Chile Credit Transfer Information Full-time credit load (undergraduate) Students usually take four to five classes and spend 20-22 hours in class per week during the 15 week semester in Chile. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso 15 in-class contact hours is equal to one credit at UM. To earn 15 UM semester credits, students should enroll in 225 hours of classes per semester. To earn a minimum full time load of 12 credits, students must enroll in 180 hours of classes per semester. Grade conversion Chilean Grade U.S./UM Equivalent 6.0-7 Muy Bien A 5.0-5.9 Bueno B 4.0-4.9 Suficiente C 0-3.9 Insuficiente F Upper division Upper division credit may be granted upon approval by your advisor/department chair upon your return to The University of Montana. Save your coursework and class syllabi to earn such approval. Other notes Chilean transcripts will include the number of contact hours per class to assist schools in determining the appropriate number of credits.