November Voice Homework Your child is working on using a higher pitch, appropriate phrasing, and faster rate of speech to achieve better vocal quality. It’s very important to spend a little time practicing every day without distractions. Here are a few tasks to work on throughout the month. Thank you for working with your child at home! o Tell someone about your day at school. Use a higher pitch and faster rate of speech. o Have a 5 minute conversation with your child with no distractions. Model appropriate pitch and phrasing for your child as you talk. o Think of 5 Thanksgiving words. Say a sentence with each word using higher pitch. o What are some things you could do with a big pile of leaves? Use belly breathing and higher pitch to answer. o Finish this sentence with at least one word with your speech sound: “On Thanksgiving, I …” Use higher pitch and a faster rate. o Tell someone something silly that you have done. Use higher pitch and a faster rate of speech. o Finish this sentence, “Over the weekend, I …” using belly breathing and higher pitch.