Easy Scan and Print The Ihdependent Record Iderlugh ller I the , p'" ,From Montana's Capital Cetlt March 22.__," __" ,, --' -==--,' folk Out Quit ea'rd informed I Soil",e, said the question orl m/>e,." 01 rr~ct"rjn~ orl\ooizro rabor'" "Oj <>I tl>e ily UJ the f~cc o( Nixoo', ""~'I did rot trol progrllrrl coold I", " (",,1m" ;fft't! ,,1.0<> working "l!~;n.'l ~n im",edi~to walkout fl"'OCl1 th~ boor<! ir,. tInil<lC! W<><>dcod; ,and Fit"",immo""1 nl Leon· d<>n'! agree ea~ The AFI..-CIO also may E. Fiu- .oJn~ resistanoe amOlll:, Ie:'dcrs wiled to <i Its powerful nuHding and v's meet.:Co01!<l.nIction Trades D<1larl. ;xocutlve '["""'I , ..h id, n"" its o\\'n w"ge- ' .l<lbil17-"lillh prngrnm ami il:15 I ra""l e,',",1 ock !JJldli>e<>n ",mning wage hih," 1 l>elrUll'l5idel"IIbIY In ex:ceSl of n,t P;lY .. exOOJ- lloaro'. 5,.5-iler-<:e1l1 ~ulddllic ider Ibe The depwl"'enl pl"nncd lb I hr& and (lWTl meeting lod~y l(> hamn",r llO<".g tho oul 2 lX'S,ti"n ClO. It was lea.-ned liI,Ll a ~cy OdVL.er·: Direclor George', ;.ClO EI- Sblll.lol' the Olli"e o! M"oagc the Pay ll1l!nt "od Blll1«et, 6aw McaI1y lolnot 13~ Pclvately 'fuesday, leudkng tol ges were ap;ooulalioo .bout il whll" e prices, liou:<e attempl to off~r con· 'ler bu.,i· Ce:l!iorl:'l, to prl"'{~.ll a labl,r t" cl~,lb. wall;OOl I I lllllern,~,INiX\lll DEATII CAR - Edna O. K"s5l'1. G~, or llclPnn. <lied this moru)ng i"'~ llll' compad, foreign car sh~ wus dri"in~ 'lOrlh In the soutllhounlllllue of'Interstate J5 nort.h or llelma l'mslwu lle,rdon . wIth' ~ 'pl~k~p truck dti~en by 'thelnJa'0:ll-.bett,'.43:J,i,i}6llvtd north of Helena. Mr~. Corbe~t W!l3 abo ldlled. ,~t.il.n:Ui.,aa,hel: pickup Jlcw apart l1.L the Impact. (Stalr Photo byBlli BlUl1mol1I) 2 Women Killed; I I kieWins l ). . ..... ....... I 1""0 .lft I e n~ WQmen ,~t:{y"'-" dealh'liistll1l1ly DOOIU 1:-'lil.rn: Slteel l..:lay .when !IlG . vehlclel ~!'Y tio>u:1d l'inoiiS were d<ivlng rollld<!d mmlles wbeo.ll1~ ',wn 1IO,,1Il of Ihe LI" <> Q I" J"ler. If:wet-noith.;':/':<,,::\}i';;:, rn"llll" orllnwnltale 15 . ' lie .ald. sh.."woill:,arivr.;g°•... , ".liii\esli Dead orr" Tholma C<rlJcll,4J, [""'W! COIIlp~ct,oar ,'';'''L~,. !llId;,mlM:Ioi'i,:Itlt.t~ of 1810 Lin""lo Hood, arid Edrto Corbell, ",ho ..wiu!:,'iiiOilhJ>cKiiid:: tIiO,jnt~~1li;.ti,i the sen. Ed:13age Itlst peoplc 01 llIinQis aiming. in jUst senl aems,'s 11lc oa1l'wbnms tino." over Sen, The Mulne ,cn3lor g<lt oil to lay ~! ,f~IlCrl,ng compn, I~n .tort, I In th.;"· I'llU' a ~.4 P"'" ""01 v'clory delegn1e 6l>owinS '" thc New 1]1.mp/'1lIre lIlic prOI!. pnmary, "nd " bllttl,r11'S III Florid., wiler. h. ·.':lIn fOllfIb ,tdistallt"lld ~nd go\ "oly 9 l'''' "cont of the tD win D~ V<>le. im llllno~ Musk;c s~id lIIin"i. gave him ,nee pri. a de... e-ol victory" "onl of the n came ov.-r a Joron"" Min_ "0""'1. ,cnator wi", i. !luI " long 1ntI- Ol<><>rl.g r~nl ,C<lUI.lldcr~ lur ~' ~election \he U172 non""~lioo u.ldo ;'150' Na~enlllle". ,twa, ~ "iclnry. daubl 1tI and \Yhelb~r ar nul It ompresses ~l\rlOi . .iel; 'Iri"'l POlll,'d~n., 11 pUla S Wh,' d . th an the Muskie record to t'''''I)' M e~.Ill~ Into ,he plVOllll WI"""n~in [hIm ~~:~~~~w~~' of 1702 N~Mon. :t~:I:~e: ="-::'le~ ,~~,':d~.~f,~:;~~\~te Cuulll.y );l>e,,11 D,we Mld,H~~ [eel away fNrn tho roM' body, 'toll to. 41..~-.'illlh:rt:·011 mas ""'d Mr•. K,,.,el "!'Par""l- Bolb" e hI" 1 e" d"'l"lOl- d1r.. dal'H"'" yeu.-iItO; - th'l" ",OfO U 'It,. nnrgin oyor m~f 47.~] "'.M.l i~~~;sr:~~ eO~,"'il w!tJ \>emocralk lbere, 1'' ' 1 i "<HI, In ~\ ",Il'!l>~ 100, The", "'''''' iIo.'iKOllkwlI n".~ ~PlJ(lrl1OnodlflUh1ic.n ""nllio:l~ In 11Iil1Oi' ongfes><itillol Gov. RichonL·k· QRilv,c wu~ 'I Easy Scan and Print ifhe·World ,Delegates Can't File for et~ At cJ Glance Sj)ril B,;o> An Bill's Furn in the New Capital I FOR ONE V Easy Scan and Print Majors' ~fajor's Sjlring has Spnmg at ~;'O""<"~" ·~.'U' "w,n'" ~<o"," ""''''' ~ ,;, 0 l",ou,.!,d Arrangcmcnt 2.v"/" of; Spring Flowers ,.:~>.") >cu' "(;;1" 1,......1l 0." ,~.,.,. I.. ij;!t y~" Io.k .....,,;..,' N. V.. J1t~ w ,~. _ M U •••4l\'" -~ p.'.:""'" A '·0;"0". d W"I&" 0' tic';,,,.., <;'.", ..... 1 'O's o.d R~"'" Ph,., 4~:l_4~JO non HOURS: 9,JO_5,JO, Mon ,j,," ~o" Bill's Furniture Mart in the New Capital Plaza-1415 11th Ave. Easy Scan and Print .IBh;ameral.Ys.~~.icE.:e~al Issue.;BeG'(,)m.~:s i I. ..> . ..••.• ' Nothing at All' I By OMIIl..ES S. JOHNSON : Dillti,j. ,ill pl~<,. .biCa",.er"bll' :<'lid. ~ddir,g th' A'I<I<"'-"'d Pr..fwrtt...· :In the co~lilUl:e;,.Mld ,,"l U"" W<>rlh141<ing :1 1 COl'V~. nlio<l del- o~",oen<ll"lll up '" • 51"." l.",lJt HQl!and '"~" eg~le., lerblively <!edded 'f'u<,$-'] Ills motiOn ~ ro.J5 ",,,tioo to 50y tJ(;(105m"!."",,,] I!~"I~r~"i;,I~~ :r~~"tfi~: Ttnl~liH ~~~li':;r~~]:'; !TlICOd8Y .kOOD ',Ii9n ",Ill ,;/fer '. ooe·llou..., It!>.: All, ,>( J~Mn Tur"I''', "'"': "0 deci.,ion .... , ',.<bUm:;"" .\Ide ;»ue Do the l~nl"Il":", Pro",dcn: i...", G'.'",'1Jf!l)'m !,,"~ 1>:,11", ,bBl Jr .. j),Gr~~\ ]c.IK em!,',•• : /-'r~~iden! Gra In oH~r "l'Il~. The odl'llat'~ eu;'I<J;!h. se.swn lflat dJld~;"n,,"'1 lhe DaVl.l ITll)Il,lO:\ioru wooId be 1"~t:;I •. : Werl"~~da,v "00 place um".me· _'.~Il'll~le! wooJ2 ,: ,~;,':~;:~;~ :;:~1~ ~ ! :~~f;~A:;;~'I;~.~;~~;::,~;: E~i~~ n" I;;'V "~:nilllli~n ,am! U;e; ,,,",,-,oaplta; p.1rl,>!lir\enl 3'>d _ &10;" adwI "d I.l;.,<;~d b,· tile 19'71;ga"'~lm~, .., , lito", dclC£a~<:i' ',:;;~i~:;~ii 'i,\' u; , "1" I',j,,,) ,., I~~, ;::I;:.~"~:'i:.:\':'",':;\ '~:~ ~:~"':~.I:,~:t i "ro "..... """ ,lJl"I,.. n '1_" I.' ","" 'li~~'1 y ;", I" I"I'Ll.' lil,' "",,,10'01 "'Hj"rily ~r 100.')(11 .:HOQQJNG, '.~~lI~ BED - Gyp'y. LynX-Point Si,,:in<:5e '''''I, ""d Bnllldi, " ,Hw·po'lIld 1''I;t,,:,. enJOy fl; slran;:e relation:;]lip. "I.11P lwn ap~ pd~ of It ;l nf" IIlln "rHl till' family dpddnl In [HI"pl ir.·~,,, )l~~, \'.'1"':1 Illc pIg toj,,,:; n\'~r t-llC t:",t'o 1J,~'1 __ !:l,,'. lhaV.,; Ll di.tlnrnt ~tol)'. BrownwonU. Tn.. fUllIily. Tilt l-'i;:-kt W'I..' ,he nmt Jni~Io' ·,~l ile ,'eI,,, """,WJJ eo w,· 71.~'1 \1.< 'il" I Gallatin Plan f.,,' Ihc :0-.:,,1"1"',· ""'''I ,,~ne "l'I~·: ' '''', :l<:ln... IiIl~ h' ':'::~;~~';:~h ...,,'::' a . """"""",-,,1 '" ' ~ll~i.wtl. Recommends, Four Areas ; I'-';I"in~ UK' ,;,:0:,' ,,·'IIMlt a lr~-, ,lohlUJrC uO' ".u, ,ho' m"dl·.:"lJi·! [,;i'.w 11)8') 1"~isIJ:II'c artJr:~ if: TIOZK\lIlN I..\P) _ Afler one tile <;~n.'I",ulLon '" al'prn""d. ;year nr ,1",:1}': .'n elwirOOfl!Cl1. n:,,',tI I". il.,lIoocr. l.l-BLllt",~t31 groop p!"e:;('nted its over.-aji: ,,"1I I'e 1~,I,,,vo<1. Ihos ",tuanoo! l~ad use plan for Gallatia Om.' w'" "" O'Nd 1'"""b,loly." :yrn. re\"omm~nd;ng the area be. ~ (OU i 1~ ",':,';:"j;;::~:;~,,,,,",",:~~:~;,~:" :":::;',;'::, R 21 le·~ g·'I· ·Sll""r' 'Ive Councl'l H'e a~rs !~',~:~J~~~; V";y.U:~~<'!{~<II~~'.~; 1~:i~:::;~t~I~~~am.::rr~~! ~ Jr ··s· ' . ·J.I!·t u t. . I 'o·n'~ I D ef I' CI' e'n CI' e 5 ;.":c':~ . . : ,;~:"";i::OO D.(;.",;:;i~~:;";:;.::";~:,,;,.';L;;;; ~' . : " ' , 1> '''' . " -,', " In ~ 41 "'" ...":0 : . "-',-,,' ,, __ . " 1 f : 0 , lh ;I. n. HOLMES AI' Cap'il<>lwritcr Conrrm owr, "",,t_S'. In."_"i~]' 1..,,,,,11,, . ilif.. P;lLU,-, ,"1I0':"CY "",d, • IlL,ly ,"-'Ii"""..", "",,,,,10,,,10; ,Id,~',r Y",J<;g'II.'<'JlI l".lh,' ,\Iil';' e,l;- or l'l"r.,,,,, ". ". "",d por., Hele""1 " , "(:;,Il(o,",,,,, ""I ':~':;,~:~,'~.:I<':,',~ b.~I~a~~'odt!:,::; r::'~~~~' "~~[;:;,.,~,.m,,, 11.. , lJfll","1 I": ''''''I'''',h;"mg"oJllJn"il 10 h"11' <or 'd~lloql,ent'YOlmg'ltll"1 Jilllg", 1,-",1 tlw,.", 1""":<ld"H~"'JlI """n~",',...· n", ,'olm~ .I,,,, OF "'.5 fi ... nccd wllh S'5,00Cl 3g"·""·~5E'"~ie",, b~ l~ 19.70i lbe """e : :'LJ7~lt,g"le", >ljl<'nI [OUI' hoorsl!~:Yi~ Forr~' ~Ll!:~l~k H~~."I"'.':"";;!IJ·:.lI'~,t,, ['csnlve Ih.. dlieJlllllJl Pl>f1ai Cr::~. ~~~ing(:~J<l dus,,, \i,..:,,::o~'c;;'.:~;iYlrl'~'~~~~bil'~'~;:~;I:ller devo'lJ!lmrol; ra:h"r lh~n 1";01, ",,,,1.1 ".",I"""t," "I,e ro'JI,,,,I,,1 'LJI"'JrJ~"ilr",\\'hid, h"..1 "it",j;"'"'''' . ,C C .- I,s!np dllVl'!opmenl ajnng e ~~~,~~ t·",'~@.:,-~~L~; ,:rna":~ 'U;:"", "1Iac...d 1<, .. "'''':, Atello.,. 'f,"", u;,. l,,~,i"i""" I~""i"''' i(. 1],:.; '1:01 ... ",:,~I~' Ix'; .~~:;~\:~rd lI~:..\/;~n~;~tl,,);~' ";~ ;h'~~~.~ \~?~;~ ~~~~~I~,"ict ~ ~ Ire,"; 6W'_ "eCOUll~1 "j:-~~.' m,lmen\ I~ 11." Ch,IJ,,,,,' C,,"· i 1!(-loc,·Lm.,,,! "I 1;,,,,..,.'1',,,,, s:nrl "\1.1,· :" ,." .., ~,rl" ""l "" II\<'! I"l' LlIl;""""",'"I",,, "'" " <ide i~.! w01I1<l he· Ihe 'Iargc6t .W'" "r -~.'il""'fi""~~v ill' Slnl.ln',(~iu. lor WK' II,,·)' w,m! I" give 11".;11,,,1 ,I"t~ "'h'" 10"," a ",ood ,'1,,1.' lor ,·,"h,ly, , . :.,uo, II [be;' all"jn Iho "eoded!rccrealio>naj U:<f.. The ar,," " )'ori.','Dirocl'.'-- Eilwr" 'G, Kell· i ,""''''f:>I.,,' ,,,,,.11,,,,, <:I"",,,,, ,,...: :><,1",.,1 1I1 lllJoIIH.,,,, !') .,n~ ,m I Ill";, Wdj,·,- :;;",1 <'";,"I .. ",,,,! m:oJ"nl,-. ",,,I :h. CfJl1.<;<'lutionlallo,,\ "'" mllte< [rom \he lugh. '; f,,,'\' """,",i;''''':''1 I" PI,," lIilh' IXJYs ,'nil ''''''Iller fo,r ~"'". ncr..-:.--" __ __ ':m~~n~I~:I;;:<cc:~:~r.::~;::'i:; i nr \1",,,,1: .. ,, j'"" ,,,;,,.,,1,. .'h;"gp, $<.1', " ",.",1:" ,,," ,,;"'h:.~ 'b,~ol:;'A;~:~~~~:il,~lr;,:";~~~ :,;:~',I ~',',~; I ~~:~';~;\'",.>:~:::I.. "'>1 apr'-''''''!. ~h'""m3 """"Idl way ":'''t~('': I"'I~: ';1 ,:::.~~,,:~~;o~ ~~,Jj~~l~~.~( :~~j~r~:;;,;;::~~~~:~o~I"'t'I::"I:':c1i~'t'~,~\:::~, ':"I'I>~li~;~,I\;i1~~'<,I'~r :~;~/';':~I':;~:;;~ ~l.'~,:r~,/,::~";',',::. : 'lo:~':.:,::',~:,';'::::.':.~:;:.:;'" ';~",',I:'~I" :;~. ;~::,~I U~::~"''''',';~:~'SIl~:;:~l~U~; NLRB'Oirector ToA.ddre.55 , '" l a bor Sehllnor Ch"d", ~l"II"hok"."", ;'.. ,,1 lie. ,... ·~in""\ ,1"""':<0,- I,." .,,,. ~Nlltio",,, I",)~., ":el"t:,.",; 1""H'd "",ill --Iw '-'!'''''~ ."I",~hr, "' Ilw M"nl""" M,,",,· Tn""p.>tl .~,. ""c·j.Ii,.,', 1"1",,. .''I'';''''r11,,,,, dav ilml I'·dll"" in 1101.·"" IUdn":I":lll 1,"\" u,¥1 MUlmtlllh r~"I'UIl.1 ,,"ea, i'''''''li''~' !,"-"""d ,I'lL',," " 'k ':"'>"ifIIlrabl" f"",llIy I~)v, IlIl,l ~'irl, liT I<>"r·'lie' :"lllo~i<:"" 1", ~"'b ,,,,,,,'UrI m,ly'" ','!On' I;,,,,,od: ,,,h'I'c'<l Ihe 111': HIl'r .,;r;L! ;I,I',I!nw! lnlill",."'I",,,IOO hI' 'I", o"J"r"'II<:~ wi", ",i""f~ Ii:,",i.' II·Kali"i",II. ,.,', ;,,,,1,, ..1. ;W'l,' ,,,I :, ('j,.') th"ll , ","ill",,' New Faces '",·re"".,,,' E . I w,,, ntenng t,c 11", ""relll 'III': ,,,.,,1" ,I,,": "I ",~I,-1 "",11.,1' 11,,,,, ,',", State Welfare To Toke Tol 1"'l'i,tg "'''', . R Th" firm ad<'i'ed lhe "e""lop:I,"'I~ol lu ;"010, for (he Silk 15·'menl in lh<: can~'on be, "cnfmeo; 'H:W ",,,tOlllUl!t>l1 Politicol Arenn I' ,__ Tif 150 pai styles a \\a'~C~~I~~~,~~ha\ni:~~'; ,,;:l'''~I~,'::~~~O"' ill' wll..I,I, hi'v "I"ded lillliiIntl IUlllb.,,,,,g, ,;11' ,I,,' I"""meral I"'''''''"~' ,;, Hit' c-l'J<lm~ c-lom'Culling I,ea,,~; o! Ihe l,<,'''"IJ!"t''lr' lu [;]11."0"::"" are:l.<,a.' Pflfltlli.'ei Idl'e,1S. and,k('t'l'ln~ "ot.""'3.1'1 "fll~'rI~r, 0)[ ullw:mwra]J"'" "lJ<:i).1' .lmljllhe (;,,11"1"1 RW'i In",1 ,n I','''''' (h~ "ne~l<'U"e pl~" er, a~ "fllu,a] arell, \\'lIh "0 de., "u:!wJ"d 'n \k ~'l<I.'illul"i" "nd h"""lllT"h,", "If "., n Iload';]Lle ro,l :,re'·:" '1'''001 ',"U\', 'llIO}' '",Ierl :;H~ 1~,mn)1 <1<."'l''''' ;mll '_'"r",ng! j),.I(.~,,',." Ihon .pprOVt'!J, a or"". W""e s"~il"" ..ol r", 1.' .." "' __ "",li<J" by Cod M. Dovl., 1)- I~I ' !",-",..d. lh~ ~~,h' N " VCI"pllj",,1. , !L ;;1,1 Mi~i;-FU;l.J~=· '$21n mJs I -U,e th Easy Scan and Print ['Bicameral YS. Unicameral '-Is~ue-Bet~mes 'All or Nothing at AII' Question PROftsSIONJ..L Sf:Ryl<:E 2A HOURS A DAY '" .'1 a "fa I1l(" Ulcltn p IIl11ll1ycl(I"u!;I'I.!lplIL 1 ,( p" fiul W'l' n the Jug tak,:; <)1,', the "Its be i _ tlml'.> J. dl1r'~lent 8t.ory. 'Unt Council II Deficiencies THREE 9AYS ONLY 150 pair of O<Id lot and _discontinued styles at values' to $.21 Kod~ l'-',.l, ci a~h"'ma, R~. Movie Film .0 $2.37 SEEDS I NEW SHIPMENT Easy Scan and Print vs. Unicameral '--I~~u; Be~~mes 'All or Nothing at AII' Question iBicameral " .,"'.>.,..",.:" '<'-.' :'.. .':-: ". ".- PROl'ESSIONAl SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY e~ Connie '-_._-- ur a 1l1.l",- and l-h(' family dccirl\'d l(l :\lI"plli. a., lr ,]. Ullt J'r·:~.. HUe W~WJl U--,e pill thal's ct dllfmenl titj;t'~ ~Wl}'. 'ncr the t:a\."s uell __ . (ount Down Sale ~ ht PAIR $10 2nd PAIR 3rd PAIR ; 4th PAIR R i S8 S6 S···4 N THREE DAYS ONLY 150 pair of odd lot Clnd discontinued styles at value's" to $21 c Easy Scan and Print '''''' ~;~.~W~"~Bi~r>&"'I'R,,,<O,";,Th,,'\d"Y":';\~,;;~-i~.19:'2 .. Page of Comment 1 ! 'C', And to the DelegatesW To lhc.deicgak" 01 the Me>llI.!lna Cons.lIlulionai C011"enlioJ: '1'e>I1'Ol']'(,v! YO'" 'Cl\lnl lo :,0'" pl'iy",r,-,. \i"",, ol\f:,' ''''''''''''''''',;, Mtml·ana', n",.,1 '."'n:' in lj:l Y~:lI'-", II ha~ bec~ a you in H~kn~ 'll"ne,,-'. :.'("J" ';en.';e ,,! "O"p',m~ibil" Iy_ j"Jtll' rf.e"g-niU,,,, of and 01,,·... ·.. Uon to lhe 1",lJ ill :,,,n~ 11;'.' neen Y<)1I1' "lTmnplishn; 'nL', wI j', e i.ile}' (ion't no· eluding ",,' lroll' l' pradicill 'lllntlpnir.t 1',,-,1'__ "hly ti,,, that elln ;~, ""jJec\~d. YOl; "re n diverse ;.:rOHp-__ n~pl"!_ glwn ,-,.< '><:ll.<.·" ,,:-,<In " ",,~r " :,;,,~. You' Moe greatly irripro'l,fd '·".G ,.tle thi"" going r,." i".x"Lil)nilri;c!e )"l' rl>ffiQ>;.mg· ci~l·inl>'>r·~d ·pl'ovil'iol1..~ ann vo~, ',ou 'laG no v.-ao tu "'" "fL 1'1".e 'i,<'. ""~.",jt,r.j,,r. ,hackling \~c,l.egjslnture ,tl;:ed ~c.vcrnmental '::Cl." J",ve. slrengthen~.:.1o<i pr'J£r~,;" :'>1l'":.a,,,,- till\t U.1I:;<:,,1 ii(m m MOr.la.il,\ by pro"jding Rn\" d1ll.l;~t l.' !\I'. in~prG\'~n,er-: ~nlt<; ~'\lMd:; for higher tt]]d 1 Y,:".• ",;,"r '~I~df ,11UIlV ":;''''1<''1'. e,11Ir-a~io!l ~n<i mNe rJexibiJ)1 ',J.'-'y Imp,-r,,·em""t,< ~inl\nC;H(" '('Y,1 )\;\Ve n,,,,!,.· tiw "on.,l-i~\ a,," "n'·c,·"trel',g'.t\. (We thlllk ?f,-',i." t,,, "l"~;l(!. ,() u,al i, n "".,t .\~Iltin;;: lil~ dl\"cr~IUf.' thal fx!,l in Montull:l. 'tnu in~iU{lt ;llJeml:< ",,,3 COl\s"~\':llives: re~ormers and .'la"d,plllln,. ",I,y p~(>;,1 e !Inc! ¥,," '.m~·~e'.'1.i"J\ ]1':<'l'le.' Rig he to KnnW_l)·,t ')Il!" l.ilT,,' ".'1:! 'el!.' I'd t!',t i""ll-'lt ,1,.,,· ,'i ""'.,,' "'l!aniJ,·,." <)[l~ nu",'.' D' \W'j I'·T"C ine,itabk. wL'iH; iL new eonsUt'. Hon "cn:ptilllll' to ma'jnrity ')~ I.hr: (iCk~'lt~-\. hu!. ~l<" a IhJC\Jn:~nt I.haV,ktntl~ a g,)Cl(i d,~",,,' "I·a,,· l'J'lwal by :,1", \I"t..".-, • ..;~ I\-I""l"-,,. Y,.,,, 11"",.' ',,,,,,, (',-,1·'<""":11 ,'." lh'~ nlle!"""i ".'" li,nidH.y In ""t "",1. 1ll1, ~W~"plllf': rdor!Jl~ ';lHI 'JI' ''n., ',thel' r,v lll:ti.III!; ellall"i"'; Ijl,-,[ ~,n,,-, ",-",,,i,lo.-r to', e.xll'l""" As """ pf eh" "arlit,:t. "d'.. " ,'aV,' "I' n ,'.(o;'"tituUoJ\,,1 "n"""n· LI"ll r,,, .\l",':c",,,. elJ;, ""w"I"'!"'" llW J''-'Pl'<l y'>\J w(Juld make' m,)rc ~l.Ib..,\nr1l.ial Cmtlf:C~ tllltn "'''' {];',; ~op"";"ily in I.Iw "xeC<ltive: iu,ikl. "I alld :nnll l:t>vernmenl ~;·ti"il'., Hut We must an,ep[:a:; you ha.-e, I.h~ realiLieo, In delllOeriltJ" 1',,1;· tics you _,c:ld"m, 11 ever, ;;~t <I whole II)~!. You h;\V~. lhnn]';f"Uy. ~~"")< :lw .cnr; '~',~y -"-h.-;,,,· ,i;~'i ."'" (\1 lI',r, 'iliUP'; may""" ;'lO"tj~· .... ··,;r~; ~~Iev :,;" a:-e ei,,(,tw\: In:;! Th" c"""'g';'" ,,,,,k in til" ~." I",;i"",i "iIi",,,,,. t" Wlliil' I.ilt "',,';;1 (.:I;""! tn" L, w, dY.," 1.",-,__ "I ,', tl'i""\,' count,··., ,,~tl T i, '> ~o'i uil tie;I-';,,·, },nrJ .\'ou t(,nI.Hl,.. ~r~ial can ~>e ','ott '-'1.,1;)", so 'Cp",."I,,,])' ""'r" .,i,' med~ tho 1;~O,",Ot Ill':· ""'l: ',.-,. Lad '-,,,,,,L,'d rrom '1"" c~Ds'-lI·"t C"~j',.e, tl' ',O;el 5t~ i13'.-t y~" :1;1,"" ""'-!'~'r, s':,,,',;: l:,e ;mp)! ,,~ inJ~1J<,,,(knl :·,'sef.rC~, <I.'; ! ,,'~iiante It':·n.:ti.iH ,0 1,,"h)'lSb ~'" i p~'I·,al-" ''''''re ~ AI,h l:a.J ... ;c p"Uem the ;01"";1.;\-'. 'lii, mru;c' f)J lh~m "re llano" do "~pr"s,';L ic'git;m"'tc lnt, .'.1" ,ure~y y,jll C'''.,''Jrd !" nIp""" \;y a !"'!;'.": .-,[ '" ic·".,:. ·'e·,,"r.,',,! ~Li ,.,." .. [",01, ':!~"" an __ """];;"\0 ,,",;t!l,.' ~,,·-,j"';'-";':"i'lj:'lS mod_, i;l \he ""I'j'O':: <01 pn;v~i __ 'Y')'~ t;,MO)ij", ilOl' (j'C;;,' h:; ,,,,d ',-', (\;;' y,)"" • ,., ;,,,.0;1 ;:")il"t"r~ "c'lr·,~ ,",'Il: '"',d'~"ing .... '.', •.:,,',:. '·',10,\"n., "<:u'" ,,,,. l!,aL i, c,lnuiisi1cd "-S lJU withom ovc,'I" ''tpnwisiQIlS t 1: a" ';'ig 1, wrcd; tile n'.)lul)ny of Mon!:<na l"J 11U\'~ wjs~;y .'.~grel ,;';re~ 1" &JdLl;O"l ,~. Uw cllilnge ,e;:<",;; ,', ULe:,. ". ,t J:li[,n~ h~"o wit': ~he ',xen!l ''-'.' "'-".neh. "" ~ ;,,.·t •.; ,,,,~, H (We',' ,., ,.\::,,,! pC'"!,I,, :3') "ot r,"~iy ~VCiroom-'-Voroommm!' Y,-"" h"v~ d':I,ni1.ley \;:'e"nj-,,'" :,t,)n~~_nl\ e."d~m"d~ '1. mOl'" ~l,)I'e :'eadi!y aller~d ~o ,'on'ee ",islnk»:; y'.'o; ,nil,- !l(l;'" mn.;, t,) 1<.".,1' pa,'e "dt\\ "hanging ~ [I,<\C :·,~,,,;iL plirl :n i-""- de~j"io:1s c;: ",,,de it:,r ,he ';;;",nn1()n go-:xi tI,~,-, ~o win PU;l\~ 10" one iiO' a'"l1.hr,,·. ~,n'I,.(;nm('nl ;, :·ou haw ,;how" :!,c,l. Setting Auto Pollution }¥;o:~:~:~:"Yo:f7rs Express Thanks f)Jj{or, Indop<nrlinl.Rl'£<lf~ The: Helena 'Ua/iJepfWoo><;" v~ Wlllll~}Q')h<ln~8l) WIO"C org8.l!lUIll'lm: .,~ d !ndlvldUllb ~lIoi:~v.ee<>r",..y,: of i lh"ll" turoe ,10 Ii eBU <illy:,<:'ldenh, ,~. mli><lJ"Il' !tlem<>fthelrtlporlu"l ..w... ·bofld .1""UOlI, 11" .jooMd<>.i."::'~"" nolp',d ~,~ J:' 8~":":J~~e~/~::~'~:' Won ,'. they,h,w Iha(fb~ro "r" mooy·who Co"" about :tj,o fu_ luro ~r Holenn. 1'1""", Il'oo(io IhC\udc AAUW, An-I(:r1ean Lo· ~~ri. A\lxili",y. SI"t'·;, Cloll.. Au· dU\Xm&>cieiy, rmUgll(Cr! t,f tr.~ )ild,l',a.:l..o~l", 1'<'i)rtn..!d. SnrO!>llml~l<. Nelj!libom",odCou,-,' Cili~'. Ald<l:l, rele j>1.\QOII;Pio:",c.r, ~'Id 'Ilte .G.rd." eli; MJJdtl' Club, lJo i ~"., ,p,,""> ~~"dl:.'" U",,· '.~~I ,-~"nC"l'l'L'd ",,,1..""W,,, tI,,,,,,,'! "l"u aC~en'" l"O"od".'o· ,,,. "bol.>t .U'h..alo, ",.ool,.m.\,)'1:<.:J";-~" "od ove,.,.,h);lm',,~ ..Rl' II" l>(In~ i"llo' ,indi tI!:~".1 n! '11", "_1,,-,"1 "d·.-··,,,~t"d ,"",in-g Ihe ;I"~.t.."d f,,,' .,Itr"gen ",ide em;'.';"n, In)n; -' ~mJll~ II" TOM WICKER ",Ilh a c'Jn'l""lion "",,,id meall n(\l only fre~11 air and "Xl·J·"i~e. l>ul a he8flwarmiJJg iiH II God pcrmilo, we lila:! gr"'" j,;I.. !tlo I~ner li!e, We "",,1'1 .,,"e1y ,~>p<,,)d I" " g",lLJr" .-,1 hi",llto..,. II Ir"""U)' Ill'il.. 'j w"nnJ,. ""eopl'"J. ~""tl i! I'h,( j''''p<.,~.," i,o'l wllal i")U ho,,!' til ll)ln,l !'""rl~ "",morio" <,vo" II>" 'lll"II"." 1~~IJc"I" " I"'" n''''''ellL, " ",,,,'k .", b r; & h i " '".'''W'.'lll''' <I"~', Vbll ;, """;ng' "'.::"', "lC,,1 Ito"",.... j' "" '"'''' 1."",,1 p~uorv.:c', lh hI' ," ",!obli>hj"l: " ,,~tlr.,,-',-,hh, 'd"Uu!l"h~, ,ome,,,,~ 'j'i", Inllll",illll i" ~ ''',~" "" .. I,~ (~'!y)adY.1'~nk "'\I~ "i'" J""',,,.,i..,,·· ~I.'~\\· "c·"NI.,.,,,, i'l ,,,e. 111>,1 ,,' ""'''Ilh!. ,··r I" \""W" L 1'. I"t".,;" ,"1;\. r,L"p Highway Hokum llllmu 1<,~'w e,,"u~:, YORK_fly noW; we """"1 th~ prul>t~m" of "<'i,i"';,R: ;' d,~,.,," etjvim,~nen! tr) un<l""llllld Ihal i,; e,i> f:";,l. ,n ,\,Ibi 51'''"'''0'' ",~,e ,aiel 111 , diff,,,',,,,( ,,,,,t,,,I, "I~cre ;lJ''' "" .IS"in, \I';d",,,1 p~iB," li '.' J,"i ""I g'w;~ '," 1;,' lor :,1". I., '"dt:lg,· '~lI',",lve" ", for ~I"dri" I,<>w,'r, ,,"+! ;,! ri)c' :'n,.. tn p'''''e"t .' ~<>lnr.llr~l)I~ ~OCfea.ie i" 'I", 1''' lilt Ii"" IIt,1 'o-,,,iI6 ;>,~".,,; """1,,.1.< ,-'I ~"lJcraling dC{;I,ic·,I~. ,\1 '11;, ),·;".l ,,,,n,' lI~w \"'h!l"lo~)' will I,e ,,"~~ied. '''',,",' i:~"ly. ill Ihe \\'''''''1. ~;l' ,;;]1;"'\"] ;tl~W h' :",,~,.,. ;, g''',,~ ,.} 1""'0 iu be eu' .·x"", ""n" ,,.,·"r·g,..,,,,,,g d"""l.otl f,,,'" e",l" T,,,, m~h '~'IW ;, !:,,,,,,·,,m,·,,' ,"'dy ""d I',"'·nd. 10 bl"''«'''' OM 1"0 ;:,-",,'-' Iby ,in"e lhi.' ;., ihe mG.I diHku1l em., I~it;', 10 '-"0"1,,,1. bul.p<:c:"'p' al:s~ t;'.o m,;>~ ,I,Il"",HlS l" air qu"j;ly, pl .. m !lIe, an,1 ,.. , 'HOI"'. Ih'''-':;$" ,''''Jng ."Jgge'!i(H! I'eco '".,' Ii,.. ,."mmn""'<tHi"" i£ fo, i>c1'n'.L-' ""iltl<,,;ng ;",,,dil th,," for the '-,f ;11<' ,if, Of lhe "did or lll<' "'.'1r" .\ lliliNenl ."PP'''''''!l ,I \1", Calife".,;~ ik",a",'h "0""'" ,JY. Hl "'""j, '::~l Il ,\t",I~ ;,':::~~'.',,;~',~~'( ~"a~",i ];0 Ii; ,>,1",,' ""'"c' 'M'"'' 1,1 ':~~:r" o'ld" .J';oJ C,r ,·,,,,1 "U "."" " ':", j'"u Il:l ill~m 1J~rk .."",I, ,,,de,,,1 'i.""" p' ,iKn,li '><-", 01 exh"",( oml.";",,,. 1;',,1 10 c",-", ""l nf • ,',;t· ,eI~,a'''", 1"'MhjJ~ ~,· I"" ,,',i: iF"'''''''''' iI", ,,,;,,, It; \':',-:; ""U ,till Wlli ,,',l ,,,,",, ""~Illaiity .\"",!!,,,I, '" .,", d,·,," ~J., W'H";'" ,,' I· '" --,I" ',',1;" ,.,,,:.;,,,.,,,,,,, ,W," .,'" ,,,'.",, Easy Scan and Print And to the Delegates We Say. To the,delcgat~s or the Mon- lana Constitutional Convention' Tomorrow yo" rdum to .'/our l'rival-l' lives after p"rJ.kip"Ung in Montana'.' m,,,,l hi,torl<: politic,,1 "ven, in 83 ye"ri, It lHIS been' a pl~,~~llre havinr: .you in Hell'll:'. YOll,- Cllnsclenc!. Ulllim':;." your ~tn-,e or reslXlnsibill. I.y, your ""cognit!on DI ami <ievotion 1,0 lile Important job al hano h"-' i>een inspiration You, acromp]j~llJnetlLs, w 11 i 1e Lhey (Ion't P""L~£ t"'l'ryllocJy, In. ,'Iudlng YQllnldvc' £nUrdy ',n' [<"Om a prllctic~l s't:mdp<llnl- 'pr'o!; ably the besll.hlll can be ~xJlede<l. You nre a diverse l;roup--..repre- sen Ling th" 'IivcrsitiCS that exi5l In Montan". YOll include llberal-'J and oonserl',lI.ivcs; reformer~ lind slaml-paller,l, dty people and "11",,1 peopk So ~"mrromi,e"" were inevitahlc, noL only w write a new constit,,," lion accept.able to a majority of tlle delegates, but also a !Im:ument thaL stantls a good ellllllee al}proval by Uw voters, y"" h~O(' been c,'iLiei~ed nn the "n" han~ for ~imlojty In not. lTlg ~weepin){ 1'clol'Jn,5 and ('0 the oUler fllr makinf: rhangr~ Ihal some r:flJ1"ill~)' too exl,rt'Il\!' As one of the earlic~t ad\',,cale3 or a eOJ]sl.ituUoon.l n))]v"ntlon for Monl-lll1a. thl" ncwspal''''' hild h"l'{'c! yo" would mllke mol''' 5uh8tanl.i,,1 dmnges Lhan y011 <ild, c8pccially in thc cxeculiv", judicial ami local J>";'"rnmenl, arti.'I".'. BuL wr: mll~1. >'ll'rcpt, it.-; YO\I hrwc, the realities. In dWlOnatlc pulltics you seldom, it eveI', gel a whole loal. YOll have, thankfully, 0' "",1<- !""""",l~."."""""" n.I' l:lven ll5 octter than a half a loaf. You 113d one thing gDing for yon yOIl had no way \.11 go b"l up, TIw old eonsLiLution has so hopelessly .,tilled gov"mmentul progrr,ss in Montana that "lmo.'l allY "han!," Is all Improv,ment. Y'lll have made many changes, m"ny ;ml'rnv~m"nt.~. Bv and larr:e. yon have .,trcngLI1. ~nrrl tlw Bill of Rights. {Wc t11ink yOil we"k~IJed it in one scdlon U", 1'''''1'1,,," Hil~ht 1,0 Know_hu] only will tdL) You llUV£ rlefinitlry strelJl;th~llcd Montana Lef:islal.i,re and made IL more r"spon,~ible 10 the people, n'f;ardl~s5 or wl,dh"r Un,} l'hoo,le ti"'" "Ill' )",us,' or tWf) Yon laml",,.ed only sllghtly witl, lht cxrclltive IJr"ncl1, -Wll1cll I~ ullfnrt.lll1ale, However, again <Lc(".l'pling lT~lilV, it secms lhat most MO))t~'l;ll1S prdpl" I1w l'lllii ballol nTH lhr>\l~il Lhey may not kn"w whom l,hey .arr ""Ung lnr ,>t' I.he i1ul.ie.' lu whidJr I.t,~y ;'rC elr(Linf; him. ---' Thc chan;'.,'~ ylill mmle'in Uw judicial "y$tem '11'-'., he more "i~· ninrnn!. 1111111 io,ti;~llv meets lhe ~Y" Whil" the 10,'al l;'"·,·rnllwnL n,·t· Idr i' wr"h,- 1,Ilall wr luul !lop.'<l, y<lll I>a"e at 1"",;1, ;'e''tr~ed lh,. nipplinl,': ':o'H"epl. Lllal dUes ami l">LJllli,'~ "nH <I" ""l,i\I",: w!lllulll Ir.i'.islalivr: itl'l'rflVHl, Th'" "lJVirolllllclltali"t" dl'clli't gel, all I.lwy w'H,I... <l I'm", ,'Oll. bu, neiLht'r did tll" jlOllulCl'~, HcaJtllIlll t'llvimlll,wllt is est.abllshed'R" R righL, bu. without OI'nly r('5lrirtive provisIon, that might wrr:,;k Lhe econumy of Montana. You have greatly improved the tax3tion.ll.rticle by remuving 8pedal-Intere~t'.'provisions and Ull~hal:kling We Legtslature You' have ,strengthened edtka· lion in Montana by providing sep. amte boan:l'.for hi8'/Jc,· and lower ~d""at;'on and more fkxiblJity in nnandnf, You havc made the Clln,~lIluli'Hl r!l5in to ammd. ,'KJ that it C,U\ he morr. realiily aitere<J 1,0 correct lInV misLakr.s yo" may haH mad~ and ;11li~e:: paee wllh "hangln~ "'111And you ha,'" wisely ~Cf:re~al"d Ulrrc Ilig:hly contruvcroi'l\ 1"'0~.~·;~~:'~l:!~ they c,,-n i>e ;'Ned ,on In n<idilion to the chan~".i YOll IHIVe madr. in the consti~,uti<Jn­ s"bJect, "r course, 10 ,otcr ap-. pJ"Oval_ym, ha"e set snllW flr:e e;.;arnpk" You haH ,lwwn t.he imporlanl'f, l)r independenL re~ardl ~s an at. I.ernulive to heavy reliancc upon lobbyist,; for 3c!vir,'. lAlll\ou~h, pe1'h"I'", you were :l lilL:" In<J impatient wilh the lobbyl,t,. After "II, r"'IOl ,,( t.henl 'He hemcst and d" rcp,'e.",,,t J~l>;timnl~ ;nt~n"ib AmI surely yml \:Quldn'L be \:Or",pte,l by '" cup f]( o,ffee 'lr :l. r,",Hlpl" of fiJ'lnk.>,) You have. for Ihe nl"~l parl, "I''.)itlcd I.lIP local watering !loles. ",,,In,'ng illSl,,,,,! 1.0 lin y,,"r hor.',,'work. You have 31",wn llul par!.y lal}eh nred nOl result in parti~"n l'ant"<lI", Lhat d~dsi(>J',; rail b,' . made frJI' lhe .:nmmon good ralhel than to win points lor one parl.y Or another You lJavc ,shown that. women playa ,'lta! role 10 ~onl~ polltlCs, About 20, per c-cn loI,,",u,' member~ were women, and most or them had a.n admIrable 1nlp!iCt on the' convention. r.an And, moot rommendably,· you i,a;'e proved ~hat pubEc bodies and public orfici""s ean operate dle<;tively in full vIew 01 the publi,c, . ,hat ronl,rover,ics can he argued. riedsiol1s made and votes rcccmlcd openly without. [car 01 "~:rjmin,,tion. In fact, your opennegs ha.' won you pUbl1e admira· 'iull S<'; youlea,e the e<JllvenUOrl hall ~,"l return 10 your private en,le'\\'or8. Belt your pUblic duties !l,;.ve not ended. The histon' vou have made can'lilt be aiIo';'c'd to gather dU5t, rorgolten in the archives. You can· nolle! Lhat happen. You hln'e an r>bligaUor: to "rgo (lIe people of Monlana to vote June r; for the d\X:,jmenl you have crca,tetl·-Io convince them thcy must have lhis ~'OJ1.ItitutiDn or continut" lo suUer lh~ cost of unmfUlage· "ille. unrcspon5ive slale and local ;::o;'ernmcTlt. Some or yOll didn't gel ~]) lhe '·Ilange you w:.mt.ed In th~ r·on· ,t.ilution you h a v e lll,..'lhioned. SOmt' uf you got more change th3n yO'J w"nted, But you tiid the best yl1\J rnllJd. ,uld in the be~L r. .. ~djLlOn "I " demQ<,racy. You h"H o!;('"t,d lhc people or MonI.HIla ,;oll1Ctiung >ig:nifieant.:y bett"r th~" w),,,t they have TlOW. You Il1U"t lell them that. J-l~lena ha.., been honored and i 0 s P ire d by yDUr presenre. GO<X!·by. good lucll. ODd bless you and I,hc rC5ulis 01 yo"r work. ",'W Setting Auto Pollution Priorities lIY 'TOM lanion ~(}"Id m"~n b'o!r and e~~r<:he, arming 1111 nil.o, we .11,,11 gmw .... Ii(e. We w,,,,ld nd 10 a ~e'lur. of ]rlendl}' h~lIo I~ eploo, even If lfIe 'I whal ~o" ""f'CCI, lpeop)ec"II'd von \I," "m,'k,l • f"'" m"metlt> n i g h I'e" ""m..:<",,'.' , nur"ing nr rdin'_ , "r ~" i"",, lid 'occ I' tho hoy \\,,,,,1 ""g " ........n(',,-lolbh, wllh :;mneooe. 'Tho ~ pot"JIl by ~n dd_ 'hir.!; abol;l il. ".~I" lilli" ~ifI. y,"J ""." \\'h"l j"x it lirrii'ilhl ,0' lIi,.1 wnrd -"HI nr I:IlL' 'IInlle ynu Ih" limi: )~~, g,,,," W1CK~:1l. 1110 r"l",rl "'hm:al"d rasing .II", rQ1l(rw 111fk liIbtull NI':W YOllK_Ry now. we know ~n"lIgh aimul Ule problBlllS "I rc~l.ill\io~ a d,,,,",,1 ~""Ironmenl k> llnder~(afld Ihatm ~lis (,ehl, ", A,Il;l1 ~I,'v,'nson ollee '''irl In a diUrrr'ul .,"{)nl",l. "llierr are no g~lns willio"1 pain," Jl b jlI.,t anI g"ing 10 lK' [X'-"IIIJI\" for """nj,l", I" indulge "",-,e!o", in "Il "Vec.gruwi,,~ 'lem""d for rh·trk fl"",e" and"l tho '"fill' lilllp 1o prevo"l a cnmpllrablr InC're"'. in olll' \l 0 II " Ii"" U'Ht re,,,II., lrom pre,,"'1 lllelll,xl.< "f g,'nemUIlS clCl:tri"i\y, Al lll<' i",,,r, '''Ill" ''''''' I"d,nology will he nc{'<led; ll"or" l'ikd.l", ,n lh" """,I, Uw n;,iioanl "1'i'"' lilL' (,,,, i,,-,"'ec j, ~"i"g I" Iwl'<' til b<; {"l"- 'ail"d ellr Co,ls Too lIJ¥h .~uw • gi,vernrnont .i>Jrly rr'~'''''' .ig"ili. {'ani rel"xlIli"" of lc,ler"1 ro,jri,'li'JIl.' "" ~Ir '"mobil, ex""""1 """"\""'.' '~riJlla,'lij" "'I w"und, ~,"f lu '."'''y' 0111 !Ill"" 't.<lrldl"", w,ll 11Inc~"" U'" c".1 nf " .." .. ~y "' my,'I, "' trr.> an<.! Ilill will 'Ii'l "l'''i'' Il'" 01""1',,1 "'r-<i\l~llly Ilafld~l'il< Nu wonder "''' ~lu.,lIH;. Ih, ,"'th", N'''\;;k M";,, ,,j 'Ill' elllt."i;,,, ,t"I"I",o.' hill, ami \(;'11'1\ Na,k' 'lie "',~ora~~, 01 'Il" 1"1 ""b, II;';T ",,,",1,"1 ••'" ""l"fI, ;\1111,,,,, ",,,,,,lcr].,,' I"",,,,·;,. "". lfay HOkum i'",,.kh-u\ ,,' furd, \,r;,,"~1 iL " '·Ii,.. ",,"', II", I~;bli,' 1,,, h.d I" :.-"n,' ,. I~'" '\fI'" ~1;")]I,,rrl ["r ll;ln>tl~ll "xide embsio"s from .~ gram" IX'\" mile lo helween one and fW~ gra"''' .by 1971;0: sl"co Ihk'l, Ihe mo.t dilfleull ~n\;.,_ ""n 10 C'ollitol, bul I"'rl'aps _Iso lbo mosl 10 air q\lality, pl_nl'1il., "od hu """"" Ilmre i, a 'lrung su;:ge.lion ho'" thal "", n,mmme'lm,liua i£ "",re for Delmi.', "'''l\,,~;og ,'n~,""orin~ ""nef;l ilia" [0' Iho <jtJ.lity of Ihe 01, .•" II," r"lId n( ~'e "'<'"sumor .~ I)lfluenl Approach Expert, "I Iii" Cali(ol1Jia Slai,'wid. Air l'"lJmioll n"'eard, Crnf"r "'y, IIfl Ih" othrr h''''d, thnl il wllLlid fll"k" mo,·. ,""." to i",loJ III >lrlcl oml'ol "I nll,."gc" "xi,l" """ hp!n",llrooo "",i,slollS, whil~ relaXing-if "'Iyllomg"".'tlnlrol of caroo" mo"".iu6 emi,';1,,,,, [rum U", I"t"'"lly l'('quir('i! J.-I gr"",' nN illy 19J1i' In Ilcrha,'l' 17 gram" Thn",gh ',lImpli,'''I,'rI l~dll11('al means. Ihey ';'y. Ii"" ",Igh[ "I", pruvid" Iht he,1 way I" IIIl,I! ""'i"Io", nf th" "ifr"g"n "'id" ;'nd hy'l",e,"llnn,; but lhi' i, on apprBBch n",l ,""" "f I",ll"r air '1,,,,lily r"lI"" 111<'" "I ',il,· ""u",,,i,',,c~ of the aut" m"hr; '"il" ""1",,1 "I", '''''l"ltd " '''''''r:", '"l"ri''''''' .".,,'" .'I,-ifl~cal "Ill" ,iu", '·"111,.,,1, '!II ,,,,,., I,,,· "'" ;rl:,,"eH' mo" '.",I,,,.,.,,IlI,, .', 1"11\,<;,,,,, Bu\:,'1 dhl "" • Io"w "",.. ,',,,,i,t 11" h""l~" to 1'""\1<" ,or,',", "I 'ho "'H""'Y, "''' d,~,., 1/", i'k" rile ~">"rnJllcn\ ,i,. parlially ,wn,,:llJy f)l,H"ling the Jir. ,olnuld IJe ,ci>atod W lhe pllbli~ lhroagh indu'lry absorl'llen o( ~ I~rge share 01 the cost uf pollUliofl ~h"\Cm.fll Ca.t. Should lie Shored 'The nil companies. wbose ,.Ios wi!1 €o UI' a.' erni""ion c"ntrol~ resul! in gre1l1er lis.,nilne eHIISnn\f1llull. cwld also lJ<, required In I~,ur ",me of this wlndlall I"ta lhe COst ~f ~IlrltnlllilJg ~u;" erniS~jOlUI; and ~jnre fhe plJhlic ", " whole "II! ""'neIil Irom de"""" "i', there alw 1$ a C'a.. to ~ mS<le lor • g'>I'ernrnent share In eontrol'eosts Tiler" j, " hidden impliealion morf'OVe,·. Il"" "iay f>e ,h. mo'l imporlant aspt'cl of goven\lllenl rcporl. 1I I(i, really gol"g ." in",c~,c lll~ eos! ot automobiles by $TI5 ro ""due" Ih"ir emiosl"a5 ta =f1lta.ble i"\'~I,. it 'torn' dear lhal ttl. """"omir pr."rirali. ,,1 lhe inlc.,-nal """busho" .ngrn" I' 'o",roly ,odu~"II, 1'1\" i., P"'t;"ulorl~ "'. tho npe";e"o" 01 C~)j{ornla ",;,11 1".« '''',nse"t ,lanJarJ, lba" IIm.e ""I""',,d bY U", feoJor'.! go""rnlllenl ;, ""I.,,,wll>iics.,,equipj,.,.j 10 m,d lholll !I,. ~~::,~~Il;n i~lC;~~".;jbilil)''' "nd "';.!l--'n~",jl I.h" 1L)~i" of lit" "'~A,r!. IIl~rdore. i., ""I 11"'1 IILe ~la'ldd"1.' ,1"~,ld be ,.Ion,! "" (h"l Ll'" ""I "I ooyl"~ " ,,,,, ,"orl be held do'~01 ;''''1 Iklruil', o"giJle"ri,,~ ]>fI1bl~m ""n I" """,1; lil"l " Il,e'" ,'lnnd"nb ";j'IO"1 I~' llIel ,,[(hu"l ... ""i,,,," r"""",,,,,, in ","iKill"; ""I Easy Scan and Print Ie' . onstltuhon J , r---;:::-;::----- , ' " '::!";,:, ~I""'"n,, i ',p"jO<.1 1110 I '11,,, v",,,,., will rl"""'''~lll :r""',d ~1fH) ""1'" ,,:,,-lie'- "' the d"y, "oro IV,I ,Hl"""1Hlll' " j",_,o,,, AHANDGl\'F.l.l SAnv -, A ncwbom h"hy !,"-v "',"" found "b'u>d''''''d T,,,,,;.;,,}' "(I.",-,,oon in all .'",pl"y" I,a,-,:\nl,: 1,,1. "I,,, h,,,pital in Sprinlo:Jicl~, OC(". "Plr'",;!~ (.;;k' nUT "f Illjs babV," ~,,;(I " nolf at- tolankr.l, F'Qlicr .'<1;,J tll!'j' loom' 1.)l" lnoUll'1' mil~hl. br (j'hnl". (<<l'hr(i to Dr; lead,,; 'l!; l,l [~X) . I ! ei. :.,1. I",~' ,-':,: i,;.. 'ie''';j ".",e' 6<JI >,OJ c'!,-r.Qar i' M'.wll of U'C ,1",- "," ~;::~:;e'.lt:::,n"I~::I~~:~;;"n I" : , """"''''''""'' " ~i,:~'I~';:yl:t~~'~O~C"~:~~~~~r~' , , :"rl<T ;L "".,..h<",,~ bOO,' I"~:~,;:·,,:::;· ••. ",,",' I:;;','::'~11'rlI~li"",. ,;;;; [ '1, · '",,-.,",~, "e.' """"." ".,. ,,",' ,.", ".,,,,,,:, .,,,.,,,, ,I,,, CI eon AI r Plan Sent ',·,~,,,I Impw"' t,~O-' ,,~>""~IJIIt'.1 ",w"" tI,., \i"""·,,.,:, ".,,,,a "~; ~o''<'rw''','nl:<,,~jo»'ily ~~h;0 Q'' .' '",·"I , " " Ionn~: I" I'n" IUf"i1clf'l., .", ,,,,10: I., An·' ""I~IlI"', Jrl~ WESTER'" I ., :',~I;'~l:\ol~~:, l'~'I\O!lJ.'I",L,~'~/"r, .;~';:~':"l<~:~ i:~I":'" IdN.,,,,,, !l. A"dc,-wn _",id til:.l fer"fO",":. 10 ! ",.nl .1 ""xJlf,~d n;, ",,,,I'l)' ,th~ """lr"'·"",I"". ""11'1,,,,· d,""rI,,: '11,o 1FJ8(I po",litub;", "",I: ,.·.. 1"1,· ."..lI.!",-, lomeol»[;o" pl~T> 10 ""[,,,.,,1 ,IJl''''I'WH 'Oll!,", ,Ind"":t,n"bl",g 'lei p".,""~ hy tI", liI7l' Envirom,,""I.l,1 )',ol,,.-t;,," li1 ll",'1 l!oo'kJ:j,I"luc" ,;pc",j!y Ihal)lw P",,.:d"il,,h'U"l,' hem· ne)' tl"" ""'ilk, ''1)1''''0''11"' willi . 1':1,\ '1..",,1",<1, ,,,II p""',III I",""h li\1'-,I' he nppr"wd I,,' " '1".", Iwlll"'" II " •• '" :I,JJ ",' II,,· r"I","1 "f vOlj,;, II", L,I "f Ib' a ,'Mit"O" of ."'Iphuc ,I'll,,,k i',' ("jOH:(TM'I,"' "'Idi"~, "1,1," i ·I}".., ;f 200 I~il I~''''''~~ ¥f,I".I' ']<'1'11< 'Jill) '.',<,-,1 "m•."".n< rldelerJ rmnl ti,e i"""J"I,,,j plan Will aho t;lher f'" "r ';Rajnsllhe b",1 'or' 'Ih' """i,.,,'<1 I""',ir. ",'T, ,M',HlI~ll", ",,,,lnn"'l)' wah "Iht' mn~lilut;,~,- lFlO.<1Il1 ",~"]'I ,k"""",, '" 1\<,,;\,,,,,,,, ':,~I $\'.. ,Fon:"'l stairs : CARE :",'1," n', Lcr'J~St ,,,.,[ 'I ";''>''''; II,,,.,,,> "',' '.',~;', :' ', :.o ~~;I~,o~~~~~~,"~,f :;~,~~,Ori~;"'':('I''';I:~::':'' '.;I:;j~'~'~',j:~I;"';~,e~,'H~,;~'~~'>'I'~"~:~; I!ICl ,eve,"1 "u'" :""'1,,,,,1 ;i"""s, '"I :I I '., I : , ; :,'" . . "" . , - 0::'",.- ':'.\" ::,:. ' ,:, ,-- '.-, "":,,,,, L i ..,......"""",,",,..".... ;:...'~'''~''\·.'.'.'''.~(-<.'.'.''',.;,;2!::::::::::';'';':';''~! ~~:::==:~c~:~" <.... "'elllIUrl lawyer,' , '1'11<',\' t",];ew 1,1'[,0 S!do I""", ,I r~:.;.=~"'~·"' I! <:',nl'"'''' 'Omo Gov. - ... Of:'"'-'.:n,,-' roo, 'flt'''''III'~ "he [,,,Ill "r 1j,~ " r ··Miss····· ::::;~ ! \ Amel'ica. ";:;;'~I - l Shoe "'~ \\~; JUlie ,-"t'n' II Done 1[1j~ n, -,O',llP I",,,,"!' 'ih"11, :""! I ""M_... 1",.;,;[ _ ... npilc; -. whio:h 10,"'""," R"'1<i '"h,"l'(' lhat "0 ".",)"c'l)' wo"ld ;Il< "na;llt'~ I'll' eH!,nc UIl;"""'P- ;,."1",,, "r b;"~m"I",,li"m "n Ill<' ",,1,· '.e"'''' : '1'" wovenl Illi' "ilu;,li,,,, fl"O"" h"pptnillg. rI"ll'l:"lo,;, do"'d"d I" propos;!' tll 'II'~ Ih~ !Wo-hOIl'l' 'tllO rody ,1n<l "rfer UIl;""",,,,-al: j""1 aod bi('~nwrali~ll a~ a side 1,,"y Tr""" fo .. Ih" en';'G tomlly f,om II,,, Goodl. Shop. Tho,', <> '.':" <"'"'' REAl,TREATI .... ' ,,' • . '., ,",--, ,'~ Stop by 'oonl ',':;:,:, - , ",;~ ~ , 111;>.1,.,;;: <J1,"';lJ~II"t "ill f"~IUre ("'0 i 1~:~!I;I~~\lr~~~\~;;~~:h" dealh : DelOl:ale" "l'prov<:<l " OM'"" ~ if, Take advanlage of our helplul Easler Apparel Sale. YOI andise 01 subslanlialsavings ',lly G~,",ge 1I,"-p1'r, t·llo)en". I" :,ohalllle ,Ih. wny the R"mb]jo~: :~",e w,ll be "Ueccd on th., h'l i : 15% OFF GIRLS' COAT SALE Thev "ver'u,""e<l " Slyl" "nd' Our ,:· ,.,.rr ~".iOrLl I D'"ltio g C<>mmill~o ,,,,mulloi\ ' """ I datl.x, lh'" ,,"110<1 rll, I~"vi,,~ Specialty - - - .. DlCORATEO CAKES " " '-"",- ,,', .' ,,' " ,. n1RTIIIIA \'.< • W~:llfll"'·('S . • •\NNIVlm~'\R~~ ", , '~"'" __ _ .- ,II", ,,~,It~" 01 "",'hnrl,;"g ~"m ~ bl;"g tn lhe JCl/blalur" '\l~! l~'h 'ltc ," t~o evc"l I'h"no "-42-2946 on;" ~~~ill;r;';'li:~" ,Ide b,,,, ,I,,", ,"'I I I )]MI"'" """"",,Iull;- ,,,,,vod : 1l'''1 U.. l~>dy of lhe r"lLslimli"" I ~"nl;lin Goodie Shop 0", "",,,10,1 I tJ,~ fIt""'''~l( i>Toll~1)iti"n ~'~I~\ ~'~'II~;'~h,:'h:<u,~n~~~~~;,~ illLln"'i l'a&~'~lJ (l,l--'lJ Unl"" Ill" ,In,"<l,m'"l ""'-" '''Il"''Hl~J, llll'l'<" ~""J '1"'" "I ~"n1lJIi"1: mlgb' 11011 LI I I""nl' \, "oc"',,",y tn v"tt· ogoi"'" inviled 10 Ihe 'h" <~"'pl"'. ,~I"<';o", 01 Girl,' 5p,.no ("0" r"d'.l,"~ 15~' iu" i~ .im~ 1",. Eo>!",. o~. "f II",," wdl '"' you, d,;ld', loco b<>om;"~ ,hi, 'ol>ri" "i I<>m;~o'od <>cryl;, .,",e "",nod All aV(lilobl. i~ Sprin~r pl",id,. '""'"' Our and \alid,. n' I"f.. 5'<00",,12 mo" 18 ,""., 24 ",() Toddl., 5i... 2, 3, 4 Gi,I,' 5;... 7 to 14 SAVE 1S%! (';:::~ ~ Easy Scan and Print Formal Closing CeremonyCp~iitk~; R;st':idi~~ For Conventi on Friday ~;~~:~~i~r~~!t?~~'~~~~~~." . ,"(,~, 11"", I., li,,_:, '1 IlIf. _ _ -II bt:lmjll"~ nn 'he \,,,;<1 :; ~:~: "",,, ': :;: ':;': : :~'\~;,~;l';:;fi; ~;:;~; ;li~ ;f'!,: : :~ :,', :i';,: :,; " ', ', ,',:'""'"",, ,;, i,,,,ilt-,; :,,: Ji,,,,,_ ~h" FUlTe." ]-I "nd Girl, We!!ern Dgg o ~Z ~ Cool-Spray HUMIDI $l~ ~.-:.;;.:....--, Easy Scan and Print 19 Ceremo on Friday ,,<le[.""". Chid .l"~ji,,c ~"mc~,Or \)," y~W.\ y,"Hk I ""1 fI"rriwn sr. of Ill" M"lI:ln.' i'I;I,"io""1 0,,,,--,-"11,,,, 0",,1 ::~::; '~;;;::r:,~~:;':~'~~~",.:;';'~! ~~::;::~::"~~~i'::lo:f" I~~:""i"h'''' .."i", ,,,w'''''''''] 1.11" I(-;:i"b Political Restrictions ,~ T"li"~ h,' lho I'nrclor.v or 'laic Ill" ':on,lIh,lio"al ,,,no ,'er"i"n rideg"tc,. "~n",,t fill- for ,,\Iter' ,'fI,n'; 'hi, ",~, ic likely '{"~'" :" l:e' rh~ll""p'd Easy Scan and Print The Indepen.derif From Jlontana's Capital Es~ab!jS)led Dec. 17, IM5 Delegates Concluel'e 'Courageousncoun._er: .' . ' E · . ,.,....' By CllAItU'~' S, J(lIl~S()N loll"mhor o( lhe ,t.,I. Capll"l I ",.-\jd,,~ .\l,,,;~,,,.,', ~overnn"'''1 ~ WOf" w,,~ <i,me in lhe ."i'it '01 :6111y a 1""'':'':aOO. I will ~ A"od"(ed I,<c.. ","lc< le"I':~ed 'I-:".l .• ~dr="'I'~"lr" r.e~I:"':"I:]O ~l1",~O '0' !oollll'romi:<e and 1>0\ b)' any onc:rh<'.ir d"'i.,jon," Alk, W weeks "I dolH,"",li"n by.",,,,". "L,le "Hk,,"" and rCf'" ,I;" I~-"ple "M '""'Iod,'!;"," 0' .HIllU group 0/ dde-i . . . "od Joo,"" "ldeb,le. Mont"",,'" i"csenwu,'e, "I j"OUtll grOllfl'. !".~ld '" Il," ru:"""," [i,,;1>iII.S"'''''. " MQntano Gov. Forr""t-R,:'~~ f" uc t 11 CO"Slilulion,,! 0,,,.: e"",:onl<o" Prcs',I"nt Lc""·',,,d !d.'~:m ~lso 'I"l!<e al the .t... ~ vonl",o. ,,"01 i",: "in," J!l3~,:Cr,}'htll .Jr" j),(;reat Foll,,! lie ur>;,.~ iho,,,,- to, ""flO" .,o:Jk \\' .. ~ 01 All Imo",e" He"-!d ht:"-ad "".rtllor::::~ 1'' ' 1 :"'<1 "1""''''''- ." i . Next to ~ign tile original mt; in aiplHIlwtical ordN, were ,gates WllO gave fill:lluppmvThllr.Jday. (Sta(f P!loto Ily .drnnrr) 1 th.: 5~.'.'" cr,e; 'nd",[ 1,><Ia)', wonl tl"",,,,~h f"r. . '1'""O."-'W'''''Od tho <!Ples"t""'j"""'-"."' .. ('I" J'"ilfl""\.'''" "t "..U'IY ht:en Ill" nole<l wurk;.<>utiWy . '."'""""' .•........••..•_.•-. -•. D"l<'t(".I" ",HI ,",Ii ten weeb or work <too,uneHl. !"r"Jl!la. Ill!." he t.',,,,j,1. G••ytlll I yel ...-.d.l/Ial'hC .wtJUlctj~':. a co-ur-a~:;,u., "1\ "Lit "ql be L'a",. br UIC:lhat :lOme delegates mlgtJt ootljOOglM.nl. . .~ ",,,r ~nlourmnent ~e'em~mes, ihnd b<ell "'f :1~:~~on"I' C<:;c~f ~~~ P~'~',~~~ "7r~"~n"~~~;::·praib-r~ ~'~',~I~~",~O~'~', ~?\;~~;~~·i~llll~"~~· i ~e;,I>J:;ll~ ~v~'\1~:e~;~ i "You.- work b n<>t"ori.-:~~ fi,'f1 nr rojocl'.,1 by Moo("oa ·Iho work "r lhn nll,o, ~ dde., "1',"," ar". Ill,,,,:! wh" ;,," i Ih.n U'ey w,"hod, . ' ","c. and .:.-"""h of )">U:,.,~;g.F v,Mr.' J'HlC' ro, 1 rgale" whu dc"Hen n /2,OOO['k"'IL",,I. ,,, 'l. ,cd ""'" wooi "To any of til"""," he said, "I !OU( Oil<! o<:U·:.lhh .iOC\~.;:.l»:: .11,0 f,"'mal cI",;n8 "'''~m<l-. !woru do'",menL '. Jo"'IJ!".I" LI. "",'1\ wi(I"",I;cun O"ly.",,,,,mmend )"lIlf.""n!lWeen!lQ":llnd'JUM.~:~;:·'.:lhiJ ...,-.•.: "'"' ",uk pia.,,, in U", LTo""lt'(i "Y"", al",ny., hove - go,," '"~"'''Il.'' 'j ,,,,,,,,ierwe a. a guide In l""'Ir'j De!nocrlIIlC:,gev!:rnct':.. ·U!d''::::.. ' -< 1)1" ~ 01 ll'1,,"c"enll,h"e, ,ho.d w,tIl IlLe ....-orUI)' Bo.l or I 11," )"·t",<I",,1 .'JllJ 11Loi ,he: tUlal docIOion. But l"":'>e "'llbet "YOIl mY~t··. wf::ifiij::;(&!t la,'" . u, "akes Over Northern Ireland '. ,>.:, '.' . . . ~~"I Whitd~.w Will be ~"i.'I"'1 h\' J"al~knCO" u~,1 Ihe Slon11JlHl. ,1 fJr:.t I~~~~=:iilie~;f. i~7.;'~=~.';=.~,~ ",:,' . "II;' """"~\tOO1lti<jj>,;': &ll'')f W."l.f:~:g~:~l":,:::';::,"·'" and mJj'w ,'tell 00 Ute !liRhl U", ,lll~"1V,·r. . 'I Irl,h ~.n Arin)". Provl· • A¥; 11''-:~;:cloOJ"g,',~'o;~; Ie<n-- J ""'nml.'<ll!v,,-ollOC"1 n'''(IL'''!~IIN'lrlJlrrn Irda!l~'. p"rll'<1l1l'111, COJ~ to" ll'lTllnst "ictOFY:" : "We Will lighl," Cmill !l:ltd, "ionnl wlilg".vowod to ronlinoe m"".,l'l<!re'.Chlcl.• ,cled. :'fUIlY''''.''P","l!llWtiw "f ol"ni"", 1i,,,1 iv' .)~"I w"rn",1 11"".111. m F,,"I~Il~r'" guvcm.ment ,. e.x.: "I ,,·annol. eX~)"M fl'e PJ.~I-'lttlelC"u,npalgn 01 t.ornbins'a/ld T: "IL>rr!<iOO... ..,~.:)i.,liie~!i!~na~ Norll,ern lr"i.lld,'· 11"alh IJICLr em'S ~,Ik" U\M Ilnll,J, 1><>::1<011 to ",main 1Il olll"e lO;bllll}' 01 ,,[jl"nc~'" shOQll1\!l l(':'lIIllle.lhe PN!estlln!. ~'OlUI'(lIlld,~·Tbl:iii:>: M'I,n :Jii'JticO':JIlIn.... ,I.e· '.1 o' darOd.. 1111". ,~.allS. ,I In l:Ok.'''.''.'. , ""wid !>t. ~ •."" Ul VI· run m"Un., "rf",,,, j. lie dO<'.!Lnt'<1 to CLlJunlet>I .. North '''It/i,.~.0: Ca '" """ lllf- cI"de' repl'esentatlve., "I Ilw ~ier a, a vi,~ory fur U,c Imh unlil U", 11-1-1'1.0;1, )'arhamet11 al~:lu>wo\'''', when ":!lied If a .1t1ooL-IJlctlUbhC Inltieaoiulll. CnIh<A,,' mmonty a. wdl 0,' l{"pLlhl"'," Army Wilictl W",'10 I'l'-'!v.,; Ink",,,,,,., lesi,Jal!Dn nest, IIIg' War woold brenk oul be. Edw~l'lrM8CAt_· leader of ,.lx Prn~(an:S. '"mUM 01 tile par!~ of Ire· week. tWc<'n his PrutC3WJ1k1 Wld ~ '<he 1I)Q~'·:rOOi.ler~~. Ollhnllc. gov- 11" ""ponso from N"rthr'n IaI~L . mA. . Qvll Rlgh~' Mli\l~,menV.....kHWi.· ."1.w.IJr~bJld w;'.' "llm>.,1 ",nll'd)', "1 ("Ill lU1ll." l":lLJ!knc"' sald, Mlillanio Will FISh!. nOZH,r Agmw. lood"r ,,( .thelpr~f",.rcd Protesllmt irish ,'ern.lllloSllk ,,"d II,,,,,, """,, fe;if.' "(llat ,I would ho" w'dell' t"""'1 Wilh'"u Cr"'S, I""d.". of ttl" m'lll"nl Uelfnm. Young umoll· ;;,::fi:;~~~~ lQOS, u·'". I P"""":",,t ,,~'rc"'L>(,o: "lJ'a,d "., ~Jl "''-:'1'.:';'''~'' ,,{ i<>-I' h;,nt.nll". p",lt'''U.,,, V~ngua'd lSi", al....'U.M 'm'Il.lhOl 1><lrsyall ':' "'" I wollld tun, to v,o.I"I1<:" i" ''''~,h''l,Jly ba.,,:I= cnhds:rn of our Move~ wbu furlllerly Wll. a and .S<li~ he ':llRS hn,tenoo .Ihe ,ruled 'r091115 "cW. lor ntioo lor !he elldulg oJ roll ye"rs ,.I"w","tJ<;!lIP; Ihat If would he memhi'i' oJ Faulkne~" c!lblnet, Inev'lllbillly·""dvil war":' .. ' :.5lJ:·:~:'.P;. 01 Pr"le.'Ilant rule. '"""" by !l,e IRA and «llt'r" 0' wa,-nod that hl. Ollliirlnto will The C!I!b<>llc gtltii-rlllD' ollllil '. .{Co!a~:~, ....,......- ' 1""",,,,,.,,,] 11'",,1,1 two i. :?f. ard Imbalance StiUU; '- . .- .' - . . ..: .. , : .. -- "" .... '.',-_.,-,':"'-' .~.' ..;" H_.....•...•.:~.: meffibc.rof'lI!8, ~vei~·c~· ;·,Otlii!iil..,rivf' l&IlVili··,~tcilii:F '.' Easy Scan and Print Page ofComment BY Tl)I,f WICKER o NfGlimlllllirf !if;\>' YOHX----, ·Pr..idMt Nixoo', r.die ~""lorathJll jn I';" ~levi<;i(m·a<Jdr_ ma' -~ large ~n<! ;oc,~a!il1i1 number o! bl~cIl.,-­ Murray Is Wrong Be",,,!..''-''y of Slat", Prank Mu'· ray ignored n legal opfnlon Js.'1Jcct by Atty. Gen, Rohert WOOdalll Woone.sday and nnnolJllccll thrl,t MrlLl" M lJ" WW CllnCWll"d CoN1IItltutlona.l Convent.ion delegate~ could not. run 10r publlc officI" W~'re nIlt lawyerll, but 1. h r n nelth.... Is Murray. and In onr opinion t))(' ~ecrdllry or stnl.e b wrong. Murray Ignore" n,e oplnhOil. which W~ re.ques!.('d lly CQI1I'CntJon Pre3ldent 1.,00 Graybill. on the OOaIlI.that tlUl SUDreme Court ruled lns!. year t.hat legi.~)ator." could not mn tor the offke or dClegil-t.e to the OmsJ.itlltinn;l1 COnvention. At flmt glo.ncr., II. w,,,,],i apl'""r that Murray 18 on the right track. However, a. 5ecoml glllnce puts the Eituatlon 1n It better pcrnpecl-h'e, Murray lorgol. to take that s""r",d r,1!Ulee. The. Montana Constltnlj'm Is 'Illite de?-" H'(;llrdlng thl~ mal.l(or, It ~lAte~ thllt no ~EnatQr or rcpre· ~cnt.atlve, during \.ll~ te.lm ["I' whlell he &hall have been decl«!, canbeapPolnted t.o llllY civil 01Ike nnder thll 51.nte. The constituUon also l<bl",; u",t ih", qualiflcatimi5'lor n Con.,UI.,,tlolle.1 Converitlon dclegll.le arc the =m", ns thOse of IIlembers [II Uw. ,StJ1te Senak. A.~ Woodnhl polnt.~ out III JII.~ ruling, it, lherefore follows that convention de]cgate&.cU1lnot Jl01t! more than ,me public olflc.. d",'Inl' 1. h Co I r term. The Supreme Court consIdered tile. duralAon f"r B'term il.nd held that ". , , A delegale to the ConilUtutlonal Convcl1· tlnn holds his pooillon for the enUre perl[)(J 01. time ·the COl1slililUrma.l. Convention Is, In se.<;.,lon 'Hi'S llOsltlori:':f" pe'mamnt and wnUnuous' h~-. t1,e senS!' lha!. it agr~ed ,,"nl,in"""'iy exL,ls 'Hlt.ll the du\.ie.' Inr whicb i(. w,,-, r.rcal,.e-d J:mve tx;rn eoml'!~!"<I., In ~.'I8lon. thl! I."rm nr " ,kk~"t.c ",!I! lasl unlil li<~ """,'"nl.iOl' adjourn" "Ioe dJe. Thc i,egi"l"t"re, In pro\'idlng ~',r'!!w rDnVrnlion, said U'Bt the "... ~n\Tntion, wh i c I' Illay rC'TS.~ fmm t.imp tll tinw, ,Imll UWll rr- In CbrlotlliD &Ill~te Mwlw, !.", iocro.,.,. thol cnn"",,,·Oj,," w"r""" hm'" r"".~t year. Ttw .• eltle.ii,cnl j5,~"peclj,n.v wcl..",,," '~.I . ~:.)-'Jiiti ... "h~" ,.th•.. Nix"" '. adn"m'lr«- /",,,'•. r"QnMm" .tah,II.. llor. I'm~r"n, <""""""'S .fflrtT,o'l\'~ .'"PI""t II','",' an c,od"""·.oLtlie ~('ohojl\l'. 'M,e ,p"e']." '",11"""""-,, [["'"., :r",".;,,~ .... lh'';~h It; f,t" "I wob'me ~",wII, ,i~" ,,[ w." ., Ill"" ""I,", "·",,.1 denie<! 11l.1', IJw <:h"i",', W,., , i.'r",."'n ,1<"""}~l"<T "f 'nW""'i~ L'" ,,," !", ,.."",,1 b"l.nc.·',,,- .~ "''''"l'','a.an "'; .,1: I"" ... " NL';ng .. In 'h, .\',,-Ih. \l,e P.!:;"); L:!w SI'""'r.L' I:f'_ '"'' :01 \':01,.' 't'''''''''''''ll''l: "" Ih-c 1~'~1rlI~ h,'f",~ lh~ :'ii.';'" ~I"'l,'h'. I,..,.'.."., ."i.'un bri We ,,"n'l 0.-",",,,,,,,[ w ,,,n:Clllic.~ de"i" I" dn w;~, j.,mjlt I" ;11"on,I"" b,- '"''~''''' .~"',n l1", lie. 'I'''f, [;".-k",'n· c",,~:,'.-i 0<k1<.,,,, "~'" m~,\ ',dji"c,,~ ,""",,'[, ~a[ ! h.,'" b',jc,' ,1',"1 I h,w. '"od." He b""';"e 0; any bll.·.·· " .• " ' . " " ' : ' :m<! Niebd ~i""" " \';~nbi".!,;", .-," ',1'.11'-"", '"'' \'.,,.,,, ""'e" p,·l'!",[,.. d ,'<m,,; I ·.'ill g','" W,J,,\"(- JL.~ 1C'1k~¥.c..,~ 11:'~~."'j'~ n);l&l'n POliCY ,."nninl{ 1m' pub- Detroit l'unH"uroJ "lllli"hing up p~)" 1"1"'1$ \\'111, flnth ,l;,I~.rrisn"hlp "ndli~rd eronoml" f<lOLllllel 11~'.behlnd·!h~ mulllt,ntt ''(In· .IIu~lion union ''''lIlrocl iw:meiropollwri DetlQ'1 whkh h.1'.bilen tellled nl a moe!· 'elt .4" lJeT ('Cnl il'tl'~~s&:ln':wngo~ and ,benehts ,IhlIn Ih~' 5.5 1"" cellt . guldd",. ",",IllY Ih. 1~.d~r.ll'ay Boa,d, .nd·:I"r 1>01010 Ihe 10'" mOre. per tent in ;;"nd; "I< tun .. C"'''' ~." ,. """.., " ,,,, ." ." ,,,,•.", ,~" ,,'~'''",. L""" "';'" ""'~ w.,"" "... ~ """ "''',"u "' 0;'fI ~"'" ~"n,,"'"' '''''" W,,, "" '" ."••,,,, .,,, _on,., ~'" '" wll'''." '"' "...." ""'''''''''''"''",.0'''''''''''.'''' '"'''' w", to " ' " ' ' ., ~:,'<.,':;~~~"" Reason to Fear EdilUr, )"de,"'nd~1I! H~eol"d 'n~e re~~nl ~"cbiOIl ha""i,,,: C\lpnal pOllLshmCnl lJ1 Iho ~I"I<' of GalilOntl" i.' Ih,' basi" hie ,,'v writi''!: Ih[. Illtl,·r. I 8m SLlr~ U"'1"e m"s' b~ n,""y 1'<"'1'1" '" 10;, !a'It! wb." as I. ~';" '"""c'ked nOld "I'p.'lIed '" ,'e"I",' Iha( ",,,:11 me" :0.; !;irh,,,, Sirll;,,, 1:<>;>"1,'" M""",,,,. t" n"m~;, f.·w, ",II I,;,"" 'hei, '~ll'en"", t -·R~alish1 [<, ",ltll"'''''il.'' "'", npr'''''·'1 ," .. ""1'. Shirl~\' [:hi,I",I01. ,I" pce.,i,knlj"l __' .-1,,1;,'0, "li,1 'l;i,,·., Ir),iog 10 do,,, [h,' d.,,,' "0 ,"ri:<I <'q,,'L!ily or Aug"st. "" "'''s l"'Olx,se<l I "s~ 'wcek, thl, move '"',ull! 1m,... pr'p_ Cilldl'd [lclcgal.e.~ f r O.p1 Imppinl: lrom one IXllllkcll al'i!tlil int.r, an· other. H(>wc,,{'I', lit c dell'l{:ltes, gOOd I~)lilidan~ lhat tllc,\' all'. somehuw f<lrl!nl l/l hrin::: Ihi" tI].I wh~n·tl",y \i'erl' d~b"ling tl", r'c, ec's·",oti;;n, ~ha; ",,,! ,,:., 'n bl:o~~ f"l"I'on ~n '·c·nt;><TH.,L [it". ,",[_ :\ '\ACP '''"ce.'"nl'l;vo in 1I'.1-j"",",,11,0.1 " ,,,' ""n,";ri~;,'e;l i;,·"' In liw "'''th, ;" Glla»cl II'!! ','1 , " "",mine f"r 'All,~rcs' f"'w"rr~1 ,n"N"",.~ r,r'.>gr~rr, ~.".< H·", ;","0 J.-\("I;""n. ',he C~\j~'go or. ia •.,>:,"IT'd,y .i(on".,.~, cel''C~1 1iU!. Mfiona; .[ltT,l"" J.d.",.., "Aul vf P"''''''''1 <'I[ nll,onwy 1'"'n('l',,I. M"rr"y J",,, iirnorml I-Iw le~,,1 I\dvice Lh.. ,,1_ t",.""y gl''','nd au" will therefore have U> htn' I,;'; own ,'nun.',,1 wh"" \! """,,<:nl.i"l1 delL'l',ah' ('h"IIc"gl'~ l,j~ ded,,;,on pn'\"'nl~'d Irom n";(o<l g"'. liw \'AAfT con- Ill' office Ihi.5 V,.'M, .If tlle ,',m_ l'c'nU"" would 11:<\'" J'e"pss,'d unlil """,hf ",,,,is. ","I (]Mcnc. o[flcn ami M 6\1<:11 L, V, Ir~il.l urrell~;e hy Ihe TIICl't "'''.' 0111.1' one way d"]['l{at.e~ r')lIlilll~\'~ lio r"io,"" OL" tho, \lltt" """ nOIt<ing "I'_lllod: (m~allinb venllOn ,<.merkam" .od foLio:M"<! into.j..-:tJoo "Whi!~ '00 """'l'" til"" ,",',".i, \'... ,,,1,1 'em ~1.i1.Ut.t<)l1nl ~ntltled ~ :::,'{:~; ,.~,',~;::; ~';",1:~~' n,~~-'t main J/L 5c.\si'JlJ as 1[)l\g '...' ne!'e,- I!;\" tax)'''Y''''''·1 "- I,,,,, doll!U's. The .'~nel;tl)' "f "I<tt(, IS It ~i the rommuni- ;,~ """ «."""Is, criliciurl :-<i"",'! '~c'l""'­ "I·, $arv"' The dr1t'~"I.,':; Jlav~ "'l:llru thc rc\"""ri cn",\.ilLllion. Thd,' i,',' dQn~ and 1,Ill',I" arc Iwadinf'; h"",,·. ·nll'i,. knJl.' Il"Vf ('Xpl~'C[1. It's lhat plain and ~implr' Murnl'r' 1Ia.~ lllrDwn a lHl.le IlllHl til lile w;ller find raised U". tempcml.\,,·ps or "'''"~ or the (lclp"at-l',', His nrb!l.m,-y <kr'i.,lon will a[m I'n'b"bly .'."'ll!", ,'!.<l1.e "",jor,ly .ha, Whillrvt'r he 11I1,e,w!l'.-L !her" U lit~e cv!.J'"H''' to "H.ow (1l.1\ t>ld<"\ls generollyare 1lgaLn'l lllJ.llng, .lli\oI>gh many U~guooa. tl, "r'-i'arIlCl,iarl,. where one-way lm!5'lll': ~ff~l:> '-",Iy d""i' <:hlhf,CIl, 001. while d,ild· [<·n. But "v<n Itoy l""iH Ql COilE; a ,In>llg "f"'kCSmM fflC bl.ack =nunlly mnlrn! <)/ lJla~ ~inf:\" no (I,UlllU' duratton i.~ -,petHiell jor lli,~ l~nn of ctc1egat..e, nnd n" " clrlq::<It.lO wtll $.('rv~ while Guest Editorial . ~"IIJ>.1l :u,od I:r'~l ,,;<11 'ho qui c bl"Clt."' ' Cltln[; t.hls, W()()dall] \",Qm:l\JdC5 Lh~ ~ml\'rnl.jnn l.~ willi hiJ. anlibu$ing .l'0silien ",""s M <Ioub( Irve, bul. II wa., nev..-tbel= misl"~d­ illg, Three times, for Ins18=, :;ixoo illtt! ph,.,o. ""cn a, "mo,[ Amerlean" or "(h. "Ifulll.-y h'5 ",u..:hl··"" ,ws "'hicit em' ~-!,po:!e ilu<;,ng jl'~",l:.(;{j poIi_ '''"'. '" ~">e past. or ""1'1"',tlfY"'C<! .Il blad, "'.'-"" .lh.,n".~i ore:'llrol: "'" \''''-,' ",ond;· ilO'~' which lh~y "" oo! Wa", (or meir cl',M ro'l, ';0 co;,""" OX'-'i.' 1(, l"",li""" me." "",,'e )"l!ici", will 001 be p","ued .g3<" i; bu,;"~ " p<oh,l~l.,.j or c...,~<: . I... d(·ellnl"~. lJd",,," ,uN"'rl i, d"ublr ,,,",,,, lx"", IIl~lul "IL"" .,;eol~ling \I',,~;,., h"v~ P"'I~'lnt;'d 1,.1' mn'l <.ell"",n;". '" ""lei ",f:l;llL"""" "dl','!I,"."n~ .int·e lh,' lJ',: "'II mmp""'"lIng p".lu"I\\';ly ~,,;'" Delroil ron,lrucllo" wo,X",", wl,o fil' "'''~c '9,fi-I) lfn 1I11"" ilLd"d,,'~ f,I,,~,' I><'ro d,I.', lIre "mang Ih" llig1"',<l P";,1 OJ, II,,· "Hun(ey, And l)"trolj I, ",fferiro~ " lilt" :!l1 I"" <·e.'''· unCJllI,lro)''''cn[ <ale I" 10, I,"il<lin~ 1",,,le", '!1w,e ~c"'''"ni" rea[i· Ii". vlllnd " I"r~~ llinl j" IJrrivhlH at Ih,' U I\<'t ."'''1. ""Werne,,!. 1'n ""y Ih"l. I",,,,,,,·,·... I' flU! I" bcliUle II", 1",',,1 "r ],"'I"""iOI" I""d""hip, ,h""" on [i,e phn ,,[ nil' (;";,,;o,,,-llt,l,oL[ .JJ,,,I<lm~ 1',,"k, w),id, I'i""",,rr'd ",,,lilcrH[; nlll\,,"~I" helw",'" I,·.,lci "n"",. "lI,t "on 1'1,,1'''' ~"'.Il'[l". 'I'll,,! ,I""i"" " ilw[1 "n 'L'L\i'rlllali",,,,,-;: "1'1""""1" I",-,'.'I"I!;".: ':"",,,,U,.. i,." 1'''''''''." h" ~'Iro';h .<l,,~I,' ""i"n, "'e "'LII, """ """II,". I" ~'" 1":0," r",·"" It i,; I" I,.. [,"1"'.1 11,"1 "rt",,·,.,", [J,·" .. d ,1'0 "wl"I''''W'' ",,,,,n",,"! ;"':ludO\I '" Ill" Tr",I".' '.'",,,, <:I: ,,,ItI"",",,1 wi!1 I;Jk, rh,'", ,'It,· I'm,," ""d ",,,u,,,,led 1<, lif" i" 1"'''''''. ,,.. 1.... ,,10"1'· ha." Il". 1'O!;;lbilily "r "wnlu,,! I""ole. As Gov, H..,,· nldl!,;, ~"" 1'... ~,I"i,md, "II'" ,,,,,,,,),,,.,.;. ,,,,,,,"r,',,,,,,, I" r",11'" 11,,, ",",t frighlening' .",1 "I"fl"i,"! Ih"'Jl1I,t Il,,,( "".1 pen· d"ol,'" '''.I' J",ar( I., U.. liL,,! ml, llr,il<'<! $lat.-'s S<'I""(~n" fa", (.'.>tH'[ In"\, Io:,"~ ,.,,!" f". il," ""se tll d,,· "II ~'" • t" I"" amI "'ok" Il", 1~1I1JlI,,~ ,1I ,'apil"1 fOLJlli,<l""PlLl:J I,,~,""I bw. 1"10,,, " Inll"dy UW\ ...-oul,1 b". So' I l"d ti,e ,..,00 ~,wfll" my ro,,"1<'1100," perl.ajnln~ In '·"pi!,,1 "",,,,tmWL1l H"'\ 10'<01 II,,' '"'1:''' ;", "f ",or J,'in",~ ;n "'I!,.\l,,,,. 0., ,1,,...1 ;'B""'" ",., U,,, " "d",,,',,' I "r It r,,~ar<lli", !l",,'gN. ""·t'!" 'Look! Look! I Just Happened to Come Acros 101!''',: In .,f Right Wing Me U-" WlIJ.IAll F. DUCKJ.lSV .Ir $.'... lIn r r)' rl"ld""r",·, .,,1 ,1"""'IJl~ Ih.' Young Ikl~oI)I;";<,, I""d""".hlp ,,~,;'''''''''" !w /0 I., h ,w~i""i him POllh''''b"lk;,II\'' ",I,! 1)",1 lw' I",-"",w i" I/o" ""'I I",.-;'''i i'l i\"'~ri"nn mlill':s "" '"l! "1 <"\,,.';,i"'y""I··gcll'll r", wa.<k )'",U' ,u",' or min" ,," ,,'~'h " <1""4' I '1,,1.1 y~" ,,,: ,f ,~,Iy 11<:\.'."'" I y"Uo.l my,'.'II h.m,,,., f~c 1::'~'~II",wcc "I II", l1,,,,,,~,, ,l'l\,.'nll>" i" i~,~ ,I>" ;" '·]o'r;c~k[; l,-,l1'''MI r. "r~ut""'" n I~'I. j; nl<' Wild,,', ""'"r 1'.,,1 Easy Scan and Print HER EYE 18 ON TIlE HOBIN ~ N,,!.asha ArJ6hefr "I V"nq".,'.'e'·, VI"")L, 4k"5 a d()"~, ;':•. ,1< M n'r ""\Jin ,I .., ,)".,If round in !'n yanJ Ie m<:"'th.' ";:0 worm:<. JHll..': ,lllr! peam:;", The bj['(j j~ lJl<(j-!'jdden '{l1d ,lcl,'p' ~l)l) It" rntck in i!- liLLIe i)E"J D! !inu' !wd '.if' ".-:ar a 'A'ind'!w, Mrs, ,\,.;_ "a1" I,e is ",,,,i,l,> I.u wall', 0:, all': >;d..·' il"n(l-r~<I I)(''''J; i)(>llp<1 i\lHI :-;'<Iil. I,d~,'d rn"" r i' ~Ilt1 like.' tf}-_11l H,,~­ 11'holo!,EJ ·iJad.!. at night. Ead, day Ill' i" pmI" ! II JUM&Q O. ~ p'- cI"d h~",~r I r,,", POItK--CHOPSANO. /15< -' HAMUURGEJI. w!hi..~ ;CU8E STEAK :·..Chicl'-.n --DI"ne, -__ ~"" Pinne, n," Mo"',m" ""I""lm"o, ", f':"vi",nm.",.1 ih o ' II,~ rr'''r'',el~ "'1""" 01.,.< y"'" ~., 'ne"" '~""'TI. J',OOJ """ VlfTe j,",ked ill In" :;1."," 101'.' y"", $-1.5Q $1.75 $3.00 n,., ._ .. . ~ ~'. l.: ..'", al''''lll ,I",," ","\' '''L"I)' g"Mr"te Jr.OO(); "''''''.'' ~. ~" J.,t....The .' , .'. ' I ' " '-'1x,"b;] -" !"..,,;""'" '" ~7.4 PC' ~"'>l Ihc;~llLmher uJ ... :",th .;\ '""'-,: ~i~~;":;r; ~";:lG,~ ~>I~~~l~ ""!"nilt,ecplablc." h" ,wo, ::: He ~lIlk,j rot· I<,&,stal"~l j: ... S;~,,:, .. -'-.:".'''' ''''''''.-. ." .,', .'. :._ '" . ",!,'C'e'''"''''"I, I", "fl""'e~ i .•·•.• .~ ':.' and ev_ry'Su"a..y then,al1~, R, .' .' . It:. .';'" _ :. .... 11100__.~.~.IH-7:00 P.M. ~I\o·""h,l" ~~ f1,' ",.,,..,..d, "" "".. ~f"t",·~, 1I!m ,e.flIJi,,~d :'.....nl "".,1,1 ",,,,,'''',,,,,,wl1l.• I<> "",",(:;"o" ~i"'''J a"ce.<si"l." fr,'~ ",u'J""_"lc; ·~2;r"'~·"'~'~'~t~;'i"';'~;'-'-~';'~<'~_!~-'~'~t'!-~ih!:t~"i'~!.'~-'~'-!'~i!':~'~;c~';'!.,.~_Jf~'~'. ~"l:.~r,:"~'Y'~~::,r "~~ ~,,,,I:ml~,;::, )u,,~,,1. h. N"·~J. I) ..,' '''''.1,,1 1",1 'lfP~-.l',.~'l: ,.'''''..... Im,: ' Ifr ;.ai,j lb,," 1\,1\'" I"",,, (.'~."-"UI iunk "'''' ,I.-i,·,,, ' <';"'"~":, ,;,,,,,ry, Kol,,,"'11. I),,,,, ~,h"" PANAMA v, Stock;84 B,~n0y ¥:, Cteme de CaC<lo Ice Cube, 'hCream Shake ""r·--~~--~...., "1,,,,1,; "..' '~.'~ <"~;"". ~H."""L" School Finance E)[nflrt Dul" HprP • ..... "",,r·, .. J,u,k yard5 a crJOl'Copo,ld1"l: :::I~'"I,"~ h.'."""IH~~' feoturir;9 fine Sunday Dining in I ~. ...\~;IN[(AfE ~:~~tg;::,:!:~,~~~;,E1 l.~JC'.·u····n···d.·:ly-. . ·Miarc·h 26 !riiln"""e ~I,,,:',.:;:::':' :;;;'~":~".::;,:;:; U r:·.' . II ," "~,.., "'~ s..-.,," .. '." , : _ '., _._.: ~;,>;.TOWHSEN.D,MONTANA KEN I 'Jf~~IIIII~I~IIIIIIIIII':':hi)-!llll"Y ":n\k'mobile. gr~ve--r: '(7~ H¢ms 10 ~h"", .. i<om~ Banqu pro'!>""", ~;;l,,~"MQll:Gi"i\\:1'B·OR·:D. ~';;"f~~~~:~~~:~'£~'~:~:",;\'::! ~.;~JJ.'I\ . tl~ ~,add'll"fl~j I"M:: ",~..." Regule .v~~~~~~,t:F:I:~;~I~~ i ~"ich 25_26 M,.lld Double. C"II ,22:i·3101 flIilll#,,#'-jjiill"'~--""'''---"--''~'''' ':": . . .,:', 'c . . ',:' Picnic i ! I "'1",1':"0 M:~~~"il!~19·~~J j._...19~B to.l,d \"': .. ·~42.DD~1 rur ferry (~'nrl<"ly ,<;,.,,<'1.,.- of til(: ,10>,."lid ",",t., K*~~~~f':E~~G .: ~'::!:~'~;:~" I "r" "',,,,' ,,' u""", ,M""",! t""""'I'\:'w.,; BOWL :~-Sgl, 7 ...... i.. ,,,,<I 1I~;,lih ."4 ~ ~''', '~.. -.....'." _ $J.7S Couolty :il11e fRJED CHICKfN $-2.25 :-i.". .' ,\ 12 No<>n 'UI 8 P,M. PlUME KJa V ·Y.r~ Clot " $3.25 ~ ie - SHAK Ol'EN 'Til. t .'\..-.". t'RIDAY t. SATlJRll..-\Y "compl.to O"oUoootol .. \Jr,d Ioor" H",w rug i. ,ldl npl. ill, olu, ",Ib ..-0 co. p.'II!',! .,!<I,:'.! l~, g~<.',- Co.n. III 'D<1~ "" ... '.:. ~ AI'l:o"~h cur. GoldRoom~Placer "'QUi:ilflY·Dini '" FRIC Easy Scan and Print Helena's CHANNEl S'TAnON '2) KlfTV '~I IULf" '~l = . H&C--S.olt 1...... ~cn M~~ .. illl<5....,.V <:IIS-s.lt........ 'bl j(HQ.-TV j1; Keu·· Nt.~_ NI\C.A~.I..a ~9> ~P.[M ",,-,,", fRm",.,. IiVtNING SATURDJ -:~,.,..'.,.,' ~ (I : (R( !'I •. .: : 'c<"I' • ""J.'''' I TIME, ~ I .. IFY('I; NOW SHOWING Sun InlomllUoool pro.tuel;om Inc." ·WI'oI"OIJl'F.",jIIE"IMaiIImonI~.i" C'''np)"'< Sh"",, S:.lu,d.), & .';und,,' ~:'\f·~::oU·1:U'· •• ' On '" 1",,'0,';, II <o"~,,,. o"d ",.,'e,,, 6 nnd! SATURDAY MOllNTmr-- ",",,,,,,,,~,"J ',," Co ...'·, 0 •• , J~ "G ,., ·-·~'1f~~~'j-:!'·- ._.. _~.~ ...._,...... Program OPEN, 2 PM 'III 1. A.M. ;nn"d ~,,,.<I,y,) Wong's J,OO '.M, "'"..... ~ ..lHH ... H SilVER SPUR c~., ,. (,. ",,,·,.,,··>,.'.c.ve,,.. ,,t,,, PhQn. 44l·04':'5 2000 N, MQnloM ._-- - - - '--1 lodge Mee';o9 s ",,·,:,,':'0:"',.".:;;:';: . ' I II: s, ,...." 1972 MOTHER'S DAY PIA H S ~;"g ,.' by' ! G'o.-"l"I,1 GfN'S App.,,1 C,.;,,, IlllIl'.'.'" t".'" (.~, , ,;"",~ r"~,,, •. '.""c' , ~ ,'I:::' .,..... Easy Scan and Print "Farmers Union Head Asks ,Probe of Grocery Chains TO 18 BEAUTYREST THE OYERNIGHT VACATION 5t OP! CBcoutyrestpii';pl~-'te'{I;':slllll'P-l6-"d;'ili>;t's like em uvernight vOWlion Bco<Jty,e.r ~epomte:_con -const'uctlon do"", ,I. I~ suppo,t. you 01 night Ilhy"", mu!,das do .ol.ldoy.,Fi_~rnIY",Seporotely.A. 0 re.ult you sleep ",lfo"le.!ly~o"d:W<Jkll.,up}"".llng llk#Y<)lj've hod 0 "OCOlio",' And sinc'! My of,a~"Uty',"'Ifour-Jlrmne.s~ • . con give you thj. leeling, why sl"'nrl ')bonI9hl,O,,,t"ihe,e_D!':l"?_Com~,in,todoy,,I ,yoll lour Beouty,,,st; Bock Co~.',:I,a"~kCo,en,on~:a.o~kCo,o;III. Or Beouty,e,t S"p'ome Get 'Cl~~r~l~h.I::'O:c~~_i.on::o,t:,flofl1e.;PiICM$tort01 $81',9:>. DSIIV!!YI~()NS' FI <J" . '~EAUt:YRES~'I>Y SIMMON$To give ~'~'Y 1'0'1 of your bo<l)" gr>o<l' nl~lit'ue.t.:·. ::~: HElr':t'maltn& CO. Furniture Graybill Names Publicity Groups an GAl GRA1 Satur. March 9 a Iv,~~:~v.,1 " ,,'v,v" I "c_"" P, .. ,j,." Easy Scan and Print ~~.~;':;' ,:~:.:~:,; ~iA~:;~gg~;;~:S.,,~"ii"-'" lJ,']"i!",I"" ,) ook hot' l . I I "'u < '-!' D-Ml.'D<Jla :oid: ~:j<'.·"~h:~;/r>M.WO:~g~.J~~:::~~~;~ ~~~'.':~'~.> .:;~~~,} ~~;'~:;:;r~:~~ bmk!ct,. '. :" '>,;0'''. her "~"r',,,~,j 11," TTl<lOd w~s [.",l'w " "Tj-,e Ii.... C.11"0 ol n fe'\\' mal'" ("'3 C8c! 1<1. 1Rv1, [H)il:"" fnr !he )",,( til,)" ~, g"l ''1'')rb, [HI..Uc. '" ""J' tbiTll( on llle cu'l\"~nl"", Mi<>; Sp.1rks tlad r<1( Ii,,,,,'''. L who You the r""",,1 (rom the If j :~~e ~~~il:'~ ~~\~C ,.,,~,,:, ,~".; i MI", Spark, h..- JxoJlrl ; Mershall Murroy ,,110<'" . it'. like on overnight vocation Beo_".tyr~st sepa"'le .. coll.constru~lion. dol)<;. ,1. It sup... you o! night like yom muscle, 00,011 doy" FI.'mly.. ,.Seporot~ly. As " re,,,II, you ,I~"D dlorlle,sly Md wokcuP:feGI;ngllk~\'I><.I'vehod o. vocoTion. And s;"'e onyo.t,Beolllyr~1 four!lrmtresscscon lliv~ you thl' feeling, why ~pen(i 'he~n,ght onywhcre 'els.o?:-~om" intodoy, '<yoll lo"r Beouly,,,,I' Bock :Cote',I,BockC<l,<I H,ond:~oCkCo.eflL Or Beaulyr.,t Supram" Got on ~ov"rnlghtvaconon OP i~::k..!l1(4~~~~'1 .: -B~dutymst -peopleait;t<,:.J"".cu():'d~ep othame,Prlce, ~Iar~ "hor 11..-",1 1>11"" "!' :;porks (~,Jnj"n. :",ilen ,,;,C Q"ip~d 'n~lcn~ i ar~ ~,'l", Goor~e a ih,pe" I GJ. at $89.95. a~M.~~ GRl IlEAUTYRESTBYSIM'MQI'lSro giu "very p~rI of ~our body" good nlglit'."*"l, Soh Hel'l'mann &: CO. Ftu'niturt'l Marc 9 ~~ 0",' I{"CIOO EAHER liliES ""'" E 0' ,-i",,',"_ i'.v," S,c, Don't Miss The! Fl ROSE A BUSHES In • M 00 Ii, • L, Capital Hill Shopping Center Se~ th<> 10k" .'f''''''9 (lnd ,Wh","r .. u 98c me"',, women', Otld dtiid'etl" to,hion. u.I they p,.~"nl"c1 by \'''',Jr f"e"dty C"p'h,1 Hoil Me'ch"nl, a,." C"mm"nlory by ROSETTA of KBlL Rod;" foshk~,~ (l' they a,e "",cldoJ lJ,- th""" -'",es-__ V,ew tlw newe,t Hanson Hnrch""" H&nnelly'1 K·G Men'; $1",,, MI.. l(·G ~~:1r;ho~. Thanks $1 eo, r0 Our Man State Nurser. ~'ec(ed jts fi"r 'l' ,:". )',<" hnd (ont;nuou, e;<,,~riec" 'hen, i,om gcnem"""" Q' Mil!, "",j "".>C"mll",~ the ¢ody (l!.~d N,,,<c,,' ".-'1 enl" 's M""lo"~', u,"on.~cus", We I',ok k""o,,! tv 5 Evsryone Is Weier Er'I"Y 11\,,:j"oJ"1~", M u,"., c.n",o 100', ~I o,h., ";CO"';,,~ "Ion" S~e beould,,1 ~""e,',h~'U.e !te,h 'l' STATE GIlHNHOi': i'Mli~ Easy Scan and Print Clm Dies r:"",le i~I'm, f-r,~,,· I~,," [l"t!." "l;. 0'"' ", i, Ho c,me 11,- ~ ~.".I<' ,e"" ,,,1\"1,,, ,In!,: 'e',«, ;,~"' II,,,,",,,..,,, ,I,,·, .\I.""~' ,.., " :1,,- 1·:1"," d"""hr ~, Easy Scan and Print I I J I f N rnci I. Elects ~:11::~" ~!~~:'~!~:,;".;:;. ~,:,: '," "" U',:"O t i \' C. AI ,,:; . ,);,-:, 0 ]" '-"'f.. !pi'<'~I'''''''' Ibr""~I"",' :;! The nl...t;nOi " "k" UJ):lhl",.:.:er. J""""" " ~:] Ma~mstrom Unit ;,,,".' Easy Scan and Print Convention ,Staff Summarizes New GOI NURSING CAREERS in the Indiim Health Service COMBINING " SERVICE_. • SECURITY Hospitol StoH Nurse $7,319 per ye.r Stoll Nurse, I- yr. expo $9,053 per ye.r REQUIREMeNTS· C"mplolicn ·of " dOll'''o prog,,,,,,, boccol"",eo'. <., " diptoma prall'''''' 01 30 ",,,,,,h. or m'''. 10 lully qualifying 1o' ,h. o"lronco 10.01. N"~d;,,,;minolion·;n Employ",."!. ,,,,,.1 •• pon ••• paid '0 ploo. 01 d,,'y. (O,iI S.f.;CO foqu;,o",on" end bonoli". FOR ADDlTIONAl INfORMATION AND A~'tlCA­ nON FORMS WRITE: - p""'I\lIO.ffk. (NRt I.di.. H..hh Servk. It's never too I for your f<:ids' edU( an ideal starting r 8 good steady inlere • "Yo fiRST seCUR MEMIU. f.p.l.e. 1121 Easy Scan and Print ,l·":!'ll'ln:,r , ;:;;~=t ,.~'= .. ~= >"m ;;:: ~ce ~c::: " ;; ~ _ C':l :",,--a 0 t i:>l fJl ;a .;., . . ' , ..1 ,;;"." .• ,". :".' ~_, ".'. ""',;', ~ ~~. -, o::t ~;,g~ 3'<0£ l'> a () III o a. ><0 g~~~ ~ ?- 5'~' z S" <g ;0 3 ~ I'\.. ",/ ~~~~~' ~ ~.5.~ __ 0'"'6.:< ~1Hl.@W 0 0 2:g'ig- '< '" '" .... m ~;~~ a.-a. <,'. ... . <J> "'0 :3 Ii iIi }!:~tij Q. _ '.i;;:.p" ~,.df3'~:~<:~' 5;,,<~~~ 1"-/:)'; ~':!"':J::;l,; 8(tl;"~;;·a·:'!i::' -,- ·,·······'c· ~>l ~~ ~ 8'"3. ~ ~d.~'<~ g.1'"::-~'!} ~~"'~G.",-s, ~,d d •• _~..:.." r;_", .. l1'''''o;'1,~· E';"'" -: il"" ~,a"E-8'" '.'.'~.: ~st 1<.,.;::",.,.,.,'~'3'''-''~' ~_.""-' ".'.Q.P.'g.,~, .f''''!li:"'. "",, .~;l' '''':-;;"''"',1~,, if.2Q.R ,ll..'" ;:'-E' _>-- ~ >ii:: .1tl~;~;iil rhc, k*~"~_iJi~~ ;~~;!, ... ,.:c;··,i;.,;j,~·· (t..1·it' J:', ,~a I ~ .; ""!-,! Ic~.E-i.~IIJHY~;~;"1~(L~S~J_:?";~~l\\ i" 1~,~ .. ::]g~§:,l[,;;,.l~~':' . ;I':}~:J §h:~~~¥'!: gW:; jgs,g, ~lO:!>,.'~,,,;&;::·?.:!l!i:'li£f"'ao::~2:ll''''' ~ l ... fa ··'l,·y,j" .. ",g·"i'a" .lA' I. rS'lfO." .. ... I ,"' =..• ·§'5".;e::[.,~.:J~,.,,; ,;.~",~.'-i :i'fg:Sf-"W... !~§' ;; .!<.< !f . ' .1i.".".~a, •• s- ".i.S' ~,~ <,,;l;' '." if I~!!!>', ".' 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"; ~ g' ~ 5': I o Q. o ~ ~ -< o • ,"" 6, ~g:g;: " !Q o _~oo ~ ;"li,.!'; ;i,I;;;i;~ '!!i:I ~,- ". ~ lI' ~ ~ ~ ~ ,• ~:::!:! ~.= ;tf.) - . ., ~:~,'~'n ;F ,i':1 1';[; '~~'!iikfg ~~W;;':~ :~;:!t'.l~~l!~ ~:1~ Uh, l''''] U ,,,:,1~~~ l!c:I~~~~Fh}~O!~J m p5 ~E,R tli~;'~~fnj['E!lil'[';W;l'~h~[~~~:"·~~1 ~ Ji!t[:~!m!Him H~ H~ ii;;-!Iiiij~h~i !;f;~a~Wi:Wli~m;~H!~~i r [H n,i!"~ ::! !!::;~!IW .~~ l' ~~.~ il~ol;! i~l'''~~h;''''R<, ~,H" Fii'~l:',":li:'i<~ l~F,,:-~lflil~;'~l!~H"F'W'['~~~~<i[[ .o·o.~ · • " q~ml!~mba!~{:["{" "!fH~fo!IE:n-,"~~~,!~~~~"· ~1.;~L:H,i!, ii!~!" ~:i.};jl~i ~H~ ~I ~~Lr~m I Easy Scan and Print ¥~0\: '-~:iln;.:,i~~~,,!R"otd;M~,Kl';y. M~"hJ7.1:972 eDelegates Generally Happy With C,o r,,' :b",i,,,: :;1,.,,,, t" ""'-I" ~l" .. ,' ". I:';~~L:;;""'\~'tii~:.,:~.~M~~:I~', .-,,"',)' ';l""", ,-,'" ~·",""'(;DemO<:t.l. ',hle 1" flvo , ll",~h '--[r;IK ~,eod :~ ,floxol' ~"., i , "'" "p<-~ flexiple " WiL<oL1 ,~,d ti"':.ernnWI;\ "..."Jd • O""":'~"r,15, "' A."~i U"l"'., .• ~·ve '" :~l "f 6"'xl:" " 0'," ," tl" l-"'rl-- ~ Mime nh.we''''"''1 AI [he ""me t'me Ib" j"r", !~~~;:~ v;,.w, rno"J Ib"1 ,kig,,[c, di"Weo ""0' w h;" b nl~ gnnt. r,bv ;llld ".-.1 ," 1101 "I d''';'' li,j,," "r , .I ..,IH""" cenl "r i~;':::;:~}'~lUl r"e,.ylbj,,~ !IS~:;'''::~~y",,'' """;" c"o'l """ iif I ,."" Ii," !h,-, ',h,· 1:><'10'>.:1,,1 '!nr ""',1 "i'h '1",," 'J' ~:",L 1,'r"diJo ,',JF"'-,>, ir I" ,,'h,·' ,.,,,,,, I:"" '.' ':""?I''''''''' HARTKE C,lL!l'l'S liAC£ ~._ lndiHllit S"'L Vnnre jJa"lkc ;"",•• "",-,,,(j hi' d(,e",j"" to wjI.I,draw f,'n'" U", "";c f",- D<:O'''cn,t.ic n"",i"a;';"" fo1' !'1'",j. d~."~ SIl"tluy in MliwauKo:x,. H",-UI(; ~;,i(j he w,,,,id throw Ili~ ',~\I~lj)()1't 1-,) l'iul\<;rt II. Hl!r;,pilr~·s, __ ~~:==:t~~;;.;;;.; ,-~.:-a:'lHl't\lr,,,.) NEW KINO OF mUGIIENER ~~~NAI" Air Search Postponed TiikIlIOnlyi'DOY15 ... Thlln Evin,Pufl Jacks Without Ill'.' Of"'IH'h I,... ~ prane ~-.::·~i¥k!ii.~ ,A'JingnrniiH I ·,iltld,:--!.em"'() ,I'''''n i" J'lot,lh.VJ'o~'d~~;r.w",,\'j;,pUl1 'iaol""'l'lIh)''<>\J< "",to",",i. , , ' IH" wesler" .... , , • , ,,"~'n hoy. 'ML,;;lj;';LO ,,",I;' Iwo abour() '"''" ,r•. ",,_ w,k""", YO" .... n !poslp,,"o() (or tile .eeond; ~lh~:~', ,~~~:'~"~'~'.i~~~ I;~~ i'lrdigh' <I")' ,~"T.d"}' due I" JI''''' \>fI".I( """..,lln~.-\O.h6;oo'·Uu.L'-no.. DO.;;"~"" ~1I:10I,•.;~.il.,.no "",U~:."h.L.:'",1JOfWl\, ~:~, ;;;~~;tn:,ou:~~~!:~~~n:"j) U':ci h '~llW~t~:,t.~°J.~~t;jtt~~i~:'\;~P~rt;;tiiji1~:?'i;;,;~'::: I,,"o"\o"r' '''''diliOl\' r """,,<d .... u'Ql;"" n..,"'l Yo", "~,,. i .Jo\'1', W!I.~"I. S~J",:h t'1.,nlin".! i ~::~ i~:;'rJ~~'r,~~~::,~I'~:d '~~~~~;:.~~; \ . ·.,:=if~~;:'::;~j~~,';~~~t~~~~ruohRtlll~·:,':~;~ ".il:doll:r;".,q·Y'1','II·h... o.AiIo Ilk. A _d.", hI> '''''' 0'" L{ :r.... l.T'"ill>:oll"',jimui.. ·"".'nort ",.•i:.-b.nd..;;..-ll\~ • .-"~d;;r ,tr<u ou\ ",..'II b •. \oo. \.0"'8h '" b,,,,,,,, Jo,':Jik. ','. ,.,"''h<iy'.. '-"'.QUluI,. /j.r., ij~.... .o~,.", ,h. .r,,""f....:~OH.!::~. .', 'he '''j "'""'" ,,,,Ie,,, U,o"" is ": ."d I.... , 'h..', :dr".'lic '''If-<''-'C''''''''HI "L 'he' ",.,,"1 dr"olk llll-! 01 ,.tW.oUoo or ",~"m '" :"" .."11",, '",O',WllCHI." I iJ'm"l;';'1'Z,'~':i~'b~:i~~~,~;;~~o~~~~;:,,":!o~~~I'I';~:";:;::i: iI-'-k'fQ~:1'<'A11;l0Tlt,l0d'Y'''''-'-l"",0ll''''' ., ·Niil',~.tt,e.:)F.i~gernalJcTOUghener AMBASSADOR DRUGC~\'4TER Lundy Skoppln,:,Centor 441.2196 . II" d"",rii,'" """,II"" '-'''rldl. 1 ,~~:~~:~ ~::;:~;'~,~;: i~:~:t, "";;:;: i, l,b'''''Jig, "i'liJlllly .,1 r,,;j Ih",,! nill.' >1",1 tn <ooh'I, ('eli,,'/( d')wn 1'1 . I\""l!",,. 1,,,',,.,,1 f.-"~p.""'n",,,' 'j '"l,j" t'"b" .11"rJ"""'-1 I", ",,' I"", All girls start out beautiful. ""1 1 1 " FAST, fAn TAX RELIEf P,cii('{' irorn ul)':,et budOf'ts inhnnni r( Easy Scan and Print u.s. Copj Delegates Willing To Air Document BY DE."'''''1Jl Eo CURRAN 1JI':~lol. U"'eau ill","'el l.sl'lalcii" p r 0'1' 0." SAle.or; lAP! _ COlllffiUn\s\'llh~ c.on fI;.I,'t5 M Qov.n tw" lj,fi. "~iH ;',--J'I'h: :"-'+I(ei-l 0J!(j O'le Svu!h Virlnanl-! ltoo~ f . ,,,c klicooter. ,,,me' .'.rroe."t3n I, i ;~:"')Im<l 0Il'1 ~ i which will bo ~ o!de I..". ni~b~.S:~;~e,"1 : eo", !JO'rilJon. thine' ~~~'''d;~;~:;;~,'':,,~'~,;';.~,,~vC''-:~:;~~:jg:~delegol"" T" 0 lole,.,owd i '::e b~;~:e !,I><-.- l«i :tl1,til ,,;il! i r <I,'N trirks and, ,,,,til rec~n'-,y, w«., A BOY AND H1S H,?,G"- Tim MJ,t- i', " 400-ptfund but. I",', ~,j(l l~ [,."", jl'l'itfiliH, j(1.moulh-(1lr[ pig, <' III I d oth~r j (jr~,ed I it. 'Il' '1.)l ,'ul, "n, ~lo"da;', 01: ~l mM": II b->;rOf' ... ~"" • s.;•. lI!; \'\<,I,! h.,kopl" ",,", ,,,.r ""S'., ~r,rI nl ed"cn;,,,,,! ,,,i.J l", i,..,till lHl<'.. cided "l><,,,i! '~11l M,." ... Il :'I\'1"io ',.,'heil"," I",', I",' tl ,or "~.1insll ,'1\0 mid~H.".\\O'," f\,. Su«>erl Bn,e C""r'.i., " .~ C.S, [;dJ comtrUlnd·."d- i ; (-(lotIol he:ic"!'u, AnJ .n Idlll '<~br" ~",,,i'jp "ere (,ile-.! in ~1; 'heL~ i" I~,o '.~c,,". !:;;: wth: "";,, ;,i' h' ""'-'>T.v groLL.,d rlrt! ,ul<i i'·,,"e~ in fl." b~'-';-. 'i C"e ,~~W"'"." il1 '.I;,' ieo:,r. W,1' w~""d",~ . ;'"h''', ;!!",.reol,k-d.'ci'l~ ~ I" O~e (\ '"10,, dOW!' """ m:io. ,..1 ~I: in's pel IV'f;. lJOJ'£d ilY pi];", prd<,c" follllW alh~r l~·Yfllr.!\lrl T;11l ;;:](1 ilJ'(Jurlil \\']111 lh!, !'llll:ly .,,,hllli\ Ill" '.! <;j :c.',,;.,, tnu Ihe """,tjj,,[j~n II""',I' I,b" 1":lI"·He,,, ,,-,,,,,,.k·.,n' t~ i ~~\~:~'~ih~ll'l~;~~,' "",U:';;,,~';:;:~'~'''I "<lll': Il~;'~';:'~':;. ,;~~~:W:, ':,,~i;;',1 t·;·. i " or h, ",!,!ely. ~'" ong~H"""eI't,· : ,U"olcnod from Sunday m<,fnl"<\ I 0"" goo,1l '::::::;;::)i[;:s;ii;~ i~~;;:~~::!J1~';~~:':~;;,i1j w,,.,,.,W u, wei" tl""., 1"",',,,,J'd MeI,;e Wil.'"n. " H"."".m He" ;.g"i",l" "I OJ':;. <:r"''''''a~ "~~ ~iJlO<l: I """''''' (Qt"~ i'h"':':;';~:~~:' ,,7~"t:~~~":1 ~I~~ i:;[:~~~,~,n~I~~:'lll~;:",~~~f:":~~~! : "",,,'ber ""'lI','oli",'. <huv,'ed: li".d "'t1\i---- ~~~«l :~~'h'i~,;~;;:;"~~ ;~::: \ ""n"!leo 11J~ t~")iC''''''~'' ""cr~n '!r~on':';,~;cl=r~~,u.s.\ lr mmebooy w"nled 10 ,lnrt ,wo uld 1>0 r;ln dlib 1o,' Ih~ nil'" """"liIU_I!!!"'f"'1 ref o,r m, bul J t1lbk lion, he \\'OI.11dn! h~v~ to look thor. ore o!her '''''lily ",")' fll~r tlwr the eonSIIIU'I'oortJ' ,uppo"In,g," .aid Mn, I,ona) ConVelltion rmler. n ~ I. h. r l. ~ Delnocr.t. "All An~ tf he Il(ImOOll~ III L'le&e otlltr "rt e.w\~ln lh e pmpoletl n"w ""n- mi' me," ,lil\,llon. h. O'... lld "".~ n line B~t BIllI olbers ronIez. tbill !ormcd wltilin ",lnul.5, 1.1111& provisions In Ihe propnwl Mf.n\" d.l"b~te •. lJ'nu~b noll c~""lituli"n are IIkel}' to limll ':'. 1,1,m v.. campaIgn fpr the 1111~" ,uppml ,!•.rumen! Ihoy've Ju.1 wrilten.! "I Ulink a'k>! more of Ill{\;",,1 .,Imo" 011 of ,!\em .'re ,nx-Ide.\' tho" I did two or three io'" ,,,"I J";,'I e'plo;" il to li'c!,,<.ekl aRo, F.rv Gj'ltlflf,' Fort ;""1" •. j"dglt'i: I,."m " ",:;e" ~lilJ-e!1I'H' Ilepul'lican. commenletl i"clcl"'ndenl flttor~ ~I"t. 1l"_!I",l wce', 'Til prul>shly end uri wan'.o1d ,1"",,"lJ~'1l flro. on;! n~al (illl1i1... Il'jme "-110Wt'd in ttl(; E. err" IJf,10IT ,'id"'; :lw:'l;l ., cii,:m~. :w ,,,,,,!!,,,, '"Be- ,m~i'i." l",~ ',: J"' I; ': ' ;"' :I ' ;' ;' :' :' ~' :' «:, r," rl.C:iI~0:r~ , . ' _ .. " _ : ~lm1d"" • ~ 1\ ~.::;' ;~~;d''''~~ ~~~~"~~~~ i ; ,')" i ;;Ii; l~~;~'!1t\~ • ,H"md I; me r;,;,,,,, "rl':"r~~: ~:;::"'i:,:~~~ 'l;,:~,...":':~~ "'~~u~~~~~:~ "':~"'::::':F':~:;:':::'~:;,\l~wm:llkers Urge Schools '1 ',"",,"<,: :,;: : :~en::;:',: ~:,;,:;::i,' : ;~:;:~:,:;,I iTao P oUI'I" Sh Th e I' rim age \ ' ' " ,: !: Iwll ... (1,,,,, ,"~l\i"g, , ll'i"ki ;'t"(;T';;:,~."dll';~:t"'_"~:' c:~I'~1 fa- llV i'''''',I" ~,lo"I"!la c"<lu"aloE" 8"' '''';lc,ch;lllt-"g;J\S li"'m," ~ 1;~;~~~.I;;"~~~:~H'\:- ~~':'~~~:~cI~',",:;:., '" ' U"y dh 1 • I :.~,:..,~ .~:,tl:."~I~:t~~,;"~~:' ,~::!.~ i: coorerencc~ I~-:;:~"cd olo""")'. &~J:cr311,. '-e' gloring in"'l\l.lIlU". w.r~ 10000d s. t ,,,,ml <It A h;l, ~"~ltl",lw'Hl'",,-'hr,(j:JI' Ihe J:)luo;~llon 1,011-1 Moud,,) ,," ~,"'C, "I ,1"lc ie~ It • _n """ ItlC1S lend lil ,,,, Ild n~'-e per (unuud,.,j lill.! afternoon .!le-_ """e 1'll"!,)J~ ;,<!""ed lI'~\ll tit l "<I"lt 1,:TId, .n ge'''" <In '~'Ihl "l'LC I" "~ 'e.'I! ~ "',~~I"['d"'les ~ Mr. ~!lu,g lit 'he ne\\ c"{I,,,IJlul,u" b,,1 ilkel ""lc~,job ", ElC""C<! h' ,d ,en"" f,O'" I. L'~' I \t. U,,, e,t" \:I'~~ \l!j COIfll\<\ll t!;ev IDr K 1"0I"h1~ J<llUU<Jn • h ,_ "",Iml!, Illoe n m "nl Ihe, k"n~ Ihey ,m"gc Mnn'''' I, !lnt ro"cl' h' '0'" j'tl'O 1),- ~ ,~,ll.v ,j" • c\ \o,n.nc" wecl~11!1 for lho ~iUnn ~ S ~ " ,n 10 "0'" lor Jl as h. d!hj'e "Job 10 d" beIWL't'Il ,,,'" The fuur l,g"I.'~r, ai,,, <1, I" repl.'. ,,,,,,1 1"'oC'I, !'"C' 'f-enJ "".~' '" 1.,1' p.;r P"PI' "I &l~.a!lon ~'nl\l1c~ P,,,'ect l ..... ,." Lal! h. 'a,d Jun. 5 JUSI expl.l'lH,g \lh 11,1<1roO dlft"-'1l3 "P""O'" ~EI n~w I .. (i, ("ll,!al' ,,,I f'oP'" 'ox 1 __ - --~ ~-(JIr.cr~ 1.. \t!\'ne n.,cherl "a, done ~ lsci""",) I", "omJ: m.I),,>!J. ",d ton lur "he.,I. 0' ,,(~I 'hil. o"d G.u,g~ IlCh i Their yA,>:fm.,liike lht" ~'"t Ihe L'OllllJ« log,,' Hul G,I[, ,Ihet "'ood tho erlu kc' vr l~t"',"ll) pl'l!\ not o',lllSlhc"', ,enlCe rl"b~,a']d ~lr~~>\ I.luro ,,,U be e""'"om~ lll!rod'J' ,'I'" I, Il ,lie, >(,"l 10 ge, -J, 10 >U\lIlflrt he document a"' IcoPl~r3 and 11 .tal,eo aim".! 'M proh,abl\ l><>t '"'' ,ocC'!,!lve I,l< n" Ib,· ,n "I "d '10m, ~,-d I ",'0••, Ilt" ,110-' ,t,o.) In ~Ol. ,0' Ilh~, ""lanl Ihcy r e \ l r '" d I~, III <",mpl"tc ,tale"ido P"'l""t, ,!,"lh. ~,.";l~e~r"umcanW'""l"'.·'IJl~"ilum~c""unUn'\:"" llo'.li"'fr '''' " I [h' s;,io he think' a Tt'C"I.R~'I;!;';.':'·;;""" ."\ lI1~:woIII1l ht O(;I[IlJ".g ,; 24th <lnnual Ed""ati"" I 'o"ler_=","he,luk !<)r., I, .., "0" t "ltld, d""" ~I"lol'\ :1(0,11.1''': "'1"'-,",'1"", .. I.' c h n,o I ,;dmifiist,,,~,r. from!' c h,," I ]],,,"',', lhmHgllnUI the "to l~, II Y.,",'.·I,,;]I":"I'"'' ;""J 11"-,, 'll<!n.",n~i hy!lJ~ Mllce of .... I.'''!tng "")",,:":J"JO,,,I ,1 "," u" S'L\lfp.int"'1d;''',1 ,"~ PUI"I,i" lH,:,,""d"~ by" $101""'1.10 :'lfl"'II"".P"!',re,,r:olb"r~, i,I;" ""110",1:0,,,,;. \fnsl I. 'Itt ko It,fled a d~" r", "p ",n ,","I \elt'!("le'H"""~"JI[O'~l>o.ck fl"!\'I~,~"ellt"l" ~ ., I~"'t H ,I,j ,,,,,',,IIt""'l .. ,11, I"'"'''''''' IIIC"UO" , ,I' IKill'l oml: I""U l0I"'«lICI«l i i""cc, Montana Touched BYSerranD Sh OC k !~DFl'El'iDi<""'T REt~II\lJ "'d ',lI'inimlllll ". lill~ I St>llc nnrcac \I,,, hi"" li",lI, ' 1'"",1 "'i" ., I i,!l a II n' \.',","" " ,L,.~'-'I"lj'-,e lc"~", ~nd !J;r,.;lk",," ",,~ t:,,:.'"'':·''' m, ,,,'):.,,,1 Coo",",1 <11<)",1-1' "SL'iIO'J1 r' BwximLJ'l! 11". Y'llJII~ .ll"",,'\" ."0 O<>l"d] th":n~ "I ,I", co.ofe"·",:,, A I ill:: "", ~~,'::; ~~~~'"It:i~I~~~:i~:';,,:il~ns.~.~~~ ;~[~,,'.,e.,~;,~ :,~:,~.~~ ,.::,l;i%~'';:" ~,:;I~:i'~:,,,:~::~! ~,:,\ IIll' fanwu~ ~ '",'vlc"~ I H·I; c~.'o, "",I Mra, "'H,"'~ ''''I! " .." .".! ,,,. ", :'I"f me",h..., e"pl.t~."d ,""'Q ,,""" I ~'-i!Jal !~: ~;~"::~,:::,,,,n~ "'<"q",t,e" tou"d; "f tl'1. Elr,w.. m""l that ,<lilll''' loe.1 ,'"Iil""n" ",oo"t fI",;odIlH e'''', lil« I"llie~ rJrol""lion Vi h j.' h 1\.'-, ~"nl ,hockwav", wag~ ~1,;x',"1 wQulrj he lhn"I~l1m"'l\l"t"'. !1'll",,1l,. ,', ,.,! ,1,,-, k,1 ,~." ~f;:ij;~i;;~!);::~f;:~~~:~ \~ : ti i:i ;{;!:,: ~i~Fif: ~; :i,~;,:",;:<~:D;:;[,}i~;,: ,~: '::" , . . I, ~~~r~~::~ ~~~~"c~~tn;~;''-'~ rC\,I'''I,,1 ';1', ::::.. I(I"~"'r)~ .:-r~::y ~~:',:: I, Duplicate Bridge 'I, h~;;i,~t\.~~I~l, ;1",,' C~\t""< 0"" <"", \<·11 li'''1 ,hl" <' .' , ',I;,'"'''' i,. "'" ".",,;.! ",' "<1<1 Easy Scan and Print AD PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU THURSDAY STORE HOURS: DAilY 9 A.M. TO 9 P·M.-SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. WestclQCK SEA,.';IONAL TIE _ .. Jenny Wl,ile.? lin;cnip mi~!(,1 '" Maneeh5ter, EJll~I"-)l<l, take, Un,.. nu' I,· ''''.'': wlLh [l.i~ oUI.~i,,(· tgg symbolic 'l( \!Ie ,r"L__Y; iPIl'.lldax) TRAVEl ALARM Shat1.,pro"f C'y>I~1 5,.o~p Ai~'m tnd,,~lor State Judiciary: No More Plums (F"I!t"'f'~ li,i"j "fHd~ ~ IrlJ;e.(I'~'m"e'" .. Ju". ~.) Il,' f'J1ARLK\ S. ,llfll"'~P'" h""d"lool're," W,il" e II". ~ M~~d R.203 IF Ccmc, with Oollc"o" 1 Tgpe, Micoopl.o"e i'lIlly rn,'~torc E~.y ;I:-","""I'<l[k I",· ~n (to< ~upr"lll<! a,,<i db"kl co-uri levols, __ now .I1r:<i reach il,. be.nd' by app"i,a.nenl (0 fill " N"x[; rO"'''''le """ ~WVi"l- <>'Jon 1x,_'<"Jffie. Four <>1 (nc I)"" ,ulir"mo '-'Ourt jlJl>'U""., and 19 01 !he 1Jl dt'>lrkl <'OlIn JI!dte.\ Wl)re fir,t appc>Jnted 1<:, lholI ",-"I, by ~ov· effi<>flj, , A!lhllllg/l lill{>rome "'."H'I Jus· ~cc; ",,,,,II.v r",:e "a,,,plIlgn Dethroned Ilt;l\n'Jl i,W, Piiblw,,-, "Old IrOjthiCb wnOl by Il;~ M,O('-Ihe W"nll)' dClhrnncd ~r.Pld dlMTllilon ,t"or of UIO Nnli~nal W",lern I;lod, liJ"""---,we'e ,01lurn..1 Mo",I".'· :f. lJw ;10-=" f"~~~:~I~~;lj ~~ ~~~~~~e~"rl ~:~~:r~f~~~,;,,~"~',':,'::'1 '11'' '"8_' n."Sy'l<ml . d:~;"::~ ,;,.'::;<:~I,'~; "'~. "f I "'J ~.-:...,";',~.-.:' loglclNUfe. Will ' ....""""l<'n't " ""~, Ii<nll". '1o:Ic~"l,,,, Ill,' "Bll~d I",," a C''''Nnlll,," nelli, doi"'"f 1;, "ll '01 i~,l!, !awy,",' ,,,,I L.y""."" "" Ihe &olodi011 "\0 i;''''enwr ,.11"11 n;,,;,I' aPr";'" to"" of .~'" 1.>"""., "r ,"""i· I'",·,,, d,l o! J<"l"'" w,l!. ':0""""" "";",,,1 "I f, rww ,'ice ,~,I to,:,,~ ", ~~i" ,",:,j ib,,· 541~x131n.~201". N0W99 C 11..9, j'"ca Girls' Panty Hose 1'''''''''1 • TIGHTS • • • .. t!> All fll'l'o'. Secmle" PIQio K"it A.,."t.d Si<e. A,.u,...1 Col"" Enamel 0' hte"o, 11 Quart PLASTIC BUCKETS • ' $1.'19 :'·"'''.·C Si"""" """e,t """'"1 ~ mld,ic,':" ,,,,R~nllCt~ "" ille ;'1' 'I\~l'-". prcme.,·.',,'l.I1d dl.lrl(i "",ui.. SIP:L"". Willi., aol--·wrll;na.m "Or ",. W", • 29" Zipp". ill Quilt.d Top G0'" Res 'HookS'••",o.," • 1 SPRAY PAINT : i~:~,n.i~.lo" C • lnteno. . •. 54" 0'0" Lens.h ent Ci!mmat~", ercalC<! hy til(· gr"Old cb"Ir~' t\S:.::.~f~t:wr~1 athlOlC;'~ to llil a:'.'u; 1I ••, Magic Touch BAG ~ .,;J\ (•~::::.:6Lo"" H~,? " 111. Ii)'stem of j,,'hciiJI ",,,I l;;Jd"!l .Illil~; "i scl"CtAoo "1~"')Vcd \>y .Ill. co,,· ~J" cxhibilurii v~n\l"1> Ihal c(A,ld 1(1"~ th~ 1,,,tor "r ,,: ::...... lI~~,::,\:~\~~,m%:·~r~Cl"'nd. r"I~~~,\~;~, '..".", I E~k;::' 47& L. (VVf~ lit;' /8 1 BOOT POLISH r~~~0i'GARMENT t t.i.:'~.: 'f 1t'I . • $498 II KIWI 10 01'1:,0'0 ill.Ii",;,1 ~~::~:;;"~~~;:I:;: Prize Stee~r ;'''-'',:0< \10" "1Jll"'''W t'<1l""', nlg~k "·t·""""",, ~~~I~2.~t~~ ,"tll"·lI<>"" NOW ;""',,, "f it',,, L am ~Ic-ct")" that mUld ,,-,,,,,Iale i "~,e ",,",,1 I",", si, t" the C"'jfl~ "",,"e from po!ollc,. lye",', """f II,,,,,. "r .J M",I M"""'n. Juds,,", botb' j!l<lS~' from r.,,~· I" ", "'~~i . tl<ii:liO<j" Ii> i., ",I; I 1i~,1 ~:;;'~iI'~C:'"'-{' PASSPORT C,*SSETTE RECORDER 'l1,i.< " Ihr.,,:,'ir,' r t' ~"I" .. ,,,I . ,,·;,,,· ,: !I'e ,>I'[i,,, I" ""·:"'""lil"li"" I, ,,,h~ll,,,l ~;:E:~:,~~~: ,:~~,:t~~;~::F.~:'::;;;~~'~: ::,;;ll~".';"'I;'I~:;;'I' '_'it=".' Ta" '0 Colo, ,.j,h hondle, . ny UIAtll.l'~' ~, .IUII;\.~",,, A5S~I.I~d oJJl400 Scan and Print {", I'ress Writ"r .1udldal Dppoinlm~nt.s., ,"'" ('1is;onally sm:culent jXllil,cal plums, may be pluckc(1 perm· ane.lnly from the _,poll" sl',l"m o,ch"rds under (1]0 pr0f'<',e,r 1'~::4~f' GARMENT ),tootH"" ron,I,I"I,o". ,emoVe an}' j;<,li,-" '" 1t,,1~~ nel!1ia<es Cam" ''P wiUt II: r" "tlrowl alh'rm',-,; I" II", '1'1"'" <XKIlhining appo;nun"nl.:hctldl, 'up ,- _~ 01 (0 lern1.' "t"ld e!,,,1i,,,, l""l '''!lId Insulal!' i \\we rR'~,-,1 :rfJllI 'IX to dgll1 Ihe courts more 1'(tIn l"'llll"'_ i F"Tf lind F.I',,_,~ "r d I ." I l ".1 .!Ilu~l MQIlUlnR judges. 'to,tI, I ~Jd~," rmrn 10)1"" I" '" ,-,'"" on Ul~ oopr:emc and d;slrictj N""j: '(."·e",,,; ;m" rtnn"", COIlrt lev.h;,:now flfS{ ro"d, iIlc bend!byappoJnl~! IQ fill a! .~.- ~~\l'~f ,t\ • BAG .f (~i'l • :·;li'. I •. "00"""',"" I [ ".' . 1J\t ., )":t'.. • ,,,;'' ' 1 i p. " "l'\~''''l- Dethroned IM'CMU' or i "P!"'lnled 10 I"olr fl,,,ls hy C~ SU(lrNllC <'0"1"1 ~OV"I'~~':;:i'~;:~rcc~o,~l":~~"(~~~;'~~:~~ i j,,,~ W""I""" "Iod Sh"w._.worc ••. 1 licC' 11,'uaJlv I"e. nm""ls" Iom",1 Mo"'I".'" I" Ih,., -I',,;k i compelllloll, dl~lrict '''11Ift Sl:~'~ ollr~,". I(e~".'al n.",""get JIldRCS Dilen l'U," nnopP"-,cd, llril.a'd ,~m""s ."",1, I "J1J. SyPltem 54'" Or... Length 229" Z,ppe r 54Jnx13Jn.x2010 • Q,,'1'ed Top gc .:.•... ,,,-.. the h"C s"pt'~11e., <»UrI ju..ti= "no )9 or li'e 2Il f)El\V~;H r AI', , !lllll",,", i "iflrict roM judge'" were fir,t, un" Imph,o, "','" hI' LJ'~ M"e_ : l"""t Held. 16 ledi.,· , D.... c • ,,\~ iudl"'~1 IHoI""" 00"" ~t;' J <,~ r"",CS~ go """.~ ..... •."" ..,lIl1e'ml"""-"<l '. ,~, =.""110 nze Steer __-ilbsequenl <>lrii:llolL', menla. in effect, oile" Nowg. R~9· .1";<0 ". $1.49 1 Mogk Touch SPRAY PAINT I ~ ~~~;:i:.'"" • In'~."" 0. E... ,"o, 6"'8 c 89 . < 11 Quart PLASTIC BUCKETS ....I,h h,,~dl •• NOW Girls' Mn'l\.lltl8 voter mor~ soy: ,plJnWD thc pmc,. S""ll" ""Id. ! --Nominuti"tl, An ind"fl"tlcl.! lli~ Mol(" W;" disqll"lifi"" as' Panty Hose (mt COm"~II.l~, neol"j b.,· Ul.'·'I&r:'lirl ~:I~,mlJ March Ii. Ihi.' rl,,;:-.f leg"'I~~~., ....~,1t t"",~,,,,wnd .a "r1"1' S'mnm he:lrd 1".I< J11('I)"'1 ~d'_~;:'~~~~j:;';:'"~~5U~ ~::~i;:~;,,~I, 'I,,' 1"'''' at ., l"m",1 ~1'1 Il'""m~ and di.lricl t'1Url.•. ! Sin"", 1'UI~<J Ih,,1 Iii" 'lcer l Whllc n<>l· wri\lng In any W;" " '-'''"rol",';, '-"111", lI"'n: "tr<lClion.. som. dd"~"I..., Ih" h'w"·l>,."rl ,'"~,,., I", "'(lSi C".lled (,,,,'. H o{>f!\l1);U"" "~"JE'IClaim"l 1;0 . '1,,,1 \\""'. ':"h":<I •. nlJ of both Jawye.-.• ~ml I"",,"'n. on 'il~ "'''ell 10' 1""',1 -ScIL<.ii"". 'l1Ie fSnvc'"or .,to"tt. :om) .,jlll I" hlrk' ",,,"I Hpp<>inl one of U,C O(l4lU- J)m',,, 01 I""·,,,.,,,, r"lo. i TIGHTS i""1 "'\f>f'' ' '" 4-7& ILilli~ I,'i~:;"::: ~'"';;";k~:~" ~:::;;' ~~~: ., Here ls the .'ynlf)ln "I JlId'ci"lland. 1';1,1"" Mi.II"r "J.'\I'''. J"".';1. 1 >e\eclioo approVed by U'l, """" the eXhibitor,; "r Il;g M.w. No! ventlon thai could Klvft lhe leu"r ')1 t'Xl'h,~"II"Il "",.tH11.' n"c~ or !he ~ I l::~:'''' R., 61, ",",rt', Pal',,, k'I,r,,·,.ll:o' .,h""'.'rl Ihe: ~1!~;~I~;~f~":f:ij;":~",/:~?,i'~);:J.;f';{r':f,;~1 '\ ':~ .. All PU'I'Q1e • Scoml... • Plo;o Koit o A.,orled 5;<0, dl A.,o""d CoJ".. 2 PAIR '~ '~~~~~!:!:~i~~~i;i7;~:~~~::::;:I~{;;:i;:::'::' . •.:,:';: ;','~,:.:, "1J"tx-nl sen'", "'ot hi.' lee",' !llig", I,,· ond reli,..". 0" "I",·ti"" I'm Ih_, \\-,11, I\,~ ~c"·f will be st~II"L th,,' 'w"" .;:"'''''1 •.. ~lerrl Hei"nllfln. tl "', .,,,,, '1."',",'1 "-"" ~~"i,,;~ " J"dRl~. hi, lOa"", 1,,1111':01 hI' U", ,Iill "'111 !:" "" lh~ h"n", T111' IIW"",,,,,,. ~.I' \'Iller will be ash~l: Si'llliid ll<;. ,,In',,,I.'' ~"."" I" : : : ' 1Jt' re\~inM' Cili""l' ::::: "~'r';"~:~" ,:~,,:::~,\.IL:l\" OLD ·,'W", JU<igr ~.~,~~,~~'~~; J:~I~~c~f".~:~nj;;d~'~ ~.l';r~:; I,~ri':,I",;~iJ),'t~:'; "J !l01. at nil. OJlJld j'l<!I;l.' fm'" 0""·" U", v.,l~ I" "rn,:,· on,,, 'l',t",n "I ",I""I!"" ,:nIllJl'",;mi"" bd",~"" lalil,,,,, f""ori'lg "00 lho," ",""tillY, n' ".,., SPICE $up~. 5mQotk Shove ' .. ::: '''-em, ..,,,,,,,,,, 79 c Menrholato<l • ~;;:'o, I> 110x C"" R<g$125 Easy Scan and Print ,:,-::"",:,,':,:'-"::":",';,' _~"n."", '",0,1, w"""""~Y' M:."h :<9'_1'i7~f7:' Constitution Ain:ts At Property Tax Tll" ; < ~;e, Fe.... ,'" lhe ~rull~d," ,"" ,.-""" '" ''', Oonle llr ihC,ril,'.j'\j'~teltil"". "",r~' ar-ilh';"~h. N'1""kd __ lh~.::,'ltale',,~ r<ln·: prc;»r~;' la' setLl{l, ind'-'Bllin!!;":'- ",,'tl;e :wc-.rrd i:n,it a, .'.iIolitlle , .... ·•..'·e or .;r",,(,•.-,. wm" '\,;,;!)-,,, d'~r.g, \h.t or;' ',,:t ;11;· \Iq"wr.o ,oler is tli~ ,~;I,,:,~t il:gh~'":: antt<DWJ''''lri ," ~ ;" n S""", i,~,.",~ btl ",_'r "0';' ,,( win bl'. •,t>!~ th~.legi.\:. .. !,,- ~olo 'to-j ~r)~')~:'~~:.~"Ci~~~~~, '7t'tot~~: "",lie '"" iii¢>~',y ~rlme"l' n:<fl')<',~l-.--, Since pll"tage, _ ,',,;-nlar~:ng ~m~odm~~t.- ~~itws "'Y '.ho highw'y ""I'''1'\m~~1 i1~s "ad tl;e "'Il\.J!<J•. ':a" ,., he!,;~ "Wj( '~','~n' n II,e Icgi,i<lluro a~,d the '" the l\'nlJ,,:m IllS A Quick Menl Meat! SElF·BASTING TURKEYS' ,D1)I1'l\l~h ,aid i!;~ .~Ii"n BACON :." ",,,,:.,,,",,',,rm~~~,~e,th~~"e~":,a~~f~~ Ar- d~!~:? -.~~ t~~w;~tSI!~;> ci:~ t,) 'ad ;;tr~~,' !,-,rd<mu,i ~O' -~fr hi~~w,,. d"!'3;t. , 11",' will b,'" "",,,i";;o[f''''I, '" th' ~l " ~" wl~n,~ ';;"I~~t:~,";:;,~'\~,,,;"~~' ",,,,,1 i'~'ally 'i[ ,h'lUl<! b< qUlCke," "", ,i:~J- no "!{ i.:,~,;"~ ,''';11 I,; "lb .., '!birk"nl" cil1ln~C3 ,.J~ :i;::~~:i::~i;:';':~~:;:':i~:~.i~~~~~~,];{~~~~2~::;f .~" be;, IH~I;~'i;'i"t"'i' in,. ho :., iik,'[y t" ;1""'1".""." I~"" iMd),-",,~,.:ll In oellt D 6 i" g. I. Il">",'il 1>·l;lon"LI"', 'PP"o\v~.,',-"tal. _ ,:~,,~, C:. T1,.:"J"gi'I~IUl'~ "1'0' ,..il:l,oI ",.:""',1 nobl -1r~ IJlllJL" The, pr.,.r,1 ::,~, ""(0'" :~',on>liluUon, "lOlai"". a li'mil~ . .', [;'~~~~';lr;;:",r~~dil;"S~~%~,i:;:' ',~~I~~'ii:'/",,"l'entor lh. \an!bl~ ~; 11'1."'c'<I lllo , ~ !, , 4 ! ld ; t t i " wor(h '12000 I,,,, ; >oj M~Do"'Ji>¢t ,nw 1I1!I~ ,e ,,,",, ~ 'no"" II" g::r... tu b "Il,"~"t lor tnqJ"yOl"' 10 w<>rry ~ f SI2 ':00' I, ,",d ',~"lIv t\1e \"i"lnl\lro h" ; C, tLC' olf thl' pre" 01 ">lern r;"' r hoen Hr; lih.raJ wtlli ~ ,'" e<:d 'h"1 ",'rno Co ml" "' 'O} t,xpay"r, money" h~ V I .I, 1l00l "'.I} uode' '",rl I don l thInk t!i. klgi']A. t le"",ng hloqULti" 00. lure Is gOIng to I~l I)jetn Oo<:al t"e<:n nod '"",,,ltme. "'!h'n' gOYertllnen!>"r'W'W6"1fa-r"'" ~".rJ<Ju, c'Q"nt,~" Nexl Ed"""-tlon Tho R.vem,e and F'o"noo I ,i'.<. ""w,, ,,,"" I I i I i~:~;~f.~~~~~:~! ~::~hE~l~~~:'1: 'p',,-,e.'," It C~6p-~~~~i6;~;:\~'~ ,'J!. f, Jl ift .'Ily' i [)"I~g'OIe. l>clr.,,-d tl:', 'lal,; ':' _ , ','>, c_ ',_ , __",:,.' r"""d"II"" .ygtont I. ;,nl S~"ln~';:riiop~,alkinb'~'i~: ,,01""8"". "r bOlo;( ,::Ie,t In"'l'lI"woY~"5lrt"<i"'-':Uie,dlalrmBif'-'o(;,'" : I~I>I' .<?~ ::Jl,,,o,(ll,,I,,,o.I. .-", :lho Monlana ':,'i'Olird,"ol__ ,mlilitll C.,llI",'::,,,, W",. ,,,,"• .,jl.lI<>giurKod'-lll~ ErivjrOllmenln(-PfO.;'''': i" ,I.,(o'w,do flI'o""rly I~x I,,"Y 'l""li';""AHency lO:J~,·tIi.:"t .. j,,~ ',I "H\' .>lIoI",i"lI "Mowid,' ",.,I~",,, ,>I''''dards'ol 11l.'IlO"rd a~ 1..",-,,,,,,,,,,,, U," 1"l!"I.~"o ~",,:1~0:M~"~1Jl' .!t {("i1lltj' Impl••.' ! .d",,1 "~":,:,",::~I"~~';,~ :;J:~'.:~,l~O" '"~: ;m".~:~j:;: ~~:Jl,;~~ I~,w ,:W" '.~ '~J '~l '::": c{i&,ih,; l: i,Md.""~"\I!L C"R'"·.!"I n.' ,1,01 "jr poUIIHor. ,,,,,lrill, in)'lo;ii~--;'ii' . I':""V""I'",,'., 1",,,I'''Jl c'p<"'1 I~""',I"",: .,·ol."o<I:lf \1\;', le'dci'! :' IJ ~Il'~' .,w,}1",oly " I;.,it.,,' iI',ve,iim"oL : " IhJ1lllgh __:::.'.. ·,"', I ~I·"";', 11 ",;:1 I., ""...-h 01"'. ~ad''fll'__lIn" .1lI 01 'ldn<1>lrda':'~nd ,~"tlll"l>h: ('Ir ill! <\f \I'lOl.no" !lh" SlI<lc,ol Mi,nl,1nil lo_M/u"e-An","" '}',l"!lI l>f "PP~ah _l.in'lllg Molher ,(,I 01 lliindill'(b" ,n th t , <lI1;,,~, \ll'I)<>no"jllJ IHI. Slleelly "n)le·WIl~am _ D', "'" 'u,I,~",,,,J,-'1I ,bile H",-itol:ill~u., d"'~c.'·,!_ .,[j;G "';~:;}', _ ,j--: 7 ~:! : "'~ _~} f.',~' :>.' "'",hi l", \-rOI,I~d l" I':P~.,. ",' ce,',.::: "1'1",;,11 I'fl", " 1.><,,,1 fOc ~tr~ . .'il'''''',y wml~', tblii, il;e ~ir': !'t'<,'o,"Uy. I'll" '''n,,' I.~I, f",J"roL:88''''-CY ~'nrl(lt:clrc"m. ":~, __ ",J '~J, t"'I"~ !,!",",~. "O~I--:.I!l.•:,:~~"J;,'~",£lllng.)cv,;' _ -:'-"'~l: ,," li,,,' 01,,,,,,,, """,Iy """nb ,,{ .quol. "",I, """~"'",ol.'Il"'lIl<7 1'4""od . ," :'; :~ .'~,' ,'" "."""" ~"d Jh" S,,,," [.,ar.J "r ,-'>d.n:,H MQIll.",,: , " ,"',,' : ' , ' bJ""llmit"".,I,en" II", ';1>:""1,, :;I,.,: ,,,-,Ici ,;th•. _ t?",,, '~h,,,.·':tl~ ,\Id)""""~,, ",,01 I~."I". (""'01 "'11l."o'PtJlI>]tlIlll, "{,i1;I. -d' ,!", IV iLi~he,<;':;:~""" In I,c.- \" ~Wfi"e '.'.S\;l1.~ rh~ ]eg'sl~IU.'. ."_ h,,,,,1 ~~t>1 t'm,!'" C. ,!w wi!! ,.,( roe p"Sl'ot ,CM,"",'>';,," ",)I)\~in. " lintilaie, S.'l~"'i"r i Ii<m c,t, ' pc:- <en.l ur lh" \"~bl,, ; W,t"LlX '. ,',I".,ILun :e",. ".,~: _'kt>,1l<"~ 'n..... 1;"-10 _rca_ ''-JiLH'd ,1'. '(." to wQr,,·, '1'.<.11,. !'he-!"ii,l.l....". omi '""ll"""-' "" ~:;:,el' t~:;~I';~;Y ~~~~:~'''~~. ,,,,dc, ,,"'d. ,1 d,,,, 1 tl,lnk !I'~_' I~.J."· b<:- . "·~o.ng. ~J lel.,.ln""' ...!)""iI) .nd ,,,",,,'limo,, ~':Ihin' go'·e=nt<r,iii'">·->W;"T"r,..... -·-~~ k~,ing ""t' 'ne<]~I,lo. ~"t, Ed~"~Uori. "Quol;.,. ll.evenue "nrl '("",","""" r·;n.nc~ ,~,., /outl<!"II,;" "'1",,( >,,1>,01 -n ""'.'oc'.ge. ,,,,,h Health Board n;:": Seeks EPA "",,"! Cooperation "ooer.: ol l"-,~)<"ty "Whon the; pr»-. ur.<J",rvalu~tl",,: ~~:,.t"'~~'::i~~'~~ H,.·.. , l)elll-,'"f til" <;"l"n~ I, L~: ~"ylllg "cc;Op'cratlon Jo m','two.rJ"'l'''-iw,y .l=i." the cl,"lniloil or .. 1><,"l1 ."'Ied ""''lr",hl'JtI<'oal, _";111< MOnl.1na·.-Bcard.:or Jitlnllil r,,",,"• .'ll.tln~ ;urged lhe ~vironmenlaJ .:.f'ro. _,i. I"""."" !'fOp''';.;' l.. b)' Ol.cllon ,~~cnC"'lo·u.e lhe"ttrl". . liy 'If'!"'l:'jl ,W,ew,d. Aj_ ,~enl >l~lld"r<b' 01 In., bOOm '. '11< ~"l!i,l.ltirt· c"" :l~c M""t"p~ .ir -~u~lily lI'npJe,i"l,'w"k CV.!IJ,th>n ol'me"(ah,_;o 1'1~ll. in'" ~H"'I" ,,;,1 "We ,10 nol ..,~ now cfji.:tiv~ r"gilr,r.:,1 ,_, ale:"i, poIlLliiuo "'-~'lrol.-jn·.M6iililn;1 "'1"'''_ :c~l\ be achieved U- 1m; :reilCi'~j ;l ""ltcr I guvmlllLenl. tiumlgll ':',-;",,;m';o:1i m.",,! .d''\lL, "0< ""'- "I 'landa'd.... ><1 "r _\10~'M,a" ! U·. . Sl.k -,jl Mont.>n. I•• ~lcTc""'" "_"C'111 ,-.( 'ppe.l, ol.",,! In~ "o"iher '0' 01 'ld;,J""h" '" '1;0 oH'rl", ,\I':L~Jfl"LJl(I, ltit" Sh<:dl)' "'01. Will":", An ;'~I'~""""'rl~ ,l"l<- !l"d"l.<I,~~,. dl/'«'W of .Wl~ "'",,10 1><. CT'""I,,I ,,,:EPA .! l",,,,,,,. f·" .-0 j;;:.:',:~~~~~',i;:; :"~C;'II"C;; :f"~1~:1 :~~;~; ;:~~t-~,~~,,~~ ,.,J 1.-., lIiai "I' I'_'i". P""'" ·>'otll.l"",'l~w low, ~j,(U1I1'-.eY·· dlL"'., ~mll\(-" I.,.,J, ,,1 ",~,;.:_ "",I ",dW..l·oIih~ 1(l.j7 r'''',ed ;",1"., ,,,,.I ih" ,,.'" 8<;"'0 "r:"xI". "r Mooln/lil E'I,,,,li,,"lir,,, .b.,,>r ,!," ~I~",,,h SIl. ,"iJ Ih" i~", ~j'.e. ~I;o M,'I),,,,,",~h _"",I Ib" 1,,~i_,I. b<JMd "I,,. r"flOl\.ihil;ty ui "d_ ['H'.' "''''' W,j'" I" ",,,,,,.I,aU"11 ,\!'l"r.,,;, '_, CO"'l \'",., 1"',,-01 .; .Ii," '1< H,.. <';'1' """ ", ,e'l>on," :0 ",,!thrled I'i,,, ,',nl ~, RIJ<'k_ ""11",,,,1., "' ,""''''''''''< BASKETS I I. ... I EASTER 0< Lo"l (a r~~< ACCEPT ~ " : <: FEDERAL $' : ~ FOOD 1:z . v 39c: ~, , _.... .-., ;"~',.,'''''' All 0"" , "K'••"', ,••• " .... '~A_P" L" '"'" !o'.",""".""'. ,,' .•'M. ".~. , .. '.i,,','. "-,_~,~.\(.:' l~ "'" M. ""';:,"al p<tlrll lh.'l ~," c;o 1 r"" .,,, eff'''l;'.-d" CAKE ;.~::·",'To 'o~ 69 D'''I'.I~ Gua",! STORE HOURS: OlO'I" ulHR SUND~Y opE'" 9 ".M I. 9 ~ M. 10P"'t." 6 :>UNO~Y .~-JII of our pe.opl~ ;,"",i,'o;' '" ""bl;~ I,,-Ifl(' I"'Md ''f', ",,""" \h'fl'H,",,-~1L ,;,,,1 ""'''''''''~ ", .. h"·m;11 H,c,'" '."",;,1,',,,,,,,,..,,,,. .., P"JI][",I' ~'''l ll,o il, iost m.elmg, .d [j,e l'"mpii~J1~e pro· to> June JIJ, ,"'-<r' \~" 11,,,,< '" i,.,-, .'-1l1ee,! a ."';,rJII'IlH"O" io C'"'l"'f"10 .\<ilh ",~", i~r ,~ ',:'" ; ,~,:'~;~: :':'l: :,:;:;""'"I'Ir.,W", ":!~~~~~,,"~: ;: ,I.': :l . .::~::' ;"" .,,,,,1 . _ U,o I.""d ollJ no', rr IIIl.< 10,,1'1"''''''1. r.rulle,-rv:I<.,," IpIn' I:., j,,;"tanc~' M ''''J''',-;",,::~'~;~::i;, ~:~~: ~~.~~ :~;~~:;::~~. W :WI' ,'"nl rel.~_tl<>n !""';'" -''''''" l'''-'-thlrd" ,,1- I., :;"~' Y."-,, '" AllGm"y'l"r' , I''''~"'rl,' l""~, ore f"":.~ll ...,,,,da C.... ~·IlB'h r;~on;""ly~ "'I,,",k" Ii", (:I"ndL '.... "ttUI""Y_~P",h;"l."j' ·11l. - ix,.n:l', . tlI·.~'jler "'.; "If w~ h'Jd 'n p,'y I''':~~''I 'lMdard. "aid Um··flrm',:; ,"'" "A,,,j ,.',,,,,1., i>y lOW""'" '" '"".-,."".lal~1 ;•. ,lill Ih.l (1\1' ~l<lild;u\j ''''''p"riJ' "W'H'r~ ,,"JIoI:L, "~o,';r""m~"l:Il ";'.r~iJl,:,: . .: , ':." b,-,'''' "r '''LLl,'hiy :W<~ jn;\~;~I:II~':'O~:",,~~~/~~o~;~ ." '): _" ;,I,'ilo""'"gll .,,,id nlr"1 r""" W,"'~ ir"""a,,'(l p"''P''.. ly '",,, ,,,-,, " _'" ,,~- ',,",,,, ,.-rJ""'L ,,,;'1 Ihe .,:.n n·. 00.:, 'lot ,10,: "ptniou ,.,1 :ile boord ," ,,'" _" '",_,,~ NEOPOllTAN DElIGHT '.m'.', .m", I'.. 'I' ""Ir;~,·t'J. """.,""" '0"",'" .<1'., rem."",<! ,IV'" ~ ., '"'' ''''1'''''' ~.\i IJV ,- ,"'d "Cake of the Week" STAMPS;s: "/\ A E FRUI~, ~:::~, 49" Ea, I'IlICE~ EffECTIVE: MARCH 29, .:l0, 31 •.APRIL I, 1972 1600 11th ;.V£NUE __ HElENA .. ~'"!,-<:e" (,"1 ",~'I("~:::;::;I:::~':!l"~~\,;~,~~'l;~[j:'i ."",,_ h;'l "'r,-",o." J,,, "'lid ··I....<ll'.o·u" 1 I"",""\' ~'''.\' nr" """f'<l,,~1 nf k'-eH",,,lo,l men with thclr