October Meeting Minutes October 10, 2012 10:00-12:00 UC 332-333 I. Welcome & call to order: Vice-President Hannah Singleton called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. She announced that thank you emails had been sent to President Engstrom, the Executive Cabinet members, and Deans and Directors who attended the September SS meeting. A suggestion was made to break up the attendance next year so they wouldn’t have to sit through the whole meeting waiting their turn to speak. II. Roll call: Carol Bates Attendees: Senators: Andi Armstrong, Carol Bates, Lisa Coon, Kristine Csorosz, John DeYoung, Molly Fishburn-Mathew, Phillip Flukas, Geri Fox, Chuck Harris, Maggie Linder, Becky Maier, Maria Mangold, Denise May, Jaylene Naylor, Sandi Nelson, Maryann Robison, Sharon Schneider, Hannah Singleton, Jimmy Stevens, Kathie Tattory, Brandie Terpe, Maureen Ward, Kelly Wasson, Angela Weisenberger, Administrative Assistant, Judy Wellert Excused: Jay Bruns, Natalie Hiller-Claridge, Gary Hagler, Darlene Samson Absent: Kennden Culp, Slade Johnson, III. IV. V. Approval of September Minutes: Vice-President Singleton presented the minutes of September 12th. Clarification was made that Registrar Ed Johnson was in attendance. Motioned to approve with changes; seconded; motion carried. Financial Report: Financial Officer Coon passed around copies of the Operating Statement dated 10/10/2012. Motioned to approve; seconded; motion carried. Old Business: Staff Senate Survey: Committee Chair Bates thanked all senators for their comments regarding the upcoming survey. The survey is scheduled to be launched Monday, October 15th and will be open for 2 weeks. Wellert will provide paper copies to Senator DeYoung for distribution to classified staff not having access to the online version. VI. New Business UM Foundation Account: Scholarship Committee Chair Nelson reported that the committee is investigating moving this account to the UM Foundation. Benefits include the ability to track who is donating into the fund which is available through Business Services but we haven’t been requesting it since they give us salary information along with the donation list. Foundation management would not affect our requesting donated parking passes or Bookstore donations. We need to explore the possibility of additional fees. Senator Coon stated that we could do our own needs analysis which had been seen as an advantage of moving the account to the Foundation. The decision was tabled until more information was presented. VII. VIII. Staff Senate Committee Reports: CVC: Committee Chair Armstrong reminded senators of the social at Ten Spoon Winery on Oct. 11th. Senators Fox and Schneider will go before 5:00 p.m. to set up. Pizza will be available at 6:00. Also, coming up in November is a “Family Swim” night and in January, another “Movie” night. Some discussion ensued regarding the possibility of inviting other non-classified staff members and co-sponsoring an event with Faculty Senate. Fundraising: Committee Chair Mangold reported $670 was made from the raffle which was a lot of work setting up and then following up with businesses. She suggested we may want to rethink our fundraising efforts – possibly do a 50/50 raffle. If all the senators sold 50 tickets the senate would make $1500. That is how the fundraising began but there are tax implications for the winner. She also reported that the committee applied for a fundraising night at the Kettle House and we should know in November whether we are accepted. Technology Solutions: Committee member, Naylor reported some of their committee went on a computer field trip and are investigating how to divert a stream of used computers before they hit the junk pile. They are trying to secure a newer computer for the facilities services staff. Also in question: is there a need for more than one, how much usage would they get, and port charges. University Committee Reports: University Planning: Wellert reported for President Samson. The University Planning Committee is working to budget and plan for the 2014-15 academic year. The legislature gives money to the Board of Regents to divide among the Montana University System schools. Issues in the plan will include sexual assault, veterans, emergency services, capital campaign, and Disability for Student Services. There will be a deficit in athletics in 2014-15 because there is no room for a 7th game in the schedule. Department requests are delivered to the budget committee in January. Shared Governance: VP Singleton noted the BOR meeting coming up in November. ASUM and Faculty Senate attend all BOR meetings and she recommended that Staff Senate work to ensure we have a presence at all BOR meetings, even when we are not on the agenda. It will strengthen our presence in the MUS System and hopefully play into a stronger relationship with ASUM and FS. Singleton also mentioned the Faculty Roll Out and that we may want to look into what happens to the computers Faculty no longer need and make sure any Staff equipment needs are met with these, if possible. Some units are doing this internally but we could look into the other units. University Council: Wellert reported on the latest UC meeting. ASUM is buying one new bus annually for the next five years. There have been complaints of noise made by the older busses. The BOR is meeting in Missoula for the November meeting during which time there will be an unveiling of a new stone marker for the Missoula College. An analysis of UM’s autumn 2012 decrease in enrollment is being done over the next several months. Next year PETSA will be available and required for all faculty and staff. Library Committee: Senator Armstrong noted that Shali Zhang is the new Dean of the Mansfield Library. A new high-end scanner will be purchased for the library, and fundraising is underway for $3-million Learning Commons/library renovations. The committee also discussed the controversy of standardizing learning platforms (IE. Eres, Moodle, class websites, etc.) ADA Committee: Senator Csorosz reported this is a proactive group working on electronic access for DSS. All new purchases must be accessible. A new policy is forthcoming. Several areas of campus are in the process of upgrades including the Bitterroot College. IX. Guests Cindy Boies is a representative of committee members for Day of Dialogue. She encouraged everyone to attend the all-day event on Oct. 25th. There will be a special topics session for UM employees on understanding differences. Maria Cole is the Diversity & Recruitment Coordinator on campus. She reported her role on campus is to be in collaboration and communication with every department and with students on campus. She is developing processes and tools to make UM more inclusive through some diversity initiatives to include: changing new employee orientation; guidelines for hiring nationals; faculty & contract professionals search committees; exit interviews for all employee classes (what is being done well, what needs to improve); Day of Dialogue; research & data sharing with President Engstrom & others; focus groups, collaboration with TA’s in the classrooms; outreach efforts with the Missoula Development Council & others; and is attending conferences & seminars as a UM representative. Loey Knapp, the interim CIO in Information Technology provided the senators with an update on IT’s latest accomplishments and works in progress. Campus wireless was implemented in several new locations while others received expanded services. Their most recent efforts include (but are not limited to) working on technology in the classrooms, version 3 of the Academic Planner, the Community Hub, Emergency Notification system (new system, new processes), and centralizing the campus data center. The IT Strategic Plan is in keeping with UM’s overall Strategic Plan with overarching goals, action plans & a working plan. The IT directors oversee the IT Senate in coordinating their efforts. Loey asked for representation on the IT Senate from SS. Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Next meeting: November 14, 2012 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon, UC 332-333