,J; U~l If, the legi.l.ia. 1'11(' iWI>l' ({''f\~tH;j· boo lI:JroWl\ the le&id<llUH \jJ {'".;I;. mnpi clM:lt!""! of prope-rt\' lhat n"lJ:!}' oat Oo-~' ~ ~t,empt "l),:~·.~ thlll mNtD Ihilt II ",-p.~<iaJ lnlrf' es:i Sf"C"J'.y (':Qu\d I;~l 'IL'frif o'X· cll\Pl from t;nRt~on:" T1lC' iq;isi<lIJ','r IH'ij· AddJ l1uIt can rxempl dil~V~' of pr))p('ny For" e x j m p ! ~. The ,p«,aefl~­ ("Of'05tHutJOfl spttif1call'i l5l.ille1'! that all (onr,-, r;.l pe-5-~aj g-rope rt y wli be I 11:1: cd , indudmg ,yoUl'" bank I~CCOUi)( and )'QUf cloUh':s and illi p"'no-l).,1! Item!. Tt.al iS1l'1 aOrll' no'~ be-c';n.t~ every bank' il.(';:'"Oll;l1 in Mool ar:a wouk! 'dl$<lPPt'.ilf ILl be d('po~j1J"{j in mit 0{ st,ll~ fxmks- If .liSses- svrs tr~;'1) 111!orce that. The legist~~ may Ii [J.d iwl~ly) th!!.t pcnou.aJ PfQPerty 6_ to 21 age limit for educaUoo, ing new Icglslator5, ,the people ~lI)fai.~. Anli·Dl~sion QuesUoo: By • three fiIthJ vott.' RegenL~ l'~flttrre 00 malter \i,-h·;ot the o"w~aU' .'it.1!~ J:-t-":L-.::is lllily Dl" 'QlJt~i:Qn The ,1rcM"l)1 HOO,{l(J) :publiC. deotltmh does not r.t'ppe.a f in l:hc rie"~ conslititfun, ,'l.t,,:HOO 8, Aitide 8 !ii,}'! that no debt shaD be created wiUK"J!a 2-J \-'CIte of the Jegit:11r ture 0-1" a vote 01 the pe<lpl.e. C!lIl 1~·,.'legisJllture f'lfiVIi by Z-3 cr~at{' debt? ,\mw(·r' Yeti Whal Int sta·~ ?oeS..1Il pcr,S(!n{ i3 that it g~i1 If> revenue bond:JI !or .speciaL proj«U The deb< ~_ wt llmH ~ $lOO,.COO the ~tJte actuall,. OWetl mfJ!'1! than Ii hundrttl miniOn dollars IhrQtlgh boods. .\nd 1M catdJ l:J that th(' .~('. bo-nd5 ll~ practically al.. ,,"'ayli 1 per cen!'or more higher c;"cry year ~aU!e the legislature can't deal c I ear I y wHh .building an<i funding wi....... ..,..,;aIel_ I<r _ tbe In cvc,ry· \'Qln!;'ll!l 1l!l<1 gtrl-eflll mt'1liing ThiS \litn\! U~ rww com·titl.ltion Vi th!,!<t' 1a.~ft tootlr~{y I'll Who e;,]; Sfl~' whtll.brm.5 trilf';:$pot"ljl- than Klnllgbt borrowliIg ~ be. In olbcr "'Il'dotbe· .,/at. to can say which taxes they think . paylfli-.llP toa million· d<l1la;rs "doe::- it mean that educaUoo shall be provide-d for all "pre- _ are fair and e:ry c'" pu~jr>8 not be: applled gene-uUy Wlthm tl~ b 0 :1·n.a s. th-e te.gitlllttif'(! deht rdhnt: Let U~. lq;islrltUl d(':u! with sUIte firHl,ndnR. sr EWe ttle pe<J)llr i{ !r,gi,!aturc ran I;"]<,d In sin~k rnembt.'.rd\ tricLli, -So« In Clpefati.on In upe m('(!lln~ .,nd tiled On in (' hmdr:; N-Q(4! ~ th-lnfW tI\ 1I b the !~:l~tur\" 001'7- liwt (j..el"nn!nl'1l what ~ lln,d mil-e.r 1,1); e$ .wall bf:, It cooM cut QUI protIJb:il.~ k:dnealKlIl Ques.tions Q\!estion: by, ,not induding the Answer: 'The new constitution cl.~, U~ th1: IC!1!Jll'latur\" may b:; liJrM! fHt~ \l"ote wV'l"f't pan 01 ~och lion W))J lake in the future. Will U1r: ic-gIs.llltl:JTC WI' pre~ef1t.hlgbwll.Y ~t up aJany Jlpec,laJ or l~isllltklt1 that doe.'l oo{ ,way!! bt'. the ,~me: Shouldn't w~ ".!Low for snme f'lexlbHlty? hil\'(' i5CtH'llll apphcation.. Our iJl Tht' pO:j~bihty of StldJ ttgiJ~Iitutloo. and the t t' d (' r a I latj-..-f' ad!O.'l may help to kee? one, nsV'l' "1' q U $1 pr-Olt>ctkm" pronsiom 11lil\ ulw ht'lp :tee:p the large high'i'fily di.'partment from. fN'I'inR·thRl It.C"'<lTJ o~ratfl' tin)' sj)("eL:d i(ltcrrst group from bortl:ng C:';f<mp, In <I !llw that CRn~ _ indt'?efldt"ntl,! of the 'peoples' ; c Ie from elM!; tal;)s ,l.mlXi5sibk to adrnln1stu fairly and [1\01'(' trouble' Ull," IS worth, ilnJ i1 Iml\' I'liempl tilis' ca1egO.f'~'ol pfOf~.~r1y frem laxation. By reIetendlL'll, 8nd. by elect- school ,children and ('~lcndi;>d 10 abov:e college graduation. . ?'.' Aru;m: y 65, 'fbe 1MVI' con.oft!· Woo d~.arl.y &\.I;t;e$ lin 4Ql}.d:j· \"(':t~0fJ ~e-st.la1 A,n~ ....-cr mBlC-rllY C..11 till: l~glsll!llJtl': Jl'p, prupriAtt' r-e "'\'.:!lue r lli~ from ll'Jl/JrH0bHe \k~r~ f()j" other lmn high',lr11y con!j:lructit)n~ Pown [If Rl'r:tllt~ ~-stiof]. Doci Ihe B\H:I nJ u.p tu ".~;UfX!rvi~ coordlnutp., m.ana~e ;md contI the- g~ MontlllUl UniversilY Sv tem" nnw '"hav(- tota!- IXJ':~ Wltil the It'gl.'!Jture bd.nij It only the respnos'ibilily t.o Pf vide the monry'''' Ans""cr Yes The lk"lrd R-egcnt~ wouli1 wor\;ilk-e 110 si;:-hpol d i i; l r i-e '. bf'i,rd 'r Pe9Pl.~ . Vqle mnm")' and tl l::oo.iard thL'tl 1"1"" inIal piJ\.\'fr il.CmmL'lxr the schooi, ~'r'~:tel To Ulj" th.at the l~gLslatu~c h (' \'lot I' 0 I ()Vl"r·,'\"ery penny money approprlaled for the til v'cNity syst~m l~ tu ~<lV ,m a ful lot. W'hD wants th{: ~€:~I!,< tuI'(~ iL"'l'tH to d,) the adrniniill illl of the"Jnivers-it\, unIt=:" ;., bOdy . Ali It 'ls 0')\1; '.hen :~ s<m tium ll! 1 I t C'oordifH<UOn t tween units of th{' ~rii'leisj ayi:tem, Eaoch unit liCfalnbl lor He: own moot'v with bloc of iegiali!~s ffT,n; various 5.f: tiona trying to gel ali much fX¢Slble for t!leir o"','"n ~ schoo It wUl be much better La ha' ooe over..aJJ Board of Regen iring. to the eDtire st.ate BOa] 0/ Education.. an<i llroogl(the t.o'.tbe' legislature, budget as, ing8 and program p~,ats, Question: '·Section 41bl of A tic~ 1Y~gi'l'es county loven: ·m eDt. lGlative, administn .. "+ E~sy Scan and Print y to see you go, John (wink)- we'll miss you around here (nudge) I nore s Questions Answered Rut' 11 malad,IY can the, le,gb.hlure Rj}- e in thelr school di5· proprilItt reVMlle ral~ tro-m 11 .public .~c1100) l'diJca· cgin at five )'t<lr5 of ljm~ In the !ulUJ~, iHJl.OmobiJe ll;'.tn for other than /:I)' 1\ ",\llitll' st>:t it up If. the lq;~j;,­ 0\11;':11. ~ The new constj\u!li the legldaturc {fJ (X. It<;('~ of properly tn'lt 'lOW be exempt ., o..---.e-5 1 tim I a Spe'flll] intH• co-lIld gel itself f·J;· n !llJi[Hiotl'" 'nw !cglsIMi\(' ani· hibits the legislature' ,sing any 'spec-ial or [slatton that· does nol highway (kh~ ctilmg 't·es. The f}e'W COOSlj· Uloo dcariy $\.iI!t.~ all anU-d\-· vcn!OI1 cllU$e, thmJ llodd! mit the l.eglMaturt IDJlY b)' t..hr:« nfIM: ;'o!.e cU vt'I1 part 0-1 wdl funds. Note l.tr.et- tMng:! 0 I It b the Ilr,gill.-w-ture DOW that d~· termllle1- what g.a..~ and other 11lX('.~ !>haJJ b(>. Jt cwId c\ll (JUt lhi'''!' tut".s cnUrel"y (2) Who ('lin ~y what form."'i tram;prA"li.\lKr-n will ~ke tn the hllHrf! Will Qtlr rl!"e:;.cnl !ligtlw",)" se-~ up al· WHY~ !:X, lhe &ame~ ShoUkln't l~giMlltU-r" with siale IbaneiJ1;:. and gwe th-e j)e>'.;pie ;; Iqpia,lJ.Ir. \l carl de<:t Ln f,ingir: IU1: iTl bo:- r d :_~. trieu, S«' In oPe-r<Jlifm In '}j:,.r,n meetln-gJ, a.nd check On In tv· ('Ol').fil.uct~oo~ An-$wer~ Lr:-( U1e cl~i)l r,-ry ~-ott In e;'ffY l'({l",m!11t'f! and )\I.':llr:till mffiiJ"t.1.' 1!1'5 '" Imil', Ul(' 1X'"'IO' cmlJititC(!Qn '>tli! do e l'o'lli·tr ()·f Rf'g(,1\I~ Qu-estili,'1 n..)<;,,, :h~ D':'·<Hd ",[ Ht-;gent-5 :;e< up kl. .~l)r-",n :';,. coordln:<t>:>. manilgt il~1(j '~''f1~i the, MontllM Uni".('r~i!y S-y:s l-('rri"" now hilve 10:,:;; P')W':T "ith tiM: le..ili"liltJ.Jf>:' ix:ing I.eJt ilnd otJwr power~ p-fOvlded implied byl.'\w .. "[)oE-s thi'lt tiVt" 0, ni(',,:', :hat il county go\-'e-rnm~nt nlu!d !tv: income tnx{,5. l",.c" 5-ale.~ In :l·J<:!lIIOl1 to property , ,. An.~wl:r 111-(0, pn~nt n~nsll· \'u(,r; m;,kl':. lW g(;r},:rill, menllOIl Hi 'It,.il: MWfTE uni18· o-f lOcs! i,U V"r-f\J1\'.'nh lwvc. II m.ay be )!c'i1.HN\J tfl,)! I; (J \.I, n t y go~'ern­ rn~~u; rv)·... )lilH' .(In;.' . powe-r~ ir'~111 till! lc~isliltu:rc. :,.". th<>, powers il CQ-U'" ,) )),15 conH:.,> hI .~fJ'C"clfk word irom !h~ !.e,gbbturfO l.on,Hi\uUon int(; words. ~ imp 1 y Th.. new p\ll~ this we flBo":. fill" WrJ}f' i'lexlliiUty7 only the .f(-,-sp<.1ns;billt:. to prov~dr the mc,lfjr:, .... IJf Th(' po-ssibiHty o! ~ch legh1,.,,: qU~tll::'!1 i~ 'no\\" ilnd UJjAnswer Yr.~ -n,e Yk;.:,n) ,jl "c Qua I prot.ection" -tath'e &ct..ion ml'l)' help to );:~ d("f U>e new constitution' ....... tll Reg.-:nl~ ';;'Quid ~·jTk :i1",.(' VOU! \, tll::!t al:oo hetp keep- Uw large highway dt'"partm~ from f1."eling th<ll it C/l:n C'{lt'rilt ~d1ooj d: ~ ! i' i C '_ b.~sHj -TI1{' 'tl'.e.·kg:JJ,'ilifIC "u~hO:l:,.j~.cuUnli' lll'itlttoresl group hem griVrmrr..e nt,to ivY\' ~<1.\n>ctc~" mpl ·in a law Uuitcan- _,ndepoe-nde'lll! y of l, h e poopl-es' pe<>plr VTll{' Jnnr~'''" .and Ule legU!ltCllH'r,Q fTUiller il'1ult ~ bo.ard thf:~i ~.;e ~CA~! rJ'";""'::~ tf) Only ih.c:iC'R:.51ahl;e'C~Jl imSWer pliM'generally. Within that. .lwd Under th1! new cooQver.... ll :;talt neoot\. mal' be" • !Mimjni'tll'r In{: KJ\ool :ly-"tem lJ J-l d. ~'. the legislature Quesiion Thl" pr-e08ent To sar' tl)ill ,1I\!:,jf.~I;da\I1~(' ~s ~,Hulj'JI1 the legislature musl be .pI e)asses of pi--openy. HOO.OOJ public dl'tt Ifmi{ does con \ r Q I ov-e-r ever})X'nny of' nv,<l' [es.poosiVt to the pe'"iJ1e <I m p 1 t'. The present )/1 specifkalh' stat:es' not appear i11 the new COO3-tlli· moo~ 1<ppropfj,ili~ ffir th,· UnI· tion St\c.no-n 8. Artide 8 Siy! vers::ty system Ls to S,h ,It: <11'1)rms of pcr-sooal pl"".'l'plhlil no debt shall be crea,ted Independent Record lui ).o-L i\"ho 1'i"ant5 th~ylt~ghji:l' 1 be taxl:'d, including wlOwul 11 2-3 \~ of ll'.t l.eglsia-mre itself l0 do the Ildrnmi.~((·r Ik '(j(,COl.lO( and your nd lIli pr.r-son~i items. tun' Of <I ~-e of the peopl-e. Ing of tht' univ'Cr5ity urlil.)· .\0' Can tht' leg1slBlure now by 7--J body ~()l"ttan'a'~'i' Oldest. Daily I dorw. .!lOW be<-'atlPI! co\'cr~'itle d~bP . ac('ount in Montana As. it L~ nOw. \hcre :.~ :.<:,m,:An-sI-\"d"' ye.s What the &ULle 'llVpcar to be depQsitc-d d()e~ -at pr~t i:5 that if.g0e:5 timet! I j \ l It c=rdl/i,iItj'ifl ~ statr h.1.nks if lurestwteO utiit$ 01 the uni\-'er:-:ih' 10 fl,n··L'Ol!.e bonds !'{tf' ~. PublJcaUon I 10 e-nfvrc(' tha t. system. Ea.r;h lll1H licramb~~ projed.e.. The '~tutional debt ~iMa:tur-e may II n d for l15 0'Wn f"J')D'r}ey with blocb that personal property limH is $100,000 \)ut the 'state . of legL..lators from Ya~l!i &1'( lpo..o;,sible '.0 administer BClually 0'i't'C'S mor-e'tban a lions Lrying 10 get a" much ;1$nd noon: trouble lhan hundred mjJJlon dollars thrqugh possible for their ovm :><:hu(,l.' . and it mil\' exempt De-c. 17, lR66 btlflds And the catcll is that It wlll be mudJ better' to hi' .,(,Il;(\ry of prop~riy from lheSt' i>on~ are praeticall.y '&1-' one o~w-al.l &.aJ:"d of Regl'-flts \\'.1)'5 1 per cenr-or more blgbe:r PuW""",,, erendum. and by elect. than ""'igbt bom>w!I>g. would bring to ~. ~ !tate Board G-torC't O. Jl;..-nWJt-<:<\ at. ~tioo. and through them _ N-JM V~f.._~.,__ E~' ~.., legislators, the people be. In _ , W<lnIstbe ...1< .ls to.~ legislature, bu~eL ask. ~.-..:I R,,,, _ MY. .w~ which taxes the\' think paying up- to a milUon donan: )r;lg3. anti program 'proPOs,als . E. J. O!>«l _.. Cln:lIlf'fbol /MAotF and unfair. . . I~.",.~ I-,',<:G-'0'"tY OIlk-r ".....wer {',very year becauSe the. 1egisla-, .• Question: "&?<'tion 4ibl of A..~. R"I PftC~ Wo:>-I1 E(fIror turf' can't deal cl eat I ywith tide II . . . ,.. ly ., G-I~<tyl :..t~cn. WGfTle<l'v.,Eal1or !fsiun building and funding ·without .. gIves CQUn governCl~YTon RJd;.rr~~ ._ Pm. Forem.n 1iIUDlI lbo m ell t • leK1slative, admiziistra.. ItQn .10M m: By a ~ fifths special .I:tw~ ~ erl'll apptlcaUon. Our m.and the fed e r II I _10< .... Easy Scan and Print MontcrlO, Mondo'V, Mey 22,1972 • ~ews In Tonight m Helena Brief I Skeleton s , Uncovered i,: Samuel Kennetf Dies Sunday Dzivi The ~1';.y m.\'~HniZ rA /tr.ij,J,Her' i ,;,c,':l:ooJP-fO .....tlJ !'t'r-(;t: l\lt:,ti:>y ! at 7.::ro pm, E:kdft!n' (I[ ofnCi'r~ i ;md !i.t{II,l the i,lfwul.Ii lnusk lWf'~'rls· \li~!j 1:." ,iii Il,!! ;<ger0.'1. Area Racked By. Vandalism, Theft, Breakins Standard Endorses Constih EliTrE (AP) - The Montana questions a!).y,J( the document of (he ne'" c Standard. one of the !«Ijr st.ate and trJ-€ timing of the ratilica· "But ill (A: Lece Newspaper.s, endorY-:-d the uon vote. doe~ 'Jut weif "in G'Jr,or.rinian,'· the edit.:). urge H$ ado! ~~.,:~t{'_:onstitution Surr --' .... Easy Scan and Print I\; t r, U:it"nn MarYin .~ On April 8 S~t1u'd;:,.y. in two KNIt!li;;1;"illt:\ Jl!.J lnil! ~Hld drl,ll\tro lhllt Ih~propl'ld 0-1'(' on. thr, du.mp A u<J {rem UnlOt mi.nt rt WM le.tir' Standa'rd Endorses Constitution "'. {}.:lwling Aprll 11. e, 67. of 112 E, Lyo-Apdl 9 llt $1 Joill1··" IO!>pllIl-L n,r BUTTE lAP) - Monl.~.n{j q\~ct{~ns :.l.l';!\;! U,,~ the- d-.:<UJnC.rtl ol flew cnn;o;{il'dllV!', $l(,ndard. (fOe_ 'If the rt~iH lij~t,~i;;l)(j th1i' liming (,>,1 lhlt r~Hfk.-;-\ Uti.! i,n '~.1f c-'fIiJJJar:, 1he g'Q(')(j it cQmpl"lnl fHee Lee. NeWSPi!ptfJ;. c-ndo'r$Ccl l.ht:t!(,1T! "'ole. ;6:;.)(>.5 ml(wt"~gh the D,~d ",rod We (x>e by WiJJiil-nJ 1()("k rrov(J~ It-ll!e- C'\'.,r,~UI.I.l\.K<n S\U~; in my, opinirnl, (ht. {~jj,Lo-1 u.r!le i:~ IldopHon." tlle. (:{]jI£;l-riHl 1O''''~1lJt',p the (illY, rmytrtg n,! n. tr.t g(l<:xi r1lJi !>i!l.d l,')e Can:~_{ituHOfl.J.I '&lilL Hie complaint dl\Jrnf. do~ ()lJtwf.'i&h :hc h-il-d." Cooy,,'nti,m D;I.Ml!' ~ rJlb'.r-1A\.;(; byt 11Je piljX:f pr.1;:;(.,,1 pn)vislfJ.n~ tlpee-ding in eXU:ll,~ <:>! T'i}(' Butt{l nc-\I,':l:.'~l>1rm, tfli;>f'J [)I;ldn.« l:L~ propcMJ 0f1 the ,JlJ:.n-e; (I) milh ~l~!\e );~I\'Nn;n{lnt and lhal he was Inf) rAi.k;t :m~,e-n:d "I waitiJ,\t \.Int.il' r:n~'l?" re):pun~,tVc to ~he wr;i!w.5 lit t.hr tinH: ;\("dN.nbcr (Dr II ~""ffi,r_" ;oA tht, pUl;lW Safety Official To Address State Meeting Jlhdavit fi.\c-d Vr-iday. til" Toole eM pu.!led N Me,n l,iUHl 8w:kJe:r,1 y , rn 00 IiJl\e in ,,<'fIlch 10 (' .If hi$ bl(){xJ l,,-kl'l1 ill (j~b:n " ""-lthoul lhe mewdttlrge ,r..-!I!y 30, Ho~t'~ f,UShw20y THlf!k !E{;W,Klll. will r~ /oJ iJ i pre-senl il n)QboJ:\ .:pprti,<js~(/[l err .;v\Ocncc c,r ¥II t:iw slate ly U1(' &IHl\plc bec5wic bighway ~i'lf{!ly (;/1 "vioj(l[e Halltet:! :~OI1 (lI1d Ul~ ('rson,!, \{l ~o!d ~Cll.wn i5 b Tbl": Hden,a on A prH L8 lhilt I~J{'it: ~>c:;;f.. ('),\fdl!'!i'N.~. 'i..:t\~ UX; S!-E!t,(j leve! .anc:e w~lJ ing thto Students Awards "l.her1;~ w~ ,1l..-;~,)\ r.0iIH: '. To I:~l,';l- hjH't: on "V\,-1i I"· :ri~ i!1jQ,fTi 111 lldr;!Ul kn Al llltttrr-Ol).! VuHcl~ Uw ,.Iuhl:c f}/"jl\)sr--'j (j;m(i;Cj"r>i'l, H f;;nnt,,'- Senndt !\~U"){\ dltch(>~~ ttl-(', L£;).,gu~ of Wc,n}¢;; VOl.' th;:: ftr-:'.t uri thilt the Bll\..(TI [Iir ilnt}(1 ~'OfilV)t jn~J- eta s to A Set . , Cr';;Jit~~ CI.\ H \tahoney, IN\)\n~ 11:Oiluu-.s woman and a T l.J)t':{':-(I<:r,f l:k;ty B a b'-G.'.' (·K, 01 lole <»nftJ·' (~r;:;.j-djf\t'. I}{J,' ur: '.he [aLes-( lo' V;iiLti-am A [jelriilnr-dt. GeOifn'y l'I~~,-~.niin;; ~c S 0;.,-~,y. lJ'_T~ I.') \\,,,S A))n· '<. to ~:31') p.111. C.(,:lef!.1' of Proire-s~;ioD"; ~ ;j~":;,i\,,~i~r "':~ITd, G",,:,·~.:.,g.::,c,.H~,lr. urday W!'.-tD hJ.s i..:ar kIt il g"IV; d rOol1-J .:rnJ .crasr>t'J "tout 1(}.11 miJc-s wU!hc:,,-sl o-f Fo-rt BellIno. i W",,, due to b~ c ing hllbar\'('~l I<,,:~lf;d ildjif(Tni T.h~ IUi'i au sci Breakin ! Hearing Set V1riw .•~! :Ie .iher c:.,.l'\.;n!y ilv:j)o)fiue-~ S-Rid In il: Frida,' en:'nin.g QreijK-inMrs, ]..1:/f '-\'ns lryln-JZ rmt a r:ew ;11 tht' C,xldyt-ar T:re imd Hub- in Lflkt 'e '10 art She i~ th~ (,f MI (Jl'ld ~irs, i..."':'..ll A ~J,,)W ~·BW!e ih':llri.n,g on H,;ml,l«Q1'~· ..dt \h1Jth~r r,i,('1j{1~ h-B-d:l~r CO 7J~ >; Miiin, a t2 11-\.l1 An' :S Illners "uJl Mdtng 311 ~n :tlOtl:ght'lifl,d iJp·pr,re-nlly kHi COH· "-<ir W;H !()t!.cied wilt [lOf"tlIble ·Uk. t.ll(' dll-ughl(,; of Jlm(~I(lI:l 3t(.i\lrSI the. y ~<i C ~ '5.i·';-(>] .... hile l>.i~)~.~Jr\f. ,:. p"td, to! T\-'·~. b,ll(-t',y' p;1(:k,~, c\ol.'1i rad.1ill r~~ :'1. J ,'WI U-c Q!' iJ!'ll.n.~ to l)\lll{i II new tntlk1h,g (il); i" ii1yrl L3~ .M(::lr.e~ ~ ;,'M troull!e light", Crf.'<"k, ",,,'s on,' 01 Hllnnd Iydlj,o! the Nat!(J[1i:li; Sh~ 1'0'<\. l,d(~n I'J;' ::'1 19. r.nd V--c{~'n dnver. ,IWZ,y, ..c:C'ord· [)fIX"n picked ttl rrcr-l,,{"Guilcd A:--;:wry h<l;i Dt't'n .\1'1 r(J-r~f1<!UW' ltD,~'f!H,,;1 wj)f'<t ~:hr Gj~l ln~ 10 P'?lki~ Ci.lki .!;H:k WilO!l AWHI-ci [o;~ )\('~ cnn- j{i J Jim",l In JiJdge (;or-dCH:1 ;'!1,',n.'oo0, :1:,;[1'<;\ s to ctlmvus \ill' \l ,. i', t1 C ~ l .~ Dutr\c-t Court· C"'Hdy SheriH ,bhti \1J'I<ll1 CY,/llIlWr'C(' m;1)\lI l1Nlllli<t(.<:, waS.nRIlH,;j ;"~":I\ s..'l..~~n _IL;1", "(aanl pM', 'cf the land , Om.Tiil~~\Or: ,had r,o ngI1(:;./i!:,.,,,j in ~Ilti~f'le't(lr)' mndit!QfI,: '.be liii\<J lor ,)~e ;':.;; L';;;S, G10,j \in McDonald In y!'iU on lhi.~ date 8] had .\I0(l~tlna·$ b,ighw"ys STO-NUiOVSf In Ree-der'. AHe-y 11 n-o-w 5ervtng I.uncbct'll'l\ 1Loll} ~,1tL to : p,m. Court Today :r~="~'--~'"'-~"-':;" ~a\ (;P"'f'~t1(>n r(l, in t" lta· dkcl tl )JH).~i j~\'urilbJy Illiet1 rrov~r "~nd iB elnlnr;ntl: U'CnJOlU ~trt~i1m the "alll~ (;if this i.~ ~"couriti wr, ~l<>H 'Jv,-r in Jr. l(i Ihe fJ,,<)pir. r "':nin,r; dl"l'l;lnpl S""I.'[;li rrll k<"v lo the I nd :,.ald \!l1rph'~ \"r:ILde ,;ari: '"vdiltg A\ :;dl~t apyeareci !i{:ralch gravf.'\ area, \'~ " ~l(){l '\S:;>')Cl"~t'<j "I;li:h Uw Y:'IlCA wanls to l.>{~ iLf\ excc-~sj1{e ral{' of ~; .sald S, uci21;LS &;")-;<1 r;;'hip l~r bujk! hnd ~1"n R-t fl5+dl' f or \J~:r" [')T ro"o ·:'M.1j nt:;'1S. -\ passer;.. ; jl>Xi:",,,,,i;QXi:oo,,,,iXIXi:wXi:ijl 7:l n-110o.l I·(',!r. S),(' ls ri,;bh,~ pr(.'p':,rty lind tb:;! the gel', 'In~)~h:c-r,Y(f1.l1h, w,t.';· hc~f'l'\ i(IHl'.r 01 !lit and BeIHHi('itr, 422 7:); :\w Ii ~ .\.1 \\",1,,('[1 ,ollldrnts im membership ';1 n;r t: ~ P t f r oi 1I!"ri;;, thr r\:J.tionR\ Sl',ni-or ~ hon.,\rsry, Wi!:; J~.lil3 thr dN\l.l!htf'I of .\1;' h. U"J."lil: thous-lI.ll·dl Grim Reap·er :t>.r-:s ,-~e AmHkii.I1 At..<j(Xi"'tW-n B'rings'H'Ig hway :0-1 l:rli~'('.::>i()' Women aml CumCalJ~'~. win )x, held tt)Ili~hl l.t( 8 in ~he lk·H Room of ttoe F I 105 iTott::plA\r,e y ) " i ? rhN-r on MIJllt-llJ1tl n.c;,(j~ ih,- ~rim ira:fk de!Hh.,-"",~ _. 'co. _ '• en-·-(·utl'i'C dif('(,~!{ l,n iiH'. High tv:: if, U1", ~[,,\(" !j,i;:> rl'i<:,~ ,C, l~:: h (;' (:1.'W':\.:t1.HbJ,"li'd (.',_In·<n,tkn ·way Sr;fe!v 1-\,iJ')(jil;l-(.'l'. Said r.g tht- :d''', : \';111 Ilehl Qlil.':.~,joc~ fro!JI tlJ{' DULllilt nU-t'TKeo(", m{';(iiod train'd:le:K.-,.. Th(" Ijdcvdt,.~ ill! have ki~'[la Me;'! !\bT1(tl~,a'inJ; cli!:",S-'\~IHl' bebg 'jdl~ctu;ed M,F~ Ji<ne ~I,(~;..icod: [.....eif! '" Jnl'd'.r:my .~JOOI!,n\.~ H'-:f'OT~ Mo-nl.8.r.,l. ilild aH'ilrllOu;lal'ice \-,;,15 !ll.!,~j)y In)'tlf~ .">l.:nd-ay:diHcring point;:.. oj ';i("~ IX) r honor:\: lit MSU·,5. rt.... :dfivtn., s:f"I'Jiif p-t:r:-oon-e-i and the mob)f('lTlr ~r,t W3,5;" r .) r 'J '" e d docU<,Y,I'c,,{ It'!1'S l)(ly j}f'ogr?tn In·polx.,t OHirN~ '_Ii!! tx. requin:.-d r~d!n'g c~'lsr,e-J into 11 l~jtf;r,;jGe;!jholJkl ,Y.'rv,~ ,U il r){o3d :0 Li;J.;I::'1J.c: nNn',(' pole f,r! ::" Ig,n,1lilL'; [0, qu~sti').-n ,uxl J!l-:. ... er. d .l f;"J..<,{J l'.:.dn:it T.-br:-y Th(:;Ht-d~ll£ ",Ui nil'l from~: Micha,d Murphy, lJ3. di~d Sal.· ;;"~h(',iursllip to l<.n oui· student :>tudyin:& wkhio, 'rhe p,.;;., l»~ill. Ptl;~ ~tlr! ()thc-~ weiL Sen~ri\1 til. in the v~H!!"y, :~nfbllc f{H~I!T':, .'i-(XH1.5<:g--C--d jDlntJy i try Wed-rtf",~l!.;;;r at. a!:so be 0 ..p1"u.,(:'(j Jur· OJUf5t ",~; rnAny ['<,'!-uvalji;m (!fl Imr!f;-!"'l1-enting th.e~e s;tandllrds at: bl' .~fnire '\li QtW.~ iii>lif.;"':,h~ the sAle1)' ,,-ad the womf''tl '.~ rn)e in l iOIlS.' . lL~/iO . . ,,"ll;, utk1.,~ 11,- l',.-Ut:k i:\.;!cly Admij)· f::.tYl11./tt r,-v(,rlt-<1 fllVUflill tn l: II V.S. A5Ji.l\}' D. C. SE:fHl~ 0\)~~t!b.lUon_ o.)-tllj'tllu- ;H~ '111l\ntitlc.l' thal {, QJ m,imng OPll.rli! kr-.i lh:,~y M\' b~jJ:lg "p'l~hcd" lrJ. rnii.)(Q up iheir mjnd~ Q.;"1 th{' j T-r,('. C(1[Oflle! M.Q-lo-r Hotel. O'l'.&rr,ndi wlll di:',(-,lg ltw kd tlM;"LIlst sellenl! .'lI1H}(.i11rd5 for ·h 'i Kh w it Y: lJflr('f>~onab.k. sei1.tlre,~ "I'h,~t'.r l:old IH.'IJ;<;';S ('f Ifill ~ 1>G!n.r VOlt rs ' ;1."(\\':'! Q oe8 ring ~~lk'i Ill;}! "'-0 lhe fB-Sllin,; da~5 ,wccoMful gl>ld c Constitution Tlx' ,j;,Hy Public Forum . ,-n$'Jorr. d p4ad.. R~~rl O'Conndl. reglDr,ul sci tht errtirr'rhxul1).e'f1', tip In, "p_! Set Tonight rnl!.lt"ln;wr f r t.he ~anonlil r<llber U:W-.'J, hil\'il1~ i1: ;}j~1j <: I " i Tl1.~ lIHl: aJ wr-r'c 11:..e f'"ll~r 11) tIle psi> \!,'(l\'}.; Ih·1!('. ('.?LL~t.,J wi "-'Q,nk WH-om$ of dHife-e:d Vrll.h ffl,<JOJby County Attorney U:; Mar',u,.;;! Hi or: (Io-re-.. 'SL \ '"Tbib E is iI'rl-C-W fift,:d lip -b~/'fhr i.h-g pl~c" i:fH' P Tb-I: nr~: i IOC:L9.rn o-~ne-d I !'<orthw(:~t TnHl I'Tin 150 tom q! [r.1: p-~p1:r 1lI'H". A ~~illl'er ill om: d. I,ht :ou Count)·. who ·h:t-r mutt: ,;JOCt. Dec h,i~ repoI' "-a:!l i Easy Scan and Print ICon-Con Delegate Raps Crttl,~s AJ' i - · mdMn:i gf\"""-'«i A3~,ocj-<'lli-t:•., ,1><;1" Of· r:ony\;",(h.1f< b\.J( -j;-i' 1/1\1) ('(tV)" ,y,,;~ ~1j.d'}iog~:~_'?h'~_:".~~.at D·K;;ij~,;~;1 p<)~!l'd' ,he d'h".H1::W'ill rh-,!~ ~IY,l ",.-t~ ;.up a;;,t Ltolfi;' ~),-,V(f ~\jb';~\-')jl,}y tS at i,!<i;ue,i~~_~~~-f 'ni:."N ~,) >'.1(';:11.;1'" T':::o.i"i]'·,<: ,-,.r S\;.!·~';.-~k. e-Wr:IJ~.:":an(t·."·U-l\' chairm.an of t;~c f::'1l.w",)(,<;,; and hdp-<~j ""Tit,~.. o( [lr'c.~>('rty~ ipcludlng ',F\*:;Ji( !..,;l.ncb c:-ornm\,',L"", iI\!ttc OUlmp':lux i~",i"·.go;:",,;,'.! \):<1,- i'(';;.lde'·l;.!. in, liJii1ic.1'i'J!' ~!lr~¢ :-;l.r\("~," he -sMd: ' tr~o ll-~~ "ultr:J rt),lo-{'P; dti,'e,<, l<->h','l:~'''''i bad ('!urp',-j \ ())-n!o'i;I'JJ!:ior\ill COl.1ven::).(,·', ~#ll' lafEl~ lI,n.jll"'·l\('T~ ",,~.,,) ,"'.,111'1;' ~ii ltW tmi -:i( i·>: ~"IId (iI<,', p~)().$Cd" CO{\, "'c'-" NJoI)i,(ilu,j('f, ,f dny b!i'':'h.oJ '.ilJ~,~~ ;un:; 6d".. '{\1\'",j i'l€rdnst ("~!!ry m"."'j' 1',' '~i\),l:~'~l h~~ ~idM .kif re· "~:!1l)~-"'1i' O;)m,':G\-," ;,"1,~' ! gate] wh-c; iT;;"(' "PP.~st'd ll><- !l).-m rrn':11;tr-'.l'r~ l1-;,,'. C'!fr'L', t-::--i';...' f' ',=:",,-"-.:1 ~t<tli""'kit' prop...'"tiyteVi.'l'1$, ; doc"'!V>erJI c-httrj1in~ they ",.!:g!>i !!~(. CW1St!(lHIO-r.:l! (1)!WHtt.',1:Jr.' 'r.-;z:l; ;" tiw If[J\'l'T!U~Y '-T~H)m "nHrl-r,-r the prt'-S(fn{.sy'S-' ~'a r~,'.i)nl ,~) ~h,: \-':¥16 c";.(r; 'Y<,;-!, 'i-l.1>e:i Dr, :J. ..\ dr:I-:"S-;i'.{'<, '11', WJ:"'o<1i.'I'I<;~ \;A,~.'Kiw.n \t,.>\( r<l'ilf:hN'5 JfiJd farmI ! ::thuUon ! diMJ€'E' ~tW. !M'J ('«'1.'!'m.U'c!(\;i '.', iIi; It», 1:.;; n.l 5(',11 tlj)i",'I>i3-i:{\ !~',. (:1~1 (lD'~ 1M bi'll\g jXltfUcAI KAIJSPE,LL :J I. Chmn-P"-Ju3. 1'0:'1,': .k,!l!';'":,, H :h('. ~~)d "(NI ',';-1.>111 Uw:..- w,,;,'!,JXl '.,,,.,,~ r,..i·'Xr~l.i:nf; Ql'-' ·'!o,O\'1';;c n·'\·).\!-' WWJ if i'!}J,.;'II}) \0 l1J(' 11'1)6 ':V1'i : ';trAofl !:iy ;lO;n~: (If;k'i?;1U~-:' ,n ,.; 1.. and /vchi-<- W~I"(l1! n-Ji)'1'>' ;>.;ib.ltbJ1' 1)wl (kV:lj,r>r:--n( "'~'; :o.:;'-;"'''e!)\},Xl i lbHD 1f.'kJ \t;c ~\.{m'c,m.~ ,S;,xi. drat,(~d ,H tt~ <cod (,( ij ~L:t "Jay 1\:\ .k'lj'L.'l.~ ':-' ,: .! Sotur•.l.:l'j ,'fGg;,~_I.r('{, Bu.iJby. L.{·~!i~ i-:\UOSen f'J (K!.ij,f on k~nl,cf)f);I» «00 ;~"'!:\''::iY.>rli H~ t H1"~ I\I:r'0 11,\)"'1~ (3,l.~ .. l:u\l,'(lf_$d..~' "i);-;~ ~1".>\I'hj ~. ,.r, ',,;- i,AJ-", hy :·.,jlllply L'Jt i:-''':'.~'.' [-,,1\', v,>Jc!!,.\,I)!Ui WI1)1 eXlli:HL';', .... sLanda-nis for i9'73 ~: ,-,~ukl rt"Suit \r· pL:ml :and' m~l~jVf l:t\'of'!s' kIf \.. ,!vur !\)octh.., lht rWJJC '" : Lrn li'tmm<:,J',t:d ~, A."'."e!K'.l ~otd ~et"J Li', ~ ;0'];)\.'. ~ EPA AdmiJli~triH{): Wit;Glm ""d e c\,.;t(-t...~[ .'d 1\'),ut:0,1 ,,,,,L·.:·,';~·,;l;' t"l' Ft~ j ""'c_~',l;cM;I::~-' ;:li'~ ~:D Hlridsh-<w~ :>aid P0.,j.f.';:i,'{'·' U,w.in,,: ~,))id d f"mJ ~'>;b'\j.ljY1~.s, fl,' ,t.cp'')'k-d ~.\t1ny ;,qu\~ I?l~t ,,; <·~lt:r ,~~o:- :L', dd"giiy.>-{;!'!),):wnui j}f'<;'.-t ern~".>:H)11!wrr4 "j lhett.J'll)mes &tterthe S,JO,y pnilW";rp ; <td,j(iutnNf in -- hIt(, ... EBRONIX l"g-rxN:--,,'1: <l the rUfill :r.ue-:;w:nbed ~ . IJ' , ;0 p.t,"'ln: i!01n 'e:..-ow rancn)! lit·, ',:H:n';i::~'~""" funws when U1-ey're.. r ,n agaJw,'t it ,:,ot{) (}sn~;.,;-;,~r d;':l.r-gt~ ilin "n EPA U',,lll i.I ,~o-mput.K.'t,t.ap'i>lJ'd:'i [',~v" \jj;.('.~ m~, 'tt'·;:;':COfly-!l;UO{l !planl shutdo;<-'BS ,tll.e;' iow-fcvd pIlnu;;;l( (l.h:'k",~ ,:hem to lh,~ wQuhJ 1:;;"'1' i,i) .ti!>.iJl d~,,,,'~\ : :MlIrdl ... ;~Xec-1Jll\'c.s fmbJ to prOf.";',T\y'raC'( thiJ.: Uw i1;~inten:ir,l'1'; b-,~il\g !b,:h~bh.iU~ :"1,J ~Imaintaj!l li fli'!.'! of pr-01d;;-rw appbed [,,1 th~ ,Ilrat-o<ypt (,I:', ~~l{"ars u:-ed \11 it ,{'$! des-.lgnN ,Lc'Il.'i.l' dl:'i.,*-(\',.>etl by iiJ\\' IllG USE OF WATfJ{ I ,!<how Ford aiJtos wou~d r.i:I:'-et\ He quote<:! Ford's Lop nUH· the 1973 ex]-wust gas l\'tRn,~:Fs n snyl:o[; th.:~ jiv'Wc.nt nUT; r' i. ]~'71 M:1 r";-"Ulliiilio;:! ~i R,)eltlf::;;ha~, ~l? thl.~ H~k,to/':iwa~ 'pur"'y a(c,de'ale,l. ' , ' +--t.X:>i10r}(1 A"'n('n\:.~f.U ();;:<::<1 U·~ ~'isUlied t,;! ~s lih"i~' :~i)-'-; p, ,'CI'\I;~:!')-I l :;i'3 ,,',,:.0.-;1 " ~.i'" l:nc"~; the· iJ" ~i,ul-h"e~ "'"rneo;1l1tm (\( '.-,(}i>s1hle:wid ':1 that the.. £~ ;\,d I")~i~ Hw pn1iX~ie(!o'coD~ C~(i:li!)'-", W,j,S tmann:oous,:·' he ~cd,d . ~!l ddt"~R-te8 ~ the : til"li r.~;;am}l;'n·l \nclud1ng tr..mtl e:rr:iS",K>n$ m,,,c{ ,(.~ :j';,'i:<: !\C IGlkl hcwre dl&o i'::<Yl:\j ~11,t\ th'~) W'lltro untH -j.'- t;ii.e d.Jl.,~ tlJ '·oi-tt !1:w(r op. (~~hP;~t"(: b~­ ,,','r,':'o; nl:i.'.'· "dktn't hiH'I: Ford Fails to Meet Startdards eo Urt' (,:lIe- t.hcir own RU<.·ku~)lilm "'<oIt! II .... Ou~c l1t',Wll\.('-rWijY~ iT,lOr(· Ul:W (:flct for IS,;;$l 0 m In 9 to \.:.:WhlCh n~i1.1 I.\~ reso!vaDle;-,J~ilY:'H'.B'~Y Impt,,::sln!c to ('omp;l'Lt;l fishing W'i!(I:J: 'kil'.~ or pk(c1'l.l;;"'· ";by chimgll1g \hc law Of '\'f':'i11-' n~w t~':,:! ~Inq.' It IIl",JJ;T>, (un· b<:~a1Jng T I.i )! , 'I' irlX:t1-; 121\,,;":1(i v.i,loYl'Hlg l'Qr\l ',~ dl.'ilnb-Ui('. "m;,lti-:'~l (i\ft, at )iJ ;nlle" ~f 11l~tE \oc..9'{ers on U'fi.: W;tJ.>U ('\"~l-Y~."Y' ~', moods 11';:11 tht \J.oderotfil0.ing !w y} DOl) mllr.~ to demomtr;He: 01 the ;"(:.>l;" L,_.....,.......,...",...""......~ HELENA .... There'S anotherreason to + .. - " see the U.S.A. in aChevrolet ~r~n ~ comfort, Easy Scan and Print 3 onstitution Signer! hL~t \"::;'.i.' it; :;..:J,,),,{ 'h-<.' ':".-,r:,e'ii; ;-ii,\n; ,--\~,. !:,·o .~.,' ','" "':1' -',1<.; ('~L \"';:'!l ,':c~'i.k""ih-'''; \.i ':'., ~'Nro"c' j ,{~'i;i'; '':':~ !,'r,.-,- 'i,~- ;:t~' j.; '." .•~ A1'J.-::.,' "-·C}l;}i1:;,,".(~ \-\;~: .. ",. <'"-; .-;.-.,,-' ',', !-' AJP by An' (l~i:wf'~ i'X()\(': Tlli~ h il1-e '_:';'",,'ll' i{'Brh in " _~cril·~ _0/ O'tn.rk'S t'l.:- '-:,i~ iJm'l,dJl-g ~';'Y rnl,hj(]f']~ 'OJ l'<'l; ndy -r,rf;p",j<"d ljt"W e,w,,,Jimt\-{m llnd f,'" [n,dl' I;Hcrj 0::\ lh~ pr.~,pk) Te:, BY i)g>,:-';J5 F; CUf\JU.'·,: UJ ,'\-i.?{<' BMti\ll ;;.u!,j iii'" ~,;}m{'t,~l::'" ,~ ):j.;r; ('",:1\ ';.i.Ln !'-". \'(' :.-,,>;..: ")·d "'.")11 .I u '1.'d"(' ;.i(""," ~mi'~;. r.b),jJT"'~ ,f}:rr' 'i'h;:- r.-:·(,p,:;S-<"~i "f;I'o~~:''-I:i'.-'' r, L~Htl-~ !j\f: )".istl',X Di ,h", [,':',;<'{ u; upgr;,.dt~ \ '.J :'t~' \C '.~,'1'" \h~ fS ,:-" (: l ' I·" d),u\f,:,' ", F''-U:'('~ ,,' i!l<' P'"'' n,,-, 'tC" ,,:.,: ,1'-i'J', ;':).:.!·c" lJ'IIY (; :.i £'an't }'ou 'lenientberr? ",1_, biy w ;, :n P,u-: i.'il( F! j;<vd C;(~i'cn, Easy Scan and Print ers \;, ,1, ,Q :',n:,) ;("?" \i';!\2di{'id ,:;ILe:c .'i-;",t I):" ''''1;·':'') ;< ,; "'",-:'1.;; '1''1':1' iiL1"':"~ isi, I <'in,. ,Ii", 'i... ~"")'" i,:; brli,~j . ,'-IJom r("k"rn ~h(r;;:.l,,:! "W~ 'l,;~'T ,j;,ml1r(j ;.'"t <";" ;11", r;-, ! ,"':'; :1' ''-'j: !XJwt--r ;i·:'·!;l(' (-i'.' (~", E"s: "o,~ :)1".. f\(!.W (lC":':UfU{2M .B:<.Uttd ~Sl~I.!, O.t.}i~l ;~;l ~)ilg~Cr.JlJ (,.",j.', - :t",:,.(o~~irlg-ljf",)t)d', 'i'i1tll.;i: :J.; il·~.rd ,[. i\)"':·,;'j \jb}~:t111k :"',:h~:'i 1"""'''',,'''0, ~hjl- s:<tkl w(~ !IiiI''' whc ,<" \i!!.'i lJc;vft : ,"';"( p:', ",,'J \(-1'! U! [;;ii :,.~j,!~(. ~IYX',,~: ".:»:~! " \\ : t" :--i ":t,! ".:'" ' Any Other Name • • • tbe ('(If'" (ht iHtd Cards and Gifts for the r5-'-"'(yj :j", ex· ":01', ;.1-". :(','\ ... , ~~i (t'~ t,..w tmme -:-'h" Graduate ',--,,- ~ur ~;-.l~.-':; , q"*"",,,. f'd' m !-iw.-~n "-h" ...·ill t>" .... ~·v·i""l ~'" ,~ ,,~~ 'h.,,.,.. , ~"" '''~. ,,"0"'KCC"K IN~TA""'ATI.( 60 P~'<~H C~'''''''''''' ~;.~", \"V.iIC :X' l,,."iiOb!i~:f(-,!1ily '1::' ,~,.' L "f\(:'~ <;(, woUHi J I'~ :r M8 ,i n ,i ':. :n ~,.' 'if ',oJ ~,( ch'n 'I" ;;1'- ::111' ,;(I ~ r.~· • c1'. t~ .:;:,::~.;:,:~~~ T'in~_ :;rT"'" ll,-"-;'- '~\~il '.:i," ,'.,'IC(- i'~nr,.'- r;l':~'t, f:\," fQr iGlU ,h;i:" t"'\'i. nll),"J::', ~i.\' ii' eJL" 'Ifir~i "·"Il.lel ;',,:,~ d:'l1tI.B" r\;'~,,~,u'-:'ill :~. ;.11(: nOi II'\\' Y"~<ir~ BUI ti", h:h.. " c,-~.:~~ ',~, "( en: , ...' 1 L:1(' c'nro~ ih .,\. I:: '.! I; ',(, ""'.lid i\:sn '~n,p{)'''\'er l,he ie---e;lS!;; ;II,e In ereJl':' a-eid!ltOrJ<li C')W'15, ;I, ~~''',:r'~ \<" e,rf, ,C;;; ,::',,.- ;.w'o: \dd I"" ~,nL,' S,,~. Ih",,< '''''''',~I '. ilT,~" .;'.",,: dl:'::f~':l:' 1cH1I:(' C-<>~IIJ on 1(....;<>.. ',t,; ~).~'-,n·;', ':";~,; "' r ''I'' iii1d ("(AIr: '.." n',-, ,'."'"",t.· .,' .':-, '1 pp... '_- . 10 R'~lr n •~ 'V J;!1!I' ))1 H, Mg,,,,, 44l.6'8!,O ~,_ Easy Scan and Print Ilc.I'lJl<"r's ."0,1-1(', -;:r:al.!l l~ t-!h: 'CGD:!.'\;:}I'«';tl n,,~ ,::·r,-,,·j!(.<;( \1,{,hl"fn !...,n th til a ~e:rit" ~f,!Ii'}dN f ' \ ' "' ;',!: 'h"'. '.'(~i":: ~:':ri),': : I' '~, ,llmlnlllf, b:y pNYk!:Il,tiis- Qt tbt. f-:-;h :i!);'C'iy (<!"~ !''J:''~' (1""'" ({P.i':1,lt"" N)rn\litU#[!tl '~lxi )p:T(;p";O;NI d'ldr dfl".('t tbe. JRHF~J", \ (in ,"-,0 ru.s ana Graduate "" " 1,,,,,-, j-"{'.:""'.'.H'f; ,-".".r-;)"" ""'!:-' ,}-,.,+ J I" BY PK....'~'JS 1:;, 9:;~f-R\.'\, i:J,,:t<·<'j.,~ d !w,; ry;:r li,N,:,).~,t,,­ m St.:-tte H-iJl."-';A;~l ",':"/cd il.'~'-'''· " ,,~,.{ \'H,,:~ '.' :ik,n:!l)' riC:¥hb"')\"""J (ri . Iv· ;:>(';"dl't'ht:h! .~'i :,;-; .it< : fl'" hl",-, 1'\0".,,,, <)""'''',,,,,t~, .... },~ t.. ",,";"g "p f.,. ~",,,,. f"-'<><;l' ... ",~ d.~ ~ KOD).K i.NSlA"""rl( 60 I'~",~"" c .. ""~,",. ",m 'I.)'i!" ;;:;i,,,,1." (.<J-~-I'1J ~~ Ko-.<h,l "t.~*o ......,.... 5...,,,. Bu: dt:H""!',;i ",~~;n~:itljn~ ifk ~ 1 r:VUi hi)'.-(~ '.~,,~:' lito" O'ITt,'ii.! c:id;:iI~ lll{' p'mp":j!><:d ,illn~ l:i,.~ q'w;lIlf!':i;!i0,t;l~ Trl!.iniJll; ri'!-,: :q:,",L~:;');;T "i,y} ""'\'d:d l{; 'J''-;'-i.iiJk,,;!·:;r:~~ ~l;";! ii,!Ii.'w ;'I,:-:,UT ,[ !11~,:ke-r: d i,W.:;'; th<:: !t'i: ,)'t'iiC!ll wiH::I" t1,-,1~1 :i,\';.\-ld;;::"{ r·pr~:·,i,\; c':i,i~:,' ,'')IF\;; .t~irl~dwlftri1 '\'f"" U,5",;.!,;,;:,,,',;,;,,,: lJl,:) ('::h:~;r;~ P""I:;lJJ~f,\> ie> 11.:; :Alb!i.~btl ;,'.~.' 0;:1 0. ),(I\'~ \l,--h{'!h~.I' :-.\ >'.:-;:i" , f,,;\I;',':1-~ '1~!Jon e .\ I}',!, n,;>nj (".-'{)(."tl"'>H Ihan{jj~. U1-e ~iJn\1: ~.:, (liS~.!"',·i i.~):t;r:" Lbt :f*.: l,:,i,il (ur·.> ,,:,u,ki ".,-'.,'",)1);] i.-, eUec, i.!-)~ ,~nir.;; f'Jslii:t' <'>f)()Hs..h .", r,,)~ :t:,di-:ce h(l\.' by c!J'lling tbcir Jli;'i.:;.di.c-;i.on "" ('1);i!d ;:),(]Ul~n{'t' (Jlh mJ~ln€ ,he :X'tlilXl'i' ,S<! ,tfWl'r;u·· ~i\' ~,';nt'mIJ1',r!nJ; 3,'· :hill nolxx1Y \!i'(<\1-id ""int {~, ~'r-y,hinJ-" >,h,": - ,"," :xlrnt' st81('-"~ blH'(: limited c"r~:{'I, ")1., ,.,,:;;, ,-,:>;;rl" i.,;·,d ;,6·- '\ch,I", '-,r.u! (~-"·.l;d C..>:t'Li L{1 t'0'1> i<"l'<'('{ '. ~'ltj ~"t.: i ii',Hi; :h,· ·"rc(],:"t"-,, tiN' (J¥}n~1,!) F,\(",p-: I'"" 'hc~~ n::·- i",1i{:1r,; :'iF;' r<:I.:-, M;.d ,',A-IFi j;:i"b~""~ '.~ w'~~J~d (vnl ~~t:j.~· ,"1m!, r,l:;-"':( 'i;-I-1'h \,.•; ''','::,'''' u'-;j),ni~141 MKi ~ig ",h,Q p,)I;;f' \ ,'" ir, b,,<;i ~",~,n O,!' "r"~~J'-,n,~ ",j,h l!wr',' 0": r:'tr! (;;',',)1111~(\' )'nu: ~'.' 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II Easy Scan and Print Page of Comment ~Istad Se~ltlLa.d L~ the Shortstop a Hep;j blkan .tr;rj,Lng (or gove"nc:.r He'd nuch bet-ter 1l.h<:.\tU:-e.p, hi' y go to hLs rlj{h I )Ul",~ Pmp:)l:"f_'Cl (t j.(! u r f)"(.:-t':.jt~- m "Mi:ltlWum. C01"l!1L~ ,\;TK: I,d TT1Rke iftnte 1:,'1"' wii.hir'l tlll: income l.te Th.e GretH F'l.Jb bUsi;f.;lyS, \[ h~ !:ad hln Utfly, :y bv{Lgc\.. w.ouid be inun1.f'f,~~ thert' W8.'\ a ci,~ ',l;'I~nf:.'::;-Ij v.'inni'Jg feck~r1.\.l tr1~i'i(',n &l&Ul.t1'~, ~lai·c ple-t~ly rV.!'- 0rn~f. ~)C A,;. :·>iiJ<n.1Hbiy !:~ ;>.~',;~ LLe."J- d i':' D1,.I'.'f'. gubernatDrial ,.u."",,,".,_ :n i-"';'" C-f:nt nf ,hi' "'.."u:,, ,-<', i.;-Jf: i,:.,~~!t:.:U;}f'.~ "(m~m:i",'?:i" H':. We shouid like lil~ )1".'("'\ :I"S crimina.ls '(W'l;' iUJ,gJng in 3-0 yeun. b1it It's Hll eM!n '"'-(H.:1'J i U'iiny. '~i';U tu: "W(::i. i)~'''·, 1'1: l~xiily I j ",'C :;t-; jr(,!:;()n~l..:;i.- wh':'~,q' ;',':I':T:[ e','t'rJ y." 'iii":: :.h(');"d;':,.~ f""[,,n[.('.!: ifni:: of \1:<> '!,f" [;.An.-1 wDuhi not iU:(\ :'--!iy t\.jwd"!'X~ CI:~2p. ;.i!')'..J_o wagr-r t-hn, OOft, bad new ,st.and sUll, Kt'::ep Ujl: keep U.1e dea t-11 nUn\l)('f ;J"!' lC' htli:-j ';;)CC{;;J-.'ifU,l b-',J,i:ntc~;;,~n;C-i IT: 501nng - shocking e t 10:-·101.11' )'",\11, iii "!i;::j~ ,(:,d U)IU' Ai.'0"L 80 so 11 1" kterrtnt Lf'lC elf-aU: Pi"f)j("C'.r.~<1 (Wi1iH~' prilv'jS.{!.i iL~ ,'1ti(K 1)'U(jff~: [1•. 11 U-l,idi:;O;:{· dr-Jh':iL- c.'! ;-" '.) th.an $:tRl hLr, iii 8, I [tJd NLxl)fl, WiL~ i·(T)IT1E V, r.·oid lhf', ![::c. 1'1,,( )\nl' L5 'Hi ....' ;:;ig';',.;:'.~:g:u:.f, .._~1 (\'\'('.J the pi.',l,.('£' r""id tl-,,~ 4"Ff~ ft;'[> ':"'C't" f'LJf1ilLhg 0"" t,rj iudiu"(}(,s j ,:,:"ilnd ,%\1,' :"('<,] f'ith· (,,"'''iird r,:' Y\)',] to ~Ji:v__ k- ";I~"'l'; WRJd. 'r't'$, U,ik b ct'U."dp, lJuL ar, Don C(}S,--S rnunty, S'lncc Se)sLH(1 lh ii', '.hl; fe.rLUiu:-;( b-U:s:.iD'2S-s C",J r !i;U g:gi;>st!nD I)'~ t.he mOll1.nit ).~ trs.n.<Jer !roul UVlt :~)o:g,,~,n:it~ Tr]fl~ Ju.c.lge ~J,)M .• fell,,·...' HepublicHJ1, Ric:h- No Passing cGovern/s Policy )n Defense $$$ UJAM f", BUCKLEY JR aJ~e.rrl;;\jv~ If,,,' eve <Jl the e:xp{'(.'t-e-C V,Jdx,;;j jk'e!l)(>,ll( (l.{ ;) i.1 l\gTt.'f:'rn-(~l)i defensive l"f}CiJ5\;:!(:-", "I tN <l"'ttj·:-:','i.l!i-';j(,~ mi:~"li!' lJi1"Clpni synJb<:'~ ell the go\'ernmenL,~ j 5:"31('.5 aoo (.f Uti' of '..'1-e &,viet n;:HT1",h W:Udl ~~ :he Guest Column Problems I E~di:t.or· fi ,'tote: OPP')l'1r.'rlH 0/ Ia.: )x'.;>p<.-ied ('tFf1Ki,tutkrll l>av(' c:iW d.efidendes 111 ttl,. dO(1.lment: lwYre~C'T, liuJ~ M-li IJ.tt-R ~.id aWJ'1 (J'I:Ir ~nt Co,1~t1Llltim:'l The R--t-'\ ,, __ ._ TT.' __ . IOI Easy Scan and Print Guest Column Problems With Old Const (~'~ NQt1':: Opponbltli v.! ~ pn~pn-Mi:tl ~1U1~ ba-ve dted ddkt(~Je§ In tt;... :u A 1-41 Mt~d(: H,;il! ta)';e!; mJ-nir'1: CC!f')Xl1"';lU<)-.i1,' (Jr, tlv.;'\f .. rli.i pro..~" onl)". al'kT d-tlct.Imea:t: bo,W!!ver, nUle I!R ofnm- ~t OIlJ' ~ w been c:<ltl't-,,-,tll~19ll. 11/<'; s:JtJd He-'>' Georlf' ~, Haena, 1.nd.e·pe4<h'nt dd~ gaLe w ~\ (.(IIJ.9.ltu.lll'Hl"al (\."IoQ\'!:',f,I:t}.oo dh· ("UJ:a.Cll lbf: ne£;ilttvr. aM!'t"ro Gf ./Jle 1m (itn" attttrUoA, i - HJ~ BY 11IE ~ June ()n you GI:~O,}tl:;L c.~'Jl V()k Qr AGAL'~S!" (Y.f/l:;lHut)oo 1:"l:JH lr,"- :1'::,.., 11 j'0'.J V,)[,'1 than 00 cn}enOrtJ dfiY,~ CUT)" tWo" ynlO IPf-ooab-ly U1P. llJ,ngj~ hi:.\u:c<;!. i,s",,... in ";HL,!-i n g the CQn?tjt~lt.'on;,\: '):'n':t'"~'iJ\.','1 10 0,-, Q! k>i1) '1 A kgi.~j'!!" .. m' \1U: nl:,r"',, c;dt ;,.::>(·H !'i['S~10n even :hough l.h(· ;'(i"xi is iD r,1t :l A l"-Bj"L;.lur~ '1,t-,eI'""C ",\C~ ii', ,:-<,,;;,,~,i'.'("t' snd l[I the Co:nmU!.t(" d :,;,. jJ,ro"k ,if( ''''.\ i·0tYJ!"df~ MK! wb':;/~ ~'1( O'"u;n i:i1!,r"-,, know how /)i$' repr-e5'~til(iI-e "ctllliI!y v'.:H~.' 4. A legi.·.dBtu1"t: •...·n·ne (>'t:tl'.mjll(:-<'~: r::u:,; m"et'l m S'l:1(~ and t!Je c-:UU'S!$ ('!H.lf/O\ r>l~{', IW:D r thr.-,I,r Q-""lJ' puNk !l;~'jfl{""''f, liix-~~,,:d 5 M-u]tkrnenJber tegh1at!',{,- d)~(rj('L~ ~t.N>d of trlngle,-me~r dj~~r1ct.l' i0 1'1" ~ ton a !;,UlfK't', ii', ~ Il'od fin CJ;,~~,..j.o ():)t!."IIi",,,,:, i<'t- Yt': J'j, :~; ~'Ci.er rl<)~' l',&~ \(1 ..:h·~'(l."{' hHw'C1'n a~~, ,,,,,"no iea:ll 36 eii'ud,Id,,\<':\ h" ';!mu, .!lIC 1. 15 A kj)Ul!!lI,urt awi :.~ ("xc('~-j \.0 try 1,) ~·;I..h apportion fwd f"t"(i';;Lrk:{ \ (sci f dNldJodus, ~J)(j('.J~. ~nd COw'. ap iX';j\s often reJiulu!1g 7, A l.e.-gi~lAtur'e :hnl i-." r.l··"",y'i :"Ir\>y,,-,l :f' having tLs bl-l:!ll 'i~r1ed try ii Ku'.',~rnQr wt~0 ....MI slnlp-ly put them in b.!~ p"~--+:'('\ ilnd (<;01' get them III lh,' end (A tJ.'(' 5'C~" Eon, hr f)';" .• er {'ven hils 1-0 Iloay whll! h' :.s c'P1.~,l,~.i \,', 6 A k~sl!'lture ,hill 01[111(': "d,li·i.!.iP i...,d mee! a·gain during il.!i 1(,['111 Wilhr.'iJ'.SiJI iL'l,i( ,,11 b.1H$ (>ver floJ/ll :~cndd) 9, \'0 'ffl"cy tor c,&-. peop-k b~ }il{iL,IJ. n" W amend the 10, ·con~'.1:\!(jO-f1 \'0 (utl.;~liLlt\10nal [)<JdJ!l-g d8jn~ that wiH allow MonWlnil tair share 01:the wale- wh;"-h f0r (0 W:i,lcr din:D 1,--~ fh".~ O'-Jt'lJ{ ,x:r i'l:-lte- H we ool1'thav€ st!'»f\g r.'!,2.!!HS I,,· o:a)izedl~ our own stale '~ay, ',)i,'i"n' .;9':"€ do~·ns-u--eam slate C:..airrlS \viJJ :-e$;rici our Mnoun\ of wS'.e-T VS(> t-oreYeT 11 ~o proVlsiun g.'J4lfflnk"{'lr<i ;:<!J e:o.;i. u"g ()I' eX¥"t~" i1. l~,~i, ~ts h~di,[l:' ~f~-'!,i"'l\ up II of th~ (Mg.•::::, l;(lrrJl.....aUQfL> rmil WJ IK:~iII~ (oadl VfJa AND NO fN ·\llowil~ !q;l.S.iJll\UI'. '",\ill.1! k A Uc( aMid .. rh,.i m;,)" !<)(l:':t hk.rl!.D:l,1 In'~fJ''nl': UlJ. r--...o $t:)jj IJ£H::-u'\l!J lltn<."l1 ;~l)t h~,gb '"fl.W, ij d(~ttr:.; "",>':<:, lL.•~ ,;tw, U. ;) etw ;{\ .\ Ii r: pi r: Ix- i;. ,"' ;!.:",j{o:p/> ·:>t"PM-;;H('. .'~ ud-ent.il]J:,- t~l x .H :\. gJ)veznor ; '..\::\0 Ifwybe (lJ o~ ltlrge rorpoate ;md tk ,'/Q ;-t\(1\ffi(' \\'11(, Gjfll)(',( \1"01 ',(, n if he and unabie :,) J-:',. };'v locrcal'A::S. () n- Wil'!" :t~f!lp<Jfilri!y. holdi~!I Whl,~h :;\'.'i:i thffi Ix- fre". ,\1 ,h~~ o:ni), tiL\C15 they pay, COWl!y leV:(5) 1£ A SIf)} .I)X! ckbt h·m~ k'"la.t ~ C<J~>f-6 j.JS-", ou ;(''iC.o:nme-rn I',,{ c:1('t'b ijnd t.'<1iltnC l;,diw:d tJ; ttw cc>1lstHuOon t.J:w. J1d!'!e C'Jn.",'~ tiS,> Ml l'Q1JJlliLM Dro~rt,. lax. It mum \('0) l-fJ j::,jk,) and inc:omc (J i; yr. Ilr.wch \ ever, &Y,lleroc (;oust ,aJ:f::~ k~, f,;C.t~::.;}k rntl."it Ii : (, n " )J; :Jodi) pH;~jdin.g wd bj !h-f~ ~1.il.t1':' m w~.'T CJ'J ,1-'S$W'~ eql\';'I-!L,.;·.! :1<'''. PnJp",,¥fy ~(j.l:J:'!\ 00,"", h;'1ied b)' \XlUn\:i:,~ '.-'!;·uJd )).:11'(' :-0 b>! rtphH.--eQ by 6L'tk tilU.S JW4 if the ctH"rent "'."""J miH i-ev~(' ~ tn<Ufl- i h€'J\ th!' 'pr,lS",j n;m.t.illJilo.nat il')!>{f'-: TAX ~::'>. h~-'J\\; Jl, No r("C(~!11:10~ A L;u Ilr0;::1,e '''!)'.'.ff' ,'>U1T<I.' p,Jy b.il-d duUts prO'jY-JJy. ii! ;;'0 h1 /.l S;Jk~ ....al 01 ~)o.""l'(:~ Cf:n\, Of ~t\ ~~\Ri'f':R vQ!e a8:al11&: i:. :Y)U !i~:,}m-"l ii: ,.J ,J Y F'CtR the pc-f~";.cn~ l~ c\.)o.G:::'J!;i.!;: ''''''.' sidu Cil:nfhl.lj) ,,-t-.a: ~hit f]"",f_n,~ A vote AGAIN~"T th" pr,.;"-,:",,:i ,~t,~"',',)i.,,; ljOlJ iJ; !.l vote [ot· 1. A ieKi$.llllure !.:h«;. C'".~\ :11.,,'12': ..';, m''-'r. l! 'M :tbHty !.ill: Vi'<;lJl:d .115 A ~'!'l.lIOtI on 0{ 1']( u,.;~~K!rrati(Jl: of'I', tJiJur wo!il:ti;;j'!"' ~{:llt' tn Rt',; ';l-j,)nnd [1,,-,: ("CJD_~tj1UH(ln i)\il-C !YI' ~~.s'J(-'5 ; fllj'W At -....cU ('~·er $100 milJll)!1' .."I)xJ< f(,fCC Ill.{' ~';"jle to) p.;1} h~i;he!'" riit~ !;lte,fC$': t:ye:y, y-e-,lr Mo-'11;<-fJa :17 Keeping the oi .-i i~"rnU1il{Y" whereby canrrJ-t be .su .1B A·taw t!:l;ll k, tn (j~y. county or 1I i:Kre.;;,se in salilry, lliil.'· '-:"hallge ihe L"C( I:; dul"iN.:.3 SUi ye )0"*...<; W)(,tb~[ fTHUY;l.1, d'oLhtnl r)f;(MIJ.; d LtJ-}.s CJn-e 18&:l mdl<"'~ fl" Q1Ju·e;tPer.l( al.)fi!;'.' n Mand:atory lU 011 ali pe.rrmnal pn;per- InctJXling baot a-tt0unL'l. 1'hts Law ~lm?l)' Q'T·er1ClG'ked In many pi.ac"',ll [lO'iO' curnmiMilll'1er'5l. J, \OU rcaU.,. wan ~'('''''' "lor LiM: 'old Ct 2ll ?-to place tQ appe:ai tilx gril'Vit'l1fl::" a.iy;H;lt ar.1pfaha-b c~,ept to t:he s.ame agCll('y 11lill n'lllde them'to thR. first pjac~ :''9, No luatjoo of priv-ate lnter~t.'$ t. gryV{:rr.lITtC'ili O'W'f)I:d pr-operty . !tJ N-c judk-ial llta~~ -(omm~m l-O in;'c.~uglJ.k 'WtJ,{·-th-e:r l!: )U(ige, bIXa1.i.s{! of di;;· ;!w P1l'J}.'<-<5ed new n • Artd you \/CiJr gr.-I a (-",d '-'Vt b \Wfl-(:-r:e~ I't}<),;:t }tj ,IK(I more w, Letters to the the', Get Involved Edj~o(, ! [),(It':-pt,n&:nt P.,(J(:.o-rd 1 am i:l fU:\ti're Momanan r;g.:i i.ln)-",..i~-!'If'· -lJ>e d<:t!:ignaU"d woo .....it;b.es tot=xp,"e1!-'S my ~.jncert gratitude fo the F'\:ott 2nd Gatn-e. the r~oreot S>;;r'fice aoo tP...e Bl.....\1, JOT the ITUl-J:,Y. tU)".: caml:<Q:,fJun-Q; tl',,~v l}av-e provide\!, j '~"an~ \1)(' g~t:'2~5t r~'X-ct [or thE fin," lTil;!> ...'00 patrOl theSE' .~P')'"~ and ai.'JIT'.J:fe. them i.N' tn'i' con s l a '1 t b<l:uJe they v,·.').ge to rre'e~l~ tlh:'lr t¢al <it- ;1 It;, (:.u,,>: i: In ,'i-i,:;-'" ~Ire tong 1.0 dil'S-!I(J)·th" and sn-robs of apr,.. ,,: pLtcc if L~ p"..-f"milt.ed ~'hat can YO'~ do ;oWJ.i i~~ G€\ llHohl'ti The _[l{'xt tirne- doe.sfd gr:;~:S ,tJi, t~' a· bi'\-;J':,I.(,:;j'd on C8nYGfI Ftf'." with a fO\l,' o( empty 't;<; .., cai)f flfiiltiJiE oehim 2l.; ~hr p-eJ;, .)'1)"',1;, Umt yw s.ee a c:row{j der,(&.'To,;· inS 2 ttf]'S{! down tht ]i. numb:e.r and fe.OC>n i'l ~ttak.t- Easy Scan and Print C~Jllod) Z A If.'ogi1lt,lUltr (hat ,~-iHl-:,n{ e,;IH ;k;l.'~f in!o lh<'Ugh th~ p~"{..-j i;~ g,TNIL J A !N;,l,<i)a!UH' whl$(, I'<)l",j in carnmlt":;';,o M;;;~;jOtl eYI.'>f! l\,ld In tJw ( .... T-ll.mWe('. 0-1 t!'<, Who!r jUt' r.-A H"L"OjflC\1. ~od whl'rc !!H.~ Ci':iU;i) C,iUi'?-'i w,te.'~ kno-w IvlW hb· n"-,prf1m'<!1tal.iw· a<;.1mll}y 4 A Iqj:JMa\lJTf" ~t.~ff, n:Y<n.ra+\tci";$ m.,y mep{ in ~- and t1If' nti.i'.ff...., ctr.nlmf (:-",>,("-11 h~';l r (heir own .puNir: bu~me~ d$fi(":IJ";,~t.xl J !thIHl~ ).(!g'Jr,Jmivr: di'$rk-L~ in· 1'1('''0 or ~t'-me,mber di$lrk't,~. :I;: ''I'ei ! n. w! ton,· and C8.kC".. j..~ e<Yi;V.tl\C'f-, /;1; ',r,· f,t;,~)('r:'. ;j vo{er fJ<.' .... h<l;~, k' (:-~OOH' i.l(:--"i'-~"';;) (It \rag 36 c.l;.l:did,,\-'":"i (vr Hilt.l;."'>\' iJ;1<1 Si:n· .111-1":) 5 A legL.'l't1l.tui(; ,niH L'! 1,..-'..'«1 In try !I) Bi'portion Il-J,d f(:dL~·iFI'i-: j 1 ~ (: i f wilh uc-adiocb, ge!T}'l1);<1rlqertn.q, "IX! p'-'t;l~ o-fttm rC',~\JlIir-.g 7, A i.C'.g'l'r.latl.'fc lbill (~)'ti1l ~i" l,!i ahl,{r:;; ."ubYll:>{ !f1 h<Jvlllf: it.~ b\j~ "'l~{',,:\1 b; ~ gvy"mor OHI i\Jm.p}y pu< ltwm in mil p'~l"r:l i1~'¥J ,,1.:-.; j';k". gL;t them at the f<r:4 o-l the !)«;~il-wn: ht, [)('\'f:If @'Vl;".n g~ l-(l "*y p;!:l1l\ hf~ l~ CipjW;oj .,:! 8. A ~fJl:!f1:vn~ me-t\l I.lgJ:lin during th,,\ e::inp"",: tk~ l~nn ...JY,<i::--f! wi;i,,;!>1 JM:' " .... I/J\.UH/l:' ."~ <,! r( "('j; n tonwrs at he'3rt~ of U~ pub-J\(' st>["\,wc o:nrtI'lli:S$loo. I". F<rclng all welfare 'b.ltt:.4>n,~ Oil <'i)U!1- tieo'l'_ 16 ,tVQ gllilrante-e 0-1 C<\)nlroj ,)( !'>:.-:-nool:o: by local school dlstrlt.--U;, . ii!. Np "right 0{ priy.. (~'y gua-rllnt.'t' 17 No -righ{ to knO-..... •• gu.;.irant~(' ,l·tl 1\10 right t{) dean ftOO tw.<I'LtIu\ll N1"'" l'onment 19. NQ' adult right for 18 year olds. 20. No "rIghts oi. children" clause. 21. No gua.rantee o! ''.~e<:;re-:'' b<tlJoL.. ;. 22. A tax article that says tha1 'mining pn:lp~r!y milY never b,~ \!ahJl:tl al mort' ,h:'!11 lht prier paid the LnHl'd Stall's 'll.suBlly from $2.50 to $5.00 an 'Wf\'i. '1'1")'10 get tll-al d.eal 00 your properly! li_ A OJ m. :\,{J ph\ct' lD n-ppe-.al i:u:. gtitlVaN:1'5 t""n hQur ,.,"(,J.;_ 37, w_ ~:[xwd.~ Ct"OlO~/.!ll:i.,lon ir,<~,,'U.g-if'(· ....1r'!thi'i a W(]rkd:;S~ Kee.p.m~ thf! oM '\'tbe.-reby rnrnl1 (1illnot be SUt! 35. A'Iaw that rQv i.n Cl-\.)', coon,\;, or tit l,,(,'.r~iie m MJary, In!})' chilnge ihe e<'Q1 }y duri.'l6\ II SJ.l y~~ c{)m rpiss1,ffit>:r~ i, ~T:t.d r-r-,,,~ty. ?'to )ixlkial on ,. ci h/l\ ~mmul'JiJ.J'" I.n.c 1Ml,m,e i\€t-"lX'Y thiii nw-de t!:',en:r in thee {it"t'A. pL:M:'t'_. 29. ;'i'n lJlulkm I)f ptivnt.e tnlp.-r~u In g,-,yernn>t..~, s:~lKln (:'r,tl1lifd:N';:;tiqn il~:~'"'Jl {i~';l{'ii,isah:r:xcept I:;; t-o }U(.Igro, bt-c-0llitI-t cl dJ.:;. II yoo rCBlls want lor the oM CO! the jlOlpI'M-lXI new ( And you witi' g(>ta ~, h;~d ti'J! if, tmntteSSi '>'D«~ rnow. lt1,()();) !.nora W'(l Letters to the thrir tigll anywfwre' t'X(fpt in the de~ign#Jr.d 11 rea It sute Get Involved E~j'it0r, hl-dql'<'l.aent ReI.-"On1: arn. doesn't bl,ke IDfl/:i to d-£;St!"oy the .llatlH· M'nntmmn who '''''l,<;hcs to t!J::p;e$~tr1y 6loc-ere j II 1;"/1"' :h<,;,:~", :>:'1 pos.~!liiJil}' o-{,<\ r-c.~l "~mit~: cLJ\mll ro:lrt" Wi> wi21 -be $!.\K'1; \l;'i~h JI' C01lf';.~ th;;t MW. ~ POO limil in the (ltd C0T15Hl'J· non, wllh no ~lTem-l"ntl' fOf JP q-u;l!Lf,c",[10M. or trmr.i.i:lg or &I>]."ry lit N\l COi"~ t,.~ tl:! rf1'Pn":~;{ . . n: em;" rree. Mnnd"lor)' ta:o: 011 :;H pe!SC'iUt! prUp<1f- Kaliuxr tn O!lr fjwn $~1il(> UlI; bd~',r( ifJ7-R. downslJ-e,am· fjtsl~ t+:i.l-ms wi\;· ~$tf!('i' <1m" fu'1)(X.uH n{ w.'tte-r lii«> !or('"v-nf'X;f.);'f:,':': f)(!: tndoding ti<\nt ~-C'O_... rnl~. Thill UlW \" ;:m~ly O'I"a-lJ:l(:w.ed in m-any pl.;ias 00"'. Gli:lJH:. th(' 1L No P1'(1\1$km fUilTIi;',let>in-K I:"~ U'Jen t... ~. Xt) 'JIm;. fix t'.i'X'! f"-"':'Pk b> fll!:,;:l..!.in'· \i) ...mend tht' ,('Q5-SUtU!JfP.') HI NQ C'OrIl;'!HttLion~J b#ditnS Iq; w:;ll'.f dalU~ In-a\ "":~Ji alk"li' M{ln!.;r.I14 ~o d.1im ,'\.~ hl.lr I!'r.are of ilit- w,l,ll'![ "'11k.±! (\(>1'." Ot.lj ·'.If dHl" t't-<lt.l" ){ ,~~ .j(;<n't 'han) ~'l1\,rrg ,-L-\1m~ )~. right! to wait'r us-t If't!>JH1 qilirt~.lTIe.flt . :)J(lft<::' i'."d ali biUs r)-';f.'l" from s.::!'"'!tdl ',,1>. UW. OfUY L1l.).;~ they pa),; o::>tln.ly levi-esl :M. A W(i .Q:X' det-! 1\mj{ !:'-'lm b&~ (';/tuM....l \i", ,'iJ.;tV ',(, ~d nr(Hr~i thl' ('Qnfitl:tutkm by [)(;:..-:! ',".~\.i'''S ll'J;'W a: '-'II:')) O"(.'f S-1(;(I mJ-lUool ;;>,'Il.\cb b;'~'(' (ttl' $.i.iltr t.:' i'''-'Y ~)lo-he r:;lkll c!f l,,-;crr:~i 'Io~y~r'Y 'i.":fI.rM[",,t~ J~ lilaJthf-r tmliJ."J!l doltli:fl\ b~'C~oU7W t,.f !.~5 (l:Ite t889 rt,. gr~tllude [J,l' to lhe fil'lh and F'r.Jl"t'~t St.'!.· f,:>!" iJ'te ':;;~;:'ofi{:"1~,urds th;'~y Set....' ke an;j m,an)' fine hilYt pmvid- ~,J. 1 h>lv-f tl:e gr~ak!\'t rt!$jx-:ct tr-..e (lJN' ";:p'.H<~ l1li't-1 w-tIo lMitrot . C'iJIIiS· f,!;o-tt{J-njJ befundit·; ttll:~llext t~.')'oo ¥~ a c-rClW(! d~a!~ rynd ;Jdminl Ul~ [ot U-;e C D n .~ ( " n [ hattle they ",:':,gc In pr("\"C·nl their t~l de· ,; t r !.! eli (J n On!' of tl'C-ffi rell\;<r-k,:<! .. 1.2 fJf;'r c<:,'~ of the. pe¢p'le .,.,.1',-0 W;(, lfw:<.e place~ an~ re<l.l sunle.fs 2..1 the t:b<;;ugh!.\f'~-:;, ~ cerr( ~re <100'\ .g1ve. a d~rnfl cro~'d llJ\d \'1\" f'e,~ a-r-e ~(.,~j ~-J.e " BQrne (If Jtw tltjl1-ltf. jljitich ~ me ire itle rrlVlur btke kook.:! vd"IQ d:L<:n.:gilrd tl:.c pootedru!e-ll tll n'lBr arcnu>d and Ol,f"'OUOO w:l:tlJ... In the g-f1:XIDds with 00 thoo:gbl hx UJ:C aalety or comf.ort at othth~ dga:rettr~ ?>rnok.¢r! who empty their ash lrays Jua:t L'l)'" W!JNl: 1tipr,tkt 00 .. ple1'it)' 1 to ket!? . compall,. wiJib thou!andl of t.ubs off cans; ~ "5p(lfUmen" who d ee:n their· tub ocgflffit:" at"the' dock or beacn, throwing the ShIff 00 the Xn:.>upd or 'i!1l(J the water (don't Y(l~ juil ID'"C' !(l have your kid" dies swimming among a 101 of fisb guts); the pwpIewho park en.;: il:Dd ,mrub5 (If a pt'tdy pk.c:e if this hi permHtoo Vtnnl C.;1n YOti - do flboul f:' ~\ !1\vI)lnx! TIle next tJrne you; Ketia' ~j~d '0.'1 Canyon "f~rry with' a fO ..... of empty rxi-(~r !V,H;-S irrg .a. epct; !-at!! down !be ll· ttI1-:s.e number and report II The Mrl Hme yoo IreC ;}nyo[l(' dumpilig parts of d-e:a-d antmaJs into !he . water at the underpa"iS between.Lak.e Helena ·~nd R-ll.u~r, cilt the Bberlif. A few 1tH! .- tJ:l:tt:!i raJhet: tr-.an.' 'glJ2pt".~ I3'eD.t~" might S·e{ lhc IM.a . It I'eiltty OOetm't make mucl1 U:Il O{diiin~s tor ~. have' Uvtld In lUl era wb~ dec<:qcy and regard !of dtilerenct to bonerly: the other. fe&-w's property ~was thfl ~.bJ:l 1htng; when OM coulrl "drink out of l1\I)!t any c r-e eli:; when 8:Qou:t .. tbe orJ;' you saw waS'. lI>e .•"UO" .be!tlDd tb<i sOloOO: Joe.:beer-'~ In Wben lllC<Il men' were real· he 'men and moat women weie real !he wornen, bu1!f lMlI:es' one real hil;?rtos:kk when you contemplate ...."hat may be left for our grnndchJldren unless the goOO guyll, an<! gal>, wa~Ilp Easy Scan and PrinL. _ ........ osslng Zone Hugi:l R Ke,lkher 1S2:O JefQffi.e PiilDe 509 Set:'ood Ave _ Nnrth G-relll F'IIIktl, MOO! With Old" Constitution • pr-opo.$o«I in ttw-. 23. A I.;n: art)ck Uidl tf.1);e1:i minin.g CQ;J>Or;1liom O!l U.Jelr "ne( pn:II_-eed:5" onl:;, Il~,er ottn said f'h~ lte\,. ient del~ It too diJ;.- all othu :l'l J&l!9 l'on· ~t ,(J m<l'o)(;'\;Y ~1":l_ n<:l IlWff' ~'O ye3r~ jil In I>m· callS· ~ to itself In!" eat. ornmj:t('l:' " iwl iia' n ('IHUXI{ Ily \'ot('~ lees TTl;Jy n1l'ol en',ll ~u.,;:;ed olrlcts In· dn Yd~~. lor ill, t)('tw('('1l and St-:1ItI lfJ' If (.oJ Vi'iLh c\lu!"i r:,,-pen:>e~ Sllb.\l'('t ,() '\ lind fOj· he T)<'\"- I: o,-;t'\l :0 1I ;~[ld St3rlln~ 'miti:'!.t\I't'·· for willer Oil's. out of : d3iDlS l~­ ~for(' 3) :-: .l'. ~lJijt ('Yel} .;; I~Jlc IN 'f.;I,!;0,Hj-ve !(D,rJlllTlf'n: ')( t.'l:ougb the roDsUtut,{!!l to ~hr !hrlY' branch· (~uUez in OfC<:-f w pr\::\It;r·.r. d~~'('b M)(j bal,ilnCi'!. '. \ governor and 1i("lIt.-;-nant ~'"QI'c-n",r J,i '"L, IlU.'" i)l~ Qf Of;~te .'ir,d who :1:") Cii!l))'), IXllitkal p.arU('~ work tGge.-ther wel.l \,) 'iiiY II) f'l'l1."Wf' 11 govm)<)f evpn !,-~m:YJr;;fil!. if h-e should become W;11l<\Ci\;,!{'(j, ;Hl(j urwi}ie It; function in offke. )5 A ~:'{:lj;)n 011 "labor" .....i udl prohibittl ,·c,r,:;l-Ctr<ll.lon ai ha~'it~ ill .'iQIDe places I;,-(', h<1'..i( worKdays Wit.h 3 tiJ.Yll off J:' Keq.li.ng ttl(' ok! Ck>('l,JriO" of ~acn ·5-0V(~PI.gC\ Irnmu,[dt:-' whertb-y :;;tak and. hx:aJ govern- cafl(tot be sued. ,:.;s A law that f<JrbidE an ekotted' \"fU,da1 in titr. OJunty or SUlte from rece:iving' any ~n·creiise in !>alary, even though L'lflahon rnay ci:lailge the economiC' pic-rule drastical· Iy duri:n.g " six: year l.e-im (as, for counly lliCOts C')mmI'Mioner~). !! you rea!lY wanl all lhe-se thtn&~, then ',Ole foi' the old cu-n.~·tituliQf1: vote ~ain5t l!;e prop-);Sf(j ne\it COrurtilullOfl on JLUt(' 6 AI),-j yoo will gt'{ a lot mon: Bluff that isn't to the: same agcnq fu'-si Ikar:l':hi -5't'p.311t\C No plllC(' to apjX"--31 tax grie'ran('f>:: made them in tho:' \.0 tift K,lI'",rno[ .1, i'i':-l)1<:HltT)t l\ ... ~ ty. i.Ocludt.'l.g bam- 8("'Clj!J:f1ls Th.Ls law is simply over-looked itt many pl0C:e5 f1(J"'n' el:cep( >,,;tnt:; to o(f{,r ;'~~Krf}o alone' appraiu,ls pro Dr ii;)r:h j ilfC~)dif1.g m'e:r tilt"1 $efl.ltle (l..e'i,i.i!lJil· 27. Mllnda:I1Jf')' lax on aU perwnal proper- Z8 ...-t!O \'\>:" th(' sLai.(' 10 get JrU'.md the- ron5-tttutioo by t.>nd :Ss:Je.s inow ill well o\er $100 mill0nl willdl lorc-e the stale (..:, pay hi.gher n.~ (,[ mtC:~-Sl, Evcry year M0'.11ana Jose:s aJl-{:lther miUion ck,Jlafs bt.'CaU$(' of thLs one lBB9 re- about iwr:t.i4;(' of I\;k"nnj; the gDI'Cr:","l, to k-;;::.J,H,Ufi' tarC!:! Mm:HlIIHj Lax o-! ",4<::>i.lt Ii t'«nt. 0-' ;,,~ me-ome lax 1'01'0 and 1JDf:-l.iI.ll: tiH){:ilI tbe rlt' sent hi@1 one. r! 1M l] S. '~l"9ff'm;(> O.>url docjd~ LfJal. Ul:Lt'S for ~>.A!i must be :l..... i<:'d by l'h(: ~;:at .. in ord,~ til H:<~;uTC t:qU<l.;:!;, UO;) Property·!.a),e, !l('W l!'viN. b): ~,!(,~ would hsv(' to ~ replilc-ed by ~ll'J,le tlll:'\'.~. and if the (':lJ!Tcnt "tWQ mill levy" ~ rrw.'f1t<linc<l L'l the C'U-l1SUWUOr. the SUite c1i,r"j;j\ \lS\' an .equ;j!lV'd property Lu. It must .~o then to :iHOks a.nd Inc.omt' t..1X locren~_ I in (·dentally. large corp:.:.rnte hokii."'Ig! \l"b"h pay no income t..u: wr;uJd l.henbe lret c;: l.'u.' only tilX.'~ ther p<!:-'. \..--.:tUnly le-.·le51 215 A flOO.COO deb: Ilmit t...liat ha::!: ClILl:{,<j Qu~t \<I:",hq;j~ 0:' P'-J;.ed (<m!{i:tl{%<:l1\.Al bI!Y'1'Kimt'.nI5 ~11idl \t\l: ,(IrticJ~ th~l mi!~' ~llle! r~n\t~H1 l""rkrrn !oJs )ndl.;lC!~ (.[IX Bo 1(\ a :-\·0 ck!",~ lii;t place 29. No taxalioo 0-1 privute tnl.eres-t3 In gov-ernmt'nt· 0'W"fl«i pl'opeTty. 30. No ]udiciaJ 6ta.nduds ~ to ml'f'sllgak whe,ther a }Ud.gl". be6it.15-t of dh· b.1d wt '. :, Unf"",'e-S&iry In fa,M you f:ct ai- most. If.i,OOO more wo-rds :n the- (,ki 00(' iif~ ,["nur vd'.., IJ~\\l!T1 or biXl \ab-dJ d;IUe, pr'.Jf1eJ\;. erUde th.lt .:;e15 Uf' O! ~,'r;'.,'n1 where SDID(' ()f the la,rge:;1 OJrporll.uon.t (l11!\ p"y Ii $60 llccnJ;.c {'JK.t. y,-ar A,"lD NO J'Ncx.n!:r~ TAX. A 25. t\ tax Hi'ER ;th~ioi~ 1978. Letters Get Involved· Editor. IndelX'nde-nt R-e}'0rd: I am iii nali.·e Montaoan wishes 'to E'-xpr~ my sincele g'r a t itud e to the Fish and woo Game. 'the Forest Se'r\'i<:"e and !h;; ·BUo1 for the many. fine campgn:lunds the~' have. pro'rid~ ed. I haV? tiM' great-e.st. resp<.>ct for the fine In{,.U who 'patrol to the Editor their rigs anywh.ere exu·P! ·'Ii the design.ateU a r ~ a I: ·~Uff· doo-sn'l tah lOfl-g to de:£'J"cy ~ne grass aod s.1ruhs of. a preH~ place- if this ~ pt'rmitle-d. 'What can yo-u do about :1" Get YOU in\'O-!~'1Xl The; f,ext ,lIne s.ee a boarioad on Ca.n\'on Ferr)' with a row o(empty be-e: cans Goaling behind it:.the next ,\nd ge irn(;-h;l'd Which cro,"",j d,; you r..ei'mg In" 'f:lr MJt .\fc-J): on 5'"2.5 Wiidl.'r Isn't It the Truth B) C-ARt RllU:r Jr. Girls tod.ay are- Xjid to b'" Easy Scan and Print A Repc Page of Comment !iASOl, ~L4 \'}.,.'!;!~m -. Whth~ ~...r1!r \.'~.\":m ~~" a ,~':i'jl~li'" ~:~:pcdl W.:D<n',Q,p905itl:o.nt(i, tht P~,£(.,j c.ol'.t,~iJ:t,u.Uon S'-0J·f:;l;{~e,.j lM{' t f\ ,~ i. we,e-k in t'h-t. !ann <.;! 'Lh{~~ rur;~l ddegat.e.... -:.'tJo zp0.Jte 'af;(i.Lt)..~t p'OL"-s:a.ge .01 tbe QOCumknt ~t l..h£:·n':~ cent Mon t3na . Sto::kgrDWc:n .;xm,· \i-en t1Dfi in He~t:u~ Tnt three. B"iJ.'!;by n.m:I'J:.fT Tor· E.\k;it1.'iit'JI cXp"~·,,fu~ ll. d~r~ of. rr ~ .At Um:£:t. 1 ';i'o,,<!rr ~'T,~-i;.1.;r~,,~' r"y",: "",-rl1·.t.re!J Lh.~ w;v.\~,c t:hfng , r:...'kD IHl/~ ~b(' ;'t)ri_~L:.utlcc, and ~.Jn Hy5"n~Jn a~t a.l~ raf:t.r-,n ..... r·::h:~ W;> ';C' ; n g S~': "nd Pr'd:''::lH U1.(:Y ,'ilgJ:ed .tX'c-alJcf~" in (''''fr~t Uw Con5-tJ-tuUo-n v;a~ ;u.::c'p-te:1. tiii::f (ha'n'l want to goo p"-r~~ !~j zb"","'l} tu tioH ....:oeld (yf ;j :,c munL~ts t,Q lr~ $Ch(Ql:s and oppo"iing it uur i':i;;h t'!{. w i's,,:; .~;,ud btac,il; they In.l\~ ·:110:1't ha'.{· 8}ffi-tthing tl) :bw}; whe.t! the (k:l(.1;:ak<nt~c:; s:.;:"~ vI! Ub their P'Airo-r, ~;;: ~d I 1Ji'-an~ IC:l'!'¢'c-6L In}' appre dation to YifJ.:JOf" (be t.\y"ugl:r~­ fuI, IlObd ~ you have g,l,I- rn-ew -propo~ CQfl.. ij· tatJOrl. As 6 dn~ n-e-:~ri!':, l·m SEf", we W1.lJ hoe, S<.br'Cted 1Q a ,great deal <i flak r.J.. th-e sor1. Ju'<-<t thi3t~T1i 1j~ ~ mat mOHr.ea1 !bn h a ? pen s. I'm gnIfe1'ul i« tI-"'" f.act t..'lat }''OUJ'" eiitori21 taie-n~ ",'iU bt Of': ha:xi to hI>.lp oor..tnce the pjdJ.lfe poLly .:/ )'/,j Mt i1 (("bel {./,'(.t-. .",j.. buH, }t:ll.:l can p&.c~ .!l 4Flr't. kwJ ac:rv!';.~ lht bal'-m a1'4 d,b· ("-Nt:r :t",( H Witi We"'i'<',Hy fr-· p;;',c.J:!f.1 lr,~~;)' by 1M rn:>:<r It-n. "it.'- tJ\.~( il'. the e~'-e-nl oj an ,",,"~yf~y"'. I' ""~J1d .ii! W<>:To:-.J;. () fOil 0 i rAi the ['Iorth oogoe' i e 5. ~ L~ an. trr-<.-prtng silll,,! l reaJJu !F..;l'-1 a nmp!r 1;(L~·e:¥T.J>!d fO\;ln/.2~!! in a p;ark IT..)y i1~ be WI) r: h. all lhi::l prlll.!>e ",113'( with iil the iro· p!"'{",'>SH'(: ·tempo.rary. ~l~f, are<t~" :Jnt Model.~·:it t,hro",nng '-lp arov..'Y.l lov,lI WI ....n,erl m:b (KIts-tanding Vi'Qrk 15 000-e w pn::~e ik:\.e:.':ia ~ hi£-. W,lC PG<'H. j feel tha~ ~:ne ih if1> ! P.w;:<1!k to-~'fl'.ll -",:'1<: i-!('.rs'. w1:de th ;..-::.trri !""ok ~I,;;r;~ y..'\t>: l~ VK:"~ d)-aHf'!" 1:161 latlgj",_ [kr.~ ltu rne:AA lJ iiJrai£!~ rr'l(;il"~ O! ('(";HY: re.(· bo':Mal'ik llH)'!:hi.'!g IT anre b ci-eoar!] ~Wi k.mw feM n~J' ex-pia t~y r..,al,-'e rY.l chvlce (;XN:-P; t,J fight u A.'i\ef:r:uc g~ aW!l~ ;<;r,,~.) y'J;, ,~;l i ~~JW. P')!It.io6'-.il,'4'. li)ey ~"'-;.;:m.c:ry wn.i!'!' the ~< ;x>wcrl'JJ '.on \,l\")rT:lb1!lt ;1 W!T~ SoHdltpport Is Appreciated \0 the \, ) ;";l~ Leiters to the Editor (t'I work t));,!C f':ir';~ rt·~ how badly B - Fn'tlci1,. f!'''h:.:L~f" ~.i'<·H,·1 b..u:!;.('~, (J-f':"n-it.'" l~ \~ r't'J h:~,: hf'ir:t( !r, t.h,~'P P;;r!::~p's :_I'~" ~-nU ~ ,U, rm bWKIt ar>:)l;t o-f the great Its P'OOp\f;." , );'i?l,.'f)' !'...~ 10m: iJ ;>:tx.lill ;"k;rth, VJ.&-...a:m \11- IX" j~t ill f><".'T pt;~; H.b~ t..-~ef; ;iii ti}e heat' 'lVhr;.~ Airr..rkan en'•.;,r...g:'II:rJ1<>J.f\ k. t1 tot' !ievrn yr...n. C,<"u¥.k., i:ht q~.J-(';?~;C:-:; <>1 !~.'l: ] il<l ~,' ~1'r'Jj V!e-lro.am ~ "'t-i':'£ ;';;.:'';1:' aM , ,:<'Xk\Xlttabl>: p;.lrl fI ;:t:;::;t tinl':: I ..tr1"id (~ ~G't"J(t(;m; ~I€'rt ~ tt :,;'J' j), t.7 :4" jo-:-b JI,wj d,:s.t:Q'F. 8<";) 'SYlhrf-3:1S}'. 1iffK!uty ,j{ j,;i'r,:;~~ ~ccur-a~ }Ui: OY. TOIT"'':'' got hlr. Urst t.l;~4.1;hW.. I,...; n".t':r(-tt. lr.e day of ~,­ :nnd :[,&Jl bar, moLth ~i,:T.;: (n~ i,~ 1'0; r~"'~V'fS.'[rr>t:t~ !o wr;~' jiDtj>Jt ~(fP~t;' i: yp-.x.ritlCJ:il .as to h:ay~ gal-! to s:£gn th£ pfop<~YXi Le~te_ MnJ~a; ;r1-':'~"'oe tlf:'i,(f rey JOh!tson, fam}(,{ ~b"UR.iJ1{:bi\;,nan "J;;l!t" £;sk.::ld-.seD G~ biY.ii ;lc\::""d .. ;r! J)'Iii:n ,k~, ~tk'DU r~k:ttH (}t:;jIDiirii;;' it 1.1'; ie4}I)\)',i ilJ¥:l ~,IA(-iO" And \Vil.v::>n' .. ; <.l;@O!'T w1}i',t k;;;j o! 5-~,:t 1 ':l;'o-nc,,:.{)C, Wt w'{'z-e, VIle. a'r..;(J W;V~-(kl v.')ndf~[ ~ I'\'h:;'~ti t;:;) :;out .~.>ry t.-~. "J,.~..t tit..'!:! riln. Me, n~·r~ IX ~br, p-roObn 'CI! i.¥,u tn \ht '..cork we' cn.i.rA;Lh a .. '?: \Alt- '-'I'~.;t't .~-Mol.f1 (iI'(;, Easy Scan and Print ,0.:,·, ".,~~'t."~~ '"~H" ()~ ;< ,}'.hr.<Yi, ,~';"}" ,,,,-,L,!" !.;',',':f ~"G' l("\ Letters to the Editor '.":,-,, r f:ji' ?!/; iI;~ to ,~ ;; Solid 5lspporr Is Appreciated ~.:p.:!.".-! \"."" , ......", ;:t:';";.. ~. :r,.-,~·,j t.>\:t', i,',""'t'."":i';: M' 1;0 ;h;i('~ii!)~,;.~;;"j'."h· !n1.~1i5f"':i ;;{$<:'lIA<tl' ( 'Wkn! if;t~pt~·_~,., :)":() ~'}'f,a· lii:,Hj.-;J-'. ,n'" e1CTC'c-S ;,b,* tKc,i,·rt-; C0\',,:,'f """."- ff","', IVI til ly~i-"" (i:J,<' ~!v ~.v.;;~~ '-"~I ,)y~,rf.#;''Ii' ;,i; \";~~,;;'j ,''I ';';",fCi )' d.;r;~ ,,:} y\)..-t tt"T tiMW:;j~ to,,), KA~ t~J!"', yiXl _ fr\'~-«nl,':j- t.'w h:ftii prt~',,~f(! t't,1~-p;r,~· (; "{ cJ'-i"; "tf ~hf r\<j-r:th {-"'U;:~' _~J.It'-e<m (Y"}'!-'t.•v,-'!!d 1t'0;l)~,,';'~t; ',J~ \' <'~ .;\1, ,1.!>,-'1')1. fj d~':i~'1; ~":,,H'1" ,I "fro ·",'k,.. t ,;>',,\:,1'. r.,rj,-.>~Y~!Y( ':rm'j:>;:)f""y do.,,,{ ~~1 ~~:\''i'''~~; Eg"!Ml~",; '..').'1 ,m itt ~ ;J><ti.i"'~ Vi itt!;' nt'W ~ttiu:t¥Jf,:*,,"'v iO-*' li;V.< mH L1';:"I;! ~Ml.<: »e;ji.•:J{ j:-;¥'>-~nt iJ (:;!\ \J'f' ;';Y~IW! br 'Y ~ ;', i (, [' Wd; tbh "iif;;jf~5(':rll;!J ';:';'-,d-d (~i~.i>'?", ~ ""of :~f;"::l1jb.i ",1'; ihI-·~"", !i h-utt \f1&. ')t.~ H-...: [,,,,rt k"f ~.IS-e M-O!,t.'-.~if}l" to ijc',"f' il ffi'V-:.D, focL.. l1 h,n'l\\,·h.,dli.t1y om· 1)1 U~ ~iJdha:iI"l.'c:..+rt~;1., Hut onr·;1lt{ ,0 bW:ki.re~ie &m'em!JldJ; on lo'JoGatioo ttH~1 l~ ~n toven "W,ithoortime-!'~ft»d ~ In li~ iuiute towuC -.rniT.:tJ.•""~ ;of/:.."-0 1\ r&-r:<k1l.y W<>:N' !.o-$4,'l'i 11'...= tt i{ ti:Io;;~)/ ;)j M:TJp\}im ('f .... ~! !,+ O<X:·~P:ilcrl'. ";1 WiH '" V{i1)' ,;it", titittk m:o m r:. n 1 .a;xJ B::'l.j{~~ (.;.jnJ.,J:f,· ~ trw C;c::'Y[">:ll~ 1 if; S<:fme t:r:.»!; O~J'-9 :i{'J ;:.'{~...... , L'~Kt i:'i,\' tma~'6 ,'ll£ (,,~ki;<' M';:>;:'lcinii";~ :,j "k'(",1,: ah,~b~:' 1 "I~,'n ('1'.:;;>:: b .. c\<· y.:;>.i Get Car If.; Sj-~ (~" ""til l~" :< \l'(.'1,!,t. !>'~ .:iopoo.,;;,e ',')ilI' f;iJ.;n-d. i("O ~~~ ~~~,~ ~~~~/ ~c~~a ;~:~~;:~~~ 6),t' dl.~ r':": 1b~n' ;,1'.' p':,\'.6·:;J.af13 ~t~.\£" id low (>1.:-r jf) ilK" hm-.e "y'Utl l:"lWJC"~ (<<fu-r, 'if, !:trt.' fif',,", ,,':1<1 re- (1y;~(,ljH.l{\Uj; '<';, ~i" !>l'c;c k.;r [l)U\ \' L'l',tJe~t ,A II "·h'.,'· W, n·"J~.C I';'r' t.." ,:;ir;-:y"j 'Ji '::..;i"i;(:~ Stn,-'!' i:M@ I w:t}r-,,"'i tj',j:f %F-s-::,1T. (lW,:nt:.JJ· Ergl J', ''''«.Ii '''in·~·~~r,' Li'.!k;'" :',~;;n.';';l(\T (":),""':<'.~l0.i.:il~i·i;n. i;<rn;:;~-; ,< trd ( ;; I; (' h d "lj.cn~h"i:yt d\.g,,+.(., . f\ tx~t:!: Tn~I[i.Y n 1\ ~ ..; 8··dJO,:f, ':';J[ 1/,. ...:c d.;'~{:F-;"c' ),t, :;'Z'I.l U·,.-:ft: (,Io-j dt:H!~' ''i~ ~.r! fC"l; ::Stu.:":" y",.,"It;'",,~ lev;INth-i-s fci~(lv; {;(FJ.·'1,lrvg;-!!' lU · Some Tongue~in-C n f'~'::';'..I"·'ag!'. I !.'"lal:.(: l."Cf.-:stYtt.ol}{:j'1 ,\i;' T'hc,;]. at !"'~t, thr. 'c;\;, (n.'J'. the l>l<:.-t:.£. ir(X,j( ro.i:\ §'l'{ lip ,\nd ;;bead rcil;;;(;f 'Ok, Rea! Coo! N y.('i(lt' {;(:lJ~ 1:.r,Dt prup.').Jit'<'j w~n} He ',1;1\'.',,: "ibtn" b:..-:', \>.'"~'1' Lhe p;iJ'Mt:. ilie mu~i",. t!,:,e lr1V(>C 8 l i 0 ('" -£1-.,.4 ::..~ . k>ncg ;')n.;t, 11 :p e t': <: /l by U,-c" g~i':\"f! orakJ1 \.;)<;))": V:()ten~ f"t':.sd ,;".' Cft'\':. \,."n:.I ""'i !~\tc:r, J~p"'h,kD( ft,:.;'oH! clJR!F.;':t, :.\Ul.fcl; &,,--1 ,.", :j~lI Be Informed i')!::W doc·utl).e1j'c ism 'i ~>o:''{~ ll»\'fflg-. AJ:wt 1'00- &'il~3!d '0" K f' B,;,' ;'0 didn'l G't'Ih rYA;'t.a\"'i, ';1"1:1\ IT<.S:fry oit."\e ~!ibk'f1...s- at COlJ.t.e..-npo;-~ rMy ill~, jj, t+g ::',0",:':: (;:,;""F. dry ~g:r~$'~ ioc it w~.& w"!'1 Rn~-f'.'nl t bft '. o~r ItlfW d~,,;wJme"" rJ-~>· ft doet (lff« v!> 'Wt'j '$;;'.4;(. ,'Uli~f(f~1.:.;:>I:. 1":'\>/':;" tir.lll~ 'f't'lt :,~ dt~l,{"JI:(, ,0".'p.,.~t {j.,m;m J5'ld !f:,r. a,B u\ Cnil....<!f:L.'on h'! the n,,'i~ ~OI'tt. U he ,;m~\) W<h-d.w:r tp.t .::<£ r'JJj cd(~d ~~;'Th.,!:..,k"d bcl b\ J'ifttFY~ nJ;r IT'ia.k>rity ;·K. ),".'\0':1 \'g:n.J:i:~~(, ~'; ~!f', V {l- 1'11i~~~In (lo~*tirE; ~. fj!\(j C}i.~, "fJfr, w'h<tt; ~&¢h (;,,"~'isu,;:<h,,-::: \le\;,ri i.~ 0');« ;'-" p......:<Joe:cfy..· fk:ltr;:a':> l;(~" tu::"1~, f MP, , j ! /,{.j U'l,,'~ ',-:'r'r", r!X'· ~r~1rii1 u.h:-t'-J:), t~'tH b!< \.1"; }tifp -~1J.,!'lo::;t trtt ~ \.J'1:l' won: \",,-'1'.' i! J:t W;), ~ iJor Vclll~;; ",.r('c",~·' .n t,tI Hit ''';.1 r::-,'<e ~. -'X!,:" '1t,..;1\ he'4ID?;;;IIY-J \{\ :! f'.;rt;1tf <.J:;(:.;IlJ 'f£ [;;~~ ;.'{ \.,'"'~ ,mr1 .{tl!.'tl ~'t_;:! !ti'},~ ;'-i{~ flun _~~#.:t;. A"$'~i. ~ l' f' (- fl ( l'i:n !Zr-irt~·l..'] l\;.f" tim f;~'C1 t",iH M:;,;I"'i \-~ *;0 k;SF~i".-g !i.';t::,i. ~. r~1iJ~~be i1r", !"t~lf. it :K ,.,~\<. ',',_~:r· a.V. (,.\-·,T (;~, :;',::i tl.){.;tim-l·J·· ... i~;: m,.t(;;·j fl'· S;'_'';1:;ib~", '-".I;'3'i?r,:;::;l-l-"'''l; W'h('fj "",:!.>.,,·.ir* :,'" ,.ki,.~a.tl:" c;, 8(> 'n,: ~,'A;'::«: :,i"~ ;<·:.(]'\(".;:nt ~~, l.h(· U;~j~r.-d s.1,....1!~;,1 quit try+nt ti) enact C'Jn~T"\" .1nd iJ.;"'"~ '" ).dW ..-.\:,) r;;:" \l;';: ..·?ool.(.... .,!:'~,)i! J..~W ~ ~ '('(::.': The i.;;')i "·'.)(J1·j l-",' .,.~,,, ,\J'ry V.~'i,i!Y:nUa.i. c24i?\( r:;, pdJ!;, "'W;;,q r-;e <I,I.d.." t;..y,{ j/; X,) k· f!-~jj )i'l~: ("Of ,-<i)" I!>_·: r"" S;;5~ p'':'rNed J-,.krc:-, O'Y;,;d p,f" Ix Ki ;,r ,",,; L (' \ t " r, g l.h,,'.~ ;:>e.~,pif ~l,r.,r,'f <!.:;~);,;\ (,ttt.\ ~" p;..hi;( 'f.! :00 l'X j~ lr )~:'. iPX;;:;'f.- .:j",....f.."','c~;.'" :1<: n'C"~ii'.\ ,La':", h, thi:' ( i''-'IT' {.·()~;>'ti b.,; Ii aCHlS ~, H"t.t-u:>:g [;.0.'" rr,{: ;-il.t'< '''iwlJ 1ft.', fodwj,j,'T, eJ,>v.in ~1::f- '1"'2:-" {. f'}' '~nrn<,rt;­ :n':-rJ:h,~, SeI1,:H;}t.·;e w, - ); '" d';q:;{d"Or (,<,w4r~'''= W.-\SH1SCTO:\ ",.k W~;f';1l lLe I '~"Jn{\\r.-.'. .,"" G:~,\:;:e,~, :j:, G<J"-;:i S V;; L , Easy Scan and Print '~01 oL IJie Some Tongue=in-ChE ""'!.<=po- f<iryll!e. 'J'he i)e.wdcoimcilt bn" pe-f-· ftcl·l.t- im:t:·...hF1ttny tme QI-ui1 Be Informed over~ll r:d'rtor, lnt1q:>t'.ndent Rccotd v0(<<1 ~ I ffi=ur~ :roo to 'bWii2,:~e ~ t 00 eloUridadOOthii }3 l.tl loud! rt-.d your ('I-'?Y 01 \hl: p~ l';ta-lt (.'O(l!'tltuHo!l. SX down 'i'flt,h ylAl.f $-pou..-"C Of a In>tnd liD '..Wef llif ( h iI n .!I r & .lH'ld l.hi r,k WOOJd' bUif~: But it dOe,: 'offjr:- in :;. cb~ t/) wWi-out·U:mu.,-CJ,Jd -optfI tn the !titiJ.."t tl:tw::.l"d Wl".!ctJ ....,. 01;<: }j(l r>j>ldIymovillg. Afwt:100 de!{'"g;llt~ Wef\l IN· di:x:'umtclt Q!i Watd:lC---a-lgti,~ !l1,art:!l.,u,; _itll"ltJ _$ "'uY drst'ri.tiic 'm' 0 m e ri' tand J tbotJ.e1Ii: of Bruce Cao-wn ". deM::t'iptlt)f) of thfd~cliylbJ.rg M- dft'-§:5. . '1b~ h4d ~.fl tbt parJ4t,tbe mU&hc.. LM. m\-oc .. I I 0 ti,.hid \ile _lona. l.on1t Ii P e , c b b"j -the gifted onto-r; Ik ""ok TheD, III tut the tall lnJln tn Lhe Wadt trocll. '1Xi<"l1 ~ t.~p an4 j(1\'tlOO-nu fellow ('"ountryrn.etl [0 nili~.l klOk Ahead !.h.an b-.:>ck- ward" J.o llQffl,t InviLed 001 deep ~rw:, ¥l"(' hJJ~T ft-!'k!w Montanam :11 "look ~/}Cad" ratlttf t.h+ln ~(-\. ward. I am conHdent lhiIl our peopl("~ good )udglnen! will 1A.' nkknl in IIOHd YES \'~)!.(' '.,/:1 a J~t,- William BurJ;h.lHd.\ !.... ~"'gf.l:,' vX"'!-'t"]tutiofi.,i eM\pl"! h"l-Il Ne- cJUu-n :u }'\Xl du.\rt VQ1f) l,U kllJ( i$~~ Ilr~ <:b..Il..·lgt'"1 arY.I r('ofoHnJ lrJ lhe (')('? ('/]fl.~tJtlltj011 to a i krw aUI ~'i ... ~ <t!. rt"VVl" lor wM'd tt:1 lh(' br${ inlcfl'$! (I f MNrtilna ll~. ~ •..·ho\" We moJ;\ IX/I ~ :dr-;:lId ,j dt....'1~{TJ t\lnct It89 ': W-btofl oor !y'c.wnt co.nsUtu. 1.i'On ""-04'0 ...-riUcn' \:h~5e hJVt !X':{';r, milny d:'il.'"<ge~ in \r~n..~­ Thl-:rl! \:J.t~:>r,. n)frd1'11r,,,a1jcm. r ,,! idc d-: !l !armin~ pf;lclk,,~, n ,. h 1 n 1\ ;jjl<j "'1)' O"Jr T1\o;' ddP.'~.11"~ from all iW\":1" },\QnljjIl-:1 W ,'. r l "d I..ojif~r (>'<1 lil(,~ 6<>cu(l~nJ. .dill lJlvel! [t'£jxlfl-,l;ib·h· c;olilpfQm!.-.:ln;::. When ,~)c,er{If'.-K th" tk!t'gate~ in ~... U)t'. /Il\tnQ.s:pht:rr '\<)11 '-,,'It'. ty.<lk".-j ,',I .. ghr ~nd 1,1'0:,," whkl1 ~, 'iJJ ,'t'(:".". .'i"'~· \.;) wTitf' ;; d-o<-\~! \11 Jii ~k'fl~~lr'R;;~ W(' ~boukJ bop pn"<Jrj ~h;'l " fJ'J)rx! ..·!"d ~k' .... i'<). d;','-,,;.r: ~~,.. 1q.;rour4~, '!rorn Ulr()lj~l'~);J: L':';(: ~!:lte rouk! IV' bJo:(<lt,," 'N ffl tJ,J\'~ \0 'i'1"i:,,:1 r-.x¢i~i!unfm Wt-lidJ t~vo-rl' 10 ,j:~ :A'tm''-'''l.~ '" 1" :,....J,: ~~.":: \";', fo!'.\:J\'0r~ Will jvb of reSIO.fillhm which Mood Clu.c~ ha.~ done 00 the Daughte,r' 6 o:f tb~ CooJedeT»,y fOl.in\.a.in tn If;]! Park. ·Il Y01j b a \I C 00-1 "'1:"\ wilne:>:;ed I.hl~ marY!:,1 of ·a~hctk~ mgi.~ifl,g. I ~ I r 0 Ii. f! 1 '! W&8~1 U11U yO'li Jtroll by and vt/l;it. l.be old .irl ~ Ber baUert"dlop ]5 oow· mIss- b-.!!otne~, <:1'$ ,)(.)J PZOJ r'~ m)tke \.) PH-,·,: ·If¥}1"e !W".,.j.\ 'J! lr,(' T1'lf: ,diu"" rr.-:y-}il1)5i-ve \0 th:~ rY.;"'{l'011 lr,,-ill'~ua! l.<:'l\.lt!;'IU'>"l' iq.{ i:nr.>xt.an\ O'\J:f' .i';1J",trn IT>Gf't ,"')'(e-~, Artkle: i\" both ~ Nm· nHll""" and In g<'of'l,ll SU$k"'ll~ \I'lii i:.e, r;:<:-<}-fd~>(j aOO madt rub, lie ,~IJ"V(.J .... ill l.:.TI'J'w· r:i:l.... YoOr l'(,~Pl't'kr.ll1[iv(" ""tJli"d. an.: frequenlly plugged.. She sumd $ gaunt un- d«CotdJl.ght drlbbling obilcc'f)("" hOlI1d~, ly Into a: leaking. rt'lU()jy, garbage.5i.rewf1 pool; her s t e p S" coated \\-ith s.lime - As )'Oll ... Iew this. magnlflcfOnl e-.xample of historic pre~fI'a· Uoo,-take·a close look and nme .bowseveralsmaJl drain-s' w~re added to .Ihehuge gianile ~ba'sin to ~event' ·it '{rom overOowing and cascading down into tile pool bel ~' 0 Vi, {h'..l:; eliminating hazard of an aquauc d~ ~ rounuer;wwkl ~ brller govCWt'l:! undrl' Uw n~\1 C~Jll~tilu{101l (.'\rtic'ie XI'! l am writing tlus IrlIef as an Individual citizen b c0ncerned with l1M' prj] g r t 5 ~ of Montana !lOW and UI. the future, woo Please f(> WASt:IL~TON ~hO>Jkl qlJ:i~' ~rne. in~ed:', -Ii~ r1:'to all different opinions, make up your Qwn mind· and take ti/J1'€ (l) V<Jte on june 6th. Eva Spaulding Z36 S Roberts Congr{!\!;. try"i1.tg tn .'ill<! f'fJ.fltr"tll.l! p<lk. l.n>; '\.h:l\ oH tl:-~ a:lr~" Th(l lli\T would lX' \'t.o ,i!l}. ple. An)'pt~~'I.droU81 e~}djil(~ C~~ t1\ pltlHc woukl imn'l«fl-. Mel}' M'fll \.0 g~ t~) jill) ~tl !'X lTtonlh~ .'iLJ ..... pe1Jded Mercy-could oot'tx- granUxi, Letting lht'Mpeop~mo'<"t pub1JC 10 the L:r:i:.oo ! Tht- C"'Art:lll ~ i\W".v tI:K" Wr C~I from ('fJMU1~ ('r~'hody Ilrms' 11:11 nothing abol illf' right : B:ail 'KOY,J.d be_·m'l"b',dde'[\ Senu.-ncfJ (lXlld tX>( t~ .bout rr-e-ely ~ liOfllf' yt"Jl.rI ('M'Ct gun fl wi!) g'e( t.~ c~ndidli(~~ !~ 100 \\.-'hcr. tht- (1 co-nf1lct Wt!J d.!d./llt-" the d<rwl1 un l1: In,g d,'Mlgeroo,~ lOT u:;: to Ie! le:gflli... :ie n\ct'tk~ '.kIN 'H IrQrn lllk· U<g W hllnd-cuH s .-A~ t.h.r jX>l"Ji'r ~ MgUme-nl i'Jr il ('lind j. da~tiI:>l !l 'iO'-(' !.<l'" do i.~ m( irrd'J'.:,hle gt'( ! i"·.rJl of{ \4C \\'t11 ....."»:.e up pn;Side-nlJ-il1 r i ~ (' \ 1-0 n ffitX"Tling with "·M90dy l(o v-ole ilit lIlIc-eU k-r be~'ause all the ci\ndidBte$ wil'! hive been tIDrJ! weet:!. tor;· fOf't ilOO 00 other'S .....-Hl h",vf' bf.-en fOund br<!l'~ el1'Qugh'w Wlkt lh('.ir.pta(~s 2. Thl.a ]! 001 becau~ we Jr/:, d p-artl.l::'Ulady ~'i{)le:nl pe()ph~ ,~~ .. Iwllya In.!iJi·l im· y. alter one 01 OUr '~l~. To tnt (':i)mlTae.1~\.ot·~ m ,e d i ate gre,at s-tMe j Thl" i.~ bff-. pc~Wi~ p.~ 1",:.n1ing 'to A!'!lOC"ia-!ioo in Brital)' . 'WfPj" vis.tbilHy a:.. a!l W-1H:-n .... (' '''':l-;-npliJ,\n \h<ll \11-(" co U t1t 'f cQmmlulGne-r:1 Il,ft!l'! ,hong Lfje job l!k!' th-t:~· lIbouW, wr. don't rC.i1J!H' tha!· thr preH'n.; txm,.,Wu!ioo liell t h i' i r in-8, "ber:~ ~it~i.am (tn "-:'."la!. "';'!lcul~utf', t·\c. <InC en-- Edilo.r . .l-nd-rpendenl ReI,'oed Thb leUtr C(mc<:n1~ \J1C b\."w Irt>oul anne< 00 ].'J,r,I'C '11 i1bo'.JI;t them ~ ...-s 11. rl"4}l,msj- '-"1."'>'>",'1', A Lo.usy Job Of Restoration Get Can hddf'f) lo [I pol 1\ 10:;11 <11\ Y'-<)y their t" lur eXilmpJ, fer \f'I(' drp if he. w.!! r 'prinl(,; 'rrunl hall, SimJ)a able bert', I rf~tly note: Ii In lru):v {'our!\.(;:, Iffij rl'.>\ waH: a,( tll{'j( shJtts thai hired :11 'them. a We au rtlmarkably puce:abk ("llmpart'd \.() the peo-. pie oJ [oo&t La Un . Alneri<:lUl, ill.ii, Asian, Arab, 'Balkan and MeJi., i,jlJ~ rN"~n CO!l~ilry Lenanean ooun-t.ri~ Compare lb.e even-lemper-edS:eren!ly of our behavior in tra.fflC' willl the Ilwe~Jvc hyslert,a,o( .rno:XorisU m i ue h ~upposcdly ci"ililfti ~ l a ( e s as France. and Ita)v Trame' 15 the true: kst Gf the ma~ temper~nt. and, A.rneri. cans·.pass it 'Withhigh' '~~.$ Cl)ver, do ~ lhi~ k/-w' ,A •.-\Mr' pai.-gn~ ;t b)' 'general \'11th the ! 50 thwl \.0.' Evel ,pai~r! hE hear-'? w.alk arOUf"ll ror peareluJ rooducl asting 3. The plentitude 0{ gUns guns for evervbodv - is one (>/ th~: f<JCUxs !.hat m:tke.s Con<lt· Uons different hert If other countries let everybody run exc~mgly ~ e,'en if he minute. 1-0 entlfe year shake hand Easy Scan and Pr~nt The Independent Record From .Montana'8 Capital C I, I J()c New Constitution Vi flY DEt"?'lS E. cun.R!\.,\( rR SUl'\.e AlY.:;ul 00 pe- \j!)!j,e" Nin,! ';\.(;!l,>;;d~' p"l)),'''.''-r\Y,lj:nn, oJ Mtm· U'''~ LI"€.i·;L~li've (\)-;;r~:il Corman Skari Dies From .Shotgun Blast ,;nd J'.','h,,)(l; ;.":"}f C" u n t v :100 'l!t~,l;'\) ~:~~~~~:~-j.\:.(:tl,"" ling ili;;',) "-"~'oojl~t;5(.ri("~'i ~ h y lrn1U iller (X ih,' ~L~ltt' s ~!05 h.i;;h !!;C@I, Tl i 11 \-t>:.I!.Jld 'ha\'"f; de.h:l kn,;.~ und :4 wouW]and :il~"[I:'L;J;-<.'~ ,,5;\;d: i'<' t: "j th.ill j~;.-4 dej""::'i',(Ery .';-Cbo.;-..I diHnd.~, t'eprt.~!'n[L,,~ ;,;i !-*If i ttlc 7~ /I tJo(J, ;;: til" p;}VjLntion would Uve : wilL· ~q:,h .~dfDl)j distrk:ls 'wttich;\.a,lU m01lt 00 j;~~r C('~1J. 0/ U·te :;-U',(:o;'f".H.IUkJ j:tl Lu n~Juclion!i, il-C-: 'WO\. i1(t'J pop'-l.!n'(,.,m, wVdJrl ;:till' 1".5$ tae> <..-wJir~ t(, the oiudy i 6, 1 <'l "L-Jlnnd-t kvy 'J,hik: ."kkJj;~1 ,'K'hool np}j)('r1v lijX(:.~: mJ1. it'pr",.' (~ w~.'1JJd t-e :tdUC1X; by 17'~ mUb,' T Accident at the 'H' 3u~:ho-ji;k;; tile:.' wen' (·;))jed ~(: 5.'1ld i!:xi'Jy Ul(" 4(; C!.IY', 11.,,, death is wtdef lioil'. ,Afie"'il:lb ~:'l.id. JR StaB Wri.tcr i;w'.::,;~ig[." Fk-(',,;j~ tW\l per,..)!;;; wf!('rrd Sksri reiJN,sl'r;.,ed nj~:'rili H It'w burns [rum ~he i:nw com· <l! th(,' C()-j'.~titU-l.u"lt\! (,10, i i;)lwd u..~i l-0 ~!n: tJ1.t "]1" ur; He 1,~$,jn"IV['"(j by wIdow nne (we d.l\.ughkr~ vc:n,wl1 li;:VW':, U!Jd~'f r.~;~~f~\';lSC' PI'o-pul,y! GfeJ) ' AI' s.~ in ~ka,rj. 40, difd of ,] .~bot.g,:n wound m '.he dws\ (,l-!TKiul, at ; 01i,' 11K" '['he '-il1'Wli:'!!,,"',-,,:k·.'1t'5 ',! u 14 mIle.'> r;(lit.h of hl.~ir. ~l~r;(, ,'('k-£!.V;t;~ Club r'i;1J:ncm~.;' lit! stitutlomtl C·onw,,·,tio.i1 Carmen Sk,'J~j. D..·Cbc~ie~~ W':.~ fOt:'.ild deB-d of ;; sh",r;}{'; WOli"d this mon,i:,g at h1.s rb~,{-)~ \);»)1;\ snid \l;'!O{; ',~ .~~,f;(~' (:\:~-~;?, ,~. ~ "l~~r~~:~~,~=';;: ':;~f 3bf' ",'. ·y:;Ttmi!:'.('l' O!l Ui~rl\' i!i:k;',~ .,Ct':>;:,t(j'r,c. In'-....:hk T!.H: ~\-ljb,:w)J(; ;,'.;~,jy, pncf"ilr<:d .'1-1 DIl'Jt.hc.r .'lIJ.piX,n:1{!g lfr Op; >;,'!:i. g~l r~{.)fK\rty JR). CHE.S . TER wb:kh ""',>;tld pn:,w.cn,y Ut;; l~'dt:·s. HbW· du<~c, b-' S',Jp' . «, P,'-b!;'''''' 'l... 'lr"'~t, M,o. Cdl;r:,l.tg E/i',d l:R'n.a ':; pe.~!-ulHtiOll lUc-Ji-!dlUf. em, would i! '~n- :,j: (,,du.::,cUmj Bu.r·(",~u ;>IM; J'l.dl'n,~ Tl/eJj,:lay, Jhm-tJ Ii l.cud<..,'S, Heh>-n,~ l-hgh prln,.~iplli ~;e 'ilIi-!$ ~un' the biJfn~ TutaJ,;y during :!lr will (f1n..'lk1(1" I:LKlrlg ,1 dH, p-ai','1ti.r\£ fr.;:,m whllt <.MK><li om alh k,\ln, type ')[ Jlklte:,!.al lfl (ucilJ!ed "mId l!rne H lur-e Yt'-il[S : L/)o,,'~S s;li-d he "'?o.'. ll}!d by eye 'A,hlt''':h' Din-.ct-Or I,! (; Y d S-lior,bur L..'ilKk" Fn>;:L !·(,UC di:r,-c,tof uKi )-~ ..J t:il,ck lhi.>: !1l;J(f;rin: Lr, Uf/$l ~aus--e it ito " {'.]"ch "r,:: Ka\1J;,' ,\icI..'J'ul.iJ.Un, ~p·rt:.i).-d~ r.;;lil.'~r ar<t1 ~"icl ..~ (x,!i-0f: B :In ji-ClurJ in,~i~'I.'. bd,:h ~cdi('I"i,.,j ::In (h~" ro<:ks thflt for rn the "11" 1wei : U',(} Spi/un !l. CC Wt"llt .".td ~hr.~! Mis_~ Mcl.<lueJl!in W"-S spJ.lLo/.';.0(j a err, ,H):"!, ~ ~ L."re Stw !iJI'~" by !:nw thlll ~i0Pf--'C\j !f".>I~·J ;1 IJr',j.):-r: :,',:k~ i"f;D'.~ ~)Cj;];g WiH Ui> ..(J l,1J paln.l the ;>dll1iUf:(] ~(, Sl jio::,Plt~~i Tue-sd;,y '.''\'{:, F "{',,j suf[.(:',e--J bUT'l5 in (j.lt,'] [he ('()nJe!i. c.{ e y ~ r.rl:~iJi5 v..) r o~'(j uver J! one·Lftln:! 0-1 il~ surfftc.t , lor '''-let iJ ifJ'.,]( P:~~j ...-"s $.'tru,:-'.:: jf] thi' {~~~ .",d!i ,A ti~ ( () rn p (, u n d ""twr; hi' tlD':~;:'CCtfflh be:1!t (y.' e.'!' , 'i/>" \'d,L~!: :,;;<nj" (,[ ~)'" H -{'JutJ iT~: U~ tx~r~ '''·:re !. .rY!-'IJ5 t·(I ·'tn:]-:i.;,;-u·· T ;\ :':;-1 !'~iTW UlEEHS _., Ai: i;-:<'tJ:h~rt' }ng!~ [on :':-~'.ljOcl ~t>'i a.ft.;:r :i,!i, Lhr: being t:';p(1r''''~ )72"" I.c]I.X'J-'.wis1' f:'om n.}T })[ll"rH:-il ,'i-ei1SOfj III ch{·tr· Debble 0001: " AHhno ,tfidmlS(y!l, (db'ee:r:~~.epY. He-.l(~nfl Kfl.f'{~n Bloon. Mnu.retJ1 M~~Cp..rthy!W"1d:Lu:c:tB0&~ !)()h1. (S,laH Phot-o by '",br, t;ol!;:rJrnj, D~\V{\· SOOrs] wrmki b(· n,2 Ill! l'h i\',~d 'J fr;.;;!J,lew .g~;:I.~';N~}t:: (.il;I:p,rY\Tfll, 'i}l\h~•.,~c pr'~1lJftrr,~ .t~};1n:.W :1,;- WgJ1 .:"'h"-K~ dnCTN''-<'" ~·':]·\J~f;:J Lr;~it~(:t~·:I"i,(, ..~~d ~~'.j t{l 'thi14~~a;,~t/~.lb~,r ..~: ,lnlH~ .. AJln;'iI,;I,:aJA1.JJ~,l~ ,(:--1 $J,·~?oti!l:c i:l'l!:"-:~~J(;rlJrid(>;' ~·~(;')j*-tty\~mt.uwt,:~'~~t" pt',f $.1.00;) VtdIJ'.ltkl':n, ", lytx f'l.~pJ.acc.:1., t!:if;. DJU.(rtj· lUid,jj}r{y wx ~j1l!;!frA-m~ '!lI!0i: 'i TiD: ,E"du-MJ,ms '%'nldil'i1';r~~t'jdl!ftrkt pit\ftr.l;b.'.'1h~ ·M-:v{tt, mitis S de1nf'ClWn; dl:'ir~...\ .,j' , ' , ' " '" ,i ",u,-d: Ml(~ 13 :l·,.iiL~ il~ h'i~'h ~h-.x'd ii,'I-: S:-t•.-lJ; ....1B11 J-Il"'opr¢ity l,axtl{loo b j i\('-.! t.rk:l.-;, lh(; :'iotll'.!.. ;~;lid Dt\,lnC'i~: !x'';l::';': puM,,,.d by Il'itlo-y, hdtld--; df.:,:7,~ \\T'i,rid :.,;, : Ill: , ~ \h'" -1\1<+ und~: I', " (! Ii In,s tt,<, 1fi'l';iE.~<lUT(: Cti'Jr.cU g(i.D-, '~''-''l~wi.dt p!~~ 'COntm\ln::ce. to rf:1r,(wl'! lr..e\jijit-l-es 1 !O'Jn::f W!l>'Ct, e d II (' II ( I '} n t!\ fi, ~ ,-;r- w(}uid hllvc: :IH:;T'cif-">('-." :;I"',:ilg:i-ng '1V'fhcf;".1 by 1> ,~)'~":.en; b~1\\.-"d Ol,); I in !i~ 'f! f.:>[ l'inclerl(R,y 1~ it;),] l: n r q ,J t; \ i H;.:J }(,>(·iJ.i di.l;.{rk: 5 Women Die In Pia nt Blast .',,' , i : (' e H' Hurts Two ;:'ikc..' t,li_,;; ,j; !-L ;,,-, ~ClIY }-'l!\:, bu·rnc-d ,,~s t!,;:h iri d b) S\((,r sc H >I,'-(.'l.'i "Jr' ;), :1-.:,;, 1; r,~ ;-::-p'.i'il''<1 ,. 1:_: i. iK:(~,)ilHnf: \J) )lO~i<! i..<'i t!)(',;~H-':: i:d'"'1(!;lg~. fi':"",j is S1111 :;Ui:{ :'i:1.1:: )"\);1 ,'p::,m '.);t b-;Jr,"_~ W('! !:;.,. p.lild:n~; Util; 'w,.} ~; ,) f \h: " <:c li!C" ,Ii,::! i'" ~()"'(' ~'dl:", i>' (,)cj \!I\'f t!.1:1;<t': s ;,utIC", L"''"-fl; \1; ,~ ;1.,." ;,::,... ;.Jf' i\.!:c.' n,'x.' \'t~r il j.-:;\<O"l(,l ;;.r(,!."biy );.;.: Where to Look TV CU!d-e Sfwrts ,,\'/." C0r11i<'~ it . In )X ,, }:.dit.oriill Oty M»r1.eHI ClnhJf\fd > , 10 & J I f-r.iJ,kf'r,~ , q',.IgcJ 17 1JJ&U , 23· p-<;~; d~, ~..,.._"j rXC8,L,f' );,.,: _o~ ""'c;j as the "'):0 .. :~ Showers ( 'T' -,,,.''- Easy Scan and Print ·•.f'·The '>.........--...-.World I Intens t-',<tto:.._~ S'.iid \h", h>:','3''''~: l}¥mfJ1 At a Glance (,() ir\-1.'''M~, t~rn:'l'¥ "Pi>e?<n-d North V:t~.i'1an,;;-,s~~ ,\1,;.\)' ;,,:JXt_c\1 k· hl-',lnd. !, dr~vt 10 D! An ;hnr N)~....:.:,,:i p!'~rv.h}('ji\l' ii\i m: Germali Terrorists Sought ,Union Local's Stand On Proposed Constit f ':; ;; :, ~·!"_;'c;; Defense Rrists In Davis Tria! a!,:,;,~ Ure 1h:,'. """"'.".'..., :;1 \l:,P, !J.~w" ~'j.:'" ,-;.-, d ,f!f,l( tOl"U:, un i:\ t {: "q' ':!(' eq~jaHy ('(,I)- rn:.t'l)' go-xl ,P'T;!;' .:h::ot:;W'·f':Il: (l "cmr' :";b0t'1.cmt)· !1 f,J ' ..'"-'-'1 ';c', ~'" '~_'''''. )~,~.':,:. .;,,_. ",( !,,,':p-~-" "'::-il '::'If';':,'. r"J" T.y~CJ~":. (iT, f', tc~...;.!1'i;';"'!·. t.i1~* r-,(':t"j'ng 'Z",;,¢r,,,..._,,~ I-)j ~<' 0-t lr,.t:,,,.-;n('f. i.\ ;-; J(' '~,-",c;;,:· "'i/o'" £'\-",: \" ,,>, ~ b:.r:- !; :;')$ jJ,<i( 1ix· N'· ,,,p" ((,;U\ty AJ'r~~J~ ngYf~, In !,Tcf1n~ a:,d tbe Bi:·1;!!:.::" :'i :,i:' f:.;;-r 'ii;., r'1':~",,!~ Clean Air Argued g-.;:,;-: '-'-C~:' 'V)~ In U,'Do:j;[!(;,~ ,h", ,un,;, _Ii!!,! i!fle:l 1:,·~ fo;', h"", Summit n'.I~ ::tie ,>,X'I,,),.i L::, :~i>J,-·j 'i'1-:;~hJ;,~' 'lH,,~n:,~ ill 'ji ;~d(,iw'iiriJd, MunUH101l Still,'_ ii";I; Ili;,:ortJ:,- ",'y t;--y P",R[iA: k< C-I'''''''''' .\VL-t]O (");:;;HU',t<,* [:(l if) f;t'~ 'ltni fjJiJ-."",,·;:;;, fiE' 1;1.(' Federal Court V;:.•b.u· (Jf' h-ut '-I'f~£,_(j~e[ c-r-t'(j:t'fJti?i~~d !( FC-~)fgt h;J·d tx~n ro ,:+",,,g,"d hi$ .'1---,J8d :.'} :~:,~:-c it1~ riilYl,e .c:~ [,c,,' [iif f~)rli:wr ...,,1[: it;': YJv:''': (!ffi!,;iaL~ Th· P'~:5·'(;'''::( ,,;,,! :,!n, !~1,X.· 'l-_~ ddee .".(:.r~ (,." ;j·::Cf': ,f '." -";(f:d 'Y";~~' A i~<t,,: i~r-:·0rnj· lI;-tdght o:)-~- b;-: :[;.,- iJ~_,i:,,';(i·1 B;j!i,·; ,:c:;ltd ilb","J~ t!le ''''{'?:'''''n~-en' I't!~-y d;lj,,', b~; i /x',,: (-r,:'. ,:r;·. l,~h, "';" ,N£I!"'-' Zie-gter tf)ld b ;~n :"r;·,~Hj:J·')-El>f1, p,,:,c.~ dt"-;(1.~:1~ rr< ifv' ,",,"""'''''' irr,m (',,, 'rc' ,\F-LoC](.'!:", -',:'':''_;' {,ii ';r,,,~ C'.Oj-'n"\~Ji.~' ,~,r l:i" wh!:1"~ Ib~ .<i:"'L hj'l:f \f;'-a-~ ",;;;nl-;:j ;,\ ;};l:{l Qw:nllo frer:lflS- h~m iHl,J ()1(' r.r,hf:r ,we, $c,)tJ"d B-TT}[1:Jrn '01-",(' .-,'iI.'fjj:h;~ l'.'h~f1i"~';; (,f "'~-l;f(:f'r~r,€ i,;i{j &'~f..(t;od l't1'l)-~f,>!:r~. John Ltm ;;n:"",,~~r~ _~r,;p ";-;;.f,,~·· ;>m ~hD S~;''i'i;';:·:C'(j C<j n·;",;;! C'0H- Pt,)';,r'.:,.il~"r: <;nJ ,·--;';.,,~I dCi!Lb;~; l~l i"-;~{"~' L";~,_U"i~'!i\ (,":iJii'~,(b c}("~Li, ~;'-_:h;n;' :h<.(( :heill ; (;;,\:.';; (\\:_-"m1". '....h;·t'!; l!.'r ",;t,lf:h cV .~·U·':-i;;'X) r',d~fiNJ Jli;W E.;, " !) !:: b i f'~ , t ;; "x;i! f'-!~:';l"'J' ';x, r:ghts of [)I!:()pk S l a L!.~',j, C\I<- )•.ldgc omd ,"'n hou~ f.::r.:-.~-rx. '::;,i[' H':<' .};'u- :y,'" ~r; tJ,--e::','li ,.,. hW i,~~c,t'>I-; i:h i--(,~!" :ha~ :11;'1 '0,'','-'.,,'.. 1',,, d Men in Uniform j',i'-u: ,\~;; I , ~{ L;),,) fl,;:ntef ;; e"lif Easy Scan and Print Enemy Intensifies At1 'd Glance SAJU\"i L 5. :nan:;,:-~,,<, :~.'ll(j th-~ bc;'iY:-: n';flTl-e!';e ,"j(}rJr,-x] i<·f'ir~;ln.,j It': Gt\'\l.'" -0','\,', 'Efj 'i'i)d1~~ bil; K,.;·" ....')~-:: ists Sought (j) (heir" :0 !;;und: M'O)in:j tty':. ,!!_ \i;(' ,m""" ~i-i?'lt he.".-;:, :f{,yk,' :c" :0;) T~, .'4.<y i, 1h~ lliVilncL"j In,!{x: itQmm 11') ,:;f An i.. (~' (II; :.h(":'-"Jllwfll :~JJ:!I tx>t'W!?'€:tl p:'{;'y(r",:1,;>,i ff' ;j:i,k~ ;:,,--,;:.1:-, (,.! SJl.W.HI, rl.L~ EM].\" l[] lh '0 :"<tPr,i,'lQ,g h<:'·;J\7 ,~,); 1''''''''1 <J.h-'1!td\lIJ c;.~"nJ;1: Vi",tr~iU-lK:.+1l i',;.-J'i}, '''''Nt ,i.!xl',.;; ·~"","H':->llt." ernn\;jSJ. l',' iH~ y:~<. :).:'U:!; 1(1'" ,t9 (};l''', 1~."qWf:{'H: ~M,:;c~1\'t:l ;l'lJ.j~;i)' (i<:"'\i"\:':' (l,l~;,ck ,:<1 ~.fX) nlUltd,y dUfJ.: <!-.I1 driv(~!' ! GT,1wn }kll n~tlh' : 'iun", oj lh,~ inrpYlll{; :(,wn: eH' bl;nk~r:- : ih,.;; ;H :J~$-ai, T7<l) ;," ~ '-' t i-' r .'., ,;' :]:",1., ;':) I 'Q,i-l' r;,'¥';0;;' p:1' Davis Trial H":"",, b: Ty;:..- c-:-:x'i£'; ',<' ~,;(.'n' h~,gy.i,'>J ~ \':"'IUlGt',~ ;e3p',.n~,H'" \<:1 k,l1iit );nt; C:\J!.1~L"1#: \i,m mi;e-1 rtOn]1 ,I, rOJ:'kd rq.m fl-ilm';,»e :>j"nk '03e';:VU.ff tUft?'" j l~j !J:",'h he pr-ob-ab!y WfRJ!d C!n :11!1':'\t.'l{'c.~F'....ici,)\' Court Judge f'!y:i"H'1rd L 0-[) ~jd t,,~ hnyed Ii <IT"g\J:rrH:il~ Ji.~, 11<wl5, :, ~, '-'i':'~; former ffsooph.... il.'_':·fIl..i'::tOf cd d li~rnI1.hhg ksol1'.s. !7·yer.r---old :.l timn wi:t. jl)(Lf gum. )ing him pkx 1.l:H' e,~cl'!pf:' _he ,"-Iadn CmJJJ l y Ch'!c ({m· il: s.:w H,~flJ.ei which B"U;{!r(> HDd 11.,('" dC,ti1.hf, iitbll,n'. 11 yJdg(' and ;w:) 1\' ~ ".'1 f.~ -",c~!I:,;; ";-',1 "';' Summit ,,;. n',.:; I !~d lJ:.ul) ;tS hi'''' r:,', ,; )fi.l:il1 i(if, UfJ liJe MEATS 1\';),) ,:,1 ':h",' ',.:.:~l,,,, ~!l;~ wHi': '::'.~ S<)',';(,; d (1) ctarges (,j "Hw~t'r~l)i ..," i:lJKI Gnf~.~;A""" f;";~' w. . ooad PTi~-0n g,M;d ; we-,,(' ('j]( ..~,tr<lg'eir' \."hetlle-r {,r TIl{' P"~".yjC<l: ~'I;d M~'~ ",>( fp:1f1~ cH:d-('nLaJled &~le, (;8 wer~' lil i!:Lc:-:J ~ ;*110.':1" """",.'\J itHU-, s fUN . it (";,e-(I,,;e r,i1D b...""n : (~'jT,f"d r,()'" [lislriC'. '''JJ', igr Joii~i Ii f-'r",\ he d " If!ng w (J.(>clde whr,h("r ttl' >u:d immedi.'l\eiy bl<,;"k 3'2 awn! :;Q IL{: '<;!raw:r,rn ,',' 'S"';i;-, j;,i:r :o.HT.,g,hl' nm- !1~ ,,'h~ didn't he ;;.: 'if l.;y :,i ~.:l 0'::').; ;U: tile :i'(:<i: care ;1 ,'vs,U:;n :>v,:" 01 an:-- ,~"",ji'C plan:; p€-~" iUin;:t ar-"rluJation ",f o'\,':H' 7lir Memorial Day 5, 10 tb B.ox B~ef Fotti1l5, Ib i 0 Ib BOJ B~ei (ub\" SIlH.,b, Ib 5 Ib Ib Box W;""nr.n, 4 lu 5 Ib Ib B-oI"41le-w Pork ROO~I, 9 to 12 Ib Tip ROOf!, Men 111 Uniform !.he prop',j,Xli' Why didn', 1,,·; L;'SS [STF:;·,j'HlSE ti,?: lhe [-,,-,c<l1 .'1,,',-(' -\ j ~ :n "- n :\pfK(';I,:CC J ,,',1;,,1' del(';;;a1~' :,: :)\(' C'''''''''r.· Wir,l 5'X, './ M, n by HllC"k,,'1SI>;;uS pf>r'Aii"g tJ,X; l,w',' ii' (he CaPHa: C'jty" ,",!cl<; i\ Winz ,:,1' BIZ Dl'"rt,H:' )Wief ,eVl;;'W "f :be K;J 1 A.-, (:~h: ,,'h') iILl:'~:<J:lJ' ;:h~'j.;(,,; I_SS E::kr'prisl' h,J\1~e~x:(',<j at· ~~e enl'irNU'.lh'n'.,;!ists S-ald (''.('0> J 'J t : t d a,nO C','€T:> -lium'?r'~ Pcim, ?\i.t~·iJ, Shipyard,' ,pr(J\;~l i'. j ljf;fj Th.:· SpOf.,~; :f',J: :"'" SO" phibK'Uli P - ·~")Po. '>l~ :m,'!:: ;)(J ,. ! ~"'; U.S. Inspected d(Ku;)lf,r;' ,he :,[x'ci;!; ~r>{'w;, T\'ifyj-i<:,· alkfl"\-(Jvfl :n 'he st,-nc contends YIC' 'J! :J,,: .1,j(l1)lLllUi 'it;;,e U;r~ i).,'l[':,,' ,',:" c--! ;-<,J~IK,g,:td ,'en b-y piLScSion {or George AFL-C10 Cr;\fI1mi:tt,-t or, p;-.jlti-, b-'J: frr'.';'~ S\" rt'.My Z.1c:~i~r lJ.."i:d 'kY'll l.Q 1,y ;.() !:f':1; him Irom '(",,31 Edt:'~illiof1 He \~';l~iI'l prf;'- r.lCw's;n~n hot, chiHlged hi.~ mJn(j I QUl!:nl~n PriS(Hl. ~,tl~r('; :he ~t:1~: yt'( l,ie cOljVi:,r,(l(l>.l WiL, ilnd 'jt-{-'Iri;,,~ ,e) i.'~'''\'e t1)(' Gil.Y' -"l,"d BF"·'it',"'. we.rr: <!-waiih'" Op-:'j] to 3'; ~ ,(N{',\'N1 'm-""'- -li,~h; 1:,;;'-.1;. ~,t<; hi" i;J~,het Federal Court (.: T, ,: ~'.i '" ~lj, ~.,,' S t,ritK,is;1l 1 \< :,!. :, ~, ,,--":'n [';':;;01: ,$ LS kdi,.,-j ':":>-'p!> il;,,~ II ncr; Zi ;":v-rUI W(-i""1: j Ib ~l( U::' ABOUT U,S, INSPE·CTEO lOC 'l_'.,m~n(:j,j MONTANA MEAT I \\ t honQr Banl Am;fm;rd all-d M~~te H.31 GaUil:tin -'lYe. in th-t S-unny Sixth W-ltd :~ro~;::';~"~dl'~·li..'O~f~th;;'~Ci,"~~C~Q;n~'~~'~it~lJ~'ii'~C~'~]i~fiiiiiiiil"'lIIillliiiiiliiiiliiiilllliiiiiii~~~~~::~::~:~:~~~:: Easy Scan and Print Page of COlllment _IL_ Problems With Welfare i, Ii I>.aUwg Lq;)::;)ap'l'c ,\ Hn!5ctL <:rn tt,.-, t:,;;;: M'OCri.~ :~amir,g i ".,. I:":~,"! ",'r st.andl!:-cl l-' ie' -: ;~'i t llgi:l.L'1 Brur,eH r'I'O\'e:n lr1.Ci' ;j e 0:"" ;n, ti:;.i tt,l' we :~, \s(: '-'-':l:)}I)',:·. (,i, , ""'\)' ,,:,;: ;-')!C5 'I See You've B( ;,,: : .': i j 1:( ~ , :I.f:~ WI' f;;; rlt:;'C-:\i1ei): J.Ju:!e n:c: ',:1 ":II'",',U: A Sena1 W):.,:l , \;.eneJiL;; be,. W[' J ~ Ll'('!i eRrn,' pn rUn r n t,. "~'Pi,' f,:"'" ·'l" :'P()~; Zi,) II '::'!; '~"lJ Ii :·;;t l' j"" rI,l'dace ndt;.\i""ly trj-r Rw" ",}~ Dn:lll1nJl,'41d it liic,S ;J5,iZ'i ]Ji·i.'1}!:!~m,~ 'li,i:l Wi'i.':' :'1'..(' ~"bU:"~ ,CO) rl: th~·r:rt,j(.; 1.1,\;'\'; Yr·" ?Si;!; jX'Oi»)t' Wi r,' ,'<'1'1' '-:'C: ~"'-:! '!:T' ;': ',lieJ!;;r{' 9.." 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''-;'< ~'" ", ~ LAST TWO DA YS~SALE El'olDS SAT '1". Pre-SeoSGn 1'1 LADI~S' G ., s ~",~~,I.·.f i"'_~(': ~.:;'\i <~':\(~f,~JcS ts \~:'.",,:,;~ ,'if-': (-:'i' • j"~ ( ',,,; ',i'<)(!),"lC' ,<."" LADItS' 'AII f rtS1X>ll.,>ib;ii!:" 1,," fw it ;h;' s,~id (:.~it:"'-''i)k. :,;c\,'nd:'J C:r, '-Oi.: ,,;; i'lI', " . b,ei'l ('t'f'pcn',j \\1;';J] .',,; ,'.1 1.",'!', h'-'I ',\(,u,Y,e ,,\~,:.(. F",,?_,~d Sic" . Th<' 1\;-:" rl''l(\.,\' ~('J 'tlP>3::1 !:n· t(\ llw 1) ;K~JV ,-:,'ll[l~ >' ,:Sr ~~e!~~~~\~~h~Zt~(>r~~~', F" -~>\"'2_SC, :ii,'\L'~ ',U~'<:, tl' """'-'.'rd,, <,.!n~2 ,'.1' :'1.< j l':lU:'-~ ',C' ~"::uj;iuJ,':\.v.; &hrd ~.,j l' c' li !' t :' ~,i~d Uj;c E-qljjii.laljv~' V.!UC·o [.r, Vnlu.(\;~ i" V Illl'C~ Oth~r$ ,r" S-o Ie il "Playt-ax'" 11.,::;r'i"-';(I;'-' \0 tbe Clx.rnt:' H<Xurj Undt'i '.1W ~'n' -, ~lt'n, dh,>l,l;t'(~ 1:;' \·w ";'-t1~lilU',i"r:I;'c' \,'~! a." wk-, i la.,; G\) yO'.' lk" 'Va,~ . \}:l :,-'tl'-1 ~'f. I,;. ,'j',\, l\I LqLli,I\I..<J~l(>rL" 1.),1 il;'." , ~ 1: , 1\f; j l'" ,',;'11'>(; (~; ;-c"x~lk ,~\<,.nl is gN\Ji1g "'0 ",'f:"., ,1,,< ~\~, '1.'.(:.' :80~; Ct 11>,1- :-. t JUNIOR SPORTSWEAR 'l,i1 !("f Jill) it 'c,',h,;'1 ;,f X"i',i'" 'y ,~> ,,,~,:(:-<' SWIM SU SUMMER FOUNDATION SALE May 25 10 JUt'l-E 14 Tr-~lurt' BRAS ill'!;: S.1, SAl.I :2/S·I'1'1 l{r:f H, ."ALE 2is.-tJ,':l~i RI;.'!, s..~, SALt: M ,29 ,sAtt GIll: DLES SlIlQnt C Rex "15. :-i-AU: ll-6.9'!l Il~.,,- ~.Q ~'."P"'A"''''' S-ALt: ~; SkLo f~ ~ SOll.u:n Cl Easy Scan and Print form Needs New Constitution \h\ ; ::i!~ql:,b;" iln.-:' "I;:·s· t',{·,I,. h,~ .S>';I': 'i!'~: I " "He :"\"j<:h" i:', II YCtu'rl" h 8;"'," ,i Utli'::"il',Ji'.' i.) in"JP' lw'-,"~'n,: ,\'::"1<':'-,\1" if,' ~,~:! ",c. 'Ii',;) i';'. ii;ei: , , i:n(\, ",~; ko':~ ;'1;',;', ~; !"f~ 'I'i~,ij, (1\~ ilR!l <;')Jl'l\LIUitl-ot'!,' .'{-:I'; "f ~~:,. -.'~ii:;· ;.>;j; ')-".~:\1,i:"J' ,O~;( ;,;"".0" "~" ",.( '",-".,' ,!,~ the, !\)'(~( he Ml,ki ,.'-I ',(;i,ern ·-""- - - - - - - - - -••- _ _ n. IllI1>Oi; nit 04 '" Ffi rnt ~ FORTUNE OF VALUES... Prel?ident's D~LE c LAST TWO DA YS~SALE ENDS SATURDAY! Pre·Sooson LADIES' SWIM SUITS I • ~, '-','G',':C' ,--"I,,) / • j SALE $99!m~,o, -'-'-'--~.-"'~~~. .~-. -._--"._._.".. ._--.\ I:-. . --._. ,,_.~_ ..:. Fomov~ !kond [ i .*__ ~-'~d'~',~:~-~.:~ 35 :P,fl~Y ; ) I i JUNIOR SPORTSWEAR I j' LADIES' SPRING COATS , II 'i-cl;d &. potJe'l',ed ,hut<, j 'A,!i iClmou·~ f.a.belt I I i V~!U,t1 j 10 i v.",-, '" .I,'. V~l\j<..:~ ~ rcnniofl FiO()r! ====.=-~=-=.. _.J. i,i' GIRDlES Ht'r" $.8."' ..\LE S:6.9!1 RN' !I.!< ...\1 J.' l:'! 'HI ~ 1 'Ha.,--,'en', Co,-,I; $-4-0 to $50 Fo.hio.n fl-oOf ~=--====--=J ,,-' "D.c-ro-thy Gray'" COSMETIC PROMOTIONS May 25 to Jurl-Q 14 Rr~. ~3. -',HJ~ 2/S-l :1'1 Hnj ~l. I;MY: ~,~''J,lW Reg. S5. ~ld,E su~ d-';'(~) 1OthC-fl Solo Pr1-~od crl SUMMER FOUNDAnON SALE B-RAS Sol;e $20 f Sale $24 i 50.1- $30 : 1'J (;0 18 -N T,..\lllt" \...OlJOI1, R-t.g. SJ..5-9, :,AU: S~ S1ip FrMMll-e.r. R<tJi:. :i3"~O, S,-\LE ~ .";a'lln ('re.<;m., SaHln. (reun, Reg. $20, SALE ~ SS, SALE $.8.~ Re·~. ir10r,-; ;:Kh,:\:i.'i<: iV" :'I~ ;,':'..:!'i ';I'~, : ';" r H-l'''',y, '<'., lli' ""I,,,;\~,' ,,'.,,' t-'f'>r.'(.i"·c~~,1 lir.c! '~·.\\i~:'!ll{:,".·i' W.- 'n' '4j.",-" 'u,,~ I.r,d~·(K·!:;'.,~~,·,; ",,' D:.' ')1 EaSYSCanandF~P~'i~"t!..._ ,:,-,(,; "I',!~'; . •~l,i:(,! 'r.:bz, '·',:.•"h;n' 'fly ;11.>-::. :i.,jl-j i.'j~i '\I;,i(-~'lldCl ',';j l,cf Iii,.: ,~lJJ..:j Ce. 'W!~' [fj %Q.p~ FORTUNE OF VAL President's D~ LAST TWO DAYS-SALE ENDS SATUI tWd.';;ld J;ld il,)j111~i-­ ~h,: Pre-Seoson \:1-; f LADIES SWIM SUIT' 'Thr iI.,,, : :\ '"iC',~'Cl;J I ;', i'. ~ ~..~.'I.III~ .. ~'I_IIII"I~.",., _ (', 'r, e $ Ii I ,j, )"";0 ';,,;,-~ • ,-Lk·. ! ;;;e' '~"""'~J F(,mOUi ROI;I. I." SiB 6ron-d~ 35 Or JUNIOR S.P\lRTSWEAR LAI>IES' SPRI 'A!i iomov :or ,L,e r-).Zd"j)!t ",:"'-H'~'i-..:j.,-; SALE ].99 V'IU ('8. ,); Vi"',,: ,~',rr--':''-i''Ij:(' gl!Hl~ is g(:il"i~: ;''-'';,IL ,·(l.T1j>;:l;-(cd b;. t:w hOff·,.-" ,.'wn/;cr wi'3l d.o you O.c" }-'il.~ b-:"",clc:'-; ~iiid '1);· Y0U go if, ;J~'(> 1 \' .. !w.'[; 1 Other'! \(1 b-4.00 S-oI<J f'rfccd s.t'I1C B,,,j;"(\ d Et,\ljIJ7.,d!on' D,.', ~ :i you !~t, :u the com"!t;' "-",.<;1':$:'.'"'' r~. you ,:;0 to the C.."\lnt\ . !k>i,r,-; SUMM.ER FOUNDA nON SALE >iui F:'qu.lliultion·· U"der Uw iaT;'el~f ~\"~I<':li. di(·t;<;(t,d b:. 'C.-e \.' HIl.t' ('o!\~!i;l:l;o! :1 s JiL,t iF;: W:-J(\ '< [f.<:'I'0>1..'11:,. l'Y ;H, (·r;l";.:,bk ~ 1 \ r1" T{:'x-i to.toe Loth'!:! t}.RAS P"qJ\)st~i c~>n; Li,u, i,)i'i if i'I,(,q~5 '1'.!("r,'!)C(!,". :'-, c c< 'i I": \ lX).ji[d~ ('i <-"<Juih:w(ic:'1\ ;;r.<! U,e H(o«.rd of Rq:; ~3, ~.\l.E ~/S~,\:-:) /{<:-,!;. H, Re~, $':', ,oj "" .."""",.,,. 1l~~ Tl~t"hcJ '-11 p'!"l'i' '.;,,: t."!Ullli~:':h'JI· i!:,t:,~:)(k: n,>tt,j b, 'i"I;1\! ·-''.'il'l-d :1",: ;;:.n'; ~,ri,y,I., un.p",:1' ;:, 1.:,(' lh 1h C\:<" clt:kct i"X S,UE ~1t:9 ;:r~' fO'lJndlJlion ~.-\L[ ~1 S;jr; i.l, F.-.,,,,b.e tH: 1!>.\Lf. .'iZ Sa1l:rr. Crf~"I.In, .';atu:rll rr~_lull, Ch:,~ru1R.~ Cre~ S:\ll': SLS1) Fcnhion F!oor :!"i(' ,'E:,-· !: I" ,iS~t's"ed ;i: :",;," 'chi;"~ ::. SA LL t,'-,Hi9:,t GIRDUS R"~ ~,II. :".-\I..-t S--6,!m H"JI: S1l, SALE $7,!l~1 R,~,~. $1',5,1), SALE ~IiU' f:;',Hi;liu(u')ii :]", kg1s!alclrc fn,(' PRO Moy15 to JIJ,n-e14 "'i.,\ 11"" ,'; i ;; i r~ ( :tit' s:,s,,~,;;: Metcalf <2d,( pie (,: <' i);",~~<;'~li JOO<L~,CO'JOI"1 J 00% BABY DOllPAJAMAS • Nove! Mo:,:\ • S.,t;,,'b:~' ., ., 57 ,,; ~,-:! !(,... ;:, Sale $4.88 Ny~on LADIES' BRim & BIKINIS •• Reg. .51.25 F.:H.i-.ion Ccic', A ReGI 5a .. ir.g1 Sale 2/$1.75 GirkMi; TOPS Ii F,u J III b~.. R,,!!,,!,,, JO-O $. S'lU 7 to !{. I $2 Easy Scan and Print Graybill Remarks Rankle' ~ The MonleJHI Sup-reme C.'J-uri rniJj~o'" GrliybUl n'.'aiM. -in II Mir.· 0;:11 hy G',iiyhln ;j.l"'i 9$ lilT-:H puhlk ha~ been ~hfCd ilk, i Hw !nont' vio:d:le,:d:,y ;iU::,IPOHI'C! C;J;... >'.H,;ia:q,)(<(':tiJ. irkl('-f{at'·~. !.~,llV' G'(j,ybHI j;,3idih::Uy ;<iiJ:vl).:m(l) ConvenHol1 :'r<"",,(kr;f' T'hl; b~."rini h,,;d..;tr(' ltw big}.) Gn:':riy,!.!. "l:<lnkil'<{i: i:>t?Jan' 5HJ-' 1'1;-(': OJl.lli In <1.(', o:rOt',r tll:l.i'! \l~--S J l"<':fl Cn,l ybW Jr. lor 1] JUlw 11 'COl.1ft trlw wl1i I.aJ! l ~'c days j dl.'nl!. fl.] th;. U;ljv~r~l( :,. c.~. MQrI'i'. : \'i' ~nt1-d:,1~' afh,rOOC'fi. q\~ l,<;..jd Gra ;ipfWM'JfJi'e l.(; (,,;.:pL~m whti! lhN, ;dt~r thl~ ei"'<:11on in which M<Qfj-· it.Ht<I T\H,,';.i~.y .. t'Yemr~, .. c,~u.!~, from news' rel);\'f!sM.. Jifa)'·tliJrs !COCf{. IUl <.~:'"n Gr;H,:d "p',liuc.all;.' l:l'lu.lj.;~t3 v-m-e..'1$ 1'i'J;i1 d.ee~4~'H;e- !a,lot1r.affi tl>f: lx4t'rf; mhr..g t.'1~'\~!!}:~;-h llfld sID<:l tbl'l Of~'{i( Ft\lb!$liIU~\YI1 \·d :.f~ ~\,:~. ,"~:::-~,l.~~~~~~·~."~':~~_ '~. ~.~~~::_:~~:~:.:'~:.~:~~~~ j:~~~djr:~'~nw:-;\ ":~~~;~~.,:~~;r\~;,· ~;:~~rlt4t::~I~~i:.~r ·----.."""'---.-.-.-. 11f£V£RYOH£ '. ' . to th.l') e)l,(;e,pt.,Q.rl<lJ.IY' fi,!'l'(,> mut-ic: of ~~; , " t.h .• ~);l "DICK DlVIVIER '1j{ l~f_ and the 'ITARD lJSTE RS' " bl t-.r~; ,-,/ : 'i... '- 'liT PUb! 1 i~ Here! 0 II :'2·V\.X:r.YJ,(J;:,.IHU I<cd !(OOf -:. f ,i-G-Q'l ,~,<.( HUSH JUMBO Jfm Bf)'GlU SHRIMP S1.35 Jhd PO: •<)I,hri"a Lh,~ rr\-('rHs ~ t.h~:; . ;tuLWn ,) I' CI \),/, pn)'PO~t'-J; !;.,;lid rnyhill d: )(} il IT: J\!il-f, 8 '1 ·v' ~1l\!\~ C;O,U:_\'. if an\' ))(. ha~ wji\ ~i'~I:S '::0'.Irl ~!lW;j n<JI Ind Q'li~e. ;';1,,) ..he Cil.rwm 1)[ E.'thi~b 1 hl C("l"'.f'r.1lI1e wnelhef dis- . r i'. ~!l-:."JU J.'Ji".~ilr 'Q ~~1~Nlr' pnKl:eJir:g:; ~h('ujd b~' c~'e\e1 af hL~ 1.'1\\' OH1C'f' ;;.'lJe! h,.. Ml t~)if"l.k he dbcIl:>lk:d UlC Su.pH'rnr r:ourt ·l)i:;n~.:;vect.iulfy 'il .,I'-Tl)flgf~jjjy" 1!1 [he Mi~:-ro1J!El ::k~,~; ~pr:,:(:t; .. ,-10.,(',\ thir,!. \ h<.v~ been \ ::w!lCk~J..O· (,r,nulli Q1Jd He; ,;,Iij ht mJd,' h~s n".mark.s j'n ,'~,"-""": \,' ';If,:sck'rtc; frvm UnJ ,.ror,,,;l:, (): ;\l,o-nwIlli li!ud(,;lJ-l~.. Q : rnindful do my i ~ii'wyer tl,nd (,-"rlilin.: '·("i;;i.'l.!Y '[I ~t,( bj]; o.:J.I,j ,\',,,,: 1998 E.",hd !O p,m Wl'ekd~~~ }(l ;;',m t-o 11 p.m. Wee-l;cnds Hi :LIT! ~o tD tA' con·' icmpU.li)tJ~; uf Lhe c-oun GrilY-' TO 2 ~":;:~~~;;~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~:~~;X".s ~ .~~\;';.'~(\ (\ \ \ R-1 ' " , If'.' , "".'_71__. '~.~'~'- i']".' ®;'~'J'"\Wn,ll!jjJIA5T 6f~ I.JUlY';;I; ;kld t.dd o.~wJer,ts; ;,h,n '.he rttoar\y $51).).0(1() budg ted for the enbre conve-nJ.lan; 442·00:n um: ,A the :,.'T,<I1ie:;t ;".IIOCii-: 1\1~ !\1"~.~<~~~~ 'SLl:UlJ!Jn~li"(:C:nH~n t1~14~~,d ;;~~-' ._nnn "1=!i'-!l":>11!,,-.'i1,,:!ji<""'t11,,,... "lI!e I ',jU!.tr:S iJ~ ii cE(i!'" mtBn (·n.)(l~ ~;)i' fj;h·.~t C'\·<'.ktaii l'e:'ort IJI'''; l..'lf.;"::f; .!lO lm n SATURDAY NIGHT FROM Sl;'UIF,R HOliR:-; FOR Dl~l:\(; 011 "h.t,~ mN!r: r", U:·dl;;:l}. '\.{ l~: .Cr;iybil! l,\ ote ('''':iJ~ FZliis F-e'oturing Bob B-orimeu' I :~~~~~I:l i~(",~Um"n( il! tJ.C'!ji(7.";l\. II r,' ,,~{;Tiw.. ~ .. _--------...J On s.e-Cllrliful Cony-o" F-orry La~" pl!>oson! 20 minute dri"" f,om H.,!e-na Bob . ,."',"',..." C(I{l~ LbG\til-t c."",,, Ii; ~!!. ".:}:"'-on ' «;cuent ;toe! .has wllh reg1<:'l1 '.[) 1.''-' fj(:llrl.o\J'; ('lid ~nd :'itulnlp !'ulllHlel S~J)j,~h:' Yacht Basin i"~: i Cafe & Edy and Jim Bryant's '8lli"" Tth ' 442-6091) , the oHidor':9penir>.9 oJ :" 0.'. . .. :;~:,:~~~tllliJI /,tppN.b 1" I. I,::Cclyb;l ('OlH~;~, .udd i( - ·'P'·:·C'~ , lIoL' Spring " tH-li,';;J);',{ .'D! I""::il:;'t:\S";F~,:~,~?i:,~;~~~ .WO\I~d • :,;1' ~.: J~8~O~1~F~'~'~S~,~.;;~~~.n;,~€-~~~~~~~~~;;:;~~~~~ I' 421 N. P.... n." bf; III 'l-i;rlat.Hw III \..-'w' rt~t1rt. PrJ' 1 P.1hk'~ rl:oqu1flcf • \J-",",,(.'!l[Hrrl.<; 0, , r .. -e;;.'s,!,(')j"\.~. ,.',,1 Supr . ?~ I -"'"'M" Su"""", C""', by ',",.on, g, 1.ll'.~!lU~lldo.. !;~f{:~H10l1 ~,.''_.~""." ~'" I /., III;'I ~:Jt@ Frida" (3 S<!turdoy 9:00 P,M.· 'til' 1:45 . t,t~ ~;~~~~:~ "'--'-1 lnlli~hmj--jJWtn/'"c~I.~r,--7 ~.. a \ill'it WIll'! ~il The ~. ""."~ 'J;'f$ 1r:;~i tct, \ "J! O\'I~U$ lh~t !l-uch slate- I,CC'Un. 1, ~ 'Jb'~~ b. !~~ Hr'S Um~ 1. ~:wm : 'J",J~i~ !l;U\'"f.~) n~i;" by M~.! 111t' 0 1":..-4 HUi.t ~hk~4:'n('!, 8,0([ 'X<'i,..)my. GravtH! ilnI ffll~~_. m1l-1kious,! fI'\)(l,l (bt, t j !;-nod ail «!);e-m.;;( :'i> ::1'J(::.l.~<;" Ii)!" pO!j1lc>lily 11..'!tI¥1\!tii. oo.n- i d!~i!y pe , ... ~~,'~~';';';;:;~~'IRn~~-lX,lU,~· jtllfJ d'&i'1t'UW to mis-- \ ~}l.X~g to H ~_._-::!f';,.d t!,'tt' ptrhJk ('IIO~I~ thl) j .'Tht' DANCING :.···1·.·.••· .... ·.•. to !: fl1'-rnn;t1i'j~ cMn.,.1:l~l\, Easy Scan and Print de High, Court {",cd Hle·; ,t,,- ny.mey h.a:d t,;;:"t'fl ~pcn{ ';-Elt- ;'!lIHy f<:'!! u~<, rt.-....:" and :h,,{, U,(,r, \~\1 C:H~NN'fL :':,f\;:? .",,'O,,-,'y,j':{1 L'f}r:nT~,H;; ~".- l~;,hi,~~> ;...,..d " r." '" ,,(,-,.,. ','1 - i};er no liv· J,:i-'''' S E; hiJ~ lhi Inti 0f f.'lllk,,;: tEs· f~I);[:I' , ~-hN.i\[] b<: ~J.-l;d 'ct:, r,e S''-L,>Sfi:J Uk :r1~P(><:::UUI)_Y 'w M; 'i~o\lb h:;I" : ""llO CHANNH t9:' uoc STAn-ON W1tC-----S-.w 1:1-~ l'::Xl~' AlloC.Cn-.. -~<1t'i' !\ i~) ;(Cf'X A !lC._kh ill) KFlH1i'" KS.L- TV as~1, L<rt,~ :.f, .. KHQ.\Y !'<.C__~-C'._ t ,3' ~ifl.-(.. AB<C__ 'A·5.9! r,H,Y, C;rr,vi!Hl ;Lj 5TAnON 12' I(L'T,' '] i l\fill.·· e"?',,,,,: ,~~W~/?il rr:~'H ny IF:' whIskey l'U<1jhi Helena's Television 11%0 WilJ:;:' \-'~ sippin' C [a:y!].!L ~-"l.;fi '" f;dl'{/;.:b j" ::niDJ('1.J p3:lX-~' Real ~,. IfU(D • ct......,__ 18 j., (}i..."... •.<::.h,,·~.·""·l 1:2 Dh...o<. .t+'"*"'" ... CY"..n¢1 1"0 D(,."""K't THlJRSD-A Y iVEMN,O 9"eh-.,Jkt/i<: e-bft ~ R~~:ALS II f; [ ~ a o . ~d l) i6-mm SUP'H 1-)(l"-w~,t~W'n ·-f~T~ .. o rJ,u;t~k C8k-v~ ~~ a ;'~'aili~;;ll R~ntoh .. ;;". ' "-'~'''' ~'''',r-,,~ ~.,",-"r .-. 4 ),-" e-",,-~,, Co.,..,.,.. k~ I.¥) M:i :: 4Q..i,1t J~ ·'·"""V-·-'--· --- ......... ~,*.\l: He: ANTIQUES IN TH! ~lulh'n:s ATItCl ,dru! (\1 m) an'o (,-'nam· eD be ("00 Cr;,:" \d ':UdeJtL$ ')(I,tK(l hud~ -- > ~ and le-oMI !+elena OHlce & £qlfipment CO. r ,. __ (n-) "~""""'"=< i" .",~",r.<,...".V"', r..:marb ;n' inH" I.!,;.j ::>un Lob ["l{;·cas----V:=<rt f.;!.1 SALES ANO SEWVlCE Projector , ~ C<>~.. ~ 1 . d t , lA};o AUC_~-\:.~~ r i~ l.~"'b,'4'i"" E-d_ _ c,m"t~nth.lr,' a~lesi ~illW ::i\(oc<i·; "ltD 1m "nd .":l1,j I'" "" "''-'"'' (~_)_.-~; ,•• >.\0. (.' ~ff~, """'UO'_ '~.J "",..-,~ ..."'" ~;""",", (1 CJn M.-~"Xq, n 1,&j 4Q.7190 rhru;,)G'h Ft',&.1y Easy Scan and Print Easy Scan and Print ---,Letters to the.· .EditoJ_ end by numoor 1"'0 Two Stories Tell It All .\foul hind one The lsn M;lny )',:,,'tfS ago I k~rn(:(j a -C' <lod I W;l~ tnHnplng I))C hjn~ in ~(;«rrh of $omc ("<lib-!t: mr;ill for llw l<lb-lr 1 ilpproi;lchlXJ a vanthr. C'r1.'$1 o! A long rid~ .. wt\{"r~ i ('ould .... ~<:'w ,lhr rGUn!ry~idf' 1(1f qlJite 1.o<.)ml' on LYII1,g prone (,n th<:,l.:round, l J-:ltls:~ed Ih(' :lfe<l with dist;lnn' fi{'ld gj,fl~$f,< onC! trtilt r h.~ bou.i;tll il1 mNe p'rctSpCrw~ (-hangein Ifr~mma.r !~ II OOnlm. 1.<1 for the lawyeT,( -A II j n g I e ....ord or comma mil)' gh·l.' ;j !i:.tany difh.,."nl ml.'aning -lind Il !iupr--c:m{" (X)urt c.~ in tt\(' QHi'lg. proponents ol Uli_~ /'l-("w <:'OrlS'lJtutiOfl I c II US ""(' m-tnl have h\ith and lrusl hi OUf 1'C'E1;;.1!ll(~, r (WI'/!" II story fllf this rn~' lil1lCS: 'i SCrullDllt'd th{' ll'.Hpin minut('ly in "parch of l':llnle. • About' IDJ \'Jrds ll\;:ay' I dis, cov(.... t,;d 3 y,"",,,khlld\. :l'Unnin.g h i In ~ (' I I UP'l.>r: R rock SiJ}cl'_ IbNI' was no po!:'-'>ible way of, gelti~ lH1Y' r!":,;n fOf g wot ,due to the tQ\,ll hwk oJ COVN, I w'a~ about to \utn iWOY ~ne!l my, nUentioo -..a$ arre,sted by two C'O)'Ote:o; commfi: u'p a ~ha!­ low drilw. TheY saw ~he wood, chuck immcrii~te\}'. P Ii U :s i n 8 ooly momentarily, number ont' coyote wht>eled and took. off In. I' a big circle be.Jow lbe,.chucK { Number two C-Oy'Otl" stsyM put Number one approached within· 100 yards of thr. chuck wh6 was instantly Ble-rteti and popped lnlo his holt'.. This c-oyotc sal waiting p a lie n t I Y un-til !he chuck overcame his cautton and climb«! huck up 00 the rock, I t \ ~.' ~ ~ l~re Wi.l.~ (}I'X{'" i!. vcry pro< rx'.fOUS bu-:tintssmilO, He owned ,~ lor e ~ Rnd w;m~hou&es IUkd with rne.rdlaDdi_~e One diiY I'e' 1(''').: hi~ IlU]t> thret>--year-okl boy to lnt: s.to.e with Lhr intenllfln of OO,UC'.A11ng .him Eve-n,lu<lily lhis child wQ\jld be cllllt-d upon run (M 'bu3lne!3 00 Cflt-e-rUlg the sl&rt· hll plactd a Iii-drier to ag:ain~ the thi, U,'· lin,,); wcii <lbm!t thil !:X'{Oft "''-' go 10 lhr pol15 [If>V:m !);;ll1l('r Ii~ I conslj[Ut)O'fl, good~ .IDbe.tru~. I! certainly must' II,,\-:'!, 1.l-5 bhnd sIde Fw. In t\ Ii n c £:: tn /1l.3'lT'j part.3 jj Iit... te,~ "no l~hnnge~ /,:xrepl in the grammar' /J:l my opinklll A Th-c: L.l':( '['q\\',,:;.'nd, Mont rt'-i!d it _ in the first P"l-I\ $-".... m~ ID havr. aJit)gl.'lhc:r 100 m-M:Y vcry inleH'.Jl.lllll>: ]cs!>on whic-h I h:Jvl'! olt{~ll l,h<.KJftht cI fr,)m lim,:,: l.agr polnl lur~ )noJ::, (»-11.<':[ bd.g:l1\ and d~ii1f from an!' an, glo:-. br.WBN' of w+~\ m"l' b-e be· Editor, lnde-pend-ent 1\1"\."lj10 to liOlt' ll.'i Yl.'iiH 'g,o b y ' ShiN- UlJSis il mosl i'nomtn16u,; ye.ur wilhaur nl:'\\' :>l3'.1; conshlutlnn b<'ing prell-(;:JltN:! t.o the r,uhlic ! ~He\'c lha! l.hi, i! Ihe iHl'5plnou~ lime La rdllie the abovt' incident Ii WilS biltk !Il the ,""rly :~05 when the 5 he J v J ng' 011 thi' wall. He told the boy to climb the lfldd""r .lind sit on the lop shelf. AHcr boy had oi:K'.);~-d' him . the father removed the ladd«- tnc Old Document Should Be Read F,.;;bwr, Ind,opcrn1cnl R(!DJrd ()n(~ I ·l>:M 'If II O1n~HItrl ~"-­ t ! r rn it n 'i\'lu'n IIn)'oo<: W'(lI.lld dllim t~-;.. l 1M (KTlpturu ,9.rpp(lr~ l.hi$, or Ifw J>CTfpUJfC'.' pro!linn thilt. h;: w1,:U.Jid $-li)', "Show me c h jJ P \ r r .'Hld ,'crM!' AJl~lOl~tl 11('I!!,:<~r :h(' prc!\eot !'o')[ \11(' pr0f)05eQ C'lI"AHuooo b n' a,U)' holy writ. a ~imilar l>l.Iggr.tHl0/1 1$ in order in rclerrm~ to thr.~ d{)Cu-me-nl~ pro Of cor, (In{o ~h.,;'uJd .~h(1W a-rticle lli,d s.('c-lWD. Il tUu:ourages "x' agge'lllt01l 300 dhturtlon It L~ Il{)( .... try d(f"C~JVt' e.~C't'plio-n could r~Rl1y l~ invoked by any oak-l11I, turNucr.1lt 0. clerk. The Vll:unted dght of p-arUdpatiQn b1 Section 8 of Article II is really litrutf{j by t.he phnls-e 'On,:; roll)' ~ Pf'lnd· ed by lil"":" Such pronsion may be: good, bct{.I or llt'\'~r TIle, po.s5~lJity of any kInd o! !~~r:ty~ll}i.~I; clll"p:I, .!.!?fu lill6-UO.O rt:lllly does eJ:ht In :s.e..~ti<JfI ~.l) i.e) of p-rl:ipG5N:I Ar' !Ide V10 Slncenl)' y OW'~, WeS-lt!l:y W. Wt.'!f1'l f'rY;Y·t'f Block. A Good Thought For Memorial Day E:dilot'. lrxle.P'i'ndent Rec<1nJ 0 U r Amcrinw hc-ril~~gr: In' elude! ~ spleMidtradJli'JHS ()n(> of these Is MelTl\Nutl DilY, d.'Yoted to honoring those who tD n'preSl".nl document have di-ed in mllita·ry efforts to pre 8 e r " e the. K,1mlls of our f01" al!hoHf,.h we have ~f) favort"d OIith (:omm;'11l~ 1)1',d mas--- Ameri<''!ln way {if life. \:l..1)"""" never lose 1I tnw appreciation for.~. i d (' li 1 s', and f\('ver fer to U~ '~l'{(' re-prirll~ of the propOs'cd /':'!1s!llu.tion in (I', lhe "o/fleta! lion aI-1d (2) tht: Sund.Jy supple~ 'men: that ~.a~ with the 'fun· !'lll'.~ ~h\{ 21 H is otrdous thal t hI) S l" running the pro'PO-0I'-nts' ceas.·e·iD valu,e the ·Si.lqifu":e J11ade by &crl!'es of lhousaoosof me.'Ilbeu (if our arm-ed /ori;t,S, But even good tr~dition£ tend to become rOOtine and comm-on Leading us 10 dil>regard their shew d-0 pot rc-ai meaninE What do p'lblirJlkm" o! th~ laIr runvrn, [{"o('j the p-e-opk IIII! do tIl h,H'e thf rrg,ht \0 know what tl'h' really honor thf' dead? We lake. pre~nt, con~tJtullon ('1)nlalns, Oowers to the.t'em,'lery, and if hence· .""t' have no rcprin! for ..we j:ive ~ e rio u Ii thoughl In Said the- father, "Jump,Dde' (l'Jr' u'S(' 'r rut', the .librarian ~anm.gs, we pray Hnd hf.j}f' .Jump into Poppa'll anm I wiij 'mIght lind it IOf a determined .. fW·:"ft bet1ir YrwlJ for the III" catch you " .cjtlZ,e-n .'II the I<'..c al library or'- ing,. "fkJl, P.oppll; I'm llfraid III one'eookf- se {'1i "(jj:'p!'from tPe· 'The <-etnetery O:Cl;Up<ln\~ '.tho falL" ;'!.eereltlfY of slal-e for ll:/;It s'r e, longest remembered are those who Uved in such a way .. No Poppa promi"'~ he ""'Ill would ~ conv("l1jent, thOu.gh, if we hl;l(j a free copy or: thr prethat th't work!, their home and l'lllch ,;'OU.' Jump inlo Pappa's M'nt coostitu!ion at hand just Io-r their neighbo"rhooo were better arms .. The chock peeked. aVe( 10 see jf ~ause they lived, How couJ'd comparisons, lkJe }umped, POws stepped the coast was clear, When numIn the' PfOPOS.e<! draft,_ whl<-h we honor such nobl-e Mes beUer a..'<id{" lkie crashed to the floor, ber one saw., the chuck l'Ci.lppear ali must MW po.'Jsess, the righl than to do' something 10 makl' r 0 p p a ~jd. "lkie, this is it, honchantlr raml;lled off WiUl to kOOw reallv IS )i.rnHed in&{'-' the ':world· better today for' the liYin.g~ .,.. ' no apP<lrent t'OO~ern for the yo.ur first lesson, Don'l nHer tion 9 of Artide II by the phra-sc trust nobody ~,. ChUCK wh'o v.--as 'll1le-ntly watch· "C'xcept in cases. In .which the Let' w put Our OOtiqt.re15 in int: her. Numter (wo coyote, In my opinioo this _new,'COrlSli- demaoo"O!"'indivi<!ual privacy' the cemeteT)', Then let us seek started ce e pin g up oh ttie ,tulion has deleted'.wst of the dearly exceeds the merits of out sooi.e'living persons wtwie chock, gradually and carefully safeguards and restrictions ,pul.>li~ disclosure," w.hi-ch was w 0 r l d \Ij:e can make more closing the dislance, As number which served so well in· the old so deplOred in the <'Onveniion peaceful and·happy, Wouldn't it one disappeared over the knoll constilution, These c han g e s by ..newsmen. some of whom be a wOnderful thing if for every and the "chuck stood up on his make Jt doubtful if Ie-ould feel now think the proposed constitu- flower' we place in the cerne. Jegs, he' .wasnailed in-the bind complete ,trust in the' legisl<l.r lion is wonderful, In pracfice, terY" we would give ·.aoother to_a , ,•, • ,,• • ~Xli.jk ;,1, pn ::1\; (Vl ~,,/! rA bil~if. 'J,~Y"'hl b,t) n~port:/' ,ge30to60? You rn-o:Y $uve big mQt'!'0'Y on avtQ tna-trrCJ1-ce,. "'I j"\{;n f'1]f' ~'f P!,,".~i':;' y:lr! n"~":;ddY ,,;} '":,,•. -"I;)" !i'~':ii A, ""'::~;;' n\~;(,' k'~,~.l H<'.~:>i'tii_i1 \"y;;vj! i'J ':n;, ".",,; (Or.;, I" [""d)' S-h-cPP'''9 A,e-o ~ 310 ~lK-iid ,,;.;,:, i,;,'(' \k;l- P"hi)..;- F!Tf·k)"v:" U,'J' t''''''...'d ,~ .h".';;>'. ('n,':'1 !'i ~",;J [tl'\", rXirf.".:r~", \",qid tw ~'} (h'5~{~m;1l-il-t.t '-:)e,',; :;~k,::),'!,Urn :;Prl.\ <'.'t-'()nUU.;';'t< (,hI' Hi,> i:n-- f;lW ,$:''':<JI cit\.· m f.\',l:I.cd pF))l"fH ,;;j ,,·{iC,") f>.: I:o~ ,,~,;," .;; Tj~, ", (,:;<"~';~ i.~ ~,i\:'- ;f',i~'1:~' ?"'J4}j,~ i,ddc{j (h;t l, [e '" ". H,;.d~> ~'r,· ~::~':\, w1:-;;!'~ :" iT'; \\,;(1, th-d' F;n;'~<: C',". -\<""", ,:I;t<.i(.'fI U:"<,l'!::, '.~(,d ;,h,v. 1(" (,,~,~'1:-' 1'i1i: J'uh·'· :,11','>'(- ':~:~~',r,' ,d ','n1.(:;-! '-":;)-1;x'~t:~,,; ,j:,,, [;1""--"" ",!: •• •ilJiIi,IIUII.:I·JtIf :'{, 'k':,'.),id {:f':i,&bh,J1 a ':" ~'" .. ·;·,,;.:,;;'·(h,~,:~ l., iii;:..",-" ;;;.(l~·· (!H~:-:,,; :>:'1Ji;r1l~- {:<flY ~l1t1l-f I'll Judge ,r,,. ;>f~ O;'~,l::<!: .. l:>'. . , "'f"; SII, Gr R 1)( 3 Groups Endorse Constitution \1(.··'l,):,;· GENE BEESLEY ·•• :'l ,,;;J-;I-;:;',1.;\ b;' W l,!'V¢ lll'$t g,o,tt"'H'trl'l a-nother h-ud(lg-o .1 BEDDING PLANTS Pctl,f-(1,io-~, A.\v'~;.;um, Sr.OIXI.. -1: }.Aong,(;Jid$, Zir'l~O-~ Mo,,-·; ~-~--~-----_ '. Ah... Rm~ --------- Cil':,1..Mq,t: I _ 1:l Gcrranrum$-Cnty.$1.5-0 ~~--~---- OPEN SATURDAY A~ Miller '.:(0("" r For Only 99 c Nus 50, t-o·f :m aRd HOfldf'f\g ,';'"'1',<1,;-,-,, ,'/,] Studio 'ORTRAIT ,;c<' r (CiT'.,dd 'r<J:.- :-'(>;1' Orchestrd to Record 0::," '-::':'''',;- With any p Levi Jeans 8 Fresh Dell B:1111_Ci70 Easy Scan and Print \dvises Change f Interest Law y'.". (.'~1\1.'!'.,q S',t-{H:.g Fly",::- VtG .1 f;:ilu~j.nn;:Ji Ci)'f1~'!nth}r; dMJ'i;"~!: pn':' :J" Wi' iii: iJu;',1j:C" ,~" ;.h('J h;.' ;d.1; ."";'<~ ~"' ,'".: Fr"~"< :'.i)).l.~ ('i}{,,: ;~':;,- \.T:i:;U.t )r:· .." ',~:hJ'--' ";T'.':" :wi lVERTlSING :i:',,(yl-"<L:i'-, ",cr,nu::" ';.; tl" fATE & t.<· '>r~ ",. b'i ~;,::; -Mlel' Nil,: ;1'1\ ~.~;:-.'lil:.e(1 ~7:2S. "C<' 'il', he l.<'I';";"I~.:CJ ,".""'I,:"te ,t.."q'..llo- ,,;w .;:" lr.;.\; ie, """"""~"'''''', rsm~s 1"(' b;'i~'J r;'~;c'f' (1:1."- "'0-'> :';:''- <;(' ltli'.Hd fW.'i I';'o\;!d (y, tn ,~.(hli­ c:,Courf IEntirely Wrong' L:1,\ ;:~.,.,y .. , ~ '()(';.~ been !c,rcnu- C,)f'T,ln:~~,cn ho~ ... \ In:),:l::, u<~: :",- ,u,ci ,"~ ~h h!ghwr,:. ;,) i'L1~!"!'.'n3n<:'~ ',"(.[' fe' kq):. w~~J!' HUSKY PETROLEUM PRODUCTS .....-1."1£...,,.1., F..·..... Q'"d Ro-",:h Del.i--.-"y ","'J ,i:(")~.I~ ·',,::,r ~-'iifi(~,.:i "i'e :;'1:, Ci)1,'/!'<lt"y; ~.". d(j',;,' C·,)nli'~~ f",'- fit, 'ely:: "'(,.\:'1.,1.:, (,r;;ybij; ';";';',:Joc" J:h :;~f!.'C, ;'i"d '",,,, pt,·;",·., 'n:,,,j .. ;.(.': C!.~'i;L'·1 ,vii' ,";·~l:.' f~\1d he C'Ol..'l' l :;-U1n:nc~ts. '1 don't t-:i10W "t : ('i::",q.".1UX o2'~d • "f' >\·'·H ",;(! Easy Scan and Print Violated ~''';I~J::t'·;''(.'(,! ,~" O,in, r~ Court JEntirely Wrong' ~W(\ In IlckJ!- \VhCTC C !;;1. !"·1-',i.";i:::01'1,:"gc pr,)!·c;";:-.',, '~'-~Jd I 1". w;:\!j "(';u;nJouF,'k"cJ by HH;&n! "u~(! ,'j! \,.,'1 "'"wl,(-, h ~I,;h W;1;' ,>r ,,;~i :llnl.' (]IZ'l\<ff}U\ :'-'!,--: ('"":";,1"[ f.;tI-P),!:r.(jr\~ 'i dQn', knQw ""tn, :'J :·i'":"..".!'.',, ,,'h,) ",,",,' :,':",-:";'" 1,',(5:'" ~ ~i;,IY, ! WEO l';;i]',p.};,'J: '~<'ir.,"'""· l;r;;yt",j! '; ;;'. .- ~t> ':"'cLi,('," ',,', :,;_::',{\trw, iunds ',h'; iJ"J! In Montono- >',;.:': ;"","\T' <';i h:!i.-atJ:" ;', d ;0;:·1 'D! 1(",.w.u:",b [I· 1\{!;);: ('\ TIll": Cl.·\8Srr!1:;rJ'S '~Y :.-". -"'-"~i ~':r-:' 1.1;(' 1:1":'1 {IFSl'J.TS i: !" Attention Bourbon Scotch, Gin, Rum S .'i'j-(J-((: ,r:,i'. 'A't .; t)o"C!< when one i!~' ;,;. ,jC r ",,,;,1 '" .- h,:] .', l':l'" J .. -'i."ld r.k,''-j' 0; i{,''; 1, ,J J-' "')i','1:,i;ml: i:\': ii \! ~)',e ,1;('1 il!.")""!' p,jcg'!\1 lNDAY .'--,J"J<.. i un . ~t~~ \Nr AT THiS lOCK SHOW ',\ "J:i a.{",.~lj h,~,e 9 P.M. .-' ":',(~(, 'ii,"'\(~ pfntecllon il:t em·! wftll II Pc.E-:-y. C')'lr.hO mnOOJr! !"'-,"":·':""T,'t'rl. ,'~-Z:~.!:;, :;1.,'11 <:,;n,{' n, :de U-Lal)f,'; i,,':,1 ·C-,Jj\ <it ;"'';.~iJ', , "Llil' 'e·..·' (';; ,~- U:H; ')j..~ .d"t wr "',1.:' ilwtJ~. ;n.~,;j\, U",.;, (>,,)b,,:1 "un ,j l:O{',-':uil [~c!:;Tii1;" :)qh1> 'Jlfk:J] 'nw ,.. 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I . -,i-:-,', ;,pi:: '-;ii'.',' (:;:-, , ONDAY un h~'i't "r'"t~'ilklf) (It 9 P.M. k,~~ ':."s-t wtl,h Ii ,INE. 1\1 H-ns H:?fr:('0'~;fr1':'f:! ?t.;:.-:y. :LOCK SHOW (;';',',\:,,(;1 ["f:<;;;:;;fj! ~ 1("- ;"'If"." ;.,c hi' __ i\': ~:' ..'-,-'----,-_. ..... ~ ___ w_,._ ..... ",;;,.- l-i~:V: ,~ .......... -..., ~.: ti,,~;;- ".;l_~ GTH/b;!! (",,~; nd':2~.(;, ·"(:,'1.,!,,'\'c ',0< Ci,i.};,t h'" '~ 0; I",Y',";>{~ tv ;,~ "'~¥;;~ ' oiJts.eHs ony tJrond of blend- outsells (] 0{ CanOC ,k~r(,~J~ ','; ': ~:",,-. ;; i'ilh!i' <)ih>:''';;j! ':'\0' 'fH,;:"' ';11\,:1' i~'i;li,:d ",\"';'. iii AL "if S-rOYALL f, (;<0. I· ... ""', H'- C~'v'lu'l <.;.{!j.t. ,-;-i~'_.,k'~ ['MsllanBrGthm H;-II ,(-JdkJ'?i~4 5_'h<>f'+"i"~ C."'M~-' <t'l~ '.,-,-'.......... ::;:, 7.-~~:.~:;_?,'=:,::, 17 )() --::--:'.::"~:::::>:-,r- AL SVINGI:N i- AC-j OFY "--MOPt! 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'1'-'-{]'J(i\~I'::'.\ (hir,~ "j MAKEH OF CLOCKS 11\·~ outsells c eX yodkc ,-;'p\!-'fC{1'h-:-((il':, ;<0;,: (,0"' (fUr l>l'"iU! t:·,C~·f:: of Scotch- U>'«'1'"'''''l :;rkimg ""'.",," ',":(IU[',: CUWe ag?in.,! tt«; Ct'usW.uuon," -.. ........ ~--' ;-.. ... -'- oUtsell ou!sells any))(and fum. the other .. 0{ cornt Easy Scan and Print !perty Tax Break Detailed 1$, lJ1ch>(!'llj H;';f',~." properiv :"'. ":1',,; ew\de calk-n, pr"p',.'r~) iV;' :_~,';1' ~':>f !HT(),di;:~ :c' :>i \!,,:~(" S;;!_~'! i·,- >'"," ,\1 ;'" I,',":'.,' ':',,;" in- f1nn':vii;" \'!"'''; "".« d!'-'ri{~ '''::!'(;\/I ,.:-, )Oi:'':: h: ',~;,i '1': e"-' "<':,:1<; I i \)f'~ 3Ptl { r:niii,~i in Lh.:- high d)p.-,--'''~i i;<,~j,j''''1 ".",".", %.', i"" i,,'~l' tQt;.,! 8 i\ fr!i,D ts_lI ,,;,:1. 1! .!:~'() '"d,UJHl'!,lr, \ U--,~ chy IJ! ,0:,<:' ~K'h;J,:1 ~iJ :,y,,- i:;~:~ W't\jiC ,. i f(C:',b.rc!j")!\$ t,,, ih{' i~~·uU,'-- '~<;'d(·n:.:; ,\{.u:d "'f!"J~d b1:' )),,,,,,J",;:l hi!,'J' rh: 'iii' { } r";~!.,, l\iJ1trkl!, ',-..f ,)~.;('r;): Ii !!'\,Ih "l:.lk; w";-'\';'" 3 ril.iH~; J): " , i f r ~. f;r.'·: ~l':':~'r r€,:~j.d(;{)l'''''';jtjid Ot fL;/,~; !'I,e~('::_~, I (nW f'i.!)lr,,::~:!'f­ r~~~!>!('l:1J h:, -"i;,j\nii:.- filM\: t:h;u,' "'~ •. j,. '1,'·- ;;:. -"","';,,;,. (;~l [,Ii: ;IWJ":J,_,,(~~i ti] c'-.:;-;rV'j,l'lnry' dlttdl'ii' K{~! ~ (h£ln U<ll: mi,ii ~;'J\if '" ;-:",--:\j (~"','t~:·-l;:, ,j m!.i~', ... _~-'I:Utf~ "TIlt.".., ,'I',"! '-', ~ tJ&:1,,,,,u::J.2fV "' "~,)G gf:': i!!(T\1b'~j U<1-U<:j ""iif: ',<-,:r; (.n;';(f~,.; "",),0';-'::,1 L",' ~':";' 'i';l:iJ:\y{ t) mli;;:, Hr,!,,;,'; ""i";,'," :,,' /.'1. ,\ ".:! C; >:-"'':~ ':"'mU, i-"Jfk fn\i.b i)"<.r;<'" I, rrJU." f}"~':-i{'l 0\ =';''-~=~_~_===.:'f".:1';';', 'PiIEH JUSTERS'" aturday 'til 1:45 ,"';; ~i! •• • •••• (.~RR~RR··~~·~ MOlinAY •• •• • •• ~_.A_~~ STJ SAn Easy Scan and Print Selstad Leans on Consfilu By J01L~ MOR.H.l.3(},'i ,\SiPChl·.k~ l're$,~ 'Y.'I hl~ Writer- hi-n1'Jttr St.,a l(! &'-1\ 1'0m &c). ::'l.-1id d G IT;!! t Fa:!.'; h; b-.";,~.-~).,g Sl !ar'gt lX',-rholi of h~ ~;"d {n,r ~hc f<epubLf(:I--IJl l}£Hnlnano-rl ror gol' \)-PFt<;-i~'j.t.\(,1:1 \J) \h.:' :W'~' C·:·O;E:-~'Jih~'.") ,:;: ~'~ i.h-e bUJ_\~ ~"-'ht.'{1, -,;,'tK" 'J!.>f::i-l'," 1.;"',- "!"C;-":"nI,-. 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(:'I(~W !\!'l';'16~{;~>i) W'itt, M0-r,,;\: tw"" l 1)1'\;, ~ - .c;;!!'l-.'l!l rd."! kl Pr{!1F;~.-:n W'_~ !.~xji~ ~_~j');' lh;, liui~ 1'1' tJ~TW tJ:R ,s,,:::iX'0i F \Jun \t; ll"~Ti: . bu CAPITAL C:lj\~", lr U:,t ",n:,; ·i;,.,~r· \1i'l)J.),ld (jlk>w lht' GOVl:.r< i1;m(i!~ ~Y.lP,.h\, ": \f'i!:--,~' r,l!,cj\ k, \)(~ \J:t~1, TIl(> hl( ,.,drni.n;j;--tn"Uv;: P'Jrpv,l<e,~ (:-1"'::'$',' .'-<:1 ..,'(.')..1, ,,--~~.Q ",,"(,,__.'.10· "'Tl;PP~i,' V;B~ "'tlf bu~knng pr-vji.rllm, ~\Jn:!}(", ,h,~ i e; 'j,~<;lr, C~ gove-rr bs:s..:,s 01 pi) i,dd~l:l.\nh~ Seh,,,,, lujjJ-- '11l'1! h' bdjr"""~l :)( '~'Vl'_)fJr-- c""'-":n.ll~Urm (,Tlpr.},' Ln- i;ighwa} D\.JT rr:I11"l: :, dNIi P{,j.~;Bm i!.!o:.1 t.~ : '1,,',': t,) ;j,,-, ,Li>lt,L!.t ~r~iU~:f)' Ulink W\'. r't.....:,c \0 ilJ-,iSrJI ,]1.,[:,:';.,,,> L',~ ii';':':' iiil' ~,; ~;w fUi<ld I),~ ~.~id tJJ~' ~U'XI ; f1pi,.ily Uwy ~;; pn'gT'xm l: ~:1.il ", il~,,-l j 'tH'j'. :.;':7~" .i ~f'e(w i pniT'il~" ;;':X;.,,,,• :;,:'s_~f:rn.~ Mrl ,;"prove: my to up ~u Tilt Iv:"",l ;:? ~;c ;Jw ii,tw c,-,),n-' '!.T .end adding :ju,~ by chanl:-' "They ;-('~Ulc\!(m ,be i}i<i,~ ::!()-, t-x oi ltii'(,e side p!yi,lg me-nl SdSl rj-,-, t.he baJld to 2,10\1;' ill il.nt; \!';:cr, lakiEr';; the gt'O'1 'J! 'h.t ,);'"1'11 -::<11 cOils,flut!c>!] the "oo!kJ: iJnd, ;J€t~.s l <liKJ iE~l' Gf(';ii! ',LJter, St:l~c\ Ult (rfH'S 'Jk~) 1thj.l\ "'-,1.:.; r,a(iw, Gf Dut- J.'J-J 1 i:::,si.J~< in J tfK--, as mo Ls die Lii), g1ruc-1urc <\,S.b \~ 11"".1 iirtK.'>Ug pfl,-bk ~ ..: wL j: j ibl1:>I:flC \','e-,:,V:rn .~lij1O;::!: 1:11 boO, In prt..pcr!:: :.<lx:,t!OJl i~nd "A'" '~;;!l'l hi\',c " :""'"lLh:- {x: \'(~: u:,-c.-!<':r ('ur!ll: l!un,~ !!k!~ i r;J.str,e i~I.~';:~;C";~;c,,,c:~7,:~~'~~~"~·:~::~;, ,,",,~:1-"'. 1.(, llW.':C a ,Dr",,! I, EBRONIX o~ "oUR\) 'fCeS)l~ B IS 0._> Ti"ifth 111 m coming to ~aftn;}l. f':('onQ!] ::,ana ji Easy Scan and Print ititution lJd~'l.jd of bu.'ijn\~.~~(:"s ('an', m!ll:~ Helena's Television Cl;AHNR f.2J ktn'Y p~r(l:nt il i t,,): J~Hll- our )vlj O)pporb":t1fU(;'~ [0 :J:.,1Y wei('rr,;,,,,E'," b; :said d:e KXL.j· lAj ken: CHANNEl I(U{O ('1 J,) KJ'll:f"·· 'o.-~.~ .'o,~ Il ~ (91 KlZLM ii, uoc fL5_·9! n 11 t,J ICl·TV If.) .J(H~TV (11 I(!U" aU' att,,,rl rndt..,,:!,try I!-.,·x! btmir:\-."~ q.ll.~Lr';jti:)n M0~II;1!\:; i1nd rn;,n:, p"I,:b::;'J1<: :ru-l' l,j) '··~... """"lO~ "''''l'' <In(m~lto· iha--wKi\-'>?Jl Up .~~Ti'f lD U;io n'.~ i ~~!l:'<l PHOIol, a ~:Tliln :!ur yeilJ~ ~:H::d ~:a\',: and !hjng~ ,'JPPf"fJI".flR 11\:;!i. Ml,i""Lvn ~t:.t ~\lhw .0(' h.~ \'~ O-;it ;;Il,-74;i:~:! "There's More TIl;e Sl;I,IC r~~ 10 I;l:y.p ttl:(' 1J:~ Llgh,,'ay dn:;,)",! f\.'fU3 llil $<:<:-'00- ,(':5)1'\ U\i~·;t""Of;;:>I~\\(' ;<;[)t"l}(j[!\g ill\- ;md i';'l:ktw our s(~~blj:;".e to f('l),,,,, Thi'~ Drohlefn5 In MOI1U.l.Dil IIre gOln~ b-~ " to OC.;iD!I'Cli nev- :,i:lgij!.... · o-f - t.iLt.es if] hh'. SUtx"'e.wu] i "0''([1 I b\lsineS5 in b-e last IS reaL'! ve of WI : and ] think it <>fJpHt'_\ e-,'\"y hil :$i~' in t.hf':~s ffiU(:f! ie our stRl('." .",,-;;.kt-d <!bHU t efl 'd,'Q!E"DI"{ll<ll If", iIHll\l1-.f': prolJie~ns In- : \\~\iH f.adng the s\-l\te. i Imd i.l might d l , iv the C'CI.-'mo- m-". Sf..I.';lil-d $Sid the SUlle mn:>t a beal'hl. I"" ',fry cMdul ~() 'give OUl !ilioJos hhi' hiSii;-('.::''> t'CInm)\Jn,Hy an l/'W'!) .s ClW aDd (\lI\il: ~o comply with t.he r'tfiJ-': ~rlbul{"s 1,', jillions in II !1),.'l.llD-Cr thaI WI!:I t>lrsi:1es~es 'n<..ll l-:<.'llse loss of employment. And wnw: '''CompUance wH.1-: the reg\.... .... i lations ~ IX' .1., , to , _. ':',' '~,,- ,'p,' _O)~.~.""""",,~ \.,.-.... _~,..J<, iI.i ·'"',:1'W!·( M.>,c" "'" Coble TV" ;-:;--....~~ c· ,,~) .,~''''' F~."'~-Y ". ,,,.,_,."', .,,.,.. '-:'1 is going to cost II tn'amount of fl'lOney and :whilt' thal's the des,lra-b-}1.' thing. i me:nd<->u.~ '• and \,,"."h ;;11 W-f' w. ant Wf! C1UtBil1-1.,' rillS up mo-r~ :cannotsacrlf,ct' jobs lind til-e >~_"'t1[l(lm'l(' ,,-e-U..be-iJlg. of MqQ~ \.ana ;u:,:t to ~ '. ,l,~~ ' .. ~"~~.,~\ ., .~.2 . ,. " .•- ~~~.<~- . r; --"'."" " w .....,-"..."', \~'" '0"'''' Q \c".~ l'tt.-.:'k cc{ {),!! i 'r..-<:, d re;"i'--oc;-mGt'li o-J1J--l;S tot r'~·IO'.~ >nyt(~ .. lr:l-l.."rClno, ie- r'·.,,",,~(:l' C""U .u3~J' s.s DAN'S Glass Shop 611) From- ~ ".~."";". ,1'.< (1:; w..- ~J fA ,~\ • (lO ',<,'--=i< ""'" -...'\<;.... ~, ..~"""" .",.; L""", ~.,) ~';;~ ;.'.·1)) • ·"4·-,) " ....'.<01, ,",_."" ~, "~'=T w. r.',;"",., ~.-oo C"":'''''~''iI •.,. /;""'" ><""" '''''' " , ,; ,," ;;1.\ in ()) (11 , I.ll '" .". ~"''';'V "i ?<~,y M ..,.."" ,," '~.:r<J L.''''i:;~k~ "n !,. h'·.l'-rl ~,,,,,,_ 0) ~.""~;l ~ -c""",_.. r.... CHJ.C-KtN • !'#Jlll (,.) ill) S.... NOWlCHI1 'COCI(T.UU \~ '0 ''''~'"''' '"l~ ':;';~,., ,,,,,,.,,..,,.,.,'i<.~ f~l .......... I' ,lit .,":' ,,=~ !.<J '" ... ~,.""'.. ; r;: H\~ I).; MMI._T1l.liin. l' !I.m, hl lOp.l'I.'I. frL .. S;.rt, ·ttl MI4~ 1).-nT'~_7m " Y.'M--~", .,.~--",,< N-~ "" s....~l' c:" \,,,,,.,,,, j,l,,' ii' I."~."" "W'",-, c' "'.,"' ...',.". r,' 1'<...., i')... \ "J i'''' ~<",(') 11.(>') r""," {i',l .""'~ ~"''>';'<'"J 11,_""",·' '.", 1).1l (,~""" ~~ '.{II S·""",,,,,, ~'!--a., I~ F....- rn Nnn nlJ ~""Y L...,..,.,. 1.4-:.)) ~<;'''''"'''(~" ·,):I~'tY~tlI ;',.~i!~..\H~) 3 .....,... to 'p.;m; fOOD TO GO 1lDIImI····· ..•.................... :.:' . ' .'. " 11",,,'~ 5ATU1WA Y MOR:N'lNG ~.)O ~,!j r : = E 10, a REASON? r~·; R<~",. ~."" A,'"""~bv ~i;:K""'~~"1 1-lI'r Pn:>m-p-t, ~ffic:i<llrt 5.wr'~ I co, >--. '.\",,, c·:", ~,I WINDOWS ! 'f'~"". <"""(.,...._".}'. <lH·: l!tO Heknll. A./rp-Qrt ReplClc'"ed Quicklyl " o.~~-""''" "';. ,.." • Amhvllll'lce rB~fN "~,' '" ." ''';, ,"".,,,.... " ..",.', '.' ~ • Air Taxi II • Studenf IIlSfr'tton . .;.1 .';>:1 '.-,.••.<'"':., __ ... _ Morrison ju,cif a:"j nd...... !l ~iP 18 O·UJ CXCes6 s,'lt:rdmg (\[]{' ~ the.) ; lhs • «,<"'0.""'" ~ ""'.'_"T;"'· 1 ,~'_ ~" lot llIlO let i C;reat Falb $aid he ba5 dom, .,.,:,_ 44~-n40 '" (m"""""",<:~, ',c 0'1-<·..·.0\ , ? the g~ i SdsL.'<d, w@"'ic\\m and rmm. i Iluon ana: ages thr Selst<ld So·t: &:rvic;: in . .... n,q...!u ""> to See on - __... _~ b~ t'bt.ng.:. ''IlIl':';' ~~\'e \ifr?); :;.;rlyed by lip' t!lr~.c .mle i pt'i.ng lJ-u~ii~}Jk,; mMllige-.0 ilUoW HJ:n-ic'.et-to wh1ir:~~M\'''' '. 111 belh Qt'ld ,ttu ;.!;--e-y Ijr~ rW"",~t(;j'l lnc:n:';j~c5 iTt (-on.. :er-<'.Ddini 1:\:\1I'.\tI olurnbl"'J - med almost the S<i.nw '!.(ilt,,:il-l" .'k;l<: n01 Dt'W )'OU' )"kt~L R"PQt.r;"V'P.A!~,'?1:!J. "! llullk ·...1rR1,We :),,~tc<:j Le', dO ,s d ;n~}fftY': c.s$\bh, 'r~, O""'~ \,.~, finisJI dw n,jCoIl by flm.rw ta.~'."-'" ",tWTi' lS fii;ml1y "",:,<1 l!1<:n ,·CF.' lb-, st:atc'~'fXJ?Ii~a;i{"[I h;\-~ o1('l'n :i )t' C:-:-~i'~C ll.!- be...,., ro'"'Q lo-J1 ),0 I~~-~---~ in KO\'lmJ,,,'t.t'~,! $p'~,±i~. !-"';:iC"\'e~ Sc:isl.<,(j i."id. a(3:d;l.n.~ H)<l~ [.r; the, 'N.t, highial)[ f:! n: }t:arSttHi" c{r;l cd "'lilJ~; rn, C;,U8C €oYenmw,nt t.fulll.mx\,.<;t qnubi-".'Cl ,d) oppor· ue,v'J) ;t",. 14-Ho'llf Sentell (;QycrnJl}.m:I1 ('.<v.m (F )x Ih'i:£id Pll.r;)Gj,('"., the ,,!;lu',,' h't H....m f>:>\ b, Household Plumbing & Heut!n'.! (>I (b~'ml:; OT\, : tht t"l1i\i[ler,."""L~ th,.,{ ~,[ ~~'I ""1Jlk at the ~.lJHH~: d<.'i,:~ tim,; : till';:;;" ie: I The first visrt . asy Scan and Print 'ililll1 'u.>mD"t,l'l,n;;'" ~.0irJ~ it ~NA ;-i,'W~" ill'" (.';',~~ 11 ifl," 01 I'tiln')!L')t ~NIX In9 to t-tl th:J( ';; j!H; [ir'''.ir:lbl-~ WhlJ:t Wf.' w~~;}{, Wt' s!!c:!';h(~ io~)'; Ilt'td th!.'! !!~n;~ ~km !DAM:$'· GI;;~" ShGp if fill~ $1 "Gte h" g a,ASON1 ! Hf' ,~..'dtl lrl; j',~,"'" ;.,'" h;(l ! ~ ,~},'J­ ii>e s.,k~s (~\\ i~"u~, b A,lit ~~'Y y r.".",~ _:~""t -S-~1 i'"UI ~;;_'''''''iP i',.'''''''' I·~'",,~m li~ ;"-.',,,,~ "-"''''.-r .1.£-; ~~ "~I FREE m""W:-e<':t<rn. m ~""'\'~, ;~'11,' w..~.~ T_-.m- ~ff The first visit is h~ "'~"1 :p "-'«4<1'11"""", ATl,A~ 'r'll:AV-n OItbl'>>rl. S"d!:,ltd ,ik;l' (£1 n'~l l"",!\ 1""')' <-/l!- ~",j,wI"'D~ ...... (l'1 ; JiI. )",!o._ ... """""' .\<, ....,- 1,>"",.-:;~~ "''''1 W,?~!,-t>,;1":IF. ot M'Jrr }tt';l tb ,~)(\i;d {t":c,, tljJ rf\'.:':f(: lS pr uC:-K:i,1 ' l!>i)'il\;1;,., !IO fr*rn ... ~...........................~"'~, "n !,,;~~ !,:l'-!t.,,_\,..,:.l{...... ·i~, .'.~ ~""'" !"'M;!">l'I ~'~ J",."""" ""... i,'.\;'\ !'.:;-r,,,1'c,,,,,,,, Vot-~n ~~:pGIi;~ ··1 C]('6<r' SPA , ~ ~-"rNl ~. ,.)', """,,'J'~ ,!J'in\( ~(1i;.;(j VI'!".\' Helena Health .'!'" ~( II~..," 'n """,.,.",,':1', k-of' I.l;' 7,,; [;",.,'1" .1, ~""'~r iI' III a'->l J-t-lo._ti:Tf ",.•,',kt J"~",",_"'__ t>.",-I)J 1,~ tH 11 (rn~y fi(;.!, ,<,err ;;;;. """,;·n I:h~ti lll'.!\; cti"'!n ';~~ :o;r,,: II "."l";,, Ix,J.' fihv lilA! the,;' <:jjin't w~1I1 ;.l<1r b,~,'i'\'Y; ni lilly k;hvd" A.~ with !}{' I>dy ;;!\ ,n" flY, '-'':':;:dJ(j.(1'l-<,!·' thh: :;'-',1,,'-'1;:) ,,:,i,,-j 1i 442~.am 1~1 1""''''i"N,j'~' ')' 1.1<,,( G'R'O-N:OL{X; ,.,,'1,- cd cqn he h:td rkk-r!(~' ,~! bd: (l,1){1 tnv. \ V<'$rd t:hl.t tx\ijl~(:'fll.t'.t>, M1:1!)rlJ,: Clf.C' 1 ,oe ~'M ll.A~U!At.l Thi~ f~<'-"';;I-<, f/~ l'N.-d I,) f1;'5'i}[(', w';: f,.J,,~,. ",,1'-Q!';':':Of.l dtit..."'l:k~ it' U"I'.' ~ill \,~. "J (hr.;;:!\. thb is 0F!(: of till'_ r;;;-d ti:,>ilt, r-..cae, P;;.,;,~~ .• wT!C "',,"'~~. ;'0 10<:-1;'.' (>,,~ ~:'> -".("",,1, Th< Wi'-~','J: "'" 'T',,~g. rc-',,'l ,..-....." '1 ~.J" ,H'I A·~ G~ Cl(;~b:-.d h\i'''l'''>'!~'Gr,-, T""in:.: U.tr.-:t) ''''''''~i OTo'a, UTl;rWA'f SAiUi'DA.Y ',",'" "(':Lq>:' til C<;t1 B!.~b~,~ -:-rr L ;,p- <c"'~l",,-,-, Hi!;.? If YOU"VE GOT rH:i ntAE, WY'lf 0,01 THE jn liny way a'U"-ft MJllER 'I 111:1;,',-, !\,,'rt' pk:~\~ .,f t:>-{:'Jple who Ci~n h,'::rl,J!C :h,',;~ .lOb". I d;:m'!, htl','in:g f,! ~:;<'. J:"~ ~1~'ii;1. :1;,1" r:;;;'!j: rl.. ,~ nt"--",-t II" gir! I ;£:,,\h ,:;:-..e!.f ,'f A 'i ''l1.''3'~'~ k ':'. d ("":-, &:~~'.;.;N1 ;" ,-.; . ".-," ...• 5>A!UROAY ~""'f'JfI'i "'j,,>:,. ~',; id !N.'i,:f'\"'''~ :iX...J1j lles-5 _ ~h,., ,>(~,;t "::!;{r;g lb;J: h...pr"''"/; w,,.:d.-j l,)O~ 113 h"i\'t: finish <;<-( j: " : He f<"id ~i~'[e h;;L~ lx,~n '" !n! ; o! ~ip S:f.n~fe ,100 :;,:;g,.'.,-~;: (a::.,YJi ":hi': " ~(~),.:i };,,'J .,\ h8_\ ido::(' ~'l\)jjlng d;")wr: n':j!'fiy ]'1'(1 !20g't.."nCk'0 l:-:w 19 or ZO d~~n· 'mi':nts_ "1'hat b.! ~-Ur't f1.;ii:.As11, It ha-s ml c-nmjGi1~P.:<.1on~ emp!>).~~ e>r ~g~" JUS: fYfNlN(j 0' CLAUSEN 1· f":lt«"tHhr H4~)f!<,l\nbJ!Jhln ~ r~}j"g,,11;r;1;!C!;', , <)',1(';(?'t1 hig.h 5AnJRDA,\" ArTU:NOO-H ~chool 1..""-; "'''',." ....." '-,',.,' ",->-"",~ .".. ',Z- .,:.,-.' c," ",,~,., jC'-- '':»'' ,-,... <l<,."., ; _. .,.'r,UI A',,",I':li.!--!;"'." K:M<X>1. ~'''" ft_l:I"',.. .., """'r..., ~»¢ ", 0-1.. 10'1'\ rhO'; 56d,> lr,,-1v !-'l$O.Gt:i!; li-';,;ond AfJ.faN.OPli, . "AI'lll!MOOM d~d n-,., fo·und il iltd: of con l'othi' ~ATVROAl leo !'.M !lA~·UAll To-." r.·.,,,,,,,,tr \J'1I~""" "-<"<',, T't-,~ ii",o U TUlDA Y M-ORHIN-G .. ,_ ,..... -""..... ..._" 1',00 ,,_ t' .. 1>"-'...... , " .. ,::.:.~': ,..,~,;v S'}~ "'1«'1 ,tht A'I c>r OoH"nd. 11-'>, e!. ~''';''j. {J,6.7) T <,".'J!> 1<30\." '-", i';":( '~"'i"'~'Y.,'"() SA TlIWOA Y UTU'RtlAY AfT,mtOQN ,_._ M,rUNOON-_ '<i; '>l,'" '.i-:, PW'""'lI li""''''_~ i...''','' "-., .•...,,'<. ("",,"'" i'-d';"'" ir tIlt r-,J.~- Rr>I)t!:-! f. s.p· ,'WT df,'Clr.,~ ('1 ;;n'V:{l:'~5 "'of " •. ~., (.'.. ii '-""'''''''.W''''''''' Il-"'-~,, '1' ],~ ~~''''' >-l_ '-i.o ... ,y "'-"~. L~" ~~:r~' ,;~\ --'~'--~--'------"-' ('!inN..! ~.i,;;;,: ;!J'j .;))" t· ;. ;, "•.,;.,,~ o.n,., I -'ito .~'".,., '11 if YOUV~ GOT THl lIM.f, WfVt: 0-0 T THE 1 g'UR" MJ1LE1I. I II' SA lV-RDA 'f fVENlNQ 0' B-o-trlu ;! ::'('I';/1;~ ::',f r",,"~'" :r,,', J:,~, ~rp'_!'d ~".·'(',~~n}f':~-'; '.':' i f"j' CLAUSEN kli; c ,_-~ " , ~'_''- • i I , \(' I;', .i, *--'--'. ". D,tS'll!: 'I-UT1NG CO" ---------_._._---- , ",' ;<<) ", Easy Scan and Print New Constitution N(lo(-e--T't<i~ rE,qtior'm ~ {'j tt ;,'" -"t, red;-,'" , Uth hi ,3sen« (.l~ fi:'l.ork-. "Jt:!'m-; h trdn,~ ke:y J)l"fnt$iBm &1 ii)'!' lX'('--- i n,,',.'-i,-:l pol"ed l'lt!'>;" ,~(lw..'I'ti.bil'i(~ni'lml CiJdr: t.-''.":: died. t1:~ ~el. (I-f\ nYm~Nh'1S:_F.... " ';~!Wf ),'1., ilj Ie, :'~l,.,j 1;;:"("': Touche~ 1:- r j ( ! ~: !,~ ,-.{.tl' "".i ('(f,RJtA;...· TIN~ !1im',l\flr lligbw'ly 'r'<'l::t.c,~~ run)' ,lp Ii, Uc~h'\iI'ay lJJ,j-;n;l;'«:)' ,\XI try- t.b-c ;:md b~tl·;)q; if ('wite'"''': ~';r<;c,~': «lY,e:I')'(~_~'):J::::';, (j'j;-er,sjc"l" ('(';,JJf;lJi.' ",n-e. 10 ~x '1\ ,"'JW"d.,·,; pil; l;:;, hi~1\'.;>,> 1;6t'i ';i-,-,.:= ('o~nn.:;"r:N t!~;(,tl ))~:; l:!',' '-'f.\",'\L~tu~.h-J') (/l::J L1;c" 1:; Cllt.~ \Y'O'd'U-udk.;; :0\,.",", w,~",,"., Weekdays 9·9 !':~_TW-i,-rkd Ilb,,11\l.';:;~' ,l--~e Lundy Shopping Cent '-:'<.Y]ln.imtiOJ:l' ·but ~"-~; dl(h:;"·",,(".~, McGovern Delegates Tallied p':.\WrLk\'1), ~'>('j; o-l'~, {i',P:, ¥::t:r:'I~';--f";: j/f,.4~fi'r Hh.xk: bJ ....fltl Df":n(l(:rilU\.~ ;<$1:1. ~7j,~W."!\ ir:" t;\' Ore}'.'>,; \11 he",1~ ~<x;~h t"day to ~i:¢ &'JJ, I hI ~n j-!. iiumphtftc'i..'1 C.liHfof· ii\.;) 's JJlJl{'. ,6 .sl~it'ci-.t"'m \h....~-;{jv\.'rn L;rke.~·jJl1': mommt.;:n: be: s{i-ll-ght. ;,>:n:j hI.' "'" y:-: tht!-: j[ he r:i!.nvfi.l Caht<"Jr;;:rfl \':',Lh it... 'ZIt dt:'I.~Mh~. he might !)(o- ab(f: h~ \~T>'Ip :l1p Lb,) Ikn-;0-,':0 ~dk ':leIGH' )!XflS prt'!j'jd'mtiJ;! f'~.)rninRti(>,r the [;3!ipn(!! 0:X;~'d\tk"71 July 10 in Millmi &.;1cil. ' 1":)('; 1','1(1 'l'ktt,,'les T'cI6t:'da,y IP'.ve ~,kGv-n~,r!l bQ mort' odegaLe,s--22 b Rl)ooe lslsnc, 34 in On>-g-o,,.---and Ve EOdded ! 1 rnore from Mis.<i-ouri dl-strlc'. rn~-e;jn.g~ lQ swell hJS first-pber. tma] t·) :vnl;-i of the 1.5..19 'i'O,E"S 1lft.'Ciea to (':?ptur-e the no."TlimltiolJ. Ii: HflOdc J~~and. ""her>? tilf ~'Hr.h f),Tk'<1L"l ~;>n:>;c'~ PRICES GOOD THRUMONDAY <,/ GULF..LIJ.E ~A\fN J2-{)z. con Open Memori SET OF PLATE HOLDER; V/lcker· Vieov<l. ron Si Easy Scan and Print es Sacred Highway Funds diDn: [{.):nd·~ ';,': '.i),y"M, Uvy '!:l)!tl! : Ul{~ !'::f'i~L,au(' c\,uj,j ;;dd ;:IfOi'. Mi"':!'" !),';:(', ,f"~-~': 'n.f'~:f i!W n"."'.- ('_':;:'.:;;;'.';:? ':,1 ,A,r;-:'.J !-.,,;.! ,:",!:,""-' ",,:: ,;,'h', r>l~"p;.' «0 (;<"-' iJ'i(' in (!':>:: i~.\-~ ~::;-_~ ,1,;,,,1 (j:r'" hr,~:\ '-;;;:~';' ~i'p ,;"x,l'ij ::';'-:,~,:;t-';~ ii" ;';"'j:"XW', " "_";' ':,)b,'!1!y. 0:mtl:nulty ,[;:, D",~r;r}~.') ;,n',-j _\.:l"jl'Pi~;.ji'jJC.l1, nJ l\ d e It tlH' ",;j the ell 11,1,'; ; i. '; !-,"'J','h0~; rd~H' lim, !(>gt'.J;~hJtt: U<"c'hr~~ Center SlJl'ldays 12-5 . lorial Day lOAM to 6PM JE 4 ~ER.S e, i 0" Size l5 ',;, :j·d~-<'l'J·s,kln (il;. fb it ;y,1 l«:\.cd j!}",,)1J.;-':~ Th.( ~'bJ"'i!.l )f r, RAIJr YARD..GUARD OutC<:':Of F6ggef~ Ktlis Ftving ln5-e-::rs lip te, )·O·fr, o'....-oy i 6 !/2-0l. con UMJT: 2' Easy Scan and Print - Page of Comment \\';:l.l 'That' Court u' B"';'~e;,j ;:';':"""" F· .,,: ~~: "J\C~ l,,(·s:!'lf'~'i \\'h: :0[,;,:' :'('''(-.\-;--'1'1,'.< ;:'.;C 1n',~r I. lm;r 'J'Lt Mu~';L:\.;',a SHFP~mt' :[-,wct ,'y[ ('(Jltor:,:.! P~t~,:f i)~: rndfi)f.nt~(;n: H r: ( i Ci 'Liinn "1': ;; ;', ,,~.,\, . ,' f.'.rt 'Xc.U },"";:~ , ,::; citn:l.' tiE: ':,0)11';";; ;;.nr,(,un(:(';'l.:;_l~l ('on :':' Cl·t: lL;'Ji1B.; C"t.:-l'l '.'':H i)':~'n ~ ... -." - "0': ;::];UE·~:(\ t.-0,i:,ppN;r b{i;{';'(' )U'"U~:.{'"''' Lt,' ;jrt")-:l~l , ';:".",:: ~tpdn~:t. n p0"'-;:;Uli~: Vj;)!!l- 'L,ktn" (;:::nc :!,l". G;:nb,[i ',' prof!'" 2?:li ~(;nliLL(:t.! (; i:!;: ,I'.0;:n;.; ~;,c AHhi>'.l~\' L:~f:' n':;j' l,l).f; \i:" \:,;,t ;";,,,;1 'J ~""'.,:;, ,'" wa.". not, I:'i.ell ','\! '·n ;H,\(' '\T, ··',t", :rT~)Jf:itr:h. J,;:ll~ \\/arrc;n C\il~Ut 1(;;:( t)y L;){' ncll:H~ of R1C!:"rd Niz.~\;: 'J; ii ) ;!" ~';\' i:\ r;~·H.i·: ~;;~d dt.!,;;t;li.,<j ;t T :.-li.:TJ5, ,_:;>.1;(';' YC', ,i "I:,,,,'.. !ill. ppe-nti to toe k IV· crHicnJ (!f the l#',;~ 1\ Court Us [IA~!t:I [\1 m :~ 'Let's Outdo Chino and Agree on a Few Things' Kids Without End ,,'o' Bu" ";1( '.,,-,,cndmf'.:',' ;,j.J L;';' (o""""",,,,! A:,,-j Pi"" lIark i".' it\m,<~ :tHO d U:iJ'~: ,<f:"~ 'v' -£<,' ..,'" the,,· ;;'\" hi :.:"'. ,:,Ijr,: k.~~< i'1g tee' ~:a~~ tb,,!j ,",;ac"'~:_ i'·tij- ;:,;y:,u.~ dt,i-',"-' -. e p', ~~i ~i',:',!:rFre-t ~ T! ",'1 ~" J,j:;-~';(;t' j,;;, ;d tb' ;r,(;m-.[';;:·~iJ :,"'-'\'l";' ".,!.. ",.,;,'. ,";",'B o@ i,,0;"1I\:I'HI<J[\ iij$('--'..inf'.)ni.w,~JlJ·:l' BY RFSSFU. BAKER WA-SHLXGTQ;"\---The kilts, V'OLl Y iH;g '-!w,; ''"I-' J $i.'l{r: l\·inr;lu ;!"J.~ :;.): ,:'.1.-.';-1:": c.,: :~', 1.1 '.J:- C:.i;"~j-,'2 t '".;.l.~ ;t',-f:':~':'·" d--' [,i,'::-: +,':O:i;ji ,)i..::,;( ,'iic;{:" i> Hf!l' :.•: ".;"'-" ':O'I-':F;:c-:;~ Easy Scan and Print Warren GO'1irt and publicly VCf',;,'wJ Lo tum it a.rn'Uud.. The.U,S.Su- pr{ttYe"Coutt \-\'iJ~' )1l- bes.g'h~,~}"1 ~ai(L who tZ!,I[(' In '-'l)q~r;.tg\l t.o "i~:­ ge·ther' in th!:< ar·(-:'J. ;n.:;U.'::d that OUJ :'J-uvrl.·f'__l.~ ()"OJrL ,-a.n'l foJ!<w,' tJil8 cn-c·{lo. Ijl.!lV~ad !l!c}' ':rlOo"'I~'to !i<J)" "Y~,}lJ eRn p!;1)' Lnc f;:,1J)W b,,;. don't, yu\,! C".ver-1()r~ :.eft thilL it !~ ('our foolb",dj ilnd Wt,,,: Ui,l inIt,,~ The court.. i-fUOU,gtl ;qrba!l philoi:'ophJ,<: ls PTi:StJit FroVln~~ !"mi!Y"l,el\' sut:ce-&;fil~ ~d rf'dndng ,he 1egfl;j rl:i:\\.enlit;\: w nOUlli"i(i mure Ul"n '~i-it(,!j In!?'; W~jO ('(l(j- '~,<," try.l..0,dh:l.de lJy n;.ilKtDli: j;\(iUl:;i> Clf little U',~rLg-" \1/(; \t".jo,d.d ]:kf t" r('mind l:lC gnv(!.,no, '.hHL t:)1,' pre.vi (i'; !'<,{on- 'l!, ~I.:l.1; de',o(rd tll!H\ ''{In.,~k1f'mhlc :~Pf~((-~ iht? p~Jb1.k ;llK'.,ll (~ A prd.!y hL~ ii\iN b\jf;:~'--­ n-,t' Anll('()ndH en r.U\(j ASARCO ~w\i the CHif.{;t;I,y r.IL'i.() o"nv, lnf~')nr]\.ng cn',lpl(~ whdmlngly .<,UPP{)!"lNj a ,kArl·Up job. t.Jut. Hie gO"-em·(,r ,wa..s:n·t n.il lhi'lt f.~;.ci',,{:c(~ Etl,X::'U!. publiC opininll He ~iw{:'.fd~s·il.ViBrd>'i banquet. Cunn.lnr.-1Utm, .tTiUl1nger ofHtJ(':J"id Firs-t" whkh i;'i the organlziJ.\ion rctip:)Ds,iblf' (':-1" C'Olistruction a dO'ST\!Own l'loLc:l-col1venUon hfh"i .Li<"i:'tJ A.' V('fY dcdlcllJt'd ~kvot-C'd GI)unUr5:;houJ"ii to the mil!\' Yo\" Uttle Lhing:< wh,,'i",\c bk'N 0cit p-r(lpn''.lc,n !nON' Lh~li 'a~'H)rccilltjl)n 1m:' ht'1- work, \lie C~;I\'t ~:Kin to t.l~Hnk Cunntn~tHi,rH and Heleru'l Yinit (fJj()ug;11 tor h,lVi:~g L)i!; faJtJ"\ ,wcl confidence in. c!ownt.Q<;\T, Hp-\!~rur io p1-ovl.dc such n.n ~·xcc.!knt fnc[lity UR Director TI";(' HrJena CHy Cnmmissl-an in tl;,:, P~! ,,~, F(i-rre::;l Anderson e.:':P1TSF;:,(i rjjSpiCil.,:>'IH: wit h the nc\l"S nkdl" e-ilrly il1_"\ wekK dudng J. Gr ~];(~('Ur,g f" ,me-)t U'ln hdl tX: made V--"s D"'P'~l gw>(! wn,: d ',t'"g(' t.he l'ornm,iS;\:OI> e:';; if i, L': ,:i f~!! pos.siblc:, to pick Y.Hl1i-(i'i(' ir C)!,-, wi~hin '.nIJar, re- (']b1li·\!P F,1) h .~tateg(}'d~];n· 13,;)(:-aLV:(lU,' :il.ter Gad "-:-: the .-,the) h:i:',d Il;(,Jll. 'i<~ an an.U-HtLcr G:i'gHfli· ;q;~l "1,-("[[' glad f"!lH B-oHrd of ((J ",,('t; r-ka!l;:lf~ V;{::"! K \', (> ViC'. the l-lti· rumor' :':«Il'( iW"','[,i VJ )',i'ad Lih' proj(:,."t Surf:!Y. Appropriate \~'''' Andfl-SCl-n Of ":':"r<llj:;:" "iL'; ".,,)1 !y,' ;·n...·'.)! happy ;'()O;'i:l'''t,· \'.-'c ie ai"'J f{',( a r,aUc,n K!lO\':!11 lik~ti.litHu\ )$ n",.mlng a new ::'''.(' L:-bv.:, R-t'p(;\, 1 I! CI 'h.lS-'j'b!e tha' a c!'C'lc()-' C;,-,', gmt years lit' p-l"')jI'Cl, The pL~J.llH' h~ re-ceived is )L"jl Onf.' i:iID,dj r{f"llHf: 1.0 :;.lww lU,t' fdi tlv:. 'p1JbLj\~~- did;l H:,<;i' CunningluUl) ilnd tht, of!k~~rs and directof_<; of Helena FjJ"~t a.t a fipt:- '".y. (,j s' C i');) Tsk, Tsk ix- U~ lo(;t df'.;'(c thou, :101d iT1'.j!-C' Jr, \velf !i gT\)UP n';'(~j t(l g-d Vr,)). I· m~gh.t. dlM'gree w-i t It whflL yo,\: ~ay, J ,1,'1Il dC-1t'n,j unlD dc,Hh .l'u-ur rl,gill.. Lo liiJ.)' it.-" IV'; i1 ~hiHl)'(' ,ht ',;;1\:' U\ougt~ (fJ\'- ~.l:a~:~. I?{:>Ct'~~~aTLlJ? r(ll0~:" t!.W~I).Ll= lIt-Ier projt}<:l af>\tr;~:Q$JJ.. He, wished the prt·'S;,; "wouM Rl\'f: a jilL!>;> m.ore d((:d. memory s.erve:'. it If d the' 'hef.l.L. ;J.'ith,~tOOd can't our legal the p:-czs would proyjd.c !.iF: rnuH h,n'\" one rnall hn:-; the t)':l)(Jt.i.~e to tah-:{: w!;!) now OV~J ,his :~.iex Uses Its 'Void' Stamp Again I·,I['C U.t' ~:'d' \.;1'-,' :i',{'\, ;In.-g~ d i-q",lugl:.:,t f"'J ',lW t":>!1ing ~ir ilO;1 WII:';! :lul ",'h~ ':',L' .":iii,:"'" "','I'Ti'\l OUt J L! ~ l : b1oul!1".t T"1\:ji'~ Ihf' ":l:~,'> '-"i,~l ('"sUe!>, whc,~-c.: ';',1:1' '!JJ ;wre.~ u[ l;.k"rr"nl c t pr':'f!('r! Y (,DUi \j;)nlanil S0 co \C," nl'.~-j (:(';.1;-1 out ('_thies, ."..t,~' (10 :1WD'10";fS 'c e p t p'.lJi:iCc;[ ('OrLLriO'.lt!l.ms e.rprt't': T hat's wlUH A::soHe Jt1~ll('e W(·~le', CasUes is ing :", duirm,ln of UV! \Inn, Co·mml$.<;io,; su GmCetnt-.j wh! '.'X> member,:, r,:l l~1'tmi:1ill 1...<.,1' If this ~()(ll'~tS ,Cd, f>lhll'~, n' unofficial f\'\I(>r 1..[,' in i%'"1 for the m.-xie:s( ethio" :1 :.hls !;md:-' aj](1 prl'dlle 3j\ j- ~lJm I.hll l!lb ',:a:rl--(h~ b,l~'(!'-'r! ,<I .5-L<ltu~ uuv, the dr:/end('f Uw [)tJ'iloerf:.:J the ch-a.mpi.·;fl ,I ii,,: (I\'('roog-lj not ical,h CO!>-c~r~)(-'d ·,o;-i.Ul e'thlcs, bv~ ,;it.h 'r·<ilnidaiinr:, E;:Ls~whff';, F'':'U!.'i aft' (Orlsjeered. Cif3':1e,JO' (,1 lrb"- ,h' dom and t2nd, Danitl J. FlIley tIle demo<:rac~ C'jun ;S 3 1n \1(.'n· k3-Qlfrg s:: nH of dis:<,{".n.~_ The Gril'r'hii! r2--;" "~f'iI'." f,) !Y! part u! 3. (3th!"r Sll."1OV:W,--,,, pz":.ern whid'l may c:i(j iF, ~,"J:,. timg tht' prl-,posen ;:',,'~';r." ,I-;~ '~O[;st!lU:l!ir;. ,~" 'di!1 public oHlri;:J)s ;md Ci)1l ;;"'; ,-,,:1 inr iJ1jOtJWf p!J!Jlk c/!h" ,iI';f' tu,iied arDw'.d and :u!d :!w: (};Q,,:e pu.bfk oliir:iil):; ('il,';!"'}l act IE a jruhJic (>P'H.'I(y by .~!~i"r.d!nj: pubhc TIl'.':"""'!: far ;; pi ..J.1Jii<:: purr..)se ('dUC2~ng I'll!. ~.:-:.~ '-,:1 Iht' pr"),X/,'{',) ,~O!1':'t~tlJ chin S1:l11C'timfJoir)tl~ Fial :--;0-';\ thi: ,"'-;-ur; bj' ~u,C',jrnClr:­ i'~'·..'_~ fi,n pi;;Ct,S af, as",:nsf; 0>1 me !.reedom O-f $j)(>eC't~ cI;;-use .. l-, ",~, h. Easy Scan and Print Sunday Smorgasbo.rdt Court lS 3..ge u):n DUCiC: til \)J) :1 '11:: n JI ,1' lion hit;; )x!o,'c Warr'ell Cc.u,'t HJl.d pubUcl,y "Ti\""\! th£ prf.ii,~wOuld p,n'i'"idc tLc ' twto 1,1;111 it 8.found; Th.:' C.S, Eu- rrf\g~: .p;e9~~'i-aT:' l,.(J i.n~f;.(' t.!u _rl~·,.t i-, i)j"(;ii1( CO'urt i'lfl;\t(l(\{i -the:-11ea(,- Ht\{';r trwj'",:ct. i\ "U(':-}(l,;3, He wi.sll0d V/h.'· COlI,', '.lUi"" iecgul b(:llg\rc"c:, Uw rTf'..s s "w-o'uld 1;1'(' i:l. L\\.Uc m·on: ':'o\'er~g(' to lhe f;f>f'-<! \'} j;et us tf)]f n·t'~rn(lr·:; sen'(':<.. It "r,.« V(i!· ;,Hi:' \h'bu e!ft't:L. '":!,!. w t,il \·Ihrd 'l'OI! :,;el,' ,.. j)l dr;ienct un[{:, dc·,t.th Y(j-U)' r;,f~ht ~~, .%11' i,i..'· I;',', .1 ..,h,Ullr: ,hIl;' O\lr t;uP,'(!nr: (-ni~f't J tY:(i;ll::~i ii.n .s:,,;n. i;, :l';j)~h\ I(!!I(N: (11.:"111,.1("(' npcn LT;!" Lh:,y dlC,(,~i(· \(. fU;"." '"'/;)'.: (:~Ul pilly \he g0.f!1C, but dc;i'\'(' ~'('1 t));;j!)t T1151{:,1r( Y(\'<j e';-"e!"1':nr- (i1;[' !,!(!tbJl~l anj ';.,(.'", jH~}t lS proving i,t r~duCi.ng ,<.'I ;<'U,irq; h[ ",'eli (;-,i!~i(.(1 d" r::'A) !J h ;',ng ",',<1 i:ry Tsk, Tsk ell" G.i,!;:;· Ci(" i.:.\. (l.r cd "m(l!,,~ rL: IT:(:{.ili, lique. i~ lard Nix- pj«,l',;U;'f, 1'11:-1)' ii;('(,~I:q: wit l'j.'! I~ w.;.{'k the d(:; ;,('ws :ng it Ci.lnnJng-hiull, man8~-e-r' ot Hel'::;:11 First. ',vhk,h i.s t.ht~ O:rgantw.linn n':!.p"n.s.1b\(' tor' construction '~: ". downt·o\o;'n hnl:e,i-conventJon i..h:ng1 ' Jl<!.,';:OCrD a·vcry'cwcatect Pf('::~.~ wm'er'r;Oi tho.! ,hi' Lanl~ deviJl.(-,(\ M,}1'.· I){ cor;:ij(l(':·,~bjf' "Pi;:,:';: lZ} Lnfonr.\ng th-,: p;ib1k :-d'Yiut ;; l:n'.JpJ(' '/ pr~:Uy \)\:r i~lli.~r lp,j~1<'-:"­ Tl1·C ,.... n.!i,:(;r·:()il (:,1 .;\.i,,:1 A.:-;:AHC() ,,;.~o in.", ,fCiUler,ry C,\'f',- ,,·:.£lC FZl, ITlOf"e. UlaflJq~t y,til.l:'S he pn):(~cL. '~iX'it Tll(' pta.que hr;rccdveQ i;;\ nne 9;JJ'";<l-U f,1."5turc t.o snerw "':l;;n,d,IUon hJs work.. We t:or' t l:l<f'gJn Lo UH1nk Cl,lonl1l.ghaJR-· :ulci Hr:JHHl. Fin;t. CJ1,)u.gh for hav~ C'i<il c:eiiT1.·,p in; the faith and confidence in job, lmt th!~ gu,;,y;-nQT "dl.\T' '; f.tti [[H, (;xc1"ed "JAn;, n\JlJ\!,:' o})jnioll He il'Y~ cJ!di' L ii~:(, a!' :.. h' ,i·ijWn::r)'J.'n l:!eh~Jlir tn provide J}'ucl1 i.\J'! e:>:ceHenl flH~jlity {i UR Director l.y 'oA " -' :',i .i) > :-l~' "!f: r;[ ',.;t T::,~ H,(O]F·na ,;l.Ul' tJ--"nf> ';;, ':'! iJ-:')pcrtifw, ('ooperal~' ViE" r(' ,'i.!:"o 1I' .~l.;IL.f nWi",i B,ii"('l,U' "",;," !it:cr :IS r\l( .:l.~ t~,e end l.l/N":· D.Oil.Td 1.~ 1'Y [l \\"r: w(idic! Ul'g(' t.he .r:ofllmJs'$HIT"I('r.' l~ I: :.", id, ,iii po,~sibl(:, t.O plr:k -;<:,r:H:')"t' ~run' \dth\n urban 1"('1,1"-.;":.1) !.() neM; U~f' proJect. Surfiy, Hr-l· .A.:c.x hit;:, til(' f'xp-f'ftis{c'. L·O take ()vpr thl.'; ':'\1;("; k:r·tc: F~lad to :;("C' uf H_eiiiUTi ): IJ,'c' V;:.rlrn¢l; l. 11''-; p"-lS,sihle thaI. a 5~'M,,:L!on wI]] I.W rnade lhL<; week, gnVi'fr,- Appropriate \J.,'t' City CDmm.ia.<don ~~~;.,J't!~~'rP~~~e~,!, ;~'f l'~'~;:l~n ~:1::::'; ;-Ie:~il-L!!l ."!~:: ;;!)C>i.! <If d.:'! c.l[iU·]iU.('r Ot'K,ani· "Kt:1,'11 ,M(I"l~'!.n.'\ be Ii n,,-wof the 'l.l; 1-',i:.: ·n:';)-;] o{ftce-rs a,nd 'k'·OLN.! (;{)Ull U(':~s hours to the l;;, Ff"rr{:,,:'t, Andei'sf,n exprr-(",,· ':< (.r','· ii~f':{\ :!';;;tf',:!(; whclmL,"gl.y <;uppon.cd ca.ntln FInd or ::-;;,q;C:'--,~ --iinrl Ie \'i<.:,ri\1$ gen-le.r in thi;; Lng l(; . (ll'i:1d{,' Cunnjngh{~.11\ Bnd the directors or He.lenaF1r:st at a spe,::l.\l.] 'n-(~'ahJi ·u·t",t'f{15 b~.q net. Wt: n;us~ 1"1,,1'>'1 ,:,(' J,Llf 'HIC nlan wl10 now i!!lpq!Jilant [L,\sigl;menL t. Uses Its 'Void' Stamp Again ~~l.-j .. ~ :d ,(J ;·u"i Jr>:,i,)(.. :,,' )Cl: ,)(";:!.,, ''''h \hl'ir ho~'" ,'vrd HI;l \\!l~ :h:.', ",;ddc' '.0/"::-1; ilL'<jut ethlJ.:< '{I 1f (his r-0~t;·'. :~ ~0 f',",r"·'.'f;lN ':ll)<,ut e,thic:'.. wt<, d.(, nH"mb'~r, 1(' :i C l 1" P t In or 'r ('k :'.5 11<' :n- Ca:,"i.fl;:5 Wf1~>~('. \'i·;fe t-,':~dgbi W iK'I"e:{ (if :Jj~'''!:'\H\I ;Jr'.Yr"-'fly fTDIll Montana [11)').-,,)" ¥; \J ::' <: Co:, ;:1 !%1 I{j-[ the political ((:-f~!:'lb<-J:i,!rl~ ir,terpret ~ T h a \ : ~ what As~»c,a\l' JUSl\('1:' W-:sk; Ci)$:.k;< is di.\ir,g ,-,s, chai~'n,ilr; ',:;I·.~; Crimjl~.;il nt if,!:, \kwl- L:\',I Jf this cu..;r! i, :";-;:' ":l:tSSJ"~, ('0·,:,\'~r:tet~ ;,\[;",,;( <'lhie.'. wh; 0':' ·~WLT1l)'2~S gi\'!' UiKl{fina! ~nd prl,a:e aGV;- i,:u! U1i, ,·(.<."rL- trw b.-";;,:,,,~ d .itijl'L~ que.:. the ddelx:i,.r (;f f' ~um j;\(, rJi.~.H:riui ',he di"mp i,:l'!1 '.J-: ,h' ,.'.erd')f:-- if:; net{ "'~;JL'~ ("0;:· Ct·, j)(~:..t ';IiiU' i'lh;i'~ bcet wi:h ;,n ,da(j-f:"'n -EJ;f.:wh~r'( ", UT',,,aft co-!}si-dt'n,(J d:.;;,d-pL~ of [ft·:-Olml a.nd dernocra'~.' j;-, \]0" tiw \--it,,," Har.Ir.! J. Foley th(' .5ii:"lt"-f--i)f Th: ','\fur'; J~ a ;(~;;Q:ng ;)Rr, ~"!( <:liii p-uhUc o-md;;ls and C<ln· :'Wl fur ,muther pUbliC o-f- fIC'; ~.hrn ruiHl th;;{ tho~ p~i:b!ic around lUfll':d ,mrJ offici,!!! (';)Jlnu! ZJr:! jn a )YJblk c.'p<'lClty by "pending publk nJ,(Jriev for a pu.DI K rllrpC\<;{" edt1ca <i.~g nU, Z.';;;~ tht? rr':'p')~d c('~5(i!u. ';(.'JI dt"~f·m ,i C~."-'· '.":-'?:-: c rCilile-r S'J"'r""Ie::..:,s p_, :ern W:li,~t: ;TI:'~ ;,,,.1 if' "'."oJ'. the p'Op'-J.':-eC ec,r.st:"i" 'r, In' ,'~': San<tim(lnipll:':' Fiat \'{;W li:H~ UJ\Jr:. ;;~K' bv s.,wttJ!"[xm_ i'I:<l p-Li!c.e<: an a,~·l<~,-jsl; Gil tht- f;t.e>JcroT< of 5P<"-ech claU-St Easy Scan and Print :!""'~ il','.i'" ~c'<"';:';"i ,1.11(1"'·('·;" ,Of; P.Ji8..(;{\na.\ (>(). :'tJl(} :\.')I\);J,.l) ,n'~ ·~·.s.nd '·E "'-';,,;X';',;! il,LV')! f'n;:,;'d~:";:',' H:' wile,; '-'!" i; ''''{;,iii','.- "")-;"'1' U':~,- <lh·() (),,'cri i': ~ ;,l}C t"JL the !::{,\'{;ni{';' '~2."~:[d ".j~ j<.;{) P!'-hji,~: 15 oC:,\l,'n t~}\\ i,!,,2'_ e:'.<:Jtr-;1 r,I)<)\;: p'iIJli·- ()!Ji:',j'--.n ('.;•., ,iI 2,L. :-'''J\iCl,'if. "\" (:~ln,<:·'.'J')' the '."t:ein;L~t~l~' ,"~ipriixt,,'d :1 C~t'iHj·(~P V, j , ' '.'i'.;i ,.."..(;.() :1. r'[_:.,;-~ :\,'\,- : riC ';':(\ lU'\(1 ~,::inR .,.,\(;\(-" ;,[ P;('p<:>r i,i'.l!,\I :::,,).": \l;'(;'f'!' 1>.. :1 I j, .;., .. I;.,:\:\;' ;:v:;:'~'! rdll -,-,,'y1 - 1('-.11 -': ':i i1 f,' I.;, ;;\',' 8-<,,[;1:1; I;W: ,I:) K,"iC, )fg,~r 1.1; W,'rl' t.hn~ ""i,d :".\; :Jr, j!,:\:; ~k\il,rd 1:(;:tl iI!.sn IC'; ,1-;' \,." 'US '',,is !i(,. ','l.f\ I;' Stamp ) , hid I. H.'li.. F Burr.au )r,i~f \I,'t'r(' gLnt! V' :.;,::-r: i.'V~ J!(,i oi HcalV11); h(j ;(': .'\'e,'; Court Uses Its Ih -JC.'..' . ' Appropriate ;-",'lflil ,,< !',n ;.:'; ;'i~' p ;,]'1 (, ··'''l1ii. !'ii:1P!J d,:, ;'>: \J,';'t:,~ :~I'U,il;:I'" 1." U,r, ., --,' ,....., "',.'"I,~ ",,.."--',':) ,'K Tsk, Tsk i)\:l lhl.' .-,.-ti, ',hr· ~'\;j\',I':; \;j' F:~:'/:w!'I';­ ;::1 l,j;':,,':--11 ,;'I)r~~ldef~d :1" ;,I,d 'T' ]\'rr.JcI J ,'i""" ,:,~ ~\.:"'.$ ·;c',·;)' ',i',,- ;'; '~iggt·~:- :*1"" (,Aii' :~ ~(' "'il, th~ "(}un ~::I!cr 'If (1 :,:)-'~fH 1" F,-lty ';~:'d t..';-I:l',Ill.i:' !,?''<' (>'('~:; '~,3 ill' - 'I't'l'."'·\' (!i::l(]r d('r;1(.,,:"~<'\ <'K,,'::-2ii'~<.~' ~>.l,H::T:l ",,'<ll',:I,'. T',"~I.I' ,<cd 'or: ~,T' l.ilt' Pfopo~,,~d "OiiS~jLtI:"·':·; ",jr" --""",., .-j,.- :\" U"; !';"c,; ",:c-r f'd,~:,t:)('~ ;'g' :" ':": ;YoUR' j::: t:(;url ~!i~~ed ,\ !,f,llil TiE' Uh': :",;.)~ !w Wi'j~, ')!l i'l',.ij., 'iff lh,~ yeJr liw l',.'U' "i:wne__d Il gIJIJPi!l1; !o(J-pb,);~by f\21i:ng' ttw! ('Dq."''f;j~ "1~3 1',,\' nJlllrl·(j'.J!r to "n :~';'V',:!t (·I('(:liof1,:, :mr:n itS UTi' <,;;:I'~ '\(;i i,h<' C,,,-I," T~\ol','~' "'f;',;;' i'.:>[lr,,:·nrsj In :;1; i ",!,t.n iiv' '_"Ii ,; ',\.,. ,,~'cil iJ! i';~-R ~'i ·w ll" eli 'J"; i<h; 1.1..'''' k ,:wr,\;';:~.' Q~'CiI10n-~, 'ieli': (" l~; H an:c:,:"ir:,,,rol, A:Jd(',~'-,n {'(,,;r~ sr.:)',;, W' ':X il(\n (;<,W FOl i"~'\ ,'T''''CiI[ n r (' r C ' ('0 wiU; ,1 J rr';-!',n-:l)<~f :: :'J::nn."i;':. D! Ul~ i, :J\i., C\)uJ'1 !_~ 1:', ;:",' W'),)'j n·:A,F\jj ';;·.... yl.,~-;'; (.~,-",-': ~() rf"~(~T';;:' ",·j·I" hf',';::.<::~! tl',a, :n':'5: I~,j"f.' h-:- bd",~',~ C'" \"-~):' ('('-rh.": ::;;,: i ,'J.;( ':<lrnjxlI/{n VlfW"UlD.cl f'owc.r '_',;"11,, CD. "n.d R b,-r'-'" "''','" ',C <".;l"~:·; (.:1',~ ".i:-;."(·~r ~-! ,1 i;- :i>,. ::,,:1: ~;,n b: \1";; "J: a0101LJ; ();hcn TIl.'1t ~.-i; I',{ )tidki!l\ !n}:pi,r"lJ0Ti '>:,'it:d til!: embJrraXsmcn1 :)1 !{t,:.''{J:: Kihowu\t ;;n.\: "(",:;o;'! )\~!td }.1ro :,' ':'l;" -,lit r!! ;-, '''·i)l',h-r~rn ,I" '.,I'··i h:mk,-rJ!]("j C,) ,',;,! 'i-H:t'k;i, C')n-C "lfi .~t'!ld -~;:-\ d('kplrs Mafia 'Tax' Is Being Pre "'~, '--n ? iJ-r r:,~; ,or ie,r a I j ,;;; .":1>1;"0 ,:5 '/}(' Tr';;,r:gie c.)/:,[,;, :"0; ;1.;1 !-.l\:f);,Jr:.::H"lls .\,·w YtJr:~ n,,,i :;-;':,,,~ ; : ~.!, : '"" wi' ,-,p ,{::~ .. ',:,~ 'W;(]{0. ~ :,<-;t", c:: . . '; Ki.';' \'1 '''C,-,'j' ,_'(: ~:'t~ b ::pP; J, hn .,-.! u h ;,,,,,,'",,, ,I,)" fI <',as [.:c' D,,;' ("J;nj.,:i(~j !r;iud;, ire"~ !-'-ir,;! M,;\:,('.~;bt'~g_ ,n.; ;;nT. ","-"';;~.' ~hp <J '\;', \, KC<:i);w: Y,-,.~'k ;l~"~ ;;;-~,;; ii',:i: l"S:j;~KJrt:, r.,,:o[,'i,rO!ic--j J'"'k,~'- ;"c'})) "t :-;·,aIW:;~C- (,:"~.llli~! il'S ('11j!' j,',',!.b,,Ji Easy Scan and Print 111<:. !\f]tiC,i,n-;O,l t, fiJi':! W{"T~, Tl'H.' '''il,n-d ct" \\'-h~';m i n g! Y !(~b i,"·(',l.b:.<i! b~l\ ~l.n(1 (j Ujt r.'~'1f!'~, '-l('(~ W(lsnt ,:11' in~· :"iC:i),n',.r fi f:;,)\Ci ,; :'WVln [;\ L.nnn.K \.:UnnlltgnttJ1l' l:;ti,;1 i-irkLto', Fil~l tn~I;.Lgh fOT hi.n- /",~.~/\'j-(.l.:;- t;!5>') (1.n(~ (ij!;,h C(I!'lfidenc{ ii'\ 0')'-"1, ~>:",'in Hi"lU:il' \0 \;:-0\,1(1(: ~.l.i( n "(dir,~nt f,V';;\\y .'U~ ,u-, enlinaLi::\ we'~;. UR Director l'd,J' '~i1 v:d n ;U'.:ng 'y;(,p' !\.l'G :"i:,~ ';:';,~, ·.~'ij1'f." in '.':) 'J; A~' ,,'J;,;" :i Tsk, 1'sk "i· ;',,;;\" i{ei(";" Ci,y ('C);1'm\$..':don ('; nJl.m!ng n. n('·\\;: I,""; :'r:j;)i'; - r"filp.-.jir;:, ,1" '--~',"'i~"'; "," i' l;:'~"in '.\\ [pc H(uu,w,",i \.,." :', l " "::,,, \V,' ;;'" I·; A.ppropriate w· :r"'rll 'V 0 'd I ' Uses Its 'Co" :,d f;'.A· ; iJ t ; ~ ( ,0 Ci.lSi~\'~, ·~-tK'w Wi tk-o;]j;;, ~,~ i\,~TC'· {..( ",,t.,,,',: ,r"" 1-1':1:"J: eLl,:," "'iJ:\ " Stamp Again 'f :,:'.' ·:::H i1'vbji( Qfnci",L, find ",o,-,rl---H)~, thl;,""'J() . 'WG, U'":;-: ddr:r--::k- '~,. ',<"J:n Me>"·:".,;; i'c, "'"\"'" 962 for :3;<' n>d\":" (,f ,',-[ ,'J~': ,!", "".f ';'~f ''''::: i3 ~;[;! "~h;c; ,\'i::t \,"::\" lt1)~ ",': .:our, "U,~n: :~ r:();,;x:,,:,~d wr.-.' d" ',Win,ft',"':' ;,j!\ i C liJ1c)ffici;:l ~' ill;',: ..-,,r' iii'lf":O-iio, ~h(' 01'(" ('Al~C[]i,~:s)C;n ,~\, '-.'c)II,:' III Thill ~ ;;:r>('<~~~! ;-i <'ncr:',('~: iir!(·~ , Wl\,ll .'i·C'...<:LJn i;,y., ~n('fn{l-t'f ;1bc),,I! {he ·.,,-n~i!· ior'li,iit:, (01 !h,. k1'i,~ja.',n;.:; UilS cnt;! I~ ;;0 cllnrt'XlinJ ',,;! (',hlc-' ",;, n'j\:r,ibt'.!" ""~ do,:;., ,:·r,<, ;\'r: "":"111i'-';I\' UI.~,,~5 ",!,jell ~n· «'M!!('-;; ~ ! ,oX, , (eI\ 'Wf CNI,t U lI," ") M Fe ('ii\(',~ ';\:.I:! j; (J,t ;':: ii". 'i', S.;Jll,-\jn;l'(;flil)-l!~ \'<J~" 1-'1'11 :,hl; ',:'.)0.'" '-';i~ :i,:J~ 'I', \,: :h'!.jiJ\(';l' r}ij,c~:: '-1,; as,:!,!s!. (on f"" ...., ,)rll C>( ,~!}(-'.(o::,h ;-iill!.:iL' '~""Y":~· ti!<:'l.lgb l!ii.'Y t.. \~jeetl:'d J;',;~~,: ii'.. wot'i,I-, ;",.tini> t,';,'" ~\1'0k,,,; lil<~;'t \'I",'.'f: !J-e!D{;' '; [. C ,~ li ,'. r ye~; Uk C(~j" Ki>YP;;"'f )(,c'pho!( ruHng (,,\<:1, C'I)r;XJfi~,I;(Jit> "[-":',;,:':'1,\' ttl,· '~~;i'" ; il X "..."rn;.'i'!gn 'b;'H:-,'"rnHr~1 r)" \1')!HAn"l Puc",:; Co The ,\,'1,:: ('uo:\l" C(. IlI)!j B ,j T' i'l', ': ~ '; ;' ,j,'.~' C>,k,n '-,,"0rth"'Tn <--'c,;~" ."il "~t.,:':.:';:-:: n;f:T~'jJ!(":' ,,',.. "tlile" ,h,<' ,,,I' h;.:,c in :'1,,-,,', s'tc,rli", ;YC [;1tc " I'" ~if;1i l(J ;}! IjfT)Gng ;'·d 'nll!,C W\':N:,i: ('hat (' ',J<1'(:':-'l :1'-1' m(lnjt'~' til(' l'.':.j':{: Ih.e nu, !ntt:'rests ('pp'J,<;e rh{? rO;)Sil. ih" el·e-<."!ed c,ffki.:'il~ Tn,,:\, j.'lIDlk fumhvJ de- !(>;:J :'-L"J-'c:;~i mSpirOl,L'(Y.j SiJYK,1 :\"j"~n-l CT';ticiJ.~: i':W d-cl.cg;<li~ al ),';;)$[ i.k:e.gi>tes ....in.iiy not (,11il; .31·x'ut " (ll}e ,')ranch "f, ~cr~~ i'-,,:k,:,J -,""j.'"l l[ t u, 's (~'l; In.snj.r-uJ ·;~"ot'(I. I-",·;,~rn rnu,~, be J1\mrn~ wi,il ]o(;,by,;,(" r-':~'ld:.' K\kr"'ii~t 1(, ."lii (.Ii ",'t'... Ho, P'iJy' !';);i~ )ipi-,r~,j fI, Q\h':f~, ,,:; Lht Nnoorr'a"",,!f''':'f1( of ;:1", : ;':\f! ,'f,,~;;j:;<; , ':'~.J:-t dc-:,"pt.:-s 'Tax' Is Being Probed ,ri.;:,,~ (,:U','-' \ ';:J<lr;m,o:li's \' ,,;~ :S-:~;k" ,he JI.:~;jc'" ForCE !,~ Y('fK C: t\ That :" 1 :- I; c ~ ,;':';'E l~ ,';<,:-,\' ~:;di!c r:ty K;;r;'v, "h/j"nb':,:'g rme., oq''-Jl: C;1\'.'1 uf ~)',p (lr· 'W e" :11,J, K!i'.'I"f: ,C i.",,(·,~ ? ;)~ "'." "d': :,-,1; nf- 11',,0 \1;<" .~nd J<'tm brd,,:'T' br a T,langie 'J v,I-;,~ T '';;,'d ,,',;':\ .1 '''u,;lriihJ,;t Uw i.':!\.\yi'li'! who; L''-'''~::1 c''iJ",:nt,:: i.': :··\:Sin,''':; dcniii"li~ '''il!) Tli' :I d '''<is tk'~!I'.;I1::-. ~UC+1 iJ,' Jus-ike ls iitlfl{! n:,f",n,:~ ;',,;)~, '\:' ~r)i] \L f' ;'"j; r0r1'ed ;krsol1 cunft>rrtd wilt iJ. :n YU5,lh' iii;! I,i,"fil ,d,!<.'}i )pt'!)('d in l':~ii wher: ib' Con ("-""::':1.!1.1; ,h'i '''-')'..'; 'f.. ,'~·'·rn:, !;, ,,:,,' Cr;;y))1:! ,':!,". iJ,,~.r; ,)! .< ",,';IIi;T pJ \\'ii:t ;!:;,!!.t,~ Ih~,i " ",r!'lid J Yok) (,i lh·" );!C':l h, ~T>,.'::};·r f";"'" ';-O"i' !1jrr" d ;1; 'U!;J ",-:--, "pre!" 1, <J t' "';:it A~;;;0 :\' .Jlj~:!:'(- v,.,>,i,':, '.'iOI~'ks ;~ "" '!i;it"l'.iJ' ':':-t- '·M~. i.>'d,( '»;' ~lH: of ,:l<' ",:,__~c,~ i;:7!', :~, (l '",-as C! D:>!lvicc' d i"v:J,\ ;::-.5 ;'::L<S.i-.r.~ \''-n'f: «""" f,-,; the hugt If'$(:;,,(lf,', b n Po y fr"iJC:~ crd' ;';"w :;Tn1 i,',,:< ('~,nlT1J)k-'{j d,~te,q:er,t 'i.,'-fr,g ~) \lil].i(jp A Wrdi tj,:I'T, :x':(a"c~-e ',\,::u.', :!:,:'ij- !;'(':j;:i~'~ (1; iim):hJ ;;r,.-i ." ];,V·;( 'y C(~)i rig GCJ,< "l<iGu!;',c, ", ':<'''~.l ',i';.. ;~· '-",illef~-; ,,. •.-"~j ',1 :b~ \".;, 'y'o,r. Cl,t" h;,' \.',s· ~- '. t:i2~~...:;;~~~t'~~1;1,.R~~~, flc-br~~ N'/'1'I''Jr;~, ,S~~~,,;4t:~) 10';.;\;' 25, 19n ,~Is ItWorth 0 Gamble? No Safe Bet 9 li":1!nug c~h! li(': t", :,'1), ;. (, ( jOlli.d <~,\i\'·~j)t.ir'l~. ~1'L k:o;;~ k)' \',.'.1) {'~:::' ,};;tn ,Sfl;tl<' ;J",J h~€-Ls\f.h' p('<J'p1~' :;""r,,' \\ .).;~. :0 ,1] i,;;j;]~)."I." ii': W~llk ;,h: 1'1 "\ 1\;, :lU, "<:e;:-- f-" f~(.n,::" "i' r,..; o-,:<:hl \~k ~~:.--: ',:>U;-l;;' rHlr"LU'. .'U~f,., '~'t,;·lf~ i)~' G(Jrtj'Jr, V,;l;{~ n; i IT Hi There ''Partner ",nd an ~B l: : \ t' ~ il""h,'0e w::c' :1\." ;}"d (,th,-'-r t",U{\~ XLt lin;; $:) 1.'1\ tr; '1~-h1o.:h!'" Df \~'\nmq: $.1.0· );"}(:i-wdln~ '-em tr-ful iiJkL.,g iLTt'",-..:>e<1 "ltd.; rn;:\r{;e( 'y suggCcsl {fUll i Loca !urms of g<lffi' !t-o i\ wr,,: '.: llt: "iddt".! ~'fi[-d ;.,~. fr''r!;-' (:i.\fW~th~·!.:·, [; -,,,OJ'.itt! "~" '.J.u h(. ',i"o:;') c!""!ijj'.' ,,,,,,1;,',,,,,,, [lew ,,,,UH'e;-; of ~;;I·(J'.ij)i;' :::;"'.;l i·kit-nil ,In ···;\)k .~{:ll;:~' ,:11' r5f pn:_'Wi){ Hl~~' i):i ('13lI11t;-' dd~~?:;:(; . G.1illb)J;!t; J incn:,-t&' tmu-· i hnl"'-<~\'er (1c' ~! th·· 11;ticnJ fil.!!:'_ ,,j 'r"! p;r'y'''''-''-' J. WEUJNGTON FAUVER RfPUBUCAN f,n 5ENA TF. Pi Easy Scan and Print - Lett~ Page of Comment "!i'in li:!-rce ~!~hi''!' ~ 2 The Marlow Unwarranted Criticism it',g-ea:se til :::'\'>W inc .~~ tax of! ptc 14\',OC;Il St'..hools since: 111 Will Be Missed F:,::,;1(,,:". k4t:p';·T~)ef,~ MQ·.','r4' orne 1 piltid. a h(-;up criHcumon tte Qr<61U)i7..at~:on It ,U1Vi-'&rranl-e(!, ~Yo.llder HJve~' &horJi l'$J)O !:I.();;Fi'· n'.i;)jri~r:;.; This ne-WIi:pt\pef puhli:;.!:::>t-(j t·h-r: nUca!. story. It al.JiO ~~nd ?~;­ ;>:",','1,(:1' :ufJpo-rt floes wholehe'J.~":~t';Hy ~n )t'r"'Y· A" fa..: M ""e art c.orl.ccft.ed n":", lccusatio-r~ were. u)taUy WIt,!j.(!'..J' ()!UJdauon ur ment lnsta.r;{:es such V-.'l ;mnt: ,.j;'~lj(· IOrJjj t which .\ \hJ~Y il.;t £!:',n.n of hO'tTih1e g:). l~)~">n :~t }J~)i:1-de'r W-f.: ~nt l'l re" :r';:t,·-·'a':.:':tlluupn·-.t"1ih1.r:;- !' ":l\~;;i,~d P"','!:"t.>:'-d r~:cB ix' 'Xj';i;lt w~ '~-;'.:'. (ii l_~' c; :;~ 'k:; found, mt~l ,;;x, l':'nJi~i"'i4'ntng ~iuMml W;J<~ "i.~.t ((',g '-'1", '"\f."'k:... ·h;\~ r,'" !:t\d '.f:< fSnd 1"lC th.l.',~ r'r"y . prJ, ·~:r::,rf~ could W;.1.." l.il.'- ({.'nc;!de,rinz '",'lUi ,,,,(,qid ha"'~ c,n'\h-,ni~,;)."';"hi, 'a"'p; -tt~-U!aTjY h .'jif' o-btal.ned ~';;;::'~~$~~2g::;,':~I\ :;:~~:; ::":~:,: ;,'; ;;!:l,~~: ~'~'Y~:~~;;~;2"\ ;~7: the year <,l;jth lh>app.ai~···~fL_, ...!~Cif:('Jt,{j;1 \'cl::_I: Tl:<:ri: L· r,; dCJubl that t.he pol.ltlcian,':i wil1ft~.ke 1;0\- in 0\;: ,nme!- ~r-" .. t PH:y I;;: -\l,·c.l[ tee and Jllmp on Ufl; bafl-jw~~fon ,';'.1, ,He of tl ~n.iJj,:aL~ th'm a-eFOl1tmat{>J~'. un!;; lUL'" TrOt nt('D ill dc, 1><,;, 1 iG'i.l mr w~Al,;d i;l;r. 1...;.0 "like <.'¥l'I" ojA..-'tk\?c\ a.'J.:jJ':. tri-l" lliii-:,!f: W !,til' ~r~ ~ &;n;rI-,.<Il"y M.ay 21 ! < 'ol-'\"';l!rl tilt~ Il) ~J tW-et ~-nI '.-, ',,*,.pt;~A R ~ cor d' :'<~H ""ntt,l' 0l.Mi.~ J,OC{t9'lfi_ f,'"\r'~-"( ,;;'wd ht;:,Ql<.l ~t ~ ffi«~. ~m {)/ t~M;>f'1£IW TI':.t;}l..ff' "I;;; 4~~,t-"'l>jy (",W A.I~"- ::ny !w:~m" riN; ~n!n 't thilt ·Lr,· heNnd, ">f.'b"~ lif, 1 [j m Gi::i:t· ~5 u~ ~ ti1 Jklt'~, i:;J fQl' (,',H;': rn,-7;.ktO!, c JMt Ng '",-jQ1"f :iur!&(:{-'(j. -·l!lfhtut-ton~· ,ereep mti>t.he new.'; iatti Uu; :;);l). oJl'k?f: "',", _" ;X"---,, :r:".:><J Jh'fly t.njl; wl~h 0 ..;, ~:,il.t<;";: i"'it.~\{~i0r:.E-,·n! whIch Boujd~'r}sJ<Jst 'w,e kn(J'~i{(-:(jge., 11' :0) i don't ~1": t~)C4 th~.. C.;l!l d·,,.Kln!-' ",t·e (;J tfl-f old~.y. ;.a,-.'1 iOJq:,: "';'" ;{ t!-"(~'" '.... ;:,r1~ in f;,ti~t t'Ui; H Cf,,,':,:Xi,L" "':i'C Perry ,cd ',:f: " " j 'r;f'- ;~':~lljl'nL:} 1c,t .".; ;j.it: f)\~gl~ ~hLS ~.::",,~ r-,·:A !r ., ,r:i; mf'~lt and s.om.- ).0 ;~ \-t).r~ Th('~':~r. al and I.ts. superintendent R(.i-<l-x': t )crry, .h\&t wt::el.t. 1"s denial of the a.ncgn.)i,j~fu. Our k'!';<~' '~I,l:'."h.i!'li "ty,;:.;.J 'oTl.iLngiy add kJ [.r-<1fIi-c-' "y',l,i-a:( [WO'i\J1rl l!.M l{) ~ 1m "thcr In<}-:· p(".FJf~: slontJ, <lt~ ruUng t..-I:I.:l Pf'.:~W:1'ty!.;I;R'.!j art (m:qurume, ,Wit 0.-..-, tor !h;tt I1tg ",''fIJl J~-ar~!. ¢UI.te;r;-~ t~ old ~U'tlll,}.")t tlX". f.~f:'clully f'~ .~ nl~Ji::l their pl'l~r wdl &s wn: wtucl:t huppy to ~. bUt ttl t":1;pC(:t II to be !:\':'pl :Jvfjf~e peft>\:t!l W:l~ wrr>:t. tax gQ -oo! a j)(-t)1.:n:g ~n r~ .ol eel The 5kep<~r l!i ilia: mE LARGE t~x ~ RAN-G1!E ()Wxf.::n PORAT1Q:;.i' W1LL T H E:'I,R FA.rB. Sl 11,;:1) rt:t:ej..c tM ~y on pC'apI"cny . U~; 11' t."'w. tr1':Jn.: g(:( tax oot h:l'lve 11, m",!I:, 'Rt"{'<'ru re1Viecr" ;tt..:;;;{ i!C;' S 0;0.'; q':,! \II kt~+\ r.~'-'U.~;f; 1 d:;,n'1. h:'Tf'otJ.t';.;\ p'e: ,~t'rl: If;t',MJ';C;12 ;1 "h;J'li;: ! ;'!1:i Ut{' (4,1'. r;n" ·",n(;. I,~ diW.Fj-x'l!';'ted "bout'lXrr Marh':--M<'J, :.;:x""t;t1", they 0<) Mod. :x."'¥. itl-j'o'cl·tt-"~'.Tf".d d~ in a dOl.l<l of d:u~; H'lJHy Schulke :'w. --m. --{.r,- .~ 'm,m; m!;;,~ ..'~~" ab')u:~ 11. Cf.mstitu!.i(J!l ~h-t; Wl.U have' "''')1: po.~'(j !-OW S1xt.h !,,-o'/QER TH[': OLD T;U~ s..\L:F;'~ /\ Til .TAU,I.l= Constitution Needs, Change ..Jan) leg!F.-laton c;bbbYlht f:nends .., (",)~~ t~ pt'(lpk iJ-i !be O:mstituUoru E4i!rtf, lnc:kpe:l'li(Y.'.fJl Re~:.wd; ;uest Editorjal ·f'i,....· r~..;p!if1"~lf:i:(!--·m5{ ll'i;r: ekcti!"Jo JOOt {) wlil ~ Ul~ fnlj~' Cleon Water :\ew Y{ln: TImd Tht' Ih,,\~'S€ (;( Represenl.a-ti\'f:< fe("<':G<\.' Mf.s.ed... ..a..__ WaJ.-er,._·f.ol#Umioo--eoIltro! bl!i \1;11lC:h wwld p-r-avtd-e, up t:o $18 billion !-0 build M':~'n:Re ~t:rnent Plants and VI purtfy- -the,,·na-tioo~.s---roiller.i-wateii--Th€­ Senate httd pre.musty passed an e-'> en Ill9re arnbitiO'-.1~ bfB. Yet without money to build new water and SC'A-'"?glo' lines, treatment p-iam" are 01 Urn:i.to;! value. Rural and suburban to'allS will conUnue to diL'IlP s.cwl'.ge in the nearest body of water. Older rom- Ttl!' \<jmi"c.,triltff.", ;.,;,\ r,llH"d ex, ""rri1.1rr(':s f0r \l,'JUr a,,,] ~,(,'.\~iniJ:'~s;;nd ;~,~p< ~Tx:{,.,j1nb fM hehw U~e kH-:) (':-8':. 9l..!""J'.1.S f.r.j)!D... •. local g1}"'€~mnroh T-m>House Appr-optia-lJf}f1s M,ib<'tlmmHl-ee chaired by Heprtitf'ntati're Jamie Whn· \I"n of M\.SslSSi.pp:i h<l..~ g<me plong wiLb. UK i\d,rJnblraUoo m ffinlung this year's s;JjJple.~~t.'ll appfoprlai~{J!U; bill Hr;w· f'~er t)~epr{,~flJ.i:i!i~'e f{;;b,,'rt Sleym:-r;:> {« GNrgi;l is (Jiferir,g un amendment 10 add S&'W r::-.iJ!YI~ [?~ thLS. ~,)r;x·~. 'l1>e fl,Wr0--.. impr.ort;Mit ~ for th.. [-",··r 1'-1~ of Mon-tan.a !1di~ Cl;!'f'W} l, "",ill ~ whe'Jl'e:f Of 1}lJf YiP \~Iii ~'UIy -in ilie 1aW.f5 and (~j'•. tiffil1; under th·e f.x}x'T>!'iivt and iaelhcient sute .@'<-e1"nt'.Jt':l1 )l;f~ 1)oJ"W lhlY~ Cf wheL~ __;;-~R!-JJ.'1t .. .p::-oposOO trw ....~ \<, ;i~ f'e-'Sp<h'" :.h~· pr,,:.. Diss.anstaGIG!l ·..,th ,'hI' ',~d the n"''''),!' 'bat [he peo-pl-e cal] OJ Cm',;sUt.lJtil).n~r (';'JdGlf Dri'iJ:lJi :if.i) m,}{~; ,)[ YfJU !'..3d .3 min ;!,.,tify (,!\ (t h1Hy'o f'"M~ ~fl sIr,.:'"': ~ha !mlot they were ii/: (-.-}n,,:.d-f~:rlng !h~' i'''; P ,;-1 n epubtic' ~t~nH1r1f: ir><:tit~ g-a~'emmenl sh!;: and re5pr}nsibt<~ to ~ ol otlr gre:al s'.a'(' C:Ofl';;!lWtlD8 na,~ ""ef<~ ...~ry crtt~ai ~.~,..,f~ ~ ·:u'/{l" - l'e'>-tlmm ','n- w-try pr;"p1e w, (;~ ~:<)f;i.aj;a v'Ji<:"il fi) !'J"',-"i:! by ckisd s-€ "''-" h!:J.r'ng;; 'i\ ht~.re e!"-"d>: !"">f· pub-lk a ,,) ,<::H their !"~Bi ;..s~-ues I ii", me:: pri'"a~t: :!!lY_'!lStEle Co",'''r-:;;,I;:, p'.iM;( :"'c.ili~" oW L:- u.!:t'."<"(\n:!l:--d b J' a '2: to 1 mlljO,j,y. Th,:: V'-'>~ Easy Scan and Print 3-0, 1972 M.:;yf - Letters to the ttment .. .. nhclsm The Marlow Will Be Missed "'.. ,,'"K'f''=']~ tJY.,~ e,;au incident .-;1IrI.11ar R Yui)(I',l.·ln.g b. ~;u;,'/ b ,l!i ~"',irts of hO}Tlb-le g('il~ B-oulder Wf! IY";nt a !'f::'" ilk" '!,f' the''" i.n.'iUtu UOfJ---U l1IU',Wh,'ll ';,e- f(Y-.lfHl. u,d ;";'. mosi \l,'H...':' (';TJlJght,.enJt,g.; t.hat coUiti '''UliC:( u.,':.i<,Jn ,'~ ;;" .'i.~ ; ~;il ~ Pt· iT, \'t.'! I~);' "ad j~~. V.iil.~C,,}- ('.in::'j·Jl;I1·r;,g :(.'~j !;e;t' ;;,:.t rI ,. lLkI' . ~ ~; iT,'.': !h",~ cd my '''''''T' on 1)::\ '~""Jkj !i};l:' lJ;> l..~.\ :n ll.>:\,:(" ~:n ( r r~' d ~lMf ".~ ~\r.-r (,"\.11 ;r;.'i Jqh;I'Wfi. ["'qr-r Jodq)l?:ndtr,: II \,'-o'Jid i':,ave :)L!r!lld~d if, :.he\ Wf-:-e In fart tr.i{' n;,":'~':"-' ;'~, ; I d~ .'.,' " '. ~';' ,:".' ;!l< ::,,;, Lem.s Pr':": " "Tid ,H('" ..e sl.a Lc pilson ; i'j ':f ',f r c' ,- w·t': 10) C',f;.~ T1v' ~~(':~ ~:';.~t t.!';, i:dl~,C;J l!'. t"'~ j,."D c-~..;': (nIT.',," !'A':"'~", ''''. ',f, ;;"".L': i: lDl Jil-'<; ;:;.:.."!: p.'S'. .<100 Ie :..-,,!f\f ilDT"'"Y : ~i1j i:)J 1(, t.~.ar rr'J-r(: ,.,'.'1<::;' lnd!' ;'" ".<1""': f1:".,-., nJ 'r.,r"",~" ~J·."',Jt ro.;,c r,."'(.·",-,~ j Chi'" ~e<':P'"~r T H ·~·.!l ,~~\,\<)/ F1-(,1;J-SE THE LOR D A.\-Tl P,,~s.~ ll';'; ;" 'x b,~ !.;iJ k, :A \ .\l~,,~.)-(Jl<t. b.:Jut; w.-.-,ocr " ti"..-r pI ro;-"'$TIntno.' fkJb CimJpbeH. [)e~~l.l; TH~: ()~'rL~rDJ1!.:'AtJ r.(,n\~t:n:i(n:­ :\k'n~ ~l ~: ~'J..LJ~ i R rt":~·~(' YFW Poppy Sale :;"'<)- Great Success !,.,,,.-c SH.J-.RE ;.rim;,.!'1 U--.-.:~ ~J.t...,· if;·: Che :H-ii}dld,j<,lc; ly"dle ,,'1 ?tut>er'-:;' WI 1jW'1 :.Ii,.,.n nU',<;: r,:;;,'e ~" r:~!!<(> 1.0 ;J·,:,~nl :'."'; '" ".l ! a:-:' !,),1: ,.;' ')";1'- '.d;.; i~ ,,", 'Or;: ",~,( i.e d.!J><!-i,,~ .• _,;:·,tKJ a"~.-.,u: (>U~ MIl~ it, .. "h· :..;, l "-':.1'" ".!:I:-:.- '1", 'K" .<:.nd.hu.'" .llr.,et! !!j·yp·k·~'ll~ '-~;"~-'!~ "" a-'..--:;,:-: ::>" d~ed I!' .l (;0'1(1, ,;>I dU:;i ;T":;';;J~~ .~t.><Xi' I; '.,:,,~ ~!" [':::::'0: C{)n'~i;.t;,y)n ;_~ rj,e!t:,,:c,J ik,!!: .'xhUI;t; lv1{j ~i I '.'Y.-':- :;i ,'\ ,., wdi h';;l c \:r~t.:n Constitution Needs- CMnge urKkr the I'Xpl"Tl:5IV,--; .'l!.,j il",.dItrirfU s·tate government We' !;.)w h-<i,'(' or w1:lelh-'.'1" we .~.' tintl<" ;j~)Rt _the,_p!o-p:::tSOO· C()!ls.!tw~;-.:~ making t.1;t: W'Nl'rnment ro:c&'p";",- .5i\e and ,esl>'J-nsib~l' !o rne p.:",. ?le of our grea: S',a,e ;i,,· '.'.·)tl \"lClor\ {)Iii [O,,~;:TIl SAi,f'>, ;·U: :S ;'.f-;\"!. 'T\h,~r: ki~ s::,~tjf'. .\1.':1\ ~[;.~ .bfl,')US; fner>()juo::. up,,--,;; ror:t;j~ lhe pL-opk wh:: ~"~: !'H""! c.~,(" C"m~'jlJ.J,,,JfI.lj C0;hT~<:",-r· ""O:-f~ ,'.;-rl· Cf~:K'J: ol! ~,:',~i~ ;lr,,,, ':(.:'-~:i;Jd "f: .~,(~,>pr", W·!;'.' >-,:Md ;,-stir;)',,,',' \lo<l.' ":U'~ ·.. "r" In· ·'xlirlf,. [}r.-, I ~ )'J) ,i,; ~,;Hl on ~.;~H· ;j e.' '" ;:... ",\!. mjm;l;",c \-,,~y .,... ,~,,,;(J':r-:, ':i;,;: :;"'- ~ ,,"': h--:'d.;-,!if!S ,:-,c· ....':, , ,S~lJt, i,1 ,i,," .;,' :'l",',!;,<), \I,;",~", ;T.Jbj:. '.""i "D-?lr red; .. me' lot;, t "'cf" i>:;i:~, !'.. ::,.~,')O' p.) ~T: .' ~j~)i;i: :~;" k..... ·,.~'.~ i)\ (')'.':;"_-(l ~·t·C~« d·Jr'....:: Co ""·ro: ir"," ~ b.f:~ ;;'('~ ~,,:,. 't " ,: '"j "! conSliltgron was ~he f(·d;")1! ,1;:1, 1~,,; pe,.ln:e of \h>o,an« "',;ffi ;,:til'a CDnSij,-uu;:ma! C(.'''\'·~:1:~m Ly a 2 (Co 1 maprji~-. Th-e old _Y1S11'U'.j,:,r. was ....TI::e" b\' arlG THE iY."".;;',<': ):"j"v.-r'ld<:.f1( R,,'::nrc fj: ;,'< up \/,--;' .,~:,.; ;)'>fw~:' !-:.ditOf 1rod.:~-;x'nd<'!ilt R~'Nl1"d fFW' people" re:il.l1l1' tli:a'! tN t'.fe'-! K:>f1 Junto I; 'Kill b.!> the mus;: :mponJl:nl d~ctktr! f<Tf' ~h~ v-:-:' "if: of Montana Ihh n-!)'.'ti,;. I'. ,....\11 d«'idl 'n1wthe ~ Of ~rO~ '... r· wHl stayitfl thto lB8f;'~ "r,Q <:.'.'1' lIOn filr ,hi:" pUr~,(I~i> TIlt' arpro· d this add;ll(.:-.af money can ~-"f (";;I'l} :>i~h; ,.>l ';l-~ al,pilJ\.~ .. ;,u THE L.,",JtGE FRU/"'01lTl (J\','i'\ LH ,RA:\'Off'J!. 0R ow. ~XJ'::C\ Tlf)~ 1 W1L.L 'ierr P.'1·! ~i om:: :.':!'';;T,,)(' ';.-j~ . n',i·rj ':'~ :. f,!r- y,"iller 31".c ~;",\'~r ii!lt.< :lfO'J rxl~n;.: !i;, t",),·-... :~:,: j~\,,'i Cot r,-irJlm-. JocaJ .. _.gf;\,!'rmnffi(-s Thi' Approp1"I?(l0p...<; subeommitte-e by Representauve J:unie Whit· ~ls-.':;l.'iSipp: has gone along I'nth ir,i~lralion In fnnr.mg thi:" \{'a7'~ ~nt<lj appruprla1iGP.-s bil: . How'p-res-entalive Kc,t\(>r, ~eph('r.~ of is i:,:rrr~ an ;1!Tt,:,ndment to add HJ ~\'<'rf:lg:(' j)'~rr,;onj{~j.t.~.tl';i\i: ~n5 ;).,-n'int\ l'n 6 .c,;;-r ~J;D: ~: , .. ~.i (j lLinci.', :.:;ill F'(·' ",.t> ·.. !.!J..!::rl th>1:Y' t.'t' rcpL,"'IO:0. try :it H:h~ ~i<)l p~,0n they MW <ll.XC~ ll:~ ny ""t,:.:-h ,,:.n5tJ:mll::-n b ~.tdf':!t \-W;) ,.-No. t~ t:q.~ i: \.1] 1;1\ .1,. ,f ~)f1,'J-P:" 0'.Jr~ 11-11 ~"I''P'Y r·.. rJ .. .. oK! he ;,.;;.ld ':>.!):Y..J: '-ht." :Titer:):. cI. u~ \{",;,)W n,«';;,,-"t is -'-:-r-.r,l.)l('h '':''IV ':10·,' l:'L~ ,.:. i:' f iL.1; L ;':U..'. m{':~t ·... ;1;; h ,~,Hi .r o:.J.j.-O(:.t.--t. U"~J!' i-fJ Th(")' b",'. (. g p:JIDt ix.re :l'r~ !l iX',.n: ::'",<"n" Wit!) iI lot.~ buJi in ::">/: ,T:J.d&(' 1):m'1 ¥ fool..,J b)' tl)(\'/n it ~"Ote kIf' :!tH' pr-opo::>M."j un.,-" (..J)-r;~}.)r!,.;L¥"~ ,k:j ;Jap'~; ....'r);',; with !rf)(j 'r>\, gi,:,ei\:cU)' M::~; TItE' LOBBYl~ Th.e o-ppooenb til tM pn;.. [.--:.\S.-ed c:on.~itl.Jtio.'1 an' llJ.-e· ~ N:w..i'l'fJ i';~.f. ItJbout tl~ I-Wah-ll~, i{Jf yt'.il ~ 'i • ('»iDJ<:e, MJ')U, ~ ",nj,cw :.n \.~ ~k: cg ,.'1).. With ~t.lIte·,,·ki~ t....i: "~"-r: :"', WJI.:"o1 A U.:Gl.SI_"-TU1U:: 1"0 SF"..? \'E THE PEOPLE NOT per U:ri: =jfnC !\2f1Ct: R-fToois !in0e (UU!"t Oed~,or..~ :'T\" ru}w% 't.'1.at U'"", k:-:ai pn'~..'n:y t.<l.l-~.' H~ unl1'H ilJ-':! ""'I:'q'\l!~bk W", tw.e b<:i"1: s.:,~ ['.~: )'(:r:,I'!r;!X'rt:C ~·.clt ,it ]c".~, Ofj{; :~'jeaj ,1 f)(' ·! •.':';1,~cj,):-, Thf:" c.:a.ifQ~ ~, \b·; i')w T '~''Alk1 If,)) '':11 :1 ;t~-""'.il ~~,,"-U in 11 Mlk~ \llX 0: 8 p('f ceQ( l/)' O· !'d: ~f'7 Lnc-t;;,><'rrdf'.-:,; 1u", ,,': o;l ·\:i;.~ .a t:!J rQrt~ ~,;,hn ",:l! 13tKklv 1':";:'1:1:, S_~]o, the L: ji a; L1! oj P~Js; M0\~ai:'.:!1'~ ':},(:::'" Ci;':':G:!··-n... · t:J:e ---l-'t i>;> r,('"K: m \··)~;.m:';er fit!;; a.': weil :<<; ':,(. r;r th", AUll::"lry dnd Po;;: dId ;,n ;)lJL!l.~ndlng ;'.:ib CD',,·nr,g U·", e-r~(ire H~! .., ;,;, .i:'·a Jr,.j ah,) :!-.f, 5;J~I ...,U;';~::·,g :-,w~;~ T~w enUre p r iJ C ;: t' ,j :i ~n>:T: U',:,f, ev~nl art )JS<..~ b·; :rlJ' AJ.Jl.j!I.';~" 0 n ve.te:rans alfai~5 ~ h,~,"" L"-{-:ft C.'l!'~ (il', ;" For: the .",.,. in [.;, :0:1 Hi: rill:! s :;rl-tfla,UL ?r~ ;l~Y, l iL1fl-,I; \; ;,";-. 1:',~ Ho~ 1",d-q»~..,.d~:;: ">c" -}i)'r~ :1",--e~;l '.M: ')~ ~"'"r:!)', H<"'_'f',C(J "r,,~ Ht;{;na .... (~~J, lil"~ r way ~f;r ,hi:.'. frK'51 p ~ (\ j t c~, Ju~:. :!) ;.;,':; ,;; '~~,m1: "_,,",' !~ r."".~ ('~,o'J)ih, S(J r:-,~,: c'. '",To> ;:-,,c:,'Ic!'J':;! <:it.<i!~rm.' " 'V: pr{-':-:;('l---.tt'G ~[l ~:r~';'Y.~'y "jJ. v' ftl,o n;iJ-(k well ·:·;,n '''''.',S ;!,~- ~;~~ 0.' ':.'f', ~:,': ,.,., .\":;,'. ~"::" iJ'--lbk ~'a ...,cs t.'nfff,{)rd..-:'d V(,tJ:-~ ....-:--,j(·r. ail..,.... e;j them ~l:C'yabLe ~lbL(' "Lk~ H;;rri.$oJ{j the j7U.I,i)'.' ~':v"U1d"~"? aWil!'~ of lhe' C'\Ji- ':-";',...~;,e.;; pcJbjJ.~ i ' "':::',.>.,, ;"-IO_";;:;SJ'~, \'}~;\' I;Hu{,' ,,~, ·.,!I". ;,r< l"·'''-':'~'' kd by 0 ': ·:n;~· ('qG 5?'"~('t ;F:2_' d:(" a.:~rk£.'<:: u-", '" :'.1 !1~Jt- (1f€.',j;,!;r;'D')(,~: :1',,, pr'.'fecl.'> l" 1-i(;-!~~;'G ~ r(·~ L'. i-: r,;:: ,d Jf)iJ' lr; d(-(,Cf. Whitf, ;>i'·-'r': .~1;.-"j:d r~;"',;, lh~ :irr,,,, ;;:,~ c."." ~;;'d.'t. 2nd we I;{ \'1-'\' 21m Au.\I·:;'.;.' <irr~ ,,!w;,y,; '';-:;,.-,1\ :u!' :..-;~; -" ~ 0"-, r('("(~' '0'., ~! Easy Scan and Print v)odll.,;,.ion ';,'fl..\ t.ha.L that Pern' r-l;c" !.,....;:L~\ one M""ri-,---.'su-,' h~ T:-~·;;k·r ,;; r,," .\ .T, s;-C'<"j-"'i )~,\ha~ "dr.o~ {';;[-<"f \;<, TI-ll: t_·\.W~f:; PR(Wi"::'p' n' '.1',",'\ U'. H..A.W.1LEfr{ OH (\.tl{. ",r I:) ''"leU. f"YUI. Tl').""; !ljel)J .('1. il,,~;UluUU)) The claltti:i\. .0::><.1 would 11.il~'t' !:iUrraci<:l r. they wne l.n fact tnt.... iilkabi;;' ~l"iJ~ Pc,r~; Mjd r;'>iJ,-1.~ o{ JV:~L"J r\~ [~; ~«:kr,i Lt:!, 11'"n~ n-~1)rd :,~.,}";,,,~ ~h:.;,: t-",'C·;j'.lW 1 d.. :;"·- !l',r":,.o,,, i ili;' ~.!.lr: ':<r',.;, Q;''(' ".0.", GI.;;.<;Pi""iirl!.'ed iI,)YY"l '.>V' ~;,~~ 'V.YT T H f·; 1 k F';\IH SHARE ";;.'j~,,, 'r" !ur (11:<; ;:.,>!: p~~ wJd to lJ ll,ifk arrj"'Io:) r 1I~::>I;lc li).~ to i~.u in)r" ".,.1''''f Lnc)<' ..."'.k1" \~t;t1.:;:mti;.1-}!)~J 'C0t>h~,lioo ,')<::m-., t;.lI /t'0 ("": of ~i#i; (X h1.~ i<y,f\;;; .~·n t f"l'l7 ,_,,..r;~ ~'\<:'I ,;;S -":\i.i rt;.YlV~ tt,~ J1'I;: trw u~·) w,oo~JJl L.~_iT,,!r.(k"'16 f."-''f",r.:. ,.,,1 b<J.i lh"';:1 :0 l",,11'r: ~ ~~fY," ) br("1"j <:.,.roe" .. n up "'j;T; ,,--,,:,'--:.;1 '.':"j ,;":--: ny" Lc ,"'.,. \!.a·(I~ "Y~-'~i'w'.i':·!' :',,'' , "in <~ I,k!··i!i-f.,j "'H', L.",,' ",'l"~ vir:.i~<-'" ,n', "·'\8..10/ Constitution Needs- Change '1.":"c: k-;:'-")~:!A~ .F"! : 11 I: ;;,r~. ll',.'h':·1 bo' ,,'t".l'\"...,. trfC'nd.~ ,';;:.;e,,:, ~h.:: pI'!:',>,\;: .... tv.l ;r~··:f,.~ . . ,;~, C;:r{15~rW~ ~,,)1>.~: (iY:n~fi' if!!"> 'I! :I-v:u 'ilf,'<" ~,·".:·).-,--..·or;Y ......';, :\6\:<1 ""c;;' ....:;., ("~i:,( .. ; f"e;;" iJ-«Dpk-:'"t::iJue'tl'i1l'\ :p,,di'c:~)!1 Jun~ (; wi.!! lx, 1hF. nY", irnpoil..ant eieltion fur thl' [)'~, pk crf M-ontan./l this ("".';~:', \!o1!J <kclde: whe'-::l.,,'.:; ,!r ,'w~ ",111 st..y rtil tnt !W]' 3 ",~.1 ,"'0> wrder l.lfl1/(' Ln:\~;;o:li}r ~'I'" r,,;\/'d ,.'. '';'';'lIN ;inJ '.'-'\ I.,; ;ilw'· ;,~.d n.'; far bd~"'.• lIll: !<:'.c: r.d !." )"!"' m.loc.ill.~(l\·<,rnmi'nUl )~;l'oprlatJ(lp':; 'n~ ~ubel'mmitt'-'e Heprc.....efJUlUvt' Jilmll' Whi\· &i!>sippi h<.l~ gO!1<' along I'Iolth ~lr<llionjfl !r:;m:ng thi~ ~.t'.~,-'~; al apprc.pri;;\j0n~ bill How· !'<'C-r.!.<lliH H,.-.l,>(,n S1efrhen~ "I oift'nng an ilnl,-ndrnl'fl[ 10 ;nj-d 1 for 1!11~ rlJfr")~"" TIw :I;.pro· this ilddi:H"a) mOf)t\" Cll:) T de.tl!1 waIn to millions of US\ tilt' n,,;ic)fl lh~. eIprl'li.,"T ~I""~ "'~\ ;:""'~'!f' "'~'i" I~ n',+(: <llJm,;; t..- XIl;- ;'i-"~.'-"~ '" "("" ~r)ki ~, n1i:-ti,J-;t'S ,<It;;; :;~ J .,) fn."li:ing toc g'_"",·:nml·:--.l ,ni" . .'i,.l;.~ J.."ld rt,,;~y.1S:~)~t '" ",,~, >!:~:':;:'>;" ".""'T't :~;'-'. ,.~;\.n (.\ -'." .'_'-~~'.' i,l 1":"':1;1: ';';',,j ft." by .n :1 to 1 !n;ly~~i1y -r~ .. olJj oy i,JlU ft>-\l, ',r'S'tt'od. ,'()(tSlitUtW" wa~ wr;· ;.'r, d~-<trly l~,ndlted '.!)f' 1Jl!e-.rest groUp5 ~hik W! w'ere forced to rP..oney ~'J th~ r,,~i ~I.' !l~idnt;):'\ OU[ •.nr.-q'i cienl go'<ernffi(,m t')f ~heir "tx~I' tilt Thi5 W;l! po,n~(..-j VI,), if1 Time magar.Hlc arti-cJt April tJJ~ jt) ,JW'- L'nrt'C'O·r-,j.,·;J "':,,;,,,1 ,,+,.)<:!' :.1 io"\·t,,j them unbe!~('"Yabie pubi~ dtd'v~wn ol.nd ~"_l';02li'm back o')(,r:)-1: T h que::s..:.ionaiJ~~ t ,)j ::..cll~~ ,,,,t'd [i.effl,;,,,,;-X,,· i'lY,::' dkl >in <;:1.J\5~nding )"Jb C:Qw::,lr,r, It.,., ~;).:lr~ !·kh'·;:j ~;'''ii. ",~sd :ht h;ri'~"J:;di:"~ tenthe p: Q t \' I: d ,~ tn:,m ::-,,;1; "(tn! IH ~ \.:&«-d (1\ . 11(' AU.J::i.!13.~)" 0 n ~'rlc·nm!. illLa),,' o-!1[V a, Fon HlHfl5(l(l., Mih;::: Ci~y Sb<J1'ld!m. rU>G ;l!W ~h~ \,"l. n--w ;~).r1<11 }k-\jJVl~ iofety? pC' r.v:'nr,el "t Tn a )"r 1'1 Ir· the ('{'Imln 1: 11i:l.~ ~I~il put rJes of pff ... enl1li~'e $t'CUrlty for the ;ltilme~ (0 follow. Thert" l' ~haJ. \b-e airl,lrv:.~, h-Ilve. failed tht's(' mf:isurt'~ elllw.f .. dt'- .~$ (:(Jrfsb.!krt\:' a {'OllYlflri;,g CilSC can he Jt airlines a quasi-pub1\c '{ItE' more pr\)te<'tim than do .! they art' <l part of the prh'ate as , ;we-Ior Tnev !ssue stc,c-ks and ly di\"ide:"Id~- <lnd ('ha~g(' tht> pubiic k', ~he)r sen'jees A." .~ ,-.,-,,,, f.....,.. [,'1)(;1\ f{]iPlf!3 lfl'.j.!~pt:.'TKk"l: T\(: ,,:."~ kt'{md Dc·, :be ':'\htr n'di;! iD Hek'll-.i'I. ·... t1n\ th-dr WllY rQ~ 111i.5 ,nelS! '''lor'b)' p ; Q ) ; : ,; : Ju--,~ ',OJ ',0'. 'fwni: yco.., i~ n<,,: '>il!"JUf;:IL ';:<) t:,,,· 0U:t '..1{ wh:" in U·)'· "'ft:: ij"i;';t· ,::,:",iii1r publF," h.<!~d ,~:"j.ifu· ~: .• ".~,,; .. ;·d ')"':-C ttl\'" Ikh.'n,:' ;l'..~a re<.~jV': a~ Sp'iCl·. ' '''g:';,~: _ , 'l''(:'' ,j; }{lb' to (k-'ntir, ~}"-J\J;d V"i'--":\ ",! ,. r n y fer,,, p,,~r-.-:-'5 in !.~ .. ~ ;j',,,, ,)" . Sp,JCt' ~ 'f';',:'~'" lh.~·f'ttbi"-''';'h·:-';ljd;-.I> w~l: :-;'.;-.r.lr <;fX; .'::;';")",,' ,,"~I in-d1<.";(11l3· pr-eY~~,1{.,j !', whll~ ,rw :I~~',i' we ':ii \FW a.'Yl. Au:>:i:'?:: "f", 3!WiiY~ \h.wlfu!! ~ha, we d,) re(.~:>:;'·,' ~ ..J w;-wn "'i' a5'X Thafl/;.' dg,lil; ".' U)e ',"'.')u"l('e; 5 ;,;-,d t)w m,.·,' ,-yf Helc-n.il for making this P~'.l­ }r:':~ \))~ ,1fJlj efir--:',iv('m'!',5 .~ :.I--t'-~:(' ,0 lJ)nl.:n'H·~ J, l.~ ~Df :J!6r be:,e til lind no( y c· u r ~ [)orl': b<j'.,okd b~' LJ-x,ir d"<.'~jve '·eM'propos.ed C'"Jf1!>ll;utiO{j vr-oukl J: te<::h:"f;Ut"S w::ich "".'ukJ h..' i\l" jcy".. ti:w i"1,:.i~l;\:U[(' 'J' ~f~\ ,l'~ :.,!,~ l:~.. L;,;,','~ ,i'..t.: ',,",-"1;(: ~:'" u~ ~Ol)p{~Jle5 tJ1;.y no'if enj'f,'~ bo.'l(.er of! r (, mar, ~ n g in r.fu> and WhK-h !y"",,' lorc-e~ 60 r.. . r LB&'fs, You WO'..llrl i-,C)l 00\ tlley ",en< of \,IS. to .~:):.Jl:erJ~'_~.~i_.Yi ..Q.llld.~.$)_.YQIS,FOH. TI-Ih: sf-'il~e ,for taxt-s'Oo-hile lhe-~' P-)y \,,~ W CO~Tl:;-!O\ Sn R55 th.iln ',?lfi, '>!t..~,~ TiL.\,T THEY Vi'ILL GET Tm: TIw?y 00 rR..l\ mentkY.1 l1...., : ME1'-;'-\(;·E T HAT Vr1': ..V U: the 2 mil] r~s\rk\i(,n of ',.'1(' de '1'-1 RED OF PAYE-i-G F(lf{ C"n~Ut:... :~~·n i~ r,-.)!. removed THEm WNSE0'SE A;\"D WE b \llct ii<kS, (; ~:> IBud~ p; ¥.I y,.;,~~ Pill','!1 -;1, h' P'J-,~t (.'immJnQ,:r L.t. H.ar<}-M J0.l'o: \0 :];f, 1971. 11 ..mould be 00 rorp,bt' LMt tht.S-<' lil.rge gJ"Q\1P-~ ~rt oow p,ruU's'Jng the !oud...",- sjr,,'~ tt'l:' ij!:>Q \f}"-;u. !X M"'- ()ou1.>: wi], W:iin: :t:i~ \~T'" Df "':~:'. . C;;); ,1'>(".' d15iw.ction ~j:;: m ;1',[' :1,,1\;,);, T:v hf;P >J..i w",U ~' :r,,: rnr-mt.>ef} ,,! the Au;'(iii,.r,ry ;:tnd \"Jh.L~,.,,!'et th,· n', ~':.~:;':"';'~~;.s':;C~::~;;~~l;~~~:~~~:~'~·~~-~·,~, ~"J;)\';(~ ~:.~~:.;~'S"lt"~) ~': 1:. oJ ,I, oi '.1ur !VL'J: :::,;';' ':or"';'\J'10f1\\'~ Ill' "('" 1'1,'-'" En.d" oU d La!) tht' r\.l1e~l ('\'f'r :_~cf:l' hll.wC, and ci<.-"~,-r! ~,.", ~t-: ('·~,i~',· d (l ) -..q,< c,n<: {l! dU~~'-\l'\"Tht·'·{9'·'V·',<lf·{IN:i ii<~ (/\ f"r:,!,) ~\;., Budd, F-pp. ,-;,.::,,'1u(1'.'<1 by tlw !.-i H iJ'; L~ .it~;~,.t1lt:_pr~ nXl;;mw,·:-:~ 'I,U ~I.'_n" .,.,... ~. i i'wi Lici f.nt s:t.aLc &-D', (~! ~n, -". {, r,,;>," h.'!'~ 0)[ wb",~.hC'f vn:' '",'.' r-k T1~~ r<'(Tn\ . ~:!t:'~~ Til E (X,D 'J':o,'\SiHl ; :(\:' .\ ;,A1X_\: T·\' :5 !.\'r;V' i.lrt L.....J,~pt",~,Q: Kco::o.rd f.>::;:<JI h·iI w' betn h,t hj in Ik l>c'" " v,~,,··,: Wi(! ';;J.U\ . ' .'.•: I YFW Poppy Sole Great Success }f.'~-'.:( V}ll;' .Y,fI:·k .. 1., i\,;ir: Si:-ht!i>; •. : r-"lin; ','to;' ~d'l:: fLAk" ~1I.d J.W:""it.lp-NX'l·J-T,,·~~';r'<! d!l:'d In ~ dO;;l(j ,) rJ.-u~.' Gri~!- ,hllSl M h:;..:.dp.. M(<Jl! )Sf))'l :'>~ tJ-~J\ 11, ...." ..1 t""\ng tn 'J,nr).: ';,'itt< i 1'\' ;en:~r:;1 t><::red. ;"VI ",(( <l ~ \'l~ ;1~(,*jbu.;-!,; wa.~ )~".l) :,_tj!('!l l 01 ;'~<.-.~ '\i--'ljIi' PCr~ Boulder River Report Upsetting E,.d.t.o-f .. l.ndcpettded Record:. ; re-ad w;lh rjiSlr.3Y ,he "Ai": ()~ r~ptJt~ gi'<.~n Vi n~!"'spape{ rt-fiard.l.n,g 't!x'!dj,ion5 a, :he Boukier Ho-spital. It d'" j'yJr Rl~~er \lia~ ScI-y.JOi a:-n.afnl:-' .:l,f',d "~.ffl- Easy Scan and Print Oriole Rookies Spark Series"S\ l3y fntl;CE LOWJTT •••/\,.S_~(J(+';{I:J p,(-,,~ S:r"'::}:f'H \Ydtfi I HERE'S ONE REASON WHY YOU SHOULD Lady Vanity Support THE PROPOSED F;;,;.-j,·'l:; f,,-,! "~ if, r: i'\QW .- 1<" C-('·: D .. , [};.-;~- it ';';-; Gdl T, BI iU:\ ;".- ;,k,L ~~~ b{!.;f~~' Phone 442·5830 .City Plumbing end .~~:Cltin9. "j,.;~;" GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES Vole fOR the Mew .Constitution June 6, ~~ II d k now who I' YOU R representa. I !i:.e, ~iS! " T,~,,-~ . .\. C,O< 5.i,~, . C""JC,d ~"Pf"I-y 'of •. I ""'~ ~.r'J. 1;",.-C,d .".! -Ht,rl'-'~b ...•.. . 0'> H"'J I )1 . Easy Scan and Print -ffh~::~:cel~ampaign '7 L ( Testimony Ends . Document Needs Davis Trial SM>i JOSF: Cali!. (APi TestImollY hl\.~ CJ')(.1e:J In tlw An )8 r:.!r'(r!,')~:r. rn:<-j ;]1:1: hQ!h' ''-'-'I·.~ ;J'C 6(':;"11 ;t:\~; Ul~-d 1.h-f,' f,( "'~jj,d rooA ";'<""('1" r,d;j D.1 ~-t" triM with rt.f\l(i.Z!: t" l:J.(, final wi lnl~..!4.">-tt¥' Lrther Understanding )\~,usrT·U, ; 1.,1" !;;. it :;;0' V')~-'Fr ~i>5h ern wh;\:h (;('(wge 1'..nC JOfVlthlHl Jil--('"L-..x-r-...~'fX~~~ QJ,·qjltlj,Oi: :~ d.E;u·j,,;(, :f~n r1>Xllm'J:r:[ «nd Lh~~ to laY.t U}~ s\1l.oo. rin&l IH~~ S:.rlX'!""r," ("''''.JCr'. J,;.Ct~ !<:-<l'L,,,.;J,!' w:n t;." ;_'''-K,';'''<J: ,I ~",nH' mcnbiW'(,'€ \6 bt,gin, h:-i.rty 'r '~':-",I~J.il Utt';l Intrnd him b til<, :vj.1(>(! n;~ rdu~ol of l..eslJ)"; Ji>Ck:~:ln! (';If.tttn}it and fhH.....1 k~'l1 $100' """'''0,"" jL~ to be 01 pl"05eC'UUOfI r~b\[lt~).):Ht1 (iJulC n>'!\-'I' b£l'('1', ~".nt ~) };,(J ,\{urpl"::, : i!;}rfive d:l.y;'-~Of t.n:",f.fi ::hc CT.,.j ;01 the t..ri<l-.l-"Jnr~ h~ ~'j\Te-eod i le:>trfy [·U{1 ~:'l: ,,:::t)'.L'J' Mu,¥pi1y. U;\~ vk", d\'~l;m'~;,:i Cjj'n)(ln~: ltd;' C<)n~i..ji:\1(w{; n.c'i-:~:;::': ('Hn.· ",iii ~'.b.1!.c,,~j:~ i\,~w ~ .l!<,~kxm bf'.l;.lv::r-..o :nik...i;,n. 2-'JiJ t·.t 1>')0<1:7; :}:v: Th-;; ",., ~'m<~:J t XI'S Ug\Jit'o.:i b the W,~~cc'"'D ,,'pe.:X}tl· ;:;f ,',{or,!J1.""'I wdi !.,,~:,. i:". jlc..;"~-;'''L'. :: '" .hjP~"Y-: ;"r ; lnu'-';:'er- ·kklnJtp--et"",",Rpg "-'::' !"'·')9:~· ,j, M')1i~.;I::,'l ;"~i.~;'U.~i· jageJm:i MJs;I [\'1'1.'_ ;l' bt~t~ th," pr('9'~ :-mint:m~ !munist. , st..e >l:""r EO'.P .'J1'<)w-ed 0".Jl,n- .;; ,. j! .he! w U .10 ~[ti·; !(Of~j cid,'{] d'~'~'l !1:t;"" ,". ,,J imp,.-'.,~-,,;','::n: b i.',: li 'k OYer !h(' -ilf{:.W'J\ '.;~-,m"!·~:~;.i{'r,.· he i-1ddl"(j b ,-J ;J;·;x1Lnf: lJ \jci'T.>h ',:, '~: ·')1, '.-\'1\0 a,(' IIL~t_;:nj)'( 'WiLl:! 'j nr:-o, , va,; iL1 !.~.-,:. -'-:)-pp',;: :1':Jon.ll(hll.!l lind hlrrils,c\t1,g btm JCil1P( ,:-"j~:f: i: i,!.'i~~il,~ th;;, ",.\t.nes.~ 5"!mc>s\ t]\'"i'f!i!.mdif~ed: hY.lr gu"~ in lX'-r.""f, ;i «-cq-..;.in-!Jt" j",",.,j.~'(:f l:,-,,""'::' C'\"(bi gn)ul"ro L~ end of tel;:;.lmomi •. tuewwv; oo~tll:ii:e'!> i!I,c l'l<:k.~ngi::li:: \he~ A,:'ACONl\" i!IP; ikmY ,H\" ~'(}~,.jS;Jl;::; ,.'"1{'" Ct'11.'l:ilt.:!Jon tt" <J$ both ski.~ ~~."_#tef l:i!foi con..-ld-;;ut.J.x;r G('l.XEe.-S fUbban:i, !tep'.JbU!.iI:~ ':M,di U',<a:' '.;". '~":".~t :;1te-:-t~~L<; d Uk weeks o-f t:he trial. j ~tKrm \he ~,U.: ~.~ J ~ ~ hwoo dille {ut lhe L.oS. .)of.f;'<::'C, ~<;id p-:,opic ·\r;(j !I(- I'>i!~d <"Jnx" W!l-D: Jack-SOIl. a P,!.!;adt:r'8, Ci"nf ,;~s,~:~<I_\dy. /t,CCUM:<t 'COI!t1J:.)ur.e e.\{~.a.fX' Hibbord loday 5 Children,Killed VALDEsE.t.(C l'.xpJosior: ripped In -1~~.~.-t.~::,~ Ar1~bis ~,>,kr ,_, . t.~h i Exp IOS ·10 n Re"gL.lll. a Hutnl:ll-,o<J 11. &f.rd h'" i Mkr->i>-ci P-ol>.'e-!.l U: *;'t.~.-t i:;rte.i",(t~ L~,~ e~-c,apW Ana· !r":,,,·t ',"y;j' ,:, c!,df ':.'YP)3!- ~'Pl'·~"r.l :\_n.u.-;z:.....-..J... pi.11:1', Ii j)~fj~l"~ mmp.1ny'~ KO<:JG LiI;U•. i1a,a s-.."",,'l:'~ the gCK)(j f~i'), ,)! ]·Bb',./Ed C~.;~.).;H!Ji';.n.ln-g tIN' de ~j('" I!· AJ.J.....,("ond~, ~..;lld T!I"~ Sl.'\r exe(~tU'\oT., k.i\Hng n~ c±1ihir--en. i lng 1u a' ",,;x»;.e~J1111~ ~l \.'.#jd~ BO'llrd of fh-.1!d, WK'UJ,-j (").[I":;i u-t to tate 'nl~\ '~.'-'1I1k:lCf3UiJ;: F'i:re Chit'! A. O. 'And-~rwr, !Ct'fie:r",i I!l,;mjl,1! . said the ehildren s,p,.~ft1",tJy! 1))<:1\ Rooi:~fKln, hHhl'~r 1)[ Don- Lha,! it j:j; rnu:;,'h rT/,f~ e:q::....ni.i',-c C'~"!1.:t an (,id wen> plaring on the hHl~ldll: ;,tId ;inc HI'J;dr::l ;:.Md ht, and lib ;Pltl d:ff·~ui·t ,aN:Ql'd--- ilr~ $:26 ti-0; H·,-·m I" :, ,',n ~"jrt: rnj~Hoti (:) ("tHI) P').)!:.;:i-o:11H ll:; lii.'~ ;;rid '.\"'it,'!!j,~ wilk'!! mL';\1) )(~ yelOr-oi-'.l ~lill-e In fe-(.UiT.i hcl' d I -ti)'·':th _- _ $,. ler ug n':. (; ,w· t CvnUlt.a PtC'OtI lD sIde a1 the OOfnc of A textne \ with Nih minor In i-ur~' bomb Gl-o-r\,a tha{ ("I.ifl<.i.'l. CD ,nt, ~'!-''''' i;'i>d :n,-sre}.>rr~,~,n! do.:::.v.l'J(mL Selstad right above U'I{'. lx'lC1lD ~+;dleT at' ... de iH)(j Glr,-wu 'N,~n~ the lin,t plant MI,ch ;,-~ .\;I"C::"";;I·1i~ 1)'o;;n !{ i~ \0 v..li!.d on~ f,c'fl'1 .s'-'!<l'ch !-;f'f'd~ 0') ~t'J" :;ot: f; i~;€. ',nth the home o! Mr and :\:lnt. i ()11 ihi' s,cen€ !~:~." r<::fSu]alK",s amJ J~ E. narrou at the time or: "': couldn' t e--,,('~1 teU )'00 Elf: .~llJd lh1l1 ibe e.xpfos.ioo 'fueMay, wha~ H Wi.' lU:e," RobiMon lXIO}p<lny i, mi:slrrg t,'1Lj dlon f,:'<,';;v,r:i ia.\"b:)!J !lj,' y,' sF Ander&Ofl said one chHd'si:>a,id a.s :>Obbing rela~\'e'l at· the sJ.aCe oc:<ou!d L'fIf!UDuc1.1 U'J al-" tr'rn ~h:;' h"s rJl"'C-( Am'''.:3 U--,(' grei:ll!~~':' ii-ilU<J11 ltl lb,\' WOf:,j bod)' 'WaS found in a stree.t at: t.empl..:d to ("'Qmfor-t hhr, a,rrcl 1';15 101'1' variance'5 ' the: bottom o,! t:1h: hiH. 1be- ol.h·: wife " A_t1'lK'0M:Cl ~s. hrt'.lr,~ ct' tJ:i b<? (j Sd.,lJd. ~,Pf'a.Un:g at 3 H:'\."('""'"r· e:'" OOdieti fell into the pit left' "GiH<J 1)\e-giIoa) was :.tu-o'-;;-"j) ''.::ornpan-y tlJ'.;·n' ins-\e"d erf a 'ur;;'l \.r: his hN.:;, ....aid 't!"rf when the O-!ast ble·...· off the roo!; plumb down into a ,~l,[eE-t in lxxim!O'I\ln HlbhJ.rG b:a!C add- gO'~/1 o;·j d;;y~ "en':]'; ~:: tj-,,,! of the shelter : iro-nt of the :melte;- aDoui :xl w ing In:a( (he p'i'O;i{~ 01 t.o,e u,m- gr,:;" Gcarrou's 12,y--car-01d dau.gh!er i-lOO ft-et :I .... ay f:rom it' Mn pany inou:-<i b.. ~ ,.~,'0r (,Of!' tie S-f-id J,,~,e faf:~ '5 !~,zr', F.I.' Jean v.--as C-Ql: of the vkUms.:Robir,$\Xl said "'j found ftej' lv- t:er'i ol I~.s Wo:,-):c·rs lea,s ago 'ff' .iiJS' Wil~r:'i 'rhe othei'Llw-ere i-deHtit,ied .a~: iug theJ't and It was 50 a,*i~L He 5<lid l.ha~ Wh!iC AMicond.': grelH I)::mald RobiJlScm Jr., a, iL~ ~ awM' IHi$ bad it.!! liPS and d·~)-Wr.5 e ~ a "' f err '-),'1 f thi :~.:, I ''n / Easy Scan and Print Page of Comment ~ or Boulder Article A Big Lie Watch the Telethon ,A, gre;H deal of rnlsln!orm.\[l.on L" C!r-t~l.I111,tlng ftb<}u(. th·e p·r-npc'lwd c:onsUt.utlonr:tnd {:"f~~'ILing (\ C(ln- siderable ,unount 'I! con(usl(1D In the priK(,}:~S. m:J.sl be in- formed on thh crucial !f.$UC P(~rbap~ the bf1si way you Cf\;, t('l~thon5 whkh'\\~IJJ bt~ rJUCl"(\ aJrt{j by :statIon>') lhL~ LcJethon'j~are being pro- by the ContmHt....; for Cotl- w'hich tJw namr; convenU(}n6t~J('gale-$ JdOplRefornJ ed when tht~ sUp.l'JC:!J1e' c.ourt sHJd Ult'. conl'cntion c6n"1d ~'tlb1. "~nd s.ome S5-0.000 \l l'JAd se; Miele Ie}!" a voter education progT1l.n1 Helena resident$ hav{' port-unit.y It ~\!-, I<:FI3H Ul~ op- vi.eVi' trn{'(' sepil.llJ.J.t· telefi10ns Hnd \l WJ.)lltct Dt a gcl'Od idea' if' YDU wo~1~1~-aU'h a.$ri1;\n~· (.0 as !Jc"k<;"slblt SillS"?~~~t.u.ch telethon panel witi be co~~ed of dHterentdelegel.e-s:. Vj~*~ c-an partle1" pale. l:ll~d fire urg"¢'d h) do ;Y), by telephonlng questions to U", 1Janel. Thf!" deh"ta'l.<es·hsYw· twen tn.s-tI"uct~. (.l) 3,\'ijid long-winded iGrl:':<.1. l• Fall:<-) ~n q j'; m ;H~d (}rl Fnri:'o)" [:'-'lr: i U, fl. p.m. l.~Ul'r:; r.,·o u;[· ;\u;:, pa.rnp!,ieLc. ct;(" U',t' 1'1 ()!X7_~fd "ljlt", i\.flrj ';':':rj· wi1;c~, un" lx.in;; oecJd,'diy D.;;;'llnst d,nst! lu UOI: "l~', dnn l thint lrl(.~ !l{rc-:'..: mrl]" m('an~ lhnt the 1~·:'i.:<XHy ,![;~ .rneni.... ::.:: ,,'ily;: OPI.ti.'f)e thi' d,,,:,.- :'h;,~ ;.hc ;il'.i\.' to L...- In·'j"- ,q'~'I"; d,,',i;' g('nen.JLeet 1'_ B de:adlme for inters on t!1~G LtslJe. Ldt4;rli recci'<'l"j after Thijr~,dllY n,orning will no-t f)(publlsh{'d 'Wi! pi-int..o bul Qt, o~lnc l{) wlJ.L",h the t-E:let.hon,~!i-o t.hat Yin: r \"icwpdn t. will be balanced al1d your vote wl l.l bf b.:'l.$IXl on the i'\FL~. do~ ""{e nOl your c-rnoll:on,5. th~ i~ ,,~ lip II b kl T':l ~J<o(e wH.h [i i( I)OW. 0;\,,1': wl.t~'l. anyBf'rt' .'J!.Jre OUf e-:n~trH_-,er and ] meilil any.),1< and J aiT, (eplJtflLion and honc~ly il\'efa~," bub,!: f:D ! am 1I:'lr~ y\ wHh ;, nwc,h 1 h Il n the , 1")11")1': hlO~ Ix f..<;<?1cr~ Wt:, rw ('f]}(ly ( l0V~ Ip \'1; one. i.! \.h;i! \X':'Ople show' !.Ke H.I Il.<.Itlfde. Plenty For BE My WIle i <!-()f!'t wanl 10 belittle ~ny­ ::iln'l ~"""i'lf16w thi", Q:lC. lot of 0 Uw hlf!) »nd I h.'1." woc~,"'l ~ Ot)('!': do hll\'c II 'M I 11m pl()\J,d i for f"'Jft: t"h'i:neigh-t ;car~ S~I..nd;>nt'.bUJi dr.I~""tr, ;j.fXl GOt:. (-at, ch'C"'~\o; U!> ;;r~ 'OJ ;md lh:o I !~~ , IS h t e r ':.rl' both \o[1g lIri)e , p](>}'e.·! of lhM sdlool and tx>i.h hold ~hiJ1 supet'i'L';I:<r VI"lll(m.~ aM I. am prow ~ ~-<l)' 1il~~t And hurl pobhdy (,)r N(l\rOU(x! p.r{':f~'t z,' 1:;"'; -.l ,j ~ f: !Q tJoeint.1 100 per OWl .... :'!n~ UlAl YO'u can br;md It ~II :.1 !It:: '*1,1)[ YlO'o<! pt:.'1.lflle will rtf) :'), :l hale pubUcily or m.lYbot~(l beg [.1'< .1l ItVI' "'ot~!; I! be" J"tl{)(j :;\1 human ft'a!~oolng and Ihinkjl)g anYlTNre. I hnvr !U'ver .<;li!.1 thl.~ ~.!w-e. but I ....iil go r..:y.... ·t·.r~x ;'Ie ,',\:vme ,,{ ie:tHs ;0 Hettd thoo-e I·d'hf}(" 1Yrf{.~ t!"or. ;;;4 d '.tUL)Ji ,'Qf)dHXwt~ ttl B<;ukll'f R.iver Sclwol a-rn! lh'J~ plt.1\!. Tht rW»lt amuiin,g ~rt Qf ;li· UH' ('{ji!.()f s·('·\.U!·i(] only l(l U'I(' riij!):itin,lOrI f"lghL Fur ti:;,~ Il"cl...'~\))"j,,',· must sel .""~'Kl U~ art:K'J~ ~1 [ijtt pa.pe!.~ r,', ~;f,rd1e:~,~ of i·he L",:';U': rrh(> p!Or"l'S{'·d tDnsUi i p<::ft1;lIrolll.g !e!{'lh!:'n '",'i:l 1.:-;' iurrc :.(,.rdly (I\'f:r ]{BLL-T",.' i)n ~Ur1l.)HY [r(lm fj·:.\(! t.'j f\ ;J 11: "'/i.~lj (fir, ltj;,,', :'~lf:VlSioD sUtuLiol1al iii' Tt~1' KXLF'IBu:if edu.cate yOI,Jr1j(;'.lves::,is 1.0 ;'lew the Manta_na. \\iE't~t. The Thr ;!,'(lTd t; .'J'1:!i I!,~ ff;o! t i'lnd (0 t:U: \")0.:,111'.... Thur."'-tlny fro:"!: ~"<1"kJl\8 f.l".w tIlt pub]i.clly W'th disii:UM ~nd rn1J::ed f~HrJK IIi b'.Hi ll:.rN n\:llYix II; little hate. ;([.l)j£..~ ....... f'r,,, ',",-'I' You, tlle vi)tu"S T~J fr~{Jl .tl1~ t:><,)',: !n(JI;P~lxtMi! 1{i:t.o(d·~ F>.1):.of. pkU!Cf,~ b... ck and ai! to find :h('; (':(I pre bit: Ill': EcHLor Ind!: ThoS{o whc Sympho1 ,0;11.1 la~1 to Vrid<lY excel 311 per-fo:rman,,~(' \li'ho~ he~ \Io-hen' '"[!'i'e Arm;,;' l'r~ WM. Sonw rr C~ labncalti:li:gtr.I,e1p ~HU<1g (/I:>-W,'] I know we 11,'e <Iwf-uliy- :!hon tor,guing 01 help &ometlme-~, but lhe ~a)"· ing tiwl ooly fin, pe.n;;..:>n~ wer,.. left in charge of anew.iit :~ ~~rJUng ef~. ~ petS:<lf1 tha, told th.i.~ i1.a4 best rr""tr. "- filst t.Tip to h-15 p:'I-ychill.tri:rt Of doc· I4r, if hr. i.'! h.lC1iy enough to have l)()i', '(a,l.~' h~ na! siLWO'd be<!. Our d<ldur tha! ha.5 bee-n hefl' j.Df" a long, hong time hll~ don!' 8 lot, and I mean far be,,"Ond hi~ call of duty wHh the heip oJ otmTOOdors arQ1.JrnJ the country, and a kJt of their wer'k donat.ed to-r the patient! h~e. ! f anyoM wouW care to toke lhf' time \(l come (;wer yO'J can 5t':'>t for )'O(.rSelf !".>Qw rome o-f Ulellt Holiday." ( fit)j,~ ali gol trumpet tn( lh" I-;Ul1e I "SuOOrban rerlainly 1!12 of p'eiCLi:;;~io w'ith .. Sounc Mark MeG <lnd the b; an.dS,rii :,\merf-cana <is che.es.e wld. ever}' ilfl l"V€nHig '\5 -an ir :!w 1971 C0 St;;~e Cap;,; WIi.' ~dr.r. bt51 bilf,,·.h to fl1'e'i"Edltor .etters _'nic~? H i~ ea.,,), 10 !iH nnd (,11t\cl~, btn hdplng I thl" mrrf'Ct aliSw(;r to a ) I e m $ep-ar;ltc:i tht men lt1~ [l('}'t' WKu ~~gafil~,k,r(' }'(/\l ;ubHc1y Illf', ~"g() and btlll (II Qf go<-X! pe<:Jple. ,1fld w,:. wnrk f(Jrc.e heN' th<l~ pn!tld lu ~~ 11 P"'rl of, J';d Cl,'\. and UIl' truth fint find y'.tml;: P".!"~P~I: ha"'" 1U,1f)(:r;"v m1\· ,i ~_ H:i+(})ng and pt',dwmJ';lIl;;';' 5 lC:lJmJnatKh"l O! t4r Imrd o-~ ,35 Ac mf'j.m.Jt~Wma1 abil!tkt n g L i 8-",lld fu~~r:;.,v,' .fti£:!:trnfIU. is.. th-llL.thay h~v.(1- <'If! £ (> 3hHity tht;': n~: ht ',;n}<"ly'.'<1, Ac U\'l;')y [(If &~, fn;;IJ;)" P~;l,,:> ,~.) Hit}' wj;rf1. (.(wJ ....lH h:3'N,' a ;l!~ ({P;:~f",,(;Mli;{jt; Q-/ ttw E)(Olrrjl~&n. !:J.;M-rd t$d-l!!.~1""tfi.U~ FMtg&ri-r~­ li-J."'l m,gy h-Ji'O't:'. rt;ornov!!!d 'ilWlf d (ne itiflr(YID5 9'f L;,al bo¢;o1, <dwM'lMt'&!W, 'Wriall b"t Ul'~ 't,,1:,~r')i ~hoWd hirVI' fh;~ d\YUi~I}O" ml.;;;lC;~J VI" II kmr, ;>':Jr~ ~"(ni e.fJ.;/l'l.'I1 Jrr.cl li!i~u\S 0{ othc', W'her; nor: '''In!>id<·.r.~ th." !;;;r;::," mmibt'T of $:\y,l:~O(l; til.>!! ar~ :>3 A .R'i\.'1~' :,h(' ,lvrfln~ !tl piln;dp:;<,lt .....:.:1;..... ~nd tii tnp> ~ :'rMf':;;:"li \vt)b~.. j't\t:n .1".(,\',.: "':Hr! (I.; :j·.i~l!?_{' "h£i: 'f r~;jl hi'lr~:~il\ tt;<'" r.;J\ltHt: jiJ''';r.n~.m jJi l'ir HI'~e'l\il l-il·fiJ Sdw';;'i n'l'!Jr" p f) 'll' t r }"'\I t.lf:'e ""',,v fr"m Ilw ~)pit, tnt> ft'iiJr~ ~ I w.:.uld ~'Umt lip mudl different j;: l () T V llH: t\llf, f<.>brit:i3~d h~' hd~ l'-J('f'll~ lind puMk:i(\: ('n .iv,\' iX.'T WT}rl; !:lert' ;;.o(! lov!" {Qr (!w~b find VHf'Y- U).;<t L~ mPfr thlln ,'>(IIT-l-¢ : show' L,{"t' RandaJi I.kmldN, Mi'flt enty of Praise lr Bengal Bond r. Independent 1ll..'('0rd lse who ;ilae-nded the HCii;.vihphofl:C Ban d Corw'e.rt Fr~d.JJY r,41hl Vl'CH t.T'<'.:Hej 1 ex('rilr:,n', ~in~j \'\l.i"Yil-bk' ,mlj,nct' osc hear( d}dtl'l Dirt'cl,er lk,r'r";' !lsrd'-i'jn..1 '.i;;,,. -lk~(JJ B..-md t!~~-:lnb(:.r-:i -(.i:xt'iii~';Y '~d('8~r'f" 11 f,;siuLe {rQf\1 lh, ~~)il:, 'f.i"'W'.)'." ,lJlll \11", ~t:'lu>01 "dr;)(;I;~ tr"t:inn ler theIr In;jny nrc,' j.'f'\i- ,~;;::~i~i:~l ~:~:\:~m':rl''C'! IJ,Finj; E>.'(,n,·U L. t.'mn un;; JJ j H<o'(~.~ h \-~ every event conl.ribule,(j \{'l ::\'ening Olet1l(';iwi.runent nn inh'res!ing .:('wollary. ,~ 1971 eoncerl SC3:'iln of the Ie. Capital &--l.nd ,e\ly Band! 5 performed lJy rine o·f tfte I bands Helen3 has had in rNrs. Long time band me:m-'S will tdl vou that ,his. WClS stly bee a·u s e oJ the high )00) stu del] \ S aod r('<~efll ~dlltlks in the band Thes\' tFM... k~ i"npoit.All\ ~~:,'rM.a0' d--ectsi'-Tl,,~ hit?; ~ till e) ,iYJ!; !}f ~Jllrj«1: \h}~; tlp-pui...-i.rt ;;;'c,iJ;f.'n oNT l{lnn (J1 r:!w~nj" F'ffl~l.,tbl,l\ l1f,~;:>l'i0.4} (If i""i·"'~,\~f.n-l{~. ;,>bl~.r, seVtn yt'nn. ~h CUrrafl t~ lliJ5' informing,-ilk "\)(1;":'<; if11):~ ii.";'· cleo sjn{'·e 'l°);6::uii\'<; rl'f·rgil;itt:;i. lilH} h<l$ !lot onh n~';ll('{i ('xlr'J IH,rk In U~jt til ",;n,{~ ~H·;. ",m('~,~ i! h~l' 'k~""·;)t,,:t !iw d!:· ('H::-'l,-'Y "Ii:,:" ;" Pn::k::"S(lf, Wdh~m F Cr" ...... ley, Schw! 'J! rAW. l!niver,:;', 01 Mon-t",nzi. :>li~so\lb 5\;.]\.-:j' ~,lf'('g\.H\:rds which (..tIr tnrll:";~,h{~r"5 wi.''icly put th./!f{: ~nr o'H d ~(-(l1J!rCS '-'! rl-?:~l!.:' ,h(' Jrl,'f,'pk \,' r, t I' :;):11 f"I'.""" i:J slf!'r,:n. I't':~int~:j h; bJ,it'dlc';··~ '''''" ~ that depIl~.nlelll \I ob, li.\l:wc! "frD.'li . the tr~~'bod :lJ.,te liti4IW, I k1W"1 ~h<lt wht-nltiavcWcd d,,'1Jm!'l <I g " j n ! Itbt iUitetht war....:;;!:! nt\) !I1w-a1t1.~uedby {Ill; !<tldi: /ludi:tQf, Jmrl.. -Jl.tt,payll- .01·, thi${slt1 tt~~w~. ' ~ ~ . ~ pi,.. .11 \ht (~n~ '\.dn:®Mltlt'krn!~lWt1!\"trt ,men.- r;; &.ho'Jid j:U"''.-~~'" tx'1\I£') !:J(. $ll-pn)y!q~ hi;>~ (,~\:'i.$fl',u\iQi: ol'.irl'l) uncolkd Fr-rn L 1'() B(·x 4B9 (i'lf Il.1kcr a b<xKl' 10 plan: !iw !'fo-P'Ji\"i:;!1i!r1y f (l·r hl1:odl1og of F:'dni );. !~ld;epefidt'{1t H.i.·CJ}··d· \.ft"" ~tuJying the Vrc,:>Q",,'d ,,'hktJ rh.lEi-Qns of 1(;]l1Or1; in the iu1fldB "Pi>~In{>I!-d ~mpioyeswho aft' <), ... (;t~{'s °nl{- ?:hf)UJd nave ,h<: o-pportim!ty tu· 'clect' the-person ~iJ handle th'E important too. il }he a\l~Vi~r in tt-.e n-ewl1f,:<;' tx1:;;ij true whv dn lh-e w3nil.nl~ p'rc,po.<;-et:! constitution. Mrs E3Jma Peck 412 S<)!":J; j noone-;' fHal rtl,lny oUJ<:>.::tionabl,' {e;lturcs in l\ uflly hy the stal~ blan· bmd i;\'< ;!C{X"Jnp;1Jll'::d Tiw- !ii.d':p<:nden: H0.-"rird, rellW~'C 11\;11. Why itK'fl '.·ill He.l'te:d . otftdal hi1\'{' to be pf~nted La the :n;"sure fM payment? ;\-h ~'l(!", is that the VllleT.'! will·oo wen io'''votc f)O on the Folse Answers C':1-Hj'Ht.d1Jn ~;twermTh:rn and l'OW}~i-eq dt~, it f\lnd.~ In the oHk-e 0-1 the SIMe Tr1;,,~utt?J, Hu~ !nchidl"3 :h" [)cp;trlrnnet q{ tWmini~trll" '."v.'\~rt'd Independenl Record ,'\.nnw 6{ [h" Inf'ry,nI;ltj.O[l In tIll' <JMlln:; whi-ch ~n: given to Fn'qu~r;l.!: 0'll>IH'l1 Qt;e-~.-ti'.lns \0 mr \(,iw. if iwt h;;,;", al it<::;:( I'"ry miSleading' .lIS all e:o; a IT. p j C· Q'lH-ctt\<)t, ~pjx',;r Wily ,,;;:,s tbe ofhcc (Ji Ute Montana's Oldest nail)' N('wspaper in Contlouous Public.ation 5~.a;r E,<tabilshed in Helena Tn'ds·urer ~tmin.at"d [rom the "Tlle Ifl!3S<lrer l)t)\-V pcrf::nms iu:wti('flC'i of mOTt' imp.xl1in('e Pi"(i!)o)$CC L1H1Sl!tulk'IJ"' ,me m<lgnliude than tbe $!i\'.':' ;;udiI.Qr. (Ult:' 01 the (ltficers H'· ,ained in the Ct>rlsj,ituti':m .. E1imin<llign (~",tt~' 5'.3l". tr('"s. c(\f\t1nllt' <IS UTer as a c"oflS\llu:ldnal 'l!flCl' ;$ Jusl (.fie of many ()bject~Oil;Jb!e mjnhlr-iJtion·b1Il! ~,.~ln& \"(ll,(' 'f.H!' <:.tat., (l-arpo:/Sf's ilr,~ n~J:~"':i\-;;h :,i]<1 'i .J:H";'f;;~ m· ~ilj;(-t'. fue~rl.;~t;Qt A.d. M tiOl1M 00 [he wn.ri#nts. \)lI' poop¥.. t.~ 'i'j';;\zJ:NI.alg g! r!!AM~~f'$' \1J'Bln·t t ··~rom "U·.i<::::Bj(lS4n in~<?$!1J}0flt !l!'pyb,. ~~-lU".&"H"liCtWalfy,,4w;o~,'~ ... Jl.h' ik' >'1I)(j 5:<.---h<";o1 f\1nd~,i'If,,:t if;" li)l) riUh)€1'oosJ.i;l. t:tIj.nnet-'.i~ ~l~mim.. ~h)l: .'Ii l.h~· t~'\l mit! lImi-t ,0\11 l1t:t.k ltg'l\',~, ferle-r a 1 \l<i.jJ).;\'IJ\ t\ "'r'n-,~ C;'Hi.;f\j[: o ;)IJi. Th'.' '<l'" :,:u:~{,n bdel'.nxinll H,~.,.-', :,-; ,'IJM1~' ;;('W" ~L~nes rd:,~ A slorv by ~1(>,,~tM ,:.",,' r,-:H'i:fn');., i'!-.K(l.,"T*}' gl1"-IJfYiil ...1:'-1 ).orne mig h I ~. line ,:",'i"',i,' u r r " fl ,,(M~~s "Tht; ~k.c~ h\~ .Hllg came IorU1 ',,;il!; DffK'c (;1 tr"t'lsurer mj!:,~!'. .pel trio j.)-Iaytng l>t': ah't!ls~h'd hy !~Hure if';risb·lay." Co-.'lte·mporllry mUlilC lIJ:m. !:If-c,HJ:;e wdh (~xr('l)(!V(' all got 1(1 groov,('. ahil.l(\ re'O.!ganb".:,Utill_ the DiJk.~ P.., E State Band',~ rendlHon fPWt'f duU{~""," lurban SrJul KIm SH,W!'" r ~m I'ff\, !~jm!har I',i:h l.h;, ,lnly perfon11(~d linear bJt d u :. j {'. s (,i that oWer 11"\1:'1\"' C'fC"ussion artist,v in rh\'l.hm ~ t r \' e.oj 11"- deputy for n",;>,'!:,' n!-cBnil h'el'y bi, a:-o. mud, c·hee-.5e and ap{Jk pii> '\,t tl;re-ir ,,,,me[(",~ft;(; (i!,,: "·'-'--:,!:l':';'nn i5 rH.'~ ii gr:Ir,( ·>1 f"'';',·; F;'."'It <" ~\ II J1 g.: HI :J,(: Edi~,;r'. the 'm'li r'i.:"h ~" was pJayoo ,,::; an "Sol!lld of the C:"rp-cnt~'r~ " 'k . McGin\e~'s pi('i'Olo ~{\j() the ba:w pl'1)'m~ "Stiln S t r: p l' S Forf'Vt'r" ',,,;\~ (0· lli'!:'l~ pF/;:,--..::tion !: :-.h-0\.:1d iX' Voters Being Misinformed 1}OOff tM 'P!fl$i;mt b:w t..l;e, Ir(i'llSutt,.'t J,sJx»:)d<d ,for·aqu&'h .:l.r ~ i> mil®nd~,,)Jl de-. !lQ-sHs. tin' UJt- m.~.ai::t~H'­ ,\n:,I',([' "The a tre,Hi'Urer win b·~.;,tutQfY oOle\': T[l(' In'2;:;'Jf0r hano'/e.s \'\'T'- h\tl,' (:0;'>1-.. and aCC"O'Jn:ing {~f r e c e i p t and disburserrtem of slat" fUl,ds ~-s carried on if' the Department uJ Administration." De(', 17, 18BS (T~' ';" ~,,,,-,, ".-0 E. ) M"'-~ Ro:o, '""""/,""'.,- n, 1l~.c"'.i'OIl ''-*i!-e'" ;:..eo..r!lovt R<-'l~ C'""" "."'.;;.-"..,--.- clrc",~l'":fi ",,-,.o1l~ OtHc~ p~~ 0_,1,,,,,. R'" g,,,. [,I'I:V A<I'o-, N.V..Ilt;l«' ",.,.,,~ Soport. £ctJ!oo:'" ~o.E"'~ Rk;I;:."T,t~ _ p,~'->. l:"'~A "'(>I"..,..,.,~ "(>1""'-"