THIS IS A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FALL 2015 SUBJECT COURSE/TITLE Activity Courses PHED 113 PHED 117 PHED 120 PHED 130 PHED 205 Disc Games Basic Archery Instructor Beginning Kayaking Beginning Water Skiing The Martial Arts PHED 206 PHED 221 PHED 224 PHED 226 PHED 228 PHED 229 PHED 230 PHED 233 PHED 243 PHED 244 PHED 245 PHED 246 PHED 254 PHED 256 PHED 257 PHED 263 PHED 265 PHED 266 PHED 267 PHED 275 PHED 282 PHED 307 PHED 324 PHED 361 PHED 379 Outdoor Education: Hiking, Backpacking, Rafting Beginner's Swimming Lifeguard Training Scuba Diving Advanced Scuba Scuba Diver Rescue Fencing Badminton Pilates Fitness through Core Stability Water Aerobics Aerobic Walking Volleyball Intermediate Basketball Current Activities: Cardio Kick Racquetball Current Activities: Cardio Kick Yoga Weight Training Beginning Running Beginning Rock Climbing Outdoor Education: Theory & Practice Dive Leader First Aid & CPR Teaching Advanced Based Exp Educ MULTI OR SINGLE SECTIONS DAY, EVENING, WEEKEND HYBRID, ONLINE OR CLASS* 1 1 2 1 1 DAY DAY WEEKEND DAY/WKND EVENING CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 3 2 3 7 1 4 OR 5 1 1 4 1 EVENING DAY DAY EVENING EVENING EVENING EVENING DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY Day DAY DAY/EVENING EVENING EVENING DAY/WKND DAY/WKND CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS THIS IS A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Athletic Training ATRN 151 Foundations of Athletic Training Usually 2 Day Class Single Single Day Day Class Class Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Day Day Day Day Day Evening Arranged Arranged Arranged Arranged Arranged Arranged Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class day day ATRN 330 ATRN 331 ATRN 361 ATRN 381 ATRN 480 ATRN 563 ATRN 201 ATRN 202 ATRN 301 ATRN 302 ATRN 401 ATRN 402 Assessment of Athletic Injuries & Illnesses: L Ex L Ex Assessment Lab Assessment of Athletic Injuries & Illnesses:Head/Trunk Head/Trunk Assessment Lab Advanced Emergency Procedures Advanced Taping Lab Capstone in Athletic Training Medical Aspects of Sport Clinical Observation in Athletic Training Clinical Experience in Athletic Training I Clinical Experience in Athletic Training II Clinical Experience in Athletic Training III Clinical Experience in Athletic Training IV Clinical Experience in Athletic Training V Exercise Science PHED 381 PHED 208 PHED 242 PHED 242 PHED 401 PHED 382 PHED 384 PHED 385 PHED 465 PHED 480 PHED 481 EXSC 101 EXSC 484 EXSC 486 EXSC 511 EXSC 495 Research Methods Exercise and weight control Motor Learning Motor Learning Sport Psychology Kinesiology Exercise Physiology Exercise Physiology Lab Strength and Conditioning Exercise Testing and Prescription Exercise Testing and Prescription Lab Intro to Exercise Science Exercise Physiology II Exercise Physiology II lab Physical Activity For Special & Aging Internship 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 evening day day day day day day day day day day day day Health HLTH 300 HLTH 303 HLTH 403 HLTH 406 HLTH 434 HLTH 500 HLTH 501 HLTH 506 Personal and Community Health Health Methods for Elementary Teachers Health Methods for Early Childhood Teac Exercise and Health Promotion Health Strategies for K-12 PE Teachers Contemporary Health Issues Substance Abuse Human Sexuality 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Day, Evening day day day day evening day day ATRN 310 ATRN 311 online class class class class class class class class THIS IS A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PE Teacher Education PHED 150 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education PHED 247 Teaching Target/Fielding Games PHED 202 Concepts of Fitness PHED 234 Teaching Invasion Games PHED 550 Adapted Physical Education PHED 591 Secondary Methods in Physical Education PHED 594 Internship I in Physical Education Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Day Day/Evening Day Day/Evening Day Day Day Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Sport Management SPMA 101 Intro to SPMA SPMA 200 Sport Gov and Ethics SPMA 355 Research and Writing FINC 410 Sport Finance PHED 525 Risk Management SPMA 426 Admin in SPMA SPMA 398/392 Seminar/Field Experience SPMA 494/496 Portfolio/Internship single single single single single single single single day day day day day day class class class class class class online online *Online: A course in which all required contact hours are completed exclusively via Blackboard Learn. Hybrid: A course in which the required contact hours are completed with a combination of both face-to-face meetings and virtually through Blackboard Learn. THIS IS A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. SPRING 2016 SUBJECT COURSE/TITLE Activity Courses PHED 113 PHED 117 PHED 120 PHED 122 PHED 204 PHED 205 Disc Games Basic Archery Instructor Beginning Kayaking Geocaching Snow Skiing & Snowboarding The Martial Arts PHED 206 PHED 207 PHED 221 PHED 223 PHED 224 PHED 226 PHED 228 PHED 229 PHED 230 PHED 233 PHED 235 PHED 243 PHED 245 PHED 246 PHED 254 PHED 256 PHED 263 PHED 265 PHED 266 PHED 267 PHED 275 PHED 282 PHED 307 PHED 324 PHED 361 PHED 482 Outdoor Education: Hiking, Backpacking, Rafting Intermediate Skiing & Snowboarding Beginner's Swimming Group Facilitation Lifeguard Training Scuba Diving Advanced Scuba Scuba Diver Rescue Fencing Badminton Beginner's Tennis Pilates Water Aerobics Aerobic Walking Volleyball Intermediate Basketball Racquetball Current Activities: Cardio Kick Yoga Weight Training Beginning Running Beginning Rock Climbing Outdoor Education: Theory & Practice Dive Leader First Aid & CPR Effective Outdoor Leadership MULTI OR SINGLE SECTIONS DAY, EVENING, WEEKEND HYBRID, ONLINE OR CLASS* 1 1 2 1 1 1 DAY DAY WEEKEND DAY WEEKEND EVENING CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 5 2 1 3 2 3 7 1 4 OR 5 1 1 4 1 EVENING WEEKEND DAY EVENING DAY EVENING EVENING EVENING EVENING DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY Day DAY DAY/EVENING EVENING EVENING DAY/WKND EVENING CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS CLASS THIS IS A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Athletic Training ATRN 151 Foundations of Athletic Training ATRN 152 Foundations of Athletic Training Lab Single Usually 2 Day Day Class Class ATRN 320 ATRN 321 ATRN 350 Assessment of Athletic Injuries & Illnesses: U Ex U Ex Assessment Lab Therapeutic Modalities for Athletic Training Single Single Single Day Day Day Class Class Class ATRN 351 Single Day Class Single Day Class ATRN 451 ATRN 510 ATRN 201 ATRN 202 ATRN301 ATRN 302 ATRN 401 ATRN 402 Therapeutic Modalities for Athletic Training Lab Therapeutic Exercise & Rehabilitation for Athletic Training Therapeutic Exercise & Rehabilitation for Athletic Training Lab Pharmacology & Drug Education Clinical Observation in Athletic Training Clinical Experience in Athletic Training I Clinical Experience in Athletic Training II Clinical Experience in Athletic Training III Clinical Experience in Athletic Training IV Clinical Experience in Athletic Training V Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Day Day Arranged Arranged Arranged Arranged Arranged Arranged Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Exercise Science PHED 381 PHED 208 PHED 231 PHED 242 PHED 401 PHED 382 PHED 384 PHED 385 PHED 465 PHED 480 PHED 481 EXSC 101 EXSC 484 EXSC 486 EXSC 511 EXSC 495 Research Methods Exercise and Weight Control Fitness for Life Motor Learning Sport Psychology Kinesiology Exercise Physiology Exercise Physiology Lab Strength and Conditioning Exercise Testing and Prescription Exercise Testing and Prescription Lab Intro to Exercise Science Exercise Physiology II Exercise Physiology II lab Physical Activity For Special & Aging Internship 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 day day day evening day day day day day day day day day day day day Health HLTH 300 HLTH 303 HLTH 403 HLTH 406 HLTH 501 HLTH 506 HLTH 600 Personal and Community Health Health Methods for Elementary Teachers Health Methods for Early childhood Teac Exercise and Health Promotion Substance Abuse Human Sexuality Health Promotion 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 day, evening day day day evening day evening ATRN 450 class/ 1 on-line class/ class/ class class class hybrid THIS IS A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PE Teacher Education PHED 112 Movement Concepts/Skill Themes PHED 223 Group Facilitation PHED 248 Teaching Net/Wall Games PHED 271 Technology in Physical Education PHED 566 Elementary Methods in Physical Education PHED 590 Assessment in Physical Education PHED 490 Seminar in Physical Education PHED 310 Diversity Issues in Physical Education Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Day Evening Day/Evening Day Day Day Day Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Online Sport Management SPMA 235 Facilities and Event Mgmt. BADM 510 Sport Law PHED 525 Risk Management SPMA 425 Global Perspectives MKTG 484 Sport Marketing SPMA 398/392 Seminar/Field Experience SPMA 494/496 Portfolio/Internship single single single single single single single day day day day day class class class class class online online *Online: A course in which all required contact hours are completed exclusively via Blackboard Learn. Hybrid: A course in which the required contact hours are completed with a combination of both face-to-face meetings and virtually through Blackboard Learn. THIS IS A TENTATIVE SCHEDULE AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. SUMMER 2016 MULTI OR SINGLE SECTIONS DAY, EVENING, WEEKEND HYBRID, ONLINE OR CLASS* Activity Courses PHED 389 Field Experience in Outdoor Leadership 1 n/a n/a Athletic Training ATRN 302 Clinical Experience in Athletic Training III Single Arranged Class SUBJECT COURSE/TITLE Exercise Science PHED 381 PHED 401 PHED 401 PHED 242 PHED 382 PHED 384 PHED 385 EXSC 495 Research Methods Sport Psychology Sport Psychology Motor Learning Kinesiology Exercise Physiology Exercise Physiology Lab Internship 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 day day day day Health HLTH 300 HLTH 506 HLTH 501 HLTH 500 HLTH 406 Personal and Community Health Human Sexuality Substance Abuse Contemporary Health Exercise and Health Promotion 2 1 1 1 1 day, day day day day online online day online class/online class/online class On-line class PE Teacher Education PHED 380 History of American Sport PHED 604 Technology for Coaches & Phys Educators PHED 605 Advanced Assessment for Phys Educators PHED 606 Supervision/Analysis of Teaching in PE/HLTH Single Single Single Single Online Online Online Online Sport Management SPMA 494/496 Portfolio/Internship SPMA392 Field Experience single single Online Online *Online: A course in which all required contact hours are completed exclusively via Blackboard Learn. Hybrid: A course in which the required contact hours are completed with a combination of both face-to-face meetings and virtually through Blackboard Learn.