Theories of Personality Syllabus for Psychology 314 Spring 2016 Kinard 119 (Section 02), CRN 22821, 3 credit hours Instructor: Office Hours: Mobile: Email: Giancarlo Anselmo Ed.D. , NCSP Tuesday and Thursday 15 minutes before and after class & by appt. 704-974-9530 Course Goals: This course will discuss how personalities form, develop, and change over the course of a lifetime. We will analyze personality from the lens of several different theories. Most importantly you will gain an understanding of your own view on human personality. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Use the concepts, language, and major theories of personality to explain psychological experiences Explain various research methods used in personality research Use critical thinking to evaluate the quality of research Apply personality concepts, theories, and research findings to everyday life Reflect on their own personality and experiences to find meaning in them Evaluate new ideas with an open but critical mind *Required Text: Miserandino, M. Personality Psychology: Foundations and Findings. Grading Overview Element Points Possible Test 1 100 Test 2 100 Test 3 100 Test 4 100 1 paper 100 Journal entry for each class (20 @ 5 points each) 100 Quizzes (10 @ 10 points each) 100 Attendance/Engagement/Homework 100 TOTAL: 800 Grading A : = 93-100% A-: = 89-92% B+: = 86-88% B: = 82-85% B-: = 79-81% C+: = 76-78% C: = 72-75% C-: = 69-71% D+: = 66-68% D: = 63-65% D-: = 60-62% F: = Below 60% Student Code of Conduct: Students are expected to adhere to Winthrop University policies regarding academic discipline stated in the undergraduate catalog. Responsibility for good conduct rests with students as adult individuals. The policy on student academic misconduct is outlined in the “Student Conduct Code Academic Misconduct Policy” found at: handbook.pdf Tests: Tests will consist of the following types of questions: multiple choice and essay questions. The last test is over information from the last three chapters. Quizzes: Throughout the semester 10 quizzes will be given. These quizzes will each have 10 questions presented orally by yours truly. These quizzes will be based on information from the textbook and information from lecture. Journal Entries: During the semester each student will be required to write and turn in a journal entry for each class during the semester. This will be a short entry reflecting on readings, lecture, and content as it pertains to personal connections. Paper: Students will be required to write one short paper during the semester. This paper will be explained in detail during class. Attendance/Engagement/Homework: Students will earn 4 points each day they attend class, are engaged in class discussions, and have completed assigned homework /journal entries. Students are expected to attend all classes however, because of special circumstances (sickness, emergency’s, etc.) should miss no more than 3 lectures. Test Make-ups: Given a legitimate reason for missing an exam, students can make-up a test. To justify your reason, you must contact me as soon as humanly possible (calling me at home is fine) and provide written documentation (e.g., a doctor’s letter.) YOU MUST CONTACT ME BEFORE THE TEST. Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact Office of Disability Services (ODS), at 323-3290, as soon as possible. Once you have your professor notification letter, please notify me so that I am aware of your accommodations well before the first test. Tentative Entertainment Schedule Ch. Quiz scheduled for days marked with a smiley face 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Topic Jan-12 Jan-14 Jan-19 Jan-21 Jan-26 Jan-28 Feb-2 Feb-4 Feb-9 Feb-11 Feb-16 Feb-18 Feb-23 Feb-25 Mar-1 Mar-3 Mar-8 Mar-10 Mar-15 Mar-17 Mar-22 Mar-24 Mar-29 Mar-31 April-5 April-7 April-12 April-14 April-19 April-21 April-29 Introduction to Personality Building Blocks of Personality Personality Traits: A Good Theory Personality Traits: A Good Theory Personality Traits: Practical Matters Personality Traits: Practical Matters Test #1 Personality Assessment Personality Assessment No Class Self and Identity Self and Identity Genetics Genetics Test #2 Neuroscience of Personality Neuroscience of Personality Intrapsychic Foundations Spring Break - No Class Spring Break - No Class Intrapsychic Foundations Gender and Personality Gender and Personality No Class Test #3 Regulation and Motivation Regulation and Motivation Cognitive Foundations Cognitive Foundations Resilience Test #4 7 7 8 8 11 11 9 9 10 10 13 Work on Paper Paper Due 6:30pm