AUTHOR QUERIES Journal id: CSMR_A_502381 Corresponding author: V. KHATRI Title: Whisking in air: Encoding of kinematics by VPM neurons in awake rats Dear Author Please address all the numbered queries on this page which are clearly identified on the proof for your convenience. Thank you for your cooperation Query number Query 1 We have inserted a running head. Please approve or provide an alternative running head. 2 Please check that the author names and affiliations have been set correctly. 3 A declaration of interest statement reporting no conflict of interest has been inserted. Please confirm whether the statement is accurate. 4 Please add zip code 5 Please add received dates 6 OK or ventroposterior medial? 7 Please add keywords 8 Bermejo et al. 1998—not cited in the reference list? 9 Bermejo et al. 2005—not cited in the reference list? 10 Plus or minus signs OK? 11 Sense OK? 12 Please provide complete page range. 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BRUMBERG3, & H. P. ZEIGLER3 1 Department of Biology, City College of New York, New York, NY, USA, 2Department of Psychology, Hunter College, New York, NY, USA, and 3Department of Psychology, Queens College, Flushing, NY, USA 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 7 30 67 68 69 70 73 74 75 Abstract Rodent whisking behavior generates two types of neural signals: one produced by whisker contact with objects; the other by movements in air. While kinematic signals generated by contact reliably activate neurons at all levels of the trigeminal neuraxis, the extent to which the kinematics of whisking in air are reliably encoded at each level remains unclear. Previously, we showed that the responses of trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons in awake, head-fixed rats are correlated with whisking kinematic parameters, but that individual neurons may differ substantially in the reliability of their kinematic encoding. Here, we extend that analysis to neurons in the ventral posterior medial (VPM) nucleus. Three possible coding strategies were examined: (1) firing rate across an entire movement; (2) the probability of individual spikes as a function of the instantaneous movement trajectory; and (3) the coherence between spikes and whisking. While VPM neurons were clearly responsive to variations in whisker kinematics during whisking in air, the encoding of whisker kinematics by VPM neurons was less consistent than that of TG neurons. Furthermore, we found that, in VPM as in TG, movement direction is an important determinant of unit responsiveness during whisking in air. 76 Keywords: 2222 87 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 31 88 32 33 89 90 whisker protraction. However, in awake, behaving rats: (1) TG neurons do not respond consistently to whisker movements in air; (2) their responses tend to be temporally dispersed throughout the entire movement; and (3) neurons may display preferences for either protractions or retractions. Moreover, kinematic analyses indicate that selectivity for whisker movement direction is strongly modulated by the amplitude and speed of movements (Khatri et al. 2009). Nonetheless, a majority of TG neurons (70%) display significant correlations between firing rate and one or more kinematic parameters (Leiser and Moxon 2007; Khatri et al. 2009). Beyond the trigeminal ganglion and brainstem, whisking signals can be processed by lemniscal and paralemniscal thalamic neurons. Recently, Masri et al. (2008) demonstrated that whisker movements in air do not reliably evoke spikes in the paralemniscal thalamic nucleus posteromedial (POm) or its lemniscal counterpart, the ventroposterior medial (VPM) nucleus. However, no previous study has examined the role of kinematics as we do in the 34 Introduction 35 55 Mobile sensors require the brain to differentiate signals produced by external inputs (exafference) from those generated by the animal’s own sensor movements (reafference). Because the rodent vibrissae could provide both types of signals, the vibrissal array is a useful model for investigating the neural processing that underlies active sensing. Exafferent signals, produced by active and passive contacts, are encoded by neurons throughout the whisker system, from the trigeminal ganglion (TG) to barrel cortex (TG: Jones et al. 2004; Stüttgen et al. 2006; thalamus and cortex: Pinto et al. 2000; Arabzadeh et al. 2005; von Heimendahl et al. 2007; Stüttgen and Schwarz 2008; Jadhav et al. 2009). However, the extent to which central trigeminal neurons reliably encode reafferent whisking signals is currently unclear. Using an ‘‘electrical whisking’’ paradigm in anesthetized rats, Szwed et al. (2003) reported that TG neurons primarily respond to the onset of a 56 57 Correspondence: V. Khatri, Department of Biology, City College of New York, New York, NY, USA. E-mail: 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 2 71 72 (Received 22 22 22; accepted 22 22 22) 18 19 64 65 66 15 16 17 63 ISSN 0899–0220 print/ISSN 1369–1651 online ß 2010 Informa Healthcare Ltd. DOI: 10.3109/08990220.2010.502381 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 6 XML Template (2010) {TANDF_FPP}CSMR/CSMR_A_502381.3d 2 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 [27.7.2010–6:39pm] (CSMR) [1–10] [PREPRINTER stage] V. Khatri et al. present study for VPM neurons. Since in addition to PrV inputs, VPM neurons receive both corticothalamic feedback and modulatory influences from structures such as the thalamic reticular nucleus, VPM responses to whisker movements in air could differ from those of first-order TG neurons. We therefore examined the responses of VPM neurons under experimental conditions identical to those used in our study of TG neurons. 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 8 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Methods All procedures were in accordance with National Institutes of Health guidelines and were approved by an institutional animal care and use committee. Animal preparation Data was collected from 5 female Sprague–Dawley rats (200–300 g), fitted, under anesthesia, first, with a head mount permitting head fixation during behavioral testing (details in Bermejo et al. 1998). A stainless-steel ground screw was inserted into the skull to serve as a reference for neural recordings. Three animals, in addition to the five that provided data, pulled off their headmounts and were killed prior to electrophysiological recording. Prior to neural recording, a 2.0 mm 2.0 mm cranial window was made in the skull above VPM (relative to bregma: 2.0–4.0 mm posterior, 2.0–4.0 mm lateral), leaving the dura intact and covered with moist cotton and a thin layer of dental acrylic. These were removed at the start of each session and replaced at its end. 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 Behavioral training and monitoring of whisker movements. To reduce habituation and elicit periods of sustained whisking in air, whisker movements were tracked in the anterior–posterior plane by a laser emitter–detector system and reinforced with a sweet liquid (Yoo-hoo) accorded to a fixed-response (FR) schedule. To visualize a single whisker, a light (55 mg) self-adhesive foam marker was attached to its side at 13–20 mm from the base. Despite the presence of the marker, the whisker’s appearance was unaltered. Interruption of the laser beam by the marked whisker results in a voltage shift in a subset of CCDs, thus enabling the location of the whisker to be tracked by a downstream comparator circuit and passed onto a microprocessor for the computation of trajectories. It has previously been shown that the marker does not affect whisking kinematics and that, during whisking in air, vibrissae in different rows and columns (e.g., B1 and C3) on one side of the face move synchronously, with amplitudes differing by 1 (Bermejo et al. 1998, 2005). The C2 whisker was therefore used to monitor the entire whisker array on the ipsilateral side of the face. Movements were recorded with high spatiotemporal precision (7 mm, 500 Hz) and smoothed with a 4 ms moving window. The nth bin of the movement record was replaced with the average of bins N and N þ 1. A calibration procedure (see Bermejo et al. 1998) was performed for each rat so that millimeter measurements could be converted to degrees. Our whisker position measurements are in head-centered coordinates. For example, a value of 90 corresponds to the whisker pointing straight out from the rat’s head. Increases in whisker angle correspond to protractions, decreases to retractions. Individual whisker movements (‘‘whisks’’) were monitored in real time and required to be above an amplitude of at least 5 mm. Movements surpassing the criterion amplitude were signaled to the rat by a brief flashed light. A series of ten such whisks were required for the delivery of a liquid reward. Food deprivation was performed to keep the animals at 85% of the initial body weight. For kinematic analyses, individual whisker movements were identified using an algorithm that defines three critical points: protraction onset, peak amplitude, and retraction end (see Figure 2B). Protraction onset was identified by locating an increase between consecutive position measurements (every 2 ms) that was 40.14 . Similarly, the end of a retraction was defined as the first time point, after the peak, where the decrease was 50.14 . To minimize the possibility of including movements produced passively during non-whisking behaviors (e.g., jaw opening), only whisker movements with well-defined protractions and retractions, and with minimum amplitudes of 4 , were included in the analyses. Due to the limited range of our CCD device, the monitored whisker would sometimes move out of range. Individual movements were only analyzed if the whisker was in range throughout the movement. The largest detectable movements ranged from 80 to 110 , varying with the individual calibration of each rat. Because ‘‘in-range’’ movements 480 were rare, they were not included in our analyses. 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 Electrophysiological recording from VPM. Single VPM neurons were recorded while rats generated whisker movements in the operant task (Khatri et al. 2009). Using a manual stereotaxic microdrive, an electrode (FHC, stainless steel, 3–5 M , 250 mm shank) was inserted through the dura and slowly lowered down to VPM. Electrophysiological activity was band-pass filtered from 1 to 10 kHz and then acquired with a sampling rate of 20 kHz. Entry into the thalamus was identified by manual stimulation of 8, 9 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 8 XML Template (2010) {TANDF_FPP}CSMR/CSMR_A_502381.3d [27.7.2010–6:39pm] (CSMR) [1–10] [PREPRINTER stage] Whisking in air 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 the vibrissal array. Penetrations into VPM (4.5 mm in depth) could be distinguished from other thalamic structures, during the experiments, by predominantly single-whisker responses and the usual progression of topographically represented whiskers as the electrode was moved deeper into the brain. During the last recording session an electrolytic lesion was placed near VPM to assist in reconstruction of the electrode penetration (2 M stimulating electrode, pulse amplitude ¼ 0.500 mA, pulse duration ¼ 1 s, number of pulses ¼ 10). Inspection of histological preparations confirmed our recordings were targeted to VPM. 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 Data analysis In addition to the VPM responses recorded in this study, data from TG neurons obtained in our earlier study were subjected to additional spike-triggered analyses. All of the analyses described below were performed on individual whisks except for coherence analysis that was performed on continuous bouts of whisking. 252 253 254 255 256 Comparison of responses to stationary and moving whiskers. As Figure 1 shows, bursts of whisking were interspersed with stationary periods. For each 1 3 neuron, we calculated firing rates for periods of whisker movement (protractions and retractions) and periods during which whisker position did not change. The average durations of stationary periods in milliseconds for VPM and TG neurons were 1487 176 (SEM) and 1145 183 (SEM). The significance of differences in firing rate between the whisking and stationary periods was assessed with the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test. 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 Correlations between firing rate and whisker movement kinematics. Response magnitude was quantified for each neuron by determining the firing rate during the protraction and retraction portion of each movement. Firing rate was then correlated with the kinematic measures (protraction amplitude, protraction speed, retraction amplitude, and retraction speed), using Spearman’s rho. 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 Interaction between kinematics and direction preferences. Since angular tuning to whisker deflections is a robust property of the whisker-to-barrel pathway (e.g., Lichtenstein et al. 1990; Bruno et al. 2003; Minnery and Simons 2003; Jacob et al. 2008) we asked whether directional preferences were influenced by the kinematics of the whisks. 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 257 314 258 315 259 316 260 261 317 318 262 319 263 320 264 321 265 322 266 323 267 324 268 269 325 326 270 327 271 328 272 329 273 330 274 331 275 332 276 277 333 334 278 335 279 336 280 281 282 283 284 285 337 Figure 1. Simultaneous whisker tracking and single-unit recording in VPM and TG. (A) An example of a VPM neuron that displayed an increase in spiking activity during periods of vigorous whisking (indicated by solid black line above whisker trace). Stationary periods (flat whisker trace) were selected from the periods between vigorous whisking. Note that periods between vigorous whisking could contain small-amplitude whisker movements, but only flat periods were utilized for stationary periods. (B) An example of a TG neuron that also increased its spiking during vigorous whisking. Unlike the VPM neuron, ongoing spiking activity is negligible between whisking bouts. 338 339 340 341 342 10 XML Template (2010) {TANDF_FPP}CSMR/CSMR_A_502381.3d 4 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 [27.7.2010–6:39pm] (CSMR) [1–10] [PREPRINTER stage] V. Khatri et al. We performed a linear regression of the amplitude or speed difference between the protraction and retraction of an individual whisker movement against the corresponding firing rate difference. The coefficient of determination (R2) quantifies the ability of speed or amplitude to modulate a directional preference. Using the y-intercept from the regression analysis, we determined whether the observed direction preference is maintained even when protractions and retractions are of equal amplitude or speed. 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 Spike-triggered kinematics. Similarly to de Kock and Sakmann (2009), we determined the whisker position and speed that occurred simultaneously with each spike to form spike-triggered cumulative distributions. For each neuron, K–S tests were used to determine whether spikes occurred preferentially at certain positions or speeds. The distributions of spike-triggered positions and speeds were compared against all positions and speeds collected for that neuron. However, we also took the direction of the movement into account, to determine whether spikes were evoked by positions or speeds in a directionspecific manner. 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 Coherence between spiking and ongoing whisking. We also assessed the relation between the spike timing and movement data using a coherence analysis (Chronux toolbox for Matlab). Whisker movement bouts at least 1 s in duration were selected and the multitaper technique was used to estimate spectra of bouts and their corresponding spiking activity (bandwidth ¼ 2 Hz; tapers ¼ 3). Coherence between the movement and spike data was computed for the peak movement frequency. Coherence was considered significant if it was in excess of the value of the 95% jackknife error bar. Forty-one neurons qualified for this analysis, in that movement data for at least five bouts was collected. 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 Results We examined the responses of 47 VPM neurons from 5 rats (6 penetrations per rat) during whisker movements in air and compared them to those of TG neurons obtained in an earlier study (Khatri et al. 2009). The median number of whisks acquired per VPM neuron was 69 (range ¼ 19–248 whisks). The following kinematics were derived from movements obtained when recording from VPM and TG neurons (mean SD): protraction amplitude (21.51 7.12 degrees), protraction speed (387.37 103.47 degrees/s), retraction amplitude (21.82 7.12 degrees), retraction speed (678.21 209.57 degrees/s). Like the TG neurons, all VPM neurons responded to manual deflection of the whiskers, being predominantly driven by a single whisker as is characteristic of neurons within the core of a thalamic barreloid (Bokor et al. 2008). 400 401 402 403 404 Rate-based coding Neuronal activity in the absence of movement. Figure 1 compares the activity of VPM (panel A) and TG (panel B) neurons during whisking and stationary periods. In contrast to TG neurons, VPM neurons tend to be active both during whisker movements and stationary periods. A K–S test applied to the data demonstrated significantly (p50.01) greater activity in VPM than TG neurons during stationary periods (VPM: median ¼ 7.02 Hz, mean SEM ¼ 9.83 1.41 Hz; TG: median ¼ 0.21 Hz, mean SEM ¼ 9.4 4.19 Hz). 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 Differentiating moving and stationary whiskers. To evaluate the ability of VPM neurons to detect the occurrence of a whisker movement (i.e., a change in whisker position), we first computed the firing rates during protractions and retractions (see Figure 2A, C). For each neuron, the protraction and retraction firing rate distributions were then separately compared to the corresponding firing rate distributions obtained for stationary periods with K–S tests (see Figure 2C, D). For example, if a neuron’s protraction firing rate was greater than that of the stationary period, then it was classified as displaying an increase. The majority of VPM neurons (34/47 or 72%) did not differentiate movements (protractions or retractions) from stationary periods. Relative to stationary periods, 13% of VPM neurons displayed higher firing rates during movement, and 15% were inhibited. In contrast, 11/21 (52%) of TG neurons produced more spikes during movement than during stationary periods. Thus, TG neurons are better than VPM neurons at differentiating whisker movements and stationary periods. Next, we determined whether VPM or TG neurons were biased towards protractions or retractions (see Figure 2E, F). There was a tendency for VPM neurons to respond more during retractions than protractions (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, p ¼ 0.05). In contrast TG neurons responded similarly to both protractions and retractions (p ¼ 0.52). 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 Evaluating the encoding of kinematics. Here we ask whether VPM neurons reliably encode the kinematics of whisker movements in air. Each whisker movement was separated into its protraction and retraction components. For each direction, we calculated the amplitude and speed of the movement. 451 452 453 454 455 456 XML Template (2010) {TANDF_FPP}CSMR/CSMR_A_502381.3d [27.7.2010–6:39pm] (CSMR) [1–10] [PREPRINTER stage] Whisking in air 5 457 514 458 515 459 516 460 517 461 518 462 519 463 520 464 465 521 522 466 523 467 524 468 525 469 526 470 527 471 528 472 473 529 530 474 531 475 532 476 533 477 534 478 535 479 536 480 481 537 538 482 539 483 540 484 541 485 542 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 543 Figure 2. Movement-related neural activity. (A) ‘‘Whisks’’ were extracted from the movement trace and separated into their forward and backward components (protractions and retractions). See Methods for details. (B) A VPM neuron for which spiking (top) and simultaneous whisks (bottom) were obtained. To allow an examination of phase-locking, spikes have been plotted relative to a normalized whisk (aligned to start and peak with retraction onset being set to 2/3 of the whisk). Each line of spikes corresponds to a single whisk. For the sample neuron (100 whisks), spiking is biased towards retractions (protraction FR: 4.82 1.10 Hz; retraction FR: 11.93 1.86 Hz). Only retraction FRs differed from stationary FRs (K–S test, p50.05). (C) Plot of protraction FR vs stationary period FR. Points above the unity line represent neurons that increase their firing rate during a protraction. Similarly, points below the unity line represent decreases. Such comparisons are the basis for panel D. (D) Fraction of neurons for which the FRs evoked by movements were significantly different from stationary periods (K–S tests, p50.05). Significantly more TG neurons responded to a movement by a change in FR during either protraction or retractions (K–S test, p50.001). (E and F) Plots of retraction FR vs protraction FR for VPM and TG neurons illustrate whether a neuron preferred a direction of movement. Points above the unity line (solid black) represent neurons that prefer retractions and points below unity signify neurons that prefer protractions. 498 502 PROTRACTION AMPLITUDE PROTRACTION VELOCITY RETRACTION AMPLITUDE RETRACTION AMPLITUDE þ þ þ þ 33% 21% 0% 6% 43% 9% 0% 11% 53% 21% 0% 2% 53% 21% 0% 0% 503 506 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 556 Table I. Percentage of each neuronal sample (TG/VPM) with positive or negative correlations between kinematics and firing rate. 501 504 505 545 546 555 499 500 544 557 558 559 560 TG VPM 561 562 563 507 564 508 565 509 510 511 512 513 566 Speed was defined as the slope from 20 to 80% of the peak amplitude of the whisk. Correlations were computed between the firing rate of the neuron and the following kinematic parameters: protraction amplitude, protraction speed, retraction amplitude, and retraction speed. The significance of a correlation was evaluated with Spearman’s rho. Table I indicates the percentage of VPM neurons with 567 568 569 570 XML Template (2010) {TANDF_FPP}CSMR/CSMR_A_502381.3d 6 [27.7.2010–6:40pm] (CSMR) [1–10] [PREPRINTER stage] V. Khatri et al. 571 628 572 629 573 630 574 631 575 632 576 633 577 634 578 579 635 636 580 637 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 638 Figure 3. Correlating firing rate and kinematics for protractions and retractions. (A) Significant Spearman’s rho values for the relationship between kinematics and firing rate. Each point corresponds to a single neuron, which can be represented in more than one kinematic category if a significant correlation is present. Arrows indicate group medians. TG neuron correlations differed from VPM neurons only for retraction amplitude (Mann–Whitney test, p50.05). (B) Cumulative distribution functions collapsed across kinematics for TG (gray line) and VPM (black line) neurons. Based upon the correlations plotted in A. Correlations were significantly larger in TG neurons (K–S test, p ¼ 0.005). 639 similar analysis done by linearly regressing directional response differences with amplitude differences, indicated that nine neurons preferred retractions and four preferred protractions. Thus, even after accounting for linear effects of amplitude or speed, some VPM neurons could display significant but weak direction preferences. After removing the linear effects of speed but not amplitude, VPM and TG neurons had significantly different direction preferences (Mann–Whitney test, p ¼ 0.002) with VPM neurons preferring retractions and TG neurons preferring protractions (Figure 4C). By comparing the regression coefficients, we were able to determine whether kinematics modulated direction preferences more in VPM or TG neurons. As Figure 4D indicates, amplitude and speed influenced direction-selectivity more in TG than VPM neurons (Mann–Whitney test, p50.001). 645 significant correlations (values of p50.05) between firing rate and one or more of the kinematic parameters. Data for TG neurons are presented for comparison. For most of the VPM neurons, as for all TG neurons, the majority of correlations were positive (19/47, 40%) rather than negative (8/47, 17%). However, the positive correlations for retraction amplitude (Figure 3A) were substantially weaker for VPM than for TG neurons. Furthermore, after compiling positive correlations across kinematics, correlations were weaker for VPM than TG neurons (K–S test, p ¼ 0.009) (VPM: mean SEM ¼ 0.31 0.02; TG: mean SEM ¼ 0.43 0.03) (Figure 3B). Two of 47 VPM neurons displayed positive correlations for one direction of motion, and negative correlations for the opposite direction. 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 640 641 642 643 644 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 Dissociating directional preferences from effects of kinematics. Having previously found that the directional preferences (protractions vs retractions) of TG neurons could be modulated by the speed or amplitude of the movement we asked whether the directional preferences of VPM neurons are similarly modulated. For example, Figure 4A shows a neuron that appears to spike preferentially at the initiation of retractions. Would this VPM neuron continue to show a preference for retractions if they were the same speed as protractions? For each whisk (unnormalized), the relative speed (protraction speed minus retraction speed) was linearly regressed against the directional response difference (protraction firing rate minus retraction firing rate). The neuron of Figure 4A was classified as having a significant direction preference (independent of speed) since the y-intercept differed significantly from zero (see Figure 4B). This analysis identified nine neurons that preferred retractions and five that preferred protractions independently of speed. A Single spike probability Our previous study of TG neurons suggested a lack of temporal fidelity between spiking and whisker movement trajectories. Here, we re-examined spike time precision in both TG and VPM neurons, employing spike-triggered analyses. By dividing each whisk into its protraction and retraction components we could assess the influence of movement direction on the probability that particular positions (rostral or caudal relative to all whisk positions) or speeds (slow or fast relative to all whisk speeds) would trigger spikes (see Figure 5A). For each neuron, a K–S test compared the spike-triggered distributions with all position and speed values, to determine if spikes were evoked by particular kinematics or randomly distributed throughout the movement. Spike-triggered distributions demonstrated that, for both TG and VPM neurons, spikes could be biased toward particular positions or speeds. However, tuning was broad in that spikes were not 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 XML Template (2010) {TANDF_FPP}CSMR/CSMR_A_502381.3d [27.7.2010–6:40pm] (CSMR) [1–10] [PREPRINTER stage] Whisking in air 7 685 742 686 743 687 744 688 745 689 746 690 747 691 748 692 693 749 750 694 751 695 752 696 753 697 754 698 755 699 756 700 701 757 758 702 759 703 760 704 761 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 Figure 4. Evaluating the influences of amplitude and speed on preferences for movement direction. (A) Spiking activity for a VPM neuron with its whisker movement normalized. Note the bias to spike during the initiation of retractions. (B) Differential contributions of movement direction and movement speed to firing rate of the VPM neuron whose (normalized) responses are shown in A. The linear regression’s slope and regression coefficient were not significant, but the y-intercept was significantly different from zero and this indicates that the neuron had a significant preference for retractions even after eliminating the effect of speed. (C) Neurons with significant y-intercepts from the amplitude and speed regressions, or in other words, significant direction preferences independent of amplitude and speed, respectively. After removing effects of speed, TG neurons are biased towards protractions, but VPM neurons prefer retractions. VPM neurons also preferred retractions independently of amplitude differences. (D) Significant linear regression coefficients, both amplitude and speed, for TG and VPM neurons (from those with significant correlations in panel 3 A). Some neurons are represented twice if they had significant regression coefficients for both amplitude and speed. The smaller regression coefficients indicate that kinematics were significantly less effective in modulating the directional response differences of VPM than TG neurons. biased to a specific position or speed, but instead, to a relatively large range of positions and speeds (see Figure 5B). Furthermore, in both TG and VPM neurons, movement direction could determine the presence of a significant kinematic bias. For example, the TG neuron of Figure 5B displayed a bias for relatively high speeds during retractions but not protractions. Similarly, the same TG neuron displayed a bias for caudal whisker positions during protractions, but not retractions. For each kinematic parameter (protraction position, protraction speed, retraction position, retraction speed) (see Figure 6), we determined whether equivalent numbers of TG and VPM neurons displayed significant spike-triggered curves (chisquare tests). For position (protraction/retraction) equivalent numbers of TG and VPM neurons had significant spike-triggered distributions. However, for speed (protraction/retraction) there were significantly fewer VPM neurons showing such distributions (values of p50.001). Thus, specific kinematic parameters are less effective at triggering spikes in VPM than TG neurons. Coherence between spiking and ongoing whisking A coherence analysis was performed to determine whether spiking activity during bouts of whisking was entrained by the dominant bout frequency (see Methods for details). On average for each neuron, only a very small percentage of their bouts (about 11% in VPM neurons and 17%) showed significant coherence (p50.05). Only one neuron displayed coherence in more than 50% of its bouts (see Figure 4A: 67% of bouts). As a whole, the VPM population displayed significantly less coherence than TG neurons (Mann–Whitney test, p ¼ 0.015). The small number of bouts with significant coherence in both VPM and TG neurons indicates that they are not firing reliably at a particular whisk phase. 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 Discussion Active sensing requires the brain to differentiate external inputs (exafference) from the animal’s own self-generated movements (reafference). 794 795 796 797 798 11 XML Template (2010) {TANDF_FPP}CSMR/CSMR_A_502381.3d 8 [27.7.2010–6:40pm] (CSMR) [1–10] [PREPRINTER stage] V. Khatri et al. 799 856 800 857 801 858 802 859 803 860 804 861 805 862 806 807 863 864 808 865 809 866 810 867 811 868 812 869 813 870 814 815 871 872 816 873 817 874 818 875 819 876 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 Figure 5. Spike-triggered position and speed analyses as a function of movement direction. (A) Whisker position and speed at the time of spikes were determined independently for protractions (under red bar) and retractions (under blue bar). (B) TG neuron demonstrating that the presence of significant spike-triggered position/speed preferences (K–S tests, p50.05) depend on movement direction. The red traces are spike-triggered values and the black traces represent all whisk positions or speeds. For protractions, this TG neuron had a preference for caudal whisker positions and no speed preference. However, for retractions, there was no position preference but higher speeds were preferred. Notably, even when significant differences were present, tuning was broad in that a wide range of positions and speeds triggered spikes. (C) ‘‘Complex tuning’’. Only 5/47 VPM neurons generated such a spike-triggered position or speed distribution in which no clear preference can be determined. 827 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 828 829 877 885 Reafferent signals may also allow an animal to rapidly fine-tune the movements of its mobile sensor (Kleinfeld et al. 2006). Reliable encoding of whisker contacts by the lemniscal pathway has been well documented in the trigeminal ganglion and barrel cortex (Hentschke et al. 2006; Stüttgen et al. 2006; Jadhav et al. 2009). However, little is known about the reliability with which the kinematics of whisker movements in air are represented by neural signals at levels above the trigeminal ganglion. One possible strategy is for neurons to process exafferent and reafferent signals in different channels (e.g., paralemniscal vs lemniscal), as was suggested by Ahissar and his colleagues (Yu et al. 2006). However, Masri et al. (2008) found no consistent relationship between the occurrence of spikes in POm and EMG activity from whisker-related musculature. To determine whether the trigeminal lemniscal pathway reliably conveys reafferent information to the cortex, we have examined the responses of VPM neurons in awake rodents during whisking in air. Here we report that VPM neurons are even less reliable in encoding such signals than are neurons in the trigeminal ganglion (Khatri et al. 2009). This seems to be the case not only for the encoding of whisker movement kinematics, but even for the detection of a change from a stationary to a moving whisker. Moreover, these studies, carried out in awake, behaving animals, fail to confirm the findings of previous studies employing the ‘‘electrical whisking’’ paradigm in anesthetized animals (Szwed et al. 2003; Yu et al. 2006) which observed significant phase-locking to movement onset. While we have observed some weak phase-locking in both TG and VPM neurons, responses were not consistently triggered by the onset of protractions or retractions and tended to be distributed throughout the movement. Taken together, the results of our studies examining firing rate and single spike probability, suggest that reafferent signals in single neurons do not provide a reliable representation of whisker movements in the lemniscal pathway. Coding by population signals provides a likely alternative (see below). 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 Cortical responses during whisker movements in air As in TG and VPM, cortical responses during whisking in air tend to be broadly distributed throughout the whisker movement though they can be biased towards particular phases of the movement (Fee et al. 1997; Crochet and Petersen 2006). Curtis and Kleinfeld (2009) recorded from a large number of cortical neurons and found that ‘‘a select population’’ of 20%, responded during whisking in air. 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 XML Template (2010) {TANDF_FPP}CSMR/CSMR_A_502381.3d [27.7.2010–6:40pm] (CSMR) [1–10] [PREPRINTER stage] Whisking in air 9 913 970 914 971 915 972 916 973 917 974 918 975 919 976 920 921 977 978 922 979 923 980 924 981 925 982 926 983 927 984 928 929 985 986 930 987 931 988 932 989 933 990 934 991 935 992 936 937 993 994 938 939 940 Figure 6. Summary of spike-triggered position and speed analyses. Distributions of tuning preferences for TG (A) and VPM neurons (B). Significantly more TG neurons preferred faster speeds (F) for both protractions and retractions, while VPM neurons exhibited a significant bias for faster speeds only during retractions. Abbreviations: R ¼ rostral, C ¼ caudal, S ¼ slow, F ¼ fast, CT ¼ complex tuning. 995 996 997 941 998 942 999 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 Like VPM neurons, cortical neurons display a bias for responding during the retraction component of a whisker movement (see Figure 4(b) of Kleinfeld et al. 2006). These investigators also reported that, during whisking in air, individual cortical units ‘‘tend to spike at specific phases of the whisk cycle’’ (Curtis and Kleinfeld 2009, p. 494). However, de Kock and Sakmann (2009) recently reported that single cortical spikes are only weakly related to whisker position or phase—an observation consistent with our findings for VPM neurons. If single neurons do not contain reliable position or phase signals, then, for there to be a useful signal, the aggregate activity of a population of neurons would have to occur at a preferential position or phase of whisker movement. 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 Whisking-related reafference during whisking in air: Origin of the reafferent signal Curtis and Kleinfeld (2009) suggested ‘‘a reafferent signal encoding phase is present at the level of primary sensory neurons in the trigeminal ganglion’’ (p. 497). Our data from awake, behaving animals suggests that the TG signal is only modestly correlated with kinematic parameters (Khatri et al. 2009) and the present study suggests that the reliability with which reafferent information from whisking in air is encoded actually decreases at higher levels of the neuraxis. One possibility for the relatively weak encoding of whisking in air at any level may be the absence of those frequent, slip-evoked, high velocity/ acceleration signals which characterize active whisker contact (Jadhav et al. 2009) and to which central trigeminal neurons are so sensitive (e.g., Pinto et al. 2000). Indeed, the fact that retractions generate higher speeds than protractions might account for the bias for responding during the retractions, reported for both VPM and cortical neurons. Whatever its origin, the fact that rats can actively modulate the kinematics of both contact (Carvell and Simons 1990; Harvey et al. 2001) and non-contact (Gao et al. 2003) whisker movements according to task demands suggests the presence of some mechanisms for producing a more robust representation of movement kinematics than is available to a single neuron. This could involve the convergence of populations of neurons or the contribution of neural structures containing populations of neurons with large receptive fields comprising many whiskers such as the superior colliculus (Hemelt and Keller 2007; Cohen et al. 2008) and laterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (Bezdudnaya and Keller 2008). 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 XML Template (2010) {TANDF_FPP}CSMR/CSMR_A_502381.3d 10 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 [27.7.2010–6:40pm] (CSMR) [1–10] [PREPRINTER stage] V. Khatri et al. Brainstem-filtering or top-down modulation? The present study compared VPM and TG responses to whisking. This was done to determine how afferent inputs are transformed along the leminscal pathway. We find that the reliability of whisking responses decreases from the TG to the VPM barreloids. This could be due either to response suppression at the level of the whisker brainstem (e.g., Furuta et al. 2008) or due to corticofugal feedback (e.g., Hentschke et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2008). Further studies are needed to determine the respective roles of the brainstem and corticofugal feedback on VPM responses to whisking in air. 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 3 1054 1055 1056 Acknowledgments We would like to thank V. Lawson for preparing the animals and assistance in behavioral training. David Kleinfeld and Asaf Keller provided helpful comments to improve the manuscript. This work was supported by Grant NS048937 (HPZ) and CUNY Collaborative Grant 80209 (HPZ and JCB). Infrastructure support for the Zeigler lab was provided by RCMI Grant RR 03037. JCB was also supported by Grant NS058758. Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflict of interest. 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