post P INNEY

9 9 8 9 C O N C O R D ROA D * D U B L I N, O H I O
Important Events
Sept. 14th
School Picture Day
Sept. 23th * 5:00-8:00 pm
Community Pizza Night
Sept. 30th * 6:00-8:30 p.m.
PTO Fall Festival
Leed’s Farm
Celebrating 10 Years
of Excellence
43017 * 614-798-3570
September 2011
Please check out the Eli Pinney website for school calendar events
and other important information.
Welcome back to another fun-filled school year at Eli Pinney Elementary
This is our 10th year and we have several events scheduled
throughout the year to celebrate a decade of excellence. We are excited to
see all of our students back in the building. I begin with a big thank you to
our PTO for all of their hard work with the back-to-school supply delivery.
Having the supplies already sitting in the child’s classroom at “Meet-theTeacher” was very convenient. Look for more details about the 2012-2013
supply pre-sale in the spring.
I am very excited to share the newly released 2011 Ohio Achievement
Assessment data. Our school report card was officially released on the ODE
website last week. It was an honor to open up the document to observe the
many successes that are taking place in our classrooms at Pinney. 8/8 state
indicators met, adequate yearly progress = met, value added = above (more
than 1 years growth), an all time high performance index of 106.3, and an
overall designation of "Excellent with Distinction". Congratulations to our
students and teachers on a job well done. We look forward to continued
success in 2011-2012.
I hope to see everyone at our Community Pizza Night on Friday, September
23th (5:00-8:00 pm). There will be a dunk tank, inflatables, and a
performance from the Jerome High School marching band and cheerleaders.
AM Preschool AM Kindergarten Grades 1-5
School Start Times
9:05-11:35 am PM Preschool 1:15-3:45 pm
9:28-11:58 am PM Kindergarten
1:28-3:58 pm
9:28-3:58 pm Latchkey (7:05 a.m. start & 6:00 p.m. end)
The Concord Township Fire Department will have a fire truck on the grounds as well.
Meet and greet with community leaders including Superintendent Dr. David Axner.
Local vendors such as Welcome Warehouse, Dublin Food Pantry, and Boy/Girl Scouts
of America will also be on site.
I’d like to welcome a few new staff members to the Eli Pinney team.
Swartzentruber will take over as school psychologist, Lauren Davis will teach Spanish
during the 3rd trimester (3rd, 4th, & 5th grade), Melissa Eddington will work with our
ESL students, and Loni Smith is our new cook/cashier in the kitchen. Welcome to all!
I look forward to getting to know all of the new faces around school and all of the
familiar faces from last year. Please feel free to email, call, or stop in if you have any
questions. It’s going to be a great 2011-2012 school year!
Welcome back!
-Troy Ehrsam, Principal
Office Communication
• Students may not enter the building until 9:18 a.m. daily.
• Call the office or the automated attendance line (718-8960) if your child is going to be absent or late.
Please send in a note if your child is signing out early for an appointment. Thank you.
• If your child is going to be absent from school, we would appreciate a phone call before 9:30 a.m. of
that day. Ohio state law does require us to now have a written note upon a child’s return to school after
an absence of any kind. An absence form can be found in the downloads section of our Pinney website
(Absence Notification Form). We would appreciate your help by sending in this form, or a note
explaining the absence upon your child’s return to school. It is also important that you know that
absences due to a family-planned vacation are no longer excused absences.
• All phone number changes should take place at the building level. Please do not call the district office
to change your contact information. Please call the Pinney office for questions (798-3570)
• Send in a note if your child’s end of the day arrangements change. Without a note, we will follow
typical end of day routine.
• Both students need a note giving parent permission when bringing home a friend. New “Note to
School” pads can be picked up in the office.
• Write your child’s first and last name on the inside of lunch boxes, backpacks, jackets and other items
so that we can return them if lost. All lost and found items will be donated to Welcome Warehouse at
the end of each trimester.
• Give the buses the right of way during arrival and dismissal. No cars in the bus loop during the
following times (8:45-9:15 a.m. & 3:45-4:15 p.m.)
• Be patient in the pick-up line at the end of the day. Cars need to remain in a single file line to pick up
students. Also, please drop off your child at the sidewalk or side door in the morning. A Pinney staff
member will monitor the side door beginning at 9:15 a.m. daily. We do not want children walking
through cars and/or traffic. Student safety is our priority.
• Check your child’s backpack frequently.
Clinic Communication with Mrs. Slack & Mrs. Pagan
• Keep your child home when sick. Our guidelines ask for a 24-hour
symptom-free period (fever, vomiting, etc). Keeping a sick child home an
extra day usually does the trick and helps prevent the spread of illness.
• Please remember that parents are responsible for supplying their child’s
medication (prescription and over-the-counter).
Mrs. Slack can give
medication such as Advil, Tylenol, cough drops to students, but it must be
sent in by parents with the appropriate paperwork. Also, elementary
children cannot self-carry medication. Please stop in or contact Mrs. Slack
to pick up forms or if you have any questions regarding clinic procedures.
• Cough drops are to be kept in the clinic. Students are not permitted to carry cough drops during the school day.
• It is imperative that all medication is sent into school in its original container, not in a plastic bag. A small
medication bottle would be preferred.
• Please make sure to call the school if you change phone numbers. This information is vital as we often need to
contact a parent(s) if there is an injury or illness. When listing someone as an emergency contact, please make
sure it is a local person who would be able to pick up an ill child.
• When leaving a message on the attendance line, please provide any symptoms your child has such as student's
temperature, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Please also include if your child
has been seen by a doctor or travelled abroad.
Counselor Corner with Mrs. Leslie Cellar
Welcome back for the 2011-­‐2012 school year! The guidance program for this year will focus on making Pinney an even stronger commu-­‐
nity. I have already completed one lesson with each class. Grades 3-­‐5 focused on the impor-­‐
tance of taking care of others by including and welcoming them into our community. The K-­‐
2 lesson focused on how new friendships can form by simply saying hello or passing a smile.
During the month of September, I will visit each classroom, grades K-­‐5, for one lesson. The lessons will focus on Manners (KG), Listening (1st), Put-­‐ups vs. Put-­‐downs (2nd), Rumors (3rd), Speaking up (4th) and Individuality (5th). New student groups will begin Tuesday, September 13th and will meet once a week for four weeks. Look for permission forms to come home during the week of September 5th. I always encourage communication with families. Please feel free to contact me anytime at or 718-­‐8953. You can also access my website anytime
PTO & Parent Information
• Thank you to PTO and the assistance from bond related funds to help purchase SMART boards for our school.
We currently have 28 SMART boards in EVERY kindergarten through 5th grade classroom.
• PERC (Parents Encouraging Responsible Choices) is pleased to announce it's first event of the 2011/12
school year, “Setting Your Kids Up For Success!” This event will be held at the Dublin Rec Center on
Wednesday, September 14th. Check the enclosed flyer for details. Note: PERC is a committee of Dublin
City Schools parents and educators whose mission is to empower parents/guardians to encourage informed and responsible choices for and by the youth in our community. They provide program facilitation, information dissemination, parent networking and a unified message.
• “Child Find” is the process of locating, evaluating, and identifying children with disabilities who may be in need
of special education and related services. Parents, relatives, public and private agency employees, childcare providers, physicians, and concerned citizens are encouraged to help school districts find any child, ages birth – 21,
who may have a disability and are in need of special education and related services. If you suspect a child may
have a disability, help is available. Please contact:
Department of Student Services, Dublin City Schools 7030 Coffman Road Dublin, OH 43017-1068
Phone: 614-764-5913 Fax: 614-761-5899 <>
• The Dublin City Schools Community Education Program is now accepting course registrations for fall 2011
classes. Contact Mary Ann Grimes <> with details.
• Dublin Community Night with the Columbus Crew (Benefiting Teacher Grants & Scholarships) $10 of every
ticket sold will directly benefit this district wide initiative. You save $9 per ticket. The top selling school in the
district will get a visit from Crew Players and Crew Cat, the Crew’s mascot. Eli Pinney was the top selling school
last year! Join the Eli Pinney community for a fun-filled night. Sunday, October 2nd at Columbus Crew Stadium.
Kickoff at 4:00 p.m. FAN appreciation night <>.
September - October
* You can also check out the Pinney calendar on the website for updated events and times.
Mon., Sept. 5 Thurs., Sept. 8
Mon., Sept 12
Mon., Sept. 12
Wed., Sept. 14
Wed., Sept. 14
Fri., Sept. 16 Fri., Sept. 23 Wed., Sept. 28
Fri., Sept. 30 NO SCHOOL - LABOR DAY
PTO General Meeting
Bus Safety (K-3)
Front of School
Bus Safety (K-3)
Front of School
School Picture Day (Lifetouch) Gym Market Day pick-up Commons
Constitution Day (wear Red, White, & Blue)
Community Pizza Night
Playground Bus Evacuation Drill PTO Fall Festival
Leed’s Farm Tues., Oct. 4 Tues., Oct. 4 Wed., Oct. 5 Tues., Oct. 11
Wed., Oct. 12 Wed., Oct. 12 Thurs., Oct. 13
Thurs., Oct. 13
Thurs., Oct 13
Mon., Oct. 17
Tues., Oct. 18
Thurs., Oct. 20
Fri., Oct. 28 Mon., Oct. 31
Mon. Oct. 31 Innisbrook Fundraiser Kick-off
3rd Gr. Reading OAA
Classrooms Interims go home
Student Council Meeting
Rm. 234
Dad’s & Doughnuts Commons
Market Day pick-up Commons
Dad’s & Doughnuts Commons
PTO General Meeting
District Speech & Language Dept.
Community Ed. Night
Thomas ES Picture Retakes
Stage Conference Night
Conference Night
NO SCHOOL - Conf. Comp. Time
Harvest Parties (AM Preschool/AM Kdg/1st & 2nd)
Harvest Parties (PM Preschool/PM Kdg/3rd-5th) 10:00-11:00am
All Day
All Day
Guest Teacher in the Music Room
During Mrs. Casto’s maternity leave, Guest Teacher Lori Bantz
will be in the music room. Mrs. Bantz has a Bachelor of Music
Degree and Kodaly Certification from Capital University. She
brings experience from many years of teaching in the Lakota
Local School District in West Chester, OH and also in the
Olentangy School District. Mrs. Bantz lives in Powell, OH
with her husband Kirk, son Nate and their two kitties. She
looks forward to singing songs, playing music games, and dancing some cool dances with the students at Eli Pinney. If you
need to contact Mrs. Bantz during this time, her email address
will be Feel free to stop by and
say “hello”.
Setting Your Kids Up
for Success
Parents Encouraging Responsible Choices
Wednesday, September 14 , 2011
10:00am-12:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm
Dublin Recreation Center
Babysitting available morning only
Appropriate for all ages!
Ann Anzalone
Topics will include:
Correlation between ability & achievement
Learning style patterns: left vs. right brain thinking
Brain speed, a key to learning success
For more information visit:
Eli Pinney Elementary Chess Club 1st Session
Looking for a fun, rewarding challenge for your child that will help improve their problems solving skills and allow them to interact with other children in a safe competitive
the exciting world of chess!
Chess Master Carl Boor will be leading the club at Eli Pinney. He is one of the top-rated
players in the Mid-West and has been a leader in chess instruction for more than 10 years.
Time & Dates: Thursdays 4:15 to 5:30pm
September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 6, 13, 20, 28 November 2, 9.
Location: Pinney Elementary Library
Cost: $110.00 Please make check payable to Carl Boor with Registration
Contact: 614-517-3808
Class time is divided between instruction and structured play sessions. All skill levels are
welcome to join.
Grade_____Level of experience___________________________________________________________
Parent_______________________________________ Phone________________________________
Celebrating 10 years of excellence at Eli Pinney Elementary School.
Come share Panther Spirit and have fun with YOUR Community.
Pinney families can enjoy up to 2 Dominos cheese pizzas courtesy of PTO.
• Community&Guests:&!!Jerome!High!School!Marching!Band!and!Cheerleading!Squad,!
• Free&Activities:!!!
• !Additional&Activities"($1)"**:""&IPhoto&Booth&&IDunk&Tank&(Three&Balls)&&IWater&&!Dilly&Bars&
• Turn!in!RSVP!into!office!by!Friday,&September&16th:!Questions…..!
o Pizza!Coordinator:!Dedie!Carlin……!
o Volunteer!Coordinator:!Missy!Burkett….!!
• Bring!Chairs!or!Blankets!and!NonTalcoholic!Beverages!