Rawlinson Prosody Rubric (RPR) An informal tool for measuring and assessing prosody in individuals with social language delays or difficulties. Dimension 1 2 3 4 Expression and Volume Is barely audible or (conversely) very loud; OR has flat affect and lacks expression. Volume is typically too loud or too soft to be appropriate for the situation, and affect is low. Volume is generally acceptable, but is sometimes too loud or soft. Affect is sometimes low or absent. Speaks with good expression and affect; uses appropriate volume for different situations. Phrasing Phrasing is monotone or overly melodic, or repeats a pattern inappropriate for language spoken. Phrasing is choppy or is sometimes monotone or too melodic or repetitive for language spoken. Phrasing is generally acceptable, although occasionally sounds atypical in. Phrasing and pattern sound typical and appropriate for language spoken. Smoothness Has frequent pauses, repetitions, or false starts; alternatively runs sentences together and/or often pauses in usual places. Has pauses and is difficult to listen to; has difficulty connecting more than 2­3 words or connects words more than expected without taking natural pauses. Occasionally breaks up phrases unnaturally or connects phrases unnaturally. Uses pauses as expected and connects sentences as expected. If errors are made, they are self­corrected. Pace Speaks very slowly or laboriously, or speaks very quickly. Speaks moderately slowly or quickly in a manner that makes the listener uncomfortable. Often uses a reasonable pace, but occasionally speaks more quickly or more slowly than is expected. Uses a typical pace and matches the pace of the conversation or situation. Pitch Pitch is unusually high or low compared to peers and/or individual's voice level when coughing or clearing throat, or varies greatly between highest and lowest speaking pitch. Pitch is somewhat higher or lower than peers and/or individual's voice level when coughing or clearing throat or varies uncomfortably between highest and lowest speaking pitch. Usually uses appropriate pitch, but sometimes (<30% of the time) speaks higher or lower than is warranted for the social situation. Uses appropriate pitch and range of pitch for different social situations. Expression and Volume Range: Phrasing 5­9 Rating Severity: Significantly Impacted Smoothness Pace Pitch Total 10­12 13­16 17­20 Moderately Impacted Mildly Impacted No Concerns Created by Rachel Rawlinson, M.S. CCC­SLP, Voice Therapist, B.S. Music Education © Rachel Rawlinson, 2019 For permission to use, email chelleer@gmail.com