Workshop on Integrated Management of Micro-databases Use of tax micro-data for the compilation of the Chilean National Accounts Ivette Fernández Central Bank of Chile Porto, 20-22 June 2013 Outline I. Background II. Uses of tax data in the Chilean National Accounts III. Micro-financial data project IV. Conclusions 2 1 I. Background I. Background II. Uses of tax data in the Chilean National Accounts III. Micro-financial data project IV. Conclusions The tax-data is used to measure economic variables. In the measurement of macroeconomic variables, it is common that the complete information is not available. To get around this problem, tax records are frequently used. The fiscal data being used is provided by the Internal Revenue Service. The information presents a certain level of aggregation and has no reference the actual informants (for confidentiality). The information is received both with a monthly and annual frequency depending on the specific records. 4 2 We use tax different ways. data obtained through The main information used is: Table 1. Tax-data sources Information Value Added Tax (VAT) Form Form 29 Income Tax Form 22 Wage Statement (Annual Affidavit of Income of Article 42 N°1) Real estate Statement (Statement of disposal and registration of Real Estate) Form 1887 Form 2890 Selected Variables Monthly information of 15 variables by industries and legally constituted body. Annual information of 21 proxy-variables by industries and legally constituted body. Annual information of wages paid by employers to salaried workers. Quarterly information of purchase / sale of housing and nonresidential properties. Source: Author’s elaboration based on Central Bank of Chile (2011). The data occasionally contains outliers and missing values and therefore it is filtered using statistical methods. 5 II. Uses of tax data in the Chilean National Accounts I. Background II. Uses of tax data in the Chilean National Accounts III. Micro-financial data project IV. Conclusions 3 In National Accounts, some variables are measured using tax data. The tax data is used to measure macroeconomic variables, for both Accounts and Financial stability. different National For National Accounts: Tax - data (Frequency) Value Added Tax (Monthly) Income Tax/Wage Statement (Quarterly & Annually) Income Tax (Annually) Measured variables Monthly indicator of economic activity (IMACEC) Production Accounts Sectoral Accounts 7 This data also collaborates with the analyzes of financial stability. For Financial Stability : The data used in National Accounts contributes in the analysis of financial stability. Tax - data (Frequency) Income Tax (Semi-annually) Real Estate Statement (Quarterly) Income Tax (Annually) Measured variables Distributions of the profitability of enterprises; Ratios of variables. Indexes of housing prices (not published yet) Economic and Financial studies (internal papers) 8 4 III. Micro-financial data project I. Background II. Uses of tax data in the Chilean National Accounts III. MicroMicro-financial data project IV. Conclusions We want to integrate our micro-financial databases. Currently, we are working on a medium-term project, that consists on integrating different statistical-financial micro data sets. The economic-financial information managed by the Statistics Division is divided in 5 groups: Tax data Financial statements Credit databases Securities-by-securities databases Real Estate databases 10 5 We are developing the project though the utilization of Oracle Database. The project includes integrating these databases in a data warehouse. The chosen tool is Oracle. We want to use business intelligence tools to visualize, analyze, aggregate and link information of different micro-data sets. 11 IV. Conclusions I. Background II. Uses of tax data in the Chilean National Accounts III. Micro-financial data project IV. Conclusions 6 Conclusions Tax information is very useful when it comes to the estimation of economic variables in the Chilean National Accounts. However, it is crucial to analyze the information through statistical analysis and by comparing it with the detailed information of other sources and surveys, before utilizing it. In the future, we will use this information more thoroughly through the integration of the financial micro databases. 13 Workshop on Integrated Management of Micro-databases Use of tax micro-data for the compilation of the Chilean National Accounts Ivette Fernández Central Bank of Chile Porto, 20-22 June 2013 7