Mrs. Buzzard’s News: 12/2015

Mrs. Buzzard’s News: 12/2015
We have been working hard on comprehension. We have been identifying the characters, setting,
problem and solution within a story. We have been thinking about what might happen next
(predictions) and why we think that (using the title, pictures and what we already know). As you
read with your child at home, please take time to talk about these things. Reading is more than
just accurately reading the words, it is making meaning beyond the words.
Students have become great problem solvers. They are really learning to persevere and attempt to
use what they know from story problems coupled with their background knowledge to problem
solve. This is hard to do as a first grader! I am so proud of them. This month, we have been
learning to tell time to the hour, Compare numbers with greater and less than simples, and solve
addition and subtraction story problems using the 100 chart.
Social Studies/Science:
We have been learning all about motion. We learned that things need force to move. Most things
need a push or a pull in order to move. We learned that things move in different ways: forward,
backward, straight, spin, zig-zag, etc. We are also learning about other cultures and honoring their
holiday celebrations. Students have done a great job bringing in photos of their families holiday
celebrations and presenting them to the class confidently.
We have been working on several blends this month: th, sh, ch, ing
We have also been working hard to add more content to our stories by adding details. By using
color words, number words, and size words we can better describe our stories. We are working
hard to slow down the writing process to improve our spelling. By saying the word slowing to
hear and record all the sounds within the word, our accuracy can improve.
General Information
Please continue to have your child read every night for 15-20 minutes! Reading every night helps
build their stamina, as well as making them a better reader.
Please visit my teacher webpage for additional ways to support your child. There are lots of fun
links and websites! :)