the PINNEY post Pinney Website 2013 October Newsletter 9989 Concord Road * Dublin, OH * 43017 * 614.798.3570 * Fax 614.718.8961 Please check out the Eli Pinney website for school calendar events and other important information. Scan the QR code above to access. Greetings Pinney families, I would like to thank all of our parents, students, and visitors who joined the celebration at Pinney Palooza on Friday, September 13th. The Jerome Marching Band and cheerleading squad highlighted the evening followed by lots of fun events for our families. With over 1000 people in attendance, it was our best event yet! Friday, October 11th, is our annual Fall Festival at Leed’s Farm. We hope to have another great community night with our families. Look for more information to come out this week. A few events to highlight in October include parent teacher conferences, fall book fair, Dads & Donuts, and our annual Harvest Parties on Thursday, October 31st. All 3rd grade students will take the Ohio Achievement Assessment in reading on Tuesday, October 8th. The assessment will take place in the morning from 9:15-12:00 p.m., so please refrain from making appointments during that time frame. Thank you to our PTO and families for your continued support! Go Panthers! Troy Ehrsam, Principal Office Communication • Students may not enter the building until 9:00 a.m. daily. • Be patient in the pick-up line at the end of the day. Cars need to remain in a single file line to pick up students. Also, please drop off your child at the sidewalk or side door in the morning. A Pinney staff member will monitor the side door beginning at 9:00 a.m. daily. We do not want children walking through cars and/or traffic. Student safety is our priority. • Give the buses the right of way during arrival and dismissal. No cars in the bus loop during the following times: 8:45-9:15 a.m. & 3:15-3:45 p.m. • Call the office or the automated attendance line (718-8960) if your child is going to be absent or late. Please send in a note if your child is signing out early for an appointment. • If your child is going to be absent from school, we would appreciate a phone call before 9:30 a.m. of that day. Ohio state law does require us to now have a written note upon a child’s return to school after an absence of any kind. An absence form can be found in the downloads section of our Pinney website (Absence Notification Form). We would appreciate your help by sending in this form or a note explaining the absence upon your child’s return to school. It is also important that you know that absences due to a family-planned vacation are no longer excused absences. • All phone number changes should take place at the building level. Please do not call the district office to change your contact information. Please call the Pinney office for questions (798-3570). • Send in a note if your child’s end of the day arrangements change. Without a note, we will follow typical end of day routine. • Both students need a note giving parent permission when bringing home a friend. New “Note to School” pads can be picked up in the office. • Write your child’s first and last name on the inside of lunch boxes, backpacks, jackets and other items so that we can return them if lost. All lost and found items will be donated to Welcome Warehouse at the end of each trimester. • The archived “Pinney Post” can be found in the “Newsletters” link on our website. • Check your child’s backpack frequently. School Day AM Preschool AM Kindergarten Grades 1-5 8:45-11:15 am 9:10-11:40 am 9:10-3:40 pm PM Preschool 12:45-3:15 pm PM Kindergarten 1:10-3:40 pm Latchkey (7:05 a.m. start & 6:00 p.m. end) Clinic Communication with Mrs. Slack & Mrs. Pagan The Dublin City School District has developed policies to help insure the health and safety of all our students. These policies have been developed in direct correlation with the recommendations of both Nationwide Children’s Hospital and the Centers for Disease Control. It is even more important that parents familiarize themselves with these policies and adhere to them as we move into the time of year when flu and other contagious illnesses become more prevalent. Please take time now to review the following information. If all of our parents follow these policies, we can reduce illness and absences for your child. • It is important to keep any child home exhibiting signs of illness. Signs of illness include fever of 100 degrees or higher, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, chills, irritability, or unusual skin rash. Other signs of illness are red and crusty eyes, as well as, other symptoms that are unusual for your child. If your child has been home ill, they must be symptom free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. If they have been placed on an antibiotic for a contagious illness, they must be on the antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school. • Please remember that parents are responsible for supplying the school with any medication (prescription and over-the-counter) that needs to be given during school hours. The appropriate forms(s) must be completed for clinic staff to be able to administer the medication. Prescription and non-prescription forms are available on the district web site at or from the clinic. The clinic staff is happy to help you determine which forms are needed for your child. • Please make sure to call the school if you change phone numbers. This information is vital as we often need to contact a parent(s) if there is an injury or illness. When listing someone as an emergency contact, please make sure it is a local person who would be able to pick up an ill child. • Remember that cough drops are considered a medication. They must be kept in the clinic and must be sent in with a non-prescription medication form that has been completed by a parent. Students are not permitted to carry cough drops with them during the school day. • When leaving a message on the attendance line, please provide any symptoms your child has such as student's temperature, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Please also include if your child has been seen by a doctor or travelled abroad. Please feel free to call the clinic and speak with the clinic aide or school nurse regarding any questions or concerns you have. Thank you for your help keeping all of our students healthy and safe this season. Clinic phone # - (614) 718-8955 Counselor Corner * Mrs. Cellar The 2013-2014 school year is off to a great start! This year in guidance, our monthly lessons will consist of an emotional health curriculum grounded in developmental theory as well as the principals of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy. (The Passport Program: A Journey through Emotional, Social, Cognitive and Self-Development by Ann Vernon.) Through the use of this curriculum, our students will learn positive mental health concepts and navigate through the situational and developmental challenges of growing up. In kindergarten, we will read a new picture book each month that will introduce children to the four areas of development (self, emotional, social and cognitive.) October will focus on self-development and how we are all different, with a read aloud of Todd Parr’s book, “It’s Okay to Be Different”. In first grade, students will participate in an activity called “I Can, They Can”. The objectives of this lesson are for students to learn that everyone has strengths and weaknesses and that everyone is worthwhile, regardless of their weaknesses. In second grade, students will participate in an activity called “Dial M for Me”. The objectives of this lesson are for students to develop awareness of abilities and attributes, and to learn to accept oneself with these abilities and attributes. In third grade, students will participate in an activity called “Who I am, How I Act”. The objective of this lesson is to learn that how one acts does not determine self-worth. In fourth grade, students will participate in an activity called “Just a Mistake”. The objectives of this lesson are to learn that making mistakes is natural and that making mistakes does not make one a bad person. In fifth grade, students will participate in an activity called “Wanted: A kid Like Me”. The objective of this lesson is for students to be able to identify their own positive attributes. Stress and Relaxation Small Group I will be running a small group that will focus on stress reduction and relaxation techniques. Students are invited to participate through teacher and/or parent referral. Our first of six sessions is October 4 and group concludes December 6. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 718-8953. P A N T H E R PICS Clinic Communication with Mrs. Slack & Mrs. Pagan Type to enter text SEPTEMBER 13,2013 MAECENAS PULVINAR SAGITTIS ENIM Pinney Palooza Pinney Palooza was held at Eli Pinney Elementary School on Friday, September 13, 2013 from 5:30-8pm. The event kicked off with the Dublin Jerome High School band and Cheerleaders performing. The kids could enjoy many activities Mauris at suspendisse, neque aliquam faucibus adi In vitae vel, wisi at. like the popular cake walk, face painting, Sandy Candy, LAX fastest shot, 3 Point Shooting Contest, hula hoop contest, photo booth, Special Event Fun Inflatables, Grizzell Cheer Clinic and Dance Party. The evening concluded with The Incredible Mr. Bob Show. The school hosts this fun family event to raise money for the General Fund of the PTO. Pinney PTO provides many programs to enrich the student’s lives attending Eli Pinney Elementary. In vitae vel, wisi at Id praesent bibendum libero faucibus porta egestas, quisque praesent ipsum lorem plac. MUSIC MUSINGS ELI PINNEY ELEMENTARY, MRS. SUE CASTO, INSTRUCTOR THANK YOU, PINNEY PTO! A HUGE THANK YOU TO THE ELI PINNEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTO. LAST SPRING, THE PTO APPROVED A GRANT TO PURCHASE SEVERAL NEW INSTRUMENTS FOR THE MUSIC CLASSROOM. THE INSTRUMENTS PURCHASED WERE TWO SOPRANO XYLOPHONES, TWO SOPRANO METTALOPHONES, ONE SOPRANO XYLOPHONE AND ONE TENOR METTALOPHONE, ALONG WITH SEVERAL PAIRS OF MALLETTS. WITH THIS PURCHASE, THERE ARE NOW ENOUGH INSTRUMENTS FOR EACH STUDENT TO HAVE HIS/HER OWN INSTRUMENT WHEN PLAYING ACTIVITIES TAKE PLACE. STUDENTS USE THE INSTRUMENTS TO PRACTICE RHYTHMIC AND MELODIC SKILLS AS WELL AS EXPLORING THEIR CREATIVE SIDE THROUGH IMPROVISATION AND COMPOSITION. THE STUDENTS HAVE HAD SUCH A FANTASTIC TIME SO FAR AND IT WILL BE SO EXCITING TO SEE HOW THEIR SKILLS PROGRESS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. 3rd Grade students Sophia Patch and Ethan Syam practice alternating hands with a crossover on the classroom Sonor instruments. Students Perform for Superintendent Congratulations to the Pinney 4th grade students pictured above! On Monday, September 16, Erin VanHuffel, Quinn McCrabb, Alyssa AbouChakra, Audrey Cook, Samantha Scott, Jack Like, Cade Erickson, Anna Solace, Cole Welch and Paige Wleklinski performed for DCS Superintendent, Dr. Hoadley and members of the Senior Council. Students shared several songs that they have prepared in class. The audience was very impressed and these students acted as wonderful ambassadors for our school! Literacy in Music-Each class, students will read a book that has a musical subject or is a song set in a picture book. Check Mrs. Casto’s teacher webpage for a listing of monthly selections. Landon Marimpietri looks for a new partner while his class plays Ickle Ockle. This song and game is used to introduce the half note concept to students. Plus, it’s a lot of fun! Library Lingo * Mrs. Riley Dear Parents, We are off to a great start in the library and our library program has many exciting opportunities available for your child this year: • Our program will be promoting the very best of children’s literature to your child with activities designed to help students enjoy books even more. • We will work to do our very best to get (or keep) your child hooked on reading by recommending specific reading materials to him or her. • Students will have many opportunities to share and recommend what they are reading to each other in a variety of ways. • We will add many new titles to our collection this year, including many quality titles that will help support the implementation of the Common Core standards. • Students at each grade level will learn skills in the areas of information literacy, media literacy, and digital literacy specifically suited to their developmental needs. • Communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity will also be a focus for instruction in the library. • We will be working with classroom teachers to help them find materials that support each grade level’s curriculum. • Our fifth grade students will be working to re-design our library space into a more modern, 21st century space • We also have special events planned including a book fair, author visit, and other celebrations of reading. Thanks so much for all of your support and we look forward to seeing you in the library soon! Mrs. Riley, Eli Pinney Library Media Specialist What’s Happening in Phys. Ed *Ms. Hathaway I believe physical education is the cornerstone of an active life. Physical education provides the skills, knowledge and attitudes that facilitate choosing physical activity that will help your child enjoy a lifetime of physical activity and good health. As your child's physical education teacher, my goals are to: *Establish a positive, safe learning environment for all students *Teach a variety of physical activities that make class fun and enjoyable *Create maximum opportunities for students of all abilities to be successful *Promote student honesty, integrity and good sportsmanship *Assist students in setting and achieving personal goals *Provide specific, constructive feedback to help students master motor skills *Create opportunities for students to succeed in cooperative and competitive situations *Prepare and encourage students to be active learners for a lifetime 1st and 2nd grade PE We have started the school year with a movement awareness unit. This unit provides students an opportunity to explore self space, locomotor movements, pathways, force and levels. Scrambled Eggs, Five Noses, Mr. Wolf, Movement Tic-Tac-Toe, Three Finger Tag and Squirrels, Trees and Foxes are activities which review these concepts. These games also provide an opportunity to discuss teamwork, fair play, safety, having fun, and the importance of following directions. Within the next few weeks, the students will also have the opportunity to use the parachute, shoot hoops, play Gotcha, experiment with foxtails, and play a speedy game of Pet Catcher! Ask your child to tell you about these games! 3rd, 4th and 5th grade PE We began the school year with emphasis on teamwork and cooperation. Cooperative initiatives enabled students to display those talents as well as leadership, respect, and problem solving skills. The students were introduced to a new game called Ant Tag. They displayed curiosity and creativity while exploring and solving movement puzzles. We have begun our first sport unit, football. The football unit involves an eight week investigation of the many different ingredients of the game. We, of course, practice most of the fundamental skills of football. Offensive and defensive strategies are also introduced and applied to game situations. Along with skill practice, the students will also learn rules of the game. To combine their new knowledge and skills, the unit will end with an opportunity to participate in a tournament. The tournament also showcases the students’ leadership skills and sportsmanships. Clinic Communication with Mrs. Slack & Mrs. Pagan MOPA News from the Pinney Art Room.... museum of pinney art Welcome back for another fantastic year in art! collaboration. These skills are essential to both academic and career success in the 21st century and beyond. This art This year holds many new experiences for your children in art. program focuses on the creative thinking process. We will be exploring art from many perspectives, with many tools, many materials and learning many new processes as The Eli Pinney art room represents what 21st century learning well. If you are new to Eli Pinney, here is a brief summary of is all about. The art room is rooted in the project-based the visual art program. learning philosophy. It centers around a theme or issue that transcends all academic disciplines to get at the The Art Program The Eli Pinney Art Department promotes critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, systems thinking and synthesis through visual art processes and production of visual artifacts. Each grade level focuses on a different big idea that will provide the lens through which each unit is viewed. The grade level focus represents an alignment with the State of Ohio’s Visual Arts Standards, Common Core, and social and behavioral sciences of whole child development. Each big idea builds on the previous one and by the end of the fifth grade year, each student will be able to, through systems thinking, understand the practical application of art education to the everyday world. metacognitive core of thinking and learning. At a time when the top ten jobs of 2010 did not exist in 2004, education must be focused on the critical thinking process and not just isolated facts for a test. Education today should be focused on the big picture. Teaching students in traditional compartmentalized blocks of time and subjects hinders their ability to transfer knowledge, make connections, and see how their learning applies to the world outside of the traditional school setting. The project-based learning approach in the art room allows for students to see problems from multiple perspectives and provides time to explore the problems in-depth. Student connectivity allows them to access facts at the touch of a screen. As art educators, it is our responsibility to help students think critically about the The Eli Pinney Art Program empowers the students to find visual information they can access, visually communicate their own voice by choosing materials and processes to meet clearly and in multiple ways, pose questions and create their learning goals. The art room encourages divergent solutions. This enables students to become active thinking through the freedom of choice and open ended participants in the learning process. problems. Beginning with a central theme, each student is then able to find the most appropriate path that will lead to a creative solution to the art making problem. The Eli Pinney Art Program fosters an enduring understanding of the creative process. Student choice and vision, critical and creative thinking, and authentic application and The purpose of the Eli Pinney Art Program is to provide an collaboration form the goals that every student will meet environment and facilitate an understanding of the creative before completing their fifth grade year at Eli Pinney process, visual communication, critical thinking, and Elementary School. Clinic Communication with Mrs. Slack & Mrs. Pagan understanding of complex ideas. Each focus provides an overarching umbrella that covers all projects throughout the year. Having a large focus over a period of a year allows the students to dig deeper into the creative process and enables them to make personal connections to material being taught. By the end of the five year program, each student will have a better sense of themselves, others, and how they and others will use visual art as a means of expressive visual communication. Relationships The students in first grade focus on relationships and connections in art throughout the year. Relationships and connections are important at this stage of development. These students are becoming more self-aware and learning about interacting with others. This focus also enables the students to see the relationship between materials and concepts as well. Each lesson is related in some way to the idea of relationships. This focus also prepares the students for more abstract thinking and identification of patterns and connections later. Community The students in second grade transition from a focus on relationships to applying this knowledge to create a community in which everyone is working together. Throughout the year, students will be viewing, discussing, and creating works of art that deal with community. Second grade students welcome responsibility and can grasp the idea of working as a group to accomplish a task. This year-long focus allows the students the opportunity to further understand the relationship between an artist and his/her community. Communication The students in third grade will transition from a community focus to communication. At this point, the students have a solid understanding of who they are, how they relate to others, and how they can work as a team to accomplish a goal. This stage now focuses on how to visually communicate clearly and effectively. The previous two years promoted self-awareness, empathy and compassion. In order to communicate effectively, a child must have a solid understanding of the target audience. This focus allows the students to use all that they have learned about themselves and others and begin to focus on how best to communicate an idea and/or concept. Identity The students in fourth grade become increasingly aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They tend to compare their work to others at this stage more than ever. Fourth grade students become more self-conscious as well. Taking this into account, this focus empowers the students to be more introspective and confident in the creative process. This focus helps the students understand how identity is reflected in the artistic process. By looking at artifacts from our visual culture, this focus also helps the students to understand how these artifacts affect the identity formation process. The purpose of this focus is for the students to reflect on who they are and how to create visual artifacts that reflect their attitudes, beliefs and/or traditions. Leadership The fifth grade students focus on leadership for the final stage of the Eli Pinney art program. This focus utilizes all prior knowledge to become leaders. As fifth grade students, these individuals are seen as the leaders of the school. This focus features the work of artists and designers that are viewed as leaders in their field. The students in fifth grade take on a leadership role and develop a sense of what it takes to be a leader. The students operate at a high level of independence at this stage as well. They are thinking critically, exhibiting high levels of creativity, acting collaboratively, and communicating effectively throughout all five years in the Eli Pinney Art Program. Please feel free to email me with any questions. If you would like to donate any small materials, cardboard, plastic or other interesting and unique items to the art room for the students to reuse in their artwork, please email me. The students tend to go through the recyclable materials at a fast pace, so any items to replenish would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your support. Sincerely, Jason Blair <> Clinic Communication with Mrs. Slack & Mrs. Pagan The LEAP Lounge * Mrs. Neader 4th Grade Reading LEAP: Students are exploring the book “Blood on the River.” This historical fiction novel takes place in the year 1607. The book follows the journey of a young Samuel Collier in the new world. As a class we will be using the novel as a springboard into non-fiction. We will be practicing previewing, predicting, and providing evidence from the text to support our analysis. Later, students will be writing fictional persuasive letters to their family members still in England, warning them not to join them in James Town. 4th Grade Math LEAP: What is the perimeter and area of the big toy at Pinney Elementary? Just ask the students in 4th Grade Math LEAP. Students are studying area and perimeter of squares, rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms. As part of our study students used the City of Dublin’s interactive site, Dubscovery, to view familiar landmarks and find their area and perimeter. The class will also be having a speaker come to share with us how Dublin City plans, designs, and creates parks. Students will then be challenged to design their own parks. This will provide them with real life application and exploration of both perimeter and area. In class we are also practicing algebraic concepts and building our number sense. 5th Grade Humanities LEAP: Students are reading the book “Counting on Grace.” This historical fiction novel takes place during the early 1900’s. As a class we will make connections to non-fiction by exploring the pictures and story of Lewis Hine, a famous photographer and reformer of child labor in America. Throughout our study students will practice making predications, inferences, and providing evidence from the text to support their findings. Mrs. Bollie’s Pumpkin Patch IMPORTANT DATES * October - November * ELI PINNEY ELEMENTARY * You can also check out the Pinney calendar on the website for updated events and times. Mon., Oct. 7-Fri., Oct. 11 Book Fair Library Tues., Oct. 8 3rd Gr. OAA (Reading) Classrooms Fri., Oct. 11 Fall Festival Leed’s Farm Mon., Oct. 14-Wed., Oct. 16 Book Fair Library Tues., Oct. 15 2-Hour Late Start Professional Development for Teachers SCHOOL DAY IS 11:00-3:40 PM Tues., Oct. 15 Mrs. Foglietti Conference Night Rm. 214 Wed., Oct. 16 Dads & Donuts (A-K) Commons Wed., Oct. 16 Market Day Pick-up Commons Wed., Oct. 17 Dads & Donuts (L-Z) Commons Tues., Oct. 22 Conference Night Classroooms Thurs., Oct. 24 School Picture Retakes Stage Thurs., Oct. 24 Conference Night Classrooms Fri., Oct. 25 NO SCHOOL - Conference Comp Time Thurs., Oct. 31 Harvest Party (AM-PS/AM-K/1st & 2nd) Classrooms Thurs., Oct. 31 Harvest Party (PM-PS/PM-K/3rd, 4th, 5th) Classrooms Tues., Nov. 5 Election Day Wed., Nov. 6 Healthy Community/Healthy Youth Family Night Wed., Nov. 6 PTO Family Reading Night Tues., Nov. 12 NO SCHOOL - WAIVER DAY Wed., Nov. 13 Market Day Pick-up Fri., Nov. 15 End of first trimester Mon., Nov. 18-Fri., Nov. 22 Spirit Week Thurs., Nov. 21 PTO General Meeting Thurs., Nov. 21 Celebration of the Arts Wed., Nov. 27-Fri., Nov. 29 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break All Day 9:30-12:00pm 6:00-8:30pm All Day 4:00-7:45pm 8:00-9:00am 5:00-7:00pm 8:00-9:00am 4:00-7:45pm All Day 4:00-7:45pm 10:00-10:45am 2:00-2:45pm Gym All Day Commons 7:00-8:00pm Commons 5:00-7:00pm Commons Commons 2:00-3:15pm 6:00-8:00pm Mark Your Calendars: Pinney Family Reading Night on Wednesday, November 6th from 7pm to 8pm We are excited to announce the details of the upcoming Pinney Family Reading Night on November 6th. The event will take place in the Pinney Commons. All families are welcome to attend. Please bring a blanket and a book that you can read with your family to read together. There will be a guest reader from the Ohio Wildlife Center who will be reading a book and bringing two “special” guests with her. More details about donations of needed items for the Wildlife Center as well as a drawing contest for our Pinney readers will follow in late October. This will be a great opportunity to promote the joy of reading with your family and school community. Other News & Notes The Dublin City Schools Alumni Association is once again sponsoring an exciting community event and we need your help! On Oct. 12 we will host the Dublin 5K honoring Dublin City Schools graduate and fallen hero, Captain Nick Rozanski. The event is being held to bring Dublin alumni and the Dublin community together. Funds generated benefit the Dublin Education Foundation (DEF), providing grants for Dublin City Schools programs and projects that positively impact student learning. The 5K will also benefit the Nick Rozanski Memorial Foundation which benefits students and families within the local Dublin community through scholarships and other charitable foundations. Location: Glacier Ridge Metro Park Times: Kids fun run - 8:45am 5k walk/run - 9:00am Prizes are awarded to the top runner along with the top runner in various age groups and the kids fun run. Dublin City School employees receive a discount when registering for the event. Your promo code is: dublineducator. The first 300 runners receive a shirt and cinch sack. If you have any questions please contact the Directors of the DCS Alumni Association Stacey Holderman and Kay Leigh Michallow (Both DCS teachers). Visit to register yourself and your friends for this event. Pinney Gives Back The “Pinney Gives Back” Monthly Food Drive is a great way to give back to our community! Drop off your donation in the special shopping cart in the cafeteria anytime during the first two (2) weeks of each month. Everything will be donated to the Dublin Food Pantry. We will keep track of donations and let everyone know each month’s total. Questions? September boxed potatoes (THANK YOU!) October baby food & boxed potatoes November toilet paper December canned fruits January boxed mac n’ cheese February canned tuna or chicken March peanut butter or jelly April white or brown rice May canned stew or ravioli Thank you for your donations! Jackets for Jackets Dublin Girl Scouts will begin a sixth year of collecting gently used and new coats for “Jackets for Jackets”, one of The Salvation Army’s longest standing programs. This program benefits the needy of Central Ohio and is supported by The Columbus Blue Jackets. The collection will run between September 30th and October 24th. There will be a collection box in the commons for donated coats. Thanks in advance for your contribution! Contact Virginia ZimovanEli Pinney collection coordinator with any questions at 614-356-1699. Dublin Jerome Drama Camp Saturday, November 9th from 9-5 pm Imagine…It’s a cool, autumn day and your kids need out of the house! Let your student have fun for the day and you can have some peace and quiet! WHO? Kids in grades K-6th who want to have fun and perform in a BIG show! WHAT? The Dublin Jerome Drama Club is hosting a Drama Camp where kids ages K-6th grade can come and learn a song, a dance, create costumes and be a part of the high school production of HONK! HONK! is a musical adaptation of the Hans Christian Anderson‘s story of The Ugly Duckling. Campers will be performing alongside the Theatre 3 Acting Ensemble. All campers will be Rehearsals Shows playing ducklings, geese and froglets. All Tue, Nov. 11th 6-8 Nov. 21st @ 7:00 pm th campers are then invited to attend rehearsals and Thr, Nov. 14 6-8 Nov. 22nd @ 7:00 pm th the final dress rehearsal the week of the show and Mon, Nov. 18th 6-9 Nov. 23rdrd @ 2:00 pm Wed, Nov. 20 6-9 Nov. 23 @ 7:00 pm to perform in all 4 shows, but it is not In-school matinee Nov. 26th @ 10:00 am mandatory. We also will be performing an in-school matinee for elementary school kids on Nov. 26th (day before Thanksgiving Break) and your child is welcome to I could be a goose?! participate in that as well! More specific details will be sent with COOL!!!! your confirmation. Need more info? Contact Patty Scott. WHERE & WHEN? Saturday, Nov. 9th at Dublin Jerome HS Center for the Performing Arts, 8300 Hyland Croy Rd, Dublin, 43016 COST? $65 for the first child and $60 for each additional child from the same family. If you would like to register your child(ren), please fill in the attached registration and send it with payment to: Patty Scott, Dublin Jerome HS, 8300 Hyland Croy Rd, Dublin, OH 43016. Registration deadline is Friday, October 4th. You will receive confirmation by e-mail once we process your registration. Please note: Jerome faculty reserves the right to send a camper home without a refund for inappropriate behavior. REGISTER EARLY – SPACE IS LIMITED! If you have any questions, please contact Patty Scott at 718-8263 or Being a froglet is ribbitting!