January 9, 1976 mathodist college fayottevil/e, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-- Walter David Han of Mrs . Jessie H. Boyette, T-oi dsboro / son has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total a c a d e m i c load of 15 or more hours. Ham , abu.si^opp adrni^if tatior> major at Collee Methodist, is a 197) graduate of Methodist A Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences I ocated on a 600 acre ramp us o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , is a at Methodist, ### J a n u a r y 9, methodist collage fayattovHIe. n. c. 28301 1976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 NEWS R E S I D E N T MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- son Gary VJ. Hall of Mr. and Krs . Walter Hall, Peace Tlav^r Rd. , Winder- nas been Salem named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's L i s t at M e t h o d i s t Col lege. The Dean's L i s t consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. ,-•. Hall Methodist, is a f a physical ^ducatio^ I 9 ^ > graduate of major at I'Msl^yar Icadpiiy K^r^o-prM/ill*? /\n i oi»- Method ist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Kail s a frRRhman at Method i s t n January 9, methodist cottage fayetteville, n. c. 28301 I976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEVVS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE F A Y E T T E V I L L E - - Arthur T{. v.r. and ~'rs. Julius Gp.-nshpimpr, Probapco son b een named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's List at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. ;.. Genshp.impr 'a busies? major at Methodist, i s a I9 ; 1 graduate °fLawrericebur^ H i g h School in Senior Lawr en c eburg , FT . Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , s a senior ### at Methodist. January 9, I976 mothodist cottage From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 fayetteville, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-°f John A. Gfideor, , son Mr. a^d Mrs. Gporp;e G<=>deC?r, , Robin Hood Rd . nas been named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's L i s t at Methodist Col lege, The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e -4.00 d u r i n g the p r e c e d i n g semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. $ Gideon , a social work Methodist, is a 1 9^0 graduate of H i g h School in major at Ca^evin Set. i or Pitt "burp;, PA. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear Va I l e y , Gedeon i s a jurior at Methodist,, January 9, 1976 methodist cottage fayettevil/e, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N. iWS R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Mip? Kathy A. Fpaly / && daughter °f Mrs. Mary Jane Hod rues, Rt. 1, Broadway, has been named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's List at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the p r e c e d i n g semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. • •; Miss Fpaly , an art major at Methodist, is a I972 graduate of J.F. Wpbb H i g h School in Oxford, Ser. i or TTC. Method ist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Miss Fealy is a ST-ior ### at Methodist, January 9, 1976 methodist coffege From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Michael <?. Ellis of , son ( ^ ^ ^ Mr. and yrs. Clyde Ellis, Gill ing Rd., Richmond has been named to the Fa I I Semester Dean's L i s t at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's L i s t consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or- more hours. •; Ellis r a r<=l icriryn Methodist, is a 19 ^ graduate of H i g h School i n major at ™«adrn-rbrook Sei. i or Richmond, VA. Method ist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a I l e y , Ellis js a freshman a t Methodist, ### J a n u a r y 9, methodist cottage 1976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU fayettev«,e, n. c. 28301 (919) 488 7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-- Miss Cyrthia Lou Edwards > ?C9CX daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Edwards, Rt. ">, Bladenboro named to the nas been Fa I I Semester Dean's L i s t at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e during the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Miss Edward" Methodist, H i g h School , a -nathpma tics major at is a I9 vn: graduate of C] arkton in Clarkton, Set.for TTG. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a I ley, is a Miss Edwards at M e t h o d i s t D fr^ ### January 9, 1976 methodist cottage t -n <MVW>.. fayettav,Ha, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE R E S I D E N T MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T A T M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLEof ^ Shftryl .Adrlen , ^daughter Dermls Mrs. Jean Adrie^ of South Yarmouth, Vs named to the Fa I I Semester D e a n ' s L i s t at The D e a n ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s of of d u r i n g the 15 or Methodist, HS^rh S a h e e I out p r e c e d i n g s e m e s t e r on a t o t a l Der>r.i«? is a / political s c i ^ c e a 19 -70 graduate of of a possible academic load is a r t s and s c i e n c e s Cape Fear Mrs. Plnk^toT1 major at Academy in Methodist C o l l e g e the Methodist Col lege. more hours. Mrs. liberal been those students w h o a c h i e v e a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade p o i n t a v e r a g e or better 4.00 has a four year coeducational l o c a t e d on a 600 a c r e campus Valley. D*"r.iR is a c o l l e g e of sophomor* at M e t h o d i s t . overlooking J a n u a r y 9, 1976 methodist cottage fayettevil/e, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-0fXr. viss Ruth Ann Davis , »EH daughter and Firs. Georp-p Davis of Conway has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's L i s t at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of"; 15 or more hours. t Miss Davis f ^ English major at .- Methodist, H i g h School is a in Methodist 197^ graduate of Conway Set. i or Conway, PC. C o l l e g e is a four year c o e d u c a t i o n a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Mi"s Davis is a at soobomore Method i st J a n u a r y 9, 1976 mathadist cottage f ++ 'II ->tnni r°m Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488 7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RESIDENT MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T AT METHODIST F A Y E T T E V I LLEof Miss Lynn K. Bumann COLLEGE , 5csffit d a u g h t e r Mr. and Mrs. Rao-o^e L. B u m a n n , f o r m e r l y of Aur^llahas been n a m e d t o t h e F a l l Semester D e a n ' s L i s t a t M e t h o d i s t C o l l e g e . The D e a n ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s of those students who a c h i e v e a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade p o i n t average or better 4.00 of. 15 d u r i n g the or ;\s Bumann p r e c e d i n g s e m e s t e r on a t o t a l more h o u r s . Methodist, sociology a of a possible academic load major at is a I 9 7 ' graduate of H i g h School in out Mu-ich Senior Munich, Germany. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , is a MIPS Bumann at Methodist a sophomore January 9, 1976 / « xi= From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU methodist cottage fayettevilte, n. c. 28301 (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N EWS RESIDENT MAKES D E A N ' S LIST A T M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE FAYETTEVI LLE-°f Rep-l^ald H. Sraxton Mr. a^d »\rp. Pe.rrinald named to '''•raxt™-!, at M e t h o d i s t C o l l e g e . those students w h o a c h i e v e a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade p o i n t a v e r a g e or better 4.00 of 15 d u r i n g the or preceding daoiotofer son Sardstonp r,r. . Fay. nas been the F a l l S e m e s t e r D e a n ' s List The D e a n ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s o f , out s e m e s t e r on a t o t a l of a possible academic load more hours. *'» Braxtor* , a bu°i^^pp Methodist, is a 19 v.'3 graduate of H i g h School in major at Del City Set. i or Del City, OK. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Braxton is a sophomore at Methodist. J a n u a r y 9, method/st cotlege fayettevi/te, n. c. 28301 1976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T MAKES DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-- Ro.rrer K. Braun of Mrs. , son Dorothy Braur , Fuller Ave , Euclid named to the Fa I I Semester has been Dean's List at Methodist Col lege. The Dean's List consists of those students who a c h i e v e a 3.00 4.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of a p o s s i b l e d u r i n g the preceding semester on a total academic load of 15 or more hours. Braun r^lip-ion r a Methodist, is a I 9 "^ graduate of H i g h School i n major at I^uclid Ser. i or Euclid, OH. Methodist Col lege is a four year coeducational col lege of I i bera I arts and sciences located on a 600 acre camp us o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l ley. B:rauri is a sophomoreat Methodist, ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488 7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS DEAN'S LIST A"! FAYETTEVILLE- Frank Guy Brainy n of Mr. and Mrs. Pra^k ,3ralpy, Rt. ?, Garner has named to the o I I e ge n Fa I I Sf-n; ! been ic.hi'e The Dean ' s I ' .•» ' a 3^00 (B) grade pi, he* i 1 t~i I e 4bOO d u r i n g the prei of 15 or more hour? ji Bral py -n ol i 1 1 c al " c ' «- c P at or Methodist, i s a 19^ H i g h School i n Gar'-T, "C. Method i st ; ! • 'i . i nq I i h e r a- 1 arts ^ n d > the Cape Ff Bralev of Me; junior January methodist college 9, ' li From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU fayettev.lle, n. c. 28301 (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RES! Pi AT Mf FAYETTEVILLE-- BEAN'S LIST COLLEGE MIR.., Becki H. Boatwrijrht xaox d a u g h t e r of Mr. a^d Mrs. Jam^p 0. Boatwri^ht, f i t . 1, Patrick named to the Fa I I S e m e s t e r D e a n ' s L i s t or The D e a n ' s L i s t c o r i « i s t . s of a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n : 4 = 00 d u r i n g the of 15 or ,- or ? Col I e g e 0 those ^ better h a s been achieve ,- p r e c e d i n g . s e m e s t e r on a tot, , possible • rn i c load more hours c ;•. ;i •v." Boatwright , ap art Methodist, is a 19?? graduate of H i g h School in major at Cheraw or Gheraw, CC. Methodist C o l l e g e is ** year ' C o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and s c i t n c f iS the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Ms. Boatvrirrht ^«^ior Method* overlooking January 9, methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 r s '976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RESIDENT MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T A I MErilOIHSI COLLEGE FAYETTEVI ILE>- Helen Bar-Vl" 1 Barri^rrto^ , samx daughter o f F r s . Leona W. Fields of St. Pauls hds been named t o t h e F a l l S c m e s H f r D e n n ' s l i s t «\i l > . d i st C o l l e g e , T h e D e a n ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s o f t h o s e stu a 3 . 0 0 (B) grade p o i n t 4.00 during the of h ,iv<fri^n or b f i t r - r on' who a c h i e v e o( .> possible p r e c e H i n n w^tru-Nf ei- on n t o t , , - ! mic load \ or more hours, •t Ks Barrington Methodist, H i g h School , an English i s a 19 A 6 ciradur.tU* of St. in St. I I M J O I * at Pauls -;.ior P a u l s , * T C. Methodist C o l l i ^ i e i s d Four' ye.n- coedur.M l i b e r a l arts and s e i c n c f ' S ona I c o l l e g e of located on .1 (>^0 <n the Cape Fear V a l l e y . vs Barrier-ton ,,t RODhomore <»t M e t h o d i s t "inpus* overlooking January 9, 1976 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS R E S I D E N T M A K E S DEAN'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Mrs. Martha Turner Ballard ' xacc daughter of Yr. a^d Mr-P. J.P. Turner, Jr.,K^ipp °t.,Houston has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's L i s t at M e t h o d i s t C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those s t u d - n r ^ who a c h i e v e a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of ti p o s s i b l e 4iOO d u r i n g the preceding semester on a tot,il of 15 or more hours. t\. Ballard ,a busir-pss nuijor at Methodist, is a I9"70 graduate, of Memorial H i g h School i n .lademic load ' or Houston. Methodist Col I ege i s a four year coeducat otu. ! c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on d 600 acre cumpus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Mrs. Ballarc}s a ^ODhomore at Methodist.,, January 9, 1976 methodist collage ojM/ii From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RES I DEN] MAKES D E A N ' S L I S T A T M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE FAYETTEV I LLE-- r^rs. Beverly Over ton Atwood of Ti1rs . Lucy Overton of Garland , *$Qc daughter has been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's List at Methodist College. The Dean's List consists of those stu.Jrnts vvho achieve a 3.00 (B) grade p o i n t average or better out of rt p o s s i b l e 4.00 d u r i n g the preceding semester on a t o t a l of 15 or more hours. t\ a "lathp^atj-cr major- at Mrs. Atwood Methodist, is a I V7?- graduate of Terrv Sarford H i g h School m i c load i i or in Fayettrviia e . Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year c o e d u c a t i o n a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Mrs. Atwood 197f3 graduate of i s a AA /v '•«9 Methodi st January 9, I9?6 msthodist college From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 f FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES D E A N ' S LIST A T M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Viss Paula L. Adams / 3Wi daughter ofvr. and Mrs. Lehman Adams, Mir-turr nas been named to the F a l l Semester Dean's L i s t at Methodist C o l l e g e . The Dean's List consists of those students who achieve a 3.00 • (B)d u grade p o i n t average orA c a better out of a p o s s i b l e V i n g the p r e c e d i n g semester on a t o t a l d e m i c load \0 of 15 or more hours. Mis" Adams , a ^ocio"1 on-y Methodist, is a I9vli graduate of major at Dillon Ser.ior H i g h School i n Dillor, QG. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y , Miss Adams at Methodist., s a sophomore ### college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS ; RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of yiicoPky, Jr. 3ernard R > Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wilcoskv of Union town / son ^*sfc*we has b e e n named to the F a l l Semester President's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The President's List consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade poir.t average of 4.00 ( a l l A's) w h i l e carrying • ajL-flcademi c load of Wilcosky is 'a 15 or more semester hours, ' a I9fc£ graduate o f s > n economics Urion Township major at Methodist, Senior H i g h School ' n Un ion town , PA. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a I ley. 's a senior ### Qt Methodist. methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 January 9*. I976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N31WS R E S I D E N T MAKES P R E S I D E N T ' S L I S T AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-Of > T !SP ^von-R B. Walk or ;S«MX daughter Mr. and. Mrs. 0. W. Walkpr, Rt. ? , Hillpboroufth has been named t o t h e F a l l Semester P r e s i d e n t ' s L i s t a t Methodist C o l l e g e . The P r e s i d e n t ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s of those students who a c h i e v e the maximum grade point average of 4.00 (a I I A ' s ) whi le c a r r y i n g an a c a d e m i c l o a d of 15 or more semester hours, r, elp-nprtary education $ is a in Miss Walker \$^ graduate of Orange m a jor at Methodist, S e n i o r H i g h School Hillsborough, WC. Methodist Col-lege is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a I ley. Miss Walker is a junior at Method!st. methodist co/lege J §_n u a r v 9, J 9 7 6 From Alan Sfowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU ytnm fayettevt/le, n. c. 28301 (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE S RESIDENT MAKES P R E S I D E N T ' S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of KlE(t , sherry S. Thomson 'X5DO Mr. and Mrs. Dourrla? Tho^p^o^ . ^ t . 1, C T a r k t o ^ h a s daughter been named to the F a l l Semester P r e s i d e n t ' s L i s t at Methodist C o l l e g e . The P r e s i d e n t ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s of those students who a c h i e v e the m a x i m u m grade p o i r . t a v e r a g e of 4 . 0 0 (a I I A ' s ) wh i le c a r r y i n g an a c a d e m i c S l o a d of 15 or more semester hours. Kiss Thompson, a is a 19 72 graduate of in mathematics Blade^boro major at Methodist, Senior High School Bladenboro, WC. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year c o e d u c a t i o n a l c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and s c i e n c e s located on a 600 acre campus the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Miss Thompson is a senior at Methodist, overlooking January 9 , J 9 7 6 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of , *W daughter M l g g Lee Anno Potpat Mr. and Mr P. Ear-mine Potpat, of Fayptt*ville has b e e n named to the F a l l Semester President's List at Methodist College. The President's List consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade poir.t average of 4.00 ( a l l A's) w h i l e carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester Miss Poteat hours. / ar art major at M e t h o d i s t , ;i is a l^? graduate of p.p. S^nith Senior H i g h School in FayettevIlle,^TC Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y . is a fr^fhman ### a* Method! st0 methodist college fayettevflle, n. c. 28301 ry January 9 [976 hrom Alan' Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N: iWS RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-°f Joseph L. Parker / son Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Parker, ^. ^th ?t. has been named to the Fa I I Semester President's List at Methodist Col lege. The President's L i s t consists of those students who achieve the maximum grade poir.t average of 4.00 ( a l l A's) w h i l e carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours, £ Parker , an English is a 19^9 graduate of St. Cecilia in major at Methodist, Senior H i g h School Hastings, NB Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Parker s of graduate** Methodist, ### methodist cottage ... _-_a fayettevtl/e, n. c. 28301 January 9, J976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of Krg> Mary ^Klller ,**** d a u g h t e r Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Po^t of Lake Ave . has b e e n named to the Fa I I Semester President's List at Methodist Col lege. The President's List consists of those students who achieve the maximum grade p o i n t average of 4.00 (a I I A's) wh i le carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours, Mrs. Miller, • B \.I ••••MM music is a 1 9 71 g r a d u a t e of gay County in major at M e t h o d i s t , S e n i o r H i g h School Panama City, PL. Method ist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Va I ley. Mrs. Millar 's a Foohomore ### a^ Methodist, methodist college January 9 te 19 7 6 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 •>mn I FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- , 5&XKK daughter M r R < Gail y> Mil]er °f Mr. and Mr P. Howard yauctha^ , Chase City named to the F a l l Semester President's has been List at Methodist College. The President's List consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade p o i n t average of 4.00 (a I I A's) wh i le carrying an academic load of \5 or more semester hours. £ Mrs. Miller , a n pccriomics is a 1 9 72 graduate of in Bluestone major at Methodist, Senior H i g h School Skipwith, VA. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear Va I ley. Mrs. Miller of i s a^ p-raduate«*- Methodist. ### January 9,0 1976 From Alan Stowers methodist co/lege fayetteville, n. c. 28301 iI METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE daughter FAYETTEVILLE-- M i s 9 of , &3& cim*jbt e r Jo Mr. a^d Mrs. Rufus Jon^s, --ral 1 St., Ellprbe has been named to the Fa I I Semester President's List at Methodist Col lege. The President's List consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade p o i n t average of 4-00 ( a l l A's) w h i l e carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours. fiis* Jones 'a n English is a I9y£ graduate of Richmond Academy in major at Methodist, ^un Lni II i jh i u h i . l Rockinp-ham, TTC . Methodist Col lege is a four year coeducational col lege of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Va I ley. Miss Jon PS is a freshman at Methodist, methodist co/lege January Q, J976 From Alan Stowers fayetteville, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE If TO NEVvS RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- M r5?< ICathryr B. .I-r^io-an °f vr. and Mr?. William .Ter^irra^, Folt q t. /*^XK daughter has been named to the F a l l Semester President's List at Methodist College. The President's List consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade poir.t average of 4.00 (a I I A's) wh i le carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours. /iMrs. Jernigan / a n elementary education is a I 9 72 graduate of Smithf i«ld Selma in major at Methodist, Senior H i g h School Smithfield, ^C . Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l ley. Mrs. Jor^itran is a freshman at Methodist,, January 9, J976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS ' RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of Rlchard L. Mr. and Mrs. Grov«r Hinder, Rogers St. has been named to the F a l l Semester President's L i s t at Methodist C o l l e g e . The President's List consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade p o i n t average of 4.00 (al I A's) wh i le carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours, /< Hinson ,a is a 1 9 6li graduate of history major at Methodist, Albemarle Senior H i g h School i n Alhpmarle, >TC . Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear Va I ley. of Hinson i s a T^ raduated Methodist. methodist college fayettevitle, n. c. 28301 N i Vvs January 9 C 1976 Prom Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Miss Brenda 0. Hester of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Heater, Bladenboro /s^onc daughter has been named to the F a l l Semester President's List at Methodist C o l l e g e . The President's List consists of those students who achieve the max i mum grade point average of 4.00 ( a l l A's) w h i l e carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours. Miss Hester , a French is a 1972 graduate of Bladf^boro major at Methodist, Senior H i g h School in Bladoriboro, TTC Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Miss Hester js a senior at Methodist, January 9 te J976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488 7110 ext. 228 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NI *:ws RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of M r g < Sue p > Mr. and Mrs. Poornan, r^ffitt psaanc daughter Bridge St., Grrd Rapids has been named to the F a l l Semester President's List at Methodist College. The President's List consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade p o i n t average of 4.00 ( a l l A's) w h i l e carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours. £ Mrs. Duffitt ' a r^ Fr^lish is a 19^9 graduate of in major at Methodist, IJpio^ Senior H i g h School Grand Rapids, MI. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Mrs. Duffitt "s a junior ### at Methodist, January 9. 1976 From Alan Stowers methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- Claudia r>. T^arrpl<?on ,3fgR daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grime? Harrel?on, Cherryville nas been named to the Fa I I Semester President's List at Methodist Col lege. The President's List consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade p o i n t average of 4.00 ( a l l A's) w h i l e carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours. Mjfe. Harrelson , a is a I 9?5> graduate of in religion Cherrvville major at Methodist, Senior H i g h School Cherryville. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational college of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Harrelson is a freshman at Methodist = Januarv 9, J976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES P R E S I D E N T ' S L I S T AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- _ re or1 ere T. Dent Mrlr. and Mrs. ^°orp-^ Dent, Simmons Ave., Si been named to the F a l l Semester President's L i s t at Methodist C o l l e g e . The President's L i s t consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade p o i n t average of 4.00 ( a l l A's) w h i l e carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours, ,/f Dent 'a -oolitical science is a I972 graduate of Summerville maJ°r at Methodist, Senior H i g h School Sumrmrville. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y . De^t is a senior ### a^ Methodist, January 9, J976 From Alan Stowers methodist college fayettevitle, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-- , *8K daughter -in-law Mrg< Luz M > Pjaumann of Nr. and Mrs. Ale-xa^dpr Bau-nann, Rt. ?, Olivia has been named to the Fa I I Semester President's L i s t at Methodist Col lege. The President's L i s t consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade poir.t average of 4.00 ( a l l A's) w h i l e carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours, .;;• Mrs. Baumann , a Spanish ard English is a 19^8 graduate of Julia Richman major at Methodist, Senior H i g h School i n ¥ew York City. Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Mrs. Bauma^.p is a ppnior at Methodist, January 9 , ^ 1 976 methodist college From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS RESIDENT MAKES PRESIDENT'S LIST AT METHODIST COLLEGE FA iF h AVFTTFW Y t l I E V I11Lit~f Sheldon J. Bathurst /son Mr. and Mrs. S.,1. Bathur^t, Baysidp Dr. v-.^ $§xK)fc:£g}$ has been named to the F a l l Semester President's L i s t at Methodist C o l l e g e . The President's L i s t consists of those students who achieve the m a x i m u m grade p o i n t average of 4.00 ( a l l A's) w h i l e carrying an academic load of 15 or more semester hours, !> Bathurst is a 19 ' a^ ecormics major at Methodist, graduate of Senior H i g h School in Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of l i b e r a l arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus overlooking the Cape Fear V a l l e y . Bathurst is a junior ### at Methodist, January 9 I 976 Prom Alan Stowers methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE R E S I D E N T MAKES P R E S I D E N T ' S L I S T AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE-of Mr<,. Lynn P. Barges 'sxse daughter Mr. and Mrs. Fr*d Sloan of Hamptonville h a s been named t o t h e F a l l Semester P r e s i d e n t ' s L i s t a t Methodist C o l l e g e . The P r e s i d e n t ' s L i s t c o n s i s t s of those students who a c h i e v e the maximum grade p o i n t average of 4.00 (a I I A ' s ) w h i le c a r r y i n g an a c a d e m i c hours. l o a d of r$rs. Barges 15 or more semester i is a o. 19 72 graduate of in a Spanish major at Methodist, St amount S e n i o r H i g h School Boonville, *TC Methodist C o l l e g e is a four year coeducational c o l l e g e of I i b e r a I arts and sciences located on a 600 acre campus o v e r l o o k i n g the Cape Fear V a I ley. of Mrs. Barnes is a ' ?£ gradual Methodist ### , (1 Methodist Cites Students Dr. Samuel J. Womack, president's list, while 153 dean of Methodist College, were named to the dean's has announced the fall se- list. mester president's and Students named to the president's list from Favetteville were: Sandra dean's lists for the college. Lynn Barnes, Judith Nan Bullock, Sue P. Ouffitt, Joyce Lee Foreman, Donna The president's list con- Hobbs, Mary Jane Miller, Mary N. sists of those students who Murdy. Joseph L. Parker, Jane Lynn Peterson, Lee Ann Poteat, Gary G. achieve a perfect 4.00 (all Rigsbee, Carol Ann Tindell, Vicky L. White, Barnard R. Wilcosky. Jr. and As) grade point average on Margaret Williams. Other president's list students from an academic load of 15 or Cumberland County are: Sheldon J. more semester hours. The Bathurst and Luz Maria Baumann of Fort Bragg; and Lona Ann Collier of dean's list consists of stu- Wade: Other North Carolina and out-ofdents who have achieved a state students making the president's list include: George Thomas Dent, 3.00 (B) average or better Sumemrville. S.C., Claudia Gail HarCherryville; Brenda Gene during the previous semes- relson, Hester, Bladenboro; Richard Lee ter on a total academic load Hinson, New London; Katnryn B. Smithfield; Jo Ann Jones, of 15 or more semester Jernigan, Ellerbe; Gail V. Miller, Chase City, Va.; Sherry Sue Thompson, Clarkton; hours. Yvonne B. Walker. HiiKhormioh Of the 180 students who andFavetteville residents on the dean s list include: Terry 0. Allen. Helen received academic recogni- Barrington, Frederic M. Batchelor, tion, 27 were named to the Richard F. Beane. Mary A. Blake, Linda M. Boettcher. Roger K. Braun, Reggie H. Braxton, Robert H. Briley. Jr., Lynn M. Bumann. James W. Campbell, James C. Cannadv, Karen L. Carlton, Lester G. Carter, Maria H. Castanes, Dennis Copson, (Cathy Corcoran, Helga Crittendon, Clifton S. Culbreth, -Sheryl J. Dennis, and Mildred H. Dexter. Also, Cynthia 0. Duncan, Charles J. Dye, Terry W. Edge, Hugh F. Ferguson. James C. Fleming. David L. Foster, Susan B. Francis, Karen D. Furr. Indira Gautam, Arthur H. Gensheimer, Gay W. Gibson. Gary R. Godwin, Patricia A. Gray. Pamela I. Greene, Stephen Haas, Laura W. Hall, Walter D. Ham, Russell F. Hill. Beverly Horne, Sherrie L. Horne, and Carol F. Hughes. Also, Melanie G. Johnson. Belinda D. Judd, Janet L. Kelly, Deborah H. King. Carla L. Kraehenbuehl. Deborah L. Lanier, Eugene A. Leadbetter, Stephen N. Little, Kathia Lvtch, Dorothy McLeod. Scott Maultsby. Thomas Melvin, Sue E. Mills, Tonie N. Minges, Betty J. Mitchell, Wanda K. Mitchell. David W. Mowry, James L. Norris, III, Karin Novack. David E. Oglesby, and Frank J. Padilla. Also Walter J . Pinca. Jr., Patricia R. Prescott. Charles E. Priest, Sherry M. Randall. Charles R. Renfro. Claudia J. Riegel. Jack S. Sanders. Joe M. Shepard, Cecil M. Sirmans. 'Maxine V. Skellev, Jakie W. Snapp, Jack W. Snodorass. James R. Stanley. Sharon S. Strother, Jo Ann Tarbett, Rodney L Thomas, Brenda J. Warner. Daphne J. Warren, Odis Whitaker, Richard D. Williams. Virginia M. Williams. Julius Willis, and Bettei York. Cumberland County residents making the dean's list include: Martha T. Ballard. Marie P. Brown. Teresa Dean, Kathleen R. Faust, George R. Ferrell, Vickie D. Herring, and George M. Provost, all of Spring Lake; John Nelson, Joe R. Noles. Constance M. Taylor, and Marie Yaron. all of Ft. Bragg; Diane E. Broach and David E. Grimes, both of Hope Mills; Lorrence R. Fiscus, Pope Air Force Base; and Charlotte Walker. Wade. North Carolina residents on the oean's list include: Beverly O. Atwood. Garland; Frank G. Bralev, Garner; Terri L. Cameron. Sanford. Anne B. Culbreth, Lumberton; Cvnthia L. Edwards, Bladenboro; Kathv L. Ewing, Durham; Kathy A. Fealy, Oxford; Gary W. Hall, Winston-Salem; Norman Manner, Bean Creek; Billy Home, Stedman; Patricia A. Horne, Clarkton; Deborah F. Inman, St. Pauls; Walter Kennedy. Raleigh; David I. Langston, Roxboro; Blanche E. Lee, Four Oaks; Charles T. Leverett, Mornsville; Jerry D. Lewis, Morehead City; Sue A. McQueen, Raleigh; Carol T. Mann. Sanford; Victor C. Mansfield. Raleigh; Debra W. Mavnard. Elizabeth City; Benny Melvin, Stedman; Donna L. Mercer. Creedmoor; John F. Parker, Supply; Teresa A. Poole. Knightdale; Sybil M. Porter, Sanford; Janice C. Price, Sanford; Kathy D. Reynolds. Kings Mountain; Brenda G. Roberts, Goldsboro; Debbie C. Roller. WinstonSalem; Mickey D. Scott. Mount Airy; Rebecca G. Stephens. Hallsboro; Glenda R. Stewart, Southern Pines; Alan P. Swartz. AOPX: Dphra A Underwood, Havelock; Deborah K. Walker, Elizabethtown and Wanda G. Willett. Sanford. Out-of-state residents on the dean's list are: Paula L. Adams, Minturn, S.C.; Becki H. Boatwright. Patrick, S.C.; Ruth A. Davis, Conway, S.C.; Mike Ellis, Richmond, Va.; John A. Gedeon, Pittsburg, Pa.; Kathrvn E. Haack, Seoul, South Korea; Kelfala M. Kallon, Sierra Leone, West Africa, Joseph McAbee. Farmville, Va.; Patricia A. Meeks, Laurel, Md.; Chris Moore, Galivant's Ferry, S.C.; Juan M. Morini, Call. Colombia; Ann V. Morrow, Falls Church, Va.; Debra E. Neill. North Cape May, N.J.; Gail E. Vogels, Schwenksville, Pa.; and Elizabeth B. Robertson, Oakton. Va. met hod 1st college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU [919] 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MC'S EVENING AND WEEKEND COLLEGE BEGINS NEXT WEEK . FAYETTEVILLE—Final registration for Methodist College's Term I Evening College will be conducted Monday (Jan=, 17) from 8:30 a . m . - 5 p,m* in the office of continuing education, Homer Administration Building. Final registration for the Term I Weekend College is scheduled for Friday (Jan. 21) at the same hours and in the same off ice c The Term I Evening College begins the evening of January 17 and runs to March 3 . Classes meet on a Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday sequence from 6:30-9:20 each evening. Twenty-four courses from among 12 academic departments are being offered. The Term I Weekend College will feature two courses Saturday mornings beginning January 22 . They are: Personal Finance (Economics 365S) and Survey of the Old Testament (Religion 201S). Tuition is $35 per semester-hour of civilians and $8.75 per semester-hour for servicemen with military tuition assistance. Full-time Evening College students may be eligible for federal and state financial aid grants . Admission requirements for the Evening College or Weekend College are a high school diploma or GED equivalency. methadist college fayettevillo, n. c. 28301 .. 12, 1975 Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS METHODIST COLLEGE NAMES NEW ADMISSIONS COUNSLEOR FAYETTEVILLE--James R. Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. King D. Walker, 1303 N . Wellons Ave., Dunn, has joined the staff of Methodist College as an admissions counselor. The 1968 graduate of Dunn High School spent several years in the Navy before graduating from Methodist last month with a bachelor of arts degree in sociology. While attending Methodist, he was a Student Government Association senator, chairman of the Student Union Board, and president of the Psychology Club He is a member of Lambda Phi Epsilon fraternity. \y lives in FayetteviHe with his and politics. As an admissions counselor, Stanley will advise prospective students in regards to admissions, registration and financial aid. methodist college fayettevil/e, n. c. 28301 Jan. 12, 1975 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE S . Photo to accompany: METHODIST COLLEGE NAMES NEW ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR REVIEWS ADMISSIONS REQUESTS James R. Stanley (left), son of Mr. and Mrs. King D. Walker, 1303 N . Wellons Ave ., Dunn, reviews admissions applications with Director of Admissions Thomas Yow at Methodist College in Fayetteville. He has joined the admissions staff as a counselor. ### ) methodist cottage fayettev/lle, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488 7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW CO.URSE FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS BEGINS TUES., JAN. 20 FAYETTEVILLE--Methodist College and the Fayetteville District are cosponsoring a course for teachers of Adult Sunday School classes beginning Tuesday, January 20. Two courses will be offered concurrently—one at Methodist College for residents of Cumberland and Harnett Counties, and the other at Roseboro United Methodist Church for residents of Sampson County. Instructors will be the Reverend Thomas S. Yow and Dr. T. Garland Knott, both of Methodist College. Yow will teach on campus while Dr. Kno.tt will .teach in Roseboro. Yow, director of admissions and financial aid at Methodist, received his bachelor of arts degree from Methodist College and the master of divinity degree from Duke University Divinity School. Dr. Knott, professor of religion, received a bachelor of science degree from Mississippi State University, the bachelor of divinity degree from Emory University, and the P h . D . from Boston University. The first session begins Tuesday, January 20 at 7 p . m . with each two-hour class meeting every Tuesday evening thereafter for 13 weeks. Following the "International Uniform Lesson Series," each class will be devoted to the actual preparation of the lesson for the following Sunday in addition to working with teaching materials, methods and techniques, and consideration Jjii of what Methodists believe. ### methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS FINAL REGISTRATION FOR MC NIGHT SCHOOL SET Final registration for Methodist College's Term I Night School will be held this Saturday (Jan. 18) morning from 9-12 and Monday (Jan. 19) and Tuesday (Jan. 20) evenings from 6-7 in the Horner Administration Building. Nine courses from among eight academic departments are being offered during Term I which runs from January 19-March 4. Classes meet from 7-10 p . m . on a Monday-Wednesday or Tuesday-Thursday sequence. Two courses can be taken each term. If the maximum four courses are taken .•7 each semester (12 semester-hours), a person can be classified as a full-time student, ### Januar/20, methodist college 1976 From Alan Stowers I \ n. c. (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS TWO J O I N MC FACULTY F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N.C.--Two professors have joined the Methodist C o l l e g e faculty. They are Claude C. Capps and Mrs. Charlotte K. Jones. Capps, a retired Air Force officer, has joined the Depart• ment of Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n as lecturer in real estate. Mrs. Jones has joined the Department of Education as an assistant pro- fessor. A resident of Fayettevi I l e s i n c e I960, Capps is a real estate broker w i t h a local real estate f i r m . He received the bachelor of science and master of arts degrees from M i d d l e Tennessee State U n i v e r s i t y , and is presently in the doctoral program at North C a r o l i n a State U n i v e r s i t y . Mrs. Jones comes t o Fayettevi i l e from Chapel H i l l where she was a master teacher at the Duke U n i v e r s i t y Demonstration School. She received the bachelor of arts degree from Bethany C o l l e g e , the master of arts in teaching degree from the U n i v e r s i t y of North C a r o l i n a at Chapel H i l l , and expects her doctorate from Duke in June. Capps is a member of the Shriners, Masons, past secretary and active member of the K i w a n i s , and the Cumberland County Mental Health Association. two sons, and they After He and his w i f e Jean are the parents of I ive at 5329 Hampton Rd. r e c e i v i n g her bachelor's Pfi^op r.orns find s e r v e d in Fayettevi I le. degree, i n Tha i I and. Mrs. Jores joined She i s a member of FAYETTEVILLE, N.C.--Two professors have joined the Methodist C o l l e g e faculty. They are C l a u d e C. Capps and Mrs. Charlotte K. Jones. Capps, a retired Air Force officer, has joined the Department of Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n as lecturer in real estate. Mrs. Jones has joined the Department of Education as an assistant professor . A resident of Fayettevi I l e since I960, Capps is a real estate broker w i t h a local real estate f i r m . He received the bachelor of science and master of arts degrees from M i d d l e Tennessee State U n i v e r s i t y , and is presently in the doctoral program at North C a r o l i n a State U n i v e r s i t y . Mrs. Jones comes t o Fayettevi i l e from Chapel H i l l where she was a master teacher at the Duke U n i v e r s i t y Demonstration School. She received the bachelor of arts degree from Bethany C o l l e g e , the master of arts in teaching degree from the U n i v e r s i t y of North C a r o l i n a at Chapel H i l l , and expects her doctorate from Duke in June. Capps is a member of the Shriners, Masons, past secretary and a c t i v e member of the K i w a n i s , and the C u m b e r l a n d County Mental Health Association. two He and his w i f e Jean are the parents of sons, and they I i v e at 5329 Hampton Rd. in Fayettevi I le. After r e c e i v i n g her bachelor's degree, Mrs. Jones joined the Peace Corps and served i n Thailand. Kappa Delta Pi and Phi Delta Kappa. She is a member of She and her husband, a com- puter consultant, l i v e on Ramsey St. w i t h t h e i r infant son. ### methodist college fayetieville, n. c. 28301 Jan. 20, 1975 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS Photo to accompany: TWO JOIN MC FACULTY NEW METHODIST COLLEGE FACULTY WELCOMED Methodist College Dean Samuel Womack hands a faculty handbook to Mrs. Charlotte Jones as Claude Capps watches. ### mothoitist fayetteville, n. c. 28301 >m Alan Stewart METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS COMMUNITY SEMINAR SET FOR TUESDAY AT METHODIST COLLEGE The second of a series of four community seminars on American society will be held on Tuesday, January 27 at 8 p . m . in the Science Building Auditorium on the Methodist College campus. Admission is free. Entitled "Impact of Ethnic Groups on American Society," the seminar will explore the many influences that various ethnic groups have had on the cultural development of our country. Panelists for.this seminar include Larry Godwin and Raymond Gavins, both of the History Department at Duke University and Dr. Sid Gautam, chairman of the Business Administration Department at Methodist College. Dr. Richard Pearce, president of Methodist College, will serve as moderator. This seminar is the second of a series exploring the promises and reality of the "American Dream." The research project is funded by a grant from the North Carolina Humanities Committee, and Dr. Gautam is project director. methodist college fayettev/lle, n. c. 28301 Jan. 26, 1976 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS MARY JEANNE BLACKBURN SCHOLARSHIP ESTABLISHED FAYETTEVILLE—A scholarship honoring Mary Jeanne Blackburn, wife of Bishop Robert M. Blackburn, has been established at Methodist College by the ministers and lay persons of the Fayetteville District of the United Methodist Church. After learning of the scholarship, friends from throughout North Carolina and other states have contributed to the endowed scholarship. Over $ 2 , 0 0 0 is expected by September 1. The Reverend James H. Miller J r . , Fayetteville District superintendent, said that the scholarship provides a meaningful and effective way to express appreciation for the creative and meaningful leadership which Mrs . Blackburn has demonstrated in eastern North Carolina. ### methodist college fayettevil/e, n. c. 28301 METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS SPRING ENROLLMENT UP AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE—Enrollment for the Spring semester at Methodist College shows an increase of 77 students over this same period last year. According to figures released today by G „ Gordon Dixon, registrar, there are 672 students enrolled for the spring semester. Of this number, 620 are enrolled in the regular day program, and 52 are registered for night school. Last spring the student body numbered 595. This increase represents the second consecutive semester of enrollment growth at Methodist College. Enrollment for the 1975 fall semester was up 10 per cent over the fall semester, 1974, Dr. Richard W. Pearce, president, attributes this growth to many factors including Methodist's academic program, the support the college receives from the community and the United Methodist Church, and the student life emphasis on involvement„ ### methodist coH»ge fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488 7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ECfr Tf "MIST TO STEAK AT METHOD I?? C^TLF'.'B eth E. Bouldinp;, professor of economics at of Colorado, will sneak at (February 6) at • p.m. T ''>thcdipt the TJ Col IP re this Friday. Thp f r e e pu K ~! ic t a l k , ° n t i t l p d ' ?ivr ext 200 " " p a r s , " vill bp h e l d in the . c ci<=nce B n i l d i n r r A u d i t o r i u m a^d IP s p o n s o r e d h ' t h ° 1>T orth C a r o l i n a Southeastern Consortium for International E d u c a t i o n . Bouldinp-i -° visit to M e t h o d i s t will c o n c l u d e a flay of P ard l e c t u r e s in t h i s ar^a i n c l u d i n g one at Pp-nbr^ke Ptate. U n i v e r s i t y and on« at "t. A n d r e w ? C o l l e g e . S o n j d i n r r , in addition to his teachinrr d u t i e s a 4 ' the U n i v e r s i t y of Colorado, is also the d i r e c t o r of the Pr^^ram of R ^ e a r c h on General Social a^c? T''conomic Dynamics for Behavioral Scierce at the has held since I 0 '"' 7 . r-re T Jniv°raity t h p I n s t i t u t e of of Colorado, a n^sition, he is the author of ?f- b^-okp on various t o o i c s and has had a r t i c l e s and. r^vi°ws p u b l i s h e d in ~>b p e r i o d i c a l s . Boul.d.lnrr holds honorary dp'- v »p r '!=! from ?0 coll np-es and u n i v p r s " t i p ? . perv^d as o r f > o i d p v > t of th° Ampi*ican Fco**^omic A s s o c i a t i o n ~*~ 1 ~P I n t e r n a t i o n a l , '"'•tudiep A s s o c i a t i o n , Peac^ ^ p p e a r c h ^ o c i ^ t v ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l ) , a^ri t h e Society f o r General ^ y t e m p P e s e a r n h . TI^ is a member of "numerous professional, o r ^ a n i ^ a t i o ^ s more The North Carolina Southeastern Consortium for International Kducation consist? of St. Ardr^ws College, Fayetteville State University, Methodist College, and Pembroke State University. Th° consortium IF supported by a prant from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and a contribution from a local foundation. Ja/ua methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 Frem-AlaffStowers METHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS ECONOMIST TO SPEAK AT METHODIST COLLEGE Kenneth E. Boulding, professor of economics at the University of Colorado, will speak at Methodist College this Friday. (February 6) at R p.m. The free public talk, entitled "^Text 200 Y^ars," will be held in the Science Bull diner Auditorium a^d is sponsored b'r the Worth Carolina Southeastern Consortium for International Education. Bouldirg 1 s visit to Methodist will conclude a flay of seminars and lectures in this area including one at Pembroke State University and one at St. Andrews College. Boulding, in addition to his teaching duties at the University of Colorado, is also the director of the Program of Research on General Social a^d Economic Dynamics for the Institute of Behavioral Science at the University of Colorado, a position he has held since 19'-7. He is the author of 26 b^oks on various topics and has had articles and reviews published in ">6 periodicals Bouldlng holds honorary der-re^s from 20 colleges and universities. He is a member or the ATational Academy of Qcienc°s and has r-^rv^d as pr°side^t of the American Economic Association, t'-e Internatior-al Studies Association, Peac° Hpsearch ^oci^ty (International), and the Society for General HP is a member of numerous professional more Q vtems Research. . The North Carolina Southeastern Consortium for International Education con <dsts of St. Andrews College, Fayetteville State University, Methodist College, and Pembroke State University. Thp consortium is supported by a grant from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and a contribution from a local foundation . methodist college fayetteville, n. c. 28301 From Alan Stowers ETHODIST COLLEGE NEWS BUREAU (919) 488-7110 ext. 228 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWS HIGH SCHOOL BAND CLINIC SCHEDULES SUN. CONCERT FAYETTEVILLE—One hundred forty two area high school students are participating in the All-State Band Clinic at Methodist College this weekend. Sponsors of the clinic are the Methodist College Music Department and the Southeastern North Carolina Band Directors Association. Earlier this month over 600 high school students in the 10-county area auditioned for places in the clinic. Of this number 142 were invited to the weekend of rehearsals and performances. The group was divided Friday morning into a symphonic band and a concert band. Jack Metz, a representative of Hal Leondard Music Publications, is conducting the symphonic band, and Ray Haney, band director at Elizabethtown High School, is directing the concert band. J. Michael Rogers, director of bands at Methodist College, is coordinating the clinic. At 2 p . m . Sunday a free public concert featuring the two bands will be held in Reeves Auditorium on the Methodist College campus . High schools participating in the clinic are: Albemarle, Anson, Bladenboro, Bowman, Cape Fear, Central Cabarrus, Clinton, Concord, Douglas Byrd, Dunn, East Bladen, E. E. Smith, Fairmont, Forest Hills, Hallsboro, Lumberton, North Stanley, Monroe, Parkwook-Monroe, Pinecrest, Pine Forest, Reid Ross, Richmond, Sanford Central, Scotland, Seventy-First, St. Pauls, Terry Sanford, Union Pines, and West Stanley. FAYETTEVILLE—One hundred forty two area high school students are participating in the All-State Band Clinic at Methodist College this weekend. Sponsors of the clinic are the Methodist College Music Department and the Southeastern North Carolina Band Directors Association. Earlier this month over 600 high school students in the 10-county area auditioned for places in the clinic. Of this number 142 were invited to the weekend of rehearsals and performances. The group was divided Friday morning into a symphonic band and a concert band. Jack Metz, a representative of Hal Leondard Music Publications, is conducting the symphonic band, and Ray Haney, band director at Elizabethtown High School, is directing the concert band. J. Michael Rogers, director of bands at Methodist College, is coordinating the clinic. At 2 p . m . Sunday a free public concert featuring the two bands will be held in Reeves Auditorium on the Methodist College campus . High schools participating in the clinic are: Albemarle, Anson, Bladenboro, Bowman, Cape Fear, Central Cabarrus, Clinton, Concord, Douglas Byrd, Dunn, East Bladen, E. E. Smith, Fairmont, Forest Hills, Hallsboro, Lumberton, North Stanley, Monroe, Parkwook-Monroe, Pinecrest, Pine Forest, Reid Ross, Richmond, Sanford Central, Scotland, Seventy-First, St. Pauls, Terry Sanford, Union Pines, and West Stanley. ###