! Setting up Student ProgressBook Accounts!

Setting up Student ProgressBook Accounts!
1. Go to https://dashboard.dublinschools.net !
Click on the Student Dashboard icon !
or the Students tab!
2. Log in using your directory information:!
Username: gradyearlastname_firstname!
Password: (computer login password)!
3. Click on “My Account”!
! Tip!
! • While in the My Account area, check the
spelling of your “official” first and last
! ! name. !
You will need to enter this information !
later in the account set up process.
4. If you don’t already have an account, you will see the Student
Registration Key at the bottom. !
• Write this down or highlight and copy it by going to “Edit” and
down to “Copy” or by using Command + C.
5. Click on the link to enter the Registration Site.!
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6. Fill out your information.!
• Make sure to use your official first and
last name. It needs to match the one in
the “My Account” area of the Student
Watch the date format when filling in the
Date of Birth.
Email is optional.!
Leave blank if you have any !
problems creating your account.!
Email must be unique to you.!
You can use your student google email.
Example: 22smith_jonathan@dublinstudents.net
7. Type/paste in the Registration Key.!
8. Create a User Name.!
between 6-50 characters!
letters and numbers only!
no spaces or special characters
9. Create a Password.!
between 8-50 characters!
must have at least one letter and number!
no spaces or special characters
10. Click Register.!
11. Registration was successful
12. Log in to your new account.
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